#anti aegon targaryen
andreawritesit · 3 months
"I do regret that business with Luke"
My brother in Christ, he's DEAD. GONE.
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f-e-r-o-n-i-a · 2 months
It might be karma that Aegon's "little friend" got burnt. After him abusing all these servants and maids, like e.g. Dyana, he actually deserved to not be able to do the deed.
Great character development.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 months
Personally, I'm going to need more than just one single scene between aegon and his son to be convinced that he's a good father, especially after what we learned about him and his bastards in s1. And no I don't care what Tom said about aegon not knowing he had bastards, one because I've only ever seen people say that he said it and when asked for actual links to the article or video in which he said it there's nothing but crickets. Secondly because even if he did say that, it makes no sense. You expect me to believe that erryk, or arryk whichever one it was, was aware that the child was aegon's child, but aegon himself didn't. When he took his brother to the pits he points out the child like he had seen the child before, he only attended the pits with aegon, so I don't believe for one second that aegon looked at that very targaryen looking child and didn't realise it was his, again especially when erryk did. The whole point of that scene was to show aegon's depravity. Erryk is telling his brother look not only does aegon enjoy watching brutal fights between children, but it's worse than that, look over there that's his own child that he let's participate in these fights. This loses any significance and weight if aegon doesn't know that's his child. Erryk wouldn't have pointed out that child as an example of how depraved aegon truly was if aegon didn't know it was his child. Sorry but the argument that aegon just didn't know sounds like nonsense to me.
OK so he doesn't care about his bastards so let's talk about his true born children. I keep seeing all this praise for aegon, talking about how he is such a good dad, how he is so much better than viserys and daemon etc. But like I said we only got one scene between aegon and his son and during this scene we see him smiling and laughing at jaehaerys, which yes had cute vibes about it.
But honestly, watching the scene, I think it was less he was laughing in happiness and pride at his heir and more because he thought it was funny that tyland was being annoyed. I saw posts talking about aww aegon loves his son so much that he knows he likes pony rides and wants tyland to give him one, and I'm just like ???
First off every child likes pony rides, aegon doesn't have to know his son really well to know that he might like a pony ride, secondly this scene wasn't about aegon's love for his son it was about aegon trying to humiliate tyland. It was supposed to show how unsuited he was to rule. He brought his too young son to a council meeting where the child proceeded to cause a distraction and then he tried to use that child as a way to humiliate a member of his small council causing the queen mother to step in. This was not some display of fatherly love, he was entertained by his son annoying tyland because he himself is very childish.
What we are shown in this episode when it comes to aegon's fatherhood was that he came to the children's quarters looking for his heir, approached his daughter then proceeded to ignore her when he realised she wasn't his son, didn't know where his son usually spends his time, doesn't know where he attends his lessons, takes him out of his lessons to attend a small council meeting, let's his son disrupt that meeting and laughs at his bad behaviour and also tried to use his son in an attempt to humiliate tyland, before he sends his son away again when he told this is no time for entertainment.
Don't get me wrong, as I said before, the scene between them was cute, but it doesn't tell me that aegon is a good father. I mean, if the standard for determining how good a parent a character is can be judged by having one cute scene with their child, then viserys is a top-notch father, he had several scenes with baby aegon where he was smiling and laughing at him after all, and daemon too has excellent parenting skills after all there was that adorable scene between him and baela where he was teaching her high valyrian and she kissed his cheek.
Point is people are judging whether a character is a good parent or a bad one based off of single scenes. Aegon is a good dad because in one scene he smiled at his son, daemon is a bad dad because in one scene rhaena said that he ignores her, etc. But I'm getting tired with seeing tg posts saying that tb don't want to accept that aegon is a good dad and we just want to villainise aegon, or maybe we just don't think one scene where he's nice to one of his children is enough proof that he is in fact a good dad. They'll say tb need to accept that daemon is a shitty dad and point out that one scene where rhaena, one of his children, said he ignores her and then get mad when tb say that one scene isn't enough to prove he's a bad dad and then give examples of other scenes that show him being a good father. For me it's the hypocrisy, they can take a single scene and base all their arguments for aegon being a good dad on it, but if tb point out that daemon has shown moments of being a good parent they get angry and return back to that one rhaena scene.
At the end of the day, personally I think they are all, aegon, daemon, viserys, corlys and even laenor, both good and bad fathers at times. Because they are all humans who are imperfect, they are going to have moments when they do things right, but they also all have flaws and moments when they fail as parents.
I am sure that aegon has love for his son, I'm sure he's going to be devastated by his death and feel anger and grief, just like daemon feels grief and anger at luke's death, like corlys felt grief and anger over his children's deaths. But the writers need to give me more than a 2 or so minute long scene of aegon in the role of a father if they want me to come to the conclusion that aegon is a good father myself. And that's my opinion on it.
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irontrashglitter · 5 months
people going “oh aegon he’s my pookie he’s just like a pathetic dog” please he would give you genital warts
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shvroyism · 10 months
it’s not alicent’s fault she is prettier, more iconic and more interesting than her useless son…
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whentheynameyoujoy · 2 years
So apparently I was one of the precisely 🤡🤡🤡 who read F&B and thought the Strong accusations against Rhaenyra actually were slander motivated by the misogyny of one loser who was pissy that a woman refused to fuck him, and the patriarchal system ready to assume women are so feeble-minded they would naturally make the stupidest, most self-sabotaging, politically braindead decision the moment they as much as have a sniff at political power.
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And you know what, setting aside the myriad of things Rhaenyra could have done not to fuck herself over (literally anything else), like, honest question—why does she have to have kids in the first place?
The sole reason why feudal monarchs are expected to marry and produce children is to prevent war by securing a clear line of succession and thus give some semblance of stability to a notoriously unstable system. And looking at things?
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Yeah, that line seems pretty secure to me.
If Rhaenyra ascended to the throne without having children, after her death the ugly chair would pass to Aegon, after Aegon to Aegon's kids and their kids, and if those are for any reason out of the picture, then we finally might run into problems with Aemond who doesn't have heirs at the moment, plus there’s another spare in Daeron. And as a bonus, there's no blood debt because Aemond never lost an eye because his sister never raised a bunch of violent bullies kind respectful angels to kindly respectfully angelically de-eye him. Nor is there the usurping of Velaryons.
"But it's Aegon, an idiotic entitled unqualified rapist! 🤢"
Yeah. And?
One of the more important questions ASOIAF asks is what makes a good ruler and the answer it gives is a) someone who sees ruling as a service and responsibility owed to the ruled, and b) such people are extremely unlikely to appear in a system where the sole qualifications for wielding power are whose nutsack you swam in.
Both Aegon and Rhaenyra are unqualified, inexperienced, and painfully, offensively mediocre. Both are rapists. Both are entitled, self-serving, reactive, and politically short-sighted. Neither will use their rule to bring more justice and equality. Neither gives a flaming fuck about the smallfolk. Rhaenyra's reign won't even distingish itself as being symbolically meaningful because that ladder is getting yoinked the second she plomps herself on the throne.
And more importantly, it doesn't matter which one of them has more merit because the system doesn't care about merit. It only cares about the nutsack. That's the whole point.
So I can’t come to any other conclusion that the only thing that would have changed if Rhaenyra guzzled moon tea like it was her religion is that the war wouldn't have broken out.
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thesunfyre4446 · 4 months
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manifesting for a scene of aegon smashing his deadbeat father's ugly ass legos
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margoshansons · 3 months
Aegon and Sunfyre canonically having the strongest dragonrider bond
Aegon and Sunfyre being so connected we get the quote “who can truly know the heart of a dragon?”
Sunfyre being the most beautiful dragon in the known world
Aegon choosing his sigil to honor SUNFYRE
I’m so sorry they did this to you my babies y’all deserved so much better.
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forgetcakes · 2 months
If you want your daughter on the throne that much then don't fucking remarry and don't produce other children you dumb cunt
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very-straight-blog · 2 months
Why is everyone pretending that Aegon stole the throne almost behind Alicent's back? Have you already forgotten that he wanted to escape? That he was crying during the coronation? Alicent, you put him on the throne, and now you're sacrificing him like he's a lamb for the slaughter? A son for a son? What about Jaehaerys? Exactly how many sons must die to repay Luke's death? That's just...argh...
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franzkafkagf · 2 months
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andreawritesit · 3 months
Having a tragedy happen to him does not suddenly make Aegon worthy of the Iron throne. I do not understand people who switch teams over B&C. The question was never of morality. Viserys declared his daughter as his heir. Period. Usurpers took her right away and shall pay the price, however gruesome it will be.
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ophelieverse · 4 months
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the green kids visiting their daddy death bed🥰
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daeneryseastar · 3 months
people let their true colors shine through their consumption of media. case in point an adult man in a position of great power can rape his way through a numerous amount of serving girls in the castle he lives in and through the streets he frequently visits, but if he’s nice to exactly one member of the small folk due to said small folk member stroking his ego while he sits the throne suddenly *all* of his past evil actions are forgiven and he would ‘make a great king.’ in the same breath these people will cut to a moment twenty years in the woman claimant’s past where she stated, “their wants are of no consequence,” after stumbling upon a play that blatantly makes fun of her for being born a woman and being a girl heir, which in turn upsets her because it’s an insecurity she’s dealt with her entire life, something she’s never been able to forget. SHE isn’t forgiven, instead it’s used as a way to say she wouldn’t make a good queen and has no care at all for the small folk (she is the only royal family member attempting to keep the realm united as of right now).
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
one of the things that bothers me this season, is that they used jaehaerys' death for the daemon targaryen character arc.
rather than to show aegon's full rage potential, helaena's awakening to the power of her dreams or aemond's reaction.
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shvroyism · 11 months
You will never get me to feel sorry for Aegon, and i say this as the number one Alicent defender…
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