#viceroy residences
realtyhubph-blog · 18 days
Pacific Residences Unit 401 Foreclosed Condo
📍 Unit 401, 4th floor, Elizabeth Building Bedford Street, Pacific Residences, Barangay Ususan, Taguig City, Metro Manila Property Features TYPE: 1 BR Condo📐 Floor: 44.00 square meters🛌 1 Bedroom🛀 1 Bathroom🏢 4th FL, Elizabeth Building✅ TCT on process✅ Unoccupied About Pacific Residences A master-planned development influenced by the stylish architecture of Victorian San Francisco, offering…
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viceroyprive2023 · 2 months
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Exclusive Living at Viceroy PRIVÉ, Mumbai Discover unparalleled luxury at Viceroy PRIVÉ, a 34-storey residential tower in Mumbai's Western Suburbs. Offering exclusive homes for 61 select families, this property features breathtaking views, spacious living areas, and premium amenities. Enjoy the best of city living with privacy and comfort. https://viceroyprive.com
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stephpotterart · 6 months
I had a thought about Nandor and the perceived himbo dumbass nature of him, and now I'm thinking and I have to write it out.. It's kind of stream-of-consciousness, so please bear with me 😅
Yes, I love the occasional dumb-as-a-post nature of him, it makes him a big, less than scary (you know, to a point) teddy bat of a Vampire. But... it's also not accurate for his history?
Like, absolutely you can be highly educated and still dumb-as-a-post, but I don't think that's what's going on with Nandor.
Let's just... look at his overall behaviour for a moment. Nandor gets into periodic, strong, obsessions that come on like a wildfire, then burn out. We can see the evidence of this with his sudden desire to join Jan's cult with extremely little evidence and knowledge of what he's getting himself into. Yes, the brainwashing came once he was there, but it was mild, fairly transparent, manipulation that got him thinking about it. He latched onto it and pinned his entire persona and future upon the cult at the drop of a pin. There's also the same behaviours circling with his relationship with Gail. When he is with Gail, she is everything, and nothing else matters much - not how his friends feel, not how much Gail has continually hurt him in the past, his focus is purely on her and almost worshipping her.
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this behaviour, other than the fact that it has continually caused Nandor to break his own heart.
I'd argue that these examples, and other behaviours shown by him throughout the current five seasons, point to a prevalence for hyperfixations, and undiagnosed neurodivergence of some form. Which form that neurodivergence takes, well that's up to interpretation. Which, means that once a hyperfixation ends or is ended for him, that interest just dies off. It can come back, but it's not the all-consuming interest that it had been.
So with this in mind, lets look at his human history, with the neurodivergence in mind, for context about his intelligence and his education.
Nandor was born in the 13th century, in an Islamic nation, and likely to a family of renown or nobility. If he was not, then he himself earned that ranking, renown, and nobility for his family. But, lets just say that he was already born into a family of some privilege.
Whether it's through his family's ranking, or his show of military prowess, Nandor ends up ruling his country... at the age of seventeen. This is not placement for a man of little-to-no education. Whether it was from a very young age, or not, Nandor would have been surrounded by tutors from the reaches of both his Kingdom and the rest of the world, in order to best prepare him for what his life would be. Whether it was from a tender age, or once he was already designated as future Supreme Viceroy, Nandor would have been in classes whenever he was not training on the field of battle.
Nandor would have been educated in multiple languages, beyond his own native Farsi. He would have been taught Latin, and Greek for certain. He would have been educated and well read in the Classics, in order to learn statecraft and political strategizing. He would have been incredibly well-read (I would argue that much of the library in the Vampire Residence, other than the outright pornography which is likely thanks to Laszlo, is Nandor's centuries long collection), and able to analyze those works in order to show comprehension of what does and does not work as a ruler. And he must have been successful, as he clearly ruled from the age of 17 until at least his turning at the age of 41. Even without years as a Vampiric Viceroy (debatable if he was ruling as a Vampire, or if he joined the Ottoman forces once he was Vampire and had been exiled from his homeland), that's 24 successful years on his throne.
Back to the languages for a moment; even though the show canonically ignores that Nandor was born during the Mongol rule of Persia, he would have likely been taught Mongolian as well. Along with the exposure to Mongol culture, and the opening of Mongolian empire, comes tutors from further lands. Nandor would have likely been taught Medieval French, Italian, and it's not out of the question to suppose that he was also taught Middle English. It is the knowledge of Middle English which may explain his troubles with modern English. Not because much of Middle English was retained by Modern English, but... imagine you already learned a language, and now you're expected to learn it again just because the people decided in the late 1400s that they were changing the way they speak in that place. That would personally make me give up on learning it perfectly, which I rather suspect Nandor, who would be highly capable of multiple languages at that point, did as well. He can speak just fine, he just didn't care to put the level of effort into the acquisition of those skills the same way as he had previously. If he drops words here and there, it doesn't matter - you can still understand him just fine, and well, that's how it works in all these other languages!
Nandor would have been educated in more than just languages and the Classics. He would have been taught world history (as it was known at that point), he would have been taught arithmetic, astronomy, and other 'sciences' as they existed at that time.
There is no reason that Nandor's education would have slipped through the cracks. it simply would not have been allowed, especially not for the Supreme Viceroy.
So, Nandor is a highly educated man, who happens to be neurodivergent as all get out. He must have had his interests. His hyperfixations. Hell, it's right in his epithet: The Relentless.
Let's pause for a moment and look to Laszlo Cravensworth as our main point of comparison with knowledge of 'the sciences'.
Laszlo is from the 17th century at earliest, and 18th century most likely. He was a noble of some standing, hence why it was unthinkable that he marry a "common, peasant, girl with no family name". He, too, would have been highly educated to the standards of his time. All of that said, it's rather clear that Laszlo's general knowledge of the sciences does not exceed passed the mid-19th century (arguments can be made that it peters out around the 1930s if we factor in psychology and include the advancement of cinema from the 1890s on).
This means that Laszlo didn't keep up with the advancements in the sciences after a certain point, right around the time it was advancing faster and faster, and the ability to keep up became more and more difficult, given the inability to attend classes during daylight hours, etc. Let's also not forget that Laszlo dabbles in the sciences, viewing his knowledge as more of a novelty than anything necessary. He absolutely knows how to use his knowledge, but it's all good fun!
Nandor wouldn't have had the luxury to view his education as a novelty or as fun. It was essential to his title, his rank, and his continued rule.
Leap of faith here, but I'm going to assume that for a good deal of time, Nandor continued to view his education in this way. Especially with an eternity in front of him, he'd have to keep up with the times and keep learning, as best to blend in, and as best to rule should he ever rise up and crush the world under his boot once more.
I suspect that he only started to loose interest in keeping up sometime around the mid-18th century. Perhaps even as Laszlo was coming onto the scene. Not because of Laszlo, but because he was already settled more into his existence. He didn't really expect to rule again, even if he still boasts and brags, it doesn't appear to be in Nandor's nature now to even want that level of responsibility, not really, if he ever did. He likely had it thrust upon him and was just expected to continue.
If he simply burned out, it would be completely understandable that he'd no longer keep up-to-date with how knowledge changes and things advance. But, maybe something happened that made him want to abandon all that work and effort to keep his education as finely tuned as it had been?
It was mentioned that a joke was cut from Season 1 that Nandor had been in a threesome/throuple with both George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. We're not positive of the years, but we can assume it was at least during the Revolution, and a bit after (he does canonically mention Washington as America's First Gay President).
But, lets go out on a limb and assume he was with them, or at least Benjamin Franklin, earlier than that. Maybe he was around during Franklin's experiments with electricity.
Maybe Nandor was present for Benjamin's kite experiment in 1752.
Nandor, at this point, would have had at least 470 years of knowledge regarding the natural world, history, languages, sciences, and religion. Introduce the power of electricity and the behaviour of lightning, and now he has dots connecting in his mind, he has context for some of the things he did not understand when he was learning originally. His interest is piqued, his mind engaged, and now he's finding another hyperfixation.
And he has questions.
Perhaps Nandor starts asking multitudes of questions, excited by eletricity, electrical fire, and all the historical and religious (as much as he can voice without saying certain words that make his tongue burn just as painfully as 'sky fire') implications of this discovery.
He askes so many questions, and no one can answer them because the research doesn't exist yet. His excitement and curiosity, without the ability to learn why annoys him and makes his obsession a flaw to those around him. They think him obtuse - he can't think of anything else, and when he's frustrated he breaks things. He doesn't mean to, but between his Vampiric strength, large hands, and a temper... sometimes small instruments break. Eventually this becomes detrimental, and not as sweet or naive as his interests were once viewed. Benjamin starts to see Nandor as the volatile Warlord from history, and not as the innocent and curious man he had met originally. He starts to see his curiosities as burdensome and annoying.
Without meaning to, Nandor's curiosity and hyperfixation has caused everyone around him to withdraw, as they look at him with derision.
Annoyed, the people around him start to tell him to find something new to pass his time with. Viewing him now as more volatile and violent than they had, they start making comments about him being better at fighting and warfare than with books. He's obviously the Brawn and not the Brain.
It hurts Nandor. His interests are disregarded, his questions met with disdain. He's treated as a hapless child and not the well educated and knowledgeable man that he is.
He's seen as only the beast with too many questions for his own good, for his mind to contend with.
He's seen as uneducated, without ever thinking of his human history and how that is simply not possible. He's seen as better for the battlefield than for the classroom, no matter that he is now more at home in a library than he is with a sword in his hand.
He's accused of simply having "random, fleeting, interests", that won't last long enough for him to actually learn anything that he'll retain. It's easier to insult him than admit his questions were worth asking, but that they have no answers for him. It's easier to turn him away than admit to him that they too don't know. Easier to blame him for a crime he hasn't even committed, than ask if he'd like to help or lend a thought given his years of experience.
So, relegated to the only the soldier and not the diplomat, or the scholar, Nandor stops asking questions. He stops allowing himself his interests and his hyperfixations, at least when it comes to furthering his education, so that does not upset those around him.
He stops furthering his education, beyond what he manages to glean and absorb from his daily life as an immortal being. He makes himself smaller because he's been told he's not smart enough to be asking those sort of questions. He's been told he's too much, even in that aspect of his life, as he's been told time and time again by the people around him that don't view him as anything other than a luxury to be used and abused, and ultimately abandoned when he no longer serves their purposes.
Even if Nandor abandoned all further learning, beyond what he acquires organically and accidentally, in approximately 1760, that's still a scholarly history of nearly 500 years.
Nandor is not stupid. He's not dumb. His reference materially is simply out of date, or in out of date languages. He hasn't been given a reason to want to continue his education after 500 years of learning.
I bet if you asked him any medieval knowledge question about, say, botany… he'd have an answer that is accurate. It might take him a few minutes because 762 years of knowledge and memories in that neurodivergent filing cabinet of a mind (that's how i refer to my own brain), but he has the answer.
Nandor is not stupid, or uneducated. He's not simply the Brawn without the Brain. He's just out-of-date, and neurodivergent. He might be dumb-as-a-post when it comes to social cues and modern slang, but it has nothing to do with his intelligence or his extensive education. He just needs someone to listen and care enough to nurture his curiosities, rather than dismiss them.
He just needs the right questions to be asked, he has the answers.
Just... don't give him very valuable and breakable instruments if you're not able or willing to replace them when he accidentally damages them.
Sorry for that wholeass essay, I just... I have feels for Nandor's depiction.
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valveorangebox · 1 month
Typing it out here. But the blues and reds deserved some sort of characteristics that set them apart from the others. Some character reimagining under the read more. This is what I’d do with em.
EDIT: changing jeans to be more less weird.
Viceroy Buckingham- A Sniper. Nervous. Seems cool but in reality that image of himself is only persevered by the fact he’s wearing a helmet. He is having a panic attack underneath it. Fought during the war and was reassigned after aliens wiped his base. Is very hesitant around covenant tech. Especially Tuckers sword. He wasn’t close with Jean at first but after Biff died and the teams combined, he and Jean really hit it off. They’re rarely seen separated from each other nowadays. Buckingham wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jean Clark- An mechanic, a mathematician and very passionate about table top rpgs (only the weird obscure ones though. She isn’t going to be caught dead playing the popular shit). Only works well under pressure. Horrific ADHD and chews on wires. Her right side is robotic from a quote “Pizza oven accident.” No one inquires further about it. When Biff died she felt lost. Her first friend in this army was gone. But Temple has a solution. She hopes that when this is all said and done, they can settle down. Maybe open a game story. She still needs to teach Buckingham how to play magic.
Gabriel L. “Loco” Motif - You know him. We all love him. Blue teams resident genius. Very good at finding unconventional solutions for unconventional problems. He, Jean and Buckingham are close. The only person he’s closer to is Temple. When he’s not collecting parts for his newest inventions, he takes great care to tend to his “pets”. 18 tamagotchis wired to create one large one. He has a base wide timer to remind him to feed them. (The L stands for Lee)
Harry. S. Cronut - Two Words. Gym Nut. When he’s not helping the other Blues and Reds you can find him on his drawing tablet or in the gym. He’s helping fund most of these schemes and is quite proud of his work. He says he’s been thinking about getting into baking as of late. Arguably he’s the most normal person out of everyone here. If anyone needs a big bear wolf hug you can get it from him!
Surge- Surge loves her guns, her armor and her men. She’s a soldier and has been her entire life and she’s not about to stop. A skilled electrician and an even more skilled marksman. But her weapon isn’t the sniper. Nah that’s what cowards use. When she was deployed. They gave them pistols and tire irons and dropped them from orbit. And they liked it! Being a sim troopers easy. Was almost too easy. But she’s grown to love her family. Biff was a rascal. But he was her rascal.
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RC9GN Role Swap AU
This is a very standard age/role swap AU but uh, with a twist because I'm extra like that! So, for starters we do have Randy and the First Ninja switching roles right from the get-go (as that's kind of what this idea is meant to be about-)
Also fair warning, this is an extremely long post-
But okay, let's start with the obvious- the characters that get swapped are literally just Randy -> First Ninja and Howard -> Plop Plop/Hinata. As for the rest of the canons, like Norrisville High students- I don't think they're necessarily being swapped but they might just be from a different time period hahah. McFist, Viceroy, and the Sorcerer (alongside the Sorceress) are still the main antagonists and villains because there's no way I'm coming up with entirely new enemies right now-
Now, onto Finja because he is the title lead!
His entire family, and they are a big family, are immigrants from Japan. They moved to Norrisville after a promotion at one the jobs Finja's parents work at- which leads to the move and Finja is not exactly happy to be there because he thinks Norrisville is a Speck of Odd(TM)
The closest equivalent I could find to the rest of his family still being something similar to ninjas is by, well, having his parents run a dojo- it's honestly massive tradition for their kids (and they literally have nine of them) to train at the dojo. Finja is one of the youngest in his family, so he's about to start being a freshman at Norrisville High. The weird timeline has them moving in early/mid May and classes start around September
Finja's not vibing with anything in the town, so he's kind of not really made friends with anyone- except for a boy in his block named Hinata who just decided to speak to him one day and didn't leave. Within a month or two of him arriving, Finja receives the mask and the Nomicon- making him the Ninja of Norrisville. He's not fully happy with this, but since he was thrust into the role- and it's now his responsibility, he decides to accept. Thankfully, his parents having the dojo helps him adjust with being the Ninja
Now Finja has... the shortest level of patience one has ever seen- he's a fast learner, at least, and always makes sure to do what's right but he's very short-tempered. He's also known for his disregard of following certain rules, purely out of the intent to prove his own worth. Unlike OG Randy however, he understands the lessons a little faster but still struggles at times because he's... literally fourteen but moving on-
Much like canon, McFist and Viceroy make their debut appearance on the first day Finja attends Norrisville High- and Finja has less patience dealing with a whole rampaging robot than Randy does, and that's even with the fact Randy loved being the Ninja
Shenanigans continue taking place as you would expect from the show, but at some point- we have the shift from McFist and Viceroy to the Sorcerer taking center stage and Finja is probably about to go fucking feral. I want to say that there's a parallel episode to 13th Century Ninja in this role swap AU where Finja goes back and officially meets Randy- because if I can't have mentor-mentee with canon, I will have it here!
So, then we have Randy and Howard-
Things branch off after this where Randy is quite literally, an ageless being that currently resides in the Nomicon (not that Finja's aware of this until much later-), and Howard, uh- is more gray area and I don't want to reveal too much but let's just say that Howard is permanently linked to the tengu! You'll find out what tha means later, but neither Randy nor Howard are normal- if it isn't because of the fact they're literally immortal and connected to the Nomicon, it's also since they are the weirdest flavor of queer one has ever seen
Similar to OG Finja, Randy was part of this smaller clan that would protect various towns, villages, and areas from monsters and the Sorcerer, but of course- all of it ended in tragedy. Left the sole survivor, Randy sobered out after a while but still did his part until eventually something went a little south and he was soul-bound to the nomicon he made
Leaving the rest vague because I am mean and, well, it'll all be revealed later. (today's literally become of a question of how many more au's will i be making until i get sick and tired of making them- the answer is all of them /lh)
but okay, so- the Sorcerer is much more of a threat because I will be as self indulgent with this AU as I can, and i just want this to be slightly more serious! Also, there might be more 'seasons' depending on the direction I want to take with the verse!
Though to keep going-
This role swap isn't strictly an age/role-swap! What this literally means is I might genuinely be imploring my own lore when it comes to Finja's entire family- and the fact I have to make them actual characters for this, so
I am personally of the belief that the Norisu clan are tied to back to the origins of the Ninja- (and if this purely about referencing how I do believe Randy's a descendant somehow, I have no idea what you're talking about-) but also, I sort of?? wanted to make something with the rest of Finja's siblings though I'm not entirely sure what that's going to be yet since it may contradict canon (however this is an AU and I will write this how I want to hahah)
Some More Infodumping + Headcanons
Finja has literally no interest in the Sorceress but due to how Sorcerer in Love works- something will likely happen anyway. The First Ninja just feels ace-coded, so he's not crushing on her; however due to plot reasons, he's kind of going to go through it anyway
Despite Hinata being the parallel to Howard, they're obviously different character-wise. Hinata worries constantly over Finja but he also acknowledges there was a reason he got chosen and, well, I have plans
Is Hinata also going to be linked to the tengu? Maybe- despite Howard being perma-bound to the tengu, this doesn't mean others can't also be linked. There's... lore for this but I have to be careful with what I say for now
I think I might do a parallel episode to Nomirandy-
We'll see what more I can come up with later to be honest! I don't have much else right now, and the constant brainrot has me wanting to write another thing soon-
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josefavomjaaga · 4 months
Elie Baudus about Murat's departure in Posen, 1813
Once more Elie Baudus, former aide-de-camp to Marshal Bessières, in the second volume of his "Etudes sur Napoléon". (Another snippet is here.) This time it’s about Murat deserting leaving the army at Posen in January 1813. I was wondering how Bessières and his staff reacted to this news, especially as Elie makes it sound as if they were there at the time.
Headquarters left Elbing on 11 January to take up residence in Posen. When it reached that town, the King of Naples immediately announced that he was leaving the army on account of his health, either because he was really ill or because his indisposition was due solely to his anxiety about what might happen in his states, during his absence, in the political situation in which Europe was about to find itself. All that could be said to him about the impropriety of taking such a step without the emperor's consent could do nothing to change his mind; he handed over command to the viceroy and left for his capital.
What Elie possibly does not know or at least does not write: Murat had asked for permission to leave the army at least twice, admitting himself that the task was beyond him, and apparently had never even received a reply from Napoleon. And of course it would be interesting to know if Bessières was among those who tried to talk Murat out of his idea and to make him stay on his post, and how Murat reacted to these attempts.
Napoleon's departure had been applauded because the inflexible necessity which forced him to it was understood; [...]
That may be a bit of an exaggeration or generalisation. I understand there was quite some grumbling in the army (Oh, look, he’s pulling another Egyptian exit on us, etc.). Even Elie himself admits that the last remnants of military discipline broke down as soon as Napoleon was gone. There must have been a reason for that.
[…] Murat's departure, on the contrary, aroused strong indignation; this abandonment, in the situation in which the army found itself, was not noble, and it took no less than the great actions which he carried out a few months later at Dresden and Leipsick to weaken the irritation which this conduct had aroused against him in all ranks. Nothing can excuse such a mistake, for even if we consider it only from a political point of view it was enormous. If this prince feared for the preservation of his crown, should he not have considered that it was only within the French army that he could work effectively to consolidate it on his head? That was the key to the vault; if it was missing, it was obvious that all the stones of the edifice would crumble.
The talents and the firmness of character that Prince Eugène had recently displayed in this campaign had already won him the confidence and the attachment of the army; so there was more anger than regret at the news of the change in our general-in-chief. Marshal Bessières was happier than anyone else when it was announced that the emperor was definitively entrusting the viceroy with the power of which he had only been temporarily invested upon the departure of the king of Naples. What, for the Duke of Istria, was both the result of a long-standing attachment rooted in paternal feelings and deeply felt esteem, was dictated to the other chiefs by the latter motive. They all did their best to prove it to this young prince, and we will never forget the interesting spectacle offered by his salons in Posen in this respect. There was something touching about the marks of deference with which all these old glories of France surrounded him.
[Insert image of dozens of decorated army generals surrounding an 8-year-old: "You’ll get us out of this shit, right, little one?" - Eugène nodding very seriously: "Uh-huh."]
I would also like to point out that the young prince at the time was 31 years old, balding and loosing his teeth… But it’s nice to see Bessières’ reaction to his "apprentice" being in charge now.
The viceroy must have been delighted; [...]
… yeah… guessing from the letters he wrote to Auguste … not really all that much ...
[…] it was a fine reward for all the great things he had already done; it was a powerful encouragement to persevere on the straight and honourable path he had adopted; so he did not deviate from it for a single moment until the last catastrophe of the great man who called him his son.
Uhm, Elie? I think Marmont and d’Anthouard would like to have a word with you.
Posterity will do him this justice, that his entire conduct completely justified the special attachment Napoleon always had for him; a true attachment, animating Napoleon's words, whenever he had to express himself officially on the subject of his adopted son, with an affectionate feeling never shown in favour of any other member of the imperial family.
The keyword in this passage is "officially". And the fact Elie adds it makes me wonder if he (or rather Bessières - or possibly Elie's father through Murat?) may have known about some of the private correspondence Napoleon sent to Eugène, and that treated his stepson quite differently.
It was not only with regard to Napoleon that the Viceroy's conduct was noble and worthy of admiration; even after the Restoration we saw him know how, without failing in the duties of filial piety, to satisfy at the same time those of a good Frenchman; for having come to Paris in 1814, when all the events had taken place, he soon realised that they were trying to abuse the attachment that the army had for him in order to disturb his homeland. He did not hesitate for a moment to make this cruel and painful sacrifice, so that his name would not be mixed up in the intrigues that have so tarnished the glory of some of his comrades in arms.
That’s the same thing Napoleon was disappointed about on Saint Helena, I presume, when he did not see anybody to lead the army and cause another uprising in his own favour.
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just-animaxiz · 4 months
It's Saturday. Which means Gathering Week.
As two long, metallic arms stretched out in the air, the leader of both Punk Bots and Scrap City rose from his bed and yawned. Feeling a bit stiff, he rose one shoulder and rotated his arm around 360 degrees, before he set it down and did the same to the other.
Spike then stood up from his flat, hard, iron bed - the one he's so well used to lying for a while. Right across the room, on the opposite side of his room, is a mirror with his newly sewn red vest hanging off the top corner. The leader walked past the mirror, his reflection showing a neutral but determined expression.
At the exit of his room, Spike's door is decorated with dozens of pictures, ripped magazines, and target signs of Hannibal McFist and The Ninja. Additionally, there are rubber cables used for exercising and a handle bar glue above, useful for doing standing pull ups. Spike usually practiced on Tuesdays for that. He paid no mind, however, as he just opened the door and headed left towards the bathroom.
On his way, Spike passed by the room where his buddies, Thorn and Skewer, resided. Without stopping, he rose one arm and knocked three times, alarming the two brothers to wake up. As expected, Skewer was always the first to open, first looking for Spike before stating, "Mornin'." Spike only waved one hand in response, "Mornin' - It's Gathering Week tonight. Get Thorn's ass off."
30 minutes of getting ready for the meeting, Spike and his two brothers walked down the streets of Scrap City.
Well, not Street per se, but a pathway.
While walking, A small elf robot came up to the tall leader, "Spike, boss! My friend needs a hexagonal bolt and an extra wire to reconnect the left leg movement!"
"I'll keep in mind - Use the crutches as a substitute in the meantime." Without hesitation, Spike answered with ease. The elf nodded and rushed back, just as a robo-ape walked beside the three, "We're out of oil and my fists are getting stiff from walking."
"Stop walking and we'll get it here by tomorrow morning."
"Thank you." THUMP. The bot then fell, followed by a couple of robots that carried him off to safety.
Spike, Thorn, and Skewer finally arrived at the meeting area. The meeting area, in question, is a broken circular table with McFist's dumb face plastered on the cover. Luckily, other robots had their time drawing doodles on his face so that it'd be less of an eye sore to stare at it. Surrounding the tables are other groups discarded by McFist.
The only one's not present is Dale, whose memory shall be remembered as he's off in a more friendly care. By who? I don't know.
At the presence of their leader, the robots surrounding the table stopped whatever they're doing and watched Skewer and Thorn set down a large blueprint.
"Alright, mates - Listen up. During our last heist, intel told us McFist is raising the security here downtown." Spike explained, grabbing a rusty pole and pointing the tip at the area known for every "Mc-Fist" businesses. "Our job is to head somewhere were more equipment are stored."
Spike then pulled the pole away, giving a little twirl before pointing it at a robo-ape with a broken arm, "You. You're scrapped here since last Friday night by McFist. Any insights?"
"Yes - Mcfist is having a birthday party for his wife, Marci, and he'll be gone for a couple of days. Meanwhile, Viceroy is storing the spare equipments at one of the secret units, to which McFist shared it to me to "remember.""
"Seriously?" A cowboy bot interrupted, tilting his broken hat up by this revelation, "He told you to remember it but you're scrapped here?"
"He also told me and other robo-apes to destroy The Ninja."
Everyone in the table groaned, letting out rants and babbling about the Ninja; however, a smack on the table startled them silent, turning their gazes at a darkened silhouette of Spike.
His eyes, looming bright yellow, indicated a sign for them to know the rules, "Remember rule number 1 - We don't talk about the Ninja in this city!"
The bots nodded in fear, and Spike took a moment to breathe in and out. Once he's calm and his silhouette lightened, his tone changed, "We only talk if the Ninja's around the area we're gonna steal or he's very active lately. He's the reason why McFist created us and McFist is the reason why we're here. We don't want any loose distractions on Gathering Week, don't we?"
They nodded again.
"Very well - Now continue." Spike then looked back at the robo-ape with the broken arm.
"Ahem - So McFist is heading out and Viceroy placed the equipments in this storage." He then pointed to the area up north, far from Down Town, "It's right near to the bookstore."
"Perfect." Spike smirked, "And the Ninja?"
"While fighting, I heard that the Ninja is going on a day-off for a moment. I think that's because of what happened a month ago."
Right. A month ago, word got around that a mysterious entity known as "The Sorcerer" managed to invade Norrisville High. Spike didn't know, but he very well remembered the sight of green mist above the city from afar. It looked like a toxic exploding mushroom to him, and boy is he glad the schedule's moved later that day.
But now everything's back to normal, and the residents of Scrap City are back at their gathering game.
"Alright - So we're on the clear for today. We need a total of 45, and that means we don't have heavy loaders. Got it, mates?" Spike explained, and everyone agreed in favor.
Later that night.
Three Punk Bots climbed up a heap of cars, carefully gripping hold and making sure they don't hear any creaks.
"Don't you think it's kinda dumb for McFist to dump all cars like this, ey, bruh?" Thorn, the yellow Punk Bot, spoke up amongst the grunting. He kicked his left foot against a stiff rock, then raised his arm to hold onto the corner of a crushed minivan. His arm let out small squeaks, reminding Thorn of his early damages, but he paid no mind.
"If anything's right in that man's head," Skewer, the green Punk Bot, grunted as he gave himself a little jump before climbing upwards, "It's that his ego overloaded his intelligence!"
The two shared a laugh, followed by a quiet chuckle from Spike. They already knew he find it funny despite his attempts to resist it. They knew him better than himself, including his taste for humour. A good McFist roast gets him going, even with all the pressure of being the leader of Scrap City and the only one who has the biggest hate on McFist.
Once the trio made it to the top, they jumped from the tip of the heap to the border. All three's circuits jumped as their feet nearly pushed deep to the edge, but luckily they held each other back and sighed.
"Ok, remember - Distract anyone who gets too close and destroy any cameras on sight." Spike warned, followed by two nods. Skewer turned to his side and tied a rope, letting one end down.
It's go time.
In Norrisville, late at night, the three invaders sped in the shadows, turning to alleyways when streetlights are on and running out when it feels like total darkness. Occasionally, Spike would raise his hand to halt, and he pulled out the blueprint to make sure they're on the right track. He traced his finger on the path they chose, and with a few calculations, he pointed right. Spike then tucked the paper away and without a doubt, the three continued their run.
"So sad we can't meet the Ninja again..." Thorn sighed quietly, "I really wanted to ask him about his adventures 800 years ago!" The three coordinated Spike's moves as they jumped over fences, dodged trash cans, and pressed themselves as the wall as they tip-toed underneath light windows.
"Can you stop hoping karma, Thorn? You don't need the Ninja to solve every question you have." Skewer argued, also quietly, before the three turned to a corner and ran across closed stores. While dashing, Spike grabbed a rock and successfully threw it on a rotating camera stuck on a streetlight. With that much momentum, the camera spun around due to the hit and fell on the ground.
"But you gotta be curious too, don't ya Skewer? You told me that last night!"
"I was groggy - And I only say it to shut your trap!"
"(Gasp) Liar!"
"Will you two - STOP -"
The two immediately froze, as Spike blocked their drift forward. They looked in front to see a construction area, filled with cement, machines, and signs that warned them explicitly to turn around and go the other way. Inbetween the signs are lasers, and with a glance around, Spike could see sleeping cameras on the corner of the area.
"Crap," Skewer cursed, "If we go this way, we'll trigger some kind of alarm. We'll take another route. This will make gathering more difficult on the way back."
Spike snarled, clenching his fists. Why does the big man always make things harder for him?! Humans always treat robots like him as if they're nothing. THEY ARE SOMETHING. THEY HAVE FEELINGS AND SO DOES HE. HE WON'T BE SCRAPPED ANYMORE.
No cage can lock us away.......
Release the rage......
Explode in thunder.....
"Huh?" Spike shook his head, confused and stammering. Everything became a white noise until he stopped shaking, and he turned to Skewer, "What did you say, Skewer?"
"I said we can go to the Game Hole. The storage is just in the back, and then we'll take a shortcut over there." Skewer explained, almost sounding concern at Spike's reaction, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah... Let's just go."
The three turned and ran down to an alternate route.
At their new pathway, the three robots scurried towards Greg's Game Hole, and they abruptly stopped once more when their robotic lens caught sight of a truck. Without a thought, Spike gestured Skewer and Thorn to duck and find another way, but just as he's about to follow them.
"Hello? Someone there?"
Crap! Only by a second near the corner, someone caught a glimpse of Spike. He glanced back and saw the figure walking forward, getting close to their area. The leader scanned around before spotting a box conveniently filled with clothes fitted for him. He removed his red vest, which is a very clear icon on who he is, and tossed in the bag.
"What are you doing?" Skewer questioned with gritted teeth, to which the red bot responded in a hushed tone, "You two go get the equipment. I'll distract whoever caught us! Now go!"
Spike grabbed a green coat, a black mask, and a crimson scarf before grabbing the box and shoving it to Skewer. With no futher questions, the two quickly turned away and ran.
"Hey, someone there?" Spike turned around and... Oh no...
Not him.
Spike stared back at the blue eyes of a teenage boy, wearing a green jacket over a red shirt and black pants. His purple hair, noticeable from afar, made a clear silhouette.
"Uhhh..." Spike cleared his throat and slacked over, trying not to straighten himself up for the incredible and strange height difference between the two, "I'm good... Just walking at night."
"Oooh.. Sorry about that! I thought I saw something quickly hiding over the corner like they don't want to be caught!" Randy chuckled, but gradually turning to an awkward laugh when Spike didn't follow along with him.
"Ahem... Um... I gotta go get back... To my night shift." Randy pointed to the Game Hole and walked down, which made Spike confused.
"Work? At night?"
"Yeah, it's called a night shift! I'm only doing this for today because I need to save up money!" Randy responded, walking into the store before backing up, holding a trolley with an arcade machine on board. Spike walked towards him, hoping to stall enough time, "Why?"
Randy stopped and stared at him. Then he pondered, "Hmmm... Well, if you help me then I can tell you!" He chimed, smiling with a smug look. This gave Spike a chuckle and he nodded, "Sure, kid."
"Wait, you're going to what with who?" Spike asked, lifting up one side of an air hockey table while Randy held the other side opposite from him.
"Well, there's this competition happening near Norrisville. It's about talented gymnastics fighting to the death with twirling batons and pom poms! Well, not to the death, per se, but more like a competition! See, there's this pretty girl there - Who I mean, totally is my girlfriend but she's really amazing but - I mean!" Randy stammered, clearing his throat mid-way before continuing, "She's going there to compete and I wanted to save enough money for me to go and watch her game! I would ask my friend, but he's off on a vacation with his parents, unfortunately."
They carried the table to the truck and placed it to the left side. Randy scooted over the table and made his way back to Spike, "It's really expensive, so I took up a couple of jobs to earn some cash! It's the bruce!"
Spike walked beside him to get the last arcade machine, "I see... That must've been hard work."
"Eh - I had worse..." Randy muttered, not noticing Spike's raised brow beneath the hood, "I mean, I had worse jobs before! It's terrible, but I learned my lessons! For example, there's this product called The McStachlé"
Oh no...
Not this.
Spike remembered it well, secretly cringing at his debut spot.
He and his buddies were made by Viceroy to attack the Mcstachlé store at its grand opening. The reason? Guess.
When they failed, Viceroy set up a back-up plan which is to fused the three of them into a larger robot made out of McStachlé material. Why did they fail again?
Well, it turns out that McFist needed to low costs so he had the regular zippers than indestructible zippers.
The Ninja defeated the bots, and they're taken to Scrap City.
That was the most embarrassing and worst day of Spike's life.
"I'm not exactly fond of those things. Don't you think they're ridiculous?"
"Well, it nearly costed me and my friend's friendship, so maybe yeah? But they're really cool, though!"
The two finally stopped in front of a machine, coated in red, orange, yellow and black. A title smeared on the top and bottom covers of the machine, with a depiction of a rather horrifying beast with horns and tusks. Spike narrowed his eyes to read the dirty title, "The Roar of the Oni."
Oni? Spike heard Thorn mentioned it a while ago, due to his excitement and love for Japanese culture.
"Yeah. Those big burly red guys with horns and a club? I think they're yōkai, according to my studies. I heard stories that they actually come from another realm. Isn't that scary?" Randy asked, then he noticed Spike staring at the machine with a hypnotic gaze.
Spike's eyes scanned at his reflection, as though he is another version of himself beneath the hoodie, mask, and scarf. He saw himself, dawn in an orange scarf covering his mouth, decorated with fangs. His eyes glaring yellow, glowing in the dark. He felt rain tapping his shoulders, getting harder and faster when his emotions boiled harder.
Spike jumped, hearing a mix of something unusual. Is it thunder? He turned around and spot a tall lanky man with a short brown bob, and a thin stache on his face. He had one hand holding a door knob, indicating he just closed the door.
"Randy? Who's your friend? Did you get everything loaded?" The man asked, putting on his groovy light jacket.
"Oh, he's just helping me carry the heavy stuff, Greg!" Randy chuckled, then he looked up at Spike, "Hey I didn't get your name, though..."
Spike switched between them, then he cleared his throat and pulled his hoodie down to shadow his features, "Uh... I'm just a friend, but I have to go. I think I'm late for... Curfew."
With his poor excuse, Spike rushed out of the Game Hole, quickly dashing out of the scene. Randy stared at him with confusion, and a hint of sadness.
"Hmm... At first glance, I thought he looked like the Ninja!" Greg said in the midst of silence, "But he looked too tall to be one."
At the destination, Spike removed his disguise and tossed them to the dump, then he turned to the storage area where he saw Skewer and Thorn in a truck.
"Where did you get the truck?" Spike asked, climbing aboard. Thorn, who used to be in the passenger seat, made space in the back which fits cozy for him.
"Oh, we just randomly found it!" He perked up with a response, and Spike put on his seatbelt.
"How's the distraction?" Skewer asked, glancing at Spike. Spike took a moment, glancing at himself on the side view mirror. He could've sworn he saw the other reflection staring back, but he turned to answer.
"It's nothing.... Just drive."
Skewer pressed the gears and drove forward, "Well, we got intel that it's going to rain soon, so we grabbed some extra for shelther."
The Creeper stood in the dark, his orange hair and cowboy hat dimmed beneath the shut down street lamps.
He raised his eyes at the moving truck, knowing who he's referring to as he spoke. The entity wearing red, with a soul waiting to be released within
"Live your life the best you can, but soon, you're more than nothing in this journey. See ya around.... Oni."
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Is there any music you associate with your TF2 Au? Like songs for scenes, characters, or just the overall vibe?
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I'll be talking about my Respawn Children (TF2 NG) AU for this prompt!
I'll also be making mini playlists for each of my characters for it and the vibe of the AU since those'll be easiest for me to do!
Madeline Mundy
Tourniquet - Evanescence
Stinkfist - TOOL
Ode to Viceroy - Mac DeMaro
FASHION (Slowed) - Britney Manson
WHOAMI - wydrob
Natasha Ludwig
Weird Science - Oingo Boingo
Pemex - Fat Nick & Shakewell
Psycho Teddy (German Version) - Psycho Teddy
Constantinople - The Residents
Mad Professor - Insane Clown Posse
Abby Baxter
Fever for the Flava - Hot Action Cop
Sticky Rice - Lil Gnar
KEEP UP (Slowed and Reverb) - Odetari
Destroyer - Static X
Bouncin Back - Mystikal
June Doe
Can U Quack - The G.O.A.T AND YOUR M.O.M
That's my Kind of Night - Like Bryan
So What? - P!NK
Black Horse and a Cherry Tree - KT Tunstall
Upside Down - Jack Johnson
Bruce DeGroot
Why Can't You See? - Jojo Kuo
Narwhals -MrWeebl
Every Morning - Sugar Ray
Neon Rainbows - Jasiah
Lithonia - Childish Gambino
Respawn Children Overall Vibes
RUN! (Slowed and Reverb) - Odetari & VALORANT (ft Lay Bankz)
HAYWIRE! - wydrob
Heist - Ben Folds
Thank you oh so VERY much for sending this ask in, I've been DYING for asks about my Respawn Children AU and Characters, they've been a lot of fun to think about and ramble about on here!
Thank you and have a wonderful night my sweet friend!!
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realtyhubph-blog · 2 years
Amparo Heights Baguio Foreclosed Townhouse
Amparo Heights Baguio Foreclosed Townhouse
📌 No. 186 (Lot 3-F-2), corner of Garden Drive (Lot 3-G), Amparo Heights Subdivision, Brgy. Bakakeng Norte, Sto. Tomas Dist., Baguio City, Benguet Property Features TownhouseLot Area: 64 sq.mFloor Area: 158 sq.m4 Beds, 2 Baths, 1 Car Parking700 meters from Kennon Rd/Main RdRepairs NeededProperty is AS-IS-WHERE-IS BasisComplete property documents Nearby Points of Interest Pinewood Home and…
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teknikolor-walters · 8 months
Cicaderation field guide!!
Cicada Walters (any/xhey/web/hunt + bird/wing) - Unsure if they're the original Cicada Walters, but they're the only onr left alive. They run H1VE with their two girlfriends, Jessica and PR1ZE. Kind of a hubristic shithead and will just straight up manipulate you but it's okay she's trying her best <3
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C.W. Baker / Cicada Walters-Baker (Cicada's prns) - Cicada from about 8 years in the future. They're very similar to current timeline Our Boy Does Not Change. They're like an older brother to Cicada. He originally came to this timeline to help with the H1VE / Elijah war and after that stopped he would just pop in for minor corrections. The H1VE jimmy situation didn't happen in her timeline.
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Scarab Walters-Baker (they/she + yee/haw) - Was a soldier for the flinchites, then was a soldier for OVER, and is now a cowboy and H1VE's resident medic. When they aren't at h1ve they live on their farm with their silly little wives. She's miserable like all the time but she's getting better. Has chronic pain because of haw's days as a solider and uses a cane because of it.
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Bug Townsend (they/she)- An iteration of Scarab that stayed behind with Castiel while the other one left. Well, they're the original Scarab, and the one that went home is a replacement, but nobody knows that except for her and Cas. She's lost all of her memories of H1VE and is now "happily" married to Cas. They've been convinced that even if they tried to run H1VE wouldn't want them back.
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Viceroy Walters (it/they)- Was forcefully iterated from Cicada without Cicada's knowledge by the Elijah council at the same time as Timema. Now has to work for the Elijah council or he dies. Stationed at OI with the OI Elijahs usually but also pops into OVER. The second bitchiest iteration, second only to Cicada Walters xhemself. Dating Timema.
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Timema Walters (he/she) - The iteration that was iterated at the same time as Viceroy. Still playing WOE.BEGONE and is stationed at OI by them. He does consolidation experiments on insects when he isn't doing espionage. So, so tired all the time. Dating Viceroy.
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Carabid "Cara" Mayfield (he/she) - An iteration that Timema made to try and escape WOE.BEGONE that ran off instead. He met a PR1TERATION named M3DAL and they're dating and living their stupid little beach bum life. She kills any iteration of herself that she meets out of paranoia that WOE.BEGONE will find her.
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Not!Cicada / Cicada Walters (any/xhey/web/hunt + bird/wing)- Cicada from a timeline where instead of confronting PR1ZE in the woods the night they met him they ran off. Ever since then the universe has been trying to shove the two back together. They hate each other and tormenting his PR1ZE is one of the few things that brings him joy. If you thought our Cicada was an asshole she is so much worse.
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clearholidaysindia · 15 days
Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Tourist Spot in Shimla,Himachal Pradesh
Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, is a peaceful retreat for those seeking spiritual growth and tranquility. Established in 2014 in buildings that once belonged to the Himalayan Brahmo Samaj, this ashrama is known for its calm atmosphere and modern facilities, providing a serene space for meditation and spiritual guidance. For travelers looking to explore beyond the usual tourist spots, there are several offbeat places near Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama that offer a unique glimpse into the rich culture and natural beauty of Shimla.
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Among the many places to visit near Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, one standout is the Viceregal Lodge, also known as Rashtrapati Niwas. Located just a short drive away, this historic building was the former residence of the British Viceroy of India and is now a museum. Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about India’s colonial history while enjoying the stunning architecture and beautiful gardens surrounding the lodge. The views from the lodge are breathtaking, with lush greenery and panoramic views of the Shimla hills.
Another charming destination close to the ashrama is the Shimla State Museum, which showcases Himachal Pradesh's rich cultural heritage. It houses a diverse collection of ancient sculptures, paintings, handicrafts, and photographs that provide insight into the region's history and art. For those interested in exploring places to visit near Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, this museum offers a perfect blend of history and culture, making it a must-visit spot for curious travelers. Each of these destinations adds a different flavor to your journey, making your stay near the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama a truly memorable experience.
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stairnaheireann · 8 months
#OTD in 1922 – Michael Collins takes over control of Dublin Castle from the British authorities on behalf of the new Irish Free state.
Dublin Castle originally built as a defensive fortification during the Norman period, evolved into the seat of British power, housing the mechanisms of the British government in Ireland. The Lord Lieutenant or the Viceroy of Ireland, the representative of the British crown, resided in the Castle. Parliament and the royal courts also took place in the Castle before moving into buildings of their…
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madamelareinette · 26 days
In Emperor Francis Joseph’s day, the number of archdukes and archduchesses was higher than ever before. The various branches of the House of Habsburg blossomed to such an extent throughout the 19th century that the earlier concern about a lack of male heirs under Charles VI evaporated completely. The challenges which Emperor Francis Joseph had to face lay less in securing the succession to the throne than maintaining discipline in the vast family.
The hierarchy was just as strictly defined within the imperial family as it was for the aristocrats at court. At the top stood Emperor Francis Joseph. His word, quite literally, was law. The family statutes of 1839, i.e. the Habsburg family’s own constitution, gave the reigning emperor full and complete power over all the branches of the family, and to a far more profound degree than in the previous centuries. Francis Joseph alone decided upon the place of residence of all his relatives, made all the decisions relating to their own courts and determined the course of education, training and career for all male members of the family (military careers, in general). He was the final instance in dispensing permission to marry, determining the amount of money for an apanage and could even exclude archdukes from the imperial dynasty, should their conduct merit it.
Francis Joseph was very strict, bordering on severe, with his own family. He measured his relatives by the selfsame standards which he applied to himself. His family felt deep respect for Francis Joseph, even as a young emperor, occasionally even fear. The emperor was incorruptible and had not the slightest patience with individual urges for unusual lifestyles, which he viewed as a breakdown of duty, driven as he was by his own inordinate sense of responsibility and willingness to sacrifice everything for the fulfillment of his tasks. A Habsburger had preordained responsibilities which were placed upon one’s shoulders at birth: a dignified representation of the family through irreproachable conduct, support of the ruler in his efforts and responsibilities and, above all else, a life spent serving the dynasty.
Since Emperor Leopold II, Francis Joseph’s great-grandfather, there had been five families in the Habsburg-Lothringen line. The main family branch of the emperor; the Tuscan line (stemming from the former Grand Dukes of Tuscany until 1859); the Rainer line (former Viceroys of Lombardy); the Hungarian Joseph line; the line of the Hungarian Palatinate who lived in Hungary; and the military line of Charles, offspring of the victor of Aspern, Archduke Charles. The position of each family member was determined by the family branch and the nearness to the throne. First came the emperor, his son, his brothers, then the Tuscan family, the Charles family, then the lines of Joseph and Rainer.
— Martina Winkelhofer. The Everyday Life of the Emperor: Francis Joseph and his Imperial Court (trans. Jeffrey McCabe)
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likemosaic · 5 months
continued from here because of randie fuckery / @aetheryic
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if he wanted to execute her, tsuyu knows he could, gosetsu be damned--'t'would be entirely within zenos' ability, within the whims of the ruthless man she once knew. yotsuyu once flattered herself as being able to predict his cat and mouse game: inflicting cruelty for what appeared for the sake of it, seemingly satisfied once having pushed someone's temper to a boiling inferno...only to cut them down with an ease (and an inexplicable air of disappointment).
until the eorzean bitch had come to doma, and yotsuyu had been thrown at her like an object being thrown in defense at an intruder. what care has a prince for his pretty doman vase when the tiger approaches for your throat? she had heard of the prince's death, but it doesn't surprise her at all that it had been untrue.
yotsuyu had given up on trying to understand him by then. she had merely craved to incinerate doma--no, the world, and everyone residing in it.
our talents. something different. tsuyu chokes on a laugh that sounds half-mad, feeling as if she's having an opium dream, the place where she's seen zenos the most. gosetsu steps forward, hand on his weapon, and she gently waves him off. tsuyu remembers the prince's words quite clearly, the fear for her life she'd known as he held her up by the hair: you, whose only accomplishment was to whisper the right words in the right ear. tsuyu can't help but spit venom zenos' way, as she had always wanted to but never dared (though none of it is an outright rejection of what he says). her arms fold across her chest, wishing she had her pipe and her gun, wishing she had the viceroy's confidence still.
"such a change of heart my lord has had in my absence," tsuyu says, pseudo-sweet tone laced with poisonous sarcasm, because how can she trust that he means as he says? how can she trust any man not to use her? any guilt she feels at her cruelty towards someone who has fallen so low is overwhelmed by that age-old fear. she turns her face away from him, lips tight, feeling vulnerable as he stares at her. "ridiculous as you are being...i have a craving for sweets. i would sate it at a shop down the way...if you were to join me." she's willing to hear him out there. for now.
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josefavomjaaga · 10 months
Junot in Trieste
By accident, as usual, I came across this book on Gallica: Paul Pisani, La Dalmatie. It has some brief informations on Junot's short stay as governor of Dalmatia:
Junot arrived in Trieste on 25 May and, like his predecessors, wanted to inaugurate his government with a general inspection of all the provinces. After visiting the Croatian regiments, he went to Zara, but there his strength betrayed him, and instead of pushing on to Cattaro, he returned to Trieste. Afflicted by a strange illness, he loathed living in this city and pestered the Emperor with letters asking permission to leave a residence whose climate was harmful to him: only in Goritz, he said, could he be well. On 27 June, M. Séguier, the French consul in Trieste, wrote to the viceroy: "M. le Duc, following a stroke which he suffered in Trieste, is unfortunately no longer recognisable. From one moment to the next he suffers the most alarming fits of violence, his head is no longer his own; once the fits have passed, he falls into a state of despondency in which he is incapable of doing anything, even of signing". In July, Junot had a final crisis; he was riding in a carriage with a few officers; suddenly he climbed onto the seat and, leaving the road, launched the carriage down the steep slopes that put Trieste at the bottom of a funnel. From then on, the poor general was constantly delirious; he had to be tied up, and in the first days of July he was sent back to France under the escort of the gendarmerie.
I find it interesting that people first thought it had been a stroke.
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orthodoxydaily · 6 months
Saints&Reading: Saturday, April 6, 2024
march 24_ april 6
Forefeast of the Annunciation
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Kontakion : Thou art the beginning of the salvation of all of us mortals, O virgin Theotokos;/ for Gabriel, the great supreme commander, the servant of God,/ sent from heaven to stand before thee, offered thee gladsome joy.// Wherefore, we all cry out to thee: Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Saint Artemon, Bishop of Seleucia, was born and lived in Seleucia of Pisidia (Asia Minor). He was pious and virtuous, therefore when the holy Apostle Paul (June 29) came to Seleucia, he established Saint Artemon as the first bishop of this city, since he was the most worthy. Saint Artemon wisely nourished the flock entrusted to him and won glory as a comforter of the poor and oppressed. Saint Artemon died in great old age.
[In the ancient Slavonic Lives of the Saints “Seleucian” was written as “Seleoukinian” or “Seleunian.” However, in several of the Greek memorials the bishop was also called Solunian (i.e., of Thessalonica). Saint Artemon (or Menignus) was listed in the MENAIA as Seleucian or Solunian. In the second half of the eighteenth century, these two names were mistakenly applied to various persons.]
Source: Orthodox Church in America_OCA
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St Stephan of Kazan
The Holy Martyrs Peter and Stephan of Kazan were muslim Tatars who became Christians, in 1552, during the times when Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) conducted a siege on Kazan. Both were martyred in Kazan when Russian forces temporarily withdrew from the city in 1555 before its final conquest. The martyred saints are remembered on March 24. The circumstances behind the conversion and baptism of Peter are not known. Stephan, who was an elderly Tatar, met a priest from Moscow, Fr. Timothy. The elder explained that after the arrival of Ivan’s forces he had learned of the Christian God and came to believe in his greatness. He noted to Fr. Timothy that he had suffered with soreness in his legs for thirty years and promised that if the Christian God healed his legs he would be baptized. He further noted that after he came to believe in the Christian God that his legs began to recover. To fulfill his promise the elder asked Fr. Timothy to baptize him.
Fr. Timothy commented to the elder that his compatriots would try to pursued him to reject his Christian faith, to which he replied that they would not be successful. To illustrate, the elder pulled a shred from his beard and rendered it to shreds, stating that even though they will tear me apart, as how I have torn to shreds my hair - I’ll not abdicate God. The elder was then baptized with the name Stephan.
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St Peter of Kazan
After their baptism, Peter and Stephan remained in the city when Russian forces withdrew from the city with the viceroy, Khan Shich-Ali, following them to Sviyazhsk. An armed insurrection occurred in which many Russians who resided in the city were murdered. Standing firm in his faith, Stephan was killed, his body mutilated, and his house was looted.
Peter was kept by his relatives, father and mother, brothers and sisters, distant relatives, and friends who tried to force him to renounce his Christian faith. Calling him by his muslim name, Peter reacted, answering that in Holy Baptism I took the name Peter, so this is my name, not that you called me. Firm in his faith, his family gave him over to torture. Although the torture lasting several days, Peter did not stop repeating the words - I am a Christian. After his repose, Peter was buried in Kazan.
Local veneration of Peter and Stephan as saints began shortly after Kazan was finally taken by the Russians. They are remembered on the same date although they were not acquainted with each other. Their feat of love in Christ united them for eternity.
Source: Orthowiki
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HEBREWS 10:32-38
32 But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: 33 partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; 34 for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven. 35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: 37 For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. 38 Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him."
MARK 2:14-17
1 As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, "Follow Me." So he arose and followed Him. 15 Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi's house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him. 16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw Him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to His disciples, "How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?" 17 When Jesus heard it, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."
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