scotianostra · 7 months
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On March 1st 1910, David Niven, actor and author, was born.
Despite his lifelong claim to have been born a Scot, in Kirriemuir, he was actually born in Belgravia, but let’s not take that away from, who wouldn’t rather be Scottish than English? 😉 The actors Donald Crisp and James Robertson Justice were two others who although pinned there colours to Scotland, were actually born in England. Niven though served in the Highland Light Infantry, (despite asking for any regiment but the HLI) in the early 1930s.
Many of you out there will be of Scottish descent either researched, known or simply because you have a Scottish name, one of my friends has a broad English accent but was born and brought up near Inverness and a lot of people up the north of Scotland claim to be “more” Scottish than those in the south, what a load of nonsense that is.
Niven wanted to be Scottish and that’s good enough for me and the same goes for any of you out there. Being Scottish, as well as being born here can be a state of mind in my humble opinion. Niven’s Scottish heritage came from his paternal grandfather, David Graham Niven, he was from St Martin’s, a village in Perthshire, and was killed in WW1 during the Gallipoli campaign.
He resigned his commission in the army in 1933 and made his way to the USA, where, still chasing the Scottish connection, spendingt time as a whisky salesman, then joining a rodeo, before arriving in Hollywood in the mid 1930’s. Early appearances in films include Barbary Coast and Mutiny on the Bounty, but blink and you’ll miss him. His first starring role was in Thank You, Jeeves! as Bertie Wooster
Other films include A Matter of Life and Death, Around the World in 80 Days, The Guns of Navarone and The Pink Panther. My favourite was The Bishops Wife and he played Bonnie Prince Charlie in the film of the same name.
At the outbreak of World War II Niven returned home and rejoined the army, the Government at the time advised actors to stay in Holywood at the time, and he was alone in refusing this advice, he was assigned to a motor training battalion. He wanted something more exciting, however, and transferred into the Commandos, his training was at Inverailort House in the Highlands. On his return to Hollywood afterwards the Americans awarded him with Legion of Merit, the highest military award that can be given to a non US citizen. Niven never talked much about his time during the war, but did see action a few days after D Day and at Battle of the Bulge.
He is also well known as the author of the bestselling autobiography, The Moon’s a Balloon. His career fluctuated in the 50’s but he endured that and came back bigger than ever, he played Bond in the original Casino Royale, but his greatest achievement was winning an Oscar in the film Separate Tables, becoming the only person to win an academy award while hosting the ceremony!
So David Niven maybe not “Scottish” in the true sense of the word, but certainly Proud to be seen as a Scot.
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mekanikaltrifle · 11 months
tbh the survival of small languages and dialects of all stripes is deeply important to all our cultures-- and I don't mean this in a weirdo blood-and-soil nationalist way-- because it helps to keep different ways of thinking and seeing alive. Often, languages come with their own perceptions on time and colour and days and night, anything they could possibly have. Major languages too, but the smaller ones are always at risk of being lost to time... and with them go the context, the meanings and the different perspective that its individual speakers could have had.
For instance, in Scots, there's a fundamental minor difference to time and how it relates to the individual compared to standard English. In Scots you can often hear folks saying phrases like 'that's me away' (or awa' in very broad Scots, pronounced a bit like awah), when you're looking to leave a place. Taken literally in English that would be incorrect, as you are not in fact physically leaving, and it's not like you're watching your own body wander off out the door. However, in this case the 'what is about to be', and the 'what is right now' are functionally the same thing. Time becomes a little malleable in the Scots way of looking at it.
Of course this is hardly the only example and I am sure people can add their own examples of similar but... it's interesting to think about, isn't it? How your language approaches both the physical and the abstract, and how its constructed your brain to think. Because language physically shapes your brain, and knowing more is always good for the old grey matter.
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the-busy-ghost · 6 days
Also because you all know I see Scotland in all things, I am interested in the Byron/Strange friendship not only because they are hilarious, but because there's all this stress on them being chaotic examples of the English magician and the English poet when both were partly raised in Scotland.
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doueverwonder · 2 years
the urge to make the pacific siblings (particularly Alfred and Jack) straight up not understand the concept of aunts/uncles when they were little bc actually all of the British isles are basically their parents :\
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child-of-frigg · 1 year
Druidism and Asatru¿: Roots Deeper than the Earth Itself.
Though at first it may be difficult to believe, Druidism/Druidry and Asatru go hand in hand. Though terminology differs, much of what we understand as Druidism can be found not only within the Norse faith along with various Caledonian/Celtic faiths, but within similar Indo-European faiths as well, dating back thousands of years.
From the Spring Equinox to the Winter Solstice, these cosmic events have held significance for tribes all across the world since long before written history, and many of their monuments to the solar bodies that inhabit the night sky can still be found to this day. The stars, grass underfoot, all the mysteries of the cosmos and existence itself brought forth the Druidic faith, the first scientists; whose influence spanned nations. Though the common image of a Druid is that of a bearded man clad in long white robes, this portrayal comes to us from the Romans in their observation of the Celtic people, and only shows a portion of what Druidism once was.
Celtic Druidism as it is understood today is the coalescence of various Druidic faiths, including those of Anglo-Saxon tribes. Many Celtic, and Vikine tribes share their ancestry with that of the Anglo-Saxons, a cultural identity born from interactions with Germanic tribes. These Pagan Anglo-Saxon tribes worshipped Gods still referenced in modern Paganism, such as Ēostre and Wotan, who are closely related theologically to much earlier Proto-Indo-European Gods. Likewise, the Gods and Goddesses of Druidic faith, such as Brigid and Badb, were found to have been worshipped among these tribes, likely stemming from the same Proto-Indo-European faiths which had inspired people to build monuments to the stars.
The birth of Asatru (Modern) was brought about in the early days of the Pagan revival, and deals specifically with Forn Sidr (Traditional) which is the first name given to the Norse faiths by Normani tribes. These tribes, along with the Galli (Early Gaulish Nomadic peoples) would make their name as fierce warriors during the Roman Eras, fighting as mercenaries in countless battles across Britannia, and eventually settling in Caledonia, a Tribal Confederacy located in what is now North Britain, equating to Scotland. Here alongside a number of Brittonic, Milesian Scot, and Anglo-Saxon tribes, (as well as later being joined by some Scandinavian tribes from the far North) they would be observed feasting, drinking, and hailing the deities of their faiths by Saint Bede during the eighth century, giving the world its very first written account of the Druidic faiths that had existed for so many centuries prior.
During its revival, the Norse faith would go through a sort of coalescence of its own, combining the beliefs of various Normani tribes in order to give rise to what we know today as Asatru. A reflection of the Northern tribes, the Sagas and Edda's that have helped form the faith are part of a much greater story, a story that continues to unfold even now as our understanding of history grows.
End of Part 1.
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psychotrenny · 7 months
The idea that Scottish people aren't British is so ridiculous. Like the entire island is called "Great Britain" and the use of Great Britain in a political sense (i.e. Kingdom of Great Britain) only started when Scotland and England (including occupied Wales and Ireland) became united in a Personal Union after James VI of Scotland inherited in the English Throne. Like there's a good fucking reason they call it the British, not the English Empire. Scots may have been the junior partners in the arrangement but they were still very much active participants and beneficiaries of British Imperialism. Like just ask people from Ireland or India or Aotearoa or... what they think of Scots. Like it drives me up the fucking wall when people act like the Scots were poor innocent little victims of the English and this gets thoughtlessly accepted because your average tumblr user's idea of Anglo-Scottish relations is derived entirely from fucking Braveheart
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anarchotolkienist · 2 months
you’re attacking that neopagan kind of birthstone post about druid plants, but could you please elaborate or at least clarify the explicit trope that is being used that has been historically weaponized?
I used to spend about a good third of my time on this godforsaken website attacking that idea, but sure, I'll do it again. This will be a bit of an effortpost, so I'll stick it under the readmore
There is a notion of 'celts' or Gaels as being magicial and somehow deeply in touch with nature and connected to pre-Christian worldviews that the people who decided to make up the "Celtic tree astrology" used. This is also why Buffy used Irish Gaelic as the language of the demons, why Warhammer uses Gaelic as Elvish, why garbled Scottish Gaelic is used by Wiccans as the basis for their new religious construct, why people call themselves Druids to go an say chants in bad Welsh in Stonehenge, or Tursachan Chalanais, or wherever, etc etc. This stuff is everywhere in popular culture today, by far the dominant view of Celtic language speaking peoples. Made up neopagan nonsense is the only thing you find if you go looking for Gaelic folklore, unless you know where to look, and so on and so on. I could multiply examples Endless, and in fact have throughout the lifespan of this blog, and probably will continue to.
To make a long history extremely brief (you can ask me for sources on specifics, or ask me to expand if you're interested), this is directly rooted in a mediaeval legalistic discussion in Catholic justifications for the expansionist policies of the Normans, especially in Ireland, who against the vigourous protestation of the Church in Ireland claimed that the Gaelic Irish were practically Pagan in practice and that conquest against fellow Christians was justified to bring them in like with the Church. That this was nonsense I hope I don't need to state. Similar discourses about the Gaels in Scotland exist at the same time, as is clear from the earliest sources we have postdating the Gaelic kingdom of Alba becoming Scotland discussing the 'coastal Scots' - who speak Ynglis (early Scots) and are civilised - and the 'forest Scots' (who speak 'Scottis' (Middle Gaelic) and have all the hallmarks of barbarity. This discourse of Gaelic savagery remains in place fairly unchanged as the Scottish and then British crowns try various methods for integrating Gaeldom under the developing early state, provoking constant conflict and unrest, support certain clans and chiefs against others and generally massively upset and destabilise life among the Gaels both in Scotland and Ireland. This campaign, which is material in root but has a superstructure of Gaelic savagery and threat justifying it develops through attempts at assimilation, more or less failed colonial schemes in Leòdhas and Ìle, the splitting of the Gaelic Irish from the Gaelic Scots through legal means and the genocide of the Irish Gaels in Ulster, eventually culminates in the total ban on Gaelic culture, ethnic cleansing and permanent military occupation of large swathes of Northern Scotland, and the destruction of the clan system and therefore of Gaelic independence from the Scottish and British state, following the last rising in 1745-6.
What's relevant here is that the attitude of Gaelic barbarity, standing lower on the civilisational ladder than the Anglo Saxons of the Lowlands and of England, was continuously present as a justification for all these things. This package included associations with the natural world, with paganisms, with emotion, and etc. This set of things then become picked up on by the developing antiquarian movement and early national romantics of the 18th century, when the Gaels stop being a serious military threat to the comfortable lives of the Anglo nobility and developing bourgeoise who ran the state following the ethnic cleansing after Culloden and permanent occupation of the Highlands (again, ongoing to this day). They could then, as happened with other colonised peoples, be picked up on and romanticised instead, made into a noble savage, these perceived traits which before had made them undesirable now making them a sad but romantic relic of an inexorably disappearing past. It is no surprise that Sir Walter Scott (a curse upon him and all his kin) could make Gaels the romantic leads of his pseudohistorical epics at the exact same time that Gaels were being driven from their traditional lands in their millions and lost all traditional land rights. These moves are related. This tradition is what's picked up on by Gardner when he decides to use mangled versions of Gaelic Catholic practice (primarily) as collected by the Gaelic folklorist Alasdair MacIlleMhìcheil as the coating for Wicca, the most influential neo-pagan "religion" to claim a 'Celtic' root and the base of a lot of oncoming nonsense like that Celtic Tree Astrology horseshit that started this whole thing, and give it a pagan coat of paint while also adding some half-understood Dharmic concepts (three-fold law anyone?) and a spice of deeply racist Western Esotericism to the mix. That's why shit like that is directly harmful, not just historically but in the present total blotting out of actually existing culture of Celtic language speakers and their extremely precarious communities today.
If you want to read more, I especially recommend Dr. Silke Stroh's work Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial Imaginary, Dr. Aonghas MacCoinnich's book Plantation and Civility in the North-Atlantic World, the edited collection Mio-rún Mór nan Gall on Lowland-Highland divide, the Gaelic writer known in English as Ian Crichton Smith's essay A real people in a real place on these impacts on Gaelic speaking communities in the 20th century, Dr. Donnchadh Sneddons essay on Gaelic racial ideas present in Howard and Lovecrafts writings, and Dr. James Hunter's The Making of the Crofting Community for a focus on the clearings of Gaels after the land thefts of the late 18th and early 19th century.
@grimdr an do chaill mi dad cudromach, an canadh tu?
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ayeforscotland · 9 months
Ah wait, I've got something for you in relation to white American fetishisation of Scotland and other European countries (because unfortunately it's not just Scottland, it's everyone.)
(And this is just an opinion, I have no science to back this up. That must be stated first and foremost.)
To achieve American Whiteness ment that many Europeans immigrating to the states had to shed their cultures in order to be accepted by Anglo European decendents. If you weren't the 'right' type of white then you weren't good enough and were often pushed out.
As such, these people, too, were forced to shed their cultural identity in order to make a living here.
Now, these diverse cultures are celebrated (to a point.) There's celebrations that come from these iterations of faith, foods and dress that come from these homelands, but they're strange derivatives of themselves. Xerox of a xerox of a xerox, made only by a cultural machine that doesn't really understand or want you, but loves the aesthetic of some small component of you, so it takes that, all while simultaneously craving it could be more.
And so NOW that it is no longer 'bad' to be decended from these places, NOW people try to claw their way back, like they're attempting to undo the damage the previous generations did to themselves in order to fit into White American Society, but they have no idea how and so it becomes a crass and ugly thing, often monetized by the same origional Anglo European sphere of influence that put them in this predicament anyway, and then further pits them against NEW people trying to make it here in the states.
(And to that last point, I have to recommend reading an amazing comic in the Nib by Dawson, Why Did They Come, in order to touch on how fucked up that whole thing is (not that we don't already know.) https://thenib.com/why-did-they-come/
But yeah... to summarize- immigrants now seen as acceptably white in the states originally WASN'T and so these people bleached themselves culturally to achieve the Anglo vibe, and now generations later, their decendents cling to fabrications of a culture they were denied in the most grotesque ways imaginable because they know nothing else.
It's like white bread trying to reintroduce culture to itself to become whole wheat again, only to end up giving itself mold.
Some great points there, particularly around the bastardisation of forgotten traditions etc.
I'd be keen to see some evidence of Scottish immigrants to the US being perceived the same way as, for example, Irish or Italian immigrants who eventually became accepted into 'American Whiteness'. Also while many Scottish immigrants who moved to America were poorer, I've never heard of them facing the same challenges as other European immigrants who were perceived as non-white. I expect a large part of that was being part of the British Empire. There was also a disproportionate number of Scots were plantation owners who owned slaves in the south. And while some historians dispute it's origins, I think it's mostly accepted the KKK was founded by descendants of Scottish immigrants , or at the very least, founded by people who drew heavily on that aesthetic. So even if modern Americans who fetishise Scotland are saying they can finally start celebrating their "native homeland's" traditions again - I think there's an element of 'wanting to be seen as victims with a rich history' about it.
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meichenxi · 3 months
UK accent bias, discrimination, minority languages and the question of the 'default, normal' english speaker
today I came across something overtly that is usually a covert problem, and I wanted to take a chance to talk about the questions it raises about what it means to be 'normal' and speak 'normal english' in an anglocentric, global world.
let's start at the beginning. I was aimlessly googling around and came across this article, discussing ergodic literature:
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I hope that you will see what angered me right away, but if not:
brogue? inaccessible, insufferable brogue? that is so difficult to read you might want to relieve your frustrations by harming a housepet, or striking a loved one?
what????? the fuck??????
my dearly beloathed. this is not a made up sci-fi language. this was not written for your convenience.
this is the glaswegian dialect.
this is how it is written. scots, which is very similar to this, is a language whose speakers have been systematically taught to change and hide and modify their speech, to not speak it in the classroom, to conform. this is NOT comparable to any of the made-up dialects or ways of writing in cloud atlas or any other specularative fiction. the suggestion of ir is deeply insulting.
(the line between various 'dialects' and 'languages' I speak about here is by definition sometimes political, sometimes arbitrary, and often very thin. what goes for the glaswegian dialect here in terms of discrimination goes for scots in general - which is, in fact, even more 'inaccessible' than glaswegian because it has a greater quantity of non-english and therefore non-'familiar' words. speakers of different englishes will face more or less discrimination in different circumstances. caveat over.)
you can find it on twitter, in books, in poetry; and more than that, on the streets and in living rooms, in places that this kind of england-first discrimination hasn't totally eradicated.
an imporant note - this book in question is called Naw Much of a Talker, and it was written originally in Swiss-German and then translated into Glaswegian to preserve similar themes and questions of language and identity. rather than detracting from anything I'm saying, I think the fact this is a translated piece of fiction adds to it - it has literally been translated so it is more accessible, and the article writer did not even realise. it also highlights the fact as well that these are questions which exist across the globe, across multiple languages, of the constant tension everywhere between the 'correct' high language and the 'incorrect, backward' 'low' language or dialect. these are all interesting questions, and someone else can tackle them about german and swiss german -
but I am going to talk today about scots and english, because that is how the writer of this article engaged with this piece and that is the basis upon which they called it 'insufferable brogue', the prejudice they have revealed about scots is what I want to address.
so here, today, in this post: let's talk about it. what is 'normal' english, why is that a political question, and why should we care?
as we begin, so we're all on the same page, I would like to remind everyone that england is not the only country in the united kingdom, and that the native languages of the united kingdom do not only include english, but also:
ulster scots (thank you @la-galaxie-langblr for the correction here!!)
scottish gaelic
british sign language
irish sign language
northern ireland sign language
and others I have likely forgotten
there are also countless rich, beautiful dialects (the distinction between dialect and language is entirely political, so take this description with a pinch of salt if you're outside of these speaker communities), all with their own words and histories and all of them, yes all of them, are deserving of respect.
and there are hundreds and thousands of common immigrant languages, of languages from the empire, and of englishes across the globe that might sound 'funny' to you, but I want you to fucking think before you mock the man from the call centre: why does india speak english in the first place? before mocking him, think about that.
because it's political. it's ALL political. it's historical, and it's rooted in empire and colonialism and all you need to do is take one look at how we talk about Black language or languages of a colonised country to see that, AAVE or in the UK, multi-cultural london english, or further afield - the englishes of jamaica, kenya, india. all vestiges of empire, and all marked and prejudiced against as 'unintelligent' or lesser in some way.
and closer to home - the systematic eradication and 'englishification' of the celtic languages. how many people scottish gaelic now? cornish? manx? how many people speak welsh? and even within 'english' itself - how many people from a country or rural or very urban or immigrant or working class or queer background are discriminated against, because of their english? why do you think that is?
if you think that language isn't political, then you have likely never encountered discrimination based on how you, your friends, or your family speak.
you are speaking from a position of privilege.
'but it's not formal' 'but it's not fit for the classroom' 'but it sounds silly'. you sound silly, amy. I have a stereotypically 'posh' english accent, and I can tell you for a fact: when I go to scotland to visit my family, they think I sound silly too. but in the same way as 'reverse racism' isn't a fucking thing - the difference is that it's not systemic. when I wanted to learn gaelic, my grandmother - who speaks gaelic as her own native language - told me, no, you shouldn't do that. you're an english girl. why would you want to learn a backward language like gaelic?
discrimination against non-'english' englishes is pervasive, systematic and insidious.
it is not the same as being laughed at for being 'posh'. (there's more about class and in-group sociolinguistics here, but that's for another post)
and who told you this? where is this information from? why do you think an 'essex girl' accent sounds uneducated? why do you think a northern accent sound 'honest' and 'salt of the earth'? what relationship does that have with class? why does a standard southern british english sound educated and 'intelligent'? who is in charge? who speaks on your television? whose words and accents do you hear again and again, making your policies, shaping your future? who speaks over you?
think about that, please.
and before anyone says: this is so true except for X lol - I am talking about exactly that dialect. I am talking about that accent you are mocking. I am talking about brummie english, which you think sounds funny. I'm talking about old men in the west country who you think sound like pirates, arrrrr.
(actually, pirates sound like the west country. where do you the 'pirate accent' came from? devon was the heart of smuggling country in the uk.)
so. to this person who equated a book written in scots, a minority and marginalised language, to being 'insufferable, inaccessible brogue':
and also to anyone who is from the UK, anyone who is a native english speaker, and anyone abroad, but especially those of you who think your english is 'natural', who have never had to think about it, who have never had to code-switch, who have never had to change how they sound to fit in:
it might be difficult to read - for you. it might be strange and othering - to you.
but what is 'inaccessible' to you is the way that my family speaks - your english might be 'inaccessible' to them. so why does your 'inaccessible' seem to weigh more than theirs?
and why does it bother you, that you can't understand it easily in the first go? because you have to try? or because perhaps, just perhaps, dearly beloathed author of this article, after being catered to your entire life and shown your language on screen, constantly - you are finally confronted by something that isn't written for you.
and for the non-uk people reading this. I would like you to think very carefully about what a 'british accent' means to you.
there is no such thing. let me say it louder:
there are a collection of accents and languages and dialects, each with different associations and stereotypes. the clever aristocrat, the honest farmer, the deceitful *racial slur*. there are accents, languages and dialects that you hear more than others because of political reasons, and there are accents, languages and dialects which are more common than others because of discrimination, violence and the path of history.
if you say 'british accent', we - in the UK - don't know exactly what you mean. much more than the US, because the english-speaking people have been here longer, we have incredibly different accents just fifty miles away from one another.
but we can guess. you probably don't mean my grandmother's second-language english - even though, by american conversations about race, she is the whitest person you could possibly find. you don't mean my brother, who sounds like a farmer.
you mean my accent. tom hiddleston's accent. benedict cumberbatch. dame judy dench. sir ian mckellen. and they are all wonderful people - but what sort of people are they, exactly? what sort of things do they have in common? why is it that you associate their way of speaking with all of the charming eloquence of 'dark academia' or high levels of education, and my family's english with being 'backward' or 'country bumpkins' or 'uneducated' or, more insidiously, 'salt-of-the-earth good honest folk'?
we are an old country with old prejudices and old classes and old oppression and old discrimination and old hate. my brother speaks with a 'farmer' west country accent; my aunt with a strong doric accent that most english people cannot understand; my father with a mockable birmingham accent; my grandmother with a gaelic accent, because despite the fact that she is from the UK, as scottish as you can get, english is not her first language.
these people exist. my grandmother is a real person, and she is not a dying relic of a forgotten time. her gaelic is not something to drool over in your outlander or braveheart or brave-fuelled scottish romanticism, the purity and goodness of the 'celt' - but there are fewer people like her now. and I would like to invite everyone to think about why that is the case.
if you don't know, you can educate yourself - look up the highland clearances, for a start, or look at the lives of anglo-romani speakers in the UK and the discrimination they face, or irish speakers in northern ireland. like many places, we are a country that has turned inward upon itself. there will always be an 'other'.
and then there's me. raised in southern england and well-educated and, however you want to call it, 'posh'. so why is it that it is my voice, and not theirs, which is considered typically british all over the world?
I think you can probably figure out that one by yourself.
when you talk about the 'british accent', this is doing one of two things. it's serving to perpetuate the myth that the only part of the UK is england, rather than four countries, and the harmful idea that it is only england in the UK that matters. (and only a certain type of people in england, at that.)
secondly, it serves to amalgamate all of the languages and accents and dialects - native or poor or immigrant or colonial - into one, erasing not only their history and importance, but even their very existence.
dearly beloathed person on the internet. I have no idea who you are. but the language scots exists. I'm sorry it's not convenient for you.
but before I go, I would like to take a moment to marvel. 'insufferable, inaccessible brogue'? what assumptions there are, behind your words!
is it 'insufferable' to want to write a story in the language you were raised in? is it 'inaccessible' to want to write a story in the shared language of your own community?
I don't think it is.
I think it takes a special sort of privilege and entitlement to assume that - the same one that assumes whiteness and Americanness and Englishness and able-bodiedness and cisness and maleness and straightness as being the 'standard' human experience, and every single other trait as being a deviance from that, an othering. that's the same entitlement that will describe Turning Red as a story about the chinese experience - but not talk about how Toy Story is a story about the white american middle class experience.
people do not exist for your ease of reading. they do not exist to be 'accessible'. and - what a strange thing, english reader, to assume all books are written for you, at all.
and despite the fact that the text that prompted this was written by one group of white people, translated into the language of another group, and critiqued by a third - this is a conversation about racism too, because it is the same sort of thinking and pervasive stereotyping which goes into how white people and spaces view Black language and language of people of colour around the world. it's about colonialism and it's about slavery and it's aboutsegregation and othering and the immigrant experience and it's about the history of britain - and my god, isn't that a violent one. it's inseparable from it. language is a tool to signify belonging, to shut people out and lock people in. it's a tool used to enforce that othering and discrimination and hate on a systemic level, because it says - I'm different from you. you're different from me. this post is focusing more on the native languages of the UK, but any question of 'correct language' must inevitably talk about racism too, because language is and has always been a signifier of group belonging, and a way to enforce power.
it is used to gatekeep, to enforce conformity, to control, to signify belonging to a particular group, to other. talking about language 'correctness' is NOT and never CAN be a neutral thing.
it reminds me of a quote, and I heard this second hand on twitter and for the life of me cannot remember who said it or exactly how it goes, but the gist of it was a queer writer addressing comments saying how 'universal' their book was, and saying - no, this is a queer book. if you want to find themes and moments in it that are applicable to your 'default' life, 'universals' of emotion and experience, go ahead. but I have had to translate things from the norm my entire life, to make them relatable for me. this time, you do the translation.
I do not speak or write scots or glaswegian, but I grew up reading it and listening to it (as well as doric and gaelic in smaller measures, which are still familiar to me but which I can understand less). for me, that passage is almost as easy to read as english - and the only reason it is slightly more difficult is because, predictably, I don't have a chance to practice reading scots very often at all. it isn't inaccessible to me.
(I was about to write: can you imagine looking at a book written in french, and scowling, saying, 'this is so insufferably foreign!' and then point out how ridiculous that would be. but then I realise - foreign film, cinema, lyrics increasingly in english, reluctance to read the subtitles, the footnotes, to look things up, to engage in any active way in any piece of media. this is an attitude which even in its most mockable, most caricature-like form, is extremely prevalent online. *deep sigh*)
because. what is 'inaccessible'? it means it is difficult for people who are 'normal'. and what is 'normal', exactly? why is a certain class of people the 'default'? could that be, perhaps, a question with very loaded and very extensive political, social and historical answers? who is making the judgement about what language is 'normal'? who gets to decide?
I'd also like to note that this applies to everyone. it doesn't matter if you are a member of an oppressed group, or five, or none, you can still engage in this kind of discrimination and stereotyping. my scottish family, who have themselves had to change the way they speak and many of them lost their gaelic because of it, routinely mock anglo-romani speakers in their local area. I have an indian friend, herself speaking english because of a history of violence and colonialism, who laughed for five minutes at the beginning of derry girls because the girls sounded so 'funny', and asked me: why did they choose to speak like that? my brother, who sounds very stereotypically rural and 'uneducated', laughs at the essex accent and says that he would never date a girl from essex. I had a classmate from wales who was passionate about welsh language rights and indigenous and minority language education but also made fun of the accent of her native-english speaking classmate from singapore. it goes on and on and on.
take the dialect/language question out of the topic, and I think this reveals a much broader problem with a lot of conversations about media, and the implicit assumptions of what being 'normal' [read: white, anglo-centric, american, male, straight, young, able-bodied, cis, etc] actually means:
if something is written about an experience I do not share, is it inaccessible? or is it just written for someone else?
so, please. next time you want to write a review about a dialect or language you don't speak, think a little before you open your mouth.
the rest of the world has to, every time.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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On 20th November 1863 James Bruce the Liberal statesman and diplomat, died.
James Bruce, was a colonial administrator who, during his career, acted as Governor of Jamaica, Governor General of Canada and Viceroy of India. However, his career was overshadowed by the notoriety he gained when in 1860 he ordered the burning of the Emperor of China's Old Summer Palace (which contained priceless works of art) in order to intimidate the Emperor into signing a treaty. More than 3,000 troops fired the palace, which stayed alight for three days whilst its contents were looted, with many goods finding their way to the UK. Several sites are named after Elgin, including Elgin in New Brunswick, Elgin Ontraio and Port Elgin in Canada.
Find out more about him here http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio.php?BioId=38446
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tanadrin · 3 months
My brother linked me this wonderful document of EU-isms in English. One big sticking point the author points out is nouns that are countable/uncountable in English but the other way around in another European language. Occasionally pronunciation as well--i.e., pronouncing "cabinet" as "cabinay."
One example he cites that must be extremely annoying is the way "concerned" means two different things depending on whether it comes before or after a noun: "the concerned official" vs "the official concerned [with something]." I actually have no idea what's happening grammatically there, or whether there are any other words that do that.
Also I did not know that "actor" in the generic sense (as in "state actor") was a particularly North American expression.
Other highlights:
In English, the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’ is generally used to describe a member of any of the West Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) that settled in Britain from the 5th century AD. ... Furthermore, the Anglo-Saxon language ceased to exist in the 12th century (I am ill-informed about Brussels, but the last known speaker in Luxembourg was St Willibrord, 658-73922). This term is particularly inapplicable (and, I gather, irritating for those concerned) when used to describe the Irish, Scots and Welsh, who partly base their national identities on not being descended from the Anglo-Saxons (everybody seems to have forgotten about the poor Jutes), and verges on the ridiculous when used to include West Indians or people like the incumbent US president, who, in EU terminology, would be the leader of the Anglo-Saxon world.
Every now and then a job advertisement appears, saying, for example, that the Commission is looking for a ‘head of sector to animate 12 staff members’. Looking in the Oxford online dictionary for a clue as to what this might mean, we can probably exclude the fact that the person in question will be expected to: ‘bring [the staff members] to life’, or ‘give [them] the appearance of movement using animation techniques’. This means that we are left with ‘giving them inspiration, encouragement, or renewed vigour’, which also sounds a trifle unlikely. Actually the new employee will probably find that he/she will just be expected to lead a team.
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kevin-ar-tuathal · 1 year
I've been meaning to write this post for some time now. As a person from the Galltacht (English-speaking Ireland) living and working in the Gaeltacht (Irish-language Ireland), and operating most of my life through the medium of Irish, I can honestly say that English-language Ireland, Second Language speakers of Irish and Learners of Irish tend to have a really skewered understanding of a) what Béarlachas is, b) the different forms it takes and c) what effects/damage/meaning each of its forms holds.
Contents of this post:
•Perceptions of Béarlachas
•Loanwords Vs Béarlachas
•Different Languages, Different Sounds
•Language Purity Vs Language Planning
Perceptions of "Béarlachas"
Outside of the Gaeltacht, most people's understanding of "Béarlachas", or "Anglicisation" in Irish (which I am deliberately putting between inverted commas!), is the use of so-called "English-language words" in Irish. The usual list people like to list off include:
• Fón
• Teilifís
• Giotár
• Raideo
• Zú* (see Language Purity Vs Language Planning below)
• Carr*
*The ironic thing about the last item being that 'carr' (the word for a personal vehicle) is older than the English-language word 'Car' 🚗.
Second language learners with a bit more exposure to the language deride native speakers, particularly speakers from Conamara, for "using English words and adding '~áil' at the end to make a verb". Several examples being:
• Gúgláil (Google-áil)
• Sioftáil (Shift-áil)
• Sortáil (Sort-áil)
• Péinteáil (Paint-áil)
• Vótáil (Vote-áil)
• Focáilte (F*ck-áilte)
• Supósáilte (Suppose-áilte)
(⚠️NB: it is HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT that I spelt these words in these specific ways in Irish - to be explained below!⚠️)
Other so-called "English language words" in Irish include:
• Veain • Seit • Onóir • Ospidéal • Aláram • Cóta • Plaisteach • Leictreach, 7rl, 7rl...
And what about: "Halla" or "Hata" ??
Loanwords Vs Béarlachas
Before I explain where I'm going with this, I am going to introduce some words that have their origins in other languages, like:
"Seomra" from the Middle French "chambre".
"Séipéal" from the Middle French "chappelle".
"Eaglais" from the Greek "ekklesiastes".
"Pluid" from the Scots "plaide".
"Píopa" from Vulgar Latin "pipa".
"Corcra" from Latin "Purpura" (from before Irish had the sound /p/!)
"Cnaipe" from the Old Norse "knappr".
"Bád" from Anglo-Saxon "bāt".
ALL of these words, like the ones above, came into Irish via the most natural means a language acquires new words: language contact.
The reason WHY the word gets adopted is usually -and this is very important - the word is for something that the culture of the language Borrowed From already has, which is introduced to the language Borrowed Into.
For clarification, what I am trying to say is that languages NATURALLY oppose cultural appropriation by crediting the culture they got a word from by using their word for it...
I.E. "Constructing" a new "pure" word for an item that has come from another culture, is, in effect, a form of cultural appropriation - which is why institutions such as Alliance Française and Íslensk málstöð are at best puritanical, and at worst xenophobic*.
*There is nuance here - there is a difference between institutional efforts to keep a language "pure" (re: those such right-wing English/British and American opinionists who claim that the English language itself is endangered 🙄), and language planning (which also falls under the remit of Íslensk málstöð).
Furthermore, there is also such thing as "dynamic borrowing". This is where technically a language has adopted a word from another language, but has changed its meaning/adapted it to its own need. Let us take two Irish language words for example: "Iarnród" and "Smúdáil"
Iarnród is made up by two words taken from the English language: Iarann, from English language "iron" and Ród, from English-language "road".
Together, these two words mean the English-language term "Railway" - but English has never had the term "Iron Road" to refer to this object.
Similarly, Smúdáil comes from the English-language word "smooth". Only adapted to Irish, and adding the Irish-language verb suffix creates a word which means "to iron (clothing)". 😱
Different Languages, Different Sounds
Every single language on this planet has its own sound system, or "phonology". It is VERY rare for a new sound to be introduced into a different language, and some languages are MUCH more sensitive to what speakers of another language would consider a "subtle" difference, or not a difference at all.
(^roughly ~ish) I am making this simplistic statement to DRIVE home the fact that what English-language speakers and Learners of Irish hear as "the same as the English", Irish speakers hear a SIGNIFICANT phonetic difference.
All consonants in Irish [B, bh, c, ch, d, dh, f, fh, g, gh, h, l, ll, m, mh, n, nn, p, ph, r, rr, s, sh, t, th] - and YES, séimhiú-ed consonants and double consonants count as separate consonants - EACH have at least TWO distinct sounds. Ever heard of that old rhyme "Caol le caol, leathan le leathan"? Well, the reason why it exists ISN'T to be a spelling tip - it's to show how to pronounce each consonant in a word - which of the two distinct sounds to say.
What I mean to say by this is that, when we adopt a word into Irish, we aren't just "grabbing the word from English and hopping a few fadas on it"; we are SPECIFICALLY adapting the word to the Irish language phonetic system.
I.E. when an Irish language speaker is saying the word "frid" THEY ARE NOT USING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORD "fridge" !!!
The sounds used in the English-language word belong to the English language, and the sounds used in the Irish-language word belong to the Irish language.
As a linguist I get very passionate about this distinction - the AMOUNT of times I have come across a self-important Irish language "learner" from the East of the country come to a Gaeltacht and tell native speakers that they are not using the "official" or "correct" version of a word in Irish just GRATES me to no end. PARTICULARILY as these so-called "learners" cannot hear, or typically have made NO effort to understand phonetic differences between the two languages. (Though honestly, on that point, I cannot wholely blame them - it is a fault on Irish language education as a whole that the differences in sound are hardly, if ever, mentioned, let alone taught!)
Language Purity Vs Language Planning
Moving on, as I mentioned earlier, it is very rare for a sound to be adapted into a new language. As many Irish language speakers and learners know, there is no /z/ sound in (most of the dialects of) Irish.
And yet, somehow, the official, modern translation given for the Irish language for "Zoo" is ...
Whenever I think on this given translation, I am always reminded of a good friend of mine, a lady from Carna, who used to always talk about "Súm" meetings she used to go on to talk with friends and family during COVID.
This woman only speaks English as a second language, having only ever learnt it at school and only ever used it in professional environments. She does not have the sound /z/, and as such, pronounces words that HAVE a "z" in them as /s/ sounds, when speaking in Irish OR in English.
As such, I often wonder how An Coiste Téarmaíochta can be so diligent in creating and promoting "Gaelic" words for new things, such as "cuisneoir" instead of "frid"; "guthán" instead of "fón" (which is actually pronounced "pón" in Conamara, as that suits the sound system of that dialect better); or "treochtú" instead of "treindeáil" ... And then turn around and introduce sound and sound combinations such as /z/ in "Zú" and /tv/ and /sv/ in "Tvuít" and "Svaedhpáil" 🤢
It's such this weird combo of being at the same time puritanical with regard to certain words, dismissive in regards to vernacular communities, and ignorant with regards to basic linguistic features of the language.
(Especially when, i mbéal an phobail, there are already such perfectly acceptable terms for these kinda words, like Gairdín na nAinmhithe for "Zú; Tuitéar and Tuít for "twitter" and "tweet"; and Faidhpeáil for "Svaedhpáil".)
This really prescriptivist approach by Irish language institutions needs to end. Not only is it not addressing or engaging with the Irish language as it is spoken by vernacular communities, it is creating this really twisted dynamic between second-language Irish speakers who apparently "know better" than first-language and native speakers of Irish.
This is what "Béarlachas" is. Not the natural adaption of words from a language with which Irish in the present day has most contact with. Not the dynamic inventions of native speakers, and even Second-language-as-vernacular speakers, utilising all the linguistic features available to them, whether that be their own dialects of Irish, English, or whatever OTHER languages/dialects are available to them.
"Béarlachas" is the brute enforcement of English language mentalities and an obsession with "purity" onto Irish, a language that has FOREVER adopted and integrated words, features and people into itself.
Gaeilge, like Éire of old, like the Ireland I want to be part of today, is open, inclusive, non-judgemental - knowing where it is coming from, and knowing that its community is its strength and key to how it has and will survive!
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olympeline · 26 days
Please somebody spare a crumb of kindness and ask me about my scotfruk omegaverse thoughts. I have so many Feelings about the potential dynamics between these three. They are some of my favourite guys to put in situations together. So I’m reworking one of my old posts with a new a/b/o twist:
Gimme a historical human AU where Alasdair, the alpha king of Scotland, was wed to the French prince Francis Bonnefoy to strengthen their nations’ alliance against the English. Everyone assumed Francis - graceful, pretty child he was - would present omega. He might even have been a borderline case who had a “false heat” or two after he hit puberty. So the two royal families were all: “Jackpot!” and married him to Alasdair as soon as they were both of age. Then, disaster! Turns out they’d jumped the gun in the worst way. Against all odds, Francis presented beta. Meaning there could be no children born of his and Alasdair’s union. Disaster for France, much worse disaster for Scotland, opposite of disaster and cause for much laughter, celebrating, and schadenfreude in England. Many jokes made and toasts drunk to royal couple “Alas, no heir” and Francis “Barrenfoy” in the lands Anglo.
Everyone tells Alasdair to set his “useless” husband aside. Annul their marriage and try again. But Alasdair has come to truly love Francis and he refuses. Their wooing was rough at first (ba-dum-tsh!) but opposites attract and they fell for each other in the end. Just in time for all hope to die that Francis could be an omega. Alasdair wouldn’t throw Francis away, though. Fiery, fiercely loving, stubborn man Alasdair is, even Francis himself couldn’t change his mind. Though Francis’s protests are, admittedly, halfhearted as hell. He’s come to love Alasdair just as much. He doesn’t want to lose him or the new life he’s built for himself in Scotland. The guillt still gnaws away at Francis, though. All kings needs progeny as a matter of urgency. If only he hadn’t presented beta. Then everything would be all right.
Meanwhile the English, once they got over their hangovers, decided to take advantage of their neighbour’s political woes and attack the Scottish borderlands. Their forces lead by one Arthur Bloody Kirkland: beta English prince, ready to kick some tartan on his father’s orders. The English aim to seize the lowlands but, unfortunately for them, Alasdair and Francis aren’t so distracted that they’ve forgetten how to fight. It turns into a Battle of Bannockburn style Scottish victory and not only is the English army sent fleeing, but Arthur himself is captured. Though he at least manages to hide his identity and pretend to be an ordinary knight. Swapping armour with a dead comrade just before capture and letting the jubilant Scots believe they’d killed their enemy’s crown prince. The last thing Arthur wants is to be executed or used as a hostage so England is bankrupted getting him back. They’ve lost enough as is with his humiliating defeat. Arthur is taken back to Alasdair’s castle and made into a gift for Francis. Even after such a big victory, Alasdair can see his husband is still depressed and hopes having a sassenach slave to torment will cheer him up. Arthur gave Alasdair plenty of lip while being questioned and afterwards Alasdair decided a life spent on his knees (ahem) as a servant would be just what the doctor ordered for the proud, haughty Englishman.
Francis and Arthur are Francis and Arthur no matter what the universe and sparks fly right from the get-go. Francis does enjoy tormenting Arthur but Arthur gives as good as he gets and Francis…likes it? They both do, actually. Just staring across the room in a: “Grrr, I hate you so much but I want you inside me so badly you bastard fuck you!” way. More guilt for Francis because now he’s attracted to two men on top of everything else and only one of them is his spouse. Alasdair notices and is pissed as hell but then he also can’t help imagining that blonde on blonde Action and ffffuuuuck. He should just get rid of Arthur, who’s a terrible servant anyway, but ffffuuuuck. Seeing him on his knees is…ffffuuuuck. Also, much more importantly, having Arthur around to fight with has rallied Francis’s low spirits at last. So throwing their prisoner in the nearest loch is a big no-no. You played yourself, Alasdair. For Arthur’s part, he knows he should be trying to escape and not thinking so much about Auld Alliance double dickings but it’s like he’s losing his mind around them. Seriously, what is wrong with him? Why is he feeling this way for these sexy husbands he’s meant to hate and also it’s winter so why the fuck is he suddenly so hot all the time?! Scotland is meant to be cold but Arthur is stumbling around flushed and unsteady with a brain full of cotton as if he were drunk. This must be how omegas feel when their heats are close. But that’s not relevant to Arthur, who’s confident he’s 100% a beta and always has been. Which is fortunate because an omega can’t be king in England. Absolutely, totally against the law down there. So it’s a good thing that’s not what Arthur is. That he definitely isn’t one of the 0.01% of omegas who present late for Reasons no one understands yet because it’s the past and advanced medicine still involves covering people in leeches and yelling at stars. No, Arthur is just coming down with something. He definitely isn’t a late bloomer. Definitely. Definitely, definitely. Otherwise his already bad situation would be even worse! And even Arthur Bloody Kirkland isn’t that unlucky. Hahahaha haha…haha…ha
So that’s our pitch, folks! We have Alasdair: the alpha king trying to balance complex political realities with adoration for his spouse. Alongside Francis: the beta king consort torn apart by the guilt of being one of his beloved Alasdair’s Biggest Problems in a way he can’t fix. And finally Arthur: the captured beta (…) secret prince trying to find a way to escape back to his kingdom before anyone discovers his true identity. Oh the drama, oh the angst, oh the romance, oh the everything. Good God, please let me ramble on about these fictional men. I am Like This thinking about them:
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dear-indies · 10 months
Hello! What are some of your favorite Pro-Palestine, Anti Zionist fc's you'd like to see used more? I want to make an OC and have zero ideas but I want to try to only use FC's that, like, aren't heartless pieces of shit, ya know?
Cherien Dabis (1976) Palestinian / Jordanian.
Michael Malarkey (1983) Palestinian, Italian-Maltese / Irish, German.
May Calamawy (1986) Jordanian, Palestinian / Egyptian.
Dina Shihabi (1989) Palestinian, Saudi Arabian / Norwegian, German and Haitian.
Nemahsis / Nemah Hasan (1994) Palestinian.
Angel Guardian (1998) Palestinian and Filipino.
Noor Taher (1999) Palestinian and Lebanese.
Saint Levant (2000) Palestinian, Serbian / Algerian, French.
Josie Totah (2001) Palestinian / Lebanese, Italian, Irish, German - is a trans woman.
+ an entire masterlist of Palestinian fcs!
Why I'm not adding people who have only asked for a ceasefire.
HERE is @leepacey's list.
I also have a private list you're welcome to DM me for, both also have people who support Isr*el for people to avoid.
Vanessa Redgrave (1937)
Miriam Margolyes (1941) Jewish.
Charles Dance (1946)
Patti Smith (1946)
Duke Erikson / Garbage (1951)
Annie Lennox (1954)
Butch Vig / Garbage (1955)
Juliet Stevenson (1956)
Peter Capaldi (1958) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Steve Marker / Garbage (1959)
Hugo Weaving (1960)
Michael Stipe (1960)
Liam Cunningham (1961)
Sabrina Ferilli (1964)
Paco Tous (1964)
Robert Del Naja / Massive Attack (1965)
Björk (1965)
John Cusack (1966)
Shirley Manson / Garbage (1966)
Aasif Mandvi (1966) Indian.
Serj Tankian (1967) Armenian.
Tricky / Massive Attack (1968) Afro Jamaican / Anglo-Guyanese.
Kathleen Hanna (1968)
Benedict Wong (1971) Hongkonger.
Boots Riley (1971) African-American, one quarter Ashkenazi Jewish (maternal grandmother), small amounts of German, English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Scottish, Wampanoag.
Ava DuVernay (1972) Louisiana Creole.
Gabrielle Union (1972) African-American.
Poorna Jagannathan (1972) Indian.
Haifa Wehbe (1972) Egyptian / Lebanese.
Kimya Dawson (1972) African-American.
Ava DuVernay (1972) African-American.
Cat Power (1972)
Sarah Sophie Flicker (1973) Jewish.
Omar Metwally (1974) Egyptian / Dutch.
Maxine Peake (1974)
Itziar Ituño (1974)
Nelly Karim (1974) Egyptian / Russian.
Mahershala Ali (1974) African-American.
Sara Ramírez (1975) Mexican and some Irish - non-binary, queer and bisexual (they/them).
Carice van Houten (1976)
Karen Olivo (1976) Puerto Rican [Spanish, Indigenous, possibly other] / Dominican Republic, Chinese - is non-binary (they/them).
Haaz Sleiman (1976) Lebanese - is gay.
Antonio De Matteo (1978)
Joelle Mardinian (1977) Lebanese.
Alberto Ammann (1978) Argentinan.
Daniel Brühl (1978)
Max Collins / Eve 6 (1978)
Kayvan Novak (1978) Iranian.
Residente / René Pérez Joglar (1978) Puerto Rican.
Immortal Technique (1978) Amerindian, Spanish, French and African.
Hend Sabry (1979) Egyptian.
Luis Bordonada (1979) Mexican.
Kate Box (1979) - is gay.
Ser Anzoategui (1979) Argentinian and Paraguayan - is non-binary (they/them).
Dorra Zarrouk (1980) Tunisian.
Amerie (1980) African-American / Korean.
Angelica Ross (1980) African-American - is trans.
Dargen D'Amico (1980)
Gustaf Skarsgård (1980)
Madeleine Sami (1980) Fijian-Indian / White - is a lesbian.
Khalid Abdalla (1980) Egyptian.
Arian Moayed (1980) Iranian.
Massari (1980) Lebanese.
Tahar Rahim (1981) Algerian.
Kaan Urgancıoğlu (1981) Turkish.
Shawna Farmer / chubbycartwheels (1981)
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer.
Morgan Spector (1981) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, German, some Scottish and English.
Jesse Williams (1981) African-American, Seminole / Swedish.
Amanda Seales (1981) African-American / Grenadian [African, at least one quarter European].
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani.
Arthur Darvill (1982) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Emel Mathlouthi (1982) Tunisian.
Rajshri Deshpande (1982) Indian.
Niamh McGrady (1982)
Yolanda Bonnell (1982) Ojibwe, White / Indian - is two-spirit and queer (she/they) - is open about having OCD and ADHD!
Macklemore (1983)
Luna Maya (1983) Indonesian.
Amir Eid (1983) Egyptian.
Aisling Bea (1984)
Mohamed Emam (1984) Egyptian.
Mahira Khan (1984) Pakistani.
Alex Meraz (1984) Mexican [Purepecha].
Sami Zayn (1984) Syrian.
Jena Malone (1984)
Zawe Ashton (1984) Ugandan / White - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Siobhan Thompson (1984)
Ravyn Ariah Wngz (1984) Mohawk, Tanzanian, Afro-Bermudian - is a Two-Spirit trans woman (she/her).
Kristin Chirico (1984) - is questioning their gender, “encompassing a lot of things” but is not yet sure if she’s nonbinary or a gender non-confirming woman and uses they/her - openly bisexual and demisexual and have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, and asthma.
Tamanna Roashan (1984) Indian / Afghani.
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified - non-binary and pansexual (they/them).
Burak Özçivit (1984) Turkish.
Enjy Kiwan (1984) Egyptian.
Kid Cudi (1984) African-American.
Sepideh Moafi (1985) Iranian.
Lilan Bowden (1985) Taiwanese / English, Welsh.
Alex Meraz (1985) Mexican [Purépecha].
Aabria Iyengar (1985) African-American.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian.
Marina Diamandis (1985)
Troian Bellisario (1985) American, Louisiana Creole [African, French, English] / White.
Sonam Kapoor (1985) Indian.
Carmen V. Ortega Baljian (1985)
Carsie Blanton (1985) Jewish.
Haley Webb (1985)
Yani Gellman (1985) Ashkenazi Jewish, possibly other.
Giulia Michelini (1985)
Lewis Hamilton (1985) Afro Grenadian / White.
Eréndira Ibarra (1985) Mexican - is bisexual.
Karim Kassem (1986) Egyptian / Egyptian Jewish.
Mihaela Drăgan (1986) Romani - is queer.
Asim Chaudhry (1986) Pakistani.
Jenna Coleman (1986) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Diane Guerrero (1986) Colombian.
Whitney Greyton (1986) Black South African / Namibian - is queer (she/they).
Fahriye Evcen (1986) Turkish.
Amber Riley (1986) African-American.
Ericka Hart (1986) African-American - is non-binary femme, queer, and polyamorous (she/they).
Lido Pimienta (1986) Colombian [Wayuu, Afro-Colombian] - is queer.
Mihaela Dragan (1986) Romani.
DJ Snake (1986) Algerian / French.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani, Spanish [including Andalusian] - is a lesbian.
Saagar Shaikh (1986) Pakistani.
Mustafa Ali (1986) Pakistani.
Lily Gladstone (1986) Kainai Blackfoot, Amskapi Pikuni Blackfoot, Nez Perce, Dutch, Cajun - she/they.
Pidgeon Pagonis (1986) Mexican and Greek - is intersex and non-binary (they/them).
Guz Khan (1986) Pakistani.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - is gay.
Bob the Drag Queen (1986) African-American - is polyamorous, pansexual and non-binary (he/her).
Asim Chaudhry (1986/87) Pakistani.
Marwa Agrebi (1987) Tunisian.
Mercury Stardust (1987) - is non-binary trans femme (she/they).
Sasha Velour (1987) Russian Jewish / Ukrainian, other - is genderfluid (she/they when not in drag, she while in drag).
Susan Wokoma (1987) Nigerian.
Munroe Bergdorf (1987) Afro Jamaican / English - is trans.
Michael B. Jordan (1987) African-American.
Juliana Huxtable (1987) African-American - is trans.
Nicola Coughlan (1987)
Anjana Vasan (1987) Tamil Indian.
Pearl Mackie (1987) West Indian / English - is bisexual.
Erika Ishii (1987) Japanese - is genderfluid (she/they/any) - also posted on Brennan’s post: “Thank you for always being thoughtful with your advocacy and direct in your action. From the river to the sea.”
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic, boycotted the Sydney Festival 2022 for Palestine.
Carina Shero (1988)
Joe Cole (1988)
Elsa Hosk (1988)
Kendrick Sampson (1988) African-American / English, Scottish, German, Cajun/French, Danish, Norwegian.
Kelly Piquet (1988) Brazilian.
Navild Acosta (1988) African-American - is non-binary queer (he/him).
Brennan Lee Mulligan (1988)
Swara Bhasker (1988) Indian.
Aiysha Hart (1988) Saudi Arabian and English.
John Early (1988) - is gay.
Sabrina Dhowre Elba (1988) Somali.
Joel Kim Booster (1988) Korean - is gay and has bipolar disorder.
Gratiela Brancusi (1989) Romani and Greek Romanian.
Frank Waln (1989) Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux.
Rakeen Saad (1989) Jordadian.
Morfydd Clark (1989)
Mary Lambert (1989) - is a lesbian.
Meyne Wyatt (1989) Wongutha and Yamatji.
Dina Torkia (1989) Egyptian / English.
Kiell Smith-Bynoe (1989) Afro Barbadian and Afro Jamaican - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Laith Ashley (1989) Afro Dominican - is a trans man and asexual.
Shea Couleé / Jaren Kyei Merrell (1989) African-American - non-binary (they but she/her while in drag).
Emma Watson (1990)
Mitski (1990) Japanese / White.
Arrows Fitz (1990) African-American - is non-binary (he/they/she/it).
Shirine Boutella (1990) Algerian.
Luke Baines (1990)
Julia Jacklin (1990)
Josh O’Connor (1990) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Paapa Essiedu (1990) Ghanaian - and donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Lolly Adefope (1990) Yoruba Nigerian.
Tabria Majors (1990) African-American.
Rosaline Elbay (1990) Egyptian.
Katie Findlay (1990) English, Hongkonger, Portuguese-Macanese, Scottish - is queer (they/them).
Poppy Liu (1990) Chinese - is non-binary (she/they).
Shareena Clanton (1990) Blackfoot, Cherokee, African-American, Wangkatha, Yamatji, Noongar, Gija.
Maren Morris (1990)
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, White.
Leigh-Anne Pinnock (1991) Afro Barbadian and Jamaican.
Joe Alwyn (1991)
Emily Ratajkowski (1991)
Jari Jones (1991) African-American / Filipino - is trans.
Vico Ortiz (1991) Puerto Rican - non-binary (they/them).
Denée Benton (1991) African-American.
Dylan O'Brien (1991)
Bonnie Wright (1991)
Ramy Youssef (1991) Egyptian.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British.
Ali Burak Ceylan (1991) Turkish.
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / Italian, including Sicilian - also has Spoken up for Sudan.
Alexa Nikolas (1992)
Emma D’Arcy (1992) - is non-binary (they/them).
Jarvis Johnson (1992) Unspecified.
Tasha Cloud (1992) African-American - is a lesbian.
Jess Bush (1992)
Rosa Robson (1992) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Jade Thirlwall (1992) English, three eights Arab [Egyptian, Yemeni], small amount of Scottish.
Faia Younan (1992) Syrian.
Merhan Keller (1992) Egyptian.
Julien Solomita (1992)
Pauline Chalamet (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scottish, Irish, French.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is a trans woman.
Paloma Elsesser (1992) African-American / Chilean-Swiss.
Katie Gavin / MUNA (1992) - is queer.
Rupi Kaur (1992) Punjabi Indian.
Joana Ribeiro (1992)
Medalion Rahimi (1992) Iranian, Iranian Jewish - uses she/they.
Conor Mason / Nothing But Thieves (1992)
Rose Matafeo (1992) Samoan / Scottish and Croatian.
Zaqi Ismail (1992) Tanzanian.
Cailin Russo (1993)
Tara Emad (1993) Egyptian / Yugoslav Montenegrin.
Younes Bendjima (1993) Algerian.
Bobbi Salvör Menuez (1993) - is trans non-binary (they/them).
Stormzy (1993) Ghanaian.
Chance the Rapper (1993) African-American.
Raveena Aurora (1993) Punjabi Indian.
Naomi McPherson / MUNA (1993) West Indian and Irish - is queer and nonbinary (they/them).
Freddy Carter (1993)
Ghali (1993) Tunisian.
Jordan Alexander (1993) German, Irish, African-American.
Charlotte Day Wilson (1993)
Mia Khalifa (1993) Lebanese.
Maria Thattil (1993) Indian.
AJ Tracey (1994) Afro-Trinidadian / Welsh.
Ben Barlow (1994)
Asia Jackson (1994) Ibaloi Filipino and African American.
Isabella Roland (1994) Jewish.
Josette Maskin / MUNA (1994) Jewish - is queer and nonbinary (she/they).
Aimee Lou Wood (1994)
Rose Williams (1994)
Joseph Quinn (1994) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / English, German, one quarter Norwegian, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - is queer.
Theo Tiedemann (1994) Asian - is trans non-binary and gay (he/they).
Little Simz (1994) Yoruba Nigerian.
Huda Elmufti (1994) Egyptian.
Dylan Gelula (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified.
Arsema Thomas (1994) Nigerian / Ethiopian - is non-binary (she/they).
Earl Sweatshirt (1994) Black South African.
Kurtis Conner (1994)
Julien Baker (1995) - is a lesbian.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Irish, Choctaw - non-binary womxn, lesbian and polyamorous - she/they.
Achraf Koutet (1995) Moroccan.
Lucy Dacus (1995) - is queer.
Jack Wolfe (1995) - is queer - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Daniel Caesar (1995) Afro Barbadian and Jamaican.
Archie Madekwe (1995) Igbo Nigerian (one quarter), White.
Jazzelle / Jazzeppi Zanaughtti (1995) Afircan-American.
Elvina Mohamad (1995) Malaysian.
Stanzi Potenza (1995) - is non-binary (she/they) - has epilepsy and ADHD.
Willow Pill (1995) - is trans femme, has cystinosis and is autistic.
Bree Kish (1996) ¼ Black.
Alessia Cara (1996)
CMAT / Ciara Mary-Alice Thompson (1996) - is bisexual.
Josefine Frida Pettersen (1996)
María Isabel (1996) Dominican.
Mustafa the Poet (1996) Sudanese.
Lorde (1996)
Florence Pugh (1996)
Lowkey (1986) Iraqi / English.
Denzel Curry (1995) Afro Bahamian and Unspecified Native American.
Brandon Soo Hoo (1995) Chinese.
Lily Gao (1995) Chinese.
Halema Hussain (1995) - Sylheti.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they.
Grace Van Dien (1996)
Diana Veras (1996) Dominican.
Abdelhamid Sabiri (1996) Moroccan.
Lauren Jauregui (1996) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other], likely some Basque - is bisexual.
Ally Beardsley (1996) - is non-binary (they/them).
Thea Sofie Loch Naess (1996)
AURORA (1996)
Leo Sheng (1996) Chinese - is a trans man.
Imaan Hammam (1996) Moroccan / Egyptian.
Tavi Gevinson (1996) Ashkenazi Jewish / Norwegian [converted to Judaism].
Quintessa Swindell (1997) African-American / White - is non-binary (they/he).
070 Shake (1997) Dominican - doesn't like to put labels on her sexuality.
Zara Larsson (1997)
Faye Webster (1997)
Alison Oliver (1997) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Juliette Motamed (1997) Iranian.
Madeline Ford (1997)
Asa Butterfield (1997)
Scene Queen (1997)
Micheal Ward (1997) Afro Jamaican.
Xiran Jay Zhao (1997) Hui Chinese - is non-binary (they/them).
Lori Harvey (1997) African-American.
Mayan El Sayed (1997) Egyptian.
Hania Aamir (1997) Pakistani.
Sisi Stringer (1997) African Australian.
Omar Apollo (1997) Mexican - is gay.
Kaiit (1997) Papuan / Gunditjmara, Torres Strait Islander - is non-binary (she/he/they).
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - is apsec.
Iman Meskini (1997) Tunisian / Norweigan - is pro Palestine!
Clara Nieblas (1997) Mexican.
Janella Salvador (1998) Bisaya Filipino.
Ethel Cain (1998) - is a trans bisexual woman.
Joanna Pincerato (1998) Mexican, Syrian. Swedish and Italian.
Joanna Arida (1998) Jordadian.
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger and Jewish - is deaf, trans genderqueer and pansexual (he/they).
Benedetta Porcaroli (1998)
Em / Not Even Emily / Still Not Emily (1998) Taiwanese / Chinese.
Luna Carmoon (1998)
Gretta Ray (1998)
Clairo (1998) - is bisexual and has juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
SANTAN / Dave (1998) Edo Nigerian.
Salsabiela A. (1998) Unspecified.
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican, Ashkenazi Jewish.
Celeste O'Connor (1998) Kenyan - is non-binary (they/them).
Wegz (1998) Egyptian.
Jessica Alexander (1999)
Rafaela Plastira (1999)
Minami Gessel (1999) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Kenna Sharp (1999) - is queer.
Samara Joy (1999) African-American.
Sab Zada (1999) Chinese, Filipino, and Hispanic.
Zoe Terakes (2000) Greek Australian - trans masc non-binary guy (they/he).
Anthony Lexa (2000) - is a trans woman.
Marissa Bode (2000) African-American - is disabled.
Odessa A'zion (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, English, some Irish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German.
Reneé Rapp (2000) - is a lesbian.
Celia Rose Gooding (2000) African-American - bisexual and gray asexual, uses she/they - also saw somewhere they don't like being called a woman.
Lucas Jade Zumann (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly German.
Cat Burns (2000) Liberian - is queer, autistic and has ADHD.
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan (2001) Tamil.
Andria Tayeh (2001) Jordanian and Lebanese.
Freya Allan (2001)
Ari Notartomaso (2001) - is non-binary (they/he).
Rachel Zegler (2001) Colombian / White.
Maria Guardiola (2001)
Hope Ikpoku Jnr (2001) Black British.
Morgan Davies (2001) - is a trans man.
Corey Maison (2001) - is a trans woman.
Ahmet Haktan Zavlak (2001) Turkish.
Kei Kurosawa (2001) Bisaya Filipino and Japanese.
Rhea Norwood (2001) - has type 1 diabetes.
Aaron Rose Philip (2001) Afro-Antiguan - is a trans woman who has cerebral palsy.
Denise Julia (2002) Filipino.
Nessa Barrett (2002) Puerto Rican.
Yara Mustafa (2002) Jordanian.
Iris Apatow / Iris Scot (2002) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, Scottish, Finnish, German.
Kosar Ali (2003) Somali.
Paris Paloma (?)
Madeleine Hyland (?)
Bobby Sanchez (?) Peruvian [Quechua] - is Two-Spirit and trans, uses she/her sometimes they/they).
Nick Hakim (?) Chilean / Peruvian.
Micaela López Bianchi (?) Argentinian.
Jas Lin (?) Taiwanese - is queer (they/them).
Georgia Maq (?)
Eddy Mack (?) Jordanian.
Ellie Kim / SuperKnova (?) Korean - genderfluid, transgender woman (she/her).
Alexia Roditis / Destory Boys (?) - uses they/them.
Violet Mayugba / Destory Boys (?)
Narsai Malik / Destory Boys (?)
David Orozco / Destory Boys (?)
Neil Turner / Los Campesinos! (?)
Tom Bromley / Los Campesinos! (?)
Kim Paisey / Los Campesinos! (?)
Rob Taylor / Los Campesinos! (?)
Jason Adelinia/ Los Campesinos! (?)
Matt Fidler / Los Campesinos! (?)
Raul Briones (?) Mexican.
Britton Smith (?) Black.
Farrah / farrahescapes (?) Emirati.
CJ / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Gian / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Rapha / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Gab / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Sevii / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Ilocano Filipino.
Xen / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Ilocano Filipino.
Grey Gritt (?) Ojibwe and Metis - is genderqueer (they/them).
Elaine Crombie (?) Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, Warrigmay, South Sea Islander, and White.
Nori Reed (?) Korean / Unspecified - is non-binary (she/her).
Shahd Khidir (?) Sudanese.
Arewà Basit (?) Black - uses she/they.
Majid Al Maskati / Majid Jordan (?) Bahraii.
Jordan Ullman / Majid Jordan (?)
+ please let me know if you want more!
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rmsstevielol · 2 months
i love how anytime the Scots talk about independence the English ALWAYS have to bring up the empire as if we didn’t want independence then… we did. Even in the empire when there were scots involved along with Irish and Welshmen, we were all still being treated horrifically, the soldiers who were involved were used as almost “scare troops”, in other words they sent them in first as a scare tactic and almost always the death toll was higher in the Scottish, Irish and Welsh soldiers. If we look outside of the people involved, the civilians were getting screwed over so bad, the highland clearances, the lowland clearances, Culloden, the fact that their culture was being destroyed and some even consider it a genocide. As a result of this a lot of Scots were forced to move over to places like, North Carolina where they lived with the native Americans (surprisingly they actually married and lived peacefully, mostly) and this was because they actually had a lot of similarities in the way they lived and were treated. There was even a saying “a savage to another savage” which is horrific for both sides. Furthermore, those who were in the British army were considered “traitors” by their own families.
So, although it isn’t widely known about the horrors that occurred within Britain, they very much happened and still affect the countries today and they really weren’t “not that deep”, they were horrific HOWEVER that does not mean Scottish people are ignoring their countries involvement in the British empire ofc, Scotland was involved, there’s a reason why it’s the British empire, but it was very much a Anglo-centric empire and union, hence the reason why half the world speaks English and not Scottish Gaelic or Welsh etc yk?.
In short, dear English people, please everytime we mention our independence don’t think we are disregarding our involvement and stop pretending like we’re blaming it ALL on you lot but also stop pretending like you’re innocent because I promise you’re not, not gonna lie, Scottish, Welsh and Irish people have the right to not like you so stop pretending like we don’t (not all of you ofc). Independence has been a dream since the union was formed and the want for it is still alive today.
sorry i needed to rant becuase people on TikTok are ATTACKING me and I can’t comment long comments on there :))
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amuseoffyre · 7 months
Nothing like reading old documents by 18th century politicians writing about your ancestors and how to 'pacify the heathen savages', eh?
"It is easy to perceive the General Savage Character of the people, that the thoughts of such Evils, must kindle in their breasts the blackest of flames of Malice and Despair, and hurry them on to the perpetration of all the evil suggestions of their barbarous Inclinations"
Just in case anyone wondered what the establishment thought of Highland Scots.
"Ethnologically the Celtic race is an inferior one and, attempt to disguise it as we may, there is... no getting rid of the great cosmical fact that it is destined to give way... before the higher capabilities of the Anglo-Saxon"
Them: how do we deal with them? Them: ROMAN STYLE! Let's colonise tf out of them, abduct their children, evict them, plant our loyal *coughprotestantcough* people on their land, pay people to spy on them, ban their clothing and language and strip them of weapons and dignity. And if they complain, beat 'em, banish 'em or hang 'em.
They weren't even subtle. The papers I was reading had a whole section headed "Colonies".
🙃keeping it classy, gents.
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