#vicchan old
Things to read while Can You Hear My Heartbeat is on vacation #3
The Storeroom Incident
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Yuuri's plan to commemorate Vicchan at the Floating Lantern Festival almost ends in Viktor discovering all the merch Yuuri has ever bought of his idol-turned-coach. Naturally, Yuuri is very protective of this particular secret, but little did he know how nosy Viktor can be, especially when being in his cups.
Tags: summer of mutual pining, dorks in love, secrets, character study, falling in love, slice of life
The well-known mix of grief and guilt settled over Yuuri as he knelt in front of the butsudan and he let it happen because he deserved it. “Hi, Vicchan,” he said to the framed picture of the brown poodle pup that was hugged by Yuuri’s twelve-year-old self. He placed a plate with sticky buns on the altar. “I hope you’ve been fine. I, um, brought you fresh food.”
Yuuri lit incense and folded his hands. As he closed his eyes, an echo of the sheer joy when his parents had presented him with the brown toy poodle for his twelfth birthday twisted his heart as if it had happened yesterday. Yuuri had named the tiny dog after his idol. He would never forget the first time he had brought Vicchan to the rink to show it to Yuuko—on that day his best friend had realised how big of a fan of Viktor Yuuri was, and her support had ultimately brought Yuuri to pursue his dream of becoming Viktor’s equal. Vicchan had been the faithful companion by Yuuri’s side who had comforted him after a disastrous practice or a bad result at a domestic competition for years to come. Vicchan had been a constant reminder of the dream that so often had seemed too large to bear alone until…
His heart heavy, Yuuri blinked away his tears. “Vicchan, I wish you were still around. You would have a playmate now. He’s a lot like you, but much bigger and greedier. I think you two would have lots of fun together. To be honest, I came because—”
“There you are,” a familiar voice said from the door.
Yuuri jumped. “Viktor!”
Viktor was leaning against the door frame, his long, shaved legs sticking out of a pair of bermudas. The T-shirt he was wearing had the size of a tent, hiding his muscular frame. “I wanted to ask you if you want to go to the rink a few minutes earlier.” He lifted his T-shirt to fan himself. “I must buy ome ice cream on the way before this greenhouse climate is going to melt me.”
“Okay,” Yuuri said, suppressing a chuckle. Since summer had arrived in Kyushu, Viktor had been claiming that the climate was hotter than a Finnish sauna—a statement Yuuri begged to differ on. “I could use some ice cream myself.”
A smile spread across Viktor’s face. “Okay.” His gaze shifted to the butsudan. “What are you doing here?”
“Visiting Vicchan.”
Viktor’s flip-flops made a soft slapping noise as he walked across the tatami mats covering the floor. His blue eyes focused on the framed picture on the altar. “That’s your poodle? He’s cute!”
*end of excerpt*
Reblog appreciated 💙💜
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porkcutlett · 11 months
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I guess you could say I’m new here on tumblr but I run a Instagram page and I have had that for way longer so there’s going to be more posts on there. Im going to eventually post some of my old drawings onto here just not all of them, if you could check out my account on Instagram that would be lovely 😭
But anyways this is my yuri on Ice x corpse bride au and I’m living for it. Viktor is Emily, yuuri is Victor, yuuko is Victoria, and vicchan is scraps 💀
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evereinefaust · 5 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Whisky X afab!Reader
Synopsis: Ever since he found her again, he promised to never let her go. He promised to stay with her, to bind himself with her until the very end. Just like the Orion constellation.
Word Count: 10,832
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Maybe it was the lighting... Or maybe it was the food he ate or the drink he drank... Whatever the reason, Whisky cannot tear his eyes from his master attendant. This particular girl whom he met not that long ago... This young lady with whom he instantly felt a deep-rooted connection. Here she was, laughing and playing with the youngsters outside underneath the gorgeous evening—the royal blue blanket littered with bright diamonds shone and twinkled above them, and the bright full moon brought out its luminescence to the peaceful town below.
The beige-haired food soul could only watch the girl from the shadows, leaning against a nearby tree from where she was playing in the garden. His crimson hues flitted all over her body—from the tips of her fingers which she extended towards Vanilla and Strawberry, to her chest heaving up and down from adrenaline, then to her mesmerizing [e/c] orbs shining with determination. Just from looking at her from afar, Whisky cannot remove the feeling of dizziness. He couldn't comprehend how or why he was reacting this way every night he would look at the teenager. However, there's only one thing he was certain of—[Y/n] [L/n], his current master attendant, shone so bright in contrast to the evening ambiance.
Letting out a muted sigh, Whisky once again resumed his daily observation of the female. This time, compared to his many practices before, he was seated on the garden table, sipping a fine tea while idly watching the [h/c]ette. His crimson irises fell upon her bright features, and a sudden warmth enveloped him amidst the cold evening. Turning his attention to his teacup, he could see the colorful stars reflected in his drink. He lifted the apparatus to his lips, drinking deeply the content it contained.
"Vicchan," a familiar voice called out.
Ah... Just hearing that sweet voice made his heart flutter. The way she pronounced each syllable of the nickname she had for him caused butterflies to swirl in his stomach. Placing the cup down gently on the saucer, Whisky slowly raised his head, his half-lidded carmine orbs meeting with the girl whom he adored. A sly smirk danced across his handsome features, propping his elbow on the delicate furniture to rest his cheek on his palm.
"What is it, Master? Is there any need for my presence?" he softly asked, the tone of his voice containing hidden intent as usual.
Whether or not he intended to sound scheming, he didn't care. It was just his nature, and he didn't mind everyone else avoiding him or sending dirty glares. He didn't care for what they thought, and just because he became part of the family doesn't mean that he would leave his old practice and change anew. He wouldn't be Whisky if he did—the villain everyone knew and held contempt for; the one who destroyed the lives of both food souls and humans for his gain; the one who vowed to bring his precious person back...
This is the Whisky she had met and accepted as her food soul. Yet, despite his villainous nature, this particular girl didn't hold any spite towards him; rather, she held compassion. After all, this particular girl is the only one who can break past his facade and understand his intention deep within. That's just one of the things he admired about her.
Her lower lip puckered out in a faint pout, the subtle crease in between her eyebrows evident. "You've been watching me from here for the past hour now."
Ah... How cute. Did she finally notice his routine? Well, whatever it may be, it didn't fail a genuine smile to emerge on his lips.
"Are you perhaps uncomfortable with my staring, [Y/n]-sama? I could leave if you wanted me to," he dryly chuckled.
However, the mentioned girl only shook her head. "No. I don't want you to leave. I want you to accompany me."
"And why is that?"
"Well..." she murmured, shyly shuffling in her place. "I've told the kids to return inside and rest since it's getting late..."
"And? Aren't you going in as well?"
"Well, I don't want to sleep yet. Besides, I want to spend some time with you; we enacted the contract half a year ago yet we barely get to know each other," she explained, her bright eyes silently pleading for him to comply with her request. "I just thought that this would be a perfect chance to bond with you..."
Bond, huh...? When Lilia was held prisoner in that tower and the only time she had interaction with him, does she even consider that as bonding? Does she consider talking to her warden as bonding? Does she consider him slowly poisoning her to death bonding? May it be for whatever reason but the male couldn't comprehend why they act like this. Aren't they afraid of him?
Whisky wanted to decline, however, at the same time, he was quite curious about the outcome if he were to comply. Add also the fact that he cannot resist giving in to her looking so pitiful like that.
"Very well, then. If it's my master's demands, then I shall see to satisfy it," he expressed, pushing the chair back as he stood.
[Y/n]'s face lit up at his answer. Like an overjoyed child, she rushed around the table and grasped Whisky's hand. The sudden warmth of her skin invaded his cold ones. It took him by surprise, though did nothing against her gesture.
"How about we go for a walk around the garden? The evening breeze is nice and I also wanna observe the garden at this hour," the teenager tittered, [e/c] hues sparkling like the stars above. She had a large grin on her face, tugging the male with her towards the stone pathway. "Let's go, Vicchan!"
The food soul could only muster up a small smile at her childish antics, allowing the [h/c]ette to drag him along. Even though this wasn't what he anticipated in his relationship with her, he wasn't regretting this decision in the slightest. Maybe... Just maybe, she would be the one to force him out of his past shell. Maybe, with her help, he could learn how to walk once again.
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The kingdom’s happy laughter and cheerful voices were all trampled over, the cost of the people’s hunger and poverty. The masses, suffering from disaster, eventually chose the path of revolt. Whisky’s Master Attendant came to realize all of this and proceeded to take all of the easily transportable valuables with him. Then, he ordered Whisky to help him escape the kingdom that very night. It wasn’t long after their horse carriage left that the kingdom was quickly breached by its people.
Whisky watched the ending to this story, which he had long come to understand. Yet, all the while, he expected a miracle to appear. It was probably because he’d heard the same fairytale too many times, over and over again. It was the first time he had even the slightest shred of hope in God’s mercy.
But God still betrayed him.
Once Whisky was done settling with his Master Attendant, he went back to the kingdom. Was it because he wanted to save that girl, who probably hadn’t been discovered by the furious mob? Was that why he went back to that aerial ‘cage’? He constantly asked himself why he went back.
But before he could get his answer, he was met with an ice-cold corpse, pierced by a long sword, lying on the ground. The fresh blood’s crimson reflected his scarlet eyes. Only the smile on the girl’s face proved that she was alive only moments before.
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"Lilia..." her name escaped his lips softly as he fluttered his lids open, crimson hues staring at the milky ceiling above.
Heaving a sigh, Whisky pulled his upper body to sit on his bed, a hand resting on his face. His gaze stared at the blanket on his lap, eyes half-lidded and lips parted. It wasn't the first time he had nightmares of that particular princess—the image of her bright smile on her pale, lifeless face haunted his days and nights. 
Adjusting his gaze, the male took his glasses from the side table, propping them on his face. It was still nighttime when he woke, glancing at the watch he had on his wrist. Whenever he was woken up by nightmares, the beige-haired food soul knew that he could not fall back to sleep after. He let out a muted sigh, closing his lids for a brief moment before opening them again.
"Even in dreams, my heart is somehow never at its best..."
Out of the corner of his eyes, something caught his attention amidst the dimly lit room. Whisky slowly turned his head to the right where his balcony was. His crimson irises saw a silhouetted figure standing on his balcony. The glass sliding doors were slightly ajar, making the curtains inside flow as the wind evaded the room. The illumination outside prevents him from fully identifying the stranger, however, he knows that it is a girl considering her [h/l] hair and dress flowing along with the breeze.
"Li...lia?" he said out loud, still disoriented from the sudden dream of the girl invading his mind.
The girl on his balcony turned around at his call, facing the male inside his dim room. At last, Whisky was able to observe her features. Her [h/l] [h/c] tresses, those [s/c] complexion, and those shining [e/c] hues. The young female wore a plain white dress — a nightgown, perhaps — that reached her mid-thigh, and was barefooted.
"Sorry. Did I wake you up, Vicchan?" the girl said, making her way inside and closing the door to the balcony behind her.
Once she was a fair distance away, she instantly saw his crestfallen expression — the half-lidded eyes were filled with so much fatigue that wasn't caused by physical tiredness. Others might not notice this subtle difference between his normal facade, however, [Y/n] was the only one who could. The reason behind it, Whisky didn't bother knowing at the moment.
She frowned, her eyes containing a glint of sadness at seeing his state. "Are you...okay, Vicchan? You seemed upset..."
Whisky only shook his head. "It's nothing more than a trivial matter. So don't bother worrying... about my grievances and tears."
His voice faltered at the end of the sentence. [Y/n] was unfortunately not able to understand what he meant to say in his last statement, however, she didn't proceed further. All she knew at that moment was that he wouldn't be disclosing this concern to her whatsoever.
"Oh... I see," the girl muttered, forcing a small smile to grace her face, the corners of her eyes crinkled as she simpered at him with closed lids.
"It's truly unusual to see you in my quarters, [Y/n]-sama. Especially in the middle of the night. Why is that, I wonder? Perhaps you're planning to do something to me?" the food soul chuckled bitterly. "Are you, perhaps... trying to plan my repose?"
Whisky's condescending smirk and the taunting tone were certainly not the outcomes [Y/n] was anticipating. Furthermore, that statement shot through her. The jubilant facade that she kept moments earlier was slowly cracking — her heart began thumping in utter pain at this occurrence, and her eyelids slowly drooped as her [e/c] orbs glossed with slight water. She definitely didn't expect him to react this way.
The room fell silent after his awful comment. A tense atmosphere enveloped the two individuals residing in the dimmed room, making the [h/c]-haired teen shuffle uncomfortably by the bed. Whisky immediately noticed his master's discomfort, and although he wanted to continue watching her be in such a pitiful state, he knew better than to drag this situation long.
The food soul let out another sigh, fixing his glasses on his face and sending the fragile girl a smile—a reassuring one. "It's already this late in the night; what makes you wander into my room, [Y/n]-sama?"
"Do you... hate me for coming in uninvited?" she solemnly asked, fiddling with her fingers while her eyes refused to meet with the beige-haired food soul.
"No, I could never bear hate towards my master. Come," slipping his feet to the edge, Whisky grasped the girl's warm and small hand and pulled her into him. "Sit here beside me."
 [Y/n] was taken off-guard by his sudden forward yet gentle gesture. Nevertheless, she complied with his request and sat closely next to him. For the past six months of meeting and interacting with this man never did the girl witness him voluntarily initiate an act towards her, more so being gentle with her.
She had known him for having his usual smile that hides layers of deceit and ill-intent, his cold and calculating blood-red eyes, and his harsh words that would drive everyone else away. She got used to this Whisky that never once she would find herself witnessing this side of him—the side that holds longing, sadness, and grief. Others will never believe that the villain that caused the tragedy in everyone's lives would have this side in him. No—they will refuse to believe it. After all, once a villain, always a villain.
"So, will you indulge me in your story as to why you're in my quarters in the middle of the night?"
 [Y/n] let out a soft awkward chuckle, though she had finally relaxed beside him. The young master sighed, her eyes containing a mix of two emotions. "I... can't sleep... That's why I wandered around the halls for a while."
"Hm, I see. Though, how did you end up in my room?" Whisky's scarlet orbs contained a hint of mischief, a sly smirk pasted on his lips as he glanced down at the [h/c] tresses of his master. "And I wonder why you were on my balcony at that."
"Ah... Er..." [Y/n] flushed, sweat-dropping at his words. "Well, while I was roaming, I was thinking about the stars... Then I remembered the Orion constellation and saw that the skies were clear tonight. I wanted to go out of the mansion but I encountered Amacchi along the way and he refused for me to go out in the night."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, so I decided to go to one room and watch the stars there. Since my room is by the far end of the hall, I cannot see the constellation. I tried countless rooms but yours is the only one open nearby," the [h/c]ette admitted. Pink flushed her cheeks as she told her story, fiddling nervously with her fingers for a reprimand coming from one of her food souls. "I'm sorry, Vicchan... For entering your room without permission and disturbing your sleep. I promise I won't do this again."
A gentle smile emerged on Whisky's face as he continued observing the gloomy state of the young girl. Without even realizing it, his hand found its way on top of her [h/c] locks. Taken by surprise, [Y/n] cautiously looked up to Whisky, witnessing a rare smile that she'd never thought of even seeing. The young master attendant was so entranced by his smile that she didn't realize the blush blooming on her cheeks. Whisky, on the other hand, noticed it right away.
"Is that so?" the brunette mused. "Then it seems that my room had a perfect view of the constellation, correct?"
"How about sharing with me what you've seen? I'm quite curious as to why you're so into the Orion constellation."
 [Y/n]'s onyx hues widened at his words. "Really...? Are you not mad?"
Whisky chuckled, his lilt voice echoing around the room. "My master is quite a peculiar one. I've told you that I cannot bear to hate you. I'm interested in you."
"W-well! If you insist then," a deep blush bloomed on her cheeks. [Y/n] stood up and went over to the study table, trying to distract herself from his unexpected comment. "First, let's try to replicate what the constellation looks like. Orion is a common constellation that can be seen easily. Its star formation is easy and well-known."
Her excitement was reflected in her [e/c] eyes, shining bright like stars on a cloudless night. [Y/n] eagerly discussed her story about the Orion constellation, busy arranging something on the food soul's desk. The beige-haired adult left the comforts of his mattress and glided toward his master. He peered over her shoulder, seeing a thin strand of thread lying flat on the wood. Whisky listened attentively to her, often hearing huffs and groans of irritation because of the misbehaving thread.
"It would be better if we used thicker thread like this," Whisky tugged on an unraveled thread from inside his sleeves, ripping the stray material off and placing it on the wood. He then guided [Y/n]'s hand and had one of her fingers pin the thread on the table. "Then, using our fingers, we can put the shape in place. Isn't this more effective, [Y/n]-sama?"
Whisky's position behind the girl, his large hand on hers, and his soothing voice caused butterflies to flutter in her stomach. The blush that had died earlier returned with more fervor. The young master tried to calm her racing heart, yet she could not even focus on the matters at hand with him being this close to her. Who would've known that Whisky had this kind of side to him? Who would've known... except for her—a peculiar teenager who's trying to welcome him into her family. Even though what they were currently doing was certainly not a part of Whisky's activity, he found comfort in complying with his master's wishes. Maybe it was because something as unusual as this piqued his interest.
"[Y/n]-sama? You seem to be in a daze. Perhaps, my sudden action flustered you?"
[Y/n] snapped out of her trance at his silky voice, making her flush. She refused to see him eye-to-eye, instead, focusing on the constellation she was trying to replicate. "I-I'm fine."
"Oh?" a smug smirk emerged on his lips. Baring an impish thought, the male slowly moved his mouth closer to her ear. He produced a lengthy exhale, before murmuring. "It seems to me that you're quite embarrassed. Perhaps I should act more intimate with you."
"V-Vicchan!" [Y/n] shrieked in surprise. Her body shuddered at his voice, yet she couldn't seem to escape from his grasp. By now, the redness of her face spread to even her ears. "P-please don't tease me like that... My heart can't take it. A-anyway! Do you want to see what the Orion constellation looks like or not?"
Whisky could only emit a peal of small, trifling laughter, pleased with the reaction he had gotten from his master. He was never the playful type. But if he was with her, maybe she could unleash other sides of him that he didn't even know existed. The beige-haired food soul watched as [Y/n] struggled still with the constellation, her fingers trying their best to stay in place. Shortly then, he lent his hands to help, pinning down some threads as [Y/n] commented that they represented the stars. Although the activity was as unfruitful and nonsense as it seemed, Whisky still found warmth by doing it with her. Moreover, he found something worthy of his realization on this fateful night.
"If you are by my side, my beloved master, I would be okay."
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"Vicchan..." a timid voice called out.
"Yes, my dearest master?" Whisky paused in his tracks, swiftly turning his head to face the [h/c]-haired teenager.
 [Y/n] glanced up at the male. Her [e/c] hues met with the food soul's scarlet ones. Whisky's gaze was always cold and sharp, a conniving glint hidden within those pools. Ever since meeting him, this was something that she always noticed. Yet, today, there's something else dancing in his eyes. It's only been a few days after that unforeseen midnight encounter, however,  the aura around him changed. The Whisky that she was confronting today was unlike his usual self... as if there was some switch that turned him into another person. This change was so drastic that [Y/n] couldn't even tell if this was the same Whisky that she'd known for the last six months.
The young master attendant pursed her lips, debating whether or not to voice her concerns for him. And as if sensing her unease, the beige-haired male let out a low chuckle. "It seems that something is on my master's mind; tell me, [Y/n]-sama, is something troubling you?"
"No," in the end, the girl decided to conceal her unnecessary worries. She gently smiled at him, taking a step closer as if asking for permission. "I'm just wondering if you could accompany me outside. It's been a while since we'd had a nice walk."
"A walk, huh? How long has it been ever since that day? The first evening that you approached me intending to take a walk together..."
"Ah! I-I mean if it's not much of a bother!" [Y/n] asserted, immediately flushing red. In a minute, she lowered her head, embarrassed. "I'm sure that you have your plans for today, it's just..."
"Very well."
"Eh?" The surprise was etched on the teen's face upon hearing those words.
Whisky's face was full of amusement, watching as his master returned her gaze to him with those innocent, round orbs. He can't help but feel his heart flutter. Releasing another wave of lilt laughter, the food soul took a stray strand of [h/c] locks and passionately kissed the tips of her tresses. This sudden gesture, however, made the girl's cheeks flush even more.
"If it's my master's wishes, then I shall see to fulfill it," Whisky claimed, glancing at the [h/c]ette through his half-lidded lashes to witness her reaction. A smirk instantly graces his lips after. "Let's go, [Y/n]-sama. There's no time to waste."
Simpering softly at the young girl, the male took her hand into his. Despite the surprise due to his unexpected actions, [Y/n] felt a sense of serenity when his long fingers intertwined with hers. Her heart never missed skipping a beat at this newfound intimacy, her cheeks getting warmer by the second. Whisky led the girl towards the main entrance, his strides matching up with his master to not accidentally pull her.
As the two exited the mansion, they were greeted with a spectacular view. It was such a wonderful day outside — the sun was rising to perch on the sky, fluffy white clouds floating across brazenly, and the gentle breeze whipping past. Today was a perfect day for such walks. [Y/n] inhaled the crisp, autumn air. She exhaled shortly after, releasing even the deep-rooted worry she had just a few minutes ago. A gleam of resolve seemed to gloss over her [e/c] pools.
Without further ado, the pair proceeded to their destination. The young [h/c]ette told stories about the surrounding area in town, recalling the adventures her grandfather had narrated to her before. One place, in particular, caught her attention — The mysterious forest in the west. She had gone to the woods on a few occasions in the last year, often bearing trouble for her food souls. She was once an uncooperative child — [Y/n] would never forget how much trouble she'd caused the others due to her stubbornness. However, this time, she had hoped that a favorable outcome would appear.
Despite the awful memories she had linked to this place, overall, it wasn't a bad location to visit. The forest was to the west of town; from the mansion, they had to go down the hill, going off-road from the usual path to the town square. Not many fancies going somewhere unknown, yet [Y/n]'s grandfather often claims that the place inhabits stray fallen angels from the legends, piquing his curiosity and interest in the forest. Of course, [Y/n] believed his words. After all, food souls exist to this day, so why can't they?
She had first gone there due to her curiosity, but seeing that no dangers were lying in wait to pound on her, she had gradually grown attached to the place. Often, she would come here to keep her mind off things, especially if she wanted time alone without any of her food souls loitering around. Although her home provides an ample number of peaceful locations to be in solitude, nothing still can beat the feeling of being away from the usual. That's why the girl planned this venture in the first place — she hoped that a change of pace and environment could help Whisky ease his mind from things.
"How often do you leave the mansion unnoticed?" Whisky inquired, his crimson pools peering down at the girl.
[Y/n] tilted her head sideways, a thoughtful visage present. "Hm... I could barely leave the mansion without anyone noticing lately. But one incident in the past happened..."
Her face crinkled into a somber expression — her lips pressed together and her brows drew together. Even without the contract's help, the beige-haired food soul instantly noticed the change in her disposition. His eyes narrowed. Without warning, he halted his steps, forcing the girl to stop as well. Although confused, she could only stare back at the male. Their hands were intertwined the whole time, and he gently squeezed her hand.
"Recalling an undesirable memory of the past may be inevitable, but it is due to it that your future has been shaped," he spoke, a melancholic tone lingering in his voice. A brief emotion flashed in his snake-like eyes before a sly smile adorned his lips. "Don't dwell on it too much, [Y/n]-sama. Live."
"Wha..." the girl was rendered speechless by his insightful words. His statement impacted her, and [Y/n] couldn't help but feel her eyes water. Embarrassed, she avoided his gaze while wiping away the tear. Then, a moment later, she let out a chuckle. "What the heck... I'm sorry that I'm like this, Vicchan. I planned this walk for you — to help you ease your mind off things. I didn't expect that you would be the one comforting me instead."
Just seeing her smile so happily and innocently was all he ever craved for. That familiar feeling returned in his stomach, making the male dizzy and lightheaded. Crimson eyes hazy with emotions long hidden, now overflowing in this very moment. Ever since meeting her and becoming her contracted master, Whisky could only watch the girl from afar. He included this in his routine in addition to studying alchemy and performing experiments. The strange feeling that he'd felt when he was always with her... Whisky himself couldn't seem to understand.
Ah... Such a cruel world they live in. Ever since meeting her, Whisky knew that she was the one he'd been looking for. He craved for her. He wanted her to become his possession. To never let her go again. To chain her with him in the darkness. Yet, he cannot bring himself to do that. Since he'd become a part of her family, the numerous food souls surrounding her became aware of his existence.
They knew about him, after all, who wouldn't? The one who's involved in countless heinous acts, the one who would discard lives in pursuit of his goals, the one whose morality is nonexistent. The villain.
Because of this fact, they became protective of their master. There are no days when at least two food souls would guard [Y/n]. And the rest would keep a close eye on the glasses-bearing man. Some of them even wanted to throw Whisky out of the household, yet, they didn't want to hurt their master's feelings.
Despite the evident fear Pizza had when he'd met him, despite the hidden acrimony Cassata held, despite the alertness of the others, they still couldn't do anything against the will of their master attendant. Whisky found this funny. Nevertheless, he wanted no part in the trouble, and that's why he voluntarily refused to approach the girl.
However, if she's the one initiating it, that's another matter. For all he knows, it's a give-and-take relationship.
"Since you said it, isn't it appropriate that I get compensation?" he mused, his crimson eyes lighting with mischief.
Despite his playful intention, [Y/n] took his words seriously. She placed her finger on her chin, thinking hard about the said compensation Whisky required from her. The beige-haired male could only observe the girl in amusement at her actions.
"Such innocence and naivety. Truly, you're just like her."
However, the peaceful ambiance of the forest was interrupted by a sudden rumbling. The ground beneath them began to shake, alerting both the master attendant and the food soul. Whisky instinctively pulled the girl closer to his body, wrapping a protective arm around her. He stood his ground, maintaining balance whilst his eyes darted across the area for any signs of threat. [Y/n], on the other hand, felt alarmed by the intrusion of peace. She had her eyes shut, face buried in the man's chest for safety.
A few moments later the rumbling continued with more fervor. The ground broke under the intensity of the earthquake, wildlife trying to scurry away to safety from whatever entity was out there to get them. Both of them knew that this earthquake wasn't a natural one, and just from that knowledge alone, [Y/n] felt herself pale in extreme fear and anxiety. Within minutes, Whisky picked up a distant roar in the forest. His crimson eyes narrowed, a deep crease embedded in between his thin eyebrows.
"How distasteful. You dare to intrude on me and master's peaceful walk?"
"V-Vic...chan..." [Y/n] managed to whimper out, her quivering voice almost nonexistent due to the loudness of their surroundings.
Whisky immediately felt her fingers clutching tight against his vest, her whole body trembling, and he could even pick out her panicked breathing. If looks could kill, then surely the forest would light ablaze just from where his gaze landed. His narrowed scarlet hues burned with intense indignation, glowing underneath his round glasses. The man wants nothing more than to release his anger unto the fallen angel who dared impose on their time together and even frighten his precious attendant.
For what seemed like hours, the roars gradually got louder along with the heavy earthquakes that followed. The ground was unstable enough which made it impossible for a man to stand unscathed, but Whisky did everything in his power to stand his ground. He had to be ready for the inevitable. He had to protect her. He cannot allow history to repeat itself, not now, not ever. She's already at arm’s reach and he is here to let no harm approach her.
"At last, you showed yourself, filthy beast. Certainly, your death is enough to pay for the disturbance and lost time you've caused us."
In the distance, a large beast closed into the duo. Its numerous appendages adorned with sharp teeth-like ridges cut through the forest with ease, sending several trees tumbling down to add to the rumbling. The enhanced Uke Mochi release another beastly roar, shaking the earth and piercing the air with its horrendous noise. [Y/n] whimpered, pursing her eyes and lips close as Whisky tried to cover her ears to lessen the impact of the sound hitting her eardrums.
At long last, the giant beast revealed itself in front of Whisky. Its large mouth layered with a sharp set of teeth was agape, two long tongues flickered about and dripping saliva everywhere as the several eyeballs on top of its dark, misshapen mass of head focused on its target. It let out another thunderous howl before its appendages raised above its head, ready to strike down the two of them.
"Equivalent Exchange."
At that whispered call, a magic circle appeared on the ground they were standing on. Reddish-black incandescent haze circles the master attendant and food soul as the wind aggressively whirls around them. His beige hair scattered in every direction, yet it didn't faze him as his attention was focused on the fallen angel. The sunlight reflected off his glasses as he looked up at his opponent, making his red orbs gleam. Carefully, he loosened his grip on [Y/n] and leaned down to her ears.
"[Y/n]-sama, listen to my words carefully," he whispered with a tone full of comfort. "I want you out of our range. When I release my hold on you, quickly run a few feet behind me. Hide behind a tree if you must. But never try to take a step forward and risk yourself being in our range of attacks. I want to keep you safe. Is that clear, [Y/n]-sama?"
In her panic, the [h/c]ette mustered up the courage to open her eyes and stare at Whisky's gentle expression. Her heart thumped hard against her chest, obviously from the fear of being in danger, but also her worry over her food soul. She knew that only food souls could fight against a fallen angel, especially an enemy with this level. But seeing that Whisky is the only food soul opposing an enhanced Uke Mochi made her eyes water.
[Y/n] doesn't want Whisky to be exposed to danger, either... Yet, if they want to make it out alive, she has to put her faith in him and pray that this will be over soon.
"O-okay, Vicchan..." She hiccupped, trying her best not to let the tears fall. But despite her efforts, they all came rolling down like a burst dam. "But promise me to be safe! I-I don't want you g-getting hurt either..."
"Why must a human like you be concerned over a food soul like me?"
Whisky lowly chuckled, wiping her tears with his thumb and sealing the promise with a kiss on her forehead. He gazed down at her glassy, [e/c] pools and saw his reflection in them. He wanted to get lost in those pools of hers... To stop the time at this moment and savor it. But alas, he must let go for her safety.
At that command, [Y/n] pushed through her fear and panic and used all of her strength in her legs. She sprinted through the steady ground, adrenaline urging her muscles to cooperate as she ran for her life. During her escape, however, the Uke Mochi tried to strike the fleeing girl with its appendages. Fortunately, Whisky intercepted the attack with his magic. The beast let out a pained howl, now focusing its attention on its aggregator.
"Finally, you've noticed me," the man spoke bitingly, a sneer present on his visage. Whisky raised his left arm, the whorl of reddish-black magic appearing at the end of his palm. With one swift move, he brought his arm down.
A brief flash of light occurred before a barrage of black energy from the skies came piercing through the Uke Mochi in mere seconds.
"Please be safe, my master."
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A certain [h/c]ette gasped from the lack of air, her leg muscles sore from the running she had just done. She placed a hand against a tree, leaning on it whilst trying to regain her breath. A hand was on her trembling legs, ready to give up any second now. The adrenaline and fear from earlier fueled her to escape, and now that she deemed it safe from harm, everything came crashing down instantly. The teen wiped the sweat rolling down her face, plucking out strands of [h/c] tresses that stuck onto her skin. She felt like puking out her lunch, but she held it all in with shaky deep inhales. A minute of rest was enough for her to function normally, and once she did, she immediately peered from her safe spot and tried to see the fight up ahead.
The giant fallen angel was no doubt easy to spot, and although she was seeing it being damaged by Whisky's attack, it didn't ease her worries. Sure, she was glad that the Uke Mochi was being dealt with and would soon perish, but not seeing her beige-haired food soul in the fight made her heart drop. [Y/n] doesn't know much about this particular food soul of hers, not even his abilities. That's why even though she knew that he could probably handle himself just fine and defeat that fallen angel, she didn't know whether he would do that unscathed. Without a healer food soul with them, who would know how much damage he'll endure just to defeat it?
The young master attendant bit her quivering lower lips, clenching her hammering heart to try and ease her worries. But no matter how many tries she made; the negative thoughts kept plaguing her mind. [Y/n] can't sit still, not when her food soul is out there alone battling a high-level fallen angel. That's why despite Whisky's warnings, the [h/c]ette goes against his words and tries to shuffle closer in search of a particular male.
"Vicchan!" The girl whisper-shouted, her onyx eyes widening in relief when she saw the man.
She was still safely out of the range of their attacks, hiding behind a tree near the large clearing. Although [Y/n] felt her heart flutter at the sight of Whisky, the feeling didn't last long when she noticed the state he was in. Even from this far, she could still see his torn clothes and some stains on his body. The girl could only watch in dread as the Uke Mochi tried to pierce through him, only for its attack to narrowly be dodged. However, she could see the way he staggered and fell back from the fallen angel.
Whisky kept his calm and composed exterior, yet the attacks he had to take were slowly eating away at his stamina and vitality. His face was littered with sweat and blood, his clothes torn in every area possible. After briefly recovering from that last attack, Whisky let out a deep, irked sigh. The man fixed his glasses on his face, glancing up once toward the giant monstrosity and delivering his death glare. He has to deal with this fallen angel as soon as possible, and there's only one way to achieve that...
"Funeral Overture."
At that call, two shadowed snakes were summoned from the magic circle beneath Whisky's feet. The wind around them swirled around aggressively as black energy surrounded the man. A sly smile decorated his lips, crimson eyes gleaming with a narrowed squint. The twin snakes slithered around his body as he gently floated in the air. Drip... Drip... Drip... descends his blood — in exchange for using this ability to amass great power to end this battle. The pain he felt was excruciating... but he deemed it as a trivial matter compared to when his beloved master was mentally scarred by the appearance of this foul beast.
Whisky wanted nothing more than to see her safe and happy... To see her bright, innocent smile like she has no care in the world. He had failed to save Lilia before... but now, he won't ever fail to protect [Y/n].
"It's time to end this farce... You've wasted enough of our time," Whisky spat, now mid-air as blood kept coming out of his numerous wounds, the scarlet liquid swirled around him as well.
Noticing this, the enhanced Uke Mochi roared. [Y/n] had to cover her ears and eyes from the thunderous bellow, the ground shaking from its sheer volume. Opening her eyes, the [h/c]ette felt her heart drop and a chill run down her spine at the sight her gaze landed on — the Uke Mochi's mouth was wide open, its appendages all aimed at Whisky and poised to strike. This is one of the enhanced Uke Mochi's terrifying abilities — Devouring World. The girl knew about this ability, its ultimate attack that could deal a massive amount of damage.
 [Y/n] knew that Whisky wouldn't survive this attack, and she had to do something about it. Fast!
"Please, make it on time!" She prayed, shutting her eyes and concentrating on the magic innate within her. Within seconds, her whole body lit up in a bright yellowish-green aura. She then snapped her eyes open, her arms extended towards Whisky as she muttered. "Aegis."
The fallen angel attacked, sending its deadly appendages coming after Whisky. While the beige-haired food soul, on the other hand, commanded the twin snakes to attack as well. The man felt time slowing, the smile on his face never disappearing. He was injured too much in this battle, and he used the remaining of his power to conjure up this last attack. Stuck in mid-air, he knew that he couldn't dodge the fallen angel's attack anymore. But at least, he hoped that this was sufficient enough to defeat the fallen angel. Sacrificing himself for her sake is a worthwhile deal, in the least, he was able to find her and bond together.
"Ah. How unfortunate."
The man eventually closed his eyes, feeling every energy leaving his body. The smile on his lips didn't disappear, and Whisky felt a mix of emotions swirling within him. Memories of the past six months began invading his mind — the images of a particular master attendant and her bright smile sent a tender sensation throughout his body. The man felt his body descending, and the black magic he was controlling slowly dispersed. It felt like his senses were abandoning him, only to be replaced with an odd serenity.
"I see... Is this what it feels to be dying?"
[Y/n]'s cry faintly reached the food soul's ears. Whisky landed on the harsh ground with a loud thud, bringing more pain throughout his system. Amid his headache and the buzzing in his ears, he could identify something large colliding against the earth and rushed footsteps coming in close. The man strained out a long and heavy sigh, releasing the tension he felt in his body. After a few more minutes, he hears the footsteps closing in and a body kneeling beside him. Despite his closed eyes, he could see the dimmed shadow through his eyelids.
"V-Vicchan..." The teenager croaked, now a sobbing mess upon examining his situation. [Y/n] adjusted the man's body so that she could lift his head onto her lap. Her glossy eyes narrowed, brows knitted and lips quivered. Her tears cascaded down her cheeks and down to the side of her beloved food soul's face. "Vicchan..."
"So warm..."
Whisky regained enough energy and opened his eyes, revealing scarlet hues that blinked twice through the blurriness. Once he saw her tear-filled, pain-stricken expression, he flashed a tender smile, wishing for her to be consoled by it. "I'm alright, [Y/n]-sama."
"You're not fine, Vicchan! You're not...fine..." She rebutted, still hiccupping as tears continued streaming down her face. "How can you be fine when you're injured like this?!"
The girl felt her heart breaking just from his gestures, and she fought hard not to break down in front of him. Her trembling hand touched the side of his face, pushing strands of beige hair away from the injuries on his cheeks. Whisky relished the gesture, loving the way her warm palm pressed against his skin. He unconsciously fluttered his lids close, savoring the warmth he felt. Meanwhile, the young master attendant began working on healing him. Despite losing half of her energy summoning a protective invincibility barrier just in time for Whisky to survive, [Y/n] pushed through and concentrated the remaining magic just to heal him.
The girl doesn't know what to feel at that moment. Emotions swirled inside her heart — relief, agony, anger, regret. She wanted to release all of them at once, showing the man how she felt during the last half an hour of his fight with the now-defeated fallen angel. But seeing him in this state seemed to wash almost all of those away, only to have her heart churn at the gaping void of numbness. She's just glad...glad that her timing was right and granted him invincibility just for a moment to avoid a devastating attack... Glad that Whisky came out alive from that fight... Glad that somehow, she became useful to her food soul.
"Please don't push yourself too hard next time, Vicchan," she spoke tenderly, her hand producing a soft green glow as the food soul's wounds healed bit by bit.
The two of them remained in the forest as the afternoon sun began to set. Splashes of yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple decorated the evening skies as tiny stars flickered overhead. Long shadows from the tall trees formed onto the fractured ground as the orchestra of critters sang its evening hymn, enveloping the entire forest. Despite the battle that occurred hours earlier and its aftermath, the forest felt like none of those things ever happened in the first place. [Y/n] continued healing her food soul for almost an hour, the process was slow due to how damaged Whisky was after that fight and how the girl used half of her magic for the earlier spell.
Once Whisky regained his energy, he opened his eyes once more. Immediately, his gaze landed upon the girl's disheveled appearance — her [h/c] locks were messy, her eyes were red and puffy, and her [s/c] cheeks had stains from her waterworks. Yet, despite her appearance, the man found her alluring still. Through squinted eyes, he observed her — watching every nuance of her facial expression as she healed him.
He could look at nothing else but her face... Especially those orbs that are like an abyss swallowing him up in the depths.
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Two more months have passed ever since that incident. The winter season drifted into the town, covering the entire town in white and harsh, cold winds. Ever since [Y/n]'s food souls caught the news about the fallen angel encounter, every one of them began to incessantly worry over her well-being. Handling them on that day was no doubt exhausting for the young girl, but she knew that something more was happening beneath the surface at that time... Something related to a certain food soul.
[Y/n] didn't exactly know what had transpired later that day, for when she had finished healing Whisky as the evening drew near, she inadvertently collapsed from exhausting her magic. And when she opened her eyes, she was already resting in her room surrounded by her various food souls. The young master attendant had to calm the children down and even reassure some of the adults. When asked what happened to her, all she said was she and Whisky were attacked by a fallen angel during their walk outside. Almost immediately, the girl sensed the atmosphere shift when she mentioned his name, the expression on every one of the food souls present was undoubtedly full of caution, disdain, and contempt. Since then, she didn't open her mouth to speak of the beige-haired male in front of them again.
But, of course, it didn't stop [Y/n] from actively seeking the male to make sure that everything was fine after that incident.
Yet, despite her efforts of scouring the entirety of her residence and its surrounding lands for the past months, the young master attendant didn't have any luck in meeting Whisky. Oftentimes, she would catch a glimpse of his unique-colored hair or his dark, long overcoat that dangles from his shoulders. But whenever she would pursue it, any evidence of his existence was gone in an instant. It was as if she was chasing shadows... And indeed, Whisky is the epitome of it.
For the last two months, this particular bespectacled man avoided his [h/c]-haired master. He knew that he would receive extreme backlash consisting of threats and looks of contempt and ire. He already accepted the fact that not everyone is welcoming of such a food soul like him, and he's unaffiliated with their opinions of him. He willingly played the villain in everyone's story, just to achieve the happy ending that he so desired. And yet, when he returned home that day with his precious attendant laid in his arms, almost lifeless, why did he feel his heart throb with guilt?
Those hateful words... Their gazes were full of disdain and hidden bloodlust... Those bruises that were left on his cheek... The feeling of isolation from his beloved master...
Why did it greatly affect Whisky? To the extent that he avoided [Y/n] like a plague, despite her pursuit of him.
The man was left perplexed by his emotions and he constantly questioned the rationality behind them — as if searching for an answer that wasn't there in the first place. And amidst the farce of him playing hide and seek with his master attendant, the painful memory of the past made its appearance to him — reminding him of that one scene that was engraved deeply in his soul.
"Such a foolish thought, indeed," Whisky hummed to himself as he strutted through the empty hallway of Eventide mansion.
The soft clank of his heels against the hardwood was the only sound echoing down the long halls, providing him a sense of ambient noise to his musing. Following his precipitous decision to hide away from his master, Whisky instead tried to focus on his ongoing studies and experimentation. He would rarely return to his chambers in the estate, or even take a step into the residence when more than a dozen food souls are idling around. He is a traveling merchant, after all, therefore it was never alien to him not to be in a single place for a long time. But then again, the past six months of spending it residing at his master attendant's home and observing her gradually changed his perception of things.
Alas, on this fateful night, against his reason and logic, he found himself walking back to the place he now called home. ​​​​​​
"Huh?" His carmine orbs widened a bit, abruptly halting in his tracks just a few feet away from his room.
There, kneeling by the door of his bedroom, was a petite figure of a girl. Her [h/c] hair draped over her slouched form like a veiled curtain. The dim light provided by the wall lamps accentuated the shadows looming over her, surrounding her every inch with its abyssal darkness. Once more, Whisky never predicted this turn of events—he had assumed that his master would visit his chambers every day, but never to this extent. Soon, his surprise melted into one of pure admiration. A gentle smile graced his lips, the feeling so foreign yet welcoming.
"How much more will you continue to surprise me, my beloved master?"
The male stepped forward, approaching the slumbering girl. Without any moment's hesitation, he picked her up carefully in his arms, entered quietly into his abode, and dropped the [h/c]-tressed teen onto his bed. The teen slightly shifted in her sleep, getting into a comfortable position on the soft mattress. Whisky plopped onto the chair beside the bed, intently observing his precious master sleeping up close.
"It's been so long since you've been in my abode, [Y/n]-sama," the man murmured, his gaze softening upon the memory of months ago. "I've missed your presence dearly."
His hand reached out to caress the [s/c] cheek of the sleeping girl, brushing her bangs aside as she softly snored, emitting small noises of contentment from her parted lips. Whisky smiled at the sight, his fingers twitching gently while his eyes slowly became heavy. Sleep wasn't a necessity for food souls like him, and with the trauma he endured since then, it seems to be such a luxury. However, the same can't be said when she's near; it is like she has a hidden ability to soothe broken souls like him.
He briefly opened his eyes once more, landing upon the peaceful slumber [Y/n] was in. Just a moment earlier, she was slumped over her knees outside in the dark, cold hallway. It is surely a surprise that she was this committed to her pursuit that she would do such an extreme measure. It surprised him even more that she was able to sleep peacefully outside in that position. Just how long had she been there?
"Vicchan..." her voice was faint and hoarse, yet it didn't escape his hearing.
"What is it, my dearest master?"
Slowly opening her lids halfway, glassy [e/c] orbs vacantly peered at the silhouette of the man before her. She reached her hand towards him, sluggish and hesitant. "Please...don't go..."
Her weak, feeble plea shook Whisky's heart, causing him to stare straight into the beautiful eyes of his beloved. He subconsciously inched closer, being drawn by her voice.
"Go where? I am here with you, aren't I?"
She shook her head vigorously, her fingers grasping the hem of his coat, pulling it closer to herself in an attempt to make him stay. "Not just right here. I...I don't want you leaving..."
Whisky couldn't help but sigh softly at the display of sentimentality, reaching a hand out toward the [h/c]ette. She took his hand and gave a slight squeeze, tears filling up her eyes as she stared deep into her food soul's crimson ones.
"I won't leave you," he whispered in reassurance. "And I'm never going to leave you alone."
"Stay with me... please?"
The words were simple, almost too quiet, yet they hit Whisky like a ton of bricks. He could hear the sadness and fear concealed within that simple sentence. He understood; he understood perfectly.
"Don't worry about me, my beautiful little master attendant."
With that said, he leaned in close to rest his forehead upon hers and closed his eyes. A warm, loving embrace encompassed them both.
"Sleep well, [Y/n]-sama," he whispered as if trying to comfort her with his tone.
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"The crisp evening breeze...still reminds me of inevitable death."
Days flew by since that night. The winter season slowly drew near, enveloping every area with achromatic snow. Heeding her desperate wish, Whisky returned to the mansion with the intent to stay. She knew that the beige-haired man wasn't a completely honest person, but she knew that as a businessman, he would still keep his word. Although, [Y/n] wasn't fully convinced — afraid that he might slip out of her sight if she wasn't careful enough. And because of that anxiety, the [h/c]-tressed teen decided to stay with him for a week, sticking closely by his side no matter what.
Whisky enjoyed her company, seeing that her attention and affection were solely on him. Even though the idea of him leaving her was nothing but absurd, he understood completely her heart. After all, he had felt the same pain in the past. And no matter what happens, the man vowed to never hurt his beloved master in such a horrible way.
Whisky solemnly trailed behind his master, the two taking a walk around the snow-covered garden. His gaze lingered on her back, witnessing the way she would turn around to observe her surroundings. Like pure-white porcelain, snowflakes slowly descend from the evening sky to envelop the earth followed by the smell of winter.
"I guess this is the first I've spent my winter with you," she mused, turning her head up to admire the starry night. "Do you enjoy it, Vicchan?"
The girl paused in her step, making the man halt as well. With her arms linked behind her back, the girl turned around to face Whisky as she asked the question. Her [s/c] cheeks were coated with redness, her round [e/c] orbs were filled with tenderness, her [h/c] locks framed her head gently, and her pink lips curled up to a soft smile. She had regained the vitality and innocence he loved so much.
Just seeing her like this caused something inside Whisky... Within his heart, a silently raging storm rose along this darkened path.
He offered her a brief smile, before closing his eyes. "Of course, [Y/n]-sama."
"Is that so? I'm glad then," she giggled, turning around as she resumed her walk.
Listening to her cheerful voice narrating the winter stories she had in the past was like music to his ears. Just trailing behind her and observing her during their whole evening date was enough to make him satisfied. The tranquility this food soul had experienced when with her was like an addicting drug — he wanted more of it. Upon the realization, Whisky reminisced six months he had with this particular girl and his fostering feelings.
"...And yet, no matter what the future may hold, I'm looking forward to it..."
"Vicchan, let's take a break over here~" [Y/n] chirped, already seated at a nearby bench and patting the space beside her.
Wordlessly, a minuscule smile graced the food soul's face, trudging over at the call of his master and seated himself beside her.
His eyes flickered over at her, the glimmering stars reflecting in their depths. Their hands brushed against each other, the contact electrifying him. He could feel his body burning at the mere touch. It was a new sensation, to say the least. But it didn't bother him in the slightest. A giddy feeling began to bubble within his stomach. It was only natural for her to give him such emotions.
"Thank you for always listening to my childish requests for the past week, Vicchan," she told him, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. Whisky glanced down at her, crimson eyes deciphering her expression whilst his hand gently caressed hers.
A warm gust of wind blew by as a silent reply. The moon hung high above their heads, creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity around the duo. There was a sudden urge to tell her how grateful he was for letting him stay by her side for the past six months. So with the smallest of movements, Whisky placed a delicate kiss upon her forehead.
[Y/n] immediately blushed, her eyes widening in shock at the sudden kiss. For some reason, she suddenly felt extremely nervous; perhaps it was because she hadn't received such a gesture in a very long time. But as soon as she looked at the man sitting beside her, her worries vanished instantly. She was pleasantly surprised to see the look of adoration on his face, as well as a hint of warmth. This is the most relaxed he's ever been in front of her.
She was happy to witness that look. The sight was breathtaking enough to capture her heart forever.
"Vicchan…" [Y/n] said softly, a tender blush painting her cheeks. Her [e/c] orbs shone brightly under the moonlight as she gazed deeply into her food soul's eyes, a hint of shyness shining within them.
He couldn't help but think how beautiful she truly was, and he swore to himself that he would devote his entire life and his existence to make sure that nobody would ever hurt her again.
"[Y/n]-sama..." he softly called out, successfully earning her undivided attention.
The raven-tressed teen saw his tender expression. "Yes?"
"Thank you..."
"Thank you for your warmth and affection. For the days you approached me intending to get to know each other. For the times you allowed me to be by your side. For your unconditional love. For accepting me as who I am. For illuminating my darkened path. Thank you...for simply existing and being in my life."
As the man uttered these heartfelt words, his ruby orbs shined like precious gems. As she listened, she smiled, the redness in her cheeks intensifying. The girl felt her heart racing inside her chest, her whole body feeling hot despite the cold weather. Never once did she expect Whisky to pour out his emotions like this, nor thank her for the acts she did. For her, her deeds weren't worth being thanked for. It was something that she considered a natural process. Nevertheless, she still felt love for Whisky, and she was glad that her efforts bore these fruits.
"Mhm... I'm also happy that I met you, Vicchan," [Y/n] inched closer to him, leaning intimately against his shoulders whilst he wrapped an arm around her form.
There was a moment of peace between them. They watched as the snow fell slowly to the ground and the stars twinkled in the night sky. Whisky once more found himself staring lovingly at the side profile of his little master. Her [h/c] hair flowed freely through the soft winds, her innocent, [e/c] orbs glimmered while watching the stars, her soft lips parted in awe, and her [s/c] cheeks tinted pink. Her beauty was truly unparalleled. She is truly a masterpiece.
At that moment, his thoughts drifted off to the memories he cherished. To the one who meant the world to him. The one who was dear to his heart. The one who made his life worth living.
How many years has it already been... How many years has he spent without anyone? He wondered, wondering why the thought of those memories sent a pang through his heart.
Was it nostalgia? Fear? Annoyance at the fact he lost someone he dearly cared about? Or could it be...
"Ah! Look, Vicchan! A shooting star!"
Her sudden exclaim brought the man out of his thoughts. [Y/n] pointed at the night sky, the shooting star in clear view amidst the snowy evening.  It looked like a glittering jewel that reflected bright light onto the land beneath it, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"It looks really beautiful, doesn't it~" she commented, gazing upward as if she couldn't get enough of watching it.
"Hmm," he replied in agreement, his eyes fixed upon the shining star.
"Let's make a wish, Vicchan! We should always make wishes whenever we see a shooting star. That way, I'm sure our wishes would be answered," she suggested, clasping her hands together in a prayer manner and closing her eyes as she solemnly wished.
"A wish upon a shooting star, huh? What a peculiar belief that humans have... As if a rare phenomenon like that could make your wish come true."
Once she finished, she opened her eyes, waiting anxiously for Whisky's reaction. A sense of anticipation engulfed her heart when she noticed a pair of crimson irises fixated upon the glowing shooting star. The man seemed engrossed in the wondrous spectacle. It was quite evident by the way his fingers lightly stroked the top of her own.
"What about yours, Vicchan?" [Y/n] softly spoke, peering up at Whisky with hopeful eyes. "What's your wish?"
The food soul gazed upon her, admiring her beauty. Her soft [h/c] locks danced gracefully in the wind, her eyes sparkling as brightly as the stars. Her [s/c] skin glistened from the moonlight, her lips curled into a radiant smile, and she looked utterly stunning in his opinion.
"My wish..." Whisky finally uttered, reaching his index finger towards her cheek. His crimson eyes contained inexplicable sadness, a ghost of a smile gracing his lips. "...is something that I've longed to be fulfilled, yet I wonder if it'll truly come true."
"I'm sure it will," she assured softly.
"Yeah, [Y/n]-sama," he responded, his crimson irises locking with hers while a small smile formed on his lips.
Silence ensued after that. Whisky returned his gaze unto the starry night, the shooting star now gone from the sky. He soon closed his eyes, deep inside his thoughts. [Y/n] wondered what he could be thinking of. She had witnessed his earlier expression — others may say it's unreadable, but she knew for sure that he was still carrying a persistent melancholy up until this day. His reply was vague and it didn't answer her question, but the [h/c]-haired girl knew that it was related to his sorrowful past.
Her voice was soft and comforting. With a flutter of his eyelashes, Whisky slowly turned his head at her call. However, what he didn't expect to happen caused his eyes to widen...
[Y/n] had knelt on the bench, both of her hands cupping each side of the beige-haired food soul's face. Leaning down to him, she placed an affectionate and soothing kiss on his forehead. Whisky could barely react, the overwhelming feelings coursing through his veins making him incapable of doing so as he stared dumbfoundedly at her figure in front of him.
At that moment, emotions flooded his system. Memories of his beloved Lilia resurfaced in his mind, remembering every second that he had witnessed her smile. The man closed his eyes, savoring the moment and never wanting it to end. Tears cascaded down his sealed eyelids, the waterworks symbolizing the spilling of his repressed sadness from his heart that he closed. And now, because of this girl, he slowly found himself opening up bit by bit.
Because of her... he started to believe in hope.
"For once, if there is a God... Please don't let me be separated from this girl. We've finally reunited, that's why... I want us to stay together... Just like that Orion constellation..."
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9 notes · View notes
neutronice · 2 years
hello!! I really wanted to say that your yoi meta is spot on and I love them! Thank you!!! (P.S. I am really curious as to what you think about yurio's arc because I just...find it a bit confusing at the least)
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ANON thank you for the pair of asks! And thanks for the birthday wishes!
Hoo boy, I have thoughts about Yurio. Don't worry, all lovable ones about our favorite angry kitten. Be warned, it's long. And it's under the cut.
Yurio's Changing Understanding of Love and Weakness
Yuri Plisetsky says something to Otabek that I really think defines him and his arc. Not only for Otabek's on-point observation: "Yuri Plisetsky had the unforgettable eyes of a soldier.", but also for how Yurio replied.
"I was desperate. I'd decided that I wouldn't complain until I was good enough."
Yuri P.'s attitude really demonstrates how he feels about weakness. In particular, when we first meet him, he sees emotional vulnerability as weakness. His soldier eyes? His determination not to complain until he deserved to? That came likely from the skating and competing combine he's been in since he was very young.
It speaks a lot that Yurio finds his unconditional love in his grandfather, who came to his practices. The practices his mother did not come to, the ones that Yurio said he didn't need her to come to, even as he promised he would get better and better.
That is where we first meet him. Sitting and listening to Yuuri Katsuki, who he watched fall apart on the ice, cry big fat tears while hiding in the bathroom. Yuri got mad, because that is not what a skater does. Skaters fight and they are stoic and they don't complain until they're good enough. Yuuri Katsuki was violating all those rules, even as he had fantastic musicality.
And Yuri is 15 years old. His closest family lives in Moscow. All he does is train, and because he trains like an adult, no juniors were able to rival him.
How would a 15yo who thinks crying and being vulnerable was a disgrace and a sign of weakness vent his emotions?
Through anger.
Yurio yells because that's a way he is "allowed" to emote. And he's young and he's smol, so people just sort of accept that attitude from him (Yakov ain't helping either, given we see Yakov's outbursts too.)
So, he goes to Hasetsu because Victor promised to choreograph for him if he proved himself (and he did), and he sees the "weak" crybaby there, the one who Victor chased, the one who disappeared until he reappeared and skated Victor's program.
Yurio probably was very confused. He was used to a dog-eat-dog world, and Hasetsu just wasn't like that. Mari nicknamed him Yurio affectionately, not mockingly. Yuuko genuinely supported him and valued him. Yuuri asked him, without ego, to help him land the quad Salchow.
Then Yurio watched as Yuuri Katsuki the weak wiped the floor with him in the skates. He hated it, because to him losing meant being weak, and it had probably been a long time (ever?) since Yurio had lost.
It's why Yurio followed Yuuri (and only Yuuri) so closely. Because somewhere inside he was angry about losing, because losing was weakness, but somewhere in there too, Yuuri Katsuki and Hasetsu were Yurio's first real exposure to genuine friends (and a rival who was a friend in Yuuri). In the flashback as Lilia talks about Yurio's program, we see the Hasetsu crew as part of the discussion of Yurio finding the type of love that sustains him.
And throughout the series, we see Yurio start to question his own definition of weakness. Was weakness crying after losing? (We can imagine he might have found out about Vicchan while in Hasetsu). Was flubbing a jump weakness? Was letting your coach fly back to Hasetsu to be with his ailing dog and leaving you maybe to fall apart and not medal weakness?
It wasn't. Yurio didn't think it was anymore either. Yuuri Katsuki was not weak, and Yurio recognized that. Yuuri was as much as soldier as Yurio, but expressed in very different ways.
That was... until... Yuuri Katsuki almost showed himself yet again to be weak.
By deciding to retire from skating with a Grand Prix Final gold.
Yurio wanted Yuuri as his rival, sort of to the exclusion of pretty much anyone else. He considered beating or being beaten by Yuuri to be worthy of thought and attention. So Yuuri taking the weak way out and retiring rekindled that fire. And Yurio expressed himself, expressed his desire to keep skating against Yuuri, by throwing everything he had on the ice and then some.
Yuri Plisetsky skated for gold in the GPF as much for Yuuri Katsuki to stay as he did to win.
And that was what Victor meant when he spoke of Yuuri helping not only Victor to find his L-words.
Thanks again for the prompt! I hope my randomly assembled birthday thoughts were interesting!
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24. headcanon for how vicchan died
honestly, just old age. i mean, he would’ve had to have been (although younger than makkachin) pretty old. sure it was all very sudden, but death often is. not to get too dark with this but i think there’s something to be said for yuuri knowing something could have gone wrong because he knew vicchan was having some medical issues, and not going back to hasetsu regardless. just pile the guilt onto him
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cuteteacakes · 2 years
I don’t know why all the fanart depicts Vicchan (Yuuri’s poodle) as being a puppy when he died. He was in college when his dog died. He got him when he was 12. That’s at least a six year old poodle, that’s an adult poodle!! He could’ve even been nine! That’s a good life for a big dog even though it was cut short!
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emvisc · 7 years
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'A Yuuri and Vicchan PDL Classic' - the commentator every time they have a dramatic and painful fall
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itsbeahoney · 3 years
one of my all time favorite YOI tropes is Hiroko treating Victor like he’s her son. There was one fic I read where they had a picture of the Katsuki family on their website, but it was a really old picture. and so they decide to take a new one, and Victor was like “Oh, I’ll take it” and she’s like NONSENSE VICCHAN YOU’RE PART OF THE FAMILY TOO!! and Victor is so touched.
sometimes “found family” is just you, your fiancé’s family, the rabid emo teenager you train with, and your poodle.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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I’m in the Mood for a Fic Where…
1. Good morning Mods!! For the next in the mood for, can you please rec some of your favorite Modern AUs??
🧡 Mud and Canvas by StormsBreadth (M, 109k, WangXian, Modern AU, LARPing AU, Fluff, Light angst, Role-playing, Camping)
🧡 boyfriend material by ricken (M, 41k, WangXian, Background ChengSang, College AU, Modern AU, Bad pick-up lines, Fluff, Humor, Mutual pining, Happy with a happy ending)
🧡 some life yet unspent by Fahye (E, 28k, WangXian, Background XiYao, Spy AU, Modern AU, 007 LWJ, Q WWX, Fluff and angst, Mutual pining, Injuries, Canon typical violence)
🧡 A Study in Fluff by WeaverOfTheNight (T, 29k, WangXian, Modern AU, Ghost bunnies, Vet LWJ, Architect WWX, Kid LSZ, Domestic fluff, Modern with Magic)
leave all your love and your longing behind by scarlettstorm  (E, 142k, wangxian, modern, meet-ugly, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, pining, minor angst, happy ending)  
💖Life as a House by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 55k, WangXian, Modern AU Corporate Espionage, Post-Divorce, Father-Son Relationship, Reconciliation, Angst with a Happy Ending)
These Things Stay the Same by notevenyou (E, 29k, WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Injury, Natural Disasters, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hospitalization, Accidents)
💖homeward by sasamelons (T, 41k, wangxian, modern w/ cultivation, roadtrips, dysfunctional family, getting together, verbal abuse, friends to lovers)
💖oceans, drowned in starfire by stiltonbasket (T, 30k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, mermaids)
💖All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 51k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, Sugar Daddy LWJ, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators, cultivators can recognize important people from previous lives, vaguely, this started out as a cute sugar fantasy and got just incredibly horny very fast, blame LWJ)
💖Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, art conservation, angst w/ happy ending) no, I definitely did not spend an hour crying about this one, nope ~Mod L
💖WWWWXD (What would Wei Wuxian Do?) series by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 55k, wangxian, modern, grief/mourning, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, autistic LWJ, fluff, panic attacks, LWJ has friends, trans characters, found family)
💖To school or not to school series by Scrippio (T, 67k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, hurt/comfort, fluff)
💖you've ruined my life (by not being mine) by cicer (E, 132k, wangxian, modern, developing relationship, awkward flirting, teenage romance, slow burn, happy ending)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, Modern Setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, persuasion au, Mutual Pining, Angst, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion)
2. Hi! I'm in the mood for some MDZS from Lan Wangji's perspective. I just want to see what he was thinking and feeling during the book/series.
The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Mojo's Post )
Song of Clarity by vicchan (T, 59k, wangxian, LWJ pov, major character death, slow burn, canon retelling, missing scenes, pining, WIP, maybe abandoned?)
3. For the next “mood for” could you recommend any really nice domestic fluff? I’m in the mood to get lost in some long soft wangxian works. Modern setting is better and I prefer completed works but if a wip is super worth it, I’d take that too. (Demon Ink by Jade_Valentine is a great example) Thank you!
Zero by @theladyofravenclaw (G, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, Musicians, Friends to Lovers, Past lives) for #3 I just finished writing a modern au that's pretty fluffy if you dont mind the self rec
you're the only thing i think i got right by sandustorms (lucianclouds) (M, 48k, WangXian, Modern AU, Arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, Slow Burn, angst with a happy ending, Fluff) Also for #3 "You're the only thing I think I got right" by sandustorms (lucianclouds) is very good!
my little love by mellowflicker (T, 54k, wangxian, modern, single parent WWX, kindergarten teacher LWJ, kid fic, hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, pining)
💖sudden nature series by everbrighter (M, 97k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, 5+1, family feels, parenthood, teenage rebellion, past character death, resurrection, pining, domestic fluff, angst, happy ending) 
4. Hi 👋. I was looking for any wangxian fics in which: A) wwx gets jealous due to someone else trying to get lwj attention. Preferably lengthy fics. And B) modern fics where lwj takes care of wwx after the jiangs mistreated him. Thanks
Four Parts Honey and One Part Vinegar by masked (T, 13k, wangxian, post-canon, 5+1, Mojo’s post)
Hanguang-jun's Husband by lilacevergarden (T, 6k, Time Travel, post-canon wangxian being disgustingly in love, wwx bullying teenage wangxian, Yeah that's it, Jealous WWX)
Step by step by apathyinreverie (T, 12k, wangxian, modern, not Jiang friendly, def not JFM & YZY friendly, guilt, fluff, past angst, flashbacks, hurt/comfort, protective LWJ)
5. Do you got anything for villain redemption/villain happy endings? I recently read the Surrender Sweetly series by jeejaschocolate which is... rated E for good reason, and it got me in the mood for redemption arcs. But I can't find any!! 😭😭 @untdoc
❤️Love made visible by Moominmammashandbag (M, 31k, zhuli (jiang yanli/wen zhuliu), wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, major character injury, amputation, hurt wei wuxian, angst, JYL is a ROCK, and she cultivates with food, Hurt/comfort, Mojo’s Post)
Book Club series by Anonyma (T, 49k, WWX & WC & LQY, wangxian, LQY/WQ, canon divergence, learning to read, friendship, fluff, family bonding)
6. this blog is great, thank you for all your hard work! for 'in the mood for a fic' i was wondering if anyone knew of any fics where xxc and wwx meet and bond but with canon ages. preferably book canon where xxc is younger, but i'll also take untamed canon where xxc is same age or only slightly older. i've read tons where xxc is the kind uncle to wwx with an expected age gap to boot, which i do love, but i'd also love to see how their dynamic would be with canon ages. thank you! :)
Songxiao - Canon? What canon? Series by MonchingBamboo (Varied, 241k, WIP, SongXiao, WangXian, Fluff, Getting Together, First kiss, Pre-Yi City, Humor, Smut, Hurt/Comfort) the focus is mostly solely on songxiao but a couple fics within the series have them interact with wangxian and the ages line up with the request :)
7. Hi 🙂 I want to ask.. I know there are lots of DragonJi & FoxXian fic, but do you happen to know one with plot/AU like Three Lives Three Life - Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms? Has anyone ever write it? The similar the plot the better.. Thank you in advance 🙂🙏🏻 @yellowridge
Ten miles of Lotus Flowers by Yukirin_Snow (M, 273k, WangXian, XiCheng, A/B/O, Slow Burn, Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/comfort, Eventual Smut) For #7 "Ten Miles of Lotus Flowers" by Yukirin_Snow is one of my favorite fics of all time
Keep Me on Your Pillow by catbrainedschemes (E, 41k, WangXian, Pillow Book AU, high immortal!LWJ, red fox!wwx, Pining, Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Feelings, First Meetings, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending) is this exact plot. And also great.
8. Is there any fanfics about bodyswap between WangXian and YiZhan? Like they get confused the first time but after get used to it they quite enjoy their daily lives. Like Yibo get used to flying with a sword, and LWJ trying to learn how to skateboard lol or yea any story line is fine tho. Thanks✨
These have been moved to YiZhan Compilation
9. Hi! Do you know of any fics set in canon or as close to it as possible, where they use modern objects? Like cell phones or clothes, things like that
🧡Song of Suibian and Bichen: Or, the Greatest (And Only) Furby Master of Demonic Cultivation by moonwaif (T, 64k, WangXian, Suibian/Bichen, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon adjacent, The spiritual weapons are furbies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Taking my favorite parts of every adaptation and smashing them together) (Do Furbies count as something Modern? Because if they do, I'd definitely rec this fic ~ Mod C)
my life's journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 147k, WangXian, Modern AU but not too modern, Canon Divergence, Everyone loves/Nobody dies, Angst, Case fic, Hurt/comfort) It's a weird kinda canon-modern + has some heavy themes, but I loved it 🥰
10. Hey .. this is my first time trying a request on Tumblr so please excuse me if I .. do it wrong or something idk (You're doing it just fine ^^ ~Mod C) . Also, you guys are awesome, you do god's work. I found some real gems through your blog. Thankyou so much. Wanted to ask if there's any fic with romcom-ish good boy lwj/bad boy wwx theme. Any au is fine, I like all. I read one called "detour of the year" (Let me know if this is the wrong fic~Mod C) with drug dealer/college boy au and I just can't get  over it. :(
11. well, since some people seems to ask yizhan fics here, i might as well. i hope its not too much of a bother. i have a very hard time looking for fics that is like is as close to reality, where they are still actors. perhaps like behind the cams, who they are to each other. i have only read one like that, others are au. in other words, its like yizhan fics where they are still actors, same people same stuffs. like canon divergent, or behind the scenes if they are in books or so. hope u get it
These have been moved to YiZhan Compilation
12. Hi!! Do you have any good sugar daddy! lwj fics? thanks <3 (also welcome Mod C!! It’s nice to have you here 🧡) (Hi! It's good to be here ^^ ~Mod C)
Weak by wayward_wing (M, 27k, WangXian, misunderstandings, Sugar Daddy LWJ, Sugar Baby WWX, Idiots in Love, Fluff and angst, wwx wears what he wants, Meaning wwx wears dresses, Lwj wears heels, Jc wears a skirt, Fashion is fun, Lan Zhan has a hair pulling kink, Anal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Rough Sex)
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Romantic Comedy, Comedy of Errors, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings)
All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 51k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, Sugar Daddy LWJ, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators, cultivators can recognize important people from previous lives, vaguely, this started out as a cute sugar fantasy and got just incredibly horny very fast, blame LWJ)
how to be a heartbreaker by sweetlolixo (E, 105k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy LWJ, Sugar Baby WWX, Dark WWX, Dark LWJ, Pining LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Crossdressing WWX, Seductress WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, Dirty Talking LWJ, They Do Fall In Love and there’s Fluff, Dark!Wangxian, Power Couple, Off the Charts Sexual Tension, Size Kink, Daddy Kink, degradation kink)
A Sure Thing by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 95k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sugar Daddy LWJ, Sex Work, Light Dom/sub, Aftercare, Semi-Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Bondage, use of sex toys, boundary setting, Relationship Negotiation, many baths, Barebacking)
13. can you find any male pregnant wei ying when wei ying and lan zhan lives at gusu.
ShuangXiu by panda_desu (M, 54k, wangxian, post-canon, unplanned mpreg, domestic fluff, Nirvana in fire crossover, pregnant sex, family feels)
Golden Spice by Torrinidae (E, 21k, wangxian, post-canon, ABO, omega WWX, alpha LWJ, mpreg, mating cycles/in heat, smut, hurt/comfort)
Many Lan babies series by luckymoonly (M, 388k, wangxian, so many babies one way or other)
14. Hello! First of all: thank you all the Mods for managing this blog, I've found so many great fics this way! <3 Second, for the Mood for a fic: do you know any in which A) orphaned!wwx meets his parents via time-travel or by some other way? I'm looking for fics in which they were dead or assumed dead. B) most people don't know that mxy=wwx and later (post canon for example?) wwx has to deal with something related to mxy (idk for example he learns that mo manor now belongs to him). Thank You again @marudny-robot
The Return of Cangse Sanren by milesofheart (T, 27k, WIP, WangXian, CS/WCZ, Canon Divergence, CS and WCZ Live, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, BAMF CS, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Canon-Typical Violence, Creative talisman use)
31 Steps to a Brand New Qishan Wen by starandrea (M, 37k, wangxian, 9th in series, shapeshifters, kid fic, burial mounds, time travel, CSSR & WCZ live, family reunions)
And We Came Back To You by SilverMoonlightInBrightNight (M, 10k, wangxian, CSSR/WCZ, CSSR & WWX & WCZ, family reunions, family feels, fix-it, fluff, angst w/ happy ending, war, blood & gore, WIP)
empty as the sky by incendir (T, 23k, wangxian, JYL & WWX, CSSR & WWX, be careful what you wish for)
A place of Gold by ThisIsWhereTheMagicHappens (T, 10k, WangXian, Post Canon, Junior's as Sect Leaders, Mistaken Identity)
focal, filler, and line by bosbie (T, 26k, wangxian, canon divergence, flower shop, falling in love, slice of life)
Our Small Steps by tokaku (T, 9k, WangXian, Post-Canon)
15. hello! for the next "I'm in the mood for", do you know any fics where bingqiu adopt wwx?? i always see hualian adopting him but only one where it was them (they actually mentored him bc he had demon blood i think, he even called lbh shizun) thank you!!
Hello, Neighbor!!! By Dragon_Scribe (M, 69k, BingQiu, WangXian, Canon Divergence Demon WWX, Crossover, Found Family, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dimension Travel?, Mystery, Mind Control, Love Confessions, Self-Indulgent) For the record I think the one they're talking abt on 15 of today's iitmf is "Hello, Neighbor!!!" By Dragon_Scribe on ao3. I figured it would be good to know
[New Mission – Parenting] by Forgotten64 (M, 92k, bingqiu, wangxian, child WWX adopted by bingqiu, fluff, romance, angst, violence, DISCONTINUED! but still worth a read I think)
A Guide on Parenting a BL Novel Protag by BingQiu by anatheme (Not rated, 75k, bingqiu, wangxian, fluff & crack, WWX adopted by bingqiu, fix-it, pining, misunderstandings, family fluff, marriage proposal, WIP)
'Til the Sun Grows Cold by xnemone (M, 73k, bingqiu, wangxian, LXC/JGY, post SVSSS canon, pre MDZS, demonic cultivation, found family, fluff & smut, light angst, childhood trauma, slow burn, pining)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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yoifanficrecs · 3 years
hello there! i was wondering if you could recommend me some fics- i’m into post-canon fics that revolve around victor and yuuri’s life in russia and competing against each other like the husbands vs husbands world championship you had on your may recs. i’ve actually found it hard to find many like these in my search and have read all the one i can find and didn’t know if you know of any. even if they don’t have competition in them just their life in russia is okay too. (:
sorry for rambling! if you have any i’d greatly appreciate it and tysm for being an active ficrec blog nowadays! super helpful!<3
hi! thank you :) i don’t read a ton of these but here are some that i have read and that i could find.
all of these are post canon, but don’t all focus on the competing aspect
The Real Podium Family (series) by WinglessCrows - T/G - 186k (complete) - cw: anxiety, panic attacks, alcohol use, implied sexual content
summary: "Follow Yuuri and Viktor as they go through competitions, starting from Viktor's comeback to the end of the Olympic season."
call everything on the ice... by shysweetthing -E - 50k (complete) - cw: alcohol use, anxiety
summary: "Victor learns Japanese while in Hasetsu. He doesn't tell Yuuri, and things get dicey when he overhears Yuuri and Mari talking about him in Japanese. Repeatedly." this one starts during canon and lasts through post canon
like love, like everything by windupbirdgirl - T - 7k (complete) - cw: none
victor doesn’t realize he and yuuri are engaged. takes place a full year after canon ends.
in search of silver lining by karasunotsubasa - M - 14k (complete) - cw: sexual content, animal death mention (vicchan), anxiety
summary: soulmate au where you can feel your bond form over time in your mind. very sweet! takes place the season after canon, where they live in st. petersburg.
this curious condition called love by xtwilightzx (blackidyll) - T - 16k (complete) - cw: anxiety
summary: "Yuuri has done the transcontinental uprooting of his life twice before and it's never easy, but this time there are photos plastered all over Victor's social media, explorations into Russian cuisine, shenanigans with the Russian figure skating national team, calls and messages from friends and family, and Victor, always. Victor, on the other hand, mostly copes by watching Yuuri adapt to life in St. Petersburg"
to have and to hold by WretchedArtifact - T - 4k (complete) - cw: injury
summary: victor is injured during his free program at the pyeongchang olympics
2,872 points (95% upvoted) by kevystel (aiden_ng) - G - 1k (complete) - cw: none
summary: post canon reddit ask me anything! (plus the rest of the fics in this series)
Victor “The Milkman” Nikiforov: the man, the meme, the legend by bosbie - T - 13k (complete) - cw: brief violence
summary: very funny fic in post canon where they live in st. petersburg
#golubsty by Budinca - T - 67k (complete) cw: body image, anxiety
summary: "Yuuri's moving in was a complicated process. feat. mason jars, Yurio cooking, Victor not cooking, Phichit's black market deals, old clothes swapping, and suspiciously vague descriptions of Saint Petersburg."
i'm so sorry that this took so incredibly long for me to post, so hopefully i will get more requested lists done soon before midterms start
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yoificfinder · 2 years
Can you help me find a fic please? I'm trying to find a fic where yuuri time travels and is like victor’s rival. The most prominent thing I remember is that yuuri does an interview with a St. Petersburg reporter while speaking russian. The reporters were a father in law an son in law duo. I’ve tried looking for it but can’t find it. Sorry if this isn’t very detailed. Thank you.
I hope my lovely followers can help!
ETA - eternity will be born from hope by theseviolentdelights99 [M, 181K] *WIP
On the tail-end of being dropped by his junior coach mid-season, Yuuri Katsuki is hit by a car and realises the universe must have a sick pleasure in fucking him over.
Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
Featuring an abundances of gay awakenings caused by Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov who is constantly ready to fight for Yuuri’s hand in marriage, and a Yuri Plisetsky who fails to hide his celebrity crush and idol worshiping under a constant sneer of contempt. (Also including a Vicchan who lives and wreaks havoc with his partner-in-crime Makkachin.)
Tysm for the help @liebemoiplease! ❤️
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Can You Hear My Heartbeat Chapter 28 is live on AO3!
Here's the next chapter of my YOI novelisation:
Yuuri wanted Viktor to know how he felt more than anything. ‘Love’ felt too small a word for how every fibre of his being had burst into ceaseless song. He had only decided to call it ‘love’ because it was the most fitting concept to describe this emotion that the human mind could grasp. In the aftermath of the drop dead dog date, Yuuri and Viktor discover a new activity that has the potential to rank among their most satisfying things to do together. At least, so far...
Excerpt below the read more tag.
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Mari shrugged. “He muttered something about you needing beauty sleep.” Her eyes narrowed as she pulled on her cigarette. “What were you two doing yesterday?”
“We went to the movies in Fukuoka.”
She blew out blue-greyish smoke. “So, you finally asked him out.”     
Under her scrutinising gaze, Yuuri’s courage crumbled like an old rice cracker. “Um, yes.”
She lifted her eyebrows. “Then you better get your ass to the rink.”
And with that, she left.
Confused and his innards clenching with a panic that Yuuri failed to make sense of, he jumped into his practice clothes, ruffled through his hair, and fled the house. He was past the door when a stray thought crossed his mind.
“My skates!” he yelled, and dashed back, passing his startled mother who was carrying a stack of fresh towels to the baths.
“Yuuri!” her voice followed him upstairs. “How was your date with Vicchan?”
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Eternity will be born from hope
It’s a Yuri on Ice! fic
On the tail-end of being dropped by his junior coach mid-season, Yuuri Katsuki is hit by a car and realises the universe must have a sick pleasure in fucking him over.
Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
Featuring an abundances of gay awakenings caused by Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov who is constantly ready to fight for Yuuri’s hand in marriage, and a Yuri Plisetsky who fails to hide his celebrity crush and idol worshiping under a constant sneer of contempt. (Also including a Vicchan who lives and wreaks havoc with his partner-in-crime Makkachin.)
yes yes yes an excellent fic
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How about a question about a fun topic. What are your pet peeves in fan fiction?
Oh, god, so many, lol. First person POV is an automatic pass. I hate when they make everyone trans or change a characters race. When characters are wildly OOC for no reason. (I don't mind some character deviation, but I don't want to read a Hannibal fic where Hannibal is a good, doting husband who's never had a violent thought in his life. I want to read about a fucked up cannibal gaslighting Will into being a serial killer with him.) I hate when fanon or popular headcanons about characters being leftists, or feminists, or communists, or some other gross political thing gets popular and then half the fics have those characteristics. I hate AUs that still have to hit every major story beat from the original (Yuri on Ice AUs that still have the "Let's end this" moment or Vicchan dying even though the fic doesn't follow canon at all really annoy me) Fic where the tone doesn't fit the story being told. Fic that starts out lighthearted and then, BAM, someone's getting raped. Fic where the author is aging characters up for no other reason then they're uncomfortable writing about underage fictional characters. If you want to do that, do a future fic. (I don't want to read a Harry Potter fic set during Order of the Phoenix where Harry is 18 instead of 15 because the writer wants to write a sex scene but doesn't want to have a 15 year old fictional character fucking. Just don't write the sex scene or find a fandom where the characters are already adults.) RPF of any kind. When the female characters are all knowing and wise and all the guys are scared of them and in awe of them and they have no flaws and are always right.
There's more that I can't think of right now. And there are a lot of fandom specific peeves too. Tall, buff Midoriya. Tall Harry Potter. Top Harry Potter. Slutty Tim Drake. Yuuri not being a virgin before he met Victor. When people writing Batman fic kill off the Joker off page with a pithy aside because they don't like him and have to let the reader know how much they don't like him. Stuff like that.
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faysgeekystuff · 4 years
I'm just going to talk about my favorite Victuuri scene for a little bit (I know this is literally 5 years too late but I have no friends who have seen YOI and I need to get it off my chest). That moment at the end of episode 9 when we see Victor and Yuuri reunite in the airport. First this is the episode with the LEAST amount of in person Victor, so the story makes us feel the separation hard. We see Yuuri struggling with his free skate because he's feeling this lack of Victor so strongly, he's worried about Makkachin (flashbacks to Vicchan), and he's worried about failing Victor and not getting into the GPF. He makes it barely, by one placement, and he's so relieved that he literally hugs everyone around him but if you notice he doesn't stay hugging anybody for very long.
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Then we see the airport scene. I can't even describe how much I love this scene. First we see Makkachin which is an absolute relief for both Yuuri and the audience. She's okay and it's not going to be another Vicchan moment. But then Victor and Yuuri see eachother. Okay, if you look at the scene they are surrounded by people, the airport is actually fairly busy. But the very second Yuuri and Victor see eachother everyone else fades away, we only see them and they ONLY see echother. Separated by glass these two literally run full tilt to the door to stop this separation. Neither one of them look away the entire time they're running and their entire focus is reaching the eachother.
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And then the hug. This is why I talked about Yuuri hugging everyone at Rostelecom. Yuuri needed Victor to hug him and he was filling that void with the people around him. Yuuri literally slams into Victor at the airport, and Victor holds on to him just as desperately. Neither one of the them wants to let go.
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Yuuri pulling back to ask Victor to be his coach until he retires. Okay so I'm not super well versed in Japanese customs (mainly I just know stuff from anime) but I know that originally Japanese proposals were not just asking, "will you marry me?" They were more along the lines of, "will you make miso soup for me everyday," or, "do you want to grow old together?" More focused on asking to do something with eachother for the rest of their lives. So when Yuuri asks Victor to be his coach until he retires this is why Victor responds with, "it's almost like a marriage proposal." It basically is. But then Victor says, "I wish you'd never retire," saying I want to stay with you for the rest of your life. Which okay, that was essentially an engagement scene. These two disasters were separated for the first time since Victor went to Hatsetsu and they missed eachother so much that the FIRST thing they do when they see eachother is get engaged.
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And then the scene fades out with both of embracing, completely oblivious to the fact that they are both surrounded by people and blocking the door for the other people coming off the plane. They're just so content in each others arms. I love these two so much 😭💜
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gaylos-lobos · 3 years
Man I would die for a YoI miniseries set around the 2009 GPF.
Anyways for people who don’t know the 2009 GPF was held in Tokyo (at least in the real world) and if we go with YoI being set in 2016 Yuri and Viktor would be (freshly) turned 17 and 20 (nearly 21) years old during this. (Now that I’ve put this info here I can actually start talking)
We start of episode one with Yuris 17 birthday, it’s Sunday he spent it with his friends and family, they celebrated. His parents gifted him tickets for all days of the single mans seniors event (he hasn’t stopped smiling since he opened the envelope), Minako is traveling with him taking on one half of the cost of the hotel room they’ll be sharing (it’s small but enough to sleep in for a week). He hugs them thightly, they sing a song and he blows out the candles, we cut to black. Next scene is about team Yakov (which at the time consist of Viktor, two ladies single skaters, an ice dance pair and a skate one(at least these are the once here)) finally arriving and leaving the airport to head to the hotel (this will also give us an idea of how things used to be around Viktor). We see cameras and press and Viktor giving an interview or two (be nice, look pretty, don’t show how tired you are, play your part). We cut to Yuri at the rink (evening practice) as someone asks Viktor about practice and how he balances it. Before Yuri leaves Yuuko hands him a plush to throw onto the ice after one of Viktors programs, then we cut between him packing for his trip starting tomorrow and Viktor unpacking in his hotel room finally getting a sliver of time to himself.
We start of episode two the next day, Monday the 30th. Minako and Yuri leave together. We watch a small completion of their travel to their hotel and end the scene with their hotel room door closing behind them. We cut to another door, 20 year old Viktor leaving it, dressed up so that he might have some privacy as he walks around Tokyo his long locks tide into a bun and hidden beneath a beanie, he’s wearing casually clothes and a mask to cover most of his face, we see him open one of the back doors and cut back to Yuri and Minako, who are now exploring Tokyo together. We see them explore some shops, leaving some of them with a shopping bag or two, the completion ends as they halt infront of a certain shop, it sells many things for dogs, Yuris eyes beaming as he wanted to get something new for Vicchan and was just waiting for the right time and place to find it (he decideds it’s here). The next scene cuts between Viktor and Yuri as they (without knowing) explore the shop at the same time, missing each other by an aisle or two, convenient turns and ducks to pick something up. We see Minako and Yuri leave and cut to Viktors view of their bodies growing more and more distant (none the wiser on who he just missed), he pays for the many small things he knows Makka will enjoy once he comes back home (god he wishes she could be here with him), leaving the shop behind and making his way through the packed streets. At one point we see him getting recognized, instantly putting on his mask of the skater, he takes photos with them, he’s nice as he’s supposed too, only visiting two or three more shops too exhausted after all that. We cut to Yuri and Minako sitting in a cafe, him seeing the news that he just so missed out on meeting the Viktor Nikiforov, beating himself up a little about it, a soft look on Minakos face before she tells him that Viktor probably dosen’t enjoy being interrupted in private to take photos and that it would be a better memory for the two if he wouldn’t have to sacrifice a bit of his off time to meeting fans (he knows but still). It’s evening now and we see the two getting ready for the night, they have a long day ahead tomorrow, we end the scene with their soundly sleeping bodies in the squished room nearly fully filled up with their luggage and shopping bags, it’s warm and comfy scene. We cut one more time that episode leaving us with Viktor sleeping in the rather big and empty room his luggage neatly stored in the closet, as he lays in a bed just a bit to big for him and certainly to lonely, the camera zooming into his face, icy eyes staring at us just before they close and the camera goes to black, the scene is cold and feels sterile.
Episode three it’s Tuesday the first now, a day before the opening ceremony. We start on Viktor this time, he does his morning routine and at breakfast we cut from him and Yakov talking over to Yuri and Minako. They sit in the small and crowded eating room of the hotel they stay in eating a more traditional breakfast compared to what we just saw, if you’ve been observend you could see in the background shoots that Yuri actually brought his skates. So they are going to a public rink (quite empty at the time they’ll be there). We then see a lot of cuts between stuff of both duo’s going to the rink and Viktor and Yuri warming up and practicing. It then for a while focuses on Yuris as we see him do a run through of his fs program from Celestinos pov, who has been watching (next to Minako) for a while, we cut back to Viktor as they’re about to start talking with each other. He too has been practicing but this time we see potential sponsors and some press watching him, it’s more tense and we can faintly here heart beats (violin version) playing in the background. He dosen’t do any mistakes the entire time their there. We cut back to Yuri who is now sitting in a small and cozy restaurant with Minako and Celestino, their talking about his future plans over lunch and Celestino gives him some advice(setting up his future leave to Detroit and their working relationship). We cut back to Viktor now able to properly practice and allow himself some mistakes (we could see Yakovs annoyed face during the last scene with Viktor, he seems more relaxed and at ease now that Viktor can actually practice instead of giving people a show). We end the episode on the opening ceremony on the following day.
Episode four opening the first of the two SP episodes , it’s Friday the fourth now the SP and FS episodes cut between povs of several characters (mainly Yuri and Viktor) throughout. The opening scene is from Celestinos skater taking part in the mens singles, Viktors back turned to us as the group is about to take the ice, it’s a bit tense, the camera swings out to show all of them taking the ice and then pans over to Yuri and Minako who just took their seats, the plushy Yuuko handed him neatly tugged in a bag placed between his feet. You can see how excited he is, his eyes following all of Viktors movements. All but one leave the ice again and we see the first SP of the episodes. We get to know the skater a bit and cut to Yuris and Viktors reaction in between, their both analysing it, reacting (this is still a time when Viktor cared enough and it all hadn’t yet become motions he went through). We finish cutting to the kiss and cry, it’s a seasonal best for the skater, the camera pans over to Celestino and his skater. This one manly cuts between the two of them, a few times to Yuri and Viktor but just for a short comment or two. In the kiss and cry we see him earn his personal best (he will continue for a few more years, retiring after the 2014/2015 season). Another skater taking the ice, one coached by JJs parents, the same events as the first one play again and than we end the episode with Chris taking the ice.
The fifth episode opens on Yuri and Minako holding up a swiss flag to cheer on Chris as the camera pans over to him in the middle of the rink, enjoying the few seconds before the music sets in. We get to know more about him then we do already (a familiar face finally) and we also cut between Yuri and Viktor, a lot less analysing this time, their cheering on their friend (letting us know at what point their respective friendships are with him right now). He finishes, Minako throwing a cat plush onto the rink (she and Yuri bought it the previous day), it’s one of the few he picks up. We cut to the kiss and cry where it’s sitting on his lap as his score comes in. After that we pan back to the ice, a new face both skater and coach for us, but a veteran for the sport, this most likely his final season. As he takes the ice the mode changes, it’s electric. We get to have some insight of him but most comes from his coach, Yakov and Celestino. We don’t get comments from our duo but the camera does pan over Yuris mesmerized face which is in stark contrast with the cold and annoyed one on Viktors as we see him prepare to go next. And after the kiss and cry and the loudest cheering yet we finally watch Viktor take the ice. Radiant and magnificent as people have are slowly starting too except of him, three of his four future quads already perfectly tugged beneath his belt. We cut between Viktor and Yuri (a few thoughts from Yakov here and there) as he captives the audience, just as they hoped (not except like they’ll start doing the coming years). Through Viktors thoughts we can already start to see the misery he’s been pushing away rearing it’s ugly head, it’s starting to become simply motions he goes through, but everytime we cut to Yuri we can hear his excitement, his joy of seeing him skate, the name banner held thightly in his hands. As Viktor finishes we can tell that he isn’t that happy with himself (even though it was flawless, always flawless). As he bows to the audience we cut to Yuri throwing the plush Yuuko handed him onto the ice, Viktor picking some up before he falls into Yakovs arms for a quick hug. We pan over to the kiss and cry as they announce his score (we can see that he didn’t pick up Yuukos plush) the audience going wild, a new personal best of his and through Morooka we find out that it is incredibly close to the current world record. As the episode winds down we follow Viktor to his hotel room and as the door closes behind him we can see the happy mask of earning such an incredibly high score slip, as it reveals the disappointed and cold expression on which we end the episode.
We start of episode six on Yuri and Minako taking their seats the next day at the senior mens free skating, the same bag as the previous day neatly tucked between Yuris feet again (if you’ve been paying attention you could have seen the plushy he has in there as he was packing). We then go over to the last skater on the ice getting ready to start his performance (it’s the one beneath JJs parents), while his choreography his stellar his technical elements are lacking (compared to everyone else there) we end his free skate after cutting between his and his coaches thoughts. As he gets of the ice we can see the disappointment written all over him, we see a glimpse of the kiss and cry as his score roles in before the camera pans over to the next skater. The first skater of the previous day takes the ice, we can here his thoughts "If I pull this off I have a chance of placing third" (everybody knows already who‘ll take the first two spots, it’s just a question of placement with them). He does well but falls on two jumps, still scoring above the last one but most likely not even enough for fourth. We go over to Chris who’s taking his place on the ice, he’s more nervous then the previous day as he starts. Through both his thoughts and performance we can see how different he used to be as a skater, the piece is calmer, the music classical and he feels like he can’t give everything he could into it (this of course changing in the following years to the Chris we see in the show). This time we get an insight into Minakos thoughts and those of his coach before it cuts back to him as the program ends, he’s first after this knowing that at best he’ll end up on third. The last scene of the episode is from Celestinos pov, the shot concentrating on him before the camera pans out and we land on his student in the middle of the rink about to start his program.
We start off episode seven from Yuris pov, as he watches the performance off Celestinos student (and one of his future rink mates), he might not go as hard on the technical elements but the performance in and of itself makes up for everything else, we change into his thoughts around the halfway point and as his performance ends we can hear the ringing in his ears of the audiences applause for him, leaving the ice after a stellar performance and just barley placing beneath Chris. We cut to our veteran, we can feel the audience’s excitement as he skates on, taking his place in the center. Cutting to several characters reactions as they watch in awe as he performance for them, panning over to Viktor as he gets ready to go out there next. The performance ends and the audience goes crazy. We see the kiss and cry from an outsider pov this time around before the camera pans over to Viktor telling us that we have been looking through Yakovs eyes, he says something encouraging to Viktor who puts on his mask for the FS we watch as he skates onto the ice and change from Yakov over to Yuri who is looking at the same imagery reflected on the scoreboard and as Viktor starts the performance we change pov one more time as it goes from Yuri over to him and instead of seeing him we can only see the ice around him. The performance goes through without an issue, Viktor being a bit more aggressive as usual it only becoming enjoyable for him as he lands his third and last quad, something that has become his signature move, the quad lutz (this being the only time we change to another pov, it’s Yuris and we can really see how mesmerizing it is). Striking his final pose as the audience starts cheering, a shower of plushies and flowers being thrown onto the ice as he bows to the audience. We see him pick up some of them but can’t get a glance to what they are before he skates of the ice, slipps on his skate guards and makes his way to the kiss and cry. We watch Viktor sit down with one of the plushies resting on his lap, it’s a cute little pink poodle with a light blue collar and a keychain like attachment (I don’t know the word for this) of the Ice castle mascots. As the score roles in we zoom out, the camera going from directly at the kiss and cry to the score board screening and then out to the reflection of it in Yuris eyes as he is realizing that, that’s his plushy on Viktor Nikiforovs lap (the same kinda reaction as in episode ten when he was looking around and ended up on the idea of buying the rings), Minako teasing him for being beat red. The last scene of the episode is the medal ceremony where Viktor takes gold (starting of his first Golden Grand Slam), we cut to black on his (fake) smile.
Episode eights first half switches around several times, we get to see a completion of the gala, the one fleshed out program being Viktors as we see it through Yuris eyes, switching over to Viktors pov as he leaves the ice, we follow him into the changing room the shot transitioning into the banquet as he walks through the doorframe, his long hair now put up into a simple ponytail instead of bun made out of french braids it was at the gala skate, we see everyone again (last time for most of these characters) and then end the scene with Viktor leaving for his hotel room. He enters the lift and we stay on the shot of the closed door for a few seconds until it opens again to Yuri and Minako who step out of the small and old lift into the small corridor leading to their room, they open the door and as they enter we switch back to Viktor who has just entered his, it’s cast in a cold blue before he turns the lights on. We switch back over to Yuri and Minako, who are starting to pack all non necessities up at which point we switch between them and Viktor for a while before we end on Viktor holding onto Yuris plushy looking like he wanted to pack it away, he sits down and promptly lets himself fall onto his back, the plush now sitting atop his chest as he looks blankly at the ceiling, his eyes fluttering shut bringing the scene to an end. We see another small completion of our duo and team Yakov as they make their ways home, shots and transitions like the last scene but more compact, the last time we see Yuri and Minako being when she drops him off at the onsen before she waves them goodbye (more like until later) as she departs for her own apartment, which then transitions over to a shot off Viktor waving Yakov goodbye as he gets drooped of infront of his apartment building. He turns around and takes the elevator upstairs, a genuine smile on his lips for once as he’s so happy to finally see his darling girl again and spend as much time as he can with her. The elevator door opens again and Viktor a few weeks later steps out of it, dressed in a fancy suit his hair tied up neatly a designer coat over it with a big scarf hugging his neck as he makes his way to his apartment, a bag in one of his hands as he fumbles for his keys, finally home after the long birthday dinner that is always held on the evening of his and before Georgies birthday (it used to be something small and fun but the older they got the more corporate it became, being more like spending time with sponsors these days), Makkachin only mildly acknowledged his return, only the light of the moon illuminating his apartment. He pets her head as he passes by throwing his shoes and everything down to his under shirt and pants into a pile on the floor before pulling the rest of his cake out of its box, the candles blaring twenty-one looking back at him, ending the episode (and series) on a shot off freshly turned twenty-one year old Viktor sitting in his lonely and cold apartment with his only companion at his side as he blankly stares into nothing.
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