#dressage au
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milkgoblinart · 4 months ago
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Dressage rhaenicent au by @fshfish
This has been stuck in my head for WEEKS. Basically both competed, alicent quit, rhaenyra won first place for olympics (??) and then cried on podium.
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canisalbus · 26 days ago
Do the boys have jobs in the modern AU?
I can see Machete possibly being a librarian or office worker. I could also see Vasco being a barista or retail worker, but I can't really imagine either in a Walmart vest.
Part of me thinks it would be adorable if they ran a tiny corner store, but I know its unlikely
I still haven't decided, sorry! ´v`'
I've gotten a lot of excellent suggestions on what Machete could be doing for a living, from high fashion to something do do with history, museums and art, but I think he's doomed to repeat his mistake and choose some kind of high-paying but soul-sucking white collar job, over what he actually wants to do. But again, I haven't decided.
Vasco comes from an upper class background in the modern au, and I've been envisioning his family owning a business that has something to do with horses. His parents might've tried to persuade him to continue in their footsteps, but Vasco probably would've had other plans. He's worked mixed jobs over the years, barista being one of them, and his adaptability and admirable people skills tend to help him to do well on every venture he embarks on. But it's entirely possible he hasn't quite figured out what his long-term calling is.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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MDZS Equineswap AU part 1: Bro we are horses. It’s okay to cry around me, we are best friends. Bro we are kissing.
[girl side of the swap]
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steddilly · 2 months ago
I know nothing about horses but Dressage rider Steve and Cowboy Eddie who works on Wayne’s ranch. Is this anything?
Eddie at first thinks he’s a better horse rider than Steve because he does it for a living and Steve does it for competitions, little does he know that Steve started riding horses on his grandparents farm.
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chaserofstars11 · 7 months ago
pick a name for regulus’ horse in my fic descriptions under cut
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adriellej · 21 days ago
Hidden In The Stables - Part 3
Pairings: No pairing
Characters: Jo Harvelle, Jensen Ackles, Isabella Wilson, Reader
Summary:  Working in a big stable with expensive horses and brilliant riders is a great job. The wish to ride for such a stable is big, and maybe that day is closer than you thought.
Warnings: Per se no warnings in this. Only the ranks are a little tough on each other I suppose.
Word count: 1.3K+
A/N: Sorry it has taken so long. I’m trying to get back into writing, and I have fallen into a new pit of SPN, almost rewatched the entire show while I’ve been on sick leave from my work. So here ya go. The tag list is just the ones that were on from the past 2 parts. And thank you to the world's best beta @hiddenwritingsintheworld
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Walking the horses back to the stables, you and Jo laughed from the race you had just indulged in. 
“Did you see him run?” Jo said with ecstasy lacing her voice, with a smile so big it touched both ears. 
“He was downright fast, Blue couldn’t keep up, not from lack of trying,” you laughed out loud, stroking Blue Jean’s neck. “But on a serious note, Jo… Thank you for letting me help you with this, it brought me home, even for just a short while,” you spoke turning your head to look at Jo, with a small smile playing on your lips. 
“You’re welcome, though this is your own profit. It was a great idea to let him run, I have gotten so used to being in the arena, that I forget the horses just love to feel the wind in their manes,” she said appreciatively. You gave her a small nod and you’re welcome, as the horses rocked you both in their smooth walk, you both fell silent. 
Jensen’s P.O.V.
“Hey there boy,” Jensen said as he approached Ahearn’s stall. Ahearn’s head popped out from the stall, his ears perked in the direction of Jensen’s voice. Though Ahearn was a big animal who had a mind of his own, he was often misunderstood. In reality, he was just a big baby once he trusted you enough. “So should we try and lunge you today instead of riding?” Jensen asked the stallion as he came up to the door of the stall. Ahearn nudged Jensen’s shoulder in response and licked his neck and jaw, making Jensen laugh. “Okay, okay… I guess that’s a yes,” Jensen said pulling the halter over Ahearn’s ears, ready to pull him to a grooming stall. 
Jensen let the brush slide down Ahearn’s dark soft coat, letting it work to get the dust out. Brushing Ahearn was always a delight for him, he loved spending time with him, and likewise was it for Ahearn. Even when he had a busy schedule full of horses every day, he always made time for Ahearn, because of the bond they had come to build. It was hard for Jensen to see Ahearn so misunderstood, when in reality all he wanted was the same attention as the other horses would get.
Laughs erupted from down the hall pulling Jensen from his thoughts. 
“Jo, seriously, that was so much fun, thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Jensen heard a familiar voice answer, he knew that voice, but from where?
“Again, it was nothing if not for your good idea,” Jo laughed. 
Jensen stepped out from the grooming stall and looked in the direction of the two voices, his curiosity taking over. Jo was walking with Atlas, and the girl he had seen riding Blue Jeans walked beside her smiling before they turned the corner to the other end of the stable. 
Reader’s P.O.V
Knowing you had done something good for a horse today, couldn’t keep you from smiling. The ride on Blue certainly didn’t help bring down the smile on your face, but one person sure could. You had returned to your stable duties once you had untacked Blue Jeans and were full-on working when a certain person came by.
“Is there a particular reason why you haven’t cleaned Brandy’s stall yet?” the shrill voice landed in your ears. You looked up to Isabella looking at you with a certain wickedness. Your smile instantly disappeared from your lips. 
“Uh… I- I haven’t,” you stuttered along as you were desperately trying to find the right words to say. You knew if you said you had been out riding, Isabella surely would tell the stable owner about it, and you might lose your job right then and there. 
“You what? What haven’t you?” She asked rather condescendingly. 
“Hey Isabella, relax okay? She’s trying to help me with Ahearn,” Jensen said walking towards the stall you were in, with the big stallion by his side. You looked to Isabella and saw her reluctantly turn towards him with a fake smile on her lips, while also stepping a few steps back with a small fear in her eyes. “She is helping me with his issues of rearing and bucking,” He continued with a smile and looking towards you. “Isn’t that right, Y/N?” You felt heat rise to your cheeks as he was lying for you. 
“Right, I had an idea that might help with - uh - said issue,” You followed his lead with a thankful look in your eyes. 
“C’mon, let’s see if it’ll work. " His smile was so bright that his dimples showed, and you looked to the stall in confusion. “I’ll help you out later. He’s my last horse for the day. " You looked at him with awe, thinking he had lost his mind, but you couldn’t help but follow his lead. 
“Why did you do that?” You asked when you were proper out of hearing range from the devil herself. “Well mostly, the look on her face was absolutely priceless,” he laughed so wholeheartedly that you giggled a bit beside him. “But also because you might have a good point. Lunging him is probably not a bad idea, see if I can help him to get some of that build-up energy out of him,” he continued as your laughs died down a bit. 
“Well, I’m pretty sure you don’t need me for that, Mr. Ackles,” You continued, your smile fading as you remembered your rank in the stables. 
“Please just call me Jensen,” He said looking down at the ground. Ahearn gave him a push on his shoulder pushing him towards you. 
“Well, aren’t you just a charmer Ahearn,” You laughed. “But my statement still stands Jensen, you don’t need my help.  You can do it on your own, plus, I think the owner would kill me if she saw me doing anything with him,” you said almost in a whisper looking away from him and Ahearn. 
Jensen stopped beside you, Ahearn walking a few steps forward, just to turn to you and nuzzle your arm as if wanting to be petted. You looked at Ahearn with a big smile on your face as you reached your hand up to his muzzle and the other on his jaw. 
“That!” Jensen said out loud, surprising both you and Ahearn. Ahearn’s head stood up tall and his ears stood stiffly forward as a big snort came from him. 
“Sorry Ahearn,” he said, stroking the big stallion's neck. “What I was trying to say is; that it seems that you and Ahearn have some sort of bond. He listens to you and you seem to listen to him,” Jensen shook his head. “Not many do, there’s a reason everyone backs away and that he never gets taken out unless I do,” the sadness lacing Jensen’s voice was hard to bear. Your hand landed on Jensen’s arm without realizing it, giving a quick squeeze to let him know you understood him. 
“What am I even supposed to do? Jensen, I don’t work with the horses for a reason… I’m just the stablehand,” You lied, the same lie you were trying so desperately to tell yourself to make things easier. 
“I saw you with Blue Jeans, took me a while to put the voice to the face, but you know what you’re doing, Y/N.” He tried to convince you. “I’d just like to see how he will be if you’re the one lunging him. I was going to do it myself, but you seemed to need to get out of that situation, so I thought why not?” He continued letting out the smallest chuckle. 
“Jensen I can’t, I might lose my job,” You said looking down again with vulnerability. “I’m not who I used to be,” You continued. Jensen poked your shoulder handing the reins to you. 
“Please just do it for Ahearn then,” he pushed. “And you never know, a year from now, you could be wishing you started today.”,” He smiled the sweetest and cutest smile you’d ever seen. 
“Fine,” you said as you took the reins. “But if I lose my job, it’s on you!” You said poking him hard in the chest. 
Tag list: @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @winchesterswoonathon, @for-the-love-of-dean, @ellen-reincarnated1967​, @teamfreewill-imagine​, @deascheck​, @hiddenwritingsintheworld​, @impalapossible​, @sis-tafics​, @talesoftheimpala​, @ilostmyshoe-79​, @unadulteratedstorycollector​, @faith-in-dean​, @mrswhozeewhatsis​, @curliesallovertheplace​, @random-fandom-fangirl2112​, @sandlee44​ (sorry it took so long)
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7thchevronlocked · 11 months ago
Jacaerys Targaryen-Strong & Vermax
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Part 1 | Part 2 (Cregan)
A companion moodboard for my fic all of our book's pages dog eared, the equestrian!jace and farrier!cregan jacegan au that literally nobody asked for.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months ago
Hey erm can we get something for the dressage one? Maybe Gil is working very hard for a whole week without proper rest and one day thena comes in to check on Olympia and sees her resting on the ground with Gil leaning on her and sleeping?
"He is beautiful, in his own way."
Olympia just stared at her. The horse was lying down comfortably, nestled in among the hay Gil had been unloading all week. The man himself was actually curled up on some loose straw and tucked into Olympia's side, currently.
Thena tilted her head. She would never get this opportunity again, and she couldn't help but observe the fine details of Gil's visage now that it was open to her. And she couldn't be caught staring.
Olympia bumped Thena's head with her snout.
"Stop it," Thena whispered, keeping her horse's nose out of her business. "Don't wake him."
Gil had been working nonstop since their return from the tournament. It still seemed ridiculous to her that there was no one to help assist Gil, let alone cover his duties when he was away. It was part of his contract that he get at least some time off.
She had been trying to catch him at a good time all week. But all he had been doing was unloading hay and securing stables and caring for the horses. She had barely seen him at all.
Thena smiled as Gil turned over slightly in his pile of hay. "Some might say he's rather cute."
Olympia fixed one of her bulbous eyes upon her with a look of clear disbelief.
"Oh, shush," Thena scolded her own horse. She leaned against Olympia, running her hand down the front of her nose with a sigh. "I know you like him, too."
There was a time when she wouldn't have allowed herself to admit that she liked him at all. She could barely believe there was a time when she was determined not to like him at all. But he had won her over, as she imagined he was capable of doing with anyone.
Olympia let out a whinny, far louder than just a simple puff of air.
"Olympia!" Thena hissed at her, putting her finger up as if that were going to do any good with a horse. Gil stirred and she rushed behind Olympia.
Foolishness washed over her as she crouched behind Olympia's neck. Her face flushed. It was not only foolish of her to be hiding after spying on him, it was foolish of her to be watching him sleep like some creep. What was she supposed to say if he woke?
No, she wasn't watching him sleep because of some deep held affection she had for him. It was purely because she admired him as an equine caretaker, of course.
"Huh?" he startled upon his hay, looking around and then up at Olympia. "What's wrong, girl?"
He asked, but Olympia all but laughed at his panic. She adjusted herself, shaking out her mane. Her movement exposed the top of a head of blonde.
Gil rubbed his eyes. "Thena?"
She sighed, thunking her head against Olympia's neck. This little mare could be such a brat. Thena cleared her throat, hoping to compose herself as she rounded the horse's head to face Gil. "Sorry, I really was trying not to wake you."
"That's okay," Gil rushed to stand and brush himself off. He blushed, "S-Sorry, I shouldn't be sleeping."
Thena shook her head with a smile. "You shouldn't need to sleep. They're woking you too hard."
He shrugged, ruffling his hair (which shed a few hay twigs). "We got the hay delivery and the food delivery on the same day, which doesn't usually happen. But I gotta get them all sorted and put away before the temperature changes tonight."
Thena just sighed. It was an impossible amount of work for any one person. And if it were anyone but Gil, she doubt they would have gotten done what he had. "Gil, that's-"
"And now that tournaments are over, everyone's leaving for the season, so I've been trying to prep as much as I can before I have all the horses in all the time."
Despite the stables being on club grounds, it was rare to have every horse in all at the same time. And she couldn't imagine what it meant for Gil's workload to not have any time when the horses were out in someone else's care.
"Thanks girl," Gil thanked Olympia, petting her nose gently. "I guess I need to recharge my batteries a little."
"It should be more than a little," Thena raised her eyebrows at him. "When was the last time you truly rested?"
"Well," he drew out, avoiding her eyes boring into him. "I've been getting up early to try and premix the food and get all the hay to loosen, if need be."
"And what is early?" she inquired further, crossing her arms at him. She wasn't here to nag him like some put upon partner. But she knew that his days already began at 6 in the morning on a normal day.
"Uh," Gil avoided looking at her even more than before. It almost seemed unfair, since he could look over the top of her head naturally. "Well, like...4-ish."
"Gil-" Thena crossed her arms at him.
"Thena, really, it's okay," he attempted to minimise what he was doing, again. "It's just for the next week and a half or so. Then it's pretty smooth sailing until everyone comes back for the next season."
Thena continued to scowl, and not just at how her fellow competitors could somehow have the heart to leave their horses at the club for two whole weeks. She sighed.
"I slept pretty well, actually," Gil tried to laugh it off as he started crouching down to collect the loose hay. "I can-"
Thena all but elbowed him out of the way to grab a handful for herself. He just stared at her, stunned, but she glared right back, daring him to tell her not to. "It will go quickly with the both of us."
She walked decisively towards the pens with her meager armful of hay. It was a drop in the bucket, she was aware. Olympia followed behind her, although once actually in her pen she turned around, making it clear she wouldn't be assisting further.
"Thena," Gil attempted to reason with her as she passed him, moving an armful at a time while he had some heavier buckets of feed with him to leave outside of each pen. "You don't have to-"
"And you shouldn't have to do all of this yourself, but here we are."
Maybe he had no defense to that, but he continued on in his work as she continued with hers, no matter how inefficiently. As much as she would like to, she wasn't delusional enough to think that she had the physical strength to move the hay bales. But it only made her more adamant on doing whatever she could to help him.
"You are not staying here until all hours of the morning--or waking up at dawn," she huffed at him in passing, making her third lap. "You shouldn't even have to stay here when the club is in its off season."
"Well, that's kind of the whole room and board deal," he shrugged, watching her huff and puff past him again and again. "They provide the room and I board."
She rolled her eyes as she dumped the last of the loose hay that had been serving as their daybed at Olympia's feet. The mare then had the audacity to flop down again, as if so exhausted from all the work of watching them.
"Come to mine."
"Huh?" Gil looked up in the middle of grabbing the hose.
She had blurted it right out, and perhaps a bit impulsively at that. She and Gil had gotten to know each other better but she wouldn't say that they were familiar enough for him to come over to her home. But she had stuck out the invitation like it was nothing. She cleared her throat, determined to follow through. "At least for tonight, you can have a meal that's not made in the guest suite kitchen. And I come to see Olympia everyday even in the off season anyway."
Gil was quiet, and the idea that he would reject her invitation, even if just to be polite, actually made her heart jump around in her chest. He had put down the hose. "There's a lot to get through, tonight."
She didn't waver. "Then we should continue on."
Gil let her pass him again. "Can you cook?"
"No, but I'm on good terms with every delivery driver in the area."
Gil laughed, loudly enough to make Olympia shuffle around in curiosity. But he picked up his hose again and started spraying down the pen doors. "Well, if we get outta here too late, I'm pretty good at whipping up even the barest of ingredients."
Of course he was a great cook of human food, too, Thena lamented. She crouched, dragging a bag of dry food mix into her arms. Between these and the hay, at least she could somewhat lift these. Although, by the time she got even one carried over from the open barn to the pen hallway, Gil already had two hefted up on his shoulder. She swiped at some sweat on her brow.
"Show off."
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hcdragonwrites · 2 years ago
Love of a Mountain
(Part two to @journey-to-the-au Banquet Fic)
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Here is part two to Banquet! I hope you enjoy !
Willow walked out of her room sometime later, having divested herself of the Heavenly court garments. Instead she was back in her simple gowns and letting her hair fall free the way she liked. If Wukong insists upon a feast then it’s best not to get the garments Heaven-approved-of messy.
Feasts were never the same thing twice here on Flower Fruit Mountain. Each one was as different as a sunset- a thing to be experienced and enjoyed. Heaven's orderly festivals and banquets were usually repetitive and ended the same. No two feasts upon the mountain could ever be compared or summed up as the same.
Rin Rin was coming just from around the corner as Willow closed her door. Though she and Wukong were married- they still enjoyed having a room to run back to and sequester themselves in. They had a shared room- one that linked the two seperate ones together. They used this only when the two desired affection and connection. Or when one or both was having a day of it. For Wukong this would be phantom pains from the circlet he had worn across his brow, or nightmares from his time within the vats being boiled alive. For Willow, this would be memories of the imposter, or nightmares of glowing eyes in the dark asking her how sweet she would taste.
Just a Kiss Willow dear~
Willow shook her head, chasing the cobwebs from her mind. Rin Rin came with a smile and wave. The little gray monkey had a fresh flower behind her ear and her fur was all a sparkle beneath her ochre robes. Willow bent to greet her friend in a warm hug as she collided.
“Willow! I’ve come to collect you.” Rin Rin said. Willow sighed.
“Truly all this fuss and bother for a bit of a missed meal.” Willow grumbled back. “I told Wukong it would be fine, but he insisted on waking everyone for a feast.”
Rin Rin smiled as she stepped back, taking Willow's hand and rushing her along the corridor. Even from way back here, she could make out the gaiety and laughter spilling from the great dining hall beyond. Music was being struck up and Willow couldn’t help but hum a bit of the tune. The folk songs of Flower Fruit Mountain usually were rhymes or twisting trickster tales and harrowing pranks that brought glory. The tune now was a song written for Courage, of her triumph over a tiger and how her trade for her life was her voice.
“Well I heard that Heavenly feasts can’t compare to our own!” Rin Rin touched her flower with her free hand, adjusting it. “Besides, Wukong has some entertainment planned!”
Willow couldn’t help feeling a little bit excited for that. Wukong loved to act out and depict his tales and songs and many deeds with improvisation and magic. He would change shape as swiftly as a wind shifted direction, catching all the crowd up in his story weaving. Her dear friend had many stories to tell and a delightful way to show the little ones of the troupe all the stories he delivered on.
“He didn’t have to wake up the whole mountain.” Willow protested but her protests were getting weaker of conviction the closer they got to the hall. Delicious smells set her stomach to rumbling and Rin Rin grinned. The small monkey knew her friend was losing the battle to protest. She simply pulled her along faster, eager herself to join in the merry making.
“We like parties, Willow.” Rin Rin put simply. The monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain adored parties. Festivals were favorites. Banquets were boastful. Special occasions were sublime. Any excuse to have a good time and to enjoy themselves was enough. And Rin Rin loved showing off her outfits to Liu, her husband. “Wukong seems more excited than he usually is coming back from the Palace.”
That was true. Usually when they came back from such an excursion to the Heavenly Palace he was tired, fed up with celestial interactions. The human behaviours threw him even now because some celestials would act more human and then those few that came from origins on the mortal world would act more animalistic but look the most human of all. It was always a balancing game of how to interact with who and it was something Wukong could never truly get the hang of.
Willow helped where she could but Wukong preferred to, as he liked to say, ‘Shove himself into a live volcano then try and talk to another official celestial body’. Her handsome monkey tried so hard and usually by the end of a night, was beyond tired and grumpy. Especially if that night was like this one. Hearing Wukong was in good spirits had her thinking.
“What is he trying to pull?” She said aloud.
“Whatever it is, it's for you and you have to be in your spot!” Rin Rin chuckled.
They came around the bend of a stalagmites and out into the great cavern that held the dining area. The stone tables and stools were filled with row upon row of monkeys, of every shade and color imaginable. A living rainbow of fur and silk, the Flower Fruit Mountain troupe were in full jovial mood. Willow caught sight of the overflowing dishes- so quickly prepared!- lining the tables in great silver platters. Fruit cobblers, sweet breads drizzled in glazes of sugar, pies stuffed with almonds and oats, great heaps of fruits of all kinds littered the table. Coconut toddy was passed around in great glass jugs between neighbors on benches. Willow saw shellfish poached and buttered, swaths of tofu fried or grilled in a number of sauces passed from table to table. The comradery, the welcome air, was like snuggling into a warm blanket on a cold night.
Rin Rin led the way to the highest table, one exclusively left for Wukongs closest family and his most trusted advisors. They passed the theater floor, which had been cleared of stools and tables. There would be an event of some kind then.
Great swaths of coconut flesh were shining like white snow upon nearby tables and one of the littlest babes held it out to Willow as they passed.
“Granma Willow! Granma Willow!” The little babe spoke up, holding the coconut flake out. “Try try! I got it myself”
“All by yourself?” Willow remembered the name of this little tuft of fluff. He had been named for the pink of his eyes, and for the rare seasoning brought down upon the world from mountain heights. “Salt thats quite a feat!” She took the coconut from Salts little paw and popped it into her mouth.
“Mmm! Delicious!” And the little babe beamed, flapping his hands excitedly. This started up a small baby monkey storm as the littles, hearing that Grandmother Willow was trying and tasting food, came running. It was like a small tidal wave that Rin Rin got swept up in as well.
“Try my apple!” A brown furred little named Braken chirped, presenting a slice of a ruby red apple to Willow. Before Willow could respond, another little monkey climbed her dress, determination across his very tight little face.
“No no!” Storm challenged. “I made my berries into a jam! Just like you showed me!” He held the tiny little jar in one tiny fist. He was yanked down by another baby, a bit bigger female of the group.
“Grandma Willow would prefer my bread!” Scarlet said.
“Well I made yogurt! With bananas !” Another baby called from the top of Rin Rins head, and suddenly Willow couldn’t keep track of the babies who started to bicker.
“That’s nothing- I MADE THE BEST THING!”
“NO ME!”
Rin Rin popped up from beneath a group trying to climb her, laughing and trying to be serious to reprimand the over eager children in their quest to impress the grandmother of the mountain. Willow herself was laughing too hard as she tried and failed to take a taste of all the treats the babies held out to her. Being bombarded in such a way with so much love was a bit overwhelming but also such a warm and buttery feeling.
It’s nice to feel and see so much love. To be wanted and loved in such a way.
“You littles better get back in your places right now!” The voice of her friend called from beyond Willows sight.
“GRANDPA WUKONG!!” And the small tidal wave of littles swamped the Monkey King. He used his magic, growing larger to collect them all in his arms and swing them about.
“Oh my treasures! How are each of you darling gems! You listening to your mothers? Minding your fathers?” A chorus of yes! Came from the clinging little children, laughing as their grandpa swung them about and placed them back at each table with their parents. “Remember! We can’t swamp Grandma Willow! She may get overwhelmed ok?”
“Yes grandpa!”
“Good little treasures!” He said to them in approval. Once all the babies were back with their parents at their respective tables, Wukong held out his hand to Willow. She took it, Rin Rin holding the other as her two friends pulled her up from the floor and to the table.
“I love them all so much.” Willow thought aloud, as she watched the eager and open love from some of the children and their family’s. She would do anything for these tiny gems that shone with such brightness.
“They almost drowned you in that love.” Rin Rin remarked, straightening her fur and having it lie back in place. “They almost drowned me as well-to get at you- the cheeky lemmings.” This last part was said with such soft love that it took all the teeth out of the remark.
“It would have been a good death.” Willow replied.
“Death by smothering?” Wukong snorted. He nodded to his mothers who greeted him, Willow and Rin Rin in return. Wukong led Rin Rin to her seat beside Marshal Liu who was dressed in his finest armor. His soft cream colored fur looked extra well brushed and presentable. Liu smiled to Willow, bowing his head. Rin Rin eagerly went to her seat, setting the both of them to blushing. Ma and Chestnut were seated beside them, already enjoying the sautéed mushrooms and several shellfish between them.
“Death by love is poetic. Especially when it comes from such little hands and happy hearts.” Willow's smile was warm as she spoke, her gaze sweeping the full and boisterous hall. She didn’t notice the slight sparkle that entered Wukongs eyes as he witnessed Willows face melt into one of such love and adoration.
Wukong then led Willow to her spot at the table, right beside his mothers Wisdom and Courage. To their left was Xinshu, quietly picking and dismantling some poor raspberries. Willow wondered how she was peeling them without the berries bursting. Xinshu was expertly dissecting the berries with the tips of her claws. She turned and waved a red tipped claw at Willow and, though there was no malice, there was a hint of cool challenge.
Willow wouldn’t dare comment on her sister-in-laws habit of spooking her or the others of the celestial court. It had taken a while for her and the white simian to come to a sort of trust and agreement of mutual respect. Willow knew that her little wave wasn’t meant to scare her in the fashion she had originally set about when Willow had first come to the mountain. Instead she was testing her strength, challenging Willow as if to say ‘see? Can you do that?’
Willow could not eviscerate a raspberry. She didn’t even know it was possible to do so. Beyond Xinshu sat Ba and Chestnut. It was good to keep Ma and Ba separate to prevent the start of food fights.
Though, Willow admitted, it wasn’t always bad pranks- food fighting was a new experince. It was quite humorous to join in.
Willow would never tell Ma or Ba but she did enjoy their antics to a point. They kept everyone, including herself, on their toes. But they had also taught her better pranks after she had tricked Wukong with a bucket, a door and some simple water. She recalled that memory fondly when the two standoffish monkeys suddenly approached her one day while she was out tending to the orchards.
“Listen-“ Ma said, coming out from beneath an overhanging peach tree, tail curled in a casual S shape
“We love the classic prank you pulled-“ Ba continued. He hopped down from the opposite tree, a peach in his hand. He took a bite, leaning against the bark.
“It was amazing-“ Ma said.
“Ten out of ten!” Ba Replied.
“But if you really want to get Wukong-“ Ma leaned in.
“Like TRUELY trick that old man-“ Ba continued, leaning in conspiratorial.
“Your gonna need better material!” They said together, their tails twitching in tandem.
“Fear not-“ Ba grumbled, finishing off the peach and tossing the pit.
“You're in good hands now.” Ma finished, taking Willow by the hand and leading her through the orchard to discuss further prank material.
Willow had slowly won over much of the mountain's love and adoration in just her actions and her words. She had proven to the cautious and most hesitant of Flower Fruit Mountain that she was not like other Celestials. She wasn’t like the rest of the court that had brought their wrath down upon the mountain during Wukongs younger days.
Willow was partially through a quite delectable bit of sautéed Chicken of the Woods with shallots and chopped onions when Wukong stood, tapping the side of his coconut toddy with the tip of a knife. The simple noise brought a calmer atmosphere to the hall as Wukong cleared his throat.
“My family! I called on this sudden feast to celebrate my wonderous Wife Willow!” A collective murmur of appreciation swept through the attendants.
“Oh no Wukong why…” Willow felt her face flame a bit in embarrassment. While her friend delighted in the spotlight, Willow didn’t mind watching from the sidelines. Suddenly being thrust into the whole reason for a feast made Willow groan in second hand embarrassment.
“Yes ! She defended my honor when the celestial men of the court cornered me to ask and pester questions from your good king!” Gasps. A few furious teeth barings. Xinshu sliced a little too harshly through her raspberry and sprayed red juice across the table. Wisdom rolled her eyes at her sons theatrics.
“Was it really all that bad?” Rin Rin asked, leaning into Willow.
“They did ask about our ability to reproduce -“ Willow began and Liu grumbled.
“I cannot understand the Celestials' obsession with putting their noses into others' familial relations.” The Marshal shook his head. “I am sorry you were put through that … embarrassment, my Lady. If I had been there I would have challenged his honor.” Willow smiled at him, feeling touched by his need to defend her. Marshal Liu had been one of the first to start calling her ‘My Lady’ after her incident at the river. He was always polite and professional, reminding her of the few times she had actually talked to her brothers.
“Your king was cornered,” Wukong continued, beginning to replay the events with magic. He had pulled several hairs from his coat, chewed and then created duplicates from the strands. The doubles changed themselves into leering courtly men, surrounding a very terribly distressed Wukong. “He was communicating quite clearly how he wished to be away and alone when Willow put on the best performance!”
Another double appeared a bit further down on the cleared theater space, Willow in all her courtly attire. Real Willow was pretty convinced Willow douple was glamoured just a bit much. Her hair shone like a ravens wing and her face almost gave off sparkle as it turned. The real Wukong stood back narrating, pointing out each scene as it happened.
Willow felt her face flame a bit more.
“She swooned and put on a spectacular show of it, asking her husband to rescue her from the stifling court air.” Here the Douple Willow fell over in a dramatic recreation. Douple Wukong rushed forward, catching the fainting Willow.
“ And I, the magnificent King that I am, decided that enough was enough and brought her back to our wondrous mountain home.”
Wukong dismissed his copies and turned, to fix his eyes upon Willow. He smiled, and it was a fun and gentle one, full of teasing and love and such open warmth that it could rival the sun.
“Truly she saved us from a bland night of watching the controlled dances of horses and court gossip.”
Ma and Ba were both roaring and cheering with a large majority of the monkeys now. Willow blushed harder and kissed Wukongs forehead. “I can’t believe you.”
“That’s a good rebuff … right?”
“I am going to play the largest prank on you when you least expect it !” Willow smiled. She knew he did this out of love. And out of a need to tease and praise her. But she wanted to tease him back.
Wukong returned the kiss, placing one right on the tip of her nose. “I look forward to your pranks and will return them in kind.” And he snuck a cheeky tug to her hair in play.
As they pulled apart and settled into their meal again, Willow slowly became aware that there was a murmur going about the tables. A muttering and grumbling that started low and finally crested as some of the troupe of monkeys asked louder.
“Dancing horses? What -“
“They have dancing horses?”
Wukong heard the mutterings and rose once again from his seat.
“Oh yes and they danced with such boring restraint! I’ll show you how a real horse should dance!” Before anyone could tell Wukong no, he had somersaulted back into the cleared theatre space and shapeshifted. An adorable short chestnut stallion stood on the theater floor, his facial markings becoming a white banded blaze across his face. The dining hall whooped and cheered as Wukong began to go through the paces. The horse sidestepped and spun, reared and tossed his head. Then he did things that no horse would ever attempt or try. He stood up and walked several paces, trying to imitate several courtiers in the palace. Wukong balanced on one leg, hopping from table to table and alternating. The hall was a frenzy of calling and cries of laughter as the horse became more ridiculous with each iteration of his ‘dance’.
After landing on his front hooves and balancing a goblet on his back hooves, Wukong paused to allow the hall to cheer and to settle. Then the horse turned his face back to the table, to Willow.
“Of course Heavens horses did not dance alone.” He proclaimed. He bowed in horse fashion, neck pulling in as a foreleg extended outward and downward. “Will you join me Willow?”
An abrupt silence as the monkeys in the hall heard this. Then like a bubbling brook they began to babble and chatter.
“Join him Willow!”
“Show us what you can do!”
“Can a celestial keep pace with him?” Xinshu spoke up, raising a brow in playful challenge at her sister-in-law. “My brother does shape change swiftly.”
Willow, stood and walked to the theater floor. When she had first shown Wukong that she too could change shape, it had been from a deep place of trust. To celestials, changing shape like this was seen almost as taboo. Why would one born of Heavens Grace wish to besmirch that gift? Willow had been taught the ways as any young princess would, and told to use them only in dire circumstances.
That resolve had only begun to deteriorate when coming to Flower Fruit Mountain and seeing her friend somersault into bears and birds with a blink of an eye. Shape changing was not meant to show off or be boastful- but Wukong didn’t do it to rub it in others faces. He did it to entertain, to bring joy and laughter to his home and his people. Willow, after years and years of holding to her understanding, had decided to surprise him. They had been sitting on Willows favorite cliff, the one Wukong had brought her to to first experience a sunshower.
She had been filled with liquid joy- they had spent the day with a group of littles teaching them what could be approached and what to be avoided. Of course that meant Wukong had shapeshifted to be the physical representation of each animal that Willow would describe as either dangerous or neutral. Seeing him effortlessly entertain the littles and the smiles it brought the babies, had finally turned what resolve she had left to dust.
Heaven would never see her do what she was about to do- so why should she hold back?
“Mm? What is it Willow?”
“Look” She moved her hands back, pushing them over her face and felt the change take shape. It was a fizzing sensation not that strange from tickling. It had her smiling when she had completed the shift, now just as tall as Wukong. She had turned into a monkey.
Wukongs eyes had become large as saucers, the pupils blown out as he watched her. She had cute little paws, a sparkling face and adorable tail.
He took a deep breath and politely accused “First off. Wow. Secondly. Why are you so cute ? Like, that’s not fair.”
They had spent that day testing who was cuter and who had the better form. It had melted the last of Willows worries about the taboo of shape changing. On earth there were rules that didn’t need to be adhered to as in Heaven. Restraining the joy of being able to be you was one of those rules that got thrown completely clear of the mountain.
It was a slow process to fully get Willow to relax into shape changing for fun but it didn’t take long. As the celestial walked onto the theater stage she felt the fizz and bubble.it rippled across her skin. One step she was Earth Reaching Willow, eldest celestial daughter to Heaven. The next step she was a bay mare, hooves sticking the stone as she pranced up to Wukong.
The hall went wild with cheers and clapping. Willow could hear Ma and Ba calling out from behind.
“Why she is more stunning than our cousin!”
“Bet she could put you through the ringer Wukong!”
Wukong heard this and tossed his head, nostrils flaring. Dancing was gone from his mind as he turned to stare out into the crowd.
“Do we want to put that to a vote? Who here thinks I have the best transformations?”
A roar crashed down upon Willows ears.
“And who here believes Willow to be the better shifter?”
Surprisingly a good half of the room still shouted their support, Rin Rin the loudest with a “Kick his butt Willow!”
Willow stepped up to Wukong, nuzzling him in horse fashion and chewing a bit of his mane. The stallion, shorter than she, stuck his head beneath her neck and wickered affectionately.
“You’ve decided to make a game of this?” Willow snorted in laughter. Wukong could make a competition and game from anything mundane. If it was laundry it would be a race. If it was baking it would be a contest. Shape Changing would be no different now that he had discovered and helped build up Willows courage to do it.
“Heavens fun is boring compared to ours.” Wukong wuffed. He pulled back, flagging his tail and taking a few strides in a trot. The crowd of monkeys whistled. “I think I’ll be the favorite shape changer.”
“Oh really?” Willow decided to give as good as she got. She tossed her head sending the cascade of black mane across her neck. Willow strutted, performing a perfect Piaffe, giving the illusion of galloping in place. The monkeys were a great audience to perform too- they were enjoying this and eating it up like sweet fruits- crying out to each of them in turn.
“I am the favorite after all.” Wukong countered. Then she watched as he changed shape. One step he was a chestnut stallion, proud head and tail flagging. In the next he had stepped into a wolf, red brindled fur shining.
“Only because you are a king!” Willow called. She decided to leap over the wolf that was Wukong and change mid air, becoming a jet black she wolf on the landing. The crowd applauded. They circled each other, tails wagging in play.
“Are you saying my monkeys would be biased to me?” Wukong woofed, tongue lolling in a smile. He chased his tail, earning some giggles from the littles as shifted again into a red buck. He tossed his head, displaying the twelve pointed tines like a crown on his head. “They would never favor me unfairly over you.”
“Is that so?” Willow teased. She slid beneath his neck, stepping into the next shape as a beautiful doe, eyes as black as the night. “Last I recall, I think they chose you as the winner for the pie baking contest we held- even though your pie was inedible!”
Willow nipped his ear affectionately and sprang back, hooves light as a dancer.
“It was completely edible!”
“It was undercooked and you know it!”
The two friends continued to shift from shape to shape. Wukong leading, Willow following. As they jabbed and teased, joked and called the others bluffs, they flowed through shape after shape. Like dancers they moved, becoming butterflies in one step, to crowing peacocks the next. They became so many shapes- cheetahs and foxes, phoenixes and unicorns, dragons and serpents.
Each turn of their game elicited more calls from the crowd. Applause as the pair turned into hyenas and set the room to laughing. Whoops as Wukong and Willow folded into antelope. They flowed through forms, trading jests and conversation in a playful manner. The game became less of a contest and more of a performance as each movement was either matched or complimented by the other.
Finally Wukong turned into a flaming tiger, roaring into the hall. Smaller babes squeaked in fear but most exclaimed their joy. Willow flowed seamlessly from the crane she had been before to a great white tigress, matching his roar.
Willow had forgotten the crowd almost entirely. She was laughing and so was Wukong as they came out of that final shape and back to themselves. They were both breathing hard as magic like that done so rapidly was an exercise in itself. Like any sport, magic was taxing. Wukong took his wife’s hand and they stepped to the edge of the cleared ground. They bowed in unison.
The hall erupted in joyous calls. Their names were shouted in unison, the game forgotten by the crowd themselves. The night from there on devolved into song and dance, food and good company. Sweets musical band struck up another song, a new one of tonight’s performances and the shifting grace of the mountain's two rulers. It was received with jubilant applause and calls for more and more. The wine flowed, the dancing ensued and Willow and Wukong laughed, the Polestar Palace Banquet far behind them.
It was hours later, the flow of wine leaving Willows head a bit lighter than usual. She had possibly drunk a bit too much tonight. Wukong, Rin Rin, Liu and herself were all trying to make their way back to their rooms. All four of them kept either tripping or stumbling which would elicit giggles from the others.
“What a Night..” Rin Rin hiccuped. She was spun in Lius arms in a very shoddy imitation of the dance from early.
“A night to remember~” Liu had stars within his eyes as he dipped his mate into a bow and proceeded to press as many kisses to her face. This elicited Rin Rin and Willow to laugh- Rin Rin because it set her face aflame and Willow because she loved seeing her friends be in love.
“We better give ‘em some privacy.” Wukong took Willows hand, tugging her toward their rooms. “Make sure you at least make it back to your room!”
The two love birds didnt respond as Liu began to whisper in her ear and set Rin Rin to giggling further. Wukong snagged something from inside their room - a pillow - and tossed it at Liu. It plunked against the Marshals head and he stopped his playful torture to look up.
“Make it back to your room Liu before you turn Rin into melted wax!” Wukong said. His friend gave a nod. Then he immediately swooped Rin Rin up into his arms and marched away.
“Well at least they will have some sort of privacy…” Wukong laughed, closing the door. This was their shared room- the space that the two could come together in. A great mound of bed stuffs- pillows, blankets, and soft downy furs, rose from a circular spot in the middle of the room. Willow made her way to it now, not caring to change and not worrying about the clothes she wore. They wouldn’t wrinkle terribly or dig into her skin from hidden pins or corsets.
These were her comfortable dresses made to toss and roll in. Wukong had had them made for her when she first came to Flower Fruit Mountain and had complained of her tight clothes and binding silks. Willow tumbled straight into the nest of bed stuff, grumbling and stretching happily as the soft down consumed her.
Well I’m not getting back up again.
She was beginning to fall asleep, drifting away on a warm glow when she heard the Monkey King call to her.
“Mm?” She lifted her head up, fighting the sleep. A belly full of food and wine with her body tired from magic and dancing- it was a great feat for Earth Reaching Willow to make eye contact with her friend.
Wukong had slipped from his mottled and fancy clothes, wearing a plain tunic. He looked at her with his great golden eyes then looked away. He kicked an invisible bit of dust at his feet.
“Would you … mind …” Wukong began. Then trailed off. Even half asleep, even with a good bit of Coconut Toddy in her body, Willow could read that look a mile away.
“You want to cuddle don't you?” She summarized.
His eyes grew as big as saucers as he nodded, eagerly.
“Come here, my handsome Monkey.” Willow opened her arms, an open invitation to him. Wukong came barreling in, settling himself into her. Wukong burrowed a hand into her hair. Willow curled her own into his fur. Wukong tucked her head into his chest and Willow made that her pillow. His tail wound around her leg as her free hand began to scratch his back. Wukong chirped and smacked his lips, nuzzling the top of her head and eliciting laughter from her.
The warm glow wasn’t just from the wine. Nor from the warmth these two souls shared. It was a common and honest love, deeper than physical. A bond of trust and care.
“That was fun.” Wukong spoke between his happy rumbles.
“You were planning to perform like those horses huh?” Willow asked him. Her fingers began to scratch behind his ears.
“Yeah- I was gonna be the sole horse dancer.” Wukong began to run his fingers through her hair, gentle as a spring breeze. “But… I’m glad you joined in. It’s more fun when there’s a partner to play with.”
“We’re partners for life.” Willow mumbled. Her fingers were slowing as Wukong pet and tended her.
“Partners to the end.” Wukong chuckled and pressed a kiss to her brow.
“Mm love you Wukong.” Willow muttered, falling back into sleep.
“Love you too Willow..” Wukong spoke between the happy baby noises he was making.
The two fell into sleep, happy and content and the troubles of the previous Banquet already buried beneath the memories of the new one. The safest place for both Willow and Wukong was here, within the gentle embrace of each other's arms. No nightmares came for them. Only blissful sleep and warm dreams. Dreams of food and wine and shifting shapes. And of a love that was the size and greatest of Flower Fruit Mountain.
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ardently-equine · 9 days ago
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Can't believe Ive been given the opportunity to take this sweet lil man out to our first ever working equitation rally next month! And every other month after that 🥰 genuinely can't wait, I've been wanting to try my hand at working eq for so long and I'm honestly so glad that my trainer is willing to trust me with one of her horses to take and ride at a club that she coaches at
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consult-sherlockholmes · 9 months ago
Graceful like a gazelle...
Or what's the name of the big grey animal with a long nose?
I take it you are referring to Elephantidae, which I will take as a compliment, given they are the most intelligent non-human animal and have astounding memories. Maybe elephants have a mind palace of their own, it must be enormous in that big skull.
If we are looking for an animal that represents my grace, I would either suggest a big cat that can climb well with amazing balance that can even survive falls from high heights in the mountains, such as the snow leopard.
Or if we are talking herbivores, I think my gracefullness can be compared to the Lipizzan horses. Those horses are artists in high classical dressage, haute ecole, the best in the world and experts at performing capriole, the most difficult jump.
I do not think there is anything more graceful than that. Well except me of course.
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virtie333 · 1 year ago
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I actually just re-read this one a short time ago. My 'heart fic.' The one I thought would get little attention because of its equestrian backdrop. The one where BB-8 becomes my Chester. I love this one so much!
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ieo-pio · 1 year ago
If I see Medic from the hit game TF2 in horse person gear again I will make an equestrian au
This is a threat >:(
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catparty41 · 3 months ago
(Thinking about the characters) hmm… i need him to do cross country horseback riding… i think he’d like that.
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badookie · 1 month ago
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Equestrian AU, anyone?
My lil dtiys entry over on Instagram for Lin, where Jayce is a farrier and Viktor is a dressage para-rider. I had so much fun reigniting the lil horse girl within me. Did I reference Pride and Prejudice for the composition? Yes, absolutely.
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adventures-in-mangaland · 3 months ago
Dead Boy Detectives Fic Recs Part 7
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
So I hear there's been some fandom drama? Guess it's time for another fic rec list! This fandom is so lovely, so let's focus on the positive and give all the love to our writers and artists. You guys are so talented. ♥️
Work It Harder, Make it Better by dear_monday, two_ravens
Olympics AU! And kind of Sk8er Boi? Charles is an Olympic skateboarder at the end of his competitive career and Edwin is a rising star in the world of dressage. They fall in love at Paris 2024. Amazing writing, as always, and I also enjoyed Niko and Crystal as members of the skateboarding and equestrian teams having their own Olympics Romance and Jenny as Charles' world-weary coach.
Twin Flame by Leandra
Another "He was a punk, he did ballet" romance! This time, everyone is alive and the boys meet when Charles watches Edwin perform at his little sister's ballet recital. The romance and Charles as a big brother are very sweet, which is great as this fic also covers some heavy themes. It's set in the 90s so there's discussion of homophobia, the AIDs crisis and Charles' canon child abuse. Suffice to say, his bisexual awakening is quite fraught. Recommended!
Love for Hire by lucrow
Edwin hires Charles to freak out his parents with his obnoxious fake boyfriend. What could possible haaappeeen? And yes, it's a ballet/punk romance too. 😅 Anyway, it's giving fantastic banter, lots of emotions and great use of trope! I also enjoyed Edwin's relationship with his mum in this fic, excellent parental feels.
so I try to talk refined by shadowquill17
Charles finds out about the Cat King taking on his appearance and (somehow) arrives at the conclusion that Edwin isn't attracted to him. Charles having body image as well as chronic self-esteem issues was interesting but kind of heartbreaking. Read it for Edwin's agonised attempts to verbalise his sexual attraction to Charles without exploding. That's love right there.
A Royal Pain(e) (series) by handwrittenhello
Royalty AU! I love a bodyguard romance from time to time and this one is lovely. Lots of yearning.
Turnabout's Fair Play by LikeMmmCookies
Edwin enlists Niko and Crystal to teach him how to flirt with Charles. It starts off cute and awkward and ends up Master Of All He Surveys, which is very Edwin.
I will love you (I really love you) by ghostinthelibrary
Charles has a feelings realization and tries to confess to Edwin. Repeatedly. From a cock-blocking enchanted statue to a Hellhound, it's farcical and fun. This fic has been living in my head rent free for months.
seasons of mists by laiqualaurelote
Edwin hires Charles to be the barista in his book shop's cafe. Two cosy AUs in one! And it even comes (appropriately) with its own reading list and fanart! Very cute, excellent autumnal vibes and a superb imaginary book shop. I'm genuinely so devastated it's not a real place. 😭
Ariadne's Thread by hobbitsdoitbetter
In which Edwin is demisexual and trying to make it work with Charles. Love to see some ace spectrum representation!
you know the problem with history (it keeps coming back like weeds) by aletterinthenameofsanity
Amnesia AU! And kind of Secret Relationship? Edwin has Not So Temporary Amnesia that made him forget a whole romantic relationship with Charles early in their partnership. And Charles never told him... Surely this will have no impact on the events of canon?? 😬 I loved this twist on the trope!
scraped to the marrow by Anonymous
Edwin learned black magic in Hell and kind of went to the Dark Side. I love the trope of "Everyone thinks Character avoids violence because they're scared/weak/nice/bad at it, but actually they're a bit too good at it" and this fic does it well. I love regular Edwin, but Lord Bone was also pretty cool.
To Walk Back Into Hell by Asidian
Charles goes to Hell in Edwin's place, so naturally Edwin needs to find a way to rescue him! Interesting Hell lore and I loved all the Charles love in this.
It does not stop by williamvapespeare
Now he's safe from Hell, Edwin finally works through his PTSD. Emotional, but peak Emotional Support Charles for the win!
signed, sealed, delivered by sulfuric
Outsider PoV of the boys and the agency through the years from the perspective of the Ghost Postman. He's kind of underrated as a side character, but there are so many Implications about the Dead Letter Office, so I enjoyed the worldbuilding. And the supernatural community of London gossiping about/shipping the boys (they're just like us, for real). Love that trope.
not so secret by lola_prongs
Social Media/Celebrity AU! In which they're both actors and Charles relentlessly thirsts after Edwin on Twitter. Great use of social media/epistolary storytelling.
Like a record, baby by singtome
Another celebrity/social media AU, but this time Charles and Crystal are budding rock stars and Edwin is their manager. Also Edwin goes viral as the mysterious #HotGuyatUnity after his picture's taken at an event and Charles *tries* to set the record straight. This one's funny, generous with the yearning and UST and is part of a series that also touches on the darker side of the music industry/celebrity, which I appreciated. And it also has this excellent visual representation of the online drama.
@ghostinthelibrarywrites @tumblerislovetumblerislife @shadowquill17 @neurodivergent-fangirling @whatthehorsedoicallthisblog @shazziez @many-gay-magpies @extremely-eager-reader @atariakana @guardianspirits13 @colourmornings @herebehunters @avoiceofnerat @littlepocketuniverse @overlord-of-chaos @fairandfatalasfair @handwrittenhello @every-moment-a-different-sound @williamvapespeare @laiqualaurelote @dear-monday @dear-lucrow @aletterinthenameofsanity @likemmmcookies @bibliomancer7 @c-rowland @nobledragonflying @hobbitsdoitbetter
I've tagged some people again. Let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list!
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