#vi tags: povs.
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em todos os seus anos de acampamento, haviam sido poucas as vezes que a enfermaria havia ficado lotada como naquele dia. o ataque ao acampamento certamente tinha cobrado um preço alto dos semideuses e vi sabia que ela e os curandeiros tinham muito trabalho pela frente, ainda mais com um novo semideus, não reclamado e em estado de choque, na enfermaria.
— 𝐏𝐎𝐕 𝟎𝟎𝟏: 𝓸𝓵𝓱𝓸 𝓭𝓪 𝓽𝓮𝓶𝓹𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓭𝓮
assim que o ataque começou, os curandeiros se mobilizaram para receber os inevitáveis pacientes, vítimas do ataque dos monstros nos portões do acampamento. contudo, toda a preparação do mundo ainda não seria o suficiente para preveni-los para o caos que estava por vir. violet e seus irmãos tinham deixado todo o material que precisariam à disposição e cada um encarregado de uma função específica. quando os feridos começaram a chegar, sozinhos ou carregados por colegas, a loira conduzia o paciente à cama disponível mais próxima e imediatamente começava a tratá-lo com ambrosia e néctar em dosagens extremamente precisas, não só porque semideuses não podiam ingerir quantidades grandes dos alimentos dos deuses, mas também porque era preciso poupar o estoque enquanto a batalha não terminava, afinal, eles tinham que garantir que haveria o suficiente para todos e não havia como prever quantos outros feridos apareceriam.
violet sugeriu ajudar com seu canto, para fechar feridas mais simples, e ela viu will, o líder dos curandeiros, olhá-la com um misto de gratidão e preocupação. "obrigado pela sugestão, vi, mas prefiro que poupe sua voz, para caso apareçam pessoas feridas gravemente... ou envenenadas." foi o que ele disse. "se precisarmos dos seus poderes, eu mesmo aviso, mas também confio no seu julgamento, então use-o se realmente achar necessário." diante das palavras do irmão mais velho, a semideusa apenas assentiu, uma vez que sabia que ele estava certo. violet tinha o costume de recorrer ao seu canto de cura sempre que possível, mas, naquelas circunstâncias, era mais prudente poupá-lo, ou então acabaria sem voz cedo demais.
inicialmente, apesar do óbvio caos, tudo correu dentro do esperado, entretanto, as coisas começaram a complicar quando os primeiros pacientes envenenados começaram a chegar: delirantes e pálidos, com as veias saltando sobre a pele e os olhos avermelhados. vi já tinha ido em missões de suporte e de resgate o suficiente para reconhecer os sintomas de envenenamento de manticore; ela sabia que os envenenados precisariam ser a prioridade principal dos curandeiros, antes que o venenos se alastrasse, causasse paralisia e, por fim, a morte.
não bastasse o veneno de manticore, logo chegou aos ouvidos dos filhos de apolo que o segundo monstro, uma quimera, também era capaz de causar envenenamento com sua cabeça de cobra e que outros semideuses envenenados estavam a caminho. violet lançou um olhar significativo para will e, quando os olhos azuis encontraram os seus, o rapaz apenas anuiu positivamente com a cabeça em sua direção. era tudo o que ela precisava. — deixem a ambrosia, o néctar e os soros a postos, eles ainda vão precisa para se curar completamente, mas vou atrasar o efeito do veneno o quanto eu puder! — a garota disse, erguendo a voz alto o suficiente para que todos os curandeiros a escutassem.
indo de leito em leito, violet aos poucos cantou um trecho de suas músicas favoritas para cada um dos semideuses envenenados. apenas um trecho era o bastante, visto que seria o suficiente para atrasar o veneno e aliviar os sintomas sem neutralizá-lo por completo. neutralizar venenos era uma das ações que mais requeria energia, e a menina ainda gostaria de guardar sua voz o máximo que conseguisse. um a um, os pacientes eram envolvidos por uma breve luz dourada, provocada pelo canto de violet e, assim que a semideusa dava espaço, outro de seus irmãos tomava seu lugar, tomando as medidas necessárias para fechar feridas e neutralizar o veneno de vez.
e assim o tempo passou, ora passando devagar como o andar de uma tartaruga, ora rápido como uma flecha. mais tarde — quando violet não tinha a menor noção de quantos minutos ou horas haviam se passado — a filha de apolo pôde descansar a garganta, pois a batalha tinha chegado ao fim e os semideuses envenenados estavam respondendo bem ao tratamento. o lado bom era que não havia acontecido nenhuma baixa. por um lado, eram ótimas notícias, por outro, significava que a enfermaria iria precisar de todas as suas camas disponíveis para uso e já estavam praticamente lotados. porém, a menina sabia, que, aos poucos, tudo ficaria bem e a enfermaria começaria a esvaziar, afinal, eles já tinham tudo sob controle... isso sem levar em conta o quão sobrecarregados todos os curandeiros estavam no momento, é claro. todos os filhos de apolo pareciam à beira de um colapso, mas a primeira pausa se iniciou assim que foi confirmado que os campistas estavam realmente fora de perigo.
enquanto encostava a testa na parede fria da enfermaria, do lado de fora do ambiente, em meio aos remanescentes da inclemente tempestade que assolou o acampamento durante a batalha, violet respirava fundo, tentando absorver a enorme quantidade de acontecimentos que haviam acabado de se desenrolar. naquele momento, o tempo parecia estar parado para ela e a filha de apolo olhava para o céu fechado, ainda coberto de nuvens escuras. para ela chegava a ser engraçado da maneira mais amarga possível o quanto aquele dia se parecia exatamente com o que ela chegou ao acampamento meio-sangue. as nuvens, os monstros, os feridos, os lampejos dourados causados por seu canto de cura. e então ela cruzou os portões, o símbolo de apolo brilhou sobre sua cabeça, e as nuvens de chuva começaram a se dissipar, dando lugar aos raios radiantes do rei dos astros. mas não haveria sol ali, não naquele dia.
foi naquele momento, enquanto estava vulnerável e sem exatamente sentir ou ouvir qualquer coisa que estava acontecendo ao seu redor, que violet observou o garotinho — o semideus sem nome — ser levado para dentro da enfermaria. ao vê-lo passar bem do seu lado, por um breve momento, a loira cruzou olhares com ele e foi como olhar em um espelho. havia medo, choque, insegurança, pânico... era o olhar de alguém que, assim como ela, tinha passado pelo olho da tempestade só para ter o privilégio de estar ali, de pé. aquela era uma visão que não era incomum — considerando a vida de um semideus — mas que a loira tinha ficado feliz de presenciar com menos frequência com o passar dos anos, principalmente após o contato com o acampamento romano. ver algo assim acontecer de novo fez com que algo se revirasse no peito de violet.
a garota esfriou a cabeça e comeu alguma coisa, a fim de recuperar um pouco as energias, e esperou que estivesse mais calma para, só então, retornar pra o interior da enfermaria. as coisas estavam consideravelmente mais calmas, mas ainda havia bastante correria, especialmente porque, devido ao breve descontrole de amarantha sobre seus poderes, diversos semideuses haviam sido vítima de fogo amigo. era realmente uma pena que o canto de violet só conseguisse curar feridas físicas, pois aquelas pobres almas certamente ainda levariam um tempo para se recuperar dos danos emocionais causados por tal experiência.
aqueles que chegavam exauridos eram rapidamente encaminhados de volta aos chalés após uma dose de ambrosia, onde ficariam de repouso, para dar espaço tanto para os feridos quanto para os curandeiros trabalharem. aqui e ali apareciam voluntários para auxiliar os filhos de apolo com serviços mais simples, como repor estoque e encaminhar novos feridos a leitos vazios. ao fim do dia, quando as coisas estavam oficialmente mais calmas, violet se dirigiu para o canto que realmente lhe interessava: o leito do novo semideus. quando ela se aproximou, alguns de seus irmãos o estavam examinando: "ele está assim desde que chegou. conseguimos tratar as feridas dele, mas... ele não fala nada e não responde a outros estímulos. ele está em choque."
a notícia foi recebida pela filha de apolo sem surpresa, afinal, quando ela o viu, era claro que o menino estava seriamente traumatizado. — vocês podem me dar um espacinho, por favor? — ela pediu aos irmãos, sentindo que sua voz iria sumir a qualquer instante. reunindo o que sobrou de suas últimas forças, violet cantou para o menino. naquele momento, quando a enfermaria já estava mais calma, todos os presentes conseguiram ouvir sem dificuldade sua voz entoar as primeiras estrofes de sweet child of mine.
tudo correu como deveria, uma luz suave e dourada envolveu o rapaz, mas nada aconteceu efetivamente, visto que não haviam feridas para serem curadas no semideus. aquela era apenas uma tentativa extremamente desesperada de trazer algum conforto para aquele menino assustado. quando a voz de violet finalmente sumiu, ela pegou o bloquinho de notas que sempre deixava em seu bolso e escreveu: eu vou voltar aqui amanhã e vou cantar de novo, ok? você vai ficar bem! ela ergueu o bloquinho e mostrou para o semideus, que não deu qualquer sinal de que havia lido o que estava escrito ali. após alguns instantes segurando o bloco de notas para ele, a loira o voltou para os seus irmãos que, com um suspiro cansado ao ler o que estava escrito, apenas assentiram com a cabeça.
ela viria e cantaria para ele quantas vezes fossem necessárias, e esperaria, pacientemente, que ele melhorasse.
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The Spine had done nothing to deserve it
He was not performing exceptionally well
He was not any more useful than he usually is
He didn’t achieve anything new
But Peter Walter VI loved him
He loved him like a father would love his son
And The Spine couldn’t help but feel like his son
He always thought it, but one day it came out
The Spine callee him “papa”
Rabbit overheard The Spine calling Peter “papa”, and now she calls him “papa”
Rabbit called Upgrade. She called Peter “papa” during the call. Now Upgrade calls him “papa”
Upgrade went to visit The Jon. She told him that “papa” was doing well. Now The Jon calls him “papa”
The Jon sent a letter to Zer0. In the letter, The Jon asks Zer0 to update him on “papa”. Now Zer0 calls him “papa”
Zer0 invites Hatchworth to the manor. They have a nice chat. They talk about “papa”. Now Hatchworth calls him “papa”.
The next Father’s Day was a celebration to be remembered
We love you papa
#spg poem thingy#idk#It’s something#a poem can be basically anything right#steam powered giraffe#spg#the spine spg#rabbit spg#upgrade spg#the jon spg#zer0 spg#hatchworth spg#peter walter vi#my stuff#writing#spg poem#spg fanfic#<- not really but I’m sure the fanfic tag is used far more than the writing tag#is there a writing tag#I’ve got another peter I spine angst in my drafts but decided to hold off for now#I’ve been getting a little TOO MUCH into it#it was from peter’s pov that time though
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ros i hope u know that every time u post nhw virion i want 2 EXPKODE he’s literally my most specialest little guy of all time i love him. having insnae blorbo thoughts over him except i don’t know how 2 articulate any of my thoughts so i am just perpetually rotating him in my mind at mach speeds. wgajghggh i wamt 2 hold him gentle in my hands. like a baby bird. ur imprint art makes me want 2 eat rocks. mentally i am putting ur imprint art in a heart shaped locket and looking at it and sighing wistfully like a widow whose husband died at war or some shit i love hjm SO MUCH ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ me when nhw virion
HFDHKFKFGKGGH HIIII WHISKEY YAYAYAYAYYY WAHOO <3333 imnot gonna lie this is also what im doing with him 24/7. i donjt know what it is but something abt him specifically is so. Augh!!! wiwi is just ambiently guy of all time dakota makes me feel insane shrimp emotions in pd nhw virion is like. literally so. hes so!!!!!! hes everything 2 me. were in the fucking imprint trenches together man im so fuckign glad u get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^him for u specifically <333333333
#YEAG. YEAH. THERES A FUCKING REASON WHY EVERY SINGLE NHW FIC IVE WRITTEN IS WIBBY POV JUST BEING INSANE OVER HIM.#PREDATOR HANDSHAKE.......... im not gonna say u gotta read worm bc i understand u have so much shit going on irl & it can b frustrating whe#someone keeps tellin u that & ur like WELL I WANT TO. BUT EVERYTHING. so i will not say u gotta read worm. but. man im so fucking excited#for when u do...... GOD i love virion so much. mac said his nickname instead of vyn or vynce should just be v or vi (vee) & ive been#thinking abt that for DAYS is how dire it is for me. auauagh. love uuuuuuuuuuu shaking u around SO HARD rn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<33333333#whiskey tag!#pd lb
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trouble | jinx
trouble always follows me I know...
#jinx#jinx pov#jinx and silco#jinx and vi#jinx vs enforcers#arcane#video edit#fanvid#fan works#this was supposed to be up for hours#but schedules and me are enemies#I always felt jinx is much more self aware and aware#then some fans give her credit for#because of her mental illness#this is my small attempt to address that#btw next edit will be upbeat#my posts#my work#meta#trouble by idyll#arcane jinx#comments in tags
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Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @starrynightarchive ty for the tag!! i think i've done this before but it's been ages so here we go again skdfghgj
1. Nikolai is silent as he watches Dazai and Chuuya re-enter the prison. (you're a cage without me)
2. Kunikida catches Chuuya when they’ve gotten as far as standing in front of the bathroom mirror, electric razor in hand. (too long since i've been a fool)
3. Upon Chuuya and Dazai entering his office, the first thing Mori asks is, “What happened?” (the perfect genius of our hands and mouths)
4. This is a normal experience, Sigma tells herself. (poison paradise)
5. Valentine’s Day is ruined, and it’s all Higuchi’s fault. (with sweet understanding)
6. “Hold still.” (stay through it all)
7. “What are you doing.” (paint my face (in the morning light))
8. There is a shout, a crash, a gunshot, and then— (when all the floodlights blow)
9. It’s Monday again. (i want your dreary mondays)
10. Nikolai digs his teeth into Nathaniel’s bottom lip, biting until he spills blood. (entertain my faith)
not sure about any particular patterns.. i do know i tend to try to keep my first lines shorter bc i feel like it makes it easier to get into a story if the first line isn't already a run on sentence. those come later <3
tagging (with no pressure): @that-was-anticlimactic @backhurtyy @ryuvnosuke @littencloud9 and uhh anyone else who wants to
#love that the first and last one both include nikolai. babygirl i want to study your brain so bad#<- the last one isn't even from his pov#anyway ty for the tag vi!! this was fun#tag game#grace's writing tag
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il foreshadowing quello potente
#rega ci hanno dato praticamente il pov di quando entri in una casa con un morto e lo vedi lì steso#la stessa identica posizione#rega piango#qua ci giochiamo dante#che per carità può pure non piacere#per certe. come dire. sue scelte discutibili#però è oggettivamente il personaggio che dà più vita alla serie#oltre ai simuel obv#mi fa pariare vi giuro#comunque. rai when i catch you rai when i catch you–#un professore#dante balestra#dovrei fare un tag apposta per i post in italiano#lonely thoughts
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the alchemy | masterlist
pairing: no outbreak!dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
rating: Explicit [18+ only, minors dni, dbf/secret relationship, age gap (joel is 34, reader is 24), explicit smut, reader is described as curvy & only has one parent--all else is open to interpretation (we are POC friendly over here okay!!), sarah exists but isn't a main part of the story, all other warnings and tags will be listed per chapter]
summary: now that you've moved on from college, you're ready to start the newest chapter of your life--adulthood. but when you move back home with your father and are swept back into the magnetic pull of your neighbor, Joel, you find that maybe moving on has nothing to do with leaving the past behind and everything to do with embracing it.
i. the return | i. joel’s pov
ii. the moment
iii. the conversation
iiii. the first time*
iv. the real thing*
v. the confession*
vi. the aftermath*
vii. the confrontation* [Coming Soon]
viii. [Coming Soon]
viiii. [Coming Soon]
x. [Coming Soon]
#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fic#pedro pascal fanfiction#joel miller fic#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller fluff#pedro pascal fluff#pedro pascal smut#joel miller#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller smut#joel miller tlou#tlou joel#joel x reader#joel the last of us#the alchemy
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The blue (JJ Maybank x Reader) Series Masterlist
Series summary: JJ has a secret, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto it. He discovers his breaking point when his best friend starts to show interest in you, his step sister, who he’s already fallen hard for
Series tags: step brother!jj, dual pov, jealousy, one sided john b x reader, drinking, inappropriate relationship, public sex, oral sex (f receiving)
complete <3
<< back to outer banks masterlist
#step brother!!jj maybank x reader#jj maybank x reader#step brother!jj maybank#jj maybank#jj maybank x you#outer banks#obx#the blue#the blue series masterlist#jj maybank imagine
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⌈ A Marauders Era Fix-It-Fic - featuring Reader as Walburga Black but better ⌋
LAST UPDATED : 01/11/24 | [dd/mm/yy]
SERIES SUM. : Just another fix-it-fic where you fall into a fictional universe and take up the role of a villain but... in this instance, you replace Walburga Black.
You love the fandom but the Marauders Era has always been quite vague ...will you be able to live peacefully? One thing's for sure, you're getting a divorce and you're taking the kids!
UPDATE SCHEDULE : on the first day of every month, a new chapter will be posted the first chapter is the only exception ;)
i. ARRIVAL (special thanks to @thebestofoneshots for beta reading this chapter!) ii. SHOPPING (1/2) iii. SHOPPING (2/2) iv. BEGINNINGS v. SIRIUS : FIRST DAY vi. POTIONEER ⌈new⌋ ...
DISCLAIMER : please read
TAGS : son sirius black/mother reader ; son regulus black/mother reader ; isekai au/transfering worlds au ; walburga black is evil ; not reader though hehe~ ; hurt/comfort ; fluff ; platonic fluff ; second chances ; reader basically adopts remus, barty crouch jr and peter pettigrew ; peter pettigrew redemption arc? ; but he never betrays the marauders in the first place so... ; remus gets a better life ; reader becomes a semi-political figure to help werewolves + house elves ; reader assumes a male alias ; alternating chapters from different povs directly effected by reader's actions ; reader is a powerful independent business woman and single mother ; reader is a milf ; reader secretly hates dumbledore ; reader hates orion black ; reader hates JKR (we all do) ; divorce ; mentions of child abuse (physical and mental and emotional) ; mentions of neglect ; angry reader ; canon jily ; mentions of wolfstar ; regulus being a precious baby ; sirius has his moments too ; reader being a powerful trio with minerva and pomfrey ; reader potentially adopting the black sisters (bellatrix, andromeda and narcissa) ; reader adopts everyone! ; there'll be ocs ; reader leaves to live her dream cottagecore life ; happy ending! ; i'll add more tags in the future
#reader insert#fem reader#the marauders era#marauders era#marauders#the marauders#sirius black#regulus black fanfiction#regulus black#regulus black fluff#orion black#fix it fic#sirius black fluff#sirius black fanfiction#DOB masterlist#Divorcing Orion Black masterlist#harry potter fix it fic#marauders era fanfiction#marauders fanfiction#marauders fic#marauders fandom#harry potter marauders#james potter#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#peter pettigrew redemption arc#walburga black
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And Comes Dawn part vi
Ships: sauron/halbrand x reader, Galadriel x Halbrand, galadriel and reader DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER AT ALL (yet), reader x ?????
Summary: some unwanted feelings bubble to the surface.
Tags: angst ish, reader gets mad, insecurities, the love triangles are officially starting, saurons pov next part is gonna be intense after some of this stuff.
Notes: this one might be meh, I wasn't able to edit much and my mind is kinda mush. The secret third ship is revealed. I'm also adding too, extending, and overall changing some of the numenor stuff. Again it's my fanfiction, I can do what I want
It wasn't long before bright light filled the room, you and your companions heading to the deck of the ship. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the bright light of the sun and the blue of the sky. You saw the ship captain and spoke before anyone else, “Thank you, sir.
He nodded simply in a silent acceptance of your words, his attention turning to Galadriel. The two exchanged words, and you were resisting the urge to roll your eyes. You didn't like the elf. She seemed to think herself better and more worthy of sorrow. You could tell she looked down on you, fueling anger inside your stomach. Anger and annoyance were both feelings that you avoided at all costs. Your father's anger had been great and tragic. You didn't want to tempt the fates by letting your own go unchecked. This elf made it hard to feel anything but those feelings.
“Nearly where?” Halbrand asked, his voice was what brought you from your thoughts, he was trying to get an answer as to where they were going.
“Home,” the ship captain answered.
“Well that tells me fuck all,” he said softly so only your ears could hear.
“Halbrand.” You gave him a look.
“Sweet one,” he teased, returning the look.
Before you could reply, the words dried on your lips as you saw great stone faces carved into rock in stunning detail. You moved closer to the edge to get a better look. The hard work and detail on the face of the mountain was incredible. You were even more stunned by the giant carving above the city, almost as though it was watching over and protecting the city beneath.
“I've never seen anything like this,” you whispered softly.
“What is this place?” Halbrand asked Galadriel.
“There's only one place it could be, the island kingdom of Númenor.”
You looked at the buildings, the architecture, the people. It was all fascinating, as if there was no poverty or hunger. The buildings were gorgeous, breathtaking in the ways they were built, and you'd never imagined anything like this in your wildest dreams. A small part of you began to hope that you could stay here and not return home.
“I never imagined a man like me could build a kingdom like this.”
“Because these aren't men like you, your ancestors sided with Morgoth. Theirs sided with the elves, and the Valar blessed them for it. Though elves have not been welcomed on these shores for many years.”
“I wonder why someone would choose to deny you entry into their city,” the words dripped with sarcasm as they slipped past your lips before you could stop them.
A bark-like laugh filled the air before Halbrand stopped himself, clearing his throat and wiping at his mouth to hide his smile.
“Perhaps you wonder, but I know why you'd be denied entry,” Galadriel had stopped to look at you, as if daring you to say something more.
“My reasons are but one, and it is for someone else's sins. Yours would be for being an arrogant, insufferable..-”
“Let's keep going, shall we,” Halbrand placed a hand on your shoulder, and Galadriel opened her mouth to say more when the ship captain hurried them along.
When she was a few steps ahead of you. Halbrand started laughing again, softer this time. “Perhaps, sweet one doesn't suit you well after all.”
You huffed a sigh, “I should not have said that, I know.”
“I will forever sit and ponder how you were going to end that sentence,” he teased with a twinkle to his eye.
Butterflies stirred in your stomach as you looked back up into his eyes, a hint of a smile pulling at your lips.
“You must promise me, sweet one, not to provoke the angry elf. Can you do that?”
You nodded, but he cocked an eyebrow. “Use your words,” his voice was soft and a little husky as if he might have been enjoying this exchange more than he let on, “I want to hear you say it.”
“Halbrand, I promise not to provoke the angry elf,” you said in all but a whisper.
“Good girl,” he pressed a kiss to the top of your head before continuing the journey.
“If blood is the price to pay to leave this place, I will pay it.”
You noticed the guards moving closer, your eyes darting to the queen for her response to this threat. Galadriel was going to get you killed at this rate. Without thinking, your hand found Halbrands, lacing your fingers with his, and he squeezed your hand as if to reassure you before he spoke.
He was very well spoken, very convincing. He could command the attention of all in the room with his words. It was impressive, and in the end, they granted you 3 weeks. You hated the sense of satisfaction you had felt when they mocked Galadriel. You were sure there was a reason she was the way she was, but thinking she's better than the mortal races or more entitled to grief would never cease to fill you with anger.
“You were rather good at that,” you turned to Halbrand with a relieved smile on your face.
“Just be glad I'm not your enemy,” he responded with a wink, squeezing your hand that was still tangled with his before he followed the elf.
You found the ship captain once more, “I would like to offer my most sincere thanks. I will forever be in your debt.”
He smiled softly at you, looking at you as only a father could. “I did what was right. I am glad you will find some respite in our great city. If you are to need anything, I have a daughter about your age and I'm sure she has dress and other niceties to spare. Take these, though,” he placed some coins in your hands, “to aid you in whatever ways you may need.”
“I appreciate that very much.” He was a good man, you could tell it. Of good heart and strong character. He had dismissed himself politely, and you looked for your companions.
Your eyes landed on them atop the stairs. You didn't know what they were talking about but they were close. He seemed to be earnestly defending something, you knew not what, and she seemed to be arguing against it. Just as the conversation seemed to be closing, you saw as he pulled her closer to him with that smirk and sparkle in his eyes and suddenly it all came crashing down on you.
What if you weren't special? What if you read too much into it? What if he was like this with everyone?
Or perhaps you were special, but she was just more than anything you could be. She was a beautiful elf, a commander of armies, and what were you?
The daughter of a disgraced mass murder who had yet to do anything of significance.
Your lip started trembling. Perhaps you were too sensitive, but it felt as if your heart was breaking. Did you really have such strong feelings after a week? Perhaps you had been more interested in him. Perhaps you'd allowed your feelings to become too intense when his had not. And perhaps you only thought he'd been looking that way at you.
You found your feet carrying you outside of the palace. You weren't the one that was confined to the grounds, and there was no reason for you to stay. You thought you heard a voice calling after you, but you did not care. You wanted away and to be on your own to think. To figure out what you want for the future. To figure out your feelings to figure out your plans for the next 3 weeks.
You sat on a bench in some courtyard, eyes watching as the sun dipped below the waves. It was nice to watch, a beautiful sight, especially now that night didn't bring worries of being cold or being attacked. For the first time in what seemed forever, you would have a place to sleep that wasn't rocking back and forth. Your stomach was growling. It was starting to gnaw at your stomach, but you didn't want to get the stares from the locals. You knew you weren't entirely welcome. So, instead, you sat and watched the sunset until it made its way beneath the waves, and the only light was that of the fires and torches. Your eyes wondered, examining the amazing architecture. It's what you had been doing all day as a way to avoid the insecurities in your head and heart.
A group of boys about your age had drawn your attention,their laughter was boisterous and almost contagious. You were reminded of what little pleasures you'd lost due to the orc attacks; laughing with friends was one of them. You were grateful to see it amongst others and know that it still exists. You must have caught one of their attention somehow because he excused himself, telling his friends to go on without him before coming to sit with you.
“I…sorry I didn't mean to pull you away from your group. I'm just…”
“You're one of the newcomers. One of 3 that arrived today, yes?” He asked curiously, and you nodded.
“You match the description that was given. You seem a little lost," He smiled warmly at you. It was genuine, you could tell. He wanted to help you if you were to need it.
“I am, I admit, but I've enjoyed getting lost here. Your home is gorgeous. We don't have architecture anywhere near this in my homeland, the Southlands. It's remarkable.”
He chuckled softly, looking around him, “This isn't even the best the city has to offer.”
“That is impossible.”
He laughed again, shaking his head. “It is entirely possible, I assure you.”
You couldn't help but smile. He was full of energy, but at the same time, it was calming. It was easy to talk to him because he felt relaxed and relatable.
“There must be art and architecture where you're from. There has to be.”
You shook your head, “not like it is here. It would be like comparing a master swordsman to children whacking each other with sticks. We have wood carvings and some words engraved in stone but nothing like a whole, giant person carved in stone. Our cities are just wood or brick. It's not carved out like this. This is all incredible.”
“There has to be beauty, though,” he pressed his tongue into his cheek as if he wanted to say something else. “I have a lot of questions about your home. I've never left this island."
“There is beauty, yes. In the trees, in the green of the grass. In autumn, the trees turn red and orange, and they look beautiful at dusk.”
“So, there's beauty in the trees, in the leaves, in the women…” he watched you for a moment. You couldn't help but giggle at the comment.
“That was horrible, wasn't it?” He asked, looking down at his hands but laughing softly as he did.
“A little bit, but the compliment is very appreciated,” You stopped giggling and placed a hand on his knee.
“It sounded so much more clever in my head,” he chuckled with a shake of his head.
“My name’s Isildur. My father was the ship captain who saved you. I would like to buy you dinner as a way to say sorry for that horrendous comment I just made. "
You gave him your name with a large grin that made your cheeks hurt, “And I would love that, as long as you promise to tell me more about your kingdom.”
“It's a deal.”
#halbrand x reader#sauron x reader#halbrand x oc#sauron x oc#trop fanfiction#trop x reader#rings of power fanfiction#sauron x galadriel#halbrand x galadriel#isildur x reader
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ocean away
you are a fontainian noble with dreams of greater things than the cushy, monotonous existence of an aristocrat's wife. he is a criminal-turned-duke whose position is as precarious as it is vital to his goals. you both are pressured to marry — and you both have no interest in doing so.
a pretend attachment could solve all your problems and keep the wolves at bay. what could possibly go wrong?
read it on ao3 — my carrd — playlist
✎ PAIRING: wriothesley x fem!reader
✎ CONTENT: semi-canon compliant, pov alternating, fake dating, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, fluff, humor, + more to be added as i go
✎ WARNINGS: spoilers & speculation for 4.1+, mature content/themes, canon-typical violence, language
✎ WORD COUNT: 49k (and counting)
✎ STATUS: ongoing
A/N: this is lightly bridgerton inspired. as soon as i started learning about this guy i knew he was right up my alley (read: the woman was smitten), and then when doing a silly game with @pixelwisp, i got wrio + 'we could form an attachment' like. what was i supposed to do
-> see extended author's notes/tags on ao3
reblogs are appreciated!
chapter i — we could form an attachment
chapter ii — tell yourself it's easy
chapter iii — beat me up so i can fight for what i believe in
chapter iv — i'll use you as a focal point
chapter v — would i run off the world someday?
chapter vi — i have my freedom but i don't have much time
chapter vii — i see oceans in your soul
chapter viii — deeper than the truth
chapter ix — and all i can breathe is your life
chapter x — coming soon!
#wriothesley#wriothesley x reader#wrio#wrio x reader#genshin#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader#genshin x you#genshin imagines#reader insert#lark.writes#🌊
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Tag dump!
#vi tags: starters.#vi tags: paras.#vi tags: tasks.#vi tags: povs.#vi tags: edits.#vi tags: musings.#vi tags: visuals.#vi tags: chats.#vi tags: playlists.#vi tags: aesthetics.#vi tags: events.#vi tags: missions.
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places we won’t walk — taesan
han taesan x reader
genre & warnings — smau, exes, angst, fluff, slight crack, an undeniable down-bad-in-the-trenches reader paired with an emotionally constipated taesan who both cannot move on, switching between past and present conversations, pov switching notes — gluion smau writer debut? (i was known to write smau on twt LMFAO) anyway, going an angst smau to keep me alive as i write zb1 tbou. as always, reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
started: november 8, 2024, updates sporadic ended: tba request to be part of the taglist! masterlist
synopsis — although you and taesan try to stay civil with each other, there’s undeniable tension between you two in every conversation. and somehow, you remember why it's not advised to date someone in the same friendgroup as you.
(or in other words, the conversations you and taesan shared since the break up.)
profiles — the three bears and the struggling artists
prologue — the night it happened part i — cat’s out of the bag part ii — part iii — part iv — part v — part vi —
more coming soon
networks taglist: @kflixnet @k-labels @blankjournal @onedoornet @kstrucknet
boynextdoor permanent tag list: @bndokidoki @0310s @whyilovewhales-pdf
story tag list: @tkooooop @prettyange1 @zynz0 @love-4-keum @taylorluvation
@vernyangel @cherrytaesan @prettiann
#works of moni#onedoornet#kflixnet#bjnet#k-labels#kstrucknet#boynextdoor#taesan#taesan x reader#taesan angst#boynextdoor x reader#taesan imagines#boynextdoor imagines#boynextdoor angst#han dongmin#taesan boynextdoor
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I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy (Part II)
Series summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 2.5k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings on this chapter: Ben being a misogynist, talks about masturbation and porn, killing threats, Ben's POV in general is a red flag, death.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
get yourself in the taglist!
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
tags: @k-slla
Part II: Silence is Peace
The next day arrived fast, and again, you found yourself walking ready to have a conversation with the supe locked in the facility. A part of you was surprised he didn't try to escape yet, but Ben, on the other hand, was just letting things flow at the moment.
The heavy, metal door opened to let you in. The supe caught by surprise seeing you coming inside full of confidence at this time in the morning. A couple of armed men in black uniforms followed behind as they settled down some furniture in the empty area of the room: two small sofas and a coffee table.
His arrogant self knew those guns wouldn't tear a single hair off of him, but hey, he understood you needed to feel safe. So meanwhile, he decided to play along. He remained still by the bathroom door as you came closer.
"I didn't request that," he said once you stood face to face.
"Oh, I know. I did, it's for your therapy," you smiled, tugging the bag on your shoulder. The armed men finished decorating the cell, and they left with a loud thud of the door being closed behind their backs. "There's been a small change of plans. I will come by every day for one hour. Anything you want you will ask me first and if I approve, then I will bring it to you."
He smirked. Like if he needed to be bossed around by a fucking woman, he thought. "You sure have the balls to stand up on me like that."
"Like I said, I want to help you," you replied, making your way and sitting down on a sofa. "Please," you requested him with a hand to do the same and he followed with curiosity. You put the bag on the coffee table, taking out a notebook, pens, a folder, and a small zip bag containing the only thing he asked from you the day before. You left his reefer on the coffee table, putting the folder in your lap as you waited for him with a smile on your face he found unsettling.
Ben still didn't buy you or your intentions, but he sat down on the opposite sofa nonetheless. You had brought him something he asked from you, something he wanted and would calm him down for a little. Hopefully it wasn't going to be that bad. He only had to put up with the game of doctor-patient. In the back of his mind, he was also grateful you dropped the stupid white coat at the same time he found your attempt to fix him ridiculous. He didn't need to get fixed.
"Your guards ain't hurting me with those guns, you know that," Ben started.
"We have to try," you shrugged. "And you're still here, that has to mean something."
He rolled his eyes. Of fucking course he had to stay. There were a lot of questions in his head. He had to settle down for a moment. Things were different in the world, he needed to learn about today's tech and get a fucking good plan to get away with his shit. Who would he get to kill first? Still thinking about it. How would he escape? Probably could use some help to keep a low profile. Could you be that help, being the only human contact he figured would have from now on? Maybe.
"So how are you feeling? Did you have some sleep?" you asked.
"I slept enough, spent the whole fucking night jerking off," he spat. "That TV of yours now does have good porn some hours in the day."
With wide eyes, you wrote down after his answer.
"Alright. But tell me, how are you feeling?" you pushed, your smile long gone and replaced with a serious face locking your gaze to his own.
"Great, never been fucking better" he smirked and you shifted on your seat.
His green eyes started checking you all over for a second. The pencil skirt hugged your legs perfectly and the blouse was tight enough to show off the size of your breasts. The clothes yelling that you were expensive and valuable for the CIA, and most important, to Mallory. Soon he sensed the discomfort emanating from you as his gaze returned to your face. God, he loved doing that, but you sure were daring to get locked inside a room with him alone.
"You can tell me the truth, you know," you said.
"I can easily break your neck and explode this shithole if I want to," he spat back.
"You won't do that. You had the chance yesterday, today even, and yet here you are."
He thought you sounded so sure about that. Ben held your gaze. Neither of you dare to break eye contact. It was like you were challenging him to something he wasn't aware of just yet. He didn't like that, but he remained there, breathing deeply with a strong look on his face. You were right though, and he realised could find you a good usage besides the obvious fucking use for pretty girls like you. He might have missed a good fuck for 40 years but the little common sense on the back of his mind told him the porn channel was enough for now.
"Listen, I know you're not a bad guy," the words fell softly from your lips. "I know you didn't mean to harm those people in Midtown... And in order to help you I could use some information on how you feel every time the blast comes-"
He stood up abruptly, strong enough to move the sofa he was sitting some feet away behind his back and yelled aggressively.
"Fuck off, bitch. What the fuck do you know about me? I don't trust your kind and you're making my threat sound like a great plan now.
You held his gaze as he made his way towards you. You were a prey in his cage, but even if you were scared, he didn't sense any sign of it. Ben's big frame towered you, standing just inches away from the couch you sat on. The space was enough for him to kill you with only one hand but you never moved or flinched a second.
"If you touch me, just a single hair on my scalp, you're fucked."
"C'mon sweetheart, you're no match for me," he mocked with a smirk on his face.
"Novichok definitely is."
He tightened his fists with his lips on a straight line, and his heartbeat increased at the mention of that fucking poison. Meanwhile, you just sat down looking at him with a blank face and innocent eyes. For a moment, he was tempted to just kill you but he forced himself to calm the fuck down. He didn't want to black out again, he certainly did not want to become a fugitive. If he was going to do something, it had to be done well.
"Soldier Boy, it's okay," you got on your feet. His eyes followed your moves. "It's fine if you don't want to talk to me. I can't force you to."
He saw a strange sparkle in your eyes. Were you pitying him? He didn't need that. And when he said nothing, then you continued.
"You accepted the deal, and that includes therapy to help you get out of your trauma. And sooner or later, you have to talk to me," you explained, he felt like a fucking child being scolded.
"You want to fucking help me and spray me with Novichok at the same time," he groaned.
"We have to take our precautions. But trust me. I’d rather not use that on you, I prefer other ways."
"This is fucking crap," he mumbled through his teeth.
He watched you making your way towards the book shelf, leaning down to grab a couple of books. He took in the curve of your ass as you knelt, and he wondered if you were doing all that little show on purpose to test him. His jaw clenched once again at the thought of being played with false promises and a cure to his memories.
"I can leave, but I will come tomorrow," you tossed two books on the coffee table: one about PTSD, the other one about new technology for him to start educating himself on that. "Start reading those and write down in the notebook anything you have to say. It can be about the books, your thoughts, your feelings... Anything you want. I don't have to know unless you want me to."
If looks could kill, you were already dead. He still didn't trust you. He didn't understand completely why a stupid psychiatrist of the CIA wanted him to go through rehab. You were a woman, for fucks sake. Psychiatrists were old, wise, rich men back in his days, not expensive sluts.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You're lucky I'm trying hard not to crush your bones right now, pretty thing."
"At least you're trying, that's improvement," you smiled cockily, pointing at his chest with a finger and you took your bag and belongings together, as if he didn't threaten to kill you like three times in the same conversation. "I will leave you now. Have a good lunch, Soldier Boy."
"Time of death 9:41 a.m."
The sound of the monitor disturbed your senses as the voice announced all over the place the death of yet another supe. You watched through the windows as two lab assistants ran inside the chamber to take out the lifeless body of the woman who had given her life to volunteer and assist the program. Anything for the cure, you remember her voice saying, even after she was warned about the possible effects. The worst of them being death. The contract stipulated it clearly and you told her to think twice before agreeing to take the third version of the Anti-V, although she hesitated a lot before joining.
You breathed out. The formula needed improvement, quickly. How many corpses had they taken out of there? You lost count already. You ordered Bianca, your young assistant, to note down all the details one day after the second death of a supe you witnessed, and for her to count them as necessary and at all cost. Arms folded on your chest, your jaw clenched, losing hope and feeling despair running through your spine. The discomfort of what had to be done to find a cure sometimes was too much of a burden. But sacrifices had to be done.
And speaking about sacrifices, you knew you had to get into Soldier Boy's head as soon as possible. The few other sessions you tried to talk to him were useless. The sixth one being today before lunch. A part of you was growing tired of faking it and pretending to be a psychiatrist, it really wasn't your field but you knew how to be one after many sessions, research, and medication on your own. Grace had taken care of your training years ago and this was just another mission with a huge impact and objective in mind: destroy Vought and Homelander, and then provide the cure to supes who didn't want their powers and give them the chance to live a normal life. People like you needed the cure, but first things first.
"Doc, the analysis of Blaze is updated," Bianca said, giving you the tablet to check the information on the supe that was collected.
Blaze, or Electra Richards was her real name, was a low-profile supe for some time, and you had a secret track of those like her with some help. These kinds of supes didn't really represent a threat to Vought, so it was kind of easy to contact them and give them a possible solution with a warning written all over the place. When Electra was contacted, she had to think about it but eventually said yes. She was young and brave, but she never wanted powers. She had superhuman strength and healed in minutes, seconds even, her bones were indestructible, and when your people ran the proper tests on her she was healthy as hell. Pity that her body wasn't enough to take in the injection of the new Anti-V prototype.
You read the last notes your assistant typed on the supe's profile.
Cause of death: sudden cardiac arrest caused by ventricular fibrillation; failure in electrical signaling within the heart.
You couldn't continue like this, not anymore. Nine months and nothing seemed to work out. Some supes died, some of them quit the program, and you didn't really blame them for it. The failures were growing bigger than the small steps close to creating the final antidote. The process was becoming an endless trial and error. With a tired face and a sigh, you left the tablet on a desk and walked out making your way to your office.
You took out your cell phone and dialed Grace, walking around the room worriedly. You needed to vent or talk. Anything. And gladly, she picked up by the third ring.
"Is everything okay?" she asked on the other line. She knew you too well.
"I- No, it isn't. But you already know that," you breathed. "Another supe died on trial today. I don't know how many we have-" your voice cut off abruptly and you sighed, composing yourself after a moment. "We keep losing a lot of people..."
Grace exhaled. "It's part of the job. It's your project, you know it was coming when I approved to do this."
"That makes it even worse, you're not helping me," you replied with a playful tone. "I've been thinking- I would like to try the cure."
"No. We need you to focus on this."
"And when I get him, when I get Soldier Boy's blood? He already takes powers of supes with the blast. Should be easier."
"He's your safest option for now. You'll find a way to get it, I trust you. But don't make stupid and hurried decisions, just wait for the right moment," the lady scolded. You smiled a little, like if she was watching you. "About that, how's he doing? Is he cooperating?"
"Not at all, that's my other problem," you fell back on your chair ungracefully, your back hurting at the thought of seeing him again that day. "I am trying to get him to talk, even using my cards of dressing up like I'm a fucking slut with tight skirts and all, but he's really backing up. Besides he's a fucking dick," your words made Grace chuckle for a bit.
"All supes we have dealt with are dicks, especially Vought. But Y/N, you got this," her words attempted to make you feel better. "This is one of our best options to take them down for once. I know you've been working on this way long before you talked to me, and that's the reason I know it's gonna work, doing whatever it takes."
"Thank you, Grace," you mumbled from your heart. Disappointing her was not on your list, and you hoped it won't happen anytime soon. So you switched the topic of the conversation. "And how have you been?"
#soldier boy x reader#soldier boy x you#soldier boy x female reader#soldier boy imagine#soldier boy imagines#soldier boy fanfiction#the boys tv#the boys fanfiction#soldier boy#jensen ackles fanfiction#jensen ackles
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For as long as the multiverse has existed, the one who takes the identity of the Black Cat is destined to have a complicated relationship with Spider-Man. Tangled in your web of deceit, you both find yourself asking who’s who…
A/N: Largely inspired by this great Hobie fic !! I don't want to flood the individual posts with my notes since this app isn't like AO3, so I'll be reblogging the chapters with commentary :) I do not speak Spanish, so please comment/inbox with any edits to dialogue (do this respectfully)!
Tags: Black Cat! Reader / Switch! Miguel / Sexual Tension / Slow burn / Pre-established relationships / Reader has fem + AFAB anatomy / Plot over Porn / Eventual smut / Character Study / Angst / Flashbacks / Canon-typical action / Physical injury / Multiple POVs / Additional warnings will be placed on individual chapters!
dividers by @v6que ! 🐈⬛
#florence writes!!#miguel o’hara x reader#black cat! reader#miguel o’hara smut#miguel o’hara imagine#spiderman 2099 x reader#spiderman 2099 smut#atsv x reader#atsv imagine#miguel o'hara fic
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all the stottlemeyer/monk fics i've written:
*more under the cut.
i. an old watch with no parts to fix it (2,4k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Whump, Angst, Pre-Slash, Realization of Feelings.
Summary: No one likes to start their day off on a odd number.
ii. no miracle can bring the 'stache back (563)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Established Relationship, Slash, Kissing, Teasing, post-s07e09.
Summary: Turns out, Monk doesn't want the Captain's 'stache gone as much as he'd initially thought.
iii. just a little wordplay (1,7k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Established Relationship, Slash, Caught in the Act, Innuendo, post-s07e10.
Summary: A twist to Mr. Monk and the Other Brother.
“And bring your handcuffs.”
iv. a friendly word of advice (2,6k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: protective leland stottlemeyer, semi-estbalished relationship, post-s08e14, hurt/comfort.
Summary: Captain Stottlemeyer hears of a little rumor, one he doesn't like one bit.
v. hydrogen (6,4k)
Rating: Mature
Tags: Telepathy, Angst, Pre-Slash, Hurt/Comfort, Realization of Feelings, Panic Attack.
Summary: In which Monk is a telepath and gets more than he bargained for.
vi. Room 103 (1,3k)
Rating: Teen
Tags: Mistaken for Being In A Relationship, Pre-Slash.
Summary: A suite upgrade then, for your partner and yourself?"
Partner? Leland thinks.
vii. an itch to scratch (3,6k)
Rating: Explicit
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, Porn with (little) Plot, Overstimulation, Praise Kink, Strength Kink.
Summary: Leland's always been a giver.
viii. the day erased (1,5k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Light Angst, Pining, Pre-Slash, Comfort.
Summary: It's a late work day and Monk decides to keep the Captain company.
ix. a knee jerk reaction (2,2k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Jealous Leland Stottlemeyer, Post-Season 8, No Spoilers for Season 8, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Mutual Pining, Resolved Romantic Tension.
Summary: Leland doesn't overreact. He really doesn't.
x. 20:20 vision (3,4k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Shooting Range, Pre-Canon, Pre-Slash, Pining Leland Stottlemeyer.
Summary: They all watch, mesmerized, as all of Monk's shots hit every single moving target with perfectly centered 10's.
xi. hello, detective. (1,9k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Pining, Living Together, Pre-Slash, Flirting, Jealous Leland Stottlemeyer, Oblvious Adrian Monk.
Summary: If you don't make the move, someone else always will.
xii. quite the endorphin (2,4k)
Rating: Mature
Tags: Touch-Starved Leland Stottlemeyer, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Pining, Pre-Slash, Post-Divorce.
Summary: Letting off some steam is the perfect way to get a little less wound up after a not so great day.
xiii. happy shedding season (2,7k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Catboy AU, Inspired by Fanart, Fluff, Humor, Fur Brushing, Cat Ears, Established Relationship, Obsessive Cleaning, Cat Tails.
Summary: Monk's having a tough time keeping everything pristine clean.
xiv. how to make a chicken pot pie (1,4k)
Rating: Teen
Tags: Established Relationship, Cooking, Domestic Bliss, Living Together, Kissing.
Summary: It's chicken pot pie Tuesday. Leland gets a little distracted.
xv. wake-up call (2,8k)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Crush at First Sight, Pre-Slash, Neighbors AU.
Summary: Who in their right mind vacuums everyday at four in the damn morning? No one, that's who.
Leland's new neighbour seems to be an exception to that.
xvi. right angles (2,5k)
Rating: Teen
Tags: Outsider POV, Married Leland Stottlemeyer/Adrian Monk, Established Relationship, Slash.
Summary: Harry doesn't mind Mr. Monk. He's a model neighbour - he minds his business, keeps to himself and occasionally lends a helping hand. But he wishes the guy would stop arranging the lawn chairs.
Or, at least, that's what his fiancée wants. Which means he does too.
xvii. fingertips reaching (2,7k)
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Praise Kink, Touch-Starved Leland Stottlemeyer, PWP, Service Top Leland Stottlemeyer, Overstimulation.
Summary: Adrian's reactions are what really gets Leland going.
xviii. bitter taste (1,2k)
Rating: T
Tags: Angst, Jealousy, Possibly Unrequited Love, Pre-Slash.
Summary: Coddle envy for too long and it will begin to curdle.
ix. in september (277w)
Rating: Gen
Tags: Domestic, Living Together, Double Drabble, Mr. Monk Is Drunk Again.
Summary: “Let's get you home.” Leland says.
“Oh, mine or yours?”
xx. the grass may be greener (2,7k)
Rating: T
Tags: Episode Studies, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash.
Summary: “How're you... How're you feeling?” Adrian asks.
The pit in Leland's stomach has yet to stop gnawing hungrily inside of him, threatening escape.
Rating: G
xxi. frozen peas (2,1k)
Tags: Protective Leland Stottlemeyer, Minor Injuries, Pre-Slash
Summary: “What the fuck happened?”
Natalie winces at the same time Adrian's cheek gives a particularly angry throb. It must look ghastly if Leland's reaction from a scale of one to ten is already ranging around nine.
xxii. whiskey neat (1,4k)
Rating: T
Tags: Heartbreak, Self-Reflection, Drunken Confessions, Pre-Slash.
Summary: Leland drinks a glass of beer too many.
Or, T.K never said yes.
#gonna update as i go#tag: seis.fics#series: monk 2002#monk 2002#stottlemonk#sh: stottlemonk#sh: stottlemeyer x monk#ch: adrian monk#ch: leland stottlemeyer#stottlemonk fics#laughs in niche fandom self indulgence#🥲🙏 gonna throw fics out there#gonna do my part in niche fandoms and try to wake it up if its the last thing i do#im always falling into niche fandoms#its a blessing. and a curse.
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