#venezuela 2023
mixbrasilcombr · 2 years
Venezuela descriminaliza a homossexualidade nas Forças Armadas
Neste dia 17 de março, o Tribunal Supremo de Justiça da Venezuela anulou o artigo do Código de Justiça Militar que penalizava a homossexualidade dentro das Forças Armadas com até três anos de prisão. Até então, o artigo 565 condenava os militares que cometessem “atos sexuais não naturais”. Acatando um pedido feito pela Defensoria Pública do país, o TSJ julgou que “a interpretação (do artigo), à…
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themakeupbrush · 10 months
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Miss Universe Venezuela 2023 National Costume
Inspired by Los Diablos Danzantes del Yare
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narcoestadosunidos · 24 days
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@narcoestadosunidosZeuzOlimpia @OlimpiaZeuz GOLPEDEESTADO EN🇻🇪#VENEZUELA Y AL PRESIDENTE @NicolasMaduro https://naasonyouporno.over-blog.com/2023/12/andrea-camila.html By: NARCOMALANDROS DE🇺🇸#EEUU @JMilei🇦🇷🇮🇱@ISRAEL @NETANYAHU🏴‍☠️@JoeBiden🚨@elonmusk https://pussyspace.com/search?q=huge+tits+asian&filter=dur NASSONLAPLAZALLDM #LLDM #GDL https://nassonlaplazalldm.over.blog/2024/08/javtven-javtven136514-visegrad24-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-realdonaldtrump-golpedeestado-en-venezuela-by-narkoz-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-elonmusk-nassonlaplazalldm-lldm-gdl-enriquealfaror-pablolemusn-juanjosefrangie-watch-porn-movie
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Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum
Demos significa “pueblo”. Este sustantivo, junto con krátos, que puede traducirse como  “poder”, componen el nombre de la democracia: el poder del pueblo. Abraham Lincoln lo definió así :"La democracia es el gobierno del pueblo, por el pueblo y para el pueblo". A la presidenta o presidente lo elige el pueblo, al poder legislativo lo elige el pueblo. Si los jueces, magistrados y ministros se eligen por el pueblo ¿dónde está el autoritarismo? Sugiero que conozcan la minuta de la comisión de puntos constitucionales de la Cámara de Diputados sobre la reforma constitucional al Poder Judicial que se discute en la Cámara de Diputados. Más democracia, más justicia, más libertad. La reforma al poder judicial no afecta ni nuestras relaciones comerciales, ni las inversiones privadas nacionales, ni extranjeras. Por el contrario habrá más y mejor estado de derecho y más democracia para todas y todos. Si se hubiese querido que los Ministros fueran nombrados por la presidenta se hubiera hecho una reforma como la de Zedillo, a la cual por cierto, no se opusieron algunos de los que hablan en contra de la reforma que se está discutiendo hoy. Nuestro interés no es más que un México más democrático y más justo. Ese fue el mandato popular.
Demos means “people”. This noun, together with krátos, which can be translated as “power”, makes up the name of democracy: the power of the people. Abraham Lincoln defined it like this: "Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people." The president is elected by the people, the legislative power is elected by the people. If judges, magistrates and ministers are elected by the people, where is the authoritarianism? I suggest that you read the minutes of the House of Representatives' constitutional committee on the constitutional reform of the Judiciary that is being discussed in the House of Representatives. More democracy, more justice, more freedom. The reform of the judiciary does not affect our trade relations, nor private national or foreign investments. On the contrary, there will be more and better rule of law and more democracy for all. If the ministers had been appointed by the president, a reform like Zedillo's would have been made, which, by the way, was not opposed by some of those who speak out against the reform that is being discussed today. Our interest is nothing more than a more democratic and fairer Mexico. That was the popular mandate.
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Immersive Sculptures Mixed Digital Art by Claudia Bueno
https://www.claudiabueno.com https://www.instagram.com/claudiabuenoart https://www.facebook.com/claudia.bueno.50364 ABOUT © Claudia Bueno © Claudia Bueno
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des-vanecido · 2 years
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Ya no quiero permanecer de espectador.
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infowarsrzk0 · 6 months
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Red Rezi @RezizteKRZK1 -Dec-27-2023 @BBC @BBCNews @CNN @POTUS
@israel @IDF @netanyahu @joebiden @nato @onu_es @netflix CON "Dejar el mundo atrás" ,
#CivilWar2024 #GuerraCivil2024EEUU
🇲🇽@lopezobrador_ @Metropoli1150 @Trafico_ZMG @RT_com https://pic.twitter.com/c1x2iDjEUu
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higashioka · 2 years
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03/18/2023 yankees instagram story
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aysel4rg8all · 2 years
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¡Feliz año nuevo a todos! ¿Qué tal la han pasado?
Espero no hayan armado mucho lio en el festejo jaja.
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head-post · 10 months
US reaffirmed its support for Guyana’s sovereignty
The US voiced support for Guyana in its dispute with Venezuela over the Esequibo jungle territory, which contains vast amounts of oil and gas.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a conversation with Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday, the State Department reported. Hours earlier, White House national security spokesman John Kirby stated that the US did not want to witness any violence stemming from the territorial dispute.
Guyana and Venezuela claim ownership of Esequibo, a 62,000-square-mile area around the Esequibo River. The dispute dates back to the late 19th century, when Guyana was still a British colony.
Venezuela has renewed its claim to the land after 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas were discovered off the coast of Guyana in recent years. Furthermore, Venezuela held a referendum on Sunday in which voters overwhelmingly backed their government’s claim to Esequibo.
President Nicolas Maduro has received support for the creation of a new state and promises oil and mineral exploration in the territory. The discovery of valuable raw materials has put Guyana on the map of the world’s oil producers.
Learn more HERE
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unwilting · 1 year
After years of pursuing extra-constitutional regime change methods and electoral boycotts, the primary will see Venezuela’s hardline opposition return to electoral politics. The process will be conducted by the self-styled National Primary Commission (CNP) without the assistance of the country’s National Electoral Council (CNE) following the resignation of the electoral authority’s board members.
Among those seeking nomination is Maria Corina Machado, a far-right politician who has enthusiastically embraced Washington’s regime change plots. Other confirmed candidates include former Bolívar governor Andrés Velásquez and former Miranda governor Henrique Capriles, who lost presidential races in 2012 and 2013 and is banned from holding political office. However, the CNP was forced to issue a second, more carefully worded, communique rejecting “violent statements” after former Caracas mayor Antonio Ledezma made a thinly veiled threat in support of Machado, who has been disqualified from holding public office.
…Ledezma’s call for “civil disobedience” was an echo of the hardline opposition’s past violent tactics that sought the ouster of the democratically elected government via insurrection. Ledezma was charged in 2015 for allegedly supporting so-called “guarimbas” intent on violently destabilizing the country. He has also been linked with far-right anti-government militants such as Lorent Gómez Saleh, who credited Ledezma as the key political backer of violent groups. President Nicolás Maduro said that Ledezma’s comments constituted a threat of a “military rebellion” and ordered a “Special Anti-Coup Plan” be put into action. The plan would see up to four million citizens organized into “Peace Squads”, together with the Bolivarian Militia and the Armed Forces, mobilized throughout the country to prevent the outbreak of the type of violence seen in previous years.
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louisupdates · 2 years
louistvzla28: 📻| Silver Tongues de Louis Tomlinson sonando en la radio 'CAPITAL90.3FM' de Venezuela👀
[Silver Tongues by Louis Tomlinson playing on the radio 'CAPITAL90.3FM' in Venezuela👀]
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
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WBC roster release show 👀
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themakeupbrush · 10 months
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Miss Universe Venezuela 2023 Evening Gown
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narcoestadosunidos · 24 days
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@DaniMayakovski El momento en el que el ejército sionista persiguió y secuestró hoy a un niño palestino en el barrio de At-Ta'awon, en Nablus, en la Cisjordania ocupada. Cada año, hasta 1.000 niños palestinos de Cisjordania son secuestrados por el ejército sionista, torturados en los interrogatorios y juzgados por tribunales militares. Sin embargo, estos rehenes no les interesan a los medios de incomunicación occidentales.
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#ZeuzOlimpia @OlimpiaZeuz GOLPEDEESTADO EN🇻🇪#VENEZUELA Y AL PRESIDENTE @NicolasMaduro https://naasonyouporno.over-blog.com/2023/12/andrea-camila.html By: NARCOMALANDROS DE🇺🇸#EEUU @JMilei🇦🇷🇮🇱@ISRAEL @NETANYAHU🏴‍☠️@JoeBiden🚨@elonmusk https://pussyspace.com/search?q=huge+tits+asian&filter=dur NASSONLAPLAZALLDM #LLDM #GDL https://nassonlaplazalldm.over.blog/2024/08/javtven-javtven136514-visegrad24-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-realdonaldtrump-golpedeestado-en-venezuela-by-narkoz-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-elonmusk-nassonlaplazalldm-lldm-gdl-enriquealfaror-pablolemusn-juanjosefrangie-watch-porn-movie https://pic.x.com/72aefzcyrc
RT(@JavTVen) https://pic.x.com/dmaifrhrqa
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Disfruten lo votado🛑@PabloLemusN en complicidad de @JuanJoseFrangie y @EnriqueAlfaroR se han dedicado a talar árboles a distra y siniestra,construir torres de edificios sin importarles nada y aquí están las consecuencias🤬 https://www.tumblr.com/narcoestadosunidos/760714956061720576/narcoestadosunidos , https://olimpiazeuz2030.blogspot.com/2024/09/httpst.html
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#@DaniMayakovski El momento en el que el ejército sionista persiguió y secuestró hoy a un niño palestino en el barrio de At-Ta'awon#en Nablus#en la Cisjordania ocupada. Cada año#hasta 1.000 niños palestinos de Cisjordania son secuestrados por el ejército sionista#torturados en los interrogatorios y juzgados por tribunales militares. Sin embargo#estos rehenes no les interesan a los medios de incomunicación occidentales.#Youtube#NassonLAPLAZALLDM @enriquealfaror @pablolemusn @LaPlazaNASSON PUT000Z-@israel @netanyahu @joebiden#https://x.com/OlimpiaZeuz/status/1819120722918117715/photo/3#ZeuzOlimpia#@OlimpiaZeuz#GOLPEDEESTADO EN🇻🇪#VENEZUELA Y AL PRESIDENTE @NicolasMaduro#https://naasonyouporno.over-blog.com/2023/12/andrea-camila.html#By: NARCOMALANDROS DE🇺🇸#EEUU @JMilei🇦🇷🇮🇱@ISRAEL @NETANYAHU🏴‍☠️@JoeBiden🚨@elonmusk#https://pussyspace.com/search?q=huge+tits+asian&filter=dur#NASSONLAPLAZALLDM#LLDM#GDL https://nassonlaplazalldm.over.blog/2024/08/javtven-javtven136514-visegrad24-jmilei-israel-netanyahu-joebiden-realdonaldtrump-golpedees#https://pic.x.com/72aefzcyrc#RT(@JavTVen) https://pic.x.com/dmaifrhrqa#Disfruten lo votado🛑@PabloLemusN en complicidad de @JuanJoseFrangie y @EnriqueAlfaroR se han dedicado a talar árboles a distra y siniestra#construir torres de edificios sin importarles nada y aquí están las consecuencias🤬 https://www.tumblr.com/narcoestadosunidos/76071495606172#https://olimpiazeuz2030.blogspot.com/2024/09/httpst.html
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Venezuela’s kit has such a retro vibe 👀👀
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But also slutty vibes, look how shorts the shorts are
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