Explore tagged Tumblr posts
ismaeldrawsthings · 3 days ago
I haven't posted for a long time so get ready for a drawing compilation
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Hector and Apollo
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Phoenix and Kristoph
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My OC. His name is Apoleo and he's a demo. His name is the Greek name for the Christian demon Abaddon
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Modern AU cringy Achilles
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Colombia and Venezuela humanized
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nerdy-arty · 7 months ago
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Venezuelan Miku!!
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galactic-rhea · 7 months ago
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I feel is my responsability to share this. As a "little" huh heads up.
Most of us are recurring to VPNs and the like, and it's true people are disappearing. On top of that, there have been instances of usamericans literally tagging venezuelan authorities when they see a venezuelan trying to share info about the protests and the situation. I wish i was lying.
Anyways, I just feel the need to share awareness somehow.
Update: Twitter and other webpages have been blocked and can only be accessed with VPNs. There's even more concerns about people arrested being taken to El Helicoide. If people really doubt venezuelans, I'm begging you to do your own research about El Helicoide and La Tumba (If you aren't sensitive)
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skypperlegacy · 8 months ago
Help for Venezuela. REBLOG PLEASE.
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Help me spread the word about what is happening in my country.I don't want to cry anymore thinking about what is going to happen to my family, or my friends. Many in my generation have committed suicide due to the desperation of the current crisis, others have left their university careers to go to work at an early age for a starvation wage. Please, I just want to stop suffering, I don't want to cry anymore, I just want a normal adolescence for all young people. My people need FREEDOM.
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caffeine-clouds · 8 months ago
VENEZUELA NEEDS YOUR HELP. READ. REBLOG. EDUCATE. HELP. A lot of things are happening in the world right now. But one thing I don't see receiving enough attention right now is the situation in Venezuela. Nicolás Maduro has just won the Venezuelan election with 51.21% of votes compared with 44.2% going towards his rival Edmundo González Urrutia. Except THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Undeniable election fraud has taken place - anyone within Venezuela knows that Maduro is a ruthless dictator and he was an extremely unpopular candidate. Maduro's victory does not reflect the will of Venezuelan voters. Venezuelan people are getting kidnapped and killed by the military on the streets. And this is just the beginning of Maduro's rule. I am not from Venezuela, but read the messages of friends that are as the situation unfolded.
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Venezuela are on the brink of civil war, being cut off from the world, and are being killed on the streets. One of the people you just read messages from urged me to send this message:
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WHAT YOU CAN DO: - Spread the word. Educate others. Reblog this post. Do research. If anyone can provide additional context and stories, please share. Talk about this on any social media platform you have. I am primarily a Sonic fandom account - I urge that if anyone with a sizeable following in this fandom reads this post, that they please share this in front of their followers. Please ensure this post spreads through the fandom ecosystems. Below is a link to a Twitter post that has artists in the replies that are from Venezuela, if you wish to give any of them financial support:
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Thank you.
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gaviymarcsbride · 8 months ago
Y’all I genuinely urge you to stay up to date with world politics.
In my country, Venezuela, elections have just been held and the blatant disrespect that the so called government have for their people is astonishing.
How can they claim that Nicolas Maduro, one of the most hated dictators of our time, won 51%/5+ million votes?
How is it possible that he won when the voting panels have been updating every hour how Edmundo Gonzalez (the opposing candidate) has been winning by TRIPLE the vote?
How is it possible that most of the 7.3 million Venezuelan immigrants can’t vote and have no say in what goes on the country that gave them life?
How is it possible that Venezuelans have to fear for their life in voting stations because the military are set there to prevent them from voting?
How is it possible that the pig that’s called president is currently celebrating his “well-earned” victory?
Countries like Chile and Peru are already making statements that they will not recognize the results given by the CNE (the Venezuelan electoral system)
I think it’s sickening how all people can do is talk about it and not do a single thing about it, especially because as a society we try to condemn any harm to human rights just like how we did Russia, who by the way, is one of the dictatorships biggest supporters.
People have been facing literal hell since the late 90s and people in power DO. NOT. CARE.
Educate yourself, educate others, and most importantly TALK ABOUT IT, because I’m certain we’re not the first or the last country to go through this.
This is as much as I’ll say.
I hope they all rot in hell.
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stavrosskundromichalis · 4 months ago
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A couple of Tachiraptor admirabilis looking for a snack in Venezuela during the Early Jurassic
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itwaslegendary · 8 months ago
Since I’m not seeing many posts about what’s happening in Venezuela, I will make one myself. Please do not turn a blind eye to their ongoing crisis.
First I will put you into context, please note that all this information is taken from posts, threads and statements made by Venezuelans so I will hyperlink each one of my sources.
From 2002 to 2013, Hugo Chávez was the president of Venezuela. Not only did he ruin the country’s economy, imprison people and remove liberty of speech in the country, but he also changed the constitution, allowing unlimited reelection. His regime became a dictatorship disguised as a democracy. Here’s an entire page about this period. (And you can read more searching “chavismo”)
After his death in 2013, Nicolás Maduro took the presidency. Venezuelans started protesting and, as a response, they were repressed and killed, universities were burned down and Venezuela became massively poor, people lacked basic needs (supermarkets were empty, increasing famine and malnutrition), hospitals lacked resources and, consequently, illnesses spread and infant mortality rates increased severely.
This Sunday, July 28th, 2024, elections were held and Venezuelans voted for Edmundo González to be the next president of the country. Exit polls expected him to win the elections.
Later, the revealed results were that Maduro had won with the 51,2% votes, while Edmundo González had only 44,2%. But, as of right now, already 75% of the electoral records confirm that Edmundo González was, in fact, the chosen candidate, meaning that Maduro once again cheated on the elections. This is electoral fraud. This is not a democracy, this is a dictatorship.
Now, Venezuelans are protesting and the government are once again repressing them. Civilians are being persecuted, attacked and killed. Innocent people are being arrested. The government is cutting their communication and are planning on cutting the electricity next.
I urge you to check this thread on Twitter by @/postmortemria. Her account is full of information about Venezuela and their crisis, please check her posts and share them to spread the voice. Try to raise Venezuelans’ voices and donate to them if you can.
At the moment, there aren’t many ways to help other than speaking up, but under this tweet you can find many talented artists and commissions are their way to make some money to pay for basic human needs. If you can, think about commissioning a piece or donating to them.
In addition, here’s another tweet with information to donate to the people affected in the protests. They’re in desperate need of assistance so anything can help.
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sibirsibir · 9 months ago
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Human Figures in the Cave Paintings of Southern Venezuela.
Credit: John Greer and Mavis Greer.⁣
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troythecatfish · 6 months ago
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Murder, kidnappings, and corruption.
These are just some of the best known crimes of anti-communist Peruvian dictator Alberto Fujimori, who has just died. A few months ago he had claimed he would run for president again.
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musicallisto · 7 months ago
tumblr communists' reaction to the situation in venezuela, especially those from the US or western europe, is extremely bizarre. OF COURSE the united states is responsible for a good portion of the political turmoil latin america has suffered in the past century (countless coups to set up puppet governments, the somoza dynasty in nicaragua, the chicago boys in chile, etc) and i hate american imperialism as much as you do, but refusing to acknowledge the violent dictatorship and repression that's currently going on in venezuela is a stupid and lowkey infantilizing take... like, you know a leftist man, thrust in any position of power, no matter how "progressive" he may call himself, can (and more often than not WILL) be greedy and corrupt. you know a socialist government can be authoritative and violate human rights. you know this right.
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warningsine · 7 months ago
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For the last time, the situation in Venezuela isn't a left vs. right thing, it's a dictatorship vs. democracy thing.
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Maduro is responsible for more politically motivated murders than Pinochet ffs.
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 8 months ago
If all a corrupt politician has to do is say that "they are in favor of Palestine" to have the support of the people, then the people are stupid as fuck.
If you can't distinguish a lie from a sincere feeling, you need help.
Anyway, that fact that Maduro "won" again the elections is not something to celebreate, and im done with people, from USA mainly, saying they are happy just bc the man said "Free Palestine" a couple of days before the elections. And Im saying this as a pro palestine person. If you are from a english speaking country and you have no idea whats going on over here please shut up. We don't need uneducated opinions.
I hug my venezuela brothers and sisters in these hard times.
making a quick disclaimer here: Controversial maybe, but even if he was pro palestine for real that wouldnt change the fact that he is a cruel dictator. People are complex like that. Nothing is always black and white
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skypperlegacy · 8 months ago
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The situation in Venezuela is not easy at all, Tumblr friends.
My compatriots are fighting to assert our votes that on July 28 were ridiculed by a disastrous and dictatorial government. At the time I write this, a social outbreak may take place. Many in the country suffer from a shortage of water, domestic gas, electricity and many in their homes do not have internet service. The salaries are miserable and the elderly are humiliated with starvation pensions. You would help my country a lot by reblogging this post, I truly appreciate it. God bless you and take care of us all.
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luxvinova · 8 months ago
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