#venezuela country
mixbrasilcombr · 2 years
Venezuela descriminaliza a homossexualidade nas Forças Armadas
Neste dia 17 de março, o Tribunal Supremo de Justiça da Venezuela anulou o artigo do Código de Justiça Militar que penalizava a homossexualidade dentro das Forças Armadas com até três anos de prisão. Até então, o artigo 565 condenava os militares que cometessem “atos sexuais não naturais”. Acatando um pedido feito pela Defensoria Pública do país, o TSJ julgou que “a interpretação (do artigo), à…
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doodliver · 24 days
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Venezuelan Miku 🐦✨
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transform-artion · 22 days
You are on Tumblr? you are able to Reblog,reminder to include venezuelans in your activism and prayers!!
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✦ ORDER via KO-FI! Or just DM ME And donations are more than welcome!
Many people tell me to leave the country but I can't, my life is here and even though everything is on fire I want to support my family no matter what, art is my only income so I really hope you guys can help me...
Please concider reposting! I'd really appreciate it! and remember:
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araguaneys · 1 month
The worst is when another latino dehumanizes us as if they aren't the same or similarly mix of ethnicities as if they aren't also fucked, as if literally MOST if not all of us have a history of dictatorships from different political alinements and YES being fucked by western imperialism but also our greedy "leaders" and shitty politics, as if the left and right or center actually did all they could or helped anyone, as if it couldn't happen to them next...you are the most depressing of them all if you're not with us and you are the ones that sound like gringos.
It's time you all get educated and you see beyond the decisions of our governments and the past problems we've had because of them, or BEYOND THE XENOPHOBIA and migration crisis, all of latinamerica is filled with people of all races like you and me that deserve empathy and not to get abandoned by you all.
Lo quieren en español? dale pues.
Lo peor es cuando otro latino nos deshumaniza, como si no fueran la misma o similar mezcla de etnias, como si sus países no estuvieran jodidos támbien, como si literalmente la mayoría de nosotros no tuviéramos una larga historia de dictaduras de distintas alineaciones políticas, o SÍ no estuvieramos jodidos por el imperialismo estadounidense/occidental pero támbien nuestros "líderes" avaros y políticos de mierda, como si nuestras izquierdas o derechas o centros de verdad estuvieran haciendo todo lo que podrían o ayudaran de verdad, como si no les pudiera pasar a ustedes después... la falta de apoyo de uds son de lad que más me deprime, y son uds los que suenan como gringos.
Es momento de que se eduquen y vean más allá de las decisiones pasadas de los gobiernos o la historia de problemas que hemos tenido por ellos, O LA XENOFOBIA y crisis migratoria, toda latinoamérica está llena de gente como tú y yo de todas las razas que merecen empatía y que no se les abandone.
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onesk3tch · 26 days
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Batazo de la Miku Venezolana!
(This design was made by mulemount at Twitter)
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invaderfromhell · 2 months
El chamo
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handweavers · 2 months
some people will post completely insane stuff in their native language that they depend on their anglo friends and colleagues not understanding bc it contradicts everything they say in english. like this person i know who calls themselves a queer decolonial feminist in english but has been sharing posts online in spanish nonstop in support of us sanctions against venezuela and from accounts posting in support of fascist militias targeting communists like. fucking lol
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kizoken · 2 months
i just hope that one day venezuela as beautiful as it is be free for once and for all from their shit dictator. from such a rich and vast country to the death hole it became due to horrible administration and poisoned ambition. i see families escaping their home and their roots all for survival, watching them begging in the streets for a single piece of bread breaks my heart. i just hope, as a latin american, there will be a conversation held and more people know about the atrocities the venezuelans are going through.
as of now, the remaining venezuelans are protesting for a transparent and just election. there have been two dead and more than 40 people detained, police brutality is at an all-time high right now. 7 representatives of latin american countries have to pull out the country, and the the ministry of transportation has declared that no air transport to the Dominican Republic and Panamá will be made until further notice, further encapsulating the population so that they can leave the borders though this mean of transportation.
they claim that there will be no power to the right wing political party, however it is not about 'right or left' it is about the good and prosperity of the people and the territory one has the power to administer as their sovereign.
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skezzzoutofservice · 3 months
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Viva venezuela mi patria querida (AUN NO SÉ DIBUJAR AL SCOUT OK YA SÉ QUE PARECE UN TWINK)
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fashionnfacts · 2 months
I cannot emphasize how much I need white usamerican leftists to never speak on latin america issues like….ever.
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jibanyans-chocobar · 2 months
Hi Octofandom. I know this is sudden but I'm taking a break from posting normal stuff and will only reblog and post stuff about Venezuela now.
I don't want to cause drama or anything like that, but I just want to make people aware of what's happening in my country.
I'll still post art for the fandom, but it will probably be about this too.
I'm honestly really scared. I know we can't lose all hope and I'm not saying I have. I'm just afraid of what will happen if we don't manage to do something. I'm afraid because I don't want the 2016-2017 crisis we had to repeat itself. I don't want people to get k1ll3d because of this. I don't want to have to leave my country, the country where I WAS BORN, to be able to live a better life. I don't want to leave my country until Venezuela is free.
Apart from scared, I'm also mad too, for obvious reasons.
I'm not trying to diminish what other countries are going through. I'm sorry if it seems like that, that isn't my intention at all, but I need to make people aware of this too.
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countriesgame · 10 months
Please reblog for a larger sample size!
If you know history and curiosities of Venezuela, please tell us and I'll share!
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araguaneys · 1 month
me: freedom for countries in dictatorships!
some clueless person STILL after all these years: so u want u.s interventionism!! u said it!!!!
like broooooo relaxxxxxx i am not pro u.s imperialism i dont want them to intervene in shit! i have never denied all the harm they've caused and continue to cause in latinamerica i am just also saying we have dictatorships? but people are so adamant in denying them or only seeing some dictatorships and not others
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loredwy · 2 months
You know, the only thing I seriously wonder about is where all this bots and trolls boasting about being Maduro fans came from.
They all speak english too, like. There are fucking high quality educational-looking videos going around, spreading misinformation about the whole situation and saying this is "all obviously a planned US coup", and most of them were made few days after the elections happened too. They were made so fucking fast.
And I really dont want to sound paranoic, but so much of those same accounts make so much obviously hideous communism-related comments too. Like at this point I dont even get if these campaigns are being made for english speaking people to support Maduro or for everyone to be against leftists because of "their hypocrisy", "extremist thinking" and because of them supporting a dictatorship.
Like.... whatever it is for, they obviously dont care for whats really happening in Venezuela, and its not focusing on spanish speakers. But its so weird seeing this stuff going around anyways.
Specially when theyre purposefully trying to mix it with United States politics. Like, the US government is obviously planning something, yeah, but I dont think it is what you all think.
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invaderfromhell · 8 months
Diseño de....
Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela 🇨🇴🇪🇨🇻🇪 ❤️
Ahuevo que si!!
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Gracias compita!! @thedoodlesonfire
Algunas de las solicitudes pedían a Venezuela y la neta ya teniamos ganas de hacerlo, y que mejor que con sus compitas el ecuador y el precioso Colombia!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
(Gracias a los que enviaron solicitud... Lo demás va en camino)
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gris19 · 2 months
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"I have compiled gringos speaking badly of those who express themselves on Tumblr! Tumblr is a smaller place than Twitter and with many more gringos, the post is growing, please help it!!!!"
[Twitter Thread]
[Tumblr post]
personal note: all of u who are saying fucked up things about the situation in Venezuela but saying 'free 🍉' just to get Online approval- u are fucking hypocrites
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