#venezuela today
kogglyuffs · 1 month
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pero lo que mas me gusta y me llena de emociOOOOOOON
es que el pueblo esta en la calle PA SACAR A ESE GÜEVON 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
bonus rika comiendo arepa:
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6loner96 · 6 months
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r0entgen · 1 month
Hoy soy el video de "mardito Chávez, mardito Chávez, retrimardito, morite otra vez mardito, pasá más abajo del mardito infierno, pal núcleo, pal mardito centro de la tierra tenéis que estar ahí, con er diablo, con satanás, con lucifer, con belcebú, con mandinga, con el mardito demonio de todos los marditos demonios, mardito hijo de puta"
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rosemaryreality · 29 days
So yeah, for those who don't know I'm from Venezuela and we lost electricity across the country. The process to recover it was gradual and apparently it took over 12 hours for the pplace i live in.
I can't believe i missed Itafushi friday....and not only that, today i woke up so excited to keep drawing in the pc too :( .
Hopefully we will still have electricity and I'll be able to draw something digitally. In the meantime, i did manage to make a drawing of Megumi for a piece i want to do...
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sunmisbf · 3 months
france vs spain on tuesday i hope they kill each other ❤️
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
Dreamt chan a whole photoshoot and it was crazy
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I'm baaack
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 2 months
...I hope that's not a preview of the upcoming US elections in November.
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ratguy-nico · 2 months
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Dibujito rapido pa decir FELICES FIESTAS GENTE (mejor tarde que nunca)
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spinnysocks · 2 months
not posting here today as i focus on sharing vetted fundraisers and important posts about Palestine, Congo and Sudan at @iftheresanythingleft, please check it out if you can /gen, nf
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im-still-a-robot · 3 months
I'm birthday!!!!!!!!! Here's a 🍰 slice of cake if you want it!
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head-post · 10 months
US reaffirmed its support for Guyana’s sovereignty
The US voiced support for Guyana in its dispute with Venezuela over the Esequibo jungle territory, which contains vast amounts of oil and gas.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a conversation with Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday, the State Department reported. Hours earlier, White House national security spokesman John Kirby stated that the US did not want to witness any violence stemming from the territorial dispute.
Guyana and Venezuela claim ownership of Esequibo, a 62,000-square-mile area around the Esequibo River. The dispute dates back to the late 19th century, when Guyana was still a British colony.
Venezuela has renewed its claim to the land after 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil and gas were discovered off the coast of Guyana in recent years. Furthermore, Venezuela held a referendum on Sunday in which voters overwhelmingly backed their government’s claim to Esequibo.
President Nicolas Maduro has received support for the creation of a new state and promises oil and mineral exploration in the territory. The discovery of valuable raw materials has put Guyana on the map of the world’s oil producers.
Learn more HERE
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elmas-66 · 3 months
Dall'Italia pubblichiamo la dedica al grande giornalista Ignazio Laya, difensore dell'ambiente molto amato in Venezuela e nel mondo per la sua bontà d'animo oltre che per la professionalità
Foto cortesia con Ignazio Laya – Venezuela Ignacio Laya è un esempio vivente del giornalismo venezuelano. Per Elisa Mascia Da: Angelo Felice Oggi si ricorda in Venezuela la Giornata Nazionale del Giornalista per la quale sono stati estratti alcuni dati dalla Sintesi Curriculare di Ignacio Laya, un guaiareño che ha saputo coniugare la professione di Professore di Biologia (Pedagogico di…
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luxvinova · 2 months
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Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela // Torture Center: The Helicoide
(ASK) How can I help Venezuelans?
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truth4ourfreedom · 2 months
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And isn't it just coincidental that he stole the last Presidential election as well?
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gmartinezmolina · 2 years
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#RG @laprensatachiraweb El Ejecutivo español ofreció la nacionalidad española a los presos políticos nicaragüenses excarcelados por el gobierno del presidente de Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, y que han sido deportados a Estados Unidos, anunció el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, José Manuel Albares, en declaraciones a un medio español, confirmadas por fuentes ministeriales. La oferta de nacionalidad española se hace extensiva a los que aún siguen retenidos en las cárceles nicaragüenses, a quienes el gobierno de Ortega despojará de su nacionalidad por ser acusados de “traición a la patria”. Las autoridades nicaragüenses expulsaron ayer, jueves, a Estados Unidos a un grupo de 222 presos políticos (varios europeos), incluido cinco sacerdotes, a quienes inhabilitaron de por vida para ejercer cargos públicos o de elección popular y despojaron de su nacionalidad declarándolos apátridas. Amplíe esta y otras informaciones en nuestra página web www.laprensatachira.com #10Feb #LaPrensaTáchira #Noticias #Táchira #News #Today #Venezuela #journalism #actualidad #frontera #agua #informacion #comunidad #locales #Mundo #noticiasdestacadas #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CofvuRPvM7k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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