#vault 19
numberonemoefan · 4 months
in vault 19 and I swear to God if a guy says "we used to buy and sell guys like four eyes over there like property back in prison" I'm going to shoot everyone in that damn vault
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delafiseaseses · 4 months
Created this Graph of Powder Gangers
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I shall also write what this says with some further elaboration under a 'Read More'.
We start at Cooke's Prison Break. At which point the Powder Gangers split into 3 factions: The NCRCF Powder Gang, The Bison Steve Escaped Convicts and The Vault 19 Powder Gang (originally simply 'Cooke's Faction' before reaching Vault 19).
We'll now go over all these factions, starting with the Bison Steve Escaped Convicts.
Leader: Escaped Convict Leader.
Several Unnamed Convicts (both called 'Escaped Convicts' and just 'Convicts')
This faction is unaffiliated with any other Powder Gang and does not have any implied affiliates who use Powder Gang Reputation.
Next we'll go over the Vault 19 Powder Gang
At Vault 19
Leader: Samuel Cooke
Opposition: Philip Lem
Several unnamed members labelled 'Escaped Convicts'
This group does not use Powder Ganger Reputation.
At Whittaker Farmstead
A few unnamed Powder Gangers who use Powder Ganger Reputation.
These gangers are explicitly linked to Samuel Cooke only in a cut note and by proximity to Vault 19.
Now we have the big one. The NCRCF Powder Gang. The main faction of Powder Gangers. All members use Powder Ganger Reputation.
Leader: Eddie
Second in Command: Scrambler (could also be called 'Main Bodyguard' or maybe 'Enforcer')
"Doctor": Hannigan (6 months training as a medic)
Trader: Carter
Front Door Guard: Dawes
The NCRCF is also home to the unaffiliated non-member ex-inmate Meyers, at one point Meyers would've had his own small group of 'Deputies' if he was put in-charge of Primm (there is still some reference to them in dialogue).
Joe Cobb's Gang, which could also be called Joe Cobb's Crew.
Leader: Joe Cobb
5 other members
A raiding party of the NCRCF. They charge 'tolls' to travelers on I-15, some of Joe Cobb's gang (though Ringo says they attacked without warning).
Boxcars' Crew which could also be called 'The Nipton Crew'
Possible Leader: Boxcars
Other Members: Oliver Swanick, Legion Captives, Legion Crucified
The ill-fated Nipton party. Called 'my crew' by Boxcars. Use Powder Ganger Reputation.
Tricked into a deathtrap by the Legion and corrupt Nipton Mayor Joseph B. Steyn. Oliver runs into Radscorpions and if you save the Captives they run into Ghouls. So, its safe to say that this crew has been disbanded.
Other NCRCF Gangers
The unnamed Gangers found at Powder Ganger Camp North, East and West.
The Gangers around NCRCF (such as on I-15, I don't think the ones currently around the sacked caravan are Joe Cobb's Gang due to their lack of participation in the Goodsprings Raid).
The Primm Powder Ganger Ambushers.
Now for the Chavez Splinter Faction which could also be called 'Chavez' Crew' or the 'Camp North Splinter Faction'.
At Powder Ganger Camp North
Leader: Chavez
3 other members
Chavez refuses to respect Eddie's authority, so Eddie orders him dead. On the the matter of the other members of this splinter faction Eddie says "Chavez is the ringleader. Without him, his crew will fall apart, and I don't give a shit about those guys."
Now we go onto the Unknown Affiliation Powder Gangers who have no direct hints as to which faction they're a part of.
First we have Hawkins, named in-game simply as Powder Ganger he is found dead by Quarry Junction, implied to have killed a Deathclaw before he was killed by them. He was presumably killed a fair bit after the Gangers stormed and claimed Quarry Junctions Dynamite, which means he was either a loner, a member of the NCRCF Faction who went too far north or a member of Vault 19 who went back that direction.
Now we have the Hunter's Farm Powder Gangers
Located in proximity to Whittaker Farmstead and Vault 19, they nevertheless have no content cut or in-game that directly ties them to the Vault 19 Powder Gang and they use Powder Ganger Rep, meaning its possible they're a far-northern NCRCF Crew.
So, yeah, I think that's about everythin'. If I missed anythin' do tell me. I tried t' be very extensive.
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Just realized that Samuel Cooke of the Vault 19 Powder Gangers is a reference to the singer Sam Cooke who has a song called Chain Gang
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Adrien in every Vault Suit they own.
(I’m still holding asks for my characters.)
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elven-butts · 9 months
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currently regretting storing all the blorbo info in the brain y-y ✨ naive and scared nerdy little kitten ✨
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scopebite · 7 days
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wandercr · 2 months
because sophia b.ush played a highschooler in her early 20s, sometimes i forget just how genuinely tiny eliana would be ... like, for reference, this is what soph looked like at 19/20 (left) compared to what she looked like at 23 (right).
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so even by the time it's 2281, and we hit new vegas timeline, she's only just beginning to look like the one tree h.ill icons i use.
tiny. baby.
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edge-oftheworld · 7 months
does ashton not realise how much we would absolutely eat up an album with 40 tracks?
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nukacourier · 3 months
I should draw james dressed as a cowboy he loves dressing up in silly outfits
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oneknightlight · 11 months
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Been doing this thing where I redraw a little TH inktober doodle I made when I was 12 every couple years or so and, uh wow.
Despite everything, it's still you.
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yantao-enthusiast · 6 months
enough time has passed…. i think it was pretty fucking weird that everyone was so obsessed with how taylor wrote i can see you at 19. like. Yeah. she was 19. do you know how many people are horny at that age. do you know what puberty and hormones are. did you know taylor swift is a human being that has chemicals running through her veins and she expresses that in her writing. and she was 19
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skaruresonic · 1 year
Half Life if the G Man was smarter:
Hmmm...perhaps I shouldn't put the fate of this world and my clients' interests in the hands of a scientist armed with a crowbar...
*whips out cosmic phone
Hello miss Aran? I have a rather interesting job proposition for you...
how dare you, this is blatant Alyx erasure xP
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I explored Vault 22 in a new save and while it is easier because I have YCS/186 and knew all the enemies... oh my GODDDDD the layout is still as confusing as ever.... Still, I take this vault over Vault 34 GENUINELY FUCK THAT VAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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on-the-clear-blue · 1 month
Original idea coming from @the-witchhunter and then added on to by many others.
Dead Man's Diner
Danny was tired okay? It may very well be his own damn fault but he can't keep waking up during daylight hours, while yes, he can fully be up and sitting at a desk, the likelihood of him waking up getting shouted at by his boss for sleeping on the job was astounding.
So at 19 years old, freshly jobless, Danny said Fuck it and moved away from Amity Park, Valarie was more than willing to handle the few ghosts that still came through the portal since he became the King.
You might be wondering, why isn't Danny filthy rich and rolling in it as the ghost king? Two words, the Observants.
Those flouting eye bastards had moved in and said that unless he was the king full time, he was unable to access the vaults of the Infinite Realms.
So once again, 19, freshly jobless and wanting to get out of Gotham? Danny was very lucky to have friends that love him far to much, Sam and Tucker both pitched in to move him out to where they had chosen to do collage.
*Gotham* oh Sam was in love with the place, the architecture, the people, (and maybe a certain green supervillian that was determined to make the city better) and Tucker was obsessing over being in the same city as Wayne Enterprises, trying his best to get into their internship program by his own merit rather than just hacking himself into it.
And Danny? He was loving it for a slightly different reason.
While the death rate was unfortunately high in Gotham, that also meant that the amount of passive ectoplasim generated by the deaths was massive, it was almost as rich as back in Amity Park with the portal into the ghost zone!
(Oh and the many job opportunities but Danny was a little less worried about that.)
Letting out a sigh, Danny scrubbed at his eyes as he leaned back into his chair, another job he had to turn down due to it being shady as all get out.
4 hours and he was getting payed 200 bucks? Major criminal vibes from that...
Taking a moment to get himself balanced, Danny leaned back and looked to the clunky laptop that Tucker had given him, it was modified to hell and back, so it still ran quickly, but it sure as he'll wasn't pretty.
Clicking on yet another job listing, Danny paused as he felt a shiver run down his spine, and a blue mist pass through his lips, blinking, he twisted around to look at the spare room of Sam's apartment, Ghosts tend not to get close enough to him to trigger the ghost sense in Gotham...
Seeing nothing, Danny turned back to his laptop only to find a piece of paper stuck to the screen with tape, freezing at first, the dark haired man sighed deeply, peeling it off he held it close as he read it.
[Help wanted at Big C's Dinner! Looking for a night cook that knows their way around a kitchen!]
There was a few more lines that Danny's eyes skimmed over, picking up the location that it was at, it even had a decent pay, but he paid more attention to the scribbled on note at the bottom of it.
[Daniel, head to this place at 12 am tonight. While the Observants said that you may not touch a single coin in your vaults, they side nothing of your properties.]
So Danny knows how to handle himself, he has fought many, many people and still came out half alive, but even he felt a little on edge coming down to the railroad tracts in Gotham, because apparently that was were Big C's dinner was at...which he apparently owned? Clockwork works in mysterious ways that Danny was so done trying to figure out.
Stepping up to a bit of abandoned tract, he blinked a few times at the site of Big C's.
It was a decent sized Dinning Car, with a ramp that attached itself to a proper street, it had peeling green paint and dirty white accents with charming rusted steel connecting it to the tracts, the only thing new looking on it was a bit banner stretched across it, stating the name "BIG C'S ALL DAY EVERY DAY BREAKFAST CART! OPEN 24/7!"
The windows were close off by tinted yellow blinds, but he could still see light coming through them. Stepping up the ramp Danny felt the cart under him shudder and something inside of him fluttered, and by the time he was opening the door he could feel the reason why.
The very cart was *alive*, taking a quick breath, Danny could practically taste the energy from it, there was a buzzing undercurrent of excitement that rung through the whole cart.
A little unprepared for his, Danny just smiled warily, "Uhh, hey there? Anyone around?" In response to his words the cart shuddered, the blinds dancing up and down and he could hear the squeel of the wheels.
"O-okay then, um my name is Danny Fenton...Clockwork sent me?" There was another flapingnof the blinds, and the small wooden flap that let people into the back lifted up suddenly before clacking down loudly.
Taking a steadying breath, Danny slipped through the bar and into the back.
It was surprisingly clean and orderly, the stove and fryer looked over than his parents but well maintained, the flat top was perfectly scrubbed and was already heating up.
As Danny looked around, he felt a familiar shiver run down his spine, looking around once more, Danny fell into a fighting position as he spotted the figure of a familiar foe
"Lunch Lady? Aren't you a little far from home? What did your order of fist not come in?" The bright rings of light around Danny's waist swirled into life as he went into his ghost form.
He got a thrilling grin from the older apparition, but she only crossed her arms, "While we can tumble later little King, Lord Clockwork sent me personally, said you need a bit of help learning how to cook? And ain't nobody better slinging food than me, dead or alive!"
Down in the dripping depths of the cave system deep under Gotham, one Bruce Wayne, still in his Batsuit sat in front of the Bat Computer, eyes glaring at a map of Gotham.
He had been tracking a strange energy pattern that made its way through Gotham, he had first thought it was some sort of layline, but the more that he tracked it the more he realized it was closer to watching a person's walking patterns, sometimes following roads, and sometimes crisscrossing through streets and alleyways.
But tonight that power signal tripled in size, off-putting energy that Bruce hadn't seen it done before, tapping the com on his ear, he spoke clearly "Nightwing, take Red Robin and investigate the coordinates I am sending the both of you, observe it, I just got a massive spike in an energy at that location."
There was silence for a moment before the com crackled and his sons responded "Got it B! Me and RR needed a little time together huh Babybird?"
There was a quiet hum from Tim, before the teen spoke "On route Batman, after this I am heading in, we have a meeting with a suspect in the morning B, Vlad Masters has been poking around Gotham."
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Okay now I'm curious- I try to recommend fewer shows that I think are pretty well known these days, but I wonder if most of them are as well known as I think. Here's my list and my question, remember it's heard of not even necessarily listened to:
The Magnus Archives, The White Vault, Wooden Overcoats, The Bright Sessions, Welcome to Nightvale, The Black Tapes, Wolf 359, Video Palace, I Am In Eskew, Archive 81, Two Princes, Midnight Burger, Brimstone Valley Mall, Woe.Begone, Malevolent, Ars Paradoxica, Eos 10, King Falls AM, The Adventure Zone
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