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tenaciouspoetworks · 5 months ago
Look at me... Still at my parents house, unemployed and no desire to experience something new...
Is this how I want to live my life..
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shadowisabean · 2 days ago
Oops it happened again... 👀😶‍🌫️🐶
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supercoolpers0n · 2 months ago
Do something productive or listen to cavetown on the floor for 3 hours?
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luvfangirling · 6 months ago
did nothing at all today so I now decided after a day of being completely unproductive to sit down and write my fic.
Wish me luck!
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patavermelha · 8 months ago
Trabalho não-produtivo / Unproductive labor
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Você pode dizer que o trabalho X não é necessário à vida, mas é só sua opinião. Dizer isso pra desvalorizar um trabalho é moralista e antimarxista. Trabalho não-produtivo no capitalismo significa só que ele não reproduz o capital, como artistas, autônomes e profissionais do sexo.
You may say X job isn't necessary for life, but that's just your opinion. To say that to devalue someone's work is moralistic and anti-Marxist. Unproductive labor under capitalism simply means it doesn't reproduce capital, like artists, self-employed private teachers and sex workers.
Podés decir que trabajo X no es necesario a la vida, pero es tu opinión nomás. Decir eso para inferiorizar a un trabajo es moralista y anti-marxista. Trabajo no-productivo bajo capitalismo es nomás decir que él no reproduce capital, cómo artistas, autónomes y profisionales del sexo.
Vi povas diri, ke laboro X ne necesas por vivo, sed tio estas nur via opinio. Diri tion por malgravigi iun laboron estas moralisma kaj kontraŭmarksisma. Neprodukta laboro kapitalisme nur signifas, ke ĝi ne grandigas la kapitalon, tiel kiel artistoj, memdunguloj kaj sekslaboristoj.
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panda-studiesmed · 10 months ago
I'm so unproductive it hurts 😭
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meanslackofart · 11 months ago
have grown up in a household where most of the chores were done on the weekend that now when I'm living away from home, I can't take one unproductive weekend without being bored out of my mind
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magicalwitchygirl · 3 months ago
Why am I like this...
Why do I constantly struggle to do the things I need to do. Like I always put off shit. When will I learn my fucking lesson. Am I depressed? Do I have ADHD? Am I just lazy? haaaaa. :(
Don't mind me...I just felt like screaming into the void
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try-and-try-and-try-again · 3 months ago
Awful night and day. I got prescribed Nefopam for the tension headaches and neck spasms that have been getting worse and worse over the past couple of months. I took my first dose last night and the side effects were awful. I had everything listed on the NHS website apart from hallucinations and pink urine (which is so bizarre!). 111 were called at around midnight and I don’t even know if I slept at all.
111 made me go to the hospital in the morning where I was predictably told not to take any more Nefopam…and to see yet another GP on Monday to be prescribed something else - joy! I’ve now seen 4 doctors in 2 days. I’m not sure I want to ask for more painkillers. I haven’t tried a single pain killer besides paracetamol that hasn’t given me horrendous side effects. And none of them have ever touched my pain. I’d rather have just pain than pain + side effects.
I’ve spent all day feeling woozy and shaky. I spent lots of it in bed. I was planning to get the painting I need to finish done today but I ended up getting the paints out and then sitting in front of my painting, staring into space for ages and having horrible hospital memories take over my head because my brain refused to shut up after being in the hospital this morning.
I spent a while trying to look up why I was doing this - was it a dissociative flashback? I’ve had quite a few instances like this over the past few years and I never literally feel like I’m in these memories, like the usual flashback descriptions I read, more like I’m observing them from a distance which is what the dissociative flashback page I read described.
I don’t know if there’s much point in me always dwelling on and researching what my brain does (is it self-centred to do this?). I am always desperate for solid scientific explanations for everything I come across including my mind - but I know the mind cannot actually be condensed so simply.
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somerandomchaosmachine · 4 months ago
Day in the life of Borb 🐦 #2
Does anyone just does like
*has appointment at 3:00*
It is currently 1:30
*proceeds to sit in an air conditioned area for 1.5 hours and doesn't want to start anything new until I complete the current task*
-Borb 🐦
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cy-diaries · 6 months ago
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Did nothing significant today other than going out for a run because I feel like a prisoner in my four-walled room. The rest of the day was just about coffee and procrastination, I could not even bring myself to finish the book I've been reading for months now. If there's a writer's block, I think we can call mine as reader's block and it's stressing me out. Any tips how to get through this?
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welcometolansstudy · 4 months ago
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21 oct 2024 - monday, 23:16
how was your day?? ^^
i'm embarrassed to say this - for like the forth time this week? - that i have, once again, not done much at all today. 2 out of 4 goals completed, and they were the 2 easiest ones at that (hoover my room + properly eat lunch without my phone distracting me)... (¯―¯💧)
me and my boyfriend have been really busy lately though, so even when we call every day, we don't really get to spend any quality time together. i feel like today we got at least a tiny bit of that quality time that we've both been craving. i miss the times before uni and my gap year...
i was planning on playing piano today, that's why i took a picture in advance, with my music sheet and all. didn't end up playing, because once again dinner was quite late and we've decided not to play any instruments after 9 pm, since we don't wanna inconvenience our neighbours. tomorrow i'm gonna try and practice during the day, that way, even if we have a late dinner, i don't have to worry about not having time to practice anymore!
i couldn't get myself to study today... but tomorrow i have another day off work, so i certainly have time. i guess since i worked yesterday, i saw today as my sunday.
i hope i'll do better tomorrow!
hope you had a lovely monday, i'll see you in the morning~ <33
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zelos380 · 6 months ago
Been meaning to learn to draw and play guitar…but just never have gotten to it…whelp, alrighty then!
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nando161mando · 7 months ago
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You're lazy and unproductive.
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fire-but-ashes-too · 2 years ago
Nine lines, nine people
i was tagged a couple times, by @scifimagpie, @guessillcallitart and @ashwithapen thank you and sorry for being late haha
ill be using Questionable decisions, as usual, since im literally writing it rn :)
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1, 2, 3, 4 seconds. Might just be her new record.
As she pulled away, that annoying face came into her view again. He was hard to see, as he was an all-black silhouette standing in a dark room, the only help being the flickering lights sometimes daring to lay on his suit’s edges and revealing where he was standing.
This time though, instead of a sabre at his side like always, there was a cane. A black piece of wood topped by what looked to be a...crow head… Inej blinked once; then blinked again. Nope, still a crow head. A silvery, angry, crow staring at her with those little bead eyes.
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tagging with no pressure @tea-and-mercury @holdmyteaplease @the-chaotic-writer @rickie-the-storyteller @the-stray-storyteller @floweryprosegarden @silviathebard @wrenofthewords @writing-with-sophia
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portmantofu · 9 months ago
My unpopular opinion is that I think that some marginalized people who do problematic things on a constant basis use the fact that they're marginalized as a way to avoid and silence criticism for situations they've knowingly created.
They do this by spinning a narrative where they can play the victim and act entirely innocent since they know there will be a fair amount of people who will use their actions as the basis for making generalized and bigoted statements about their respective communities.
From here, their job is done as they can bank on the fact that members of these communities will quickly rush to their defense. In turn, they are distracted from their initial goal of holding these people accountable as most people cannot give equal attention to two issues at once. Rinse and repeat.
In essence, it's like if your younger sibling kept doing things to get under your skin and when you finally decide you've had enough, that's when they yell for your parents since they know that being younger gives them the upper hand in getting what they want.
I feel like this practice encourages marginalized people to engage in toxic and unjustified behavior against non-marginalized people under the guise of oppression and that people should "make space" for them to exist.
While people may say that they don't want to engage in "Oppression Olympics" or say that anyone has it worse or better than anyone else, the fact of the matter is that it's unproductive and harmful to these communities to spend more time and energy trying to protect people who are clearly attention seekers than on people who really need it.
Ironically enough, it's this same practice of making it seem as though the person you've been attacking is now attacking you, that oppressors carry out constantly, so it's essentially one big pendulum swing of who gets to be manipulative when telling the story.
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