#uncle Jon
sarcasticscribbles · 6 months
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(Answer to @sieveyourtea for some reasons your asks never make it to my askbox)
Baby Dani my TimSasha fanbaby I read it, and I'm so excitedd for the full thing, "Unc pretty" I can't wait for it
Snipped for Unc Jon and Dani James
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So while out earlier my eldest niece got some nail varnish, well roll on this evening while around home for a BBQ (as that's where my nieces are sleeping as I'm heading out to try and see the northern lights tonight)! My niece asks if she can practice on me with her new nail varnish, I don't think she expected me to say yeah or so excitedly agree to it but it's these moments I cherish.
She thought I was joking and went to ask granny but I said I'm serious, like I don't care about having my nails painted violet and pink, I've told her I'll even keep them like this for work on Monday! What I do care about is getting these precious moments with my nieces and having a laugh with them! These are the moments i’ll cherish and look back on with love and happiness! To them it's just their uncle being silly (my other youngest niece called me girly for doing it, she's only 6 tho) but to me it's a wholesome moment I'll remember 🩵😁😍😂
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nespolkei · 2 years
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amvipod · 3 months
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always a fan of jon matteson’s starkid roles. i would’ve put paul or richie here too but i never drew them a way i liked so here’s old art of the green freak
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fadedkat · 4 months
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his name is wigglyyyy and he’s here to stay!!
and then nothing bad happened again ever
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scyeschef · 2 months
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justtrashperson · 11 months
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Guess who’s back to obsessing over starkid
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vilnmelling · 3 months
Paul-is-Richie's-uncle people, this one's for you.
"Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em straight to hell! Assholes!"
This quote's exactly what Paul says in Honey Queen, and exactly what Richie says in Nerdy Prudes Must Die. I think all of us with the "Paul is Richie's uncle" headcanon have accepted that this is somehow correlated to that, so let me elaborate.
"Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em straight to hell. Assholes." is Paul's go-to phrase for saying "Fuck Clivesdale," just like "How about an iced caramel frap, nothing better" is his go-to for offering to pick up coffee for his coworkers. (The way he says "Fuck 'em" while talking to Emma about Clivesdale is very similar to the first fuck 'em in the phrase).
Paul's said it enough times around Richie that Richie's picked up on it and it's become his go-to as well.
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Do you think that when Bloodraven was warging into Mormonts demon bird to spy on the NW, he watched Jon making decisions as Lord Commander and judged them with the same attitude that an older family member who micro manages everyone, would? Like,
"Oh, that's who you assigned for Eastwatch by the sea? Well, it's your command I suppose"
"That's how you negotiate with the braavosi? Not how I would have"
"I finally get a member of this forsaken family that follows the old gods, and you're going to let some Essosi priestess and a Baratheon burn branches of the weirwoods?!"
"JON SNOW. KING. I can only say so much in this body, but it is not that hard"
"DON'T you throw a pillow at me, boy! Go count your beets!"
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eli-am-confused · 3 months
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Something, something, disaster gay president that falls in love with every man he meets.
Bonus: Howie having a drink with some cousins to vent. It’s only somewhat helpful.
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Howie: I’m gonna die alone!
Paul: Howie, of course you’re not.
Bailey: No he totally is! Bartender two more rounds of shots!
If you can’t read the pictures it’s under the cut.
First picture:
Vice President Bob Morris is saying something very important.
President Howard Goodman stopped listening as soon as Morris’ blazer came off (he totally wears one but takes it off during long meetings)
Second picture:
General John MacNamara: I need you to listen very carefully mister president
Unfortunately President Howard Goodman is not paying attention anymore
Third picture:
Xander Lee is explaining some sciencey shit with the portal
Poor President Howard Goodman doesn’t understand a single word he’s saying
Fourth picture:
Wilbur Cross, knowing exactly what he’s doing: Hey Howie~
Fifth picture:
President Howard Goodman, the gayest disaster to ever be elected as America’s president: Oh no, he’s hot!
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amber-laughs · 11 months
agot is so hard if you’re a jon snow understander because it’s just “adults in my life abuse me and i feel unwanted, unloved and unfit to live. i’m treated as a second class citizen even by those who have no standing at all even though i deserve it for the crime of Being Born Against My Will. i am my father’s greatest shame and he has rightfully sentenced me to life imprisonment but i shall always yearn for his undeserved love like the greedy bastard they all say i am” and everyone around him just says “awww you gonna cry now you little bitch?” and then BOOM! some girl on twitter is writing an 18 tweet thread about how he’s ungrateful that catelyn didn’t make him sleep in the dungeons and feed him only dog food or something
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montyluvsjasper · 6 months
Jonsa fans write 1000+ post of all the foreshadowing of Jonsa.
Jon and Sansa are structured in the story as the romantic leads respectively. Even Sansa antis have admitted the extreme parallels between Jon and “Alayne”. Jon Snow literally has dreams about burning people and thinks it's the most vile thing possible. Sansa wished/prayed for a strong knight to kill Janos Slynt, and Jon’s the one to do it. Jon dies trying to save who he thinks is Arya Stark.
No I don't care about your wolf howl, your blue rose or your Targaryen restoration.
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Off to pick up my two nieces to help babysit them for the next 48 hours! Just what we need on what is predicted to be the hottest weekend so far in 2023 in the UK! Granny has plenty of activities planned and i’m planning a movie night with them tomorrow too, so that'll be fun! Just need to work out the best way to build a fort in my new place ha!
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simpforfandoms · 2 years
clark's wife like giving birth and he's trying his hardest to support her and shes just like stfu but in a nice way
yes yes yes! I'm totally binge watching shameless so this is kinda like when v gives birth. Got a bit carried away, but this is still a drabble
"You're doing amazing honey!" Clark says beside you holding your hand.
"How would you know?" You snap
"Because you're making all the right sounds. Remember that birthing video with the girl making all the buffalo noises? You're making those noises."
You roll your eyes as you let out a groan.
"Would you like to stand around here with us?" The doctors ask Clark.
"No I'm good" He quickly replies.
You almost get offended, "You don't want to watch?" you ask
"Oh, honey, I was over there earlier and it's real gory, lllike a horror movie, I'd rather stay with you." He says as he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
You groan once more.
"You know-" he starts
"Bruce says that in some cultures men aren't even allowed near the birth, just a bunch of women in tents, which makes sense, because I would be so much more useful if I was out hunting moose or something…" He rants.
"Clark?" You ask on the verge of punching him.
He hums.
"Please shut the fuck up."
"Oh yeah okay."
Clark is cradling the beautiful baby boy as you sit and watch from the hostipal bed.
“I’m gonna call you super baby” Clark tells him, the baby giggles in his dads arms, Clark look towards you, “he likes it”
“Please do not call our son super baby”
“Awww why not it’s cute.” He whines
“That be like you calling me super wife.”
“Well you are a super wife.” He shrugs
You roll your eyes as Kara and Martha walk in and steal the baby from Clark.
“Oh he’s just adorable. Have you decided on a name” Kara coos
“Super baby.” Clark states
“No it’s Jon, you dork.” You call out
“Hey don’t call me a dork!”
“Whatever, dork.”
“How is it that you two have been together for almost 10 years yet you still act like children.” Martha laughs
“Oh come on Ma, you and Pa were just like this.” Clark says as he steals the baby back and hands him to you.
Martha just laughs. Young love.
“Hey, I think we should tell Barry we named him after him” you whisper into his ear
He laughs, “whatever you want sweetheart.”
You and Clark take Jon to the next JL meeting. Barry’s the first one that comes up to you.
“Oh. My. God. He is so adorable!!!! Whats his name?”
“Barry.” You say confidently.
Barry’s face lights up, “you named him after me?!?!?”
“No his name is Jon. But I promise the next one we’ll name after you” Clark says.
“For realz?”
“For realz”
You laugh as Barry walks away, “you’re out of your mind if you think I’m gonna have another one” you whisper to him
He shrugs, “we’ll see about that” He leans down to give you a kiss.
5 years later and your back in the hospital giving birth.
“Get this thing out of me!!” You scream
“Honey it’s gonna be okay” Clark says holding your hand
“Curse you! And curse your stupid sperm!” You yell at him
“Uncle Bruce what’s sperm?” Jon looks up at Bruce from outside the room.
“Ummmm when a mommy and daddy love eachother very much-“
“Don’t you dare give my son the sex talk Bruce!” Clark yells from the delivery room
You scream again
“Is mommy gonna be okay?” He asks
Bruce shrugs, “probably, maybe. She has a 17.4 to 100,000 chance of dying.”
“Dying? She’s gonna die?!?” Jon screams.
“One last push, you’re almost there” the doctor says.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you for doing this to me.” You scream at Clark as you push
Crying erupts the room. It’s finally over. 15 hours of excruciating pain.
“Congratulations it’s a healthy baby girl.”
They weigh her, Clark cuts her cord, you hold her for a bit then they take her away to clean her.
“You still wanna kill me?”
“We’ll see.” You say as he leans down to kiss you.
As he pulls away he says, “We have to name her Bartholomew now.”
“C’mon shes just like him.”
“No if she was this would be a fast labor, she’s just like me.”
“You’re right she is stubborn” he jokes
“that’s why we’re going to name her Y/n jr.” You state as a matter of fact.
“We can name her that but we couldn’t name Jon super baby?”
You shrug
Years later..
“Yeah but your mom wouldn’t let me.”
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Dp x dc prompt
In a fight, skulker accidentally throws Danny through a natural portal, and now Danny is stuck at Pluto, what the hell you bony bastard?! So now he has to fly all the way back to earth and hope the satellites don’t pick him up, but it’s actually Hal Jordan who sees him, and when later telling the justice league about a glowing boy in space who doesn’t need to breath and definitely wasn’t a lantern, zatanna cuts him off to mention the urgent need of addressing the insane amounts of dead following what feels like an insanely powerful god of death that definitely wasn’t in this dimension the day before. Bats is obviously the first one to notice they’re talking about the same person.
Back with Danny, he can’t seem to find his way around the states with how tired that flight made him, so he crashed down onto a farm on accident, while two sweet parents see this glowing boy fall from the sky and decided yeah. Might as well have another.
Clark, meanwhile, has no clue that the god of death sending the league into chaos is the same kid his parents have been wanting him to meet back at the farm.
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Daemon: Where are the twins?
Viserys: Oh, they went out.
Daemon: ...but they're grounded.
Viserys: Are they not allowed to go out when they're grounded?
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