#ugh ive been sick all week
pinkbear-13 · 1 year
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dullahan-dsome ;)
no umbrella version under cut
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cyeayt · 11 months
being autistic in the mormon church
being autistic in the mormon church was, for me at least, a weird experience. because i wasn't excluded or mocked very often, just smothered in that strange warm beige obligation. because they could tell, they knew i was different just like i did. so they held my hand, told the other children to be nice to me, to make sure i felt included. and my peers did, cause they didn't have a choice, raised to be polite and kind no matter what just like i was. so i was included and invited places, always as an afterthought or a checked box but invited nonetheless, injected into conversations and games by adults that my peers wouldn't dare contradict. 'well meaning' adults who ask me if im okay or if i want to join the group, talking down in the sweetest tones. every christmas and on every birthday they still track me down to give me a card about how much they miss my 'unique perspective', even though i always tried my hardest to fit in and say the normal things.
"Look at that one. it's different and broken, but you must be kind to it. help it stay in the light of god, because god is the only way to save it. we're good, and righteous, and its so lucky to be in the church because we're the only ones who'll ever tolerate it, because that's what god wants."
and i miss it sometimes. standing on the edge of people who i desperately want to be friends with, flitting around in the back of stores and staring at concert posters indecisively until the date has passed. never finding the right spot in a conversation to talk, never working up the courage to ask if i can come too, i miss the people who had to be nice. who had me on a little list in their mind of what they need to get to heaven.
but im never going back. because even i could feel that it was fake. i felt watched and judged and pitied at all times, by peers who would ask me if i was coming then talk amongst themselves about jokes i didnt get and shared friends i didnt know. and i may be lonely now, but id rather do the work and be awkward and sick with nerves and find people and spaces that i actually want to be in who actually want me to be there, even if it seems impossible now. id rather that than go back to that warm suffocating place, familiar like the worst kind of family.
also telling that all the adults im talking about are either women/afab people or members of the bishopric, people whose 'job' it is to be welcoming and nurturing, though these experiences are mostly from young womens so that would also be it, but even women who arent involved in the yw leadership are raised and taught and obligated to do this and i dont blame any of them but its always made me wildly uncomfortable. never as much as random men who would sit down next to me and just start talking like we knew each other tho so eh
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orcelito · 4 months
Starting to accept that my sore throat I've had all week is maybe not due to dust irritants
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themindelectricdemo4 · 4 months
at fitrst i thought aroace volo was jsut a cool hc but ....guys .... He just told me its true. Wtf!!!!!!!
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vanillabat99 · 6 months
The queue is running low, and I think I'm sick again, so the blog might go a little quiet this week!! I will adjust the queue from 15 posts to 5 posts, so I have some time before it runs out :3
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jessiesjaded · 1 year
can I please catch a break right now? just one little break??
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ace-with--a-mace · 10 months
aging is beautiful and whatnot but oh my god is it scary
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mercuryislove · 1 year
god willing I'll be able to settle back into my writing habit this month
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stinkrascal · 2 years
when will The Sickness end
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kermitheefrog · 2 years
the supermacs in heuston station even has the same gaa sports crowd mural we have in ours??? like what does it have to do with tasty and tempting food at.superMACS
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
I'm gonna be so open and honest with you guys right now i fucking rly dont want to go to work tomorrow .
#im violently nauseous rn and ik its judt bc ive been in a straining position and also i ate like 20 slimjins but like km only gonna get 5#hours of sleep maximum im gonna have a headache im so tired of everything i wanna have a day off but i cant. Its only tuesday and im#already liek Please can we be done please no more this week all done all done#im so fucking sick of working i dont want to have to work for the next 40 years Minimum. i hate everythingbon earth#i dont understand how ppl work fulltime and have a life i only get 2 live At all on weekends#and even then its only 1 day saturday bc sunday is my Doing all my chores and stuff day#so i do all my laundry i tidy up the room Et cetera. i dont udnerstand how people can just do this forever#it genuinely feels like. bc i leave 4 work at 6am. i get home around 5pm. im supposed to go to bed. well technically i should go 2 bed at#9 to get a full 9 hours but look man . that would give me 4 hours a day to be a person#so my bedtime is officially 10 but usually i go to bed at 12 which means i dont get enough sleep which means as soon as i getnoff work the#next day im even less willing to do anything#+ doing anything fun fucking costs money if not the thing itself the travel expenses. and if i spend money i just have to work to make that#money back i fucking hate it. and im doing this for what. so that in 40 years i can retire and then 10 years after that oh no unforeseen#expenses or something suddenly my retirement isnt cutting it i have to go work at fucking walmart or something as a 70 year old judt to#make ends meet. god. And when the fuck am i supposed to have kids i want kids very badly one day but how the fuck am i supposed to have#kids if id only be able to spend Maximum 6 hours a day with them. thats if my work is like Doectly next door.#how. how. how. less than 6 hours even bc theyd go to bed before i did so rly like 3 hours a day with my theoretical kids Im an awful#theoretical parent and maybe my theoretical spouse works less hours so they can be home with the kids but they resent me for always being#at fucking work 9 hours a fucking day and they resent me for not being there for our theoretical kids Im sorry theoretical partner i want#to fucking be there but SOMEBODY has to put money into our theoretical savings account. UGH!!!#i hate work i hate it i hate it#i dont even hate my job i just hate that its my entire fucking life#i hate that i essentially get half a day every week thats truly mine that i get to do whatever i want. and in my current situation i barely#even fucking get that idk.
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southernvampire · 10 months
#i had a really good energy day. i was awake at 8 in the morning and hung out with my mother in law from 10 to 4#we went shopping and got food and it was a really good day#but it wasnt enough. the moment i got home i realized how tired my body was and i took two naps#i woke up from my last nap over an hour ago and i still feel like im in a twilight state of consciousness#im so tired but my dream was ao vivid and real despite being nonsensical that it freaked me out and i dont want to go back to sleep#but im also so emotionally fragile and cant watch videos without something making me want to cry#im supposed to go on my honeymoon in two weeks to disney world. objectively not a good place to go with low energy and weak muscles#but i wanted to go back so bad and didnt want to keep putting it off since i might be like this forever#yet the idea of me getting this exhausted each day is making me wonder if im wasting our money and that we wont have fun bc of me#like this was the best day energy wise ive had in almost a year and i feel this awful now. how am i supposed to last a week at disney?#we've been spending 3 years waiting to have money and time for our honeymoon#ugh. im not ok. i just want a new body so i wont feel like im dying every other day#im just hoping that we chose a good time to go to avoid crowds as much as possible to reduce the chance of getting covid#bc i cant just keep waiting for covid to be gone to do things. i can mask but i cant stay home almost all the time anymore or else i will go#insane#i want to just live life and not constantly worry about getting covid from going to a store but i also dont know whats wrong with me#and wont see my specialist until december so i dont want to get really sick and mess up my health even more#i havent gotten covid yet though so hopefully that will continue. triple vaxed and it seems to be working for me#i'll still be careful though but i hope i have the energy to have fun bc these past 3 years have been trying to kill me with trauma
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orcelito · 11 months
Tonight would be such a lovely night if I didn't have this damned manager meeting to do in a bit over an hour 😠
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sunnitheapollokid · 3 months
I DON'T KNOW IF YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN BUT IT'S OKAY CUS I AM AN EXCEPTION!! ( also , your the first person I'm sending a request to so be happy :3 )
okay so it's more than one request but it's up to you if you wanna use them okay sis ?
Okay so we know that Poseidon is lowkie a sucker for fine woman so what if Percy gets a new sibling (a little sister) and Percy takes her around camp and shows her all the cool things ??
a fic where Jason Grace's girlfriend is sick and Jason is like ,, taking care of her and reading books to her because the reader likes books.
Anyways I might end up stealing one of these (i'm an honest young lady okay) but I want you, my favorite sister, to do the honors of making one.. or none, depending on how you feel, of these.
Love, your favorite sister, Zuri ♡
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jason grace x fem!reader super short blurb <3
📬 sunni’s notes : AWWW ZURII i haven’t made a jason fic yet so i might as well >0< ugh and ofc you can totally do either of these bebi. I MIGHT DO THE PERCY ONE TOO IT SOUNDS SO CUTE AHHH! omg also WAT?! im so honored 🥹 trying not to let you down fr!!! SORRY IT TOOK A WHILE MY WRITER BLOCK WAS CRAZY AND IVE BEEN SO BUSY WITH DANCE HEHE thanks for your awesome sauce request my favorite sister, sunkisses!!! 💛
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jason was a warrior. a soldier. a son of jupiter. he doesn’t fall into or give out affection so very easily. it’s all about war, and sword fighting, and contsantly fighting for your life.
but he’s also, (name)’s boyfriend. and when his girlfriend so happens to fall ill, this man does not PLAAAY. the blonde had to turn down several quests because she was sick. knowing well that she would try to get up and pretend that everything is okay.
“no. you’re staying in bed and that’s final love.” (name) pressed her lips together in a pout. “but i’ll be bored.” she complained, her head to the ceiling of the infirmary. “i hate sitting in bed all day knowing everybody else is out doing something fun.” jason curved his lips into a grin, “tell you what sunshine.”
remembering the time (name) had spent a week in her cabin just reading this series she had been obsessed with,
the blondie walked out of the infirmary and grabbed a few books from annabeth, in the athena cabin and made his way back to the infirmary. he had three books in his hands, all different colored and different genres.
“got you entertained.” jason carefully placed the books on the bedside, the flowers he had gifted her prior beside the thickly books. she gleamed, “aww.. honey.” she coo’d.
she handed him one of the books and she scooted over, room for an extra person. without her actually saying anything, jason knew exactly what to do. he took the book from her hand and laid beside her.
she quickled leaned her head in his shoulder, her breath tickling his neck. he opened the book and began to read for her,
jason’s voice was the right amount of soft and sweet, while still being able to make some sort of feeling. kind of like honey. the way the words slipped out of his tongue were like heaven to her.
and as much as she liked reading by herself, she thought it was 2x better when jason read for her. and it wasn’t like he couldn’t pass up the opportunity either.
“you still bored.. sunshine?” he turned, a snoring (name) in place. letting a soft chuckle escape out of his lips, he kissed her forehead, “sweet visions, love.”
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starfxkr · 2 months
ive been hung up on kitten nd jj during their pre-relationship days!!! theyve been running around each other (thats putting it kindly) since forever nd i cant help but think about their first times together :( their first date, first kiss, the first time they fucked, nd the first time they said i love you (who said it first? :0)
seeing that as they already knew each other quite well, it makes me wonder ab how different their dynamic was when they were a situationship… nd how did jj handle her antics? did he have less patience then? makes me think about how they even became a situationship in the first place !!!!!!! pls expand on this moony i need to know :3
— 🦢
ugh i literally sat up to answer this this is a GREAT set of questions!!!
these are two people who have known each other forever im talking 3rd/4th grade and kinda always been friends/friendly but not really "hanging out" til middle school because jj + the pogues were always just more popular than kitten and her friends ukwi?
so on a level they've always gotten along well, teachers would sit them together thinking they'd cancel each other out only for them to be worse and having to eventually be permanently put in separate classes LOL.
their first "date" was really the start of their situationshup when they were about 15 or so, there was one of the movies in the park during the summer that was playing psycho and jj invited her to go. at this point he liked her more than she liked him and he knew she was the only girl in class that wasn't talking out her ass when she said she liked the same shit he did. it went about as okay as most teenage dates go and it also ended in their first kiss. she kissed him, freaked the fuck out and started laughing immediately after then ran off to her mom who was waiting in the car. that was absolutely the start of her making jj's head spin, he was lovesick for about a week until she called him a weird loser for looking too deep into it and he just moved on (partially).
the first time they had sex was not long after--only thing is she was a virgin and jj very much was not and he didn't know! she's always flirting with people and kissing people so he figured she'd been around as much as he did, especially because she was eager and they had their little yang yang yang. following the trend of their first kiss she kinda laughed after and kicked him out of her house half naked which was awkward as hell because he ran into her mom (luckily she dgaf) and this was the moment he officially like...got sick of her. not sick sick of her but between this and the date he genuinely wanted to be with her but she was playing around so he said "well if she wants to be funny im about to get hilarious" and he became an assssholeeeeee like real bad. i'm talking flirting with other girls and kissing them at parties and eventually leaving with them knowing she'll see/hear about it.
this goes on for years mind you, everytime he thinks she's softening and they may have a shot at dating she does something mean and closes herself off and he thinks she's playing games when she's just emotionally constipated and also dealing with her own shit? especially because she starts cycling through boyfriends like it's nothing and only giving jj the time of day as a rebound but really she's just terrified of how much she likes him and all her ex's are like evil to her so she just. she prefers the controlled chaos of her situationship with jj. she knows their pattern and sticks to it.
when they finally get together though that's another thing, she has to make the first move because obviously jj doesn't trust her and it's fuckin hard man, she's got a pit in her stomach the whole time and while she's making an effort she's not gonna change overnight so jj, despite being stubborn and making her sweat for it, meets her halfway and they find themselves getting together so easily it makes her feel like an idiot.
she says i love you first, and it was the first time he ever saw her get sappy and emotional. she'd had a shit day like no other and jj comes in loud as fuck just happy to see her only to notice she's crying and he completely flips tryna figure out what's wrong, threatening to beat someone up but she just wants him to lay down with her. and he does, for once he's completely quiet and she starts crying again, jj thinks he did something wrong so he asks what he did and she just went "shut the fuck up! im crying cause i love you or some shit." and he just starts fuckin cheesin.
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blonde-tori-spring555 · 4 months
ugh i hate when i feel on the verge of a panic attack
imma rant for a sec soz, u dont have to read the whole thing
im just so stressed rn, with school, family, friends and ive got like two auditions i need to prepare for and tbh i just feel anxious for no reason, i feel like im getting 'bad' again, like were i was just in my room and doing the same thing everyday and my brain hated that, and i just felt numb, like i dont think im depressed or anything like idk, i feel like i should explain what happened to originally make me feel like this, i wont go into full detail ect, but yeh
basically i was friends with this girl (we met at performing arts classes) and she i guess never rlly treated me amazing and was always slightly werid for example (not saying this is weird but from the way she is irl and they way she sounded seemed strange) so last year i was facetiming her and i was like "oh btw ive got a bf now", and she kinda seemed a bit Awkard, like her smile faded and she was just kinda like "oh thats great for u" a bit numbly (i should probs mention she isnt straight and for all ik she is bi) and then instantly changes the subject to "oh btw i was thinking of asking out-" and yeh we talked about it, anyway i spoke to my mum how i thought it was a bit weird and my mum said "oh hahaha maybe she has a crush on u" and im (pretty sure im) straight so like i didnt know how to react, anyway fast forward she started to act rlly weird and yeh, like kinda being a bit dramatic about stuff, anyway one week, this was in October, i didnt rlly text her because i was rlly busy, i was hanging out with my school friends and stuff, and i wanna say she could of text me and i would of responded, maybe not right away but i would of told her i was a bit busy if she had asked, but no, one of our friends told us she was upset that i hadnt been texting her and that i should, yk so i did, and she didnt respond, then she left our performing arts gc (with our friends in it from there) so i asked her why and two days later she responded saying she felt she didnt fit it, and at this point i was kinda sick of this drama so i was by choice not gonna text her for a few days and take care of myself, then one day while at school she send me a fucking video (like a capcut edit) basically calling me and my friends from theatre bad friends, and saying i need to send it to them, anyway i didnt and we told the woman that owns our company, and btw my mum knew the whole time, from when she started acting strange, and my mum was saying to the woman that owned the company, that she will call the poice if needed and if it has been sent out and posted (the video had my face in it), then she text me calling my mum stupid and calling me stupid so i blocked her, and after that i told her we are not friends and to leave me alone, then in December i repeated we are not friends but im not sitting here being pissed anymore so like forget about the shit and move on BUT WE ARE NOT FRIENDS, anyway this bs has been dragged on for like 5-6 months and she fucking keeps harassing me to the point ive had to block her on all platforms. anyway yeh :)
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