#kewl. anyways
themindelectricdemo4 · 7 months
at fitrst i thought aroace volo was jsut a cool hc but ....guys .... He just told me its true. Wtf!!!!!!!
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mitosreblogs · 6 months
im going 2 write for this maybe ?? but cat/lemon/reef shark! reader nd cthulu konig hhhh
shark! reader would honestly start off quite scared of konig tbh … they’re well aware of what cthulu hybrids and have seen their affects firsthand, the delirious, rabid glint in a victims eyes and the macabre foam that would bubble up past their lips. and not only was konig a hybrid of that species, but the operator of kortac, one who had seen hundred of battles and could snap a man’s neck as naturally as he blinked an eye.
however , being the only two marine hybrids in kortac means they’re both drawn to each other by nature, and furthermore shoved by missions that required time underwater that only you and konig could wrangle.
it’s a slow process. the flick of a tentacle or small swish of a fin that would signal direction or start ambushes had progressed into little inside jokes. konig sometimes acting in place of a remora, using his suckers to help clean off grime or stray corals off your tail. and maybe he isn’t as bad as the eldritch killer you’d made him out to be.
now there’s a heavy tentacle wrapped around your shoulder, and now your fin brushing against the plated guards on his shin feels even more like home than warm tides that held you as a child.
the relationship you eventually get into is a change for the both of you, so civilian compared to the violence and hardness that you were both raised in. learning to use tentacles to hold instead of strangle. sitting on the ocean floor and watching as fish dart around, your tail pulling him a little closer as he leans his head onto your shoulder. tentacles pulling you against konigs chest and strong arms around your waist when your nocturnal instincts go too far out of whack for his preference.
just two little guys finding whatever home they can in each other <33
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millenniumringg · 2 months
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More style experiment stuff but with cornered :-)
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ranskeysrdm24 · 5 months
wallter because i think i should draw him mor ‼️
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volkolak · 2 months
girl help
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calico221 · 3 months
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So... Joost viewed my story 👀
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thesilliestpirate · 6 months
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is this propaganda to join the hivemind (its working)
( i haven’t watched bitb *dies*)
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boyswillbedogz · 2 months
Ya'll are making me really like the pressure fish help (I'm about to play it cause I can't hold back anymore)
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f1nneas · 2 months
I wish I had a babygirlicious man next to me to keep me company right now 😼😉
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rainyaarts · 1 year
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angeltism · 9 months
EEEEEEH honestly during the time we were mutuals we interacted like a maximum of . two times. perhaps even just once. which is a bit crazy considering all of this now. i was just scared of trying to keep interacting honestly HSJAHDJSHD but if you dont feel like dating after i reveal myself that is completely absolutely alright! i would appreciate having you as a friend just as much! its whatever you prefer and whatever you feel more comfortable with :3
- 💌 anon
oooh well . still honestly I bet uur kewl <3 and yayaya !! thank uu for being understanding , I very much appreciate it . to be faaair , I do . kinda . have a soft spot for uu , y'know ? so even if it isn't immediately . . . the idea isn't something I'm opposed to ^_^
#➳ the fool's mail box#➳ sender; 💌 anon#with all of this being said . there def are things I'd need to know before like . being in a relationship#likeee . are we close in age bodily . nawt that uu would know since i don't share my age online idk but still . like . age range ?#but also no need to directly share that . at least for nyeow ? at the least i trust uu are a minor 😭#um . and also if uur . dating anybun else ? aha ? <- very monogamous very mono . unlike a lot of the beings I've met on here . scary !#augh it's purrobably obvious by nyeow but I'm a clingy jealous mess so being with anybun who'd be dating others . i just . can't#and that's honestly something I'm worried about a little bit like poly beings r so kewl but it just isn't for me#and a lot of beings i know on here are poly . ^_^'#or like idfk being poly itself is fine in a theoretical partner as long as they aren't strictly poly#like ''no if i wanna date other people will i can't just be with only one being bc that doesn't work for me''#but ''i could theoretically be in a polycule but I'm okay with being in a mono relationship'' is good !#and ofc ''i am fully mono just like uu'' is . also something that works for me#idk#these are the kinds of things i didn't wanna ask right off of the bat and i suppose I'll purrobably find out for myself whenever uu reveal#but like . still . uu can easily see why we could be incompatible lol . so .#augh idk where I'm going with this . I mean uu should know my boundaries n such if uu like-like me I just feel like a bit of a downer#bc boom what if everything is ruined nyeow or whatever blehhh#but anyways I'm gonna stfu nyeow i have some chores 2 knock out so I'll speedrun em while uu either write back . or do something else and#then write back . orrrr while uu do something else and write back when I'm done and at the computer so I can reply asap etc etc#agh i feel like i got weird w this even if uu are currently w others or something again we can totally just be friends . buddies . pals .#uur still kewl and really niceys so !
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29121996 · 27 days
#feeling like shit bc im not bubbly n upbeat like im supposed to b with everyone latsly n its like#sorry my mental health has crashed xoxo were doing some construction stand by xoxo#my normal personality will resume once ive been given the all clear x#but i jus feel shitty bc i dont habr tje energy fot anyone n im Trying so fucking hard but i just dont want to#like i feel awful. i dont . wanna be around ppl bc i am Exhibiting awful traits n i dont want anyone to deal with that#but ppl keep truing yo talk to me and br around me m its like . are u so sure . n then i just feel even WORSE bx i cant#be happy or pretend to be happy . n eventually its fine like .#the last few times ive hung ouy w D its been okay. ive ended up in a fit of giggles to tje point i#was the hysteria moodlet on the sims . so not all is lost but like#FUCK . im in a bad mood n im just . its not fair lol i dont like any of this foing on and i dont . even grt a choice in it#like all ofnthisnisnrlly just out of my control. i dont get what i want . but i supposedly gry a better version of what i want#for ths time being (allegedly. i could be being messed with here. given. ive soent the last 6months#being blindsided n lied to. like kewl. anyway its whatever i have qork in an hour n i rlly dontbfeel likenfucking goijg but#i need the money.#like . i jus . HHHHHHHHHH fuck it whatever.#iga trip after work i want snacks galore i am hoping we shut at like 2am#so i can b home by 3#or like i get to finish at 1 or somethinh#as much as i need and wnat the money im over working there
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angelfoodscake · 3 months
i need to work on my x naut oc but i kinda gave up on rhat (collapses
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soulsxsivousplait · 3 months
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pika-blur · 6 months
also out of nowhere but it feels weird having your mannerisms get copied
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gender-euphowrya · 7 months
ok ngl galaxy buds 2 kinda fucking rule
#thank god there was a sale ffjdjsksf#i'd been using cheaper earbuds because i'm not fucking jeff bezos but they've been breaking down too often#like. the ones i was using before sounded good and all but they were like 50ish bucks and just. didn't last#they were jabra elite 3s and my first pair of them one of the earbuds stopped working#and also sometimes when i put the buds back in the case it would struggle to connect them properly#so i'd like. put them in the case to sleep and wake up expecting them to be charged but Lol No#or i'd have to fiddle with them until they Did connect and then slooowly put them down because the slightest movement would disconnect them#Second pair of the same guys. same case disconnecting problem after just like... 2 months of using them.#and then one of the buds started sounding really weird ? like making static noises at random which was really distracting#and sometimes going silent until i jiggled it around a bit so it was near death basically#and i've only had this 2nd pair for like. maybe half a year or some shit#and God fuck it i decided to splurge and pay more but for something that'd hopefully last much longer#and since my phone is a galaxy and there was a sale on buds 2 i was like. Perfect. gimme the official guys#And GOD DAMN using them is so fun actually. do you want to know how i can lower/raise the volume with em#i flick my ears gkjfd flick the back of my left ear twice it lowers it do the same to my right ear it raises it#tap to pause 2 taps next song 3 taps prev song hold left ear activate ambient sound hold right ear start spotify#answer calls & everything. damn. feels like the entire phone is optional fkdjd#anyway sorry this is just a ''woagh technology so kewl'' moment#the amount of features they managed to put on these things when they don't have a single button on them#just by touching them in different ways or straight up Touching Me Ears.... ough fuck the fuchure......#listen i grew up with a shit mp3 player using wired earbuds as sturdy as spaghetti that sounded like asbestos This Is Magic To Me
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