#but i finally had the energy to draw
pinkbear-13 · 1 year
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dullahan-dsome ;)
no umbrella version under cut
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magpie-trinkets · 2 months
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unexpected encounter at the movie premiere
Transcript of the conversation below:
Edgeworth: What are you doing here, Franziska?
Franziska: The same as you, you fool.
Edgeworth: I didn't know you liked the Steel Samurai.
Franziska: I don't. I have memorised the fan-wiki for this date.
Edgeworth: Oh? Going for the perfect date, I see.
Franziska: Of course. What about you and Phoenix Wright? Did you drag him here?
Edgeworth: He came willingly- and he has media literacy, although he tries to hide it.
Franziska: Hmph. Then, wanna test how prepared we both came for this movie? Did you do your homework, Miles Edgeworth?
Edgeworth: That's hilarious. Unlike yourself, I have actually watched every episode and have followed the series since its debut.
Franziska: You won't win against me, Miles Edgeworth. I checked my sources and discussed motifs in anonymous forums. My knowledge is perfect.
Edgeworth: Nothing beats first-hand experience, but I'll humor you. Prepare to lose, Franziska.
Both: Bring it.
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suntails · 9 months
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junotter · 1 year
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Roy asks for help understanding this "tiktok" Phoebe keeps talking about but Jamie is no help
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roachemoji · 5 months
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🤡 ⭐️ funny little cardigan 🌙 ❤️
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maybe I'll actually dress up and style an outfit or something
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Espera Sunsets
Some watercolour / pencil sketches I did last night of our lovely Espera, based on this gifset by my sweet friend @thejawsoffate. These are long, long overdue, and I still intend on making a proper drawing of it, but for now have these.
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(as always, click for quality. some closeups bellow)
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applejuicehq · 5 months
fuck u. pokemons ur timelooper. furrys ur timelooper. leaves
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extra lil thang
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vamp1rical · 9 days
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Behold, a scug bobby
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fivewholeminutes · 6 months
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Guess who FINALLY has started @a-s-levynn's Series Of Small Offerings!!!
PART ONE Thread the Needle
Just look at where we're lying / An invisible space
It turns out i look at the proposed lyrics and suddenly get a Thought™ and follow it, so prepare for the offerings to be weird. In this case i thought of the invisible space being between Vessel and his mask, at the very beginning, before Vessel, before Him.
You can interpret it any way you want, i don't know what that means either, I just like dark drawings with a single source of light. Prepare to a lot of offerings like this too.
And apologies for the quality, I hate this paper, but I like the size of this notebook, do you see my problem
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aeliem · 3 months
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ink is not doing well (click for better quality)
so this is a vent? kinda? i mean i did start drawing this when i felt like shit but it turned into its own thing at the end so idk
loosely inspired by this dtiys
timelapse under the cut
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
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spikeinthepunch · 10 months
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girl's night :)
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dystopeyes · 2 months
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h-doodles · 1 year
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“You asked the Larissa Weems, our boss Larissa Weems? For a coffee?!” Her voice is giddy.
“Oh my god, shut up!” You half whisper, half shout, looking around in case anyone overheard “it’s just coffee and a wee catch up… but yes, I asked her,” your lips twitch before a beaming smile takes up your face, “she said yes!”
Alice all but squeals in excitement, grabbing your hands as your smile grows even bigger, “you need to make a move! I’ll kill you if you don’t!”
- Reader & Alice Hansen, Little Cat Chapter 3 by @lady-dimimi
this scene lives in my mind RENT FREE and honestly this was the moment I said I could forgive Alice for her one (1) bad opinion
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michi-chelle-draws · 1 year
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my policeman photo study ✨ (speedpaint)
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sea-buns · 10 months
i wanna say it was in episode 3 after the boxing match when i was struck with the intense need to savor every second of mentopolis.
the mental image of a conrad driving with so much reckless abandon that the car is like half off the ground as it speeds away, hunch and dan bumping around in the backseat on either side of ivana who in comparison looks bolted down to the seats, money flying out and trailing behind them as justin hangs his head out the window...
all i could think was "oh this is the best." like the best. and while i do agree that 6 episodes is a perfect length for the season, what with them running at the speed of thought and all, i could also fully see them working with a 15-20 ep season just as smoothly.
and i don't just mean that as "this season would have been better with more eps" cuz tbh i don't think it would have been better, so much as it just would have been different. they could never make anything more and i'd still be satisfied. what i'm saying is that i think it'd make a great length as a second season.
which would be a great opportunity for brennan to flesh out the world elias lives in, while also allowing for more in-depth character development from the pcs.
this first season could act as a prologue to the world of mentopolis. and then the second season immediately kicks off with elias dealing with the aftermath in some way. maybe witness protection wasn't enough and now he's on the run from gobstopper industries. or maybe it was but now he has to learn how to adjust to living as a person with needs again after being alone and overworked for so long.
and as he navigates this new relationship, the attention from the press, the looming question of what now what next— we get to see how our prefrontal pis are doing as their lives were also flipped upside-down by this change in elias' life. cuz regardless of how positive and welcome a change may be, there is still a rather difficult adjustment period as you attempt to decipher where your place is in this new-normal.
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