#type of embarrassment you only live when your mom drops you at middle school yelling I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE BUG
mctwinkdom · 4 months
Oscar Piastri stubbornly ignoring his mother on social media while knowing she's an internet sensation is the funniest part of it tbh
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Bad Timing (Levi x reader) Part 7
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Summary: How do you tell your friends that you’re falling for your big brother’s best friend? 
Word Count: 4.1K
Due to the small size of your town, you had to drive three full hours to a larger airport with flights that were going to New York, where Levi would board a plane that would take him across the ocean. To say that the car ride was awkward would be an understatement, at the last moment Kenny had decided that he wanted to see his nephew off, so you had to leave earlier than planned to pick him up. Luckily there was plenty of room in Erwin's old mini van for all of you. Your mom drove, Kenny sat in the passenger seat, Erwin and Levi sat in the middle row, leaving Hange and you crammed in the back with Levi's luggage.
Your mom and Kenny were getting along well as far as you could tell, talking about their jobs and holiday plans.
"Hey, why don't you join us on Christmas?" you couldn't help but gape in surprise at your mother's words. Kenny scoffed and shook his head, amused at her suggestion.
"That's kind of you but I wouldn't want to impose." the man said, shaking his head as he chuckled at your mother's words.
"No seriously, we have plenty of room and besides my brother is bringing one of his good friends." your mother shrugged, her eyes still trained on the road. You noticed that Levi and Erwin both had tensed in front of you, trying to seem uninterested in the conversation happening in the front of the car. Hange had both her ear buds in so she was completely oblivious to the conversation.
"Well, it would be rude of me to say no now wouldn't it?" Kenny smirked at your mom who only smirked and nodded in agreement.
"It would be pretty rude." she teased, Kenny smiled impishly at her before turning to look out at the passing scenery.
As expected the airport was bustling, families rushing into the building and cars lined bumper to bumper picking up people and dropping them off just the same. Business men in suits were everywhere, as were recreational travelers dressed in sweats and casual wear. Your mom parked the car and all of you helped Levi gather his bags. You watched as Levi tugged at the neckline of his black hoodie before slinging his carry on bag across his back. Erwin sat his large suit case down in front of Levi, who was dusting himself off. Once Levi was pleased with his appearance you all made your way into the airport, it wasn't long before you had weighed his luggage and were heading towards security. You came to a halt outside of security, stepping aside so you could say goodbyes without hindering other travelers. Your mom was first, she pulled out an envelope and handed it to Levi, a soft smile on her lips. Levi furrowed his brows and took the envelope to examine the contents.
"Think of it as an early birthday present from all of us." Your mom explained as he pulled the flap back his eyes widened and he quickly shoved the envelope back towards your mom.
"I can't accept this." he said as his face turned dark.
"Please, you don't have to spend it." your mom urged, pushing the envelope back to his chest. He rolled his eyes and slung the backpack off his back to push the money into the bag.
"Fine, thank you very much." he murmured as he heaved the bag back over his shoulder. Your mom smiled sweetly and pulled Levi into a hug, he wrapped his arm around her and allowed her to hold him. After your mom let go of him she patted his shoulder affectionately. Erwin was next, he shamelessly hugged Levi who awkwardly patted his broad shoulder, the hug wasn't long which wasn't surprising. As soon as the pair separated Hange jumped Levi and rocked him as she held him tightly. Finally it was your turn, just like all the other hugs Levi only wrapped one arm around you, and the embrace was brief. He didn't hug his uncle, only nodded tersely in his direction, Kenny returned the sentiment and then Levi grabbed his bag and stalked towards the long winding line to get through security.
"Have a safe trip Levi!" Hange yelled, waving enthusiastically after him.
"Don't forget to call!" your mom called, an affectionate smile on her face. Levi simply lifted his hand lazily to acknowledge the two as he got in line. As soon as you were sure that he was well on his way to reaching his flight in time your little group made your way back out to the parking lot to start the long drive home.
Traffic had been horrendous on the way back home, making the drive about an hour longer than it would have been. Your mom invited Kenny over for tea, and to your surprise he agreed. Erwin and Hange already had reservations at a local Italian restaurant, and you would rather be caught dead than spending the rest of your day with your mom and Levi's eccentric uncle. So you texted Jean.
"Want to do homework tonight?"
"Of course, name a time and place and I'll be there ;)"
You smiled at your phone as you typed out a quick reply.
"How about the Cover Cove around 5:00?"
"Great, I think that they have a live band playing tonight."
"Really? That sounds fun, is that going to bother you if we're trying to study?"
"No, I don't expect to do much studying anyway...I'll be too distracted by your beauty."
You rolled your eyes, he's always so cheesy. You chuckled and replied with a laughing emoji and a heart emoji. Not long after you sent Jean your reply your mom pulled into your driveway and parked the car. You all piled out of the car and into the house, your mom and Kenny settled into the kitchen while Erwin and Hange slunk off into Erwin's room to get ready for their date. You retreated into your own room to prepare your things for your outing this evening. You changed into a pair of mom jeans and a white chunky knit sweater. You packed your bag and checked the time, you had about thirty minutes before Jean would come pick you up. You wandered down the stairs to grab a snack, your mom and Kenny were still in the kitchen drinking tea, you'd only seen Kenny a handful of times. Whenever you had seen him he wore a scowl or a smug smirk, but this time he looked thoughtful, and intrigued.
"-so in order to stop the bleeding I had to stick my fingers in the wound." your mom was waving her hands with enthusiasm as she recalled the events of one of her favorite ER patients. A story that you knew well, a man came in with a gun wound, he'd been shot by his buddy on accident while they were out hunting. To stop the bleeding she had stuck her index finger and her middle fingers into the wound. At the time she had only been working at the hospital for about a week, she swears that this event paved the way to her becoming head ER nurse years later. You fixed yourself a simple sandwich and slowly began to eat it, only half listening to your mother and Kennys' conversation.
"Wait wait wait, so you're telling me that you stuck two fingers in that man's thigh?"
"Well yeah of course!" your mother scoffed into her tea cup, clearly pleased that she had captured Kenny's attention. You wondered what Kenny did for a living. Your eyes flickered to his hands, they were slender like Levi's, but they were rough with callouses. He was thin, but muscular, sharp features, cheekbones that could probably cut diamonds. If you were to see him from behind one might think that he was no older than thirty five. But the lines on his face gave away his true age, his eyes were outlined by crows feet and dark puffy bags. His beard was scraggly and reminded you of the way that the Amish men wore their beards. You were startled when your mother stood and disappeared down the hall, leaving you alone with Kenny.
"Take a picture it will last longer." Kenny drawled as he dunked his tea bag in and out of his cup.
"I'm good." you squeaked, a wave of embarrassment crashed over you, a bit ashamed at being caught. He made no move to continue the conversation but you were still to curious about why Levi despised him so much.
"Your mom makes a mean earl grey." Kenny's deep baritone filled the silence once again taking you by surprise.
"She does." you agreed, you glanced at the clock, only ten more minutes. Kenny watched you disappear up the stairs, an amused smirk spreading across his lips. He was no fool, he knew that you were apprehensive of him, most likely due to what your big brother and Levi had told you about him. And you would be right to be weary around the older man. When you returned down the stairs, your mother had already returned, she was showing Kenny a small container of screws. The screws were once in Erwin's knee, from when he had injured himself playing lacrosse back in middle school, that was a good story. You didn't want to interrupt them so you didn't say goodbye as you passed. Jean was just pulling up your driveway as you walked out the front door, loud music blaring out of his speakers. You jogged up to the passenger side and hopped in, he had turned down the music and twisted in his seat to face you. You tossed your bag into the back seat and turned to face him. Jean reached across the center counsel and cupped your cheek a fond smile on his lips.
"Hey." you giggled, a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach when you noticed that he was staring at your lips.
"Hi." he whispered as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss and he rubbed his thumb over your jawline. You brought your own hand up to run over the back of his neck, twisting in the seat to get a better angle in the kiss as you dipped your tongue into his mouth. Jean brushed his tongue along yours, you groaned into his mouth, another dopey smile passing over your features. Suddenly there was a loud thump on your window and you jumped away from Jean with a loud smack as you broke the kiss. You weren't surprised to see Hange with her face pressed against the window and her hands splayed out over the cool glass. The window was now fogged as she breathed heavily onto the glass and you slumped back into your seat, covering your face with a hand. Jean turned to face forward and placed both hands on his wheel in an attempt at innocence. Erwin hovered behind Hange, a frown on his face as he tugged on her shoulder to rip her away from the car. He brought two fingers to his eyes and then pointed them at you in an 'I'm watching you' gesture as he tugged Hange towards his mini van.
"Where are they going?" Jean asked as they walked off.
"Antonio's I think." you answered as you pulled your seat belt on.
"They're really dressed up." Jean noted as he watched Erwin adjust his tie as he held the car door open for Hange. Erwin wore a classy black suit with a black tie, Hange wore a deep purple silk dress that clung to her curves and ended around her mid thigh. You nodded as you watched Erwin shut the door and walk around the car to the drivers side.
"Sure are." you responded as you turned to smile at him. Jean hummed as he shifted the gear to drive and turned around after Erwin pulled out. Jean held his hand out for you which you gladly accepted. Luckily the ride wasn't too long, the town was dark except for the bright light emitting from the Cover Cove. The modest store was a secondhand book shop that doubled as a cafe. The small establishment happened to have a stage in the corner, which they used on the weekends, Fridays was slam poetry night, Saturdays was rock, and Sundays were usually jazz. Jean parked on the street and the two of you quickly gathered your things and hustled into the shop. You had to admit that you didn't come here often, so you were surprised to find out that the shop had managed to purchase the building next to them and knock out the wall to obtain more space. The book shelves that had previously occupied the majority of the space, were now all pushed to one side of the shop to your left. This opened the front of the shop up for seating, an assortment of antique tables and mismatch chairs gave the room a certain flair. The back of the shop was where you ordered drinks or food, a lone barista was manning the counter. You smiled when you recognized Marco, Jean squeezed your bicep as you weaved through the tables to reach the back to order.
"Hey guys how's it going?" Marco chirped as he pumped a syrup into someone's drink.
"Oh not too bad." Jean shrugged as he leaned against the counter, you copied him as you watched Marco finish the order he was working on.
"I didn't know you worked here." you stated with a smile as you watched Marco place the drink on the counter for the customer to retrieve.
"Yeah, it's nothing special I just work weekends." Marco gushed, a blush spreading up his neck and onto his freckled cheeks. Jean scoffed and shook his head at Marco's words.
"Oh come on nobody is crazy enough to only work weekends at a freakin book store." Jean smirked at Marco who rolled his eyes and turned to make another drink.
"At least I'll have some extra cash to spend over the summer." Marco jabbed, a playful smile on his face.
"He's right about that." you agreed with Marco and covered your mouth to hide the smile that was spreading over your face.
"Can't argue with that." Jean smiled at you and gently grabbed your wrist to pull your hand off your face. You looked down sheepishly as Jean rubbed his thumb over your pulse point on your wrist.
"Oh get a room you two." Marco scolded and made shooing motions towards you.
"Can it freckles." Jean chuckled, slipping his hand into your own. The two of you wandered to one the back tables, you draped your coat over the back of the seat and dropped your bag onto the ground. The sound of soft jazz music drifted through the air as the band of older gentlemen played on, the shop was mostly empty except for a few older people who had come to support the small band. Jean watched you pull out your laptop and begin to scroll through emails, he pretended to read his book for English. His eyes were trained on you as you chewed on your lip as you opened an assignment, he noticed how nice your hands looked as you typed, and how your jaw clenched and unclenched as you worked. You paused, lifting your gaze from your laptop and pursing your lips when you caught Jean staring.
"Getting anything done over there?" you mused as he looked down at his book, he shook his head and chuckled.
"No I can't say that I am." he smiled sheepishly as he drummed his fingers on the book.
"Shame." you shrugged and turned your attention back to your work with a smug smile, Jean gasped in mock hurt.
"You could at least give me a hand." Jean huffed as he waved his book in the air. You tilted your head in an attempt to read the cover. Their Eyes Were Watching God a great read, one of your favorites.
"Hm I dunno, if I do it's going to cost ya." you teased as you turned to work on your own homework once more.
"I'll do anything." Jean groaned, he stretched his leg out to brush against your own underneath the table. You kicked his leg in response as you continued to type, Jean sighed and slumped back in his seat. The two of you lingered in the shop until Marco began wiping down tables, sometime around nine o'clock in the evening. You left the shop, promising to come by more as you ducked out into the dark street. Jean and you playfully bumped your shoulders as you walked down the quiet street towards his car, snow crunching underfoot. He opened the door for you and you thanked him. He drove you back to your house, which was already dark, you assumed that your brother was still out with Hange and your mom was probably in bed. Jean parked his car and sighed as he turned to face you.
"Want to come in?" you asked, more out of courtesy than anything. Jean shook his head and tapped his hand against the steering wheel.
"I would but my mom is expecting me.." he blushed as he confessed, you smiled appreciating his honesty. You knew that he was usually embarrassed about his relationship with his mom.
"No that's totally fine, maybe some other time." you smiled as you leaned over to give him a peck on the lips. He smiled and slid his hand up the column of your throat as he kissed you deeper. You pulled back before it could get too spicy, a playful glint in your eye as Jean pouted.
"Another time." Jean agreed, shooting you a dazzling grin. You reached into the back seat for your bag before you opened the door and walked briskly to the house. Once you had entered safely Jean began to pull out, he honked his horn as he disappeared down the drive. You smiled after him and kicked off your shoes. You tiptoed through the house, the dated wood floors creaking under your weight as you crept up the stairs, pausing halfway up. You looked down at the dark living room, the moonlight seeping through the large windows and casting the room in a pale glow. As your eyes scanned over the space you remembered all of the memories that you had in this house, the people that you shared those memories with. But at the end of the day that was all they would be, memories. People change, they grow, that's what life is all about. Every person you meet will eventually slip away and before you know it they are a stranger.
Your stomach flipped when you imagined all the ways that Paris could change Levi. You had seen it before, one of your best friends spent two full months in Switzerland and Italy with her extended family. The girl that you knew, the girl pre Europe, had never tainted her body with alcohol or any other substance. Not that doing so was bad, it just wasn't the kind of person she was, never one to give into such temptations. When she returned at first glance you wouldn't notice the difference. She told stories of the people she had met and the fun day trips she had taken. While over seas she had pierced her bellybutton, it looked good. She had also gone to some parties with her cousins.
When she mentioned the parties it almost seemed as if she had slipped up, her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. Your friends begged for details, only being freshmen in high school you were all fresh to the party scene. She always came up with a way of changing the subject. You noticed that after the parties were mentioned she would slip into the background of your conversations, folding inward on herself. You hated it, she never did that before. You never found out why she avoided the topic, because only a few months after she returned you and the rest of your friends fully immersed yourselves in the party scene, and she did not follow.
You lost track of her after that year, she went off the grid and moved away, your friends joked that she went back to Italy. You clenched your fist around the banister, bringing you back to the present. That wouldn't happen to Levi, you wouldn't let it. Besides, you were probably just being overdramatic, it was only a month. You let out a shaky breath and continued your climb up the stairs, you felt like a ghost as you wandered down the hall to your door. Once you had reached your room, you slowly closed the door and dropped your bag. You curled your fingers around the hem of your sweater and pulled it over your head. Next you unbuttoned your jeans and shimmied out of them, you fell onto your bed and moaned into your pillow. You glanced at the alarm clock on your nightstand and frowned, it was nearing ten and there was still no sign of Erwin or Hange. Just as soon as the thought had crossed your mind you head the front door open followed by the sound of the couple kicking their shoes off and hanging up their coats. The floorboards creaked as they climbed the stairs, you waited for the sound of Erwin's squeaky door opening, but it didn't come.
"Have you heard from Levi yet?" Hange's voice was soft, almost concerned.
"Yeah actually, just as we were paying he texted me." Erwin's voice sounded heavy with exhaustion.
"That's good." Hange mumbled, you sat up in an attempt to hear more.
"Yeah, I hope that he is able to make a decision after this month." Erwin sighed, the floorboards creaked followed by a dull thump. You knew that Erwin was leaning against the wall, and Hange was probably shifting her weight like she does when she's nervous.
"Me too, I think that this trip will be really good for him." Hange affirmed, the rickety floors creaking loudly as she began to pace. You drug yourself to the edge of the bed, ready to get up and poke your head out the door to ask them what they were talking about. Just as your feet touched the cold ground Hange's pacing stopped.
"Look at me Hange. He will be fine." your brother's voice was firm.
"I know, I just..." Hange sniffled and your own eyes filled with tears.
"I just want to be there for him." she choked out, a tear rolled down your cheek, Hange never cried, especially not over Levi.
"So do I but this is the best way that we can be there for him at this time."Erwin reasoned, Hange sniffled and hiccuped a few times before you heard their footsteps retreat towards Erwin's room and you heard the sound of his door swinging open and then closed. Okay, maybe you weren't being dramatic. You stood up and staggered to your bag where your phone was, you pulled it out and unlocked it with shaky fingers. You tapped on your messages, ignoring Jean's good night text and Armin's asking for your weekly schedule for studying. Mikasa had sent you a recipe, Sasha and Connie had been sending you stupid tik toks all weekend. You typed in Levi's name, his contact popping up immediately. You hesitated, your thumb hovering over the picture of his grumpy face before you opened the message and stared at the blinking cursor. Great now what were you supposed to say.
I miss you
Don't change
How was the flight?
Forget me already?
Has it been a month yet?
You scrunched your nose in disgust as you ran through your options. All of them made you sound like a crazy bitch. You pinched the bridge of your nose and stared at the blank conversation. You usually deleted your messages, not that you had accumulated many messages with Levi anyway. How could you show Levi that you were thinking about him without it sounding too deep? A crude joke? Yes that would do, something to do with shit.
"Hope all this traveling doesn't throw off your bowel movements."
You cringed but still pressed send before you could overthink the message. You shut your phone off and slammed it onto the nightstand, your cheeks flaring with hot embarrassment. You made yourself busy by changing into an old hoodie and sliding underneath the covers. You heard your phone ding but made no move to see who texted you. Tomorrow was Monday and you needed to wake up early, he would have to wait until tomorrow, it was only fair. After all, he was making you wait a whole month. He could wait one night. With that you rolled over and snuggled into your covers, your eyes heavy with sleep which you welcomed gladly.
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kpopaddicted06 · 4 years
The Neighbour – one shot
Summary: I didn’t knew moving would bring so many changes in my life.
pairing: ATEEZ Wooyoung x reader
genre: highschool au
type: fluff, angst
words: 8k
warnings: mention of - panic attack, anxiety, drugs, gang, violence; school bullying (kind of)
A/N: I hope you’ll like the story; have a wonderful day & thanks for reading it
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I just moved in Seoul with my family yesterday. We came to this city because of my dad’s job promotion. He’s now a manager at a financial company here, my mother is working as a chef at a restaurant here too.
It’s saturday, my father is currently at work to meet with his boss and discuss some things before he’ll start working on monday. Me and my mom are at home unboxing our stuff when we hear the doorbell.
 "Baby, can you open the door?" My mom yells from the second floor.
 When I open the door I’m greeted by a woman about my mom’s age. Her hair is black and she’s giving me a beautiful smile.
"Hello, sweetheart!"
 "Hello. Can I help you?"
 "I'm your neighbour, Mrs Jung. I just came to welcome you into our neighbourhood and invite your family over tomorrow for dinner, so we can get to know each other." Just when she’s done talking, my mom arrives behind me and answers her.
 "Oh, hello! My name is Mirae and this is my daughter Y/N. We would love to come over for dinner, thank you for the invitation!" My mom smiles sweet at the lady in front of us.
 "Great, I’ll be waiting for you around 7PM."  Mrs. Jung responses delighted.
 "Alright, see you tomorrow!"
 We bid our goodbyes and I close the door.
 "She seems really nice. We’re already making friends here Y/N." My mom is more than happy to make new friends already, since she’s a social butterfly, totally the opposite of me. I'm a shy introvert that becomes anxious around strangers or big crowds.
 It's already sunday afternoon so we’re getting ready for the dinner with our neighbours.
I choose to wear a black blouse and a grey skirt with black boots. I let my hair down and put some light makeup on. After I take a final look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look good, I head down where my parents are already waiting for me.
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When we arrive at our neighbours’s house, Mrs. Jung opens the door for us with a smile on her face just like the first time I’ve met her.
 "Welcome! Please enter."
 "Good evening, Mrs Jung." I say smiling back at her.
 "Hi. Thanks again for inviting us. This is my husband, Hyungsik."
 "Hello, it’s nice meeting you." My father says after my mother introduces him.
 "Hello, I'm glad you could make it. My husband and sons are in the living room, that's straight ahead. I have to go back into the kitchen now or I’ll burn the dinner." She laughs a little then leaves through a door on the right.
 In the living room the rest of the Jung family are sitting on a couch. Mr. Jung sees us first and comes to introduce himself, followed by two boys. He then presents us his sons and the older one, Wooyoung, scans me head to toe, then makes eye contact with me with an expressionless face and I can feel how my cheeks are getting warm from the blush, because I don’t like it when someone gives me attention. After a moment he averts his gaze from me.
He’s wearing a red hoodie with black sport pants, his hair is black and a little long, he also got a lot of piercings and rings. He looks really handsome and seems to be around my age.
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 We all wait in the living room for Mrs. Jung to finish the dinner, while my parents are discussing about their jobs with Mr. Jung. Wooyoung is on his phone sending messages to someone and from time to time I can see a little smile on his face. His younger brother is watching a show on TV and I'm thinking about how would be at my new school tomorrow. I hope someone will approach me first and I’ll make a new friend, because I’m very shy around people, especially strangers.
 "Dinner’s ready! Please come and take a seat at the table." Mrs. Jung announces us happy.
 At the table my mom sits to my left and Wooyoung is at my right.
Mrs. Jung prepared a feast for this dinner. The food looks and smells so good so we start to eat right away.
The dinner goes without any big events taking place, except Wooyoung's little brother making a fuss that he wants to eat while playing games on his phone, but his mother scolded him saying it’s not nice to play while eating, especially when guests are over.
After having the dessert, we head back in the living room to continue the chat.
 "So, Wooyoung, how old are you?" My mom asks him.
Everyone turns their attention to Wooyoung, who didn't pay any attention to us the whole night and continued sending messages on his phone. He locks his phone and looks at my mother now.
 "I'm 17 years old."
 "Oh, you’re one year older than Y/N then. That's great, I hope you can become good friends then. You see, she's very shy and it’s hard for her to make friends." Wooyoung looks at me for a second and sees that I’m embarrassed because of what my mother said.
 "What school do you go to, Y/N?" Mrs. Jung asks me.
 "I go to The High-School of Arts."
 "That's where Wooyoung goes too. Then you can go together tomorrow morning and he can show you around and help you." His mother's suggestion makes Wooyoung click his tongue in annoyance but doesn't say anything.
 "That’s not necessary, but thank you. I can manage by myself, plus he may be busy and I don't want to bother him with this." I say hoping she will drop the subject.
 "That's nonsense. He isn't busy and has enough time. Right, Wooyoung?"
 "I will give you a ride tomorrow and help you out." He says without looking at me.
 "See, I told you he'll help you."
 "Thank you..." I say shyly in his direction but he doesn't acknowledge me.
 After a little while, I announce that I’ll head back home to prepare my stuff for tomorrow.  
 "I will head home first to get ready for my first day at school tomorrow. Thank you for inviting us over for dinner, I had a great time."
 "You want to leave already? Wait until I take my purse, I think I left it in the kitchen earlier."
 "No, mom, you don't need to come. I will go back first, you can enjoy the rest of the night."
 "Then let Wooyoung accompany you back." His dad suggests.
 "It’s not necessary..."
 While I was speaking Wooyoung got up from the couch.
 "Let's go." He says and starts leaving already.
I quickly go after him while saying a "Good night." to his family at the same time.
He opens the door for me and I thank him.
The walk is only a few minutes but it’s awkward as neither of us talks.
He opens his mouth to say something only when we are in front of my house’s door.
 "We’re leaving at 7:20 AM, so be ready by then."
 "Ok. Thanks for coming with me and driving me tomorrow too, but you don't have to help me at school, I’ll manage by myself." I say smiling a bit while he has his cold gaze on me. He doesn't say anything, just turns around and leaves.
 The next morning I wake up at 6:00 AM to make sure I have enough time to get ready so I won’t make Wooyoung wait after me.
I take a shower and then get dressed in my new uniform for school. The uniform consists of a white blouse, a grey skirt and a black jacket. I pun on some black shoes to go along with it and apply a natural makeup. I tie my hair in a ponytail and finish my look with a pair of earrings and a necklace to complete my look. I take a look at the clock too see it’s 7:15 AM.
When I get out of the house, Wooyoung is already waiting for me. He’s leaning against his black car looking down at his phone screen. He doesn't seem to notice my presence yet so I take a better look at him. He’s wearing his uniform, a white shirt with a black tie, black pants and a black jacket. His hair is parted in the middle, it’s a wet hair style that really suits him. He’s also wearing a lot of earrings and rings just like last night. When I move my attention to his face I observe he’s looking at me with a smirk on and a raised eyebrow. He caught me staring at him.
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 "Let's go if you’re done checking me out."
 I widen my eyes at his words and I can feel the blood rushing to my face already, making me blush. I only nod in response.
 He goes to passager’s side and opens the door for me. I get in saying a "thanks" and avoiding his gaze, still embarrassed.
When he gets in the car too, we put on our seat belts and he starts driving. Soft music is playing through the radio.
"We have to take three of my friends with us. They can be very loud so I'm sorry if they make you feel uncomfortable."
 "It's ok." I say even if I'm already feeling a little anxious to meet new people.
 We stop the car in front of a big house and I see three boys coming out. They are laughing loud enough to hear it from the car. When they spot me inside the car, a confused expression takes place on their faces. They get in the back seat and look at me then at Wooyoung, waiting probably for him to introduce me.
 "She's my new neighbour, she’s going to our school too. Her name is Y/N. My mother asked me to drive her."
 They all look at me smiling and say "Hi!" in unison.
 "My name is San, pretty." The guy in the middle with black hair says and gives me a wink that makes me blush. He smiles at my blushing face and I can see a cute pair of dimples showing.
 "Please ignore him, Y/N. That's how he is with everyone." The boy on San’s left says with an eye roll and San pouts at his statement. "My name is Yeosang." His hair is blonde and he has a mullet.
 "My name is Jongho." The last one says with a polite smile.
 "It’s nice too meet you all."
 After that Wooyoung starts driving again so we won't be late. After a minute or so, San starts speaking again.
 "Y/N are you in our class?"
 "No, I'm a year younger than you guys."
 "She's in Jongho’s class." Wooyoung says without moving his eyes from the road.
 "Oh, I can help you with our classes then, and I will give you my notes so you know where we are currently with our lectures and catch up." Jongho tells me excited, probably because he found out we are the same age.
 "That would be great, thank you so much." I smile back at him. I thought I will fell anxious with so many strangers but they are really friendly so I feel kinda comfortable with them.
Jongho is telling me about how are the teachers for the rest of the ride and some other school related things.
 When we arrive at school, Wooyoung parks his car next to another black one, where four boys are standing beside it. When we get out, they came to greet the boys from our car. When they land their eyes on me, San starts talking first.
 "She's Wooyoung’s new neighbour, Y/N. She's in the same class as Jongho."
 "Hello. My name is Seonghwa." He's taller than the others boys I was in the car with, his hair is blonde and he has a kind smile. "I'm two years older than you, so is Hongjoong." He gestures to his right to a guy with blue hair. He has even more piercings than Wooyoung and is wearing a lot of other accessories.
 "Nice meeting you." He says with a polite smile like Jongho did.
 "I'm Yunho, it’s nice to meet you." He looks like a cute puppy with bright eyes. His hair is blonde with some pink strands too. He's the tallest among all of them.
 "I'm Mingi." A boy with almost the same height as Yunho says. His hair is a light shade of brown and he’s wearing a pair of sunglasses. He has a cute smile.
 "Yunho and Mingi are the same age as me." San adds.
 "It’s nice meeting you all!" I say with a big smile. They all seem like nice people and unexpectedly I don’t feel anxious around them, considering we just met.
I didn't expect that I will meet so many people on my first day. Wooyoung seems to be a social butterfly, and all his friends are really good looking, just like him.
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 "Let's go to our classes or we’ll be late, and I'm sure Y/N doesn't want that on her first day." Hongjoong says gesturing for Jongho to lead the way for me.
 We all part ways and leave to our classes.
 "I will come with you guys." Wooyoung says taking the lead.
 Me and Jongho follow him and after we’re in front of our class Jongho goes straight inside. When I try to enter too, Wooyoung stops me by grabbing my wrist.
 "I will give you a ride back too after we finish classes. Just wait for me beside my car." He then leaves, not waiting for my response. I look after him a little then go inside the class where I take a seat next to Jongho.
 All the classes are a bit boring, but Jongho is making small comments during them, funny ones, and also helps me catch up so I feel a little better about them.
It’s lunch time. Jongho and I are seated at a table in the middle. He said it’s their group’s table. When I sit down I see the people in the cafeteria looking with confusion in my direction.
 "Why are they all looking at me?"
Jongho opens his mouth to answer but a voice behind me beats him first.
 "Maybe because it’s the first time when another person besides us eight sits at our table." San says smiling at me and taking the free seat on my left.
 "Oh... and why is that?"
 "Well you see, we don't really have other friends beside each other." He chuckles a little and scratches the back of his neck.
 "Why?" His answers only leaves me more confused. Yeosang replies to my question as he sees San is not helpful.
 "Because they all think we are some kind of gang or something like that. But that’s not true. They’re all just rumors."
 "Ok, but you had to do something for that rumor to go around." I say a little surprised to hear that, because they seem like good guys. I see them exchanging a strange look between themselves before Seonghwa answers me.
 "Well, we actually got in some trouble one night at a club, it ended up with us fighting some other guys. We got in some trouble at school too, because we used to skip a lot of classes last year and had some little fights too. We were friends with some kids that graduated last year, and because of them we ended up doing all that. They kind of had a bad influence on us but now we are trying to study hard, avoid problems and we have a full attendance too. Unfortunately the rumors don't die that easily."
 "Oh... Well you are doing great then, because I would have never thought you did all that if you wouldn't have confessed." I say a little lost in thoughts, trying to process all of this.
 "Are you going to leave us too after what you heard?" San asks searching for an answer on my face.
 "Why would I? You clearly changed and I'm sure you weren't that bad last year as you make it sound." I say with a little shy smile as all of them are looking at me. My guts tell me they’re good guys, even if I only met them today, because they didn't make me feel anxious being around them. I find it easy to talk with them, which is unusual for me to do with new people.
 "If you still want to be friends with us don't expect other people to talk to you." Yeosang tells me.
 "I'm good with being friends only with you guys. I never had a lot of friends anyway, so I won't lose anything." I say sincerely.
"By the way, where are Wooyoung and Mingi?” I see all of them tense a little at my question.
 "They had something to do. Let's finish our lunch." Hongjoong says with a dark face, so I don't continue the subject anymore as I don't want to get in their business.
 It’s already the time to go home and Seonghwa, Yunho, San, Yeosang and Jongho left with Seonghwa’s car. Hongjoong left one hour earlier. The boys told me he had some problems to solve. I'm beside Wooyoung’s car, waiting for him as he told me to do this morning.
 As I wait for him to come I start thinking about how today was a pretty good first day. Thanks to Wooyoung I made a lot of friends. I never had such a large group of friends.
 After a little while I hear Wooyoung and Mingi talking so I look in their direction. Mingi waves at me as a goodbye and leaves.
 "Did you wait much?" Wooyoung ask as he unlocks his car and opens the door for me.
 "Just a few minutes."
 He nods his head and gets in the car too. The drive is quiet but I don't feel awkward in Wooyoung’s presence this time. When we are at a stop he turns to look at me.
 "So, how was the first day?"
 "Pretty good. The teachers were boring but I had fun thanks to your friends, so thank you for introducing us." I say shyly a little as he keeps his eyes on me.
 "I'm glad you get along." He says and then turns his head and keeps driving.
The rest of the drive goes by in silence, none of us saying anything anymore.
 "Thanks for driving me today, Wooyoung."
 "I’ll see you tomorrow morning at 7:20 AM."
 "You will drive me again? I don't want to be a burden."
 "I will drive you everyday. It’s not a problem for me, plus we’re going to the same destination." He says without letting room for any arguments.
 "Ok.. Thank you. Bye Wooyoung."
 "Bye, Y/N."
 The next two weeks Wooyoung drives me and his friends to school everyday. We got closer and it’s fun hanging out with them. I’m starting to like it a lot here.
 This morning there’s only us on the way to school as he told me his friends are going with their own cars today and Jongho is going with San, because he doesn't have the age to drive yet.
 Today the boys seem to be in a bad mood when I meet them at school and I don't know why. When I tried to ask Jongho, he said it’s nothing and to not worry about them.
 I'm on my way to the classroom when I hear Wooyoung calling my name, so I stop and turn around to face him.
 "I can't drive you back today. All of us will leave earlier since we have to go somewhere."
 "Are you starting to skip your classes again like last year?" I ask in hope they don't pick up their bad habits from last year.
 "No. We just have something to solve." He is a little frustrated by my question.
 "That's none of your business Y/N." He says narrowing his eyes at me and in a dark tone.
 "O-oh... Sorry for asking." I turn around and leave fast. Now I can see why the others might be scared of them. Wooyoung looked pretty intimidating just now as he got mad. This is the first time I see him look so dark and I didn't like it.
I spend the rest of the day alone as they all left. When I hear the ring, I pack my things and get ready to go home.
Right before I try to leave, some girls gather at my desk and stop me from doing so.
 "Do you need something?" I ask biting my lower lip as I'm becoming overwhelmed by their presence.
 "How did you became friends with the boys?”
 "I'm Wooyoung’s neighbour and he introduced us."
 "So are you close with Wooyoung?"
 I’m thinking what I should respond her when it hits me, she probably wants something from me.
 "What do you want?"
 "I want Wooyoung’s phone number." She says restively.
 "Then ask him for it." I say quickly as I can feel by heart starting to beat faster than it should. I can feel my breath getting a little irregular too.
 "He refused already, but I won't give up. So you have to give it to me." Her voice is irritated.
 "I can't do that, if he didn't wanted to give it to you then he doesn't want to talk to you. Sorry but I need to leave now." I say and I start running past them to the bathroom. When I enter I take a deep breath and try to calm down. After that I leave to the bus station.
 When I arrive home I feel a little tired so I take a nap before I start working on my homework.
 The next day Wooyoung isn't waiting for me to go to school together. Maybe he’s mad at me..
 When I arrive at school, Jongho is nowhere to be found, he didn’t attend any of the classes today.
I write a message in our group chat to see if something happened but nobody answers me... They still don't answer for the rest of the weekend and I start thinking if maybe something happened to them or I if I did something wrong so they’re ignoring me on purpose. They don't answer any of my calls either.
 I ask my mother if she met Mrs. Jung and if she saw Wooyoung. She tells me that Wooyoung is staying at one of his friends for the weekend. Something is telling me that this might not be the whole truth. Something feels off and I have to find out what is it.
 On monday, Wooyoung is waiting for me in the morning to give me the usual ride to school like he didn’t just ghosted me the whole weekend.
 "What happened? None of you answered me and I was worried. Are you ok?" I ask concerned.
 "We are fine. You didn't have to worry about us. We just had a full weekend, that's why we didn't answer. Now let's get going or we’ll be late."
 "You could have at least tell me you’re alive..." I say pouting and looking at the ground.
 I feel a hand ruffling my hair and I look up meeting Wooyoung eyes.
 "I'm sorry. I will answer you next time. Don't be upset Y/N." He says smiling at me. It’s the first time I see such a big smile on him, and that made me smile too.
 "I'm glad you’re smiling now. You’re more beautiful when you’re smiling rather than pouting." He says with a look that I don't really understand what it is.
I try to avoid his eyes and pass through him to enter the car trying to hide my blushing face and I think I hear him saying "It makes me want to make you happy." My heart skips a beat at that.
For the entire car ride to school none of us speaks. Unfortunately we were alone today as San drived Yeosang and Jongho.
 At school all of them come and apologise for making me worry about them and we get back to our normal routine.
 I go to my third class without Jongho, because it’s an optional class I choosed.  After that is over, I go to meet with the boys for lunch. On the hallway I hear a voice calling my name, and when I turn to see who’s calling me, I see the girl that wanted Wooyoung’s phone number coming my way.
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 "I don't like it when people run away in the middle of a conversation." She says annoyed.
 "Sorry... I needed to be somewhere."
 "I don't care." She rolls her eyes at me. "Now give me the number while I'm asking nice."
 "I still can't do that..."
 "Then arrange me a meeting with him."
 "Why don't you go and talk with him yourself? He's in the cafeteria now."
 "Good plan. I will tell him you invited me for lunch with them. That will be my chance to ask him out."
 "That’s not what I meant. I was just saying you can go and say whatever you want directly to him, not me."
 "I like my plan better. Now let's go."
 She grabs my arm and drags me in the direction of the cafeteria. She doesn't let go of me until we are at the table where the boys were chatting. When they spot us both, they look at me, ignoring the girl beside me, the one I don't even now the name of..
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 "Boys this is..." I trail off looking at her to say her name.
 "I'm Yuri, but I'm sure you already knew that." She says smiling at Wooyoung. They still look at me, not Yuri, so I speak again.
 "She's here to eat with us..." I say a little uncomfortable and the boys notice that.
 "We don't have enough space for another person. You can leave." Yeosang answers irritated by her presence.
 "But you still have an empty space." She says sitting down, next to Wooyoung.
 Wooyoung looks for the first time at Yuri and speaks.
 "That's Y/N’s chair. Now get up." I could sense the anger in his voice.
 "Why would I? She can find another place to sit. I want to stay beside you." She flutters her lashes at him trying to look innocent.
 All the boys are now looking with disgust at her.
 "Leave already. Don't you get it that we don't want you here?" Mingi snaps at her.
 "Hey! Let's all calm down. I will just take another chair." I say fast before they get angry, because I don't want to see that. But before I can manage to take another chair Wooyoung gets up and takes Yuri by her arm to make her stand up from her seat.
 "What are you doing? Let go of me!" She says a little scared of him and the dark look he’s giving her. He doesn't listen to her and makes her get up and pushes her a little to the side away from the table. Then he takes my hand gently and makes me sit down instead.
 "Let's eat now." He says like nothing happened and all the boys start eating. Wooyoung puts his tray with food between us and motions with his head for me to eat. I can hear Yuri scoffing from behind.
 "Why would you want her instead of me? I don't understand. She's ugly and doesn't even talk much. She's dumb and..." But she doesn't get to speak more because Wooyoung rushes up and heads towards her. Seonghwa and San get up quickly too and try to stop Wooyoung from doing anything reckless. I also get up surprised.
 "Say something bad about Y/N ever again and I will make your life a living hell." Wooyoung growls at her. I never heard that tone from him. His voice made me shiver.
 "I suggest you to leave before you regret messing with one of us." San speaks this time and if looks could kill, Yuri would be six feet under.
 "But-" Yuri tries again but she's cut off by Seonghwa this time.
 "Leave or I will take you out personally and you won't like that." He says in a cold tone and I can see the fear growing on Yuri’s face. She gulps and leaves in a hurry.
 I look around us and all the students are staring at us. I feel my heart rate going up quickly so I run out of the cafeteria. I can hear the boys calling after me with concern in their voices.
 I run on the hallway but I don't make it far as I lose my balance and almost fall, but a pair of arms wrap around my waist catching me before I hit the ground. When I look up I see Wooyoung’s concerned gaze on me.
 "What happened? Are you alright?"
 "I just need some air..." I say softly hiding my face in his chest as I don't want to see anyone right now.
 He takes me out by the back door of the school. The rest of the boys come quickly too, having concerned looks on their faces. After a few minutes when I start to feel better, I decide to tell them what’s actually going on.
 "I have anxiety... That's why I ran outside the cafeteria. It was too much for me..."
 "You should have told us that earlier, Y/N." Seonghwa says.
 "Yes, we would have tried to avoid that kind of situation if we knew." Wooyoung tells me a little disappointed.
 "I'm sorry..." I murmur looking down.
 "It's ok. We know now, so we will take care of you. You don't need to apologise for something like this, Y/N, you did nothing wrong." Hongjoong tells me softly.
 "Thank you for helping me and for understanding." I say with a little smile on my face.
 After our classes are done, I say my goodbyes to the boys and I head back home with Wooyoung.
 The next few days the boys constantly made sure that I was feeling ok and took care of me. Wooyoung wouldn't leave me alone any second, so he would walk me to all of my classes, even though Jongho was already with me.
I’m really grateful for having such good friends. I’m truly happy for meeting them.
 On friday night we all gather at Seonghwa’s place for a movie night, since his parents are leaving the town for the weekend.
 I’m staying between Wooyoung and San on the couch, and we watch ‘Frozen 2’ at Mingi’s request. He said the first one was really good and needs to see the second part too, so we all agreed when he started whining.
I’m feeling a little tired, since last night I had trouble sleeping, so I start dozing off in the middle of the movie. My head falls on Wooyoung’s shoulder. He sees I’m asleep and tells the boys to keep quiet not to wake me up, then makes sure to cover me with a blanket and that I’m in a comfortable position.
 I wake up feeling a little bit too warm, so I try to remove the blanket from me when I feel a hand is placed on my waist. I look behind me and I realise it’s Wooyoung’s hand. We are still on the couch at Seonghwa’s place. I try to remove his hand and get up without waking him too, but he only tightens his grip on me and comes closer. I could feel his soft breath on my neck as he nuzzled his nose in my hair.
I instantly start to blush and my heart starts beating like crazy.
I try to get up again but he wakes up this time, still not letting me go from his grip.
 "What time is it?" He asks with his raspy morning voice, causing me to get shivers down my spine as he’s still breathing on my neck.
 "I d-don't know..." I curse in my head at my stuttering. "We should get up, we’re still at Seonghwa’s place..."
 "Five more minutes." He says getting even closer to me, not leaving any space between ourselves anymore.
I gulp and attempt to calm down my heart. I won't be surprised if he can feel it too considering how close we are to each other right now.
After a moment I hear a ‘click’ from a phone, announcing a picture being taken and I look up to see Seonghwa doing just that.
 "Hey! Delete that!"
 "Not a chance. You both look so adorable. I’ll send it in our group chat for the others to see it too."
 "Noooo!! Seonghwa please!" I start whining at him.
 "Too late, Y/N." He says laughing at my pouting face.
 "You are mean." I say narrowing my eyes at him.
 "Seonghwa don't upset her or I’ll kill you." Wooyoung says from behind me with a threatening voice.
 "Easy tiger, I was just teasing her. I have to be careful around you now Y/N, or Wooyoung will attack me." Seonghwa smirks while saying this and then gives me a wink. Making me wonder what he means by that.
 "Let's go Y/N. I will drive you home." Wooyoung gets up from the couch, helping me too.
 It's been a week since the movie night, and since then Wooyoung began to act different around me. He was beside me all the time, excepting my classes and at home. Even then he would send me a lot of messages or call. He would always sit beside me and even suggested another family gathering for saturday. It was better than the first one we had when I just moved there.
 It’s been already two months since I moved here, time flied fast. I’m feeling really good being here. Me and the boys became really close, and they didn't do anything strange anymore since that one time when they disappeared without any explanation for two days. They helped me be less shy than before. I also don't feel as anxious anymore since they’re always with me, making me feel relaxed and safe just with their presence.
 It’s sunday morning, and Wooyoung just called me asking if I have any plans this afternoon. The answer was no, so he told me to be ready by three because now I have and he’ll come get me by then. He didn't say where we’ll be going but he mentioned that it’ll be just the two of us.
It's been a while already since I started to realise I might have feelings for Wooyoung, but I could never bring me to tell him that. We’re friends, so I tried to get over it to not ruin our friendship, but being around him all the time and getting all the attention he was giving me just made my feelings grow further.
It's already three. I'm wearing a cream blouse with a grey plaid skirt and I got some gray high boots to match. I‘m opting for a natural make up look, put on some accessories, I did my hair in waves and I got a matching purse to complete my look. I glance at myself in the mirror when I get a message from Wooyoung, announcing he's waiting for me outside.
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 When I leave the house, my eyes land on Wooyoung. My breath gets stuck in my throat, he’s breathtaking. His outfit is composed of a white shirt and white pants, that he paired with some sneakers. This is totally the opposite of his usual black outfits. He made his hair into a ponytail, wears a white bandana and got some accessories to finalise his look. This style suits him a lot. When I look at his face, his mouth is slightly open, but he closes it when he realises I catched him staring too.
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 "You look gorgeous." He said with a big smile that made my heart skip a beat.
 "You look very handsome too." I say avoiding his gaze.      
 "Let's go. I want to show you a place." He says excited while opening the car door for me.
 After an hour of driving, we finally reach our destination. We stop in front of a huge park. Inside it, cherry blossom trees are welcoming us on each side of the main path, and further into the park there’s a lake surrounded by benches. The wind makes it rain with cherry blossom flowers and the whole place starts to feel magical. I’m overflowing with joy seeing the beautiful scenery around us.
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 "Thank you for showing me this beautiful place." I tell Wooyoung and hug him out of excitement.
 He wraps his hands around my waist too, hugging me back, then says: "Let's go seat on a bench. I have something to tell you." with a nervous tone.
 After we take a seat on one of the benches, he turns his face and locks his beautiful eyes with mine, taking my hands into his. My heart pounds faster at the small gesture.
 "Y/N, I don't know how to tell you this, or when the perfect moment to do it would come, but I think waiting for the perfect moment won't take me anywhere, so I decided to make one by inviting you here. I didn't really mention it, but this is actually a date."
 "Really? A date?" I ask surprised by his words.
 "Yes. Now the important thing I wanted to tell you." He takes a deep breath to calm his nervousness. "I like you, Y/N."
 I look at him surprised, thinking I might have heard him wrong.
 "Are you being serious right now?" I can see him getting sad after my question.
 "Yes... Well, if you don't feel the same it’s fine, but I’d like us to continue being friends, if that’s not too uncomfortable for you and- " I cut him off.
 "I like you too, but I couldn't believe what you just said, that's why I wanted to make sure I didn’t misunderstood you." I say with the biggest smile on my face.
 He looks at my face like he’s trying to capture this moment in his memory.    
Then he comes closer, coups my face with his hands and kisses me. I’m taken by surprise by his sudden move but I soon start kissing him back, and I could feel his lips turning into a smile against my mouth. His lips are soft and move gently against mine. I put my hands on his chest while we deepen the kiss. When we break apart, we rest our foreheads together.
Wooyoung takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, bringing me to stand up.
 "Are you hungry?"
 "A little."
 "Ok. Let's go eat something."
 Wooyoung took me at a restaurant where we eated some pasta and cheesecake for dessert.
 "Wow, the food was amazing. Thanks for the dinner."
 "I'm glad you liked it. This is my favourite restaurant, so we’ll probably come here often on our next dates."
 "Next time I want to try their tiramisu."
 "Already planning what to eat next, sweetheart?" Wooyoung says laughing a little at me and my love for food. I hear him saying an "adorable" under his breath and I blush.
 He drives me home and walks me in front of my door.
 "I had a great time. Thanks for today, Wooyoung."
 "I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight, princess." He says then kisses my forehead and turns to leave.
 "G-Goodnight..." His pet name made my heart flutter. I head inside fast to hide my pink turning face. If he keeps being like this my life span will get shorter.
 The next morning Wooyoung greets me with a kiss on the cheek and a big smile.
 After we arrive at school, all the boys are already there, waiting for us. When I get out of the car, San comes and hugs me.
 "For what?" I ask confused.
 "For your new relationship, of course!" Yunho says on his way to hug me too.
 "You already told them?" I turn and ask Wooyoung.
 "We knew he likes you, and also his plan on inviting you out and confess. And we kinda guessed you might like him too after we saw how you act around him." Yeosang explains, giving us a teasing grin.
 "We need to celebrate!" Shouts Mingi.
 "After school. Congratulations, you both deserve to be happy." Seonghwa says while smiling with affection.
 We all leave to our classes and after school we go to celebrate, as Mingi suggested.
 We came to a pastry to have some cake, and of course a lot of teasing from the boys, to Wooyoung for being a coward with his confession and for me because I was being so obvious about liking him. Although I think I did a good job since Wooyoung didn't knew about it. Unfortunately I have to cut this happy moment, because I need to ask them something.
 "Guys... Remember when you left without any signs of being alive that weekend?" I can see them sharing a look.
 "Yes... Why?" Hongjoong responds.
 "What did you do? Why did you avoid answering my question back then? I need to know the truth. I don't like to be lied. After so much time together you can trust me, I hope you know that..."
 "It’s not about trust. We do trust you, Y/N." San says softly.
 "It’s just... If we tell you, maybe you’ll look at us in a different way..." Wooyoung says a little sad.
 "Whatever it is, I don't think that would change how I see you."  I try to reassure them.
 "You know that we said people think we are a gang?" Hongjoong asks me sighing.
 "Yes, I remember."
 "Well we kinda were one, because we used to ..” he takes another breath before finishing his sentence “..sell drugs… That’s what we did that weekend too. We went to sell the last drugs we had left, so we’d finally be done with this whole thing. We wanted to change, so we stopped after that day. It was the last time Y/N, we promise, and we didn't want you to find out because we are ashamed about it.." After Hongjoong is done talking, all of them let their heads down, being unable to look at me.
 “Did you consume too?”
 “No, we didn’t.” San answers firmly.
 I get up from the chair, all eight heads now turning to look at me.
 “I need some time to process all of this. I will leave first.”
 Wooyoung gets up too and reaches for my wrist, grabbing it.
 “Can I drive you?”
 “I would like to be alone right now... And some fresh air will help me think better.” I say as I remove his hand and leave.
 On my way home I’m lost in my thoughts, thinking about what they said again and again. I can’t believe they sold drugs... Even if they stopped, they still did something wrong... I just got together with Wooyoung and I find this about him.
 The next two days I told Wooyoung I will take the bus to school, and I avoided them. I feel guilty avoiding them, because everytime I met them in the hallways, they would look at me with pain in their eyes…
 On the third day, Wooyoung is waiting for me outside my class room. It was time to go home, so I tried to avoid him and leave but he called my name, so I stopped on my tracks and turned to face him.
 “Y/N... I know I messed up and I’m really sorry. Please stop ignoring us... I know what we did was wrong and illegal, but we stopped now. I swear we won’t go near any drugs ever again... Just please forgive us...” He says with a pleading face and my heart breaks at the sight.
 “I’m glad you understand that what you did was wrong... but I don’t know what to do right now... Woo, let me have some space for a few more days, ok?”
 “Take as much time as you need. I won’t put pressure on you. I just wanted you to know you mean a lot to us, to me.. and we miss you already.”
 “Thank you for understanding, Wooyoung. I’ll leave now, bye.”
 “Bye...” He says in a small sad voice.
 On Saturday I write them a message in our group chat, saying that I want to meet up.
 We’re all gathered in a park. The boys look at me with what I can only describe as hope.
 “What you did was wrong.” I start off. “Still, you seem to understand that and you’re trying to make things right now. I appreciated this and I want to be by your side in this process and help you.”
 “Does this mean you forgive us and still want to be our friend?” San asks excited.
 “Yes, San.” When the boys hear my answer, they quickly envelope me in a big group hug.
 “Thanks for coming back to us, Y/N.” Wooyoung says, giving me another hug, and I hug him back tightly as I’ve missed him.
 After a month, everyone at school found out about my relationship with Wooyoung. We also told our parents, and they were extremely happy for us.
We’re really happy together, he’s so good to me. He’s caring, understanding, and helps me a lot when I have any problems. Thanks to him I’m also getting more open and comfortable around people I don’t know. He brings out the best in me and I’m grateful for this.
 We’re on a date at the Amusement Park. We’ve been on almost all the carousels, the only ones left are the big ones, as I'm scared of heights.
Wooyoung won me a cute puppy plushie at one of the games. We also ate a lot of food, especially coton candy; everything went great today.
 "Hey, I want to ride one last thing before we go."
 "Which one?" I ask as I look in the direction that he's looking too, only to see The Big Whell. My eyes are widening at the sight of it.
 "No! No! You said you’re fine if we’re not going on the big rides." I say shaking my head, not wanting to even get close to that thing.
 "I am, but I want to enjoy the view from up there with you, baby. Please, I promise nothing will happen to you. Don't you trust me?"
 I sigh in defeat seeing his puppy eyes. He knows I can’t refuse him if he does this and he smirks at me, proud he won me over so easily. He then starts dragging me excited to the queue of people.
We wait in line for about 30 minutes until our turn to get in one of the boxes comes. We sit down and I grip Wooyoung’s hand as we start moving up. I hide my face in his chest and he laughs a litter. I could feel his vibration through me.
 "It’s not funny..."
“Baby, please look at me.” He says softly, but I don’t look up, so he frees his hand out of my grip and coups my face with both of them, bringing me face him.
 “We are already up, please look at the view, I promise you will regret if you don’t, it’s really worth it. I want to look at it together with you.” He says pleading me with his eyes and I nod my head in response. His face breaks into a beautiful smile at this.
 I look out the window and my mouth opens a little at the sight that hits me. He was right. It’s so beautiful. It’s already dark outside so the city is illuminated. Everything looks so small from here.
I turn to face Wooyoung and he looks at me too.
 “I love you, Y/N.” He just tells me this for the first time.
 “I love you too, Wooyoung.” I say and he kisses me gently. He tries to pour all his love for me in the kiss and I respond back with the same amount of affection.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Back to the Beginning
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Description: You accompany your friends on a day trip to Animal Kingdom Theme Park where you meet Scott Evans by chance. This one afternoon leads to a year long friendship with both Chris and Scott over text messages and phone calls.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Fluff!
Word Count: 2,584
A/N: This is one of two one shots I promised for this series. This also is part of @allaboutthebooz 1,000 followers challenge. Congrats my beautiful friend! The song I chose for the challenge is How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding. Song lyrics are in italics.
Conversations Series
“My feet hurt,” you whined.
“Why does that not surprise me?” Jana asked.
Brooks hooked his arm in yours, Jana grabbing your other. “Keep up, Buttercup,” he said.
As much as they teased you, they were your best friends and you missed them terribly. Thank goodness Disney always had something major in the works. You were able to fly out to Orlando, a few times a year, often staying with Jana and Brooks. They had a little one, Peter, who loved his Aunty and didn’t mind sharing his parents with. Peter was staying with Brooks’ brother for a few days so that his parents could have “an adult trip”.
The three of you were trying to keep stride with the rather large group you were touring Disney’s Animal Kingdom with. It wasn’t just the three of you like it always used to be. It was the whole Evans clan, well, Chris’ immediate family including the kids. That part wasn’t new to you, but Chris had invited your mother and your brother Heath as well as Jana and Brooks too.
It was odd having your family there. It was all new to your mom as she had never gone. Heath had gone to the parks with you and your dad when you both were kids. But for all the years you lived in Orlando, they never wanted to go on the rare times they visited you.
Chris had booked several rooms on the same floor at the Beach Club Resort. Carly and here family were in the room next to yours that had an adjoining door. This was at the insistence of Stella who had taken a liking to you over the last couple of years. Chris kept it locked after the two of you had gone to bed each night. The first night, he made the mistake of not locking it, only to be woken up at six in the morning by a little girl with wild hair. Neither of you were dressed. Thankfully the blankets on the bed were pulled up to your neck because you kept the thermostat very low.
For some unholy reason, Chris had insisted on vacationing in July rather than October. With Carly’s kids in school, it was harder to pull them out for vacation. At least that’s what he said. When you mentioned it to Carly, she shrugged as if it weren’t a big deal. So, here you were, with sweaty feet that hurt, and really, sweaty everything.
Taylor, your Disney cast member that was in charge of handling your large group was currently weaving you through the exit of Kali River Rapids at your insistent request. Not everyone liked water rides, but you had no complaints today.
Chris grabbed your hand and helped you onto the raft, taking the seat next to you. You had been photographed with Chris enough over the last three years that the two of you just didn’t care anymore. Your name was out there. You had been written about. But in the end, it didn’t really bother you.
How long will I love you As long as stars are above you And longer if I can
The first drop came and went, with only a light splash misting you. No matter how much you begged to whatever God that was listening in your head, the darn raft would always manage to turn and soak another member of your party as the ride began.
The rapids started to pick up, leading you to flow under a bridge that water dripped down from like rain. It felt like sweet relief as the cool water rand down your head to your back and chest. A smile instantly appeared on your face. Chris lifted your linked hand to his lips, kissing it and lowering it down. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder for just a moment as your raft started to spin causing a giggle to erupt from your lips.
How long will I be with you As long as the sea is bound to Wash up on the sand
The big drop was in sight. The raft slowly spun causing you all to fill with nervous laughter.
“No. No. No!” Chris chanted as your side of the raft had turned so that two of you were facing completely backward from the drop. And just like it was meant to be, a large wave of water hit your back first, then ultimately ran down the front of you soaking everything, including your shoes.
Oh well.
“Feeling better?” Chris asked, soaking wet arm slung over your soaking wet shoulders.
“Much,” you smiled, grabbing a large portion of your t-shirt and wringing the water out.
“Good! Because we’re going on Everest next.”
You were tongue tied. Void of words. Out of your mind. Whatever you wanted to call it; you couldn’t speak. On the last two trips with Chris you had avoided riding the demon coaster. He didn’t even bring it up on those previous trips, now he was leading you there as if it were second nature.
Like the five-year-old you were sometimes, you stopped walking, causing Chris to also stop since his fingers were linked with yours.
“Christopher…” you mimicked in the same tone.
“We’re all going on together. Even your Ma is goin’ on.”
“But I don’t want to,” you pouted. “Scott!” you yelled. He was about twenty feet in front of you, hand in hand with Zach.
You pulled Chris along, to catch up with Scott.
“What can I do for you my lady?” he asked, releasing Zach’s hand and giving you a bow.
You ignored his antics. “Your brother is making me go on Everest. He’s not even feeding me tequila like you did. Shouldn’t we be hitting up Nomad Lounge? Tell him,” you insisted.
Zach chuckled, but quickly covered his mouth with his hand.
“Come on, Sassy. It’s been a long time since you’ve ridden it. There’s enough of us here, we’re going to pretty much take up the whole coaster. How cool is that going to be?” Scott asked.
“And you rode without us!” Jana piped in.
Where did she even come from?
“Fine. But you owe me drinks after. And this is the last time.” You turned to face Chris. “The last time I ride this death trap.”
Chris pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around your middle. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around him. He kissed your cheek, then your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
How long will I want you As long as you want me to And longer by far
“Back row baby!” Chris said, pulling you into the last corral.
Looking around, it was odd. It was only your large group waiting to ride. The park wasn’t shut down as it was only mid-afternoon. The only other people waiting for the next train were Taylor and two other cast members working the attraction.
“No, babe. I want to ride with Scott. He was supposed to ride with me the first time, but bailed last second.”
Scott scoffed in the corral in front of you. “I did not bail on you. I just can’t do back row. Besides, I could tell you were the type to squeeze the life out of my hand and my brother is better at that sort of thing. All muscle. No brain.”
It was Chris’ turn to scoff as he pushed Scott in the chest in retaliation.
“Children…” you threatened. “Let’s switch Zach. You back here with Chris and I’m in front of you with Scott.”
Zach looked to Scott and Scott turned to look at Chris.
“No, baby,” Chris said softly. “Ride with me. It’ll be romantic.” He wrapped his arms around you, caging in your arms at your sides. “Like the first time we rode together. Except this time, we know each other and you aren’t just some random girl my brother stuck me with.”
You dropped your head against his chest. “Mean,” you mumbled.
“Please ride with me. Who better to keep you safe?” he asked sweetly, rocking the two of you back and forth.
You nodded your head against his shoulder.
How long will I give to you As long as I live through you However long you say
The train pulled up and everyone started to board. You got in first with Chris sitting next to you. You pulled the lap bar to you, checking several times that it was in place while Chris fiddled with his pockets. He sometimes liked to pull out his phone and snap selfies while he rode. No doubt he was probably hoping to get some embarrassing shots of you.
The coaster started to move, winding down the grassy path helping to aid in drying your wet hair. This was the part that you were able to keep your eyes open for. Even as the train started its ascent, your eyes remained open. Chris gabbed on to your hand that was closest to him while your other had already cemented itself to the lap bar. He brought your linked hands to his lips kissing it three times.
“I got you,” he said.
“I know. Eyes are closing now. Okay?” you replied.
Chris chuckled. “God, I love you.”
“Lo-love. You. Too. Can’t. Speak. Now.”
Chris chuckled again. But you couldn’t comment on his laughter because you were in freak out mode once again. You couldn’t scream. You couldn’t speak. You just needed to hold as tight as you could. Some how Chris’ hand released yours and you quickly grabbed on to the lap bar with that hand as the coaster started to go backwards.
So much for having me. He was going to hear about that.
You felt the drops from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You were too old for this shit and you were putting your foot down, once it was back on ground. No more Everest for you. Ever.
“Babe. Baby. Open your eyes. It’s over with. We’re pulling back into the loading zone.”
You nodded your head and opened your eyes to see that you had just pulled back into the loading zone and surprisingly it was empty as well.
Getting out of the train car on wobbly legs, you followed slowly behind your group. “Did they close this down for us?” you asked.
“Must have,” he answered simply.
Chris grabbed your hand once again and lead you to the where the ride photos displayed on screens. Your group waited patiently for the photos appear while you pulled your phone out of your back pocket.
“You guys do know that they’ll show up automatically on the app, right? We don’t need to wait here. Besides, Scott owes me a drink.”
“Will you just go with the flow for once?” Scott asked. “Some people want to see their pics now rather than waiting for an hour for it to load on the app.” He said pinching your side.
“Ow!” you yelled. “Brat!”
The photos appeared on the screens in front of you capturing everyone’s attention. Looking through each one, you caught the happy and scared expressions on everyone’s face. Your mother, like you, had her eyes closed while your brother’s hands were thrown in the air, blocking the view of Shanna that was behind him.
You found your photo and immediately see that your eyes were shut and you had a tight closed smile on your face. That wasn’t anything new. While Chris would normally have a big grin for the camera with his arms in the air, he was instead looking at you. You walked closer to the screens while others seemed to part giving you a clear path. He had something in his hand. The same hand that was holding yours, but let go during the ride. It was a small black box.
That’s odd.
“Babe?” you called out, still looking at the picture. “What’s in your hand?”
When he didn’t answer, you turned around to look for him, but you didn’t have to look far. Chris stood behind you, one knee on the ground with that same black box in his hand. Your eyes went wide. Your families and friends circled around the two of you with soft smiles on their faces.
“Baby,” Chris said softly. “Baby, please look at me.”
You shook your head out of your thoughts and let your eyes focus on Chris in front of you.
“Hi,” you said hesitantly, causing a few giggles from your group.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Chris replied, licking his lips. “You’ve been a big part of my life since the day you called me babe. I guess I have to thank Scott for that.”
“You owe me!” Scott shouted.
“Anyway,” Chris said, slightly rolling his eyes and giving you a big toothy grin. “I love you sweetheart. I love your independence. I love your heart. I love all the sacrifices you have made to make our life better.”
“You’ve made sacrifices for us too,” you interrupted.
And he had. Over the last year, Chris had cut back on the number of projects he was taking on. He spent a lot more time at home with you and Dodger. He made several trips with you to Minnesota to see your family. The two of you had taken several vacations together. And he didn’t hassle you when you ultimately wrote a story or two while you lounged by the ocean or sat by a roaring fire.
“Sorry,” you smiled. “Please continue.”
“I love that you apologize when you interrupt me,” he joked. You shook your head and stuck your tongue out at him. “You keep me on my toes. You keep me honest. I honest to God wouldn’t know what I would do if you weren’t in my life.”
Chris opened the box revealing a diamond ring in your favorite cut. You often wore a ring that once belonged to your grandmother. You had told him it was your favorite cut and apparently, he had remembered.
You heard a couple of oohs from your group. Chris looked up and gave them a cocky grin. “Do you mind? I’m kind of in the middle of somethin’ here.”
Leave it to Chris to plan an engagement in front of a crowd and keep it light.
He turned back to you and reached for you to come closer, which you did.
“Sweetheart, what I’m trying to say is you’re my other half. Will you make me even happier than I could ever ask for by being my wife?”
You gave him your hand and nodded your head yes. The words weren’t coming out, but apparently that didn’t stop the tears that started to slip down your cheeks.
“Is that a yes?” he asked.
You dropped to both of your knees and wrapped your arms around his neck because he was just too far away from you. “Yes,” you whispered into his ear. “Yes, baby. I want you to be my husband.”
“She said yes!” he yelled causing you to laugh and cry even harder into his neck. One of his hands rubbed your back. “So, what do you say Sassy? Are you going to let me put this ring on where it belongs?”
You laughed again and pulled back, whipping the tears from your face. Chris took the ring out of the box and slide it onto your left ring finger.
“I love you,” you mouthed over the chorus of cheers and clapping.
“I love you too, baby.”
How long will I love you As long as stars are above you
Tag List: @mustangshelby04 @bellaireland1981 @carolina-thiell @straightforwardly @torntaltos @denise1605 @mcuclintasha @southerngracela @iam-cj @trynnabemultifandom @chrisevansforever @kelbabyblue @broadwayandnetflix @kyjey @thevelvetseries @i-just-feel-like @daddieslittlefangirl @hista-girl @stankface @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @whymalu @the-doctors-fallen-angel @mariswritingforfun @tessabb7 @chrisevansfanfic @lakamaa12 @thinkxlovexloud @deidrashouseofpain @nea90sweetie @the-murder-strut-murdered-me @greyeyedsmile14 @dangerouslovefanfic @ripvandrinkle @bitterstar88 @andymi3ntus @zestygingergirl @xstudiousslytherinx @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall@cocomel0613 @onceuponathreetwoone @supraveng @michelehansel @fanfictionaffair  @agirlcanstilldream @what-is-your-plan-today @jessyballet @capstopavenger @wiczer @ti @panicfob​ @patzammit​ @heartislubbingdubbing​ @collinsstanharbour​ @twittytelly​ @linki-locks11​ @ab-baybay​ @impalaimages​ @jesseswartzwelder​ @rainbowkisses31​ @xostephanie​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @xxloki81xx​ @thenormreedus @firstangeldragonranch​ @soitmightgetweird​ @maeleeme​ @denisemarieangelina​ @rvgrsbrns​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @velvetwonderbucky​ @kitkat1690​ @smilexcaptainx​ @suppu97​ @dwights-new-plague​ @kelbabyblue​ @sweetlittlegingy @chrisevansforever​ @evansxxx​ @bitterstar88​ @squirrelnotsam​ @kitkatd7​ @nea90sweetie @marvelislove10​ @the-doctors-fallen-angel​
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Anything But Mine - Seavey Shark Week
A/N An episode of Modern Family inspired this one… Also this is terribly unedited so I am very sorry lol I just wanted this idea down so it might be all over the place 😶
W/C: 1.8k
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It has been mentioned plenty of times that Daniel loved nothing more than his wife and three daughters and he wouldn’t change anything about his family for a million dollars. Well, that can only be said so much once all the girls are teenagers and things start to change. Things starting to change as in suddenly all three daughters and his wife had synced female cycles, meaning one week a month was almost hell on earth for Daniel. But…he wouldn’t change anything for a million dollars. But it got close sometimes.
His first warning sign was the notification on his phone from Florence’s app that her cycle was starting – they had it synced to his phone to for birth control and ‘safety’ reasons but that’s irrelevant here. This little notification meant he had time to emotionally prepare himself for the week. Daniel wasn’t the father or husband who would shy away from problems or lock himself in his room until it was over and he knew very well that these weeks in particular demanded imperative attention and care.
His second warning sign was Penelope’s sudden drop in appetite. Over breakfast she would eat only half her usual serving and then throw the rest out, dragging herself tiredly around the apartment to get ready for school as if she was physically weighed down by a ball and chain. Then would come Clementine’s temper, yelling at anything that was in her way; the shirt she wanted not being clean, not enough cereal for the amount that she wanted left in the box, or even just Daniel putting his dishes in the dishwasher earned him a loud and exasperated “Dad!” from the eldest. Lucy was only almost thirteen so thankfully she hadn’t grown into the worst of it yet, but it was a thin line they walked on.
Daniel watched his girls rush around to get ready for school as he packed his lunch for work slowly, eyes following each girl carefully. Florence joined him in the kitchen, pulling him in for a kiss, “Good morning, baby.”
“Morning, my love.” Daniel smiled softly at her as she started to get her own breakfast ready.
By the time the girls were ready to leave for school, they were behind schedule and were all rushing to catch the subway together in a panic, shouting their goodbyes to their parents as they left. Daniel got to work on time, thankfully, even after Florence struggled to let him leave for a bit, and he got himself settled for the day in his office to review what needed to be done. Work was always a good little break on weeks like that. It was barely lunchtime when the intercom buzzed, and his secretary was saying the elementary school was on the line.
Daniel thanked her quickly and picked up the line with a rushed, “Hello?”
“Daddy.” Lucy sniffled from the other end. “Thank God you answered.”
“Of course, sweetheart. What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“No. I need to be picked up. I tried calling Mom but she didn’t answer…I think she’s out today but…I need to come home.”
“Okay. I can come get you. What’s going on? Are you sick?” Daniel started to pack up his things with the phone balanced between his ear and his shoulder.
Lucy whimpered through the phone and let out a small sob before whispering, “I bled through my jeans.”
Daniel’s eyes went wide, “Oh. Okay. I’m on my way. Hang tight.”
“Please hurry.”
Daniel rushed out of the studio, calling to his secretary on the way past to please cancel all of his afternoon appointments as he ran out the door to his car. He nearly floored it down to the elementary school and headed inside to the main office where his poor little seventh grader was sitting in the corner with a hoodie around her waist and tears on her cheeks. At the sight of him, Lucy jumped up and threw her arms around him tightly.
“Let’s get you home.” Daniel pressed a kiss to her head and signed her out at the front desk before taking her backpack for her and led her to the car.
Neither of them spoke on the drive home and Lucy sat curled up against the window with her eyes closed for most of it. When they got back to the apartment, Lucy went right to her room to get changed and Daniel pulled out his phone to text Florence as he made two cups of tea in the kitchen. Lucy came back out in a fresh hoodie and leggings, her face washed dry of tears, and she sat down at the breakfast bar with a sigh.
“You feeling okay? Not dizzy or anything?” Daniel asked.
Lucy shook her head, “No. Just embarrassed.”
“I bet.” Daniel passed her a mug and she thanked him softly. “But there’s no need to be embarrassed. This has happened numerous times to Mom too.”
“Really?” Lucy’s eyebrows raised nearly hopeful.
“Yep.” Daniel brushed his daughter’s hair from her face from across the counter. “I’m sure she can tell you all those stories when she gets home. Wanna pick a movie to watch?”
She smiled and nodded and they made their way to the living room with their tea and cookies. Lucy chose to watch Les Misérables since it was one of her favourite musicals and she curled up with Daniel as they watched it together. Florence came home a bit later from her lunch date with Callum, apologizing profusely to her daughter for missing her call.
“It’s okay, Mama.” Lucy whispered. “Dad took good care of me.”
“I’m glad.” Florence smiled at the both of them cuddled up together on the couch. She put her few things away and joined them.
It wasn’t long before the oldest two were home from school around 2:30 and they join the family for the last 1/3 of the movie. Of course, Daniel was eventually surrounded by four sobbing women as the film progressed, barely being able to even hear the soundtrack over their crying, but he didn’t dare leave, squished tightly between Florence and Lucy, both of them clinging onto him through their tears.
“This movie is fuckin’ sad.” Clementine mumbled as the credits rolled.
“After everything he just died in peace with his daughter at his side!” Penelope sobbed, curled up beside her mother.
“Cinematic excellence.” Lucy whimpered. “So good.”
“Okay,” Daniel started to get up but the girls pulled him back down, all of them talking and crying over each other about the film.
“Don’t you ever die, Daddy!” Lucy sobbed, wrapping her arms around his middle.
“Oh my gosh.” Daniel gaped. “I’m not dying. It was just a movie. Can we have dinner now?”
“Pizza?” Clementine suggested.
“Yeah, we can order pizza.” Daniel agreed.
Of course, by the time it arrived, Penelope was sent dry heaving into the kitchen sink with her nausea by only the smell of the food and Florence left her to rest on the couch with a warm pack and a blanket while the rest of the family ate. Daniel barely got his usual three slices as his other two daughters stole most of the pizza from the two boxes they ordered, talking loudly over top of each other.
When dinner was over and the dishes were put away and the girls went off to work on their homework, Daniel bent down beside the couch and brushed his hand over Penelope’s dark hair, making her stir and blink her eyes open, “Hey, bug. You feeling okay?”
She shook her head tiredly.
“Can I get you anything?”
“No.” Penelope shifted a little in pain. “But I can’t lay here…I gotta do my English homework.”
“Do you want medicine?”
“Maybe, yeah.”
“Okay.” Daniel stood up again and headed back into the kitchen to retrieve the bottle of pills from the cabinet and unscrewed the cap to pour two into his hand. He returned it and poured a glass of water and took both back to the living room.
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” Penelope breathed as she sat up slowly. “It hurts so bad.”
“These will start to help.” Daniel passed her the pills and then the water and she took them one at a time before finishing the water and holding it back to him.
“Lucy!” Clementine shouted from the dining room table, making Daniel and Penelope look over at them.
“What?!” the youngest sister snapped back.
“You’re hogging the entire table! I need my textbook here and you keep pushing it away!”
“I need to do my own work too!”
“What work?! You’re twelve.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m less important than you!”
“Yes, it does!”
“No, it doesn’t!”
“Nuh uh!”
“Girls! My gosh!” Daniel cut in, walking over to mediate. “Relax-”
“Relax? How can I relax when I’m going to flunk out because my stupid baby sister is hogging all the workspace!” Clementine shouted, throwing her eraser at Lucy from across the table.
“You’re rude!” Lucy crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it back.
“Hey. Hey!” Daniel put his hand between them. “Enough! One of you sit at the island so you can have your own space to work.”
“Get moving, baby sis.” Clementine snapped.
Lucy glared at her and slammed her binder shut before shuffling her things to the breakfast bar with annoyance.
Daniel put the empty glass in his hand in the dishwasher and headed down the hallway to finally put his bag away from work, leaving the girls to their own devices. He was already tired out and it was only the first day of the week, and he set his laptop on his desk with a heavy sigh.
“Tired already?” Florence asked teasingly as she walked out of the ensuite.
“Yeah.” Daniel chuckled, glancing at her before opening his laptop and typing in his password.
Florence wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder, “Do you have to do work right now?”
“At least a little bit since I left early today. Why?” Daniel stood up straighter and turned to face her.
“I need a restock. Can you be a sweet husband and go to the store to pick me up some?”
Daniel chuckled lightly, pulling her in for a tight hug and peppered kisses over her cheek, “Sure thing, baby. Anything else you need?”
“No.” Florence said. “Thank you.”
Daniel knew what she needed well after nearly twenty years of knowing her but he also took shopping orders from the girls as well, each of them giving specific instructions on what they needed. Daniel had reached the point that he wasn’t embarrassed about anything anymore as he pulled up to the cash at the drugstore with four different boxes of pads and tampons, a fistful of chocolate bars, a tub of ice cream, and an energy drink for himself.
“Girlfriend?” the young man at the cash asked lightheartedly.
“Wife and three daughters.” Daniel answered with a calm smile.
“Wow. Shit must be rough.”
Daniel shook his head as he tapped his debit card to pay for the items, “Nah. I wouldn’t trade it for a million dollars.”
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sweetingly · 5 years
A Blessing
A Billy Hargrove Imagine
Y/N’s POV:
My eyes flutter open, the sunlight partially blinding my eye sight within seconds. Letting a yawn escape from my mouth I stretch my arms out, completely forgetting about the body next to me. Seeing as my hand literally slapped their face, my boyfriend groaning in annoyance.
“Oops sorry, bubs.” I apologize,“You should probably go ahead and get up- it’s,” I glance at the clock. “Eleven-thirty. Meaning, you have an hour until your shift starts.”
Billy groans again when I mention work, his arm wrapping around my body tugging me closer.
“My eyes are still closed.” He finally speaks, his voice husky from just waking up. “Meaning, I don’t want to go to work.”
I let out a tired laugh, “Well you’re talking, so you’re not asleep if that’s what you’re getting at. Come on, wake up!” I try getting out of his grip, but he holds me a tighter not enough to squeeze me to death though.
Managing to get out of his grip, I slide away from him to see his eyes were actually open. He then lies his head on my bare chest, making me shake my head at his stubbornness.
“You are so stubborn when it comes to waking up.” I tease, running a rand through his curls.
“No,” He positions himself to face me by propping up on one of his arms. “I’m only stubborn when I have to leave you.”
I blush at his statement, a grin appearing on my face. “You’re sweet and cheesy at the same time, but I appearciate it still.”
“I know.” He replies with a smile too, leaning down to place a kiss on my lips.
The supposedly quick peck soon turns into a something more in a instant. Considering the fact that his arms placed themselves on both sides of me and his body was hovering over mine, careful enough not squish me.
“Shh.” Billy cuts me off before placing his lips back on to mine.
I didn’t want him to be late for work, but at the same time I didn’t want this to end. The kiss became heated quicker than I insisted and he couldn’t possibly leave me all hot and bothered. His lips then move to my neck as he leaves butterfly kisses, sucking on the certain spot that he knew was my biggest weakness. However, just as I were about to let a moan escape- things ended as soon as I heard a loud scream at my bedroom door.
We break apart, Billy falling on top to cover my naked body even though we had the sheets on. We then make eye contact with my brother Dustin, who looked traumatized by what was in front of him.
“What the fuck! Dustin, we’ve talked about knocking- get out!” I yell, Billy placing his head in the crook of my neck.
“Y/N, you said you’d be ready by now!” He shouts through the door once he slams it shout. “We’re all waiting in the family room.”
Billy looks up at me, a laugh falling from him when he sees how embarrassed I looked.
I run my hands over my face in annoyance, “I’m sorry. I swear my mom never taught him how to knock and he’s in middle school.”
“Don’t worry about it, baby girl.” He says rolling over to get off me.
“I know, but I still feel bad. I’m taking him and the gang to the pool for a couple hours then dropping them off at the mall. Once you get off though, you can come over so I can make it to you?” I suggest, my fingers rubbing on his chest and creating invisible patterns.
“How about I take you out for a change, then we can come back here?” He asks.
I grin, “I like the sound of that.” I lean down to kiss him real quick, but once I pull away I notice that his expression faltered. “Everything okay?”
“Y/N, I don’t know how to say this, but I lov-“
“Assface, come on and stop making babies in there!” Dustin’s voice sounds from outside my room and I groan since he interrupted once again.
“I’d be careful because I’m you’re ride for the day, dumb ass!” I threaten and I hear him run back to the living room. “My apologies, what were you gonna say?” I focus my attention back in Billy.
He sends me a soft smile, “Nothing important, we should probably go ahead and get dressed. Can’t have Dustin breaking down the door with the gang.”
We let out laughs, getting up from my bed. I let Billy go into my bathroom first since he was already late for his shift. As I sat on my bed, I couldn’t help but wonder what he was going to say earlier. Even though he said it wasn’t important, I felt that it somewhat was, especially with the expression he sent me afterwards.
The sun beams down on the pool as myself and other families relax there, most of the kids or teens in the water. I lie comfortably on one of the beach chairs in the corner next to a group of middle schoolers. My sunglasses covering my eyes to keep the sun from giving me a headache.
Dustin, Will, Mike, Lucas, Eleven, and Max all were in the water creating some type of game between one another. I didn’t mind coming along with them on their hangouts, but for today I just wanted to be alone and relax.
“Excuse me ma’am, but I’m gonna have to ask you to put on some clothes. My boss complained saying it’s a little inappropriate for the children’s eyes.” A person says, blocking the sunlight from me.
“Well you can tell your boss to fuck off.” I simply say, when I recognize the voice after a couple seconds. “Shouldn’t you be saving people’s lives Billy?” My shades are still on with my eyes closed.
I hear him fake gasp, “How on earth did you know it was me?”
“Mmm I’m pretty sure I can recognize your voice, especially if we’ve been dating for awhile.” I playfully sass, lifting my glasses to look at him. “You on break right now?”
“Yes, only for ten minutes this time though,” He says, sitting down in the empty space I made for him. “I meant what I said earlier by the way.”
My eyebrows furrow, “Is it really inappropriate for these children or are you just telling me that because you can’t control your hormones?” His eyes widen when I mention the last part, knowing I had caught him. “That’s what I thought, bubs.”
“Hey, you can’t point all the fingers at me.” He states, and I send him a puzzled look. “I could feel you staring at me every five minutes.” I can only see part of his eyes since his sunglasses were on the bridge of his nose as winked at me.
“Fine, I guess we were both caught.” I roll my eyes behind my glasses, sitting up up all the way. “I’m not the only one though, I saw Mrs. Wheeler and her ladies staring too.”
Billy chuckles, his tongue swiping across his bottom lip. “I know, I chose to ignore them though because I’m dating either of them.”
My cheeks turn a bright red, “You know what I appreciate about you?”
“What?” Billy asks,
“The fact that you get attention from all these girls or even older women, but you don’t give them satisfactory of giving it back.“ I explain and he smiles.
“Yeah because I know you would leave my ass within seconds if I were to do that and I can’t risk losing you.” He admits and my stomach immediately fills with butterflies.
Instead of responding, I press my lips to his. The kiss didn’t involve tongue or anything, but I made sure to make it linger for at least a few seconds.
“I could say same for you,” I tell him, our lips ghosting over each other’s.
Billy places his hand on my thigh, pulling back from my face some. “I’ve really been meaning to tell you something for the past few weeks now.” He says, his tone becoming serious and I nod for him to continue. “Y/N Y\LN, I lov-“
“Y/N! We’re going to get changed then we’ll be ready.” Max shouts from the pool.
I sigh as we were interrupted for the fiftieth time today. “Alright, I’ll be ready once you guys are done.” I turn to Billy, sending him a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, bubs. I need to go get changed too, my mom wanted me to stay at the mall with them.”
He nods understanding, “Okay, I’ll pick you up at eight, yeah?”
“Yes, sounds perfect.” I give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you at eight,”
“See you at eight, baby girl.”
I tuck in the front half of my shirt into a pair of my mom jeans that I currently wore, along with a pair of slip on vans. Billy would be picking me up any minute and I wanted to make sure everything about me was perfect. Not that he cared because he always called me beautiful even if I’m dressed in a oversized shirt with knee high socks and my hair all over the place.
Walking over to my bed I grab my lanyard that held my money and whatever else I needed. I then turn off my lamp and head out my room to go into the living room until Billy arrived.
“Y/N, look pretty.” Eleven says once I appear in the room where her and the others were watching movies. Her face holding no emotion, but I knew she meant it. “Yeah, I agree!” Max jumps in with a smile.
“Well thank you, girlies.” I grin, grabbing my house key and putting it into my lanyard.
“Mom said you guys better not do the shimmy-sham!” Dustin shouts, Lucas and them laughing but a few “ew’s” could be heard.
I playfully roll my eyes at my brother’s childish behavior. “Dustin shut up.”
As soon as I say that the doorbells rings, and I race over to the door before anyone could get it.
Swinging it open I find Billy who was dresses nicely, his curls falling perfectly at his shoulders. He smiles as he steps inside, wrapping me into his arms for a hug.
My arms snake around his neck and I give him a peck on the cheek, “You look handsome, as always.”
“And you look beautiful, as always.” He repeats and I can’t help, but blush as usual.
I hear someone make a gagging sound behind me, which I know it came from one of the boys. “I’ll be back in a little while guys, don’t stay up too late.” I tell them before we leave the house.
“Where exactly are we going?” I ask as he opens the door for me to his Camaro. “I’m not telling you, just sit tight until then.” He says, and I make a whining noise causing him to laugh.
After we get buckled in he pulls out of the driveway and began driving down the rode. The radio played music on low volume, the song Jessie’s Girl could be heard. My eyes watch outside of the window as we sped past trees and building, soon the area became just a wooded area.
About ten minutes later, Billy parks the car and turns it off, unbuckling his selt belt. Getting out the car along with him I notice we’re in a area I’ve never been too.
“Let me lead the way,” He takes my hand, guiding me through some trees. We walk hand in hand, him helping over few logs so I wouldn’t trip and possibly break a bone. After five minutes of walking we finally stopped in a empty grassy area and in the middle was a picnic table with a basket on top.
My eyes become watery and Billy lightly chuckles when sees my expression. “Oh baby girl don’t cry,” He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m sorry, it’s just it reminds me of our first date. I can’t believe you did this.” I say as I give him a warming hug.
“Anything for you, of course.” He winks. “Lets eat, shall we?” And I happily nod, the both of us walking to the table and getting situated across from one another.
We begin eating, talking, and teasing each other on stupid random things, time passing with an ease. Without even realizing it we had most likely been out there for possibly more than an hour, but we didn’t mind- we were trying our best to enjoy each other presence.
“Hey Y/N,” Billy reaches across the table to grab my hands, his thumbs gently rubbing over my knuckles. “I’ve been trying to say this all day and I feel like now is the perfect time- with no interruptions.” He says, the both of us laugh thinking about the events from earlier today. “Anyway, we’ve been dating for more than six months and I can’t help, but think about how they have been the best damn months of my life. When I first moved here I wanted to get the first ticket back to California because I despised this place a lot. That was until you walked up to me on my first day at Hawkins High and introduced yourself. I knew right then and there that I had to make you mine. However, I’m just gonna get to the point now...I love you Y/N Y/LN, and I want you to know that I’m gonna promise to love you forever no matter what the future has planned for us.”
By now, I had tears streaming down my face and sniffles were falling from me. Billy lets go of my hands, rushing over to my side and grabbing ahold of my hands again.
“I also want you to have this,” He said, pulling out a black box and opening it reveal a shiny silver ring. “I’m not proposing, but like I said, I do promise to love you forever no mattter what.” I watch as he slides the piece of jewelry onto my finger and without letting him speak anymore, I kiss him.
“I love you too, Billy Hargrove.” I whisper when we pull apart, his hands whipping the tears on cheeks. When the words leave my mouth, a tears happens to slide down his left cheek as he let out a breathy laugh.
“I’m so glad to finally get that off my chest and I’m also glad you feel the same way. I was afraid you wouldn’t.” He sniffs, and I wipe his tears away too.
My heart falters at his last statement, and I fix my position on the bench in order to hug him. Billy was never the best with showing his emotions and that was only because of how shitty his life had been.
“I was afraid you wouldn’t fell the same too if I said it first, if I must admit.” I tell him.
He looks at me, still sniffing a little. “Who would’ve thought someone like you would ever fall in love with a douchebag like me?”
“Everyone around us thinks it’s crazy, but for me- for us, it’s a blessing if I’m honest.” I say, causing him to show his pearly whites. “And you’re not a douchebag.” I add.
“It is indeed.” He agrees, his hands sliding down to my hips. “Especially for me, you’re the highlight of my days.
I giggle at his cheesiness, my fingers playing the hair at the nape of his neck. “You’re a badass, but you’re super nerdy when it comes to pickup lines.”
“Oh you love it, just like you love me.” He teases as he begins to pepper sweet kisses on my neck. “How about we take this back to the car?” He seductively whispers as soon as a moan escaped from me.
“I like the sound of that...” I mutter and pull away to stand up, our hands grasping onto each other’s as we begin to walk away. “Oh wait the basket!” I stop our tracks, pointing at the woven object on the table.
Billy’s eyebrows furrow as he held onto my hand still, “We’re about to go make love in the my car and you’re worried about a basket?” He teases.
“You’ve got a point- I’ll race ya!” I shout and let go of his hand before I rushed off into the same direction we came from earlier.
My legs didn’t get my very far, especially since Billy ran up behind me and picked me up bridal style. We break into fits of laughter as he continues to carry me through the wooden area.
“God I love you so much,” I say when our laughter dies down.
“I love you so much too,” He replies. “Just wait until we get to the car, then I’m really gonna show how much I love you.”
A smirk appears on my face, “Well you better hurry before I change my mind.” Once that was said he began to pick up his speed, and it also in that moment where I realized I wouldn’t trade having him as my boyfriend for the world.
Sorry for the cheesy ending but next imagine will be on my other baby boy Steve Harrington!! <3
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melonkooky · 5 years
golden maknae vs drunk y/n
word count: 4645
genre: mainly fluff
author’s note: title explains this one shot. i’m kinda embarrassed about this, perhaps it’s weird or there’s too much fluff or something. then again, i’m always self conscious of my writing. also, jungkook doesn’t really come in until later... anyway, i hope ya’ll like this one!!! prompts used: 1. “i’m just trying to help.” “well, i hate to break it to you, but you just made it worse.” 11. “so...i might’ve been a little drunk.” “only a little.”
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog. thank you!!!!
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jungkook was your best friend, there was no doubt about that. you and him were close. ever since you and him met during your middle school years, you and jungkook did everything together. there were a lot of instances where people assumed you and him were related somehow, many times as siblings, and sometimes you played along just for fun. in fact, you and him had been the troublemakers in school, sometimes being loud or energetic. your favorite thing during school included you and him always trying out in clubs together, and laughed when you both did terribly.
and many years later, now as young adults, nothing had really changed, despite jungkook being a famous kpop idol now. fortunately that didn’t change anything between you and him. you still hung out, even sometimes daring to go out together in public - even though he had to be in a pretty good disguise. sometimes you would make fun of him because 90% of the time he would be dressed in all black, and he would have sunglasses on as well as a mask so that there was no chance of him being recognized. you would tease him for looking like he just robbed a bank or committed a serious crime, many times claiming that he looked like he was stalking you. underneath his sunglasses, you knew he would roll his eyes. and underneath his mask, you knew he was trying not to grin widely.
however, now that jungkook was famous, he had become very cautious around you. he didn’t want you to be caught with him because then he would be swarmed with rumors, and you would be constantly followed, your personal space invaded, paparazzi would be constantly in your face. he didn’t want that for you. he had to deal with it quite often, and he hated it. he wanted you safe and sound. although sometimes, you thought he was being too careful and protective. for a few years now, you and him had been hanging out with him being famous, and no one has caught him (although there have been a few stares because of how he looked in public).
today, you wanted to go out drinking with some friends of yours, inviting jungkook to come with you. “come on, jungkook. i know you’re not much of a drinker, or a partier for that matter, but it’ll be fun. you’ve been too busy with your career.”
jungkook sighed over the phone. he was at his dorm, laying horizontally on his bed while trying to find a movie to watch. “i’m sorry, y/n. i don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“i know you don’t want to be caught, but that shouldn’t stop you from having fun. besides, you’ve been out lots of times. what’s stopping you now?”
there was a pause. “i just don’t really want to go i guess. i’m sorry, y/n.”
you shook your head, feeling a bit annoyed at his response. “fine. suit yourself.”
right before you pulled the phone away from your ear and pressed the end call button, you could hear jungkook’s voice. “y/n, be safe.”
you shook your head once more and slid your phone into your small purse. you knew you were just being petty. you also knew you shouldn’t be mad at jungkook for not wanting to go out with you. you understood why, and there was no forcing him to go. but you were looking forward to seeing and hanging out with him. he had been so busy that you hadn’t seen him recently,
you couldn’t fight the angry feeling that was rising within you. luckily, you were going out, and you would be able to relieve yourself of the petty anger.
you glanced in the mirror in front of you and smoothed out your dress, performing a fun twirl afterwards. once you were satisfied with your appearance, you finally left your apartment to meet up with your friends at the club. it was a short walk for you as you lived in the heart of the city. you spotted your best friend, yeeun, who was in a beautiful, skin-tight dress. she was chatting with the others until she glanced over her shoulder and spotted you. she earned a few judgemental stares from the people around her in the long line when she screamed your name and waved her hand in the air. yeeun was always the type who never cared about was others thought about her. she just wanted to live her life to the fullest, and have fun and not let anything stop her.
you playfully rolled your eyes but hurried over to her and joined her in line.
“i was just talking to everyone about this.” she looked at you with an excited expression on her face. “let’s forget everything tonight, okay? we’re here to have fun and forget about everything that’s happening right now.”
you laughed. “i mean, we do that every time we come here already.”
yeeun and all the rest of your friends all laughed at your joke. after more conversation, and after slowly moving down the line, it was finally your turn. ids were checked, and everyone was let inside with the tight nod of the bouncer.
instantly the pounding of music caused your skin to tingle with anticipation. the music was loud and energizing. you were excited to spend most of your night here, having fun, drinking, dancing with your friends. you laughed eagerly as you eyes moved from person to person, admiring the flashing strobe lights that lit up the entire club, taking in the entire atmosphere.
you felt a jab in your side as you walked inside. you turned to see yeeun, a suggestive, mischievous look on her face. “want a drink?”
“you know i do.”
she grinned happily. “i’ll be right back.”
she soon disappeared into the crowd, another friend tailing her probably to help her out with the drinks. another friend of yours, hyeri, pointed over at an empty booth in the corner. “let’s claim that one.”
you nodded and followed her. you placed your purse in the booth as jisoo, the friend that tagged along only to supervise and watch everyone’s personal items, slid into the booth. she was the mom friend of the group.
after sitting in the booth for a few minutes, you heard hyeri called out yeeun’s name. you grinned as you spotted your best friend and the other friend with the drinks in their hands. she yelled loudly over the music as she arrived, handing everyone their drinks. “ey-yo!”
without a care in the world, you chugged your drink down. you felt the alcohol linger in the back of your throat, but it tasted just fine. “i need another already.” you giggled as you held up your empty glass.
yeeun sipped her drink. “damn, girl.” she patted your shoulder. “you plan of letting go tonight.”
“it’s what you said, right?”
after you spoke, she looked at you carefully, her eyes narrowing as if she was trying to see through you. for a second, she looked worried, as if she suspected that something was wrong with you. and you didn’t want to say anything. you wanted to pretend that you were just there to have some fun. her concerned expression, luckily, was quickly replaced with amusement and everything continued as normal.
it wasn’t long before you were feeling the effects of the alcohol. your head pounding, your heart racing, your body feeling warm. you currently were on the dance floor, a drink in your hand. you almost never got this way. you never let yourself go this far. you got drunk sometimes, but not enough to where you don’t even realize what you were doing. you sipped from your drink as you moved your body to the music. your hips swayed to the rhythm of the song. your eyes were closed, and your mind was a mess. it was almost as if the music was controlling you. really, you were having the time of your life.
suddenly, though, you felt someone pull you away. you fought against the pair of arms, thinking it was some stranger that was trying to steal you away. but when you opened your eyes, you saw jisoo’s worried expression. she smiled apologetically. “i think you should take a break.”
she reached for your drink but you held it away, almost dropping it in the process. “no.” you whined. “i’m having fun.”
“yes, yes you are.” she agreed. “but think about the wicked hangover you’re going to feel tomorrow.”
you shook your head and began to sing along to the song. “sorry, i can’t hear you.” you yelled. perhaps you were acting like a child, but tonight was your night. you weren’t going to let anyone ruin that.
“y/n.” jisoo warned.
you looked at her. “jisoo, i’m fine.” you tried to be serious, but you ended up stifling a laugh.
jisoo sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. she turned to glance over her shoulder. she met yeeun’s eyes. yeeun was sitting at the booth. she wasn’t too drunk (too being the key word here), although she herself had a few drinks. but she knew when to stop. she thought you did too, but something must’ve been bothering you tonight. she nodded at jisoo.
jisoo glanced at you again, finding that you had integrated yourself with the dancing crowd again. with a heavy sigh, she walked back to the booth, reaching for your purse. she pulled out your phone and easily unlocked it. it wasn’t wise for you to keep the password you made up when you first got a phone at the young age of fifteen.
she clicked on jungkook’s contact. everyone was semi-friends in school to say the least. they knew how close you and jungkook were. yeeun always teased you about how lucky you were for having someone who cared about you as much as jungkook did, sometimes rubbing in the fact that he was now famous. she always listed the benefits of being with jungkook, money being at the top of the list, “the priority” reason as she would tell you. you would scold her afterwards for thinking that way, but in the back of your mind, you always thought about how it would be like if you were to date your best friend.
jisoo held your phone up to her ear, a concerned look on her face. she had never seen you get this way, it was concerning for them. “hello? y/n?” she heard.
she could sense the worried tone laced in jungkook’s voice. she sighed, “hey, jungkook. it’s jisoo.”
“oh, hey. is everything okay?” he asked carefully, trying to find a reason as to why jisoo was calling him, using your phone. it worried him.
“um, no. the reason why i called you is because y/n is drunk, and i mean a lot more than usual. we thought it would be best for you to pick her up.”
she heard a heavy sigh from jungkook. after a long pause, he spoke again. “i didn’t want to come earlier, but turns out she’s making me come anyway.”
jisoo winced slightly. “if you don’t want to, i can take her home. i don’t want to trouble you or anything.”
“no, no. i’ll do it.” he sighed.
“alright. see you in a bit.”
jisoo hung up and put your phone back in your purse. she looked at yeeun, finding her looking at you. she shrugged. “a part of me wants to join her.”
jisoo glared at her. “you have to go to work tomorrow. why did you orchestrate this hangout in the first place?”
yeeun shrugged. “it sounded fun. am i not allowed to treat myself?”
jisoo shook her head and stood up, grabbing her jacket and her own purse, and then grabbing yours. “i’m taking y/n. i want to leave too. i feel sick.”
yeeun pouted before holding out her hand. “bye. it was nice seeing you.”
jisoo grasped her hand, giving it a friendly squeeze, before waving at all the others. hesitantly, she walked to the dance floor and spotted you stumbling out of the crowd. you looked disgusted and annoyed, an angry look in your eyes. jisoo gently grasped your upper arm and allowed you to lean on her. “y/n.” she called. “what’s wrong?”
you pouted. “i’m hot. and someone spilled their drink on my head and now my hair is really knotted. it smells gross too.”
jisoo fought back a laugh at your appearance, wet hair, your makeup running down your face, you were a mess. she shook her head as  she led you outside. the cool air felt refreshing against your hot skin.
“you need to sober up, my dear friend. jungkook is on his way.”
you were wobbly as you walked alongside of jisoo, your arm wrapped around her shoulder. “jungkook?” you slurred.
jisoo nodded, grimacing slightly as she was beginning to catch the stench of your hair. “yep. he’s taking you home before you do anything you’ll regret later.”
a few minutes later, a figure dressed in black approached you and jisoo. “who are you?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at the figure. you usually were quick to recognize jungkook, but you couldn’t in this state. you were too drunk to notice.
jisoo sighed as she handed your arm to jungkook, passing him your purse after. “please take her home.”
jungkook’s eyes were wide as he watched you, the state that you were in surprised him. “jesus. i’ve never seen her like this. what happened to her hair?”
jisoo shrugged. “something must have happened. she said someone spilled their drink on her.”
jungkook sighed. “well, i got it from here. thank you.”
jisoo nodded and turned around, heading in the other direction. jungkook’s mind was a mess as he wondered how he was going to get you home. he was already risking it by being out this late, especially in front of a club. with an annoyed sigh, he swung you up, placing his arm underneath your knees. you laughed at the sudden action, resting your head on his shoulder. “wee.”
jungkook chuckled lightly.
but then you lifted your head off of his shoulder. you stared into his eyes, your eyes narrowing as you tried to figure out who this stranger was. “mister.” you mumbled, “i have a boyfriend.”
jungkook eyed you carefully. he didn’t want to say anything, but he didn’t know you were with someone. you hardly had any secrets with jungkook. still, he felt himself asking, “who’s your boyfriend?”
“his name is jungkook. and he’s going to be mad if he finds out that some pervert was with me.”
jungkook sighed in relief. he didn’t reply, only focusing on getting you home. as he walked, a big gust of wind blew by, and that’s when he smelled the alcohol that came from you. his nose wrinkled in disgust and he picked up the pace. he desperately needed to get you home. and you desperately needed a shower.
finally, he was at your door. he gently set you down, making sure you could stand properly. he opened your purse and pulled out your keys, pushing a key into the door and unlocking it.
you started to badly sing a song that had played at the club as jungkook unlocked your door. you also started to walk away from him, as if you found the plant down the hallway interesting. jungkook quickly grabbed your arm before you could stray too far. he tugged you behind him as he entered your apartment, closing the door behind you before finally releasing you. he watched you carefully as he removed his disguise.
“ah, jungkook there you are!” you stumbled over to him with a frown. “please don’t be mad at me. some guy just carried me here and i tried to tell him that i had a boyfriend but he didn’t let me go.”
jungkook smiled as he approached you. “come on, you should at least wash your hair.”
your eyebrows knitted in confusion. but then you brought your hand up to your hair, finding it wet and sticky, and it smelled too. you tried to run your fingers through it, but you encountered a knot. you pouted. jungkook smiled and turned your body around, guiding you to your bathroom.
jungkook didn’t know how to help you though. he definitely didn’t want to take off your clothes. he didn’t want to do that for many reasons. but you clearly weren’t going to wash your own hair. he could see that you were slowly coming to your senses, but it wasn’t enough for you to know what you were doing. he sighed as he started your shower, grabbing the shower head and bringing it into the tub. he waited for the water to warm up before getting you ready.
you let him do whatever he was doing. jungkook first wrapped a towel around your shoulders that way with your wet hair, your dress wouldn’t get anymore ruined (although it already had a few alcohol stains on it). you sighed tiredly, your eyelids feeling heavy as jungkook guided you to lean back against the side of the tub. he moved all of your hair into your bathtub and using the shower head, he wet your hair. you were comforted with the feeling of the warm water on your head, as well as the image of jungkook hovering over you as he cleaned your hair. he was concentrating hard, and you could see that in his face. you let out a light chuckle. “i never imagined you would be doing this.”
jungkook didn’t meet your eyes, his hand still working on your hair. his cheeks turned a vibrant pink, and he held back a smile. you smiled yourself, although you couldn’t blush because your cheeks were already rosy from the alcohol. suddenly, a sharp pain erupted from the top of your head, causing you to wince.
“sorry.” jungkook apologized as he attempted to get a knot out of your hair.
he seemed to be having trouble, and it was only causing you pain. “can i help?” you asked.
jungkook looked embarrassed as he leaned back and allowed you to reach around for the knot in your hair. you brought it close to your face so that you could see it better, but even the it was still a bit fuzzy in your vision. you laughed lightly.
jungkook sighed. “i’m just trying to help.”
“well, i hate to break it to you, but i think you just made it worse.” you slurred, laughing a bit.
however, you had no luck yourself. jungkook sighed and took the knot back from you as you got frustrated. after a few more attempts, and some rather painful yanks of your hair, the knot was gone. jungkook felt bad so as he shampooed your hair, giving you a head massage. at this rate, you really were going to fall asleep.
however, jungkook was soon finished, and your little spa treatment was over. he gently squeezed your hair to ring the excess water from your hair before turning off your shower. with another towel, he began to dry your hair in a rather messy fashion (well, you wouldn’t blame him, it’s not like he did this everyday). he instructed you to sit up and face him so that he could dry your hair better.
you watched him through tired and drunken half-lidded eyes. jungkook could feel your stare, and it made him feel embarrassed. his actions began to slow, leaving a towel on your head, as he met your eyes. to his surprise, you suddenly leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. jungkook’s eyes went wide. he could smell the alcohol on you, although it was gradually being overcome by the smell of your hair products.
jungkook’s mind began to go wild. his heart was beating rapidly and his cheeks were radiating as much heat as the sahara desert. he wanted to think it was the alcohol that made you do this, the sloppiness of the kiss proving it to be evidence of it. but jungkook had always wanted this, to kiss you.
he was frozen when you finally pulled away. his eyes couldn’t leave yours. you looked like it was nothing, like what had happened actually didn’t happen. jungkook, on the other hand, was still dazed.
“jungkook?” you asked quietly, blinking rapidly.
you were tired, he could see. your body was becoming lazier, and your eyelids kept bouncing, open and close, open and close. you were fighting sleep. you looked cute in a way, despite your messy, wet hair, half-asleep expression, and although now dried, your makeup was still a mess. hell, you always looked cute to him, no matter what you did or how you looked.
jungkook cleared his throat, quickly averting his gaze to the towel that was still on your head. he suddenly decided that your hair was as good as dry. “let’s get you to bed.”
you pouted but didn’t object.
jungkook helped you off the floor, letting you rest your weight on him. “jungkook, you know i love you, right? i always have.”
jungkook froze once again, this time looking down at you. he smiled to himself. he knew you wouldn’t remember any of this, but everything was clear to him now. you loved him too. you claimed he was your boyfriend when you thought he was someone else, you kissed him, and now you were - drunkenly - confessing to him. perhaps he will talk to you about it tomorrow morning. perhaps tomorrow will be the day when he finally confessed his feelings for you.
jungkook led you over to your bed, quickly removing the sheets and instructing you to get into bed. you plopped down, curling into a ball as jungkook covered you properly. “are you leaving?” you asked so quietly, jungkook almost didn’t hear you.
he cleared his throat and turned around to look at you. “do you want me to leave?” it was the first thing he said to you in a matter of minutes.
jungkook blushed as he sighed and turned out the light. “i’ll be in the living room.” he mumbled, although he could already hear your slow, heavy breathing. you were asleep.
jungkook smiled widely as he closed your bedroom door. he slipped out of his jacket, throwing it onto the chair next to your couch. he found some blankets nearby, throwing them onto the couch he was going to be spending the night on. he turned out the lights, enveloping the entire apartment in darkness, before slipping underneath the blankets and falling asleep on the couch.
you woke up to a sharp, stabbing pain in your head. wincing, you sat up and brought your hands up to rub your aching temples. you released a heavy, pained groan before throwing the covers away and standing up. you looked around, finding that you were in your room. confused, you glanced down and saw that you still had your dress on (although that really was a relief. there also wasn’t a weird stranger laying next to you). you also found some weird stains on it. you ran a hand through your hair, finding that it felt oddly clean. what happened?
you left your bedroom and was about to go into the bathroom to find some pain medication, but that’s when you spotted the black pair of shoes next to your heels. on a chair nearby was a jacket, a hat, and a mask. you were bewildered, and slightly scared. then, you heard a quiet groan come from your couch. carefully, you crept over to your couch. you wondered if you should had gotten a weapon first, but you weren’t able to act on that thought because the person of your couch suddenly sat up. you realized it was jungkook. his hair was a mess, and he looked like he was still asleep.
you were baffled. “jungkook?!”
he turned to look at you, finally prying his eyes open. he didn’t seem shocked at all. “oh hey! how’s your hangover?”
why was he so calm? you tried to figure everything out. you were at the club with everyone. you do remember thinking drink more than usual. and then...aha! “i remember you washing my hair.” you felt more calm remembering something. that was why your hair felt clean.
jungkook’s cheeks turned red. “yeah, jisoo said that you said that someone spilled their drink over your head so i thought i would at least get that out.”
you blushed as you slowly walked over to the couch. jungkook pulled his legs towards him, giving you room to sit down in front of him. “so...i might’ve been a little drunk.” you said, laughing awkwardly.
“only a little.” jungkook replied, smiling.
“did i say things? like, weird, personal things? or do anything embarrassing?”
jungkook grinned mischievous, the blush in his cheeks becoming more prominent. “i mean, besides the fact that you basically called me your boyfriend and then later confessed to me, no.”
you brought your hands up to cover your face. you groaned. “fuck me…”
jungkook laughed. “you also kissed me.”
“ah!” you squealed. “you should have said that first!”
“hey, if it makes you feel any better,” jungkook paused. “i feel the same way.”
hesitantly, you removed your hands away from your face. your eyes were wide. you stared at jungkook, trying to figure out if he was messing with you. he was the type to tease and make fun of people close to him, and he often teased you. but he seemed serious. the sweet smile on his face seemed pretty convincing as well. “do you really?”
jungkook nodded, his pink cheeks now turning red. you were blushing as much as he was. as his words echoed in your head, you found yourself smiling. “oh my lord, i’m so relieved.” it was almost hard to believe. but you were happy.
jungkook smiled. “yeah, me too.”
you released an exhausted breath. everything felt okay, like a huge weight had been lifted off of your shoulders, but not everything was okay. you were reminded of the consistent pounding in your head.
“perhaps you should take care of that hangover of yours.”
you glared at jungkook as you stood up from the couch.
“and change those clothes. oh! no, take a shower first.”
like a child, you stuck out your tongue at jungkook and made your over to your bedroom for a change of clothes. “shut up!”
jungkook laughed. “you love me though, you said so yourself last night.”
you squeezed your eyes shut as an embarrassed blush appeared on your face. “fuck you!” you yelled in response. then, with a change of clothes, you escaped into the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind you. you couldn’t believe that drunk you said all those things to jungkook. you were embarrassed of yourself, but at least you didn’t scare jungkook away. he also liked you, so that was reassuring. you sighed and hurried to get into the shower, feeling all kinds of dirty.
jungkook laughed as he thought about you. you never seize to amaze him, let alone fluster him. he felt a lot better, and he was happy. now he could tell everyone that you were his. although, he had to consider his career and how the members would react. perhaps it was best to keep his new relationship a secret, and to talk to you about it later on when things had settled between you two. for now, it was best to just handle everything later.
he laughed again and fell back against the couch. now he had to wait for you to shower, and then he could spend his entire day with you.
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doyoungdelrey · 5 years
all 85 pls
1. describe yourself.
a loud and annoying clown
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?
Nova Scotia
3. do you have siblings?
Two younger sisters.
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?
Big Dipper b/c its the only one I know.
5. favorite color.
Red, blue or green
6. what kind of music do you listen to?
K-pop, indie and classic pop/rock
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)
Daisy, carnation, roses
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?
A spell where I could redo the past.
9. favorite childhood memory.
When my youngest sister was born.
10. have you ever been cheated on?
yes. Too hard to explain.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?
Filled with plants, painted a light grey and surrounded by photography with the sun coming through the window.
12. favorite animal.
Penguin and Cat
13. what was the last photo you took of?
A ceiling at the Frick.
14. do you believe in soul mates?
Yes, I live that there’s one for everyone.
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.
Shake shack and cheese fries.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Ever since I was a kid, my mother has instilled that belief on us, so yes I believe this.
18. guilty pressures?
I think y’all mean guilty pleasures, so I admit I still watch Arthur (the one with the aardvark). Also, I admit I listen to Taylor swift and Camilla Cabello in occasional times of existential crises.
19. favorite mythical creature, why?
dragons. Idk why though.
20. something most people don’t know about you.
I met Andrew Garfield as I was walking home from school.
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?
I lived in a well-to-do neighborhood with a lot of rich people even though we weren’t rich ourselves.
22. do you believe aliens exist?
No, now leave me alone.
23. what was your last google search?
Nova Scotia.
24. what did your last relationship teach you?
To not rush and trying not to be vulnerable.
25. would you relocate for love?
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?
I’m 20 and I STILL hold grudges; I need to stop.
27. favorite book.
Little women.
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?
I consider myself an introverted extrovert.
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?
I did in like third grade. I wish I still did :(
30. top 5 favorite movies.
Jules et Jim, Amelie, CMBYN, The Social Network, Before Sunrise
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
32. what is your greatest fear?
Dying and getting rejected.
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.
I don’t drink.
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.
Get my build a bears stolen and my parents yelling at me in the first grade for having them stolen.
35. do you believe in ghosts?
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?
I have the memory of an elephant but that means I’m clumsy AND I am lazy whilst holding grudges on people from three years ago.
37. should you split the dinner bill?
38. are you a good liar?
39. what keeps you up at night?
My past and the future.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?
41. do you believe in god?
There is something up there, a spirit but not a being.
42. how do you relax when frustrated?
Listen to music and write mediocre poetry.
43. what’s something that offends you?
44. favorite food
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
Suho and his translator. He seems like someone who has a lot to tell..
46. when do you feel the most confident?
In theater class.
47. what do you do on your free time?
Listen to music, go on Tumblr/ig, write, read, sleep, watch TV
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
For someone who tends to hold grudges, no haha.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yes, I had a friend’s older brother who had a crush on me and I rejected him because I thought he was too awkward. I regret it now.
50. did/do you play sports in school?
51. when are you happiest?
When I heat good food and listen to good music.
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
My phone. Or my chanyeol pin.
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
The way they dress.
55. what is your favorite season, why?
Fall because I was born before halloween. I also love the autumn breeze.
56. what makes you laugh?
Anything and everything. I have terrible sense of humor lmao.
57. are you a clean or messy person?
58. what is important for a successful relationship?
Honesty and good communication.
59. what was your upcoming like?
I was raised partially by my grandmother. Once I was 5, I was raised by y mom. I was a troubled child, so she spent most of my childhood disciplining. Sometimes I want to tell berthings, but there are moments where I can’t say anything.
60. favorite holiday?
halloween. It is after my birthday.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
Put the money in a savings account, give some to charity then the rest to my parents and other family members (sisters, cousin who I think of as a younger sister)
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?
Broccoli and Pepperoni. Or mushroom and sausage.
63. favorite outdoor activity.
64. how are you? honestly.
I’m feeling good because I don’t have to worry about school for a week, but once I go back, I have to worry about finals, etc. I’m also worried about my future because IDK what to do after graduation.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
Stay at a resort, duh?!?!?
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?
The mountains, specifically the Adirondacks.
67. favorite type of candy?
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?
Confused and Thirsty Clown
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?
You talking to me???
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?
Build a Bears. They’re over-rated and over priced.
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?
When a woman was telling her friend about her husband (the woman’s husband) cheating her while she was in the hospital for cancer treatment.
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
The ted bundy one on Netflix.
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?
The bowl cut. Or my attempt of Wendy’s zimzalabim-era hair (minus the bangs. I still have this hair style)
74. what do you like to cook?
Roasted chicken and mashed potatoes.
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
A lion, when I went to animal kingdom.
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?
The office. Stanley was and will be my favorite character.
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?
78. what is your favorite quote?
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?
On the kid who played saxophone and picked his nose in middle school. He admitted to having a crush on me in the 10th grade. He was so sweet, yet he weirded me out. I regret notating him though.
80. what’s your love language?
81. do you ever feel alone?
Not gonna lie, I do. I have friends who have their soulmates, yet I don’t have mine. I also suck at making friends.
82. ever been bullied?
Yes. Too complicated to explain.
83. are you usually early or late?
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?
Like romantic/baroque art, or any paintings made after the 1300s. Mostly impressionism or dutch realism.
85. what do you wish you knew more about?
Ways to be more organized
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xxwinterchillxx · 6 years
Halloween Dance and Some Unfortunate Events
Levi is willing to go all the way to get Eren to go with him to the Halloween Dance. But things get complicated since Levi cannot show any sign of intelligence around the German hottie. However, he isn’t taking no for an answer.
Rating - Teen and Up Audiences
Categories - M/M
Relationships - Levi/Eren, background relationships, Moblit/Hanji, Armin/Erwin, Krista|Historia/Ymir
Chapters - 3/?
Read below cut or read on AO3
Chapter 3 : You free tonight?
Last week was kind of a mess. Krista believed us and didn’t stir up any more trouble. Anyway, I think the incident kind of broke her spirit for now cause apparently, she doesn’t feel like going to the dance anymore. But there was a lot of unnecessary drama and shit. So, I’m really looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
The guilt will eventually creep in but for now, I’m just really glad that there’s one less competition.
6 days left till the dance.
I’m not even sure that I’ll be going to this thing though, honestly. It’s very complicated. I mean, I want to go but only with Eren. And I’m not fucking confessing to my crush.  God, it’s so embarrassing just thinking about it. And I go all gooey once I see him. Assuming that I ask him out, what if I go gooey while we’re dancing? Oh shit, I just realised. I can’t even fucking dance.
This is just too much. I’m just gonna go and take a nap.
 Tring~ Tring~
“Huh? Wa-?” I shot up, my mind hazed and clouded. I felt like a dehydrated zombie, which is why you should never take afternoon naps. “Mom! Someone’s calling!” I managed to shout, despite my sore throat.
Tring~ Tring~
A muffled voice came from the next room, “Pick it up for me, will you, hon? Mommy’s in the shower.”
I stumbled out of my bed and literally rolled down the stairs when I tripped on the blanket I wrapped myself with.
“Ouch!” I winced when my head banged against the floor on the last step.
I could distinctly hear mom saying, “Are you okay, Levi?” Yeah, sure.
I picked up the phone and rubbed my eyes, mumbling sheepishly, “Ah…hello… thi- this’… Levi.”  
I could hear some sort of muffled voices on the other end and someone whisper-shouting, “Quiet! Quiet! Shhh!”
Honestly, I’m too tired to deal with Isabel and her bullshit. So, I was about to put it back on the holder before-
“Uh!...-uhm h-hey Levi, It’s Eren.”
I could hear someone on his side mimicking him, “IT’S EREN!!” And then sounds of hitting each other.
“Oh Isabel, fuck you.”
“No no, it is me! Eren!! We sit together in some of the classes, remember?” the person on the other end quipped.
I looked at the caller ID. And my eyes literally went from half dead to shot alive. I could literally feel my stomach drop-     ‘Jaeger’
“Levi? Are you still there?”
In response, I giggled out, “Uh-huh, nyyesss~?” Oh my fucking god, I giggled. I giggled. What’s wrong with mmeeee????
“Oh, uh. I’m having a party tonight-”
“Dumbass, it’s tomorrow,” someone whispered.
“Ah right, fudge. I’m… having a party on Sturdy- Saturday night. And it’s kind of like a costume party, no biggie. Soo it’s gonna be super cool and I want you there…”
I think he said some more stuff about whether I could come or some shit, but my useless brain just stopped at ‘I want you’.
“What did one beach say to the other? Shore.” I made a gun-click sound with my tongue.
I didn’t wait for his response as I literally smashed the phone into the wall, face fuming. Why am I like this? Why am I like this? Oh god, why the fu-
Mom came down the stairs, “Honey? Why is your face all red? And why are you curled up in the middle of the living room?”
I looked at her distastefully. She probably doesn’t even know I’m gay. Huh, I don’t even know if I’m gay. I dated this girl, Annie for 8 months, which is pretty long for a high-schooler. But it kind of just faded away. We haven’t talked in like forever. Huh, we haven’t even broken up. Eh but I guess it’s kinda implied?
Well, whatever. I yanked out my iPhone from the charger and sped up to my room, making sure to close the door.
“Hanji, you’re not gonna believe this!” I chattered out happily, plopping down on the bed and squishing my pillow.
“No no, wait, don’t tell me. Lemme guess.” I could hear her shuffling through something and then a thud sound.
“What are you even doing?”
Not bothering to answer my question, she asked, “Is it Moblit?” I mentally head banged myself.
Moblit. Moblit. It’s always Moblit with her. What’s up with that? Don’t get me wrong, I love that my friend’s in a relationship but please for the love of God, stop. Even I don’t talk that much about Ere- wait, nevermind.
“No, it’s about Eren.”
She hummed, “Did he refuse?”
“What? The fuck, no, Hanji, he didn’t refuse-”
“Gee, alright, don’t get so worked up.”
It’s so hard to not yell at her sometimes.
Taking a large patient breath, I said, “He asked me to come to his costume party tomorrow night. At his house!”
“Whoa, holy shit. Hold up, Levi. I’m coming over.”
And that’s how we ended up in my room. She brought along Petra and Erwin and much to my horror, she brought Armin along. We were actually supposed to discuss my costume but having that blonde brat there made it so damn suffocating, especially since he is Eren’s best friend.
Dragging Hanji into a room, I hissed, “Why did you bring that moron?!”
Hanji viciously hissed back, “What was I supposed to do, huh, Levi? Erwin was making out with him when I climbed to his window.”
Swallowing back my vomit, I gagged, “Ew, don’t tell me that.”
We were spitting out hurtful insults at each other (you know, just like friends do) when Armin came up to us, smiling sweetly, “Can I get refill on the tea? It tastes amazing.”
Hanji and I looked at him for like a full minute before I moved, “Yeah, sure.” He isn’t a bad kid really but now, whenever I look at him, I see a very disturbing mental image of Erwin giving it to him hard. Gag. I led him into the kitchen and poured out another cup of tea. Armin sat on one of the chairs near the kitchen island.
“Eren expects you at the party, you know.” Slip. Crash.
“Jesus! Shit- W-what did you say?” I tried to play it cool as I mopped up the spilled boiling tea carefully.
“He doesn’t invite a lot of people. Well, not directly.”
I hummed positively in response as I handed him his tea. A million thoughts were processing through my head and every one of them had Armin as my very supportive wingman. After all, he is Eren’s best friend. I wanted to ask him so many things. I just couldn’t figure out how to bring it up. I wanted to ask mainly about stuff like ‘What does Eren say about me?’ ‘Have you, by chance, seen his-’
“So, what are you wearing?”
A bulb went off in my head and I almost wanted to French make out with Armin, “Oh, I don’t know…um… what.. what does he like?”
Armin scratched his head, not suspecting even a tiny thing, “He likes lots of things. Mainly stuff like superheroes, cars, transformers…” He laughed out lightly, “You know, everything a 10-year old would like, haha.”
I pretended to smile and pressured him more, “Any idea what he’s wearing?”
“A cop, I heard. He thinks it’s cool, protecting stuff.”  
I smiled. Handcuffs. Dear god, I’m so fucking gay.
“He likes cute things though. You know, small, tiny and cute?” He made a gesture with his hand as if to signal I’m short.
I cocked an eyebrow and growled, “What? You calling me tiny?”
I could see Armin was starting to panic when Erwin came in, “God, you two were in here so long. What were you talking about?”
I hopped down from the counter and headed up to my room, whispering bitterly into Erwin’s ear as I passed by, “Your tiny dick.”
 I sat on my sofa, swimming through dozens of my old Halloween costumes. Most of them were really crappy, to be honest. A coat and a cap (Sherlock Holmes), something greenish (Elves or Peter Pan, I don’t care) and some others. I mean, I like Halloween for the scary movies, not for candy. As a kid, I never liked going trick-or-treating that much. I liked to stay home and mooch off the candies we keep at home. Much to mom’s annoyance.
Hanji came out from my closet wearing a frown, “Don’t you have anything else?”
I looked up from an old magazine, “No.”
“Jeez, you’re fun.”
When I made no reply, Hanji walked over and plopped down next to me on the floor, “Then we’ve to buy something.”
Ignoring me, she continued, “Something petite and cute… cute and tiny… hmm”
I listened to her humming for a split second before flipping another page of the magazine. There was a whole page advertisement for a pet shop or something. Flipping to the next page, I sighed, “I wish I could get a rabbit.”
“Say what?”
I grunted nonchalantly in response. Hanji ripped out the book from my hands earning a distraught ‘hey!’ from me.
“This is it!!”
“I was reading that, you know.”
“A bunny!! It’s cute and tiny, with its little nose and you’re so cute and ti-”
I cut her off, “Bunny costumes scream – hey, what’s up? Let’s fuck.”
Hanji winked at me, “For Eren?”
My face steamed to bright red before I screeched, “Shut up!”
And that’s how I ended up ordering a bunny costume from Hanji’s (shady) ‘guy’ or so she calls. Hanji promised me that it wasn’t one of those revealing sexy types. She said it bent more towards the ‘cute’ side, with ears and a fluffy tail.
I don’t know about the ears but I’m cutting off the tail once that thing gets here. I don’t need people wondering if a cloud was attached to my ass all night long. According to what Hanji said, Armin told Hanji that Eren likes people who acts cute in general. So currently, I am revising the habits of the ‘school cutie’ Krista. She sort of bounces her head around, smiles and makes a lot of weird noises. Not creepy ones like I do, but noises like ah’s and oh’s.
I tried practicing my smile. Tried.
The rest of the afternoon, I tried out different looks with myself. The only thing it did was to remind me why I should stick to my style. Then I talked with myself in front of the mirror, you know, for conversational purposes. It was actually really beneficial cause I found out that if I laugh too freely, my eyebrows raise up weirdly and I make noises like a pig. I also found out my eyes look cooler when I apply some eyeliner. At the end, I had everything planed out – how I’ll smile, what to talk about, how to approach Eren and pull off the ‘cute’ rabbit look like a boss.
Hell yeah, I’m the boss.
That night, I lathered my face with some herbal fluid mom made. She said my face will glow like a princess in the morning if I keep it on overnight. Ha, I’m a princess.  
I kind of looked like Shrek at the moment though so I Facetimed Hanji. As soon as she picked up, I yelled at the top of my voice, “GET OUT OF MY SWAMP!”
Hanji laughed tensely in return. I looked at the screen for a moment before retorting, “What? Don’t you get it? I have a green face.”
On the other screen, Hanji scratched her head nervously and croaked, “I get it! … hehe… Levi you’ll find this funny…. But umm…”
I stopped goofing around. Taking in a deep breath, I glared at the screen and prepared myself.
“You know that sexy cute bunny costume we ordered?”
“Yeah, the one I paid for. What about it?”
“Well, it came at 6 in the evening today and…”
“That’s great. I’ll pick it up in the morning.”
“Well, it’s not exactly sexy…or high school…ish.”
“What do you mean ‘not high scho-’ Oh my god.”
All the strength left my knees as I gazed upon the monstrosity that Hanji was holding up. I must not have done a great job at hiding my shock because Hanji started looking all worried and she tried to console me, “At least it’s cute. Right? Right?”
She was holding up a motherfucking bright pink rabbit jumpsuit. No, Hanji. It’s not cute.
 Hanji and I spent all morning trying to fix the costume. The measurements were too big and I looked like I was wearing an oversized onesie pyjama that I occasionally use as a sleeping bed. In other words, it looked absolutely horrifying.  
I bleached the whole suit and put it in the washer for like, 6 hours. Fortunately, the shocking bright pink colour faded to a soft whitish-pink hue which looked less in-your-face. Mom took care of the rest. But the costume proportions were so wrong she practically sewed the whole thing over.
However, I still had a onesie by the end of the day.
Distraught, I looked at the mirror in vain. My hands felt around the costume and I felt my heart sinking. One of the rabbit ears flopped over to the side while the other stayed upright. The hood fell to my shoulders and the fluffy cloth hung around my tiny frame.
Hanji quipped from the other room, “You look cute, okay? So, stop worrying.”
The party was in an hour. I sighed heavily, my hands patting the giant rabbit ears. I look like a freak. Only my whiskers were on point, drawn on by Hanji.
“Oh, and I’ve been meaning to ask you this since morning.”
I turned away from the mirror and looked at Hanji, “What?”
“Why is your face so damn smooth?”
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fantastic-fans · 7 years
I just wrote a richjake outsiders au.
Read it under the cut or click here to read on ao3
“Hey greaser, you think you’ve got enough grease in your hair? You look like you haven’t showered in weeks!” Rich hears a Soc yell at him as he walks into the school. Living in Tulsa on the east side of town makes you a greaser. Rich’s mom died when he was four, which is when his dad began wasting all the money they don’t have on beer. Rich’s older brother dropped out at age sixteen so that he could work full time, and make sure Rich could stay in school.
Rich had always wondered what it would be like to live on the west side. Have nice, loving parents, a good house, enough money that you can live comfortably. He’s envied to Socs for a while, but also knows that plenty of them are dicks. Obviously, some of the Socs are actually nice, but finding out which ones are nice, is the hard thing.
Rich’s best friend, Michael Mell, is a greaser, who’s very close with a soc named Jeremy Heere. Rich knows that they’re together, and he also knows that only him and Jeremy’s dad know about it. Being gay in the time and place that they are living in, isn’t ideal. Everyone knows that Michael is gay, but they don’t typically mess with him because of the fact that he’s fairly strong. He carries around a switchblade and can handle his own pretty well in a fight.
However, no one but Michael, Jeremy, and Rich’s older brother know that Rich goes for guys just as much as he goes for girls. Sometimes, he thinks, he likes guys a lot more than girls.
There’s one guy in particular that Rich has liked for years now. Jake Dillinger. He’s a leader of the Socs, and his dad is one of the richest men in town. When Jake and Rich were younger, before all of the greaser and soc rivalries caught up with them, the two were fairly good friends. They didn’t really play together outside of school because of their parents, but at school, they were attached at the hip. But, once they hit middle school, and they started to realize that their friendship would never work, Jake left, and started to make his way to the top of the Socs, while Rich went to the greasers.
There’s always a small part of Rich that hopes that Jake still thinks about him. That Jake misses Rich just as much as Rich missed him. But Rich knows that isn’t true. Jake is happy with where he is. He’s got a beautiful girlfriend, even though Chloe is a huge bitch, and that’s not because she’s a soc. He’s got two parents that buy him whatever he wants, and he has a lot of friends to surround himself with.
But soon, Rich figures out that Jake isn’t as happy as he believed he was.
It was Halloween, and most of the high schools, socs, greasers, and those in between, were at the Nightly Double. The film that night was Physco, even though it came out nearly five years ago. Rich was sitting in the bleachers with Michael, when Michael got up, saying he was going to grab some snack. Rich knew that Jeremy was parked somewhere in the back, and Michael really was going to meet with him, but he let him go anyway. Jeremy’s been busy with student council for the past two weeks, and Rich knew that Michael really just wanted to see him.
After about two minutes, Rich decided that he wanted some food, knowing Michael probably would be coming back anytime soon, so he got up and made his way to the concessions.
On his way back, he ran into Jake. He spilled some of his drink down his and Jake’s shirt, and was ready for the soc to shout at him, when all Jake said was, “Rich?”
“Uh, hi Jake.”
“It’s, uh, it’s good to see you, man. How’ve you been?” Jake asks, staring at his old friend.
Rich scoffs, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Well, that is why I asked.”
“Oh yeah, I’m so glad that my ex-best friend from grade school finally asks how I am after six years. I totally wasn’t upset when you started ignoring me in sixth grade. Or when you’d watch as the other socs pushed me around. And I definitely was not upset about the fact that when I came to school with bruises, you didn’t even spare me a glance. But by all means, Dillinger, ask how I am as if the last six years didn’t happen.” Rich crossed his arms, glaring up at the taller teen.
“Look, Rich, I’m really sorry, and if you’d give me a chance to explain I will.”
“I’m giving you that chance right now.”
“And I would, but Chloe and the others are waiting for me, and I really don’t want them to come looking for me -”
“Because God forbid they find you with a greaser.”
“No, that’s not, look. Meet me at the car yard after school on Friday, and I swear I’ll explain.”
For a minute Rich doesn’t say anything, he just continues to glare at Jake. Eventually, Rich sighs and agrees to the meeting. “Fine, three thirty on Friday. I swear, if you try anything funny, I’ll kick your ass.” With that, Rich pushes past Jake and decides to leave the drive-in.
All throughout the whole week, Rich can’t help but wonder what Jake is going to tell him. He also can’t help but think this is going to be some type of ambush, and maybe he should bring some of the other greasers with him.
Eventually, Friday rolls around, and after school, Rich makes his way over to the car yard alone.
He arrives a bit early, as he walked quickly because of the nerves. He seats himself on the top of a 1940s Chevy and waits for Jake to show up.
It takes about five minutes, but eventually, Rich hears the crunch of gravel as Jakes Impala pulls up.
Jake makes his way out of his car, and over to Rich. He easily jumps onto the car and sits down next to Rich.
After a few minutes silence, Rich speaks up. “So are you going to explain why you’ve been a huge dick for six years, or are we just going to sit here and watch the clouds.”
Jake laughs, “I’ve forgotten how upfront you are sometimes. Alright, I guess you deserve the story.”
“Damn right I do,” Rich growls.
Jake sighs, and nods.
“Well, to be honest, and please let me finish before you say anything, part of it was because I was feeling pressured. I honestly wanted to still be your friend, but because of who my parents were, I felt as if I couldn’t be your friend. How cheesy and idiotic is that? I thought that if I just stopped talking you, then both of our lives would be easier. I’ve seen how friendships between socs and greasers work. Usually, one of them gets bullied by their own group. I know now that we could have just kept it secret like Michael and Jeremy do, and yes I know about them. I was actually the one to tell Michael to ask him out. Jeremy only ever complained about his crush on Michael to me because he knew I like guys too. He caught me at a college party we were both invited to. Anyway, I also wanted my dad to actually appreciate me. I thought that if I surrounded myself with people like the ones he surrounds himself with, he’d get his head out of his ass and actually notice that he has a son. Even my mom doesn’t pay much attention to me. It sucks, and I tried to fix it by not being friends with you, but that made everything worse. Once I realized that my dad would never care about what I did, I tried to talk to you again, but even when I talked to Michael, other socs thought that he was bothering me or something and ganged up on him. I didn’t want that happening to you Rich. I’ve always cared so much about you, and seeing you get hurt, killed me. I couldn’t let you get hurt even more because of me. You probably think I’m a huge dumbass now, don’t you?” Jake finishes, looking down at his hands, which were fidgeting with the hem of his t-shirt.
“I’ve always thought you were a dumbass Jake. And, come on man, I can take on a few more bruises. I’m not a wimp.”
“I know, I just didn’t want the bruises to be my fault.”
“You’re making this some sort of chick flick moment.”
“Maybe I want that Rich. Maybe I’m only dating Chloe because that’s what people expect of me. Maybe I’m just hiding who I really am because I’m a fucking wuss. Maybe what I really want, who I really want to be with, is you.”
“You, you like me?” Rich asks surprised. Sure, this is probably one of the best moments of his life, but he can’t help but feel incredibly shocked.
“Yeah, and I really only said that because I know you won’t hate me for liking guys, cause you know about Jeremy, but if you don’t like me, let alone guys, please tell me. I’d rather go home in embarrassment, then have you say you like me out of pity.”
“Now you really are a dumbass.” Jake gives Rich a confused look, which is all it takes for Rich to grab Jakes shirt, and pulled him into a kiss. Jake instantly responds, moving his lips against Rich’s in desperation. They’re both hoping that once they pull away, they don’t wake up an find out this is all some kind of dream.
Jake wraps his arms around Rich’s waist and pulls the shorter boy into his lap. Rich laughs at this, and moves his arms to loop around Jake’s neck.
The two pull away, just enough that they can look at each other, but they’re still close enough to feel the other’s breath fan their faces.
“We should do this more often.” Rich mumbles, moving his left hand to run his thumb over Jakes pink lips.
“My parents are gone until Monday night. If you want, you could come over and we’d have all weekend to do whatever,” Jake whispers, leaning in, to peck Rich’s lips.
“Sounds perfect, I just need to stop by mine so I can tell Aaron. I don’t need him worrying about me.”
“Then let’s head out, sitting on the hood of the car is making my ass numb.”
Rich laughs as he scrambles out of Jake’s lap. Once the two boys are off the car, Rich grabs Jake’s hand, and they make their way to Jake’s car.
On Monday morning, Chloe Valentine is seen leaving the school, angry tears in her eyes after Jake breaks up with her because their relationship felt fake. But what she doesn’t know is that her best friend will comfort her in more ways than one in just a few short hours.
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svtgot7reactions · 7 years
Got7 as dads
A/n: I thought this would be so cute bc who doesn’t love imagining their favs as dads???? Anyways enjoy!!
Mark: • soccer/softball Dad™ • will get your kids riding bikes and walking as quick as he can • treasures every single moment with them • if your kid is interested in a sport he will do everything in his power to coach it • doesn’t matter if he likes the sport or not • if your kid likes it he LOVES it • super passionate about making sure your kids do well in school • “if this gets to be too much just know you can quit whenever” • a lovely and understanding Dad • would rather you be the one to drive the kids and friends around bc he can be awk sometimes and you’re “really good at it” • he can sweet talk his way into getting anything from his kids tbh • like you honestly wonder how they listen to him every. single. time. • you start to think he has some magic or is paying them bc WOW • your kids friends like him a lot, he’s “the cool dad” • this makes him v v happy • overall: A+++ Dad that loves you guys so much
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• the Hot Dad™ • I feel bad for your daughter(s)/son(s) • your daughters friends are gonna fawn all over him • and your sons girlfriends are really gonna reevaluate their lives • just a LITTLE overprotective sometimes • doesn’t let his daughter get a boyfriend till like late high school bc “boys are dangerous” • “but Dad you’re a boy” • he’s only protective bc he loves your kids a lot and he doesn’t want anything to happen to them • you gotta talk some sense into him sometimes bc if it was up to him his kids would never leave the house in anything less than a full head to toe suit • especially his lil girl • god bless your daughter(s) • overall a good Dad but just controlling and sometimes can’t control his anger • thankfully he’s been working on it and is much better than before • loves your lil family like crazy and wouldn’t trade you guys for anything
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• the PTA Dad™ • the one that carpools his kids friends around whenever • also known as the 2nd mom • won’t hesitate to go to the school board if he feels kids aren’t being treated right • not the first time he’s done it • everyone loves him • can be embarrassing • drives around in the minivan with the windows down playing old school music • drops off your kids and yells that he loves them w/ the window rolled down yikes • will definitely run your kids the project they forgot at home so they don’t get an F • has good intentions • def will talk shit about your teachers with you bc he agrees that “Mrs. Lee totally has favorites” • will be very proud of how well his kids do in school and will def brag about them • overall really supportive and loving, you’re lucky to have such an amazing father to your children
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you’re mark and coco is your kid
• another soccer/softball Dad™ • SPORTS • really involved with his kids athletics • he couldn’t wait to help coach your sons basketball team and your daughters softball team • for most dads that would be too much to handle but not him • he’s “super dad” as he puts it
• smoothies for everyone after the games
• some of your daughters friends have a crush on him • it’s cute when you notice their blushing, Jackson is literally oblivious to it • H E A L T H Y • y'all eat so damn healthy and organic • he will sign all of you up for gym memberships • when the kids get old enough yall will take family gym trips and it’s so cute • parks are also a big deal • like fresh air >>> • he really is that sports dad • will encourage his kids to do tons of sports in high school • you gotta tell him to chill bc academics are just as important if not more • “oh you’re right, listen to your mom kids” • pretty understanding of a lot • rarely yells/punishes your kids bc “they are just so cute” • you’re the bad cop most of the time sorry • altogether, a very loving, healthy and supporting Dad good job
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• the fun field trip Dad™ • literally EVERYONE wishes he was their dad too • always has snacks at the ready • will feed any child, doesn’t matter if they are his or not • the one that makes sure their group gets all the work done before having fun • helps with big school projects even if they don’t need it • also a lil embarrassing but he really doesn’t mean to be • sometimes you’ll have to pull him aside and tell him to give your kids some time with their friends • “but they were having fun?” • “just trust me babe” • will let your kids date in like the beginning of high school • tries to intimidate boys but sometimes it doesn’t work • takes him a hot minute to actually accept people your kids date bc • “nobody is good enough for my kids” • the innocent Dad too • def won’t hesitate to buy your kids a puppy or three if they ask • your kids take advantage of his kindness sometimes • he really doesn’t notice and feels bad when he makes a decision w/o consulting you • a sweet and sentimental dad, truly one that is worth treasuring bc this man is a dime
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• that Dad™ • will pick your kid up from school in the bright red lambo • spoils them to no end bc as he says “yolo” • you hit him when he says that • Christmas is a big deal in your house, like shit yall need two trees bc all the presents “santa” has gotten everyone • if your daughter asks for something she’ll more than likely get it • lowkey highkey tries to outdo the other dads • if someone else brings their kid flowers • he’ll bring his kid flowers and a new charm bracelet • is protective as well but not nearly as bad as JB • lets his kids date in like middle school • will probably have the sex talk with your son, you’ll definitely hit him for how he explained it • surprisingly a really caring dad, he can be strict but not too bad • what a lucky girl you are, people will be wishing they were apart of your family
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• dance recital dad™ • such a cheerleader for his kiddos • not the coach type but will definitely hype them up in the stands • “babe sit down you’re gonna embarrass them!” • “YOU GO GIRL FAKE EM OUT YOU GOT THIS” • will buy them ice cream after • is so excited when your kid expresses an interest in dance • will sign them up for classes as soon as legally possible • gets so excited when the parents are allowed to stay and watch the rehearsal • will try and keep up with the lil tots but finds it way harder than anticipated
• imagine big ol’ giraffe boy tryna learn baby choreo and literally tripping over his own feet
• will hold little shows in your living room bc he’s so proud • such a stage Dad! • gives your kids pep talks before they go on • brings huge bouquets of flowers to give to them afterwards • doesn’t matter if they can hold them or not • such an amazing dad that loves your babies to pieces and will probably want like a million of them so get ready girl
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sesamestreep · 7 years
and never ever watch the ten o’clock news
(Read on AO3)
Summary: Bodhi never expected to be sitting in an interrogation room with his best friend while she lied to the police about being a psychic. In retrospect, he probably should have. [AKA the Psych AU Literally No One Asked For]
I wrote this Psych AU for my dearest @taxicabsandcupcakes as an EXTREMELY belated birthday/decently belated Winter Solstice/slightly belated New Year’s/aggressively early Friend-iversary present, which means I’ve had this idea since your birthday but didn’t actually find the inspiration to write it until Psych the Movie happened and then had to invent an occasion for giving it to you. This is my way of saying thanks for your sage writing advice, endless encouragement, and for yelling about Jane Austen on twitter with me. Hope you like it!
There’s additional notes on the fic itself if you follow the AO3 link above, which I recommend reading if you’re the type who enjoys that sort of thing.
“I need you to drive me to the police station.”
Bodhi, to his eternal embarrassment, actually pulls the phone away from his face and stares at it in disbelief, despite the fact that he’s alone in his office and no one is around to appreciate what he assumes is some excellent physical comedy.
“Pardon?” he asks, after a moment.
Jyn sighs on the other end of the phone. “I need you to drive me to the police station. Please,” she adds as an afterthought.
“Doesn’t that honor belong to the cop who’s arresting you?”
“Very funny,” Jyn says flatly. “My bike won’t start, will you please drive me?”
“You’re still not telling me the most important part,” Bodhi says, already starting to feel his exasperation growing. “Why do you need to go to the police station? Did something happen?”
“Something is always happening, Bodhi. Something is happening right now. And right now. And also now--”
“Jyn, come on...”
“Okay, fine. You remember that thing we talked about? The one you said I shouldn’t do anymore?”
“I told you to stop wearing white after Labor Day, advice which you have consistently ignored…”
“I keep telling you, Labor Day is a holiday invented by greeting card corporations to sell product!”
“All those Labor Day cards that everyone buys and sends out to their loved ones,” Bodhi says, playing along with Jyn’s nonsense.
“Exactly!” Jyn practically shouts. “Also, if you think about it, it’s always after Labor Day. You know what I mean?”
“I don’t. Did you get fined for committing a crime of fashion? Is that why you have to go the police station?”
“No, it has to do with the other thing you told me to stop doing.”
“Do I really have to guess? I tell you to stop doing a lot of things,” Bodhi says. His initial worry has already subsided and he’s tired of this conversation. He needs Jyn to tell him what’s going on so he can get back to work.
“Bodhi, don’t be the dollar sign in Ke$ha’s name!” she says, clearly frustrated with him as well.
“She got rid of that, you know. It’s just an ‘s’ now.”
“Jyn, honestly…”
“I called in another tip to the police,” Jyn says, suddenly giving up the game. “And before you get upset, that one tip helped them solve, like, ten open armed robbery cases.  So now the chief of police wants me to come down and they’re gonna give me a check, or an award, or something. I can't remember what it was, I wasn't listening. What’s a purple heart for?”
“Injured in battle.”
“Okay, so maybe not that. Whatever. It’s a big deal. The queen will probably be there.”
“Jyn, we live in America. There is no queen here,” Bodhi says, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“Agree to disagree. What do you say? Will you take me?”
“I…” Bodhi begins to say before something occurs to him. “Wait a minute. You told me you were calling in those tips anonymously.”
“I was.”
“So how could they give you a reward, if they don’t even know who you are?” He asks.
“Okay, so,” Jyn begins to say in her best bullshitting voice. It's one that Bodhi is very familiar with. “I might have made a very tiny, laughably insignificant mistake when I called in this particular tip.”
“You told them your name,” Bodhi supplies.
“In my defense, I was a little drunk and I really wanted to impress this girl I was on a date with.”
“Neither of those are good excuses!”
“If it makes you feel better, my date wasn’t pleased either,” Jyn admits. “She was actually kind of insulted that I was paying so much attention to the news when we were making out.”
“As she should be.”
“You know I can’t help it! It’s just the way my brain works!”
“You’re telling me you actually picked up your clue just from the news?” Bodhi asks. “That’s honestly kind of impressive.”
“Tell that to her! She stormed off before I could tell her my whole ‘eidetic memory, trained in observation by my tough cop mother’ tragic backstory,” Jyn says.
“Great. What restaurant are we not going to be able to get a table at from now on?”
“She’s the hostess at Cilantro, that tiny place on Elm.”
“They have the best brunch in the city, Jyn!”
“Yeah. It’s a real loss,” Jyn agrees. “So, you’ll come get me on your lunch?”
The first time Bodhi spoke to Jyn was in fourth grade and he and his family had just moved to the country for his dad’s job.  He was a scrawny, brown kid with a funny accent and, to make it worse, he transferred right in the middle of the year. All the kids in his class had already made their friends and they thought he was weird. Everyone except Jyn.
She’d dropped her lunch tray on the table across from him on his first day and said, without preamble, “I like your voice, it sounds like mine. Also, your watch is cool. Have you seen the movie Flubber? It’s my favorite.”
And just like that they were friends. Looking back on it, Bodhi’s not sure he ever really had a choice. Jyn had decided she liked him, and once she liked someone, that was it. They belonged to her.  She was always between him and the meanest kids in school, distracting them, talking in circles until they gave up and left her best friend alone.  You couldn’t mess with Jyn; she had something clever or weird to say to any of your threats or insults and she never cared what other people thought of her.  That, and the fact that her mom was a cop and everyone knew it, meant that people generally left her--and, by extension, Bodhi--alone.
After high school, they went their separate ways: Bodhi went to college to try to make something of himself and Jyn left Santa Barbara on her motorcycle to get away from her mother and see the world.  She sent postcards from every new city she landed in, and the two of them kept in touch even as Bodhi started working as a pharmaceuticals sales rep and Jyn continued to work whatever odd jobs she could find in whatever part of the country she was living in at that moment. In complete defiance of logic and the predictions of their families, the two of them stayed close despite the distance and their wildly different lifestyles. Still, no one was more surprised than Bodhi when Jyn reappeared in Santa Barbara.
He has tried in ways both subtle and obvious to get Jyn to tell him what made her come home, but with no success.  Bodhi assumes it had something to do with her mother retiring and moving to Miami, but he doesn’t think that’s the whole reason.  He’d worry about her, but Jyn seems the same as ever.  She’s got the same mercurial temper--upbeat and joking one minute, put out and snarky the next--and she still flirts with every waitress, bartender, and barista they come across.  Which, of course, means there are several fine establishments in Santa Barbara that Bodhi can no longer visit without someone asking about when his cute friend is going to call them back, or just telling him off in Jyn’s place.
The only thing different about Jyn is her newfound obsession with calling in anonymous tips to the police.  She’s always been highly observant, but Bodhi has never seen her so preoccupied with using her skills to help people.  He told her to be careful about it and he actually thought she would listen, given her distaste for the police, but, instead, he finds himself walking up the steps of the Santa Barbara Police Station with Jyn during his lunch hour to collect her reward.
Once they’re inside, Jyn goes to the desk to let the officer there know that she’s arrived and Bodhi takes a seat on one of the benches in the lobby.  Within seconds, another officer drops off an enormous man in handcuffs, depositing him on the bench next to Bodhi with a muttered, “Wait here!” and then departing.  Now, Bodhi’s come a long way from his terrified, scrawny, fourth grade self, but he is also, in no way, shape, or form, an intimidating person, so he does his best not to make eye contact.
After a few minutes, Jyn joins Bodhi and, as is her custom, puts herself directly between him and danger, this time in the form of their large, handcuffed companion. “What are you in for?” Jyn asks pleasantly. Bodhi elbows her in the ribs.
“They say I jacked my ex-wife’s car, but I’m innocent!” the man shouts.
“Ugh, cops, am I right?” Jyn says, in a tone that sounds more like they’re at happy hour than a police precinct. The man grunts in agreement and the conversation seems to be over, until Jyn adds, more quietly, “Hey, I don’t want to sound like I don’t believe you--because I totally do--but, if I were you, I’d brush that broken glass off your sleeve. To the untrained eye, it looks like maybe you broke a window or something.”
The man glances at Jyn and then at his sleeve, before sweeping his hand over the latter. The same officer from before returns to collect him as soon as he’s finished.
“Thanks,” the man says gruffly as he stands up and then winks at her over his shoulder as he’s lead away.
“No problem,” Jyn says and turns to Bodhi, at whom she rolls her eyes. “Idiot,” she adds, under her breath. “He just knocked all the glass into his boot.”
“You shouldn’t have done that,” Bodhi says, keeping his voice low.
“I know. What’s the point of helping criminals if they’re too incompetent to help themselves?”
“That’s obviously not what I meant,” Bodhi huffs. “Did they tell you how long this was going to take?”
“They said someone would be with me shortly. Please, try to relax.”
“They can’t just give you a check? It has to be a whole production?”
“Bodhi, don’t be the Brave Little Toaster’s less brave little cousin!”
“I just have a bad feeling about this,” Bodhi says, ignoring her.
“Noted. Now, be quiet and I might let you be in the picture with me, the mayor, and what I hope is one of those giant novelty checks,” Jyn says.
“I do love giant novelty checks,” Bodhi admits.
“You know that’s right,” Jyn says, and offers her fist for him to bump.
At that moment, another cop appears in front of them. “Jyn Erso?” he asks, sounding uninterested in a response.
Jyn stands up to greet him. “That’s me. And this is my associate, DJ Deathstar,” she says, motioning at Bodhi, who just rolls his eyes at her. Jyn’s been making up fake names for him since they were kids and it’s probably better the police don’t know his actual name anyway.
The officer looks perplexed but all he does is nod and say, “If both of you would follow me,” before leading them out of the lobby and through the bullpen.
They go through a door at the far side of the room, which leads them to a long cinderblock hallway with several doors on either side.  The officer opens the last one on the right, and motions for them to go in ahead of him.  Once Bodhi and Jyn have both crossed the threshold, he closes the door behind them suddenly and they both turn in surprise.
All at once, Bodhi realizes where they are.
“Shit,” he says, taking in the bleak room with the large table in the middle and the mirror on the wall. “Why are we in an interrogation room?” he asks Jyn.
Jyn, for her part, is glaring at the other figures in the room.  Seated at the table are two more cops, but they’re in plain clothes, which must mean they’re detectives. They stand as soon as Bodhi speaks.
“Why don’t you both take a seat?” the shorter of the two of them says.  He’s soft spoken with a slight accent and he looks absolutely exhausted.
Bodhi nearly jumps out of his skin when he feels Jyn’s hand on his elbow.  When he looks over, she gives him a reassuring smile. If he didn't know her as well as he does, he could totally miss the anger behind that smile, but they've been friends for twenty years and he’s perfected the art of reading Jyn’s moods. These detectives have no idea what they've gotten themselves into. She cocks her head towards the chairs in invitation and he gets the message loud and clear without her saying anything. Do what they tell you and let me do the talking.
“They didn’t mention anything on the phone about a vetting process before they gave me the key to the city,” Jyn says, nice and light, once she and Bodhi have sat down on the other side of the table.
“You are not getting a key to the city, Miss Erso,” the other cop says, his tone clipped.  He has an expressionless face and is frankly too tall to be an actual human being, as far as Bodhi is concerned.
“No…?” Jyn asks innocently.
“No,” he says, sounding even less amused than before.
“Listen, Mr. ...?”
“Detective,” he corrects. “Head Detective Kay Tuesso.”
“Your mother must be very proud,” Jyn says, and Bodhi has to hold back a snort. “And who’s this?” she asks, her eyes training on the other detective.
“My partner, Detective Andor,” Detective Tuesso says, obviously growing impatient with Jyn’s antics.
“Charmed,” Jyn says and actually extends her hand for Detective Andor to shake. He gives her a puzzled look in return.
Nonplussed by any of the annoyance she seems to be causing, Jyn pulls her hand back and leans forward conspiratorially on the table.  “Now that we’re all on such friendly terms, why don’t you tell me what exactly is going on?” she asks.
“I’m sorry, Miss Erso,” Detective Andor says, “but we’re not all acquainted. Who is this?” he asks, gesturing at Bodhi.
Jyn turns and gives Bodhi a searching look.  For his part, Bodhi would rather not tell the police his name, given he has no idea what sort of trouble Jyn has unintentionally mixed herself up in, but he’s pretty sure they can figure it out who he is whether she tells them or not. He knows better than to actually shrug at her, when everything about her demeanor is screaming be careful at him, so he just looks back at her as calmly as he can. They’ve been in enough crazy situations together over the years that he trusts her to get them out of this one.  He sees her small smile of comprehension before she turns back to the detectives.
“This is Bodhi,” she says evenly. “He drove me here.”
“What, like a Lyft driver?” Detective Andor asks.
“Yes!” Jyn replies, snapping her fingers like they're all just brainstorming together and she loves what the detectives are bringing to the table. Which, knowing Jyn, might be what she actually thinks.
“And you brought him in with you because…?”
“I'm just quirky, I guess,” Jyn says with an easy shrug and barrels on before the detectives can question her any further on Bodhi’s presence. “Now that we’re finally all acquainted, can you get to the point? The meter’s running.”
Neither of the detectives look particularly convinced by any of this, but Detective Andor continues anyway. “You recently called in a tip about several armed robberies that occurred in the last few weeks. Is that correct?”
“Well, thanks to that information you gave us, we’ve apprehended a suspect.”
“Good for you,” Jyn says, with forced cheer. Bodhi can practically see her patience wearing thin before his eyes.
“I'm glad you feel that way,” Detective Andor replies, tightly, and Bodhi thinks that Jyn probably isn't the only one who's running out of patience. “But, you see, we have a problem.  Our suspect claims he had a partner, somebody who masterminded the whole thing, and he’ll only tell us their name if we give him immunity.”
“Huh. That’s a real pickle,” Jyn says, flatly, as if the subject doesn't interest her at all.
“As you can imagine, we don't want to give in to our suspect’s demands, not when we can just arrest both of the people responsible,” Detective Andor continues, adopting a tone one would normally use when explaining a difficult subject to a child. “So, we’re trying to figure out who this accomplice is on our own. And that's why we’ve brought you here today.”
There's a full minute where Jyn just blinks at the detectives in confusion and Bodhi starts to worry that she's actually stopped functioning. He's about to grab her by the shoulder and shake her out of it when she blurts out, “I'm sorry, just so we’re clear, you want me to figure out the guy’s accomplice too?”  When they say nothing in response, Jyn continues, disbelieving, “I'm just curious, when do you two start chipping in?”
The detectives exchange a look at that, and Bodhi suddenly understands what is going on.
“Jyn,” he says as a warning.
“What?” Jyn snaps, turning on him.
Bodhi heaves a deep sigh before speaking. “They think you did it,” he says.
“I--” Jyn begins to say before turning to look at the detectives.  She must see the same thing in their faces that Bodhi did, because she suddenly freezes. “You think I'm the accomplice?” she asks, incredulity and anger making her voice go quiet.
The scariest thing about Jyn, in Bodhi’s opinion, is how calm she gets when she's really and truly angry.  The detectives in front of them might be well trained in reading people and analyzing evidence, but he's pretty sure they are in no way prepared for Jyn when she's actually furious.
“The evidence you gave to our tip line could only have come from someone with inside knowledge of the crimes,” Detective Tuesso says.
“That is not true.”
“What other explanation is there?” Detective Andor asks, sounding at least open to the possibility.
“Maybe I'm just a better detective than you are,” Jyn says, leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest, her tone casual but filled with malice. Bodhi does his best not to wince.
“Or, perhaps,” Detective Tuesso begins, “you realized your good luck was running out, that you and your partner would not be able to evade the police forever, and you decided it was time to cut your losses and turn him in.”
“And gave my name to an anonymous tip line while I was at it, just in the interest of fairness,” Jyn says, mockingly.  “Oh, and I also trusted that my partner--who I had just betrayed--wouldn't rat me out to the police!  You're right, I'm a criminal mastermind!”
“Jyn,” Bodhi says again, hoping she’ll actually heed the warning in his voice this time.
“You aren't offering us any other plausible explanations for your having such detailed information, Miss Erso,” Detective Andor says. “And if you can't do that, we’ll have to arrest you.”
It might just be that the precarious nature of their situation puts Bodhi in a dramatic mood, but he swears, in that moment in the interrogation room, that time actually stops, allowing him to see the exact second that Jyn comes up with a plan. There’s no mistaking the expression that comes over her face for anything other than pure, mischievous inspiration.
“Alright, alright, you got me!” Jyn says, and Bodhi thinks he might actually be having a heart attack. “I haven't been honest with you. But it's only because I--” Jyn breaks off and looks downward, the picture of innocence. “I didn't think you'd believe the truth.”
“And what exactly would that be?” Detective Tuesso asks, not looking convinced in the slightest.
“I'm psychic,” Jyn says and, yep, Bodhi is definitely having a heart attack. “I have the Gift. The Sight, if you will. That’s how I knew about those robberies. I saw them, with my third eye.”
The entire room seems to be holding its breath after Jyn’s “confession”.  No one seems to know what to do with themselves and Bodhi doesn't dare to even look at Jyn. He’s pretty sure if he so much as exhales, all hell will actually break loose.
The two detectives, recovering from their shock, both move at the exact same time.  Detective Tuesso stands abruptly and says, “If you're done wasting our time--”, while Detective Andor reaches across the table for the case file and says, “You mean to tell us--” before they're both interrupted.
Jyn, in a split second, leans forward and captures Detective Andor’s wrist in her hand.  She closes her eyes, as if trying to remember some long lost memory, and takes a deep breath. When she's finished, she looks Detective Andor directly in the eye and says, “You have to stop blaming yourself.  It wasn't your fault.”
“Excuse me?” He says, utterly bewildered.
“I hear screaming. Sirens,” Jyn says, waving her hands around her head in a way that Bodhi imagines is supposed to convey spirituality. “I smell...gunpowder? There was a shooting. You did...everything you could. Everything by the book.” Jyn pauses, then adds, “As always.”
Detective Andor looks petrified by this outburst. “How did you--” he begins to ask, his voice even quieter than usual.
“As I've told you, I have...abilities. Of the supernatural variety,” Jyn says. She seems to realize she's still holding his wrist and looks at it intently. “This is your first case back on active duty, am I correct?”
“Don't answer that,” Detective Tuesso cuts in.
Detective Andor looks at his partner like he had completely forgotten there was anyone else in the room, then looks back at Jyn.  He pulls his arm away from her like he's been scalded.  Jyn, for her part, looks back at him serenely.
“This is highly entertaining, Miss Erso,” Detective Tuesso begins to say, “but this proves absolutely nothing.  And moreover--”
“Ah, fuck!” Jyn yells, squeezing her eyes shut and rubbing her temples, as though she's got the world’s worst brain freeze. “That feels like…glass.  Broken glass. I can see it shattering. And there's a tall man there. He's very angry, and heartbroken. A lover’s spat, perhaps?”
“What are you--”
“Yes, definitely, an argument between lovers.  I see...a heart…and an arrow...and the letter S.  Does this mean anything to you?”
When the detectives say nothing in response, Jyn winces again. “Yes, of course. I see it clearly now. You have a man in custody here, about this tall,” Jyn says, gesturing well above both her and Bodhi’s heads. “The answers you seek are in his left boot.”
Both of the detectives are staring at her, completely mystified, and Detective Tuesso looks like he's about to make another attempt at bringing Jyn to order when there's three taps in quick succession on the one-way mirror.
“Excuse us a moment,” Detective Tuesso says, looking none too pleased with the interruption. “Come on,” he  says to his partner, who seems to be having more trouble tearing himself away.
They both depart, leaving Jyn and Bodhi alone in the interrogation room.  This would be a wonderful moment to confront Jyn about what the hell she thinks she's doing but unfortunately, they're not actually alone.
“I can hear you thinking from here,” Jyn says quietly.
“We’re not talking about this now. We can't,” Bodhi whispers urgently.
“I need you to relax,” Jyn responds. “Everything is fine, as far as you and I are concerned. Just, trust me. When have I ever lead you wrong?”
“Would you like that list in chronological order?”
Jyn makes a tsk sound in the back of her throat. “You can suck it,” she says petulantly.
“You suck it,” Bodhi fires back.
“No, you.”
He and Jyn actually look at each other after that. “Suck it,” they both sing-song in harmony, like they're still teenagers and not the full-grown adults they're supposed to be acting like. Maybe there are worse people to be stuck in an interrogation room with, Bodhi thinks, at the exact moment Detectives Tuesso and Andor return.
“You're free to go,” Detective Tuesso says, looking pained.
Jyn rises immediately, grabbing Bodhi’s elbow to drag him up with her as she goes and giving him a kick in the ankle to get him moving towards the door.
“Not you,” Detective Tuesso says, pointing at Jyn.
“What?” Jyn cries. “But you just said--”
“We’re not arresting you,” Detective Andor says. “But Interim Chief Mothma would like to speak with you.  Alone,” he adds, when he sees Jyn and Bodhi exchange a look.
Bodhi is about to object when he feels Jyn give his elbow a reassuring squeeze. He turns to look at her and she's smiling like she always does when faced with a challenge. Go ahead, that smile is meant to say, I've got this.
“I think they're finally going to give me my giant novelty check,” she says before she breezes past him out the door.
Twenty minutes later, Jyn finds Bodhi pacing on the steps outside the precinct.  The look on his face must be more anguished than he realized because when he turns and sees her, she immediately throws both of her hands up in a don’t shoot gesture.
“Alright, before you yell at me—”
“What in the absolute fuck did you just do?!” he shouts.
“I said before you yell at me, dude! Come on!” Jyn practically whines.  “And what I just did was save our asses, so you’re welcome.”
“You wouldn’t have had to save my ass in the first place if you had just driven yourself to the precinct and left me out of it.”
Jyn opens her mouth to argue with him, but Bodhi continues before she can get a word in.  “And, furthermore, you just lied. To the police. About being a psychic. I mean, have you lost your damn mind?!”
“Hey, say it a little louder, why don’t you?” Jyn shouts back, and Bodhi sobers. “Feel better now?” She asks, when she’s given him a moment to collect himself. When he nods, she says, “I can’t believe you just furthermore’d me, man. You’re starting to sound like your mother.”
“Shut up,” Bodhi says, without heat. Jyn cracks a smile, which he finds himself returning tentatively. “What did the chief want to talk to you about?”
“Interim chief,” Jyn corrects, and Bodhi rolls his eyes at her. “She’s pregnant.”
“She wanted to tell you she’s pregnant?”
“No. I’m just telling you.”
“Because it’s badass,” Jyn says, gesticulating wildly. “A pregnant cop? How cool is that?”
“Sorry for trying to paint you a picture with my words, Bodhi! I thought maybe you felt left out!”
“I was deeply hurt,” Bodhi says, gravely. “Now, will you please tell me why you got called into a meeting with the chief of police?!”
“Interim chief! And she wants my help with a case,” Jyn says casually. She even has the audacity to shrug.
Bodhi’s pretty sure he’s actually gaping at her now. Like, his jaw is actually hanging open in shock. He’d be embarrassed, but he just doesn’t have the capacity for any other emotions at the moment.
“Why?” He finally manages to ask, after an embarrassingly long pause.
“Haven’t you heard?” Jyn says with a mischievous smile. “I’m Santa Barbara’s most preeminent psychic detective!”
Bodhi groans and puts his head on Jyn’s shoulder. She pats at him in a halfhearted consoling gesture.
“Can you be the ‘most preeminent’ something? Does that work grammatically?” She asks, nonchalantly.
“Don’t you dare try to distract me with grammar, Jyn,” Bodhi warns. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“I know for a fact you listened to all of R. Kelly’s ‘Trapped in a Closet’, so there’s no way that’s true.”
“It was before he got weird!”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“I don’t even know how you did that back there,” Bodhi cries, getting them back to the subject at hand.
“All that stuff you said in the interrogation room! How did you do it?”
“You know about my observation thing,” Jyn says, brow furrowing in confusion.
“Yeah, but that stuff with the detective. How did you know all that?”
Jyn sighs, as if explaining her skills is a huge burden. “I saw in the paper a few weeks ago that there’d been a shooting and the police had been involved.”
“They wouldn’t have published the officer’s name,” Bodhi interjects.
“No,” Jyn concedes. “But the officer at the front desk was asking about how the new guy was doing, being back from administrative leave. The cop he was talking to was the one who brought us into the interrogation room, so clearly he had been working with our detectives on the robbery case.  And most of the cops in the SBPD are still left over from my mom’s time there—at least the ones that are old enough to make detective—and I didn’t recognize Detective Andor, so I figured it could have been him. Standard administrative leave is two weeks, the shooting happened roughly that long ago, and I noticed the bags under his eyes, like he hadn’t been sleeping well. So, I took a stab in the dark. So to speak.”
“Jyn, all of that is totally circumstantial. What if you’d been wrong?” Bodhi says, even though he’s a little in awe of what he’s just heard.
“Luckily, I wasn’t,” Jyn says simply.
“What about all that stuff with the heart and the shapes and the letter?” Bodhi asks.
“Oh,” Jyn says, as if she’s already forgotten. “Our carjacker from the lobby had a tattoo on his ankle. One of those hearts that’s been shot through with an arrow. And it had the name ‘Susan’ wrapped around it, on a banner. Figured if Susan was his wife, she probably filed the charges against him and the letter would jog their memory if nothing else did.”
“This is unbelievable,” Bodhi says, shaking his head. “And what does the Chief want from you?”
“Interim chief. And she wants me to help them with a kidnapping case.”
“I’m a little nervous about the strength of our police force if they have to hire you to solve a kidnapping.”
“I know, right?” Jyn says. “Apparently, it’s the heir to some hoity-toity family’s fortune that’s gone missing. The family is close with the governor and Interim Chief Mothma is under a lot of pressure to solve this thing quickly.”
“They think this guy is still alive?”
“I guess so.”
“Huh,” Bodhi says. “Are they paying you?”
“In a manner of speaking.”
“So, that’s a no.”
“It’s more that they’re paying me by not arresting me,” Jyn says. “And only if I deliver.”
“And what happens if you don’t?” Bodhi asks, not totally convinced he wants to know the answer.
“They’ll arrest me for obstruction of justice,” Jyn says simply.
“Damn it, Jyn.”
“I don’t know why you’re so worried. This is like my two greatest strengths: observation and bullshitting. My whole life has been preparation for this!”
“Only you would see having to prove to the police that you’re psychic by solving a high profile missing persons case as a fun challenge.  Do I need to remind you you’re not actually psychic, or are you at least still mildly self-aware?” Bodhi asks.
“Bodhi, don’t be an under-whipped meringue! I know what I’m doing!” Jyn says, and he has to admit, he can’t remember the last time she was this excited about anything. “Now, do you want to go interrogate some fancy white people with me, or not? I bet they own some Baroque art or whatever that you can nerd out about while I investigate.”
“Jyn, I can’t,” Bodhi says, and he thinks he sees Jyn’s face fall, just for a second, before she quickly hides her reaction. “I have to get back to office, I have a million calls to return. I can’t get involved with one of your crazy schemes today, I’ve lost enough time already.”
As soon as it’s out of his mouth, he knows it was the wrong thing to say. He and Jyn don’t fight, not really, and any spats they do have are over as quickly as they begin, usually because they start punching each other and get it out of their systems. What does happen occasionally, though, is that Jyn will shut him out—when she feels rejected in any way, or when she’s going through her own stuff that she doesn’t want to talk about. Bodhi sees the neutral mask that immediately goes over her features and he knows she’s upset by what he’s just said.
“Jyn—” he starts to say, reaching for her.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jyn interrupts, already looking around for her exit, instead of looking at him. “I’m gonna get a cab. I’ll talk to you later.”
As she passes by, she claps Bodhi on the shoulder and then she’s gone.
Just like they don’t fight, he and Jyn also don’t apologize. It took some getting used to in the beginning for Bodhi, a naturally nervous person for whom apologizing—even when nothing is his fault—is just a reflex.  Jyn, on the other hand, never apologizes for anything. If the phrase “I’m sorry” comes out of her mouth, it’s always a transitional phrase at best, and sarcastic at worst. Over the years, Bodhi has warmed to Jyn’s way of dealing with things. On the rare occasions they do actually fight, Jyn will disappear for a few days and then resume contact as if nothing ever happened. She just needs time and space to get over herself sometimes.  And once she has, she doesn’t hold a grudge, at least not when it comes to him. Old issues don’t come back up in arguments years later with her, the way they do in Bodhi’s other relationships. It’s a fault he’ll readily admit he has as well, never letting old grievances go, so it’s probably just as well Jyn isn’t like that with him. Maybe, every once in a while, they actually do bring out the best in each other.
All of this is to say, when Bodhi doesn’t hear from Jyn for three days after their conversation outside of the police station, he’s not actually worried. It’s pretty standard behavior from her, and, even without their weird conflict, they don’t always talk everyday anyway. There’s the niggling concern in the back of his mind that she’s working on a case, and she could actually be in danger and that’s why he hasn’t heard from her, but it’s not enough to really drive him to distraction.
Still, his relief when he gets a call from her on that third day is immediate and a little overwhelming. It’s short-lived, however, when he hears how tired she sounds on the phone and when she asks, tentatively, if he’ll come pick her up because her bike broke down on some isolated back road. His keys are in his hand before he even hangs up and the next thing he knows he’s calling over his shoulder to the woman at the front desk that he’ll be out all afternoon with a family emergency.
It’s nearly forty minutes later that Bodhi actually finds her, because, while Jyn did her best to explain where she was, she is stranded on a truly deserted back road and there’s no landmarks nearby for reference. When he arrives, Jyn is still trying to get her bike to start, with no success. Her jeans are covered in mud, her hands are coated with black grease from working on the motorcycle, and Bodhi is pretty sure she hasn’t brushed her hair since he saw her last. She looks a complete mess, and worry bubbles up in Bodhi’s throat just seeing her.
He pulls over, throws the car in park, and gets out in something of a daze, but he can’t actually bring himself to say a word. Anything he says will betray his concern, and there’s nothing that raises Jyn’s hackles more than being fretted over. When she makes eye contact with him, he says, “You look great,” because he can’t come up with anything else and Jyn’s face breaks into a relieved smile.
“Yeah, well, you know what they say,” she responds, gesturing at herself with one hand. “Dress for the job you want.”
“You want to be Farmer Hoggett?”
“Danny Zuko, actually,” Jyn says, waving her motor oil-stained hands at him. She follows up the gesture with a heavy sigh, and all the energy seems to drain out of her at once.
“You’ve only been a fake psychic detective for three days, Jyn,” Bodhi jokes. “You can’t be tired of it already.”
“Watch me,” she says through a yawn. “And I may be a fake psychic, but I’m a real detective, thank you very much.”
“You have the bags under your eyes to prove it,” Bodhi says, the only way he can think of to bring up her disheveled state.
“Thanks, they’re vintage.”
“I thought so,” Bodhi replies, and then he decides they’ve goofed around enough, given the situation. “Seriously, Jyn, what happened? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” she says, reflexively. “I hurt my knee when the bike crapped out, but that’s that worst of it. I just need a ride home, so I can change my clothes and keep working on the case.”
Bodhi wants to ask more questions, but he knows Jyn is probably frustrated enough as it is and she’ll probably be more inclined to talk once they’re on their way.
“Okay,” he says, inclining his head towards his car. When Jyn starts to move towards him, he asks, “What are you going to do about your bike?”
“I got a guy coming to pick it up. He’ll bring it home for me,” Jyn says, as Bodhi holds open the passenger side door for her.
“You should bring it to a mechanic.”
“You should suck it,” Jyn counters. “I can fix my own bike.”
“Clearly,” Bodhi says, gesturing at the dejected looking motorcycle behind them. Jyn scowls at him from her seat as he closes the car door.
Once he’s back in the driver’s seat and they’re on their way back to Santa Barbara, Bodhi looks over at Jyn. Up close, she looks even more exhausted than he initially thought.
“When was the last time you slept?” He wonders aloud.
Jyn gives the appearance of thinking it over before saying, “When did we last see each other?”
“Three days ago.”
“Sometime before that, then.”
“Good grief,” Bodhi mutters. “How are you even alive right now?”
“I’m not. I’m a ghost. I’ve been a ghost this whole time,” Jyn says, drily.
“How dare I care about your well being,” he says, shaking his head bitterly.
For once, the guilt trip actually seems to have an effect on Jyn, because she sobers a little and says, “You’d be amazed what a great motivator the threat of jail time can be.”
“I honestly forgot all about that,” Bodhi says, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Really? You?”
“I guess I just had no doubt you’d solve the damn thing,” he replies, with a shrug. “You’re Jyn. You’ve never met a crazy situation you couldn’t get yourself out of.”
When he chances another look in her direction, she’s looking back at him with a serious expression. “Your faith in me is undeserved,” she says. “But appreciated.”
“Anything for you,” Bodhi says, and he means it. They’re always going to be there for each other; it’s what best friends are for.
They drive in companionable silence for a few minutes, and Bodhi wonders how he’s going to get her to tell him about the case. He doesn’t have long to worry about it, though, because the next thing he knows, he sees flashing lights in his rear view mirror and hears a siren blaring.
“Jyn,” Bodhi says warningly as he pulls over. “What did you do?”
When he looks over at her, however, she looks just as confused as Bodhi feels. This must be a surprise to her as well.
Still, Bodhi can’t help but add, “You better tell me now, so we can get our stories straight.”
“I have no idea what’s going on,” Jyn says, shrugging. She reaches over and gives his arm a squeeze, then adds, “But I’m glad to have you on my side.”
The cop who’s just pulled them over taps on the window, and Bodhi does his best not to jump. He rolls down the window.
“Good afternoon, officer. What can I do for you?” Bodhi asks, trying to sound casual and definitely failing.
“License and registration,” the cop says, and Bodhi hurries to oblige. He hands over the items, but the cop is looking at Jyn very intently.
“You look familiar,” he says to her.
“I was the model for the Morton’s Salt Girl,” Jyn says immediately, and Bodhi has to suppress the urge to smack her.
The officer looks up from Bodhi’s license when she speaks. “Hey, that’s it. You’re Lyra’s kid, aren’t you?” He asks, finally cracking a smile.
“Guilty as charged,” Jyn says with a rueful smile, and Bodhi has to resist the urge to smack her again. He settles for glaring at her instead.
“I worked with your mom for a long time, right up until she retired,” the officer says, his whole demeanor changed to one of friendliness. “How’s she doing?”
“Oh, you know. She’s in Miami. Livin la vida loca, and all that,” Jyn says, casually, as if she’s spoken to her mother mother recently, which Bodhi knows for a fact she hasn’t.
The officer, for his part, looks confused. “Is that so?” He asks. “Because I saw her at the Safeway just last month.”
“She was just visiting,” Jyn lies, automatically.
“She told me she was moving back to the old house,” the cop says.
“Well, you’re just remarkably well informed, aren’t you?” Jyn says, feigning sweetness.
“Uh, is there a problem here, officer?” Bodhi asks, trying to distract the cop from asking Jyn any more questions.
“One of your tail lights is out,” the officer says, turning his attention back to Bodhi reluctantly. “You need to get that fixed,” he adds, handing Bodhi back his license and registration.
“Absolutely, sir. I will. Right away,” Bodhi says eagerly.
The officer nods. “Alright, then. You two have a good rest of your day, now. And tell your mom Officer Macklin says hello,” he adds to Jyn.
“You got it,” Jyn says, already turning away from him.
The cop heads back to his own car and Bodhi pulls away carefully. It isn’t until the cop car is a tiny, retreating speck in the rear view mirror that Bodhi chances speaking to Jyn.
“Your mom is back in Santa Barbara?” He asks carefully.
“Apparently,” Jyn says with an unconvincing shrug. She’s looking down at her phone instead of meeting his eye.
“You want me to bring you to her house instead?” Bodhi asks, looking back and forth between her and the road.
“No need. Liverpool has a match today,” Jyn says, looking up from her phone. “And there’s only one bar in town that will put football on the TV. Take your next right.”
If anyone were to ask him, Bodhi would say he loves Jyn’s parents like they’re his own, but he’s also pretty glad that they’re not. Growing up, he spent a lot of time at Jyn’s house and he got to know Galen and Lyra Erso fairly well. He’d always been closer to Jyn’s dad, who was always interested in Bodhi’s school projects and honors classes. They had a lot of similar interests, which couldn’t be said of Bodhi and his father. Bodhi loves his dad, and he knows his dad loves him, but they don’t always have a lot to talk about. So it was nice to talk to Galen, every now and then, and imagine what it would be like.
Jyn, for her part, was always closer with her dad too, but, because his job had him traveling a lot, she spent a lot more time with her mother, whose odd hours as a cop meant she could be around for her kid more often than her husband could. Lyra is hard to describe; she’s not a particularly warm person, but she is undeniably generous and invested in others. That’s always been Bodhi’s experience, at least. For the longest time, he assumed Jyn’s mother hated him, as she never seemed happy to see him. It took time for him to realize that she showed affection more practically than that. She has never forgotten a single thing Bodhi has ever told her, he’s pretty sure, which is how she remembers things like his mom’s birthday and her favorite kind of flowers to send every year, and how, all through his high school years, she knew his top choice colleges—in order—by heart after he mentioned them to her once.  Much like he came around to Jyn’s unique personality, Bodhi eventually realized that Lyra’s intense questions and no-nonsense attitude were the product of her caring very deeply, rather than not caring at all. It was easier for him, though. She wasn’t his actual mother and if she ever got to be too much for him, he could just go home. Jyn didn’t have that option.
For as long as he can remember, Jyn and her mother have been like oil and water; they just do not mix. It would be easy to blame the animosity on Jyn’s parents’ divorce when she and Bodhi were in high school, but the conflicts between Jyn and Lyra were going on long before that. Jyn has always resented her mother for raising her basically from birth to become a cop, without taking her daughter’s personality or interests into account. When her parents separated, things only got worse, especially when her parents agreed, without consulting her, that she would live full time with her mother. From there, Jyn’s rebellious streak only got worse and as soon as she turned eighteen, she was out of her mother’s house.
About a year ago, Lyra retired early from the police force and moved all the way to Miami. Bodhi
never expected Jyn to come back to Santa Barbara permanently, but if there was one thing that didn’t surprise him about her return, it was that she waited until her mother was gone to do so.  
But Lyra was back now too. The proof was right in front of them as they entered the pub. Jyn’s mother was sitting alone at a table near the bar with a full beer in front of her, her eyes on the television that was set to the football match.
Jyn makes an annoyed noise in the back of her throat, which brings Bodhi’s attention back to her. “What is it? What’s the matter?”
“Nothing, it’s just—” Jyn pauses to roll her eyes. “She’s such a cop, that’s all. I mean, she can see every possible exit from her seat. Does she ever take a day off?”
“She’s retired,” Bodhi points out.
“You can’t retire from being a pain in the ass.”
“That’s lovely, Jyn,” Bodhi says. “You ought to cross-stitch that on a pillow.”
“And you ought to suck it,” Jyn shoots back, pleasantly.
“No, I insist. You suck it,” he replies, and throws his arm out in an after you gesture.
Jyn shakes her head at him. “Here we go,” she says, like she’s approaching an executioner, and not her mother.
As they cross from the door to where Jyn’s mother is sitting, something occurs to Bodhi. “Wait, what do I call her?” He asks suddenly.
“What are you talking about?” Jyn asks under her breath.
“I normally call her Mrs. Erso, but your parents are divorced now, yeah?”
“Funny story,” Jyn says, though the grim look on her face says otherwise. “They’re actually not.”
“Wait, what? It’s been, like, 10 years!”
“Believe me, I know.”
“So, what are they, if not divorced?”
“Hella estranged,” Jyn says with a shrug.
“Is that the legal term?” Bodhi asks, unamused.
“Seriously, what do I call her, Jyn?”
“I don’t know, dude. Call her Deputy Dog, for all I care,” Jyn whisper-shouts at him. By then, they’ve reached her mother’s table, and Jyn says, “Hey, Mom!” as if she’s surprised to see her there. In her mother’s favorite pub. Where they specifically came looking for her.
“Jyn,” her mom says with a nod. Bodhi’s fairly certain she saw them come in. Hell, she might have spotted them before they got to the door. She’s that good. “Hello, Bodhi. How are you?” she says, turning her attention to him and offering her hand to shake.
“Hello, Mrs. Erso,” he responds. She has the strongest handshake of anyone he knows. It’s like she took a seminar or something. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Are you still working in pharmaceuticals?” she asks, taking a sip of her beer.
“Good for you. It’s nice to see some young people are able to hold down a job for more than six months.”
Jyn rolls her eyes at the obvious dig in her direction. Bodhi coughs to mask his discomfort and mumbles a response.
“Bodhi would ask about how Miami is treating you, but, unfortunately, you’re not in Miami. You’re here,” Jyn says, her voice pitchy with annoyance.
“I didn’t care for Miami,” Lyra says simply. “Too humid. Too many nightclubs. I got bored.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me you were coming back because…?”
“You would have to call me on occasion to know anything about my life, dear,” Lyra says. “Or return my calls. But you don’t. Besides, if I had told you, I’m sure you would have scurried off to some new town to get away from me as soon as you found out.” When Jyn doesn’t say anything in response, Lyra asks, “Am I wrong?”
Jyn only shrugs in return. “I guess we’ll never know, will we?” She says, after a long pause.
“Indeed,” Lyra says, giving her daughter’s appearance an unimpressed glance. “What happened to you?” She asks.
Jyn looks down at her clothes, which are still covered in mud from earlier. “Oh, this? This is the fashion, Mom. All the kids are doing it.” When Lyra continues to look at her expectantly, Jyn relents and says, “My bike broke down on this muddy back road. I was trying to fix it, but Bodhi had to come get me.”
“I hate that stupid bike,” Lyra says. “You should get a reliable car. Like Bodhi has.”
“Bodhi has a company car, Mom,” Jyn says, exasperated. “And it looks like a blueberry.”
“Hey,” Bodhi interjects. “My car is nice.”
Jyn waves him off as her mother asks, “And you have nothing better to do on a weekday than drive around on your motorcycle? Do you even have a job?”
“As a matter of fact, I do,” Jyn says, as she pulls out the seat across from her mother and drops into it, “I happen to be working for the SBPD. On a case. And an important one at that!”
Bodhi doesn’t point out that the police aren’t paying her and that she’ll go to jail if she fails, mostly because he knows that Jyn just said it to get a reaction out of her mother. And she certainly gets it. Lyra’s face drops and she asks, astonished, “You? Working for the police?”
“Just like you always wanted,” Jyn says, leaning back in her seat triumphantly.
“I wanted you to become a cop. A real police officer,” Lyra says sharply. “Am I right in assuming that’s not what happened?”
“I’m consulting,” Jyn says, which is being awfully generous, Bodhi thinks to himself.
“And why would they want you to consult on a case?”
“Because,” Jyn begins, and Bodhi can see her trying to figure out what to tell her mother that will be easier than the truth. She sighs, closing her eyes, bracing herself. “Because I told them I was psychic.”
Lyra blinks a few times, very quickly, but otherwise shows no signs of shock. “You did what now?” She finally asks.
“I’ve been calling in tips to the police, stuff I’ve noticed from the news or the paper, using the skills you taught me,” Jyn explains. “But the last time, I gave them my name, by accident. And they kind of thought I was responsible for the crime. I told them I was psychic so they wouldn’t arrest me.”
“And then they just hired you to work on a case?” Lyra asks, disbelieving. “No questions asked?”
“Basically,” Jyn says with a shrug. Once again, she conveniently leaves out the part where she’ll be arrested if she doesn’t solve the case, but Bodhi still thinks it’s better not to mention it.
Lyra, for her part, seems to know Jyn isn’t telling her the whole story and she’s clearly weighing whether it’s worth interrogating her daughter further. “That department has really gone downhill since I left,” she says instead.
“Thanks, Mom.”
“So why are you here?”
“What do you mean?” Jyn asks. “I heard from Officer Macklemore—”
“Macklin,” Bodhi corrects.
“I’ve heard it both ways,” Jyn says to him, before looking back at her mother. “Anyway, I heard from Officer Macbook that you were back in town, and I came to confront you about it.”
“How is Macklin, anyway? Last time I saw him, his arthritis was acting up and giving him a lot of trouble,” Lyra says.
“How would I know anything about his arthritis?” Jyn asks impatiently. “All he said was to tell you hi from him.”
“Well, that’s very nice of him,” Lyra says pleasantly.
“What, Jyn?” Lyra suddenly snaps. “You expect me to believe that you actually came here because you were so upset that I hadn’t told you I was back in town. Do you think I’m stupid? I know you don’t care! So, you can either tell me what you really want from me, or we can keep talking about my old coworker’s joint problems. Either way suits me fine.”
The silence that follows Lyra’s outburst is excruciatingly awkward. Jyn has a look on her face that Bodhi has never seen before, and he’s pretty sure it’s because she’s about to burst into tears. In their time as friends, Bodhi has seen Jyn go through some shit, including some truly awful arguments with her mother, but he’s never once seen her cry. He has no idea what to do in this situation—will reaching out for her make it worse? Should they just leave? Before he can do anything, though, Jyn drops her head into her hands and sighs.
“I can’t figure it out,” she says, shakily. “I cannot figure this damn case out. I mean, I found the bodies and everything, but it still doesn’t make sense. The cops think it’s a murder-suicide, open and shut. But it doesn’t feel right and I can’t prove otherwise.”
Lyra is looking at Jyn intently, waiting for her to say more, but she doesn’t. She just sits there, head in hands, looking small and exhausted. After what feels like an eternity, Lyra speaks. “How many hats?” She asks quietly.
Jyn takes her hands away from her face to glare at her mother. “What?”
“How many hats are there in the room?” Lyra asks again, even more calmly.
“I heard you. I just can’t believe you want me to do this right now!”
“You’re out of practice, and you’ve gotten soft. That’s why you can’t solve the case,” Lyra suggests with a shrug. “Now, tell me how many hats.”
“Mom, this is a stupid game from when I was a kid. I’m not gonna—”
“If you can’t do it, just say so.”
“Ten,” Jyn says, not breaking eye contact.
“Go on, then. And don’t cheat.”
Jyn sighs, a deep, frustrated noise, and closes her eyes. “Four baseball caps on the guys at the bar,” she says. “The couple in the booth at the back are both wearing cowboy hats; his is leather, hers is straw. The family at the table in the corner have a baby in a sun hat and a boy in one of those rainbow beanies with the spinner on top, which I didn’t even know existed in real life, so that’s interesting. There’s a captain’s hat hanging on the wall with all of the other junk that counts as decor in this godforsaken place. And when we came in, the chef was out talking to the bartender and he was wearing a hat. I assume we were going from when we walked in, yeah?” Jyn asks smugly.
Lyra nods and smiles. “You missed one,” she says.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did. The woman at the bar.”
Jyn doesn’t even look. “She’s wearing a visor. A visor isn’t a hat.”
“What is it, then?”
“Ugly,” Jyn says, simply. “And it’s red, because I know that’s what you’re going to ask next.”
“Not bad,” Lyra admits.
“I’m not out of practice,” Jyn says fiercely. “I’m as sharp as I’ve ever been.”
“You just needed to focus on something else, instead of the case,” Lyra says. “You were getting so bogged down in the particulars that you couldn’t think straight. Happened to me all the time, when I was on the force. I’ll bet your mind feels clearer now, doesn’t it?”
Jyn blinks at her mother in disbelief. “Were you actually being helpful just now?” She asks.
“Believe it or not, I’m usually trying to help you, Jyn. Even when you think I’m not.”
Jyn looks at her mother for a long moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. Suddenly, she slaps her palm on the table and turns to Bodhi. “I need you to bring me to the police station,” she says, urgently.
“Did you figure it out?” He asks.
“No, but I’m going to. I just need to look at the case file again.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“I know a guy,” Jyn says vaguely.
“Alright. Do you want to go home and change first?” Bodhi asks, gesturing at her still-muddy clothing.
“What? No! Honestly, I think I might be onto something. This is a Look, right here,” Jyn says, standing up.
“If you say so,” Bodhi says, as she starts pulling him towards the door.
They don’t make it far, however, before Jyn stops suddenly. She turns halfway back to her mother, looking completely lost. A moment of deliberation passes before Jyn says, “Thanks, Mom.”
Lyra looks up at her daughter and surprise flashes across her face, briefly. She raises her beer in salute and Jyn smiles.
“To the blueberry!” She shouts at Bodhi, and links their arms together.
“We’re not calling it that,” he says, only to be ignored. “Jyn, I’m serious!”
Jyn pushes the door open and drags him out into the night, still paying his complaints no mind.
“Sorry, I’m still not clear on why he’d be willing to help us,” Bodhi says, keeping his voice low so as not to attract any further notice from the other cops at the precinct.
“Quid pro quo,” Jyn says, kicking her feet up on the desk in front of her. “I helped him, he’ll help me.”
“He said that?”
“His eyes did.”
“What did his mouth say?” Bodhi asks, suppressing an eye roll.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t listening. I was too busy staring longingly into his eyes.”
“You’re ridiculous,” he says, shaking his head. “How exactly did you help him?”
“I solved that stupid armed robbery case for him,” Jyn says.
“You did?” Bodhi asks. “That’s amazing. Doesn’t that mean they can’t arrest you for it now?”
“They can’t arrest me for that, but they can arrest me for obstruction still.”
“Damn. So who was the guy’s partner?”
“Ah, that’s the thing,” Jyn says, relishing her Poirot moment a little too much. “He didn’t have one.”
“He made it up, to get the immunity deal. Created this whole shadowy figure who masterminded all the robberies to stall the police and he took a gamble that they’d believe him. It was complete bullshit.”
“How did you figure that out?” Bodhi asks, astonished.
“Miss Erso is extremely well-versed in the art of bullshit,” a voice says from behind him. He turns to see Detective Andor approaching them with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Oh, Detective. I’ve asked you to call me Jyn, and I meant it,” Jyn says, her face lighting up with mischief.
“And I’ve never asked you for anything, so I don’t really understand what you’re doing here,” he shoots back. “And with your feet on my desk, no less!”
Jyn swings her feet off the desk and onto the floor in one graceful motion. “You need to lighten up, Detective, or you’re gonna go gray prematurely,” she says. “Then again, you’d look distinguished, so maybe it’s worth it.”
“What can I do for you, Miss Erso?” He asks, looking tired.
“Jyn. And I need to see the file for the McCallum case.”
“Can’t you see it with your third eye?”
“Would you look at that?” Jyn says to Bodhi, gesturing at Detective Andor. “He’s handsome and funny! If he has a good job, I’m putting a ring on it.”
Bodhi is about to roll his eyes at Jyn’s antics, but out of the corner of his eye, he sees Detective Andor crack a smile. Maybe Jyn’s antics aren’t as unwelcome as he thought after all.
“As flattered as I am, how do you know I’m not spoken for?” Detective Andor asks.
“I saw it with my third eye,” Jyn says, and he laughs.
“Mm. Good one. No, really. Do your,” he gestures at her with his coffee mug, “psychic thing. On me.”
Jyn’s eyebrows shoot up at that and Bodhi can see her resisting the urge to turn the detective’s statement into a dirty joke. “I don’t have to,” she says, finally.
“I don’t have to ‘do my psychic thing’,” Jyn says, using air quotes. “Anyone with eyes could see that you're single.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah. First of all, you’re a cop, just like my mother. It didn’t help her in the romance department, either,” Jyn says, like she’s letting him in on a secret. “You lot work all the time, hence the bags under your eyes and the fact that you’re here right now, on a Friday night.”
“I could be leaving,” he suggests.
“You have coffee. At 8 PM.”
“Could be decaf.”
“It isn’t,” Jyn says with certainty. “You’re about to pull an all nighter to work on a case. And then you’ll eventually go home to your lonely bachelor pad and eat a meal for one you picked up in the freezer section because you’re ‘too busy’ to cook for yourself. How am I doing?”
“You’re close,” Detective Andor says, trying to be evasive. “But I could have a spouse who’s okay with me working Friday nights.”
“You could,” Jyn allows. “But you also don’t wear a ring.”
“Maybe I just don’t wear it at work.”
“That’s a possibility. But I don’t think so.” Jyn pauses for a second, watching the detective. “Come on, how’d I do?”
“Devastatingly accurate,” Detective Andor concedes. “Except for one part.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m a really good cook,” he says, sitting on his desk in the spot recently vacated by Jyn’s feet. She smiles up at him, delighted, and Bodhi’s pretty sure if he doesn’t do something they could be here all night. He clears his throat awkwardly.
Both of them startle, like they’d forgotten about him entirely. Detective Andor takes a sip of his coffee and places the mug on the desk. “What do you need the file for?” He asks, not quite looking at Jyn.
“Sometimes I do get random visions,” Jyn lies with ease. “But most of the time, my gift requires inspiration. I’m hoping something in the file will trigger it.”
“That case is basically wrapped up, though. I heard it was a murder-suicide between the McCallum kid and the guy he hired to fake his kidnapping,” Detective Andor says.
“I’m not convinced,” Jyn says seriously.
“Hey, from what I hear, they wouldn’t have found that cabin without you,” Detective Andor says, adopting a soothing tone. “Your work here is done. Don’t overthink it.”
“I’m thinking it just the right amount, thank you,” she replies. Detective Andor looks as if he is about to say something else, so she adds, quickly, “You have two options here, as I see it. You can get me that file now, or you can spend the whole night talking in circles with me, finishing none of your own work, and then you can get me the file.”
“Sounds like I’m getting you the file either way.”
“It’s just a matter of whether you have your dignity intact when you do,” Jyn says, throwing in a shrug for good measure. “Choose your own adventure, Detective,”
Detective Andor makes a big show of looking around, and then stands up. “I’ll be right back,” he says, needlessly, and walks away.
Jyn and Bodhi watch him go in silence for a few seconds, before Bodhi asks, “What’s going on there?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re flirting with cops now?”
“I was not flirting with him,” Jyn says, scandalized.
“Jyn, please.”
“I wasn’t,” she says, and she actually stamps her foot, like a child. “I can’t stand cops, you know that.”
“Right. You can’t stand that guy. You can’t stand him so much you just spent ten minutes pestering him about his marital status,” Bodhi says, unimpressed.
“He asked me to!”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong. He can’t stand you either. He can’t stand the idea of making you dinner in his tiny, sad apartment and he can’t stand the idea of having beautiful, hyper-observant children with you someday.”
“Bodhi,” Jyn says, slapping at him ineffectually. She’s laughing too hard to do so accurately.
“It’s one thing to seduce and abandon half the food service professionals in Santa Barbara, Jyn, but please don’t start sleeping with cops and never calling them again. My heart can’t take it,” Bodhi says, only half joking.
“I’m not gonna sleep with him,” Jyn replies, looking offended.
“Uh huh.”
“I’m not! Jesus!”
“You, Jyn Erso, are a bisexual menace to society,” he says gravely.
“I’m a bisexual philanthropist, thank you very much, and you, Bodhi Rook, can suck it,” she shoots back easily and lands a solid slap on his arm.
They’re still scuffling like that when Detective Andor returns and drops a file on the desk in front of Jyn. Her face lights up and she tears into the folder with enthusiasm. In addition to Jyn’s many other gifts, she’s also a very fast reader, so she makes short work of scanning through the entire file on the McCallum case. She flops back in the chair once she’s done with the last page, and Bodhi is pretty sure that’s not a good sign.
“Nothing?” He asks.
“Nothing,” Jyn confirms. She rubs her eyes. “I don’t even know what I’m looking for. It’s just that...something doesn’t feel right.”
“How so?” Detective Andor asks.
“It’s just a vibe I have.”
“This is some sort of psychic thing? Vibes?”
“You don’t get vibes? I thought everybody got those,” Jyn says.
“I’ve always thought of it more as intuition,” Detective Andor says with a shrug. “It’s not really a spiritual thing.”
“Well, the spirits are telling me there’s more to this case than meets the eye.”
“Your spirits can’t be more specific?”
“Apparently not,” Jyn says, closing the case file with more force than is really necessary. She tosses it gently back to Detective Andor. “Thanks, anyway.”
“Look, if you don’t mind me saying so, this could all be in your head,” he says. When Jyn gives him an annoyed look, he continues, “Hear me out. This probably isn’t the way you saw this case shaking out. Maybe it’s not that you missed something, or that there’s some cosmic imbalance afoot. Maybe you’re just disappointed. But that’s the work. You’ll have to get used to it if you want to keep doing this.”
“Keep doing what?”
“Consulting. You lead us right to the bodies. It might not be the way anyone wanted the case to end up, but you helped solve it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Interim Chief Mothma wanted to use you again.”
Jyn shakes her head. ���You know what I still can’t wrap my head around?” She asks, rather than address what Detective Andor has said.
“How to accept a compliment?” Detective Andor suggests.
“Technically, everything you just said was a fact. None of it was actual praise,” Jyn says. Detective Andor gives her a half-smile and motions for her to continue. “What I don’t understand is why everyone thought this McCallum kid had finally turned his life around. From what I hear, this wasn’t his first try at it. He’d screwed it up before. And you even have a report in there of an incident between him and his father that got so heated the neighbors called the cops to intervene. Why was everyone in that family so surprised that this guy was still up to his old bullshit?”
“People can change,” Detective Andor says simply.
“You don’t honestly believe that, do you?” Jyn asks. When he just shrugs in response, she says, “But you’re a cop!”
“And I wouldn’t be one if I didn’t think this work could make a difference in someone’s life,” he says. “The McCallums didn’t think their son had changed. They hoped he had.”
“Lot of good that did them.”
“Better than the alternative, right? I’d rather hope for the best, than anticipate the worst all the time.”
“That’s a terrible way for a cop to think!”
“I didn’t say that’s the way I actually think,” he says. “Just that it’s how I would rather think.”
“You’re full of shit,” Jyn says, but she looks amused. Fond, even.
“See if I ever help you again,” Detective Andor says, gesturing at her with the case file. “I’m going to put this back before someone misses it,” he adds, and takes off, leaving Jyn and Bodhi alone again.
“That was a very tender moment between you two. I’m glad I got to be here for it,” Bodhi says, for lack of anything better to contribute.
Jyn snorts. “Shut up,” she says, but the expression on her face says her thoughts are still far off.
“Did it help?” Bodhi asks, nudging her with his foot.
“What?” Jyn says, turning her attention to him.
“Anything Detective Andor just said.”
“Oh, no.” Jyn responds, then winces. “I mean, it’s not bad advice, but I just can’t get over this feeling that I’m missing something. I just don’t believe it, you know? That this rich kid botched his own kidnapping so badly that his dirtbag partner turned on him, killed him, and then killed himself because he couldn’t live with the guilt. Oh, and speaking of guilt, this kid’s strict father felt so badly about his son’s disappearance that he apparently tried to kill himself too? Even though he tried to write his son out of his will for being a fuck up? Like, none of it adds up. It doesn’t feel right at all.”
“Wait, what happened with his father?”
“He had this will drawn up—”
“No, you told me about that. You didn’t mention his suicide attempt.”
“Oh, well, I don’t know that for sure,” Jyn says. “When I visited the McCallum house, Mr. McCallum had a bandage on his wrist and he got antsy when I asked him about it. But I overheard some of the help talking and they were saying he tried to kill himself after his son disappeared.”
“So that’s all speculation,” Bodhi says.
“Well, yeah.”
“But you don’t believe it?”
“I mean, it could be anything, really. I tried to look through their medicine cabinets to see if I saw anything that would suggest what kind of injury it was, but it was mostly generic stuff, like ibuprofen and allergy medicine. The only name I didn’t recognize was Zin...Zinfandel?”
“That’s a wine, Jyn.”
“Damn it. Uh, Zin… zinacef? Is that something?”
“Yeah. Zinacef is a brand name for cefuroxime. It’s an antibiotic.”
“Yeah, for people who are allergic to penicillin.”
“And why would they prescribe it?”
“Like most antibiotics, to treat an infection,” Bodhi says. “And if he had an injury to his wrist, it’s probably because the doctor was worried that the source of the cut could have infected him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, if he cut himself on, I don’t know, a rusted nail or something. Although you’d be more worried about Tetanus in that situation. Maybe an animal bite? Like a cat or a—”
“A dog?” Jyn suggests, interrupting him. Her eyes are wide and she’s leaning forward in her seat.
“Sure,” Bodhi says, shrugging. “Why? Does that mean something?”
“Yeah, it does! McCallum Jr.’s friend who helped him fake the kidnapping had a dog. I saw it at the cabin. It all makes sense now!” Jyn practically shouts.
“It does?”
“Yes! Bodhi, you’re a genius!” She says, grabbing his face in both her hands.
“I am?” Bodhi says.
“Yes, you are!”
“That’s nice. But please don’t kiss me. Your cop boyfriend is coming back and I don’t want him to tase me in a jealous rage.”
Jyn lets him go. “I wasn’t going to kiss you, and Detective Andor is definitely not going to tase you,” she says, rolling her eyes.
“I notice you didn’t deny that he was your boyfriend, though.”
“You’re a child!”
“Takes one to know one!” Bodhi shoots back. Jyn reaches out as if to slap him, but he quickly says, “Look alive, he’s on his way over.”
“Shit, I gotta make up a vision,” Jyn says. “This fake psychic thing is way harder than it looks on TV.”
“Yeah, we all feel real sorry for you.”
Jyn glares at him in response as she raises her hand to her forehead in what’s becoming her default faking-a-vision pose. “Help me out,” she says, under her breath, as Detective Andor reappears.
“Oh, Detective Andor, thank goodness you’re back,” Bodhi says, hoping he sounds genuine. He’s doesn’t consider himself to be the world’s best liar. “I think she’s having a vision.”
Detective Andor, for his part, still looks utterly bewildered by the whole thing, so it’s Jyn who actually has to speak up. “I’ve seen our killer,” she says, completely serious.
“You’ve seen their face?” Detective Andor asks.
“No, their wrist,” Jyn replies.
“Their wrist? What good does that do us?”
“I can see it so clearly now,” Jyn says, covering her forehead with her hands. “They found McCallum in his cabin hideout. They figured out the kidnapping was staged before we did and they went to confront him about it. There was a scuffle, between McCallum and our killer. It was an accident, they didn’t mean to kill him, it just happened!”
As Jyn speaks, she keeps her eyes closed, as if she’s actually watching this all happen behind her eyelids. Bodhi can’t help but be impressed. She’s very convincing. For all the trouble it’s caused them, maybe this fake psychic thing is truly her calling. It’s such a ridiculous idea that he’s honestly surprised it didn’t occur to her sooner.
“After McCallum died, his partner came back to the cabin with his dog to find the killer still there. Our killer shoots him and stages it to look like a suicide, effectively pinning McCallum’s death on him instead, but not before the dog bites them and gets a piece of their wrist.” Jyn suddenly opens her eyes and sits back, her face clear of the anguish of her “vision”. She looks at Detective Andor and asks, “Do you know anyone with a mysterious wrist injury?”
Detective Andor blinks at her in disbelief for a few seconds before realization dawns. Then, he quickly reaches for his keys on the desk. “We have to get to the McCallum residence. I’ll call for backup on the way,” he says, and he’s already heading for the exit.
“Are we supposed to follow you?” Jyn shouts after him.
“Yes, let’s go.”
“Alright,” Jyn says, standing up and smacking Bodhi on the knee. “You heard the man. Let’s go catch a murderer.”
“Today has been the weirdest day of my life,” Bodhi says, shaking his head but following after Jyn anyway.
“And it’s not even over yet,” Jyn says with excitement. She loops their arms together once more as they leave the precinct.
There’s a light drizzle falling from the sky as Bodhi stands on the front yard of the McCallum residence. Just like Jyn said at the beginning of the case, the house is beautiful and large and absolutely full to the brim with great art and other things that Bodhi would normally nerd out about. Standing there, though, on a rainy Friday night, surrounded by cop cars whose lights are making the whole place glow red and then blue on a constant loop, Bodhi can’t honestly enjoy himself too much.
Mr. McCallum Sr. had been put into a car by an astonished looking Detective Tuesso nearly twenty minutes ago, after admitting to killing his son and his accomplice. The rest of the cops on the scene are still inside taking statements from the other people in the house and getting other relevant details so that they can finally close the case. The atmosphere in there became too much for Bodhi eventually and he excused himself to wait for Jyn outside.
When she finally finds him, he’s looking up at the sky for no particular reason other than the flashing lights from the cars are starting to hurt his eyes.
“You look very emo,” Jyn says, taking in his pose as she approaches.
“You just solved a murder,” Bodhi replies.
“Yeah,” she says, with no small amount of pride in her voice.
“That guy killed his own son.”
“Yeah,” Jyn says, this time sounding somber.
“That’s…” Bodhi starts to say, but he can’t really find the words. “That’s a lot,” he finally settles on, even though it’s nonsense. Jyn will understand, he thinks.
She, of course, nods in response, before also looking up at the sky. “It is. A whole fucking lot,” she says, and he’s glad she gets it.
They stand there in silence for a moment, just listening to the rainfall and the buzz of activity coming from the house behind them. It feels like the first time in hours he’s actually relaxed, ever since he got that call from Jyn this afternoon. He can’t even imagine how she feels.
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” Jyn says, suddenly. Bodhi looks over at her only to find her already looking at him.
“Yeah, you could’ve,” he says.
Jyn shakes her head. “No. You saved the day.”
“We’re a good team,” Bodhi responds, trying to deflect her praise.
“That we are,” she agrees. “But I’ve always known that.”
“Yeah, no surprise there.”
At that moment, another police car pulls up and a few people get out. One of them, a woman, spots Jyn and walks in her direction.
“Miss Erso,” the woman calls as she approaches.
“Interim Chief Mothma,” Jyn greets her in return. “Good to see you again.”
“I believe we have you to thank for solving this case,” the Chief says.
“Oh, well, I suppose,” Jyn says. “But I had lots of help.”
Interim Chief Mothma’s eyebrows raise in surprise at that. “You did?” She asks.
“From the spirits, of course,” Jyn says, gesturing vaguely upwards.
“Of course,” the Chief echoes. “Well, thank you for your assistance,” she says, offering her hand to Jyn.
“Happy to help,” Jyn replies, shaking the other woman’s hand
“Oh, that reminds me,” Interim Chief Mothma says. “I spoke to your mother on the phone earlier.”
“You did?”
“Yes. As she’s a former member of the department, I wanted to get her take on your value as a consultant and ask her about your abilities. I have to say, you two need to get your stories straight.”
“We do?” Jyn says, and Bodhi can hear the nervousness in her voice. As for himself, he’s pretty sure he’s having a heart attack.
“Yes, you do. Your mother says that your gift didn’t present itself until you were eleven, but when you and I spoke the other day, you said you’d had your psychic abilities since birth,” the Chief says.
“That’s my mother for you,” Jyn says, easily, even though Bodhi can still see the tension in her shoulders. “She always has to undermine me! Just because she didn’t notice my abilities before I was eleven, doesn’t mean I didn’t have them. I’ve told her this a thousand times!”
“Well, I appreciated her insight,” Interim Chief Mothma says. “And I appreciate your work on this case.”
“Thank you, but I couldn’t have done it without Bodhi,” Jyn says, gesturing at him. “My chauffeur,” Jyn elaborates, for the Chief’s benefit.
“Ah, of course,” she says, looking bemused. She shakes Bodhi’s hand anyway, which gives him something to do besides elbow Jyn in the ribs. “Thank you both.”
One of the officers calls for her then, and Interim Chief Mothma leaves them with a wave. Jyn and Bodhi look after her for a few seconds before Jyn says, “That was close.”
Bodhi lets out a breath of relief. “No kidding,” he says. “I cannot take anymore stress today. I just can’t.”
“Okay, buddy. Let’s get you home,” Jyn says, patting his shoulder.
“We can leave?”
“Yeah, whenever we want. The cops are done with me for now.”
“Awesome,” Bodhi says, before he remembers the problem. “But my car is still at the precinct.”
“Oh, yeah. Cassian said he’d bring us back when we were ready.”
“Detective Andor.”
“You called him ‘Cassian.’”
“Did you think his first name was Detective?” Jyn asks, rolling her eyes at him.
“You’re on a first name basis with him now?” Bodhi asks, unable to help himself.
“Relax. It’s no big deal,” Jyn says, crossing her arms over her chest. “You can call him that too.”
“I should hope so. He’s going to be my best friend-in-law someday.”
“I hate you,” Jyn says, but she’s smiling a little. “I’m going to go find Cassian and ask him to take me back to the precinct. And I’m gonna leave you here. You can walk home, for all I care.”
“If you want some alone time with your boyfriend, all you have to do is ask,” Bodhi replies. Jyn flips him off, which is all the encouragement he needs. “You two, alone in a police cruiser. Very romantic.”
“Don’t give me ideas, Bodhi Rook,” she says, and then she turns on her heel and heads back towards the house.
Smiling to himself, Bodhi follows her.
Unsurprisingly, Bodhi doesn’t hear from Jyn for a few days after the McCallum case wraps up. He assumes she’s catching up on all the sleep she missed while she was working the case, an old habit of hers he remembers from when they were in high school. She would always wait until the last minute on projects, pull all-nighters to finish them, and then sleep for days afterwards. For all solving murders and writing research papers are completely different, Bodhi thinks that Jyn’s method of recovering is probably the same for both.
Given the amount of emotional upheaval she went through, Bodhi actually figures it will take longer for Jyn to recover after this, but it’s only Monday when he receives a text from her asking him to meet her that afternoon when he’s done at work.
Sure. At your place? He replies immediately.
No. I’ll text you the address. Her reply comes twenty minutes later.
Why are we meeting at a mystery location?
I have something I need to show you!
You’re making me nervous…
You’re always nervous. See you at 4:30.
Jyn actually remembers to text him the address about ten minutes before he’s planning on leaving the office, and the map on his phone shows that it’s right by the water, but there’s no businesses listed there. Whatever Jyn is trying to do, it’s going to be a surprise, despite Bodhi’s best efforts. He sighs, before gathering his things and heading out for the night.
It’s a short ride from his office to the address Jyn sent him and he finds himself pulling into the small parking lot of a tiny, one story office building that faces the beach. He recognizes the only other vehicle in the lot as Jyn’s motorcycle, so this must be the place. There’s a wide window on the front of the only office housed in the building and, when Bodhi gets out of his car, he sees that there’s a sign painted on the glass that reads, “PSYCH” in big letters and, underneath that in a smaller script, it says, “private psychic detective.”
“Oh, no,” he says to himself, before pulling open the door.
“Bodhi,” Jyn greets him cheerfully when he enters the room.
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Depends on who you ask,” she says. “Why? What did I do?”
“You rented office space, for your psychic detective agency! Which is a career you’ve had for less than a week! And, by the way, you’re not actually psychic!”
“Oh, that,” she says, waving a hand at him, as though his are petty concerns.
“You’re not actually naming it that, are you?” Bodhi asks.
“No, Bodhi. I just paid them to hand paint it on the window because I’m a patron of the arts with money to burn.”
“You can’t call it that,” Bodhi says, ignoring Jyn’s joke and changing tactics.
“Why not?
“Psych?” He says, hoping hearing it aloud will make her understand. When she just looks at him blankly, he adds, “As in ‘Gotcha!’”
“No. Psych, as in psychic,” Jyn says, throwing in some jazz hands for good measure.
“It doesn’t read that way.”
“Oh, whatever.”
“Actually, I have a great idea,” Bodhi says, rubbing his forehead. “What if you called it, ‘Hey, We’re Fooling You and the Police, Hope We Don’t Make a Mistake and Someone Dies Because of It.’”
“As catchy as that is, I think that would take up too much space on the window,” Jyn says seriously. “It would interrupt our ocean view and you have no idea how much that cost me.”
“Speaking of which, how did you even get this place? I know your credit score is terrible.”
“True. But yours isn’t.”
“Mine?” Bodhi asks. “What does my credit score have to do with it?”
“You co-signed the lease with me.”
“Funny, I don’t remember doing that.”
“Well, you’re a busy man. I didn’t want to bug you with the trivial details, so I signed for you,” Jyn says innocently.
“It’s not my fault that your signature is easy to forge!”
“That’s not even remotely the problem here,” Bodhi says, his annoyance clear in his voice. “What real estate agent would allow this?”
“A really terrible one.”
Bodhi groans and covers his face with his hands. Jyn crosses the room to pat him consolingly on the shoulder.
“Hey, lighten up. This is gonna be fun! You and me, solving crimes together,” she says.
That’s enough to pull Bodhi out of his despair and he gives Jyn a disbelieving look. “Jyn, what are you talking about? I already have a full-time job,” he says.
“Oh, believe me, I know. You’re always talking about it, with your steady paycheck and your dental plan and your 411K,” Jyn says bitterly.
“It’s a four-OH-one-K, Jyn.”
“I’ve heard it both ways.”
“I’m not leaving my job,” Bodhi says firmly and he sees Jyn’s face fall. “But, I can help you with cases in my spare time, if you’d like.”
“I would like,” Jyn says, smiling. “I would like very much.”
“Good. Partners?” He says, offering his fist for her to bump, which she does.
“Partners. Of course,” Jyn says, and the two of them enjoy approximately thirty seconds of peace before a noise outside catches Jyn’s attention.
“Okay, look alive,” she says, smoothing out her shirt. “Our 5 o’clock is here.”
“What?!” Bodhi asks, shocked. “You have a client already?”
“We gotta keep the lights on somehow,” Jyn replies.
“The Jyn I know has never paid an electricity bill on time in her life,” he says, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Well, maybe I’m turning over a new leaf,” Jyn says with a small smile, which Bodhi returns easily. If she’s really serious about this, he’s not going to stand in her way.
“I’m proud of you,” he says, pointing a finger at her emphatically.
She points back at him. “Thank you.”
At that moment, a young woman comes through the door, looking around cautiously. “Is this the psychic detective agency?” She asks.
“Yes, it is,” Jyn says. “And I’m the psychic detective, Jyn Erso.”
“Wow,” the young woman says, completely dazzled. She looks at Bodhi then, clearly confused as to his role.
Jyn, for her part, doesn’t miss a beat. “Allow me to introduce my associate, Burton Guster.”
Bodhi doesn’t bother correcting her, giving a small wave instead. This is his life now, after all.
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honestlypeter · 7 years
Confessions |Spider-Man: Hoco|
Summary: Peter has a crush on fem!reader, and Ned is quick to think she likes him back. Peter, however, doesn’t believe him.
A/N: Aight, so this is my first fic for this fandom. Let’s do this. Quick thing, Flash is super dicky in this one, so be prepared. Like, not creepy, just hella dick-ish.
Word Count: 2633
Warnings: cursing, that’s it, and i barely proof read this
         Peter, Ned, and Michelle were having an intense conversation about who would win: a shark or a personified tornado. Okay, maybe just Peter and Ned, because Michelle was reading her book; however, she would add in little comments every now and again. Usually, the comments would consist of insults, but Peter and Ned didn’t really mind, for she was their friend and knew it didn’t mean a thing.
“Look, all I’m saying is that a shark can’t go on land! Your argument is bogus!” Peter told his best friend, Ned.
Ned shook his head, ready to tell Peter that the shark would obviously win, because it had razor sharp teeth.
“The tornado is personified, meaning it can get hurt! It has feelings! And the small tornado would never stand a chance against a beast of the ocean!” Ned exclaimed, getting more frustrated as this conversation went on.
“Wait- we never said how big the tornado was. So you admit that if it was a big tornado-”
“Peter, shut up,” Ned said, cutting the other boy off. Peter rolled his eyes, about to continue, when Ned swatted his arm.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Okay, don’t freak out, but (Y/N) (L/N) is coming over here, and you need to act cool,” Ned explained, his voice suddenly a lot lower.
“Dude, no way, why would she- holy shit, you’re right.”
Peter’s chest tightened as he saw the most beautiful girl in school walking towards him and his friends. As she got closer, Peter started breathing heavier, his mind swarming through all the embarrassing outcomes that could come from the interaction he was about to have. When she finally got to their table, which to Peter took years because it felt like he was watching her in slow motion, she sat down.
“Hey, you guys!” (Y/N) said, all eyes on her, even Michelle’s.
“H-Hey, (Y/N),” Peter squeaked, eyes widening. Puberty was going to be the death of him. The other two said hi, Ned giving her a small smile, and Michelle returning back to her book.
“Soooo, whatcha guys talkin’ about?” (Y/N) asked, seeming genuinely interested in their conversation,”You seemed to be pretty heated.”
“Oh uh- n-nothing-”
“Sharks and torandos! Like, who would win in a fight. A personified tornado or a shark.” Ned informed (Y/N). It was Peter’s turn to whack Ned’s arm for confessing to talking about such a stupid topic.
“Oh! That’s cool. Which team are you guys on?” wondered (Y/N).
“I’m on Team Shark,” Ned said confidently, proud of his answer.
“I, uh,” stuttered Peter,”I’m on Team Tornado.”
“Hm, interesting,” (Y/N) said, tapping her manicured nails on the table.
“Why is that interesting?” Peter asked, surprising himself, Ned, and Michelle, with how calm his voice came out.
“Because, well, how do I put this lightly? You’re both wrong.”
Peter and Ned glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes, both unsure of where the conversation was about to go.
“I mean, c’mon. Clearly, sharks and tornados would team up to destroy humanity. Haven’t you seen the cinematic masterpiece known as Sharknado? Sharks would be pissed that humans were in the ocean- because let’s be real here, we’re the ones infesting the waters, not them! They’re the ones that live- sorry, that’s a whole other conversation. Uhm, where was I?” Peter was about to help (Y/N) find her train of thought, but she got there before he could,”Oh! So, sharks would be pissed, and tornados are just ready to fight. Basically, tornados are the muscle, sharks are the brains, and together, they’re unstoppable.”
Ned’s jaw was dropped, Peter’s jaw was dropped, and Michelle simply looked impressed.
“But uh, I came here for a reason other than to school you on sharks and tornados. Liz is having a party on Saturday, and I wanted to invite you guys,” (Y/N) said, smiling brightly. But when they all just stared at her, the smile faltered and she quickly went to her own rescue.
“But you totally don’t have to come if you don’t want to! I mean, obviously, but-”
“(Y/N), we’re going.”
(Y/N) looked at Michelle, who had spoken.
“Okay! Awesome! Uhm- let me just give you guys my phone number and you can text me and I’ll give you the details…does anyone have paper and a pencil?”
Ned and Peter scrambled to search for paper and pencil, but Michelle already had the items out, so she pushed them towards (Y/N). Quickly, (Y/N) wrote down her number, before getting up and telling them all goodbye.
Peter and Ned stared at the ten digits in front of them.
“What the fu-”
Before the sentence was finished, the bell rang, indicating that lunch was over and to head back to class.
“Dude, I swear (Y/N) has been looking at you ever since she invited us to the party,” Ned said excitedly. Peter glanced up at at the girl who sat across the lunchroom. She was, in fact, looking over at their table.
“Wha- no. She’s probably looking at you,” Peter told his friend, a frown on his face. There was no way the iconic (Y/N) friggin’ (L/N) was looking at the not-so iconic Peter Parker.
“Have you seen me? I’m like-”
“Hey!” Peter interjected before his friend could deprecate himself,”you are a handsome guy, Ned! You have just as much of a chance with (Y/N) as any other person.”
Ned smiled at his friend, feeling better about his appearance. Peter was right, Ned was quite a catch.
“Thanks, man! But honestly dude, she’s totally into you.”
         Peter sat at his desk, working on his advanced geometry homework. Peter rarely hated being in advanced classes, but when it’s an advanced class that’s meant for the grade higher than your’s as well- it’s hell. To Peter, it felt like everyone was judging him, mainly because Flash always picked on him, which lead to him having a nerd reputation. So yeah, basically everyone was judging him, except for one person: You.
         The only reason why Peter didn’t bash his head open with his geometry textbook was because you were in his class. You were the perfect person. Kind, smart, funny, stunning, etc., etc. Every single adjective to describe you was always positive. Peter didn’t think he had  seen a single day where you weren’t smiling at people, and brightening their days.
         When Flash Thompson first started calling Peter “Penis Parker” you called him “Flaccid Thompson,” which shut him up as quickly as he had opened his mouth. From that point on, Peter admired you, which quickly became a crush.
         Finally giving up on his never ending geometry homework, Peter decided it was time to text you.
To: (Y/N)
From: Peter
hey (y/n)! It’s peter! i was just wondering if i could get the deets for the party?? haha!
Peter, for some reason, decided it would be best to send the text and then reread the message. Dear God, he thought, there’s too much punctuation! Who types out that many exclamation points? OH MY GOD! Did I actually use the words ‘deets?’ Kill me, just kill me. Before Peter could plan out how to run away from home, you texted back.
To: Peter
From: (Y/N)
Aye! Yeah, I got the deets. B)
Hold on.
Okay! So it’ll be at 1205 Lakeview Blv., and it’ll start at like 8, or 8:15-ish? Don’t know when it’ll end, but sometime late I’m sure. Ned already texted me and told me he’s going, but have you heard from Michelle?
To: (Y/N)
From: Peter
i’ll text her real quick.
Peter sent a quick message to Michelle, reminding her about the party before getting back to (Y/N).
To: (Y/N)
From: Peter
just texted her! thx for the info. i’ll be there!!
Peter needed to chill on the exclamation points.
To: Peter
From: (Y/N)
Ayyye, just got her message. I’m so excited to see you guys there! And hey, if Flash tries to start any trouble, let me know. He’ll catch these hands (ง •̀_•́)ง
Peter laughed, wondering how such an amazing girl could be texting him.
To: Peter
From: (Y/N)
Hey, Pete, I gotta go. Mom’s making me do the dishes. Sigh. But I’ll see you tomorrow :)
Peter groaned, not wanting to wait until tomorrow to see (Y/N). But he had to, and to pass the time, he figured he might as well work on more geometry.
“Alright, be safe, have fun, don’t do anything too wild,” Aunt May reminded Peter and Ned, a smile on her face. Peter hadn’t always been the most social teenager, so seeing him go off to a high school party was exciting for her.
“Yeah, yeah. Can we go now, Aunt May?” Peter whined, becoming more and more impatient by the minute.
         Aunt May sighed before unlocking the car doors. Both Ned and Peter scrambled out of the vehicle (not before saying goodbye, of course) and hurried up towards the relatively large house on the hill.
           Peter was so excited that he was actually shaking. And apparently it was noticeable enough for Ned to tell him to chill out. When they walked into the house, the first thing Peter noticed was the lack of people, but quickly realized it was because everyone was in a group in the living room.
“Hey look,” Flash yelled out,”It’s Penis Parker!”
Everyone looked at Peter and Ned, which caused them to wave awkwardly.
“Why don’t you join us? We’re playing truth or dare,” Flash told the two boys, a cocky smile on his face.
The boys nodded, considering the fact that everyone else was doing it. Peter and Ned sat in the back of the crowd, but Flash quickly told everyone to move that way Peter was nearly in the middle.
“Since the doofuses were late, let’s have one of them go first,” Flash suggested. Peter’s heart dropped, knowing that Flash would probably use this as a moment to mess with him.
“So, Parker, truth or dare?” Flash asked.
“Okay, tell me now, and be honest. Is it true that you having a crush on (Y/N)?”
Peter’s face flushed red, as he stammered to redeem himself. But, Flash was relentless and continue to hammer Peter. That was, until, (Y/N) stepped in.
“Fuck off, Flash,”she said, a scowl on her face,”If he doesn’t want to answer the question, then I’ll take his place.”
Flash looked over to (Y/N), rolling his eyes,”Fine, fine, but you ruin all the fun. So, since Penis picked truth, you get truth.”
“Fair enough,” (Y/N) mumbled, a bit relieved that it wasn’t dare. She had no clue what Flash would make her do. The relief was short lived once Flash asked his question.
“(Y/N), I heard from Alec something very interesting, and I’m dying to know if it’s true.”
(Y/N) stiffened at the name of her ex-boyfriend Alex Westfield. Apparently, they ended on very bad terms.
“Get on with it,” (Y/N) told the boy.
“Alec told me that the reason you dumped him is because you prefer softball to baseball. Is it true?”
Peter was confused, what did sports have to do with anything? (Y/N), however, seemed to know what Flash was getting at.
“Shut the fuck up, Flaccid,” (Y/N) warned, clenching her hands so tight her knuckles were becoming a lighter shade.
“No, I’m not finished yet, (L/N),” Flash spat. Peter was still extremely confused, and as the tension grew, the more silent the room became.
“As I was saying,” continued Flash,”(Y/N) over here really enjoys swinging for the other team.”
The other team- oh shit.
“(Y/N) LIKES PUSSY!” someone from a corner of the room shouted. A few giggles erupted in the room, but it stayed mostly silent.
“Bingo!” Flash said, clapping his hands together, seeming thoroughly impressed with himself. Peter looked over at (Y/N), her head was hanging low, and she was visibly shaking. Slowly, she got up, fixed her dress, and walked out the front door. Peter quickly got to his feet, and chased after her, leaving the awkward room.
“(Y/N)!” Peter called out, chasing her down the road. For a girl in wedges, she sure could run fast.
“(Y/N)!” Peter shouted, finally catching up to her as she slowed down,”Are you…are you okay?”
She sat down on the sidewalk, feet out in front of her. Peter sat next to her and put an arm around her. She leaned into his chest, and quietly cried.
“I-I’m sorry Peter,” she whispered in between sobs.
“For what? You didn’t do anything,” he reassured her.
“F-For being l-like this,” (Y/N) explained, sitting up. She hated feeling like a mess, it reminded her how weak she could be. It felt, to (Y/N), that she always had to be the strong one in her family. Keeping face for her siblings during her parents divorce was one of the hardest things she had even done. (Y/N), not wanting to further embarrass herself, pulled out her phone and went on to the camera app.
“Jesus, I look like a raccoon,” (Y/N) sighed, trying to fix the mascara and eyeliner that ran down her face. When she was satisfied with her work, (Y/N) stood up again.
“I don’t live too far from here,” the girl told Peter, who was silently staring up at her,”Walk me home?”
Peter nodded, and got to his feet. He and (Y/N) walked, neither saying a word until they got to her house.
“So, are you wondering if it’s true?” (Y/N) asked as the pair approached her front door.
Peter tried to brush off what she was asking,”Uhm, wondering if…what’s true?”
(Y/N) gave her newfound friend a cold stare, basically telling him to cut the bullshit.
“…Yeah, I am,” Peter confirmed, feeling ashamed in himself. That wasn’t his business.
“Well, it’s true. I do “like pussy” as that one fucker said.”
“You sure do curse a lot, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes,”I only curse when I’m being emo, but…that’s what you choose to focus on? I enjoy your company, Parker.”
Peter smiled at his crush, and made a mental note to never trust Ned again.
“Well I better go.”
“Before you do,” Peter paused to make sure she was listening,”Why did you take sudden interest in us? Like, Ned said it was because you liked me…Jeez, that sounds so conceited, but I mean…why us? If you didn't…”
“It may not have been you I had a crush on Peter,” (Y/N) told him, a shy smile adorned on her face,”But…oh hold on. My phone buzzed.”
(Y/N) checked her phone, and her smile got even bigger. She typed a quick response back, and giggled a bit. She put her phone back in her purse, and gave Peter a quick peck on the cheek.
“I’ve gotta go, Peter. Thank you for being so lovely.”
And with that, (Y/N) opened the door to her house and went inside, leaving Peter to his thoughts. As Peter walked back to the party, he made the (what should have been) quick connection to who she had feelings for, and honestly, Peter felt really stupid. Now that he was looking back on it, it was right there in his face.
(Y/N) liked Michelle!
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parks-and-community · 8 years
Summer Secrets (Part 2)
Don’t worry, there will be a part 3 too!
Part 1: https://beronica-josie.tumblr.com/post/157114871223/summer-secrets
Part 3: https://beronica-josie.tumblr.com/post/157457207683/summer-secrets-part-3
Part 4: https://beronica-josie.tumblr.com/post/158317245213/summer-secrets-part-4
Part 5: https://beronica-josie.tumblr.com/post/158334216753/summer-secrets-part-5
Masterlist: https://beronica-josie.tumblr.com/post/157919516668/masterlist
Summary: You go to the dance with Archie, only to see Jughead there. You get into an argument with him after kissing Archie to make him jealous.
You sat on your bed, replaying what had happened over the summer in your head. It always ended the same. Jughead had broken your heart and you hated him for it. Except you couldn’t hate him.
Whatever, you thought, as you slipped on a pair of heels to match your new dress. Your makeup and hair was perfect and you knew you’d be turning some heads tonight. You couldn’t wait to show off that you were there with Archie. Then you’d finally forget about that jerk Jughead.
Your mom dropped you off outside of the school where Archie stood waiting for you. As soon as you stepped out of the car, you could see his eyes light up. “Wow, [Y/N], you look amazing.”
You blushed and playfully hit his shoulder. “Thanks, Archie. Let’s go inside.” You grabbed his hand, hoping for sparks, but all you felt was the heat of his hand. You sighed in your head. He was nice, but Archie couldn’t replace the one you truly liked.
“Uh, I got this for you.” He stammered before you could drag him inside. He opened a plastic box to reveal a corsage that matched the color of your dress.
“Aw, Archie. That’s so sweet. Put it on me.” You stuck your hand out. Even though you didn’t get the same feeling with Archie as you did with Jughead, you were still excited to be spending the night with Archie. He seemed like a great guy.
Archie clumsily tied the flowers around your wrist, before grabbing your hand to lead you inside. Is he really this nervous? you thought. He was hoping that you would be convincing enough to get Betty and Veronica off his back.
The gym was dark, and decorated with bright lights and streamers. Everyone was dancing and talking and seemed to be having a good time.
“Come on, I want you to meet my friend Veronica.” Archie said excitedly dragging you towards Betty and another girl. That must be who the other girl is. “Hey Veronica, this is [Y/N].”
“Nice to meet you!” said the dark haired girl. She was very pretty and you wondered why Archie was so nervous around you if he had friends as beautiful as Betty and Veronica.
“Hey [Y/N], it’s great that you’re back in town!” Betty said as she rocked to the beat of the song playing. “Can’t wait for us to hang out soon!”
“Yeah, that would be great!” You were really excited that you were making friends.
Before the conversation could go on for too long, a slow song came on and Veronica shooed you and Archie away to go slow dance.
Archie led you into a group of slow dancing couples and wrapped his arms around your waist. You placed your arms around his neck and swayed to the music. You were only dancing for a second when something caught your eye.
A boy in a dark suit, leaning against folded up bleachers was staring you down. Jughead. He was angry. You glanced at him, making eye contact before you looked back at Archie and smiled. Archie smiled back, genuinely glad you were having a good time.
The song playing was pretty romantic and you didn’t think before you did it. As the song ended, you leaned in and kissed Archie. It caught him off guard, but he kissed you back. As you pulled away from him, you saw Jughead storming out of the gym. Crap. That was not the right thing to do.
“Archie, I’m going to go to the bathroom.” You sighed as you pulled away from him and headed to the gym doors. Archie seemed puzzled that you waited until that moment to go, but went to rejoin Betty and Veronica.
As you entered the empty hall, you saw Jughead racing towards the front doors of the building.
“Jughead, wait!” You called after him.
He turned, and you could see the pain in his eyes. When he realized it was you, his face hardened and grew angry. “What the hell, [Y/N]?” He demanded, walking towards you. “Why did you do that?”
He stopped a few feet away from you. “The song was really romantic…” you tried to play it off. “What are you even doing here, Jughead? You don’t even like school dances.” You were growing angry. What right did he have to be angry at you for moving on?
“I came because I wanted to make sure you weren’t just playing Archie. And it looks like you were.” He said, crossing his arms and glaring at you.
“You don’t know that. I actually like Archie.” It was only a half lie. You did like Archie, just not the way you were letting on.
“[Y/N], stop it! We both know what this is really about.”
“Not everything’s about you, Jughead. You’re not the only thing that’s happened in my life, you know.”
“No, only the things that you make about me are about me. I know you only did this to try to make me jealous. And you’re hurting Archie in the process.” He knew that wasn’t entirely true, since Archie only asked you out to cover his back, but he knew his words would sting you.
“Oh, now you choose to care? You were pretty upset with Archie over the summer and now you magically care about him again now that I’m involved?”
Jughead sighed. “I never stopped caring about Archie. He’s always been my best friend.”
“But you don’t really care about me?” You were starting to get upset and could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You turned to go as the gym doors flew open and Archie came through them.
“What’s going on?” Archie raced to you and hugged you after seeing your tears. “Jughead what are you doing?” He sounded angry.
Late one night, in the middle of July, you were laying in bed when you got a text from Jughead. “Meet me outside. And bring a swim suit” it read. A swim suit? What was this boy doing now? You glanced out the window to see him waving at you from the ground. You knew you shouldn’t have told him your parents were out of town for the weekend.
You grabbed your favorite swim suit and a towel before heading downstairs and meeting Jughead outside. “Why am I bringing a swim suit?” You asked, slightly annoyed and slightly amused by this random, late night message.
“We’re going swimming at the lake.” He stated matter of factly. Swimming? This late at night?
You raised an eyebrow at him, no longer amused. You liked having fun but this seemed a bit too wild. “Oh come on, don’t you trust me?” Jughead asked, reaching out to grab your hand. The warmth of his hand the smile on his face convinced you to give this craziness a shot.
You sighed. “Yeah, ok. Fine. But you need to let me change here. I’m not changing in front of you at the lake.”
Jughead turned slightly red, and ran a hand through the hair on the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah that’s a good idea. I didn’t think of that.”
You weren’t sure if he lying or not, but you laughed at his embarrassment. You went inside your house to change and came out with a shirt and shorts over your swim suit. “Let’s go.”
He grabbed your hand again and didn’t let go until you’d walked to a pier by and old house. Something about this house didn’t seem right, thought.
“Does someone live here, JJ?” you glanced at the old building. You definitely did not want to be trespassing.
“No, this house has been abandoned for years. I come here sometimes to relax.” He said as he took off his beanie.
“I never took you for the swimming type.” You teased, trying not to look like you were staring as he took off his shirt.
He shrugged, now in nothing but his swim trunks. “Everyone’s got their own ways of de-stressing. I love writing, but it can be stressful from time to time.” He looked at you. “Are you gonna come swimming or what?”
You suddenly felt self conscious of him watch you take your clothes off. “Yeah, just turn around so I can undress.” He turned red again, but quickly turned around.
“Okay, I’m ready.” You said. He turned back to you, and grabbed your hand before pulling you up on the pier and to the edge of the water. You stopped there, not sure of what he was expecting you to do.
“Are we just gonna… jump in?” You questioned.
He answered by grabbing your arm and jumping in, pulling you into the water with him. You came up laughing, and playfully hit him. “Jughead what are you doing? Don’t do that!” You swam closer to the shore where you could stand and Jughead followed.
“Would you rather I do this?” He asked, his voice low, as he slowly walked closer to you. He reached his hands into your hair and pulled your head closer to his, locking his lips onto yours. The kiss took you a bit by surprise, but you definitely weren’t going to break it. When he finally pulled back, he stared into your eyes and you smiled at him.
“Bet I can beat you to the end of the pier!” You called, taking advantage of the moment. You tried your best to run away through the waist high water, as he ran after you. He caught up to you and pushed you behind him, laughing and launching himself into first place. Giggling, you jumped up and climbed onto the pier from the water, as he walked onto the shore. You were ahead again, but Jughead wasn’t far behind. You stopped when you reached the end of the pier. He wasn’t expecting you to stop and fell straight into the water below. As he came up for air, he saw you laughing loudly at how you had tricked him.
“You tricked me!” He yelled, laughing. He splashed some water up at you, causing you to scream.
You continued to laugh as you jumped into the water next to him. He leaned in for another kiss as a light caught your eye. A light had flickered on inside the old house. Oh no, someone must be there!
Jughead saw it, too and looked back at you, surprised. You both instantly rushed for shore. A figure began to emerge from a door in the house as you both reached shore and threw on your shoes. There was no time for your clothes, the stranger could keep them. You had to get out of there.
You managed to scoop up Jughead’s signature beanie before running off into the surrounding woods.
You followed Jughead until you’d returned to a neighborhood a few streets over from yours. You both stopped to catch your breath.
“[Y/N], I’m so sorry. Nothing like that has ever happened when I’ve been there.” Jughead felt bad about pushing you into that situation, but he had no clue somebody would be in that house.
After you took a second to catch your breath, you looked over at Jughead and burst out laughing. “JJ, that was the most dangerously fun thing I’ve ever done!”
He smirked at you and started laughing, too. “I guess it is pretty funny.”
“You should have seen your face when that person came out of the house.” You continued to roar with laughter.
After what felt like an eternity of laughter, the two of you began to walk back towards your street. You suddenly remember what you were carrying. “Oh, I grabbed this for you, JJ,” you said, holding up his beanie. “You’re not really you without it.” You placed it on top of his head. It didn’t sit right on his wet hair, but neither of you really cared. Jughead smiled at you before leaning in for another kiss.
Jughead glanced at you in Archie’s arm before turning towards the exit. “I was just leaving.”
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Guess who’s finally on their computer instead of shitty mobile??
Now I can FINALLY answer all these tags!! BTW, I freaking love being tagged in things you guys, and being sent asks, and messages and I JUST LOVE YOU ALL OKAY?
ALSO, because I’ve been tagged in multiple of those question things I will just answer them all in one go. And because I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to see a post a mile long where I drone on and on about my little life, I will put it under the cut.
FYI, I guess I won’t tag people because I feel like I am WAAAYYY too late on this train and that everyone’s already been tagged multiple times and are probably “done” with this tag meme lol
Firstly, I was tagged by @court-of-wildfire AKA the most adorable little sunflower that’s ever existed.
1. What ancient God / Goddess is your favorite, and why?
You know, I don’t remember enough to pick. Which really, I should. In my ancient African history course we talked at length about Egyptian gods, and then in pt 1 of my world history course we talked about Egyptian and Roman gods. If I think real hard on it I remember being the most interested in the ones that rule/ had association with the underworld. Like, Osiris, Anubis, Hades, etc. Huh.  
2. What are five things (tv shows, candy, shoes, etc,) that was popular in your youth that you wish you can bring back today?
Lol I was just talking to my sister about how we wish Goucho pants didn’t go out of style. I wish kids shows were as good today as they were back then. Angry Beavers, Hey, Arnold, AHH Real Monsters. Sigh.
3. Name your top five meme’s.
I don’t really hold onto them long lol I’ll just throw some out there: The willy wonka one, The Boromir one, The little girl unimpressed with going to disney one, back when Leo never won an oscar, etc
4. If you could choose your own 7 wonders of the world what would they be?
Hmmm... I don’t know I think the one’s we’ve got are alright. lol oh god im lame
5. If you could have a mythical animal as a pet what would it be?
I’m sorry, who doesn’t want a pegasus??
6. Pick three artist / bands to compose a score for the story of your life.
M83, Thomas Newman, Flo + the machine
7. If you could only keep two of your five senses which ones would you pick?
sight and touch
8. What is your irrational fear?
Is it irrational? I am terrified of going off a bridge and into water in a car. Like I brace myself for it every time I cross a bridge and I have a tool to break the window in my door lol
9. What rule did you have to follow as a kid that you didn’t agree with?  
My mom was QUEEN of saying I couldn’t go to a friend’s house just “because”. It always just meant she didn’t want to deal with taking me.
10. What are some weird quirks / rituals you do everyday?
lol the only thing I can think of is that I HAVE to pee right before I get into bed. It doesn’t matter if I just went and I only have a drop left, it must happen.
11. What was the weirdest / craziest thing that’s happened to you at work and/or school?
hmm... the only thing I can think of right now is from 3rd grade when I was playing soccer and the kid with the strongest foot punted the ball and it went smack into my face and I flew backward and blacked out. I totally had that playground moment of waking up with the whole student body looking over me and them going “UUUGGHH” when I sat up and bled from both nostrils.
These questions are from the beautiful, the flawless, the perfect, @vukica10. You complete me.
1. If you could go back at any time in history what would it be? (Ancient Egypt, Victorian era…)
By that do you mean, if I could go back and be a man in any time period because let’s face it... I’ve always been really interested in Rome... but I also really like Victorian stuff too.. idk IT’S TOO HARD
2. Fictional world you’d like to be a part of (except for SJM worlds)
Harry Potter duh
3. If you could visit only one country in your life, which one would it be?
France I guess? I’ve been there and I want to go back and stay for like 2 months.
4. Describe your perfect boy/girl
lol well... If we are talking about like the UNATTAINABLE PERFECT then:
Once I get my BSN I will be doing international nursing so I want some badass buff guy who like.. works for the UN, or some nonprofit, or like does security and is mr tough guy. Anyway you probably meant personality. I for sure have a Type, and that Type is confident cocky asshole on the surface with a warm gooey middle. Who knows the times that I just need a big shoulder to lean on and when I need someone to like, call be on my bullshit and be able to read me super well and just pokes and prods all my buttons instead of just sitting there oblivious to everything going on in my head. Those guys that are able to read you immediately and call you on it are super fucking hot.
5. If you could change one thing in history, what would it be
LOL JUST ONE??? I’d say eliminating the Cold War would rid the world of many ills. The US and Russia wouldn’t straight up fuck every other country over in their stupid propaganda war. Can you imagine how different things would be if we had somehow remained allies after WW2??
6. Tell me one embarrassing story
Well the most embarrassed I’ve ever felt was at a friends house when I was in the bathroom for a while and there was no TP, I yelled and yelled and yelled for my friend to bring me some and no one heard, so I walked out and her whole family was out there??? and her mom goes “... wasn’t there no toilet paper in there?... do you need to go upstairs and clean up?” And I was like hey thanks cunt yes I do, excuse me while I go die.
7. What language would you like to know?
I’ll go practical and say Spanish. Just because I keep thinking about how it would help me A TON as a nurse. But I also wish I actually got proficient in French
8. What was the happiest day of your life
I honestly have such a terrible memory for stuff like this. I can’t pick a single day!
9. If you have a chance to meet any celebrity and ask them one question, who would it be and what would you ask?
Pssshhh idk. Maybe Michael Fassbender or Jason Momoa and ask him to marry me??
10. Have you ever done something illegal/dangerous?
Nothing more than some pot and underage drinking. Now dangerous... Idk that’s a flexible term lol
11. What was on the latest photo you took?
My sister and I at a burgers and booze fest
These questions are from @starofvelaris
First of all. OMG I LOVE YOU. YOU’RE ART IS AMAZEBALLS. like how even do you do what you do??? I bought a tablet and i haven’t used it because photoshop is terrifying THANKS FOR THE TAG!!
1. An evil witch casts a spell on you, turning you into a plant. What kind of plant would you want to be?
Hmm... I’d like to be one of those really tall trees in the Amazon or something
2. If you could step into any fantasy world from any book series, which would you visit?
Harry Potter duuuuhhhhhh
3. Would you rather live in the Autumn Court or the Spring Court?
Well, are we talking about with the current people there... or like, if they were gone? Because I would totally choose Autumn
4. What toppings do you order on your pizza?
Pepperoni and Sausage!
5. Describe your ideal Friday night.
Well, if I’m not being a homebody and actually being social for once, then dinner, drinks, piano bar
6. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Frankenstein. I did a Classics binge and I could NOT make it through that one. I tried multiple times. Sorry guys I just DON’T get how that is a Classic other than the “never been done” aspect. Then again, there’s several beloved classics that I hate. Like the Great Gatsby. Ugh. Kill me with a spoon.
7. Night or day? Dawn or twilight?
Day, I can’t go all night I like sleep. Twilight- well it’s funny because I actually really do like nighttime but it’s like... the hours between 4 and 10 are my best hours LOL
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taichixyamato · 8 years
Headcanons on how the boys come out to their parents?
This is a little hard for me to answer because I’ve actually been working on a fic that centers around this concept...One of the reasons why it has been taking me so long...is because I can’t really decide which way to go with  LOL
but hey, since I haven’t written anything yet...I’ll try to sort out all of the thoughts I’ve come up with regarding this question. These are just my ideas...so they aren’t very headcanon-y but hopefully they are still interesting enough to read ^^ 
And, as always. This is just my own thoughts. If anyone else wants to share theirs, feel free to do so :P
The Good
-Yagami Parents
So. I just picture Taichi and Yamato sitting on one end of the table. Taichi’s parents on the other side and Yamato is just shyly looking down as Taichi is fidgeting as he tells both of his parents that he’s been dating Yamato. 
And then both of his parents just turn to look at Yamato and they both are shaking their heads just going, “Are you serious...Our son? He’s only good at eating! And running around in circles! You can do so much better than just a lazy kid who naps in the middle of the day, do you really want our idiot son???” 
And Taichi is just embarrassed yelling at his parents “Is that what you really think of me!? come on!!!” While Yamato laughs it off and chides with Taichi’s parents until Taichi pouts too much. 
-Hiroaki and Natsuko
Hiroaki finds out first. Most likely because he accidentally walked in on Taichi and Yamato having a ‘moment’ (it really doesn’t matter if it’s just a kiss or like something more handsy. just a moment where they are obviously not friends) and the both of them are freaking out about it. Even though Taichi insisted on staying, Yamato shoos him out as he wants to have this conversation with his dad by himself. 
Hiroaki is a little stunned, but when he thinks about it he’s not that surprised. Considering how close Yamato is with Taichi--it does make sense that they wouldn’t just be friends. He lets his son know, that it’s fine if he’s dating someone, it’s fine if that someone is Taichi....just please please please keep it in the bedroom. This makes Yamato just light up like a christmas tree but he does agree.  
With Natsuko...I always get a little lost here? I feel like Yamato would try so hard to be perfect around her as he is worried about how his mother thinks of him. However, Taichi isn’t as mindful as Yamato--and when the secret is out, Yamato is anxious that he can’t be a good son in his mother’s eyes anymore. However...I like to think that Natsuko is much more observant than she lets on. So she can see how distraught Yamato is--how...normal Taichi is acting around her. So afterwards, she just pulls Yamato to the side to remind him that no matter what she’s his mother, and she’ll always care for Yamato’s well being. If he’s happy, she’s happy. 
The Bad
-Yagami Parents
Because of how nuclear Taichi’s family is. When Taichi comes out and tells his parents that he is dating a man...It’s not that they are angry...but they just don’t ‘understand.’ They get quiet when Yamato is over. Taichi’s mom will still try to set Taichi up on a blind date with one of her friend’s daughters. Taichi’s dad is more or less unresponsive when it comes down to this. 
This gets Taichi really irritated. More often than not, Yamato has to be one to tell Taichi to calm down and stop Taichi from saying anything too harmful. The off hand comments hurt. But the family front is still there. As time goes on it’s just easier for Taichi’s parents to accept that this isn’t just some arbitrary choice but a real decision Taichi made for himself. And eventually all is well.
-Hiroaki and Natsuko
I can’t really imagine Yamato’s dad ever taking Yamato’s life choices that badly. I don’t think Hiroaki is that type of parent at least. But that doesn’t necessarily means that he wouldn’t have trouble if it came to Yamato having Taichi as a boyfriend. 
The normal questions would follow, “does this mean you’re gay? are you sure? what about this or that” and the usual spiel. Until Hiroaki drops the bomb, “How long do you think this will last?” 
This kind of question throws Yamato off guard because like, how he is supposed to answer that. It’s not like they are applying for a mortgage or anything yet, they’re still in high school. And so Hiroaki just kinda clarifies. Life with a same sex partner isn’t easy. There is a different set of obstacles to deal with. And if Taichi and Yamato aren’t on the same page now, they won’t be on the same page years down the road. “After all, look at me and your mother--” That just automatically leaves a sour train of thought in Yamato’s mind. And he feels forced to think about Taichi with this doubt lingering in his mind. 
When Yamato talks to his mother--he’e hoping for something different. But she winds up saying the same thing. It’s not so much that her son is gay--it’s just that she’s unsure if Yamato has really thought about the seriousness of a relationship and whether this boy is worth it. 
So for a while Yamato is trying to sort out his thoughts. Taichi eventually gets to him though, and when he finds out that Yamato is worried about whether this is a serious relationship or just a intermediate playful romp, Taichi laughs. Taichi starts saying things like, “Yamato you’re not your parents. If you were, I’d just ask your dad out and you obviously” “Taichi--” “Why didn’t I think about that first. Honestly, your boyfriend? pft, I’d rather be your step dad.” “Taichi!” 
Lol Taichi doesn’t really know if they have a ‘meaningful’ relationship or not, but who cares. He likes him. And that feeling is mutual. It’s worth trying out at least right? Yamato still calls Taichi an idiot, but he feels better knowing that he doesn’t have to live out the same kind of pattern that his parents did. 
The ugly 
-Yagami Parents
Again this centers around the idea that the Yagami family has been such a normalized nuclear family. So when Taichi comes out--it’s a huge shock. Their son is dating a man. How are they going to tell people this? What about their neighbors--Hikari--the rest of their social circle! How can they act like everything is fine when Taichi is doing something so...unorthodox. 
I think the big kicker that would really take the wind out of Taichi is being berated like he’s in an interrogation. “Oh, what about your career? Who’s going to elect a gay public official? How are you going to start a family? Who’s going to take care of you when you get older? Maybe you aren’t thinking clearly--Taichi you have a habit of doing that--” 
And it goes on and on. Until Taichi blows up. Angry at it all. Yamato manages to take him away--but the damage is already done. Taichi feels shamed in his parent’s eyes. Even when things gloss over, and they get back on speaking terms, it’s not without a few comments of disapproval. Taichi tries to dispel them but they’re met with comments like ‘i’m not as bad as other parents.’ It cause a lot of unrest from that point forward. 
-Hiroaki and Natsuko
Again I don’t think Hiroaki would do something like reject his son. I really can’t see him doing something like that. But...I mean...a lack of action is sometimes worse...
Natsuko would be more outspoken on any negative feelings. She’s concerned about Yamato’s upbringing--and starts accusing Hiroaki that his parenting is part of the reason why their ‘son ended up like this’ Yamato is the one to speak up against it but Hiroaki is mostly silent. And it’s this silence that really freaks Yamato out, he was expecting a bit of resistance from his mom. But he wasn’t expecting his dad to be so...reticent about this. 
Yamato has his anxieties, but he keeps to to himself. Compared to the blowout Taichi had with his parents Yamato was just thankful his drama was much more subdued than what Taichi had to deal with. 
When time goes onward and his relationship with Taichi progresses (as in they start living together and that stuff). Yamato’s parents tend to not be involved as Yamato makes these big decisions. And each time he gets a little more fed up with their lack of input. Until one day he tries to be confrontational about it (I mean, sure Taichi’s parents took it badly but at least they felt and did something right?!). However it doesn’t go over as plannned. And well...Yamato realizes that him being Taichi is causing a lot strain and unrest within his dad. And then Yamato feels horrible. Because he feels like he either has to choose between Taichi or a good standing relationship with his father and it’s hard for him to handle that kind of stress. 
Yamato winds up telling Taichi is ofc, after consoling him a bit they just decide that it’s fine. They can’t control what their parents do, but at least they have each other. 
In this kind of scenario, Taichi’s parents just struggle with their concept of pride and spite. While Yamato’s parents have trouble keep closeness and distance. Tbh it just makes me sad so I tend to steer away from this when plotting. 
Anyway, here are some of my ideas when it comes to Taichi and Yamato coming out to their parents. Thank you for reading :]
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