#joe keery imagines
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l0vergirlwrites · 4 months ago
but i’m here in your doorway ; steve harrington
synopsis: after another failed dinner with his parents, steve comes home to you feeling emotionally battered and bruised.
warnings: mentions of angst & anger, sad steve, established relationship with fem reader, mentions of parental issues (steve’s parents suck), story set between s3 & s4
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the sound of the front door slamming shut was all steve heard, beside the ringing in his ears. his body felt like it was on fire from frustration & anger as he quickened to his car parked at the end of the driveway. as soon as he got inside, his hands went to his hair, gripping the strands tightly.
“fucking parents…” he cursed into the silence, flaring his nostrils as he tried to steady his breathing. it didn’t help much.
pulling the driver side mirror down to see the state he was in, his anger fluttered away for a moment when he saw a little note in your hand writing tucked into the mirror pocket.
i love you
steve carefully took the note out, running along the pen ink with his thumb. he didn’t know when you had stashed it there, but he didn’t know how much he needed it right now.
without a second thought, his foot was pressing the gas pedal & he was heading for your house on auto pilot, a wave of relief washing over him when he saw your house come into view minutes later.
tucking the note into his back pocket, he trekked to your front door & knocked, hoping you’d open it.
& when you did, steve couldn’t help but let his eyes well up with tears.
“hey…” you cupped his face without hesitation, worry settling over your features the more you looked at him.
“i know i didn’t call but—“
your arms were wrapped around him in seconds, a hand cradling the back of his head to let him know you didn’t care he didn’t call. you just wanted to make sure he was okay.
pressing his face into your neck, he choked out a sob, slowly wrapping his arms around your mid section. his muffled cries pulled at your heartstrings the tighter he held onto you, his body basically crumbling into your embrace.
it made you more worried.
“let’s go to my room, hmm?” you said softly once he settled down a little, pulling his head back so you could wipe his cheeks.
he mumbled your name through his sniffles, slowing feeling guilty for coming all this way without warning. but how could you turn him away like this?
“it’s okay, c’mon” you squeezed his hand & pressed a kiss to his temple, pulling him inside so you could lock the door.
you still held his hand as you led him up the stairs, your touch warm & comforting. he secretly hoped you’d never let go.
once you got to your room, steve sat on your bed, making himself busy as he took off his jacket & shoes. “i still got some of your clothes here, lemme find em” steve nodded at your words, silently watching you as you searching your dresser drawers for a shirt & sweatpants.
turning around with a sheepish smile, you held out an old hawkins gym shirt, the one he used to wear during basketball practice, & a pair of sweatpants that had the indiana pacers logo embroidered on the left pocket.
the clothes made steve let out a laugh for the first time in hours, taking the clothes from you with appreciation. “i forgot you had these”
“i always like having a piece of you around…” you mumbled as you sat next to him, rubbing his sweater covered shoulder. “go change. i’ll get you some water”
departing with another kiss to his temple, you left steve & made your way to your kitchen. he changed slow, eyes focused on the walls of your room as he slipped the shirt over his head & dragged the sweatpants over his legs. by the time he was done, he rubbed his nose with the back of his hand & caught sight of some new photos of you had taped to your wall.
walking closer to the new additions, steve felt his eyes well up with tears again. but good tears.
the photos you added were taken recently, some were taken on a film camera from a trip to a market you both took a few weeks ago. there was one of steve wearing a silly pair of sunglasses, rainbow coloured with rhinestones & feather accents. you convinced him to put them on.
a couple other photos were from summer time, with beach days & ice cream stained shirts or drive ins & red vines.
“i just got those developed yesterday. i have some extras for you if you want” your voice made him turn around, unable to stop that warm feeling in his chest to stop growing when he saw a glass of water & a couple of snacks in your hands.
“yeah,” he rasped. “i’d like that”.
walking over to the bed, you handed him the glass once he sat down, resuming your position next to him with a hand on his shoulder.
“do you wanna talk about it?” you asked when the glass was half full, eyes locked on steve’s face. “you don’t have to. i don’t wanna pry” you added in case, & steve was appreciative. he handed you the glass, & you placed it on your nightstand before turning your attention back to him.
taking your free hand in one of his, steve looked at you in the amber light of your room. “you’re not prying, promise” he assured you. “it’s my parents… they don’t get me. & it really sucks”
you hummed in understanding, empathetic because you knew the shit he had to deal with whenever they came home—which was rare but brutal.
“i feel like they don’t want to know me. & i don’t meet their stupid standards, & my dad—“ he breathed in hard, causing you to squeeze his hand in encouragement. “i don’t want to be like him—i-i’m scared i will”
his shoulders dropped again, his head following suit. with his eyes shut, he tried to compose himself, but your voice brought him back. “steve, trust me. you’re nothing like him, baby” you said as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“you care so much about everyone, & you put your life on the line all the time whenever something goes wrong. you have courage, something your dad wishes he had” he nodded at your words, sucking in a deep breath.
brushing your thumb across his cheek, you called his name softly. “… look at me for second, please” & he obliged.
his brown eyes looked right into yours, his cheek leaning into your palm.
“without you, the kids—hell, even i—wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t here. you’ve stepped up to help us more times than i can count, & even let a bunch of russians beat you to a pulp so they wouldn’t hurt dustin & erica. that’s because you’re selfless, which makes you nothing like him”
steve couldn’t understand how you could see right through him like this, how much you’ve noticed in the short span of knowing him. you saw him for who he was, not for who you wanted him to be—unlike his parents.
“you are so special to me, & i love you—“
he couldn’t hold it in anymore, so he pressed his lips to yours & kissed you hard. one of his hands smoothed over your thigh, & the other gripped your t-shirt. the kiss felt emotional, & it made him want to cry, knowing how much you loved him. you pulled away first, pressing your forehead into his while your nose nudging his own. “steve—“
“thank you”
you opened your eyes, unsure of what he meant. “for what, baby?”
“for knowing me” he said when he opened his eyes, nudging his nose against yours with a sad smile. “no one has ever known me like you do… you just see me—& i love you more for it”
you couldn’t hide your smile as you leaned into him more, feeling overwhelmed with so much love & warmth—all for him.
“you’re the best person i know, harrington. don’t forget that”
& with that you kissed him again, hoping it could patch up his emotional wounds. hoping he would understand that he’s worth it, & that he deserves you.
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ash5monster01 · 16 days ago
could I request something fluffy with Steve after he comes home injured from the demo-bats attack?
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: language, injury, S4 spoilers, minor suggestive comment, tension, mentions of past trauma, acts of service, fluff, no use of y/n
Summary: Steve comes home in an unrecognizable state and you’re quick to help him clean up.
word count: 1.3k
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Dirt swirls at the bottom of the tub, spiraling with the water pressure that pounds on the boys back. Your hand slowly moving the nozzle to determine what marks wash away and what ones don’t. It pains you to see him like this, to have not known where he had been for days, panicking with all the deaths and trauma littering the town. For a split moment you had thought he was gone, until he reappeared looking as if he had just fought a war. Your eyes unable to look away from the red mark wrapped around his entire neck.
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” he says when he hears another one of your heavy sighs. You don’t believe him, no matter how convincing he sounds. Instead of responding you run the loofa over his shoulder, determined to continue your job.
“Hey, I’m okay,” he reassures, his hand covering yours as the suds run down his skin. He stops the loofah in place as he turns to peer over his shoulder at you. The ledge of the tub is hard under your butt and he looks so small as he sits there naked with his knees tucked to his chest.
“This isn’t right Steve, your sides have literal bites taken out of them. I’m already running out of peroxide and I can’t tell what’s dirt or a bruise,” you whine, tears filling your eyes. Slowly he lets go of your hand and turns to face you, arms resting across your lap.
“I know baby, but I’m right here now and I’m more than fine,” he explains and you nod, pushing him back to run the loofah along his chest. Blood and dirt drip from his chest hair and it pains you that he can still be so handsome in a state like this.
“Can I just clean you up? Let me take care of you,” you beg and he searches your eyes, trying to see any hesitation or deception. When all he finds is genuine care, he gives a single nod before turning back and letting you get to work.
When you’re practically done washing his body, having run the loofah over every part of him down to his toes, you step into the tub to use the nozzle against his head. His neck tips back and his eyes flutter close, the water soaking his brown waves dark against his head. His eyes never open as you run shampoo through his hair, rinse, and then condition. You finish washing his body while the conditioner sits, knowing he probably needed the normalcy of his big full head of hair after all the things he’d been through. When he’s done you help him out the tub, enjoying the quiet as you run a towel over his limbs. When you reach his sides he winces and the blissful bubble is burst.
“You know I could get used to this,” Steve grins, feeling refreshed and loved after the attention to detail you’ve given him. You smile up at him softly from toweling off his legs.
“You enjoy anything that has to do with me kneeled in front of you,” you tease, wrapping the towel around his waist before collecting some medical supplies to dress his wounds. Steve rolls his eyes but doesn’t disagree, feeling immense relief to just be back here with you.
“I mean you taking care of me, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come back to an empty house and had to recover on my own,” he explains, a frown tugging at his lips as he recalls all the times before. His eyes swollen shut from being beat up by Russians, feeling the water run over his skin but not knowing if the bleeding stopped with it.
“Yeah well I’m here now, so be still because this might hurt,” you sigh, knowing the peroxide you pour on his side burns instantly. He winces as his eyes squeeze shut and you quickly form your lips in an O and blow over it to soothe it only slightly.
When one side is done you do the other, trying to ignore Steve’s sounds of discomfort and pain, before wrapping fresh bandages around his midsection. It’s the first time the dressings don’t immediately seep with fresh blood since he had returned, he was already healing, and that was comfort enough. Letting out a sigh of relief you stand up straight to face him, your hands cradling either side of his face.
“I love you so much Steve,” you say matter of fact, not searching for a response or even a reason. This boy had risked his life for this town and it still wasn’t over. This peaceful oasis you had created for yourselves was going to disappear soon. In the morning you’d go with him to Nancy’s and face the town that had become destroyed from the events of last night. At least right now the two of you were together, temporarily immune to whatever was still out there.
“I love you, and I’m sorry for just disappearing. I just couldn’t risk putting you in danger too,” he admits, having fought a battle of needing you but knowing distance would keep you safe. You weren’t ignorant to the dangers of this town but he never would’ve been able to defend it while also worrying about you.
“I know Steve, but next time, let me make that decision,” you say with raised eyebrows and he nods, chuckling softly as he wraps you in his arms. You hold him, enjoying the feel of his warm skin against yours, and the sound of his heartbeat pumping in your ear. He was alive and safe, and suddenly all your worries washed away.
“Okay, I can deal with that,” he agrees and you grin before pushing up on your toes and pressing a kiss to his lips. His attempts to deepen it fall short as you pull away, a devilish smile crossing your face.
“Let’s get you in some comfy clothes and go to bed, you need a full night rest,” you remind him and he groans because that also meant no funny business. He obeys anyway, following as you help him slip into some pajamas. It’s pure torture watching you change into one of his t-shirts while he lays and waits for you in bed. Desperate to ignore how his eyelids already felt heavy.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask as you cuddle against him, careful not to hurt his wounds. It’s the first time in days this bed is warm again and you wish you could put your full weight on top of him.
“Maybe later, but right now I just want to lay here with you,” he says, fingers running through your hair and you smile. It feels as if nothing had even happened but a part of you knew everything from this moment was going to be different. Tomorrow would come with more trouble that it seemed Steve could never escape and you’d be there to stand by his side this time. That’s why right now, curled in each other’s arms, felt better than it ever had.
“Okay,” you smile. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight beautiful,” he returns the sentiment and you sigh, snuggling into him and letting your eyes flutter close. You knew he’d fight sleep for a little longer but that didn’t matter because you’d still be here to take care of him if needed. You’d never leave the boy to do it on his own ever again.
If Steve Harrington was going to fight to protect the world the least you could do was give him some aftercare.
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silencedloves · 9 months ago
Polaroids after sex
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Warnings: none, just fluff
Pronouns using: none
A/n: this is a short one but I hope you enjoy it :) 💓
Its an understatement of how much Steve loves taking pictures of you after having sex. And not in a pervy pornography kinda way, but in a sweet lovable kinda way.
Steve has such a big heart he loves to love because that is something he didn't receive. He loves to give even if he doesn't get something back in return. He is such a lover boy, your lover boy.
After having sex he whispers sweet things like
"I can never get enough of you," he lays on top of you as he caresses your cheek and kisses your forhead. At that moment youre entangled with each other and Steve is mesmerized by you, he's always been. But in these moments you seem much more beautiful, because of how vulnourable you are to him its so intimate.
You smile as you look up to him and feel him swipe your hair from your forhead that was stuck from your sweat. "You are such a beauty" he says as he peppers every inch of your face with kisses and you squirm under him. He hears you laugh and tell him to ‘stop’ knowing that you loved every second of it. He stops and reaches for something near the bedside table. You know what it is and grumble. “Come on honey you know I can’t resist..” he has a Polaroid camera in his hand and see you’re already tucked under the bedsheets covering half your face.
He chuckles and takes a pictures anyways. As he put the Polaroid camera back in place and waits for the Polaroid to develop in his hand you ask “Do you really gotta do that every time?” He leans down again and smiles at you then kisses you slowly, “Ofcourse sweets, these are for my eyes only and I never wanna forget how you look like afterwards.” He says with a soft smirk and you playfully roll your eyes.
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louloulemons-posts · 2 years ago
Steve Harrington X Reader
Summary : Steve’s always touching you, but it’s totally platonic right?
Word count : 1.5k
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Warnings : not proofread, pure fluff, idiots in love, pining, petnames, kisses, don’t think there’s any use of Y/N or descriptors of physical features, this was written at 4am lol.
A/N : This is my first fic for Steve! I can’t believe it’s taken me this long, but I saw a tiktok and it inspired this. I hope you enjoy it 🤍
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You and Steve had been best friends for a while now, becoming even closer after everything with the Russians at the mall went down.
You’d met through Robin, she’d dragged you into the back of Scoops begging for you help to figure out the code they’d heard.
Well that ended up in you, Robin, two kids called Dustin and Erica and strangely, king Steve Harrington.
You weren’t his biggest fan in highschool, seeing the way he treated people. People like you and Robin. That night changed everything, the way he kept all of you safe, eventhough he didn’t really know you.
After that you’d become friends, not as close as him and Robin or yourself and her, but friends no the less.
There was something else you’d learned about Steve during this time. He was someone who loved physical touch.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Walking into Family Video you waved over to Robin, “Hey.”
“Hey! Please tell me you bro-” Sliding her lunch across the counter she clasped her hands.
“I love you so much, did you know that?”
“Mhm. I’m using your discount, just so you know,” you spoke and walked away down the aisles to look for a movie or two.
Zoned out whilst you read the back of a case, you jumped when you felt arms wrap around you. “Sorry babe I did call you, but you must’ve not heard me.”
“Hi Steve.”
“Watcha thinking of getting?” he asked, now resting his head on your shoulder. “Not sure, this sounds interesting. It’s called Labyrinth.”
“It’s only been put back out today, it’s meant to be really good.” You hummed in acknowledgement. “Hey maybe we could watch it together?” he suggested.
Tapping your fingers on his hands that were linked around you, “Sure sounds good.”
He let go, but took your hand instantly, pulling you towards the counter. Rubbing his thumb against yours. Things like this had become normal to you now, it was stranger when he didn’t touch you.
Taking the VHS from you, he put it through, putting in his details so you’d get a discount. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Shush. I’ll be watching it too.”
He then pulled out his wallet and put a dollar in the till. “Steve!” you scolded.
“Shush!” Rolling your eyes playfully, you took the movie from him.
“When do you get off?” you asked.
“Like 5, gotta drop Robs home.”
“Do you wanna come over at 6:30 then? Or is that not enough time?”
“No, that’s fine. I’ll bring some snacks.”
“Great, I’ll see you later then.” Giving one last squeeze to your hand, he smiled, “See you.”
Shouting goodbye to Robin, you waved as you headed out. The shorter haired girl appeared in the doorway. Fork in her mouth she mumbled, “You’re so in love with her.”
“Shut up!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The door knocked just after 6:30, quickly answering it, you smiled. Steve dressed in a yellow sweater, a bag in hand. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you smiled, letting him come in.
“So I brought candy and popcorn, and I thought we could get a pizza?” he said, as he placed the food on your kitchen counter.
“Sounds great. My mom and dad are at some reunion thing so we don’t have to share,” you laughed.
He smiled at that, you laugh. It was the most beautiful sound, making butterflies erupt in his stomach.
He knew you were going to be a big part of his life as soon as he lay his eyes on you. He didn’t think it would be in this way. He was scared of getting hurt in all honesty.
After everything that happened with Nancy, he was happy to be playboy King Steve for a while. But then he saw you smile at Robin as she teased him and Dustin in Pig-Latin and knew it was something more.
“Steve,” you voice snapped him back to reality, “lost you for a second there, you okay?” Your eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Sorry, so do you want to order the pizza now and then watch the movie?” he asked.
You let out a laugh, “That’s what I just asked you, silly boy,” you smiled, shaking your head. “Tell you what, you take the snacks into the living room and I’ll call.”
He nodded, pecking your cheek as he walked past you. He didn’t notice how your cheeks flushed when he did. They always did. He had that affect on you.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
With pizzas half eaten and movie playing, Steve spoke, “Come here,” he said, opening his arms up to you.
You grinned as you leaned into him, arms wrapping around you. “I missed you,” he mumbled into your hair.
“Steve you saw me this morning.”
“Too long!” he groaned.
“Well you’ve got me now,” you said, leaning up to leave a soft peck on the his jaw.
He shivered slightly at the feeling. Your eyes went back to movie, head resting on Steves chest, hearing his heart beat.
He could only hope it wasn’t too loud. He felt like it might explode, the way you kissed him could’ve killed him.
He whispered your name, “Yeah Stevie?” Now that, that could kill him. “Did you ever think we’d end up like this? Me and you?”
“Honestly, no. Not in my wildest dreams would I have imagined myself having a pizza and movie night with King Steve.”
He let out a noise of dislike at the name, “I don’t wanna be like that again.”
“You won’t be. Don’t think me or Robs would let you, or Dustin.”
“Yeah I’m stuck with the nerds now.” Letting out a scoff you pushed up off him, “You’re calling me a nerd?” your eyes were wide, in mock offence.
“Well … yeah a bit.”
“How rude! How am I a nerd?”
“Well you’re the biggest book worm I have ever met, you’re great at all school subjects-”
“Am not!”
“Are too. You love sci-fi, you’re fluent in Pig-Latin out of all things, the list goes on and on babe.”
“You’re horrible to me, you know that?”
“Ah yes, the guy who brought you this movie.”
“Using your discount!”
“How horrible, and got you pizza and snacks.”
“I’m not talking to you anymore,” you said, moving over to the over end of the couch.
“Hey come back!” he laughed, pulling on your ankle.
“No! I’m clearly too nerdy to sit next to the great King Steve,” you huffed, trying to pull out of his grip.
“I’m not King Steve.”
“Who are you then?”
“Just Steve.”
“Just Steve?”
“Mhm, and you’re just you. My favourite nerdy person ever.” You rolled your eyes. “That’s it, I come over. Give you wonderful company, feed you and you call me King Steve and roll your eyes at me.”
He got closer to you, “You called me a nerd!”
“And am I wrong?”
“I … Well if I’m a nerd you are too!”
“Steve your best friend is a 14 year old genius.”
“Rude. Also you’re my best friend and so is Robin.”
“So a child nerd, a band nerd and a just me nerd?”
He was now next to you again. “Forgive me,” he said, giving you puppy dog eyes. “Stop it!” You laughed at his pouty face.
“Not until you forgive me, I’ll do anything,” he said, wrapping his arms around you once more. “Please forgive me. You’re my favourite nerd.”
“Let me go!”
“Not until you forgive me.” He squeezed you as you tried to wriggle away. Pulling and pushing him, you were on the end of the couch and almost out of his grip.
That was until you fell on the ground, Steve following after. “Jesus are you okay?” he asked, genuinely concerned, pushing up off you.
Unable to answer as you fell into a fit of giggles, “You’re crazy,” he smiled fondly, leaning over you.
Calming yourself you met his eyes, matching his soft smile. He heart thumped against his chest, while your tummy did somersaults.
Leaning down slowly, as to give you time to stop him, but you didn’t. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
Soon enough his soft lips met yours, moving together, as if they were made for each other. Your hand went to the base of his neck, playing with the hairs there.
Smiling into the kiss, Steve pulled back, giving you a few more soft pecks. “I wanted to do that for so long,” he whispered.
“Then why didn’t you?”
“Because I didn’t think you liked me like that.”
“Steve have you ever seen me let someone touch me the way you do? Even Robs?”
He tried to recount a time, there’d been one occasion he’d seen Robin hug you and you not squeal pushing her away. The night at Starcourt.
“Yeah oh. I’m not a touchy-feely person. But for you, I am. I love it.”
“I love it too.”
“Then don’t stop, hold my hand, hug me, kiss me.” He lent down to do just that.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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liyliths · 7 months ago
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summary: you've just been dragged to the middle of nowhere, aka hawkins, indiana, with your pos father where the cicadas are loud and the neighbors are louder. after moving into your new trailer home that’s seen better days—probably in another lifetime, you somehow end up under chief hopper's care, hawkins' grumpiest cop. oh, and did i mention you found a creepy portal in the woods? how much weirder can this town get?
While the pair unloaded their meager belongings from the truck, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness that clung to her. She resented her father for uprooting their lives once again, dragging her to this dismal trailer park in the middle of nowhere. 
pairings: steve harrington x reader
warnings: brief mention of an argument between pos father and daughter, brief mention of foster care, cursing, otherwise none
word count: 4k
𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬, 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟑
The dusty road stretched ahead, flanked by rows of weather-beaten trailers that seemed to sag under the weight of years gone by. The summer sun beat down mercilessly, casting harsh shadows across the barren landscape. Clothing lines hung in front of trailers, with clothes flopping around in the breeze. A battered pickup truck rumbled to a stop among the trailers, kicking up dust clouds in its wake.
“Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?”
A gruff muffled voice mumbled as music flowed from a Walkman, and a girl moved her hair out of the way of her headphones. She took them off—flicking her eyes at her father who was trying to speak to her through the noise of her music, with frustration filling his eyes. There was a sign of age and decay on his face, slightly reeking of cigarettes.
“You’ve got to stop with the damn music when I’m talking to you,” The girl’s father spat. She remained silent, looking at the details of her new home; Hawkins very own lovely trailer park. 
“Get out, let’s start unloading.” The man sighed and opened the truck door, harshly shutting it behind him.
The girl sighed, unzipping her backpack in the foot space of the passenger seat, placing her Walkman inside of it. She stepped out of the truck, eyeing her new, run-down home. Y/N watched her father who carried boxes and house keys walk toward their home, a tan and brown trailer with a mini porch leading up to the entrance. The sound of cicadas filled the background in the forest behind them, with the not-so-friendly sight of neighbors arguing on their front porch in the distance.
While the pair unloaded their meager belongings from the truck, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness that clung to her. She resented her father for uprooting their lives once again, dragging her to this dismal trailer park in the middle of nowhere. 
But beneath the anger and resentment, there was also a flicker of something else—a glimmer of hope, perhaps, buried deep beneath the layers of disappointment. Maybe Hawkins could be a fresh start after all?
As Y/N finished unloading the last of the boxes from the truck into her room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over her. Her first day at Hawkins High in two weeks weighed heavily on her mind, how long would she be in Hawkins? Will she fit in enough? Will making new friends and meeting new people even be worth it?
The girl then glanced up at the trailer park's entrance sign through her room's window, the words "Forest Hills Trailer Park" taunting her with its irony. The park was far-fetched from the suburban neighborhoods she had grown accustomed to in her childhood, thanks to the money her mother had left behind that is now gone due to her father’s irresponsibility after his decline.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Y/N took cautious footsteps to her kitchen, passing the empty halls into the living room filled with moving boxes. She made her way to the kitchen and opened the small white fridge the previous tenants left behind, seeing it empty.
“No dinner tonight, birdie.” Y/N’s father spoke with a trace of alcohol lingering from his breath, calling the girl a familiar nickname—recalling the better days she shared with both her father and mother. 
“I’ll go to the store first thing in the morning,” He declared, and Y/N turned around to see him walking toward his room with a pack of beers in hand, stumbling slightly.
The girl harshly shut the fridge door, a look of resentment growing in her eyes. “You thought to bring yourself a pack of beer but didn’t think to pack any food?” She snapped, watching her father stop in his tracks. 
“You’re a fucking adult, you should think to pack your own shit.” He turned around, eyeing the girl’s frustrated figure standing at the fridge.
“I’m sixteen years old. We both know you won’t be the one going to the store tomorrow,” She hissed, growing more irritated while eyeing the pack of beers in her father’s hands. 
“Then starve, ungrateful brat.” Her father spat back, retreating to his empty and undecorated room.
Y/N sighed, hungry and defeated—treading her way out of the kitchen and back into her room. She opened the door to the dim lighting and walked toward a pile of boxes, then sat on her knees to begin unpacking. 
The first thing she pulled out of the boxes was a sketchbook with a set of colored pencils. She carefully held the sketchbook in her hands, opening it and skimming through the pages of her drawings that hundreds of hours had been spent on.
There were drawings of wildlife, landscapes, and people she would observe. One of her drawings that always stood out to her was Watson Falls from Oregon in 1982 where she previously resided before her move to Indiana.
It was one of her favorite places that her father had relocated to in his search for work, just as he had moved to Hawkins and the dozens of places before. The girl was not one to belong to a big social crowd, not wanting to get attached—knowing she and her father would pick up and move time and time again.
With a sigh, she closed her sketchbook, setting it with her colored pencils on top of other unpacked boxes. She took a deep breath and moved her hair out of her face, crawling over to her mattress in the corner of the small room, arranging the sheets and pillows she had thrown onto it amidst the unpacking. She laid down, staring at the bland ceiling, letting sleep consume her.
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Y/N sat crisscrossed on the damp ground with her sketchbook balanced on her knees as she felt a sense of calm wash over her. There was a slight breeze that caressed her cheeks, with her hair flowing in the wind. 
The girl’s face was tinted with a slight pink as sweat began to trickle down her forehead due to the summer heat. The dense woods behind her trailer stretched out before her with the sounds of cicadas and other wildlife filling the thick, hot air.
With each stroke of her pencil, the girl captured the beauty of the landscape—the gnarled branches and twisted roots weaving together in a mesmerizing dance with sunlight peeking through the trees. As she worked, a strange sensation crept over her—an odd prickling at the back of her neck that sent shivers down her spine.
Glancing up from her sketchpad with an odd feeling, the girl's heart skipped a beat as she saw something glowing an orange and red hue in the darkness of the woods as the sun began to set. Overcome with curiosity, the girl hesitated for a moment before standing to investigate. With her sketchbook tucked under her arm, she ventured deeper into the forest, the dense undergrowth rustling beneath her feet with each cautious step.
As she rounded a bend in the woods trail, the girl stumbled upon a clearing bathed in an ethereal glow. In the center stood a gnarled oak tree, its branches reaching skyward like twisted fingers grasping at the heavens. She began to hesitantly reach towards the mysterious glow, her hand becoming damp as she made contact with it, the other side foggy.
With a gasp—she suddenly pulled her hand back, watching as a figure moved toward her through the other side. The figure made its way even nearer to the entrance, and the girl watched with wide eyes as its shadow covered the hue of the portal. 
Its presence was overwhelming and filled the girl with dread, not quite understanding what she was looking at. Before she could even process what was happening, a gnarly hand with long claws suddenly burst through the portal, a thick slime covering the girl’s face from the impact.
With a sudden jolt of fear, she turned and fled, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the woods as she raced back toward the safety of her trailer. She used her sleeve from her flannel to wipe the disgusting slime off of her face with terror overcoming her body. 
Even as she put distance between herself and the mysterious portal, she couldn't quite shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air—something was not right. Whatever that thing was, it did not belong here. 
No one would believe what she saw.
The girl swiftly opened her trailer door, rushed inside, and slammed the door shut behind her, catching her breath from running, putting her hand on her heart. The familiar voice of her father sent a chill down her spine as she read the clock—9:04 PM.
“Where the hell have you been, Y/N? You were supposed to be back by eight, sharp.”
The air was suddenly thick with tension. The girl stood by the front door as her eyes met her father's unsober ones. The trailer reeked of alcohol as her father's face grew more and more red with anger by the second. 
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time. It won’t happen again.” Y/N softly spoke, beginning to trail her way back toward the safety of her room.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Her father stumbled his way over to her, beer in hand, grabbing the girl’s arm.
“Away from you,” She coldly stated, harshly pulling her arm away from the man.
“Yeah, run away from your problems just like your mother did,” Her father spat, and the room was silent for a moment, with tension suffocating the air. Suddenly—the girl grabbed the beer bottle in her father’s hands and smashed it onto the floor, with resentment growing in her expression.
“You little shit—you think you can do that? This is how you treat me? After everything I’ve done for you!” He slurred, his voice rising, looking at the glass shards from the beer bottle that covered the floor.
“Done for me? You’ve done nothing but ruin everything!” Y/N shouted back, her voice cracking as she felt tears forming, her next words hesitating for a moment.
“Mom would be ashamed of what you’ve become.”
Her father staggered closer to her, the scent of alcohol thickening as it entered the girl's nose. “You think you can talk to me like that?” He asked, coldly.
“I’ll teach you—you little brat, some fucking respect.” He then turned around and stumbled toward the kitchen, opening the fridge to grab another beer. 
As the girl turned around to exit the situation and retreat to the safety of her room, she was suddenly met with a beer bottle struck at her from across the kitchen into the living room, barely missing the side of her face and smashing into the empty, undecorated wall in front of her next to the hall.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” She screamed, turning around, the feeling of betrayal flooding through her system.
“You like that, huh? You like to smash stuff? I’ll show you what it’s like!” Her father screamed back, grabbing the whole beer case from the fridge, smashing it onto the floor. The girl’s body filled up with fear, and she fought tears, helpless, watching as her father found more and more items from the kitchen to destroy.
Abruptly, he stopped everything he was doing and angrily staggered into the hallway toward the girl’s room, kicking the door open with his foot.
“No, no, what are you doing?!” Y/N followed him into her room, tears now streaming down her face, watching as he searched erratically through her messy, unpacked room, throwing things out of his way—smashing her belongings in the process. 
He seemed to have found what he was looking for, reaching for her sketchbook that was under her pillow. “Don’t!” She screamed, throwing herself toward him to try and grab her hard work carefully drawn on all the pages.
“This is what happens when you disrespect me!” He shouted throughout the trailer, opening her sketchbook and tearing it in half. The desperate girl threw a weak fist at her father’s chest, watching as anger boiled over in him. 
In a flash, her father struck her, sending the girl reeling into the wall. She began to sob, feeling the betrayal sting and bruise her face, watching as her father continued to tear up the pages she spent hundreds of hours of her time on.
Y/N and her father constantly fought, but never on this level—this was the first time he’d ever laid hands on her. Her father threw the shredded paper onto the floor and left her room. She looked around, seeing her belongings shattered from the fight. Her body trembled, and she crawled toward her destroyed hard work. 
The girl attempted to piece the pages back together, but hopelessness began to infiltrate her body. Through her tears, she noticed as the room flooded with bright flashes of blue and red lights coming from outside her window, and she squinted, spotting police vehicles.
In the other room, the girl’s father silently cursed at himself and staggered his way to the living room. The flashing red and blue lights of police cars illuminated the front yard, lighting up the darkness from the night outside. 
Y/N’s father looked out the window next to the front door, seeing the chief of police step out of his vehicle. His expression was grim as he made his way up the trailer porch, firmly knocking on the front door.
“Chief of police, Jim Hopper, open the door!” He knocked loudly, his voice commanding as he announced his presence. The door swung open, revealing Y/N’s father—Thomas, who was visibly agitated. The sight of a policeman momentarily sobered him, but the anger in his eyes remained.
“What do you want?” Thomas snarled, alcohol reeking from him, attempting to block the chief's view of the chaotic scene inside.
“There was a noise complaint, step aside,” Hopper ordered, his voice leaving no room for argument. Pushing past Thomas, the six-foot man entered the living room and took in the scene—the broken lamp, the smashed objects and alcohol, and a girl with tear stains standing in the hall, holding the side of her cheek.
“It’s just a small mess, my daughter over here had a meltdown, she just got a bit clumsy, I—” Thomas started with an excuse, his voice full of hidden guilt as the chief examined the scene.
“You’ve done enough,” The chief stated coldly to Thomas. “Sit down and don’t move.”
The tall-figured man, Hopper, turned his attention to the girl with his demeanor softening slightly. He took light steps toward her, asking quietly, “Can you take your hand off your face for me?” 
The girl looked behind the chief to her father for approval, but the chief intervened. “Don’t look at him, kid, look at me.”
She reluctantly moved her hand to her side, clenching her fist, not making eye contact with the authority figure as he examined the bruise forming on her cheek with tear stains covering her face.
“It’s going to be alright.” Hopper fondly spoke as he put a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder, before turning around and putting his attention back on the drunk. 
He pulled out his handcuffs, looking at Thomas. “Put your hands up, you’re under arrest for domestic violence. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court.”
“What?!” Thomas slurred defensively. “Tell him, Y/N! I didn’t do that to you!” He desperately pleaded as his daughter watched him get handcuffed by the chief with tears in her eyes. The police chief took the man outside, shoving him into his partner's vehicle. 
“You didn’t even have a warrant, you can’t arrest me!” Thomas argued inside of the vehicle.
“I’m surprised you’re even sober enough to have that thought,” Hopper shook his head, slamming the door shut. “Well Chief, he technically is right, we should’ve had a warrant.” The other officer with brunette hair and glasses spoke, giving a slight shrug.
“I’ll meet you at the station,” he tells the other officer, brushing him off, beginning to make his way back to the trailer. “I’ll take care of the kid.”
𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
“And then that’s when he struck you?” A police officer with dark skin questioned the girl who was in a rather fragile state, holding an ice pack to her cheek. Her eyes were on the clock—10:48 PM. 
“Y/N?” The same voice resurfaced, while another intervened.
“Give her a break," The girl looked up, seeing it was Chief Hopper who spoke.
“Go home, guys, it’s getting late. I can handle this.” The chief commanded his officers, and they agreed, packing their things to get a night's rest at home.
The chief's attention shifted to the girl sitting down. “Look, kid… you can’t stay at your house until you have an adult guardian staying with you,” he started, fondly. 
“Do you have anyone you can call? Any other family?” He gently questioned, watching as the girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She slowly shook her head with a carefully guarded expression. 
The officer sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. He couldn’t bear the thought of watching this girl go through the foster care system—knowing all she needed was a stable environment, especially at the end of her teenage years.
“Alright,” he nodded to himself. “Your father will be going through court for custody over you for domestic violence charges. The system will place you in foster care for the time being. But I have an offer,” The chief raised his eyebrows and watched as the girl shifted her guarded expression to him, listening. 
“I can pull a few strings, and as long as you’re comfortable with it, you can stay with me, kid.”
The girl was silent, observing the chief. He had a soft and unsure expression written on his face, and his mustache covered his lips, while his chief hat hid his brunette hair. The girl's eyes were guarded but vulnerable, the man could see it.
“Thank you,” She started speaking softly, pausing. “I don’t want to go into foster care... I love my dad, but he’s… this fight was different.” She paused again, changing the subject, shaking her head.
“I wouldn’t mind staying with you while this is figured out.”
"Alright then, let’s get you settled in tonight," The chief fondly smiled, reassuringly placing a hand on the girl’s tense shoulder as she nodded.
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
The evening settled over Hawkins, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. Y/N found herself nestled comfortably in the chief of police’s trailer that was isolated in the middle of the woods.
The warmth of the crackling fireplace enveloped her as the fall season approached, offering solace and a sense of security that she hadn't felt in a long time. A new sketchbook Hopper had gifted Y/N upon hearing of her interest in art sat in her lap as she sketched the sight of the fireplace. With her pencil in hand, Y/N sat opposite Chief Hopper, the sound of the fireplace filling in the silence. 
“How are you feeling?” The man started up some conversation, glancing over at the girl. 
“Considering the circumstances, I’m alright,” She bluntly stated, observing the beer bottle in Hopper’s hands with pill bottles scattered across the coffee table in front of him, before shifting her focus back on her sketchbook.
“Good. That’s good.” The chief nodded, listening to the fire crackle throughout the trailer until Y/N, sat across from him, broke the silence. 
“You know you should stop with that stuff, being Chief of Police and all,” she suggested, giving a small shrug as her pencil glided across the page she was working on.
“That might be a good idea, huh?” Hopper remarked, giving a soft chuckle as he slowly began to realize that the kid had a point, thinking about how it might even trigger her looking back at the conditions of her father’s home, with beer bottles smashed across the house and pills scattered in the kitchen. Thinking about her father, he remembered the status of Thomas's case.
“Your father’s court date is in December… in the meantime, he legally can’t contact you.” Hopper started the difficult subject, watching as the girl continued sketching in her book. The date in the corner of the drawing read August 3rd, 1983.
“He’s been released from jail, and he has the option to fight for custody against the state in his court hearing," The man added.
“And if he doesn’t?” The girl asked quietly, attention still on her sketchbook. 
“You’ll belong to the state.” Hopper reluctantly finished, silence filling the air once again, with the girl momentarily pausing her sketching.
“Anyway, the first day of school is tomorrow… have you met anyone you’re going to school with yet?” Hopper changed the subject, in hopes to lighten the grim mood.
“I haven’t had the chance to go out and meet anyone,” She stated, quickly ending the conversation, leaving Hopper to wonder what else to talk about with the girl before bed—until he decided to just leave it.
"Alright kiddo, I’m going to hit the hay. I’ll take you to school in the morning.” Hopper stood up, retreating to his bedroom. 
“Sounds good. Thank you,” Y/N softly replied, hearing a gruff “mhm” from the man as he departed to his room. As the night grew later and the fire dwindled to embers, the girl prepared for bed, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead—her very first day at Hawkins High.
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taglist: @anqelically @cupofjoekeery @steviespookie @hailqueenconquer @just-tiredman @x-theolivia @fuckshitslover
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allthingsfangirl101 · 1 year ago
Little Stevie's In Love - Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
"Hey, Steve."
I looked over my shoulder to see Y/N, my neighbor, jogging toward me. Y/N was one of those people who others didn't realize how wonderful she was. Sure, she was quiet and a little shy. But if she really knows you, she's completely open.
I once asked her why she was shy around the other kids at school, but normal around me. She shrugged and said there was no reason to open up to a bunch of fake people. She said I wasn't fake, but the truth was, I am. Only she knows the real me.
"What's up, Y/N?" I asked as I shoved my hands into my back pockets. I smiled when she started to nervously ramble.
"I was wondering if you could do me a favor," she started. "Well, you wouldn't be doing the favor, per se. It would just be lending me something. I know this is precious to you and. . ."
"Y/N," I laughed as I gently cut her off. "What do you need?"
"I was wondering if I could borrow your car to take my parents to the airport tomorrow."
"Of course," I said, but she continued to ramble.
"I know that a car is a guy's, like, sacred place and your geeky neighbor taking her parents to the airport in it is not exactly what it's supposed to be for but. . ."
"Y/N," I cut her off as I gently grabbed her arm. She instantly bit her bottom lip–a habit she's always had. "First of all, breathe. Second, you are not a geek."
"I'm a theater weirdo," she interrupted.
"You've stared in every play our school's put on since freshman year," I laughed as I forced myself to let her go. "That doesn't make you a 'weirdo'. That makes you awesome."
We stared at each other for a few beats of silence before I cleared my throat. "And third, of course, you can borrow my car. You're about the only person I let drive it, other than me."
"Thank you so much," she sighed, relieved. "You just saved the day."
I blushed when she jumped up and kissed my cheek. I cleared my throat as she walked away.
"Glad I could help," I mumbled long after she left.
* * * * *
I was walking to my car when I heard Y/N's voice call out my name. I turned around to see her jogging toward me. The second she got to me, she jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Y/N," I said in a sing-songy. "Are you okay? Did the theater kids join the potheads during lunch today?"
"What?" She giggled as she let go of me. "No, I didn't smoke anything with the potheads at lunch. That crap ruins my vocal cords."
"Then what made you so cheery?" I teased.
"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me borrow your car," she said, her voice serious.
"It was just a car," I chuckled. "Not like I gave you a kidney or something."
"I know," she shrugged, her face burning red. "But still, it meant a lot. To me and my parents."
"Really?" I couldn't help but stutter.
"Yeah," she smiled. "My mom about swooned when she heard that you had lent me your car. My dad was impressed you trust me with it."
"It's just a car," I repeated. "I really didn't care about it that much."
"Still," Y/N giggled. "It meant a lot to me. Thanks again, Steve."
She grabbed my elbow and squeezed it before walking toward her locker. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I watched as she walked away. I watched as she opened her locker. I watched as she grabbed her calculus textbook.
"Who was that?" Tommy asked in his annoyingly over-confident, ridiculously insulting voice.
"My neighbor," I said without thinking about it.
"Oh! She's that theater girl," Carol scoffed. "The one who's in like everything this school does."
"She's okay I guess," Tommy shrugged. "It's not much fun to watch her, if you know what I mean."
"We always know what you mean," Carol sighed. I turned toward them, my anger boiling.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I scoffed.
I grabbed my backpack and walked away. I started to leave but stopped when I saw Y/N walking to her math class. I glanced over my shoulder to see Tommy and Carol had already moved on.
"Hey, Y/N!" I called out to her before I could talk myself out of it. She turned around and sent me a smile that made my heart jump into my throat.
"Hey," she said with a small laugh as I jogged over to her. "Is everything okay, Steve?"
"Yeah," I said, slightly caught off guard by her worry. "I just. . . I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me study for the Geometry test I have on Friday. I know you took Geometry in like sixth grade and it comes extremely easy to you, but I could really use your help."
"I'm sorry, Steve, but I can't tonight," she said, her smile dropping. I tried but failed to not look as disappointed as I felt. "I can help you tomorrow," she said quickly. "I know that's the day before your test but it's better late than never."
"Tomorrow works," I smiled, my mood instantly improving. "What do you have going on tonight?"
"Well," she sighed, "my partner for the Government test hasn't done a single thing on our project, so now I have to stay up late tonight and finish everything. Our presentation is tomorrow."
"That sucks," I scoffed. "Want me to kick his ass?"
"No," she laughed, "thanks though. I'll keep the offer in case we get anything lower than a B."
"Just say the word," I winked at her. I filled with pride when my wink made her blush.
"So tomorrow night?" She asked, refocusing the conversation.
"Perfect," I smiled. "Do you want to come to my place or. . ."
"Your place is fine," she shrugged when I didn't continue.
"Great. My place, tomorrow night."
"Or earlier," I stuttered. "I could order a pizza or something?"
"You don't have to," she started to say.
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "You're giving up your Thursday night to help me study. The least I can do is buy you dinner."
I held my breath when I realized that sounded like a date. I didn't mind the idea of going on a date with her, but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
"How about I meet you at your place at six?" She suggested, her smile making my entire body feel weird.
* * * * *
At the end of the day, I was driving Carol and Tommy home. The entire drive, I thought about the study session I had with Y/N tomorrow night. I have been weirdly nervous ever since she agreed to come over and help me.
"Can I ask you a question?" Carol asked, her voice instantly interrupting me mentally cleaning my room.
"What?" I deadpanned.
"What's the deal with you and Y/N?"
"She's my neighbor," I stuttered, my nerves jumping.
"You've said that," she scoffed. "Are you. . ."
"Don't tell me you have feelings for that girl," Tommy scoffed.
"No way!" Carol giggled.
"So what if I like her?" I asked harshly. "She's down to earth and funny and smart and sweet and beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the fact that she's real."
"You don't just like her," Carol said in a nasally voice. "Little Stevie's in love."
"Bullshit," Tommy immediately scoffed. "Steve Harrington wouldn't be with a weirdo like that stage freak."
I couldn't help but slam on my brakes a little too hard.
"Y/N's not a weirdo," I said harshly as I held the steering wheel so tight my knuckles turned white.
"You can't be serious," Tommy laughed. "You can't possibly have feelings for her. You're Steve "the Hair" Harrington. She's a nobody."
"Get out," I said through my teeth.
"But. . ."
I turned toward Tommy, unable to soften my glare.
Tommy mumbled something under his breath as he got out of the car, but I didn't care. My anger was more focused on how they talked about Y/N. They didn't know her like I do. The only reason they knew her name was because of me.
Part of me wished I'd never become friends with Tommy and Carol. And instead, I wish I had gotten closer to Y/N.
I jumped, being pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my window. I sighed angrily when I saw Carol watching me. I clenched my jaw as I rolled my windows down.
"Easy, Frosty," she chuckled. "I just wanted to say. . . You know Y/N better than Tommy and I, so if you like her, you should do something about it."
"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice softening.
"Tell her, dumbass."
I thought about what Carol said for the rest of my drive home. When I pulled into the driveway, I instantly looked over at Y/N's house. I couldn't see her room from the front of her house. I had a perfect view of it from my room though. It took everything in me sometimes not to look at her window. I was also more aware of when I left my blinds open.
I headed inside and instantly went into my room. As I threw my backpack onto my bed, my heart jumped into my throat when I saw Y/N sitting at her desk by her window.
I smiled when I remembered that she was working on her Government project tonight. Instead of completing my homework or studying for my math test, I watched Y/N work on her project.
* * * * *
I was distracted all day on Thursday. I forced myself to refocus when Y/N showed up on my doorstep at the agreed-upon time. We ate pizza at the kitchen table as Y/N helped me through the formulas our test was on.
I was overly aware of how close Y/N and I were sitting all night long. When she left, I couldn't sleep. The only thing I could do was go back through the events of the night in my head as I kept my eyes on Y/N's closed window.
Friday morning, I walked into school feeling way more confident about my math test than normal. And it was all thanks to Y/N. She was at my house for three hours helping me study.
I was on my way to math when I noticed someone waiting outside the classroom.
"Y/N," I said as I walked over to her. "What are you doing here? Don't you have English right now?"
"I do," she said slowly, clearly surprised that I knew her schedule. "I just wanted to wish you good luck on your test. And I wanted to make sure you knew that you can do it. I believe in you, Steve."
"Thank you," I said with absolutely no sarcasm in my voice. "Really, Y/N. Thanks for giving up your Thursday night to help me study."
"Of course," she shrugged. "Besides, it's not like I had anything better to do."
I cut her off by grabbing her hand and pulling her into my chest. Before I could wimp out, I leaned down and delicately pressed my lips to hers. I felt her gasp against my lips, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she snaked her arms up my chest and wrapped them around me as she kissed me back.
I broke the kiss long before I had wanted to. I leaned back and we instantly stared into each other's eyes.
"Wow," she whispered. "Steve, I'm a little. . . Confused."
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "It's just. . . The thing is. . . Over the last few. . ."
"Steve?" She gently cut off my nervous stuttering.
"I have feelings for you, Y/N," I blurted out.
"You do?"
"Of course, I do."
I laughed when Y/N jumped up and pressed her lips back to mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. She broke the kiss, her face bright pink.
"We should. . . I should get to class," she said, her voice soft. "Plus, you have your test to ace."
"I wouldn't be so confident in me," I chuckled. "We'll be lucky if I pass."
"Hey," she said firmly yet gently. "I know you can do this, Steve. You're a lot smarter than you think you are."
I felt like someone was blasting the heater as I stared into Y/N's eyes.
"What?" She asked when she saw the look on my face.
"That," I whispered. "That, right there, is why I'm crazy about you."
"I'm crazy about you too, Steve."
"How about this," I said, tightening my arms around her, "after I pass this test, I will take you out to dinner to celebrate."
"Dinner?" She asked, her face bright pink.
"Our first date," I smiled. Y/N giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Six o'clock?"
"I'll pick you up," I said, lowering my voice. "And I won't be even a second late."
Y/N stood on her toes and pressed her lips to mine. When she broke the kiss, she slowly lowered back down.
"I'm gonna hold you to that," she whispered. "Now, get in there and go ace that test."
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whosscruffylooking · 3 months ago
Open Arms Chapter Seven
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steve harrington x fem!reader Open Arms Masterlist word count: 2.5k a/n: finally breaking into season 3! super excited about what's coming up. if anyone wants to be added to a taglist please let me know! Rewrite/Character Insert of Stranger Things ~1985~
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
The summer of 1985 is electric, and you and Steve Harrington are at the center of it. Hawkins has its quirks, but the new Starcourt Mall is where the magic happens—and for you two, it becomes your playground. Steve rules the counter at Scoops Ahoy in that absurd sailor uniform, while you manage the record store just across the hall, surrounded by music and the steady rhythm of customers flipping through vinyl. Together, you are unstoppable, a force of love and humor that nothing—not even Robin’s relentless teasing—can disrupt.
Every day, you find excuses to visit each other. Whether it’s sneaking over on your break or Steve dramatically declaring an “ice cream emergency” just to wander into your store, you can’t stay apart for long.
That particular day, the sun spills through the mall’s skylights, and the chatter of shoppers fills the air. You push open the doors to Scoops Ahoy, your record store apron slung over your shoulder and a slice of pizza in hand. The smell of freshly made waffle cones hits you immediately, and so does the sight of Steve, who is leaning lazily against the counter while Robin deals with a line of kids.
“Hey, Harrington!” you call, sidestepping a rogue toddler and heading straight for him.
Steve’s head snaps up, his face breaking into that boyish grin that makes your heart flutter every time. “Oh, thank God,” he says dramatically, vaulting over the counter with way more enthusiasm than necessary. Robin groans audibly but doesn’t even bother looking up. She’s used to this routine.
“Do you ever use the door like a normal person?” you tease, holding up the pizza slice. “Brought you something to fuel your theatrics.”
“You spoil me,” he says, taking the pizza and immediately leaning in for a kiss. “Seriously, I don’t deserve you.”
“You’re damn right,” you shoot back with a smirk, but the way his eyes soften makes your knees weak.
Robin glances over, eyebrows raised. “Oh great, it’s the lovebirds. My favorite part of the day.”
Steve ignores her, focusing solely on you. “How’s life in record land? Still schooling people on how to find the alphabet?”
You laugh. “Always. Someone asked me if I filed The Rolling Stones under S. S, Steve. I thought about quitting on the spot.”
“You should,” he says, nudging your chin playfully. “Come work here. We can wear matching uniforms and make Robin’s life a living hell.”
Robin groans louder. “Please, no. I can barely tolerate the two of you separately.”
Steve pulls you closer, ignoring her completely. “Think about it, babe. We’d be unstoppable. Harrington and Y/L/N, rulers of Scoops Ahoy.”
“Tempting,” you reply, brushing some of his perfect hair back into place. “But you’re the sailor. I’m more of a rockstar.”
“You’re my rockstar,” he says, his voice dropping slightly, the words warm enough to make you blush.
Robin makes a gagging noise from the register. “Oh my God, can you two not? There are children here!”
“Relax, Buckley,” Steve shoots back with a wink. “I’m just showing my girlfriend how much I love her.”
Robin rolls her eyes but can’t hide her smirk as she hands a triple-scoop cone to a kid. “You’re both disgusting, and I hate you.”
“That’s the spirit,” you say, grinning as Steve pulls you in for another quick kiss.
Later that day, your break rolls around, and instead of heading into Scoops Ahoy through the front, you make your way to the back hallways behind the stores. The dimly lit corridor smells faintly of cleaning supplies and faint traces of popcorn wafting from the food court. You don’t wait long before Steve appears, ducking through the employee entrance with a sly grin plastered on his face.
“Well, well,” he says, sauntering up to you. “What’s the plan, troublemaker?”
“Plan?” you ask innocently, backing up slightly as he steps closer, trapping you against the wall. “I just wanted to see you.”
“Oh, you wanted to see me?” he teases, placing his hands on either side of you. “Seems like you had something more specific in mind.”
You roll your eyes but can’t suppress the smile tugging at your lips. “If you’re going to be smug, I could just go back to work.”
Steve leans in, his breath warm against your cheek. “You won’t,” he murmurs, and before you can come up with a retort, his lips are on yours.
The kiss is urgent, playful, and full of that spark that makes you feel like the world outside the mall doesn’t exist. His hands slide down to your waist, pulling you closer as the faint hum of fluorescent lights buzzes overhead. You let out a quiet laugh against his mouth when you feel his ridiculous sailor hat brush against your forehead.
“What’s so funny?” he mumbles, his lips still grazing yours.
“Your hat,” you reply, reaching up to pull it off. “It’s killing the vibe.”
Steve chuckles, tossing it to the side. “Better?”
“Much,” you whisper, pulling him back in.
Time seems to melt away until the distant sound of someone’s voice echoes down the hallway. You both freeze, your wide eyes meeting his as he stifles a laugh.
“Guess we should get back to work,” he says reluctantly, brushing his thumb over your cheek before stepping back.
“Yeah,” you agree, though your voice is tinged with disappointment. “But this was worth the detour.”
“Anytime, rockstar,” Steve says, grabbing his hat from the ground and winking at you before disappearing through the employee door again.
You lean back against the wall, your heart still racing, and smile to yourself. This summer isn’t just magical—it’s perfect.
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
It’s late, and the warm summer night wraps around you like a comforting blanket. The window is cracked open, letting in the occasional breeze, but all it brings is the sound of distant crickets and the faint hum of Hawkins streets. You’re lying on your bed, flipping through a dog-eared copy of some romance novel you picked up at the record store, when you hear the unmistakable tap-tap-tap on the glass.
You grin, closing the book and setting it aside. “Over nine years of crawling through my window. When are you gonna start using the front door?” you call softly.
“Where’s the fun in that?” his voice floats back, slightly muffled.
Shaking your head, you get up and push the window fully open. There he is, Steve Harrington, perched on the windowsill with that stupidly charming smile on his face. His hair is tousled from the breeze, and he’s wearing a loose T-shirt and jeans—the picture of effortless cool.
“You’re gonna break your neck one of these days,” you tease, stepping aside to let him climb in.
He hops down with practiced ease, landing lightly on the carpet. “Worth it,” he says, turning to face you. “Especially when I get to see you.”
You roll your eyes, but your cheeks warm anyway. “C’mere.”
He pulls you close by the waist, his fingers curling against your sides as he murmurs, “Missed you.”
“We spent the whole day together,” you point out, laughing softly as you loop your arms around his neck.
“Doesn’t count. You were working, I was working. It’s not the same.” His voice dips lower, his eyes softening as they meet yours. “This? Just us? This is what I miss.”
Your heart flutters, the way it always does when he looks at you like that. Like you’re the only thing in the world that matters.
“Well, now you’ve got me,” you murmur, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Damn right, I do,” he says, and then his lips are on yours.
The kiss starts soft, tender and slow, but it doesn’t stay that way for long. There’s a hunger to it, a quiet urgency as his hands pull you closer, and before you know it, you’re both tumbling onto the bed, giggling as you land in a heap.
“You’re gonna get me in trouble one of these days,” you tease, lying on your back as Steve props himself up on one elbow beside you.
“Trouble’s my middle name,” he shoots back, grinning as he brushes a strand of hair from your face.
“Pretty sure it’s Cary,” you counter, raising an eyebrow.
“Okay, ouch,” he says, mock-offended. “Now I’m hurt.”
“Want me to kiss it better?” you ask, your voice teasing but your eyes warm.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t,” he replies, stealing another kiss.
Steve smiles down at you, his hand gently brushing a stray strand of hair from your face as his thumb grazes your cheek. There is something in his eyes—something soft, something real—that makes your heart skip.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” he says, his voice low and full of warmth.
You grin, your fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. “Takes one to know one.”
He chuckles, leaning in closer, his lips just a breath away from yours. “You drive me crazy,” he whispers, the words barely audible.
Steve’s hand moves to cradle your jaw, his thumb brushing gently over your cheek as he leans in. His lips capture yours with a softness that sends a shiver down your spine, but it isn’t long before the kiss deepens. It is unhurried yet passionate, every movement of his mouth against yours brimming with emotion.
His other hand slides to your waist, pulling you closer as if he cannot stand the idea of even a sliver of space between you. Your fingers thread through his hair, tugging gently, and he lets out a quiet, almost desperate sigh against your lips that makes your heart race.
The kiss grows more intense, his lips parting slightly to match the rhythm you both seem to fall into instinctively. His breath mixes with yours, warm and intoxicating, as he tilts his head to deepen the angle, his nose brushing against yours. Every touch, every small motion, carries a weight to it—a silent promise, a confession of just how much he adores you. The world outside could fall apart, and neither of you would notice, lost in the way he kisses you like it is the only thing he wants to do for the rest of his life.
Steve collapses next to you, breathless. The two of you melt into the bed, holding one another as the quiet hum of the summer night wraps around you.
“I predict we’ll be doing that a couple more times tonight,” he murmurs, pressing a lazy kiss to your shoulder, his lips warm against your skin.
You laugh softly, your voice still a little breathless. “If we’re gonna do another round, I should refuel. Want a snack?”
He grins, rolling onto his back and reaching out to brush his fingers along your arm. “Maybe just a soda. Don’t take too long, though. I’m not done with you yet.”
You laugh again, your heart swelling at the way he looks at you, like you’re the only person in the world. As you stand to grab drinks from the kitchen, Steve pulls you back down, stealing another kiss—a soft, lingering one that leaves you dizzy.
“I love you, Steve,” you whisper against his lips.
His smile deepens, his eyes lighting up in that way that makes your chest ache in the best way. “You have no idea how much I love you,” he says softly, like a promise.
“You know,” Steve continues, tracing lazy patterns on your arm. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”
Your heart swells as you look at him, his face soft and open in the golden glow of the bedside lamp. “Me neither,” you admit, leaning in to nuzzle his jaw. “I’m so lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one,” he murmurs, kissing your temple.
You finally manage to slip away, heading downstairs to grab a bag of popcorn and two sodas. When you return, though, the playful glow from earlier has dimmed.
Steve sits on the edge of your bed, his shoulders tense, a small stack of papers in his lap. College brochures, internship flyers, and program applications are spread out in front of him like a puzzle he can’t solve.
“Hey,” you say cautiously, setting the snacks on your desk. “What’s going on?”
Steve lifts one of the brochures, his jaw tight. “When were you gonna tell me about this?”
Your heart sinks as you recognize the Ohio State University logo on the cover. “I wasn’t hiding them,” you say softly. “I just… I haven’t decided anything yet. They’re just options.”
“Options,” he echoes, his voice low but sharp. “Options like leaving Hawkins?”
You move closer, sitting beside him on the bed. “Maybe. I don’t know yet, Steve. I’m just… looking.”
He lets out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. “Looking,” he repeats. “That’s great. You should be. You’re smart, and you’ve got so much ahead of you. It’s… amazing.”
“Steve,” you say, reaching for his hand, but he doesn’t take it. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair as he stands and starts pacing. “Look at this.” He gestures to the brochures. “You’ve got all these incredible opportunities lined up, and what do I have? Nothing. I’m just the guy who peaked in high school, scoops ice cream for minimum wage, and doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing with his life.”
“Steve, stop,” you say firmly, standing to face him. “That’s not true. You’re so much more than that—You’re the guy who makes me laugh when I feel like crying,” you say, your voice trembling. “You’re the guy who fought to keep us all alive, who keeps fighting every day even when you’re scared. You’re the guy I love, Steve.”
His eyes soften for a moment before the doubt creeps back in. “That’s great,” he says quietly. “But what happens when you’re off in Chicago or Columbus, surrounded by all these people who have their lives together, and I’m still stuck here?”
“You’re not stuck,” you insist, your voice breaking. “And I don’t care about any of that. I care about you.”
He looks at you for a long moment, his jaw tightening. “I don’t want to hold you back,” he says finally. “I don’t want to be the reason you don’t go after everything you deserve.”
“You’re not holding me back,” you whisper. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
He shakes his head, his expression pained. “Not yet,” he mutters, almost to himself.
The silence stretches, heavy and suffocating. You reach for his hand again, but he steps back, gesturing toward the brochures. “I love you. I just… I need some air,” he says, his voice barely audible.
He leaves out of the front door this time. The playful ease, the teasing smirk—they’re gone, replaced by a heaviness you can’t seem to lift.
You sit back on the bed, staring at the brochures scattered across the comforter. His words echo in your mind, drowning out the memory of his earlier smile, of the way he’d said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”
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joekeeryswife · 1 year ago
joe keery has such strong dad energy, especially in recent photos from italy. can you write about joe traveling in italy with you and your baby daughter? i just know he’d be the type to wear his kid around and splash in the water with her, and fall asleep in the sun with her on his chest, and feed her little bites of pasta. with you, he’d make sure that your vacation was relaxing and that you felt treated like a goddess. insecure about wearing a bikini? joe can’t stop blushing when he looks at you in it even if you’ve been married for years. while the baby is napping, he massages your feet and cuddles with you. in turn, you set up reservations at his favorite restaurants and plan manageable but gorgeous walks around the city. idk man just dad!joe on vacation
Italy - j.k
a/n: hello angels. how have you all been? i’m so sorry i’ve been MIA lately but i’m back and better than ever! this request is adorable! let’s get into the imagine. it’s not proof read so please bare with me if this is shit lmfao, im still trying to get back into the swing of writing, i also can never seem to figure out how to end my imagines so if anyone has any tips please LMK!! for the ending the outfits are in the little collage🫧
@johnricharddeacy @theshireisonfire @ssababe @phantomxoxo @livsters @hellfire1986baby @ladyapplejackdnd @alexxavicry @m-rae23 @sheisjoeschateau @kaverichauhan @missabsey @chxrrysprxut @thefrontofmymind @nightmonkeyparker @carinacassiopeiae @cherrymedicine13 @waratah-moon @minsugafour @k-k0129 @limelight23 @alwaysteveswife @krazykatkay456 @lma1986 (it’s been a while so lmk if you want to be removed 🫧)
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“baby come on we wanna get to the pool, what’s taking you so long-” Joe barged into the bathroom without knocking making you jump out of your skin. after having your daughter Florence a year and a half ago you had been insecure about your new body.
you were curvier then before, had a few stretch marks scattered all over your body which had faded but in your eyes they were so visible. you just didn’t feel like yourself and with this being your first holiday since having her, you were nervous.
nervous that you didn’t look as good as you did before, nervous that you were gonna get papped and people online would say awful things about you, nervous people were gonna stare.
but to Joe, the sweetest man ever thought you’d never looked better. you had carried a whole human for 9 months and you looked incredible. “Joe, you scared me” you placed a hand on your chest and turned to look at him.
Joe looked at you, eyes darting across your body, seeing you in a bikini for the first time in over a year made him feel tingly. his face heated up “you look beautiful baby, jesus christ you’re gorgeous” he saw your eyes light up slightly.
Florence was in her playpen which you had brought along to keep her occupied, Joe had made sure she was safe before coming to look for you. even after five years of being together and three years of marriage, just looking at you made Joe feel giddy. he was so lucky to have you in his life.
you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he couldn’t ever get over your beauty. Joe knew what you were doing in the bathroom, he had caught you one too many times and he hated that you felt insecure.
he walked toward you and pulled you into him “my pretty girl” he kissed your head as he hugged you closer. “you’ve never looked so beautiful” you smiled shyly. there was something about Joe, he always knew how to make you feel beautiful. he had a special way with words.
“come on, don��t want to keep you and flo waiting any longer” you said as you pulled yourself away from the hug. he ran back to Florence who squealed when she saw her dad, the two of them were best friends and although it made you jealous their relationship was your favourite thing ever.
seeing the two of them bonding was the most adorable thing in the entire world. even when she was in the womb he would spend hours and hours speaking to your bump with her kicking you in response. “my angel, let’s go. mama is almost ready” you heard him say as he picked Florence up out of the playpen, she squealed in delight as he did.
the three of you were lounging around the pool, Italy was boiling hot and luckily the hotel you were staying at had a kids pool and an adult pool. Florence was a baby who loved the water, she never cried when having a bath, if anything she enjoyed it.
splashing around with her toys was her favourite thing to do. she loved your pool that you had back home, every time it was hot Joe would take her into the pool. your friends kids were a bit older than Florence and she loved watching them play in the pool too.
as soon as you and Joe got situated on your sun loungers he grabbed Florence and walked straight to the kid section which was thankfully right in front of you. you watched Florence splash the pool water with her toys, the biggest smile on her face.
Joe was sat opposite her with the exact same expression on his face. it was honestly scary how much Florence looked like him. they had practically all the same features except she had your eyes, she was a carbon copy of him.
aside from the fact that Florence and Joe where best friends and looked exactly like each other the worst of it all was when Florence said her first word which was of course ‘dada’. you had prayed that she said ‘mama’ first but nope. it wasn’t like it actually hurt your feelings, your daughter had days where you were the favourite parent and it made you tear up when she finally did say ‘mama’ for the first time.
Joe and Florence had only been sat in the kid pool for thirty minutes before his back started hurting but the look on his daughters face made it all worth it. other than you, Florence was the best thing to ever happen to him. before her, he didn’t really care about being a dad. it wasn’t something he had ever thought about. but that sunny Friday afternoon, the day you told him, showed him the positive test, he never thought he could love someone as much as he loved her.
“dada” Florence said as she looked up at him and lifted up a purple octopus for him to take. “oh thank you angel” he took the toy from her small hand. Joe watched Florence with the softest smile, she was the most adorable thing ever and he couldn’t get over the fact that you guys had made something so beautiful. Florence paused playing with her toys and yawned. Joe knew exactly what that meant, she only yawned when she needed a nap, it sounded odd because everyone yawns but the little eye rub after her yawn made it obvious. she was tired.
after waking up early (6:37am to be exact but who was checking? definitely not Joe) eating breakfast and all this playing in the pool, the girl had worn herself out. “come on sweetheart, you look like you’re about to fall asleep” Joe said as he stood up, picking up her few toys and shoving them in her pockets and then bending down to pick her up. she had her small arms lifted in the air, her eyes squinting as she looked up at Joe.
he picked her up and made his way back over to you. you where laying on the sun lounger now reading a book with your airpods in. you noticed Joe walking back with Florence hugging him tightly. you took one airpod out and smiled at the two of them. “you okay?” you asked, sitting up. Joe picked up the towel that was on his sun lounger and wrapped it around both him and Florence. “yeah, she just got tired. i mean, it’s around the time she usually has a nap isn’t it?” you looked at the time in your phone and nodded. “yeah, she’s actually stayed awake a lot longer then i thought she would”
Joe sat laid down on the sun lounger, making sure Florence was comfortable before he started running his hand up and down her back and through her hair. it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, her breathing slowed and she was completely relaxed against him so you went back to your book, letting the two of them have their moment.
it was about 10 minutes after Joe and Florence had sat down and the soft snores was the only thing you could hear from the two of them, it didn’t take long for Joe to fall asleep. he was just as tired as Florence was. you turned your attention to the two of them and felt your heart melt. your two favourite people in your company were the moments you treasured the most.
“come on Joe i know it takes ten hours to do your hair but we are gonna be late” you said jokingly as you picked up Florence who was dressed in a white dress with the cutest sandals you’d ever seen, it was the last night in Italy before you went home tomorrow night and you wanted to do something special for Joe. he had planned this whole trip for you, knowing you needed a break from your town and the paparazzi (it’s not like you hit a break from that because they followed you everywhere!).
he needed to be appreciated just as much as he appreciated you and sometimes you struggled to do that with Florence. you weren’t saying that you didn’t love being a mum because you did, however sometimes you and Joe hardly spoke to each other because you were so focused on her.
“i’m coming honey, sorry” he came out of the bathroom with his hair perfectly styled, per usual, and he was wearing a comfortable but smart outfit. black jeans, blue t-shirt, let’s just say he looked perfect. he sat on the bed and put on his trainers and started doing the laces up, he stood up and kissed you on the cheek “you look beautiful baby” you smiled and thanked him with a a passionate kiss.
“and look at my angel” he took Florence out of your arms gently “you look perfect my sweet girl” he kissed her cheek a few times which made her squeal and hide her face in his neck. “right, let’s go, we can’t be late for whatever your mama’s planned can we?” you had seen a a popular restaurant all over social media which about fifteen minute walk from the hotel you were staying at which you also remembered was Joe’s favourite. he had been to Italy a few times and had always gone there with his friends and you had told him a few months ago when planning this trip that you couldn’t get a reservation which he was actually a little upset about. you and him hadn’t ever been there together and he wanted to take you there because he knew you’d love it. it was a surprise for him that you actually did get one. it wasn’t the best surprise out there but you knew it would mean something to him.
as the two of you walked hand in hand, Joe had Florence on his shoulders laughing as her dad played around with her. after about twenty minutes (due to Joe messing about) you guys approached the small town where the restaurant was and Joe’s eyes lit up, he could see the restaurant sign and turned his head to look at you.
“are we going in there?” he squeezed your hand slightly as his body filled with excitement. “yeah, i got us a reservation and wanted to surprise you. it’s not a huge thing but i knew you would like it” his heart melted, that’s one thing he loved most about you. always remembering the little things he had said and trying your best to get those things sorted. he had said about going here ages ago and honestly he had forgotten about it but you, you didn’t and you made sure you got one.
“aww honey, that’s so sweet of you” he let go of your hand and pulled you into his side and wrapped his arm around your waist. he kissed your cheek softly as the two of you continued walking towards the busy looking restaurant.
once sat inside the restaurant you sat opposite Joe with Florence in a high chair at the end next to both of you. she was babbling away in her own little language. Joe replied to everything she said as if he knew what she was saying but it made her happy, she had a smile on her face showing her four small teeth. “last night in Italy. is it bad that i want to live here forever?” Joe said as he turned his attention back to you.
you shook your head “no, it’s beautiful here” you smiled, if you could move to Italy you would, the houses were beautiful, the people were lovely, the views were gorgeous, so what was stopping you?. “maybe we could move here. i mean, not now obviously but sometime in the future we could” Joe said as he ran a hand through his hair.
“also just changing the subject, i really appreciate you doing this for us” he started but you rolled your eyes jokingly “Joe, all i did was make a reservation it’s not that big of a deal” you laughed but he took ahold of your hand and looked at you “it is to me. you went out if your way to get us in here and that’s just a small piece of what you do for us. you take care of flo when i’m away working which fucking kills me but you keep it together, make sure she’s okay and even make sure i’m okay and i’m not even there before you make sure you’re alright yourself. when we are at home together the only time we see each other is when we are in bed and at that point one of us is usually asleep. i know you miss up our date nights and even just being together in general” he was stroking your hand gently as he spoke.
“this vacation has been the best thing for us because we’ve actually spent time together which we rarely do. we have completely different schedules so i know it’s hard but after this movie is over i’m taking a break and i’m going to focus on you and flo. you’re my main priority and i need to spend time with you.” he kissed your hand and smiled.
“we do need to spend more time together and i do miss our dates, they were my favourite” his smile softened and his grip on your hand tightened ever so slightly. “i know, so that’s what we are doing. i’ll get someone to look after Florence and we will do something together” with happy your heart melting you leaned over the table enough to kiss him. you could feel him smile into the kiss which you always loved him doing, you didn’t know why, you just did.
“i love you” you said as you pulled away to sit back down “i love you more” you felt your cheeks heat up. you heard a small whine from the little lady who was sat next to you which made you both turn to look at her. she had the smallest frown on her face which made both you a Joe laugh “and we couldn’t forget our favourite girl” he said pulling her out of her high chair and placing her on his lap, smothering her with small kisses which made her giggle, making your heart melt at the sight. your favourite people in the world.
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harringtons-cupid · 7 months ago
Hi I was wondering if your taking any requests at the moment if so I was wondering if you could do a Joe keery smut imagine based on the photo of him in Italy smacking the girls butt and when they get to the rocks or even on the boat smut happens and it's mostly kinky (like him having his hand lightly around readers throat) but romantic parts like him saying sweet things afterwards
Thank you for the request, I’m sorry it’s about a year late 🫣
Smut: Cunnilingus, doggystyle sex , missionary sex, standing sex, dirty talk. Cum eating. Blowjob. Choking. Arse spanking.
Fluff: Kissing, hand holding, aftercare. Sea Swimming. Private boat event.
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It was hot, very hot. You were in a tight black bikini, your hair tied into a tight bun. Since Joe had invited you to Italy, it had been a whirlwind.
Subtle touches and glances at the restaurant but nothing more, you were slightly nervous to be around him.
The paparazzi followed him everywhere, you weren’t sure if he hated it or not. Several times, he had pulled you into a side alleyway to hide from them.
It might have been the heat but you needed him on you, to kiss him.
So when he organised a small private boat ride for the two of you, you squealed with delight.
Packing a few things in your handbag before meeting him out front, he had a white shirt on with shorts. His sunglasses were resting on his head.
He raised his eyebrows at you once with a smirk before opening the car door.
“Looking good” he whispered as you passed him.
Blushing intensely, you climbed into the passenger seat. A tight striped dress clung to your body, the car was hot as he climbed in next to you.
The drive was silent, staring out at the views flying past you. You wanted to touch his hand on the gearstick but didn’t.
When you arrived at the port, Joe took care of percuring the boat. Before leading you to the end of the dock, a small white boat bobbed in the water.
He helped you onto the boat before jumping on himself, it roared to life from a turn of a key.
Joe was good at driving the boat, you sat facing the sea as his eyes flicked between you and the sea.
He drove the boat until you were far enough out to have peace and quiet. It rocked against the waves, the sun bore down onto you both.
Within seconds, he already whipped his shirt off and had readied himself for jumping in.
You squealed as water sprayed your dress, not feeling completely ready. You just watched him swim in circles until he held out his hand.
“Come in, it’s very nice” he grinned up at you, his hair was wet and stuck to his face.
He was so pretty, you couldn’t say no to him.
Nodding reluctantly, you stripped into your bikini before balancing on the edge of the boat.
Joe moved further away so that you had space to jump in, keeping his eyes on you as you lifted off the boat.
The water was freezing as your body landed in the water, squealing loudly at the temperature difference.
You could hear him laughing as you rose to the surface, the water was very clear.
He swam over to you, grinning at you. Your bodies were inches away from each other, panting heavily as you both treaded in the water.
You both stayed in the water until you grew tired and climbed onto the side ladder of the boat. He hovered behind you and as you bent over to land onto the boat, he spanked your ass.
Gasping, you turned to face him where you caught him wink at you. Blushing and biting down a smile, you laid down on the boat.
He joined you not long after, the sun blazing down on you both. Sea water clung to your bodies, his eyes kept grazing over to you.
“So did you fancy going for some food?” He leant over towards you.
You could see his eyes burning into you through his sunglasses, your chest fluttered from the interaction.
“Shall we go back now then?” You smiled at him sweetly.
“That sounds nice” he nodded, jumping to his feet. He extended his hand out for you to take.
You wobbled into his body, catching your breath from the close contact. His hand touched your face to wipe a strand of hair off your skin.
Your faces inches apart, your eyelashes fluttered from his touch. You really wanted to kiss him.
And to your surprise, he did.
His lips were soft against yours as the sun bore down against your back, moving seamlessly together.
You felt yourself grow more and more heated with every kiss, pushing yourself closer to his body.
“God I’ve wanted to kiss from the moment I saw you” he mumbled against your lips.
He kissed you harder, his hand trailed up your body before reaching your throat.
“Please” you said, even though he hadn’t asked a question.
It was both on your minds, so he did.
Hard, increasing the throbbing between your legs as he kissed you.
He stopped squeezing you and his hand moved between your legs and his thumb found your clit.
Moving in circular motions as he continued to kiss you, it felt good. Moaning against his lips, as you panted more and more.
You didn’t realise how turned on you were, his hand suddenly stopped moving and with one swift motion. The black bikini bottoms were lying on the floor of the boat and he dropped to his knees.
His lips met your clit and you moaned loudly, grinding your hips against his tongue aggressively.
It was the sexiest thing you had ever done.
Off the coast of Italy, Joe Keery ate your pussy until you squirted.
He ate every last bit off your pussy, leaning forward and kissing you. Making sure that you tasted yourself on him.
Lifting you up, he carried you onto the benched area of the boat. Placing you down, spreading your legs and you stared up at him.
Catching your breath as he dropped his shorts, his cock was throbbing. You could see that.
Not even stopping for a moment, you pulled him closer to you. His cock was hovering over your stomach, your eyes burning into him.
His thumb circled your clit as he began to slide inside you, gasping as he did.
“Fuck” he mumbled, his chest heavy on top of you.
His cock was going hard and slow inside you, hitting your soft spot. Your wetness spiling out onto his cock, making it easier for him to fuck you.
He whimpered into your neck as he gripped onto your back, he lifted you up again. Holding you in his arms before turning around and pressing you against the mast.
It was hot against your skin but you didn’t care, his cock was deeper inside you.
You were able to bounce using his arms for support on his cock, both of you moaned loudly.
“You are so pretty whilst bouncing on my cock” he panted, kissing your neck roughly.
You continued in that position until his legs began to shake, he carried you over to the wheel.
He removed himself for a second,
“Bend over there baby” he groaned, watching you bend over for him.
He thrusted hard inside you as you stared out to the sea, gripping onto the wheel for support.
“Ugh, you feel so so good” he moaned.
His hand spanked your ass as he pounded into you, the boat rocked from your movements.
The only sounds were your moans echoing across the boat but you didn’t care, it felt good to have his cock inside you.
“Can I touch my clit” you whined, dying for extra friction.
“Please do, I want you to cum on my cock” he groaned as he leant backwards to thrust into you.
You whimpered as you began to play with your clit in fast movements as you ground yourself back onto his cock.
“That’s it, such a pretty girl” he cooed at you.
His cock twitched inside you, growing closer to his orgasm. As your body shivered, your clit was sensitive with every movement.
“I’m so close” he whined, gripping onto your thighs to pound you into him.
You needed him to cum more than anything.
He pulled out quickly but it gave you enough time to turn around and open your mouth.
On your knees as you played with clit, his eyes rolled back as he came hard.
Emptying himself into your mouth, he looked down at you as you swallowed.
“You did so well baby” he leant down and kissed you.
Taking you into his arms on the floor of the boat as his hand slid down between your legs. Replacing his hand that was once yours on your clit.
You closed your eyes as he touched you, kissing you passionately as he coached you through your second orgasm.
“Such a good girl, cumming for me” he cooed at you.
“Thank you, thank you” you said against his lips.
You came hard against his fingers, your bodies were intertwined together. It somehow felt romantic.
Both laid there for a couple of moments, breathing in the last of the sea air. Before he helped you up, your legs wobbled against the boat.
As he sat at the wheel for the boat, he placed you on top of his lap for support.
It was comforting, you enjoyed the day with him.
He was different than you’d ever thought he would be.
Once on land, he booked a restaurant for lunch and took you to his hotel room. Paying for the cancellation of your room and place you in the shower.
Washing each other, kissing and touching underneath the water before he helped you get changed.
Every chance the paparazzi got, the cameras flashed but his hands were on yours.
He didn’t care and neither did you.
Joe Keery wanted you and he wanted the world to know.
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stellatekintsugi · 6 months ago
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Joe Keery
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whoisshel · 1 year ago
The Man and His Girls
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apart of what do i call you series
summary: steve has worries about becoming a dad .reader and steve find out the gender of their baby.
You were preparing for a big day by relaxing on the couch watching TV and snacking on Cheez-Its. Steve was preparing by putting the crib together, or more like attempting to put the crib together. Steve was doing this five months early to keep his mind off the news they were going to find out today. 
After struggling to shorten the list of baby names, the two decided to make an appointment to find out the gender of their baby. The two didn’t want to know the gender at first, a week later they couldn’t wait any longer. Luckily, they didn’t have to wait too long for an appointment that would take a lot of stress off of them.
“Babe!” Steve yelled from their soon-to-be baby’s room.
With a mouth full, you shouted back, “Yeah?”
“Can you come here?”
You put your snack aside, taking a few minutes to stand up with your now five-month belly in the way. Once you finally made it to your feet, you wiped the crumbs off your stomach and walked to where Steve was.
Stopping in the doorway, you took a moment to watch Steve struggle as he tried to put two pieces together that didn’t seem to work.
“Why don’t you just ask Dustin for help,” Steve whipped his head your way not realizing you had arrived, “He’s really good at building stuff, or Eddie whose job it is to build things.”
“I don’t need them gloating about building my baby’s crib when it’s the Dad of the baby’s job to build their stuff.” Steve said solemnly, trying to focus on the pieces again, “All I need is just some help with the instructions.”
“Okay,” You nodded, not wanting to upset him more.
For the past week, Steve has been becoming easily upset when the topic of being a dad has come up. Just yesterday, you both were getting paint samples for the baby’s room when you saw a dad and his young son shopping together. You pointed out their matching overalls to Steve, and he immediately became upset.
You were becoming worried that he no longer wanted to become a father and was going to leave you and your unborn baby. You’ve tried to ask him what’s been upsetting him, but he just blows off the conversation. This time you were finally going to get it out of him.
“Help me down, please?” You stretched your hands out, wiggling your fingers.
Steve pushed aside what he was working on to get to his knees. Grabbing a hold of your hand, Steve slowly helps you sit on the rug-covered floor. Once you were as comfortable as you could get sitting criss-cross, Steve sat back where he was before, handing you the instructions.
Instead of reading the instructions to Steve, you folded the paper up and set it on the floor in front of you.
“What are you doing?” Steve asked, chuckling.
“Before we get started, I think we need to talk about what’s been going on with you.”
“What do you mean?” Steve feigned confusion, “Nothing's been going on with me.”
“Oh, really?” You crossed your arms, “Then why is it that anytime the topic of dads and becoming a dad comes up, you completely shut down.”
“That’s not- I don’t shut down.” Steve fiddled with the piece of wood in front of him as he tried to avoid eye contact.
Choking up, you finally asked the question that's been on your mind, “Do you not want to be a dad anymore, because it’s a bit late for that.”
“What?” Steve was shocked by the question, “No! No, I mean, yes, I still want to be a dad. Wh-where is this coming from?”
A small sigh of relief left your body, but it was quickly replaced with anger, “What do you mean “where is this coming from”? Like I said, you’ve been shutting down, it seemed like you were always waiting for the right moment to tell me you were leaving.”
By now, tears were rushing down your face and your breathing had quickened.
“No, no, no” Steve crawled the short distance to you and wrapped you in a hug, “I’m not going anywhere. Ever!”
“Then what’s been going on?”
Steve leaned back on his heels, wiping the tears from your face.
“You know how last week we were going to get groceries but you weren’t feeling good so I went alone?” You nodded, squeezing his hand for him to continue, “Well, when I was at the store, I ran into Tommy.”
“Tommy? Your douchebag friend from High School?”
“Not really my friend, but yes, him.” Steve clarified, “Anyway, when he saw me, he just started calling me all these names, and saying what a bad father I’m going to be because I’m not man enough?”
“Man enough? How are you not “man enough”?” You used air quotes to show how ridiculous that phrase is.
“Because… because you make all the money and I stay home to do the cooking and cleaning.”
“What?” You were saddened that Steve thought this way, “I know this isn’t a normal situation we’re in but I thought you were fine with it.”
“I am, I love it!”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“He also made the comment that I better have a girl because I’d never be able to raise a man.
Steve never really cared about this before, so you didn’t understand why he did now. You tried your best to comfort him but he seemed like he needed some tough love to get him out of this funk.
You grabbed onto his cheeks, bringing him close, “Steve, who the fuck cares.”
“Huh?” Shocked, Steve pulled back causing you to drop your hands.
“Who the fuck cares if you’re not “man enough” and who the fuck cares what Tommy has to say. He has three kids that he never sees, he’s the one who’s not a man. You’re the one who’s always going to be there to take care of your family because you are man enough to step up and stay home while I get to pursue my dream job. And if we want to be technical about it, just because you aren’t great at building things doesn’t mean you’re any less of a man. Will I be a bad mom because I suck at cooking and won’t be able to teach our daughter how to cook?”
“No!” Steve was now psyched up along with you, “You’re going to be a great mom!”
“And you’re going to be a great dad who’s going to teach our sons and daughters how to be amazing at whatever sports they want to play and cook their favorite meals.”
Sons and daughters?” Steve asked, blowing over the rest of what you just said, “Like six of them?”
“I was thinking more like for of them unless you want to push out the last two.”
“Four it is!” Steve leans over giving you a big kiss.
“Now help me up. We’ve got an appointment to get to.” You once again reached your hands out.
“Alright, are you two sure you want to know the gender?” The ultrasound tech asked.
“Yes!” Both you and Steve answered excitedly.
“Okay,” She chuckled, turning back to the screen that showed your baby, “Looks like you’re having a girl.”
“A girl!” You cheered, looking over at Steve who had tears in his eyes, “Are you alright?”
“It’s a girl.” Steve gently whispered, not taking his eyes off the monitor.
“Yeah,” You said, in the same soft tone, “Now we can get rid of half the names on the baby name list.”
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l0vergirlwrites · 8 months ago
hold steady ; steve harrington
synopsis: life has hit you hard since the events of spring break. but the softness of steve reminds you that you’re not alone, & that you shouldn’t be ashamed for how you’re handling everything.
warnings: post-season 4 setting, descriptions of grief & guilt, mental health issues & trauma, written with fem!reader in mind (but can apply to other identities too)
wrote this while listening to role model’s song “so far gone” feat. lizzy mcalpine!
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you’re being dramatic you internally told yourself in the mirror, trying to make yourself believe the statement so you’d calm down.
you weren’t sure what time it was. the house was quiet, aside from the soft hum of the cold air passing through the vents. you tried making the sound of it louder in your head in hopes it’d ground you. but it wasn’t working.
so, you continued to stand in the bathroom with the nightlight plugged into the wall, staring at yourself in the mirror’s reflection. you couldn’t get over how different you looked now in comparison to who you were before spring break. something inside you seemed to have died a bit more than last summer, & you could tell from whatever aura you were emitting.
you had originally came here to wash your face after one of your bad dreams; to remind yourself that you’re in the present, you’re safe (for now), & that the past can’t hurt you anymore—at least that’s what your therapist wants you to do, but it doesn’t help as much as you wished it would. you just hoped the sound of the sink running wouldn’t have woken up steve.
he’s been in a bad place like you, despite how hard he’s working to help rebuild hawkins. with soup kitchens, garage & yard sales, donation boxes littered at every street corner, & community programs that have emerged since the town was practically ripped apart, steve’s been doing what he can to help.
you know steve’s got good heart, so you weren’t surprised with how involved he’s been. but you also know how his tiredness has been eating him alive, interfering with his sleep & energy whenever he’s home. tonight was the first night he feel asleep at before midnight, & you didn’t want to disrupt his r.e.m. cycle.
so, if crying in the bathroom while clutching the counter meant that steve could continue sleeping without any interruptions, you’d do it.
luckily, most of your crying was silent except when the occasional hiccup or whimper escaped your lips. you tried keeping it together, but it was hard. the weight in your chest was excruciating, but you’ve been through this many times before, so you knew you could handle it.
you just needed to hold onto the counter tighter to stay upright & it would pass, right?
moments later, when another shaky breath was exhaled, you could hear a door creak open from the hallway, footsteps padding slowly along the soft cream carpet flooring, getting closer to where you were.
you heard a groggy voice call your name from behind the bathroom door in search of you.
you tried staying quiet, hoping he’d just go back to bed because you didn’t want to talk about it, but you knew he wouldn’t. steve insisted he slept better with you beside him.
“are you in there?” he asked, bending two fingers to knock softly on the wooden door.
you closed your eyes shut, feeling the weight on your chest pang heavier. “i-i’ll be back in a minute” you said as clear as you could, but the strain in your voice wasn’t convincing.
steve knew you, & sometimes you hated it.
“can i… can i come in?” he hesitated, afraid of scaring you away.
you didn’t have to say anything because you knew he’d come in aways, soon finding you with your head hung low & knuckles white from your grip on the counter.
he didn’t have to say anything either as he came closer, his warm touch infiltrating your space as you felt his chest press into your spine, head nuzzling into your shoulder while his arms wrapped around your stomach. the feeling of him made you choke out a sob.
you felt like you didn’t deserve his sweetness, but your brain was lying to you.
“you don’t have to do this alone. unless you want to” he mumbled into your shoulder, treading carefully because he knew your pain all too well. it’s a hard thing to navigate & he doesn’t want you to feel cornered.
you shivered, tensing up again until you reminded yourself that it’s just steve, that he loves you, that you don’t need to hide—but it just feels like the opposite.
“i know” you said unevenly, breathing in but whimpering when your chest tightened uncomfortably. “everything is just… hard” was the best way you could put it.
steve nodded against you, kissing your shoulder as a way to tell you that he knows, that he hears you.
“i don’t want to feel this way forever” you cried, head dropping low again as your eyes pinched shut. “i just want to go back to before so badly. w-we don’t deserve this—all the shit we’ve dealt with—it’s so unfair” you begin to shake, chest raising up & down with a little more speed than before. the scars on your body burned with each passing second, as if they were still fresh from the claws of demo dogs & demo bats—flashes from the past you wish wouldn’t play in your brain.
with tears blurring your sight, you didn’t fight it when steve peeled your hands away from the counter, when he turned you to face him, or when he pulled you tightly to his chest, letting your face press into the crook of his neck & your hands bunch up the material of his t-shirt.
“i know, baby. we shouldn’t have gone through it. it’s not fair at all” steve agrees, shutting his eyes & letting out a shaky sigh into your hair because he feels the same way.
he feels the same anger & frustration & emptiness that you do. hell, he knows the whole party does too. it’s just how it is.
steve lets you cry as much as you need, lets you grip his back to hold steady & dampen his t-shirt because it helps remind him that you’re still here, that you didn’t face the fate that many others did during spring break & long before. that he still has you to love & work through the mass amounts of grief & fear that are still embedded inside you both.
“i’m sorry for waking you up” you sniffled loudly. “i know you’re exhausted”.
“don’t be. you needed me. i sensed it” he mainly said the last bit to make you scoff, laugh or anything of the sort. but it was true—he swore he had a sixth sense for you.
lifting your head back, brushing the tear stains from your eyes with the backs of your hands, steve continued giving you gentle touches. he knows that it’s calming for you.
“i don’t know what’s wrong with me” your lips frowned as you looked at him, his eyes shining a tiny bit from the nightlight.
“i feel like i can’t get back to normal. l-like i’m broken—stuck in a loop” you admitted, trying to find comfort in steven’s repetitive touches.
“you’re not broken,” steve started, moving a hand to hold your cheek, thumb smoothing against your skin. “you’re just healing. & no one expects you to be fine—i’m sure as hell not” he assured you, heart melting when you leaned into his hand.
opening your mouth to speak, the words won’t come out, as if they were stuck in your throat. so steve continued.
“what you went through…,” his bottom lip trembled at the thought, memories of all the blood & screaming & fear racing back. “you didn’t deserve any of it. i-if i could take that pain away, i would—in a heartbeat. b-but i can’t” his tone sounded defeated.
“i wish i could take yours away too” you breathed out, raising one of your hands up to run through his hair.
there was always a part of steve that blamed himself for what you went through. you had a part of you that felt the same thing.
“you always tell me that things take time—that as each day goes by, we’ll feel a little less hurt, a bit stronger than before,” he looked deep into your eyes, leaning his head closer to yours. “we just have to believe it. even if it feels like a lie sometimes” you nodded your head in agreement.
collapsing back into steve’s chest, you smiled a bit when you felt his cheek press into your hair. “i hope me talking about my… stuff… isn’t like weighing you down, you know? ‘cause i know you have your own—“
“hey, hey, hey,” he pulled you back, both of his hands holding your face now. “none of that, okay? i want you to talk to me about this—about anything you feel. i don’t hide from you, so you don’t gotta hide from me” he said sweetly but firmly, kissing your forehead before you could blink.
you couldn’t control the tears that brimmed your eyes, or the shaky sigh that left your lips at his words. you felt extremely lucky.
“i think i’m gonna need you to remind me of that sometimes. is that okay?” you asked, hands resting atop of steve’s chest while his brushed more of your tears away. the pain in your chest didn’t fully disappear, but it was better than nothing.
“more than okay” he smiled, pulling your face closer to his so he could kiss you, hoping it could melt away some of your pain for the night.
not long after, steve led you back to bed, just like you did for him the other night when he too had a meltdown. he pulled you to his chest when you both had settled under the comforter, your breath fanning his neck as you shut your eyes, trying to focus on the good & not the bad.
“i love you” you whispered in the dark, pressing a kiss to the skin of his collarbone.
he felt his heart skip a beat like clockwork at those words. “i love you too”.
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ash5monster01 · 1 year ago
Cold Spring Harbor
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Chapter One - She’s Got A Way 🎶
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, instant attraction, invisible string theory, mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of death, coping mechanisms
Summary: Just when Steve figures he’s bound to be alone the rest of his life, somehow he finds you, and for some reason just being near you makes him feel much less alone in the world.
word count: 2k
→ Two
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Spring 1985
She's got a way of showin', how I make her feel
Steve hated being sad. Yet for the last six months that was all he had felt. He should be over it by now. He wished he was over it, but everyday he went to school just to see Nancy with Johnathon and know everything that he lost. He had given up his friends for her, and when she gave him up for Johnathon, he had no one left. No happy family to come home to, and no friends to spend time with, especially no girlfriend to love. Maybe that was why it was so hard to get over her, because she was the only person he had left and she left him too.
So he woke up on the first day of spring break, no parents, no plans, no one at all. It didn’t matter that the first warm sun was shining through his window and the birds chirped happily outside. He figured he would always be alone and he was still just as miserable as before. The only person he did have was Dustin but how many times can you ask a middle schooler to hang out before it gets weird? Steve didn’t want to find out.
He wasn’t going to last all of spring break like this so he was going to do the only thing that made him feel better. The only thing that gave him enough motivation to get out of bed and get ready for the day. So it’s not long until he is walking out the front door and towards his car. Yet before he unlocked it he stopped, eyes glancing into the bright blue sky, and deciding against the drive. It was sunny and almost seventy, plus a walk would be good for him. So he stuffed the keys back in his pocket and started down the road.
Town was half empty once he got there, signs showing that the new mall being built was already taking away business. It was sad to see the town that once was so busy become a shell of nothing. Kind of like him he supposed. Yet the sight of the familiar blue door eased his mind as he pushed in the one place he hoped would be here forever.
“Hey man, long time no see” Ron, the owner smiles from behind the register. Steve matches the smile right back even though he doesn’t feel it. He wished he did.
“Hey Ron, how’s business been?” he asks, eyeing the various shelves throughout the room.
“I wish I could say busy, but ever since word got out that Sam Goody was being built in the mall, no one really cares about Ron’s Records anymore” he says and Steve nods, his throat tightening at the thought.
“I’m sorry about that man, you know I’ll be a customer for life” he tells him and Ron nods, smiling at the boys kindness.
“You and your Grandpa both” Ron says kindly and Steve has to look away before tears form in his eyes.
“I’m gonna check some records out” Steve tells him and Ron nods as he moves to the section he knows it will be at.
Finally reaching the B’s his fingers start skimming the records. It feels like he’s passed a hundred Barry Manilow records by the time he reaches exactly what he’s looking for. Smiling to himself he scans which ones are there, determined what would be the best to listen to. Something that for an entire forty minutes could make him feel much less lonely in this world.
“Billy Joel huh?” Steve looks up and nearly freezes. There you are, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, and something about the world stops. He’s not one to be shy but it’s as if the words somehow can’t leave his mouth. There was just something about you. “Since when do boys your age listen to Billy Joel?”
“Hey, he’s still rock n’ roll to me” Steve defends, and it’s cheesy. He knows that, but it doesn’t stop you from laughing. You’re wearing the most perfect smile he’s ever seen and he wants to make you do it again.
“I’m not saying he isn’t, just most guys these days don’t know good music anymore” you say, pulling the record out of his hands and he almost gasps at the way your fingers feel against his.
“Well good music to me is just Billy, always has been” he says and you give him a small nod, smile still on your face. He briefly wonders what it could be about you that makes him suddenly so content.
“Cold Spring Harbor? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it” you say and Steve’s heart clenches.
“It’s his first album, he was only 22 when he wrote it. It’s one of my favorites” Steve tells you and the mischievous grin you give him makes his heart stutter in his chest.
“Well let’s listen to it” you tell him, hand grabbing his own, and leading him to the front of the building. In the front window there’s two chairs and small record player in between. They had been there for as long as Steve could remember, he had sat in them hundreds of times. He sits in his, the one chair he always sat in, and you sit, well in the other. His throat dries as he sees you sit across from him in the chair that had been empty for many years.
“What’s your favorite track?” you muse, hands delicately working to pull the record from its sleeve and place it on the player.
"The first one, She's Got A Way. It was my Grandpa's favorite, the first Billy song he ever played me" Steve says, looking off onto the rows and rows of records. Remembering a time when he was just short enough to be the same height as them. Rushing around and looking for the most colorful covers while his Grandpa went straight to the B's. Then he'd sit in the very chair he was now, ankles just barely hanging over the edge as his Grandpa played him song after song, in the very seat you were sitting in now.
"So that's where it comes from" you muse, the record spinning as you turn on the machine. Steve watches as you set the needle on the record, sratching till it finds its groove, and fills the silence between you both.
"Why is it his favorite?" you ask after a few moments, watching the boy as he let's the words sink in.
"He claimed it was the only song he ever heard that perfectly described how he felt about my Grandmother. How the right women could completley turn you around and heal you when you least expect it" Steve smiles fondly as he repeats those words he hadn't in a very long time.
"A charmer, I'm sure you are too" you say and the shocked look Steve wears has you laughing lightly. It takes Steve only a second to laugh along with you, realizing just how quickly you had revealed him. It's when your laughter calms he realizes the smile on your face has eased his heart more in the last six months than anything else.
"If you must know" Steve says and you giggle again which has Steve wanting to spend more and more time with you.
"Where is this Grandpa of yours, I have a few questions for him?" you ask and Steve freezes, not expecting the words to leave your mouth. It takes him a moment to respond and you sense the discomfort and place your hand on his own. Steve nearly jumps at the electric touch that comes from it.
"He passed away when I was fifteen, right before high school" he tells you, throat tightening around the admittance.
"I'm so sorry, that's awful" you try to comfort but Steve just smiles.
"You would have loved him though. Everyone did. He was my best friend, the only family I really had that spent time with me. Since my Grandma passed when I was ten, me and him made sure to spend all of middle school together" Steve isn't entirely sure why he is telling you this, he just knows your the first person he has been this comfortable around since his Grandpa and he didn't even know your name yet. He didn’t know what it was about you but he figured there didn't need to be a reason.
"That's so sweet, he sounds so special" you tell him and Steve nods, recalling memories he hadn't allowed himself to think about for years.
"He was, just wish he was still around. He was the only person to ever be there for me, front row at every swim meet and basketball game. Was hard going through highschool knowing he was no longer in the stands, but Billy. Well that's all me and him ever talked about. So sometimes, on days like today when I miss him a little extra, I find him in the lyrics of a song" and your heart soars for the boy in front of you. A boy with a deep sadness buried within him. A boy the world hadn't given a chance yet.
"Is he there right now?" you can't help but ask, the last few lines of the song coming through the speakers on the machine. Steve listens, can practically see his Grandpa yelling at him for not making a move. ‘At least ask her name’ he groans and Steve chuckles lightly to himself.
"Yeah he's here. He always is" Steve says and you give him a smile that somehow heals him. "I'm Steve by the way"
"Nice to meet you Steve" you tell him before offering your own name and Steve finds it rattling through his head, the most beautiful name in all of existence, and somehow it belongs to you. The very girl who showed up while he was feeling down and has inspired him without a sound. The beginning notes of You Can Make Me Free fill the silence between you both and Steve sits up, realizing your hand is still atop his own.
"Sorry for spilling my guts" Steve says and you shake your head, wanting him to know that he had done nothing wrong this entire time.
"Don't be, it actually happens a lot. I seem to make people very comfortable. Guess I just got a way about me" and Steve agrees because somehow in just this short exchange you have inspired him to keep on going, reminded him that this is not the end and it won't be all bad. It is like you have some bright light around you and it gives him the strength to keep going.
"Would you maybe want to go get something to eat?" Steve finds the confidence to ask and you beam a smile brightly back at him.
"I'd love to Steve" you tell him, using his name like it now somehow belongs to you and Steve wishes it does. A million dreams of love surrounding you and for the first time since Nancy he finds himself feeling something for a girl he never thought he'd feel again. He just knows he no longer wants to live without you.
"Have fun you two" Ron calls out as you both exit, the record still playing as you both leave it behind. You talk the whole way to the small diner in town, Steve just smiles and listens, loving how everything sounds the way it comes out your mouth. It's as if every word lifts him up as you are walking.
For the rest of the day Steve does his part getting to know you. Making you laugh and flirting where necessary which never fails to make you blush. The sight of your red cheeks alone make his heart soar for you. It's cute the way you show it, exactly how you feel about him. In return you do find yourself charmed by the very boy you couldn’t resist talking to. You wondered where a sweet boy like him had been your whole life and for the first time you aren't as embarassed by the blush on your cheeks as you normally would be.
"I really like you Rosy" he says matter of fact, the nickname falling easily from his lips. You blush at his words again, shaking your head at the boy you figure you aren't getting rid of anytime soon.
"I like you too Steve"
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sijssjsbssjsnsnnskbskwns · 10 months ago
Scarlet Witch Powers in Different Colors!
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louloulemons-posts · 2 years ago
Secret Kisses
Steve Harrington X Fem!Henderson!Reader
Summary : You and Steve are secretly dating, here are 3 times you were almost caught and the 1 time you were.
Word Count : 1.2k
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Warnings : Not proofread, 3am writing, swears, pet names, FLUFFY, kisses, suggestive at parts, fem reader, no use of Y/N, Steve and reader just want to make out lol.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
- First time : Driving you home and nobody’s in
You’d been hanging out at Eddies trailer, watching some horror movies and smoking a bit with your friends.
Giving the metal head a hug and waving goodbye Steve drove you and Robin home.
“See you guy’s tomorrow,” she said, kissing your cheek from the backseat and climbing out.
“Let’s get you home,” Steve smiled, taking your hand in his. “Thank you for driving me.”
“Couldn’t leave my girl stranded could I? Or worse, Eddie could’ve drove you home in his death trap!”
“Eddie can drive,” you laughed.
“Sure, doesn’t mean the vans safe.”
“You worry too much,” you sighed, leaning over and kissing his cheek.
“Just want you to be safe.” The drive was quick and quiet, one of your favourite tapes of Steve’s playing. Steve pulled up to your house, no lights on inside.
“Tonight was fun,” you spoke, smiling.
“It was, we do need a proper date night though. Maybe the movies?” he asked.
“That sounds good, I’ll trust your taste in movies.” He leaned over the console to kiss you, leaning in softly.
You lips almost touched when you heard a foggy voice, “Are you coming in or not?” Dustin.
Pulling away from Steve you sighed, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Y-yeah, goodnight.”
“Night,” you smiled, climbing out the car and headed over to your brother.
“Have you been smoking?!” he exclaimed.
“Shut up!” you slammed your hand over his mouth, shoving him in the house. “Why are you sitting in the dark?” Waving at Steve before heading in yourself.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
- Second time : Movie dates, sat in the dark, perfect right?
Sat in the movie theatre side by side, fingers linked, waiting for the lights to dim. You’d decided to see The Breakfast Club, after Nancy had said it was really good.
“You’re going to run out of popcorn and the movie hasn’t even started yet,” you chuckled at Steve. “It’s good!” he defended.
“Lies, but either way you’ll be grumpy 15 minutes in because you have nothing to snack on.”
“That’s why I got you snacks my love.”
“What so you can steal them?”
“Exactly that.”
“And what if I said no?”
“Well I’m sure I could persuade you..”
“Oh yeah?” He leaned closer to you, lips touching, “Yeah.” He softly pressed his lips to yours when familiar voices came.
“Okay so G6 and G7 El,” Max Mayfield spoke. “Shit,” Steve whined. The seats right in front of you. “Shit,��� you repeated.
Walking down to their seats El spotted you, smiling, “Hi guys!”
“Hey,” you smiled back, nudging Steve.
“Hi,” he let out a pained grin.
“Just you two?” Max asked.
“Oh yeah, had to drag Steve with me. Nobody else would come with,” you shrugged.
“Hm, seems like Robins type of film. Eddie thought … not so much,” the redhead hummed. “Yeah exactly.”
“Should have come with us,” El said softly.
“If I’d have know you wanted to see it I would’ve, could’ve made a girls night out of it,” you smiled at her. Always having had a special place in your heart for that girl.
The lights dimmed, “Well we’ll see you after the movie,” Steve said. The pair sat down facing forward. “Guess we can’t make out now,” he sighed.
“You’re literally a horny teen.”
“Well I’m a teen and you’re hot so … I’m always horny.”
“Shush,” you laughed, punching him lightly.
“Maybe you can stay at my place?”
“Hm, if you’re lucky.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
- Third time : Lunch breaks aren’t easy either.
It was Steve’s lunch break, just him on today as it was a slow Monday. He shut the door and turned the sign to close, smiling at you who’d brought him food.
Pushing you into the back room, hands on your waist, your own tangling in his hair. Lipgloss transferring onto his own lips, “Stevie,” you giggled into his mouth.
“Missed you … so much,” he spoke between kisses. “Saw me yesterday.”
“Not enough!” Pulling you as close as he could, your legs wrapped around his waist and he lifted you into a filing cabinet.
“So. Fucking. Perfect,” he kissed and kissed and kissed. His hands played with the bottom of your skirt, pulling away. Lips swollen and hair messy.
“We’ve got 20 minutes Stevie.”
“That’s plenty of time to do what I need to do to you,” he smirked, lowering himself.
The bell on the door jingled, “Steve!”
“I’m gonna kill your brother.”
“Oh I’ll help.” Tidying himself up he left the back room, you jumping down from the cabinet.
“Henderson, thought you were smart enough to know what the word closed means.”
“Ha you’re real funny. I was just wondering if you’ve seen my sister?”
Steve’s heart went to his throat and you panicked trying to keep your breathing quiet. “Nope, why?”
“Well I saw her car outside and I thought maybe we could head home together,” he explained, “She might be getting some groceries though.”
“Mhm, maybe. If she stops by I’ll tell her you’re looking for her.”
“Great, thanks man.” You heard the bell ring again, signalling his exit.
Walking out of the back room you sighed. “Your brothers looking for you,” he teased.
“Oh you don’t say?” Kissing the boys cheek, “I should probably go.”
He whined, “Steve if he catches us-“
“I know I know. Okay go, but next time something like that happens I’m not stopping.”
“I’ll take your word for that.” Pecking his mouth you headed out the door to find you shit head of a brother.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
- The time you’re found out
You heard soft knock on your window. Not wanting to turn the light on in fear your headache would get worse, you walked over.
Pulling back the curtains, you saw a familiar face. You pulled up the window and stepped back, “What are you doing here?” you asked.
Steve climbed in (fell in) to your room, “Robin told me you weren’t very well, couldn’t really call cause you know,” he motioned to the door.
“Thought I’d come check on my girl, brought you some gatorade and snacks.”
“You, Steve Harrington, are the sweetest boy I’ve ever met.” Pecking his nose, you walked back to your bed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh baby I’m sorry. Have you taken anything?”
“Took some more tablets not too long ago, they should kick in soon.”
He sat down next to you, stoking hair gently. “Do you want me to go, leave you in peace?”
“Could you stay?”
“Course. No place I’d rather be.”
Taking off his shoes, jacket and jeans he climbed in beside you. “Come lay on me baby,” he whispered. Resting your head on his chest, you hummed, his warmth was so nice.
Running his fingers up and down your back you were quickly lulled to sleep.
Stirring awake to a knocking sound, “Yeah?” you said voice croaking, thick with sleep. Steve also woke up, giving you a sleepy smile.
“Mom said do you want breakfast, she’s made waffles,” Dustin spoke.
“Oh yeah sure, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Does Steve want any?” He asked through the door.
You looked at the boy, both of you wide eyed. “Hello? Does he want any?” your brother repeated.
“Oh um sure if she’s got any spare,” Steve said. Hearing you brother grumble as he walked away, you put your head back on his chest.
“Well he knows.”
“I can do this now then,” Steve smirked, kissing you square on the mouth.
“Hm, yes Mr Harrington you can.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : I wanted to do some fics with other characters soon, they don’t have to just be Stranger Things characters, I’m part of many many fandoms. So if there’s any other characters you’d like to see, let me know! 🤍
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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liyliths · 5 months ago
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summary: you wind up a monster hunter, also third wheeling nancy and jonathan until steve harrington of all people shows up, surprise! between genuinely thinking you're going to die, fighting a monster, and trying to get will back, you're still wondering how you ended up in hawkins of all places. and, what's better, going back to living with your pos dad or fighting interdimensional monsters? you also find out steve harrington isn't as bad as you thought he was, yay!
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Is King Steve realizing he might not be a king after all?” She teased, watching with amusement as he winced at the nickname, waving her off. "Please, don’t call me that," he groaned, rolling his eyes as he stepped closer, closing the distance between them. "And, uh, Carol and Tommy? Yeah, they turned out to be real assholes."  Y/N shrugged, her tone light but knowing. “You were an asshole, Steve Harrington.” She pointed a finger at the boy’s chest, before giving him a slight, playful shove. Steve’s shoulders slumped slightly as he gave a small, regretful shrug. “I guess we all were, and I’m sorry.” Y/N’s lips curved into a grin as she met his gaze, her eyes softening. “Apology accepted.”
pairings: steve harrington x reader
warnings: mentions of a fight, death, blood, injury, cursing, monsters, and use of firearms and weapons
word count: 8.3k
Outside Hawkins Middle School, the teens rushed to Jonathan’s car underneath the stars. Jonathan slid into the driver's seat, shutting the door with a sharp thud. Nancy climbed into the passenger seat, her eyes sharp and focused. In the back seat, Y/N slipped in and glanced between her friends, taking a deep breath.
“Will the kids be okay by themselves?” She was quick to ask, glancing between her friends in the front seats.
“They should be. We need to grab those supplies from the police station,” Nancy nodded, shifting in her seat and turning to face Y/N. “We can’t let Hopper and Joyce walk in there like bait. If we can kill that thing from up here, it’ll give them the upper hand.”
Jonathan nodded, “Then let’s grab what we need from the station and get the hell out of there.” He spoke as he ignited the engine, the car’s tires screeching against the parking lot asphalt as they backed out of their spot, rushing to the station.
𝐁𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Jonathan killed the engine as the group piled out of the car, their breath visible in the dark fall air. They rushed to the trunk where they had stashed the hunting tools and traps they had recovered from the police station after breaking in. Nancy grabbed the gasoline, while Jonathan hefted a box filled with bear traps and other supplies. Y/N took a deep breath and picked up a bat, turning to look at her friends.
Jonathan’s eyes scanned the shadows of the yard, his voice steady. “Let’s get inside and set up. We don’t have much time.”
They set to work immediately. Jonathan placed the bear trap in the hall, nailing it to the floor to be sure it was sturdy. Nancy reloaded the pistol they had stolen from Jonathan’s dad, while Y/N shuffled around the house, checking the windows and making sure all their defenses were in place, then began pouring a gasoline trail leading to the bear trap.
After everyone finished their contraptions, they gathered in the living room. “Remember—” Jonathan began reciting their plan, glancing between the two girls.
“Straight to Will’s room, and—” Y/N recalled, with Nancy finishing her sentence. “Don’t step on the trap, then wait for the yo-yo to move…” She then glanced to Jonathan who gestured at the lighter in hand, clicking his tongue.
“We light it up.”
“Alright, are we ready?” Jonathan glanced up, the group stood in a tense circle. They each held knives to their palms, hands trembling. The plan was simple but terrifying: lure the Demogorgon with their blood.
“On three,” Jonathan’s voice wavered, betraying his nerves. He took a shaky breath, his eyes lingering on the girls, sensing their hesitation. “You guys don’t have to do this—”
“Jonathan, stop talking.” Y/N interrupted the boy, her voice strained but firm.
“I’m just saying, you guys don’t—” Jonathan tried to argue before Nancy’s voice cut him off.
“Three!” Her sudden shout cut through the tension, sharp and decisive, like the blade they all pressed into their palms. The room erupted into a flurry of movement as they each sliced their skin, blood spilling freely from their hands.
“Holy shit—this is going to scar,” Y/N gasped, clutching her bleeding hand with her uninjured one, trying to shake off the intense, stinging pain. She watched as blood dripped down her wrist and onto her fingers, meeting the floor beneath her.
“Quick, let’s get wrapped up,” Jonathan rushed to the first-aide kit by the couch, urgency creeping into his voice. Nancy winced as she looked down at her own crimson-streaked palm, her face pale yet determined.
The group worked in silence, the eerie quiet only broken by the rustling of bandages and the occasional hiss of pain. Jonathan focused on wrapping Nancy’s hand first, his movements quick but careful. Y/N noticed how delicately he handled Nancy’s wound and the way he looked at her with soft eyes—it was hard to miss.
“Did you hear that?” Nancy asked suddenly, her voice tinged with fear as she glanced toward the window, while Y/N continued bandaging her palm.
“It’s just the wind,” Jonathan replied, though his voice lacked certainty. He kept his eyes on Nancy’s bleeding palm, trying to finish the task at hand while the girl’s gaze darted around the room, her paranoia growing with every growing second.
“Jonathan, are you sure?” Nancy’s voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with fear.
“Don’t worry,” Jonathan tried to reassure the girl, though it sounded like he was trying to convince himself, too. “My mom said that when it comes, the lights speak. They blink… think of them as alarms.”
Y/N nodded, but her unease was clear as she held her bandaged hand toward Jonathan. “Do you think this is tight enough?”
Jonathan glanced at her hand, noting the blood seeping through the white bandages. “Wrap it some more—”
A sudden, thunderous knock echoed through the house, cutting off Jonathan mid-sentence. The sound was so jarring that all three of them jumped, their hearts pounding wildly as they whipped their heads toward the front door. 
For a moment, they were frozen, caught between fight or flight as the reality of their situation hit them full force. A deafening silence followed the knock, each of them holding their breath, waiting for what would come next.
“Jonathan, are you there man? It’s Steve!” The boy’s voice shouted from the other side of the door, and the group looked at each other with panging confusion written all over their expressions. 
“Is Harrington seriously at my house right now?” Jonathan scoffed.
“I just want to talk!” Steve continued pounding on the front door. Y/N shook her head in frustration—mostly disbelief, glancing between Nancy and Jonathan. She stood from her seat, marching toward the front door.
Steve Harrington has the absolute worst timing ever. The door creaked open, revealing the boy. “Hey, Y/N—what are you…” Steve’s voice faltered, his eyes landing on Y/N’s figure. His usual perfect appearance was wild—his face bloodied and bruised from the fight with Jonathan, and his hair tousled and messy.
“Steve, listen to me. I’m serious. You need to leave.” Y/N’s voice was tense, her body angled to block the doorway, preventing him from seeing the chaos inside. She peeked through the crack, her bandaged hand gripping the doorframe.
“No, no—I’m not trying to start anything, okay?” Steve pleaded, his hand resting against the doorframe, eyes wide with desperation.
“Steve,” Y/N raised her brows cautiously, “I don’t care about that. You have to leave, now.”
“No, please listen I–I messed up, okay? I messed up! I just want to make things right. Please,” Steve pleaded, but his words trailed off as his eyes landed on the girl’s bandaged hand resting on the rim of the door, blood seeping through.
“Hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood?” Steve’s face was etched with genuine concern, reaching out instinctively to examine the wound, but Y/N yanked her injured hand back, tucking it behind her.
“Nothing—it’s nothing. It was an accident, alright?” Y/N snapped, her patience wearing thin. 
Steve Harrington, after all he’d done—was the last person that should be wrapped up in this, and quite frankly, the last face on the entire planet Y/N wanted to see.
Steve’s brows furrowed, his concern shifting to confusion. “Wait—did Jonathan do this? Did he hurt you?” His voice wavered as his mind raced to put the pieces together. Before Y/N could respond, her words caught in her throat, and she watched as Steve’s expression hardened.
Oh shit.
“Let me in!” He demanded, shoving the door with force. Y/N tried to hold him back, but Steve’s determination overpowered her. He stumbled inside, eyes widening as he took in the chaos. His gaze landed on the bear trap, the weapons, and the mess strewn across the house. Nancy and Jonathan stood by the couch, watching the boy cautiously.
“What is all this? What the fuck…” Steve’s voice trailed off with bewilderment. He looked around, the acrid smell of gasoline filling his nose. He barely had time to react before Jonathan rushed up, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
“You need to get out of here!” Jonathan shouted, shaking the boy by his collar. “I’m not asking you—I’m telling you.”
But Steve Harrington’s skull was too thick to get through.
Steve jerked his arm free, glancing down at the floor with disgust. “What is that smell, is that—gasoline?” His voice wavered with disbelief. But before he could process it further, Nancy stepped forward, the sound of a gun clicking catching Steve’s attention—raised and aimed directly at him, while Y/N and Jonathan shared a stunned glance, taking a step back.
“Steve! Get out!” Nancy’s voice cut through the tension, panic edging her words. Steve’s eyes widened as he quickly raised his hands in defense, staring down the barrel of the pistol that was just a few feet away from his face.
“Wait, wait, wait, what is going on?” Steve stammered, attempting to wrap his head around the situation he found himself caught in.
“You have five seconds to get out of here!” Nancy shouted, her eyebrows furrowed together with determination.
“Okay—is this a sick joke? Put the gun down!” Steve’s voice grew louder, his hands held out in defense.
“I’m doing this for you,” Nancy raised her eyebrows at the boy. Steve’s heart thudded in his chest, his breathing heavy. 
“Nancy, seriously! What is—” But before he could finish, the lights above them flickered violently, the hum of electricity faltering. Nancy began counting down from three, with Steve pleading for the girl to stop.
“Nancy!” Jonathan’s sharp voice cut through the girl’s reverie, catching her attention. “Look at the lights!” His finger shot upwards and she followed his gaze—gasping. But Y/N didn’t waste a second. She grabbed a crowbar from the coffee table, her knuckles white as she clutched it while the others followed suit, collecting their weapons.
“Where is it?!” Y/N shouted, spinning in frantic circles as the lights flashed erratically, nearly blinding them.
“Where is what? Easy with that thing!” Steve’s erratic voice followed Y/N’s, watching her group with the others, backs against each other as she clutched her crowbar.
“I don’t see it!” Jonathan yelled out, eyes darting to every corner of the house, squinting to see through the blinding lights. “Hello?! Will someone please explain what the hell is going—” Steve screamed out frantically, demanding answers before getting cut off by a sickening crunch from above as the ceiling buckled. They were met with the horrifyingly tall figure of a monster crawling through—the Demogorgon.
Nancy didn’t hesitate. She began to fire at the monster as it hung in the ceiling through a coat of thick slime, but Jonathan grabbed her arm, dragging her back to the safety of the hallway to follow their original plan. Y/N’s heart pounded in her chest, her eyes flicking between her friends retreating and Steve stood frozen in place.
Without thinking, Y/N lunged toward Steve, grabbing onto the boy. Her grip was tight around his hand—double her size, yanking him down the hall as hard as she could. Steve stumbled as he was pulled away, following Y/N’s lead down the hallway—the Demogorgon screeching just behind them.
“Jump!” She shouted through the chaos as she passed the bear trap, and Steve barely registered the warning.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” He screamed, his voice raw with fear as he leaped over the trap, his hand clutching onto Y/N’s as if she were his lifeline.
They stumbled into Will’s bedroom, slamming the door shut behind them with a heavy thud, their hearts hammering in their chests. “Jesus Christ, what the—what the hell was that?” Steve blurted out through his ragged breath, his voice cracking with adrenaline.
“Shut up!” Nancy and Jonathan turned to face the boy, shouting in unison, their voices strained with panic. Nancy looked downward between Steve and Y/N, her eyes instantly locking onto their interlocked hands.
Steve’s breath hitched as he glanced down, suddenly noticing his hand still tightly intertwined with Y/N’s. His fingers, sweaty and trembling, lingered in hers as she shook with fear. Y/N’s heart dropped, and the sudden warmth of Steve’s touch hit her like a jolt of electricity through the panic—she quickly pulled her hand away, clutching it at her side.
Nancy hesitated before she shifted her focus to the door, weapon ready in hand—where the growling of the Demogorgon grew louder with each passing second. The floorboards outside the door creaked, and the walls seemed to tremble under the creature's weight, its shadow looming beneath the door as they held their breath.
Suddenly—the lights above stopped flickering, plunging the room into an unnerving stillness as the electricity hummed still. The relentless sounds beyond the door ceased, replaced by silence. The group let out a breath they didn’t even know they were holding, attempting to ground themselves.
“Do you hear anything?” Y/N whispered, her voice barely more than a breath as she glanced between the others.
Jonathan narrowed his eyes, trying to listen for any sign of the monster. He sighed heavily, the sound filled with both relief and dread. “No, nothing.”
After a few moments, Jonathan hesitated before opening the bedroom door, taking the lead with his bat readied. He peeked his head out, scanning the shadows. The others followed close behind, every creak of the floorboards underneath their feet thunderous in the silence, with each passing second becoming more and more unpredictable.
As the group cautiously entered the living room, their heads darted around as they took in the silence. The spot where the ceiling collapsed had vanished without a trace, leaving just a crack as if it were remnants of some sort of leak.
The Demogorgon was nowhere to be found.
Y/N turned around, snapping out of her thoughts to see Steve muttering to himself, “This is crazy, this is crazy, this is fucking crazy!” His brown eyes were wild with panic, hands trembling while he paced in frantic circles.
He suddenly paused, with desperation flashing in his eyes—before lunging for the Byers’ home phone mounted on the wall, his fingers fumbling to dial 911. Y/N, adrenaline coursing through her veins, stormed towards him, yanking the phone from his grip.
She could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on her as she forcefully chucked the wireless phone across the room, the device clattering against the wall and shattering the tense silence. Steve looked at her, stunned, his erratic breathing mirroring the chaos in his mind.
“What are you, crazy!?” Steve's voice trembled as he held out his hands, desperation and fear etched on his bruised face. His eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of the looming threat. 
“It’s going to come back! So you need to leave, right now.” Y/N shouted, her voice laced with sternness as she fixed him with a determined stare. She watched as Steve hesitated—his eyes flickering between her, Nancy and Jonathan, and the front door.
With no words spoken, Steve made a sudden beeline toward the door, his footsteps echoing loudly in the silence of the room. As the boy hurriedly exited the house, the rest of the group gathered close in the living room, their backs against each other, eyes darting nervously in every direction.
“Is it going to come back?” Nancy questioned, her back pressed firmly between Y/N and Jonathan’s. Before anyone could answer, the lights above them began to flicker erratically, with wild shadows dancing across the walls. 
The Christmas lights strung around the room blinked in a dizzying array of colors, their intensity almost blinding in the dimness. Tension hung heavy in the air, their hearts pounding in sync with the erratic pulsing of the lights. They took labored breaths, looking between every corner of the house the eye could spot.
“Come on, you son of a bitch!” Jonathan readied his bat, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the base.
“Where is it?!” Y/N shouted, clutching her crowbar in hand.
"I don’t see—“ Nancy's voice faltered as the electricity abruptly cut out, plunging them into pitch-black darkness, leaving the group with just a few feet of visibility in front of them. A heavy silence settled over the house, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing and the faint rustling of the wind outside.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she cautiously turned around, examining her surroundings with what she could see, the air thick with dread. A strange grumbling noise sounded closely, and she narrowed her eyes, focusing on the odd figure before her—until she realized what it was. 
Just in front of her loomed a monstrous figure—its grotesque, faceless visage and pallid, slimy skin, gleamed in the dim light, a chilling reminder of the imminent danger she faced just feet away. 
Y/N's sudden scream pierced the air, her terror echoing through the house as Jonathan and Nancy whipped around to the scene unfolding before them. The Demogorgon moved with quick and terrifying speed, locking onto Jonathan and tackling him to the ground, sending the boy’s bat clattering away in the chaos.
Gasping for breath, Jonathan struggled to regain his bearings as Y/N, fueled by adrenaline, swung her crowbar at the creature in a desperate attempt to help her friend. The metallic clang echoed against its ribs in the dimly lit room, and they could only watch as the monster suddenly halted its advances on the boy.
The Demogorgon turned its attention towards Y/N and Nancy—its pale, slimy skin reflecting the dim lights of the room. It stood tall and menacing, its faceless visage haunting in the darkness. Jonathan, barely conscious, could only watch helplessly from the floor as the creature slowly advanced on his friends with deliberate—almost mocking steps, its presence dreadful.
“Nancy, do something…” Y/N’s voice shook, backing up cautiously beside her friend. 
She watched in the corner of her eye as Nancy raised the pistol she held in hand, aiming the firearm at the monster. Its face opened up, revealing the horrifying sight of a shape almost like a flower blooming underneath its flesh—with slimy and thin sharp teeth covering every inch beneath its skin. “Go to hell, you son of a bitch!” Nancy screamed as she pulled the trigger, the room lighting up with each round that went off. Gunshots echoed through the house, but dread filled inside them as the bullets had no effect—the monster’s skin was too thick. It kept advancing, making slow steps toward the pair. Nancy fired again, each step backward more frantic, desperately hoping the bullets would make some kind of difference until an empty click sounded. Heart racing, she fumbled to reload, only to realize she was out of bullets.
Their backs met the wall behind them, defenseless, only able to watch as the Demogorgon inched closer. Its rancid, deathlike stench filled the air, horrifying their senses. Y/N shut her eyes tightly, her breath hitching as the creature's growl rumbled just inches away. Suddenly, a hard shove sent her sprawling to the floor, landing on the back of her head harshly. She looked up, heart pounding, only to be met with the faceless monster towering above her—her mouth forming into a silent scream.
Her body trembled as dread settled into her bones, each shallow breath scraping her lungs, desperate and thin. Time seemed to slow into eternity as she stared at death just inches away from her face—the monster’s foul breath fanning across her skin, with thick, wet slime dripping off its mouth, splattering on her forehead. Her fingers clawed at the floor, searching for something—anything, to save her. 
The only thing she felt was the cold certainty that this was it.
A guttural grunt broke through the tension, snapping Y/N back to the present as a heavy thwack echoed off the Demogorgon’s thick skin. In a blur, the monster above her shifted its attention and she gasped—barely able to process the sight above her. Steve Harrington, breathing hard—eyes blazing with something between terror and fury stood before her, ready to take on the monster. 
Steve Harrington had just saved her life. 
The boy’s movements were much different than a few moments ago when he had scrambled out of the house in an escape—his body now ready to fight. Y/N could only watch as he dodged and weaved the Demogorgon’s relentless attacks, each move a desperate dance for survival.
With every opening, he swung the bat Jonathan had dropped, the wood and nails cracking against the monster's slimy skin. He drove it back, blow after blow, the force reverberating up his arms. The Demogorgon stumbled into the hallway, Steve’s strikes landing on its stomach, doubling it over. With a final, powerful swing, he forced it into the bear trap with a resounding snap.
“He’s in the trap!”
Nancy rushed to Jonathan, who was still recovering on the floor, urging him to get up and offered her hand to help. Steve quickly shuffled over from the hall to Y/N’s side, grabbing her hand and helping her up from the ground as she trembled. 
“You okay?” The boy was quick to ask, his eyes examining the girl as he delicately held her steady by her waist.
“I think so,” She breathed, nodding, ignoring the sting on the back of her head as she shifted her attention to her friends in the hall standing before the Demogorgon—preparing to finally kill the damn thing.
They watched the creature thrash around wildly in the bear trap, writhing against the jagged metal. Without wasting a second, Steve and Y/N rushed into the hallway. Jonathan fumbled in his pockets, pulling out a lighter. With a flick, he ignited it, then hurled it toward the monster, flames catching instantly on the trail of gasoline leading to the trapped beast.
The entire hall erupted into flames, the roar of the fire deafening. Heat blasted into their faces, singeing their skin and filling the air with the acrid smell of burning. The group shielded their eyes from the intense light, watching in horror as the Demogorgon writhed within the flames, its agonizing shrieks piercing the air.
Jonathan bolted from the hall and returned with a fire extinguisher, dousing the flames. A thick, white fog enveloped the hall, causing them to cough and squint against the harsh chemical mist. As the smoke cleared, they cautiously approached the bear trap in the charred hall, hearts pounding. The monster had disappeared, and no trace of it was left in the trap.
“Where the hell did it go?” Nancy’s voice trembled, barely above a whisper.
“It has to be dead—it has to be,” Jonathan panted, his eyes frantically scanning the space where the monster had been.
“Jesus—do you think it just melted into the fire or something?” Y/N grimaced, looking at leftovers of rancid skin melting on the trap’s metal. Suddenly, the Christmas lights hanging above them began to flicker to life softly, a section at a time toward the group as if something was walking in their direction. 
Everyone’s heart stopped, the question lingering in their mind whether the monster had survived on the other side. They backed up cautiously as the light slowly approached them, but something was different about it—the energy was calmer.
“Do you think that’s it?” Steve questioned, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I—I don’t know, it seems…” Jonathan tried to find the right words, stuttering slightly. “Different.” Y/N finished the boy's sentence. The lights then continued and crossed over the group’s heads, a trail of electricity lighting up toward the front door. They followed the light outside on the porch, watching a street light in the distance flicker off and on as they caught their breath, slight relief filling the air around them.
“Where’s it going?” Nancy murmured, watching the faint light in the distance.
“I don’t think that’s the monster.” Jonathan’s eyes narrowed as the group shared uneasy glances.
Realization dawned on Y/N, her eyes widening. “Hopper and Joyce.” 
Nancy turned to her, concern etched on her expression. “Do you think they’ve found Will?” 
“I sure as hell hope so,” Y/N sighed, letting out a shaky breath she didn’t know she was holding.
After a few moments of silence, the group began to retreat inside the house, but Y/N lingered on the porch. She gripped the railing and let her nerves settle, attempting to ground herself. Nancy and Jonathan made it inside, but Steve hesitated—pausing in front of the doorway, concern flickering in his eyes.
“You coming inside?” Steve’s voice was gentle, almost hesitant as Y/N stood on the edge of the porch, her gaze fixed on the shadowed woods. Her back was to him, shoulders tense, a slight tremble betraying her steady stance.
“Y/N?” he murmured, resting a firm but careful hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”
Y/N turned slowly, wiping at her eyes. For a fleeting moment, Steve thought he’d caught her crying—but then he saw the spark of a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. She knows she shouldn’t, it’s absurd—but she couldn’t help it. Steve blinked, then found himself chuckling too, shaking his head. 
"Holy shit! I can't believe Steve Harrington just saved my life from a fucking monster!" Y/N exclaimed, her laughter infectious as her nervous system took over.
Steve smirked, looking out into the dark. "Oh boy, what would you do without me?” He muttered, shaking his head as he leaned against the porch frame beside her.
Y/N rolled her eyes, still grinning. “Guess I’d be a goner,” she replied, shoving her hands in her pockets. But as her laughter faded, a quiet settled between them, and she found herself glancing at him, studying the faint bruises and scratches on his face. "Didn’t think you’d come back, honestly.”
He could feel Y/N’s eyes on him. “Honestly, I didn’t think I would either,” he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. “When I saw the lights flickering in the house… I was frozen. Part of me wanted to run, to save myself.” He paused, furrowing his eyebrows together as he softly shook his head.
“But then I thought about all of you inside. I guess it was finally time to stop thinking about myself for once.” He met Y/N’s eyes, hoping she could see the sincerity in his words.
“I get it, actually,” Y/N spoke, and Steve glanced at her, surprised. “You saved my life, Steve. I don’t know how to thank you for that. I know it’s not easy—showing up like this. Especially when people don’t expect it of you.”
He nodded, letting out a small sigh. “I mean… everyone’s got me pegged as this guy, right? King Steve,” he quotes, “the guy who throws parties, dates pretty girls, and looks good doing it. No one asks for more, and it’s easier to just… live up to it,” He paused, rubbing a hand over his face. 
“But I’m tired of everyone acting like they know me better than I know myself, especially my old man. Maybe if I look good enough on the outside, it’ll cover up all the other shit, y’know?” He spoke as he fidgeted with his hands.
Y/N’s gaze softened, her own expression guarded. “Yeah, well, if it makes you feel any better, you’re not the only one who’s had to play pretend.”
Steve looked at her, his curiosity piqued, and she hesitated before going on. “After my mom died, my dad was never himself again. He… wasn’t the type you’d want around. So, I learned early on that letting people in only gets you hurt.”
“Sounds familiar, but that’s not always true,” Steve murmured, their eyes locking in a long, weighted silence. After a moment, Y/N broke it, her tone soft but genuine. “For what it’s worth, you’re not so bad after all, Harrington.”
“Yeah? Well, you’re not too shabby yourself, Smith,” he replied, a small smile creeping onto his face as they leaned against the porch frame, earning a chuckle from the girl.
“Friends?” Steve straightened up, turning to face Y/N, his hand outstretched with a hopeful expression.
“Friends,” Y/N nodded, meeting his gaze as she took his hand in a firm shake. Y/N was grateful she finally got to see him—not Steve “the asshole” Harrington and most definitely not Steve “the king” Harrington.
Just Steve.
𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥
The moment the teens arrived at the hospital after receiving word Will was rescued, Jonathan was the first to sprint inside, rushing to ask reception where his little brother was. He was the only one who could see Will being immediate family, so the others retreated to the waiting room.
Nancy was the first to rush inside when she spotted her family, with Mike running from his seat and colliding into her embrace, almost knocking the girl down. “What happened?” Nancy held the boy’s shoulders, watching as his lips quivered and tears filled his eyes.
“El…” He looked up at his sister, until she pulled him into another tight embrace, holding the back of his head in an attempt to comfort him. The look in his eyes said it all—Eleven was gone.
The girl who helped them find Will was gone. That stung at Y/N’s heart—she’d only met her briefly, but she knew someone that young didn’t deserve what she went through. It wasn’t fair.
“We should go sit, yeah?” Steve’s voice broke through Y/N’s focus, gesturing toward the empty seats in the waiting room, his voice gentle. The girl nodded absently, before scanning the room once more—her heart plummeting to her feet. Hopper was nowhere to be found. 
Suddenly, heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway behind her. She turned, her heart leaping as she recognized the man. It was the Chief of Police—Hopper, approaching with a weary but relieved expression. “Hey, kiddo,” he spoke softly, his eyes filled with relief at the sight of the girl.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and without hesitation she made quick, raced steps toward the man, her footsteps echoing in the corridor. She collided with Hopper, wrapping her arms around him tightly, as if he were her lifeline.
"I was so scared," she whispered, her voice slightly trembling.
Hopper held the girl close, his own emotions threatening to swell within him. "It's okay, I'm right here. I’m not planning on going anywhere, kid." He reassured her, his hand holding the back of Y/N’s head. They stood there, holding each other—grateful to find each other in one piece.
Y/N didn’t know what she would do if she lost him.
Suddenly, voices broke the stillness from inside the waiting room. “Guys, guys! He’s awake! Will’s awake!” Mike shouted, excitement spilling from him as he gathered his friends. Y/N pulled back from Hopper and watched as they bolted from their seats past her, turning a corner and sprinting to Will’s room. 
She was beyond grateful the boy was okay. Though the guilt still lingered in the back of her mind—if she had stayed with Will, and insisted on biking him home, none of this would have happened. No one would be hurt.
She was pulled out of her thoughts as Nancy suddenly brushed past her. She looked pale and fragile, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she hurried down the hall. Y/N glanced at Hopper, then at her friend disappearing around the corner.
“I’ll go check on her,” she murmured, concern pulling her forward.
Hopper gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I’ll be in the waiting room, kid.”
Y/N nodded, then followed after Nancy, her footsteps echoing softly in the quiet corridor. She rounded the corner just in time to see the girl heading toward the restrooms. Before Nancy could slip inside, Y/N called out gently, “Nancy?”
The girl turned around, her expression bitter and eyebrows knit together. “Are you okay?” Y/N asked gently, her arms crossing over her chest as she studied her friend’s face.
Nancy hesitated, her eyes flickering away from her friend’s. “Yeah, it’s just…” she trailed off, pausing. “I wish Barb were here, too,” she finally admitted, her voice trembling. The words hung heavy in the air, a painful reminder of the friend they had lost. 
Barb was gone. 
Y/N’s chest tightened, feeling the ache behind Nancy’s words. “Me too. I’m so sorry,” she said softly, stepping closer. She unfolded her arms, reaching out to pull Nancy into a comforting embrace. They held each other in silence, Nancy clinging tightly, as if afraid to let go of the last person who could understand her loss.
After a long moment, Nancy pulled back, her eyes clouded with guilt. She looked down, unable to meet Y/N’s gaze. “It was my fault,” she whispered, almost as if admitting it to herself.
“Nancy—” Y/N began, ready to reassure her, that she didn’t deserve to take on that kind of guilt. But Nancy shook her head, cutting her off.
“You don’t understand,” she continued, her voice thick with regret. “Steve invited us to a party. I didn’t want to go alone, so I… I made Barb come with me. I thought it would be fun—just one night.” She bit her lip, voice wavering. 
“But then… I ditched her. I ditched her to be with him, and I didn’t even realize she was gone until it was too late.” Her hand covered her mouth as she finished her sentence, as if speaking it made the guilt unbearable.
Y/N processed Nancy’s words, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. Nancy had never mentioned going to parties with Steve, much less bringing Barb along. She took a breath, her voice gentle but tinged with hurt. “Nancy… why didn’t you tell me?”
Nancy finally met her gaze, eyes wet with unshed tears. “Because I left her alone. I was supposed to be her friend, and I just… left her.” She paused, her eyebrows knit together. “I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive myself for that.”
Y/N opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in the back of her throat. She could see the guilt etched on Nancy’s face, the way her hands trembled ever so slightly as she held back tears. What could she say to ease that kind of pain? Nothing felt right, nothing seemed enough.
An uneasy silence settled between them, thick and heavy. Finally, Nancy dropped her gaze, her voice barely above a whisper. “I need a minute.” Without waiting for a response, she turned and disappeared into the bathroom, the door closing quietly behind her, leaving Y/N standing alone in the empty hall.
Her stomach twisted. She knew Nancy’s pain, understood that kind of guilt—and hated there was nothing she could do to ease it. Losing someone like that wasn’t a wound that healed, it was the kind that lingered, carving a mark that would stay with a person forever.
𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟑
Soft snow fell gently over Hawkins, blanketing the trees in pristine white. The night had settled in, bringing a cold chill that lingered in the crisp winter air. Christmas lights and decorations adorned neighborhood houses, bringing the holiday spirit. Jonathan and Y/N arrived at the Wheeler’s for a quick hello, and to pick up Will.
The harsh chill bit at Y/N underneath her jacket, and she folded her arms for warmth as Jonathan knocked on the front door. After a moment, Mrs. Wheeler greeted them, her face lighting up in a broad smile. “Jonathan! Y/N! Merry Christmas, come in!” Her voice was warm and familiar, instantly making them feel at home.
The pair thanked Mrs. Wheeler as they stepped inside, the warm air greeting them as they brushed snow off their jackets. Jonathan made light footsteps past the kitchen toward the basement to retrieve Will, but Y/N lingered at the entrance of the home, hesitating. She glanced inside the kitchen, seeing Mrs. Wheeler’s baked Christmas goods made with love. 
The girl took in a deep breath before treading toward the basement. As she turned a corner, about to follow Jonathan's path, she nearly bumped into Steve, who had appeared in the hallway. His hands were tucked awkwardly in his pockets, and he looked as though he'd been waiting for her. "Hey," he said, voice low.
“Hey,” Y/N breathed, meeting Steve’s gaze. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Truth is, ever since Will had been brought back home, nothing had been the same between any of them.
A few weeks after Will returned home, Y/N had been certain that Jonathan and Nancy would get together, though it never happened. She wasn't entirely sure why, there were a countless amount of reasons—but she saw how it crushed the boy when he and Y/N spotted Nancy and Steve making out in the school hallway, almost as if nothing bad had ever happened.
And Y/N would be lying if she said it didn't crush something in her, too. Steve and Nancy looked happy, sure. Happy in a way that made her feel both relieved and, unexpectedly—a little hollow. 
“I, uh, never got the chance to thank you—for what you said. That day in the alley, you know, the fight with Jonathan.” Steve tumbled over his words as he rubbed the back of his neck, glancing down at Y/N who gave a tight smile.
“Yeah, sure,” she replied, swallowing. “I’m really glad everything worked out for you, Steve.” 
An awkward silence stretched between them, neither of them quite knowing how to bridge the gap. Finally, Y/N cleared her throat, stepping away. "I should probably get going," she muttered, turning to wait for Jonathan and Will at the front door.
But before she could leave, Steve’s voice stopped her.
“Y/N?” He called out, stopping her in her tracks. She paused, glancing back at him.
"I'm... sorry," he began, his voice steady but filled with sincerity. “For everything. I shouldn’t have broken Jonathan’s camera, and I shouldn’t have said those things back in the alley. I was wrong.” His words hung in the air, and when Y/N met his gaze, she saw something genuine in his eyes, just like that night at the Byers house.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Is King Steve realizing he might not be a king after all?” She teased, watching with amusement as he winced at the nickname, waving her off.
"Please, don’t call me that," he groaned, rolling his eyes as he stepped closer, closing the distance between them. "And, uh, Carol and Tommy? Yeah, they turned out to be real assholes." 
Y/N shrugged, her tone light but knowing. “You were an asshole, Steve Harrington.” She pointed a finger at the boy’s chest, before giving him a slight, playful shove.
Steve’s shoulders slumped slightly as he gave a small, regretful shrug. “I guess we all were, and I’m sorry.” Y/N’s lips curved into a grin as she met his gaze, her eyes softening. “Apology accepted.”
Steve nodded, the corners of his mouth pulling into a small, genuine smile, one that reached his eyes. “Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he said quietly, his tone almost shy.
“Merry Christmas, Steve,” she replied, her smile lingering for a moment longer before she turned, heading for the front door—giving the boy one last glance over her shoulder.
As Y/N made her way past the kitchen with the scent of Mrs. Wheeler's baked goods filling the air, she spotted Jonathan and Will waiting near the front door. She was about to continue when Nancy suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, a neatly-wrapped gift clutched tightly to her chest.
"Jonathan, wait up!" Nancy called out, her voice urgent as she hurried down the stairs toward him.
She stopped in front of Jonathan, a bright, warm smile spreading across her face. "Merry Christmas," she said, holding out the neatly wrapped gift to him. Jonathan hesitated, looking from the gift to her, his fingers brushing the wrapping before he took it, still unsure.
"Thanks, but—I didn’t get you anything. I feel bad," he admitted, a faint blush coloring his cheeks as he looked down at the gift in his hands.
Nancy waved it off with a soft laugh. "No, it’s not really a present," she said, her tone light as she shrugged. "It’s… well, you’ll see."
Jonathan's brow furrowed, confusion flickering across his face as he glanced at the gift in his hands, unsure what she meant. Before he could respond, Nancy stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his chest. She leaned in and pressed a quick, unexpected kiss to his cheek. Jonathan blinked, his face flushing deeper as he pulled back slightly—caught off guard by the gesture.
Y/N took a quiet step forward, her presence breaking the tension. She met Nancy’s gaze as she stood beside Jonathan, offering a small, awkward smile. Her eyes flickered briefly between the pair before cutting through the silence. “Merry Christmas, Nancy.”
“Merry Christmas. I’ll see you guys later,” She gave a small smile before walking off toward the living room, sharing one last glance with Jonathan. He then looked toward Y/N and Will with a slight blush left on his cheeks, “you guys ready?”
Inside Jonathan’s car, Y/N sat in the back seat, her arms wrapped tightly around herself in an attempt to ward off the chill that crept in through the windows as the car warmed up, with a soft, steady snowfall creeping outside. Will sat in the passenger seat, his gaze darting between Jonathan and the small present nestled in his lap.
“I’ll drop you back off at Hopper’s, Y/N. We all buckled up?” Jonathan asked, his voice warm despite the cold.
Y/N nodded, offering him a grateful smile. “That sounds good, thank you.” Her eyes lingered on Jonathan for a moment, meeting his gaze with a flicker of appreciation before he turned back to the steering wheel and started the engine.
“Yep,” Will chimed in from the front seat, giving a quick nod. Then, his curiosity got the best of him, and he turned to the gift. “Can I open it?”
Jonathan grinned, a playful glint in his eye. “Yeah, sure.”
Will eagerly tore into the wrapping, his fingers quick and excited. As the paper fell away, the box inside was revealed—a brand-new, latest edition camera. He held it out so Jonathan could see, glancing at him with an awestruck smile. “Pretty cool,” The boy beamed, admiring the gadget.
Jonathan and Y/N exchanged knowing a look, both of them knowing exactly where it had come from.
Steve Harrington. 
𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫
As Jonathan’s car slowed to a stop outside Hopper’s trailer, Y/N pulled her jacket tightly around herself, bracing against the chilly night air. Snow was still falling, blanketing the ground and trees in white. The lake once flowing with water was now frozen solid. She thanked Jonathan, wishing him and Will a good night before closing the door softly behind her.
As Y/N entered the trailer, the warmth greeted her immediately, the fireplace crackling to life in the living room. There were a few holiday decorations Hopper had put up with Y/N, and a small Christmas tree lighting up the corner of the room. Hopper was sitting on the couch, his expression somber but soft, as if he’d been waiting for her. Y/N slipped off her coat, hanging it by the door, before approaching him.
“Hey, kid,” Hopper greeted her, his voice low, a hint of something weighing on it.
“Hey, Hopper,” she replied, offering him a faint smile as she took the seat across from him.
After a pause, the man cleared his throat. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but... Well, it’s been busy. So... I got some news.”
Y/N felt anxiety creep in the pit of her chest, settling itself inside her as she sat across from Hopper. If this was what she thought it was about, she had been pushing down the sickening thought for months. The anticipation gnawed at her. “News about...?”
“Your father,” Hopper said gently, watching the girl carefully.
Y/N’s breath caught in the back of her throat, her chest tightening. They’d been waiting to hear something since the court hearing. The silence from her father—Thomas, had been telling, but still, she’d clung to the hope that he’d at least care enough to reach out. 
She didn’t know what she would do if she had to go back to live with her father—knowing it would only be a certain amount of time before he snapped again and lost another job and they moved far away from Hawkins, a place where she had found a home, repeating the endless cycle once more.
He was still her father after all, but she was starting to wonder if maybe—just maybe, she could belong somewhere else—somewhere far away from him.
Hopper cleared his throat, breaking through the heavy silence settled between them. “He didn’t show up to the court hearing today.” 
Y/N’s heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach. Her father, ultimately, just let her go to the state. No explanation—didn’t show up for her, like she hadn’t even mattered. “What?”
Hopper watched her, his face gentle with understanding. “Listen, I know that’s hard to hear. It’s a hell of a thing someone could do.”
“Yeah, it’s just...” Y/N hesitated, then took a deep breath. “I don’t know why I thought he’d at least try, you know? I guess... I just hoped maybe he’d want me.”
Hopper’s expression softened further, a sadness in his eyes that mirrored hers. “Sometimes people are like that. Selfish. They don’t do what’s right, even when it’s right in front of them. But that doesn’t mean you’re not worth more than he could ever understand.”
Y/N’s lips trembled. She couldn’t find the right words to say.
“Listen, kiddo. I can pull a few strings, and keep you here as long as I can while you’re in custody of the state since your father didn’t show.” Hopper began, pausing as he observed the utter defeat etched on Y/N’s expression.
She didn’t want to leave this all behind—she couldn’t.
"And while you’re here,” Hopper continued, adjusting himself on the couch, rubbing his hand absently over his mustache, “we could talk about something more… permanent. Maybe adoption, if that’s something you’d want.”
"Adoption?" Y/N repeated, the word barely a whisper, her gaze meeting Hopper’s. 
“Yeah, kid.” Hopper gave the girl a warm smile—one that didn’t show itself too often. “And that’s if you’re comfortable with it, and of course, it’ll take time for both of us to think about it. Sound good to you?”
Y/N took a breath, feeling something in her chest finally settle. "That sounds… really good," she breathed, a genuine smile breaking through the uncertainty.
“I’m glad,” Hopper grinned through his mustache, leaning forward as he ruffled Y/N’s hair, his large hand playfully tousling it until she let out a small laugh, swatting his hand away before he spoke. “There’s something else I’ll fill you in on, too. Good news.”
Y/N glanced at him as she fixed her hair, trying to flatten down the frizz. “What is it?”
Hopper exhaled, glancing around as though to make sure they were really alone. “I’ve... been looking into a few things lately. Some sightings and rumors—small, but there might be something there,” he paused. “It’s about El.”
“El?” Y/N’s eyes widened. 
Eleven. The girl who had saved them all, the one they’d thought was gone forever.
Hopper nodded. “Nothing’s for sure. But, I’ve got a feeling she might still be out there… hanging on.”
And Y/N hoped he was right. It tugged at her heart. After everything Eleven had done for everyone—what she’d been through at her age… the girl deserved a second chance at life. It wasn’t fair.
"And you know... how have your dreams been, kid?" Hopper snapped Y/N out of thought, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
They hadn't exactly stopped, but they were better than the last few months, especially when everything was going on.
"Haven't been having very many lately," Y/N shrugged, "so it's been fine."
“Good. Guess we should call it a night, huh?” Hopper said finally, giving a tired stretch, his arms rising above his head. “Can’t be staying up all night waiting on miracles.”
Y/N chuckled softly, nodding. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” She stood, brushing her hands against her jeans before glancing out the window where the snow continued to fall, blanketing the trailer in quiet white.
Hopper moved to stand by her, looking out into the dark, peaceful night. After a moment, he opened his arms in a rare invitation, his voice softening. “Merry Christmas, kid.”
Y/N looked up at him, a small smile spreading across her face as she stepped into his embrace. “Merry Christmas, Hopper.”
The truth is, nothing would be the same again. Y/N knew that. Between her life being at stake, and discovering monsters and superpowers are real against all odds—she didn’t need to ask for anything else. All she needed was right here, these people, in this town.
Maybe Hawkins wasn’t too terrible after all.
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