#tw: r*pe mention
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 2 years ago
The irony of Tom saying to Greg that every single Scandinavian descended from the same rapist, then chastising him and telling him to show some respect when Greg mentions Norwegian wood and sleeping around, almost like it’s not Greg’s disrespect that he disproves but instead the idea of Greg sleeping with other people.
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puissantveil · 2 years ago
I didn't get to post this before my plane left in the morning or when I was in phone reception hell this afternoon, but lemme say my piece:
Everyone who sent r*pe threats and anon hate and otherwise treated Dina cruelly is a piece of shit and should absolutely be ashamed of themselves in the unlikely event that they possess the capacity for it.
Dina was super nice and really fun to talk to, and her opinion hurt nobody, regardless of whether or not the story does turn out to be a bag of dicks. You could have been drinking iced tea, or looking at anime boobs, or petting your dog, or doing any other enjoyable thing, yet you chose to attack someone who did nothing to deserve it.
I bet your mom's real proud of you.
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onecutekat · 1 month ago
I read a lot on this subject and I still don't get why aro/ace think they're queer or anything special at all. So you don't want to have sex, so you don't experience romantic feelings. So what? You're not oppressed. No one is holding you down and forcing you to have sex or find a romantic soulmate. Gay people are actually killed for being gay?
wow i haven't been on this website in years and come back and this is sitting in my inbox that's wild lmfaaaao.
extra funny because now I identify as bi/ace... lmfao
I guess they've never heard of corrective r*pe.
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thevaudevilledemon · 10 months ago
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ee-to-the-mah-to-the · 16 days ago
the way i found a title for all of them—
his m*lester, his abuser, his r*pist, his stalker, his secret lover
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they are all looking at sam here ..
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phantomoftheorpheum · 9 months ago
PLL: OS (Summer School) Finale Predictions
*Spoilers for 2x01-2x07, the final 3 episodes trailer, AND SOME ONLINE BTS AND CONCEPT ART
Okay, I wanted to post my 2x08 predictions early enough in the week that I could hear your thoughts as well. So here they are-
I believe Bloody Rose is a team of minimum 3 people. My best guess is 1 mother who has lost a child (Mrs. Lansgberry, Mrs. Beasley, Dr. Sullivan), 1 film obsessed character (Wes, Christian, not actually dead Chip [though I have some reservations about that last one which I'll talk about in a minute]), 1 additional love interest (Jen, Johnny, Christian, etc.)
I've been saying most of the season that I think the BR team members may have different end goals. I believe someone is attempting to make a movie, but I also believe someone else (in this case, one of the mothers who has lost a child) fully believes their own lore and has a motivation related to their child. As for the love interests, depending on which one is on the team, I believe it would be for different reasons. If it's Christian, I think it's movie related. If it's Jen, I believe it's financially motivated. And if it's Johnny, then I think he must be related to or former friends with Chip (or possibly someone else, but Chip makes the most sense) because I don't believe we've been given any other possible motivation for him.
I think the "mother" of the BR team is attempting to resurrect her dead child. I have to shout out mr.-walkingrainbow for this one, I highly recommend going back and read this ask, because this has completely informed this part of my theory (I would tag you, but I'm about to talk about some concept art that was released in a minute, and since this is extra spoilery, I didn't want to spoil you if you don't want to know), which is based in the use of Christian imagery and the focus on resurrection. To me, this makes the most sense for it to be Mrs. Langsberry attempting to resurrect Chip, because of Tabby being the final, final girl. She has more connection to this storyline if it is Chip-centric. However, some of my lingering questions point more to Dr. Sullivan attempting to resurrect Sebastian.
I believe the BR team is setting up a fall guy for their plot. Or, more accurately, I believe whichever member of the team is making a movie is setting up a fall guy (they may intend for the other members of the team to die). At this point, it feels the most likely that if there is a fall guy, that person is Wes, but it could also be Christian or even Mrs. Beasley.
Characters most likely to die, even if they aren't villains, imo - Johnny, Greg, Shawn, and Henry. Johnny because of the shots from the trailer (though I think this is less likely since I believe an officially affiliated account posted this screen-cap, drawing attention to it, and that feels like a huge spoiler. This has me leaning towards "this is either an Imogen hallucination/nightmare, or he is wounded but not killed"). Greg because it feels like they could be setting him up to die for Faran (however, the fact that we know he's had scenes cut earlier in the season makes me feel less confident about this, since you would think if they were going to kill him off, they'd do their best to make us really care about that first), Shawn because at this point I find myself asking why they even bothered to bring him back for this season, and this could be used as a consequence for Noa's actions, particularly if Jen is a bad guy, and finally Henry because, again, why is he even here? He's had a fall from grace this season so I could see him being killed off to add to the finale body count.
Imogen will stab someone. This may happen in a nightmare or hallucination, or it may be real, but I think this is a "rule of threes" thing and she is stabbing someone in 2x08.
If a dead character is going to be revealed as alive, I think it will be Chip. I'm not convinced that we are getting a "surprise, they're alive!" reveal at all, but if there is one, it makes the most sense for this to be Chip, imo. Chip is connected to Tabby, who is the final, final girl. He is obsessed with horror movies. His mother is a member of the cult. He is the father (biologically only, it feels gross to call this man a father) of Imogen's baby. He died off screen. The actor was brought back for flashbacks and that nightmare scene with Wes, but despite 2x01 opening with all of Archie's kills, we still don't see Chip's death. And he had a great motivation to fake his death, as he was going to be forced to either stand trial or take a plea deal in his r*pe case, which the girls specifically mention not getting the closure of that in 2x01.
OKAY SERIOUSLY SOME SPOILERS FROM ONLINE, NOT THE SHOW OR THE TRAILER, PLEASE STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING. ---- However, I think it's more likely Chip is the dead child whose mother is attempting to resurrect him. This feeling comes from some a combo of the concept art (which I think is real because it matches the BTS footage that has been released, though I don't know where the concept art was originally posted or by whom) of the season and the promotional poster. It's been pointed out to me that there appears to be some sort of body underneath the roses that Tabby is kneeling in front of in the promotional poster. In the concept art for 2x08 that is floating around, we see what is presumably Tabby's test location, which is the altar of Kelly's church. On one side, there is a body lying on a bed of roses. There's been some speculation that this is one of Rose's other victims, but... why only one? She's killed at least 4 people that we know of, so why place only one of these on the altar alongside the throne? (The only one I could make an argument for is Pastor Malachi, since he was the pastor of this church). The bed of roses feels like a veneration of this character, which I can't imagine BR doing with any of her victims. I believe this is a loved one, probably her child.
I believe the purpose of the online BR cult and "The Reckoning" is to create big finale action sequences for the film. If someone is making a real life horror movie, you can't exactly advertise that you're looking for extras.
Some Unresolved Stuff That Really Bothers Me
There are a few things that bother me with my own predictions, elements of the story that I don't have a strong explanation for, unless Dr. Sullivan turns out to be the "mother" in my theory. I do want to mention them here, in case any of you have any ideas.
Who/What does the snake in Imogen's poster represent? All of the posters have reflected quite literally the "tests" the girls are going through, except for the snake in Imogen's. The rest of her poster accurately represents her test, so why is there a snake? It seems that this would either be representative of "The Serpent" from the Garden of Eden, possibly whispering to/influencing Imogen. If so, the character that fits this the best would be Dr. Sullivan. Or possibly the snake represents temptation, which could be Johnny. I also noticed that Imogen wears a snake ring in the scene where she threatens to cut off Rebecca's fingers.
What is the connection to Rose Waters, Angela, and Archie? While Chip and his mother would have the most relevance to Tabby specifically, I struggle to see how any of this would connect to the Waters plot. It that seems out of the remaining characters, Dr. Sullivan in the mother with the most connection here.
Who pushed Dr. Sullivan down the stairs? Another unresolved Dr. Sullivan plot point. It feels weird that they've completely dropped this.
The Bloody Rose poster - In the concept art, we see a poster with Bloody Rose and a golden figure (a mother?) above her. I'm far too tired to try to understand what this is referencing.
So, that's it for now. I think I got most of my big predictions out of the way. As always, shoot me an ask if you have any thoughts/theories that you'd like to share!
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traumadumpwriter · 1 month ago
JJ Maybank X Reader ~ Relapse and a Half
Summary: The Pogues feel betrayed by the readers sudden relapse into drugs, but they're unable to be angry at her for too long as something terrible leaves her needing their support more than ever.
Trigger warning for: drugs (obviously), guns, explicit sexual assault, violence
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Part One
Part Two
Part Four
Part Three:
After the confrontation at your house a night prior, JJ had only been able to see red, quickly pacing past your mum before making his way to the Chateau, kicking over some bins and verbally abusing some kids on his way.
He couldn't believe that you liked him. That you wanted to be with him. The thought stressed him out and made him regret doing whatever he'd done to get you to fall for him.
It wasn't that he didn't like you back. In fact it was quite the opposite - he'd been entirely obsessed with you ever since you'd arrived in the Outer Banks. His issue was that he'd seen up close just how damaged you were, just how sweet and kind you could be, just how much you deserved the world and everything in it - but not him. He wasn't good enough; not cool enough, not smart enough, not clean enough.
"Why him?" He thought. "Of everyone on this island, why him?"
You could've gone for Pope or John B or even one of the Kooks, at least they would treat you right. It might've killed him inside to see, but it would've been better than the pain he was feeling now, knowing that he'd been unintentionally hurting you this whole time, knowing that he was the one who bore the responsibility of your heart.
He stormed into John B's without stopping, going straight for the blunt in the ashtray and then storming back outside. From his behaviour, the Pogues feared for the worst and Kie's eyes were quickly tearing up, panic settling into her chest.
"She's okay, isn't she?" She followed JJ outside in a pleading tone, shortly followed by Pope and John B. "Please say she's okay."
JJ didn't answer, angrily sucking on the blunt and staring out at the sea, his mind racing.
"Answer me JJ! What's happened?" Kie demanded.
"Is she alright? Was she at home?" Pope questioned.
"JJ- fucking answer us man! Is she at the hospital? Is she- is she okay?" John B shouted.
JJ took another sharp drag on the blunt before solemnly answering.
"She's fine. I mean, she's not, but she's alive."
Kie shoved him with some frustration, her tears quickly drying up but her teeth gritting.
"Why the hell would you scare us like that? What happened?"
"We had an argument... I- You were right Kie. It is my fault."
She blinked incredulously, double taking as she tried to suss out what was wrong with the boy.
"What are you talking about?" She questioned angrily.
He took another sharp drag, even sharper this time, ran his hand through his hair and then turned to the Pogues with exasperation.
"Y/N likes me! And I've been a fucking idiot to not see it. I shouldn't have rubbed all those girls in her face. I didn't think she cared, but.. I guess she did."
"So you're saying that like it's a bad thing. I thought you liked her too." John B proclaimed in a confused tone, shooting a look to Pope who had also been aware of JJ's crush.
Kie was kicking herself for not picking up on that, wishing she’d known and she could’ve told you weeks ago - before you even had the chance to get depressed and pick up a pill again. But she didn’t focus on that thought for too long, more focused on your current wellbeing.
"I do, I just- We all know I'm a piece of shit, okay? I don't deserve someone like her. Hopefully she sees that now." JJ tutted, his eyes darting between each of the Pogues.
The uncertainty of his statement made them all nervous. 'Hopefully she sees that now' - what the hell did that mean?
"What do you mean? What did you do?" Kie hissed, her heart in her throat.
"Nothing! I was just rude. I guess I rejected her. Called her a junkie-"
Kie hit him again, seething with the boy at that point.
"What is wrong with you? Why the fuck would you do that?" She snapped, grabbing the blunt from his hand and throwing it onto the floor. "Go back there now and tell her you love her! She's probably crying her heart out right now."
JJ shook his head, thinking about picking up the blunt from the ground but not bothering. Weed wasn't strong enough to make him feel better anyway. He wanted to follow Kie's instruction, he wanted to hold you and tell you his truth, but he could think of too many reasons why not to - too many reasons why you were better off without him. The rejection may hurt now but you would get over it. You had plenty of other options. You would get sober again and you would be fine. His issue was that whether he was sober or not, he was never fine.
"Being with me would only fuck up her life more and you all know that! You should just convince her to like someone else, someone whose good for her. I can't do this." JJ protested.
"You're not a bad guy, man. Come on." John B said but JJ just shook his head again, walking towards his motorbike.
"So you're just gonna leave?" Pope scoffed as JJ got onto the bike.
"I told her to turn on her phone. Try calling her again." He said numbly before kick starting the bike and speeding off.
Kie groaned, unsurprised that when she called your phone moments later it didn't go through. She sat melancholically next to Pope, leaning on his shoulder whilst John B stressfully kicked a stick around.
"Well that's not what I was expecting." Pope sighed and then turned to Kie. "How long has Y/N been crushing on JJ exactly?"
She shrugged and shook her head.
"I don't know. Forever. But that doesn't matter anyway. I'm worried. It must've taken a lot for her to admit that she likes him, so she's either really manic or.."
"Really high." John B finished her sentence, not looking up from the ground.
"How much do you want to bet it's the second one?" Pope groaned.
"I just don't get why she didn't talk to me if JJ was upsetting her this much. She promised us she'd never use again. She's never broken a promise before." Kie sighed and then stood up. "I'm gonna go to hers. I'm annoyed but.. I'm more worried than anything. I wonder if her mum has clocked on yet… I’ll see you guys tomorrow."
"Love that woman but she's clueless so I doubt it." John B scoffed dryly. "See you tomorrow Kie."
Kie picked up her bike and rode it to your house, her mind racing with all the possibilities of what you could be doing.
"Most likely passed out or crying." She thought, her chest aching as she thought of your pain. You'd been through a lot together, and though she was beyond frustrated with your relapse, she wouldn't stop being your friend because of it.
When Kie eventually knocked on your door, your mum was surprised to open it to her.
"Isn't Y/N at yours? That's where she said she was going. JJ upset her quite a bit earlier." Your mum questioned and Kie was quick to catch on to the lie.
"Oh yeah- yeah she is. She's just so upset right now. She forgot some stuff and I said I would come and get it for her."
"You're so lovely Kie. What would she do without you?" Your mum smiled, letting her in.
When Kie went up to your bedroom and picked up a bag to strengthen her lie, she was concerned to see that your phone was still on your bed. Wherever you'd gone, you hadn't brought it. She turned on the phone in hope that it would give some clue as to where you could be, but all that came through were the missed calls and messages from the Pogues.
Kie couldn't let herself panic though. You were grown enough to look after yourself.
"Maybe she just went on a walk. Or a bike ride even. That's most likely. She probably just went to clear her head. I'll try again tomorrow." Kie thought to herself, but she took the phone anyway, hoping that when you came back you would have to come get it off her. She scrawled a note onto your mirror with an eyeliner from the side; "Got ur phone. P4L. - K"
The next day, Kie waited until the afternoon to leave her house, waiting for your knock on the door that never came. She decided that she would go back to your house and confront you there, but when she arrived there was no one inside. Your mum would be at work - that made sense - but after pounding on your door loud enough to wake you up from whatever slumber you might be in and getting no answer, she started to panic.
All of the worst possibilities sprung into her head - a horrific vision of you overdosed and alone, bent over the toilet and throwing up uncontrollably or even passed out and foaming at the mouth - so she quickly rushed to find the spare key under one of the many plant pots and slammed it into the door. She ran up the stairs, loudly repeating your name as she did, and paced into your room.
"Y/N, please be okay." She said before opening the door, her heart dropping when you weren't in the bed.
Nothing in the room had moved, not the crumpled up bedding, the pile of clothes in the corner nor the note on the mirror. You hadn't come back.
"Shit. Where the fuck is she?" She muttered to herself before pacing around the house, desperately searching for you but finding nothing. "Need to find her."
Now her mind raced to even darker corners. Perhaps you'd fallen into one of the many bodies of water on the island, high and uncoordinated, and drowned. Or maybe you'd crashed your bike into an oncoming vehicle. Maybe you'd passed out somewhere and someone had called an ambulance, or maybe you’d put yourself in danger without even realising it. She had no idea how spot on she was with the last prediction.
Kie had told Pope of her plan to force you to come to hers by keeping your phone, and all of the boys had assumed that the confrontation had been over and done with by that point, so they were confused when she turned up at the Chateau without you.
"Did you speak to YN?" JJ asked, springing up from his seat as soon as he spotted Kie.
He'd hardly slept, tossing around in his bed all night as he thought of all the things he wanted to say to you but couldn't. "It was better this way." He tried to convince himself "She's better off thinking I don't want her. Maybe she didn't even mean what she said. Maybe she was just high." He couldn't push the image of him holding you and loving you from his head though.
"No. She never came to mine." Kie huffed, wheeling her bike over with furrowed brows. "And before you ask - yes I went to hers, she's not there. Doesn't look like she's been home at all since I went there last night."
"So where is she?" John B questioned, his posture tightening.
"Do I look like I know?" Kie snapped. "I'm seriously worried."
"Shit." JJ hissed, instantly jumping into a panic. He was quick and erratic. "Okay. We should all split up and look for her. I'll check the marsh and the forest, Kie you should check figure eight, Pope you check town, and John B you take the boat and check the waters. Report back here in two hours."
He rushed towards his motorbike before anyone could even answer, but stopped in his tracks when Pope suggested a disheartening idea. It was an idea that had occurred to both John B and Kie as soon as JJ had announced his plan, though it didn’t surprise them that he didn’t think of it. He was someone who always lived in a somewhat state of denial.
"Don't you think one of us should check the hospital too? You know, just in case."
JJ swallowed, catching the lump in his throat before it could properly form, and nodded.
"Y-Yeah. You do that." He said without turning around. He wanted to argue - to say that the idea was ridiculous and a waste of time - but he couldn't find it in himself to do so. Pope might be right, and if he was... JJ had to cut his thoughts off before they got too hard to bare. He jumped onto his bike and sped off, heading straight to the marshes.
His search was obviously fruitless. He waded through knee high mud and lifted up heavy logs. He dug through thick bushes and climbed up trees. He shouted your name at the top of his lungs and prayed to God that you would appear.
But none of it worked.
By time the two hour mark had hit, he'd searched miles of forestry and worked up quite a sweat. Still, he wouldn't stop until he knew you were safe.
"Maybe one of the others have found her." He thought desperately to himself, jumping on his bike and heading back to the Chateau. They'd all tried to convince themselves with the same hopeful thought and been sorely disappointed when they eventually returned to their friends. JJ was the last to arrive.
"Any luck?" He shouted from his bike before he'd even got off it, springing across the lawn.
The rest of the Pogues were stood in a circle, also damp with sweat and breathing heavily. They looked upset which was understandable given the situation, but JJ felt his heart jump into his throat as he worried that the unimaginable had happened.
"Pope! She wasn't in the hospital, was she?" He asked with urgency, pacing over to the boy.
Pope was breathing heavily, still catching his breath from the run back to the Chateau.
"Pope!" JJ repeated in an almost shout, shaking his friends shoulders.
"No- No." Pope panted out.
"Chill, JJ. None of us had any luck." John B patted him on the back with a sympathetic look.
It didn't calm him down though. Instead he started to anxiously pace, running his hands through his hair and repeating to himself "Think, JJ. Think!"
"She might just be at someone's house. Who knows, she could be having a great time right now while we're thinking the worst." John B suggested which Kie rolled her eyes at.
"The only people she’d ever hang out with other than us are druggie degenerates, so it's not exactly great if she's with them either. Those people wouldn't care if she was on the floor foaming at the mouth."
"Well I don't know what you want me to suggest, Kie! We've looked everywhere else. Should we start banging on the doors of every junkie we know? Because that could take a while!"
As John B and Kie bickered, JJ continued his pacing, racking his mind for ideas until one shot into his head like a bullet.
"Wait-Wait. What did you just say?" He turned to his arguing friends.
"That she's probably with some drugged up degenerate?" John B answered in a sarcastic tone.
"That's it! She's probably at her dealers house. And I know only one scum bag who sells that prescription shit."
JJ ran back to his bike without saying another word, ignoring the questions from the Pogues as he kick started it and sped off - some hope finally in his mind though it was still mostly clouded by worry.
"Should we follow him?" Pope asked.
"Probably." Kie answered, heading towards the Twinkie with a sigh.
It was ten minutes later that JJ pulled up by Barry's house, carefully parking his bike around the corner so that the dealer wouldn't see him. They'd had their fair share of arguments already about JJ's dad and due to this JJ knew that he had a gun. It wouldn't do him any good to get caught on his property.
The blonde paced through the overgrown front lawn and almost jumped for joy when he saw your bike strewn lazily into one of the bushes - the signature ugly green paint instantly catching his eye. You would just be sat on the sofa smoking a joint or something. He could knock on the door, distract Barry without getting shot somehow and get you out of there in no time.
Then the sound of a large vehicle coming towards the house reached his ears, and he quickly ducked around the corner and crouched under one of the windows, anxious to not be caught by one of Barry's customers either. They typically weren't the most reasonable people after all. He was relieved with his decision when Rafe Cameron jumped out of the truck, music blaring and obnoxiously announcing himself as he knocked loudly on the front door.
JJ's ear pricked as he heard Barry's voice from inside, not having realised that the window on the wall above his head was open.
"Shit." The dealer tutted, followed by the sound of a zip. "Why now?"
Barry's breathing was heavy, like he'd been doing exercise, and it peaked JJ's curiosity. Was he working out whilst you watched from the sofa? That would be fucking weird. There was no way you would be lifting weights with him.
JJ listened carefully, waiting for the sound of the front door to open and the start of a passive aggressive conversation between the two men before he stood up and looked in the window. If either of them caught him, that would be a lot of trouble.
He wasn't at all prepared for what he saw through the glass though.
The sound of the zip suddenly made sense, and the heavy breathing. You were there, lying in an unmade bed, stripped naked and seemingly asleep. Even unconscious your face looked so sad and your body looked tired; thin, with random bruises scattered about your limbs and dirty looking hickies on your chest.
Had you let Barry do this? Surely not. Surely you had more self respect than that.
The thought of any other man touching you was enough to make JJ feel upset, let alone a scumbag dealer that he knew you would never have any real feelings for. But then it dawned onto him - that if you hadn't wanted Barry to have sex with you, that didn't make it any better. In fact, it made it a whole lot worse.
It meant that... you'd been tricked or forced or coerced in some way. It meant that you'd been raped. And maybe you didn't even know it. Maybe you were so knocked out that you would have no idea what Barry had done. Maybe he had drugged you on purpose so that he could do it.
JJ's blood boiled, so much so that he felt himself getting physically hotter, his teeth grinding and his fists clenching. He tapped on the window, hoping to get a response from you, but you stayed stiff and still, your eyes closed and your breathing shallow.
How much had you taken? Had he given you something too strong? Did the dealer even know if you were on the boundary of never waking up? Did he care? Either way, there was no way you could've rightfully consented to doing anything sexual with anyone. Not when you were clearly out cold.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." JJ hissed to himself, trying to quickly brainstorm a way to get you out of there without getting killed by Rafe or Barry.
He pulled out his phone and went to text John B before remembering that he'd ran out of data, cursing himself for not paying his bill once again. Then he decided to creep around the back and listen in through another window, hoping that he'd overhear something to help with his plan. All that he heard didn't serve to help though, in fact it made his rage all the more fiery and his brain even less able to come up with a good idea. The desperation was becoming torturous.
"Where's Y/L/N then? I can see her ugly ass bike out the front." Rafe asked in a mocking tone.
"She's in bed, sleeping. What's it to you country club?" Barry answered.
Rafe scoffed. "I caught you mid fuck didn't I? Sorry for being a cock block bro. Can't say I'm not jealous. Bet she's a total freak in the sheets."
JJ could practically hear the smug smirk on Barry's face.
"Yeah, tits like you've never seen. And pussy like a vice grip. You wanna come take a look? She's out cold."
"You already know my answer to that, bro." Rafe chuckled.
JJ's eyes widened, a deep panic settling into his chest. You would be mortified to know that Rafe Cameron had been ogling your exposed form, let alone the potential that Barry might actually let him sleep with you. He ran back around to the other window and banged on it one more time in hopes of waking you up before quickly ducking down again just as the two men entered the room. He couldn't stay down and listen to their crass remarks this time, he couldn't bare it. He had to cause a distraction.
With a rush of inspiration, he picked up a rock and lobbed it at Rafe's truck, creating a loud thud as it dented the exterior. The two degenerates stormed outside at that and JJ heard the sound of a gun clicking.
"What the fuck was that?" Barry muttered whilst Rafe angrily proclaimed "Something dented my ride!"
"If there's anybody out there, you better come out now!" He shouted, his voice echoing around the vacant lot of overgrown swampland.
Then right on cue, the Twinkie pulled around the corner, a very confused looking John B in the drivers seat with Kie and Pope sat behind him. Rafe scoffed something bigoted about the Pogues before stamping over to the van, knocking so hard on the window that he was almost punching it. JJ would've been glad for his friends arrival if not for the pistol in Barry's hand.
"You dented my fucking car. Get the fuck out here!" Rafe demanded as Kie slid open the door, pacing at him with a scowl.
"We didn't do shit to your car. Now where the fuck is Y/N?"
"Didn't do shit? Look at the dent! You're paying for this Kie - since I know you're the only one with any money."
"I'm not paying for something I didn't do. Now tell me where my friend is. I can see her bike there and I swear to god if either of you have hurt her-"
"What are you gonna do? Huh?" Rafe cut her off with an intimidating smirk, stepping so that he was inches from her face. "You can't do shit."
Pope jumped out of the van and quickly got in between them, his nostrils flaring as he eyed the sociopath. John B quickly jumped out too, though before he could open his mouth to say anything Barry had cocked the gun and pointed it at the trio.
"Y/N ain't here. She bought her pills and wondered off into the marsh. Left her bike behind. Now if you want to find her before the gators do, you lot best be on your way."
No one moved an inch, horrified by the revelation of Barry's statement.
"And you just let her go? What is wrong with you? She could be dead!" Pope hissed, an unexpected volume to his voice.
JJ could no longer sit and silently listen knowing that his friends were about to embark on another wild goose chase. You were there, mere feet away. This was their best opportunity to do something before anything else could happen to you.
Feeling that the dealer was sufficiently distracted, JJ decided to fully open the window and climb inside, struggling slightly with the old frame as he pushed it up. Once he was in, he instantly rushed to your side, gently shaking your shoulder in an attempt to wake you up again.
"Y/N it's me. We've got to go." He whispered, only getting a groan back from you.
Your hair was splayed messily around your face like the petals of a flower, making him think to the mornings he'd spent with you in the past. How he'd woken up beside you after a night of drinking and wanted to kiss you, but held himself back in fear that you would find it weird. That you would remind him that you were only friends with the occasional benefit. That you'd laugh in his face. If only he'd known how wrong he was.
Perhaps he didn't deserve you, but if being by yourself meant that you were going to do this to yourself... he would have to fight until the end of the earth to be with you.
In that moment, he regretted so many of his past actions. From the random girls he'd kissed in front of you to his recent rejection of you, he knew that once you were safe and awake he would do anything and everything to take it all back.
You would be his. No one else's... This could never happen again. No one other than him would touch you. He wouldn't allow it.
He looked around the room in a panic, picking up your shirt from the floor and lifting your head so that he could pull it over your body. Your body weight was resisting his actions, dead and heavy, but when he found your underwear and started to pull them up your legs, you finally flinched awake - even if it was only slightly.
"No Barry. Not again." You mumbled, lifting your leg to kick him away.
"It's me - JJ. We're gonna get you out of here." He said quietly, pulling your panties up so that you were covered and then slipping his arms underneath you to hoist you up bridal style.
Your eyes shot open at the sound of his voice, your heart jumping into your throat.
"JJ?" You whimpered, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"It's me baby. It's me." He repeated in a hushed tone. "You're safe now."
Then he heard the sound of the van starting outside and knew that he had to be faster. He looked around the room for a weapon and was pleased when he spotted a shotgun leant against the wardrobe, an idea springing into his head. He quickly put you back down on the bed.
"No. No. Don't leave me." You choked out, your breathing becoming rapid with panic. It broke JJ's heart to hear.
"I'll be two seconds. I promise you'll be okay." He mustered the softest tone that he could, stroking your face and placing a delicate kiss on your forehead before picking up the gun and charging out of the room.
As soon as you were out of his sight, his bubbling anger returned. No longer would he be able to put on a calm front, that time had ran out. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and his skin went hot again, thinking of the vile words he'd overheard.
He pumped the gun one time, making sure it was loaded, and then slammed open the front door, quickly drawing the attention of the bickering degenerates outside. John B also quickly noticed his friend too, instantly stopping the Twinkie from reversing and jumping out again as he watched JJ in disbelief. The scene moved so quickly that none of the Pogue's were able to immediately process it.
With a cry of anger, JJ lifted the gun above his shoulder and then slammed the butt of it as hard as he could into Barry's head, knocking him out instantly. The dealer fell to the ground and dropped his own gun, and before Rafe could reach for it, JJ pressed the barrel to his chest. Rafe held his hands up in nervous surrender, though it didn't mean much.
"I should fucking kill you both!" JJ shouted. "You fucking piece of shit. You like girls when they're passed out? Huh? You like girls that can't say no?"
"Woah man. Chill. I didn't touch her." Rafe tried to calm him down, his eyes wide with fright. "It was all Barry. I just got here!"
At the realisation of what JJ had alluded to, the three other Pogues ran to join in the confrontation again. They felt sick at the idea that you might've been hurt - especially by two such unsavoury characters.
"Where is she?" Kie shouted, throwing punches into Rafe's side whilst Pope picked up Barry's pistol from the floor and kicked his body a few times.
"Inside." JJ answered through gritted teeth, staring Rafe down and struggling to not pull the trigger. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you."
Rafe stumbled for a moment, swallowing before he collected himself and answered confidently "I didn't even touch her. Kill me and you’re going away for life! There’s not gonna be any of my DNA on Y/N, I can promise that! I’m not into passed out chicks. That’s all Barry.”
JJ didn’t move for a second, thinking on the boys words before lowering the gun slightly. He would make him suffer another time. In that moment, Barry deserved his attention much more.
"Get the fuck out of here." JJ eventually hissed.
Rafe did exactly that, backing away quickly to his truck and speeding off. The blonde turned his attention to Barry now, who was groaning as he slowly arose from the ground. Without hesitation, JJ bent down to his level and started to throw punches, blinded by fury and bloodlust. His nose cracked first, then his cheekbone, then his eye socket. JJ didn't know how long he'd been attacking him for when he felt John B's touch on his shoulder and heard his voice in his ear. The brunette had found you in the house and lifted you into the Twinkie during JJ’s raging, stood and watched for a moment and then decided to stop his friend, worried for your welfare despite enjoying the show very much.
"Come on JJ, that's enough."
Barry's face was an unrecognisable bloody mess, but he couldn't stop.
"J, you're gonna kill him."
That didn't matter.
"We need to get Y/N out of here. Let's go!"
The sound of your name did halt him. His knuckles were bruised and his chest was panting.
"He raped her, John B. She was passed out in there and naked when I found her!" He turned to his friend with a desperate expression. "We need to kill him."
"I know, I know. But he's not worth the prison sentence, J." John B struggled to bite back his own rage but managed to do so, speaking in a soft tone as he tried to calm his friend. "We'll make him suffer, don't you worry. But right now we need to go."
The blonde boy finally nodded in agreement, feeling somewhat dizzy from the adrenaline as he stood up and made his way to the Twinkie. Once he saw you inside, your half dressed body curled up on Kie's lap as you cried, the guilt came back to him in an agonising gut punch.
"This entire thing had been practically all his fault." Was all he could think. "From the relapse to this. He'd fucked you up without even trying."
He ignored his friends shouts as he paced back to his bike and said nothing as he rode off, deciding that he would go to a bar and drink his thoughts away for the night. As John B had said; it wasn't worth getting a prison sentence for murder, but that didn't mean he couldn't find some other random people to fight.
Hiiii I hope y’all enjoyed. I might make a part 4 depending on feedback. Stay safe!!
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lobotomybbydoll · 9 days ago
I was watching a video essay on cnc (because I like to torture myself) and I STARTED CRYING
you're not edgy or kinky for sexualizing rape I genuinely hope you go to jail and you're a waste of space and air
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cakemadeofbacon · 1 month ago
i do find it interesting how the all of the “hated” and controversial characters in epic the musical are black which… COULD mean nothing, i suppose
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autistictojisuzuharafan11 · 3 months ago
Viv has a straight up fetish for r@pe and s@, she does not care about victims/survivors, stop trying to defend her
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traumadumpwriter · 1 month ago
JJ Maybank X Reader ~ Relapse and a Half
Summary: The Pogues feel betrayed by the readers sudden relapse into drugs, but they're unable to be angry at her for too long as something terrible leaves her needing their support more than ever.
Trigger warning for: drugs (obviously), guns, explicit sexual assault, violence, EXPLICIT!
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Five
So many people commented on the last one I had to write this part! Thanks for the support it means so much to me. I might make this into a short series, potentially add another few parts but I’m not sure. Let me know what you want to see <3
Part Four:
You'd sobbed so hard into Kie's lap that you could hardly breathe, having to be reminded by your friend to take deep breaths as she tried to calm you down.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." You'd cried as Kie stroked your hair, her heart breaking at every word.
"Stop apologising, Y/N. Are you hurt anywhere? Do we need to go to the hospital?"
"No. No. It's my fault. I'm fine. Please don't hate me." You answered, your words largely incoherent. You weren't even entirely sure what had just happened to land you in your best friend's lap.
"It's not your fault. No one hates you. Ssshh." Kie whispered soothingly, hating Barry with her entirety.
She could see the aggressive conversation happening between JJ and John B outside and Barry's body bleeding beside them. She didn't need to listen to imagine what the boys were saying to each other - JJ no doubt raging and John B trying to calm him down. If you weren't on her lap and needing her care right then, she would've jumped out of the van and beat up Barry herself.
Even without having heard the telling exchange between Rafe and JJ moments prior, your physicality made it clear that something awful and unwilling had happened inside the drug dealer's home. From your desperate sobs and panicked breathing, to your exposed skin and suspicious bruises, to the fact that you could hardly keep your eyes open or string a sentence together. It would be clear to most that someone had given you something too strong for your body to handle and then taken advantage of that.
Pope wheeled your bike into the back of the van and then sat down beside Kie, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your naked legs without saying a single word. You didn't seem to notice his arrival anyway, your face still buried into Kie's lap as you drifted in and out of hysterical consciousness.
"JJ- Is JJ here?" You choked out.
"He's coming. Just go to sleep. He'll be here in a minute." Kie answered softly, eyeing the blonde as he stormed towards the open van door.
He locked eyes with Kie for a second, the rage he was feeling so palpable that she could've sworn she felt heat coming from him, and then with a pained expression he looked at you. His lips puckered sourly and his nostrils flared whilst his gut twisted and ached. Part of him wanted to leap into the van, hold you so tight and never let go. The part of him that wanted to hurt someone was bigger.
As he raced off, John B shouted after him, but quickly gave up, unable to blame the boy for his anger. He too would be wanting to go back to Barry's to really make him regret touching you as soon as he knew that you would be okay.
When the van started moving and you still hadn't heard JJ's voice or felt his touch, your head shot up in a panic, looking to Kie for guidance through blurry eyes.
"Does- Does he hate me?" You whispered.
"No. Of course not. Just go to sleep, Y/N. Everything will be okay." She answered softly, stroking your face with the care of a mother.
You were extremely relieved to be back with your best friend and for her to not be raging at you - as you'd feared she would be. You didn't completely understand the predicament that you were currently in and why Kiera wasn't in fact angry with you. All you knew was that you'd been at Barry's, something bad had happened, JJ had appeared, and now you were in the Twinkie. Nothing was properly processing whilst the drugs and liquor still pumping through your system - it was all just a confusing blur.
It didn't take long for you to pass out again, lying across the worn, leather seats with your head in Kie's lap. John B scooped you up with ease and carried you into the Chateau, tucking you into the guest bed that JJ usually slept in before anything was said between the Pogues. A heavy silence had enveloped them from the moment they started driving, only broken by Kie's angry groan as she stared into the darkness of the sea ahead.
"I can't believe this. We need to call the police. We can't let them get away with this!" She exclaimed, her knees pulled up to her chest.
"We should. But won't that get Y/N in trouble too? I mean, she was there to purchase a controlled substance. That's pretty illegal." Pope stated, stood in front of the porch with his hands on his hips as he paced.
"It'll definitely get her in trouble. I'm fairly certain JJ's dad has done jail time for that exact charge." John B replied, picking up the blunt from the ground that JJ had been smoking earlier and lighting it. He took a drag before he continued. "We should just go back there and fucking kill the guy."
Both Kie and Pope's heads snapped up in surprise at that, expecting that kind of solution from JJ - not his more mature, brunette counterpart. But alas, neither of them could disagree and a heavy silence enveloped the trio again.
Pope spoke after a short while, his mind racing in a desperate bid to make things less fucked up than they had become.
"Maybe they didn't.. you know... maybe they didn't do anything to her. Maybe JJ just interpreted it wrong. I mean, we don't even know what he saw. Maybe he just saw her passed out like that and broke in - assuming the worst."
"Don't act stupid Pope." John B hissed, not even bothering to look up at him as he spoke. "I went in there, I picked her up. There was literal fucking spunk dripping out her underwear... Need to clean the Twinkie and wash those bed sheets."
He mumbled the last part to himself, a sick feeling rising from his gut into his throat as he remembered the state he'd found his friend in. Half conscious, half dressed, in a disheveled drug den, the room stinking of sex and weed, a damp pillow at her head and a fearful gasp as he'd picked her up.
Kie and Pope grimaced at the image he'd painted, a sickness too rising to their throats, and another long silence came over them until Kie spoke with a sigh.
"This is so fucked up... I'm gonna go inside, make sure she doesn't choke on her vomit or anything. Where do you think JJ is?"
The two boys shrugged, a million and one potential answers to that question. All they could do was hope that he hadn't lost his mind too intensely and landed himself in jail, though it would be understandable if he had. They waited up for him for a while, but hours passed and there was still no sign of the blonde returning, so they eventually slinked silently inside too and passed out in their own respective sleeping spots, entirely exhausted.
Meanwhile, JJ had driven to one of the shit-hole bars that his dad tended to frequent and after a few whiskey shots, started a fight with the biggest guy in there. He knew that he wouldn't win it. Maybe that was why he'd picked that fight. A desperate bid to extinguish some of his guilt, to distract himself, to forget the scared cry that you'd let out, to get what he deserved for hurting you.
After that, he'd driven to his house and started a fight with his dad - once again knowing that he wouldn't win it but wanting to punish the closest thing to a physical manifestation of the drugs you loved that he could think of. He'd remembered the knowing eye contact you and Luke had exchanged with each other last year - before JJ had clocked what you'd been using. It made so much sense when he looked back on it, you'd probably bumped into each other at Barry's, or maybe addicts could just sniff each other out with effortless ease. Identity each other like two dogs of the same breed. At the time, he'd just assumed that you recognised him from your shitty bar job, and he'd asked nothing of it - not wanting to speak about his dad any longer than necessary. It had been a quick trip in and out of his house, it never needed to be thought of again. After your overdose, he'd kicked himself for not mentioning it.
As he'd finished throwing his son to the ground, Luke spat "Get the fuck out of here" and slammed the front door shut, leaving JJ in a disheveled heap on the ground.
The boy stayed there for a little while, trying to focus on the pain of his injuries but unable to do so, his mind inevitably racing back to you - a mocking montage that would play on a loop. From your wide mouthed laughter and big, bright eyes, to the little moans you had let out as he'd drunkenly entered you, how beautiful you looked beneath him, all the way back to your limp body on the drug dealers bed, looking like a sad, broken doll.
"Why did I reject her like that? Why did I laugh in her face? What's wrong with me? Why do I destroy everything I love? Why would I think I was protecting her by being cruel? Why didn't I just go back there that night and tell her I love her? What the fuck is wrong with me?" His thoughts span around agonisingly, wrapping around his brain, slithering to his throat and constricting his breathing.
The last stop he made before returning to the Chateau was a hidden spot on the beach - which was empty for miles due to the time. He sat on the boundary between the sand and the sea, letting the salty waves bury his bottom half with his knees pulled up to his chest, and for the first time in a long time - he cried. He didn't cry hard, he didn't let sobs rock his body like he perhaps should've. No - even in his own company he couldn't let himself do that. But he did let streams of wetness fall from his eyes and small sniffles escape his nose, the guilt he'd tried so hard to suppress enveloping him wholly.
He stayed there for hours, planning on returning to you once he felt better. But that feeling never came and he eventually gave up on it, jumping on his bike as the sun started to rise and heading back to the Chateau.
You'd woken up a short while prior, accidentally waking Kie up too as you tried to sneak out of the bed but stumbled into the side and knocked everything off of it. She shot up from her slouched position on the chair beside the bed and looked around in a panic for a second before collecting herself. As she remembered everything that had happened a few hours prior, she found it hard to not cry looking at you.
You felt the same way, though your memory was not as clear - still feeling hazy and confused.
The first thing you said was "I'm so sorry, Kie. I'll get clean again, I promise."
She threw her arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug which you instantly returned, burying your face into her thick hair and trying not to flinch at the unexplained pain you felt all over your body.
"I know you will." She whispered and then pulled away slightly "How are you feeling? Do you remember what happened last night?"
"I don't know. I was at Barry's and now I'm here. How did that happen?"
"JJ found you... Do you really not remember what happened at Barry's?" Kie's voice was so fraught with worry that even in your still inebriated state you knew it was something bad.
You stood and racked your brain for a moment, trying your hardest to put it all together, and then suddenly a few pieces returned to you  - foggy and unclear but evident in what they meant. You remembered lying in his bed and silently crying, your face pressed into his pillow as he roughly fucked you from behind. You remembered saying no but being convinced the night before that, and then staying the next day just for it to happen again. You remembered his tight grip around your waist and the invasive feeling of him inside of you before you lost consciousness, actively deciding to disassociate instead of trying to stay awake. You remembered how it was your fault.
A jolt of horror sparked through your body, your face going white and your mouth dropping open. Then another jolt shocked through you as you thought about what Kie had said. "JJ had found you."
"Oh God. What did he see? He must think I'm such a slut." You thought to yourself, suddenly feeling weak.
Your knees buckled and your legs crumpled from beneath you, suddenly landing you on the floor with your head in your hands.
"I fucked up. I-I really fucked up, Kie." You gasped, tears forming.
"How? What do you mean?" She bent down to be at your level. "What that scumbag did to you isn't your fault."
"It is. I- I stayed there. Oh God. What did JJ see? What did you see?"
Would the answers to either of those questions make you feel any better? Probably not. She ignored them and shook her head.
"It's not your fault. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She said softly, holding out her hand for you to take.
You stayed on the floor and caught your breath, swallowing down your cries before you nodded and followed her to the bathroom, only then noticing that you were dressed in just a pair of damp underwear and a sweaty top. You peeled them off and sat in the tub, pulling your knees to your chest whilst Kie put in the plug and turned on the shower head. You didn't flinch at the initial coldness of the water hitting your back, nor the sudden burst of burning hot heat it released before levelling out to a nicer temperature. Your eyes remained fixed on the stained ivory in front of you whilst you mentally combed through all that you could remember from the past forty eight hours. It was strange, it was mostly patches of black, followed by vividly clear moments, followed by third person perspectives of yourself lying in that bed - like you'd somehow left your body. Or perhaps your mind was just trying to fill in the blanks.
"I'm going to get one of the boys to grab you a morning after pill from the pharmacy. Just to be safe... you know? I'll be gone for a minute. Is that okay?" Kie's soft voice momentarily broke you from your silent contemplation and you nodded, another jolt of horror rushing through you as you realised that Barry had in fact cum inside of you, multiple times.
"Had you given him permission to do that? Probably not. But at this point you deserved it and more." You thought to yourself.
The water slowly filled up the tub and more than a minute passed, though you didn't notice either things. Despite your disgust at what had happened, and much to your great shame, you wanted another hit. You wanted to take something strong. You wanted to feel anything other than what you were feeling. You wanted to forget about what Barry had done, what you had caused and what JJ had said. Now that you'd sobered up slightly it was playing in your head again - his harsh rejection - and you couldn't decide which trauma had been more embarrassing.
Meanwhile, JJ had just arrived as John B was leaving, and both he and Kie stopped the blonde before he could step into the house - concerned by the bruises and blood he was covered in.
"Dude, what the fuck happened? Where have you been?" John B questioned.
"Doesn't matter. Where's Y/N?"
"She's in the bath." John B answered, putting his hand on JJ's chest and stopping him from walking past "But bro, your face does not look good. Where the hell have you been all night? You didn't go back to Barry, did you? Or bother any kooks?"
"No I didn't go back there, and I didn't bother any kooks! Is she alright?" JJ huffed.
"She's... no she's not alright. I mean- she will be eventually. But right now... I don't know." Kie struggled to think of an answer, not wanting to set off the blonde all over again but not wanting to lie.
JJ nodded slowly and sucked in his lips, taking a deep breath and stressfully running his hand through his hair. He tried to distract himself from the rage that was bubbling up in his gut again.
"Where are you going then?" He turned to John B, who swallowed anxiously.
"The pharmacy. Y/N needs a morning after pill... So um- I should probably go now."
And with that he took off, not wanting to see JJ's reaction to that. The blonde was surprisingly un-reactive though, sucking air sharply through his teeth and taking another deep breath. Kie eyed him nervously, getting ready to launch herself at the boy in an attempt to stop him from jumping on his bike and speeding back to Barry's. A murder charge would not help anyone.
"More violence isn't going to help." She said slowly, like she was verbally defusing a bomb.
JJ looked ready to punch someone, more than that - ready to murder someone. But he stayed calm.
"I know... Do you think she wants to see me, or does she hate me now?"
Kie took a moment to respond, taken back by his uncharacteristic maturity, but when she did she almost scoffed at the obviousness, thinking to herself that at least one good thing could come of this.
"JJ- She's completely in love with you. I think that being with you would probably make her feel a little better right now... Just let her know that you love her too. She needs to know that."
JJ's lips almost allowed a weak smile, nodding at Kie gratefully before making his way into the house and going straight to the bathroom.
You were still in the tub, the water halfway full now, unmoved from the position you'd assumed after you first got in. You didn't look up at the sound of the door opening, nor at the sound of someone sitting on the toilet seat. You did look up however when you heard JJ's voice, confusion followed by shock slowly settling into your bloodstream.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so fucking sorry." He said lowly, taking in your disheveled appearance. "This is all my fault."
Light bruises had started to form on your neck and sides. There were scratches on your back and wine stain bite marks on your chest. But even without those telling remains of a sexual encounter, the damage would've been clear - at least somewhat. A distant look enveloped your eyes - more than just the distance that benzodiazepines gave you, a distance that could only be described as shell shocked - and your eyelids were red and puffy, with tears brimming in the waterline though your expression showed no emotion.
"JJ?" You barely parted your lips to whisper, half convinced that the boy in front of you was a vision concocted by your dissonant brain.
Your voice was so quiet that he didn't hear it over the pouring of the shower, and so he continued his pleading apology.
"I beat the shit out of him. I know that doesn't change anything, and I know it doesn't mean you should forgive me. It doesn't make anything better... I don't even know why I said that. I thought it would make you feel better but that was fucking dumb... I'm just- Jesus what am I even saying. I just want to tell you if there's anything I can do to make you feel better.. even if you want me to just leave you alone.. I'll do it. But I want you to know that I don't want to leave you alone. All of that shit I said at yours the other night- it was fucked up and I didn't mean it."
"JJ." You repeated his name louder, stopping his ramble as you pulled away from your knees.
His face was full of uncharacteristic anxiety, his mouth stopping slightly open and his eyes blinking rapidly, intensely focused onto yours. He didn't know why, but the sound of your voice surprised him.
"Stop... I'm fine." You said, your voice shaking slightly. "It was all my fault. You don't need to be saying all of this. I shouldn't have started using again."
JJ tutted and shook his head.
"Your fault? Don't say that. How could it be your fault?"
You thought of all the reasons that it might be. The fact that you'd been going there to buy drugs. The fact that you didn't try hard enough to stop him. The fact that you stayed there after the first time.
"I... I can't." You breathed out, the tears that had been brewing starting to quietly drip down your face. A tight constriction in your chest was stopping you from telling JJ exactly why it had been your fault, as was the loud shame in your head.
JJ quickly moved from the seat to the floor, crouching on the balls of his feet as he leaned in closer to you. He moved one of his hands to cup your face, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I'm sorry."
You warmed slightly into his hand, finding the same comfort in it that you had on your drunken nights together. You forgot everything that had happened for a moment, just feeling the loving touch of the boy that you craved so desperately.
"Stop acting like it's a big deal - please. You don’t need to be sorry." You mumbled.
JJ wanted to argue - he wanted to explain exactly why it was a big deal. But he saw how tired and still high you were and decided not to. He instead nodded and whispered "Okay."
A comfortable moment of silence passed between you both. JJ noticed that the water was getting high and turned off the shower, grimacing as he caught sight of the scratches on your back, remembering what he'd heard when he was crouched below the window of that house. Then he remembered what he'd decided out there - that you were his and he would keep you safe forever now. He picked up a soapy sponge and stared to gently wash your back, soothing you immensely. He'd planned on breaking the silence himself with a dramatic confession of his own love, but you beat him to it.
"Who'd you piss off?" You asked quietly.
"What do you mean?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.
"I mean your face is all fucked up." You responded, a hint of sarcasm in your tone that brought a small smile to JJ's face.
He chuckled slightly, trying to sound casual though there was an undertone of nerves to his voice.
"I think I'm in love with you, Y/N."
The thought that he might be imaginary once again struck you. You closed your eyes and focused on the feeling of his hand until you were convinced that he was real again.
"I don't know if I believe you." You mumbled, though a slight smile also pulled at the corners of your lips.
JJ moved his washing to your hair, gently massaging your scalp as he spoke.
"I'm serious. I- I've been completely obsessed with you since- well since we first met. That messy night at the Boneyard."
"Every night at the Boneyard is messy." You scoffed and JJ chuckled again.
"True. But I remember you were wearing that little, black skirt, and that white vest that I like.. with your leopard print bikini on underneath… and your hair was still long then."
"I don't even remember what I wore that night... but I remember Kie introducing me to you.. And I remember that Kook you threw your drink on."
A twinge of amusement ran up your spine and for the first time in weeks, you both felt like everything might work out okay. Another comfortable silence enveloped you both, the only sound being the sloshing of the water as JJ continued to gently wash you.
This continued for a short while, calming and peaceful, and you found yourself starting to feel extremely tired again.
"Can we go to bed?" You mumbled, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"Sure." He smiled, heart fluttering at the innocence of your question.
He pulled the plug out of the tub and rummaged through the laundry basket for a semi-clean towel whilst you washed the soap from your hair and then rose from the draining water. You stumbled slightly out of the tub, JJ surprised by your sudden movement and holding his hands out to catch you. When he started to dry you with the towel, you shook your head and took it from him.
"You don't need to do this. I'm fine." You said with a huff and he shot you an uncertain look.
"Don't treat me all different now. It's not that serious. I'm gonna get sober again." You justified, an ironic slur to your voice.
JJ wanted to argue but decided not to again. You weren't in the right state of mind - there was no point. But for you to say it wasn't that serious; it worried JJ.
He forced a smile though, only wanting to continue comforting you.
"I know you'll get sober again. I believe you. It was just a little slip up, right?"
You nodded, wrapping the towel around your body and heading towards the door before accidentally dropping it. Both of you giggled at that and JJ rolled his eyes teasingly.
"I'll go get you some pyjamas. Just to be safe." He grinned, unable to not admire your body even when he was trying not to.
When he stepped out of the bathroom door and swiftly headed into his room, he was confused to see that John B was changing the sheets.
"What are you doing?" JJ asked as John B pulled on the last corner of the new cover.
John B was quick to notice that JJ's previous expression of solemn doom had turned into a more relaxed one.
"We'll talk later bro. The pill is on the side. Does she need anything? Maybe something to eat?"
"Nah she just wants to sleep. If she needs anything I can get it. But thanks dude."
They exchanged a meaningful smile before JJ grabbed a baggy top from his wardrobe and a pair of boxer shorts and then headed back into the bathroom. You put the clothes on and headed straight to his bed, flopping yourself onto the fresh sheets and curling up immediately, ready to sleep like a baby.
JJ needed to wash realistically - dried blood and sea water on various patches of his body - but he couldn't resist the allure of having your body tucked safely against his once he saw how comfortable you'd gotten. So he peeled off his clothes and crawled in beside you, holding you closely against him and inhaling the scent of your hair.
You loved being cuddled by JJ, there weren't many things that could beat it. The way he held you like he needed you filled the empty void inside of you without fail every time.
He kissed the back of your head, holding his lips there for a while before pulling away and whispering "I really do love you."
You were too tired to respond, just about to drift into the realm of complete unconsciousness. But a smile formed on your face nonetheless before you dropped into a comfortable, dreamless sleep.
I just want to say that the doubt this character experiences around their assault is just representative of how I felt after my own and in no way reflects the way that anyone should have to feel. If you’ve been through this or something similar I just want to say it wasn’t your fault. My DMs are always open if u need it <3
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n3cromantiic · 2 months ago
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goodnight freaks
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r0tt3n-soul · 27 days ago
provisional intro:
used to be c0rpsel0v3r, got termed sadly :(
I'll post my fantasies and perverted thoughts on here.
if i want to share pictures, I'll drop links (appearently REBLOGGING is too much for tumblr)
over time I'll make this a proper intro with my kinks, paras, interests and kins.
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buddiebeginz · 1 year ago
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Aaron's family comparing him to Gordon 😒
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allzelemonz · 8 months ago
Wrong Color: Bruce Wayne X Clark Kent
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Summertime Prompt: Day 5, "Doppelgangers/Evil Twins" Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Sex, violence, dead dove Warnings: Doppelgangers, rape/noncon, dead dove, painful sex, bloody sex, alien anatomy, anal sex, mention of character death, mention of necrophilia, mention of breeding, Background Relationships: Dick Grayson/Superboys, Jason Todd/Bizzaro, Tim Drake/Conner Kent, Damian Wayne/Jon Kent Summary: A peaceful night in Gotham is interrupted by imposters from another Earth. Each is strikingly similar to their Super counterparts, but everything is the wrong color. The Bats are attacked by evil and twisted versions of their partners with no mercy or remorse.
It’s a quiet night in Gotham for once. The patrols are handled by Stephanie, Cass, and Duke. Barbara is on coms from her couch, favoring it over the usual Oracle set up for lax patrols like this. Bruce is kind of relaxed for once. Alfred convinced him to get the boys together for a movie and aside from the occasional bickering, it’s going well. Jason’s fallen asleep, his head tilted back over the sofa and soft snores escaping him. Dick is stretched out over a couch, pillows and blankets cuddled to his chest like he’s little Robin again. Tim is clutching a cup of coffee with his legs kicked over the arm of his chair. Damian is laid out on a floor pallet as he shines a batarang and listens to the movie passively. And Bruce, he couldn't be more content. Maybe a night off to hang out with his kids every couple of weeks isn’t such a bad idea.
Then there’s something on his chest, that’s what he notices first. The heavy pressure like a brick hitting him square on. Then it’s the wind as it surrounds him and makes him shiver. In a blink, the den is gone and he’s face to face with Clark. They’re outside, it’s cold without a sweater, and Clark’s eyes aren’t blue.
“Clark?” Bruce says, breathy from being shoved and flown away. His hand reaches up to touch Clark’s face, but he’s stopped by a vice grip that would break his wrist if not for the watch on it taking most of the pressure. He winces. “Baby, what’s going on?”
Clark’s eyes flick over Bruce’s body and they are very much not right. Clark’s eyes are a perfect blue, a blue Bruce made sure to have his ties made in. Bruce knows his partner’s eyes like he knows the streets of Gotham or the compartments of his utility belt, these are not Clark’s eyes. They’re gray. Gray and harsh, wholly not a farm boy’s.
“Baby?” Clark mutters, smirking. “How did a subpar man like you get yourself into the bed of a Kryptonian?”
Bruce knows he has Kryptonite fixed under his watch. Dick called him paranoid for it, but when he started dating Clark he knew he didn’t want to take any chances. He trusts Clark, he loves Clark, but things happen. Things like this.
“Who are you?” Bruce asks evenly, his mind figuring a way to get the lead compartment open.
Clark clicks his tongue, his eyes now meeting Bruce’s. “Kal-El, of course. A much better version of your pathetic Clark.”
“What makes you better?”
The imposter has lines when he smiles where Clark would have dimples. “My planet lives.”
“You’re from another Earth.”
“Smart little thing, aren’t you?” He chuckles. “I can see why he finds you entertaining.”
The men look over to find a young man that looks quite like Jon, but Bruce knows it’s not. In the boy’s hand is Damina’s jacket collar, Damian on his knees and unconscious. For one, if Jon did ever hurt Damian he would be cradling him and holding back tears. And, again, the most obvious thing is the eyes. Jon, bright and happy all throughout his little years with dazzling blue eyes just like his fathers that would rival Ace’s pouting talents. This boy has those lifeless gray eyes.
“What?” Clark snaps, finally releasing Bruce’s wrist.
Bruce steps back, not reaching for the Kryptonite right away. It would be expected and he doesn’t have nearly enough to subdue two Kryptonians. He needs to wait for Jon to leave, take care of Clark, and slip away to the cave for his larger stash.
“We’ve found the information you requested.”
“Go on.” Clark crosses his arms and Bruce finds it much less endearing than when his Clark does it.
Jon tosses Damian to the ground and it makes Bruce wince, every inch of his instincts wanting to go to his son and make sure he’s okay. But he stays still, watching his opponents carefully and letting the Batman part of his brain work.
“Our counterparts seem to be in relationships with each member of this human family respectfully.” Jon gestured to the unconscious Damian. “I apparently with this pathetic child, Kon with scrawny one, B with the meathead, and you with… that.” He gestures vaguely to Bruce.
Clark tilts his head. “They have an additional, I saw.”
Jon rolls his eyes. “Apparently Richard Grayson still breathes here.”
“Interesting.” Clark smiles. “Why don’t you boys let out some steam? These inferiors must be able to handle our counterparts, so they should have no problem accommodating us.”
Jon smiles in a way that would make the Joker shiver and Bruce, for the first time, has a flicker of fear from the boy. “Thank you, father.”
Clark nods, waving him off. “Ah, and make sure to use Grayson. He was good on our Earth, I imagine he’s just as good here.”
With a sickly grin, Jon grips Damian’s collar and flies off. Bruce watches Clark carefully, waiting for the signs of beginning superspeed as he slowly unlocks the compartment in his watch. As Clark turns, Bruce holds up the Kryptonite.
“Oh, baby.” Clark mocks. “Wrong color.”
Bruce can hardly blink before Clark is on him. No, not just on him, Clark is in him. In a heartbeat, the imposter has Bruce on the ground with his clothes ripped from his body and his substantial Kryptonian dick shoved so deep into Bruce that it pulses against his heart. Of course Bruce has taken Clark fully before, he’s felt the massive length  stretched open his ass and reaching all the way to his throat. But Clark always prepares him, always makes sure Bruce has taken the durability medicine just in case, always fingers him open and kisses him a million times with adorably sweet words and those beautiful eyes. Having his entire digestive system fucked and fixed tightly around Clark’s dick has always been pleasurable, never like this.
He’s never hurt Bruce.
“I can see why he likes you.” The false Clark mutters in Bruce’s ear. “You take it like a good bitch.”
Bruce tries to think about the last time he heard Clark use that word. Never. Clark has never said that word as far as Bruce knows.
“I just want to make sure you know.” Clark mutters, his lips brushing against Bruce’s ear. “My boys are doing the same thing to your boys.”
Bruce winces, a growl ripping through his throat despite himself. Again, he knows it’s not new. He knows his boys are active with their respective partners, hell he just had the talk with Damian. But he also knows that the Kents are good kids, even Bizzaro is a gentle giant. He knows his boys are treated right. But with these Kents, Bruce wants to claw his way out of this and save them.
Clark starts to move then. His hips piston right away, fully splitting Bruce in half as he rocks in and out. “You know, Richard Grayson is dead on my Earth.” Clark grips Bruce’s hips and Bruce lets his head drop to the ground. “Do you want to know how he died?”
If Bruce was an idiot, he’d answer. But he knows better. He’s been taunted before, he knows that playing any additional part of this sick fantasy is the worst thing to do. Instead he just tries to focus on anything but the feeling of that hard steel dick plunging into his body and the blood it draws out.
“See…” Clark groans, changing his angle and successfully fucking up into Bruce’s throat. “My son thought he was pretty. And I thought he was pretty. It didn’t take much time until the whole family wanted to fuck that perfect ass of his. Poor little bird’s heart gave out.” He snickers. “We still fucked him of course.”
Bruce has never felt more rage than he has in this moment, but the mix of choking on the giant dick in his throat and his own blood takes all of his focus. His intestines are stretched out, his organs rearranged, normally a pleasant feeling with Clark and the medication to help, but right now Bruce didn’t even feel this much pain when Bane broke his back.
Clark’s lips press to his neck, his thrusts becoming shallow and fast. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure my seed stays in you for days, Bruce.” He licks a stripe up to his ear. “You know, on my Earth Kryptonians conquered everything. We fuck as we please and men like you get bitched early on. I could take you back, make you mine and make you give me a million kids.”
“Fuck… you…” Bruce chokes out, his heart starting to skip in an alarming way.
Clark chuckles in his ear. “Maybe if you get too loose, but just for a little break.”
Bruce squeezes his eyes shut, feeling his body starting to give out. He hopes the boys don’t feel this bad, maybe they die quicker, maybe they escaped. Then, in a split second, Bruce feels empty. He can breathe again and everything hurts so intensely. He can’t get his senses to work, his eyes are blurry and his ears pound so loudly it’s like he’s back in the Penguin’s overpopulated zoo.
“Bruce?” Clark, his mind supplies. Soft and worried and the cutest amount of south-midwest Kansas twang. Clark’s hands are gentle as he picks Bruce off the ground, cradling his body and kissing his head. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I’m so, so sorry.”
Bruce blinks his eyes open and steady enough to see that blue. That perfect blue looking down at him with tears everywhere. He wants to say something, but Clark’s name dies in his throat.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Clark soothes through his tears. “Zatanna’s coming, she’ll heal you, you’re gonna be okay.”
Bruce takes ragged breaths, a little smile coming onto his face. He knows Clark’s saying that to convince himself more than Bruce. He also knows that if anyone can fix this, it’s Zatanna. Anything is better than the Lazarus Pit.
Clark holds Bruce as he slips into sleep just before Zatanna arrives. With a teary-eyed but focused Clark, she heals Bruce first. Her incantations put halos over him and Clark almost sobs as he watches with his x-ray vision as Bruce’s intestines realign. Diana arrives purely to hold his hand, the only one he might not crush with his emotions like this. She tells him that the doppelgangers have been subdued and that other healers are working with Bruce’s boys. When Zatanna leaves the three of them just sit there for a while, Bruce asleep but healthy and Clark and Diana simply watching him.
“I almost lost him.” Clark mutters after a while, his hand brushing over Bruce’s hair. “I didn’t get here soon enough.”
“They caught us by surprise, ambushed the strongest first.” Diana says softly.
“Why him?” Clark sobs. “What makes them the strongest?”
Diana presses her lips into a line, remembering why Bruce is the one she would consider the most dangerous. “Bruce is Bruce.” She looks down at her friend. “Not only has he trained his children to be vigilant, he is one of the most prepared people I have ever seen. He could take the world if he had the motivation and time.”
Clark smiles softly. “I love him.”
“I know.” Diana says. “I love him too, you’re my dearest friends… I’ll ensure the men that attacked our family see justice.”
Clark sighs. “How… how could I ever be that man?”
“You’re not. That isn’t a man, it’s a monster.” Diana says firmly. She rests a hand over Clark’s on Bruce’s chest and dips her head to meet his eyes. “You should take him to his room. Check on the boys.”
Clark nods softly, his voice breaking. “Okay.”
Diana flies off to join the Green Lanterns who guard the doppelgangers and Clark, as gentle as he ever has been, carries Bruce into the manor. He passes Raven, still healing Dick as he lays sprawled on the floor in a pool of blood. Then Jason who is cuddled into Bizzaro’s chest like his life depends on staying there. Then Tim, passed out in his room down the hall with Conner pacing at his bedside. And finally Damian, held by Jon in the corner of the study where no one but Clark’s powered eyes could see.
Clark tries to put on a brave face for the trusted members of the League that fill the halls. Only the Kents and the inner council know what really happened, most have just been told it was just an attack. In Bruce’s room, Clark lays his partner down as carefully as he would a baby bat. When he stands, straightening his back and looking down at Bruce’s perfect face, he sobs again. He wants to make everything okay, he wants to go back and fix it. He has half a mind to find Barry and make him do just that, but he knows messing with time would only make things worse. So he settles for sitting beside Bruce’s bed and watching every last detail of his face as he sleeps.
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