#tumblr is the last safe haven...for now
garrus-vakkarian · 1 year
incredibly comical that tumblr is like, the only stable & bearable social media site
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doumadono · 19 days
This is a turning point for me. I've been silent for too long, but I can't stay quiet anymore.
I'm going through writer's burnout, and it has hit me hard. I've been writing on Tumblr and Ao3 for nearly eight years now (with about 1.5 years on my private blog, doumadono). Over that time, I've written more than 400 stories across various fandoms, created the Sinful Sunday event and a series that many people like, helped many with numerous emergency requests — so many that one masterlist wasn't enough to cover them all.
But all of this has brought me to a place where writing no longer feels like a joy, but rather a duty. In my effort to make everyone happy, I lost myself and took on too much, accepting even the most twisted and difficult requests. It made me anxious and unwell whenever I thought about writing. This is why I haven't been posting much these past few weeks. I missed the breaking point and let myself reach a place where I was seriously considering quitting writing altogether and closing both my Tumblr and Ao3 accounts.
There's something else I need to address. I feel completely detached from Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer. I no longer feel comfortable writing for those fandoms. From now on, I'll be focusing mostly on My Hero Academia. Even though the manga recently ended, both the manga and the anime hold a special place in my heart. I’ve fallen in love with the story and its amazing characters. This is what feels right to me at this moment. That doesn't mean I'll never write for Demon Slayer or other fandoms again, but not now, not at this time. Maybe in the future — who knows?
Some of you might know that I've been dealing with a flood of hateful anonymous messages. Even though I’ve grown stronger and no longer consider them relevant, it still hurts to read such nasty words. This is another factor why I need to take a break.
So, what's going to change?
Sinful Sunday will no longer cover requests, and the event won't be as regular as it used to be. From now on, I'll post some sinful pieces specifically written for this event whenever I feel it's right. I'll write only for the characters I feel attached too.
Emergency requests will be limited to two slots and will no longer have a 48-hour window to be fulfilled. Once both slots are taken, emergency requests will be closed until I manage to clear the current asks in my inbox.
As of today, my ask box has been completely cleared. I won't be replying to any past asks, regardless of their origin or topic.
Commissions will remain open, as nearly all the requests have been fulfilled.
Regarding the following projects:
The Kvitravn series will be completed this year, but I can't provide a specific date just yet as I'm still working hard to bring everything together.
There's also a new series on the horizon featuring Dabi in the lead role, with a psychiatrist!Reader as the other main character.
As for Kinktober, I made a hard decision it will not be held as an event on my blog this year at all.
As of now, I want to focus on my own little My Hero Academia based AU that I created with my best friend @crystalwolfblog , and this is something that brings me a lot of comfort nowadays, and it's what I want to focus on. I’ll likely create another blog to post everything related to this AU, to keep things organized (the blog will be linked to my pinned post). This little AU was and is my safe haven for the past year and half, and since it contains all of my favourite characters, I want to focus on it fully.
The time for purification has come. I need to rediscover my purpose and find joy in writing again. To those who understand and have stuck with me since the ThePaperPanda days — you’re amazing and adorable, and I can never express how much I appreciate you, guys 💞
I want to share one last thought. This isn’t a statement, but rather a plea to readers: please respect writers, no matter the content they choose to explore. Writing is not as easy as it may seem; it requires a significant amount of time and effort, often taking up our personal time to craft a story. Don't send anon hate. Spread love instead! The least you can do to show your appreciation is to leave a comment, even if it’s just a word or two. For you, it’s a small gesture that takes less than a minute, but for the writer on the other side, it may be a much-needed sign that their work is meaningful. So if you enjoy an author’s work, don’t hesitate to leave a comment. It truly makes us writers feel like we’re on cloud nine.
Love you all, Marcianna
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torscrawls · 18 days
A Ghost by Any Other Name ch.2
You can read the whole chapter on AO3! (It didn't fit in tumblr's textbox)
Chapter 1 can be found here.
A month later.
For the first time in much too long, Danny could almost pretend that ghosts aren't real.
He kept his eyes down and a nervous smile plastered on his face as he made his way across Wayne Enterprises’ cafeteria. He had a job now and he couldn’t afford to fuck this up. He could be a normal employee, a normal human. No more fighting, no more hiding, no more lying, and no more ghosts. Well, except for himself. But he had not dared to change into Phantom since he managed to shake his parents for fear of his ectosignature tipping them off to where he was hiding.
Danny had simply changed into a human, circled back around after fleeing Gotham, and then stayed there. Who could have thought that such an easy strategy would work? But as Tuck had said, “Your parents don't believe that ghosts can think, of course it worked.”
Gotham hadn’t been his first choice for escape, nor safe haven, but it had proved to be very effective in keeping him hidden. It had been a month since his parents chased him to the city and after weeks of jumping at shadows, rooting through garbage and stealing leftovers, and sleeping in abandoned houses and attics, he felt safe enough to try actually getting a job. The city’s natural ectoplasm had proven to be a great aid in hiding his ectosignature.
He knew that they had followed him when he ran away, but they had gone back home to work on Ancients knew what.
Not that he had ever even dared hope that his first job in the city would be at Wayne Enterprises of all places.
He had applied after several encouraging conversations with his sister, Sam and Tucker. In the end, he had sent the application mostly as a joke. He never would have dreamed that he would actually get in.
Maybe hanging out so much with Tucker had given him a slightly warped perception on how good other people were with tech. Apparently, growing up tinkering inventions in a lab with his life on the line for years actually taught you something. Who would have guessed? Honestly, having to construct his own prosthetic arm out of scraps of metal and trash had probably also helped, since having his arm cut off by his own—
Silver lining and all that.
Danny bit back a hiss of pain as he hurried across the cafeteria while balancing his tray on his right hand, not completely used to his improvised prosthesis yet.
Thank fuck for his accelerated healing or he would probably have gotten some very nasty infections and lost more of his arm. If he would have survived at all.
That didn’t make the constant pain and phantom sensations any easier to deal with. And it definitely hadn’t cured him from the ghost in him like his parents had hoped for.
To their credit; their invention had actually worked for once. It had destroyed the ghost. Too bad the ghost was inseparable from him. It was just lucky that he had realized what was happening, and managed to get away before it took more than his arm. He didn’t think his parents had even realized what they had done. And if he got his way; they never would. Not to spare their feelings or anything, but he couldn’t stand to see them again.
He just wished the distance from his parents worked in making him feel better, but no such luck. Most of the time, he still felt like utter shit with splitting headaches, an ache in his whole body, nosebleeds, and inescapable pain emanating from his lost arm. More than just the pain, he felt unbalanced. Like one of the failed clones Vlad had made. Hopefully it would go away soon; he had never had such long lasting effects from an injury before. Then again, he had never lost a whole limb before.
He desperately claimed one of the few empty tables close to the corner and sank down in his chair with a breath of relief.
The people here seemed nice enough but Danny was too high-strung to really appreciate their kind words and open smiles.
That was why he was shocked when a shadow fell across the table and Danny looked up to see a young man with black hair and blue eyes standing over his table with a wide smile on his face. “Hey! You're new, right?”
Danny blinked. He hadn’t been anti-social before his sudden bout of homelessness and hiding, but he had never been popular enough for someone to approach him in a cafeteria before. He squashed down his paranoia immediately clamoring that this was a trick. He was fine. No one knew who he was. He had to make friends, like Jazz said. He had to move on.
“Yes. I am.” He added a slightly strained smile. “Thanks for taking pity on me.”
Danny knew he wasn’t very used to interacting with people but the man didn’t seem to feel deterred as he simply sat down in a chair opposite Danny and started digging into his own lunch with an easy smile. “No worries! The name’s Tim,” he said between bites and Danny felt himself relax slightly at his casual attitude.
Danny smiled. “Nice to meet you Tim, I'm—” he cut himself off at the last second as he remembered that he wasn’t Danny anymore, couldn’t be Danny if he wanted to stay safe. And Tucker had gone through a lot of trouble to make sure he had a new name, so he better use it. Even if he hated it. He would get used to it eventually. Probably. The smile on his face felt a bit stiffer as he continued, “I’m Dante. Dante Armstrong.”
Tucker had thought it had been hilarious. Dante and his trip in hell.
Danny would have killed him if he wasn’t 100% sure that Tuck would just come back as a ghost to haunt him in a way that would make Technus look like a baby’s-first-computer-virus in comparison.
Across from him, Tim’s smile widened. “Armstrong. Like the astronaut.”
“Thank you!” Danny threw his hands up. “Finally someone who doesn't make fun of me!”
Tim laughed. “What do people usually say?”
Danny crossed his arms as he muttered, “That my name sounds like an action figure.”
“Dante Armstrong…” Tim tried it out, then laughed again. “It does!”
“Hey! I believed in you!” Danny leveled an accusing finger across the table.
It only made Tim laugh harder. “Well, that's your mistake!”
“And here I thought you were a nice person.”
Tim smiled wide. “Glad to prove you wrong!”
Danny grinned back, careful not to show his sharp teeth, then he paused.
Now that he really took the other in, he realized that Tim looked a lot like Danny had in the not so distant past; lean, black hair, and blue eyes. It almost made him feel insecure about his new height and the bulk that had appeared almost overnight after running away from Amity. Last he checked he was almost as tall as his da—as Jack. Now, no matter how small he tried to appear, Danny still towered over most people, including Tim.
Sam thought it was because he was finally under less stress, but considering how little he had been eating since running away Danny personally thought it had more to do with his own view of himself than any external factors. He had learnt that ghosts were very easily influenced by how they saw themselves and, well. He had had to grow up very quickly since running away from home.
It also didn’t help that his ghostly side was starting to affect his human side. Now Danny was deathly afraid that it might draw unwanted attention to him. He had stolen glances of himself in storefront windows and bathroom mirrors, showing his now permanently green eyes, his growing fangs, his elongated ears.
He really tried to contain and hide the changes, make them as non-noticeable as possible since the people outside of Amity probably wouldn’t just write it off as “Fenton-weirdness”. The last thing he wanted was to draw the attention of the Bat, someone who would think to look deeper and ask questions. He had heard they weren’t especially welcoming to metas, and even though Danny wasn’t one, he didn’t care to explain what exactly he was. He had already tried that, and look where that had gotten him.
Tim raised an eyebrow at Danny’s sudden silence. “What?”
Danny shook his head, forcefully dispelling the thoughts. He had to focus on his life here and now and how to fit in. “Nothing,” he said and the two of them delved into an easy conversation.
Or, it would have been easy if Danny hadn’t noticed that several people in the room had stopped to stare at them. He felt his shoulders creep higher and higher as he cast about for a reason as to why.
In Amity, he had been used to stares, used to being weird. But here… he was doing his best to fit in and lay low. So why were people still staring?
Maybe they were on to him, the paranoid part of his brain whispered. It had been a mistake to start working in one of the top innovative companies in the country, full of geniuses and people thinking outside the box. Someone was bound to figure him out.
Danny discreetly lifted a hand to tug at his hair, making sure it was still covering his ears. Right now, he just hoped he wouldn't drag Tim down with him when someone found out the truth about him. Luckily, Tim didn't seem to notice the stares.
Maybe it was just his imagination, but a lot of the stares seemed focused on Tim instead of him. Maybe Tim was also an outcast? He didn’t look like it in his well-fitted suit and easy smile, but you never knew.
After a while of easy chatting—Danny was shocked to find that he didn’t mind talking to the other guy—Tim excused himself as he stood to leave, citing a meeting he needed to get to. “Nice talking to you, Danny!”
Danny froze, fork with the last of his lunch halfway to his mouth. “Why would you call me that?” 
Tim laughed easily, not noticing Danny's sudden tenseness. “You've never had a nickname before?” 
There's no way he knows, Danny reminded himself. It's just a coincidence. 
He wondered if Tucker had planned this. He had to admit that it made it easier for him, no risk of forgetting to answer to “Dante”.
He forced himself to smile as he put his fork back down on his plate. “Then I guess it's okay if I call you Timmy?”
“Do that and you'll be called The Big D for the rest of your time here,” Tim said with utmost seriousness and despite himself, Danny felt himself relax as he laughed. Tim made a face at him before walking away but Danny caught a glimpse of him smiling to himself before he completely turned away.
Danny barely had enough time to let it sink in that maybe—just maybe—he had actually started to make a real friend at this place when several people that Danny only knew tangentially, who had only talked to once or twice, swarmed his table.
Sarah, a nice woman from accounting, asked with wide eyes, “You talked to him! How was he?”
Danny blinked. “Who? Tim?”
Kenneth from R&D balked at him. “You call him Tim?!”
Maybe Danny wasn't the only reject here. The thought made Danny feel a bit defensive of his new friend. “That’s his name, isn’t it?”
“Well, yeah, I just didn’t think—” Kenneth shook their head.
“Never mind, good for you!” Julie, a fellow engineer, said as she slapped him on the shoulder.
Everyone in the small group nodded. As if they were surprised Danny had managed to make a friend, that someone would give him their name.
Maybe he hadn’t blended in as much as he had thought. Maybe the people here didn’t like him after all. But that couldn't be it; even if they sometimes questioned his knowledge they never made fun of him for it. They had never been mean. Maybe they just didn’t like Tim. Danny made a personal promise to try and be nice to him if he ever met him again.
For the rest of the chapter you'll have to head on over to AO3!
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priincekin · 10 months
Hyuluka Oneshot - Of Warmth and Withering
Luka, now an Alien Stage victor, comes to Hyuna's door in the dead of the night seeking a place to stay; Hyuna is more than reluctant to agree.
CW for an unhealthy relationship dynamic.
For in-depth tags, please check the AO3 upload! Apologies for any formatting issues, this is my first time ever posting fanfic on Tumblr.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOW AN OLD VERSION. If flow and quality of writing is important to you, I implore you to check the AO3 link.
Tumblr media
“Miss Hyuna?”
In her room, Hyuna lay on her stomach, gripping a pillow tightly. She pressed it against her ears, trying in vain to block out the irritating sound of Luka’s quiet, yet persistent. knocking. Each knock sounded like nails against a chalkboard, each making her more frustrated. Clenching her teeth, she prayed that the knocking would stop soon so she could retire for the night.
“Miss Hyunaaaa.”
Another knock, louder.
“Hyuna, please, hear me out. My quarters are freezing tonight, and I cannot sleep. I understand the need for discretion given our situation – rest assured, I can be quiet. A little secret between us, perhaps?”
He trailed off, mumbling the last part more to himself than to her. Hyuna rolled her eyes in response. As far as she was concerned, he could keep talking to himself forever for all she cared. She was determined not to let him in, not this time.
"Hyuna," he said, his voice growing more desperate by the second. "I know me winning Alien Stage might have put us at odds. It's bitterly cold out here, and frankly, you’re the only one I feel I can approach. Could I perhaps trouble you for a bit of warmth and company, just for tonight?" At odds? What an understatement.
Hyuna shut her eyes tight, nails digging into her pillow as memories flooded her mind. She could see little Luka in her mind’s eye, outside her door, tiny and shivering in his too-big white fur coat, his cheeks flushed from the cold. Those memories hit her hard - all those nights when a scared, sniffling Luka would tiptoe into her room, looking for the kind of comfort only she seemed to know how to give. He'd huddle close, his small hand holding hers, feeling safe only next to her. Things were simpler then, their friendship a little haven from the hell they lived in. But now, well, things had changed, and he had no place in her room.
Still, Luka persisted, each knock slowly gnawing away at her resolve.
‘He doesn’t deserve your sympathy’, she reminded herself. ‘Not after everything.’
Hesitantly, Hyuna sat up, her heart torn. Could one more night really cause any harm? She wondered. Dewey and Isaac had advised her to be firm, but they wouldn't know about this. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
Shaking her head in resignation, she pushed herself up to sit on the edge of her bed. Hyuna reached for a cigarette with trembling fingers, her hands fumbling slightly as she lit it, the orange glow briefly illuminating her conflicted expression. Taking a deep, steadying drag, she let the smoke swirl around her, hoping it would calm her down and let her think straight, Finally, with a heavy sigh, she stood up, shuffling toward the door.
Hyuna yanked the door open with a force that echoed down the hallway, her eyes instantly locking onto Luka's pitiful form. He looked up at her, his cheeks unnaturally pale. Right. He never did do well in the cold.
She propped herself against the doorway, an eyebrow raised. Taking a long, lazy drag from her cigarette, she let the smoke billow out, watching it hang in the air; really, she would rather look at anything other than Luka. “Alright, Luka, out with it. It's too late for your shit. What's the big emergency? Lost your teddy bear?”
Luka flashed a disarming smile, the kind that usually got him what he wanted. “Ah, depriving me of your charming pet names? You wound me,” he quipped, effortlessly sliding past her into the room. With a flourish, he removed his luxurious coat, which now fit him perfectly, draping it over her rickety old chair. He let out an exaggerated sigh, as if shedding the weight of the world along with his coat. “Though I believe I made my situation quite clear. My room is cold, and I cannot sleep, and that is all there is to it.”
“Right. Riiiight. Because the segyein would totally let their precious little pet become an ice sculpture, huh?” Hyuna scoffed and put her hand on her hip. If looks could kill, Luka would be on the ground writhing in agony. She watched, half-amused, half-irritated, as Luka practically sashayed over to her cluttered vanity. He began fussing with his hair, his reflection preening back at him.
“Make yourself at home, why don’t ya?” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Oh wait, you already did. What’s next, Luka? Gonna raid my beer fridge too?”
“Ah, making myself at home? If you insist,” he retorted, catching her sarcastic tone. “Though, I'll pass on raiding your beer stash. Not quite my taste.” He picked up her scarcely used lip gloss, examining it with a curious eye. With a subtle smile, he admired the glitter's shine in the soft light.
“Your thoughts, darling?” he inquired, turning towards her as she sat on the bed. His tone was light, yet there was a sharpness in his gaze, a hint of calculation in his seemingly casual demeanor.
“Call me darlin’ one more time and I swear I'll superglue your lips shut.” Hyuna sat down on her bed, inhaling more smoke. She watched Luka like a hawk, deeply anxious about his every move. Obviously, she couldn’t trust him to behave himself. Why the hell had she let him in? Since when was she that stupid? Between the power he held over her and the shit he pulled in the last round…
“I must admit, I’m not too fond of your recent attitude.” Luka hummed, turning back to look at his reflection like it was a long-lost friend.
“Piss me off one more time and you’ll get more than my attitude. I don’t have the time for your bullshit.”
“It seems to me you have nothing but time for your dear childhood friend.” Luka’s voice dripped with a mocking sweetness as he gazed at her reflection in the mirror. He batted his eyelashes with an exaggerated innocence, a smug smile playing on his lips, fully aware of the irritation it would provoke in Hyuna. She clenched her fists, but kept them squarely at her side, refusing to give him the satisfaction of her anger.
“Oh, please. My childhood friend? That guy’s long gone. This person in front of me? I don’t even know who you are anymore, Luka. You’ve changed, and not for the better. So do me a favor, take your drama and get out of my room. I’ve got no space here for strangers.”
As he did with everything he disliked, Luka ignored her and instead sat down closely next to her. His perfume, a mix of white musk and sugar, was uncomfortably familiar to her.. He leaned in, his voice dropping to a low whisper. "You're right, I have changed as of late. It’s for the better. I’m no longer the fool you had to protect in your youth.” He paused. “But some things haven't changed at all..." His hand brushed against hers, a bold, yet seemingly casual gesture coming from him.
Hyuna's heart raced, but she quickly pulled her hand away, glaring at him once more. What an asshole, having the nerve to try and flirt after everything. "Don't play games with me, you bastard. I'm not one of your fangirls. You don’t get to whisper sweet nothin’s and expect to get away with it, you hear me?”
“I’m not playing games, Miss Hyuna. I genuinely miss us… I miss what we had.”
"Ya can't just waltz back into my life and expect things to be the same," she said, her voice quivering slightly.
Luka extended his hand, his touch unexpectedly tender as he cupped Hyuna’s cheek. “I know I’ve made mistakes, more than I can count. But here I am, darling, trying to make it right..” His thumb traced a soft line across her cheek, a gesture so familiar and yet new at the same time. For a fleeting second, Hyuna found herself yielding to the warmth of his touch, her resolve wavering. It was getting harder and harder to be angry with him.
Anakt, it was awful, the way he could sway her with a few words and a bit of touch. She knew damn well what was happening, that this was the very reason they kept going through this cycle. But she could never bring herself to stop it.
The tense moment was broken by a sudden knock on the door, followed by Dewey's voice. "Hyuna, you good in there? Heard voices."
Hyuna jerked away from Luka as if burned, the sudden intrusion of Dewey’s voice at the door snapping her back to reality. “I’m fine, Dewey! Just… talking to the walls, you know how it is,” she called out, forcing nonchalance or something resembling it.
She moved to the other side of the room, putting as much distance between herself and Luka as possible. His gaze lingered on her, loaded with an unreadable emotion that only added to her agitation.
As Dewey quickly agreed with her and walked off, Hyuna began to pace the perimeter of the room like a madman. Luka’s eyes watched her every. She bit at her nail, her body tight with tension, her mind racing with thoughts she dared not voice. The urge to lash out at Luka was overwhelming, but she bit back the scathing remarks teetering on the tip of her tongue. She knew all too well that throwing him out would only escalate the situation. The segyein were always looking for a reason to come down on her, and Luka, their prized victor, would make the perfect catalyst for her downfall.
“Luka,” Hyuna choked out, finally, after what must’ve been five minutes of awkward silence. “you know damn well we can’t do this. Not here, not now, never. After what ya pulled in the finals, I can’t trust you. Literally pushing that guy to his death?! You played it off as an accident, but I know you! You had a weird-ass look on your face as you approached him, and your elbow jutted out, and-- Anakt, how did anyone fall for that shit?!--“
“Because, Hyuna, no one else sees through me like you do.”
Hyuna whipped around to face him, jaw on the floor. “You… you actually… what?”
“Yes, I admit it. It was no accident, though I prefer to call it insurance for my victory.” Luka’s voice was chillingly calm as he stood up and closed the distance between them, his movements deliberate. Hyuna’s breath hitched, her body instinctively recoiling, but she was rooted to the spot. As his hand reached out, brushing through her hair with a disgusting tenderness, a shiver ran down her spine. “I pushed him off the ledge. I knew I had solid rapport with the segyein, and they wouldn’t think twice about the chain of events. Why, one of them even said that it was delighted with me for getting him out of the competition. You know well how much of a pain he was. He was not victor material. And neither are you…”
The room felt colder, the air heavier. Hyuna’s mind raced, grappling with the revelation. Her first instinct screamed at her to lash out, to confront him with the full force of her rage. Yet, fear and shock stifled her, muffling her voice to a choked laugh, one that sounded hollow even to her ears. “… well, at least you’re being honest for once, huh? That’s rare for you, nowadays…” Her words were laced with sarcasm, but her voice quivered nonetheless.
Luka tilted his head, scrutinizing Hyuna's reaction. "You seem calmer than I expected.”
Hyuna let out a long sigh, sinking down to sit on the edge of her bed once more. "Oh, I'm pissed as all hell. But not surprised. I always knew you had it in ya to pull some underhanded shit like that." She shook her head, a bitter smile crossing her face. "I just didn't think you'd take it that far. Guess you really have changed."
"It was necessary for my success," Luka replied matter-of-factly. He sat down next to Hyuna, tentatively snaking an arm around her shoulders. She stiffened, but didn't pull away. “I’m now in a position of favor, Hyuna. Think about it — they’ll treat me better, and naturally, I’ll ensure you’re taken care of too. Our lives, they’re about to change for the better. You’ll see, it’s all going to work out in our favor.”
Hyuna turned to look at him incredulously, her face turning the slightest bit red. From anger or embarrassment, she had no clue. "Our lives? I want nothin’ to do with your success, Luka. Especially when I know you’d throw me under the bus if it helped ya. Or should I say, under the stage light?!”
Luka's confident expression faltered. He brushed a strand of hair away from Hyuna's face, his voice softening. "You know that's not true, darling. I had nothing to do with your accident.”
"Don't lie to me! You've always been obsessed with fame, you don’t give a shit about me, deep down.” Her voice broke as she gestured down at her prosthetic leg. “Look what you did. That had to have been your fault.”
"That was not me. I haven’t any control over the stage lights."
“Really?! Or did you sabotage it like everything else so that I couldn't beat you?"
Wordlessly, he shifted closer, reaching for her hands, but Hyuna backed away until her back hit the wooden headboard.
"I don't know anymore," Hyuna said bitterly. "Just leave me alone. I don’t wanna talk about this."
Hyuna pressed the release button on her prosthetic leg at the knee joint, disengaging the lock. She gently slid the prosthetic off her thigh, setting it next to the bed. All the while, Luka tried to whisper more sweet nothings in order to change her mind, but she pretended like he wasn’t even there.
With a huff, she threw her covers over her head and laid her head on her pillow; a clear dismissal. If he didn’t get the idea from this, he was hopeless.
She waited for Luka to leave, but instead, he quietly lifted the edge of the comforter and peered in. Hyuna curled up into a ball, pray
Despite Hyuna's closed off body language, Luka crawled into the bed beside her, encircling her waist with his arm. As he curled against Hyuna's back, she tensed, conflicting emotions rising up. His familiar touch, though cold, brought back memories - both sweet and painful.
"What the hell are you doing?" Hyuna said through gritted teeth.
"Nothing,” Luka mumbled, pulling her closer and hiding his face in the nape of her neck.
Hyuna drew in a shaky breath, resentment warring with lingering affection. Silently she covered his hand with her own, not pushing him away or pulling him closer. They lay in silence as the minutes ticked by, bodies entwined, her thumb slowly stroking over his knuckles. Hyuna slowly relaxed in his arms, leaning back into his touch.
“I can’t believe I’m lettin’ ya do this.”
“I can. I know you’ve missed me just as much as I’ve missed you.”
“Shut up. I like you better when you’re quiet.” Hyuna snapped.
Luka lightly chuckled, tightening his grip on Hyuna. At least he had the decency to be silent.
But Hyuna still wasn't having any of that. She pushed him off, a glint of defiance in her eyes. Luka's lip curled in a fleeting show of disappointment, but before he could react, she flipped him over and spooned him instead. "Big spoon? Ha, as if. You're in my world now, Luka," she said. Poking his cheek, she couldn't help but snicker at the warmth of his flush. "Aw, are you blushing? Cute. Don’t even try to complain about being little spoon — You begged to be here, remember? My bed, my rules."
“I’m sure we look absolutely ridiculous right now.” Luka muttered. “Since I should be big spoon and all…”
“Why? I’m taller. I’d argue this looks better!”
Luka huffed, but not once had he attempted to tear himself away from her touch. Hyuna smirked against his shoulder, closing her eyes. This was far more comfortable than she’d ever like to admit…
The good thing was that, by the next day, she was sure that they’d both be denying that this ever happened. Maybe that was for the better. But for now, she’d let herself enjoy the moment, regardless of how traitorous it was.
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ivanwm-05 · 1 year
The Thousand Of Us (WIP)(Updated@82K words)
Name: The Thousand Of Us
Genre: Superpowers/Post-Apocalyptic/ Sci-fi
Story plot:
Your story begins at what everyone largely saw as the end of the world. There was a bright flash that illuminated the night sky so brightly, it was identical to day as thousands of missiles in a last-ditch effort to save mankind collided with a ginormous asteroid entering our atmosphere.
You wake up two years later and find out that the crisis was averted, but a new crisis of similar proportions was created. The asteroid was carrying a never before seen element, mixed with the radiation that bathed the earth. It created a chain of genetic mutations that wiped out nearly the entire population of the planet and put every other living being in hibernation for two years.
For starters all adults are dead, only a thousand people 18 years of age and below around the globe survived, and the thousand of you that survived, wake up to discover that you each now have unique powers. The only problem is that you’re not the only ones that same phenomenon gave powers, also mutated every other living organism on the planet to varying degrees and they were also in hibernation for as long as you are, so they have about 2 years worth of hunger to satiate.
Would you focus on Survival and Rebuilding? or would you try to Unite or Conquer other groups of teenagers to form a more powerful force against the threats you face? Would you try to Find a Cure or Solution by striving to find a way to reverse the mutations in animals and restore the planet to its former state? or would you struggle in Navigating Moral Choices? You could Uncover Hidden Powers or struggle to Establish a Safe Haven for you and your group.
You can select one out of a long list of abilities, ranging from just flight to insane regenerative abilities to even earth-shaking strength or even necromancy.
Struggle to stay alive as you do not just have to watch out for mutated plants, animals, and even crazy weather conditions, but also have to watch out for other humans who seek to conquer and lead the rest of the survivors with their terrifying abilities.
You get to choose your MC’s demeanour and how you react to situations. You can be cold and calculative or you could be shy and reserved.
Most involved characters are up to 18 & older including the MC.
Hidden pathways will be made available based on certain choices made within the book that will reveal new endings and shape the LIs future just try to explore this new world.
There might be some explicit scenes but if there are you’ll have the option to fade to black. Mild gore might be unavoidable and there would definitely (depending on your choices though) be death scenes.
Romantic Interest:
I’m gonna try to make this relatable so no definite number yet but nearly every person you encounter, depending on your interaction and relationship with them can be romanced by your MC.
MC can romance male/female/non-binary characters.
I would also create LIs that exist outside of the MC to showcase that the MC’s involvement in their life created a change within them.
Polyamory possible.
Current Word count: 81,679(without code) and 492,008 (with code)
Code is pretty beefed up because I want to branch this out as much as possible so you have the liberty to make whatever choice you desire and live with the consequences.
Updates would come in a format of 100k words per update and patrons get +30k word access ahead of the general public.
To play the demo, go here: Play Demo 
My Tumblr page: Tumblr 
Support me on Patron
Any and all feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.
And also, I would really appreciate if you could take some time to screenshot your final stats after the Demo. It'll really guide me in the next updates.
Oh and if your good in art, you can help me in making the Cover of this game, just send in whatever you have. Thank you���
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briefunknownnerd · 5 months
Hi, friends! I'm a pretty new content creator here, even though I've been on Tumblr for a little over a year now. I've got some ideas rattling around in my brain, and I just wanted to share a little piece from a fanfic I'm writing that's going to be published on AO3 as soon as I've completed it! I'm on 16k words (out of how many? who knows I'm just getting started) so far, and I absolutely cannot wait to share! Without further ado, the prologue. With all my love, Em
Once upon a time, there was a girl made of stars. She lived off of moonlight and honey, drinking the nectar as much or as little as she liked. And she coasted off of those stars, with wings softer than silk and lighter than air. For she loved the stars- the dust that was in her very bones. 
Every star was different. Some shimmered and sparkled, others were angry red things that could burn her fingertips. Her favorite, though, were the ones that twinkled and winked in and out of existence. Those stars were her haven- away from the paradise she called home. The girl went to the stars whenever she could, away from lessons that covered the whole span of the universe. From the dawn of creation, to when the seers will tell when each star, planet, and creature will die out. 
Upon reaching her 28th year- in mortal terms- she was bestowed a glorious sword made of heavenly fire. The flames upon the blade did not burn the girl, for she was partly made of the same fire herself. Fire and stardust. Life and death. 
The flames licked at her skin and danced when she smiled. 
The girl made of life and death was thrust into a battle with no training. The sword was her best friend and kept her safe- for she was lonely. For eons, she waged wars and fought battles, and named the sword Kavod, for she bestowed holy righteousness upon her enemies. 
The girl was sent to earth, back and forth, for millennia, protecting the little mortals that her Lord cared about so much from unholy entities. However, when she flew down to earth in robes made of hyacinth and fire, with trumpets and pipers playing their tune, she grew fond of one. Too fond. 
The girl made of the stars fell in love. 
She had gone to bed with the man she loved, pouring her heart and soul into loving him. By a jealous God, she was whisked away back home. When she returned, with streets paved with gold and gates made of sparkling diamonds and pearls, she was outcast. Down and out to earth to live a mortal life, for falling in love with mortals was forbidden where she came from. And every night that she was on earth, she looked to the stars to make a wish upon each one. A wish to live her human life to the fullest, to keep her love, to fight glorious battles like she once did when she was young. To stretch her wings again and to fly to the stars, and to drink the nectar one last time. But the girl made of stars was no more. 
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fizziepopangel · 7 months
(Warning for suicide and online harassment) There is a Google document about a now deceased Radiodust shipper was that harassed over not liking Huskerdust in a discord, and the shipper committed suicide last December. A person with the username rainbowpiss34 has posted the document here on Tumblr. I thought you should know about this since you like Huskerdust.
Ok, so this was definitely something I hadn't heard of before. I know that ship wars are a thing within fandoms like this, and I know that it's not gonna be much different here in our little fandom, but I have been lucky enough to have never been in the midst of anything like this. I think civil wars like this are honestly really upsetting because fandoms like this are meant to be safe havens and happy places for most, and things like ship wars can turn it into something really ugly and honestly give the entire fandom and show a bad name. Like we're all in one fandom and we're fighting each other over which character belongs with who and bullying each other to tears over it.... It makes us all look insane and that reflects poorly on our fandom. When we start turning on each other and making our own fandom an unsafe and unwelcoming place to be like this, I think it is well past time that we take stock of ourselves and how we let our investment in what we love run us. While I myself am an avid Huskerdusk shipper, I actually like a few different ships within the Hazbin/Helluva universe, even ones that aren't canon, and I have no problem writing for most of them because that's the fun of what I do within this fandom. Everything on my page is meant to be fun; my page as a whole is supposed to be a safe, fun, and drama free space where we can all enjoy Vivzie's amazing creative hellaverse together the way she intended her shows to be enjoyed.
I hope my page continues to be a safe and fun place for us to do this, but I would also like make sure everyone knows that my dm's and asks are always open to talk about things like this, chat, or bring attention to any issues my posts may have caused so that they can be addressed before anything gets too out of hand the way the ship war mentioned in this ask did.
Stay safe, and everyone have a hellish day❤️
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difeisheng · 11 months
Hey y'all. So, I love MLC fandom for a multitude of reasons, and one of them is seeing people come to pick up some of the same headcanons and potential story threads that I think about aloud here. It's amazing that occasionally discussions about these characters on this blog have inspired people to write or draw things of their own, spinning off from something else. Transformative exchange of ideas is part of what makes fandom fun for me. However, there's something I want to bring up for the present and future.
I consider this blog at its core to be a personal one. It's a place where I get to mess around and write down whatever rambling that comes to me. Given that I'm a fic writer, oftentimes I write down character thoughts as a kind of hold or saving for later, because I intend on expanding on them in some manner of fic. I am aware that this blog and my thoughts are public, and just to reiterate, I like sharing these thoughts! Seeing people take a piece of one post or idea I had and giving it their own twist, or as a springboard for a different fic concept, is great. But the emphasis on this is that it is transformative, and in some way separate from my original intention.
As a writer who does cherish their ideas, it is jarring to have someone show up out-of-the-blue in the replies of a concept post saying "I used this idea in my fic, as said in the tags of my last reblog". It feels worse to click on the aforementioned fic and see that specific details of that concept have been used without alteration. Credit is given in the author's note, but it is, frankly, ungraceful at best to phrase such a statement as "I stole [X] from this post on Tumblr. I did announce in the tags that I'd use it."
I am not mutuals with this person, and I do not read their fic. Declaring intent to (in their own words) steal an idea in the tags of a post does not constitute received communication, as I don't check the reblogs on every post, and Tumblr eats notifications half the time anyway. The wording of this statement tells me that A. this person is aware they crossed a line by directly lifting an idea from someone else without concrete prior interaction, and B. they do not particularly care.
I reached out to see if there was perhaps a misunderstanding that could be fixed, or a way to reword their credit. I would not force someone to change their actual writing after the fact, and MLC is a small, cozy fandom. I don't want to have conflict in a space I consider a safe haven among C-drama fandoms. However, the response was not constructive. I now have this person blocked.
So, in the future: if there's a story concept I've had that you would like to run with, and particularly if you want to draw on specifics from it, would you mind briefly checking in with me first? It can be a post reply, or a DM, or an ask. A good chunk of the time, I'll be okay! I just ask for decent credit and communication, and there are only some things I want to save for my own writing beforehand. They do exist, though, and I would rather not have them copied verbatim without my knowing.
The main principle here is not about arguing on what idea was originated by which person, but about extending a basic measure of etiquette and respect to other people who share this fandom space with you.
I wish this didn't happen. I do not want it to happen again. I like it here, I treasure this fandom and the friends I've made in it. So going forward, I request that you please don't do this.
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bellaxgiornata · 7 months
hey there! if you’re looking for some more fun ask questions, maybe 11, 32, and 42? (if you can’t tell, i really adore your writing and trust your judgement so am super interested in which of your own fics you recommend the most as well as any other writers or fics you like) thank you!
I am still open to answering this and I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to respond! I like to try to be thorough in my responses. And thank you so much 😭❤️ That means so much to hear about my writing, it's something I'm very passionate about. Hearing that it's appreciated means a lot! ❤️
As for fics of my own to recommend, I think most of y'all already know about Falling for the Devil when it comes to Matty. And for those who enjoy that series, you'd probably also enjoy The Devil at Your Window. For those who enjoy sexual tension and smut for Matt, I'll toot my horn about Break the Tension. It's not my usual Matt x Reader fic but I think it's been fun to write a Matt who's kind of a desperate asshole (for reasons which will eventually make sense).
For Mikey I'd recommend Safe Haven because it's a series full of plot and surprises. Plus who doesn't want to share a bedroom window with Mikey??
As for Frank I'd recommend either of my series': Neighbors or You're Safe With Me. Both are fun and have/will have suspense!
As for the questions you asked, I'll answer them below the cut because this is going to be a long post 😅
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
I notoriously haven't read much in the past year because I have limited free time and cannot seem to stop writing long enough to focus on reading (something I am sure will change once I have a newborn in a few months and am awake at all hours of the night...). But I love these stories and even though I am not caught up on necessarily all of them, I know many things that are planned for them/have happened and I have read many screenshots as these fics have been written!
And Then I Met You by @souliebird
Cooking Up Love by @loveroftoomanyfandoms
Cadence by @she-likesorchids AKA @theradioactivespidergwen
(Hopefully all the links are correct because I am trying to write this on my phone 😅)
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers
There are SO many wonderful writers here on tumblr so picking just 3 is honestly impossible. I literally can't so I'll just list a handful of writers I've actually been able to read some works from and have enjoyed here on tumblr (and that I can think of off the top of my head) who write for Matt, Michael, and/or Frank (and possibly even vamp Henry):
(There's absolutely more and I apologize for my brain blanking, plus the list of writers on my TBR list is huge 😅)
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
An Ode to a Coat by @pastafossa
YES EVERYONE GO READ IT. As long as you're over 18 of course because it's smutty goodness.
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ughthisisntright · 4 months
a letter to my followers, readers, and all the rest.
forgive me if it seems all-too formal. i've always enjoyed the dramatics.
for those who do not want to read my diatribe, here is a summary: i am leaving tumblr, but my blog will remain.
for so long, i'd written and kept it to myself. contained within a little safe-haven i'd carefully crafted to keep what i enjoyed in its purest, most wholesome form. and when i'd decided to bring it public, made it known that i enjoyed what i wrote, i was met with nothing but pure kindness. encouragement. motivation.
through the channels of tumblr's algorithms and recommendations, i met people i am so utterly grateful to have met, for they shaped me to be who i am now. some i've lost, others i've grown closer to, and each one has taught me a lesson. life lessons. invaluable.
but, like i've been told time and time again, we grow. we change. reshape ourselves over and over as we try to figure out what kind of person we truly are. and, as i had suspected, i've changed. my writing has stilled to a halt. i have no desire, no inspiration. but i do not mourn for this, no, i revel in it. it's time to start enjoying other things than creating. and i'm okay with that.
my writing remains a time capsule; all i've produced and given to the world. it's still yours to enjoy. do so as little or as often as you please. it won't be taken.
thank you to those i've met, those who have inspired me and motivated me over these last months i've been here. thank you to those i've lost, who, though you may not see this, will have my deepest respect and support. all the way of the screens.
thank you to my dear, beloved readers. you've given me a bundle of joy in all you've done for my works.
i bid you goodbye, and wish you all happiness and prosperity.
~ laura love xx
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stormlit · 2 months
quick round up of the latest character updates bc here on stormlit dot tumblr i love adding muses too much
GRÉTA TOVASDOTTEN, d.ragon age origins. the cut "human barbarian" origin from dao. avvar, from the frostback mountains, recruited by duncan after a neighbouring clan entirely wipes out her hold. already a warrior, gréta thinks she's meant to be a bloodthirsty reaver like her sister was, but discovers that fighting as a form of defence of others is what she's good at; she specialises as a guardian, and despite her blunt manner and lack of so-called respect for fereldan nobles making everything worse with their petty squabbles, becomes known for protecting the innocent and standing up for those who cannot. officially is probably the one to sacrifice herself against the archdemon. unofficially, spurns the landsmeet, refuses any boon and will not decide fereldan politics in any way, and goes to be warden-commander (but not arlessa) in amaranthine.
CATRIONA COUSLAND, d.ragon age origins. non-warden sibling of the warden, (barely) survives the attack on castle cousland because one of the few remaining guards pulls her out of the rubble and gets her into hiding. ser ailsa becomes cat's closest friend and protector. was never really a fighter anyway, but she becomes disabled as a result of the attack, and cannot fight. spends the blight living under the identity of nell mather, between highever and denerim, working to help those mistreated by howe's barbaric rule and struggling as darkspawn refugees; she organises prison breaks, sets up an underground hospital, enlists her mac eanraig family to smuggle in supplies. spends most of the blight thinking she's the last remaining cousland, til she discovers her warden sibling by accident; cannot see them for the longest time because she's nell now, she can't be cat. but eventually they reunite, and she helps by sending them info on howe's/darkspawn movements and rallying support of highever's vassal houses. is very much Not Okay after the blight.
F.RED B.URKLE, angel. rescued from being trapped in a demon hell dimension for five years, becomes the resident scientist, mathematician, computer whiz, and inventor of angel investigations, an LA-based private detective agency that specialises in vampires, demons, magic, and general weirdness. highly intelligent, cannot stop talking, easily underestimated, and an absolute survivor in any kind of awful circumstances, fred is kindhearted but has a lot of inner strength, and a vengeful streak. she's not really a fighter, but uses her innocence and ability to hide to throw people off. we don't talk about illyria i'm not there yet in my rewatch.
LAYLA KIM, fantasy oc. she's back, baby. a minor celeb after winning bake off years ago, layla is the owner of sweet dreams bakery in london, which sells the best cakes, cookies, and sweet treats you've ever had. they're also enchanted with minor spells to give small, temporary, positive boosts to the eater, ranging from happiness and good luck to temporary hp or damage resistance. normal people just think they make them feel great. sweet dreams also operates as a safe haven for the magic and mystical community where people can rest, share info, trade spell components, and buy layla's more potent enchanted items. she's a ray of sunshine, she's a warm hearth, she's willing to break her pacifism only for those who threaten her daughter. also she's chronically ill and disabled which massively impacts her life and is v important to mention ty.
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starpirateee · 4 months
I see the sir John Herschel and Anna Hanover tag on your Tumblr drabbles fic, and just know I am looking so hard right now. This has probably already been suggested, but just in case: We will reunite! (In the voice of John screaming at the sky): The besties reunite. They catch each other up on their respective adventures and discoveries, Anna teases John about Rose, etc.
Omg Faery that's adorable!! Yes, absolutely, I can give you the John and Anna reunion that everyone needs <3
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Anna had had the chance to contemplate this for a while. She had filled a journal with a log of all the fauna she could see, and she never had found herself more content in their entire life.
This was incredible. Whatever this haven out in the middle of space was, it was beautiful, and quite unlike anything she'd ever seen before. And she would stay forever if she could, but she started to think about John, and then she started to miss John.
It had been so long in their lives spent communicating with each other. Through college, through his stint in South Africa… So, radio silence felt really strange.
She was ready to go home. Back to the township, or back to wherever she could find John, or even Margaret or the Stratfords…
the Traveller had been so kind to her during her stay. she had helped her to understand, gave importance to every single specimen that caught her interest. And she'd always promised that she'd make the return back home an easy one. But now she seemed hesitant. Anna's brow creased. She really hoped she hadn't been played for a fool this entire time. What kind of sense of security made a return back to normality seem so attainable, and then drew it back at the last second? "Is something wrong?" She asked cautiously.
"Your friends aren't at the Township. I sent them… Elsewhere."
"To protect them. There's a reason you were sent into space, I doubt that threat would've been any less prevalent if they went back… Besides, I'd heard about something else. A threat to Margaret. I had to keep her away from it."
Margaret was the reason why the satellite was launched. She had some kind of… Power. Anna remembered well. That made at least some semblance of sense. She nodded. "Okay, so where are they?"
"Right now, they're heading towards an island in the South Pacific… About forty years from the time you know…"
Anna couldn't help the way her eyes widened.
The Traveller shot her an apologetic glance. "I know how it sounds, but I promise, they are completely safe."
"I have always wanted to know what the future looks like."
"I can take you there, if you want."
"Yes." Anna knew she had every right to be hesitant, but excitement and an inherent curiosity took over, and she found herself more excited by the prospect of seeing the future, and she believed her grin spoke for itself. "Please."
"Can someone tell me why we're in the middle of the South Pacific?!"
John was soaking wet, a little more than shaken, and completely baffled. the first thing he did after hauling himself back onto the deck was try and ground himself by looking towards the stars. That's when he noticed it was wrong, that they were no longer in Bermuda. He didn't have Rose to verify that he wasn't losing his mind, but he knew what he was seeing. was overhead. That shouldn't have been possible. Since he was thrown overboard, both he and the Ellen Austin had completely changed locations.
Samuel had done his best to explain what had happened— apparently the captain had been possessed? And the fog was also a person?— but that didn't really help in making anything clearer. If he didn't witness it for himself, he'd have said it was another work of fiction, something straight out of Samuel's notebook.
But, not even he could make that claim.
"We're approaching land!"
He was drawn out of his thoughts— and the lack of an answer to his question— by a call to attention. For all it was worth, his curiosity still got the better of him. He scrambled to the side of the deck to watch the land approaching piece by piece.
"There's no port, I can't get close enough!" The helmsman responded, and the rigger disappeared further the up the structure to convey that message to the lookout.
John, Samuel, Margaret and the Traveller disembarked along with anyone else curious enough to want to explore this terrain. He had the hope enough that see Rose again. He'd seen the flashes of light, and the Traveller had mentioned that she was safe, but he'd watched the entire ship disappear, and that couldn't count for nothing.
He scanned the shore carefully, looking for any sign that the prize crew of the Antikythera had survived whatever had happened to them. It was a relief beyond measuring when he saw Morgan on the beach, already being accosted by his friends from the Austin. If he was there, then that meant—
"I haven't seen him since, we were separated…"
"I hope he's okay…"
Not one, but two familiar voices. The first was, undoubtedly, Rose's. And he knew the second, too. He picked up the pace, relief and excitement flooding him, and managed to find the two women behind the voices.
"Rose! Nova!"
Both of them looked up in tandem, and Anna couldn't hide her delight as she raced to meet him halfway. "Hershey!"
She went to embrace him, but then hesitated when she realised something. "God, Hershey, you're soaked! What happened to you?"
John hadn't been able to ignore the way that his hair had plastered itself to his forehead, or the way his shirt had stuck fast to his arms. He was freezing cold, and he could still feel the stray droplets running down the side of his face. "I was... Thrown overboard in the excitement," he shrugged, absently wringing off the cuff of his shirt. "I should be fine."
A thousand or more questions ran through his head at once, and he had to still himself before he asked all of them. "Anyway, what about you?" he continued as the two of them made their way towards Rose.
"What about me?"
"How was the extended stay beyond the satellite?"
"Oh, it was wonderful! I'll tell you all about it! Where are Samuel and Margaret?"
"They're here. Somewhere. And Rose?"
"She's fine, Hershey."
John managed a smile. The events of the last few days had certainly unnerved him enough, but he was glad to know that Rose was okay after all that.
They approached. rose was still exactly where Anna had left her, and lifted a hand in greeting when she saw John. Seeing for himself, knowing that she was fine, it brought the relief back tenfold.
"It is so good to see you again, Rose. I saw what happened to the Antikythera, and I thought— well, I assumed the worst..." he admitted, noting that she, too, was completely soaked.
"Wait, what happened to the Antikythera?"
"What do you mean, 'what happened?' Were you not on board?"
Rose blinked, tried to recall the last thing she could clearly remember, and then shook her head. "No, I don't think anyone was. That's a... Long story... Did you know there's more than one Traveller?"
"I did not. So, this is the work of someone like Sia?"
"Like who?"
John glanced back, hoping that the other half of their party was still in his line of sight, and nodded over when he caught them.
"Our Traveller has a name?"
"Apparently so. And your brother is still with her and Margaret... He had asked about you..."
Her eyes went wide. "Samuel! Are they okay, Herschel?"
"Don't worry, Rose. All is well. They're still on the coast." He saw the eager look in her eyes, and urged her into going to find them and making sure that they knew that she was okay. When she went running down the coast after her brother, Anna once again beckoned him over, and the two of them sat side by side on the green verge just beyond the coast.
It hadn't been all that long for him in retrospect. The length of this voyage, give or take a day, but he couldn't imagine how long it could've been for her.
"You have a story, I can tell." Anna drew her knees closer to her chest and shot John an eager glance.
He sat back against his hands, trying to relax for the first time in god knows when. "Mine isn't half the fate I imagine yours is..." he speculated, earning a chuckle in return.
"Try me."
"I can offer you a ghost ship, and— you are aware of which year we're in, aren't you?"
"I've been told... That took some getting used to."
John hummed his agreement. "I do have a tale, actually. You'll never guess what happened to the township."
Anna turned to him, fully intrigued. "What?"
"It finally got a name."
"No way! What's it called these days?"
John grinned. He couldn't help it. The delight he'd felt upon hearing Morgan tell them the first time was radiating. She absolutely deserved this, and he was honoured to find himself with the knowledge that her hard work had paid off to this extent.
"They call it the port of Hanover."
Anna clapped a hand over her mouth to catch the way she almost screamed. "You're serious?"
"You were honoured by name at the port, too. The satellite truly changed lives, Nova."
She laughed. God, if only her father could see her now... Knowing that she had changed the face of navigation by introducing her satellite into the skies.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
Draco x non-house-specific she/her!reader
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Avada Kedavra
The walls of the Malfoy Manor used to be a safe haven for you, it was once home to your second family, belonging initially to the love of your life: Draco Malfoy. However, being trapped inside these walls now, suddenly every room you’re dragged through is more daunting than the last. Temporary relief floods through you as Bellatrix LeStrange releases her firm grip on your hair and flings you onto the dark oak floor, where your crumbled form seeks a brief moment of rest. Using the little strength you have left, you lift your head from the ground just enough to gaze over the family that loved you once upon a time. Lucius and Narcissa share the same vacant expression in the presence of Bellatrix, but the sadness in their eyes is something they cant hide from you. When your eyes land on Draco, your heart leaps with an unimaginable and unrealistic hope. His countenance reads as one of sadness and sympathy, but not for the right reasons. He doesnt recognise you enough for this to pain him anymore than seeing a wounded stranger, and you are so, so glad of that.
“Where did you find her?” Narcissa questions her sister Bellatrix, her voice wavering ever so slightly.
Given the sacrifices you made for their son, both Narcissa and Lucius tried to help you hide from this fate, but they knew as well as you did that they were just putting off the inevitable. They felt it was the least they could do after what you did for Draco; if they had done anymore for you, which they offered to do, they would have been killed themselves, and you couldnt let that happen.
“Stupid girl was out looking for food! She was covered in mud and leaves, like the disgusting creature that she is, but I followed her back to the cave she’d been hiding away in! What do you think Draco?” Bellatrix teases.
Draco frowns at her. “What am I supposed to think? You’ve tortured a seemingly innocent girl and brought her here, for what reason?”
Bellatrix cackles in response, twiddling her wand in her hands. “The Dark Lord wants you to prove your devotion, all you have to do is kill her.”
Draco’s eyes widen, and he holds your gaze for a moment. “Why do I have to kill her, out of every other student I attended school with?”
Lucius places a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Now, Draco, you shouldnt question the Dark Lord.”
Although that is true for Draco and his family, you know that isnt the reason Lucius interjected. The less Draco questions, the less he knows. He’s trying to protect his son, just like you are.
Your knees bounced beneath your interlocked hands as you sat on a chair, directly opposite Lucius Malfoy.
“You did that…for the sake of my son? Even knowing what your own fate will be, regardless?” Lucius questioned in disbelief.
You nodded. “It was the least I could do. I dont wish to make any foolish efforts to save myself, but I will do everything in my power to save him.”
Lucius leant forward to take ahold of your hand. “Thank you, thank you so much. I cannot tell you what this sacrifice means to both Narcissa and I.”
You managed a weak smile. “Please, dont thank me. What I’ve done doesnt deserve any form of gratitude. Draco can never find out what happened tonight, promise me you wont tell him.”
Lucius nodded firmly. “I promise you, he will remain naïve of your brave efforts to protect him.”
Narcissa entered the room then, after tending to the unconscious Draco for a few minutes since you arrived with him. Lucius stood to his feet and approached his wife, leaning close to her to whisper in her ear, and you watched tears fill Narcissa’s eyes as she stared at you.
“But (Y/N), you made our son so happy, he was the happiest we had ever seen him whenever he was with you!” She pleaded.
Lucius wrapped an arm around her waist. “It’s to protect him, Narcissa, she did the impossible to keep him safe.”
And with that, you rose to a standing position, not wanting to dwell on the explanation of your actions any longer. “The sleeping charm I cast on him will wear off soon enough, I’ll be making my leave now.”
Before you left, Narcissa pulled you into a wordless embrace. Words werent needed for you to know you were feeling the same agony of the loss of the boy you had come to know.
“Who else would match the devotion of killing your darling?” Bellatrix snickers, spitting the petname he frequently called you.
In response, Draco raises an eyebrow, almost cockily. “I dont have a darling, Bellatrix, I havent the slightest idea what you’re talking about.”
No, no, dont try to outsmart her, dont! You plead with him inside your head, and attempt to use your eyes to beg him not to take this further, but he simply winks at you. He thinks he’s found a loophole, a way to control this situation, but the panic on both Narcissa’s and Lucius’ faces as they stand behind him says otherwise.
“Dont play dumb with me, boy, you’ve been all over this girl for the past four years! Acting like you dont know her, gosh, that really is cruel, how could you do that to her?” Bellatrix sneers.
Draco laughs at her, and you want to clamp your hand over his mouth to prevent him from ruining everything, but you dont even have the strength to pull yourself to your feet.
“I can assure you, if this girl had any involvement with me, I would not shy away from admitting that. This girl, I think her name is (Y/N), and all I know of her is that we had potions class together, and occasionally spoke when we were partnered by Snape, but I have no further knowledge of who she is, none whatsoever. Killing her would mean nothing to me.” Although Draco only said that last sentence to protect you, in the hopes of Bellatrix realising she’d made a mistake and then releasing you and finding another soul to subject to Draco’s mission instead, his words hurt, and that is your own fault.
“Darling, please, talk to me! What’s made you cry like this!?!” You pleaded with Draco as you held his broken form in your arms, his body heaving with dry, painful sobs as you two laid on your bed.
“He’s going to make me kill you, (Y/N), I cant do it, I cant! I cant live without you!” Draco cried, his arms tightening around you as he buried his face further into the crook of your neck.
Your fate should be inevitable, but it hangs in the balance. Either your death will completely destroy Draco, or he wont be able to kill you, and he’ll be murdered as punishment. It was in that moment, you realised that you had to save Draco from this horrible fate altogether.
“Draco, stop it!” Narcissa hisses.
“No, Mother, I wont! Bellatrix appears to be under the impression that there is someone outside of my family who actually means something to me, for that she is a fool, and deserves to be made aware of it.” Draco scolds his aunt.
Bellatrix suddenly points her wand at Draco, and performs a charm that you recognise to be a truth-telling charm.
“Now tell me, Draco, do you know this girl?” Her eyebrow is raised as she continues to hold her wand, pointed at her nephew.
“How many times do I have to say this before you get it through your head? I barely know her!” Draco retorts in annoyance, and Bellatrix lowers her wand, releasing him from the hold of the charm.
For a few moments which, in your head, equal the length of a lifetime, Bellatrix paces the floor behind you, before shoving you onto your back and snatching your wand.
“Let’s have a look at the last spells this filthy mudblood performed.” Bellatrix giggles to herself as she examines your wand.
You lay silent on the floor, your eyes staring off into nothing as tears begin to blur your vision, but you dont speak a word. Some desperate part of your mind is so sure that if you dont give yourself away, Bellatrix will never find out the truth.
A shriek erupts from Bellatrix, causing your body to jolt in shock before her boot makes harsh contact with your stomach.
“This disgusting wretch used obliviate on Draco! How pathetic!” She cackles menacingly, and your eyes close in a pained blink.
“Im sorry.” You manage to utter to the Malfoys, your split lip bleeding with your attempts to speak.
“What!?!” Draco barks, eyes wide in shock as he stares own at you.
“Well, we’d better do a simple reverse spell with her wand to make things right, or this wont be any fun at all!” Bellatrix concludes.
“No!” You cry out, your composure gone as you launch yourself in front of Draco, hoping to deflect the spell, but Bellatrix grabs you and locks an arm around your neck, holding you in place as she aims your wand at her nephew.
Draco’s gaze flickers between his parents and you, beyond confused as to what is happening around him. The memory of the last time you saw confusion so deeply set in his eyes haunts you as your body is rigid under Bellatrix’s grasp.
“I love you, Draco, and I am so, so sorry.” You whispered into his hair as he continued to sob in your arms.
“I-I love you too.” Draco uttered in reply, and you closed your eyes tightly, fighting back tears as you realised this would be the last time you heard him say those words to you.
As discretely as you could manage, you lifted your wand, and with Draco’s face hidden in your neck, he was completely unaware of what was about to happen to him. You sniffled, and Draco’s arms tightened around yours.
“Hey, dont cry, i-it’s alright, w-we’ll figure something out, like we always do!” Draco tried to ease your nerves, but little did he know his efforts were in vain.
With shaking hands, you pointed your wand to Draco’s head, and muttered the most destructive word you had ever heard yourself say.
Silence fell as Draco’s sobs came to an abrupt halt. You sat up, and forced Draco to do the same. He was in a daze, and the confused expression on his face with tears still staining his cheeks was a sight that fractured your heart completely. Lifting your wand once more, you cast a sleeping charm, before you allowed yourself to burst into tears, clutching his unconscious body close to yours for the last time.
“No! Dont hurt him like this, please!” You scream with everything you have, desperately thrashing your body, kicking against Bellatrix until she lets you go, and you stumble over to Draco, collapsing against his form.
You wrap your arms around him protectively, squinting your eyes shut and bracing for impact, hoping the spell will somehow miraculously hit you instead, willing to believe that just you holding him will be enough to protect him. Draco grabs your arms and gently pushes you away from him, holding you at arms length to stare into your eyes, a frown set deep on his face.
“What’s going on, (Y/N)?” He asks you, an almost begging tone to his voice as he searches your eyes for an explanation.
Your lips part, but before you can utter a word, Draco’s body stumbles backwards as the memories of the last four years of his life spent with you come crashing down on him like a tonne of bricks, almost sending him to the floor if it werent for his parents holding him steady. Looking over your shoulder, you see Bellatrix with a dark smirk on her face.
Goosebumps ripple all over your skin at the sound of him saying your name, with the endearing tone he always used whenever speaking to you, the tone that he had forgotten existed until now. You turn back to him, and the look in his eyes tears you apart. There’s so much love, an endless amount of almost child-like joy at him finally being able to see you as more than the classmate you were to him mere moments ago. He approaches you, his hand slowly reaching for your face as his body towers over you, and when his delicate touch meets your bruised cheek, tears begin to cascade down your face. Draco’s eyes soften, and he pulls you into his warm, all-too-familiar embrace, one that you wish you could reject, but there’s no possible way you ever could.
“Why did you do it?” Draco asks you in a hushed voice, pulling away from you slightly so that he can read your face.
You sniffle and wipe your eyes. “To save you. I knew that my death would either destroy you, or you wouldnt be able to do it, and that would cause your death. The only thing I could do was erase every memory of us from your mind, so that you could end my life, without it killing you. And if you hadnt been your usual smug self, it would have worked.“
Draco chuckles as tears prick his eyes. “Well, for once Im actually proud of being a smug arsehole.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Why?“
Draco smiles down at you, his thumb gently caressing your cheekbone. “Because in whatever sense it may be, a life without you by my side is not a life worth living.”
You sniffle and shake your head at him. “Dont, please, dont ever say that.”
Draco’s expression hardens. “It’s the truth.” He suddenly pushes you behind him, his eyes fixed on Bellatrix as he pulls out his wand. “Either we both live, or we both die, which will it be?“
"Draco!!” His parents shout in outrage, but Bellatrix giggles in response to his words, and paces in front of him menacingly.
“You’d rather die for that filthy mudblood than live to serve the Dark Lord?” She presses, almost as though she wants him to reiterate his point, just to be sure.
“The only way I’ll serve him is if (Y/N) remains alive and by my side, if that cant happen, then kill me.” Draco explains.
Without hesitation, you take ahold of his hand and stand beside him, looking up at him with fire in your eyes.
“Kill both of us, or neither.” You add, a fierce expression as your eyes lock on the evil witch herself.
Bellatrix cackles so hard that she throws her head back, but she regains her composure to shrug at the two of you. “Well, that’s quite alright, as killing one of you will kill the other anyway!“
Yours and Draco’s eyes widen in alarm as Bellatrix lifts her wand one final time.
"Avada Kedavra!”
Shoving Draco to the side, expecting her to aim the curse at you, you close your eyes and brace for impact. But when nothing hits you, and a devilish shriek fills the room as Bellatrix disapparates out of the room, you open your eyes to see Draco lying on the floor beside you, colour rapidly draining from his face as his parents kneel at his side.
“No, NO!” You scream, falling beside him and kissing his face, grabbing his hands, clinging to him desperately.
Without thinking it through, you grab his wand, and try to perform healing spells on him, but Draco wraps his hands around yours.
“It’s alright darling, you cant stop this.” His expression contorts in pain, and it becomes clear to you that holding on for as long as he has after that spell, is agony for him.
“No, you cant die, no, please, dont go! I cant lose you again, please!” Your sobs wrack through your body, your mind spinning as your heart pounds inside your chest.
With eyes wide like a deer in headlights, you turn to Lucius. “Is it possible for a wizard to perform the killing curse on themselves?”
Lucius frowns at you sadly. “In some extreme cases, it has been proven possible, but the spell requires more than just a desire to kill, there has to be a strong feeling behind it.“
You look back down at Draco. “That wont be a problem.”
Draco holds your hand as you lift his wand to your temple. “(Y/N), dont.”
You shake your head. “You said it yourself, we both live, or we both die. Im about as prepared to live in a world without you as you would be to live in one without me: which is not prepared at all.”
Draco nods, accepting defeat, one of his hands still clinging to yours with the small amount of life he has left.
“Goodnight, love.” He whispers to you with his last breath.
You lean down to kiss his lips softly. “See you soon, my angel.”
Sitting up, you stare at his grief stricken parents, and give them a kind smile.
Lucius struggles to hold back his tears. “You saved our son, without you, he wouldnt have had the strength to resist the way he did for so many years of his life. Thank you.“
Narcissa sniffles. "We love you, (Y/N), and we’re proud to call you a Malfoy.”
Your smile widens at their kind words. “I love you both, too. Thank you for everything. Goodbye.“
Narcissa falls against Lucius’ chest. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
Averting your eyes, your gaze drifts back to Draco, and you smile gently at him as you lift his wand to your temple. You know that, when this spell is used, it is most commonly out of hatred, meaning that it is shouted out of anger. However, your death is not going to be out of anger, it is out of love, which is a feeling more powerful than hate could ever be, and for that reason, you can make this unforgivable curse, peaceful. Closing your eyes, with a smile still on your face and your free hand holding Draco’s, you carefully whisper the words that you once feared, but now welcome with open arms. And as soon as the words fall from your lips, the lonely world around you falls, too, into a blissful darkness, until it ceases to be.
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skippyv20 · 6 months
Skip, Julie here. In an article you wrote about Princess Catherine and imploring people to leave her alone (100% behind you there as we always said if she wants us to know she will tell us otherwise it is not our business) you said “I am so frustrated I don’t know if I want to be here”.
We are all upset and frustrated but the scale of it is minimal compared to William and Catherine. They are and have been bombarded with this utter crap for 7 years. Non stop. Regardless of what they say or do it is never good enough. Why? Who would do this and why. Who would hold a grudge so intense they can not see past the red mist regardless of the benefits they have been afforded from the very family they target. Was someone rejected by the older brother before their target became the younger one. We know there are people who do not take rejection well and revenge can be a driver for them. It should have been me or mine and revenge I shall have is a common theme in murder mysteries. However, it could be anything but bringing down BRF seems to be at the heart of it and it has ramped up in recent years. Believe nothing about any member of BRF that is press driven
Skip, you really do not understand or accept that you, you! have been directed on this path to connect people around the world for a very good reason. You and your family who are your greatest asset have been driven by a higher purpose. Because you have a good understanding of how good people need a gathering place to feel accepted and valued. This is not an accident you community has grown so big over the last few years. You accept people for who they are not for what you can get. Make no mistake you have been chosen to do this.
Anyone can spew hate or disinformation but it takes a level of ignorance to be that type of vile human. In a world where most of us just want a life of peace and harmony where everyone is entitled to their own personal views and opinions but do no harm. However, the world has changed to where people think nothing of hurting or injuring someone with words or innuendo and often anonymously or buying bots to do their vile bidding and do it deliberately for their own sick gratification it says more about that person than the person they are trying to vilify.
You Skip are a safe haven for a large group of people to talk about current situations and voice opinions and views but never hatred or abuse. You are being tested and many will try to get you to shut down, go away. You are stronger than that. Think of every trial in your life and how you come through them all. You will not be broken. You have some wonderful close friends on Tumblr who have your back and you can talk to privately about your frustrations and the rest of us are here to support you always even when we have differing views on someone under discussion ( you know I don’t believe the Andrew story but I accept my opinion differs from others) Don’t let the haters and ill informed get to you. You really are blessed
Love you heaps.
Julie!  Thank you so much for the very, very kind words.  You really do give me much too much credit.  This tumblr is what it is because of the amazing people that come here, the amazing bloggers.  I am the fortunate one to be here with you all.  I know my frustration pales in comparison to what the BRF have lived through these many years.  I accept the world is changing, but I don’t like it!  I do have faith things will get better, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.  Catherine fighting her cancer battle is heartbreaking, as is the many others who have suffered from it or are now suffering from it.  I know many here have had such battles or are battling it now.  There is great sadness in our hearts for those who suffer, and when I see such vile things said, I get so angry.  I wish people could stop and think about how they would feel it this were to happen to a loved one of theirs.  Royals or not, they are human beings first.  I don’t understand the cruelty.  I won’t leave, but I was frustrated.  I was having an angry rant.  I value all who come here and I love “our “ community.  I don’t love the whole tumblr community.  There is a huge difference.  I do know as you do, I never started off this way when I came here.  My path took a turn, for whatever reason.  I do believe I am meant to be here, so….I rant, then step back and say…forward I go.  Again, thank you Julie!  You are such a wonderful friend, you always have been.  You have stood by my side from day one.  I hope you know how very much that means to me.  God Bless you Julie, for you are a rare one!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh my!  Looking back over the years…oh my! It all seems like yesterday!❤️
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hidden-for-reg · 2 months
about me post!
Hi, I’m Mia!
That’s just an online name but that’s what i’d like to be called.
she her and straight
My ao3: hidden_for_reg
My Doctor- G- Complete- James Potter is a surgeon at Godric's Hollow Hospital and Regulus Black is a patient with a fractured knee. So what if Regulus is the most beautiful man James has ever seen? So what if Regulus' heart won't stop fluttering at the thought of his doctor? Surely nothing would happen... right? *originally on posted on Tumblr for Jegulus Microfic June/July prompts
My fandoms are mainly related to the Marauders but I like tons of other stuff as well so don’t be afraid to ask me about them!
I’m always open to making new friends! Sooo if you want to be friends, message me!
I mainly write Jegulus microfics and occasionally I’ll post fanart for the marauders.
More info about me under the cut!
My language is primarily is English but I am also fluent in Spanish and I know a little French (by a little i mean words and a few phrases)
Before I begin, my askbox is always open and so are my messages but please.. no hate or anything, Tumblr is supposed to be a safe space for people and let’s keep it that way 🫶
anyways.. let’s get into the rest!
requests i guess?
if you have an idea you’d like to see me write, send it over! But i have rules for that:
NO SPICE! Writing spice makes me very uncomfy and if you request anything spicy or spice-like, I will not write it
I just do tiny microfics or multi-part microfics, so please don’t ask me to write a whole story with a million chapters.
**If you request something and I don’t get to it immediately, I am so sorry!
my ships!
Currently Jegulus obsessed
Wolfstar, i’ve loved them since literally forever
Drarry (i know i know, it’s not marauders, but they still hold a special place in my heart)
i really like books
so I kind of love reading. I used to be reading all the time, but I had a gap where I stopped reading but I’ve picked it back up and here’s some of my favorites that I’ve read recently! (and yes I count ao3 fics as books, they basically are)
books I enjoyed lately: If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio, Meet Me At The Lake by Carley Fortune, Solitaire by Alice Oseman, Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman, Icebreaker by Hannah Grace, Crimson Rivers by bizzarestars
i probably take watching movies more seriously than I should, but i love them. So here’s some movies that i love love love (the list is long bare with me)
Dune movies
Zombieland movies
Legally Blonde
To All The Boys trilogy
How to Train Your Dragon movies
Call Me By Your Name
Maze Runner trilogy
the Harry Potter movies will always be in my heart
i’m definitely forgetting a lot but for now that’ll do.
TV shows
I watch shows as seriously if not more than I do movies. I LOVE binge watching stuff. If you think you can recommend anything based off what you see, don’t be afraid to let me know!
my tv show loves:
*If something says “currently watching” that means, please don’t spoil!!
Grey’s anatomy (currently watching)
Brookyln 99 (currently watching)
Gilmore Girls (currently watching)
White Collar (currently watching)
Bridgerton (currently watching)
Cobra Kai (currently watching)
Teen Wolf
Ginny and Georgia
Stranger Things
Avatar the last airbender and the Legend of Korra
Things that make me happy 😊
I like reading, writing, watching movies and shows, sour candy, listening to music for hours, running, singing, anddd Tumblr! Tumblr is probably the only thing I have that is completely separate from my real life and I so appreciate the getaway it provides, it’s like a small safe haven 🫶
i LOVE listening to music and i never go a day without it so here’s a MasterList of my favorite artists!
Conan Gray (im attending FH tour!)
Taylor Swift
Chappell Roan
Ariana Grande
Benson Boone
Billie Eilish
Harry Styles
Bad Bunny
Thank you so much for reading the whole rant about me post
-mia 🫶
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ivanwm-05 · 1 year
The Thousand Of Us (WIP)(Updated@37,247 words)
Name: The Thousand Of Us
Genre: Superpowers/Post-Apocalyptic/ Sci-fi
Story plot:
Your story begins at what everyone largely saw as the end of the world. There was a bright flash that illuminated the night sky so brightly, it was identical to day as thousands of missiles in a last-ditch effort to save mankind collided with a ginormous asteroid entering our atmosphere.
You wake up two years later and find out that the crisis was averted, but a new crisis of similar proportions was created. The asteroid was carrying a never before seen element, mixed with the radiation that bathed the earth. It created a chain of genetic mutations that wiped out nearly the entire population of the planet and put every other living being in hibernation for two years.
For starters all adults are dead, only a thousand people 18 years of age and below around the globe survived, and the thousand of you that survived, wake up to discover that you each now have unique powers. The only problem is that you’re not the only ones that same phenomenon gave powers, also mutated every other living organism on the planet to varying degrees and they were also in hibernation for as long as you are, so they have about 2 years worth of hunger to satiate.
Would you focus on Survival and Rebuilding? or would you try to Unite or Conquer other groups of teenagers to form a more powerful force against the threats you face? Would you try to Find a Cure or Solution by striving to find a way to reverse the mutations in animals and restore the planet to its former state? or would you struggle in Navigating Moral Choices? You could Uncover Hidden Powers or struggle to Establish a Safe Haven for you and your group.
You can select one out of a long list of abilities, ranging from just flight to insane regenerative abilities to even earth-shaking strength or even necromancy.
Struggle to stay alive as you do not just have to watch out for mutated plants, animals, and even crazy weather conditions, but also have to watch out for other humans who seek to conquer and lead the rest of the survivors with their terrifying abilities.
You get to choose your MC’s demeanour and how you react to situations. You can be cold and calculative or you could be shy and reserved.
Most involved characters are up to 18 & older including the MC.
Hidden pathways will be made available based on certain choices made within the book that will reveal new endings and shape the LIs future just try to explore this new world.
There might be some explicit scenes but if there are you’ll have the option to fade to black. Mild gore might be unavoidable and there would definitely (depending on your choices though) be death scenes.
Romantic Interest:
I’m gonna try to make this relatable so no definite number yet but nearly every person you encounter, depending on your interaction and relationship with them can be romanced by your MC.
MC can romance male/female/non-binary characters.
I would also create LIs that exist outside of the MC to showcase that the MC’s involvement in their life created a change within them.
Polyamory possible.
Current Word count: 37,248 (without code) and 234,596 (with code)
Code is pretty beefed up because I want to branch this out as much as possible so you have the liberty to make whatever choice you desire and live with the consequences.
Updates would come in a format of 100k words per update and patrons get +30k word access ahead of the general public.
To play the demo, go here: Play Demo  My Tumblr page: Tumblr  Support me on Patron
Any and all feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.
Oh and if your good in art, you can help me in making the Cover of this game, just send in whatever you have. Thank you☺
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