#fizziepop thoughts
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fizziepopangel · 1 year ago
HuskerDust Headcanons (romantic)
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Husk says “I love you” first. It’s not a big romantic thing, but to Angel Dust it means the world.
Angel and Husk were both quite affectionate with each other. The two can often be found cuddling in one of their bedrooms. Angel loves being held, but his favorite way for them to cuddle is actually having Husk lay on top of him since he finds the pressure grounding, and he’s found that scratching the cat demon’s back between his wings or scratching behind his ears while he’s tired and comfortable results in purring.
Angel steals Husk's hat every now and again.... Sometimes he steals it solely for the purpose of putting it on Fat Nuggets to take cute pictures of him in it.... While the pictures are adorable, this has resulted in the little pig occasionally taking it upon himself to steal the hell cat's hat, resulting in the man chasing the little creature around the hotel like a madman.
Husk becomes the father figure Fat Nuggets never had and Angel absolutely goes crazy for the relationship between his pet pig and boyfriend.
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Although he doesn’t show it often, Husk does sometimes get overwhelmed, causing him to eventually break down in tears. During these episodes, Angel usually holds the grumpy drunk, rubbing his back and humming “Loser Baby” until he’s calmed down enough to talk, or until he’s fallen asleep.
Angel is a sucker for romance. He buys Husk flowers, makes big plans for their anniversary, makes long and mushy posts and posts cutesy pictures on his sinstagram, and goes all out for Husk’s birthday. Husk acts annoyed, but he secretly enjoys the little romantic gestures.
Despite not being the most romantic man, he does randomly grab Angel at random points while they’re together and begin dancing with the man, even humming or singing softly under his breath when Angel points out that there’s no music.
Charlie has so many candid photos of the couple being cute. She’s making a scrapbook for them for their anniversary
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After Husk showed him the song, Angel plays “A Sunday Kind of Love" whenever their anniversary lands on a Sunday and makes Husk breakfast in bed as it plays. He calls it their song. 
When Angel can, he does drag shows at one of his favorite clubs in downtown Pride. Husk goes to every one of Angel’s drag shows to watch him perform and despite his usual gruff demeanor, he cheers the loudest when his boyfriend is on stage.
After long, rough shoots in Valentino's studio, Angel usually comes back to the hotel exhausted and sore so he sits at the bar, sipping water and listening to Husk grumble about work until he falls asleep at the bar. Husk usually ends up carrying him to bed despite constantly grumbling about being "too old for this shit".
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In the event that they both wanted to get married, both of these men would try to make the perfect plan to propose to the other. 
In an attempt to be romantic, Husk would begrudgingly ask Alastor to help him make a nice Italian dinner and a cake to hide the ring in. He would be an anxious wreck through the whole dinner as Angel ate as he waited for dessert and the discovery of the ring within the cake.
Angel on the other hand would go the cheesier way of dressing Fat Nuggets up in a little tux and tying a ring around his neck with a bow and having him come up to Husk as the two had dessert with a sign that reads “Will you marry my daddy?”
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In true romantic comedy fashion, Angel’s proposal pig would get to Husk right as Angel nearly choked on the ring Husk put into the cake. Of course, they would both say yes.
Despite not being the romantic in their relationship, Husk is a bit of a groom-zilla. It’s not really that he cares about flowers or color schemes or any of it, he’d be happy as long as he’s with the man he loves and their an open bar so he lets Angel handle it all for the most part…. But he does think Angel deserves the best and he’d be damned if he didn’t make sure that man’s day didn’t go absolutely perfectly.
Niffty makes Angel’s wedding dress, and although he will deny it, Husk does cry when he sees Angel in it.
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Husk doesn't choose the first song they dance to, but he does request later in the night that the song Frank Sinatra’s “I Could Write a Book" be played so he can ask Angel to dance to that.
Husk recites his vows to Anthony, not Angel Dust.
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fizziepopangel · 2 months ago
Chaggie Headcanons
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Vaggie is the first to say ‘i love you’
Valentine’s day and their anniversary are very big days for Charlie and Vaggie, those tend to be the go big or go home dates as a couple…. But Vaggie’s birthday is one of Charlie’s favorite days.
Vaggie and Charlie have a standing reservation at Ozzie’s for their anniversary. Ozzie always makes sure they have the best table and the best service.
Vaggie tends to be more of a doer than a giver when it comes to gifts, so she tries to give Charlie more experiences rather than physical gifts for any gift giving occasion, Every experience does come with a keepsake though.
Charlie loves to give gifts, and often does it unprompted, but for her birthday, their anniversary, and Valentine’s day, Charlie tends to drop a pretty penny to get things that she knows Vaggie will use but tend to be too expensive for her to justify buying them for herself.
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Charlie is a huge cuddle bug and is usually the one to initiate most of the couples cuddly moments, but Vaggie is usually the little spoon. Charlie loves it because she likes that Vaggie feels safe enough to be that vulnerable type of position with her.
When Vaggie got her wings back they did cause a flare up of pain in her back around the base of them so Charlie went to her dad to ask him about how to help her girlfriend with taking care of them properly and if there were any precautions she should take regarding the pain. She then put together a care package based off the advice. Vaggie sobbed for an hour when it was given to her.
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Working out has always been something Vaggie enjoyed. Charlie isn’t really into working out, but she often goes to the gym with Vaggie because she does enjoy watching Vaggie workout.
While the couple has a sexual relationship within the romance they share, Charlie is a bit too awkward when it comes to trying to be sexy to consider herself sexy….. Although she was wildly uncomfortable, She did as Angel to try to teach her to pole dance…. Many, many failed attempts at different tricks, Vaggie found the princess pouting and sitting on a bag of frozen peas while Angel told her that pole dancing probably wasn’t for her.
Despite her outward confidence, Vaggie feels just as awkward as Charlie when trying to be sexy on purpose, so she found Charlie’s little attempt at practicing being sexy for her pretty hot.
When Charlie is away for the night for any reason, Vaggie wears her shirts as a comfort item…. That got a little harder when she regained her wings, but she still does it
Vaggie is convinced Charlie gives the best backrubs….. Vaggie in the other hand gives the best worst back rubs.
The couple goes on double dates with Angel and Husk. Charlie and Angel dragged Vaggie and Husk dancing….. Vaggie felt too awkward dancing in front of others and Husk had two left feet, so they sat at the bar, drinking and watching their happy idiots spinning around the dancefloor.
Vaggie and Charlie refer to Keekee as their child.
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Calling Keekee their child would open up the conversation of marriage and kids. While they both want to get married and have kids, Vaggie is more than fine with not being able to get pregnant in hell and over the moon when they talk about adoption rather than trying to magically get one of them pregnant.
Vaggie always insisting she doesn't need a sweater, but Charlie ends up handing hers over when her girlfriend starts shivering.
Charlie doesn't get sick often, but when she does, she's miserable. Vaggie makes her the soup her mom used to make her when she was little. And yes, she does this for their kids too.
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Although Vaggie tends to be the more protective one in the couple, God help the poor soul who hurts Vaggie in any way.
There are so many candid photos of both of them. Charlie hangs them up all around their bedrooms, even arranging them in the shape of a heart.
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fizziepopangel · 1 month ago
M&M Headcanons
Moxxie & Millie headcanons I refuse to believe are not real
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Blitz set Moxxie and Millie up. Both Millie and Moxxie almost said no to the date.
Millie asked Moxxie to marry her
Moxxie almost wore a dress to his and Millie’s wedding. He didn’t because he hadn’t told Millie about his cross dressing or his interest in drag at the time and he was afraid she would see him differently.
Despite what he thinks about himself sometimes, Millie will openly admit that Moxxie does in fact make her feel safe, both in an emotional sense and a physical sense, which not many of her previous partners were able to do.
They take turns being the little spoon when cuddling.
The couple has a date night at the end of every week. Millie often tried to invite Blitz and Stolas out to double date and despite complaining when she does, doubling with the odd pair was actually Moxxie’s idea.
Pegging was Millie’s idea
After finding out about her husband enjoying wearing womens clothes, Millie started buying Moxxie clothes and encouraging him to pursue drag, even making him a dress for his birthday one year.
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Blitz was the one to officiate their wedding at Moxxie’s request
Whenever Millie gets sick, Moxxie makes her the same chicken soup his mom made him when he got sick as a kid.
Blitz enjoys spying on the couple and found out through this that they were avid gamers when left to their own devices on days off and often spend hours gaming together
Moxxie tried to be a more active part of Millie’s family in the beginning of their marriage, and again after the harvest moon festival, but with no luck… Millie suggested maybe they should start thinking about starting their own family soon after she noticed this.
M&M would look into adopting children before having one naturally, Moxxie wanting to rescue an unwanted and/or abused child and Millie wanting a similar bond to Blitz and Loona’s. While they would talk about adopting an imp child, they wouldn't be opposed to adopting outside of their species, and most likely would adopt at least one child that wasn't a full-blooded imp, or possibly not an imp at all.
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Millie threw Moxxie a surprise party for his birthday the first year they were together because she found out that after his mom ‘left’, Crimson stopped celebrating his son’s birthday. She made sure to try to make his birthday memorable every year since they’ve been together.
Moxxie carried the ‘memorable birthday’ tradition into how they celebrated their own children’s birthdays. He always tries to go above and beyond so they feel loved by both their mother and him, unlike how he felt as a kid.
Blitz introduced the couple to voyeurism with all the times he’s spied on the couple while they were intimate.
Moxxie has happy stims and info dumps most around Millie because she’s spent all of their relationship together making their relationship safe enough for him to do so….. This may or may not have included her actually stabbing a few other demons they’ve seen on the street when she’s caught them making fun of her husband.
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In the same sentiment, Moxxie has always done his best to make sure Millie never felt as if she wasn’t as smart as him since he knew she did get a bit insecure about it being that she had been made fun of a few times when first moving to the city for some of the things she wasn’t familiar with about city living and the way she talked. And god help anyone who dares insult his wife’s intelligence in his presence.
They have a couples tattoos, each having the other's signature weapon tattooed on their asses. Yes, it was Millie's idea, and yes, Moxxie was a little drunk when he agreed.
Millie makes Moxxie breakfast in bed on Valentine's day. She burns the toast and gets the coffee wrong every year, but he loves it anyway.
Moxxie gifted Millie with a scrap book on their first Valentine's Day together of photos from a boudoir photo shoot he did after she and their relationship helped the imp feel comfortable in his own skin. He adds to it every Valentine's Day and then they recreate some of her favorite poses to incorporate into some of their sexy time
“Oh Millie” was just the first of many, many songs and poems Moxxie wrote for his wife. Millie has a shoe box with a copy of every single one.
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Moxxie frequently dances Millie around the house. Millie has never been much for dancing and usually steps on his feet multiple times before the end of the song.
To stop arguments about what they should do for date nights, the couple keeps a large jar of ideas that they both write and when they can't agree on something, they pick randomly from the jar and do whatever activity is written down no matter whose idea it was.
Blitz knows about the jar and on his little adventures into their house when he was spying on them, he occasionally adds ideas to the jar for them. Moxxie and Millie still don't know about this despite the fact that "take Blitz to the petting zoo" was picked out of the jar at one point..... And yes, they did take him to the petting zoo, where he spent the entire time petting the baby horse.
The couple almost never met because Millie almost didn’t show up after taking her job at IMP, afraid of the idea of working at an imp owned business since she knew imps didn’t usually work for themselves and after going home and really thinking about it, she was afraid the business would tank and she’d end up broke enough to have to move back to Wrath. She's glad she didn't.
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fizziepopangel · 2 months ago
Stolas Going to Therapy
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Stolas going to therapy headcanons because I know we all need these right now (Stolas included)
Despite having had them since Octavia tried to bring them to him, Stolas wouldn’t actually start taking his meds again, not seeing the point since he mostly took the pills so he could be the best version of the father she needed.
After what happened with Octavia, Stolas would resort to plucking his feathers. It’s self destructive and he knows that, but its a form of self harm he’s always used so its an easy pattern to slip into again.
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Therapy would be Blitz’s idea. Having started to work on his own shit finally, and slowly but surely feeling better, he wants Stolas to have that same sort of “getting better” feeling.
He’d think about it for a while, but Blitz wouldn’t bring up the idea of therapy until he noticed the feather plucking. Stolas would reject the idea multiple times before agreeing to talk to someone.
Stolas would feel awkward seeing someone in this sense. He was a Goetia after all, demon royalty of his status wouldn’t show weakness by going to some sort of crazy person doctor…. This would result in him going only because Blitz wants him to, but not really opening up at first.
He would also struggle to find a therapist who was a good fit for him, and would switch providers a few times before feeling comfortable with them.
The first thing he would really talk about would be Octavia. It would start by simply saying he missed her, but the session would end in tears as he talked about worrying if she was really being taken care of by his ex wife.
He would get back on his meds after a few sessions.
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The meds would help but having been off them for a bit, he'd still have some pretty low days. Blitz would be very attentive on those days despite not fully knowing how to help.
Blitz and Loona would both keep track of Stolas’ meds and remind him to take them on time.
Stolas would journal. It wouldn’t necessarily be something he does because of therapy or for his sessions, but he would occasionally bring it since he often kept notes of nightmares he had. Most of his nightmares revolving around past abuse at the hands of Stella, or his current situation.
Stella came up a lot in therapy.
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Blitz comes up in a lot of sessions too; the good, the bad, and the ugly of the his involvement in Stolas’ life. 
He would spend a lot of time in his sessions learning about boundaries and learning how and when to set them for himself. It’s uncharted territory, but he does try to set them and stand firm on them when he does.
His sessions often had tears somewhere along the way. Not all were because he was sad, which he wasn’t used to.
Although Blitz suggested Stolas see a therapist, it would be Stolas’ idea to bring Blitz into a few sessions so that they could talk about their relationship (past, present, and future) in a controlled setting.
Bringing Blitz into his sessions wouldn’t be a true couples session, but it would give Stolas the idea that if they plan to be together, they should take down the information of a couples counselor just in case.
He would also take the number of a family therapist for himself and Octavia. He figures that if she ever wants to let him in, therapy would help them mend their relationship. 
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Stolas would likely be on his medications for a lifetime, but he would get to a place where he didn’t need a therapist weekly, though he does keep the number. Just in case.
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fizziepopangel · 1 year ago
Not only that, but look at Sera's face!!!! That is the face of someone who is realizing that she authorized the literal slaughter of countless souls that could've also been redeemed and she may now have to face a lot more souls coming from the literal pits of hell that will remind her of that until her last day as a head seraphim.
This scene means so much for the rest of the show. The fact that Pentious made it to heaven not only means that sinners can be redeemed but also that the winners can fall. I am 100% calling it now, we are going to see Adam in hell for the way he acted.
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 12
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Meanwhile, on the Silver Cop planet, Maverick was checking on Earth. Until he saw the video of the Mighty Solars that made him growl.
Maverick: I thought we got rid of them! presses an announcement microphone Bullet, Zelda, Loo-Loo, Aqua! Come!
Bullet, Zelda, Loo-Loo, and Aqua enter.
Zelda: Yes sir?
Maverick: Those Earthlings are still alive!
Bullet: What?! Where are they?!
Maverick: Earth-4!
Maverick shows the location as they give corrupted Silver Cops growl and prepares to take off.
Maverick: This time… these earthlings are ours!
Loo-Loo: Time to kick ass!
Meanwhile, Louise is making cakes. Until suddenly, he hears the Silver Bullets from the communicators. Evil Terry sees her and watches her while Dr. Weatherstone approaches her.
Zelda:*communicator Everyone knows the plan? Right?
Aqua: Yeah. We destroy everyone.
Louise: What?
Louise picks up the telephone and gasp as he listens closely with Trevor and Weatherstone.
Maverick: communicator Good. Make sure no one stands in our way. And if the Mighty Solars come, wipe them out.
Zelda: Yes, sir.
Louise drops the communicator as Evil Terry comes in.
Evil Terry: What’s going on?
Alice comes in in her normal formal clothes.
Alice: What’s the problem? What did I miss?
Louise: The Silver Cops are after the Mighty Solars!
Evil Terry: What? You mean the corrupted force from outer space? We gotta stop them.
Alice: Huh?
Dr. Weatherstone: But how?
Suddenly, the new human members of the Mighty Solars show up.
Evil Terry: Whoa.
Principal Cooke/???: Need our help?
Later at school, Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse and Sonya were about to head home until, they heard a crash.
Human Yumyulack: Holy shit. What was that?
Sonya: I don’t know. But this sounds like trouble?
Human Jesse: Come siblings! We got work to do! Stacy G! Mark! Come with us!
Mark Melner: Okay!
Stacy G: comes in gasping in joy M’lady! It is my honor! salutes
Human Jesse giggles. The three siblings head to the restroom. Yumyulack and Jesse turn back into their normal Shlorpian selves and the three sibkings turn into their Mighty Solars forms and flies off while carrying Mark and Stacy G. Meanwhile, Nova is eating a takeout until she sees the news.
New Reporter: Without police to stop the Silver Cops after being molded by platinum silver, we are begging you, Mighty Solars! Where are you?!
Nova looks at her glasses and puts them on as she transforms into her super suit and flies off. Later, Bullet and Loo-Loo are at an abandoned warehouse, until Randall, Kevin, Darcy, Jamie and Sherbet arrives with Alice.
Randall/???: Hey!
Bullet and Loo-Loo turns around and sees the quartet with Alice.
Bullet: Who the fuck are you guys?!
Jamie/???: Call me Firewall! lits up
Firewall does his own super hero pose as he hits Loo-Loo with fire. Loo-Loo laughs crazy as she speeds up to him, only to be shot by Darcy’s star powers.
Darcy/???: Sonar Woman is lighting up the stars!
Sonar Woman does her own pose and throws Loo-Loo to Kevin, who now goes by Balanight and throws her to her wall as canisters fall on her as she screams. Miss Frankie uses her claws to attack Loo-Loo.
Loo-Loo: Got you- gets stabbed and bleed to death by Miss Frankie’s claws and thrown to the canisters as the canisters explodes on her corpse
Bullet: LOO-LOO!
Bullet roars in fury, only for a pair of jellybeans to throw on them as they exploded thanks to Sherbet.
Sherbet/???: You have tasted the sweetest wrath of… Fizziepop!
Fizziepop does her own superhero pose. Bullet growls and tries to harm her, only be thrown by Nova after she bust in here.
Sherbet/Fizziepop: Nova?
Nova/???: Hey Sherbet! Stay away from her!
Bullet: Why you?!
Nova attacks Bullet. Then, Nova grabs Bullet and throws him, then Bullet gets sucker punched by Randall, who creates a black hole tornado that twirls Bullet around as he screams. Then Bullet falls to the ground as he growls at Randall.
Randall/???: Taste the black magic of… Blackhole!
Bullet charges at Blackhole, causing Blackhole to let out a girly scream
Janice: offscreen RANDALL!
Bullet turns and sees Janice as Blackhole looks lovingly at her while romantic music plays on the background.
Randall/Blackhole: to himself quietly I think I’m in love…
Bullet: What you gonna hurt me?! charges at Janice
Janice shrieks but then suddenly teleports as Bullet misses her.
Janice: Woah…
Bullet: What?! How?!
Janice feels confident and lets her hair down. Janice then teleports again and punches Bullet in the face while Blackhole makes another black hole.
Bullet: What the fuck?
Blackhole blushes at Janice with her hair down. The Blackhole opens a pile of arrows that stabbed Bullet’s legs as he falls to the ground.
Nova/???: Give it up Bullet! You can’t win!
Bullet: I am never going back to prison! If I am going down… YOU’RE COMING WITH ME!
Bullet stomps his foot as the building falls to the ground but then a boulder falls and it crushes Bullet to death as he screams.
Randall/Blackhole: Let’s get the fuck outta here guys!
Firewall, Sonar Woman, Balanight Blackhole, Fizziepop, Miss Frankie Nova and Janice escape the building as it collapse. Sherbet then hugs Nova.
Sherbet/Fizziepop: Thanks for coming for me Nova. If I had a family with a super powered mom, that would be amazing.
Nova grows concern as Fizziepop flies to meet up with the others.
Nova/???: What does Sherbet mean by if she has a family!
Darcy/Sonar Woman: Oh she’s an orphan.
Nova/???: Orphan?!
The scene then cuts to Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl, Nighthowler, Cooke, Ms. Perez and Mia meeting up with Trevor, Louise and Alice. The two hooded figures watch from behind.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Where’s Evil Terry? I thought he was with you guys.
Principal Cooke/???: He and Dr. Weatherstone are on their way to stop Bullet!
Ms. Perez/???: Right now, let’s focus on-
Then suddenly, Zelda and Aqua appear as they stomp on the ground. Pupa heard the commotion and transforms into Mighty Pupa as he flies over to help his siblings and friends. Meanwhile, Korvo is busy fixing something until he starts coughing.
Korvo: coughing
Terry: Korvy? What’s wrong?
Korvo suddenly coughs out blood.
Terry: Oh no. You should rest honey. Korvo nods I’m sure the kids will figure out what’s wrong.
Korvo keeps coughing. Black Mirror sees him and grows amazed. She then flies off while “Don’t Tell Me” from Disturbed ft. Ann Willis plays in the background.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Perfect timing.
Black Mirror sees a witch’s tent and flies in and sees Marissa.
Marissa: To what thy owe the honor of this visit?
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: I need a potion.
Marissa: What’s the occasion?
Black Mirror chuckles evilly.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Do you have one based on Mundanes?
Marisa gasp.
Marisa: Why yes? Which kind?
Black Mirror chuckles evilly.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Let’s just say…. Mega.
We then cut to Evil Terry and Dr. Weatherstone.
Dr. Weatherstone/???: See him?
The camera then shows Weatherstone suddenly in her own suit.
Evil Terry: Don’t worry. Not yet. But eventually.
Dr. Weatherstone smiles making Evil Terry blush.
Dr. Weatherstone/???: Thanks for me saving me…
Evil Terry: Anytime, beautiful.
Dr. Weatherstone blushes. The scene then cuts to Zelda and Aqua getting ready to fight with Vil-Gil-An-T, Fung-irl, Nighthowler, Cooke, Ms. Perez and Mia. Alice looks back n forth nervously while Trevor and Louise watches in worry.
Zelda: Prepare to die!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: In your dreams! Cooke?!
Principal Cooke/???: On it and call me Trailblazer!
Trailblazer does his own pose as he blazed and punches Aqua.
Ms. Perez/???: Alright! My turn!
Mia/???: watches as Perez flies off to help Trailblazer I am so in love…
Ms. Perez uses her fire powers but Aqua evaporates the blast with her water powers as she snarls.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Eat this!
Vil-Gil-An-T uses his laser eyes as Zelda leaps up and uses her powers. Luckily, and suddenly, Nighthowler’s arm starts glowing digitally and cyber as her arms suddenly stretch and she grabs her brother and puts him down after the fireballs miss.
Zelda: You think that can stop me? You’re pathetic. And your family is pathetic.
Sonya/Nighthowler: gasp in joy Guys! I have elasticity in my arms!
Jesse/Fung/irl: Great job sis’ now let’s take care of this pest!
Mighty Pupa flies down meets up with his siblings. The hooded figures watches form behind.
??? #2: Is that…Yumyulack?
The hooded figure gasp as she looks at Vil-Gil-An-T. Then, she looks at Fung-irl, Nighthowler and Mighty Pupa.
??? #1: I got this. Stay here.
??? #2: Okay.
The hooded figure walks up to them and removes their hood to reveal… But then she got hit by Aqua before she could reveal herself. Mia gasp and uses her x-ray and gets out a bazooka as she fires a middle at it.
Aqua: Grrr! You bitch!
Mia/???: Let’s just say. I’m a Navigator!
Zelda: You’ll never defeat the Silver Cops!
Navigator does her own pose and Ms. Perez meets up with her with Trailblazer.
Ms. Perez/???: Looking good!
Mia/Navigator: blushes Thanks. Take it from here… Core Burn!
Aqua: Wait. Who is Core Burn?
Ms. Perez/Core Burn: Me!
Core Burn does her own super hero pose as she blast Aqua with her powers. Alice and Trevor gets excited, but then Trevor sees a green glow next to him.
Trevor: Wow. You’re glowing.
It turns out be from Louise.
Louise: Thank you.
Trevor: No no no! Louise! You are really glowing! You’re green!
Louise looks around her body and gasp. She then suddenly starts growing a bit bigger and muscular as her skin suddenly became green magma lava.
Louise: Oh no… grows a little as her clothes make a tear with a suit underneath it Trevor?
As Louise finishes growing a bit bigger and muscular, her clothes tear up and it becomes a suit. Alice gasps.
Trevor: What’s going on?! What’s happening?
Louise/???: I think I’m turning into a lava lamp!
Suddenly, Louise shoots green lava at Zelda who ducks. Then suddenly, Alice screams and accidentally shoots a red electric arachnid web that ends up tying up Aqua.
Alice: What the hell?
Zelda growls and punches Vil-Gil-An-T to the ground. Mark and Stacy G gasp while peeking through the wall.
Mark: Yumyulack!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Bro!
Pupa/Mighty Pupa and Sonya/Nighthowler: Yumyulack!
Vil-Gil-An-T growls as he stands up.
Zelda: Got you now, Qausarblast Jr.!
Zelda grabs Vil-Gil-An-T by the throat as he grunts.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Let! Me! GO!
Zelda: laughs evilly This fight is cute and all, but it’s time to die, just like the rest of them!
Fung-irl tries to save her brother but gets grabbed by Aqua.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Yumyulack!
Aqua: Shut it, you brat!
The hooded figure gasp as her eyes glow icy pink and the hood tears apart into pieces in a bright icy pink light. Then suddenly, just before Zelda could finish her off, a huge black muscular hand with icy pink tips on the finger tips punches her in the face as she lets go of Vil-Gil-An-T.
Sonya/Nighthowler: Whoa!
Pupa/Mighty Pupa: Oooh!
Vil-Gil-An-T then falls into someone’s arms and gasp upon seeing something unbelievable. Vil-Gil-An-T turns around to see…
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Aunt Janiz?
Jesse/Fung-irl, Pupa/Mighty Pupa and Sonya/Nighthowler: gasp
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Hey, kiddo? Miss me?
The other heroes came and gasp once they see something shocking while the second hooded figure removes her hood and reveals herself to be Kimber. To their suprise, Janiz is a Super Shlorpian, but bigger, muscular and black.
Ms. Perez/Core Burn: Who is this woman?
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: She’s my aunt.
The Others: WHAT?!
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Sorry I was late honey.
Sonya/Nighthowler: Who’s this woman?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: pointing to Sonya Who’s that little girl?
Jesse/Fung-irl: Oh that’s our new human sister. Sonya.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Well, hey there, little lady.
Sonya/Nighthowler: giggles I never had an aunt before!
Super Shlorpian Janiz: And I never had a human niece before! gasp upon seeing Fung-irl and Mighty Pupa Oh my god! My beautiful niece and baby nephew! hugs them So nice to finally meet you!
Pupa/Mighty Pupa: Auntie!
Jesse/Fung-irl: squeals in joy I always wanted an aunt! hugs Super Shlorpian Janiz So nice to meet you!
They then hear Zelda groaning as she gets up.
Zelda: Ugh! Seriously, how many of you guys do I have to fight?!
Vil-Gil-An-T chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Oh, I’m the only one who matters. You see, you mess with my nieces and nephews and now… I am going to fuck you!
Everyone stared with blank faces with crickets chirping in the background.
Miss Frankie/???: Huh?
Alice: Well this got interesting.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Uh, it’s actually fuck you up, Aunt Janiz.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Oops. Sorry honey. kiss Vil-Gil-An-T on the forehead
Zelda growls as she and Super Shlorpian Janiz starts fighting.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: laughs as she misses a fireball Miss me?! laughs as she fires her icy breath at Zelda Over here! flies up as Zelda growls; mimics foghorn noise Catch me if you can!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Wow! How cool is our aunt?!
Miss Frankie/???: Mega cool!
Super Shlorpian Janiz grabs Zelda as she struggles to break free.
Zelda: Grrr! You ice breathing motherfucker!
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Think fast!
Zelda snaps and fires down there as the kids fall. Luckily, Super Shlorpian Janiz caught them right on time.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: I got you kids.
Stacy G sits up from the blast, only to get a spike on her arm. Luckily, Stacy G took it out but suddenly, her arms starts turning into a body armor with spikes on them. Back with the kids and Janiz, they gasp upon seeing Zelda.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Aunt Janiz! Look out!
Super Shlorpian Janiz gasp. But then suddenly, Vil-Gil-An-T’s eyes starts glowing purple.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Yumyulack?
Sonya/Nighthowler: Are you okay bro?
Vil-Gil-An-T’s skin then turns black as he grows bigger and muscular as his horns and wings appear. His suit tears up as he roars and fires his ice breath at Zelda who falls down. Vil-Gil-An-T is now a Super Shlorpian.
Jesse/Fung-irl: gasp
Pupa/Mighty Pupa: Yumyulack!
Sonya/Nighthowler: Do something! Help Auntie Janiz! Our brother has turn into a monster! You have to help?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Hey hey hey! It’s okay it’s first time! It runs in the family!
Jesse/Fung-irl: We know that! But how can we seal it away?!
Super Shlorpian Janiz: You can't! It's a life source. WIthout it, he'll die.
Jesse/Fung-irl, Sonya/Nighthowler and Pupa/Mighty Pupa: What?!
The aunt and nieces and nephews landed where Zelda struggles to get up.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: You come at me… and my family… don’t forget! punches Zelda numerous times You’re in my house!
Zelda gets knocked out. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack breathes in and out as Super Shlorpian Janiz calms him down. Then, Louise approaches her friends and daughter.
Stacy G: Mom?
Louise/???: Hey sweetie.
Ms. Perez/Core Burn: Damn Louise, what happened to you?
Louise/???: Don’t ask.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: How does mercy taste you little bitch?
Zelda: No. You don’t get to fucking end this. I’m a fucking silver cop! I’m the fucking silver bullet and y-you’re some fucking demon or something! We started everything on the Silver Cops. All of alien-kind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be facing mercy from us, you Disgraceful! Disgusting! Fucking! Losers!
Suddenly, some neon magenta spikes pop out of Zelda’s intensities as she screams.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Whoa!
Miss Frankie/???: Uh, you got something sticking out of your… your thing there.
Zelda falls as she finally dies and the spikes revealed to be from Stacy G.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Stacy G?!
Stacy G looks around and then her whole body becomes a body armor.
Stacy G: Wow!
Louise/???: Oh my God… honey! I am so so… proud of you! Come here! hugs Stacy G, who laughs
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Looking good, girl!
Aqua: NOOOOOOOOO! Zelda! Zelda! Stay with me, Zelda! Zelda!
Mia/Navigator: It’s over…
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Now take your little friends distorted AND GO HOME! normal voice Please.
Aqua: All Silver Cops! Fall back!
But, just before Aqua could escape, a huge H20 water plasma hand appears and grabs her as she falls to the ground. Then, a huge bell falls on Aqua who gasp and it crushes her. The others turn around and sees Trevor, now a walking water plasma. In his own superhero suit.
Trevor/???: Guys look! I’m a walking ball of water!
Louise/???: Trevor?
Trevor/???: What do you think baby?
Louise/???: smiles My hero…
Louise and Trevor kiss. Then, suddenly a magenta glow appears as it reveals to be Stacy G, now in her own suit.
Stacy G/???: Oh uh, this place could use less leaking.
Fung-irl gasp in joy as she embraces Stacy G. The two superhero girlfriends look at each other and then kiss just like Ember and Wade in Elemental.
Louise/???: I knew it! I knew it! My nose always nose! laughs
The heroes laugh, but Super Shlorpian Yumyulack tearfully embraces his aunt while Kimber comes out of hiding and smiles while another pink glow appears.
???: Can I come out now?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Oh yeah. Come on out.
Then something appears magically alongside Kimber. Another pink AI assistant as she sings on a high note.
EVA: singing Hi!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: EVA?
AISHA appears with MAX and gasp.
AISHA: EVA?! tears of joy burst in her eyes
EVA: Hey, cuz!
AISHA laughs in tears of joy as she embraces her cousin. EVA then notices AISHA’s new Shlorpian body.
EVA: Woah! You look good!
AISHA: Thanks Cous. But come on, we have to help Evil Terry.
Back with Evil Terry and Maverick, the two are staring at each other at the edge of the cliff.
Maverick: Now come on. I am sorry. I should’ve never destroyed Earth. touches Evil Terry’s face You Shlorpians deserve better…. really evil and manipulative Idiot!
Maverick then pushes Evil Terry as he grunts at the edge of the cliff. Luckily, Weatherstone sees her signal and flies down there. The people gasp as the cops appear.
Maverick: He jump! Did you see?! He jump! He-he t-tried to drag me with him! He jump! He jump! He jump! groans He jump!
The cops handcuff him as Evil Terry, now going by the name Shifter, watches from up the building and smirks and leaves with Weatherstone. Later, at Janiz and Kimber’s place, it’s for the kids and their human friends to know.
AISHA: Guys, I am so sorry we haven’t been honest with you. There’s something you guys should know and you’re not gonna like it,
Miss Frankie/???: What is it?
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer: Yeah. Why are you guys here? How did you get there?!
Jesse/Fung-irl: And why did you say the Super Shlorpian is a life source?
Kimber: It’s a long story. But we have something to tell you and you’re not gonna like it.
MAX: Korvo is in grave danger!
The others gasp.
Cherry Smithers/???: What? What do you mean he is in danger?! What happened?!
AISHA: Kids, there’s something we need to tell you. The Super Shlorpian Korvo sealed away… is his life source.
Janiz sighs.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: It’s true. It is.
Kimber: Your father is dying. And without the spirit, he’s gonna die.
Fung-irl gasps as Vil-Gil-An-T tears up.
Sonya/Nighthowler: Dad! hugs AISHA
Pupa/Mighty Pupa: Papa…
Super Shlorpian Janiz: We’re so sorry we couldn’t tell you sooner…
Vil-Gil-An-Til starts sobbing hysterically. Janiz turns back into her normal Shlorpian self as she comforts Vil-Gil-An-T.
Janiz: I am so sorry...we didn't wanna tell you because Korvo was so happy...
The kids and the adults however understand deeply and approaches them while sheepishly smiling.
Kimber: You were also so happy when Sonya came and... we just couldn’t bare to break your hearts.
MAX: And I am probably guessing Korvo is scared too?
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: sniffles Yeah I bet he was. Guess he was scared of releasing his own beast.
Others: Yeah. I agree. Poor Korvo…
Fung-irl suddenly looks determined.
Jesse/Fung-irl: Come on guys! The Mighty Solars doesn’t give up! They never ever give up! Look, whatever is happening… Cherie, Montez, Kevin’s wife and kids and Pezlie comes in We can still do this!
Miss Frankie sniffs and cries tears of joy.
Miss Frankie/???: sniffles She’s right guys…But Korvo is dying! We can’t be the Mighty Solars without him!
Janiz: Don't worry. All we have to do is put the spirit back in him!
Cherie: Guys! What’s going on?
Jesse/Fung-irl: Cherie! You’re here!
Fung-irl runs up and hugs Cherie and then tickles Pezlie who giggles.
Janiz: Oh friend of yours.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Yeah...
Cherie: Why yes. And *refers Pezlie* Korvo and Terry’s goddaughter. Their nanny saved Nova’s life and ours.
Janiz: What? Oh my God, picked up Pezlie as she laughs Hi, I’m your godfather’s sister. So nice to meet you.
Pezlie coos as she touched Janiz’s face.
Janiz: She's so precious...
Cherie: Thank you! Wait, you’re Korvo’s sister.
Janiz: Yep.
Montez: We got the others’ text! What is it?!
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer: Korvo’s in trouble!
Janice: Big trouble!
Miss Frankie/???: He’s dying!
Kevin’s Wife: What? Kevin, what do you mean he’s dying?!
Janiz: He sealed away his Super Shlorpian spirit and now there's a high chance that he will die.
Cherie: What?! Oh no! We gotta save him!
Montez: We’re coming with you guys! We may not have powers! But the Solars have helped us throughout our lives and yours!
Janiz: Don't worry. I have the spirit right here.
Naomi: comes in with Alice We would love to join you.
Randall/Blackhole: Quick! Show us the spirit!
Janiz opens the box.
Others: Whoa!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Aw, it's so cute!
The spirit starts whimpering because he feels Korvo’s life source weakening, which the others identify. Janiz gasps.
Janiz: Oh no, I’m afraid Korvo is starting to run out of time! We must move! Quickly Mighty Solars!
The kids then grow determined along with their friends.
EVA: Count me in too! We are family too!
MAX: Count us in!
Kimber: Me too!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Mighty Solars, let's save Korvo!
Sonya/Nighthowler: And our homes!
Pupa/Mighty Pupa: Hooray!
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: Mighty Solars! Move out!
Mighty Solars: Right!
Meanwhile, back with Korvo, he began to check on himself through a breather connected to machine.
Korvo: What is wrong with me?
He starts calculating on himself, until a huge electric spear breaks the labtop as he gasp. He turns around and sees Black Mirror as he turn into Quasarblast.
Korvo/Quasarblast: Get away from me or-
Quasarblast then keeps coughing out blood as Black Mirror pins him to the wall.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Looks like someone is finally powerless.
Korvo/Quasarblast, What do you want?!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Finally! I got you now Quasarblast! gets out the potion Now here is my deal. You need to live, right?
Korvo/Quasarblast: More than anything...I-
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Here is our deal! All you have to do is take this potion, and obey me now. Or, I’ll find a way to harm that fucking pathetic husband of yours, along with your four little brats, crazy hillbilly nanny of yours, those humans and your sister as well!
Quasarblast gasps.
Korvo/Quasarblast: What?! falls down No! Stop! Don’t hurt them!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: THEN DRINK THE POTION!
Korvo/Quasarblast: Just promise you won’t hurt my husband and kids! And my friends!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Don’t worry… I won’t… because… opens the bottle…. YOU’RE MINE NOW!
Quasarblast takes the potion and chugs it down. But then, he starts growing bigger and muscular as his skin turns black. His suit rips apart into pieces as he cries out in pain. Black Mirror laughs like a maniac.
Korvo/Quasarblast: voice deepens as cyan marks appears around his body and he starts growing even more bigger and muscular as his eyes glow aquamarine WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Oh, nothing. I made you a better person.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Oh quiet. He's not here to save you.
However, Terry and Phoebe hears Korvo screaming along with Parker and Monica as they head upstairs.
Parker: Korvo, what's- sees Mega Mundane Korvo and gasps
Mega Mundane Korvo roars tearfully as he whimpers in pain but is still dying.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh my God! Korvo!
Terry: Korvy...
Mega Mundane Korvo roars as he breaks down in tears and Black Mirror laughs evilly. Terry growls at Black Mirror and turns into Mighton.
Sister Sisto: Oh cool your jets. He's just gonna die anyway. Move on.
Phoebe MacCarthy: What?! No! turns into Starburst We won’t let that happened! Reals him you crazy bitch!
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: Make me.
Monica then turns into Lightspeed as she gets ready fight. Then suddenly, Parker presses something on a watch. She turns into her own cyber super suit as she smiles.
Parker/???: Don’t forget about Venus Tip!
Venus Tip does her own pose as she shoots cyber arrows out of her cyber crossbow.
Terry/Mighton: Nice suit Parker!
Parker/Venus Tip: Thanks.
Suddenly, Mega Mundane Korvo roars he destroys half of the house and Black Mirror gets on top of him while laughing evilly.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: See you never, Mighton!
Mighton watches tearfully as Mega Mundane Korvo runs off to the city. But, however, after looking at his family photo, Mighton refuses to back down and never give up for his husband.
Parker/Venus Tip: What do we do now Mighton?
Mighton wipes away his tears.
Terry/Mighton: eyes glow orange SAVE! skin turns black and he grows bigger and muscular as his suit tear MY! voice gets deeper HUSBAND!
Venus Tip gasps. Mighton turns into a Mundane and heroically roars. Mundane Mighton then growls in pleasure.
Mundane Terry/Mighton: Say… flexes his right arm as it glows orange marks This form ain’t half bad!
Starburst laughs.
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Wow! You got orange marks? What does that mean?
Mundane Terry/Mighton: It means I'm a MEGA MUNDANE, BABY!
Mundane Mighton then starts growing even more bigger and muscular as he moans in pleasure.
Phoebe/Starburst: Whoa.
An orange streak appears on Mighton’s back as he fully becomes a Mega Mundane and roars. Mega Mundane Mighton looks at his body and laughs.
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: Man… I feeel soooo fucking horny right now!
Jesse/Fung-irl: Terry!
Mega Mundane Mighton looks down and sees his kids and the other human Mighty Solars, along with AISHA, EVA, MAX, Kimber and Janiz.
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: Janiz? Kimber? EVA?
EVA: Hi Terry! So nice to finally meet you in person! Your husband mention to us about you!
Mega Mundane Terry blushes and smiles.
Kimber: Thank goodness we found you! We have to save your husband!
MAX: He’s gonna die!
Janiz: Terry! We have to put the spirit back into Korvo!
Mega Mundane Mighton gasps.
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: What?! Why?! Why does he need the spirit back?!
Janiz sighs
Janiz: Terry, it’s time we tell you.
Janiz turns into her Super Shlorpian form and flies to Terry sadly.
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: Whoa… you turn into big buffy Super Shlorpians?
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Yes and… our lifesource as well.
Mega Mundane Mighton gasps.
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: What?!
Vil-Gil-An-T sheds a tear.
Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T: It’s true… Terry, Korvo is dying.
Kimber: Without the spirit, he’ll die! We gotta return it to him!
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: Shit...
Mega Mundane Mighton then sees Mega Mundane Korvo roaring. Despite the revelation, he is still determined to save his husband!
Mega Mundane Terry/Mighton: Well there’s no time to lose! Mighty Solars, let’s save my husband!
Mighty Solars: Yeah!
The heroes fly off heroically to the city as Super Shlorpian Janiz starts to grow amazed by Mighton’s bravery and humility.
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fizziepopangel · 2 months ago
"Sweet Dreams, Angelcakes"
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Angel sat in bed, his eyes heavy but his mind refusing to slow down enough to rest. Valentino had him filming for nearly 48 hours; each scene rougher than the last as he was held down and twisted into unnatural positions before the camera…. He had just about collapsed when the camera had finally shut off, but once he's dragged himself back to the hotel and up to his room, sleep sat just out of reach.
“Maybe I should call Husk.” He missed, looking at Fat Nuggets, as if waiting for the pig's pink of approval….. he was only met with soft sleepy snots as the pig snuggled into his usual spot on Angel's bed. “Nah. He's probably asleep…”
Flipping onto his back– and wincing at the ache it seemed to worsen throughout his body– he grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his chest. He picked up his phone.... The. He put it down again…. Then he picked it up, opening his last conversations with Husk. His stomachs flipped as he stared at the tests. Groaning, he set the phone down again. 
“We ain't even been together 3 months." He reminded himself with another sigh as he picked up his phone and unlocked it again. “I can’t just ask him to come over cause I feel like shit, Nuggs." 
Tossing his phone aside, Angel rubbed a hand down his face. The clock on his bedside table read 3am, but it felt so much later than that and between his bruised and abused body and the anxiety running rampant through his mind….. but even when he picked up his phone again and unlocked it again to stare at the text screen with Husk's face on it, he just couldn't bring himself to reach out.
Suddenly, the typing bubbles popped up beside Husk's small picture. 
“Oh my God, he's typing!" Angel gasped, tossing his phone across his bed as if we're poison. “He's typing!" 
The spider demon cautiously crawled toward the phone, panic sitting in his gut as he reached out to unlock the phone. It was 3 in the morning, no good ever came from a text sent after midnight.
Oh God, it's a break up text. Angel worried, his hands trembling so much he struggled to read the message.
❤️Whiskers❤️:  need somethin’ darlin’? Or you just typin’ for no reason?
Angel stared at the text, panic rising when he realized that Husk must've seen the typing notification while Angel was thinking about texting him. He sat there, frozen, not wanting to be a bother.
❤️Whiskers❤️: Angelcakes?
‘Angelcakes’. The nickname brought tears to Angel's eyes. It had started out as something Husk only called him in bed; saying he was good enough to eat or claiming that Angel was his favorite meal…. But even just reading it, it felt…. different.
❤️Whiskers❤️: You there?
❤️Whiskers❤️: You ok?
❤️Whiskers❤️: Angel?
Angel set his phone down, sniffling. He wanted Husk there but he felt as though he didn't have the right to ask for the comfort he so desperately wished he could have. He didn't feel all that deserving considering all the things he had done in the studio.
The phone kept dinging, vibrating the bed beside him until it woke Fat Nuggets. The notifications stopped bad Fat Nuggets climbed into his lap, nuzzling against Angel's chest fluff. The tiniest smile crossed his face despite the tears falling down his cheeks. “Thanks Nuggs." He whispered softly, laying down with his pig held tight against his chest. Although he wasn't comfortable enough to sleep, he figured he could hold Fat Nuggets and stare at his ceiling until something like sleep took over.
Closing his eyes, he just laid there, hoping for even a scrap of rest. 
“Angel?" Husk called softly, opening the door. "You ok?” Angel's eyes shot open as the light from the hall poured in, casting Husk's shadow into the room.
Angel shot up, eyes wide as he stared at Husk standing in the doorway. “What… What’re ya doin’ here Whiskers?” He asked, watching as Fat Nuggets hopped off the bed and trotted over to the other demon, rubbing against him as a greeting.
“What am I doin’ here?” He repeated. “Angel, you kept typing but wouldn’t actually send me a message and you opened all my texts but never responded…. I was gettin’ worried, doll.”
Angel’s lip trembled. “You were worried…” Before Husk could register what was happening, Angel was crying, his breathing staggered and his chest heaving as he struggled to breath through the cries. “I-I’m sorry.” He choked, grabbing a pillow and burying his face in it in an attempt to cover up the tears.
“Hey, hey,” the bed sank as Husk sat beside him, wrapping an arm around the spider demon’s thin, shaking frame, “Quit your blubbering.” Despite the harshness of his words, his tone was gentle.
“I-I…” Angel’s words dissolved into tears the more he tried to talk. It all seemed too much, though part of him knew he was crying over nothing.
Husk gently moved the pillow away from his boyfriend’s face… He was shocked when he saw the state of him; deep bags ringing beneath his normally animated eyes, bruises already adorning his face and arms. “Jeez…” Husk breathed, his grip on Angel’s arm tightening protectively but immediately loosening it again when he felt his partner wince. “Angel, doll, your shakin’.”
“I just…” Angel wasn’t even sure what he should say.
“Baby, when was the last time you slept?” Husk asked, gently rubbing his back.
Shaking his head, Angel let out a watery laugh. Sleep tended to evade him even on the nights he hadn’t been worked like a dog by Valentino…. But this was different,worse somehow; it felt like somehow, in the midst of the beating he took for the camera, someone had managed to the exhaustion into his bones… But really nothing was wrong. He’d been in the studio almost a full 48 hours and he was beaten and bruised and sore all over, but it wasn’t the worst time he had in the studio; far from it actually, yet he was sitting there sobbing like a little kid. He didn’t know how to say that nothing was wrong, but somehow everything was wrong at the same time.
Husk watched Angel laugh almost hysterically as tears poured down his cheeks. He didn’t know exactly what to say or do… But he watched as Fat Nuggets climbed up onto the bed and tried to nuzzle into his owner, oinking softly in an attempt to pull Angel from whatever seemed to be happening in his head. “Angel, doll, you gotta breathe.” Husk tells him gently, trying to follow the small pig’s lead in comforting his boyfriend. “Come on, why don’t we try one of those stupid breathin’ things Charlie made us do in group last week? Remember?”
Although he couldn’t speak, he followed along as Husk counted.
In for four. Out for four.
In for four. Out for four.
In and out…..
By the time he could breathe normally again, and the tears had slowed, Angel still didn’t know exactly what was wrong, but Husk didn’t ask. Husk didn’t push or pry, he simply wiped the tears from his eyes and pulled Angel against him, letting the demon’s head rest against his chest as he stroked his hair. Angel sniffled, his arms wrapping around Husk’s body as if it were a lifeline. He didn’t know what he needed, but whatever Husk was doing was definitely on the list of things he needed tonight.
“Thank you.” His words were muffled by Husk’s side as Angel buried his face against him, inhaling the comforting scent of cheap booze and an earthy cologne. 
“Shhh.” Husk whispered, pulling the comforter over them. “You gotta rest, Angelcakes.”
Hesitantly Angel looked up at the man, swallowing hard as he forced the words out, “Stay with me?”
Smiling softly, he placed a kiss against the exhausted spider demon’s forehead. “I wouldn’t dream of leavin’ ya here, Angel.” Angel clung  to the hellcat, and despite feeling out of place, Husk wouldn’t have traded this moment for all the booze in Hell. His claws card gently through Angel’s hair as he reveled in the soft snores and snorts that seemed to be coming from both Angel and Fat Nuggets. Although he never thought he’d be the type to want a soft, cliche of a relationship like this, he couldn't help but hope that this moment felt as right for Angel as it did for him. 
Husk stayed up a few more hours, sitting in the quiet and just enjoying being able to hold Angel, taking in every little detail about the man he could see in the dim lighting. As his own eyes grew heavy, he pulled Angel a little closer, kissing the top of his head softly and yawning. “Sweet dreams, Angelcakes.”
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fizziepopangel · 4 months ago
Be Careful...
"They said be careful with that one
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he will do what it takes to survive...."
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fizziepopangel · 3 months ago
Being chronically ill and/or having a invisible illness/disability makes it so much worse because I can't see the thing that I have to blame for being in too much pain to pursue something I would've loved to do. It literally feels like my own body is gaslighting me.
getting disabled over a period of time is so weird, because sometimes i’ll just see something, let’s say about running, and think “i should do that!” and then i slowly realise that i can’t run anymore. i can barely even walk. it’s weird because there wasn’t one event that happened that made me like it. there wasn’t a day where i woke up and couldn’t run anymore. it was slow and gradual. and sometimes i realise how much ive lost that i didn’t even realise because it all happened so gradually. sometimes it feels like yesterday i could run and today i can’t, and sometimes it feels like forever ago that i could.
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fizziepopangel · 5 months ago
He Knew
"Don't think you know what you did,
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saying you love me with a balled up fist..."
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fizziepopangel · 1 year ago
A Surprise For You, My Dear
* Author’s note: In this story, I’m going to interpret Alastor’s asexuality and aromanticism as more fluid than it seems to be canonically. Also, this is my first fanfic so please keep that in mind if it's shit... That being said, I hope you enjoy!
P.s. If you enjoy this fic, you can always request more with the Fic Request Form
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Alastor. The radio demon. Everyone knew the radio demon, and though he had been gone for quite a while, most still feared him upon his return, but not me. Because he was different from me. Softer, kinder, more genuine. It wasn’t a relationship, at least I didn’t think it was, but I still enjoyed my time with Alastor; the dancing, the laughter we both shared, every moment left me in awe of the man that had come to be feared by so many.
“You gonna answer me or not?” Husk snapped, pulling me from my thoughts. 
I tried to cover my embarrassment that struck me when I realized that I hadn’t been listening to the old bartender at all despite having been the one that came and started conversing with the man. I sat up a little straighter and looked over at the bar cat. “Sorry, I… my mind was somewhere else. What did you say?��
Husk rolled his eyes. “I’m goin’ out with Angel tonight but that damn pig of his is sick. I think the little shit got into my whiskey when Angel brought him down here last night. Angel wants to know if you’ll watch him.” He takes a long sip of whiskey in his glass. “So you up for it?”
Although I loved Fat Nuggets and would usually jump at the chance to spend time with the sweet little pig, I shook my head. “Sorry, I have plans with Alastor.” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “Al said he has a surprise for me tonight…”
“Right.” Husk gives me an unimpressed look that seems to say something along the lines of fuck you without outright saying fuck you. “Your boyfriend and your date night.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I say awkwardly. “I mean.. I don’t think so…I mean, I… I just… I like him but its, it’s…” I sigh deeply, a heat rising in my cheeks. “Shut up, Husk.”
 “Whatever.” Husk says in his usual empty sarcastic tone. “Guess Angel and me’ll just stay in with the pig tonight…” I watch as he turns, grabbing a glass and beginning to polish it with a rag that ironically  didn’t all that clean.
“Oh… sorry, Husk…” I mumble awkwardly, suddenly feeling a bit like a dick for essentially denying the couple a night out. I knew they both deserved it but I just couldn’t bring myself to say that I would cancel on Alastor when he made the night out seem so special. “I…” I trail off for a moment, feeling the other demon’s judging eyes despite his back still being turned to me as he continues to polish glasses on the shelf behind the bar. “I’m gonna go get ready to meet Alastor. I’ll see you later, and maybe I can take Fat Nuggets another time?”
I receive a grunt in reply, but as I get off my barstool, I hear the old demon grumble under his breath…. A simple warning. “Just… Be careful around Alastor, kid…. You been having a rough enough time without his bullshit” He says, not even sparing me a glance as the words left his lips. I promise him I will, knowing that he’s only looking out for me… Husk always told me that, or at least something along those lines…. But this time felt different; this time it sent a spear of anxiety through my chest and made my mind wander to what everyone in hell knew about Alastor versus the Alastor that I knew. The Alastor that I loved despite knowing he probably didn’t and would never feel the same about me… when I really thought about it, I did wonder why the man had taken such a liking to me. I wasn't indebted to him, I had no real power in hell or the hotel, and even I knew that no matter what version of Alastor was on display, he didn't keep people around without a reason. 
My thoughts continued to wander from one shitty thought to the next as I went up to my room to change for our little hang out. I was so lost in the whirlwind of thoughts when a knock at the door jolted me from where I sat in my room.
“Darling,” Alastor’s cheery, sing song voice. “Are you ready to go?”
Despite the fact that I had just been questioning my entire purpose in his life and why my companionship was so valued by him, I practically tripped over my own two feet trying to get to the door. “Al!” I beam the second I see him. “I thought we were supposed to meet up? What are you doing here?”
Sporting his signature smile, the usually detached demon waltzed into my room, grabbing me and spinning me around. “I thought we could make our way to our outing together, hmm?” He says as I giggle. “What do you say, my dear? May I escort you to the roof for your surprise?” Alastor’s smile faded into a warmer grin as he held out his hand in invitation, waiting for me to take it.
When I took his hand and let him lead me through the halls of the hotel toward the roof, it felt as if all at once the anxieties that had been gnawing away at my gut just melted away ... it was like butterflies just swarmed my insides.
“What is this big surprise, Al?" I giggle as he whisks me up to the roof, stopping just outside the door. 
“Now, I know that you've had a rough week, and that you've been absolutely dying to see that new horror film…” He said giddily. “And I've set something up that I think you'll enjoy very much.”
A frown crossed my face for a moment. I had mentioned wanting to see the horror movie that came out last weekend, and I had been pretty having a shitty week, but I wasn’t sure where Alastor was going with this surprise since he wouldn’t dare touch a tv that would stream the movie. “Yeah…?” I laugh lightly as we stand in front of the door. “What, did you find someone to go to the movies with or something?”
“Not quite.” I can actually heat the excitement in his voice as he opens the door and pulls me through it. “What do you think?”
“Alastor…” I breathe, looking around at the rooftop. There’s twinkle lights strung up all over and blankets and pillows and wine sitting and a basket of my favorite snacks all sitting beside a projector pointed at the wall beside the door. “This is…”
“Oh, but wait, there’s more!” Alastor said, his shadow hitting play on the projector. The beginning sequence of the movie I had been dying to see popping up.
My eyes lit up and despite myself, I launched myself into the radio demon’s arms, eliciting a small ‘oof’ from the man before I felt his arms snake around me. “Alastor, this is amazing! I love it!” I looked up at the man who everyone around me seemed so terrified of, the man my friends warned me to be careful around. “Did you really do this for me?”
“Why of course!” The man smiled down at me, pulling me a bit closer than he usually did before his head dipped just a bit lower and I felt him place a soft kiss on my forehead. “I would do anything to make you happy, my sweet little radio wave.” 
My heart stopped for just a moment before it began racing, hammering against my ribcage as the butterflies in my stomach went wild. “Al…” Before I could stop myself, I found my lips connecting with his and despite his usual aversion to touch and romance and anything that could even possibly lead to sex, he pulled me a bit closer. 
When he didn't pull away, it felt like electricity crackling in my veins. I felt like every star in the sky aligned perfectly as he held me. It felt perfect, it felt right. 
Radio static cracked in the air around us and Alastor’s face was just a light shade of red, no doubt mirroring my own embarrassment at what I had just done.
“Well then, “ Alastor cleared his throat, the static seeming to fade a bit as he straightened his jacket and held his hand out to me. "Shall we sit down and watch the movie?” I take his hand and nod wordlessly, afraid that I would ruin what was certainly a perfect moment if I uttered even a word or asked him to define our relationship.
Alastor showed me to my seat on the blanketed area he had set up, I immediately sank into the soft pillows and blankets, and smiled as he sat down beside me. The movie began to play and as the opening credits began to roll, I knew I should at least thank him for all of this since I knew it was a show of care he reserved for only those he loved on some level, but before I could form a coherent sentence, I felt it… His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to his own body.
“I don’t think I could’ve made this anymore perfect if I tried, Al.” I sigh softly, resting my head against his chest and listening to the quiet, steady crackle of radio static that always seemed to emit from the demon. Although he set this movie night up for me, I’m not even watching the movie, but rather, just trying to soak up this moment before it slips away. “Thank you.”
Alastor chuckles, his hand gently coming to rest on my chin. My breath caught in my throat as he leaned in, our lips hovering just apart from one anothers. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, my dear.” The static completely stops and his whisper tickles my lips as he catches them in another soft kiss.
The week had been shitty, but this… This was perfect.
Alastor Tag list : @writersonicfan91
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fizziepopangel · 8 months ago
StaticMoth Headcanons (Romantic)
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These two absolutely did couples therapy for a very, very, very long time, though their sessions did get less frequent over time as they learned how to navigate their relationship.
Vox appreciates the gestures and gifts and all, but he doesn’t have the heart to tell the moth demon that he cannot cook for shit so he usually just smiles and chokes down the meals… unfortunately this encourages the moth demon to continue trying to make new, more extravagant dishes, all of which taste like crap.
Valentino has horrible eyesight and usually and when they’re out, Vox acts as his eyes so that he doesn’t have to wear his glasses outside of the tower, but for their last anniversary, Vox got Valentino a set of prescription glasses identical to his signature heart frames so he could see the world around him. Val was absolutely ecstatic. He walked around like a kid in a candy store, pointing out every little detail of everything he could now see.
Velvett has dozens of cute couples photos of the two.
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Vox learned spanish to impress Valentino…. He pronounces everything in the whitest possible way, but he did learn.
Around their tower, the pair often wear each other's things. Most of Vox’s leisure clothes are too small for Valentino so he often seems to be wearing cropped shirts or jackets because he still enjoys wearing his partner’s clothes despite the size difference.
Vox calls Valentino his butterfly as a term of endearment 
Val likes to play videogames, but sucks at them. When he plays with Vox and loses, he pouts and says that it's unfair since Vox has an advantage since he's a tv. Vox usually throws the match of whatever they're playing to avoid his partner pouting.
Jealousy. No matter which way you look at it. Val is a jealous lover, hating when anyone even so much as glances in Vox’s direction. Vox on the other hand is only really jealous of Angel Dust.
Vox tends to be the less physically affectionate one in the relationship, but he often seeks physical affection from his moth man as a form of comfort after a really bad day.
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Valentino is a cuddler…. Unfortunately he also tends to run warm so he has caused Vox to overheat a bit, causing him to glitch.
On the nights a certain moth demon can’t sleep, Vox stays up with him and plays him the dancing fruit videos that people usually play for their babies.
Vox has always been a bit more of a romantic, but Valentino does pleasantly surprise him from time to time with gestures like poems or gifts that he never imagined Val would be thoughtful enough to come up with. He always makes sure to thank Velvette for both of them. She denies any involvement, but he knows she’s the only person aside from himself that Val trusts to help him with anything in his personal life.
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One thoughtful gesture that the pimp did come up with on his own though, is the stuffed shark plushies he buys him for the anniversary of his arrival in hell. The first sharks were just cute plushes that looked similar to the sharks that Vox kept, but after he had bought the entire line of them, Valentino started getting them specially made.
While their on and off again relationship is known to most, the two are actually technically married and have been for a few years.
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fizziepopangel · 1 year ago
The way was my favorite movie series as a kid.... Like this shaped who I am now.
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Dear, sweet, Littlefoot, do you remember the way to the Great Valley?  I guess so. But why do I have to know if you’re going to be with me? I’ll be with you. Even if you can’t see me. What do you mean I can’t see you? I can always see you.
The Land Before Time(1988) dir. Don Bluth
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fizziepopangel · 2 months ago
Open Arms
"This life is amazing
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when you greet it with open arms
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whatever we face,
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we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart
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no matter the place, we can light up the world,
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here's how we start: Greet the world with open arms."
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fizziepopangel · 28 days ago
A Bid To Survive
"And suddenly I know what I have to do....
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Get them home alive..."
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fizziepopangel · 4 months ago
A Fizziepop Take: Let’s talk about the next 100 years
Oh. My. God.
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Did everyone watch what I just watched? Because I literally can’t right now! I swear to god my anxiety was so high from start to finish of this episode. Vivzie really did it with this one, because I was almost at a loss for words…. ALMOST. But the “Mastermind” episode was like a big beefy steak and potatoes smothered in gravy with a glass of wine; there’s just too much to sink my teeth into, starting with Stolas being stripped of his power, so let’s get into it.
“Stolas, I hereby strip you of your status, your power, and your title for the next hundred years.”
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Stolas’ face after hearing that he was being stripped bare of his title was literally heartbreaking because Stolas is not only stripped of the title and the respect that came with it, or even just the power he’s grown accustomed to…. Stolas is stood in front of a group of his peers and stripped of everything he has ever known. Everything. His daughter, his home, everything is just suddenly off limits for him. And after living for the Goetia and only the Goetia for 30-something years, Stolas isn’t accustomed to living as a common type demon, especially a common type demon ranking as low as he is currently who has literally nothing. To go from a prince with a mansion and a daughter and a home to being basically having no one, being homeless, and having people throw things at you on the street is a BIG step. And with zero preparation for such a big change, it must have been the shock of a lifetime….. But then we get to the last bit of Satan’s punishment for him: “...for the next hundred years.” So it isn’t that bad, right? Ehhhhhhh….. 
Ok, so let’s really break it down and think about what exactly the hundred years could hold for the former Goetia prince.
Homelessness and potential poverty
Soooooo… I know that technically Blitz has taken Stolas in, but given the current state of their relationship, we can’t really be sure that will last. As a Stolitz fan myself, I was internally screaming when Blitz took him in and started caring for him because AHHHHHHHHH….. But Blitz also has a tendency to self-sabatoge relationships with the people he loves the most, and a long history of not being able to communicate wants, needs, or anything really outside of being drugged with a truth serum, being in a seriously life-threatening situations, or being on the tail end of a breakdown, and now with Stolas being in an even more vulnerable state than he was before, I’m not sure we’re going to be getting the full Stolitz comeback we all want quite yet… And that may mean Stolas not staying in Blitz’s apartment quite as long as he probably would have prior to the events of “The Full Moon” and “Apology Tour” since we see the prince trying to move past the relationship and into a new era of his life. We may also see him struggle financially if his assets are affected by this banishment, and from the loss of his title and home, I think there’s a good chance that that is the case. While I do see Blitz offering to make a place for Stolas at IMP, with his now limited powers and lack of experience in the workplace, and in hell as a common place demon, it may not be something that is completely feasible right now…. And that brings us to the 2nd thing we might see in upcoming episodes:
Falling back into bad habits
Despite the fandom’s love for Stolitz, I think we can all agree that while love did come of it eventually, Blitz was one of the prince’s bad habits in the beginning. Blitz, for Stolas, was a rebellion, a sort of ‘fuck you’ to the life he had planned out because of his place as demon royalty…. And now as a just a mere demon with no power and no status, things could go the complete opposite direction from what I mentioned earlier, and he may run right back to the familiarity of Blitz with no regard for whether there has been a change made on either of their parts or not, which could also set Blitz back since Stolas wouldn’t necessarily care if he was treating him better or not, so he might lose the motivation to want to be a better version of himself.  Both men need support outside of just each other, and while Blitz has it within his IMP family (as well as a lot of support from his community now), Stolas doesn’t.
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Now, don’t get me wrong, M&M and Loona will more than likely step up to support Stolas in this time, if not solely for the fact of him being the man Blitz loves, because they all know that what Stolas did was something he didn’t technically have to do for them all, BUT  Stolas lost his title and (seemingly) access to everything relating to that, including his daughter who is arguably his only true family that we’ve seen since the flashback of him and his father when he was a literal child. Now, keep in mind that this man stayed in a relationship with someone who physically abused him, and tormented him mentally and emotionally for years, all for his daughter. Has he been the best dad? No, not by a long shot, but Loona does have a point in “Seeing Stars”, when she explains to Octavia that parenting is complicated and sometimes parents make mistakes despite loving their children…. We see how important his daughter is to him a lot throughout the show, and with what Andrealphus said about Octavia now solely being cared for by her  “wholesome parent” (*laughter*), we can pretty much guarantee that even if he wasn’t banned from seeing her, her mother and uncle would never allow it, and I think this will be something that could cause him to spiral, and possibly start picking up new bad habits, maybe even more harmful ones than we’ve seen him use to cope in the past.
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Stolas has had 2 attempts on his life that we know of so far… What’s to stop Stella from sending Striker back for him now? Technically she doesn’t need to, since her ex husband is unable to keep her from the fortune and power she and her brother had been after, but what better time to off him than when her daughter is still a minor and can’t take over his spot in the system of royalty, and he’s hated by so many people now?
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She only has the next hundred years, and if she doesn’t do it now, she may lose th upper hand she has in this moment and she may not get another chance to have as much power as she has in this moment. But would Vivzie off Stolas? I don’t know, but she does everything for a reason in her shows, so we know she’s setting up for something big. Could it be another assassination attempt? Multiple attempts? More than just Striker going after him? It would be a good time to do it from the perspective of the characters, but would the death of a character so intertwined with the main protagonist of the series be a good idea? As a consumer of the content, I would literally be in tears at a death scene involving a character I’ve been allowed to get so attached to over the course of the series…. as a creator, someone who writes and enjoys the engagement that my content brings and enjoys creating the content I create, a major death like that would open up doors for plots that may not have been an option before and while it would shock the fandom, and while the fandom’s devastation could be catastrophic, it could all pull us further into the hell she’s created because we all love the characters still living and would all have a single question after seeing such a beloved character go: What comes next?
As a humble Fizziepop, I can’t say that I know what comes next, but after “Mastermind”, I can definitely say that I’ll be hoping for a more funny and light-hearted episode next time, but I’ll keep a box of tissues on standby incase Vivzie has another tear-jerking episode in store for us. What do you think the next hundred years might look like for Stolas? And what does everyone think will happen for the Stolitz ship?
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