Nehîyâw Iskwêw
944 posts
Plains Cree-Lakota-Omaha
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
uniquelyindigenous · 3 years ago
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
215 - Kamloops, BC
104 - Brandon, MB
38 - Regina, SK
35 - The Mission at Muskowekwan, SK
180 - Carlisle, PA
751 - Cowessess First Nation, SK
182 - Ktunaxa Nation, Cranbrook, BC
160 + - Penelakut Tribe, BC
We will not stop until we find every single one of the children.
*these are estimates. Brace yourselves, there will be more.*
They are coming home ❤️🪶
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
It’s amazing to see people of Canada come together in solidarity in this difficult time of reconciliation and healing 🧡🧡🧡
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
As a Canadian and a historian, I’m going to explain some of the key facts you need to know about the Residential School graves making international headlines.
Written by Jessica O'Neil
I see lots of comments from people around the world who either a) think this is an overstated and politicised 'woke Liberal' story or b) had zero idea about this part of Canadian history. Some are wondering why there's talk of 'cancelling Canada Day.' So, let's talk about it.
I want to start by saying that for Indigenous people, this topic is incredibly distressing. The gaslighting in comment sections is equally disturbing. If you are Indigenous and are struggling with this news, you can call the National Indian Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419. If you are Indigenous and think I have misrepresented any of the following information, please let me know.
For the rest of us, let me explain a few things. Canadian and unsure about the history of Residential Schools? Non-Canadian and not sure what's going on? This is for you.
In Canada, the term Indigenous comprises First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people. 1876's Indian Act gave the Federal Government full control over most aspects of Indigenous life. Much of the Indian Act is still in place today.
Residential Schools were a government-mandated policy officially enacted in 1880 with the passage of the Residential Schools Act. (However, French missionaries' efforts to isolate and 'educate' First Nations children date back to the late 18th century.)
These schools were designed to 'kill the Indian in the child." Laws dictated that families must send Indigenous children as young as four to these boarding schools. There were no exceptions. RCMP officers forcibly removed children from families who would not comply.
The schools were often in isolated areas or on islands, as otherwise, children would constantly try to escape and go back to their families. If geographically possible, parents would camp near schools to catch a glimpse of their children and would be driven away by RCMP under threat of violence.
The schools were operated by churches. Approximately 50% were Catholic, and the remainder were Protestant denominations, including Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, United, and Baptist. Children were not allowed to speak their language or practice any of their cultural traditions under threat of beating. Religion was used as just one form of abuse.
The schools were overcrowded and often unheated. Children were underfed due to budgetary constraints, and also as a form of both control and punishment. Sexual assault was sickeningly commonplace and often doled out as punishment. Many otherwise healthy children wasted away from depression and homesickness. Some drowned trying to swim home. Others froze to death as they tried to walk home.
In 1907, the Department of Indian Affairs' 'Bryce Report' documented a 40-60% mortality rate at these institutions, mainly from tuberculosis. The same report showed that 90 - 100% of children suffered severe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Despite this information, the schools remained open for another 90 years.
Again - this is all documented fact. None of this is up for debate. Even the most right-wing Canadian understands this as fact.
The graveyards we are finding are unmarked. Some of them include mass graves, in which more than one body was buried at the same time. This is not new information. Residential School survivors have been telling us they're there for generations.
From 2008 - 2015, Canada engaged in one of the largest Truth and Reconciliation Commission processes ever undertaken. It concluded with 94 calls to action, most of which have not been actioned, further eroding Indigenous people's trust in Canada. Many rightfully believe that the TRC was lip service.
Call to Action 75 states: "We call upon the federal government to work with provincial, territorial, and municipal governments, churches, Aboriginal communities, former residential school students, and current landowners to develop and implement strategies and procedures for the ongoing identification, documentation, maintenance, commemoration, and protection of residential school cemeteries or other sites at which residential school children were buried. This is to include the provision of Calls to Action| 9 appropriate memorial ceremonies and commemorative markers to honour the deceased children."
See, they were telling us those graves were there. I learned about residential school cemeteries in the early '00s in journal articles. The information has been readily available. No one was listening.
On May 27, 2021, the Tk’emlups te Secwépemc Nation hired the services of a ground-penetrating radar team and confirmed what was already known. The remains of 215 children lay beneath the soil. "We had a knowing in our community that we were able to verify. To our knowledge, these missing children are undocumented deaths,” stated Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir. “Some were as young as three years old."
On June 4, 104 potential graves were discovered by the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation at Brandon Indian Residential School in Manitoba. Of these, 78 may be accounted for (but that does not mean that those children were not also abused and/or died of preventable disease). Chief Jennifer Bone says, “We must honour the memory of the children that never made it home by holding the Government of Canada, Churches and all responsible parties accountable for their inhumane actions.”
And most recently, as many as 751 unmarked graves were located near the former site of Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan, associated with the Cowessess First Nation. Again, some of these may be accounted for. That does not diminish the horror. “This was a crime against humanity, an assault on First Nations,” says Chief Bobby Cameron of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous First Nations in Saskatchewan.
I'm not qualified to speak at length about the generational trauma that has ravaged Indigenous communities. Generations of people are struggling with substance abuse as a direct result of the Residential Schools Act, and yet many other Canadians don't cut them much slack.
For the non-Canadians reading this, you should know that open racism towards Indigenous people in Canada is common and often socially acceptable. (I know this goes against our international reputation.)
Finally, you will see people arguing that these graves are the result of sickness and disease, as if that's somehow okay. You'll even see some people arguing that the number of graves isn't all that high, as life expectancy 'was lower back then.'
Yes, tuberculosis and childhood diseases do account for many of these deaths. But these diseases were allowed to run rampant through filthy and overcrowded institutions. Little malnourished, homesick bodies couldn't fend off the disease. So, they died alone, crying for their mothers.
And then they were buried in the place they hated most, with no record of their death. Some parents were never actually told what happened to their children. They just never came home.
To counter these bad-faith arguments about disease and ‘the number of graves not actually being that high’, we can again look to contemporary sources, such as The Bryce Report. 90 – 100% of children were abused. The schools had a documented mortality rate of 40 – 60%.
Of course, the childhood mortality rate in Canada in 1907 was high, around 25% - 30%. However, these figures include infant mortality, which is much higher, therefore skewing the data. A very conservative estimate puts the mortality rate from TB at Residential Schools (children aged 4 - 18) around three to four times higher than the general population.
Also, remember that these graves do not represent all of the children who died at Residential Schools. We have many oral reports of priests, nuns, and teachers incinerating bodies (especially of those beaten or abused to death) in furnaces, or disposing of them in other ways.
You need to know that these discoveries will continue. There were 139 residential schools in Canada, and nearly 150,000 children attended them over the course of 117+ years. But the graves are not the only horror. The true horror is the fact that we've known about all of this for generations, and that we allowed it to happen until 1997. The shame is the ‘schools’ themselves. The graves are just a physical record of what happened.
This is not about ‘left’ or ‘right.’ Nothing I have written here is disputed. These are facts. The Federal Government, RCMP, local police forces, the courts, and many churches worked together to systematically abuse and eradicate entire generations of kids.
If you feel bad, that’s normal. But sitting around feeling guilty helps no one, especially not Indigenous people. Instead, consistently challenge these comments about ‘short 19th-century life expectancies' and ‘that’s not a mass grave.’ Challenge the people in your life who use racial slurs or anti-Indigenous rhetoric.
If you’re Canadian, write to your MP and demand that they action the 94 TRC Calls to Action. Share and amplify posts by Indigenous people, and include the Survivors' hotline. Listen to what local Indigenous people are asking for, and then help in any way you can – that includes donating generously to Residential School survivors. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/how-to-support-survivors-of-residential-schools-1.5453277
And at least for this year, consider skipping Canada Day 'celebrations.’ But whether you celebrate or not is less important than insisting on systemic change, donating to survivors, and advocating for the 94 TRC Calls to Action.
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
Do you know the definition of GENOCIDE? It is “the deliberate killing of a large amount of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group”
“It’s genocide, and it’s sick how Canada tried so hard to cover up their liability by calling it “cultural genocide”.
So many politicians are still pushing the narrative that it was disease and sickness that killed all of our children in these schools,
when they were intentionally massacred.”
-Andre Bear
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
The initial shock and horror of the 215 bodies of children found in unmarked graves at former residential schools hit hard. Social media reacted, politicians reacted, a country hung its head low in shame, thoughts and prayers were given... but then media cycles move on and the general public usually does too.
The number of bodies found is now at 572. That's closing in on tripling that first number. That's five schools of the 139 that were once open. And this is still the tippy, tippy top of a gigantic iceberg that the church and the government really doesn't want to keep revealing itself.
Keep talking about it, keep educating yourself, and keep letting the politicians and Catholic/Christian churches know that we're not moving on.
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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With the news that’s coming tomorrow please do not forget to take care of your mental health 🧡
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
Artist: Robert Lazore
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
Starved to death
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First Nations starved to death by the Canadian government to make way for the railroad following the loss of the Buffalo Nations
"...Indeed, prime minister John A. Macdonald is quoted as saying, “We are doing all we can, by refusing food until the Indians are on the verge of starvation, to reduce the expense.”
Food spoiled in dominion warehouses while native people starved and sickened (one federal agent even called all the starving people of his reserve to the storehouse to hand out food, then sent them home as he laughed, calling it an April Fool’s joke), women prostituted themselves for food and government ministers blithely claimed that so long as First Nations people expected food, they would remain helpless, or, as Daschuk quotes, “it was not intended that the Indian should become self-supporting. He was only to be kept quiet till the country filled up when his ill will could be ignored.”
~ Image. - “Native residents on Crow's Nest Pass Line Railway”, British Columbia Library and Archives Canada/Travers Coleman collection © Public Domain.
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
This is a list of All the residential schools in Canada.
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GENOCIDE ~ List of Residential Schools - not including, Newfoundland & Labrador or, sanitoriums.
Assumption (Hay Lakes), Assumption, Alberta
Blue Quills (Saddle Lake, Sacred Heart, formerly Lac la Biche), St. Paul, Alberta
Crowfoot (St. Joseph's, Ste. Trinité), Cluny, Alberta
Desmarais (St. Martin's, Wabasca Roman Catholic), Desmarais-Wabasca, Alberta
Edmonton (formerly Red Deer Industrial), St. Albert, Alberta
Ermineskin, Hobbema, Alberta
Fort Vermilion (St. Henry's), Fort Vermilion, Alberta
Grouard (St. Bernard's, Lesser Slave Lake Roman Catholic), Grouard , Alberta
Holy Angels (Fort Chipewyan, École des Saints-Anges), Fort Chipewyan, Alberta
Joussard (St. Bruno's), Joussard, Alberta
Lac la Biche (Notre Dame des Victoire, predecessor to Blue Quills) from 1893 to 1898, Lac la Biche, Alberta
Lesser Slave Lake (St. Peter's), Lesser Slave Lake, Alberta
Morley (Stony), Morley, Alberta
Old Sun, Gleichen, Alberta
Sacred Heart, Brocket, Alberta
St. Albert (Youville), Youville, Alberta
St. Augustine (Smoky River) from 1900 to 1907, Smoky River, Alberta
St. Cyprian's (Queen Victoria's Jubilee Home), Brocket, Peigan Reserve, Alberta
St. Joseph's (Dunbow), High River, Alberta
St. Mary's (Blood, Immaculate Conception), Cardston, Alberta
St. Paul's (Blood, Anglican/Church of England), Cardston, Alberta
Sarcee (St. Barnabas), T'suu Tina, Alberta
Sturgeon Lake (St. Francis Xavier), Calais, Alberta
St. John's (Wabasca Anglican/Church of England), Wabasca, Alberta
Whitefish Lake (St. Andrew's), Whitefish Lake, Alberta
British Columbia Residential Schools:
Ahousaht, Ahousaht, British Columbia
Alberni, Port Alberni, British Columbia
Cariboo (St. Joseph's, Williams Lake), Williams Lake, British Columbia
Christie (Clayoquot, Kakawis), Tofino, British Columbia
Coqualeetza from 1924 to 1940, Chilliwack / Sardis, British Columbia
Cranbrook (St. Eugene's, Kootenay), Cranbrook, British Columbia
Kamloops, Kamloops, British Columbia
Kitimaat, Kitimaat, British Columbia
Kuper Island, Kuper Island, British Columbia
Lejac (Fraser Lake), Fraser Lake, British Columbia
Lower Post, Lower Post, British Columbia
Port Simpson (Crosby Home for Girls), Port Simpson, British Columbia
St. George's (Lytton), Lytton, British Columbia
St. Mary's (Mission), Mission, British Columbia
St. Michael's (Alert Bay Girls' Home, Alert Bay Boys' Home), Alert Bay, British Columbia
Sechelt, Sechelt, British Columbia
St. Paul's (Squamish, North Vancouver), North Vancouver, British Columbia
Anahim Lake Dormitory (September 1968 to June 1977), Anahim Lake, British Columbia
Manitoba Residential Schools:
Assiniboia (Winnipeg), Winnipeg, Manitoba
Birtle, Birtle, Manitoba
Brandon, Brandon, Manitoba
Churchill Vocational Centre, Churchill, Manitoba
Cross Lake (St. Joseph's, Jack River Annex - predecessor to Notre Dame Hostel), Cross Lake, Manitoba
Dauphin (McKay), The Pas / Dauphin, Manitoba
Elkhorn (Washakada), Elkhorn, Manitoba
Fort Alexander (Pine Falls), Fort Alexander, Manitoba
Guy Hill (Clearwater, The Pas, formerly Sturgeon Landing, SK), The Pas, Manitoba
Norway House United Church, Norway House, Manitoba
Notre Dame Hostel (Norway House Roman Catholic, Jack River Hostel, replaced Jack River Annex at Cross Lake), Norway House, Manitoba
Pine Creek (Camperville), Camperville, Manitoba
Portage la Prairie, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
Sandy Bay, Marius, Manitoba
Northwest Territories Residential Schools:
Immaculate Conception (Aklavik Roman Catholic), Aklavik, NWT
All Saints (Aklavik Anglican), Aklavik, NWT
Fleming Hall (Fort McPherson), Fort McPherson, NWT
Sacred Heart (Fort Providence), Fort Providence, NWT
St. Joseph's (Fort Resolution), Fort Resolution, NWT
Bompas Hall (Fort Simpson Anglican), Fort Simpson, NWT
Lapointe Hall (Fort Simpson Roman Catholic), Fort Simpson, NWT
Breynat Hall (Fort Smith), Fort Smith, NWT
Grandin College, Fort Smith, NWT
Hay River (St. Peter's), Hay River, NWT
Grollier Hall (Inuvik Roman Catholic), Inuvik, NWT
Stringer Hall (Inuvik Anglican Hostel), Inuvik, NWT
Akaitcho Hall (Yellowknife), Yellowknife, NWT
Federal Hostel at Fort Franklin, Déline, NWT
Nova Scotia Residential Schools:
Shubenacadie, Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia
Nunavut Residential Schools:
Chesterfield Inlet (Turquetil Hall), Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut
Federal Tent Hostel at Coppermine, Coppermine, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Baker Lake, Qamani'tuaq, Qamanittuaq, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Belcher Islands, Sanikiluaq, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Broughton Island, Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Cambridge Bay, Cambridge Bay, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Cape Dorset, Kinngait, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Eskimo Point, Arviat, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Frobisher Bay (Ukkivik), Iqaluit , Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Igloolik, Igloolik/Iglulik, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Lake Harbour, Kimmirut, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Pangnirtung (Pangnirtang), Pangnirtung / Panniqtuuq, Nunavut
Federal Hostel at Pond Inlet, Mittimatalik, Nunavut
Ontario Residential Schools:
Bishop Horden Hall (Moose Fort, Moose Factory), Moose Island, Ontario
Cecilia Jeffrey (Kenora, Shoal Lake), Kenora, Ontario
Chapleau (St. John's), Chapleau, Ontario
Cristal Lake High School (September 1, 1976 to June 30, 1986)
Fort Frances (St. Margaret's), Fort Frances, Ontario
Fort William (St. Joseph's), Fort William, Ontario
McIntosh, McIntosh, Ontario
Mohawk Institute, Brantford, Ontario
Mount Elgin (Muncey, St. Thomas), Munceytown, Ontario
Pelican Lake (Pelican Falls), Sioux Lookout, Ontario
Poplar Hill, Poplar Hill, Ontario
St. Anne's (Fort Albany), Fort Albany, Ontario
St. Mary's (Kenora, St. Anthony's), Kenora, Ontario
Shingwauk (Wawanosh Home), Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Spanish Boys School (Charles Garnier, St. Joseph's, formerly Wikwemikong Industrial), Spanish, Ontario
Spanish Girls School (St. Joseph's, St. Peter's, St. Anne's formerly Wikwemikong Industrial), Spanish, Ontario
Stirland Lake High School/Wahbon Bay Academy (September 1, 1971 to June 30, 1991)
Wawanosh Home (January 1, 1879 to August 5, 1892), Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Québec Residential Schools:
Amos (Saint-Marc-de-Figuery), Amos, Québec
Pointe Bleue, Pointe Bleue, Québec
La Tuque, La Tuque, Québec
Fort George (St. Philip's), Fort George, Québec
Fort George (St. Joseph's Mission, Résidence Couture, Sainte-Thérèse-de-l'Enfant-Jésus), Fort George, Québec
Sept-Îles (Notre-Dame, Maliotenam), Sept-Îles, Québec
Federal Hostel at George River, Kangirsualujjuaq, Québec
Federal Hostel at Great Whale River (Poste-de-la-Baleine), Kuujjuaraapik / Whapmagoostui, Québec
Federal Hostel at Payne Bay (Bellin), Kangirsuk, Québec
Federal Hostel at Port Harrison (Inoucdjouac, Innoucdouac), Inukjuak, Québec
Fort George Hostels (September 1, 1975 to June 30, 1978), Fort George, Québec
NEW Mistassini Hostels (September 1, 1971 to June 30, 1978)
Saskatchewan Residential Schools:
Beauval (Lac la Plonge), Beauval, Saskatchewan
Crowstand, Kamsack, Saskatchewan
File Hills, Balcarres, Saskatchewan
Fort Pelly, Fort Pelly, Saskatchewan
Gordon's, Gordon's Reserve, Punnichy, Saskatchewan
Lebret (Qu'Appelle, Whitecalf, St. Paul's High School), Lebret, Saskatchewan
Marieval (Cowesess, Crooked Lake), Grayson, Saskatchewan
Muscowequan (Lestock, Touchwood), Lestock, Saskatchewan
Prince Albert (Onion Lake Church of England, St. Alban's, All Saints, St. Barnabas, Lac La Ronge), Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan
Round Lake, Stockholm, Saskatchewan
St. Anthony's (Onion Lake Roman Catholic), Onion Lake, Saskatchewan
St. Michael's (Duck Lake), Duck Lake, Saskatchewan
St. Philip's, Kamsack, Saskatchewan
Sturgeon Landing (Predecessor to Guy Hill, MB), Sturgeon Landing, Saskatchewan
Thunderchild (Delmas, St. Henri), Delmas, Saskatchewan
Cote Improved Federal Day School (September 1928 to June 1940), Kamsack, Saskatchewan
Battleford Industrial School (December 1883 to May 1914), Battleford, Saskatchewan
Yukon Residential Schools:
Carcross (Chooutla), Carcross, Yukon
Coudert Hall (Whitehorse Hostel/Student Residence - Predecessor to Yukon Hall), Whitehorse, Yukon
Shingle Point (Predecessor to All Saints, Aklavik), Shingle Point, Yukon
Whitehorse Baptist, Whitehorse, Yukon
Yukon Hall (Whitehorse/Protestant Hostel), Whitehorse, Yukon
St. Paul's Hostel (September 1920 to June 1943), Dawson City, Yukon.
~ Early map showing diocesan boundaries and Indian and Inuit Residential Schools of the Church of England in Canada” 1952. 3.½ x 5in.
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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FACT: The last Residential School closed in 1996!!!!
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uniquelyindigenous · 4 years ago
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Pray, this is going to be a hard one ❤️
I’m sorry I’ve been silent for awhile, I’ve been going through a lot.
But I’m back ❤️
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