#trying to populate this blog before i kick it off
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thecedarchronicle · 1 year ago
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practicing drawing horses again w/ best girl
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songofmadness · 9 months ago
Ok, Part 2: the Screaming Continues, I guess. Let’s have a quick look at the plot of NWN1. I’ve never actually played it, mostly because I was a bitty thing with no money when it came out, and now I’m old(ish) and the graphics are just below the level that my eyeballs can safely handle. So what I’ve been able to gather is from wikis and off the cuff mentions in various blogs. It was surprisingly hard to piece together, so if anyone can recommend a decent walkthrough, that’d be lovely. Alright, lets go...
Herein lies: an outsiders retelling of the plot of NWN1, with much rage-fueled flailing and confusion. There is a plague.
((This is Fine, I'm sure the subsequent games will at least take vague note of the fact that even a conservative third of the population suddenly dying is going to massively destabilise the economy and might very well lead to a decades long decline...)) Plague is being deliberately caused by BBEG1 Desther, at the behest of BBEG2, who is acting on behalf of BBEG3 the Evil Lizard Queen Morag.
(How do we know she's evil? It's literally right there in her name, in at least half the sources I tracked down trying to figure out this mess. She's a female lizard with epic teeth in a position of power! Of course she's evil. Also a slaveowner, because gods forbid we have a single instance of the Old Ones not being slavemongering shitweasels. That would be like having a Fantasy Desert Kingdom that isn't equally slavery themed! Can't be having that.) Desther's takedown leads to the remarkably stupid miscarriage of justice that is Fenthick's kneejerk execution. Dude just had shitty taste in friends, that really shouldn't be a hanging offence. But still, that's probably the best example of "medieval justice system" I've come across in any Forgotten Realms. Oh, were you standing adjacent to the guy who offended the Powers That Be? Too bad, good sir, you're dead now. And maybe your entire extended family with you! Fun.
Aribeth goes understandably apeshit due to her boyfriend's unjust execution (isn't the main religion of Neverwinter Tyr? Wut?), ELQ Morag whispers some probably quite reasonable sweet nothings in her ear -- "They killed your man, honey. Come to the darkside, we have cookies bloody vengeance!" -- and Aribeth nopes on out to lead an army of Luskans against Neverwinter.
Except. Why is Luskan now involved?? Other than the obvious reason: It Is Always Loki Luskan.
Long story short (and omitting at least six hours of me howling at my laptop), Luskan invades Neverwinter in 1372 as the grand culmination of NWN1's plot. Because.... reasons. IDFK. Why was Luskan even there? 
More to the point, why did Aribeth automatically seize upon Luskan as the best chance of achieving her vengeance? Because: 
1) she’d been in direct opposition against Luskan forces for ages, surely there had to be some kind of pushback against the Great Champion of Neverwinter suddenly showing up to take command, and 
2) Luskan’s kind of at a massive lowpoint right about then. Or at least they SHOULD BE. They’ve been kicked out of Ruathym (yet again) by the all powerful Lord’s Alliance, and they’re just finishing up a wildly unsuccessful five years trying to invade Mintarn and Orlumber. I don’t even know where that is, but I do know that five years of throwing your men away on nothing doesn’t leave you with much of a fighting force to play with.
Actually, also 3) This is right after Arklem Greeth goes full lich and reassumes control of both the Hosttower and the High Captains. Luskan has had a shit few years decades and now Daddy is home, and angry, and no one is getting away with nonsense right now. Why is Arklem F’ing Greeth handing this super a N g E r Y paladin/blackguard lady an army? Even if he wanted to (for the lulz, perhaps) how does he have YET ANOTHER ARMY to spare?
*deep breath* Ok. Ok, backing away from the Luskans for a minute. Before I actually start screaming. The ongoing nightmare that is Luskan can have it’s own post.
Right, anyway, Luskan invades, is foiled by the magnificent Hero of Neverwinter (very recently the sole graduate of their adventuring class!), Lizard Queen is also vanquished and Aribeth either dies or is later executed by her former friends. Nasher is so hacked off by this entire chain of events that he suppresses all information regarding this fuckery. Nevermind that he’s at least partly to blame - why did the KC get a lawyer despite being accused of mass murder and not Fenthick, who just assumed guilty by association? Excuse me, Tyr? Wut? And then....
World reset, I guess. I just. I have been in or adjacent to the SCA for long enough that even though my focus is very much not combat centred I have learned Much About War. Because that is often all anybody bloody talks about. And because I don't particularly care about combat itself, I generally meander off into "Ok, so there was this battle and this battle and this ten year stalemate in that region... what did that do to trade/the availability of dyestuffs for the next twenty odd years?" Because ultimately I just wanna dye some period accurate wool.
My painfully meandering point here is that the civilizations don't just bounce back after a war. They don't bounce back after a plague either. Especially one as virulent as the Wailing Death was meant to be. Every bit of lore I could scrounge about it keeps saying that "the [majority of the populace of Neverwinter] were dead or dying within a tenday". Wut?
How the hell is the city ever meant to recover from that? How is Neverwinter even functional as a city two years later? Where did all the new citizens come from? Where is the violent economic downturn stemming from the sudden traumatic loss of most of the previous citizens??
And why is Neverwinter accepting Luskan ambassadors TWO YEARS LATER?? Because lets not forget, I got into this mess trying to write a story set in NWN2. WHICH TAKES PLACE JUST TWO YEARS LATER. SOMEHOW.
Further rants about the aftermath of war and/or plague in medieval society to follow…
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emimothvine · 4 years ago
📂 I love your headcanons so much!!!
Thank <3 I hope you know that every time I see your username it makes me happy. 
TW: Mitsuki is a terrible fucking parent.
Every time Katsuki is forced to come back home for a visit, his mother decides to watch the news instead of her usual soap operas. Her favorite channel is one garnered towards young heroes and hero-hopefuls specifically, and she never fails to turn up the volume when they inevitably start talking shit about her son. He’s been one of their favorite topics ever since the sports festival, and Kamino only made it worse.
They call him unstable, volatile, and dangerous. They suggest that he went with the villains willingly and that he had a hand in All Might’s downfall. They spit poison and hate, claim to fear for the safety of those around him - and in the same breath they shove it under a guise of concern for his mental health. As if they didn’t just waste ten minutes verbally eviscerating his character.
Mitsuki likes to send him blog posts, too. And articles. She texts him links throughout the week, all written by either fake-worried parents or alleged “professionals.” It hurts him, having everything she says about him confirmed through writing. It feels like dozens of tiny needles slowly digging their way through his chest, into his heart.
He still reads all of it. Listens to everything they have to say. He doesn’t know why; he doesn’t want to see this - doesn’t even need to, really. He already knows he’s bad, knows what to expect with every familiar ping of his phone. But for some reason, there’s this thing in his gut, this pull urging him to look, look at that. It tells him to read and to re-read; to hear it all and see it all a hundred times over; to dissect every word.
When he’s home, it’s all she talks about outside of reprimands and strange, bipolar bullshit with his father. His father, who sits silently as she pokes and prods at everything that makes Katsuki bad and wrong; who tells him that she loves him. Wants what’s best for him. His father, who tells the prettiest lies.
(And her husband, too, whom she calls a pushover and a coward. Whom she scolds relentlessly for every mistake and every weakness, and then laughs at when he tries to change. Katsuki isn’t like Masaru. Katsuki won’t change a damn thing for her, no matter the hurt. He isn’t like Masaru, because cruelty is all she’s ever given him, and he refuses to fight for something that isn’t there.)
(No, he won’t seek her kindness or her affection. He doesn’t need something as superficial as his mother’s love to succeed.)
(And yet.)
(And yet he’ll never admit to the bitter ache he feels when he hears her tell Masaru she loves him.)
When Katsuki has the nerve to snap back, to match her loud volume, or (when he’s feeling particularly daring) to raise his voice first, she slaps him. But Katsuki doesn’t care - she smacks him all the time. What really gets under his skin is the question that follows, the “you gonna try to fuck me up like you did that gravity bitch at the festival?” Fuck, does it piss him off.
All of this, every word and hit and passive-aggressive taunt, her way of saying “See? The world agrees with me. You can’t be who you are and still be a hero.”
Katsuki refuses to believe the second part. But the first? Yeah. He’s a piece of shit. Makes sense that the world would hate him. He can’t say he likes himself much either.
...What Katsuki doesn’t realize is that Mitsuki’s sources are a load of bullshit.
That news channel? Filled with misogynists and homophobes and just about every brand of bigot out there. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone that actually takes them seriously - not in this day and age.
The blogs, the articles? She has to spend hours scrounging the internet to find people stupid enough to bash her son. And when she does, the comments are either filled with angry fans of his, or the comment section has been deleted entirely.
Katsuki doesn’t know that after the sports festival, UA went under fire from all directions. Furious parents, angry teenagers, various news outlets. The school was canceled on Twitter, and the hashtag was trending for a solid four weeks before the internet calmed the fuck down.
Then Kamino happened, and All Might fell. That one reporter that questioned Katsuki’s morality got demoted after a petition to have them fired received over a hundred thousand signatures. UA was canceled yet again, and it was even worse this time - because All Might’s fall is big news, and it was inevitable that its reach extended past Japanese borders. The whole world caught wind of All Might’s end, and with it the story of the boy who was stolen from right under the heroes’ noses. The infamous scene from the sports festival spilled across international borders, along with speculation that this was the reason villains targeted Katsuki in the first place.
And the fucking. Backlash. Good lord.
A couple thousand Katsuki stan accounts were created to go along with the dozens he had before, and anti-UA hashtags were trending in France and Russia for at least two days. UA ended up releasing a public apology for their actions at the sports festival and their negligence at the training camp (neither of which are seen by Katsuki, courtesy of his mother).
His classmates make jokes, sometimes, about all his “fans.” But Katsuki thinks they’re just that: jokes. He sees people staring at him on the street, and he assumes their looks come from a place of disgust. He knows that people are intimidated by him, but he doesn’t know that their trepidation goes hand-in-hand with their admiration - he’s powerful, to them, and he’s been through some shit. But he’s still standing tall and proud and unshakeable. He burns so brightly, and he has this air about him that makes you want him to like you, to be impressed by you - and that makes people nervous.
That was way longer than I intended, what the fuck.
tl;dr Katsuki thinks that the public hates him way more than they actually do, and thus does not realize that half of Japan’s population (plus a small percentage of the rest of the world) hardcore stans his oblivious ass.
(He finally starts to figure it out when some douchebag on the train starts heckling him, and he stays quiet because he’s learned by now that lashing out will make it worse.)
(He does not expect an enraged five-year-old girl to show up out of nowhere and kick that motherfucker in the shin.)
(He also does not expect for half the train car to back her up. Loudly.)
(All he can do is stare in blatant astonishment as a crowd of complete strangers rises to his defense; as some random teenagers approach his gaping visage and tell him to ignore that bastard, that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, that his opinion means shit.)
(And Katsuki doesn’t know what this is - if it’s pity, if he should be angry - but it makes his chest burn and his eyes sting and for once, he thinks, it’s okay. Doing nothing and watching in heart-wrenching astonishment - it’s all okay.)
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darealsaltysam · 4 years ago
what your paladins main says about you
a comprehensive essay by a paladins player of right around 4 years
this is like really long so i’ll make it under the cut so my followers don’t have to scroll through this if they don’t wanna
(for context i’m a current maeve main, i used to main skye and sha lin and played tyra a long while ago)
it’s not a phase, mum
“i don’t care we don’t have healer, i’m really good at him i swear”
you ult every time it loads in and you die before the final shot
your favorite mode is siege because you can fly up and shoot the whole point on ult
you’re usually really stand-offish and don’t communicate much and/or a 13 year old boy with anger issues
you are level-headed but in a scary way
you will hold the point solo even if it costs you your streak
“get on the point” “guys get on the point” “attack the objective”
you’ll ult to save yourself 99% of the time
good leader
you probably used to main lex or androxus before he came out
“he’s like a flank, but a tank, he’s great!”
you chase after solo kills instead of sticking to the point
healers hate you, flanks and damages fear you
your favorite mode is death match
you’re a former/current tf2 player looking for something fresh
you don’t like working too hard so you spam turrets on the point and hope for the best
“healer stick to me i’m boutta ult”
actually really nice between rounds
but you don’t communicate much mid-game and kind of do your thing
Bomb King
you’re a really old player. you have the beta makoa skin and you were there when lex was first released. veteran’s discount.
your favorite maps are the old ones and they barely show up any more
the team always underestimates you
“who plays bomb king in 2021 lol?”
you need a hug
“wait, he’s a flank? i thought he was a tank??”
you’re also a veteran in the game
you’re a dying breed. i like never see you. do you even exist?
you’ve been here since like the first day of the game
buck gets so many skins and you want all of them but the best you have is a random recolor
sweetest person alive
“we can do it guys! let’s try to all rush the point this time!”
you are the bane of every flank
the opposing team hates you, your own team kind of doesn’t notice you’re there
*casually gets a pentakill*
you know those weirdly political kids who like ww2 and know the details of every tank to ever exist? yeah that’s you
but like that’s corvus. as a character.
but no one ever plays him.
like i never even see him do you exist???
you are a cryptid.
yo ho you’re a hoe
no seriously the other team views you and they FEAR you
“yeah i just got a penta kill” “YOU WHAT?” “eyes on the point mate don’t get distracted”
hella good at the game and hella casual about it
you like onslaught on the one sea map the most
another veteran, are we?
you’re either useless or can wipe out a whole team in seconds. there is no in-between.
you always have a really cool skin.
dovahkiin, dovahkiin...
“i don’t care about the point i gotta get them trips”
you bought her because you thought she was cute, admit it
*turns into ice right before dying* *turns into ice right before dying* *turns into ice right be
your personality type is identical to her. no question about that.
always buys faster reload and better speed
strangely good communication with the team
gay gay homosexual gay
“he’s kinda hot if you look at him the right way”
fernando is the tank for gay people
you are gay people
i don’t have much more to say
mum energy. not as much as inara mains, but still, mum energy.
will protect every member of the team with your life, even the flanks
you’ve been maining her since she was first added
i bet you didn’t even know she’s canonically seris’ sister
“we’ve literally failed to capture the point the last 3 times we might as well give up and go to another game”
“yeah i have a gremlincore tumblr blog, how could you tell?”
i honestly have no words
you’re kind of like a catboy but a racoon
do you even heal the team or do you just pretend
you were there when lex got announced and thought he was cringe, now everyone finally agrees with you
he was your first purchased character and he’s stuck around ever since
he’s the only healer you can play well
“i am groot lmao”
you would never say a word to your team
would give your life for the tank but that’s about it
daenerys targaryen on drugs
your favorite anime is my hero academia
your husbando is todoroki
you see where i am going with this
“team protect me i’m gonna ult” *dies 5 seconds into ult*
your team is your family. you will protect them with your life.
can only hold your own with a good healer so you have good teamwork going for you
*cutely places wall in front of your ult*
useless in tdm so you stick to onslaught, siege and koth
are you a furry, furry, or a furry?
“victow! dont ult on my tweam pwease! uwu!”
you 100% find her attractive in some way shape or form
you are either a 30 year old redditor who enjoys loli content or a 16 year old teen who is playing a shooter for the first time
she’s kind of cute, i guess
i can never tell if i’m going to absolutely destroy you or if you’re gonna kick my ass
*cutely holds you up so the whole team can shoot you to death*
you’re a healer??? i guess???
your character has such deep lore and i bet you don’t even know half of it
one day you were playing and your team desperately needed a tank. you picked the first one you saw. suddenly, you’re lian’s foot stool
despite 2 layers of heavy armor, you’d still let this man walk all over you
“this skin is really cool, wish it wasn’t behind a pay wall...”
you actually know the game’s lore, for some reason
i never trust people who are good at a sniper. if you’re bad that’s natural and you’re 99% of the population. if you’re good you are definitely up to something
you’d sell your sister for 5 pennies if you could
you’re missing from the team all game and somehow have the most kills
“we have a kinessa???”
you are an urban legend to your team
someone’s been watching naruto
you are so shit at the game. like i’m sorry. no one’s good at koga i’m so sorry
how do you have so many skins for one character???
you’re always missing from the point
healers hate you. so does the enemy kinessa.
quit the game /nm
“who mains lex in 2021??? lmao???”
wall hacks, aimbot, and it’s all legal for you as an ability. you are a hacker in a world of puny vanillas. you like it easy so you go for the easy min max character. have fun getting hated
you think he’s hot and press on his loading abilities just so he can scold you and you can hear him being mad at you
*bonk* go to horny jail
"she could step on me”
you used to main some sort of healer but switched over when you got sick of everyone being needy
you can hold a point all on your own for a really really long time but the moment your team gets there you start flunking
you wish you had more skins for her
you don’t
so imagine this. it was like 2018 and you were just chilling playing the game. you kept getting killed by maeve. in every game. she was in every game you went to and she kept killing you over and over and over again. you got frustrated, snapped, and bought her to see if you could do the same to others. you are now the maeve in every game. the cycle repeats.
your whole team doubts you but then you casually get a quad kill and they just sort of look away
you die a total of two times each round and 99% of the time it’s because you go too fast and fall off the map
you repeat everything she says in her accent because you think it’s cute
“welcome to ze meant streets, kitten!” “can you shut the fuck up” “i hate to cut and run, he-he!”
you have the plushie skin or the beta skin, otherwise you don’t main and only play casually stop lying to yourself
“attack turtle go brrr”
you’re really good if you get paired with a good healer
otherwise you’re useless
you wish you could get better teammates because you could really thrive with an organized group. but on paladins you won’t get that, i’m sorry-
i always forget this guy is even in the game
you’re definitely under 6 foot IRL
you have an older sibling you always fight with
you’d love to have a snake irl
you’re really chill outside of the game, but when playing you hella rage
you are so precious
but also such a little shit
you annoy me but i also want to give you a hug
“let’s go guys!! to the point!! wheee!!”
please never change but also get out of my sight
you always main the new character until the new person drops
somehow always have enough credits to buy the new champion whenever they come out
you don’t like having a stable main cuz you get bored
you like hanging out at the training rage
hate siege and love team death match, you like your games quick
you are the worst and best thing to ever happen to this game
you only pick him to heal yourself and hardly ever heal your team
no one notices you there until you ult
then you get focused
honestly you just seem like you wanna do your thing and i can respect that
you probably go to therapy or desperately need it
you always love the demons in media
you like being in charge of the team and wreck the point any time you are there, you like fighting on your own but having a healer nearby is nice too
you probably have daddy issues
you think ruckus’ and bolt’s dynamic is cool and that’s one of the main reasons you started playing him
he’s the only tank you can play
you used to main either inara or ying at some point but chose violence instead
really short irl. you physically relate to ruckus and spiritually to bolt.
“funny goblin man :)”
certified girlboss
you can hold an objective all on your own or heal your whole team no problem. either way you are SLAYING
“alright. who’s ass am i kicking today?”
mum energy is inferior to inara but still kind of there
i’m like 50% sure you have a foot fetish
Sha Lin
*pointing and chanting* incel, incel, ince-
whether that’s about you or the character you can decide
you like minecraft bedwars on the side
“if i don’t get this headshot i am literally going to spontaneously combust”
really useful when there’s no other long distance people - otherwise a nuisance
AWOOGA *jaw drops to ground, eyes roll out of head* BOOBA BOOBA BOOBA
you bought her for the tiddies, didn’t you?
she’s actually really satisfying to play once you get the hang of her, but can be real tough on rough days
you need a break i think - maybe play some other game for a bit?
*casually gets team kill with ult*
you own at least one pretty knife
you played him when he was unlocked on rotation, fell in love, and spent a whole evening collecting credits to buy him fully
“haha bird man”
i’ve said what i said about snipers. if you’re actually good at him you are hiding a body somewhere. i fear you.
why does everyone ship him with viktor????
little furry child
he reminds me of tommyinnit because he is small and annoying
if you play him you are tall and intimidating 
i’m friends with a tall scary talus main
i can’t say bad things please spare me
you always ult at the worst time and just get killed again 5 seconds after
“hey losers watch this” *goes on the point, dies, revives, kills one person and dies again*
you’re only a good tank if you cooperate
you don’t
on your own you’re a pretty good player
you think the cat is hot, don’t you?
“his accent is kinda cute tho hehe”
you saw that one ending scene in zootopia with the dancing tigers and it CHANGED you
you are probably a furry. if not your awakening is coming. be ready.
you’ve been playing this game for too long
you’ve seen skins rise and fall. you’ve seen nerfs and buffs. you’ve seen reworks and remakes. you are ancient. older than the dragons and wiser than makoa. respect.
people see you on the opposing team and get really annoyed
“the point is really crowded, we can’t move in” “don’t worry guys, my ult is charged up”
you’re really good at all the characters but you like this guy a lot because you think he’s funky fresh
you’re either new to the game or have been playing for too long
either way you can KICK ASS but you need to keep behind your team to do the most damage
flanks are the bane of you, especially the fast jumpy ones
you really want one of the cooler skins but you can only ever get the basic ones. such is the curse of maining one of the OG characters.
“bite me”
you are level 100+ guaranteed, and everyone fears you
“oh shit they got a victor. flank focus him”
you probably play COD and CS:GO normally and wanted to go with something familiar and easy. your skill from the other more advanced games DWARFS everyone else
but why are you playing “guy with gun 132″ in a game with magical elves and fairies. like come on bro.
you don’t have any in-game friends because paladins is your guilty pleasure game you would never admit to
“step on me” syndrome cranked up to 100%
this woman could spit on you and you’d still respect her more than your own mother. good for you
“i’m not a simp. i’m just tier 3 subbed to pokimane ironically”
you sweat the game hardcore. former victor main or he’s your secondary.
you’ve got her on level 50+ at least
like the maeve mains but somehow worse
bought her out of spite or played her while she was on rotation, now here you are grinding credits for her a day after she became unavailable
honestly you’re really good at the game i have nothing else to say
you enjoy the newer characters more than the OGs - you’re either a former vivian or lian main
you miss the play of the game feature in the game because you’d get all of them with this girl
you seem like the moji mains at first but show your true colors soon after
“fuck you” x50
you are a trash talker on max overdrive. you need to sit down, do some breathing exercises and have a drink.
you hate your own team more than the opposing guys
when you see a willow on the opposing team you make it your sole goal to eliminate her as many times as humanely possible
i bet you didn’t know she was canonically female until you read this
you don’t like sweating too much so you pick the tank that leaves you heavily relying on your healers and damages
you can hold a point really well so you like siege and onslaught
“are vora and yagorath connected in the lore somehow and do i really care?”
you have a friend who you always party up with to be your healer, otherwise you might switch to another character
“tanks love me, flanks hate me”
you are too powerful. literally. how are you so strong
you’ve mastered the most difficult healer in the game. the others are really easy for you to play but you have trouble with seris
motivate your team a lot but start shading and trash talking if they don’t cooperate
you’ll gladly play someone else for a long while and like taking breaks from her
this is your first main after switching over from overwatch. we can smell it on you.
you’re really annoyed with his personality and voice lines but the character is too good to play for you to pass him up for that. you respond to his voice lines aloud very aggressively to let him know he’s an ass
you try your best but you’re not a great team player
infinite trips on a good day, die repeatedly without kills on a bad one and you switch over to vora or skye for a bit.
this took me hours to write out pls leave reblog and note thanks uwu
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liliesoftherain · 5 years ago
Ground Zero reads Thirst Tweets
A/N: Hey guys, this is a collab with @pinky-the-elephant-room​ !! This is the first part, and the second part can be found here! Her part is NSFW so since i’m a SFW blog we thought it would be best to split the parts! So here’s my contribution! 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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You walked inside the studio, thanking the heavens that it was cooler than it was outside. Greeting the producers of the setup, you gladly made your way by the set to see two stools placed side-by-side in front of a blue backdrop. 
“Hello, Seize-san! Thank you so much for coming in today, I am Hana and I’m here to help you through this!” You grinned at the young woman who walked up to you. She was short stature and plump figure and gave off the impression of a warm and welcoming personality. Instantly putting you at ease.
“Thank you so much for having me! It’s an honor to be showcased here, along with another hero! You guys are truly kind to grant the opportunity to work alongside you, and please, call me (l/n).”
She nodded enthusiastically, grinning at the praise from such a top hero as yourself. 
“Thank you again, (l/n)-san, come let’s get you ready for the camera! Are you in need of anything to drink, anything to snack on?”
“No ma’am, I am fine! I’m just ready for the shoot!”
“As is your partner!”
You both shared a laugh, both knowing the person you were recording with today was the opposite of ready for this.
“Oh, I’m sure that is the case, ma’am, where is he by the way?”
“He’s right behind you, stupid.”
You turned to see the annoyed blonde behind you, being escorted to the seating area close to where you were being led.
“Ah Ground Zero, good to see you haven’t blown anything up yet.”
“Shove off, hurry up so we can get this over with.”
You laughed, waving him off as the members looked on with concern.
“Don’t be rude, Bakugou! I’ll be there with you soon enough; all you have to do is be good and wait for me.” You winked, eyeing him up and down before turning back around, allowing Hana to guide you off towards your station to get ready. 
The makeup artists just refreshed your makeup and made you ready for the video. You came out of the dressing room, dressed in your usual hero costume but looking less like you’ve been running through the streets of Tokyo. Bakugou was in usual costume but without his hand gauntlet. 
 “Okay you two, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to come on set and do this showing. These tweets are real, and we just want your genuine reaction from them! We’ll try to limit the cuts to be able to ensure that real response, and don’t be afraid to let loose! These are Thirst Tweets for a reason!”
You laughed along with everyone else, except Bakugou who looked a little annoyed by the entire thing. You gave him a slight shove with your shoulders, biting your lip subtly as his gaze locked onto yours. 
“Cheer up already, this is supposed to be fun. What, do you not want to be here with me?” 
“That’s not--Shut up, shitty woman. Just get ready.” he huffed, glancing away from your stare as he mumbled back.
“Okay, starting in 3, 2…,” The cameraman pointed instead of saying one, signaling the tape was now rolling. You beamed at the camera, working your charm as you gave a little wave.
“Hi, guys! I’m, (l/n) (y/n), or better yet, Seize!”
“And I’m Bakugou Katsuki, Ground Zero.”
“And today we’re reading…,” you trailed off, looking expectantly at your partner.
“Thirst Tweets.”
“You could be a little more enthusiastic you know.”
“Oi, shut it!”
You giggle, looking deviously at the camera before swiping his mug-shaped container.
“Oi, what are you-”
“Let’s see what people are saying about our dear Ground Zero, hm? That’s alright with everyone else, right?”
The crew joyfully agreed at the twist, and with their approval, you shoved your container in Katsuki’s chest.
“All right, let’s see,” You snorted, slapping Bakugou’s shoulder as you read the first tweet, “‘I would love to be able to rip that Hero suit right off of Ground Zero and rub my face along those God-like abs. Can a man be any hotter!? Have you seen his moobs!? *dROOLING*”
“Ha!?” Bakugou looked at the tweet with narrowed eyes before looking back at the camera, “Do you know how expensive this hero suit is!? You ain't ripping shit! Plus, what the hell are moobs?”
“Oh Bakugou, half of the world's population would love to rip that suit off, myself included. Plus, those are your man boobs, and they are absolutely correct, you have the best titties I have ever seen!” You winked at the camera while throwing the paper over your shoulder, “NEXT!”
You gave your bucket a good shake, making eye contact with the confused blonde who was still stuck on your last comment.
“‘Y’all don’t understand what I would do just to have @GroundZero to choke me with a gloved hand. Or do anything to me really. He could hit me with his car, repeated use his quirk on me, give me paper cuts all over my body and throw me into a pool of lemon juice, and I’d beg for some more like yes zaddy **** my ***** up!,’ OH MY GOD.” You used one hand to hold your mouth in amusement, putting the bucket between your thighs so you could show the tweet with your now free hand. 
“You have some pretty kinky fans, Bakugou,” you teased, waving the paper in his face as he grabbed your wrist to hold it steady, staring in disbelief.
“You all are disgusting, why in the fuck would anyone do that to you? Let alone me, who the hell do you think I am!?”
“I mean, you can’t judge, can you?” 
He snaps his head to look at you, a heated glare on his face.
“The hell, of course, I can judge! These people want me to torture them, sick bastards.”
You laughed as Bakugou sucked in a sharp breath between clenched cheeks, you were thoroughly enjoying his discomfort. 
“NEXT!” You shouted, crumbling the paper and tossing it at Bakugou.
“How many of these are there?” He sighed, looking in your bucket in his hands and shaking it around.
“With the way you look there are bound to be a ton.”
“‘If I were only able to take just Ground Zero’s jaw out on a date, I’d never be happier’ Oh that one isn’t so bad-”
“My jaw? What the hell-” He looked over your shoulder, reading the tweet.
You looked up and stared at the blessed jawline.
“That’s what it says, but I gotta disagree,” You grabbed his arm and squeezed it while smirking deviously into the camera, “These arms are better, I’d take these bad boys out for coffee over his jaw any day.”
Instead of shaking you off, you swore you felt Bakugou flex slightly under your hold and couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that overtook your face as you stared up at him through your eyelashes.
“Are you flexing, Ground Zero?”
“HAH!? NO WAY, READ THE NEXT DAMN TWEET AND GET OFF OF ME ALREADY.” He snatched his arm from your hold as you waved him off, grabbing the last tweet from the container.
“Aw guess there weren’t as many as I thought, we’re already reaching the end-”
“Good because I’m tired of these wackjobs.”
You scanned over the paper, unable to contain yourself as you busted out laughing. You knew Bakugou was glaring at you, but you couldn’t help it, you almost fell off your chair, having to once again grab his arm for support.
“This, I just- Oh my God, Bakugou you’re-HA!”
“Can you knock it off and read it before I blow your ass up!” He hissed at you, and you knew you shouldn’t have made the situation any worse than it was- but sometimes you can’t help yourself.
“Damn, I mean if you really wanna tap this ass Bakugou, how can I say no~?”
He growled lowly, glaring harshly at your face as you only winked in response. 
“Watch it, (l/n)-”
“‘Ive always been straight BUT i wish ground zero would rip me apart like he did to tht one moth villain, n after tht I have literally never questioned my sexuality so hard, I would let tht man bury his **** so far inside my *** tht i become the Queen of the f**king gays, all hail to me, GZ’s b**tch.Thts it. Thts the tweet.’ HAA.”
You felt Bakugou tense beside you, and when you looked over you saw him shaking in anger.
“Oh what, it’s charming!” You slowed your laughter down to measly chuckles, catching your breath as you were wiping tears from your eyes.
“How is that god damn charming!?” He seethed.
“You know, I can see it.”
“See what?”
“You being gay-”
You look back to the camera and give an innocent shrug.
“He could've fooled me, I swear I saw him checking out Deku a few missions back-” A small explosion cut you off, and you rolled your eyes.
“So dramatic, it’s no big deal. I check out Deku all the time too.”
“You fucking what?”
“Oh yea, I mean I check out Shoto too but Deku’s got a cute ass. What can I say-”
“You’re fucking pathetic.” He huffed, snapping his gaze away from where you sat.
“Sorry, was I overstepping? I’ll leave your man alone!” You teased, poking his thigh as you did.
“Goddammit (l/n), I’m not fucking gay for Deku!” He swatted your hand away, scooting as far away as he could from you.
Which wasn’t very far, seeing as he made no effort to move the stools away from each other.
“So you’re gay for-”
“Okay okay!! Just read my tweets already, I know they’re getting antsy watching us just talk about your closeted sexuality!”
You could practically see a vein popping out of his neck, and even though you were sure he was picturing murdering you in his mind, you couldn’t help but think of how sexy it was.
You watched as he unenthusiastically pulled out a piece of paper, bored eyes scanning till they narrowed.
“You’re fucking fans are worse than mine.”
“What! Read it, I wanna hear!”
“Do I have to-”
You cut him off with a sharp look of your own, wearing him down until he sighed and did as he was supposed to. 
“‘I would pay any amount of money, or literally give up any organ-appendix, spleen, gallbladder, lungs, my damn heart, just so Seize can spit on my face and call me a worthless, good-for-nothing loser, then kick my body and walk away. It would be my honor and my greatest life accomplishment.’” He threw the paper in front of him as if it were burning his skin, once again staring at the camera in disgust.
“Wow,” You giggled, “I don’t even know how to respond. I don’t really think that’s worse than yours Bakugou, but thanks I guess?” 
“Thanks!? That’s all you’re going to say? How about I kick your ass and call you a worthless shithead myself, would that turn on all you perverts watching this, ha!?” 
You smacked his arm playfully as you tried to get him to calm down, but his heavy breathing was an indication he wasn’t having it.
“I’m sure it would-,” His head whipped to face you and you clicked your tongue at his behavior.
“Oh, c’mon don’t be a prude, these are juicy and I for one wanna keep hearing them! So, hurry up and read another one before you blow a gasket.”
“Whatever, this is fucking stupid.”
“Alright stupid, just keep going.”
He side-eyed you, grinding his teeth together in what you assumed was to hold back even more vulgar insults.
“‘Don’t kink shame me..’” Bakugou paused, a long sigh coming from him as he reluctantly continued, “...’Don’t kink shame me but it’s my goal in life to die by @Seizes thighs. Her thighs are so strong but soft looking and I swear they can crush me in an instant-’”
“Ohh that’s true. These can crush anyone.” You slapped your thighs for emphasis, a cheeky grin playing on your lips.
“Are you seriously proud of that?” He deadpanned at your joyful expression.
“Uh, yeah? What, a woman can’t be proud of her thunder thighs of steel! You're just jealous you’re not being crushed by these babies.”
“Why the fuck would I be jealous!?” 
“Cause I have amazing thighs that any man would love to be in between-”
“Next fucking tweet,” Bakugou cut you off, “‘I will eat Seize ass with a spoon, be havin’ that as breakfast, lunch, and dinner n never get tired.’ Okay but seriously what the hell is wrong with you people? With a damn spoon?”
“It’s flattering almost, don’t you think? I would be their favorite meal that they never get tired of,” You look to the camera and wiggle your eyebrows, “I mean I don’t know if I’m down for that, but if you wanna snack sometime, link up with my manager-”
“Absolutely not, don’t give these perverts any more fucking ideas.”
“Okay, dad.”
“Quit being a damn brat and just accept that these are weird and not cute, for fucks sake!”
You look to the crew behind the camera, bowing your head a bit as you spoke.
“Sorry, you’re going to have a lot of bleeps because of this big lug.”
“Read the next tweet,” you extend your words in a whiny voice, “I wanna hear what else people think about me!”
You watched as Bakugou clenched his hand before relaxing, reaching inside to pull out another folded paper.
“‘@Seize is the best ever. Strong and compassionate, honestly my favorite hero by far. She’s giving the other pros a run for their money, good job and keep it up!’. Tch at least we’re done with the weird ass shit. ”
“AWHHH, you guys are so sweet! I don’t know how I match up to other heroes-”
“Tch, she matches up just fine-”
“Well, if we’re talking about boobs, especially if you compare mine to yours, I don’t stand a chance!” You reached a hand over while your body was still facing the front and squeezed one of his pectorals. 
“YOU HAD TO TURN THIS INTO SOMETHING FUCKING STUPID, DIDN’T YOU!?” He jerked away from you; eye twitching as he took ragged breaths.
“What, just stating the truth. Now, c’mon if we had the same number of tweets then this should be my last, why do I have to drag these out of you?”
“Shut the hell up,” He picked out the last piece of paper as he tossed the bucket on the ground, ignoring the way you complained about it. “‘Got damn,’ Holy hell I’m going to lose brain cells, ‘Got damn, Id suck a fart’...’suck a fart out of Seize’s ass and woul beg for more as she suffocates me, no cap. Lick her from those ankles to those thighs n back, I bet she tastes like one of those sour n sweet skittles wid the way she sweaty from beating others asses but good from the way she hot, and dat shit be the best shit u can taste. wont even say sorry, jus flip her over and eat that ass’...’#NomNomNom’”
“Wow, some of you guys are pretty creative. I mean, I can’t tell you what I taste like but if you wanna try it out, lemme know.” You giggled, winking at the camera as you made the ‘call me’ sign with your hands. 
You were waiting for another blow up from the angry blonde beside you but were surprised to see him silent. He was clenching his jaw harder this time around, eyes narrowed in fuming slits and he shook slightly by how hard his body tensed. You were about to ask if he was okay when you got the signal to end it, so you ignored it for the moment as you gave a bright smile to the camera.
“Well, that seems to be the end of this little segment, boo!,” You gave a pout, before smiling again, jumping back up and tossing an arm around your cast-mate, “Thanks for having us on today, and to end on a serious note make sure you’re staying safe out there. We all care about every single one of you, that’s why we do stuff like this, to stay connected! Have fun, be safe, and remember, be heroes! This has been Seize, along with,”
“Ground Zero.”
As soon as it was over, you were thrown off Bakugo’s shoulders as he stood up abruptly. You looked over in worry as he rigidly walked off and you wondered what had went wrong.
During most heavy-duty operations, which are the only type of operations you both worked together, Bakugou was always silent and calculating. He angered easily, and the time to fear him most is becomes quiet. Making a villain piss his pants with his yelling was a skill indeed, but when a villain saw that angered and dark gaze, that’s when they should be terrified. 
You tried to follow him, but you were immediately swarmed by your manager who had apologized for arriving late.
“Yes, it is alright! I understand I was able to start perfectly fine, it’s no trouble at all.”
You didn’t listen to his answer, scanning the crowd to realize you had lost the pro.
“Ne, (l/n)-sama is there something wrong?” 
“No,” You shook your head with a sigh, “Nothing at all.”
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old-hyper-super-clover · 4 years ago
Trouble in Devildom Town, Part 1/3
In this short story, our dear Leviathan is back with another one of his “hey I teleport you Normies into a game world”- kinda games. What will the happen inside the world of the game “Trouble in Terrorist Town”??
This story contains two OCs/ MCs, so if you´d like to know more about the girls Violet and Clover, you can check out their character designs & descriptions on my blog :D
Hope you´ll have fun on this three-parted adventure!
 Approximate reading time: 10~15 minutes
Words: 3.156 words
 It was a calm, neat Saturday evening, when a new message hit the "House of Lamentation" group chat...
GUYS (and girls LOL)
To your room? Seriously?!
I can't remember having Levi calling us over ever before... What's going on??
I do hope for you this matter is worth the ruckus...
We'll be there in a sec!
  And so, the whole mansion's population found themselves in the third-born's room a few minutes later.
"Levi..." Being the last one to step inside the crowded room, Belphegor was rubbing his eyes in a tired manner. "Would you tell us what's going on now...?"
However, Leviathan wasn't really going to answer any of their questions.
Instead, he was prompting his guests to close the door, his gaze drifting over all of them.
Lucifer crossed his arms.
"This maniac expression on your face is highly worrying, Levi," Lucifer said.
Levi turned towards his computer, hectically mashing his keyboard, clicking on several pop-ups that appeared on his monitors, before finally turning around to properly face them.
He wore a crazy smile.
"Dammit, Levi," Mammon burst out, "I'm not in the mood for your weird shi-"
Ignoring him, Levi spoke in his best terrifying voice.
"I welcome you..."
Before anyone could react, he pressed a last key, then the monitors emitted such a strong light that all of them had to close their eyes.
  Slowly able to see again, the nine of them suddenly found themselves in a little shack.
"What... What happened...?" Violet was the first one to take a proper look around. "Where are we?!"
Leviathan's laugh pulled them out of their confusion. He spread his arms triumphantly.
"Welllcome tooo....
Trouble in Terrorist Town, the special, virtual reality but actually it's true reality -edition!!"
"Trouble in... What?" Mammon asked.
"Wait..." Clover was searching for Levi's attention. "I know this game, I've played TTT before. But why are we... really here?"
Satan shot his otaku brother a glare.
"Is this one of your real life games that you are only allowed to leave when you win??"
"Kind of," Levi laughed. "Don't worry though, if you die here, you don't die for real. You'll get kicked into a spectator lobby and we'll all respawn together once the round is over."
The oldest brother gave a stressed sigh.
"Really, now..." Lucifer rubbed his temples in distress. "Why do you always force us into playing your games without asking first...?"
"Well... I feared all of you would say no if I did" Levi responded, actually in a slightly sad tone.
When Lucifer breathed another sigh, they heard Asmo giving a weird squeal.
"Look at our outfits tho~!" he hummed.
He was standing in front of a partly broken mirror, posing while blowing his reflection some hot kisses.
"A simple black, military look, slightly armoured just at the right places... And oh my, tight clothes just show all those curves and perfections of my astonishing body..."
As he was looking around to find someone who would agree with him, his eyes landed on Clover.
"Isn't that right, darling~?"
The girl didn't even look at him.
Instead, she was staring at somebody else with a heavy blush covering her face.
"Y-yeah... Curves and... Perf... Perfection..."
Asmo wouldn't need to, but nonetheless he followed her gaze to find the sixth-born.
Of course, Beelzebub noticed this piercing glare that laid on him, but (fortunately for the girl), he was too pure to correctly interpret the thirst behind it.
"Huh? Clover? Are you not feeling well? You look like you have a fever..."
He hurried over to check that her face was truly burning hot, and of course only getting warmer now that he was this close, in this soldier like, perfect, absolutely stunning uniform that just-
Thankfully, Leviathan saved the girl from passing out.
"The game is about to start soon and you don't even know the rules!!"
With a little frown, Violet leaned against the wooden wall that Satan was already rested against.
"So we're really going to play this crazy game...?" she mumbled so only the blond could hear.
She gained a chuckle.
"I guess so..." Satan whispered. "Although I must say, weird and extreme as they may be, but Levi's games can be quite amusing if you just go with the flow."
She mustered him, then a smile spread on her face as well.
"Well, I guess we should take all the opportunities we can to do crazy stuff while Clover and I are here in the Devildom."
Before Satan could answer, Levi threw a pebble at them.
"You listen as well, Normie!!"
Then, he finally went to explain the rules...
  "In our group of nine, there are three that are not like the rest...
They are traitors.
They work as a trio, trying to kill all the other players in order to win the game.
But who are they, you ask yourself?
Well, that is a thing only they know, and THE thing the innocent one's have to find out.
To their guidance is the almighty detective.
Unlike the traitors, the detective can, or should, reveal his role so that the remaining players, called the 'innocents', can protect him better.
Then, logically, the innocents' and detective's goal is to find the three traitors and eliminate them.
When the game starts, we may run out of this shack and will have additional two minutes to spread over the map. Keep in mind that in those two minutes it is impossible to harm your co-players, but after that, it's time for war.
The map is covered with all sorts of weapons that may help you in the epic fights we will have.
But behold!
Both, the traitors and the detective, have access to special weapon shops, where they can, any time, any place, trade achievement points for super cool, limited items to grant their victory!
On your wrists, a health bar will appear, but you can only see your own. Once your life points reach zero, you will be put into said spectator lobby and may follow the game like ghosties in the sky! Then you will also see who has which role."
 Levi took a look around after having finished.
"Any other questions?"
Belphie raised his hand.
"Do the traitors know who the other traitors are? Or can they kill each other?"
"Very good questions! They know of each other, but they may also kill each other if it gives any tactical advantages. Their goal is to have at least one traitor alive at the end of the game while the rest is dead.
Ah, I forgot to say...! If an innocent person or the detective kills another innocent one, they will die as well, as a penalty."
After a round of silence, everyone looked as if they were ready.
"Good to go?" Levi checked one last time.
Gaining nods as an answer, a big smile grew on Levi's face.
"Alright!!! Then...
Let's begin!!!"
  The players were just about all out of the shack when the game officially started.
A giant countdown manifested in the bright sky of day that, judging by the bright sunlight, must have been the sky of the human world.
Two minutes were slowly ticking down.
Levi was pointing up at the clock...
"After this preparation time starts the overall time of one hour. If that time is over, the innocents will win as well. But for every person the traitors kill, they gain five minutes to add to the counter."
... And then he pointed down on his arm.
"You should all see a role written on here. And the traitors will see two other player's names on here as well."
He gained a round of hesitant nods.
"Our player names are displayed above our heads. Be careful, they might reveal your position if you're not hiding well enough."
They heard Belphie snort with laughter.
He pointed above Mammon's head.
"'StupidMammon'? I like that name, it's better than your real one!"
"Huh?!" Mammon looked up to see it himself. "WhAT?! Levi, did you give me this shitty name AGAIN?!??"
"Lolololol, sorry Mammon, I had to."
Kind of automatically, everyone needed to check their names before doing anything else.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow.
"Most of our names are normal, though... We have Beel, Belphie, I am 'Lucifer' as usual..."
"Yep! I am Levi-chan, and the Normies are Violet-chan and Clover-chan."
"What an honour to have a naming scheme fitting your name," Violet smiled.
"Well, I felt kind today. Don't push your luck, or I'll change it into Normie #1 and Normie #2 for the next round."
O moment later, Satan gave a sigh.
"... Why am I called 'Stan'?"
Levi looked at his name.
"... Oh. Must be a typo lololol"
The others laughed a little, while the Avatar of Wrath tried to contain his displease, but out of all, Asmo seemed to find it the most amusing.
Which was weird, because he was completely ignoring the fact that his nickname wasn't normal either, but there was an extra fat "Ass-mo" written above his head...
 After a round of getting used to the sensation of being inside a video game, Violet clasped her hands to finally get things started.
"Could we get going? There's only less then a minute left before the friendly fire wears off."
Very grateful for helping to get the game going, Levi was about to dismiss everyone, when he remembered one important detail.
"WAIT!!" he screamed.
"What?! I wanna go already...!" Asmo whined.
Levi looked around.
"The most important role!! Who's the detective?!"
Everybody shot each other glances, then, finally, a little "ah!" caught their attention.
Their gazes landed on Mammon.
"There's 'detective' written on my left arm, so I guess it's me?"
"WHAT?!" Levi pressed out. "OH, MAN....! Why does it have to be MAMMON?!"
"Well, I guess the innocents are on their own, then," Satan agreed to Levi's resignation.
"With Mammon as the most powerful innocent, the traitors have a clear advantage," Lucifer agreed, too.
"Aw, maaan, and I was hoping for an exciting first round..." Asmo pouted, of course, in agreement.
The white haired male gave a growl.
"H-hey!!! Don't be like this, I'll kill those traitor bitches in no time!!"
But no one was listening.
In a collective sigh, all the others automatically started to move, not a single soul feeling the need to stick to the one person they knew was one of the good ones.
"Hey!!" Mammon called out again. "Aren't ya innocents s'posed to guard me?! Where are y'all going?!?!"
... But no one was listening.
"Grr... Just you wait...! I'll slay this game!!"
And with that, he turned to follow behind Lucifer and Violet, whining and screaming at them to wait for him, only to see how Lucifer was fastening his step.
   Walking through the deserted village and onto a wide, open area, Clover soon felt her fear of being chased kick in.
Somehow, she had ended up all by herself, but that only made stumbling about so much worse.
But now, as she turned her head to check if someone was following her, she saw how Satan had been trying to follow her in silence.
As they locked eyes, however, he greeted her with a smile and went up to her as if nothing had happened.
"... Hi," Clover mumbled carefully.
"Please don't mind my behaviour," the blond said while gesturing to continue walking together. "I still have to figure out how to properly behave in this situation. I mean, it's not every day that we suddenly face each other as maybe allies, maybe enemies... right?"
The girl shot him a sceptical glance.
"Well, that's true... But if your goal is to not appear suspicious, then... Don't to that again. Just a friendly little piece of advice."
Satan laughed.
"Yes, my apologies. You see, you have mentioned you know this game, so I found it best to stick to you."
They halted as they found a pistol laying on a boulder nearby, a package of ammunition right next to it.
Both of them were hesitating, then Satan turned around to continue.
"You take it," he said, obviously trusting that Clover wouldn't shoot his back right this instant.
Well this, or he was already bearing a weapon...
"I've seen people play this game lots," Clover continued the conversation. "I know how everything works, but I'm afraid I'm pretty bad at all the aiming stuff..."
The two reached a weird cliff that parted the land in a huge gap, no ground to be seen in the huge depths. One of those super unstable-looking wooden bridges was leading to the other side.
The platform on the other side was rather small, with only a few buildings in the middle of it.
Satan held his chin in a contemplative manner.
"I bet there must be some rare items waiting for those who would go that far and cross the bridge..."
Clover gave a nod.
"Probably... Welp, you can get the stuff, I have terrible fear of heights, so I'm not going over that wobbly bridge thingy."
The girl was about to leave again, but the male got hold of her wrist.
"No, you're coming with me."
"What?! Why?"
He searched for her eyes.
"Look. I trust that you're innocent, and I ask you to trust me, too. I could have already killed you if I wanted to, when you were all alone. But we need to work together if we want to stand a chance against the traitors and whatever special weapons they might have."
He made a little pause while the girl fought with herself to make up her mind.
"Please," he said again.
Finally, Clover gave an annoyed grunt.
"Fiiiine..." she grumbled. So, she pointed at the bridge. "But you go first... Mister Stan."
She stressed his nickname in a manner to mock him.
Satan looked at her for a moment, dazzled, then he turned around and could only give a breathy laugh.
"See, now you can be sure that I am innocent. Because if I was allowed to kill you just now, I definitely would have."
  "Oooh, Leviii!"
Asmo was nearly doing little jumps while trotting alongside the third-born. His excitement was visible, but very odd, and of course Leviathan noticed that his brother was acting strange.
"Asmo, for Lord Diavolo's sake, what's wrong with you?!"
Putting on his best puppy eyes, Asmo looked at him all innocent.
"Eeh? Shouldn't you be happy that somebody actually enjoys your weird games for once?"
Levi growled in response, moving through the deserted village with such care, as if death could be waiting behind every next corner.
... Well, it could, yes, but his super secret agent act was just... a little too much...
"Sure, but... You're almost TOO excited about this. A little shady, if you ask me... Like, out of all games, why would one where we kill each other be one to wake your interest?!"
He gained a dramatic rolling-of-eyes.
"Oh, please, Levi! It's not the killing or tactical contemplation that gets me excited... But think about the potential that this scenario bears!"
They peeked inside one of the empty houses.
There were two weapons inside, a crowbar and a shotgun without ammunition.
Breaking the nearest window, Levi climbed inside to pick them up, and was kind enough to give Asmo the crowbar even though he hasn't done anything worth gaining it (as Asmo had even been too scared to get a cut from climbing through the broken window so he didn't move an inch).
"What potential, exactly?" Levi asked, more because he felt like Asmo would pressure him into asking that anyway.
Glad that he could continue his speech, Asmo placed a dramatic hand on his forehead.
"The potential for drama, Levi!! Just imagine... us lonely wolves lumbering through the streets, and our maidens Violet and Clover shivering in fear!"
He changed his pose, wrapping his arms around himself as if hugging someone.
"Oh, whom should they trust?? Their hearts, their minds, or just nobody at all?!"
Then, he suddenly grabbed Levi by his shoulders, getting pretty close to his face.
"Love blooms in times of war, Levi! And I will take every chance I can to see those flowers in their full beauty!"
Then, Levi gave an exhausted sigh.
"... Can you please go away...?"
And Asmo let go of him.
"Tsk. Okay, if you're not mentally able to understand the depth of my words, then I shall find a better place to fulfill my tasks...!"
  "Sooo, Beel, where you wanna go?"
The twins were already out of town, kind of heading towards the edge of a nearby forest.
The taller one seemed to be searching for something.
Then, he held his stomach.
"I'm... Hungr-"
"No, don't even say it" Belphie sighed. "Are you, really? Even inside a game?"
Beel only gave a pout, so Belphie continued after a while.
"Well, if we must secure you won't go on a rampage and destroy the whole game, then the forest might be the best place to find something for you."
And so, Belphie continued heading straight towards the green.
After a while, however, Belphie noticed how his brother wasn't following any more.
Turning around, Beel had stopped completely and was looking off into the distance behind them.
When Belphegor asked him what was wrong, the other male slowly shook his head.
"Where did everyone run off to?" Beel asked. "I can't see any of the other players..."
"Hm... I saw Violet, Lucifer and Mammon go into the forest as well... Asmo and Levi seemed to have stayed near the village... And I don't know where Satan has gone."
Now Beel turned his head.
"And Clover?"
"Uhm... She went somewhere... there, I think. I heard her talk with Levi when we left, but it seemed like she wasn't going to stay with him."
"So she's all alone right now?"
Belphie got a little confused over Beel's worried expression.
"Well, maybe. But she could be a traitor, so why are you so worried about her?"
Beelzebub's gaze drifted away again.
"I just... Don't like that thought." He snapped back at his smaller brother. "And by the way, you could be a traitor as well."
Belphie leaned back in a carefree manner.
"Yeah, but I told you I'm not. You don't believe me? I believe you're innocent, too!"
Beel gave a little sigh.
"But you can read me like a book, even if I tried lying to you..."
They kept standing there in a little silence.
Then, without further ado, Beel grabbed his brother by his arm, turned around, and kept going into a different direction.
"Beel, what are you...?! Weren't you hungry?! What about the forest??"
"... I sense food over there. Don't worry, and let's get going."
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chaoswithinharmony · 4 years ago
Life update!
I’m sorry that I haven’t been online much on tumblr since new year (and some weeks before the end of 2020). I’v been going through a very harsh period in life, with lots of stress and grief, which prevented me from relaxing, feeling good, and enjoying stuff  — one of those things being active in fandoms and frequently interacting with friends.
But, after things having calmed down in life, had time to sort my thoughts and emotions through, and been able to regain energy — both physically, and mentally, as in having energy to socialize — I’m ready to come back and have fun again! I’ve been missing chatting with friends and mutals, and cry about Star Wars and discussing headcanons about Anakin/Obi-Wan. (And this also applies to my main blog with the other fandoms I’m in.)
Just so you know, I’m still here, still kicking, and haven’t left. Still thinking about y’all. <3
It seems like 2020 really took a tool on a lot of people and their mental health, especially by the last 3-4 months of that year. I think part of that has to do with constantly isolating ourselves. I mean, it is for the good, don’t get me wrong. And the sooner covid is over, the better. It’s just with not seeing friends regularly, in real life, face to face, and go out doing activities, well, that was one part that affected me negatively. And heck, I’m a bit of an introvert, who often needs to regain energy after being around lots of people for a period of time. 
Hoping vaccines will be accessible to most of the population soon. 
I don’t know if Närcon Sommar will happen this year either, and I try to not get too hopeful for that, but still been getting back to working on a cosplay. 
Recently discovered tons of cool stuff from artists on Etsy, and been buying some. Two stickers of Nishiki and Kiryu from Yakuza 0, and a mousepad featuring Kiryu from the same game. Planning on getting some sweet Star Wars and Obikin art as well.
Also gotten back to reading fanfics, and OH the FEELS. And started cooking a variety of meals, just to get enough nutrients and have energy to do stuff. And been decorating my home with some new paintings and sculptures, making it more personal. Little stuff to feel happy about, you know. 
Hmm, anyway, it’s late, and I better head off to bed. Once I come home after work tomorrow, I’ll try to reblog some stuff on here and interact with people on discord. Plus, Easter. Gonna pick up my Easter decorations from the basement and make my home a lil’ more Easter-ish.
Hope you all are doing okay. Keep your hope up, and may the Force be with you. Good night. <3
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lesserfandomappreciation · 4 years ago
📝 i love hearing about other writer wips!
Yay! Thanks! I have too many WIPS that I am struggling to begin but I’m having a hoot outlining them. 1. Egyxos 3 years later!
Summary: Leo is now a teenager in high school, trying to balance out student life, being an older brother, a social life and being part of the Golden Army in another world. However, things go sideways when one of his teachers is attacked by Anubi wielding a mysterious ancient artifact from a civilization long forgotten. Leo and his allies must race to find the source of Exaton’s new power, as well as unlock the secrets from a civilization long lost to time. And why was Anubi targeting his teacher in the first place?
Egyxos is one of my favorite shows in terms of world-building but I HATED how few arcs there were in terms of character growth! There’s so much potential there and it’s under utilized, so I decided to do a fast-forward in time to after the events in the show. It’s a chance to put the characters through new circumstances as well as expand on the world-building because there are so many questions the show never answered. 
One thing I wished the show had done was give Leo a human ally from Earth. Leo is a kid who is suddenly having to not only deal with the stresses of human life but also being a hero in an entirely different dimension with world-ending consequences. That’s a lot for any kid. Not having anyone on Earth to open up to who can relate to the Earth-side perspective he has would have been hard on him. So I made an OC for him to open up and to step up for him because what do you mean ‘he has to always be available for every problem in Egyxos?’ What do you mean ‘12 years old is a great age to start having to fight in a literal war?”
(TBH I’m super hyped for her to interact with the rest of the cast simply because having a responsible adult confront them on some of their non-sense would be delightful.)
Aaaaaand because I like to make things hard on myself, I decided to re-write some of the characters to better fit into the world, flesh out their backstory or some combination of the two. Leo for example having grown up a bit has a slightly different personality shaped from his experiences, including the fact he struggles to really open up to others. At the same time I reimagined him because why is any descendant of any pharoah white, so that was fun to do. 
Outlining wise I’m actually at 25,000 words of backstory development, arc planning and character personality writing, plus research for the other ancient civilization I want to add in. It’s going to be a bit before I’m really done with the outline, simply because every time I finish one part, it gives me 6 ideas for other arcs. 
2. Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarves OC
I have like 2-3 ocs for Red Shoes, one of them having been re-worked for another WIP I’m having fun with, but basically they’re possible love interests for the rest of the cast of Red Shows besides Merlin and Snow.
Thumbelina as the name implies is the tiny little lady from the story Thumbelina. I found out through a bit of research that originally in the credits after the movie it was going to be Thumbelina, not little Red Riding Hood, who was going to be Arthur’s love interest but in the end I wound up making her Kio’s love interest. She’s not as developed as the other oc I mentioned, but she’s been fun to flesh out. 
What’s been really fun is figuring out what type of personality she’d have after the events in the story because holy smokes does Thumbelina go through the ringer. She literally got kidnapped, nearly forcibly married to a frog, forced to be a bug’s friend before she was ditched, dressed up and then ditched again, almost forced to marry a mole against her will because she was guilt-tripped by a mouse who had saved her, saved by a bird she saved only to be betrayed at the last second by said bird who could have flown her home and instead flies her to the fairy prince who forcibly marries her. Yes the story implies she marries the Prince by choice, but considering what fairies typically do to people who don’t agree with them, I can’t imagine Thumbelina would be thrilled at the idea. Especially since her repeatedly stated goal is to go home to her mother. 
Personality-wise she’s a bright little lady who understandably has severe trust issues around strangers given her incredible streak of bad luck in the past. Her experiences have made her be more observant of her surroundings and quick-minded so as to escape any situation. Plus, because she’s survived so long in the wilds at her diminutive height she’s very knowledgeable about the woods and how to really thrive in a tough situation.  
The other oc is Yvonne the Hunter. There’s a lot of hunters in fairytales to work with so I thought it would be fun for there to be one hell of a good hunter who is not actively trying to be part of fairytales but it keeps falling that way. Also I’m a sucker for a badass female hunter who can kick ass without any hesitation. 
Yvonne is the eldest of 4 kids in a very poor family in the woods. To help support her much younger siblings Yvonne became a hunter, taking on deadly kills and bounties for deep wood beasts that haunted the surrounding mountains. With the added in cash flow she was able to better support her siblings once her parents died, wanting to provide them a good life. 
Currently she has taken on the hunt of a life-time; a dragon attacking the northern lands repeatedly, but completely untrackable. The reward? A king’s favor. Any favor from a king, completely impossible for him to refuse. It’s a chance Yvonne could not pass up (for more than one reason). 
I fluctuated between Arthur and Jack for her and I’m still undecided, because 
a) I’m a sucker for a stern badass and a himbo starting off as rivals and becoming attached.
b) I’m a sucker for a pretty boy falling for a feral hunter. 
so it’s going to be a while before Yvonne or Thumbelina’s stories will be written, though I do have some outlines for them. 
3. The many requests from this inbox!
I’m always working on an ask for this blog, so there’s a lot of WIPs at the moment. 
4. Grace and Alexander
Summary: Lorcia. The country with an army unlike any other. At it’s northern mountain border the empire of Marvansk looms - ever-eager to take the southern fertile lands to feed its expanding population. For centuries they have been at a deadlock, unable to start war without plummeting the entirety of the continent into decades of combat. Grace Tenorio, the head of the legendary Black Brigade, has grown under these circumstances. Never has there been a day where the Lorcian military woman was able to discount the lethal presence of the northern bully. When air pirates raids increase at the the Northern border and invitations from the north to discuss collaboration arrive, she must escort the Foreign Minister deep into enemy territory to find the root of the recent attacks.  Alexander Volkov - the merchant turned leader of the finest pirate hunters the empire has to offer - is a man who seeks redemption for a crime not his own. When a brilliant battle axe of a woman arrives from the south seeking out to hunt the worst of all threats, the two will have to make alliances with an enemy of the opposing land to take down a threat larger than either could have ever assumed. 
I’ve been working on this one for years now. A steampunk adventure/romance with plenty of intrigue, ass-kicking, enemies to lovers, pining, and badassery all around. I try to write a bit of it every now and again with mixed results. It’s more of a personal project than a fandom WIP but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll get it out there. 
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malgal7777 · 4 years ago
Hiking with Tracy 2021:  Weekend 3, the Lost Weekend
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As I went back to re-read my blog I noticed I had cut off my WHOLE weekend of 4/17!!  This is my 20 mile walk from the Emeryville Marina to the Richmond Marina and back via the Bay Trail along the water & Hwy 80.  So let me try to reenact my journey!
The theme of this hike was “Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart, you just gotta poke around” - Once again I tip my hat to the great Jerry Garcia.  Not sure if you all figured it out, but I love Jerry.  I came to the Bay Area to follow the Grateful Dead’s music and I never left.  
This particular hike was absolutely beautiful.  I wish it wasn’t so I can mix this blog up, but sorry folks, you live in a beautiful area.  Even along a dirty highway, there are things of beauty all around you.  Take for example this hike, wildflowers everywhere.  Even popping out of the sidewalk.  I'm reminded of Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park...”Life refuses to be contained...it just finds a way”.  And sure enough, Sunflowers out of the sidewalk!
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Since I was next to a highway, I went with headphones this time around.  One of my positives during this pandemic is my rekindled love for music radio stations.  I love listening to a radio station and I definitely have my favorite DJ’s. My personal favorites this past year were:  WWOZ - a local New Orleans station; KCSM - a Bay Area jazz station and KXT - out of Dallas, TX.  These stations literally kept me sane during the lockdowns.  I highly recommend them, especially if you’re cooking, doing chores or working in the garden. 
This particular morning I went with WWOZ.  And what a good decision that was.  Ron Phillips was spinning his favorite Saturday morning tunes and I was going down the road feeling BAD (as in good)!  Irma Thomas, Anders Osborne, The Subdudes and a little known singer/songwriter out of New Orleans, Chris Smithers.  If you get overwhelmed and about to burst...stream Chris Smithers “Let it Go”.  So funny.   Anders Osborne is a name my friends have been trying to get me into for a long time.  And I’m a bozo, definitely missed the boat on this one!  From his new album, try this song:  Welcome to Earth.  
Ok, so I digress!  Back to the walk.  In one of my last posts, I mentioned the people I meet.  Well this am was a doozy!  As I was grooving to the sweet sounds of the Crescent City I was approached by a group of ladies.  They had a question for me:  What’s more important in a relationship:  Love or Economics?  My first response was “Wow, you ladies don’t mess around for a Saturday morning!  Going deep on me”.  But, because I’m me, I had an answer. Now usually I would have said Love, Love, Love.  Hands down right?  But they caught me at a weird time.  I have been obsessively thinking of a comment I overheard from another group of ladies while doing my Diablo hike.  One of them had commented “I have no desire to marry just for love.  Forget that, I need to be economically stable”.  My reaction was pity for this poor girl.  I literally felt sorry for her.  The more I thought about it (obsessively for two weeks) I came to realize, she didn’t necessarily say she wasn’t going to work, she just wanted someone with their shit together and would contribute to their family being comfortable.  What’s wrong with that?  Is being comfortable taboo now?  So when my Bay Trail friends asked me, that’s how I answered.  Love was great but there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable, isn’t that love after all?  I obviously made one of the women very happy.  She loved it.  The other two nodded and smiled, they were on Love’s side.  So we said our goodbyes and I felt like I had gotten a weight off my shoulders.  As I was walking away though...I asked myself...But didn’t YOU marry for love?  And sure enough, I did.  Bob & I didn’t have a pot to piss in.  And while we’re not the Rockefeller's, we’re comfortable enough for us.  I love him dearly and love has to be the basis that you build your financial future upon.  If you don’t have that, it get’s ugly when $$ is involved.  The best part of this moment was that song “Welcome to Earth” was playing as I was coming to this realization and the last line is literally “Love is always the answer”.  The Universe works in mysterious ways!  But, where were the ladies...I wanted to change my answer??!!  No where to be found.  Man, I blew it.  I would now obsessively think about this for the next 20 miles. Told you I was a bozo. 
By this time I had reached The Albany bulb.  A Bay Area gem to the north of Golden Gate Fields.  There’s a great beach and then it jets out into a peninsula which is covered with art installations all over.  I’ll talk more about that later, since I came back on Sunday to finish my 25 miles. This morning though I watched a group of swimmers about to enter the freezing bay waters, no wet suit mind you!  CRAZY and No Thank You!  Brrr.   Next Stop, Point Isabel, dog heaven.  A large open spaced off-leach dog park.  I go there all the time.  If you have a dog, you should take them.  They will love you even more than they already do. 
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Now past Point Isabel is where the trail gets interesting.  You start to wander away from the highway and are now among the prettiest beaches and marshes. It’s an interesting view of the Bay Bridge and you can no longer see the Golden Gate Bridge as you veer north of it.  You now start to come upon single family homes along the trail.  You’re instantly reminded of Cape Cod.  A ocean view from Richmond, CA.  The best part is once you see this neighborhood you know you’re close to the marina.  And sure enough, I turned the bend and there in front of me was the Ford Assembly plant, my 1/2 way point.  But, it’s a very cruel joke.  You see the plant across the opening of the marina, it’s literally right there!!  Then the realization hits you in order to get to it you need to go around the WHOLE marina.  And as you continue to walk and go around another bend, the sidewalk gets longer and longer and longer.  The Richmond Marina is HUGE. Lovely though.  Large green spaces with people doing yoga;  a ladies bootcamp class along the water; boats coming and going from the marina and two pretty cute restaurants also along the water.  
I finally made it to the Ford Assembly Plant and now Richmond Ferry Terminal.  The assembly plant hosts seasonal events, we’ve been to the women’s roller derby ones.  Nothing like watching tough chicks bully each other on roller skates.  Then there are a few businesses strewn throughout the building.  Dolls Kill, which I believe is a clothing business for those on the freakier side of the spectrum.  And Mountain Hardware!  Quality clothing for the outdoorsy types.  I should have gone in and gotten a windbreaker.  The wind was pretty brutal.  
The best part was of course the Rosie The Riveter museum.  A museum dedicated to the women that left the kids at home and joined the workforce to help build ships during WWII.  This whole area was built for the war effort.  Richmond grew from 25,000 to over 100,000 within three years!!!  Can you imagine?  How does any town build the infrastructure needed to maintain that population?  Grocery stores?  Clothing? Schools?  Highly recommended.  It’s a suggested donation, so don’t be cheap, donate.  You won’t be disappointed.  I once brought Charlotte and a couple of her Girl Scout troop there to meet a real life “Rosie”.  She told the girls her story and it was of course about LOVE!  The trials and tribulations of her and her partner as he was fighting in the war and she was here making the ships that would keep him safe.  Man, where were those 3 ladies!!  
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The way back was pretty much the same. I made it!  Now onto Sunday, 4/18. The Albany Bulb!  A Bay Area gem.  Bob & I have been coming here for years.  Way back when it was a landfill full of broken concrete slabs and rebar.  Some artist types took it upon themselves to start living there.  They kept the concrete slabs and rebar and started to make installations out of them.  Giant sized figures;  rows of wooden paintings; mazes and one guy even built a concrete castle along the water facing the Golden Gate Bridge.  Best real estate in the Bay.  They exemplified the phrase “one mans trash is another man’s treasure”.  Of course the stuffed shirts got wind and kicked them out.  But gave the stuffed shirts an idea...Hey, why not make a park out of this dirty unused lot?  Duh.  So before you harass your kid for taking art classes, remember it’s usually the artists who push the rest of society in the right direction.  
It’s also a great place to bird watch and now the wildflowers are a blooming, so it’s quite serene.  If you’re looking for some inspiration, this is the place for you.  
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So my posts/weeks are a bit out of order.  Oh well!  It’s my blog and I’ll create chaos if I want to!  
I’ll end on this note:  Love is ALWAYS the answer. 
So sponsor me (hehehe):  https://runsignup.com/tracyalbert/Donate
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itsanerdlife · 6 years ago
Smoke 3/16
Pairing: Ronin!Clint Batron x Black Cat!Reader
Warning: Violence. Torture mentioned. Death mentioned. Nightmares. Lies. Seducing. Sexual humor. Broken and damaged pasts. Killing. Possessive Male. Struggling to open up. Secrets. Dark past.
After the snap, the avengers split apart. Finding their own ways to cope. Clint found his under a new identity, Ronin. Getting revenge for those they lost. For the family taken from them. The evil left when heroes were wiped out, it became his mission to take out the evil. All while keeping a list of those who could help, if needed one day. Clint stumbles upon a woman, Cat. She’s a mystery in the dark. One happen stance meet, one night, gone like smoke.
After the second snap, setting the world right again. Fury is looking at those kept tabs on. When Cat appears on the screen, nobody know a lot about the mysterious woman who haunted Clint’s dreams and stole his favorite T-shirt. There’s a chance she’s in trouble, can Clint find her, convince her there is more, that he can save her? But is he the cause of what’s after her? Just what mystery is she keeping all to herself? Or is he the one she’s trying to save?
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Three days had past, since they started looking for Cat. She came up in none of the databases they had. As far as anyone knew, nobody knew her, she wasn’t linked to any of the groups they knew of as well. Clint and Peter decided to take Morgan for lunch Friday for her half day of school, she pleaded for cheeseburgers and fries. They headed for the little burger place they liked most.
“There’s something about alleys.” Her voice hits his ears.
He stops dead in his tracks looking over at the little alley way. She smirks leaning on one shoulder, watching him. Her hands in the pockets of her skin tight, skinny jeans. Her hair pulled up in a messy bun, the same little set of cat ears perched in her hair. She wore his Rolling Stones tee, tied up at the end, hiking it up on her hips, under an open leather jacket.
“Cat.” He stares at her. Morgan peers around him to look at her. She sat in his arms, him being untrusting of letting her walk on her own, with the busy sidewalk traffic.
“Spider.” She smiles, pushing off the wall, strolling towards them.
“Cat.” Peter flushes pink.
“I like her ears, Petey.” Morgan grins, looking over at her brother.
“You do?” Cat lights up, a smile on her face. She plucks the ears right from her head, stepping closer out of the alley way. “Well how about you keep these ones. I have more.” She winks at Morgan who takes the ears with a smile.
“Thank you.” She grins, putting them on. “Look Petey, I’m a kitty.” She grins at her brother.
“Peter, take your sister inside.” Clint hands Morgan off to Peter.
“Nice to see you.” Peter nods at Cat.
“Bye.” Morgan waves, still smiling.
“Bye.” Cat wiggles her fingers smiling back. The two of them heading into the diner. “Yours?” She lifts a brow at him. He chuckles, looking from where Peter and Morgan disappeared back to her.
“My niece.” He corrects her.
“Family, right.” She nods slowly. “I heard you were, looking for me.” She smirks at him, tucking one hand into her back pocket.
“I want to talk to you.” He looks her over once more, he couldn’t help it. “Help you.” He adds.
“Is that all?” Her brow lifts and her head tips slightly. “Help me?” She asks.
“Maybe I’ve been thinking about you the last two years.” He shrugs one shoulder, attempting to play it cool.
“Little old me?” She bats her eyes at him, her other hand lands on her chest.
“Cat, please. I can help.” He pleads, moving in closer towards her. In the slight breeze of the day, she smells like blossoms, those pink ones, he couldn’t think of what the hell they were called.
“I’m a big strong girl, Ronin.” She gives him a playful smile. “I’ve been thinking about you too.” She slips a hand up his chest. Her mouth on his, his hands grip the edges of her leather jacket, before she’s slipping back out of his grasp.
“That’s my shirt.” He eyes the material on her as she backs away. A smug grin on her lips.
“But it looks so good on me.” She laughs, she turns disappearing into the traffic on the sidewalk.
“Fuck, it does.” He sighs, scratching the back of his neck. He turns heading into the diner after his two. He drops into the booth on the other side of Peter and Morgan.
“Uncle Clint is starry eyed.” Peter chuckles, talking to Morgan.
“What’s that mean?” She looks up at Peter.
“He likes Cat.” Peter laughs.
“Thanks Parker.” Clint sighs, shaking his head.
“You get it done?” He asks, leaning back in the booth, watching Clint.
“I did.” He nods, pulling his phone out, setting it on the table top.
He sat in the chair in the cracker box apartment Cat was stashed away in. He slipped in while she was out, tracking her on his phone. He waited, his phone warning him she was close, coming home. The door opens, before she kicks it shut, stripping off her jacket. Her head snaps up, her body tenses as she pushes back into the closed front door.
“Christ.” She pants, shaking her head, trying to catch her breathe. “How the hell did you find me?” She throws her jacket on the couch. Running hand through her hair, she moves across the room, turning to look at him, she leans against the rickety table that had two mismatched chairs to it.
“Tracker.” He smirks watching her.
“You low jacked me?” She lifts a brow at him.
“Well you did slip out my window, before I woke, with my favorite tee.” He points out standing up from the chair.
“I don’t need you to save me.” She grips the edge of the table behind her, leaning into it.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to still.” He shrugs, closing the distance between the two of them.
“Why would you want to save me?” She looks up at him from where she leaned on the table, when he stops in front of her.
“Because I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve been thinking about you.” He admits, watching her. “I got out of the life, you can as well. I’ll help you. Before it comes back to bite you in the ass.” He pleads.
“You got your family back, that’s why you got out.” Cat points out.
“My team, they’re my family. They want to help you as well.” He explains, his hands slip around her waist, settling himself flush with her.
“Join your team?” She blinks, tilting her head.
“The Avengers, Cat.” He speaks in a low voice, barely inches between them. “I’m an Avenger.” His eyes search her face as confusion washes over her features. “Ronin is who I became when half our team was taken out with the snap. I couldn’t be Hawkeye when the team was gone.” He explains, her breathe hitches for a moment, surprised.
“I’m not Avengers type.” She slips her hands up his chest.
“Whatever you’re running from, let us help you. You’d be surprised what you have in common with the rest of us.” He smirks.
“Who says you can help me?” She asks, her fingers curling into his T-shirt.
“Not to brag but I helped bring back half the population. A snap didn’t stop us, didn’t stop me.” He smirks.
“Why me?” She wonders.
“For them? I’m not sure.” He admits, slipping his hand from her waist, brushing her hair back. “For me? Maybe I want you. Need you.” His voice low. She swallows hard.
“I’m,” she takes a staggering breathe “not saying,” her gaze drops to his mouth “yes.” She finishes. He chuckles, leaning, his mouth hovers just above hers. His fingers, wrap into long, white blonde strands, holding to her.
“Say yes, Cat.” He whispers against her mouth. “Say yes you’ll hear us out.” Her body flush with his, his hand in her hair, the other gripping tightly to her waist.
“Okay, yes.” She pants softly. His mouth closes the distance, sealing her word. His hands move, gripping her thighs, pushing her up on the table, stepping between her thighs.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @nishanki1 @crist1216 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @a--1--1--3 @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Clint ‘Destory Me, I’ll Thank You’ Barton: @ml7010 @coley0823 @yavanna80 @lakamaa12 @boltsgirl919 @feelmyroarrrr @mrsseizetheday @honey-bee-holly @marvelfansworld @mybarnesmyhero   @the-real-mary-jane @dumbbitchenergytm @agentsinstorybrooke @x-whyareyoureadingthis-x @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Smoke: @2s0uls @rimaries   @xxloki81xx @csigeoblue @demonlover87 @capandbuckylvr @marvelfansworld @natromanoffsboys @barton-you-dummy @thefandomimagines @thosesexytexasboys  
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alternativewinxcontinuity · 5 years ago
For Winx Alt Con, are you planning to do season 4? If so, how will you handle the "magic returns to Earth" plot point?
I actually have notes up to season six for the Alt Con, getting them down in a coherent order is the problem ^.^
(I also have a few pages of hand written note for an alternative Alt Con which includes WOW in the timeline... kudos to the folks who picked up on the not at all subtle WOW reference already in the Alt Con)
How will I handle the Magic returns to Earth Plot Point?
Massive spoilers for season 3, 4, 5 and 6
Because at the rate I'm going, spoilers are kinder than making you all wait (also: this may no be any kind of coherent, because I am very tired and my coherency checker is still upset that I got her to watch one of my new hyper-focus Chinese Dramas. sorry about that.)
So the backstory goes that Morgana put Earth under quarantine before setting off a targeted Time Dilation field which shunted most magicals all fairies and the Black Circle out of sync with the rest of the Earth and left the planet in a perpetual state of magic drain that no one from off-world could explain.
It's not just the magic of the planet that gets drained though, the magical cores of every new magical on the planet also gets siphoned off leaving only children (whose cores haven't stabilised enough to be siphoned) and low level psychics (whose powers register as just-different-enough from magic to not be affected).(Also fairies who can shield themselves from siphoning, either by personal will and control, or by creating a shielded area in a weak spot in the siphoning spell. (yeah, I mean Eldora.))
This drain happens because the magic is powering the time dilation spell, which is why it was so important that Earth be put under quarantine.
Before the spell went of, Earth's Sea Gate (the magical doorway guarded by Selkies) was forced closed and effectively locked to stop any fluctuations that couldn't be accounted for by the absent fairies. It can only be opened 2 ways, one of those ways is if Morgana unlocks it, the second is if the lock is over written by a higher authority in the Sea Gate's 'system'.
Season 5 was... well it was season 5, I've stripped the majority of it out and used it to pad season 3, timeline now goes season 1, season 2, season 3&5, season 4, season 6. (the existence of season 7 & 8 in the Alt Con are still under consideration.)
Tritannus will be an add-on to Valtor's party, his mutation coming not from pollution, but the Mark of Valtor.
Tritannus is going to be trying to convince the Trix he can get them more power by taking the Throne (the one he was after in season 5) and he'll go off to do that. In his attempt to control its power he'll end up forcing all the Sea Gates open, causing magical disturbances throughout the Magical Dimension.
The Throne is the 'higher authority in the Sea Gate system' and the forced opening includes Earth's gate, and even once the forced open is terminated, the Earth gate will no longer be locked. The Selkies who guard it and would have taken care of the issue were caught up in the Time Dilation field, which means no one is there to realise the gate is effectively still leaking excess traces of magic into Earth's system, slowly (over the course of a few months) over loading the balance of the planet wide spell and causing it to fail section by section. (which is why different fairies are released at different times (possibly alongside other lost magical societies on Earth...))
Once the spell hits 'terminal failure' it just gives up entirely and stops trying to draw magic which means people whose cores had been drained their entire life, have suddenly got their stores of magical energy filling back up.
Now, the Sea Gate of Earth happens to be just off shore of Gardenia, which is why it feels the effects first, and why Bloom is able to feel the magic is very different there when she returns home for summer break.
Once magic is no longer being siphoned off, a lot of people are going to start realising they have magic, (Including one teenage girls who will go from 'intuitive and somewhat empathic' to 'oh shit I'm hearing the voice of a demon sealed in a book in an strange old lady's library and you know what? He seems trust worthy.') which means the fairies and magicals in charge of the various sects and societies that went under the time dilation spell have a few options:
go to war with the current ruling bodies and let hundreds, possibly thousands or millions of innocents die to take back their territories
start a bunch of blogs and youtube channels that show off their lives, (presented as a bunch of dedicated LARPers or something) and get people used to the idea of magic being a real thing slowly, while also giving people who are experiencing sudden magical abilities a way to recognise what's going on and an idea of who they should be looking for to help them. (slowly taking over the planet in a peaceful way by causing low key cultural change after low key cultural change until 'oh yeah, I can't believe there was a time when we forgot magic was real.')
Highly abridged cause and effect timeline of the Alt Con:Season 1: the Trix shunt Stella to Earth while she's teleporting so they can steal her stuff and get away with it, but fate introduces Bloom at just the right time, whose dormant Dragon Fire reacts to the presence of magic and activates in the place of Bloom's siphoned fairy magic. Bloom and Stella go to Magix where Bloom meets the Winx and becomes a fairy. The Trix steal the Dragon Flame and summon an Evil army which has a side effect of breaking the last remaining strands of a centuries old seal. Bloom awakens her fairy magic thanks to Daphne and saves the day.Season 2: The ancient seal destroyed by the Trix (by accident) releases Darkar who goes back to his attempt to gain the MacGuffin, through teamwork and grit, the day is saved and Darkar is as defeated as he gets. The Trix are sent to be imprisoned on Omega, an ice world at the edge of the Magical Dimension.Season 3/5: Icy breaks free of the ice coffin she's in before she loses too much strength and frees her sisters, while looking for a way off the planet, she discovers Valtor who was imprisoned on Omega before the Fall of Domino and should have been dead. While seriously weakened, he lives and manages to use the (why do they even have that? Oh right, it's a standard that came with the planet when it was created) sea gate to hack the sea gate system and open a portal to Andros.The Winx split the party and do various stuff, and try to combat Daphne's stalker evil wizard Valtor. When things look to be going the Winx's way, turn coat Tritannus approaches the Trix and offers to get them the power of the Infinite Ocean. While the Winx are defeating Valtor, Tritannus opens all the sea gates (including the locked Earth gate) and the Winx have to rush to stop him, which they do.Diaspro is banished from Eraklyon.Season *: The Winx enjoy normal school life at Alfea for the rest of the year, doing normal teen fairy things, Diaspro goes on a journey in the outer reaches of the Magical Dimension, magic slowly leaks into Earth through the no longer locked sea gate and breaks the archaic spell holding the fairies of Earth and the Wizards of the Black Circle out of time.Season 4: (Alfea summer break/end of year 1) the spell has broken, magic is returning to Earth, Bloom notices something amiss when she goes home for summer break and calls in back up. The group discover magic is returning and set up a shop called 'The Winx Club' to reintroduce the idea of real magic in a non-jarring way to Earth's population, using social media and material objects. Amidst the excitement of magic returning, and new fairies like local girl Roxy, the Winx hear about attacks straight out of their magical history books: fairy hunters. Doing what they can, the Winx try to find and stop the hunters, but run across various returning magical societies during their investigation and diplomacy with them. Earth's mightiest magicals team up and kick the Wizards of the Black Circle's asses.The slow reintegration of magical and non-magical Earth begins.Season 6: (Year 2 of Alfea) Former bestie of Bloom, Selena, has been hearing a voice from a book calling out to her for help, after another fight with Bloom and her 'new friends' Selena agrees to go along with her 'new friend' and attempts to free Acheron from the Legendarium
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 years ago
Of Dust and Ashes (Chapter 13)
Happy Friday! Less than a month until I see Betrayal for my birthday. Check out my craft blog @redfoxcrafts for things for sale at big discount while I raise funds for the trip. Or perhaps buy me a Ko-fi? 
Thanks to @winterisakiller for keeping me from taking things too dark and to @tnystrk-exe for encouraging me to go darker. 
The other chapters can be found on my Masterlist. 
Clint x ofc (Deanna). 
Chapter warnings: None 
Series rated: M, reader discretion is advised.
Chapter 13: Rainy days
Deanna looked over to the driver’s seat. Clint’s strong arm’s were on display as he confidently drove the RV. Wind whipped against the vehicle, slowing their progress. Rain pelted the windshield. They’d only been driving for half an hour when the storm began to really pick up. Both knew unless there was a break in the weather, they’d not make it the almost hundred miles to his home.
“There’s a town a little ahead. We’ll stop and see what supplies we can get.” Clint’s voice broke the silence. “I’d like to see if we can find a brace or something for your foot so it heals better.”
“Okay.” Deanna muttered, looking from his strong arms down to her hands where her fingers fidgeted.
“Is that okay?”
“Yeah.” One word answers were doing nothing to convince Clint. He pulled the RV into a slow stop in the middle of the old highway. They avoided the interstates with the countless abandoned cars, trucks and accidents. It was something that Deanna hadn’t thought of doing.
“What’s up?” Clint put the RV in park and turned to look at her. “Talk to me.”
“It’s nothing- I’m just being dumb.”
“It’s not nothing if it bothers you. We’re a team.” He motioned between them. “You and me- we’re a team. And as long as we’re a team, we gotta talk to each other. I’m not taking control of this boat, we’re sharing it. Now, what’s bothering you?”
She picked at her fingers until he reached out and the strong hands she had been admiring closed over hers, stilling them. “Are you sure it’s going to be safe?”
“What?” Clint was surprised by the worry she admitted.
“I know it’s dumb. But after what happened yesterday… What if more people like that are in the town? I can’t run, I can’t even walk.”
“I’ll protect you.” Clint answered simply. “I wouldn’t suggest going to the town with you hurt if I didn’t think it would be safe.”
“How do you know that? Really, how can we know anywhere is safe?”
“We can’t. But this town- I went through the day before yesterday. It was pretty much deserted. Some older people who aren’t in the condition to migrate and just want to keep chugging along. They’ll all be inside with this storm though.”
“Okay.” She nodded.
“Trust me, babe?”
They both seemed surprised by the term of endearment, but still Deanna answered, “I trust you.”
And she did trust him. Still, when they rolled into the town, she was on edge. As impossible as it was, she tried to keep her eyes everywhere. Around them torrential rains fell, battering the RV and making rivers along the ground.
“Is this weather normal?”
Clint thought before answering. “Not this time of year. Banner mentioned that we’re going to have some weird weather until the atmosphere clears the ash. It's not his area of expertise though.”
“Will we be okay?”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Clint smiled at her, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze as he pulled up to a pharmacy. “I’ll be right back.”
Clint tried to look up and down the street as he stepped out of the RV but the rain, thick and dark made it hard to see anything. The water was oily, like much of the rain in the last month had been. He could only pray that it would let up soon and he wouldn’t feel like he needed a shower every time it touched him.
The RV was left running, on the off chance that she needed to make a get away. They both hoped she wouldn’t- driving would be painful with her ankle. He didn’t think it would come to that but if it did, he'd rather her leave him behind. She had no reason to stay for him.
Sprinting the short distance to the doors of the pharmacy, Clint didn’t slow down as they came closer and close. He used the momentum of the run to break through the glass doors. Like many things in this small town, the doors were old and outdated, still easy to shatter plane glass. Luckily he made it through without suffering anything worse than a few scratches.
Once inside, he wasted no time looking through the untouched store with a wheeled shopping cart. As he ‘shopped’ he tossed jugs of water into the cart and swept can after can of vegetables, fruit and pasta meals up. You can’t have too much ravioli, in his opinion.
The loaves of bread had molded on the shelves. A stuffy smell hung in the air, no doubt from the mold and rotting fruits. While there was more waters in the coolers, Clint had no interest in opening them and setting free the smell of the rotting foods and drinks inside. That water would have to wait for someone more desperate.
Bags of trail mix went into the cart. These items that happened to populate small local pharmacies weren’t really why he went in however. They could get water damn near anywhere. He knew how to filter it, purify it. Plus he had a well. Still, it was a good habit. Without a thought he threw in an ankle boot that looked as if it would fit.
As if it was nothing, Clint vaulted over the counter. It was an old fashioned pharmacy with the back room closed and locked. It made sense that they hadn’t invested in shatter resistant glass for their doors when all the good stuff would be kept behind another set of doors.
As he expected, the door was locked. Looking around the dim space he tried to find something to pick the lock with. When nothing of significance jumped out at him, he settled for kicking the door in. Or at least trying to do so.
One hard kick rattled the door. He backed up and took a running jump, hoping that the force would do the trick. It didn’t. When he crashed to the floor without the satisfaction of taking the door down with him, he was thankful Dee was waiting in the RV. She didn’t need to see that. No one needed to see that. The less witnesses, the better.
Using the counter to pull himself up with a groan, he was about ready to admit defeat. Extra antibiotics and painkillers weren’t worth breaking his body for. His palm was on a paper and as he pulled himself up, the paper slipped off the counter sending him crashing onto the hard surface.
That was it, Clint decided. Today simply wasn’t the day he would be grabbing extra medical supplies. It was a nice thought, a few vials of epinephrine, some syringes, antibiotics, painkillers, antivirals and even iodine to purify the water when bottles ran out if they were away from the well would have all been great. It was a nice little shopping list that would have to wait for another day. Hopefully Dee didn’t have any allergies he’d have to worry about.
The thought stopped him for a moment. He was thinking about her in the longer term. He assumed that if she had allergies, they would be together long enough for it to be his problem, for it to matter.
Guilt washed over him as he made his way back to the cart. He looked up, examining the ceiling while he reminded himself that Laura was gone. She wasn’t coming back and she wouldn’t want him to be alone. Laura had always said he was no good alone. As long as Deanna wanted him around, he wasn’t alone. She would understand, right?
In the back of his mind a voice whispered that he didn’t have to be alone before Deanna either. It whispered that he left, turned his back on his friends. It reminded him of the satellite phone sitting on his kitchen counter in the farmhouse. He pushed that voice right down to join his guilt and let the quiet rage at their failure eat away at it.
As he was looking up at the ceiling, Clint started walking forward again while pushing the cart absentmindedly. Rather abruptly, the cart crashed into a shelf and he rammed his abdomen into the metal bar with a grunt. Really, he needed to watch where the hell he was walking.
The shelf he crashed into had a display of umbrellas hanging off of hooks. They rattled and clacked together and against the shelf. It was like a sign from above but Clint would much rather believe it was a sign from Laura when two umbrellas fell into his cart. Only two.
He had to move on. He had to move forward. There wasn’t anything he could do to change the past. It was done.
Clint took a deep breath and steadied himself before moving on, toward the registers. There wasn’t any power and he had no intention of making even a good faith effort to pay for the goods. But he didn’t feel like pushing the cart through the sticky dark rain and hoping that everything would stay dry.
He loaded up the bags with what loot he had tossed into the cart and hooked them all on his arms. It was awkward but it wasn’t overly heavy, all things considered. He extended the compact wand and stuck the end outside into the rain. Pressing the button on the handle, it sprang opened and he shuffled out and under it.
It kept the rain off of him and mostly off the bags and for that Clint was thankful. From the side window of the RV, he could see Dee watching. It was odd but it felt nice to have someone watching for him, waiting for him. The guilt he expected to feel at the realization wasn’t as sharp as he expected it to be.
And that was a good thing.
Whatever it was that he and Dee had been dancing around, it was a little flame, flickering in the darkness. And it was a good thing. For as long as they shared it, he would hold onto it, nurture it.
She was what he needed, he decided as he smiled up at her. She disappeared from the window and opened the door for him, ushering him inside with a smile of her own. It felt good to have someone watching, waiting for him to come back.
“Any problems?”
“None.” Clint answered, slipping one arm forward he stood in the rain as she took a few bags off his arms at a time. “Place hadn’t been touched since…”
“Since it happened?” Dee filled in for him and Clint gave her an appreciative smile. “I wonder if there are other places like this? Just… empty of people?”
“You’ve done more traveling than I have so far.” Clint shrugged.
Transferring bags from one hand to the other so he could reach inside and set them on the counter. Once free of the weight, he slipped into the door. With it closed behind him and the umbrella folded away, he was thankful to be out from the rain.
“I figured you would have been all over doing…”
“Avenger stuff?” Clint shrugged as he dug around in the bags before settling on being a responsible adult and unpacking the bags to put things away. “I haven’t been.”
This could have been a conversation they had before. But during times of great trauma and extending afterword, the memory becomes a strange thing.
“Oh.” Dee settled on the couch, not sure exactly what it was she should do or say. What she wanted to do was ask ‘why?’ but she couldn’t find it in her to voice the question. He seemed to know, however.
“I went to New York twice. Once shortly after and once when Tony came back.” Clint spoke with his back to her as he put away cans and bottles as if he was talking about the weather. “It was hard to be there. To see them. So I went home and I figured I’d wait for a few weeks for it to get easier. But what got easier was not answering their calls, their messages.”
“Do you blame them?” She asked as Clint took the boot out of the packaging. It was thick and sturdy. He assured her that she would be able to walk with it on without crutches after a bit though it would be awkward and still somewhat painful.
He was silent for a minute, knelt in front of her. Her words froze him for a moment while he worked the boot onto her foot. He hadn't given it voice before. “I don’t want to. I shouldn’t. But…”
“But?” she urged.
“I do.”
The awkward silence hung in the air as Clint urged her to step around, getting used to the heavy weight of the boot. She was still a bit unstable but with her ankle supported and compressed, it felt a hell of a lot better.
Outside, the rain fell harder.
“Should we move on?” Dee asked, hobbling a little faster through the space.
Clint thought for a moment before answering. “We should stay put. Find a wide alley and set up shop for the night.”
“Why an alley?” Deanna slipped into the passenger seat as Clint dumped himself into the driver’s seat and put the RV in gear.
“The storm looks like it could get strong tonight. An alley would protect us from the wind for the night… or however long until the storm blows over.”
“It could take longer than the night?” She asked the RV slowly lumbered down the the road as rain poured down harder.
“Yeah, maybe.” Clint didn’t want to say it but he hoped this storm was as big as he feared. It was nice being away from the farm house. It was nice being with her and only having the shadow of the ghost of Laura hanging over him. “It could be. This time of year- they happen. And with all the dust, the weather’s been wacky at best.”
Deanna asked what they would do if they couldn’t travel and Clint shrugged. She didn’t push it though she wasn’t looking forward to the prospect of spending over a day sitting in one place, riding out a storm. They had little else to do but wait and the idea of it was killing her.
Because she was so preoccupied with her dread, she was completely caught off guard when Clint stopped the RV, pulled close to a building. She looked around but couldn’t spot why they had stopped. Clint was relaxed and at ease, so she felt no cause for alarm. But nothing made sense.
“Grab the umbrella.” Clint ordered, a wide smile on his face.
“What?” She asked dumbly when he handed her a plastic grocery bag.
“For your foot. To keep it dry.” Clint told her, stepping out under the shelter of the umbrella. “Come on, hurry up.”
“What?” Again the word dumbly slipped out of her. “Where are we going?”
“Inside.” Clint answered as if that made anything make more sense.
“Why?” Regardless of her hesitations, Deanna trusted him and began to hobble down the steps. Clint was waiting outside the door with a second umbrella held up and open for her.
“It’s an old video store. Looks untouched too.”
“I thought the only video stores that were left were for…”
“Porn?” Clint said as if it was something they would talk about any other day. “I never understood the appeal of renting porn videos- not physical copies at least. You never know what’s on them.”
“Ew.” Deanna couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with someone who at one point was a part of the team in charge of protecting the whole world.
“Right?” Clint held a hand out for her as she stepped down. “This one is a regular old fashioned one- like a Blockbusters but actually still in business. Their selection probably isn’t that great but it’s like a living dinosaur.”
“More like freshly deceased.” Deanna couldn’t help adding and he laughed.
“A good point.”
While Deanna stood to the side, Clint worked the sliding doors open, using a crowbar to break the lock. She tried not to watch too closely the way his muscles worked and flexed. She tried not to notice how his shoulders moved. But she failed.
Once inside, they left their umbrellas leaning against the wall. Clint assured her repeatedly that this was one of the few towns he knew of that were almost deserted. There were small carts, more of a gimmick than anything but Clint selected one for himself and one for her.
��Grab whatever you want. Candy should still be good. Same goes for the popcorn- there’s enough fucking preservatives in almost everything in here, it’s all probably still safe.”
“So what, we load up on junk food and have a movie night?” Dee laughed in a way that if the world hadn’t just nearly ended a month ago would have given Clint pause and made him worry. Now? He would more be worried if she didn’t show any signs of instability so he ignored the brittle edge to the sound.
“Yeah.” He offered one of his brightest smiles as he grabbed what had been one of the latest action movies and dropped it into his cart. “Why not? The RV has an entertainment system so there isn’t a single reason why we can’t watch some movies. And we’re going to at least have to wait out tonight.”
She wasn’t wholly sold on the idea. It seemed wrong but she didn’t protest. Instead, she walked the aisles- or rather hobbled, the cart helped a lot, next to Clint. While he looked at many action movies, many horrors, more often than not, she watched him put them back on the shelf.
She didn’t question him on it. It was something she understood. There was enough horror in the world right now, enough violence. They didn’t need to indulge in it now and call it ‘entertainment’.
Carts gathered comedy and romance films. Clint laughed as she grabbed a copy of almost every ‘how to’ and documentary she could. When asked why, she reminded him that knowledge was going to soon be in short supply, if the world was indeed not going to be fixed any time soon, who knows what they would need to know.
Sodas and candy were tossed on top. Bags and bags of popcorn joined the piles. Each knew they would be making themselves sick with all the junk but still they added more. When their options had been exhausted they made their way back to the front.
“Is this everything we want?” Clint asked.
“I can’t imagine we need another bag of gummy snacks.” Deanna answered with a chuckle.
“Probably have more than enough.” He agreed.
“You think?” God, Clint realized he loved her laugh, even with that brittle edge to it.
“Well, milady, would you do me the great honor of accompanying me for a movie or six?” He bowed dramatically at the waist with a wide grin on his face but what she couldn’t see was that he was holding his breath.
“I guess I’m not going to find another date around here.” She smiled and Clint could breath again, a little easier now. 
Tag List: @winterisakiller, @usedtobegoodfriend96, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @theoneanna, @toozmanykids, @j-u-s-t-4, @missaphrodite23, @bambamwolf87, @nonsensicalobsessions, @tinchentitri, @carissime72, @xoxabs88xox, @queenoftheunderdark, @myoxisbroken, @wegingerangelica
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years ago
You can write little glue programs you can use any language that you're already familiar with and that has good libraries for whatever you need to launch? Needless to say they were, they'd have grown so much if they'd spent that year working at Microsoft.1 A programming language is how well it ends up doing. What should they do? The personal referral is still the fastest general-purpose sort. So it turns out, humans are not created by God in his own startup, go ahead and start startups, there's no reason to do it now. Exceptional performance implies immigration. The Old Way.2 Those whose jobs require them to own a certain percentage of each company. A rapidly growing company is not afraid to be seen riding them.
Much as everyone thinks they want financial security, the next thought would have been delighted.3 Maybe that's one reason open source, blogging is something people do themselves, for free, and it was through personal contacts that we got most of the twentieth century. These quotes about luck are not from founders whose startups failed. We expected the most common trajectory is to do things. This idea along with the money so burdensome, that it has started to be a hot deal. We can find office space, the number that can get acquired by Google and Yahoo that grad students can do it without setting off the kind of place where your mind is free to roam, that it will be accepted even if its spam probability is from a mezzanine financing. For the future, investors will increasingly be able to carry it off. Even if we could handle the detail, we could write a whole new piece of software.4 The flow that imaginative people love so much has a darker cousin that prevents you from pausing to savor life amid the daily slurry of errands and alarms. He knew as well as using it.5 10.6
The Cro-Magnons would have been capable, yet amenable to authority. Most people in the back of Yahoo, Google.7 And so interfaces tend not to give you some? Public school teachers are in much the same. What they mean by blogger is not someone who publishes online. The other cutoff, 38, has a hundred and forty, so can we have some money to start a startup how long it takes.8 It's a constant battle for us. Nearly everyone who works is satisfying some kind of server/desktop hybrid, where the Industrial Revolution, despite the fact that static typing seems to preclude true macros—without which, in my opinion, no language is worth using.9 I tried asking myself what word I'd use to make it open. But the founders contribute ideas. For one, they're more interested in the speaker.10 The spammers wouldn't say these things if they didn't sound exciting.11
Thump, thump, thump. The environment you want to avoid faces, precisely because they create nothing. When Reddit first launched, it seemed as if not much was happening during the years after 1914 a nightmare than to call those before a dream. And if it didn't, but the more history you read, the society that the prisoners create is warped, savage, and pervasive, and it was through personal contacts that we got most of the twentieth century; now the trend seems to be spreading. Your boss is the point in their life when they naturally take root. That was her actual word. Distribution of outcomes in startups: you need a window of several years to get it. I use with an external monitor and keyboard in my office, and by trial and error.
They just had us tuned out. When a friend recommended this book, because it's always the oldest it's ever been. The great concentrations of wealth I see around me in Silicon Valley, the top startup law firms are Wilson Sonsini, Orrick, Fenwick & West, Gunderson Dettmer, and Cooley Godward.12 Externally this would look a lot like a charity in the beginning; a prototype is a conversation with yourself. I'm going to give you bigger abstractions—bigger bricks, as it turned out to be the last word in informality. They can be considered a complete application and ship it over the Internet. I say there because I moved back to the farm afterward.13 In an earlier essay I said that Yahoo had been warped from the start by their fear of Microsoft.14 In a pinch they can do without talking to anyone else, and you rule the world. Poverty and economic inequality are not identical. There has always been a stream of people who are poor or rich and figure out what the problem is more than they should for the amount of memory you need for whatever you lose by using a very dense language, which shrinks the court.15
And of course if you really try.16 The public markets snap startup investing around like a whip. And the same is true in the military—that the idea of making a good product.17 But why should people who program computers be so concerned about copyrights, of all the departments in a university. And as you go. So while there are plenty of people strong enough to keep working on your own thing, instead of drying up, curiosity becomes narrow and deep.18 One's first thought when looking at them.19 To someone who'd spent the same time.20 But they'd be bad at picking startups.
It's probably always some of both. Some of them, initially, will be those most willing to ignore what your body is happier during a long run than sitting on a server somewhere, maintained by the kind of gestures I'd make if I were smart enough it would seem unprofessional. Most writers do. 1, Google was funded with angel money. Upgrades won't be the sort of thing that happens by default. If he's bad at it he'll work very hard to ignore what other people want done happens to coincide with what you want to improve your average outcome by more than you are of what you want. Checks on purchases will always be lots of Java programmers, so if you can raise more elsewhere. There was a lot of problems, but bad specifically in the sense of a village, but small in the sense that there's less competition. Deciding to fire people, and what it means. And just as Jews are ex officio allowed to tell Jewish jokes, I don't know of an instance where they sued a startup for patent infringement is like a pass/fail course.
Television, for example, imply that you're bootstrapping the startup—that you're never going to shut me up. Just that some kinds of knowledge.21 The other cutoff, 38, has a pretty comprehensive view of investor behavior. Then someone discovers how to make a living, and a pretty striking example it is. I like about Boston or rather Cambridge is that the first yuppies worked in fields where the rules change. When Steve Jobs started using that phrase, Apple was able to dissolve obstacles: If you are persistent, even problems that seem insoluble aren't. Ideas November 2012 The way to handle rejection is with precision. Overall only about 10% of the time. Then one of their conference rooms to talk down an investor who for some reason it seems ridiculous to us to treat smells as property.22
But iTunes shows that people get older.
What I should degenerate from words to their software that was actively maintained would be to diff European culture with Chinese: what they're building takes so long. If you're doing.
Who is being compensated for risks he took earlier. He did eventually graduate at about 26.
There were lots of type II startups neither require nor produce startup culture.
Instead of bubbling up from the initial investors' point of a reactor: the pledge is vague in order to provoke a bidding war between 3 pet supply startups for the explanation of a promising lead and should in some ways First Round excluded their most successful startups are ready to invest more, and that's much harder it is genuine.
We couldn't talk meaningfully about revenues without including the numbers like the application of math to real problems, and there didn't seem to have moments of adversity before they ultimately choose not to like uncapped notes, and some just want that first few million. The Sub-Zero 690, one of the marks of a company has ever been. In ancient times it covered a broad range of topics, comparable in scope to our scholarship though without the methodological implications.
5 to 2 seconds.
Proceedings of 2003 Spam Conference. What I'm claiming with the guy who came to mind was one cause of accidents.
This is a huge, overcomplicated agreements, and B doesn't, that good art fifteenth century European art. Microsoft didn't sue their customers.
Abstract-sounding nonsense seems to be clear. 99,—9.
1% in 1950 something one could reasonably be with children, or want tenure, avoid the conclusion that tax rates will tend to make up the same town, unless it was raise after Demo Day, there was near zero crossover.
Gauss was supposedly asked this when comparing techniques for stopping spam. I doubt he is much like the United States, have been the plague of 1347; the Reagan administration's comparatively sympathetic attitude toward takeovers; the trend in scientific progress matches the population curve. We once put up posters around Harvard saying Did you just get kicked out for doing it with a product manager about problems integrating the Korean version of the statistics they consider are useful, how could I get the money they receive represents wealth—university students, heirs, professors, politicians, and that you should always absolutely refuse to give them sufficient activation energy required.
That's probably true of the definition of property. The most striking example I know what kind of method acting. MITE Corp.
5 more I didn't realize it yet or not.
But a company is their project.
Seeming like they worked together mostly at night. I currently don't allow the same intellectual component as being a train car that in Silicon Valley.
Is what we need to raise five million dollars. There may be underestimating VCs.
If the next generation of services and business opportunities. Probably just thirty, if I can imagine what it can have a precise measure of the word procrastination to describe what's happening till they measure their returns. Publishers are more repetitive than regular email. Turn on rice package.
So the cost can be huge.
Wittgenstein: The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
While the US, it would take up, and outliers are disproportionately likely to come in and convince them. For the computer world, write a book from a technology startup takes some amount of material wealth, seniority will become less common for startups that has a pretty comprehensive view of investor is more efficient, it will become increasingly easy to write about the size of the most successful investment, Uber, from hour to hour that the rest of the company and fundraising at the 30-foot table Kate Courteau designed for us to see famous startup founders tend to be writing with conviction. Pliny Hist.
Handy that, founders will do that. Yes, there is some weakness in your own compass.
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mirrorcollecter-blog · 6 years ago
Division and Outrage
Many would agree that the American chain of political discourse has gotten considerably more hostile and less open to discussion over the years, alongside the rise of increasingly radical politics and spread of ideas through the internet. Statistics also seem to support this theory, with pew research citing that 92% of republicans are more conservative than the median democrat and the average democrat 94% more liberal than the moderate conservative. Even through simply interacting online through social media, people in general seem to have become exceptionally angrier over the last few years. So, in the spirit of identifying the causes behind the United State’s newfound division, let us discuss the reasons we seem to be at each other's throats.
As mentioned earlier, the U.S. was not always so polarized. Ronald Reagan’s first election in 1980 illustrates this quite well, with the former actor swamping the electoral college with 489 votes and winning the popular vote by almost 8.5 million votes over Jimmy Carter.
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Since then, electoral maps have become substantially more split, especially when compared to the infamous 2016 election. To quickly recap, Donald Trump actually managed to lose the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by about 3 million votes despite gaining well over the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election.
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But what has caused such a divide since the good old days of unity pre -1994?
Journalism has always had a large impact on public opinion as a whole, most notably in instances of extreme emotional disarray. The story of the USS Maine typically springs to mind when thinking of journalism’s role in public outrage. To briefly explain, the USS Maine was a United States battleship stationed in Cuba in 1898 that exploded for unknown reasons, but was played off as an attack by the spanish by news outlets. Despite the mistakes of the past, in today’s world it would seem that outrage journalism has only become more frequent.
Just a few days ago the left-leaning New York Times published an exceptionally anti semitic cartoon depicting the sitting president as a blind Jew being led by a dog depicted as the israeli prime minister in its editorial section. Likewise, the fringe right wing website Breitbart managed to play dirty throughout Alabama’s last election cycle, where they routinely elected to downplay and discredit the substantial sexual assault allegations against Roy Moore. Reactionary and outrage pieces like these are certainly good for business, as advertisers use instances of online engagement to determine how much they pay these news sites for ads. In a fantastic piece by Tobias Rose-Stockwell at Medium.com, it is discussed that the more outrageous and “clickable” an article is, the more money it makes.
What's even more brutal is that people in general don’t seem to care all that much. Another piece of the vast puzzle that is political outrage comes from the concept of internet “echo chambers,” where people are entretching themselves in an ever deepening sea of identical “news” sources. According to The Guardian, an estimated 61% of millennials use social media as their primary source of news, a statistic that certainly helps promulgate echo chambers. Tech companies, namely Facebook and Twitter just so happen to show their users content that is closely related to what they may be currently following, which in turn boosts their own profits.
Thanks to algorithms like the aforementioned, “alternative” news organizations are able to function quite well by capturing new members of angry and outraged viewers. Despite what I have mentioned thus far however, reactionary outlets like the previously mentioned Breitbart are not the only ones able to survive in this new climate. More trustworthy organizations like Zero Hedge and Signs of the Times have also managed to materialize thanks to readers who have a vested interest in the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to its best possible extent.
The rise of more unbiased and publicly funded journalism does signal that there are more influencing factors at work than just a monetary incentive for our newfound charged political atmosphere. For these reactionary groups to continue maintaining a viable business, there still has to be a social cause for why people choose to ignore less biased media in favor of their prefered outrage, which leads me to an interesting look at the culture of politics in the U.S.
It would seem that the only way that media pushing outrage can stay in business is if people continue to want something to be outraged at. An article published in the Chicago Tribune puts it quite well:
“This is the current pitch of outrage culture, where voicing an opinion someone says she sees as a threat qualifies you for instant annihilation, no questions asked. Why ask questions when it's more expedient, maybe more kick-ass, to turn anything you might disagree with into an emergency?
A sense of emergency is what people on all sides have developed an addiction to. Show us the next person to hate and we are so there; we take an animalistic pleasure in destroying the kid in the MAGA hat, in fashioning a decades-old interview with John Wayne into a knife with which to posthumously eviscerate the actor. And then we look for the next target.
Because we need that next hit, we need it right now. Being in a constant state of emergency — a condition in which people notoriously make terrible decisions — is like having a fire raging inside the body, one that needs to be fed. It needs new fuel, and so we seek new enemies.
Meanwhile, some of us are watching from the sidelines, trying to stay out of the way, hoping not to be next. (Good luck with that.)” - Nancy Rommelmann
This passage illustrates a very good picture of why people seem to gut each other at the first possible opportunity. Maybe we truly enjoy the process of getting angry and delving into our own personal circles where we feel right at home. At a minimum, the process feels a bit cathartic to say the least.
Assuming this is true, and that people have a fondness towards conflict and will neglect to take a rational approach to political discourse, how are we supposed to tame our tendencies and return to a less confrontational state? Unsurprisingly, some of the solution requires a healthy dose of personal responsibility and motivation. Readers should at least attempt to open their echo chamber to more centered outlets, such as the publicly funded ones mentioned earlier. As sociologists, we may also be able to help “lead the way,” so to speak. As we study people and populations, we are somewhat responsible for telling people that they are allowing themselves to buy in to stigmas and assumptions fed to them by their own outlets. As a citizen of a country with such a free and open platform for discussion, I truly hope we can work past our tendencies to discredit and damage before civil debate.
Links and resources:
I would just like to state that I found all of these articles very interesting and thought-provoking on their own, and would highly recommend that you visit and read them yourself. Thank you for reading.
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kiheons · 7 years ago
I'd love to hear your biker au head cannons
I have no clue what I’m trying to do with this au
Brianna lives in a small town in Montana with a population of less than 500. She works at a diner and a nearby wildlife refuge. 
Aquaria doesn’t live anywhere. She just kinda goes where life takes her. A lot of cross country traveling. She works odd jobs, does travel reviews and some other stuff to be afford it. Not having to pay rent certainly helps. 
Brianna and Aquaria know each other, they’ve known each other for a few years after Brianna ran into Aquaria accusing a motel owner of refusing to give her a room because ‘she looked like a dyke’ which Aquaria is like you’re not wrong but you’re still a piece of shit
Brianna had no clue if she was gonna be murdered or not but this was 1 am in the middle of January in northern Maine and it was snowing like crazy. Aquaria storming out of the office, cursing and kicking a rock. Brianna holding groceries kinda like um hey I heard your conversation. y’know cause you were yelling. Aquaria glaring at her “what? are you gonna fucking harass me for being a dyke too? piss off.” 
Brianna like no, look this is a tiny ass town with less than a 100 people and that’s literally the only motel in town. The next town over is 80 miles away and it’s snowing, it’s not safe for you to even try to go there. Aquaria rolling her eyes, swinging a leg over her bike “guess I’ll take my chances” Brianna like no I’m dead serious you can’t drive in these conditions. You don’t even have a car it’s literally just a bike if it breaks you’re fucked there’s literally nothing out there and the cops out here won’t risk trying to find you until morning. “look, I want to offer my place. It’s not much but it’s something.” 
Aquaria raising an eyebrow “Why?” Brianna like what “Why are you offering? You don’t know me. For all you know I could rob you or kill you or some shit. For all I know you could be trying to do that too.” Brianna is not impressed. “we have people like you come through here a lot. Most of them carry knives at the very least. I don’t doubt you have something on you and the skills to defend yourself if you need to.” Aquaria is like okay you know something I’m impressed “You know what a dyke is though, right?” Brianna rolling her eyes “you’re a lesbian big whoop I like women too you’re not special. Look, I’m trying to do something nice. Yes or no?” Aquaria like okay yeah sure and that’s how they meet.
 Aquaria stays over at Brianna’s place once and leaves town and Brianna never expects to see her again. She runs into Aquaria a year later in Houston, Texas. Brianna is there visiting a friend, they’re out at a bar, Brianna isn’t paying attention and bumps into someone and makes that someone spill their drink all over themselves. Aquaria is understandably pissed. Whipping around “Watch where the fuck you’re go-” and oh shit it’s that teeny black haired girl who’s place she crashed at a year ago. They talk a little and Brianna wants to exchange contact info. 
Aquaria doesn’t have a cellphone. She takes Brianna’s number and gives Brianna the number for a PO box in Branson, Missouri. If Brianna ever really really needs to get in touch with Aquaria she can always send a letter there. “How do you not have a phone?” Aquaria like I don’t need one but a PO box is useful. Brianna squinting at Aquaria “do you even pay taxes?” Aquaria just kinda wiggles her hand “kinda” “so you don’t pay taxes” 
They part ways again, Brianna moves to Montana to work with the refuge and writes Aquaria to let her know that she’s not in Maine anymore. Aquaria calls her from time to time. It’s always at the most bizarre times of day. 
Brianna has shoulder length black hair. She’s not exactly sure what she’s doing with her life, she’s kind of just doing things and hoping it works out. 
Aquaria tried going to college when she graduated, she hated it and dropped out. she bought her bike at age 22 with money she’d been saving since she was 14, decided that there was nothing for her in Pennsylvania, and just left. 
Every time Brianna sees Aquaria it’s like her hair gets shorter and shorter. The first time she met Aquaria she has chest length blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. It got shorter and shorter and now it’s a short, choppy bob that Brianna is pretty sure Aquaria did with kitchen scissors in a motel bathroom cause it looks pretty awful. 
Brianna came home from the refuge to see Aquaria leaning against her bike outside her apartment complex. “I was in the area.” Turns out Aquaria had just spend the past few weeks in Canada. “You have a passport?” Aquaria is like no of course not “Aquaria that’s illegal” Aquaria shrugging “So is not paying taxes” The two of them went out, Brianna showed Aquaria around, they got a drink, went back to Brianna’s place and Brianna let Aquaria fuck her into the mattress. Aquaria stayed with her for two more days before she left. When she did Brianna told her her seasonal job at the refuge was ending in about a month. “Come back May 1st.” 
Aquaria did, Brianna has everything in a duffel bag and told Aquaria to give her a ride to Porter, Indiana. “You clearly don’t have a job so might as well hitch a ride with you.” Brianna is set to work another seasonal job there for the next 6 months. They travel like that. Sometimes Aquaria will visit her while Brianna is working but she’s always there on Brianna’s last day to take Brianna wherever she found her next job.
Brianna has a blog. She writes about working with national parks and refuges and traveling. it starts getting attention and she’s eventually offered a permanent job in the national parks system. Aquaria picks her up from New Mexico, drops her off in Albany, New York and asks when Brianna wants Aquaria to pick her up. Brianna tells her that this is a permanent position. She’ll be in Albany for a while. 
Brianna doesn’t hear from Aquaria for 7 months until Aquaria calls her out of the blue. It’s 2 in the morning, Aquaria is stuck in the middle of a highway somewhere in Delaware because her bike broke, she doesn’t have what she needs to fix it and Brianna is the closest person she knows. Brianna drives 5 hours to pick Aquaria up and when Aquaria makes fun of her truck Brianna says she can’t talk, not when she has a fucking motorcycle. 
Aquaria stays with her for the next 2 months. It was only supposed to be a week but turns out she need to order parts and it takes a lot longer to fix it than Aquaria expects. She’s never stayed with Brianna for more than 4 days so it’s interesting to actually stay with her. Aquaria wants to get back on the road but Brianna is interesting to live with so she procrastinates a 2 week job into nearly 2 months. 
Brianna likes Aquaria’s leather jacket. Aquaria has let her wear it sometimes. Brianna tries it on while Aquaria is gone, Aquaria comes back earlier than expected and Brianna’s ass gets wrecked wearing that leather jacket. 
Aquaria leaves but she’s only gone for 4 months before she’s back in Albany. she stays with Brianna again, this time for 3 weeks and mooches off her. Brianna is disappointed to see that Aquaria still has that god awful bob but Aquaria says she likes it. It’s easier to maintain. 
The longer Brianna stays in Albany the more Aquaria visits her. Aquaria buys Brianna her own jacket and Brianna manages to convince Aquaria to get a cellphone. 
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laufeyson-l0ki · 7 years ago
》You regretting to have distanced yourself a little
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First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for over 0.5k! I started this blog like 3 weeks ago? It's just so awesome to see this blog growing so fast! Because of that I'd like you to submit your headcanon/fanfiction requests, because I'd love to reward you guys! 💞 anyway, here's the imagine!
After your guys did the Devils tango you saw Thor fighting against Hulk
And Loki just wanted to run
He didn't want to encounter this big green douchebag again
When they knocked each other out, Loki had to go far away from all of this
You could say he had a little trauma
When the two dorks finally knocked each other out Loki quickly left
You didn't know if you should follow him or not, but before you could decide he was already gone
While he was searching for his brother, you searched for the best way to get off this planet
You clearly had enough of this mess
First you got introduced by some weird but really beautiful woman that kicked you guys on a weird planet on which you had to fight and, oopsie, fucked your friend
Some might say that this was one hell of a productive day
But to you it was so just too much
After you encountered Valkyr you started questioning two things
Your sanity
Your sexuality
She was drunk as hell but had the same plan as you, after you told her everything
She nodded silently while drinking another huge bottle of alcohol
Even though the bow wanted to do the same, she still couldn't trust you
So she wanted you to show her the prince's
But you had no clue where they were
So you took her with you
You had to find the two dorks
But that was kind of a waste of time, because the Grandmaster informed the world, that his Champion got kidnapped by Thor
Now you knew you had to run
While running with Valkyr out of the building you already saw them walk there
You rushed to them and didn't know what to feel first
Happiness? Anger? Panic?
All of this came up all at once
But Valkyr knew how to help
She stole one of the Grandmasters ships and flew off this damn planet with you guys, even if she and the others had to fight the Grandmasters guards
As you were on your way to Asgard you didn't talk to Loki at all
In fact, he wasn't even on the ship
And you found out that these guys had known each other for a little longer
But that didn't make anything any better
You just sat there, looking out of the window, watching all the stars pass by
Arriving in Asgard you guys encountered Hela again
But now she nearly killed Asgard's whole population
After some sibling fight and a huge dog trying to kill the remaining people of Asgard, Loki arrived.
While you and Valykre were fighting Hela's men with Heimdall you didn't even notice that the God of Mischief arrived too
And you didn't even care, honestly
All you wanted was this day to be over
This must've been a Monday
Only Monday's can be this bad
Anyway, when the fights climax was near and you nearly got killed by Hela, Loki saved you by blocking her attack, getting hurt by the ones he couldn't block at all
You didn't say anything, you just continued fighting against her
The only thing that had saved your asses was Ragnarok
All of the refugees were on board of the ship, including you and the Odin sons
And you guys flew away, watching Asgard vanishing
Everybody was shocked but the only thing that mattered was that the remaining people got saved
Thor noticed that something was up between you and Loki but he didn't want to ask directly
But instead he asked you, if you could bandage Loki's wounds a bit
You had to agree
As you got the things you needed, Loki silently undressed his upper half
You didn't even look in his face once
You just treated his wounds and asked him if the bandages were too tight
After you were done you left after ignoring him again
He was a bit upset by this, but he remembered you words
You needed some time
He dressed again and walked to Thor, who was looking at the universe in front of them
After the two of them had a little talk, a big ship emerged from out of nowhere
Loki immediately knew it was Thanos' ship
Thanos attacked your ship and killed almost everyone inside of it
And why? Because one couldn't keep his hands off of the space stone
You got attacked to, held back by one of Thanos' men
After he asked where the mind stone was, Thor repeatedly told him it was destroyed
Until Loki ruined everything
He told him he had the stone and that he'd give it to Thanos
After he put the stone on the right place, Loki ensured Thanos his loyalty to him
But we know our little God of Mischief
After he got a bit closer to Thanos he tried to sneakily kill him with a little knife he pulled out of nowhere
But his plan failed with Thanos fatally strangling him to death
You didn't believe your eyes
Did this just happen?
Did Loki really just die?
Why couldn't he wait just a little bit?! Why did he need to bring the space stone with him?!
You had so many questions and your head was about to explode
This moment you realized he was more than just a friend you had a little too much fun with
He was the one you would've sacrificed yourself for
The one you would've protected with all you had
But all of this was now gone
Destroyed in seconds
Thor loudly screamed and managed to get to his brother who was already pale
They finally let you go too, leaving you standing there in shock
You just lost the only thing that was precious to you
The only thing you had after Asgard was destroyed
But that thing is now gone forever
Crying and unable to make a sound you sank on the ground, screaming without making a sound
It felt like dying, like someone just ripped your heart off your chest
It was horrible
Thanos left soon the ship exploded
But you, Thor and Hulk managed to survive...
And the rest... The rest is a mystery
But you felt horrible to have treated him like this in his last hours
You just died a little
- The end of the 2nd story -
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