#paladins seris
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a-nea-main · 11 months ago
Finally posting again✨️
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I decided to fuse 2 of my favorite video game characters, seris from paladins and moira from ow <3
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(If you see any mistakes, no you dont)
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ladyzirkonia · 11 months ago
There are 3 types of Fallout players.
Oh my sweet babygirl husband let me protect and cherish you.
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I know he has some strong opinions but poor man was raised by a cult and I can make him better.
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What the hell did you think I hoarded all the RadAway for, bitch?!
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stoat-party · 11 months ago
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nukaposting · 17 days ago
today we ask the age old question: who's the saddest wettest most pathetic man in the wasteland?
nick and hancock are disqualified because they won the sexyman polls. sorry girls
edit i can't believe i forgot boone. click male sole survivor to vote for boone
edit 2 i fucking forgot preston too. click cooper howard to vote for preston
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panncakes · 5 months ago
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"If I hadn't believed in that stupid hope someone gave me..."
Jack & Joker (2024)
c. euripides, anne carson
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estramor · 2 months ago
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spells & abilities showcased in Secret Level: The Queen's Cradle (2024), animated by UNIT IMAGE.
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neon-tigre95 · 8 months ago
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ad victoriam or whatever
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olgipolgi · 6 months ago
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Shadowheart 🖤
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paladin--strait · 12 days ago
soulmates part 6
luke hughes x reader
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tw!!: angst, use of y/n, reader can be depicted as any body shape/size, female reader. this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long. this is a complete work of fiction. I am in no way saying or implying that these people act the way they do in the story. I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you!
series masterlist here!
i wake up in between jamie and trevor, sweating. i sit up, looking around and realizing it's still late at night as a random movie now plays on the tv. i carefully untangle myself from their arms and legs, trevor's snores filling the room as i step out.
i carefully make my way downstairs, my throat dry and in need of hydration. i cough, but it's covered by my shirt, making it quieter. i step down the wood stairs, the boards creaking below me.
i walk into the kitchen to grab some water, soothing my dry throat. once i turn to go back upstairs, i notice a dark figure standing at the end of the dock. i squint, recognizing the fluffy hair underneath the beanie that sits on their head. i silently make my way outside, walking down the dock. my feet pattering as i step. the figures head never turns, but i can see them tense, they know i'm there.
"quinn?" i whisper, kicking off my slippers and moving to sit beside him at the edge of the dock, our legs swinging off the end. "what are you doing out here? it's cold and dark, you'll get sick."
he's silent, until he speaks. "i always called you sweetheart."
"what?" i ask, tilting my head in confusion. "what are you talking about?"
"luke. he calls you sweetheart. that was my thing." quinn says quietly, his gaze never leaving the water.
my expression drops a little, remembering he overheard my conversation with trevor and jamie earlier in the hallway. "quinn..."
"how did you not see it?" he whispers, his tone filled with hurt and almost anger. "y/n, i love you. i love everything about you. the way your face crinkles when you smile, the way your whole body trembles when you laugh, the way you cheered me on at my games, the way you would come over when i was feeling sad to put your arms around me and make me feel better. everything about you, i love."
"i'm sorry quinn..." my face drops the more he talks, along with my heart. i truly never knew he felt this way, and my heart is filled with guilt. "why didn't you tell me?"
"i didn't tell you because i didn't even know what i was feeling until deep into our friendship. it would've ruined everything, and i'd rather keep you as a friend over losing you completely." quinn says, finally looking up to make eye contact with me.
"quinn, i don't know what to say...this is all so sudden." i shake my head in almost disbelief. "one second you're telling me how much you want me to be with luke, and now you're telling me how much you love me. i don't know what you want me to do."
"i don't know what i want you to do either." he says, looking back down at the water. "but i know one thing, i can't control what you do or who you love. all i want...is to see you happy." his voice trembles as he speaks, and i'm left speechless.
i look down at the water as well, trying to find the right words. my mind and heart are filled with confusion and guilt. if i had known quinn liked me so much, things could have ended so much differently, but i didn't know, and now my heart pounds with a fear like feeling. normally at a time like this, i would ask myself what quinn would do, but i can't ask myself that this time.
we sit in silence for what feels like hours, until the silence is broken. a hurt "i'm sorry." fills the air, our heads snapping to look at each other after we spoke the same words. my eyes are wide when i see his face, his face is red and swollen, eyes tired and sunken in. i wasn't able to see it earlier, but since the could have moved away from the moon, his hurt face is illuminated by the moonlight.
"quinn..." i whisper, my heart breaking as i see the state of my best friend. "what's happening to us..." my voice cracks, a tear slipping down my cheek.
his head shakes and his hand slowly raises, carefully wiping away the stray tear. "please don't cry..." he whispers back, "i'm sorry, this is all my fault."
"but it's not, quinn." i say, placing my hand on top of his as it lingers on my cheek. "i should've seen. i should've known how you felt. we were together everyday, rarely apart, and i never noticed...i feel terrible."
he looks into my eyes and i stare right back. it's like we're both searching for something. his eyes filled with regret, and mine filled with guilt and confusion. my heart pounds even faster when i hear his next words. "i'm sorry, sweetheart."
ah, there it is. the nickname he gave me the day we met.
i can feel my lip tremble at the word, my eyes welling with tears. i just want things to go back to the way they were, but i don't think that'll ever be possible now. my chest hurts, desperately holding back tears. but he whispers once more, "it's okay to cry..." and the dam breaks, sobs racking my body as my shirt dampens from my tears.
before i can even process what's happening, i feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me, pulling me close. "listen to me, i want you to be with luke. i can see how happy you are with him, and that's all i want for you. i want everything to go back to normal, because i see how much it hurts you, and it only hurts me more. i'll get over this, i'll be okay. we'll be okay..."
i lean against him as he speaks, my tears soaking his sweatshirt. after a while, my sobs settle down, and i'm left a sniffling mess. he wipes my eyes with the bottom of his sleeves, "why don't we go to bed? yeah?" he stands, helping me up and putting my shoes back on me.
he carries me upstairs, the silence hanging over us. he walks me to luke's room, pulling me into a tight, warm hug before he opens the door for me. i step in, watching as the door shuts quietly behind me.
i look at luke's sleeping form on the bed, and smile softly. i kick off my slippers, getting into the bed with him and snuggling up beside him. he grumbles, his brows furrowing. "y/n...?" he whispers.
"i'm here, lukey..." i whisper, feeling his arms wrapped around me. we lay in silence, my mind constantly drifting back to quinn and i's conversation as luke sleeps in my arms, my fingers slowlt raking through his curls.
i don't know if i just needed a good cry, but i somehow feel a sense of peace, like everything really will be okay. maybe when i wake up in the morning and walk downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone, it'll have just been a bad dream.
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gecko-in-a-can · 11 months ago
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Requirements to be in the BoS:
Big sad wet eyes
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skullinacowboyhat · 10 months ago
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'I will make you understand, Lord Kathiros. All of the pain and all of the torment you have inflicted. You will feel it all. And then once you see, then finally, I will kill you.'
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stonercosplay · 11 months ago
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This is the result of my collaboration with Bethesda, with my Paladin Danse (with helmet) cosplay! Next time I will do the unmasked version and also improve it, adding new pieces, improving the aging etc!
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This is a collaboration with @bethesda_es 📸 By @comando_photography 👤Assistant: @maxamune
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ourstaturestouchtheskies · 11 months ago
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art history dnd character class moodboard – paladin
Joan of Arc – Annie Swynnerton // The Penitent Magdalene – Georges de La Tour // Barbara Palmer (née Villiers), Duchess of Cleveland – after Peter Lely // Christian in Prayer – Max Nonnenbruch // Joan of Arc – Pedro Américo // Purgatory – Gabriel von Max // Saint Catherine – Pacecco De Rosa // Mary of Egypt – Jusepe de Ribera // Joan of Arc – Dante Gabriel Rossetti
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kismetconstellations · 4 months ago
@sockdooe, This is the full original image:
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According to the Tumblr post I originally snagged it from, it's an early piece of promotional artwork, meant to depict Keith as the series's central character. Shiro is shoved into the background, presumably to illustrate that he was intended to fulfill a Doomed Mentor role.
#Correspondence.#sockdooe#Takashi Shirogane#Shiro#You're nothingness but shining and everywhere at once.#Allura#Hunk Garrett#Keith Kogane#Pidge Holt#Katie Holt#Lance McClain#Voltron: Legendary Defender#It IS a really nice piece with a ton of personality but I hate a lot of what it represents.#Specifically how Allura is just sort of thrown in there like an awkward Token Female when she's one of the most important people in the#entire series.#And of course the sidelining and eventual nerfing of Shiro because the writers simply HAD to get him out of the way to achieve their#desired team line-up.#Until they were delivered the ultimate reality check in the form of an order from the higher-ups that they couldn't permanently kill a#popular character who also happens to be a gay man#leaving them scrambling like the clowns they were to figure out how to reintegrate him into the story.#Then the voice actor for *their* 'Chosen One' had scheduling conflicts that made him unavailable to them for a significant chunk of time.#Call me petty but I call that karma.#If they hadn't been dead set on killing Shiro they could have avoided the entire ridiculous clone plot because he still would have been#a member of the team and easily able to step back into his previous role of Black Paladin had Steven Yeun's outside job commitments#unavoidably necessitated Keith being M.I.A. for a period.#But I expect too much of showrunners who couldn't handle having a disabled main lead and exploited his sexuality for internet brownie#points despite having every intention of killing him and keeping him dead.
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theology101 · 10 months ago
I honestly can’t WAIT for Maxson’s Brotherhood to interact with the remnants of the NCR.
“Like the Brotherhood - they were really good allies against the enclave, but fundamentally they’re just a little inbred cult. No outsiders, no new technology, but damn good with their power armor. Then they went crazy and we had to take Helios. Now they’re just hold up in their bunkers”
And then Maxson just… isnt that.
A massive cult of personality (the kind that the NCR used to mock about Roger Maxson) able to inspire, uplift and enlist THOUSANDS. A faction not only with the capability and technology to have power armor and vertibirds, but the capacity to Mass Produce them too.
A combination of Western Zealotry, Lyon’s Reforms, and a healthy amount of overwhelming firepower
Arthur is a unifying symbol that can take the isolated and sometimes contradicting Brotherhood Chapters and forge them into a Nation. He has two successful campaigns under his belt and two Fusion Reactor.
He has Liberty Prime.
I’m FASCINATED by what he’ll do. Will he reject Elijah and the War and give them an olive branch in their time of need? Will Arthur double down and seek revenge, using this opportunity to finish off the weakened NCR? Or maybe he just… ignores them?
His primary goal is, now that the Brotherhood has 2 cold fusion reactors, is going to be rebuild Lost Hills and then take Vegas, Helios One and the Hoover Dam. That was the original mission of Elijah’s chapter, after all and three incredible storehouses of pre-war tech. But I could honestly see him doubling down and trying to turn LA into a Fortress for the Brotherhood.
I honestly dont know - according to his stated goals, he has no reason to intervene against the NCR when peace is entirely likely. But he’s a Monarch fundamentally, and Monarchs dont like threats to their power.
Good news is he probably wipes out the Legion or whatever’s left of it!
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emberr-art · 1 month ago
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some Galen Saint of Steel sketches,,, character of all time
picked up Paladin's Hope thinking I'd just read it as a stand alone, read it through twice in three days, and have since read all three other books in the series for Galen scraps. shaking him in a jar in my mind he is such a guy
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