#they fly around in an airship named after King Arthur’s ship
theology101 · 5 months
I honestly can’t WAIT for Maxson’s Brotherhood to interact with the remnants of the NCR.
“Like the Brotherhood - they were really good allies against the enclave, but fundamentally they’re just a little inbred cult. No outsiders, no new technology, but damn good with their power armor. Then they went crazy and we had to take Helios. Now they’re just hold up in their bunkers”
And then Maxson just… isnt that.
A massive cult of personality (the kind that the NCR used to mock about Roger Maxson) able to inspire, uplift and enlist THOUSANDS. A faction not only with the capability and technology to have power armor and vertibirds, but the capacity to Mass Produce them too.
A combination of Western Zealotry, Lyon’s Reforms, and a healthy amount of overwhelming firepower
Arthur is a unifying symbol that can take the isolated and sometimes contradicting Brotherhood Chapters and forge them into a Nation. He has two successful campaigns under his belt and two Fusion Reactor.
He has Liberty Prime.
I’m FASCINATED by what he’ll do. Will he reject Elijah and the War and give them an olive branch in their time of need? Will Arthur double down and seek revenge, using this opportunity to finish off the weakened NCR? Or maybe he just… ignores them?
His primary goal is, now that the Brotherhood has 2 cold fusion reactors, is going to be rebuild Lost Hills and then take Vegas, Helios One and the Hoover Dam. That was the original mission of Elijah’s chapter, after all and three incredible storehouses of pre-war tech. But I could honestly see him doubling down and trying to turn LA into a Fortress for the Brotherhood.
I honestly dont know - according to his stated goals, he has no reason to intervene against the NCR when peace is entirely likely. But he’s a Monarch fundamentally, and Monarchs dont like threats to their power.
Good news is he probably wipes out the Legion or whatever’s left of it!
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Fate/Zero 1 - 25 (FINAL)
Most of these notes stayed intact during Fate/Stay Winter posts, but I’m releasing them in an unedited version here (aside from the dotpoints and read more, of course).
Fate/Zero 1
For some reason, I have it recorded that I’ve watched F/Z ep. 1, but I don’t remember it!  I only remember Saber fighting someone…that’s why I have notes for this ep too.
Ewwwwwww…what’s that in the Macedonian box…?
Oh! Heaven’s Feel is the name of one of the movies that came out this year or last.
LOL, the grandparents of Waver literally refer to him as “Waver”. I thought it was a title. Is it really his name???
I’m very good at making connections between seemingly disconnected things using only the things I know. I predict Kariya’s in for a verrrrrrrry bad time and will probably die in this Grail War, if not go bananas. I already know Rin, Ilya (the Einzbern child) and Sakura are already part of the Fate/ canon, so they’re probably going to fight in a Grail War as well.
Ahhhhhhh! B*stard Archer (that is, Gilgamesh)! He’s hereeeeeeeee!
What’s that counter on the ep title card…? Is it the time until the Grail War…?
Fate/Zero 2
I’ve seen enough spoilers being bandied about that I already know Rider is Alexander the Great.
Like, seriously, why do we call the dude “Waver Velvet”? What’s his real name?
Kiritsugu acts as Ilya’s dad, but…I’m pretty sure he isn’t her dad. Kiritsugu’s surname is Emiya, right? He’s Shirou’s dad, as far as I know. Then again, I only know what I know from being around Fate/ fans for so long.
LOL, there are far too many dragons in this name – Ryuunosuke Uryuu.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Is this Giant B*stard Archer???? Is this Giant B*stard Archer??? (i.e. Gilgamesh) Oooooooooh! No wonder people like Gilgamesh, even though they call him a giant loveable b*stard.
Fate/Zero 3
Thy don’t call Rider that for nothin’, eh?
I wonder how Saber managed to get a passport…? She’d need one, eh?
Oh…CGI car…it’s burning my eyesssssssss! (although I do believe Troyca didn’t do any better with El-Melloi’s Case Files)
“Hotel in Fuyuki” – They couldn’t be any more explicit with this stuff, could they…?
“…Highness.” – I can see why Saber is so popular with the Fate/ fans now.
Huh? I seem to remember the battle that comes next! Damn *bleep* <- (censored name of anime club manager responsible for the anime marathon that caused me to go from the beginning of F/Z in the first place)! I definitely remember Saber fighting Lancer.
Fate/Zero 4
(sorry, seen this one! That’s where the confusion was! So no notes here!)
Fate/Zero 5
Berserker looks like Goblin Slayer covered in smoke…LOL.
…Well, they don’t call that guy Berserker for nothin’ either.
Rider would make a great Santa Claus, LOL.
Fate/Zero 6
Isn’t there a Joan of Arc in the Netflix Fate/ (Apocrypha)?
Dang, that Kayneth is an evil b*stard, alright!
Kirei is basically Wolverine…?
No wonder you never hear about Caster when people talk about Fate/…he’s neither hot nor a waifu…so nobody gives a s*** about him.
Fate/Zero 7
Is that a Gantz?
Wait, y’mean Rider is motivated…by pants? *spits* Hahahaha…
You can see Ufotable’s much-praised CGI at work here, too.
I can definitely see why Ufotable was chosen for Katsugeki and why they chose Izuminokami for their protag.
Had to google Jeanne to remember what she looks like in this universe, but yeah…she does look like Saber.
For some reason, I had a fleeting thought that Lancer would be the one to be on the mountain alongside Saber…I was right.
So basically, the entire Fate/ series is this: who would win? A mage or an assassin? (Or something like this.)
Fate/Zero 8
I still think Kirei is basically Wolverine.
Kiritsugu = “to cut and tie”.Update: It’s “to tie” and “to inherit”, apparently.
F/Z 9
I wonder…just what is Lancer’s motivation for the Grail? Surely, Servants have their own motives…
I literally covered my eyes when Sola-Ui bent Kayneth’s finger back…it was almost as bad as seeing Nozomi get tortured (Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka)…*gulp*
“Not well” is an understatement, Sola-Ui.
I had to google how old Waver was in this Grail War…he’s 19, apparently, so right in my strike zone right here, so to speak~.
Beleaguered Waver is what you cool kids would call the 2020 Mood…and yes, I’m watching this on the 1st of January, 2020 (but you’re reading this after I put it up later in the month), so I’m keeping the comment.
“What kind of moron would go busting in?” – *facepalm* It seems Rider would.
What the heck is Rider riding his chariot over on the floor, anyway? What’s up with these sewer creatures ? They’ve got tentacles…!
F/Z 10
Rin reminds me of Asuka (NGE)…*gulp* That can only mean bad things for her.
Zenjo? I’ll make a note of that name.
That one glowing sign says “Fuyuki Station”.
Rin no Bouken = Rin’s Adventure. I don’t see why the subbers included “Big” in there, tbh.
F/Z 11
Uh-oh. Why do I get the feeling Saber’s going to get very, very drunk…?
Gee whiz, the great b*stard is a narcissist…
Well, sometimes I forget I had “Archer = Gilgamesh” spoilt for me ages ago…probably because he’s all over Babylonia, not to mention he seems to be one of the more popular characters precisely because he is the great b*stard.
“I wish for my homeland’s salvation.” – An interesting thing to say, considering Brexit.
What the f*** is a Gordius…oh, okay. So that’s Rider’s chariot.
How many Assassins are there??? I thought there was just the one, but there were 4 last time.
This discussion is interesting…no wonder Saber got mistaken for Joan of Arc back in the day.
Welp, Assassins gotta assassinate…*shrugs*
Eyyyyyy…there’s this one guy who looks basically like an older Waver Velvet! That explains a few things, I think.
F/Z 12
“Ramasonic” (sic).
I still think Gil-I mean, Archer’s snakeskin pants are hilarious.
I feel like last episode was a lot better in regards to how good Fate/ could be. This episode is just Ufotable animating talking Gilgamesh and Kirei heads.
Why do I get a bad feeling something bad’s going to happen to Maiya…again?
Kirei trying to look bada*s while leaning against a wall…it looks sort of funny, to be honest with you…because he bends his neck at a funny angle.
F/Z 13
This is the end of the 1st cour, apparently…according to AniList, at least.
“…5 billion people.” – I think the number is 7 billion now, but okay.
Never leave your Servant unsupervised, amirite?
I saw one of the bookstore’s shelves has science fiction on it…hmm, in a show with magic, that seems ironic…or was that non-fiction? Also somewhat ironic.
Oh, this “Don’t you want to do anything fun?” from Rider to Waver is an interesting parallel to Kirei’s episode (the previous one).
Dragon guy’s off his rocker…seriously.
Paraphrasing here, but “…if you want to use the Grail to make yourself taller…” – then stick to milk and other calcium products, Waver…LOL. I mean, other anime characters do.
Even Saber Naruto runs! There are no aliens here…but that car does have gull-wing doors (<-had to google what the doors were called), so…is it a DeLorean or something? Then someone could time travel instead.
I thought one of the previous commands from the overseers was to defeat Caster…?
Fate/Zero has become a kaiju movie, LOL.
Scared Waver is also a 2020 Mood…LOL.
F/Z 14
What’s this “Giant of Light” business…?
Geesh…If Ufotable did a Godzilla movie, I would watch that…(now that this monster makes me think of that possibility.)
This is a small quibble, but is it “Diabolo” or “Diablo”?
Somehow it didn’t even hit me until the fight was halfway over…but does Gilgamesh control a flying airship as part of his Noble Phantasm?!
Pretty scenery or not, talking people standing still are just that…not very entertaining, for sure. It’s basically the only flaw of this series, aside from the fact it hasn’t plumbed the depths of its themes yet.
Ufotable’s clouds look kind of like Gainax’s in Houkago no Pleiades, huh?
Tokiomi seems to blame Kariya for the whole sister vs. sister thing. Hmm, it really just shows how demented the guy is.
F/Z 15
Berserker is only ever in CGI, huh? No wonder Ufotable was given the job.
“That’s…from King Arthur’s legend…” – Can I please interrupt with the Excalibur song? (I’m annoying like that and want to ruin your level of immersion, that’s why.)
Hey, who knew? We get to see Joan in this anime, too. Thank you, Ufotable and Type Moon for saving me a Netflix subscription.
F/Z 16
“Things have been rather hectic this evening.” – Well, you don’t say…
*Saber and Lancer start their fight * - I detect signs there may have been people shipping Saber and Lancer at this point in time, what with their mutual ideas of honour and such.
Kayneth is kind childish, LOL – he’s like a kid peeping at his parents while they complain to each other about a hard day’s work or something.
Uh, this curse from Lancer here is definitely gonna be relevant later, right…?
I was muttering, “Oh goodness” (<- I’m self-censoring here, but you get the point) a few times over when Kiritsugu and Maiya finally got around to killing Kayneth, Lancer and Kayneth’s fiancee. By the way, were those two ever married…? Also, this makes me wonder…what would happen if you got a completely useless Servant? Like “King of Fools” or something. It would sound like the Familiar of Zero, sure, but it would be an interesting exercise in making a compelling narrative.
F/Z 17
Dangit, B*stard Archer. Disappearing just after you provoked Kirei…
Oh! I found the Avalon scene confusing at first, but now that they explain it, it makes a lot more sense.
“As I live and breathe, Kirei!” – Sounds mighty ironic for a meant-to-be-dead historical figure to say that.
F/Z 18
We jump to someone else’s story…or do we?
For some reason, I think this beach place is based on Okinawa. (It seems like the best match.)
“This isn’t a game.” – Seems highly ironic, given his current situation.
I know Kiritsugu is probably looking into Shirley’s eyes, but all they show is the boobs downwards, so I imagine it to be fanservice.
That shaking was just to disguise the bad animation, wasn’t it…?
…and suddenly, zombies!
Well, that’s great, Kiritsugu. You ended up burning down a village by association. Good job…
“Vampires.” – Well, that wasn’t the word I was expecting…
For some reason, I think this new arrival is a woman, but now that I get a proper look at their face, they kinda look like the Great B*stard (Gilgamesh). Update: It looks like they have cleavage, but then they also kinda resemble Samatoki (Hyp Mic)…so, uh…I dunno. Update 2: Okay, she’s a woman…Natalia, to be precise.
The houses on fire look a lot like the ones in Katsugeki, come to think of it.
F/Z 19
Wait, what’s a Mystic Code again…?
Oh, I didn’t think this show would do it, but there’s a good few seconds of recap. I know, because I had to skip it.
Oh, the reason Kiritsugu doesn’t seem to ally with the Association or the Church is because Natalia wasn’t part of either. Right…I’m so dumb.
Am I just reading into Kiritsugu’s pose here too much, or does he look like Christ the Redeemer a bit…?
There’s something oddly pretty about Vorzak. Then again…it’s too bad he’s designated to be dead.
I could tell Kiritsugu was CGI for a second…but he was in fog. Dangit, Ufotable. You know how to disguise your CGI well.
…Okay, those bees were very CGI. Scrap what I just said.
Bees on a plane. What a way to die.
I’ve noticed Kiritsugu’s eyes don’t have any pupils in them. They’re always kind of dead, but not in th same way En’s (<- from Boueibu) are.
What happened to Kiritsugu’s mother…?
The extended flashback seems to be the best way to my heart, assuming you can pull it off properly.
What’s with that “sometime, somewhere”?
F/Z 20
There hasn’t been a proper OP since 3 episodes ago.
Was Maiya ever interested in Kiritsugu as a woman? This vague pseudo-harem sorta annoys me, which is why I need answers.
The crows in this show aren’t very fluffy. Not that I have a problem with that…it’s just a bit random (and I’m saying that as I operate without much sleep and will have a huge period of getting up early in my near future, so you’re probably going to see even more randomness coming from my brain).
Modanyaki. Never thought I’d be googling a Japanese concept for this anime.
This sleeping bag Waver reminds me of Aizawa, but this is at least 4 years too early for that.
That cloud in the top left is shaped funny…like a knight, maybe? (There’s a triangular bit that looks lik a helmet.)
I believe the bird is a bush warbler (uguisu), based on the colour.
So this is where you learn what the f*** a Gordius Wheel is…right.(sounds a bit pissed)
Seeing Kariya squirm…it makes me thank my lucky stars I had the sound off. My imagination makes the scene worse, though.
So fakers beget fakers and killers beget killers, huh? Not surprising.
“I’ve always told him he was doing the right thing.” – Because you didn’t know any better, huh, Iri?
F/Z 21
“Knight on Two Wheels” – What would that knight be riding, a bike…? (somewhat sarcastic)
…A motorbike. Close enough. (not sarcastic anymore)
The motorbike’s plate says “Fuyuki - Te” – instead of a licence plate combo, Japan has a single hiragana.
Well, at least now I know why you never hear of Kariya outside Fate/Zero much…those worms don’t give him long to live.
Isn’t Tokiomi dead though…?
Holy s***, Kariya, you just got framed! *yells in the tone of voice as if Kariya got owned…which he did, in a sense*
*brow furrowed* What’s up with the framing of Aoi’s killing that makes this seem like attempted rape…?
Kirei looks all dead inside. (LOL) I know it’s the animators’ fault that they didn’t bother with him in that scene, but…he has the eyes of a dead fish there, y’know? I can’t help but laugh.
F/Z 22
Never in my life have I seen a grandpa want to talk on the roof.
The grandpa reminds me of Rider…that’s probably where part of their relationship comes from.
You can see the lack of sleep is getting to Kiritsugu right now…his face looks a little sunken…
…Fate/ is apparently pretty infamous for treating its women badly from a feminist persepctive and I think I get why now…(referring to the death of Aoi and now Kirei’s treatment of Iri)
I think the scariest part of F/Z is watching th emotionless guy learn how to feel…kinda like Equilibrium, y’know?
Hmm? I wonder how this show will choose to end, since it’s signalling its end from 3 episodes out?
I predicted Rider would say something along the lines of “…befitting of the Rider class” and lo and behold! He did!
So Rider can summon a single horse as well as the entire chariot? *Saitama face* Okay then.
Number of Times Waver Appears: 1, Number of Times Waver Cries: 1, Number of Times Waver Blushes: 2
Come to think of it, even though I had that weird “Ohhhhhh! Great B*stard Archer!” reaction at first, Gilgamesh has shown up in most of the worst scenes of this show so far (basically, most of the “talking heads” scenes where he talks shop with Kirei). Then again, my change in feelings probably because I’ve had to keep a special eye out for Waver and knew Saber was the poster girl for the entire series.
The counter appears to be “time until the Holy Grail War”…well, that or its final conflict.
F/Z 23
I like how Waver’s joining in with Rider’s yelling.
I have the sound off, so now I’m just mentally narrating Sakura with this creepy child voice and it’s spooking me out…the Urobutcher could really go toe-to-toe with Stephen King if it weren’t my imagination…(LOL…?)
I feel sorry for that car’s owner…the car wasn’t meant to be wrecked…
I fully expect Berserker to be Lancelot or some other guy in King Arthur’s canon, judging by Saber’s reactio-hey, who’s Arondight…? Update: Oh, f***. It really is Lancelot. Turns out Arondight is the name of Lancelot’s sword. How did I know? There’s that upcoming Camelot adaption, isn’t there? Connect the dots.
Oh, f*** me – I feel conflicted. On the one hand, Lancelot’s hella handsome (and his dark hair is exactly my kinda thing), on the other hand…doesn’t he look like he came out of Castlevania or Vampire Hunter D or something??? F***in’ vampires!
Oh, f*** again, I stand corrected. Lancelot was handsome, before he became a Caster-looking…thing.
*bursts into spontaneous laughter* The new Lancelot looks kinda like Tsukasa from Dr Stone, LOL.
Number of Times Waver Cries: 2
Wait, isn’t Bucephalus Greek??? Update: No, he wasn’t. He was Alexander the Great’s horse. That explains why he’s Rider.
I was wondering how Waver managed to live long enough to be El-Melloi II when he was stuck in a battle to the death. Welp, that’s how he did it, folks! *points at screen*
Number of Times Waver Cries: 3…but…anti-climax, much, f***in’ Gilgamesh???
Uh, what’s up with Psalm 23:4? (I had to google that snippet of the Bible to find out its citation.)
LOL, Kirei and Kiritsugu have very similar faces. Didn’t realise that until now.
F/Z 24
It’s weird seeing Kirei full of fighting spirit…He’s still frickin’ Wolverine, though.
Is this taking cues from the Matrix? I bought it from the charity store the other day because I haven’t seen it yet, but I know Bullet Time from TV Tropes.
Now Kirei is channeling Bruce Lee, LOL.
Ouch…the bullet to the hand reminds me of the nail gun scene in The Island (which still freaks me out to this day). (…and now I’ve gone and done it – every time I think of that movie, I get the song The Island – part 1, at least - in my head as well.)
I can almost see Sakaido (from ID: Invaded) in some of these scenes instead of Kiritsugu…trust Ei Aoki and associates to do that.
I went to dump a screenshot in Paint and one of my Fate/ backgrounds from one of the previous posts was set to my background! (I have my backgrounds set to rotate every 12 hours and I have over 600 pictures for that purpose.) *sighs happily and incredulously* Well, whaddaya know…sometimes the stars do align.
I almost expected Shirley to appear, but it turns out it was Iri instead.
Kiritsugu still has his Command Seals so he’s still connected to the Grail War somehow…hmm…
C’mon, I predicted Gilgamesh would compliment Saber when she was down and bleeding.
F/Z 25 (FINAL)
Who’s Lord Justeaze?
Sakura has the same eyes as Kiritsugu. Dead, lifeless eyes.
Did Kariya just throw himself to the worms???
The Great Naked B*stard Gilgamesh.
A priest is a zombie, huh? How ironic.
Isn’t Gilgamesh annoyed by his lack of clothes…? Update: Never mind. He gets a cloth soon enough.
Wait, if Saber destroyed the Grail, who won…?
Huh? The timer ran out.
Aw, even Waver’s growing up.
One of the books says 零戦 (reisen) which apparently means “Zero Fighter [Plane]”. One of the sets of books says “William Shakespeare”, who I know is a Servant somewhere in the Fateverse.
The Bible verse is Job 19:25.
Lancelot’s head doesn’t disappear when the rest of him fades away…It’s pretty poignant.
Jubstacheit is the head of the Einzberns. Update: Think I had to google that.
“Becoming a hero has an expiration date.” – As much as I know that in my creative heart to not be true, my adult heart says yes, it’s true.
Welp, that’s the end of one series. Time for another.
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