#boy sure does like upgrades and jumping off buildings
neon-tigre95 · 3 months
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ad victoriam or whatever
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spider-man-199999 · 1 year
Hey, how are you? could you write something with blackcat!reader? maybe they are in college and after a patrol peter manages to follow her and discovers that she lives in a frat next to his. Peter discovers her identity and is surprised that she went to school with him in midtown but doesn't remember him, just spiderman and the relationship they had before the spell.
(does that make sense? I don't know if it does, but whatever you want to do with it is completely fine✨️)
Oh boy, oh boy I love Blackcat x Spider-man as a couple. Me and Felicia are equally obsessed with Spider-man.
Thank you for the request! I really appreciate it and I hope I do well! University is kicking my ass right now.
pairing: college!Peter Parker x Fem!blackcatReader; Post nwh
word count: 3 k
warnings: It's cringe on purpose; drinking
Peter hated the state his life was in. He knew things were better the way they are now, for his safety, for everyone's. But it didn't mean he hated it any less. All his closest friends were at MIT and didn't even remember him. Not as Peter Parker at least. So, he decided it would be best not to go there after all. The idea of trying to get close to them again was giving him a headache. He desperately wanted to do it but he had to stop himself because it was better off this way. That was what he believed, at least.
If people could remember who he was, they would have been very surprised that he ended up being a frat guy in college. He didn't expect to become one either. After all, he thought these things were lame, propaganda from dumb movies or dream-sellings from romance novels. But Peter Parker was a frat guy. There was something about brotherhood that gave him some sense of security and comfort now that a new leaf was turned. It reminded him of the time he spent with the Avengers, in a way. He liked not feeling alone. The months he spent at college made him feel normal to some extent. He actually enjoyed this period of confusion, he could finally relax for a bit and feel normal. Go to a few parties, do his homework. It was nice, but so goddamn boring.
His life seemed so fucked-up, so different. He hadn't been on patrol for months, the thought of Spider-man was just too overwhelming. Plus, he needed to recover from everything he went through both emotionally and physically. He wanted to put the mask on again but whenever he did, he got vivid flashbacks - almost losing MJ, May dying. It would all come back to him, cold sweat running down his back, tears in his eyes. He just couldn't handle being Spider-man. But when he saw Black Cat running around in the streets close to his campus one night, everything changed. 
All of the memories from patrols with the girl in a black suit hit him like a train. She never knew who was behind the mask. And somehow Peter felt like she saw who he really was anyway. The urge to put the costume on was strong now, plus he had added some new upgrades he needed to try out anyway. So, on the most ordinary wednesday night, Peter put on the spider suit again, and jumped out of the window of his bedroom to go on patrol.
He was swinging around the city and it felt like a walk in the park. It seemed like he had forgotten how freeing it could be. Despite all of the negative feelings linked to the red and black suit, he found comfort in it now. The memories were still there, in his mind, and the people he loved were there too. He owed that much to them, to keep their legacy alive, even if they're gone now. With time, he was sure he could heal. Time was all he needed.
Suddenly, his spider-sense tingled, making his head shoot to his left. He was swinging by some old brick buildings around his campus when Black Cat practically tackled him into a wall, wrapping both her arms and legs around his torso. He turned his back to take the hit for both of them, wrapping one arm around her waist for support. Sidey used the other hand to continue swinging both of them around the city.
"SPIDER!" she said, hugging him tightly. "Mi amor, I hate you, where have you been?"
"Looking for trouble, as usual." he said with a laugh. Peter actually enjoyed her warm embrace for once.
He never had anything against the girl, her excessive flirting and implications that she was in love with him could get a bit out of hand sometimes, but he found it charming. Plus, before he was dating someone else and he couldn't really pay her the attention she craved from him. He actually missed that more than he had previously realised.
"You still have a girlfriend?" She asked, her head rested on his collarbone for a while.
Peter landed both of them on a rooftop, letting her step on her own as her limbs untangled from his torso. She placed her hands on her hips, foot tapping on the ground while she waited for his answer.
"Actually, no. I don't."
Her eyes sparkled with his words, throwing herself at him again. Her arms wrapped around his neck.
"Oh, Spider! I'm so happy! And sorry, obviously, why did you two end it?"
Peter usually would reject the affection she offered, but now he needed it more than anything. She was the closest thing to a friend he had left. They finally let go and he still wasn't talking. She tought the break-up was probably still fresh.
"Okay, Spider. Patrols haven't been the same without you, I missed you." she told him, her hand resting against his cheek.
Oh how she wanted to kiss him, like usual. He used to jump and run whenever she touched him, in fear that it would somehow affect his relationship with MJ. But now he didn't. He let her touch his face, smiling softly behind the mask. Even if everything was fucked up, even if everything was different for him now, she just wasn't. She was the only thing that remained like a token from his past life. The Black Cat was the only thing he had left.
By the end of their patrol both of them felt really beat up. Fighting crime was not an easy job, especially when your opponents were skilled. No major super-villains were threatening New York right now, but there still were bad guys to fight.
Spider-man and Black Cat were sitting on the edge of a rooftop, swinging their legs as they took a moment to breathe. Cat had a few scratches here and there and Spider-man was probably bruised under the mask as well.
"Spider, this was so much better with you here!" She exclaimed.
The wind blew her hair gently to the side while she looked down on New York. Peter turned his head to look at her, her face showered in the sparkling city lights. He thought about how pretty she actually was, but he never had the chance to notice that before. Maybe it really was the comfort that she gave him that was making his heart beat faster while he stared at the scene. She looked like a Van Gogh painting - vibrant, breathtaking, gently touched by the warm light.
"Yeah." He replied, making her look at him in return.
"You were totally falling in love with me right now, weren't you?" she said with a giggle.
"What? No, no, no, no." he shook his hands in defence, denying her accusation.
She stood up, looking somewhere ahead of her.
"I would love to stay and let you fall deeper in love with me, but I have to run, early morning tomorrow." And with that she left.
Peter lay down on the rooftop for a little while, overthinking her words. Was he actually falling in love with her? Maybe... He didn't want to jump to conclusions, he didn't want to make her a rebound after MJ either. It was starting to mess with him, just as he found some serenity. It was like he couldn't have a single moment of peace in this costume. After a good 15 minutes, Peter decided it was time to swing back to the house, just like Black Cat, he had classes early in the morning.
He had almost reached his place when a familiar figure caught his attention. He stopped, sticking to a wall just to make sure. It was Black Cat, and she was on campus. His campus. Well this was getting a bit too interesting to pass up. He crawled and jumped around the buildings to follow her, stopping when she did. He climbed up a wall to a house next to where the cat stopped, peeking just enough to see clearly what was going on. The Black Cat took her mask off, placing it in a gym bag that was hidden next to the back door. His mouth flew open when he realized he finally knew who she was. Not only was she someone on campus, living a sorority right next to his frat house, but he also knew her personally. Peter hid behind the wall completely, trying to process the information. It was you, the girl that he went to high school with, the girl that took AP history with him. It took him a few seconds, but when he looked again, you were already gone. A room in the house light up soon after, and he started feeling guilty for what he did. He would have hated it if someone did this to him.
"Good going, Spyder-man!" he cussed at himself, finally going home for the night.
He tried not to make things awkward with you for the next few weeks, but oh gosh was he terrible at that. The two of you were never close, the fact that you came from the same school never really meant anything to the either of you. But now that Peter knew your secret identity, it meant everything to him. It felt like he had found a long lost friend in you. He tried to get closer, talk to you more whenever he saw you, even invite you to the latest frat party. If he knew one thing about Black Cat, she loved having fun. And what better occasion to have fun than an actual frat party, at a frat house.
Of course, you agreed. What was one night away from the crime scenes? You deserved that, plus, Spider-man got you covered, right? Nothing could really go wrong, you literally needed seconds to get into the suit and go if you had to. You did find Peter Parker's new attitude towards you a bit peculiar, but it was cute nonetheless. You were only really interested in Spider-man, but you loved attention no matter who was giving it. Outside of the costume, you still had this care-free, very self-assured personality but a little toned down. It wasn't always easy to be the one to fight the battles for yourself all of the time. And you had to do it, every single day. Maybe there was a reason why you liked Spider-man so much, you two felt like a team, like it wasn't just you alone against the world for a change.
The time of the party came quicker than you thought. Your "sisters" were already pulling you by the hand out of your room. In true Black Cat spirit, you just had to wear a tight black dress with a slit on the side. And a choker around your neck. It was only normal to make heads turn when you walked in the frat house. Your sorority wasn't one that liked partying all of the time, but when you did party, things just got crazy.
"Y/N!" you heard, turning your head to see an unfamiliar boy.
He shoved a cup in your hand.
"Peter is in the backyard, wanted me to take you to him when you got here."
"Yeah, cute, but that's not gonna happen." You winked at the boy and walked off to mingle somewhere else.
You actually really wanted to dance with your girls tonight. And you did just that, a full cup in your hand the whole time. At some point you couldn't really remember how much you drank, there were some shots involved. You were having so much fun, even dancing on top of a table. A hand grabbed your arm suddenly making you look, it was the guy from earlier tonight, you got off the table with a jump so you could talk. You were obviously annoyed by his interruption, crossing your arms in front of your chest. He scratched the back of his head nervously.
"Look, I'm so sorry to bother you, but it's been 2 hours and Peter was asking me about you-"
"I don't care." you interrupted him, turning around with the intention of leaving him there. He placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
"Please, I've been lying to him for two hours, I'll be in so much trouble."
You looked at him over your shoulder, gently removing it with your hand.
"If Parker wants to see me so bad, he should come get me." You winked at him and left.
Dancing on top of tables didn't seem so fun now, and your head was feeling pretty light from all of the alcohol. You overheard some girls from your house mention a pool and you immediately walked over to them, placing your arms on the shoulders of each one of them, standing between them.
"Did I hear pool?" the three of you giggled after the question.
Your dress was wet, along with your hair and pretty much everything else on your body. Yes, the three of you really did jump in the pool, which caused a chain reaction of other people jumping in as well. Soon the party had drunk, wet people, running around everywhere. Cats rarely liked water and you were no exception. You didn't mind it as much as long as you weren't in the costume. So, after swimming for a little bit you got out, squeezing out some water from the hem of your dress when you felt something cover your shoulders. You turned around, your eyes meeting Peter's, who had placed a towel on you and smiled. You squinted your eyes at him, letting go of the dress and standing up straight to look at him.
"It's cold." he said
"Yeah, thanks?"
It was so sweet of him to be so considerate, it made you feel very weird things, but maybe it was the alcohol. Peter put his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels nervously.
"So..." he started "How's it going?"
"Are you usually this awkward or...?"
''Yeah, kinda"
"So it's not my stunning beauty, just you?"
"No, well I mean, your beauty does make it a lot worse for me, but no."
You laughed, drying your hair off with the towel.
"If I didn't know any better, I would assume you were crushing on me." you said, giving him back his towel.
"No, what? What gave you that impression?"
"Doesn't matter, I'm in love with someone else."
"Wait, who?" he asked, trying to act confused.
You turned your back to him, trying to hide the blush you had on.
"Well, I don't really... know yet." you said, already taking off so you could hide from him.
It was kind of embarrassing to admit that you were in love with someone you didn't really know. It's not like you didn't know Spider-man, you just didn't know who the person behind the mask was. But truthfully, you never felt a need to do that. You were content with the teammate you had, the person who was there to watch your back. You were in love with the person who would put himself in harm's way to save others, the person who always seemed to know what to say. He was so brave and dedicated to his mission, his heart was pure. Sure, you used to be curious about his identity in the beginning but with time it just stopped mattering. There was something bigger, something greater about your love for him because of this.
And you couldn't help but feel conflicted when you started feeling the same things towards Peter Parker. He definitely wasn't the first guy to express an interest in you, or be consistent with said interest but there was something about him that just made you feel warm inside. Maybe it was his nerdiness and how smart he was, or it was the way he would smile whenever he saw you. How he would try so hard to find something to talk about with you and how he would research any topic you would mention. He was so overly-sweet and protective that it brought out a soft side of you, one you didn't really know you had before that.
So, meeting Spider-man and Peter was becoming increasingly difficult for you. It got to the point where you would avoid Spider-man on patrol so you could spare yourself some emotional damage. It didn't take him long to figure you out though.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on finally?" Spider-man asked you one night after probably the worst patrol the two of you ever had. You were so distracted the whole time that the two of you took quite the beating. His costume was torn and so was yours, wounds and bruises everywhere.
"I really don't know." you said, pressing your back against a brick wall in the alleyway the two of you hid. You slid down the wall, sitting on the ground and hugging your knees.
Spider-man sat down next to you, pressing his head to the wall and looking up at the metal fire-escape that the two of you were sitting under.
"Something from your personal life?"
"Well, I'm not so sure."
"How can you not be sure?"
"You know I have this undying love for you, right."
He laughed, turning his head to look at you.
"I know."
"Well, I might have it for someone else too."
"Someone else?"
"Yeah, he's... well he's not as great as you are, not even close, but he has this nerdy charm about him."
You turned to him, cupping his cheek with your hands while you looked at the mask. You leaned in, placing a soft kiss where his lips were supposed to be.
"You're still my greatest, biggest love, Spider."
He looked at you for a while, his hand hesitantly pulling his mask up enough to uncover his lips before he pulled you in for a real kiss. It was a sweet, warm kiss, your lips moving together while your hands were holding onto each other. It was a kiss that the two of you had anticipated to share for so long, dreaming and imagining how it would go. And it went even better.
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the-jnadf-man · 9 months
VIOLENCE THOUGHTS (Nobody asked but here goes anyway :))
"Aw man can't wait to OH SHIT FLASHBANG"
"Where the fuck am I going" *spends like 3 minutes running in circles*
"Oh hey Maurice"
*Spends another 3 minutes running in circles*
"Why is it so dark"
"Oh ye gods it's" *Points dramatically* "MINOS' WILD RIDE 2!"
"Oh I get to fight people on the rollercoaster? REAL SHIT? AW YEAH I LOVE IT WHEN THE GOONS ARRIVE ON CARTS" *Proceeds to fall off cart due to hands shaking from excitement*
"Boy that is a MICROSCOPIC hitbox"
"Oh sweet another goon"
*Wins on round 2* "That was a fun fight"
*House of Leaves reference comes back for round 3* OH SHIT OF FUCK NONONO
"That bitch has a Panopticon hammer?? That's really cool!"
*Wins* Aw naur Big Man fucking dieded :("
*Reads lore entry* "So this is illiteracy. I don't care for it.
*Reads more* *Starts crying inside* "MINOS WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST GET YOUR DOG"
*Performs victory dance* "Oh they EXPLODE when you Goomba stomp their corpse okay cool I guess.
"Is that the fucking Big Ben"
"Why are the Mannequins in here. Are they made of the British??"
*Fails to notice the train. Tram. The thing you put the bomb on.* *Runs into the Guttertank instead* "Oh what is THAT" *Dies*
*Wins round 2* "Shit's crazy" *Almost dies to landmine* "Shit's crazy!"
*FAILS to notice red skull place location* "Okay better follow these tracks"
"Oh there's a hole in this building" *Lose shit and get very scared of the Under Construction sign*
"Okay where get bigger boom though" *Spends like 7 minutes accomplishing nothing whatsoever*
*Friend in VC tells me to put the nuke on the train* "What fucking train???"
*Backtracks after another 4 minutes of confusion* "Wow."
*Finishes level with some difficulties* "That took almost half an hour. Man. That's kinda sad."
*Reads Guttertank lore (And name)* "GUTSMAN TANK CANON"
*Laughs at Faust Panzer for like five minutes with friends*
"Oh okay these are some funky-ass trees"
"Mmmm yes the Mannequins LIKE the dark spooky forest where they kill people. Definitely made of The British."
"Yoooo I get to feed the tree"
"What's up with these funky blood men???"
"Oh okay guess this is happening now"
"They upgraded the blood men????"
"Oh that is. EVERY all of the bad guys???" *Does not notice dual wield*
*Finishes level, somehow gets an S* "That sure was a thing I just did."
"Oh no this passage is made for short people. Guess I'll have to go back inside."
"Holy shit it's the it the its its IT'S THE FUCKING MARIO GALAXY BOSS"
*Opens blood waterfalls* "Oh no it's the plague! We've released the plague rats!"
*Gets stuck in rising blood, mashing jump button, getting bullied by friends for dying* "The game just did not bloody let me jump :("
"Oh sweet it's Mother Brain with Star Dream's lasers" *Dies x3*
*Proceeds to die to environment during escape sequence, more friendly(???) (I cannot tell at the best of times, but I assume yes) bullying from friends (Mostly the one person)* ":("
*Finishes level* 10/10! *Internet fucking. Dies??* "Yeah seems like a good spot to end on"
*Reads Earthmover's lore* Mmmm, robot giraffe bad, gotcha.*
*The next day* *Reading TVTropes* "THUS THEY HAVE BEEN CHRISTENED!
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avatarl0v3r · 6 months
Meddle About - Chapter 1
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Warnings: cussing
{Word Count 1.3k}
Notes: this chapter is lowkey all over the place, not proof read, also y/n is black but if you wanna imagine her any other way be my guest, sukuna and yuuji are gonna be twins in this story, but yea the next chapter should be longer than this
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The sound of pencils scratching paper filled your ears as you waited for the class to end, your best friend sat next to you scrolling away on her phone before her eyes go wide and she turns to you. “girl look,” she handed her phone to you, as you looked at the phone your eyebrows creased giving her a questionable look she grabbed her phone “ill tell you after class,” she said before turning her phone off and listening the last few minutes.
The class finally ended. You stood and grabbed your backpack walking to your car, jordyn following behind, you both sat in the car “okay so i guess cassidy was caught fucking fushiguro in a class room after class had ended.” you looked at her, “i swear that man isn’t real.”
Megumi fushiguro the campus player or manwhore whichever you prefer, had girls waiting on their knees for him to actually notice them, he never does; unless its a party and hes had a few dozen drinks. you’ve never meet him, only heard story’s thus believing this campus heartthrob ceases to exist.
when you got home you sat your bag down on the chair by the table before going to you room to binge your show while doing homework to get it out the way.
it’s was now 3:30 as you walked out the door of you and jordyn’s shared apartment, you went to class and pulled out your note book. it was a 2 hour lab you sat there waiting for the teacher to put you in pair’s. “and last we have y/n and itadori,” you looked around trying to find your partner before meeting eyes with a boy who had pinkish hair and a smile, you returned the smile before moving your stuff to sit next to him.
within two hours you and itadori got close, and exchanged numbers to work on parts of the lab that could be done outside of class together. the two of you were chatting before a notification popped up on your phone.
|| 4:50PM Meetup at parking garage tonight at 9:00PM be. there.
itadori noticed the smile that graced your features, “you like watching the races?” he asked you, “nah, i prefer to be in them.” he looked at you shocked, “you race??” his face full of excitement, “sure do i’ve been in a garage since i was a kid with my dad, building cars and allat shit,” you said proudly before packing up your stuff “i’ll catch you there tonight?” the boy nodded at you as you walked out the classroom.
back at the apartment you were waiting for jordyn to get home so you could let her know you’d be out. when she finally came walking into the apartment you both called home she sat her bag down before walking into your room and plopping down on your bed. “i needa do something, it’s friday night and ain’t shit to do,” she groaned into your pillow.
“well guess what boo!” you said excited, she turned her face to you, on of her eyebrows raised. “there’s a meetup down town,” jordyn jumped up. “oh shittt my girls’ finna blow these niggas.” you laughed knowing she was referring to your dodge challenger SRT demon 170.
you had spent all last summer with you dad in the garage working on her, and upgrading her; making her into your newer dream car, but she could never outshine your Skyline R32. she was your first ever street car from your junior year in high school, you wished you could bring her with you to college, but if anything was to happen to her you’d be crushed.
you and jordyn finally started getting ready for the meetup, you stepped out the shower your music being momentarily interrupted by a notification. you grabbed your phone looking at its water vapor covered screen you wiped it off seeing a (1) by your notifications, you opened the notification to see a text from itadori.
|| 6:30PM itadori: hey we’re having an after party at our sorority house tonight for the race meetup, since our friend is gonna be racing in it, you should definitely come by :)
you stood there debating for a moment before you opened the bathroom door slightly yelling, “jordyn you feel like going to a party after the meetup ?” she peeked her head at her bedroom door “hell yea, kinda question is that.”
you looked back at your screen before replying.
|| 6:31PM you: i’m down send the location and info
you sat your phone back on the sink doing your hair, before your phone vibrates with the info of the party. you get dressed and put your shoes on jordyn following behind to your car, the sun was now set and the city’s lights were illuminating the night, enjoying the peace you have for a little while as the city comes to life during the nighttime.
you finally pull into the parking garage seeing all the cars around, loud music was blasting, and amidst all of this was the one and only,
megumi fushiguro.
you parked your car stepping out looking for a familiar face, sure you’ve done races in the past since starting college, your name was known, but these were the best racers on campus you were going against. finally your eyes landed on itadori who was waving you over. you walked up to where he was standing with his friends, “everyone meet y/n, yall probably heard her name before but this is a introduction so shut the fuck up,” he said before continuing. “this is nanami, geto, gojo, kugisaki but everyone calls her nobara, and fushiguro,” he said you smiled and greeted all of them to which they gladly accepted and returned with their own smiles telling you to call them by their first names, all but one.
megumi didn’t even acknowledge nor do a small side eye glance you when you greeted him, you had to stop yourself from doing the biggest eye roll know to man, guessed it was true when people said he doesn’t notice people-girls specifically unless he had a few drinks unless it was nobara, but they’ve been friends since high school even if he gets annoyed with her. “he don’t talk much” he said as megumi glared down at the smaller male, “i can tell trust.”
a few moments later was when the announcer came over the speakers, “alright people, tonight’s race is the race against the best of the best, but tonight we got someone new whole climbed their way to the top of the best of the best on campus, and one of the best in the city outta the girls,” people started whispering among themselves.
“tonight it’s going to be megumi the best racer on campus he’s on a winning streak since he first started and he’s going to be going against y/n, she may have just moved here for college but this girl knows what she’s doing, she’s already made a name for herself out in the city,” the announcer said before finally looking over. “and the last racer on the track tonight will be sukuna, he’s hot headed, stubborn, and has a short temper. him and megumi have been rivals since the first started here at U of TJ. now racers to the start line in 10 minutes.”
he finally stopped his tangent and left us to get ready for the race, jordyn ran up to you “girl! you going against the megumi fushiguro. you’ve gotta win,” she said as her arms shook you lightly. “i’ll try relax i do this shit for fun mainly. besides this girl right here can do it easily,” you say patting the hood of you dodge challenger, before sliding into the drivers seat.
you drive up to the starting light alongside megumi and sukuna. engines were revving, cheers and peoples excited screams could be heard throughout the parking garage, you on the other hand focused on the track ahead looking at the car next to you megumi was doing the same.
“starters on your marks, get ready, set” the announcer said before inhaling a large breath. “go!”
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copyright © 2024 avatarl0v3r- on tumblr. do not translate/ remake/repost my works in any platform without authorized permission.
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dashingdcboys · 4 years
Batman’s cape
We all heard of Bruce using his cape to shelter his robins from danger, like glass shattering and bullets, so it’s only fact that it’ll become a habit eventually.
The boy was the first to ever work alongside batman, and with his hyperactive tendencies he was the first to get up close and personal with the cape. He probably saw it as a glorified climbing wall when he was just a child.
Bruce, while on a stake-out with robin, suddenly feeling small hands grabbing fistful of the cape’s material as Dick climbs onto his shoulders. “I told you I couldn’t see anything from my post! Your pointy ears were in the way :((”
Bruce didn’t mind, of course he didn’t. It was Richard and that boy’s innately adorable, even though the boy’s pixie boots swinging in front of his face were blocking his view. 
Lastly, given Dick was wearing such short pants, Bruce would always make an effort to shelter the boy from harsh weather conditions during the winter. He still does this when Dick becomes nightwing, out of habit
Jason used to be skeptical of the cape, thought it was just a big hindrance - tha Bruce was only using it for theatrics and that he’d be much better off without it. 
“Dick doesn’t wear a cape and he can blend into the shadows, shake off broken glass and bullets just as easily!”
That is until, the day they were saving a bunch of citizens from a housefire. They got trapped inside, Jason had given his oxygen mask to a civillian who was struggling to breathe, almost suffocating himself.
Bruce wrapped Jason in his cape, making an airpocket of oxygen which the fire can’t combust, until help arrives.
“Maybe that cape isn’t as stupid as I thought.” he mumbles in a muffled voice within his father’s cape.
Bruce would also do this when Jason’s having an outburst as a “time-out”
The third robin fanboyed so hard when he first saw the cape and cowl. You think Dick saw it cool? This smoll boy in bright yellow, red and green had his eyes sparkling at the sight of it in person.
Immediately, he started coming up with theories of its material, and Bruce patiently answered every single question he had - even though Tim nailed the majority of the answers with his hypothesis. 
“Let me guess, kevlar? Interwoven to stop bullets from less than a meter away? Synthetic - so that it’s lighter than it seems. But also . . huh, kind of soft material on the inside. Why? It’s an outer accessory - it doesn’t even come into direct contact with your skin.”
Bruce, having alfred make that upgrade so that Dick and Jay could have snuggled up to him under his cape when they got cold : “no reason.”
The only thing Tim didn’t guess was its final and most important function: a parental tool.
One day Tim took his laptop on a stake-out to test out a new program he had developed, except, it had started to rain. So, naturally, Bruce sheltered the boy with his cape and they both grinned as the lighting of the entire building went out across the street, causing the goons inside to enter a panicked frenzy.
“rock paper scissors for who gets to crash through the window first?”
“you go, robin, you’ve earned it.”
She was just happy to make it onto the team, honestly, and was very determined to prove her worth to Batman. Her overly talkative nature reminded Bruce of Dick, her short temper of Jason and her aberrant excitement of Tim. Thus the cape had multiple uses with this robin, but she wanted none of it.
She was surprisingly disciplined on the field, clearly acting overly serious to try reach this imaginary standard she set. 
“Don’t follow me until I give you the signal.”
“Yes sir.”
“I’m your mentor, not your boss.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
“* sigh *”
So in order for her to relax, unwind a bit, he noticed how she always had a granola bar in her utility belt, and did the same. He could hear Steph’s stomach growl and reached for his utility belt under his cape.
“Can’t find what you’re looking for? We used quite a few smoke bombs in the previous attack huh? Maybe I have some spare -”
Bruce, pulling out a granola bar: “Sorry, it got crushed a little, I’m pretty sure it’s just dust in the packet now but here, stop taking up space for snacks in your own belt. Mine has much more space.” 
“:00 !!”
“How do you managed to not crush these delicate breakfast bars anyway?”
Steph, smirking: “It’s a delicate art . .”
“Huh, might use it for precision training.”
He also shelters Steph from the wind when she needs to take off her hairban and arrange her hair.
He ses the cape and cowl as a prize to be earned - his birth right which he must work hard to obtain. The boy already had his own dark cape, with a hood, which suffices to keep him warm and hidden throughout the night. But Bruce’s is much . . bigger. He’s also tiny. I think you’ve already guessed where I’m going with this.
“They’re only expecting one of us, I say we practice maneuver eight.” The boy suggested with all seriousness.
“Good idea, robin. Get into position.”
Bruce stands alone in the middle of a giant museum which the riddler is keeping hostage until the commissioner brings the ransom money, goons pointing their guns at him from every nick and corner as the riddler remains safely locked away in one of the bank safes - letting his men do all the work.
“Bold move coming in here head on with no back up.”
Guns start blazing, and Bruce is busy dodging them while the riddler tries to escape.
Cue the riddler’s shocked expresssion when he hears a small arabian boy’s high-pitched war cries.
“Operation Robin Spring attack.”
And Dami easily finds his way past all the goons and dropkicks the riddler, then goes to free the hostages.
(Robin spring attack is called that, because well, it’s an attack where Dami literally jumps out from under Batman’s cape. But also “spring” because robins don’t usually appear in spring in most countries, and it’s a surprise attack.)
Thank you for listening.
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henoda4 · 3 years
--Just a little ficlet I had rolling around in my brain after the latest manga chapter. Can be read as platonic or romantic bkdk. Hopefully not too OOC, and probably some grammatical errors. Enjoy!--
* Manga spoilers- for those not caught up to chapter 317, ye' be warned!*
Finding that which is Lost:
It's been days, multiple infuriating days of searching, flying over rooftops and zigzagging through desolate alley ways and getting mostly useless information from the occasional civilian. Bakugou was pissed, hell he'd been pissed since he'd woken up in a hospital only to find out Deku was still unconscious, and then later to a goddamn letter and a nerd who'd gone off to fuck-knows-where. Uraraka had tried to tell him that he was probably just scared more so than angry, that they all were. Naturally he told her to shove it. But more than anything he'd been pissed from the moment that All Might walked right back into the UA dorms, fucking months later, looking absolutely miserable and terrified. The former Pro Hero had barely gotten the explanation out of what he and Deku had been up to before he'd straight up slugged the man. Deku left All Might behind? Deku's pushing everyone away? What the fuck does that even mean? Godammit, didn't he warn the damn nerd not to do this shit?! All Might at least had the decency to look apologetic, as if he knew he deserved the hit.
As he moves the buildings start to blur a bit and he recalls a memory from the recesses of his mind. He and Deku had been very little, he doesn't recall how old exactly, he just knew it was at some point before he had driven a wedge between their friendship, and it was the first time both of their families had gone on a camping trip. The two children had wandered away from the campsite for a bit to explore. He recalls several minutes passing and him and Deku getting separated, and even though /he/ wasn't scared of anything in the woods, he wanted to keep Deku close, you know, just in case, poor nerd would probably bawl his eyes out without him. Sure enough after a few minutes of searching he heard loud sobs and found the green haired boy crouched underneath a tree, his knees all scratched up from taking a tumble. Deku's green eyes lit up in relief upon seeing him and his little heart swelled at the reaction.
 "Stupid Izuku! I told you to stay with me!"
"I know, I'm sorry Kacchan, I guess I got lost."
"Can you walk?"
"Well, come on then!"
He grabbed Deku's hand and yanked him upright, then practically pulled him along behind him.
He put on his best All Might voice impression, "It's okay now, ya' know why? Because I'm here so you're not lost anymore. Let's go back Izuku!"
If he'd turned behind him, he'd have seen the beaming smile aimed his way.
But all he heard was the small, "Thanks, Kacchan."
Back in the present moment, Bakugou was snapped out of his memory by a blur of green, and he abruptly came to a halt on a rooftop. Looking over the edge, he saw down to the street below where there was another flash of green and just as suddenly a figure stepped out, their silhouette half covered in shadows. His eyes widened, he was far away, so he couldn't be sure. But that lightning, the black-green tendrils that trailed the figure, it had to be...it couldn't be. He leapt ahead to the next building over making sure never to lose sight of the ground below, and then jumped down the side to stay out of the figure's line of vision. He silently thanked Hatsume for the upgrades to his gauntlets that rendered them way quieter than usual. As he peaked around the corner he saw the figure walk close to the sides of the building heading his direction. Suddenly their head came under a direct beam of light from a street lamp, and he felt his whole body freeze from the inside out.
The person in front of him, was unmistakably Deku. The teal jumpsuit, worn and disgustingly dirty and covered in various degrees of drying blood, his leg bracers ripped to shreds, those ridiculous bunny ears frayed, and those red shoes that he would recognize anywhere. It was Deku, but not Deku as he had named him, a useless person, incapable of doing anything, and not Deku as the boy himself had taken the meaning, a person capable of anything, full of unlimited promise. No this was Deku as in a doll, a mere foreboding vessel of power and purpose. There was nothing in those green eyes, glowing but soulless. It was Deku, but it was no longer the Deku he knew, and it definitely wasn't Midoriya Izuku.
"I know you're there. Although if you're not here to attack me, then what is your purpose?"
Bakugou flinched at the voice, momentarily having forgotten about "Danger sense", All Might had tried to explain before, but he'd been a little too preoccupied planning how to get around the security at UA to go after Deku to pay close attention to the details.
He figured to hell with it and stepped out into Deku's line of view.
"What the hell do you think I'm here for Deku?"
Now Deku froze, his head raising slightly. His voice came out quiet and hesitant, completely unfitting the ominous aura his appearance gave off.
"Kacchan? Is that really you?"
"Who the fuck else would it be?"
To his surprise Deku started approaching him again, the tendrils of black whip receding and the lightning dimming to nothing. When he was close enough he yanked his hood down, and Bakugou got an up close look at the grime and blood caked on his face, the sunken eyes and black bags of sleep deprivation.
"What the fuck happened to you Deku?"
The green haired boy seemed nearly ready to collapse, as if he was standing upright on sheer willpower and adrenaline alone. Bakugou fought the urge to grab him and throttle him, as fragile as he seemed at the moment, like a breathe would knock him over. Instead it was Deku who grabbed him by the arm as if he couldn't believe his eyes alone, and needed the physical confirmation of his presence.
"I'm glad you're okay. I was worried... after you, you know."
Bakugou felt his anger boil back to the surface.
"Worried about me?! What the fuck?! Worry about yourself for fucking once! Do you have any idea how upset everyone was when you took off after nearly dying, and then left only a fucking letter! How worried sick your mom is?! How scared your fucking shitty friends are?!"
He didn't realize he was shaking until he felt Deku's hand slide down his arm slightly.
"I'm sorry Kacchan, I know I should've talked to you in person. But I had to go, and if I had waited, you would have tried to stop me."
"I told you not to do this shit on your own Deku, I told you not to play the hero on your own. Do you not think I'm strong enough to help you?! Are you actually fucking looking down on me this time?!"
"No, of course not! I told you I've never looked down on you. I just....I can't see you get hurt for me again. I can't risk anyone getting hurt again because of me, because I couldn't do anything to protect them....I can't let that happen! I have to do this on my own. OFA was given to me so I could-"
"You're such a fucking idiot. You think you can take down every fucking villain on your own? Take down AFO on your own?"
The little shit had the nerve to smile awkwardly at him, "I've managed fine so far."
Bakugou yanked his arm out of Deku's grasp, and gestured at his whole body.
"This! This is not fine! You're barely standing, you're covered in blood and you look like you haven't slept in weeks. When's the last time you fucking ate? You can't keep this up Deku, even in his prime All Might didn't handle shit like this. And I know I said some real shitty stuff in the past about you being quirkless, but you are more than just OFA's vessel. You were the one to fucking get that through my head.. that we are more than just our quirks. So what the hell?"
"Just let me help you Deku."
"But Kacc-"
"Dammit! It took me years to understand that you genuinely wanted to help me not because you thought I was weak, but just because you're a natural born hero and you care about me or some shit. Just..just let me return the favor for once. You don't have to do this alone."
He turned his head away uncomfortably, suddenly acutely aware of how inept he was at expressing himself in these delicate situations.  How was he supposed to get through to Deku? Would this be enough? The nerd always seemed to be able to read him like a book, he hoped that proved to be the case now.
He felt his eyes sting with unshed tears. He was running out of options, aside from pummeling the nerd into submission. But for once he wanted to chose a different option.
"Please Izuku." He lifted his gaze to meet his child hood friend's. A silent plea hanging in the air.
In the span of seconds that felt like an eternity they kept eye contact and Deku seemed like he was trying to find something in that contact, like a promise, or a confirmation, whatever it was, he finally sighed and lowered his gaze to the ground.
It was barely a whisper.
Bakugou let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"Can you walk nerd?" He extended his hand out to the green haired teen who took it right away. He tightened his grip immediately.
"Yeah, but I'm a little sleepy-"
Before Deku could finish, and without a word Bakugou yanked the other teen towards himself and lifted him up. The teen seemed surprisingly small and light in his arms, a far cry from the monstrous visage he painted when they first crossed paths several minutes ago.
As he walked down the blocks and could feel the tension leave Deku's body as his form went slack, he gazed down to see the nerd's eyes slowly closing, he must be exhausted. He kept walking down the vacant streets, on alert for any potential threats, the nerd's weight a comforting presence in his arms.  He assumed the other teen was already unconscious .
 He briefly gazed up and saw the stars through the gaps between the building silhouettes, he thought back again to that time in the forest as kids.
He whispered in the dark, "It's okay now, ya' know why? Because I'm here so you're not lost anymore. Let's go back."
If he had looked down a second time he would have seen the subtle but content smile aimed at him. But all he heard was the small, "Thanks, Kacchan." before the teen fell asleep in his arms.
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raph-and-spike · 4 years
Jealous (Part 1) - Leo x fem!reader
request? yes/no
“You have no idea how happy i am to find a 2k12 blog! These boys deserve much more love. If it is ok, can I have reader who has a huge crush on Leo and feels jealous everytime he interacts with Karai because she can see the way he look at her? I always wondered how having a crush on blue boy would work out since he seems so much into Karai.”
a/n: Y’all really have a thing for the leader in blue, huh? ;) I got suuuuper carried away with this, sorry it’s so long!
warnings: Angst :/ 
Steam had been practically coming out of your ears. 
You, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph were walking into Shredder’s chemical lab building, you slightly more angry than the other three (maybe besides Raph, of course).
It started when Karai had taken over Shredder’s lair with her new witchy sidekick, making it their mission to take down the man that had lied to the kunoichi her entire life. She had been betrayed and manipulated for years, and the man covered in blades was going to pay. 
You watched Leo’s eyes fill with hope as the teenager had explained her mission, hoping that she would join him and his brothers as a team. But alas, Karai wanted not only revenge, but chaos while she did so. Splinter knew this wouldn’t be a good idea, he had practically begged his daughter not to go through with it, but she brushed her true father off; she was going to end Shredder no matter what she had to do. 
As you crossed your arms, watching as she exited the lair, you furrowed your eyebrows, watching the blue-masked leader follow her with his eyes. You couldn’t help the scoff that escaped your lips. 
“I’m going home,” you growled. “I need some sleep.”
Mikey frowned. “Hey! I thought we were going to watch Chris Bradford together!”
You looked at him sadly. “Maybe tomorrow, Mikey. I’m sorry.”
You had to go home, and once you made it to your bedroom, you were screaming into your pillow. Why did Karai have to pour all of her problems onto the team? Why couldn’t she just be the daughter that Splinter had been missing all along? Why did Leo care so much about her?
These were all questions that made you sick to your stomach, causing you to toss and turn the entire night. You went to school the next day, exhausted, and you could barely concentrate in any of your classes. After your last class, you nearly bolted out of the school; you needed a distraction. Walking to the familiar alleyway manhole, you climbed in, following the path your legs had remembered by now until the lair came into view.
“Turtles!” you called, tossing your backpack to the couch. “Someone spar with me, now.”
Mikey turned his head, wide-eyed at your demanding voice. “I think Leo’s in the dojo already.”
You nodded, walking into the dojo to see Leo stretching. 
“Hey,” you greeted, “wanna spar?”
He shrugged. “Sure, why not.”
You grabbed your weaponry whilst he got his katanas ready. 
“You sure you don't want to use the cardboard weapons instead?” he asked seriously. “It might be hard to go easy on you with my actual katanas.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can handle it, honor boy,” you taunted with a grin.
He wouldn’t have ever admitted it, but he loved it when you called him that. The way you said it made it so personal; it was his nickname, no one else’s. And despite the negative connotation Raph had given it, a man of honor was exactly what he strived to be, and it made his stomach erupt in butterflies when you recognized that. 
You both circled the room, weapons at the ready. 
He cocked an eyebrow, “you sure about that, Y/n?”
You grinned. “Give me your best shot.”
And with that, you began fighting. The sounds of blades slashing against each other and defensive grunts filled the room. You used the anger you’d been feeling, the jealousy that had filled you to the brim, to assist your adrenaline high, making you fight better than ever. He noticed your kicks and punches were stronger, wondering what was going on with you.
“Y/n, you know we’re just sparring, right?” he yelled as he guarded your throws. “I’m starting to think you should have chosen Raph to train with instead!”
You rolled your eyes, yelping as he caught you off guard and pinned you to the ground. Your chest heaved up and down, out of breath as your senses came back. You blushed at his figure on top of you, rolling out of his grasp that had loosened. Still on the floor, the two of you sat, catching your breaths. You pulled your knees to your chest.
“You’re going to help her defeat Shredder, aren’t you?” you spoke up quietly.
His eyes widened, surprised at your words. He slowly nodded.
You shook your head, clenching your jaw. “How come you always abandon us when Karai suddenly needs you for something, Leo?” you argued.
He turned to you. “She won’t be able to take him down without me. She needs our help, and I’m the only one willing, you know that,” he stated.
“I don’t trust her one bit; she’s manipulated us too many times, when will you realize that your family is more important than some girl?!”
“Karai is family!” he yelled, causing you to jump at the sudden raise of his voice. 
You rested your chin on your knees, pulling them closer in attempt to comfort yourself. “Yet she’s chosen not to be apart of it,” you spoke, your voice barely a whisper. 
He frowned, standing up. “This discussion is over.”
And with that, he left you in the dojo.
You sat in Donnie’s lab that night, spinning around in a wheel-y chair whilst he worked on upgrades for the van. 
“I don’t get why he’s so hung up over Karai, you know? He’s practically feeding her grapes at this point,” you grumbled. 
He chuckled at your comparison. 
“He’s always been like this, if you remember when they first met,” he explained.
You chewed on your lip. “I know, but why?”
“Guys!” you heard a high-pitched yell, knowing it had to be Mikey. The two of you scurried out of the lab to see what the commotion was. 
“Leo’s not in his room! What if he was taken?!” he yelped, his hands resting on his freckled cheeks in shock.
Raph rubbed the sleep out of his eyes whilst Donnie pulled his phone out, tapping away.
“His T-Phone is unresponsive, too,” Donnie frowned.
You sighed, feeling a pit in your stomach. “I know where he is– or who he’s with, rather.”
The three of you got in the van and headed to Shredder’s chemical lab building, your fists clenched.
Mikey looked at your angered form with a questioning look.
“Everything alright, dudette?”
You sighed. “Yes, Mikey,” you gave him a forced, reassuring smile. “Leo’s just a dumbass, is all.”
“You’ve got that right,” Raph grumbled next to you.
As the four of you entered the building, weapons at the ready, you noticed the building looked trashed– and empty. 
“Aw, we missed the battle?” Mikey whined.
Donnie began peering over something, with an “uh oh”.
“We’ve gotta get out of here!” the purple-masked turtle exclaimed, pushing the three of you to the nearest exit as he followed. 
It became clear as to why he was trying to escape, once the beeping got louder. 
They bombed the place.
Suddenly, the four of you were blasted, your ears ringing from the loud noise. Your body had come in contact with something incredibly hard, the pain in your head taking over your conscious. Before you knew it, you were slipping into darkness, your mind clouded with the flames of the building. 
Your eyes opened, seeing Splinter and Leo towering over you. You turned your head, noticing the purple-masked turtle awakening beside you. You realized they had performed their healing mantra.
Your head was spinning, and your body ached everywhere. You scanned your body, seeing cuts and bruises scattered all over your skin. 
“I am so sorry,” Leo admitted, his invisible eyebrows knitted together with worry.
You sat up with a groan, your hand immediately going to your head. Leo put a hand on your back, worried that you’d fall backward. He assisted you as you carefully got up to stand. The others left, leaving the two of you alone in the dojo.
He couldn’t bear to look at you; you looked so fragile. It broke his heart that he had done this to not only his brother, but you as well. 
You watched him as he stared shamefully at the floor. 
“Leo,” you spoke softly, making his deep, blue eyes finally meet yours. 
“You were right, Y/n,” he confessed, his voice much quieter and softer than his usual confident and clear tone. He was embarrassed and ashamed. “I shouldn’t have went behind the team’s back to help Karai.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Donnie and I could have died if it weren’t for Splinter,” you fought, though your voice was weak.
“I know,” he admitted. “And, I’m sorry. I wish I listened to you.”
“You never listen to anyone when it comes to Karai,” you muttered, your voice barely audible.
He frowned, crossing his arms. “Why does Karai upset you so much?”
Tears began to well in your eyes and your bottom lip began to tremble. 
“You really want to know why, Leo?” your voice cracked. “I see the way you look at her, the way you push everything aside to assist her with whatever she desires; it tears me apart.”
His eyes softened and his green cheeks flushed. “I-I had no idea you felt that way, I’m sorry.”
Tears began to roll down your cheeks and you found it hard to look him in the eye. “You can’t be sorry for how you feel.”
You couldn’t handle his rejection. You left the dojo, running as fast as your sore body could take you despite the turtles calling for you in confusion. As you escaped the sewers, you put your hands on your knees, catching your breath. 
Leo stood in the dojo, alone, not sure what to do. 
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neoskidz · 4 years
The Heart Stealer || Na Jaemin
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WC. 1.5K 
GENRE. Fluff / Phantom thief!au / High school!au
ELSIE’S NOTE. This is an old fic I had published before, titled “His Fallen Star”. The content itself doesn’t that much different, but with some upgrade. And some of you might be familiar from which anime this fic was inspired ;) 
Being one of the famous detective’s closest childhood friends does have its perks, especially when a certain phantom thief takes interest in you. Little did you two know, this thief is closer than you thought.
TAGLIST. [Networks] @czennienet​​ @neowritingsnet​​ @dreamwritersnet​​ @nct-writers​​
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Being one of the famous detective closest childhood friends do have its perks; such as him taking you to every case he works on to sharing secrets about a mysterious Black Organization that keeps targeting him. But of course, you’d promised to keep all that information to yourself as well as helping him with preventing the others from finding out. He didn’t want to worried them than they already were now.
Tonight was the grand opening of the museum which location that you found rather odd; it’s built quite far from the city where, you have to admit, wasn’t really your usual construction site for historical museums and people that invited to the grand opening were no other than conglomerates. 
The only reason for you—an normal high school student with no power or status—to be invited to the celebration was because of a certain famous detective who wanted to tagged you along. But, he’s already gone off into the sea of guests, leave you alone without knowing what to do. You tried to remember the phantom thief’s notice while looking around the room.
When the rays of light have been curtained by the earth’s dark shadows, I shall strike, and steal the fallen star.  
Paused in your tracks as you took a moment to process the riddle in the notice. ‘When the rays of light have been curtained by the earth’s dark shadows, I shall strike… that means he’s coming when the sun sets.’  Your gaze travelled forward and landed on a glass case-located on the stage in the middle of the crowded room-covered under a thick, red cloth where the “Fallen Star” placed.  
You furrowed your brows, something’s not right here. The notice was so straightforward, too straightforward for the phantom thief’s term. It must have some meaning behind the notice.
“[Name],” You turned around to saw Mark ran toward you. “Find anything suspicious?”
“Yeah. It’s about the-” You tried to tell him about the strange notice but was interrupted when a bearded-old-man, who is suspected to be the owner of the museum walks to the main stage where the Fallen Star been shown, spoke into the microphone that’s provided on stage. Claps can be heard from the guests as the light turn down low. Polices stand not far from the stage, guarding the necklace against any danger possibility.
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to the grand opening of Seoul Jewelry Museum. As for our tonight main event, we will see the famous Fallen Star.”  
The red cloth fell onto the stage, revealing the clear glass case out in the open for all to see. But instead of cheers and clasps like earlier, numerous gasps and shocked murmurs escaped the large crowd. All the lights turn down, making the room completely dark. A familiar laugh can be heard around the room.
“Najaem!” The unspoken name in your mind was shouted by a man beside you whose voice belongs to none other than Mark.
“Ah, Mark Lee, it is good to see your lovely glare again,” You heard the phantom thief’s silk-smooth voice spoke. “And looks like you bring your beautiful companion too.” 
“I’d love to stay for the rest of the celebration, but, I need to steal what I came here for tonight and take my leave.” Puffs of smoke flooded the room, making you cough as your vision blurred. 
A hand snaked around your waist pulled you out from the sea of guests. When the smoke finally cleared and you’d regained your vision, you’re no longer in the ballroom. You were on the rooftop of the building, along with Najaem whose hand still around your waist.
“Najaem!? What…” You were speechless, completely didn’t understand the situation you in. He just smiled as he noticed the confused on your face. 
Without wasting any more time, he cupped your face with his other hand and pressed his lips against yours. You swear your heart stops for a solid second before pounding wildly against your chest. You become paralyzed, lost in the feeling of the phantom thief’s soft lips and confusion. It was wrong, you know it was wrong to kiss the phantom thief in front of you, but at the same time, it felt right. 
However, the moment had to ended by the loud bang of the door. This made the phantom thief let out a low ‘tch’, just like what he thought. 
Mark pulled you away from Najaem, hiding you behind him protectively and ready to attack him. The phantom thief only smirked before activated his hang-glider.
“So long, [Name], until we meet again.” Were his last words before he jumped from the roof, leaving you and Mark alone on the rooftop.
“Are you okay?” Worried, Mark asked you.
You touched your lips where the warm sensation of the phantom thief’s lips still lingering, blushed at the thought that Jae just stole your first kiss. But in the middle of your action, you felt something under your other empty palm. 
You curled your fingers around it and held it up for you to examine. It… was a rose. You pulled it closer to you and that’s when you noticed that there was a piece of paper of some sort taped to the stem of it.  
When we meet again, I will not only steal your kiss. But a whole you. ‘Till we meet again, my Fallen Star.
After the incident with the phantom thief that claimed you as his in the previous heist, Mark seems can’t leave you alone and became more protective than usual. To make it worse, the inspector for Seoul district was actually elated, saying that they could use you as a weapon against the young thief which means your assistance will be needed for the phantom thief’s next heist. Even though you don’t want to be the bait, you still didn’t have any choices—Mark promised to always stay by your side, to make sure nothing happens to you.
That morning, instead of greeting your deskmate with your usual smile, you slumped on your desk with a tired groan. Snicker was his only response as he looked at your state. “Looks like you have a bad day. Care to share some story?”
“It’s actually worse than you thought, Nana.” You turned your head to looked at Jaemin, your deskmate, with a pout as you remembering how your life has just turned into a hell in one night.
Sometimes you can’t help but wonder, how can your sweet deskmate kinda reminded you of the Phantom Thief Jae. Despite the similar name—the one you gave him before you changed it to “Nana” per his request, Jaemin who sit beside you is far different from that flirt phantom thief. He is a total introvert (though he looks more like extrovert than you) with zero filters, never without coffee in his hand every morning, constant hugs, cute smiles, and has a soft spot for Park Jisung, the freshman in the first year.
The only same trait that you can see from your friend with the phantom thief is only how he can be a flirt sometimes. But still, there is no way your sweet deskmate is the phantom thief just because of how flirty he can be, especially with you.
“Is it really that bad until Mark hyung can’t stop watching you from far?” Jaemin raised his eyebrows as he tilted his head toward the door. 
Without turning your head to where Jaemin pointed, you already knew what he means. You can only let a tired sigh. 
Mark was watching you from outside the class.
“He has been doing that since the night that phantom thief kis-” You halted the sentence, earning a curious stare from Jaemin. The thought of the phantom thief kissed you made your face turned red. 
“He what?” Jaemin who noticed the sudden shyness gave you a teasing look. 
“Um… nothing. Just forget it.”
Oh God, you almost spill the embarrassing detail. You still could heard Mark’s nagging you about being so defense less in front of a boy. Not just any boy, but the phantom thief who known as flirtatious and womanizer. Therefore, there is no need for anyone else to know about the kiss incident.
“Uh-hu. What did that phantom thief do, huh?”
Great, now he will not stop pestering you about it.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you whined with red cheeks.
When you and Jaemin out from the class for the lunch break, Mark decided to join you two, saying that he needs to keep you safe though there was no way the phantom thief will be in your school. He kept talking about it with Jaemin all the way to the canteen, which you didn’t mind.
But, that’s where you were wrong.
You never expected to saw a familiar piece of paper that taped to the stem of the familiar rose inside your locker, just right when you about to put your books. A doodle of a phantom thief can be seen at the corner of the paper, clearly telling the world that the flower indeed from the phantom thief.
On the night the door between death and life opened, like Julius Caesar kneeling down in front of Queen Cleopatra, I will come to  you to completely finish what I started.
A little warning for you, don’t be deceived by what you see before you. The shell always different from what stored inside it.
The thought of him might be around you made your heart fluttered. Seems like he never fails to surprise you. You looked around to find any sign of the phantom thief where being, however, there was no sign of him. Seems like the simple little gift from him made your day, well, much better. Though you want to hate him for the kiss, you can’t stop smiling by the small notice. You shouldn’t be affected by whatever the phantom thief tried to do, yet your heart already damaged already beyond repair by him. 
Hate to admit it, but you might have fall a little for him.
“[Name], what’s wrong?” You abruptly close your locker before Mark could see it, surprising two boys behind you. “Did I just see a rose inside your locker?”
“It’s nothing!” You answered rather quickly, pushing Mark away from your locker. 
The detective looked at you suspiciously before decided to shrug it off, thinking that it may be from an admire and you’re just too embarrassed to show it. 
While busy pushing Mark away, you failed to notice the smirk on Jaemin’s face as he followed the two of you from behind.
“Hurry up before we don’t get lunch, Nana!”
“I’m right just behind you two, you know.”
If only you know the truth.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
Their first kiss is so sweet! What is Odes friends reaction to the news? Naveen and Alans?
What was their first time like? Did she stay with Ethan in his bed?
Do they get the big house? Does she like to play for him? What was going through Odes mind when she went home after their first kiss? Was their next interaction awkward? What was their first official official date like?
Thanks for indulging me and answering my questions about these two! Let me know if its too much 😬
> ask me anything < 
I’m going to answer kinda out of order as I think about things lol 
So Odette gets into her apartment building and walks to their flat in kind of a haze, like she’s not quite sure anything after dinner actually happened. A part of her thinks she fell asleep at work and made up the whole evening anyway. She makes as little noise as possible padding through the apartment. None of her friends are in the common areas and she’s glad for that. She goes to her room and leans against the shut door with a small unbelievable sigh she didn’t know she was holding in. And then suddenly she shoots up to attention and fumbles trying to fist her phone out of her clutch. She calls Ethan - he’s still in the cab, it’s only been about 4 minutes since he dropped her off. “I am so sorry” she says when she hears his receiver pick up. Ethan couldn’t help but expel a chuckle, then says “I was worried for a second there”. 
They talk things through a bit that night. When they see one another at work two days later they are a bit.. quieter with one another? A few members on the DT and nursing staff on their floor notice a shift but don’t think anything further into it. It doesn’t last long and when people see Ethan driving her home like he usually does they assume it must’ve been the caseload getting to them. 
Their first date after the kiss and them talking things through is to the opera. Its an event she agreed to go with him weeks ago - before they were more than friends. Nothing seemed different except now she didn’t feel the need to make sure there was some space between them as she draped her arm through his. She didn’t need to stand straighter or be on the defensive - to prove that she belonged on his arm. She was here with her boyfriend enjoying one of their shared passions. 
Her friends are not surprised at all that they’re together. They really just make fun of her and comment about how long it’s taken Ethan and Ode to get together. Especially since the gang concocted a short-sighted plan at her birthday party to push the two in the right direction. 
Naveen isn’t surprised either. Ethan’s favorite topic of conversation is Odette. The two could not have a get together or lunch without him bringing up how she’s been handling the DT, cases, studying for boards, or something she’s done to upset or wow him. Naveen’s first comment is “So when’s the wedding?” which makes Ethan blush and turn right back around and leave the old Chief chuckling. 
Alan was the last to find out. Ethan kinda forget to tell his father he’s dating his best friend -- the woman who’s gotten under his skin one too many times. It wouldn’t be the first time Alan turned up unannounced at Ethan’s apartment when his son hadn’t answered his calls for a while. It also wouldn’t be the first time he found Ode and Ethan having dinner together one evening. After the three enjoyed their meal and E and O were clearing the table, Alan caught Ethan placing a kiss to Ode’s temple. Alan never brought it up to them, but he always knew they’d make a great match. 
Their first date after everyone finding out was on a trip to Providence. Alan invited them over for the day. They had a lovely family day and on the road home they stopped at the good Friendly’s for food, and a $5 film. The cinema across the street from Friendly’s was playing Singing In The Rain, and they figured why not. They’re here - what the hell!  
There first time was meticulously planned on Ode’s part, Ethan knew about her rule and figured there’d still be two months until they crossed that bridge. They’ve had a few sleepovers throughout their friendship/relationship with Ode taking the second bedroom. Only in the last few weeks has she started to like staying over more... and in bed with him. She psyched herself up for about two weeks, subtlety bringing candles and spare clothes and necessary toiletries. Upgrading the small amount of things she’d keep in a cupboard in the spare bathroom. So when they get home from dinner, while he’s making a nightcap, she says she’s going to get more comfortable. Ethan’s used to her immediately shedding her day attire for some yoga pants and tank now. But she comes out in a baby pink satin robe - a color she does not wear in all the years he’s known her - and he’s speechless. He raises a questioning brow. And all Ode does is give him a sultry smile. He follows her lead and tries very hard like a good boy not to get too over zealous and jump the gun. 
It’s all very slow and sensual - beautifully slow. They’ve kissed many times before but never like this. And every single touch felt like the first time - fingers grazing skin, eliciting goosebumps and tingles of electricity. Their hands always on the other, but no heady grabbing or bruises for tomorrow. Just swollen lips and love-filled eyes. 
It lasted well over an hour; neither sated nor wanting it to end. 
She’s conflicted when it does though, in regards of where to sleep. She knows it’s important to put space between them - doesn’t want to settle into comfort too early. But the way he’s holding her she doesn’t ever want to leave his embrace. All too soon she does. Because she has to pee and certainly needs a shower. 
“I’m going to shower.” 
“Okay.” He says as he gets up as well. He’s told her she could use his many times, there’s no point in arguing. 
Ten minutes after he hears the shower stop, he knocks on the bedroom door. 
“Yeah, come in!”
He stops in the doorway and just admires her as she braids her long hair. 
She turns and smiles at him. The admiration between them is ridiculously palpable. 
“Will you be staying in here?” he asks as he moves to close the distance.   
Her smile broadens. “Miss me already?” 
He takes her now idle hands, “Always. Since the moment you took a chance on me.” 
She leans up to delicately kiss the edge of his mouth. 
and the two make their way back to Ethan’s room. 
They get a house, eventually. The condo - which they also bought the adjoining apartment next door and combined into one big penthouse - is their main residency because it’s so close to work. They get a beach house outside the city with a grand piano and bi folding doors overlooking the water. All her most important scores are framed and they have music and books lined the walls floor to ceiling. She plays for as he reads from his chair close by, or she’ll treat him to one of his favorite pieces. Sometimes he’ll play the small bits he knows -- he’s forever trying to find the piece she played for him on her 30th birthday. Ode will never tell him. 
And in a weird way, in all his trials, he seems to be writing an ode to her.  
This was so long and I don’t care! Thank you so much, anon, please never stop 💞
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What's the stupidest thing the heroes have done. (+Garou.) Gimme the most crackhead fueled idea you can come up pls.
Okie dokie! Thanks for the request, anon! ❤️🧡
Tornado of Terror: She was really out of it one day and ended up flinging herself off a building, thinking she was using her powers to fly when she was actually falling to the ground at Mach 20 speed. She snapped out of it just before hitting the concrete, and floated to the ground like normal. The passerby thought she was just playing tricks, when in all actuality, she was just running on 5% brain power.
Silverfang: decided to adopt Garou.
Atomic Samurai: He often mistakes Bushidrill for Kama whenever Bushi has his hair down. Kami would walk outside, see Bushi washing his hair, and he’d ask the disciple a question relating to makeup or something Kama would know, and Bushi would turn around (in all of his hairy, mustache glory) and say in a stupid voice, “whaaaaat?”
Child Emperor: he’s done a lot of stupid shit purely out of sleep depravation, but the thing that takes the cake is the time that he almost started a robot uprising by programming an ai that came really close to having the emotional intelligence of a human. Luckily, he had a lot of precautions to make sure things didn’t get out of hand and he ended that shit before his lab went all Skynet on his ass. He was just really lonely and he wanted a friend, ok.
Metal Knight: he does a stupid thing every time he wakes up in the morning: being alive.
King: accidentally ruined his progress on one of the hardest games he’s ever played because he thought cleaning the cartridge with a wet dishrag and drying it with a hairdryer would be a good idea. Granted, he was 7 years old, but it was still tomfoolery.
Zombieman: nothing he does really has lasting consequences because he’s immortal, but he once ate a rock just to fuck around and it has been in his stomach for over a decade because that shit can’t digest. It was only during the homeless emperor fight that the pebble was set free, and now Zombieman has additional room for beer. Everyone wins.
Drive Knight: had to get an anti-virus software installed in his brain because he tried to download government secrets from a sketchy website via Bluetooth. He survived the robot-equivalent of a stroke but he’s recovered and is alright now. Unfortunately.
Pig God: swallowed a child accidentally. The kid is fine, but now they have ✨trauma✨
Superalloy Darkshine: the stupidest thing he’s done was when he first started working out as a skinny lad, he went for the biggest weights first and decided to do reps without having anyone spot him and broke both of his arms! Oh boy, did the depression really hit in those times.
Watchdog Man: the dumbest thing he’s done had to have been when he decided on the dog costume, not knowing it would immediately become his Brand. Now he’s the designated furry of the hero association and even though he’s not exactly mad about it, he just sometimes wishes he didn’t have to wear something so fucking itchy all the damn time.
Flashy Flash: raced an airplane as it was flying through the sky and ended up running into a tree, subsequently breaking every bone in his face.
Genos: convinced Dr. Kuseno to not perform any bug checks after getting a new upgrade. This was some years back. Genos ended up almost getting a stroke because some robo-stuff got all fucky in his brain and he’s vowed to never convince Kuseno to do any dumb shit like that again.
Metal Bat: Thought it would be a good idea to do that thing where you jump on an air mattress while someone’s sitting on the other end and the force catapults them forward, except that person happened to be Zenko and she ended up being yeeted out of a second-story window because Badd is pretty much a full-grown man and Zenko is a tiny precious little angel baby. She was fine, but now she’s got a cool scar to show for it.
Tanktop Master: Back when he wasn’t as ripped, he decided to do deadlifts one day but didn’t secure the weights correctly on the bar, so they rolled off onto his feet and he now has a limp. Dumbass.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: became a sex offender.
Amai Mask: Started a performance onstage without realizing he had a face mask on and came out looking like Shrek. Of course, he owned it and said it was part of the show but only after the press had speculated over it for like 2 years.
Okamaitachi: has a track record of falling in love with monsters/villains she’s supposed to kill. Luckily, nobody’s gotten hurt due to her lovestricken-ness during combat (yet).
Iaian: called his Sensei a poopyhead at age 12 and got the ass-whooping of his life.
Bushidrill: called his Sensei a poopyhead at age 37 and got the ass-whooping of his life.
Fubuki: was teasing Tatsumaki while they were both kids and told her that she was adopted. Little Tatsu got really offended and ended up unearthing their entire house in a psychokinesis fit, causing a lot of propety damage. To this day, their parents blame Fubuki for having the family almost go bankrupt while trying to fix it.
Saitama: thought he was doing a pretty good job of taking care of his cactus, so he got a pet fish to serve as a bit of a challenge. The little guy lived for 3 years before Sai accidentally killed it by feeding it some off-brand fish food, since it was the only thing Sai could afford at the time. Saitama legitimately went through a depressive phase after the death of his fish and refuses to get another one because nothing could ever replace his old pal.
Mumen Rider: was about to go on patrol as per usual, but forgot to lift the brake on his bike and ended up doing a reverse-wheelie, subsequently face-planting on the concrete. It was the 17th time he’s ever broken his nose.
Sonic: same shit as Flashy Flash because every ninja from that godforsaken village shares a single brain cell, and its dying.
Garou: back at the dojo, he got really angsty one day and decided to try and poison daddy Silverfang. Garou mixed dish soap in with Silverfang’s tea in a dead-serious attempt to commit murder (not really, he’s just dramatic [plus I’m pretty sure Silverfang ain’t gonna die via dish soap poisoning but I digress]) but Silverfang literally fell over laughing because the old shit thought it was a prank.
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
We Have a jedi [11] |Peter Parker x Male!Stark Reader
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Fandom: Star Wars and Marvel
Pairing: Tony Stark x Son Reader, Peter Parker x Male Reader
Summary: (M/N) returns to earth. His return reveals secrets and he meets a someone new.
Read From The Start
The lights of New York always made the city shine, even if parts of it weren’t the brightest. The sounds of cars honking and traffic were like music to his ears. He was dragged away from the flashing lights and traffic by the sound of a hiss. He turned and looked at Sheyo in his arms, she was gritting her teeth. “It hurts. Can we get to a medic?” (M/N) nodded and helped her up. “Don’t worry I’ll get you some help.” (M/N) quickly put the space stone into his pocket and wrapped her arm around his shoulder and lifted her up. “If it starts to hurt too much let me know, I’ll carry you.” Sheyo laughed. “You carry me? You can barely carry a field crate without help from the force!” (M/N) only rolled his eyes at her, but still stifled his own laughter. Carrying her out of the alley they had arrived in, Sheyo finally got to see what earth looked like. “Where are we?” The two continued to walk down the sidewalk, passerby’s giving their own glances and glares at the two of them for what they were wearing and at Sheyo especially. “Terra. But they call it earth. I’ve been here once before.” He stopped talking for a bit but decided to continue. “Sheyo...you know how I’ve been kind of distant lately? Well, you’re going to find out why here. I just ask that you keep an open mind.” She looked at him strange but smiled. “(M/N), You know I’ve always had an open mind. I’m sure whatever it is we can handle it.”
As they made their way through the city, they ended up seeing a large crowd. “Hey look, there’s a giant ball on top of that building.” Looking up (M/N) saw it, on top of a building was a ball on a pole, the words happy new year not lit up below it. So it had been not just a year...but two that he had been away. He didn’t realize he was gone for so long. Only now did he realize that the air was chilly. “That’s how they celebrate a new year here. Come on we gotta get you patched up.”
After passing the crowd, the two were getting closer to avengers tower. (M/N) was getting antsy, he of course wanted to get Sheyo to a medic...but he wanted to see his dad. He missed him. It wasn’t long before he felt a disturbance in the force. “We’re being followed.” Sheyo whispered to him. “I felt it too.” Two figures were walking in front of them and (M/N) could tell they were trouble. Not seeing any other option, he turned into an alleyway. “Stay behind me.” He set Sheyo on a trashcan, better to keep her off her leg. “Look who we have here fellas, got some people playing dress up...and a freak.” (M/N) could feel his anger building up. “We want no trouble. Leave...and don’t get hurt.” The men laughed. “Leave and don’t get hurt! Oh boy I’m so scared.”
“He told you to leave.” That wasn’t Sheyo’s voice. (M/N) looked up and saw a person dressed in red and blue hanging onto the wall. “I think you should listen to him.” The men sneered at him. “And who are you?” The boy looked shocked. “I’m spiderman!” Even (M/N) looked at him strangely. Really spiderman? “Whatever. I wanna look at the freak.” One of the men walked forward and put a hand on (M/N)’s shoulder trying to push past him. In an instant, he ignited his lightsaber and cut the man’s arm off. “AAAAHHHH!” The man laid on the ground in pain. “Holy shit! You took off his arm!” The boy yelled from the wall. (M/N) turned back to the man on the ground and pointed his saber at him. “Leave.” The men didn’t need to be told twice, they all scattered. (M/N) let out a sigh and returned to Sheyo. “Are you okay?” Sheyo laughed. “I am, don’t think the man is.” (M/N) could tell the boy was still there. “Thank you for trying to help at least. Are you an avenger?” He turned back to the boy who was now on the ground. “Who me? Uh no, not yet at least. I’m Pet-erg spiderman. I’m spiderman.” (M/N) laughed. “You said that already...also might wanna practice that some more. Don’t want your actual name to slip out, Peter.” Peter rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah...so are those lightsabers? Like from star wars?” (M/N) sighed, of course here comes that again. “Yes these are lightsabers, yes we’re jedi, no the events of star wars are still just fiction to you.” Peter nodded. “Ooohhh. Okay.” He started jumping with excitement. “But that still means star wars still exists and so does the force and all that.” Sheyo leaned over to (M/N). “Star wars?” (M/N) only said he’d tell her later and placed his hand on Peter’s shoulders to steady the boy. “Peter, calm down. Can you help me get my friend to Avengers tower? I need to get my friend to a medic.” Peter looked over at Sheyo who was waving at him. “Oh...oh of course!” The two boys helped carry Sheyo to the tower. “I still can’t believe star wars is somewhat real.”
Avengers tower, previously Stark tower, was always a sight for (M/N)’s eyes. He didn’t get to spend a lot of time in it, but it had become home to him. “I’ve never been this close before. I usually don’t have a reason to be.” (M/N) looked over at Peter who was in awe...at least he thought he was. It was hard to tell with his makeshift mask. “So why did you want to come here instead of a hospital? I’m not sure they’ll let you in.” (M/N) let out a huffed laugh. “They’ll let me in. If they don’t I won’t let them live it down.” With that he pulled the three of them into the building.
The lobby of the tower hadn’t changed that much since the last time he was there. There were some new couches and monitors set up and the receptionist was different. Speaking of the receptionist, she had looked up as the three of them walked past. “Um...excuse me. I need to see your id!” (M/N) ignored her as he kept walking, he could tell security was following them. “Jarvis. I’m back and need to get to the labs. These two are with me.” The guards had just stopped them as Jarvis’ voice came through. “(M/N)! You have been missed. Your father will be so happy to see you. Do you want me to alert him to your arrival?”  “No thank you Jarvis. I’ll find him myself. Can you tell these fine gentlemen to please move?” Jarvis did so and the three moved to the elevator. “If I may ask sir...where have you been?” (M/N) sighed. “A long story.” Sheyo looked at him. “Father? (M/N) what’s going on?” He hadn’t even realized that he had talked about his father in front of Sheyo. Hopefully she’d be understanding. “I thought you said you had an open mind?” She glared at him. “I do. Could have at least told me so I didn’t show up all messed up.” He smirked at her. “Next time Sheyo, baby steps.” She chuckled.
The elevator door opened and the three were on the move again. The labs were new. While Tony had labs before, these were newly upgraded ones...and they were nice. They passed through a pair of doors and entered a lab where they were greeted by a certain scientist in a purple shirt. “Bruce.” Bruce looked up at his name and was shocked by what he saw. “(M/N)! You’re back!” He got up and embraced the boy who hugged back. “It’s good to see you too Bruce. My friend, I think her legs broke, can you take a look?” He nodded and looked at Sheyo. “I..I can take a look.” Sheyo smiled at him. “Yes I’m green. I’m a Mirialan, nice to meet you.” (M/N) laughed. “Don’t worry Sheyo, he’s green too.” (M/N) helped get Sheyo on the table. “I’m going to find my dad. Peter, can you stay with Sheyo and Bruce until I get back?” The boy nodded. “I can wait...I’m with Bruce Banner, and jedi...in avengers tower.” (M/N) shook his head and smiled. “Yes, you are. I’ll be right back.” (M/N) was about to exit the lab before Bruce stopped him. “Oh he’s not here right now. He’s at a new years party with the other avengers. I’m not there since...you know, I don’t like parties.” (M/N) was a little disappointed hearing that. “Oh. That makes sense. Well...I’m not going anywhere so I can wait.” Peter looked at him. “Your dad’s an avenger?” (M/N) looked at him. “My dad’s Iron man.” Peter started fidgeting excitedly. “Oh my god! You’re Tony Stark’s son!? Does he even have a son?!” (M/N) shrugged his shoulders. “Kind of.” Bruce faked a cough. “Um, (M/N) if you want...your dad actually set something up if you ever came back. I can have Jarvis lead you there.” (M/N) nodded, he had time to kill anyway. “I guess I’ll take a look. Take care of my friend Bruce.” Bruce nodded and continued his work with Sheyo. (M/N) left leaving Peter with them. “Alright Jarvis, tell me where to go.”
The elevator opened on the living area floor. This had changed dramatically since the last time too. From the looks of it, the rest of the avengers had moved into the tower. It reminded (M/N) of being back in the jedi temple, everyone living together. “So...what exactly am I looking for J?” He stood in the middle of the living room. “The hallway to your right, the last door on the left.” Walking to where Jarvis instructed, he opened the door and entered. The room was a good size and space themed. There were books and posters. A tv and game consoles. “Jarvis what is this?” He already knew the answer. “This is your room sir. Mr.Stark wanted to give you your own space for when you returned.” “When?” “Yes sir, when. Mr.Stark always believed that you would come back. You being here proves he was right.” (M/N) laughed softly at that and sat on the bed. “Yeah...I guess you’re right.”
From outside the windows (M/N) could see people celebrating and partying, even from high up. He wasn’t on earth long enough to experience or see any sort of holiday or celebrations like this. He wondered if maybe one day he’d get to experience one properly. Clint had told him about one called Christmas that sounded nice to (M/N), seemed sort of like life day. There was a knock on the door and Peter popped in, but he was looking a little different. “Hey, you took your mask off.” Peter stood frozen and then realized he had. “Oh, oh yeah. I figured since you already knew my name and that you’re pretty much an avenger that I could trust you.” He stepped inside the room and looked around. “Nice digs. You really got set up here.” (M/N) smirked as he looked around with Peter. “I wouldn’t know. I have NO clue what most of these are.” Peter smiled at him. “I can help you out sometime if you want.” (M/N) smiled at him too. “I’d like that. So, did you need me for something?” Peter shook his head as he remembered. “Oh yeah. Doctor Banner asked for you to return to the lab. Something about not spending your first new years alone.” (M/N) smiled and stood up from his bed. “That sounds pretty nice.” He and Peter exited his room, (M/N) walked to the elevator but noticed Peter wasn’t following him. “Hey. You coming?” Peter shook his head. “I should probably get home. My aunt’s probably wondering where I am.” (M/N) smiled at the boy and walked closer. He brought his hand out for a handshake. “It was a pleasure to meet you Peter. Thanks for your help. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” Peter grabbed his hand and shook it. “Yeah you too. I’m sure we will.” With that Peter put his mask back and exited to the balcony. (M/N) watched as he shot something from his hand and swung off. “Hugh, I guess he really is spiderman.”
Returning to the balcony he found Bruce looking over a screen while Sheyo was sitting on the table. “How’s the leg?” She smiled at him. “It’s alright. Just sprained. Gonna need to stay off it for a couple days. It would be better healed sooner if we had some bacta.” (M/N) sat on the table beside her. “Well we don’t. You’ll just have to suffer.” She playfully slapped his shoulder. “Oh very funny. That’s the thanks I get for risking my life?” With that Bruce looked back towards them. “Sheyo filled me in on what happened. So...you really fought that blue guy again?” (M/N) nodded. “I did. Sadly I didn’t put a more...permanent end to him then I was hoping.” Bruce was looking at him a little concerned but ultimately smiled. “Well, in any case I’m glad you’re okay...and back here with us.” The man patted his shoulder. “Thanks Bruce. It’s good to be back.” The man cleared his throat. “Well...how about we head to the living room and watch the ball drop?” Sheyo and (M/N) looked at him strangely. “The what? doing what?”
The three of them had moved to the living room and watched as the new year ushered in. (M/N) would be lying if he said the whole ball thing didn’t confuse him, but each planet had their own customs. Bruce had made them some food which they ate gratefully, they hadn’t eaten since long before the battle. After everything Bruce had set Sheyo up in a guest room and (M/N) said good night to Bruce as the man retired to his own room. (M/N) wasn’t going anywhere yet, not until his dad came back.
(M/N) stood at the window and looked over the city. It was about 1 in the morning and the parties and celebrations were still going on but he could tell it was starting to die down. The ding of the elevator brought him back to attention. “That was some party. Better than last year’s by far.” That was Clint’s voice. “You only say that because you couldn’t attend last year.” Natasha. He could tell by their voices that they were getting closer. Turning around he watched the hallway and saw the two, plus Steve and Tony, turn the corner. “I’m just saying they should have at least had party hats.” Everyone stopped their banter and laughter as they saw they weren’t alone. (M/N) could feel his hands go sweaty as his dad finally made eye contact with him. He heard his voice crack as tears built up in his eyes. “Happy new year.” It was quiet for a bit, no one really doing anything. A laugh came from Tony. “About damn time.” Then he pushed past everyone else and engulfed him in a hug. “About time kid.”
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final-girl96 · 3 years
Radioactive Spider Bite
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Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: language, vilonce, muture content? Maybe later on?, jealousy, death, idk its marvel... slow updates.
A/N: please don't be rude. Feed back is welcome but be kind. If there is any little details you would like to change to fit your style and personality please do so. This will also be on my WATTPAD along with all my other stories. This begins with Civil War when Peter comes home to find Tony Stark there. It will go to Homecoming, Infinity War, End Game, Far From Home, and then when No Way Home is out and I watch it the story will continue as long as there is a new movie with Spider-Man.
Word Count: 1122 words
Captian America: Civil War
Chapter Two
Mr. Stark walked over to Peter's desk. "Whoa, what have we here? Retro tech, huh?" He said. "Peter's a nerd," I said. "Hey! I am not," he said pushing me a little. "Thrifty store? Salvation army?" Stark asked Peter. "Uh, the garbage, actually," Peter said. "You're a dumpster diver?" Mr. Stark asked bluntly. "Yeah, I was... anyway, look, um, I did not apply for your grant and either did y/n..." Peter said but was cut off. "Ah-ah! Me first," Mr. Stark said loudly. "Okay," Peter said.
"Quick question of the rhetorical variety," Stark said holding his phone up. A screen projected from it showing Peter or "Spider-Man swinging by a guy on his webs. "That's you, right?" He asked. "Um. No. What do you... what do you mean?" Petet stammered. "Yeah," Stark said flipping his phone as another video came up. "Look at you go," he said. "Wow! Nice catch. 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. That's no easy. You got mad skills," Mr. Stark said and brought up another video. "And this... this is both of you," he said. The video showing Peter and I swinging together the day he was showing me how the web-shooters worked just in case I changed my mind.
Peter had his stupid suit he made on and I have black leggings and a tight long sleeve black shirt with my hair up in a ponytail and a simple black mask that went over my eyes. I had my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist while his one arm was securely around my waist. He had been talking to me and explaining everything step by step. I squinted at the stilled frame and shook my head. "Nope. That... that is not me," I said and looked at Mr. Stark. "Really? And I guess this isn't either?" He asked showing another video of me swinging by myself. I shook my head "nope. Nope, definitely not me," I said.
"That's... that's all you YouTube, though, right? That's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer," Peter jumped in. "Mmm-hmm," Stark hummed. "It's like that video. What it is?" Peter said looking at the projected screen in front of us as Stark looked around. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?" Stark said as he took a broom handle and pushed open the crawl space door on the ceiling. Peter's suit falling out on a rope. "Oh, what has me here?" He said. Peter jumped in front of him and grabbed him. Turning his back he shoved it into his closet.
"Uh..." Peter let out leaning on the wall nodding his head. I sat on his bed and flopped back laying down. "Awkward," I said and Peter glared at me. Mr. Stark walked over to him. "So. You're the Spider-ling. Crime-fighting spider. You're Spider-Boy? And you're what? Spider-Girl?" He asked. "No. I'm y/n," I said and rolled my eyes. "Spider-Man," Peter said crossing his arms. "Not in that onesie, you're not," Stark said. "Ha!" I snorted out laughing at that. "It's not a onesie," Peter said and walked over to pick the broom handle up. "I don't believe this. I was actually having a really good day today, Mr. Stark. We didn't miss put train, this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there... and Algebra test, nailed it," Peter said now standing by his desk. "I'm pretty sure I failed it," I said sitting up.
"Who else knows? Anybody?" Mr. Stark asked. I and Peter shook our heads. "Nobody," we both said. "Not even your unusually attractive aunt?" Stark asked. "No. No. No! If she knew, she would freak out. And when she freaks out, I freak out," Peter said. "That's true he does," I said looking at Mr. Stark who was sitting on the end of the bed in a chair. "You know what I think is really cool? This webbing," Mr. Stark said and threw the little thing he had the webbing at Peter who caught it without looking. "That tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?" Stark asked.
"Peter did," I said. Mr. Stark raised his eyebrows as he looked over the suit. "Climbing walls, how you doing that? Adhesive gloves?" He asked. "It's a long story. I was..." Peter started but stopped cut off by Stark. "Lordy! Can you even see in these?" He asked holding the goggles up to his face that were attached to the suit. I bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh as Peter glared at me. "Yes. Yes. I can," Peter said taking it away from him and putting this in the small closest. "I can see in those. Okay? It's just that when whatever happened, happened... It's like our senses dialed to 11. There's way too much input, so they kinda help me focus," Peter said.
"You're in dire need of an upgrade. You too," Stark said looking at me. "What? No!" I said but he ignored me. "Systemic, top to bottom, hundred-point restoration. That's why I'm here," he said and leaned against the wall. Peter sat beside me on the bed. "Why are doing this? I gotta know, what's your MO? What gets you outta that twin bed in the morning?" Stark asked. "Me. I get him outta bed," I said. "And you, why don't you do what he's doing? Why are you Spider-Girl?" He asked.
Peter looked at me and looked back at Mr. Stark. "Because..." he stammered a little. "Because I've been me my whole life, and we have had these powers for 6 months. I read books, I build computers. Yeah, I would love to play football, but I couldn't then, so I shouldn't now," Peter said. I forward my eyebrows he never told me exactly why he was doing what he was. "Sure, because you're different," Stark said. "Exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not," Peter said. Stark looked at me then and raised his eyebrows. I sighed knowing I wasn't getting around this at all and I was going to have to explain why I wasn't out there with Peter in so ridiculous suit fighting crime.
"I'm not a genius like Peter is. I can barely pass my classes. I wouldn't be passing them if it wasn't for him. I'm more street smart and I'm artsier than him. I take pictures and draw and I don't draw pretty things, I draw dark messed up things. Peter follows the rules and I don't. So what business do I have out there saving people's lives?" I said looking down at my hands.
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buildmeafairytale · 4 years
Female Werewolf Reader X Female Human
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Hi everyone! So it’s been a little while since I’ve posted a story and I figured it was due time! Summer classes have been insane (but almost over, send good vibes) and I finally made time to finish up this request for a werewolf girlfriend. Enjoy!
It is the start of a new school year, and I am excited to meet the sweet little cherubs that will grace my classroom. I’m also excited to meet the parents, but I have a feeling I’ll know most of them already. It’s a very small town and most everyone knows each other, and a lot of the people I had gone to school with myself are having kids. 
First days are always hectic, and this is no exception. The day went by somewhat normally though, until the school wide assembly. The school was a large campus, and went all the way from pre-K to grade twelve, the buildings kept a bit apart. I had my kids walk over to the auditorium, where I caught the most heavenly scent in the air. I tried to inhale a bit more and trace the scent, almost frenzied with it, but I couldn’t lose sight of the kids. Most of them were pups themselves and wouldn’t be too put off with me sniffing the air, but I didn’t want to look ridiculous to those few who were human. 
I just hoped that whatever the origin of the scent was would be in the auditorium, or that I would be able to slip out and trace it. I stopped my class right outside the doors and gave them a reminder.
“Okay class! So what do we do in the auditorium?” I call on Sara, a little girl who always has her hand up.
“We don’t talk and we raise our hands if we need you for anything!” She yells out, excited to know the answer. I give her a thumbs up.
“Yes class! We stay quiet in there, and if you’re the most quiet class you all get a treat when we get back to class!” I tell them, and get a little army of ‘yays’ and other excited responses in return. I smile, not my phoney teacher smile but one of excitement. I think I am going to have a fun year working with these students. We file into the auditorium, and the elementary, middle, and high schools are all kept on different sides. The kindergarten classes are placed in between older students, so they can serve as a good example. I stand next to my kids, and make small talk with a few of the other teachers.
 I catch the scent again, stronger now, and I look around trying to trace it. The superintendent starts to speak, but I can’t concentrate on him. Nothing he is saying is important to me anyway, the topics of the assembly already covered for the staff. He then goes to introduce the new assistant coach to the High School’s football team, and if I was a lesser woman and shifter, I would have changed right then. Her name is Megan Flynn, and she graduated from a large university where she helped coach and manage the football team. She has dirty blonde hair to the top of her chest, and looms over the superintendent by a half a foot, who already dwarfs me in size. She is in the Talon Valley colors of green and silver, and the warm up all the football coaches are given clings to her in all the right places. She is well muscled and I am overcome with images of what she could do to me with arms like that. 
I feel my jaw going slack, and my heart starts to race. As I look at her and isolate her scent, I know that I have chosen her. The wolf within me has set her eyes on her mate, and a low rumble leaves me. The children do not notice, but a few other staff members who are wolves do, the teacher beside me nudging me and giving me an odd look. I turn to look at her and tell her sorry, but when she catches my gaze she knows what I am experiencing. She had found her mate years prior and knows this look well. She congratulates me, and I can barely breath.  Megan is also going to be working in my building, in the IT department. I can already feel the wheels turning in my head. 
I’ve always been especially illiterate with computers. Not ridiculously so, compared to the older teachers, but definitely at the lower end of the spectrum for my generation. Me calling IT would not be out of place at all, and I always had trouble setting things up at the beginning of the year. Hopefully she would have time to settle in, and then we can meet. I hate to feel so meddlesome, but this is tame for me at the moment. If I wasn’t holding back, I would have transformed and thrown her over my shoulder in the middle of the whole school district. 
I spend the time here memorizing her face, and the superintendent gives her the microphone to introduce herself. I look on starry eyed as she tells everyone how excited she is to work with them, and as she looks around we lock eyes, only for a moment. It is all I need, I know she is meant to be mine. 
She is human, though, that much is clear. She does not know the secrets of this town, so I have to tread carefully. I already feel my skin bristling at the thought of hiding this from her, but there are rules and traditions, and I will not reveal myself to her until I am confident she will not tell others. Many of the humans who live here know the truth, but the town is good about keeping things quiet. I have so many thoughts running through my mind, will she like me? Does she like women? Will she be disgusted by who I really am? I try to calm myself though, if she is truly meant to be my mate then everything should be okay. I hope that the universe would not be so cruel to let me find such a good mate only for them to not be interested at all. 
The assembly goes by and I am on edge; I wonder how long it will take for this feeling to go away. I persist, though, and manage to corral the kids back into the room. The rest of the day goes by smoothly, and soon enough I am at home with a glass of wine. I have my tablet in hand, and I may or may not be looking at my potential mate’s social media. Or lack thereof, I suppose. All she has is a facebook that is reserved for not much more than people telling her happy birthday. But hey, at least now I know when her birthday is. It is a stark difference from my frequently updated instagram, twitter, and facebook. I sigh and push away my tablet, and my kitten Rumi jumps onto my coffee table, nudging himself into my palm. I can’t help but let a fond smile take over my face, glad he took a break from his bird watching to give me some attention.
The next week is filled with me getting to know my students and introducing them to the material, and while I have a few tech problems, I’m more nervous than I thought I would be about calling Megan to my classroom. Everytime I want to call her, I get scared and busy myself. I can only avoid this so long, and one day at lunch she comes in and introduces herself to everyone. I feel like an idiot when she looks at me, and when she shakes my hand I somehow manage to get an appropriate greeting out. Some of the other werewolf staff members are hiding their snickers and grins behind hands and coffee mugs, finding my situation amusing. At least they know who she is to me, and they won’t attempt to move in on my territory.
I try to shake myself out of these possessive thoughts and make subtle conversation with Megan. She has the most striking blue eyes I have ever seen, though, and I have trouble focusing. I try so hard to remember everything about her. She takes her coffee black, which I find hot for some reason. She’s friendly and sits by me, and I ask her how she’s liked coaching so far. At this she lights up, and starts to get excited.
“Oh, it’s been so great! I think the boys are gonna do really well this year too. The first game is Friday, hopefully you’ll be there!” She beams at me, and at that moment she could have asked anything of me. 
“I wouldn’t miss it!” I reply, trying to sound just the right amount of eager. A few more snickers from my colleagues tell me that I may have over done it, but I don’t care. I’m going to start my plan tomorrow.  
Of course, I really do have an IT problem and need to call her. I get nervous again and try to solve the problem myself, but when I see how restless my students are getting I put in a request for IT and help them start a different activity. She arrives quickly, and gets to work on my crashing computer. She bends over to adjust the cords, and I quickly avert my eyes so I don’t drool over her thick ass in front of 20 kindergarteners. 
“Oh wow, they have you hooked up to a really old system, no wonder this keeps crashing on you. Let me upgrade this for you, we have a ton in the IT department. It might take me a little while, though. Is that alright?” She is kneeling on the floor, pulling cords and removing equipment while she says this, and I quickly agree.
“Sure, that sounds good! Recess and lunch are coming up anyway, so if you don’t mind working through recess I can get us lunch?” I ask her, feeling as if my heart is beating in my mouth. 
“You don’t have to get me lunch, it’s literally my job to fix this,” she teases at me, but my instinct is to provide for my mate, and I feel as though lunch will be a good way to spend more time with her. 
“I was going to order some food anyway, any preference?” I ask her, moving over to get my phone and place an order. She tells me what she wants and I order it for us, a smile on my face. 
Megan goes to get the computer parts she mentions, but before she leaves one of my students pulls on her hand, and tells her he needs to tell her a secret. Had I been human, I would not have been able to hear him, but I do. He pulls Megan down, and I am mortified.
“Ms. Flynn, my mommy told me that Ms. Hallaway thinks you're cute,” he whispered, then erupts into a fit of giggles.
“Oh, is that right?” I hear her whisper back, watching him nod before he walks away. Megan’s face turns bright red, and she has a small smile on her lips. I feel my face turning red, too, so I turn away and busy myself so she doesn’t see. I hope she isn’t scared away now, but that didn’t seem like too bad of a response. 
She leaves and I take the kids out for recess, grabbing our delivery food on the way back in. I sit our food down but then I hear her a crash outside of the room. I know it is Megan before I see her, and she’s fumbling with a bunch of equipment stacked so high in her arms thatI can't see her face. 
“What are you doing?” I scold her good naturedly, and come to try to take some of the parts out of her arms.
“Wait, I got it! It’s heavy, be careful!” she says to me, but I have already taken more than half of the equipment for her. I can tell she is confused at how I can carry all of this, but I just shrug.
“Don’t look so surprised, I work out,” I tell her, smiling at the fact she can see where she is going now. 
She smiles back, and conversation flows easily throughout our lunch. She talks about her new house, and I know just the one she is talking about. It isn’t far from mine at all, and she tells me that once she unpacks she would love to have me over. The next day I come in for a coffee and note on my desk. 
“Thanks for lunch, hope this brightens your morning!” -Megan
This is sweet and surprising, but I don’t want to let myself take it the wrong way. I don’t want to get my hopes up and think she’s courting me back, but the werewolf cavewomen part of my brain is jumping to all kinds of conclusions. I don’t want to just be her friend, I want to be much more than that with her.
The courting started out innocently enough, really. I would bring her coffee, or other little snacks I knew she liked and would just conveniently have extra of. I became her friend fast, and while I haven’t gotten to the next step of the courting process, I don’t know if it’s time yet. I want nothing more than to patrol her property in my other form, to brush against bushes and trees and leave my scent to warn all others away, but I want her to know my intentions first. I want her to know what I am, and want me back the way I want her. 
On Friday, Megan stops into my room. Football is a big deal at Talon Valley, and now that all the little ones know she is a coach they get very excited. They’re all in the silver and green colors, and she takes her time to give high fives and say hi to them all before coming over to me, and nodding for me to meet her in the hall. She pulls something from behind her back, and hands me a bag. 
“So you’ve been here a while and I know you probably have plenty to wear to the game, but I thought that you might wear this and rep me in the stands,” she tells me, tugging on her hair and a hopeful smile on her face. When I open up the cute bag, also decked out in school colors, I see one of her coaching jerseys. I let out an excited squeak, and hold it up. It will be huge on me, and I can’t wait to be wrapped up in her jersey, her name on the back and her scent clinging to it. 
“Oh my gosh yes! This is so sweet, of course I’ll wear it!” I tell her, already pulling it over the Talon High tee-shirt I have on. She turns an even darker shade of red, and I don’t bother resisting the urge to hug her. She hugs me back, and if she wasn’t holding on I would have swooned like some 16th century maiden in her thick arms. I can feel her heart racing, and I’m sure mine matches. 
By the time the football game rolled around I was itching to see her coach. I thought about how assertive she would be, and I felt myself get excited at the prospect of seeing her in her element. I’m in her jersey, with little green and silver glitter stripes under my eyes. I’m in the front section of the student section along with a handful of other teachers, and the players run out onto the field. I lose myself in the hype of it all, and I’m cheering with my friends, waving at Megan down on the field when she spots me. I didn’t do these kinds of things in high school much, and it’s fun to be able to enjoy them now. She’s a great coach, and when I see her get fired up and celebrate with the boys, I just smile. We won the game, and there are plans for a big celebration after. I’m not big on parties though, and the only one I would be interested in seeing is Megan. I don’t want to bother her when there are plenty of other people who want to talk to her, though, so I start to head to my car.
I’m getting out my keys when I hear Megan call out for me. “Hey! You’re headed to coach Mather’s right? I can drive us if you want!” She jogs up to me with a grin, and I couldn’t possibly go home now. 
“Sure, that sounds good! And good job out there, you guys did great!” I tell her, all plans of an early night gone. She loops her arm around one of mine, so casually and familiar, and leads us to her truck. 
“I know right! I’m so stoked we won! And they let me make so many calls about who to pull and switch around, and I put Dion in to start and he really proved himself!” She talks through this while giving me a boost into her truck that has my cheeks flushing, her hands so big around my waist. 
“Oh crap, I forgot I have to feed my kitten! I knew I was forgetting something.” 
“No problem, we can stop at yours on the way?” She offers up a solution, and I feel bad for being a annoyance. 
“I’m sorry, yeah that would work,” I tell her, not wanting to ruin her plans but knowing I need to feed Rumi. 
“Not a problem at all, just tell me where to go,” she sends another heart stopping smile my way, and luckily my house is on the way, too.  We stop in, and Rumi comes up to say hello, yelling at Megan and I for attention.
“Aw he looks like a little toasted marshmallow, don’t you sweetheart?” Megan peers down at Rumi, and I think my heart might burst. She fawns over him while I feed him, and a calmness comes over me from seeing my intended mate cozy in my home. 
I hear her come closer as I’m getting things ready to leave, and her hands are on either side of me, planted on the counter top. My heart is racing, and on every inhale I can smell her, so sweet that I feel dizzy. She leans in and I feel her breath brushing against my ear.
“Hi,” she whispers, and I reply the same, my voice cracking.
“Tell me I haven’t been reading this wrong, sweetheart?” She asks me, and a hand brushes the hair away from the back of my neck
“You haven’t been,” I reply, breathless and tilting my head more to the side. The first brush of her lips against my neck has me digging my hands into the counter. The full moon is only in a few days, and it takes so much of my control to not let a hair shift out of place. 
“Good,” she tells me, turning my head to meet her lips. The kiss is sweet and soft, yet I’m breathing like I’ve run a mile. We share syrupy grins, and we head back out to go to the party. This time, when she boosts me into the truck she lets her hands linger. I feel like a teenager again, going to a party after a football game dressed up in my crush’s jersey. It’s a good feeling, and it’s a fun night spent with her by my side, everyone celebrating her success and good judgement. We snuggle up by the bonfire and drink and bullshit with the other coaches. When she drops me off late at night, she asks when we can do this again. I try not to seem too eager, but I can’t help it. I invite her over for dinner the next night, and she kisses me goodbye with a promise to bring desert. 
After the shared kiss and the semi date we went on, I feel guilty. I feel as though I am lying to her about what I am, and this was all under false pretenses. The horrible little voice in my head is hard to ignore, and I decide that after dinner I will tell her. The idea of laying everything out in the open like that scares me, but it needs to be done. 
I make a big dinner and throw myself into cooking and cleaning up before she comes. I spend the hour before she gets here getting ready, trying to look my best for her. The table is set and everything is perfect when she rings the doorbell. Opening it, I see that she brought flowers and chocolate cake from my favorite bakery. Dinner goes well, but I know she can tell I’m nervous and I’m ready to just rip the band-aid off. I don’t want to scare her, though.
“I think I need to tell you something,“ I whisper, wringing my hands out in front of me and my eyes cast down.  
“Sweetheart, I don’t like how upset you look. What’s wrong?” she asks, her warm hand titling up my chin to look at her. 
“I’m not - this town isn’t -” I take a deep breath and stop myself, her hands starting to run up and down my arms. I go to try to speak again, but she shushes me. 
“Baby, if this is about the whole werewolf thing and living in a town full of supernatural creatures, I already know,” she tells me, concern and compassion lacing her voice, still attempting to sooth me. 
My eyes go wide and I feel my jaw go slack. Someone else in the town, one of the elders, must have already filled her in. That was the tradition when a newcomer was becoming permanent and trusted in the town, one of the elders or council members would tell them a bit of the history and secrets of the town. They must have done this quickly after finding out she was my mate. 
My brain is still trying to catch up to what is going on when she leads me over to the love seat, draping me across her lap with an arm wrapped around my waist. 
“What?” I ask her, “You know...about me?” I ask her dumbly, and she just nods, her other hand in my hair. 
“I’m coaching hormonal teenage boys all day, some of which happen to be werewolves. Some of them something else, still not sure what the fuck that kid Matt is,” she shrugs. “I was clued into it pretty early, and then the old lady next door kinda filled in some of the gaps for me.” She explains this to me so calmly, and I feel so much of the anxiety I have been harboring leave my body. 
“You aren’t mad?” I ask her, still seeking reassurance.
“No, how could I be mad? It took me a minute to figure out you were one too, but I noticed a few things and Moira is a gossiping old bitty and ruined the surprise. Something about mates and courting that sounded an awful lot like the sweet teacher bringing me coffee and sweets,” she jests, still maintaining a smile. 
“Can I ask a question, though?” she asks, and I nod.
“Anything,” I tell her, hoping it won’t be a deal breaker.
“Coach Ben is the hairiest man I’ve ever seen, he’s something, right?” I can’t hold it in anymore, and burst out in giggles, the tension in my chest finally giving way completely. 
“Nope, just a hairy guy,” I confirm, happy she is taking this so well. 
“So we’re good then? You really want me to be your mate?” A hint of doubt clouds her words, one that I quickly assuage with my eager nod and heated look. She pulls me into a kiss by the collar of my shirt, aggressive and dominant and everything I want from her. Soon the buttons are undone, and she gives a groan when the lace of my bralette peeks out, bending down to kiss the straps out of the way. We stumble our way through the house, a trail of clothing left behind us. She falls onto my bed and encourages me to join her.
She kisses me again, hands wrapped around my face. I cannot help the whining sounds leaving me, and as she pulls me onto her legs I start to shift. I’m trying to stop it from happening, knowing she is attracted to me as a human is enough. She accepts the wolf in me, but I am unsure if she will still want me in this way when I turn. She must sense my struggle, though, and kisses me harder. This is when I smell her, the want coming off of her only increasing when her tongue brushes against my growing canines. I cannot stop it any longer. My ears grow and pull back away from my face, my mouth and jaw elongate, and hair turns to fur and covers my body. I feel bones snapping and rearranging, and muscle clumping up in different spots. The change is like breathing for me, and when I look down Megan is mesmerized. I am only slightly bigger this way, and I still feel small in her arms. 
I bend down and rub the side of my face against her’s, then her neck and chest. I lose myself in scenting her, and it’s only when I hear a breathy laugh that I pull back.  Her face is flushed and she has an amused smile on her face. 
“Need me to smell like you honey?” She coos at me, and I nod and let out a whine, hips rolling over hers from where I am seated.
“How else is everyone supposed to know you’re my mate?” I speak into her ear, letting a growl rumble out. A choked out sound escapes her and her hands reach for my hips. She pulls them towards her and flexes her thigh under my core. I let my teeth graze her ear as my clawed hands find her breasts, pulling and tweaking them. Her thigh is slick from my pussy, and my knee brushes against hers on every thrust of my hips. I want to taste her, but as I go to move she pulls me up to straddle her face, the movement so effortless for her that the display of strength has a moan leaving my mouth. This is followed by another when she licks a broad stripe up to my clit, swirling her tongue around it. 
I’m mewling and gyrating my hips as she feasts on me, my hands hanging onto the headboard. Megan locks her arms around my thighs and pulls me down harder onto her mouth, and I feel my core start to tighten. A litany of moans and ‘don’t stops’ fall out of my lips as my climax overtakes me. I twitch and jerk above her before going limp, and with a final stroke of her tongue against my clit, she sets me down as if I am a doll instead of the clawed, muscled beast I currently am. She bestows gentle kisses upon me, covering my chest, collarbones, and working her way up to my muzzle. 
“You look smug.” I tell her with a smile, finally getting my breath back.
“Hmm do I? Seems like I have a good reason,” she teases back.
I growl at her and flip her back to her back, a hand on each side of her head. “I think I could fix that,” I tell her, and proceed to move down her body. I open up my wide jaw, and lave my tongue over her, drinking her in. I’m mindful of my claws pressing into her skin, but the thoughts of my marks decorating her excites me. My tongue enters her, thick and pressing against her walls, and I look up at her, our eyes locking. She looks back at me, and deep moans are leaving her. Heaving breaths force her chest up and down, and I feel as though I’m seeing stars all over again when she comes apart for me, her hips pushing further into my widened jaws. I feel insatiable, and it is only when she starts to pull away that I make my retreat. She’s still twitching and dazed minutes later, praise falling from her lips that I soak up. 
As I lay there with her, tucked into her arms, I am looking forward to the future with my mate. The games in her jersey, the visits to my classroom, and the many made up IT problems I will surely have are all waiting for us. She rolls over, and pets me in a way that has me melting.
“You think we’re done already? My mate, I am nowhere near finished with you yet,” she tells me, and I am grateful for whatever in the universe gave my mate such an appetite. 
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orange-meringue · 4 years
Lost And Found Q & A
(The Q&A is here! Yeah, I’m not sure exactly how many of you ended up coming over from AO3, but I’ve decided to do the Q&A for my fic here -sorry to those of you who are uninterested in my writing life, I’ve been really invested in Lost And Found lately. 
The first question was submitted here on Tumblr, and the rest are all from AO3. I hope you’re satisfied with my answers, and if you have any more questions after this or just want some elaboration, please feel free to ask! I’ll add them on in a reblog! 
Anyway, enjoy! I’ll put everything beneath the cut) 
How does Donnie adjust to physical touch/affection in the future?
-Donnie is definitely touch-starved. No way around it. As mentioned in the fic, Draxum, Huginn, and Muninn never really gave him more than a few one-sided hugs, fist-bumps or handshakes. He’d never been fully hugged or held until he met his brothers, and it’s still very weird and new to him. But obviously his brothers (as well as April and Splinter, once you get to know them) are pretty touchy, but a few of them are better at picking up on Donnie’s thing with touch than others. Overtime I feel like they would be able to get him more and more acquainted with things like casual hugs and friendly touch, and the more he gets used to these things, the less they startle him every time. Though I do imagine he has a few relapses in the future (which I do plan to write about) where touch goes back to being startling and scary, and it takes him a day or so to warm back up to it. Mostly good things, though! Donnie truly does love the familial affection, though he’s not likely to admit it
When did the boys prepare Donnie’s room?
I imagine they made his room during the last chapter, after Splinter’s apology and after April and Mayhem left, when everyone began to split up to do their own things. The timeline is a little questionable, but I like to think they had a good hour in there, and most of the materials were already there and ready -the room was likely empty, too, and was acting as some sort of storage room that they never knew what to do with. I tried to make it obvious that they’d been pressed for time and hadn’t been able to do much, hence the hastily made bed frame and why there were only two other pieces of furniture
Will Donnie ever feel comfortable enough to remove his tech around the lair in the future?
I feel that, much like canon Donnie, wearing his tech is a bit of a habitual thing. He doesn’t really see a reason to take it off, even if he’s technically safe in the lair, especially because it was ingrained in him via Draxum that his tech is everything keeping him safe. His tech is his armor and his safety blanket, and even if he knows, logically, he’s not going to be ambushed in the middle of the lair, it’s hard to take it off. Eventually, though, I feel like his brothers help with that. At one point Raph probably starts trying to train him to build strength and muscle on his own so he doesn’t have to rely on his limb clamps, and, as Donnie gets more comfortable with his brothers, he starts feeling relaxed enough to remove his battle shell when lounging around with them
Would Splinter try to bond with Donnie and attempt to form a better connection with him?
Splinter really does love his son and wants to spend time with him! But...uh...as of the story’s ending...he doesn’t know very much about him. He knows he was raised by Draxum to be a soldier and is very good with technology, but other than that...next to nothing. But it’s a great motivator! Splinter 100% wants to know Donnie as well as he knows his other boys, so he pulls out every stop to try and bond with him, making sure not to rush him despite his curiosity and family-oriented nature, because Donnie is currently pretty skeptical of adults (even Splinter) for...obvious reasons. But he wants to get to know Splinter, too, and, yeah, he’s willing to sit through his 5+ hour Lou Jitsu monologues to let that happen
How does Donnie feel about the boys’ future plans to capture oozesquitos and sabotage Draxum? Does he still have conflicted feelings about humans?
After the initial adrenaline and shock of everything subsides, I feel like it was Donnie’s idea to go after the oozesquitos. He probably wakes up in a cold sweat one night remembering oh yeah, Draxum and I unleashed a swarm of carrier bugs upon New York that are set on turning people into mutants and immediately feels the need to remedy his past mistake. So he builds a device to track the oozesquitos, which leads the boys to Big Mama’s hotel, and the rest is history (though slightly different than it was in canon, considering Donnie’s knowledge of Big Mama’s schemes and the Battle Nexus). But in terms of Draxum, Donnie would definitely be far more hesitant about trying to sabotage him. Donnie is still afraid of Draxum, after all -a small part of him feels like everything with his brothers is only temporary, and eventually he’s going to be stuck with Draxum again, and the further on his bad side he gets now, the worse it’s going to be when that does happen. He never directly challenges or fights Draxum whenever they run into him, and if there’s a way to avoid clashing with him altogether, he’ll take it
As for humans, Donnie’s definitely still conflicted about them. It’s been ingrained in him his whole life that humans are evil and selfish- that they forced his whole race underground and that’s the reason they now live in secrecy. And honestly, not even Splinter actually knows if that’s true. So Donnie remains skeptical, but overtime he’s able to do a lot more things around the city without fear of humans. They’re not actually that dangerous, he discovers, and maybe -just maybe- they’re alright. But there’s only one human Donnie grows to fully trust, and that’s April. In his eyes, she’s already proved her loyalty and compassion and, y’know, desire not to out him and his brothers to all of human-kind, not to mention she’s super badass and someone Donnie does not want on his bad side again. She’s a good friend, he realizes. He can definitely understand why she’s part of the family
How much does Donnie know about the Hidden City? Does he know about Big Mama and her hotel? How would the boys’ interactions with Big Mama change with this version of Donnie?
Considering he was raised with Draxum (who is apparently a well-known public figure in the Hidden City) he definitely has a fair amount of knowledge about the place, as well as a few ins and yōkai to go to when he needs something done. He’s very well-known himself, and actually has a reputation as a very intimidating soldier. He’s also well-versed in Big Mama’s tricks, because she and Draxum have done business before and she’s 100% tried to kidnap him for the Battle Nexus (emphasis on tried). Harking back to the question about Donnie’s oozesquito-capturing plan, the episode would definitely go differently with him there. It would be a great Leo and Donnie bonding episode, because neither of them trust Big Mama in the slightest, and Raph and Mikey would be far more cautious around her, though still intrigued by the concept of a mutant hotel and her apparent interest in helping them. But I think Donnie would manage to slip out with Leo before their brothers are captured, then it would be a race with a hilarious amount of arguing until they rescue Raph and Mikey, then everything would likely proceed as normal for the rest of the episode
Is Donnie jealous that April gets to attend school? What would his relationships with the Purple Dragons be like?
Donnie has no idea what school is. He’s heard mention of it in shows he’s pirated, but it isn’t until April comes to him one day complaining about her workload that he asks what she’s talking about. Once she explains it, he’s ecstatic! A place you can go to learn about math, science, history, and any other subject you could ever want? How much does it cost? ...It’s free?! He’s begging April to smuggle him in. She absolutely does not want to deal with that, but Donnie did make her a whole laptop and upgrade her phone a whole bunch, so how can she say no? She agrees to take him the next day, but it doesn’t fully occur to Donnie that the school is crowded with humans until he gets there. He’s on-edge the entire day, and it doesn’t help that he’s a weird green-skinned new kid no one’s ever seen before. I imagine it would be a great chapter for some good old fashioned Donnie and April bonding, and I’m 100% going to write it now, so anything else would be considered a spoiler
As for the Purple Dragons, I imagine their relationship wouldn’t be too different. The Purple Jacket episode would go relatively the same way, though I imagine Donnie would be a little more reluctant to actually join the Dragons, and way more irritating throughout the rest of the episode. But the plot and their feelings toward each other would likely remain the same
Does Donnie still eat bugs?
The whole thing with the bugs is basically...Draxum didn’t know what to feed Donnie as a baby, so he went to a local animal expert who recommended things like fruits, veggies, bugs, etc. So, considering that Draxum’s main priority was rebuilding his lab and he didn’t really have the resources to get food for anyone but himself (and maybe Huginn and Muninn- though they probably stuck to dumpster diving), Donnie’s appetite ended up consisting completely of typical turtle food, and only when he got older did Draxum started adding in things like nutrient bars and protein shakes, just to help him build more strength and muscle. So Donnie never really had anything else before he met his brothers, and it feels weird to him to jump straight from turtle to human food, so he slowly incorporates more of the latter into his diet overtime. He does still eat bugs, though. Splinter started getting him things like bug chips and seasoned bugs to make it less unsettling, but now he just eats those all the time and none of the others care for it. If a live bug happens to get in his way, he definitely won’t hesitate to eat it, and, yeah, sometimes it’s startling and almost made Leo throw up once, but it’s also really helpful if there’s a bug in the lair and none of the others want to deal with it. Donnie has eaten a spider before. The others just pretend it never happened
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eat0crow · 5 years
Jasonette Prompt! Mari and Jason first meeting but it’s after a bunch of thugs tried to jump her (she beat them uppp). anyways they’re both in civilian form and she’s validly untrusting and he calms her down.
Bullies count as thugs, right?
Partly by accident, mostly by self-preservation, Jason figures out that, in order to get everyone to stop looking at him like the poor-orphan-charity-case Bruce Wayne had taken in, he needs to instead get them to write him off entirely.
It’s a genius plan. Gotham Academy is nothing if not judgemental. All he has to do is wear his uniform loose, his tie undone, tell everyone exactly how little he thinks of their petty power plays, and get into a screaming match with his xenophobic history teacher about how people working minimum wage, “Absolutely should be making a living wage. Screw you, you bootlicking capitalist fuck!” within the first month of school. Honestly, he’s surprised he lasted that long.
So maybe he’s a little out of line, it’s not like he’s wrong. And it’s all worth it just to see the look on Bruce’s face when he walks into the principal's office. The man’s eyebrows are practically up to his hairline by the time he hears that Jason, in the face of his teacher's warning, had the audacity to ask, “What are you going to do? Expel me? unfucking likely.”
“It’s not like I’m actually going to be expelled,” Jason says. “Half the school’s annual budget comes from the money you donate. If I’m expelled I’ll have to go somewhere else. You’re not going to invest in a school I’m not attending and they’re not going to those funds.”
With unmasked glee, Jason watches the growing horror spread over his principles face-he’s a smart brown-nosing man after all. He knows exactly what kind of trap he’s walking into. It doesn’t matter that Jason’s history teacher is glaring the man down, looking like he's’ just bitten a lemon. Nope, Jason is not going to be expelled.
“Jason,” Bruce, simply sighs, looking far more put out than he has any right to be.
They settle for him being suspended for the rest of the week with detentions taking place after school on Mondays and Wednesdays for the next two months.
As all interesting gossip tends to, the rumor makes its way through the school before the day is even over-rich kids have way too much time on their hands-by the time Jason comes back the following Monday everyone seems to have decided that he’s a troublemaker unhinged just enough to be dangerous.
It marks the end of people trying to suck up to him, they all seem to have collectively decided that if they mind their own business and leave him out of it, he’ll do the same.
The thing about Jason Todd- fourteen-year-old high school freshman- is that he’s really bad at minding his own business. Like Dick’s Discowling suit levels of bad at it. He's a Robin, after all, you couldn’t be a Robin if you were actually able to keep your nose out of where it shouldn't be. It's practically a rule.
Never once has Jason ever had any fondness for bullies, it doesn’t matter if they were school kids or criminals or one percenters-looking at you Jeff Bezos, looking at you. He’s seen enough of them growing up in the Narrows, and maybe, it’s because his dad, the utter asshole, had been a bully. Maybe he just spends too much time fighting against people who think they can get away with pushing their weight around. It doesn’t matter.
Jason Todd could not bring himself to turn a blind eye, which is why by the beginning of his second semester he’s gained the title of actual-punk-you-know-the-kind-who-fight-the-man with his biweekly detentions being upgraded to triweekly and extended indefinitely. The number of fights he’s gotten into in the last couple of months has easily erased whatever Golden Boy standing Dick had established. Jason is confident that the only reason he’s yet to be kicked out is the fact that Bruce had almost doubled his donations.
So really, when he hears raised voices and the distinct sound of someone being thrown against a wall just as he’s leaving detention for the third time this week, he has to investigate.
Disgust is the first thing Jason can register when he turns the corner because there’s a ring of five students- two girls, three guys- all crowded around the new girl from France. Jason’s pretty sure he shares a class or two with her, maybe. She's easy to miss, small as all hell and stick thin.
This, this isn’t a fair fight. Or a fight she even has a chance of winning. Jason has a bad feeling about this.
But Jason takes a closer look. Her back is pressed against the side of the building, yes. Her bag has been thrown to the ground and she’s shaking but that stance, it definitely doesn’t belong to someone who doesn’t know how to defend themselves. Sure these idiots have her backed into a corner, one point them, but her feet are firmly planted on the ground, her back is straight. She’s not going to run, at least, not before she throws a punch and, judging from the way she’s holding herself, a good one too.
Jason doesn’t really know how to approach this. This girl looks like a deer caught in headlights who will spook the second she hears a loud sound. Getting a teacher would be the most sensible thing to do. It would also require leaving, Jason isn’t confident enough in the situation to do that.
He’s almost talked himself into it, sure it might be a little off-brand for him but this seems slightly out of his depth, when Idiot Number Three, the smirking brunette addition, makes a move toward Marinette-Jason only just remembers her name-and Marinette lashes out.
Dead silence overtakes the yard as the girl goes down, her body crumpling to the ground like a wet paper towel. Marinette’s fist is still curled, her arm still outstretched. She looks like she can’t believe what she just did. Everyone stands frozen for one disbelieving moment before one of the guy's snarls, lunging to grab Marinette’s jacket.
If she was a deer in headlights before, Jason isn’t quite sure what to call her now. She looks like she’s on the cusp of a panic attack, frantically babbling a mishmash of jumbled up words. Jason sees what she’s going to do a second before the bully does, but by then it’s too late.
Marinette, with way more force than someone her size should have, brings her knee up and kicks her would-be attacker in the balls. Jason does not want to feel sympathy pains. He doesn’t, but still, if the way Idiot Number Five falls to his knees is any indication...well.
Idiots Numbered One, Two and Four run off without much fanfare taking their downed Idiot Number Three with them. Jason has a distinct impression they’re going to snitch and Marinette, who was only defending herself and is in no way capable of explaining her side of the story right now, is going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble.
Nope, not on Jason’s watch. He makes his way over. Closing the distance in three precise non-threatening strides. “So I’m thinking, this isn’t exactly what you had planned,” he says lightly.
“Fuck you, Todd.” Eloquent as ever Idiot Number Five.
“No thanks. You seem like you’re having enough fun clutching your balls for the both of us,” he says cooly, crouching down just enough to make eye contact. “Between you and me, I would run if I were you. Before she decides to come and knock your teeth in.”
“Like she would,” the bully scoffs.
“We both know she could and you know I would let her. Hell, I would help her if it kept your mouth fucking shut.” Jason cracks his knuckles, casually pressing his elbow further into the prick's collar bone. “Fuck, I kinda want to do it too. You really piss me off.”
At least he has the good sense to take Jason seriously. Jason can’t help the satisfaction that comes from watching him get to his feet and limp off. Some things really are poetic. Serves the bastard right, even if he promises that, “I’ll get you back for this, Todd.”
Jason snorts, as if he’d worry about what some schoolyard bully was going to do. Have you seen half the lunatics he fights on a monthly basis? “You good?”
“I-no!” Marinette cries, sinking to her knees in shock. “I am so going to be expelled. God, I’m going to be deported. I’ve only been in Gotham for a month! One whole month and already I’ve
messed this up. Momma is never going to let me out of the house. That’s if they don’t send me to jail. Oh, they’re going to send me to jail, aren't they? I can’t go to jail, orange is a terrible color!”
That's ... a lot to unpack. Jason feels something flutter in his chest. He has the strongest desire to comfort her. So, he does the only thing he can think of, he reaches out, wraps his arms around her waist, and promptly gets punched in the face. Hard.
He staggers back, clutching his eye, Jason barely registers Marinette’s steady stream of. “I’m sorry, so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you.”
Self-consciously Jason shrugs, he’s had far worse. The only thing in danger is his ego. “It was my fault. You were literally being threatened a minute ago, I shouldn’t have touched you. Sorry about that.”
“I’m panicking a bit,” Marinette says, pulling at the end of one of her pigtails. “I’m not usually...I just-I don’t want to be expelled.”
“You're not going to be expelled, Hermione,” Jason says dryly. “Yeah, those bastards are going to snitch but you were just defending yourself. They got what they deserved.”
“Do you think anyone’s going to believe that?”
Jason takes a moment to look Marinette over. There is so much earnest hope on her face that Jason...he feels really bad but... “Of course not. You kicked Pattrick Thomson in the balls, his dad’s on the school board. There is no fucking way any one of these teachers is going to believe that he actually got what was coming to him. No matter how much of a prick he is.”
“I’m doomed,” Marinette cries.
“You’re not doomed.” Jason catches Marinette’s look of pure utter disbelief and continues, “You’re not going to be expelled because you’re not the one who is going to be taking the fall for this.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Deadly,” Jason says scooting down to sit next to Marinette. He makes sure to leave a good foot between them. One black eye is enough, thank you. “Unlike you, I won’t get expelled, trust me this isn’t anywhere close to my first fight. If they could have axed me, they would have like a month in. The good news is that this is the one corner of the school security cameras can’t see. So as long as we make our story sound believable, no one is going to question it.”
“I’m pretty sure they’re all going to find it sketchy when no one can agree on who threw the punch.”
“See you would think that but, no offense, you’re a literal wafer cookie. A strong breeze could blow you over. No one is going to believe you took down those idiots. Not when it’s so much easier to blame the one who’s admitting it.”
“I did take them down,” Marinette says, narrowing her eyes.
“And it was badass, but for this to work, we need to milk as many of their sexist assumptions as possible. So,” Jason starts, pressing his hand a little further against his eye, there’s a bit of blood slipping onto his fingers. Marinette got him good. “This is what we’re going to say. We’re going to keep it simple. Tell them that those guys were picking on you and I came over to see what was happening. Things got heated, Thomson punched me in the eye and I bumped into what’s-her-face. You were panicking and didn’t really pay attention until you saw me knee him in the balls. Short, sweet, and believable.”
“What are we going to say when they ask about why everyone is blaming me and not you?”
“Well, why were they bothering you in the first place.” Jason shrugs reaching out to grab some of the stray papers that had fallen from Marinette’s bag. “Just use that. Trust me, Thomson’s going to jump at the chance to save face. Once he changes his story the rest will follow.”
Marinette grimaces. “It feels wrong.”
“Please,” Jason snorts. “They’re rich, they’re cheating at life. They’d get away with murder if they dropped their wallets. You could tell them all exactly what happened word for word and the teachers would still only hear their side of the story.”
“That’s awful.”
“That’s Gotham.”
Marinette falters, as if she wants to dispute the inherent corruption of this city. She stares at Jason, who would probably be blushing if it wasn’t for the excruciating pain coming from his right eye.
“You’re sure.” Marinette bites her lip, nervously picking at her nails. “You’re absolute, one hundred and twelve percent sure you won’t be expelled.”
“I’m one hundred and sixteen percent sure,” Jason says and then Marinette smiles.
It’s a nice smile, Jason doesn’t think he’s ever experienced the full force of someone's relief before.
“Thank you.” Sincerity is dripping off every word, so much so it almost aches. “I-you’re really nice Jason.”
Marinette knows his name. That’s-not necessarily surprising given the act that yeah they do share classes, probably. It’s just this is the first time they’ve talked.
“It’s cool,” Jason says leaning further back into the wall. He can hear people coming, it won’t be long before they have teachers to deal with. Jason might as well get comfortable. “You’re Marinette, right? I think we have English….Math..something together.”
Marinette nods, scooting closer to him. “Yeah, I’m Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I sit three rows over in Math and two seats up in English.”
“It’s nice to meet you Marinette. Officially.” Jason takes the hand off of his eye and holds it out to her. “Jason Todd.”
Slowly, Marinette’s smile slowly morphs into a look of pure horror. “You’re eye!”
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My ‘Candace Against the Universe’ Thoughts (Obviously Spoilers!)
Here is my ‘running commentary’ from my second watch through of CATU. I wrote it down in a notebook while I was watching (back on release day!) but only just got a chance to type it up! 
Obviously spoilers after the break
Such a Beautiful Day is SUCH a great start to the movie. It’s catchy, a really lovely song, and is the perfect example of a classic Phineas and Ferb song; great melody, and some kinda weird lyrics.
I noticed that the kids’ bikes were all strewn about on the drive as Candace runs in through the gate, super cute!
Phineas ran into the house to get started on Candace’s gift, while Ferb walked. Such an energetic boy.
I love that Vanessa made a U-turn instead of just reversing or stopping further up. It’s like she needed to check that it was actually Candace sitting on the steps.
ALSO what day does the majority of the movie take place? Is it the day after the giant juggling clown? Because if not, that’s a longgg day
Already lots of Ferb lines only a short way into the movie! I know David Errigo Jr. had a couple of lines in the MML crossover, but he’s really getting a good Official PnF debut!
Everyone has Smartphones! Instead of the flip phones everyone had in the series! That’s what we call progress!
The canoe is ridiculous from the get-go! I love it.
Even Perry’s watch has been upgraded!
Poor DE Inc is always getting damaged. Doof’s insurance must be through the roof (if he still had a roof)
I love the Alexa/Google Home jokes!
The whole smoothie scene is ridiculous, I love it a lot
You can hear Isabella arguing with Doof in the background about ‘starboard’, but Doof makes a good point, just say left or right!
The ‘Unsung Hero’ scene was really good, but it was hard to hear that actual song with all of the action noises going on. But the visuals were great to watch! 
The Welcome Song was ridiculously funny. 
The song ends so abruptly, which is weird. Very PnF, but weird. And the door scene was funny but went on a few seconds too long.
The meaning of ‘Candace’ is so dumb, I love it. You can tell it was a joke made in the writers’ room and they were just like ‘we need to include this’
Candace, honey, you’re actually super special, don’t put yourself down!
Who else called it early on that Candace wasn’t actually ‘The Chosen One’, and that other humans would have the Remarkalonium as well? Because I called it straight away. 
The Space Adventure jokes fell a bit flat for me – Baljeet is too smart for the running joke to make any sense.
Every Isabella and Doof interaction is GOLD!
Why was there no payoff for the building noise joke (how Buford couldn’t hear the noise)?
The first time I watched, I didn’t notice that the funnel was present for loads of scenes (like most of Girls Day Out) before the scene in the dining room.
Also, Girls Day Out is a cute song!
I know Doof not knowing what a ‘click’ was was supposed to be funny, but what IS a click?
Adulting is one of those really dumb songs that is SO FUNNY that it’s good.
They do love geysers in Phineas and Ferb
Super Super Big Doctor and Candace’s handshake was cute.
Obsessive, volatile, enchanting? Candace. (Aka Isabella, Baljeet and Buford nail the ‘describe Candace in 3 words’ thing)
The canoe smacking Doof in the face is so funny.
“Super Super Big Doofus” – one of my favourite lines. Isabella is just SO done.
“Okay, Isabella, while I love ominous patch related threats more than anyone” *Ferb clears his throat* “Right, apart from Ferb. Big fan.” – My FAVOURITE line from the movie! And 2nd favourite line overall, behind the one about ant pheromones. Phineas gets all the greatest lines.
Isabella has a Swiss Army Knife! Reminds me that she falls into the ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’ category.
Aww Baljeet so desperately wants to be in Buford’s gang in prison
Major Monogram has AWFUL timing.
The whole escapee scene was SO dumb. (I wrote on my notes that it was funny, but it kinda dragged. It was funny, but it was SO LONG) (We could’ve had a tiny Phinabella scene in the amount of time that scene dragged on for!) (Or Canderemy or Ferbnessa, literally anything) 
“I’m not… not… special.” Yes Candace, you ARE special! You just don’t need to be used to feed a mind control plant, is all!
The Battle Song was really silly and I found it so funny. Also, SSBD is dumb!
Isabella giving Doof a patch is such a cute, quick little scene!
I LOVED the super-meta 4th wall gag.
16-year-old Vanessa can do Adulting, while the kiddos must wait until they’re 18.
“Selfie mode!” on the Chicken-Replace-Inator makes me giggle
The Axe-Inator and the ‘hidden’ self-destruct button made me snort SO HARD. I loved it.
Anything Phineas says is a good idea, usually (in reference to Phineas using a Space Adventure episode to help them out of a sticky situation. Obviously Phineas knows what’s a good idea and what isn’t)
Kitty Isabella robot! (I saw Carly reference this on Twitter and I was so confused until this scene)
Jeremy: “There’s an alien invasion?” I snorted again.
The double canoe payoff! Also “Yeah, yeah, I’ll make you a patch!”
When Candace ran off crying! No, honey, it’s okay!
“I don’t even drink coffee, I can’t do anything right!” Candace, honey, you don’t have to drink coffee out of a mug, you know.
I want the mug please. Can the Disney store please sell it. I saw Vincent Martella had one, please someone sell me one!
Why does Jeremy have gas masks in the Slushy Dog van?
The Jeremy and Stacy interaction was so funny! Especially Stacy’s teasing!
All main evil villains on Phineas and Ferb get redemption arcs. Doof, 2D Doof, SSBD. You’re not a main villain unless you get a redemption arc. You’re just a secondary villain if you don’t get one.
The ‘Vroblok’ joke at first was really weird, but when the boys did the thing for ‘Vlorkl’, it really gave the joke a great payoff
“OH!” as someone (was it Jeremy and Stacy? I didn’t note it down!) goes through the ‘O’ of the radio tower. So punny!
Candace is the best big sister, not busting the boys because it truly wasn’t their fault.
I LOVE Us Against the Universe! The choreography where they jump forward with their hands on their hips is so cute, I love that move so much, I’m not sure why, but it’s great!
Perry dancing in UATU! So adorable!
Bad timing again, Major Monogram.
And for the end scene: Hmm, why did they make the portal out of such flammable materials?
I loved the movie! Yeah, a couple of things were a bit weird, it dragged a little in some places, but overall it was AMAZING, and it was super funny! I really hope we get another movie! 
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