#overwatch moira
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skeletonnerdy · 10 months ago
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Crusty Ice-cream Ventures (and more),,
I don't know if I'll ever "officially" finish most of these. I like most of Venture's expressions in the first one. Everyone's outfit in Overwatch is so complicated, I might just start drawing these fucks naked, I'm so sick of buckles and bullshit. I might finish the Ancient Caller Moira one, I most just want to add more shine to her hand.
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zennore · 11 months ago
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"Toxic Yuri"?! Is that what the cool kids are calling it nowadays?!
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juliaaa420 · 4 months ago
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 months ago
Sigma, Lúcio, Mei, Moira courting an intelligent reader who doesn't get their flirting/courting signs
Doesn’t Understand Their Flirting
Words: 671
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Honestly he won’t realize his feelings for the first bit, only when Moira asks he comes to terms.
With him it’s pretty easy to forget about, everything really. It seems like he has experience pursuing people, but he really doesn’t.
Kinda shy and flustered during his confession, but he gets through and tells you.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something.” “Are you okay Siebren?” His face flushed at your yours, eyes looking away for a second before returning. “I’m fine, but I need you to realize what you do to me.” Confused, you let him continue.
“Whenever you’re around everything seems to disappear, they go quiet and I can focus.” As the words fell out of his mouth, your own face flushed. “I believe I love you Y/N.” “Sibren…” Words unstable with your emotions. “I love you too!”
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No one is really surprised that you don’t get his flirting attempts, they’re not even sure some of them can actually be counted.
His main attempts are music based; making you dedicated playlists, recommending some, and he’s even made songs based on you, even describing you in them.
In the end he’s flustered but confronts you about it, stuttering as you just stare at him.
“Would you want to uh – ahem, why is this so hard?” “Spit it out Lúcio.” He started hopping from leg to leg slightly, hyping himself up. “Não pare agora, Y/N, would you want to go on a date!”
Never stopping his movement when he looked at you, finding you paused in your work. Did he overstep? Read the signs wrong? “How didn’t I realize this?” “Wha–” Pushing yourself away from the counter and towards Lúcio. “I thought I was smarter than this, but yes.”
“YEAH! Oh – uh, sorry.”
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She tries, really, but it’s likely that she’ll need to get help from the others.
Her style of courting is kinda subtle, which doesn’t help; spending time with you, inviting you out and even cooking for you.
Slowly builds her confidence, handing you a small box full of your favourite snacks.
“Oh, Y/N!” “Lena, what do you need?” “Mei here wanted to tell ya something!” “Lena!” Tilting your head slightly towards Mei, “You do know you can tell me anything?” As she took a deep breath Tracer left, leaving Mei to fend for herself, which had her sighing.
“I kinda wanted more time to prepare…” “Oh, we don’t have to do it now.” “NO! I mean – it’s probably better if I do it now.” Rubbing her hands together as she figured out her words, “Y/N, I– Snowball!” The drone had floated around until they bumped into you, dropping into your hands.
“Sorry about that…” “Mei don’t worry.” Grabbing her hand to guide the pair of you into another room.
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This will not fly with her for very long.
While in the beginning she’ll find it entertaining, trying different ways to get your attention and for you to understand the signs.
When she eventually confesses, it’s blunt and straight to the point.
Today wasn’t your best, as if the world came together to collectly fuck you over. But now that the moon has risen and everyone (Most people, knowing this group.) had gone to bed, you finally had time to catch up on all your work. Stepping into your workshop to find, the previously scattered pile of paper was now neatly stacked, and filled out.
As you went through it the door behind you opened, revealing Moira. In her hand was a small slip of paper, passing it over to you when she was in range. “For someone so clever, you sure are dense.” “Excuse me?” “Not yet,” Stepping slightly closer, “You do realise I’ve been flirting, no, courting you?”
As soon as the words left her mouth you actually looked at the paper, on it was an address and a time. “Clearly you didn’t.” “Really?” Brushing off your response, “Please arrive at that address tomorrow.” “What about our work?” “It’s all taken care of.”
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mantis-lord · 5 months ago
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I redrew my last Moira piece as a little treat for myself for Halloweenie :3
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groovyempire · 1 year ago
My favorite characters: purple edition.
Who do you recognize?
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janayuga · 11 months ago
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I promise i‘ll go back to cookie run soon-
I just need all of this out of my system
Anyways, more sirenweaver
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yhemica · 10 months ago
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late nite smoke doodle w/ moira
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rockkandii · 11 months ago
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Beautiful parallels of mirrorwatch
Artists:@-breikka on Twitter: first two images
Unknown: Middle images
@-nekitoototo on Twitter: last two images
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fishmadethis · 10 months ago
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The doctor is ready to see you now.
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idle-lark · 1 year ago
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Moira obligated to attend the OW office parties because Angela plans them
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skeletonnerdy · 11 months ago
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Ancient Caller Moira and Venture Wip,,
Don't talk to me about it being crusty, I didn't realize how hard Moira's Mythic was to draw. Most of the time, I'll just draw her in her labcoat for convenience (and I just really like her Scientist skin), but my duo rocks the Mythic skin. Want to draw more of these two goofing, I love them.
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zennore · 4 months ago
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It's a very quick and rough sketch, buuuuuuut...
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yadakiti · 1 year ago
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Birthday girl 🎂🎉🥳
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nereeitor · 1 year ago
This one is for the Moira Nation 💜💜
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year ago
𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 1692
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She would prefer simple and calmer dates, especially if it’s something physical. Including paintings, baking or even just being together.
Her favourite location are cafes, likely a regular at a smaller and cozy one tucked away. So she’ll bring you along.
If you ranked her out of 10, she would be a 9. She’s memorized your drink order, so she’ll order ahead, paying before you could think about it. If you’re in range she’ll quickly lean over to leave a kiss.
She will spend a lot of money, (more than a normal cafe date) but there will be a limit. Unlikely you’ll hit it though because she saves more than enough money.
Whether you go home or to hers, she’ll be with you the whole way. If you go home she’ll leave you with a final kiss before walking away. The other way around has her occupied, (willingly for you) grabbing you a drink and some snacks.
The cafe was closed off from the main road, leaving it popular enough to survive but never be uncomfortably crowded. Making her a lot easier to spot, in her normal seat near the back. Two drinks sat on the table, one was a simple tea while the other was a [favourite drink].
“Y/N, sit!" While you did she rummaged around in, what you could assume was her bag. Soon plastic was heard, getting louder as she pulled it out.
Placing it onto the table, slightly muffled as some cloth was wrapped around it.
“I’ve been perfecting my recipe for you, though there wasn’t much change.”
Grabbing the knot on top to pick it up. Leaning over to lay her hand palm up, letting you place your own in hers. She flipped it over before pulling it closer, acting like she’ll drop the bag, instead leaving a kiss on it. Placing the bag in it after.
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He likes a relaxing date. Using that time to either get to know you, or to have fun and enjoy each other's company.
His favourite places are vacation like, whether its pools, resorts or even beaches. Willing to fly you both anywhere that offers the best.
Real romantic man, but tends to be a lot more suave instead. Any attempt of romance can and has been ruined by this, not so ruined either.
From working at Talon as a mercenary and now Overwatch, money isn’t a problem and should never be. He will encourage you to spend as much as possible, giving you the card to run off with.
Once you return you’ll need a relaxing night at home, it's a lot more relaxing but both were well. He’ll let you choose the movie and get comfortable while he grabs the snacks.
You had awoken to an empty bed, Jean had left a note in his place. In short he was at the beach, wanting to watch the sunrise, likely having lost track of time. And you were right, his chair stuck out like a sore thumb, while he laid on it. When you got closer you saw how relaxed he was, finding out why.
Pulling his glasses off to see he was asleep. Another sign was the drink that split across his chest, dripping onto the chair and surrounding sand, staining it red.
“Jean, Baptiste…” Letting your voice wake him, while your hands landed on his shoulders, fully waking him. Sitting up just to feel off, looking down to see the mess.
“Wha… Come on!” Slowly he packed up before following you back to the resort, ready to clean up and sleep in bed. Out of the sun.
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She really enjoys being more hands on in her life, so it’s no surprise when she pulls you to group pottery or painting.
Likes workshops, could be her own or for dates. Also the arcade, with something to do constantly she’s happy.
She tries, really. But she’s just not romantic material, although she makes up for it in attention and gift. Slowly getting better.
She has saved a decent amount but the moment you mention wanting something she is draining the account for you.
Afterwards you’ll sit together with some snacks and watch movies / shows.
While looking for places for your first date with Brigitte she came across one you’d both enjoy, pottery. It’s hands on and something to keep.
“You’ll love it, c’mon!” She was pulling you along, your date had rolled around quicker than you realized. The walk wasn’t far, especially when she was practically running.
The outside didn’t seem like much but when you entered it changed, it was a small art studio. One you’ve been looking at, turns out she’s booked you both for their pottery class.
“C’mon then, let's start!”
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With her newfound powers she heats up a lot more, so ice-skating is a way to cool down. Enjoying the sensation and spending time with you.
Also enjoys spending time at home or base, able to stay comfortable and away from others.
She tries, she really does but the fact you’re her first relationship. She has no clue what she’s doing.
Due to just starting at Overwatch she doesn’t have a lot, she’ll try to save but accidentally spends it all.
Just wants to spend more, uninterrupted time with you. One way to do that is too cuddle.
“I’m… not sure about this.” Even if she didn’t show it her voice betrayed her, full of hesitation. To be far she’s never gone ice skating, nothing even close.
“You’ll be fine, just hold onto me.” Holding your arms out for her to hold, which she gratefully took. Shaking heavily once she was on the rink, unstable on the thin blades.
She let you pull her around slowly. Slowly gaining her confidence by pushing forwards on her own, although never leaving your arms. After this continued you finally let her go and skated just out of reach.
This allowed her to try on her own. Except that only ended with her falling on the rink, staying down until you pulled her up. Luckily no one else was around.
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Already enjoys taking nature trails so if you join her she’ll be over the moon.
Just anywhere out in nature, whether it’s hidden and more wild or simple like a park.
Even with no past relationships and minimal flirting here and there she is oddly romantic, obviously with a hint of awkwardness.
Due to being outdoors there’s no need to spend any or much money, but will pay for most of your items.
Likely you’ll both be tired after that, so she’ll want the rest of the night spent on the couch cuddling until you wake the next day.
The bag sounded heavy, which was weird since it was almost empty when you left. But neither of you cared after the day you just did. Spending hours in the nearest forest covering their trails.
Having just returned, Kiriko was tired, dropping onto the couch without a second thought. You intended to go past her but she had a different idea, dragging you down onto the couch with her.
“Kiri, we gotta go clean up…”
“Nah.” With that she pulled you closer before shoving her face into your neck and tightening her grip.
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This guy has the biggest sweet tooth to exist, so it’s not surprising when he takes you to a bakery or cafe.
Is also an enjoyer of picnics in kinda cute areas, parks or even flower meadows.
He’s real romantic without even trying, but that doesn’t stop him from becoming flustered.
Due to his time at Viskar and now overwatch he has a lot just sitting around, and is willing to spend it all on you.
Enjoys a nice, simple walk at night before taking you home.
As you walked your hands became cold, but never became too uncomfortable. This time he reached for yours to encase them in his own. While his other was busy carrying the now empty basket.
“Don’t stray too far now,” Using his grip on you to pull you closer. And before you knew it your house came into view, he had taken you back home.
“I hope we can do this again, yes?” Turning your hand over to place a gentle kiss onto the back of it. “Don’t want you to forget about this night.”
Letting go of your hand and turning it out just to reveal a flower, one of your favorites made out of bio-light. He pushed it into your hands before stepping back.
“Call me will you?”
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He’ll drag you along to a skating rink whether or not you’ve done it before.
Willing to spend hours at the rink, skating, grabbing food and enjoying the games.
He’s a giggly romantic type. No matter how romantic he is (which is plenty) it’ll always be interrupted by him giggling.
This one has money to burn, and is willing to let you use it all or as much as you can/ Will even give you some more after.
He reveals after about a playlist he made during the date. It was about and for you, he seems like a little kid in a candy store letting you see it.
“C’mon,” Lucio had a tight grip on your hands, letting you do that same to his own. He was currently trying to get you onto the rink. “You’ll love it!” He almost whined.
“As much as you? I’m good.”
“I’m not that bad!” You only looked at him, this guy wore skates into battle. And somehow isn’t that bad? No way.
“But I’m here to help you!” This time he tugged you closer, which had you step into the rink, almost hitting him. “See, you’re not too bad.”
His face was covered in a grin, seemingly happy you’re finally on the rink with him.
“Now, let me teach you!”
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Her first thought is to bring you to a semi-fancy restaurant, with a buffet style.
It's one she visits the most, being close and easy but one she also really enjoys.
She really tries but is only successful due to the fact you like her. She’s had no time for any type of romance due to work, but she’s trying.
For being a medic at Overwatch she has gained a lot of money that doesn’t get used, although she does place a limit on a few hundred.
After she likes to make sure you’re safe by walking you home / your room, not leaving until you’re inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, I know I did.” As she spoke her hand grasped yours, in turn pulling you closer. The streets were almost empty, which was no surprise considering how late it was.
“I did,” The conversation was cut short as you reached home. Stepping closer before unlocking the door, but not entering yet. “And I wait for our next time Angela~”
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Moira is a busy woman, so it’s likely you’ll be staying in her lab or at least around the Talon base.
Her go to are pubs or restaurants, always in a private area though. Sometimes heading into a cafe for something small and sweet.
Is surprising… romantic? If you can say that, it’s borderline flirting. You’re not sure where she learned this but it’s working all right.
She has plenty of money that she doesn’t use, so to make up for lack of time together she’ll let you have a day or so out on the town.
Sadly nothing much happens afterwards, she’ll continue working but gives you the privilege of staying in her lab.
The day was long, but luckily for you it was over. For Moira it wasn’t even close to finished, even though she’s been in here since sunrise.
“Moiraaa~” Your whining caught her attention once again, she wanted to scold you but knew she couldn’t. You were spending your free time with her instead of leaving at the first chance you had.
And now the sun had set, you made yourself comfortable, finding a blanket somehow in her lab. Settling on a chair as you watched her continue. The warmth and her repetitive movements slowly lulled you to sleep.
Quickly she noticed a lack of shuffling and whining, turning around to see why. You had fallen asleep, here, in her lab. Something in her felt weird, something she’s never felt before.
Trying to ignore it, she stepped away from the bench and towards your now sleeping body, watching you for a few more seconds before leaning over. Leaving a quick kiss before stepping back and away.
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