maga2024win · 1 month
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In the fiscal year 2023, the U.S. budget deficit reached $1.695 trillion, a 23% increase compared to the previous year. The main reasons for this are a decrease in revenues and increased spending on Social Security and Medicare programs. Additionally, federal debt costs have risen due to high interest rates1.
The high deficit is expected to intensify the political battle between President Joe Biden and the Republicans in the House of Representatives, especially around the issue of the debt ceiling and demands for budget cuts1.
To my great joy, Donald Trump is a shrewd and patriotic businessman who can change the situation and reduce the debt significantly!
What do you think about the current economic situation in the U.S.? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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immunobiz · 2 months
BREAKING: Kamala Harris selects far-left Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her VP choice. I’m not surprised Kamela chose the most extreme old white dude who praises socialism but I am surprised her advisors let her 😆 
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tmarshconnors · 2 months
Donald Trump's Choice of JD Vance as VP
As we approach the November general election, the political landscape is heating up with high stakes and intense competition. One of the most intriguing developments this election season is Donald Trump's decision to select JD Vance as his running mate for Vice President of the United States. This choice is bound to have significant implications for the race, and as a staunch supporter of the Republican Party, I believe it could be the defining factor that leads us to victory.
Why JD Vance?
JD Vance, the bestselling author of "Hillbilly Elegy," has emerged as a compelling figure in American politics. His book, which provides a poignant look into the lives of working-class Americans, struck a chord with many voters who feel neglected by the political elite. Vance’s background resonates with the same demographic that propelled Trump to victory in 2016. His deep understanding of the struggles faced by everyday Americans makes him a strategic and empathetic choice for VP.
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Vance’s political rise has been meteoric. His straightforward approach and dedication to addressing the opioid crisis, economic disenfranchisement, and educational reform have earned him respect across the political spectrum. Aligning with Trump, who has a strong base of support among similar demographics, Vance brings a fresh perspective that could attract undecided voters and reinforce the ticket’s appeal to the heartland.
The Dynamics of the Race
This election is set to be one of the tightest races in recent memory. With the Democrats and Republicans neck-and-neck in the polls, every decision counts. The choice of JD Vance is a calculated move to consolidate support and reach out to swing voters who may have felt alienated in recent years. Vance’s narrative of rising from poverty to success embodies the American Dream, an ideal that remains a powerful motivator for many voters.
Moreover, Vance’s candidacy as VP is likely to energise the Republican base. His articulate stance on key issues such as immigration, economic reform, and healthcare aligns well with Trump’s policies, ensuring a coherent and unified platform. This unity is crucial in presenting a formidable front against the Democratic contenders.
What Lies Ahead
As we move closer to November, the importance of voter engagement and turnout cannot be overstated. Trump's decision to partner with Vance signals a commitment to addressing the concerns of all Americans, particularly those who have felt left behind. This ticket offers a blend of experience and fresh ideas, which could be the winning formula in this critical election.
The Republican Party has always been about resilience and innovation, and the Trump-Vance ticket epitomises these values. It's a combination that promises to uphold conservative principles while also pushing forward with innovative solutions to contemporary issues.
JD Vance's selection as Donald Trump's running mate is a bold and promising move. As a passionate supporter of the Republican Party, I have high hopes for this ticket. The journey to the White House will be challenging, but with strong leadership and a clear vision for the future, I am confident that Trump and Vance have what it takes to triumph in November. Let's rally together, work hard, and ensure that our values and voices lead the way to a brighter future for America.
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mommyghostface28 · 21 days
I like how you cater to all these freaks on here with such glee and simp. But when I straight man hits on you you're like "Ew! Don't make me get violent. Go back to where you came from.." lol Not to inclusive there. You clowns are really against the grain...just because. it's the Marxist in you. The need for constant friction. "The Revolution must go on.." type of off brand communism. The non-conformist Party who always conforms but fights it every step of the way. "Neo-Conformist" lol I just made that up. You can use that. Idk all your made up terms, psudeo science, fake outrage, gaslighting, contradicting politics, gives me a headache. Then one of you facist anarco-transnationalist tells us about some woke queer eye for bye bye bye and all of a sudden you break out dancing like Deadpool in Deadpool and Wolverine. lol I'm like wtf it from drag queen story time to save the last dance, retard edition. Then you just walk off without blessing us with your knowledge. lol And they say the meek shall inherit the earth. Shoot not if you freaks have something to say about it. When they said "Meek* they meant freaky, down low, orgy O.G. Meek Mills. That's post date grape Diddy running in that butt. Lol Go on bout your business. Smh I'm on the wrong side of TikTok. Taxi?! #InAJiffy #NotMtspaceGiveMeSpace #Harris4WhiteDudes2024 #TrumpVance2024 #FreaksAndGeeks
gahhhh damnnnn, that’s a whole lot of shit you just typed out 😂 lost some brain cells reading all of that. Why in the absolute FUCK would I cater to some random ass dude on tumblr who clearly, said something inappropriate that I’m not comfortable with? Tape a nut sack to your forehead since you’re such a dumb dick head.
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lechusza · 2 months
Black MAGA?
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Black MAGA - Black Donald Trump
OK, so #KamalaHarris has the #hottiesforharris so who is going to tell #Trump that he has the "Black MAGA" support? Yes, this is a real video. Comment, share, subscribe, and follow. There's going to be a blog about this for sure!
#MAGA #TrumpVance2024 #Politics#PoliticalNews#Culture#social
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t24-store · 2 months
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jeepster1969 · 20 days
Millennials/Gen Z For Harris? #kamalaharris2024 #trumpvance2024 #donaldt...
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One of the first fighters against the #pandemic scam called Robert #Malone now endorses Mr. #warpspeed Donald J. #Trump!
Here’s why: https://open.substack.com/pub/rwmalonemd/p/why-i-have-endorsed-president-trump
#unitedwestand #MAGA #CovidTheatre #TrumpVance2024
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rgbrt69 · 2 months
#trump2024 #TrumpVance2024
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grimmspulpit · 2 months
#NotABot #Deplorable #PureBlood #UnVaxed #UnMasked #UnAfraid #AllLivesMatter #BidenIsNotMyPresident #AmericaFirst #CancelChina #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #ULTRAMAGA #EXTREMEMAGA #TrumpWon2020 #TrumpVance2024 #TrumpTrain #AlexJonesWasRight
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wmproprt · 2 months
@realDonaldTrump @POTUS45
'Emotional' Trump greeted with thunderous applause after assassination attempt
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Die von der #Kabale vereinnahmte #CIA steckt hinter den Morden an zwei US-Freiheitskämpfern aus der #Kennedy-Familie.
Einer davon war #JFK.
Sein Neffe, #RobertFKennedyJr könnte nun unter #TrumpVance2024 Leiter exakt dieser Behörde werden. 🤡
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Das #Ampelregime und die #Altparteien zittern vor #TrumpVance2024, weswegen sie es auch in diesem Jahr zusammen mit den linksradikalen „Demokraten“ mit #Wahlbetrug versuchen werden.
#childtrafficking #sextrafficking
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Spätestens seit der #Pandemie, die keine war (siehe #RKIFiles), belügen uns #Altparteien, #MSM und #OERR in nie da gewesenem Maße.
Weil u. a. Dank #Musk und #Trump ihre Lügengebilde immer stärker bröckeln, fällt ihnen nur noch mehr Lüge und Zensur ein.
Allein deswegen muss das gestrige Interview, das mit derzeit ca. 119 Mio. Views mehr Reichweite als jedes TV-Format der Welt hat, jeder in #Deutschland anhören, denn #DJT wäre auch besser für unser #Europa der Nationen:
#EUdssr #unitedwestand #TrumpFansBavaria #WWG1WGA #PatriotsfoeEurope #MAGA #MEGA #TrumpVance2024
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trumpnewsdeutschland · 2 months
Trump is the leader of the free world and needs to save Europe, too!
May God protect him! 👍😍🇩🇪❤️🇺🇸
#trumpassassinationattempt #TrumpVance2024 #MEGA #unitedwestand #PatriotsofEurope #missionpeace #TrumpFansBavaria
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