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ralfmaximus · 1 year ago
Kevin McCarthy's surprise resignation today fucks Republicans in a number of fascinating ways:
he was, by far, one of their best fund raisers, with all the best connections to powerful donors
without those connections, GOP is gonna have a hard time raising money
with George Santos gone, their House majority is down to two (2) members, which is even slimmer than the four (4) they had before
due to House rules, neither position can be filled without a special election
which will probably take place not later than mid-2024
then once somebody wins that election (probably another Republican, because McCarthy's district bleeds red) they have to get sworn in
so count on three to five months with BOTH seats unfilled
which means if you thought things suuuuucked for the Republicans in 2023, buckle up buttercup
OH and also: Margerie Taylor Green is getting shat upon today by all her MAGA pals "for driving Kevin away" because it's mostly her (and Matt Gaetz) fault he lost the leadership role. And yeah, that's fair.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year ago
hey uh i don't think USamerican food (ex: all our candy, chips, fast food, etc.) is unhealthy because it's a nation filled with gross fat people ridden with diabetes... hear me out... maybe it's because this god forsaken country is effectively the birthplace of capitalism and they will put anything and everything in our food if it means we keep buying it. especially if we have no other options.
all the added salt and sugar is because they know people will keep going for it - they're also simple ingredients that are easy for them to procure (thanks to centuries of slave, and otherwise unethical, labor). all the harmful dyes is because they've been relentlessly marketing to us in such a way that they make out natural food to be dirty and inferior. all the "fat free!" food came about because of fatphobia... you do need fats in your diet, just in balance.
it's all because they (capitalist class) don't give a flying fuck about anyone if it means they can make money. of course we aren't nearly the only country where capitalism takes away peoples reasonable access to a balanced diet, and the USA does get slack on a lot of things for a lot of very good reasons. but... maybe that shouldn't fall on the oppressed people living here? especially not based on bigoted misconceptions? there are no conditions on not being a bigotted asshole to someone. not facing bigotry isn't supposed to be a privilege. and it doesn't have to be an acutely life-or-death bigotry to matter.
addendum: also whether a food is "unhealthy" is heavily subjective and reliant on the individuals health needs at the time. sometimes people really need that salty as fuck pack of potato chips... like a disabled person with electrolyte issues! or a poor person who hasn't had enough to eat!
tl;dr if you keep going on about how disgusting americans are because of our food, you're just fatphobic and ableist.
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flamingbluepanda · 5 months ago
I am seething with rage rn actually bro I will not be fucking quiet about this I saw a post complaining that Harris is too conservative bc she said she'd increase military or something I don't remember specifics but guys. Guys. What the fuck do you want? Do you want trump to win? The perfect candidate isn't going to fall out of the fucking sky, and if your upset about Harris' politics then get out there and do something about it. But right now it's her or trump and if you refuse to vote your helping trump win. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we have to do this song and dance every four years. Vote for kamala Harris. Stop fucking complaining and call your senators and tell them to support her policies so we can get some goddamn change around here.
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melancholicstation · 6 days ago
john f. kennedy feeding his daughters pony, leprechaun, at a kennedy-owned residence in virginia.
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chainmail-butch · 10 months ago
The problem, I think, with the average white leftist is their sincere belief that the revolution is near. They think that a couple of mutual aid groups, some petitions, and a series of toothless protests will genuinely topple the Empire.
They think that the system can be fully reformed out of capitalism and into socialism. They think that revolution can be conducted without violence. They believe that their actions are revolutionary because they are afraid. They look at the bloody road to revolution and they cover their eyes.
They still dream of houses, children, and the middle class. They have too much to lose in the revolutionary fire. You can show them injustice, oppression, and genocide and their reaction is to make some signs and call their representatives.
They honestly believe that voting democrat will make this nation and the world it dominates a better place.
They're not training militias because they're still afraid of guns. These people look at Castro, Che, Huey, Fred, Mao, or Lenin, and they laugh to themselves. They thank God that they live in enlightened times where such violence isn't necessary.
They're not studying government because they want to make a new one. They're studying government to get a career in politics.
Org after org after org steps up to the plate to declare that they have the answers. They have the actions. This time, the protest will work. This time, it won't be hot air. This time, our gains won't evaporate in a year.
Organize yourselves. Educate yourselves. Arm yourselves. Gaze at the road to revolution and make peace with it. There can be revolution in our lifetimes. We just have to decide that we want it.
Get on your local scene and look for the Panthers.
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donaldjohntrump · 1 year ago
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I stand with trump
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thashining · 1 month ago
Cautionary tale
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creature-wizard · 6 months ago
Hey so reminder that if your boy suffers a head wound and rises again after everybody thinks he's done for (Revelation 13:3), and you're all treating him like he's some divine figure or something (Revelation 13:4), then your boy is the Antichrist.
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shadysubject06 · 2 months ago
I actually won't be wasting my tolerance on the intolerant, thanks!
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rhiandoesfandom · 2 months ago
"Unnamed Republican is regretting their vote" IT'S TOO LATE BABY GIRL. ITS TOO FUCKING LATE. you have to lie in what you've fucking made.
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dreamysleep · 4 days ago
A lot of these younger people are idealizing Communism right now, which I feel is very typical of younger people. Don't get me wrong, I love how Gen Z has been more politically active than ever.
Looking to Rednote and then saying, "Wow, their country is so much better than mine," because TikTok is going away is a whole different matter. It's looking at the top percent of people in that country (with the highest social credit score) and then saying "Man, I wish that we could have it that way."
What's ironic, and also not, is the fact that our own country would even allow an app like #Rednote to be available through the application store, esp. when citing the dangers of TikTok. I don't really trust a lot about our government anymore. I believe this movement to Rednote is just a movement to where our government already wants our country to head. It gives younger people this illusion of free speech when there isn't any.
Many on the app have cited that "Americans think they have free speech" while so many cannot get a car or own a home if they think bad thoughts towards their government. Many in Shanghai have gotten ahead holding multinational corporations, kind of like our own, that exploit people overseas for their labor.
The irony is looking into a subjugated economic system, seeing it, and going "Ah, that's a country with free choice." Especially when the government had said, "You will own nothing and be happy" or when Immanuel Wallerstein said the only way to make an economic movement in the world is to subjugate the entire planet to a system where almost no one can make any money.
It's pretty obvious that this is not a proxy war. Especially with the shared companies, the bought-up farms, and the similar political structure. I simply reject that. Instead, look at the other social media platforms such as Meta where you simply do not have any free speech unless your own social credit score is high. Where studies (such as on the pharmaceutical industry or mold poisoning), are hidden from the public or unfinished because there simply is no financial incentive behind them (and the people are "better not knowing the truth.")
A radical shift in conscientiousness is looking outside the looking glass, looking at the powers that be and asking where they want to go. If they were so ready to kill people against the federal reserve back in the day, imagine what they are doing now.
Then ask yourself if there can be a world where almost everyone is free. Where humanitarian efforts thrive, and people speak their mind regularly with the thoughts of betterment of the whole.
I think we need to accept the fact that humans are more than capable of governing ourselves rather than giving that power to a few elected people who think they should run everything. That, somehow, God gave them the right similar to a King. This is the 2025. We are more than capable.
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suprememayobros2 · 1 year ago
Does america just not have high rise residential areas?
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This is just a block of council flats. They're everywhere in great Britain, especially in North England. There are entire council estates of the things. My uncle lives in one. What's so commie about them?
Your just brainwashed into hating social housing.
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doctorreefer-blog · 2 months ago
A minority of Canadians now have a positive opinion of the US, only 47%, lower than May at 55%. Prior to Trump holding office, 62% of Canadians had a positive view of the US. Canadians’ view of the US fell 2016. Trump is disliked by 80% of Canadians.
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randomyando · 3 months ago
maybe Harris didn’t win, but if there’s any positive light to this situation, it’s kinda neat that a woman of color gave that old white man a run for his money.
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Look how close she got! That’s kind of incredible.
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melancholicstation · 2 months ago
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ivygorgon · 3 months ago
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