#trump vs kamala
sethdomain · 8 days
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trump vs kamala if it was not boring
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mollyjimbly · 8 days
Hey everyone, some news update and a call to action :( Yes, KOSA is most likely going to be moving again possibly. Please read the entire message and take action.
1) Call House leadership everyday.
Steve Scalise (R), Mike Johnson (R), and Hakeem Jeffries (D). House leadership (GOP) sounds like they're somewhat in disapproval. Use their reasonings. There is a tailored call script SPECIFICALLY FOR REPUBLICANS in our call script here:
2) Call House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Click their names here:
and their phone numbers should be present. Split amongst yourselves which ones to call because there's a lot of members. If you have time, call all. If not, pick a few and call.
More noise = better.
⭐ See end for extra resources and tips.
1) Movement in the House. There will be a full committee markup next Wednesday at 10 am. The list of bills they will markup hasn't been finalized but KOSA is most likely to show up.
2) 42 State Attorney Generals signed a letter in support of action on social media harms, including passing KOSA
3) Schumer has been pushing for a vote on this all last week
⭐ Pretend you are a member of the GOP when calling them. Use their concerns. They are worried about pro-life, christian messages being censored off the internet. Pretend you are concerned about this as well. Say things like "this will give Biden a win and then they will use this bill to push their LGBT agenda on the rest of us!"
I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA, the Kid’s Online Safety Act. This is a dangerous bill that will harm children. Many news organizations have reported that this bill actively harms kids by exposing their private data to strangers under the guise of protecting them. We need to hold Big Tech accountable, but KOSA is not the solution.
The bill let any state attorney general and the FTC to sue any website for “harmful” content. Do we really want blue state lawyers deciding what can and can’t be allowed online? Big Tech is already censoring us. That’s why they support KOSA. This is massive government overreach. We need a bill that actually protects children by creating better security measures instead of bringing about more censorship.
Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies, which would put them in further danger. How is this protecting children’s privacy? What parent would want their child’s private data in the hands of strangers like this? KOSA is actively putting kids in danger. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA. Nearly 200 human rights and LGBT organizations total came out in an open letter opposing it. The ACLU is against it. Hundreds of thousands of Gen Z, who actually live online, are against it. We know the harms of social media, and we know this is not the solution. The new language does NOT meet any concerns brought up, in fact many organizations were ignored. Major news have reported that this bill actively harms kids. We do not want this.
The rewritten bill would still allow any state attorney general, and now the FTC, to sue any website for “harmful” content. When you have Republicans calling anything LGBT “sexual exploitation” or anything about race “CRT” to successfully ban books and teachers, then they will use any justification to censor the internet. The Missouri attorney general used “mental health” successfully to ban gender-affirming care with backed up research. Suicide rates will skyrocket for marginalized youth with this bill restricting content.
Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies. Furthermore, updated language threatens encryption the same way the Earn It Act does. How is this protecting children’s privacy? KOSA actively harms kids. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
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friendly reminder!! ⬆️
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pickle-the-lad · 23 days
Let's face it, nobody is happy with the politics of our world right now. It doesn't matter if you are a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or a far-right wing fascist or anything in-between those two points. Absolutely nobody who is sane is actually looking forward to voting for either Trump or Kamala in November. What the hell kind of choice is that? Trump claims he created the vaccine that he now campaigns against, while failing to drain the swamp, build the wall or do anything else he said he would do. Kamala is a former cop who falsely sent innocent black men like Jamal Trulove to prison and now she wants to be president by hoping we hate Trump enough to overlook her flaws. Both of these people will continue to cater to big corporations and send money to nations that wage wars on brown people for political points. You can't tell me you really think either of these people deserve to be president!
You are going to say that we have no choice, we must vote for the lesser of two evils. But you are wrong. We do have a choice. We just need to get a grassroots movement going for a write-in candidate. And you and I both know someone famous and deserving enough for the job. That's right! You know the "Tumblr famous" person I'm talking about! r4cs0!
I'm sure you know r4cs0 since he is widely known as the "Tumblr famous" blogger responsible for such memorable posts as the Metal Gear Solid twerking simulator and the post which resulted in the Tumblr developers implementing Tumblr Live! What you may not know is that his real name is Carlos Albuquerque and he has political experience serving on the Idaho Wolf Depredation Control Board (IWDCB)! r4cs0 is the only candidate who cares about the concerns of his fellow Tumblr users!
If elected President of the United States, r4cs0 will implement many immediate reforms! He will end all foreign wars by launching tactical nuclear strikes on their capital cities, effectively ending both sides in every conflict. r4cs0 knows the pain of student debt, as he himself is still trying to pay off his loans from his degree in gender critical anthropology, so he will prevent the government from collecting these loans by personally killing every employee of the department of education. As a Mexican immigrant himself, r4cs0 has a definitive plan to address immigration reform. Every person in the U.S. will lose their citizenship and have to reapply! Most importantly of course, r4cs0 will ensure that every last wolf on earth is finally hunted down and eradicated once and for all!
So in November, remember: r4cs0 for Prez!
There's no way to get enough write-in using a username for them to win. Please don't spread this all over Tumblr expecting people to vote for a Tumblr user that no one knows about.
Sadly, with how our system is, we have to vote for the lesser of two evils no matter what you say.
I understand the pipe dream, but my goodness, I have no idea who this person is, and you're asking me to write them in!! No one is flawless, even your preferred "candidate".
Add on the fact that you can't just write in a username and expect them to take it!! You literally have no idea how this works. I would be surprised if you're not 13 years old... at the end of the day, your suggestion will just put Trump in office.
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statfocus · 1 month
The Astrology of Kamala Harris
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jdsquared · 1 month
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Walz is a former school teacher, served in the army, and was very pro-active in getting progressive stuff passed in his legislature. Besides codifying abortion/IVF rights, see this list of his accomplishments. A solid pick.
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fuzzballsheltiepants · 2 months
ok looks like we're gonna be doing the same thing, different verse, now that it's Kamala Harris on the Dem ticket instead of Joe Biden.
friendly reminder that one of these 2 people is getting elected. there's not a magical 3rd party person who's mystical and perfectly progressive who is gonna come out of the woodwork and save us. not voting or voting 3rd party isn't a "protest," it's capitulation. so let's do a comparison:
On Gaza:
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I forgot to add to this that Trump also stated he will deport any non-citizen who protests the war in Gaza.
On LGBTQ+ rights:
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On criminal justice:
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On reproductive rights:
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On the border:
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In case you don't believe me re: the last Trump point.
On voting rights:
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On climate change:
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On the working class:
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adribosch-fan · 7 days
El debate Trump Vs Kamala y viceversa
Antoni Rams En honor a los hechos, pues las emociones no son tan útiles cuando se trata de una pelea contra los demonios, no creo que el debate haya sido un empate,ni la victoria de nadie, ni tampoco la derrota. Pero Trump no ganó esta jugada, no se lució, y permaneció demasiado extático frente a una mujer que hizo gala de una verborrea apabullante, siempre a la ofensiva, y bastante dada a…
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kookiekult · 9 days
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wetsocksinbed · 8 days
being a non-American waking up to see everyone talking about baby executions and illegal transgender alien surgery, and how maybe perchance there might be a concept of a plan
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afuckingpeasant · 9 days
Watching the debate tonight.
Trump started so somber and calm and squinty. Now he's flustered and raising his voice. Harris is doing a great job of poking him in his sore spots I'm loving this.
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m0m075 · 7 days
Same agenda for both 🥀
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whocanbelieve · 9 days
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BINGO 39 minutes into the debate.
Got this template from Twitter, an @misslynneNYC
There are lots of other bingo templates, this is just the one I saw first.
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whatgoesthroughmyhead · 2 months
Y’all… Americans specifically, this is for you, from a humble thirty-something northern neighbour.
On a US podcast just now, I heard some young people saying they’re planning to sit out the 2024 election because they’re not fond of Trump OR Harris.
If you’re in that same camp, have you considered that you’re essentially saying, “I’d be okay with Trump becoming president again”?
That’s what this is about.
Refusing to vote is not making a statement for any cause. Refusing to vote is silencing yourself and handing your power over to the Trump supporters, who tend to be very enthusiastic voters. Please, please don’t do that. (They would LOVE for you to do that.)
The stakes are staggeringly high, and you can decide the outcome of this election. Please consider using the power you’ve been given.
Kamala Harris at least deserves a chance to make the USA a better country for people other than old white men. And I truly believe she wants to do that.
Thanks for reading. Gob smack bless.
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feminempreg · 2 months
Vote for Kamala Harris, so I don't have to live in a world where Trump
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thegirlinmask · 10 days
Democracy is just a hairs breath from ending, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun at tomorrow's debate!
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