#The Astrology of Kamala Harris
statfocus · 1 month
The Astrology of Kamala Harris
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astrobaeza · 16 days
political astrology: how astrology explains trump's assassination attempt + predictions.
by @astrobaeza [ PAIDSERVICES ₊ masterlist ₊ tips ]
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(sorry y'all my account got deleted randomly but I'm no longer MIA! but anyways let's get into it)
As was widely talked about, Trump had a recent attempt on his life. While this is unfortunately not unheard of while sitting in the position of President of the United States of America, we can figure out why this happens using astrology.
According to @astrologyking-blog, Trump has his midheaven almost exactly conjunct the fixed "demon star" Algol, indicating potential murder, sudden death or beheading. He also says Uranus aligns with Algol for most of 2024; Algol’s association with hidden or suppressed issues might be brought to light through Uranus' illuminating energy. This can lead to significant personal revelations or changes in public understanding, like with his presidential campaign and his reputation (10th H). With this Uranus in Taurus transit, we'll see large changes and instability with his public reputation and career. Somewhat unfortunate for someone with a presidential campagin.
"the fact that trump has had nothing but. bad news since he got shot at suggests to me he was fated to die that day and his continued survival is unraveling the timeline."
Saturn in pisces is currently transiting his 7th house, which can indicate legal issues, issues or restrictions in close business partnerships and relationships, everything that is of importance to a man like himself. There may be neptunian qualities to his one-to-one partnerships, meaning deception or disillusionment.
Transit mars is currently conjunct his natal sun, meaning he might come out of this with a stronger determination to save or clean his public image and reputation. We will probably see more attempts to reach the masses through speeches, communication on social media platforms, interviews. This communication will be more friendly and light-hearted in nature, most likely in an attempt to humanize him after his assassination attempt.
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Transit mercury and Sun will be in his first house in Virgo a week from now, the day of the presidential debate with Kamala Harris, which is advantageous for something like a national "argument". It will be held in Philadelphia, where Trump attended university. I anticipate he will be at ease, as it is a familiar place to him (transit moon conj natal 4th H moon). He will probably be within close proximity to his family or maybe take press photos with his family that day, specifically women figures.
He might look really put together and have planned concise words for the debate, again in attempts to "rebrand". On the flip end, he could also be extremely anxious, and visibly so. (maybe we'll see a lot of bathroom breaks, stuttering, sweating).
Overall, this presidential election is very interesting considering its unique circumstances and precedent. Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy..
what do you guys think, astrobaes?
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
my very VERY impromptu Trump-Kamala thoughts
I wanted to have a proper look at both of their charts and analyze them with respect to the elections and so I thought I'll share with you guys some notes that I'm making in my head.
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So if you're not familliar with Trump's chart, he was (kinda famously among astrologers) born on a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - his a Gemini Sun is conjunct Uranus and north node (which helps his leadership qualities) and Sagi Moon conjunct the north node (which brings misfortune to women around him… in one way or another). He also has Mars on his Leo ascendant, which just makes his Gemini self be even more yappy and arrogant know-it-all.
Currently he's in his Saturn profection year and I've talked about it in my previous post but his natal Saturn is in the 12th house of secrets, loss and succlusion. We still don't know what his felony conviction in September will be but what I will say is that Saturn, not only in the 12th but also on exile in Cancer is like double banishment - it's not only themes of being isolated because of the 12th but planets that are in the sign opposite to its domicile often act like rejection of some sorts - and it's either something that rejects you or that you reject yourself, depending on the topic involved.
On the election day, Jupiter will be right on top of his north node and Mars will barely enter his 1st house, giving him more energy and power (mind you that Mars will later retrograde back to his 12th!). Saturn will move away from t-squaring his luminaries but it will still quietly do its malefic job from his 8th house. What's also worth noting is that Uranus will still hover over his MC and square his Mars. So that disruptive energy will linger and Jupiter's influence over his planets might just blow it out of proportion even more.
Interestingly on November 5th we'll have two major transits: Venus opposite Jupiter and Mars opposite Pluto. This is a very strong push and pull and kind of like a battle of the feminine and masculine.
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Kamala on the other hand, was also born during a lunation - she has Libra Sun directly opposite Aries Moon (feisty lady she is indeed!). So she's also a full Moon baby. Not an eclipse one but her nodes are just as prominent with the north node right on her Gemini ascendant - she's here to evolve and to do things for the people. And make silly remarks about coconuts Gemini-style.
There we have it guys, the battle of Geminis!
She's currently in her 12th house profection year, where her natal Jupiter is placed. Funnily, her Jupiter is where Uranus currently transits and where Trump has his MC - the Mars-Uranus conjunction surely affected her in a good way. Because she's a Libra, at the time of the elections she'll already be in her 1st house profection with Jupiter transiting her 1st, elevating her as a person. So both of them have support from the benefic.
The beginning of November will also be a notable Saturn transit for her with it opposing her Uranus, Pluto and Venus. As well as Pluto and Mars making a grand square to her luminaries (and to her ascendant ruler, Mercury!) This is a make or break kind of transit but will it give her enough clout and power to push through with the votes or will it bring her defeat?
What's worth noting with her is that soon she'll start having eclipses in the 4th-10th houses, which can bring changes in her living situation and career - but again, it's hard to really guess if that change means stepping down and leaving the White House or upgrading her status.
One thing that is for sure is that starting next year, the US will go into its Uranus return, which historically brought a lot of upheavals and wars every time so no matter who wins, shit will most probably go down.
My guess is that'll happen under potential Trump presidency - somehow he may be that trigger whether willingly or not or some other shocking stuff happens in the meantime and THAT will be the root of the american shitstorm???
Another interesting point is that on the inauguration day Sun will conjoin with Pluto - so we have the theme of forceful power and leadership or some other unpleasant things yet again. Venus will also just move past Saturn, which makes me think of the defeat of the feminine - OR maybe because Venus is exalted in Pisces this is the feminine stepping into authority and a moment of a metaphorical cease-fire and ease.
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bxtxnx · 2 months
♂. us elections 2024;
I think Kamala Harris has all the chances of becoming the first female president of the U.S.
With a T-square in her chart that has Mars at the apex, she has a significant Mars energy that is needed to be able to get such an achievement. To be the first at something in history. And as I've mentioned in my post about T-squares, the apex planet of a T-square has such a heavy influence on the person, that it's like they have personal placements in the sign that planet rules. So Kamala Harris having Mars at the apex of a T-square is essentially like her having Aries influence in her chart. And if there is a woman that can become the first female president of the States, it's a woman with significant Mars or Aries influence, just like Harris (not to mention that she also has an Aries Moon).
Interestingly, Donald Trump also has significant Mars influence in his chart, due to his Mars conjoining his ascendant, however that is a biiit... tricky. Mars conjunct the ascendant also gives a person some Martian qualitites, like being a fighter and a winner, especially in situations like this, however when Mars is in the 12th house it works differently than it does in any other house.
When Mars is in the 12th house, you can't try too hard to achieve something. You need to do what is necessary and then let things go and let them unfold without further interference and attention, otherwise all your effort and hard work go down the drain. Working hard 24/7, being hyper-focused on your goal just doesn't work for Mars in the 12th house. You need a dose of detachedness and aloofness. So Trump, like any other person with Mars in the 12th house, can suffer a loss and a defeat if he goes in too hard during the rest of his campaign, trying to smear or bring down Harris every waking moment, instead of just minding his own business.
It doesn't help that Kamala Harris has a second T-square in her chart with Jupiter at the apex. This gives her some qualities similar to Sagittarius, qualities which include luck - and we all know most Sagittariuses tend to be lucky. So, if she upholds her beliefs and remains optimistic, she is more likely to get lucky and win.
Here's the thing though - I saw some people mention that Harris' transits are looking "presidential" and whatnot. None of those transits will matter and do anything, if Kamala Harris doesn't embrace and make use of her Martian and Jupiterian qualities. Because as tricky as a 12th house Mars can be, a T-square is trickier and first you need to do something in order for it to bring you results, instead of keeping you stagnant.
While I'm not interested in making any predictions right now, as to who will win the elections, I think that if Kamala Harris gets chosen as the Democratic candidate to go against Trump, their chances for winning the elections will be pretty even and seeing two people with significant Mars presence in their charts will make for a very intense competition. ☽
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houseofbrat · 20 days
When do you Think This war in gaza Will end? Do you believe This war can weak kamala Win The election? English is not my First language
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This will be a long post.
One, I don't think the Gaza war will end this year. It's probably going to get worse given that Israel has invaded the West Bank. Netanyahu doesn't seem at all motivated to stop the war maneuvers in the near future. He's already attacked Lebanon. Now he's attacking the West Bank in addition to what is continuing to happen in Gaza.
Iran has shown a lot of restraint by not attacking back, so far. That's not going to last forever. It's hard to know when that will change, but I suspect it will. We start "eclipse season" next Tuesday, 03 September, and it'll last until 16 October. Big changes are coming in lots of different areas. Also, Mars moves into its (sidereal) debilitation sign, Cancer, on 20 October. What is most interesting about Mars' upcoming transit in Cancer is that a) it will be a long transit because Mars will go retrograde in early December and b) Mars will significantly aspect both Israel & Iran's charts.
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Mars will transit Iran's 1st house and aspect its 4th house (home), 7th house (partnerships, allies, opposition), and 8th house (death, mortality, war).
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Mars will transit Israel's 10th house (government, leadership, actions of the country), and aspect it's 1st house (national identity, collective personality), 4th house (home), and 5th house (national leader, education, youth/children, border disputes).
It's interesting that on 07 October 2023, Mars was transiting through (sidereal) Libra, which is Israel's 1st house, and hit the previous eclipse point when the attack by Hamas happened. I think given Mars' upcoming & long transit through Cancer that we're probably looking at more war happening in the Middle East, not less.
What is even more interesting is that Mars will retrograde out of (sidereal) Cancer and into (sidereal) Gemini on 20 January 2025, which is the inauguration of US President. I don't know if that portends a certain length to the any possible fighting between Israel & Iran, or if there's something about that particular person being inaugurated that might provoke a change. Won't know for sure until November.
It's not going to be Donald Trump or J.D. Vance being inaugurated. Neither of them have favorable charts for winning in November. They just don't. Kamala has a better chart for winning, but as I've said before, I don't think she's going to be the person being inaugurated on 20 January 2025 "because the person who does will die in office." I have not studied Kamala's chart thoroughly, but I do not have the impression that she will be dying in the next four years or less than that.
When it comes to Donald Trump, he has a ceiling of support in the polls. That is, no matter what has happened over the course of this year (including the assassination attempt on him), his level of support in the polls has never increased above a static level. The people who like him, support him, and are going to vote for him does not seem to have increased. It is his third time on the ballot in November, and all voters already have an opinion of him. He does not seem able to increase his base of support based on the events of this year, regardless of what has happened. That is a difficult position when it comes to the ballot box because the largest group of voters is not those registered to either the Democratic or Republican parties but independent voters, who generally do not have a professed preference for a political party. If Trump cannot appeal and win more independent voters, then it is literally impossible for him to win because there are not enough Republican voters to make up the difference.
Two, Kamala Harris is doing better in the polls, currently, than Joe Biden. However, she has some obvious weaknesses. She hasn't differentiated herself much from Joe Biden.
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She also seems afraid of the press, given that she's only done one major interview (CNN) after becoming the nominee.
The problem with a bigger war in the Middle East (Israel & whomever else Israel is starting shit with) is that it will likely decrease enthusiasm and support for Kamala because she won't differentiate herself or her positions from Joe Biden. When a bigger war happens, and the US military is doing whatever it is that they are going to do with American tax dollars, for a boondoggle war that no one in Congress voted and approved. It's disheartening & angering for a lot of people.
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One-third of the US navy is sitting in the Middle East. That's ONE-THIRD of the largest navy on earth. For a conflict that the vast majority of Americans want no part in and are not interested in seeing American servicemen (& servicewomen) being sacrificed.
So when the bullets start flying and the US military is involved in something so high profile, you bet that it will weaken Kamala as a candidate. Because what will be the future direction of US involvement in a Harris Administration? Doesn't seem like it would be that different from Joe Biden. Donald Trump isn't likely to change the US military involvement in the region, but his voters don't seem to care about that, based on what I've seen so far. Independent and Democratic voters are not interested in seeing the US participate in a wider war. When Kamala loses enthusiasm of her supporters, then her chances of winning in November will start to decrease.
Here are three videos from a tarot reader about Kamala.
This one is from 18 November 2020 on whether Kamala will ever be President.
This next one is from 09 December 2023.
And this one is from 19 November 2020.
One of my current thoughts is that the Democratic Party delegates voted/confirmed Kamala as the party's nominee virtually, as in they did it online/electronically instead of in person. The roll call vote that happened at Democratic National Convention (DNC) was purely ceremonial. If they can have one virtual vote, then another virtual vote can also happen.
Back in July, there was a lot of reporting in some news outlets about how many people privately within the Democratic Party did not think Kamala should be on the ticket. I think Gretchen Whitmer, the current governor of Michigan, was rumored to have told Kamala that she wasn't interested in being her VP. (Rumored, not publicly confirmed) Because those who aren't going to be affiliated with the Democratic ticket in 2024--if Kamala & Tim Walz lose--can have an easier time running for president in 2028 without being connected to an electoral loss.
This is the chart for the 2025 Presidential Inauguration:
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There are two things I would point out of major relevance:
The Sun is conjunct Pluto within one degree and aspected by Mars.
Mars is debilitated and weak in Cancer.
The Sun is the indicator of the president. The aspect by Mars--even though it is retrograde and debilitated--indicates a likely act of violence, aggression, or some natural force against the life of the president. Given the recent failures of the Secret Service over the last ten years, this is very plausible. (Could also just be death by natural causes.) The close conjunction with Pluto--the god of death--likely confirms it. (Just my opinion at this point.) This is the only presidential chart that will have the Sun conjunct Pluto within one degree, probably ever.
The issue with Mars being debilitated is very different. It's the first time this has ever happened in a US Presidential administration chart since the inaugurations moved to January after 1932. Mars rules the 1st house in this chart, so it doesn't likely affect the administration as a whole. It's a unique feature. I'm not entirely sure what exactly it means, but what I've been thinking about lately is that this president may be seen by many as illegitimate. And if the Democrats end up switching Kamala for someone else, then, well, that may explain that debilitation of Mars in the 2025 inauguration chart and any perceived "illegitimacy."
Sounds crazy.
But it's been a crazy year.
And it's going to get even crazier sooner than later.
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dancesingay · 2 months
First Openly Gay Senator in the United States 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈
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kaleidoscope-vol2 · 2 months
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phoebosacerales · 2 months
Mundane Astrology USA #2 - Foreign Policy 2024
*See the last post on USA-Mundane Astrology-July 2024
Another thing we see in the Aries ingress chart is the strong position of Jupiter, even stronger in angularity than Mars and in the 7th house, which deals with the relationship with other countries, allies or enemies. Jupiter is ruling usamerican economic and military resources (2nd house), which have been largely invested in israel and the Palestinian genocide for decades but particularly this year.
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Israel or Netanyahu can be seen as Venus exalted, in sect, in her joy, and in a mutual reception with Jupiter, the usamerican money. This is how strong of a chuck-hold israel seems to have gotten the usamerican Congress in. Venus isn't always the good guy, especially if she's oriental with Saturn. We tend to think of Mars as usually representing strong military power, but Mars is usually representing the losing side of a war and all its side-effects as ruin, famine, plagues, genocide etc. Venus on the other hand can well represent the protected, walled and privileged way of living of zionists.
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I've already said how in the last lunation chart we could see the rise of Kamala in Venus' heliacal rise. Biden also gets better, because he's still the president and represented by the Sun getting stronger, and and in this chart he's also Mars, the ruler of the MC, just getting out of its exile.
Venus overall stills rules the 7th for this year and it'll always be important to keep in mind its original significations in the Aries Ingress. So, at the same time, something or someone from a foreign country were bound to rise in the news during this time entering the space of the usamerican power (10th house). However, in this lunation chart, the matters of the 7th are ruled by Saturn in the 8th.
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This is the chart for Netanyahu's repulsive speech in the american Congress this last wednesday (July 24), where he got multiple standing ovations. The Moon passes through Saturn, demonstrating the focus on israel this day, but in this specific chart Saturn is the opponent of power (4th) and the Moon demonstrates the revolt of the protests outside, invisible from the 10th house. Here we have the same ascendant as the Aries Ingress chart and Venus is right up there in the 10th in her heliacal rise. The Sun even losing its authority, already cadent, as the whole Congress look like a bunch of cucks. Mercury is also present as the Congress itself (11th ruler), but we can see it also as a representation of the speech, because it's Mercury. It's is in the heart of the Lion, Regulus, which can manifest as overwhelming displays of power and ruthlessness.
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In the next lunation (August 4th) we'll see Leo rising again and this time, Venus seems even stronger and it also rules the MC, while being conjunct Regulus. The New Moon brings beginnings, especially in the 1st house and with planets in heliacal rise. Remember Leo is the 10th sign of the Aries Ingress. This could be Kamala stepping up even more and taking authority because that's what Leo and Regulus do, or by some miracle, Biden takes a very authoritative position on something. I fear this could be explosive and big. I hope it's nothing about israel.
Until next year, that very well dignified Venus on the Aries Ingress represents how safe is the place of israel in the United States' interests and support, and in that matter I can't be optimistic about the future, both astrologically and realistically. But something about Saturn there makes me wonder if we can hope for more anger from the people or some kind of damage to this relationship. Because everything has just been completely soul shattering, and all of us are losing with Palestine, all countries suffering under imperialism lose with Palestine.
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
Um, do you think having Aqua Saturn in a natal chart can be an indicator of a tech genius?
Aquarius Saturns are the people who are very keen on seeing improvements in the world and they are stubborn enough to try and make them.
You see something and you want to make it better.
Generally, Aquarius placements are conected to technology, innovation (mostly), even if it means hurting others or finding inhumane ways to achieve it. I can see people with Aquarius Saturns having very extremist views or ambitions, wanting to do something out of this world. They are people who want to leave their mark in the world.
All Fixed sign Saturns are extremely stubborn (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), but Aquarius is an Air sign so the Aquarius Saturn person can be very cold, very calculated, very intelligent in their plans.
The list of Famous people and historical figures with Saturn in Aquarius is interesting to say the least:
King Henry VIII (King of England, separated the Church of England from papal authority), Jeff Bezos (Amazon Founder), Kamala Harris (US vice president), George Orwell (Author of 1984 and Animal Farm), Jordan Belfort (Wolf of Wallstreet), Jordan Peterson (Author, right-wing media personality), Lord Byron (Poet), Harry Houdini (Escape artist), Robert Oppenheimer (Theoretical physicist, "father of the atomic bomb"), Giorgio Armani and Christian Dior (Fashion designers), Charles Manson (Cult leader, criminal), the Anti-Christ, Carl Jung (founder of analytical psychology), Michelle Obama (author and former First Lady of US), Friedrich Nietzsche (Philosopher), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Composer) ,Salvador Dali (Artist), Winston Churchill (Former Prime Minister of UK), Aleister Crowley (Occultist) and others. Another recent chart of a person with Aquarius Saturn I saw is Sam Bankman-Fried's chart, the FTX (crypto trading platform) founder.
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alchemylight · 7 months
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taratarotgreene · 2 months
Joe Biden drops out Astrology
Joe Biden resigning July 21 Astrology for the minute he announced it on X/The former Twitter at 1:46 pm EDT. Let's look at what was going on with his astrology transits. Mars-Uranus conjunction at 26 Taurus July 15 was a sudden abrupt physical change
Joe Biden resigning July 21 Astrology for the minute he announced it on X/The former Twitter at 1:46 pm EDT. Let’s look at what was going on with his astrology transits. The Mars Uranus conjunction at 26 Taurus on July 15 signified a sudden abrupt physical change. Uranus is approaching Natal Uranus a once in 84 year cycle at 2 Gemini, directly opposing Biden’s Sun and Venus in Scorpio and makes…
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astrow0rldx · 2 months
Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump Astrology Reading (PART ONE)
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Birth Charts, Synastry & The Astrology of the Election Day <33
Small notes: Humanitarian vs Money-Man?? 2 Clowns?? (not in a bad way. funny but could be 2 faced) Pretty Party Girl vs Popular Rich Man?? (THIS IS ALL FROM THE BIRTH CHART)
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Experienced Astrologer for 7-8 years now. I'm new to networking, tumblr and having an astrology content account & paid readings so just follow my private Instagram account universalstarbaby00 for any inquiry ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
PARTY GIRL. Kamala Harris Sun (Who she is/Self-Identity & ego) is in libra (love/romance/beauty/art/attraction) pretty girl! also an air sign so her personality & ego is just a loving, aesthetic, attractive, sensual girl who needs mental stimulation and is probably social & connecting. Moon (Inner self/what she does to feel comfortable & secure/Deal with her emotions) is in Aries. Adrenaline, Taking Initiative, Beginning/Starting, Daredevil, Doing, Risk-Taking. Also a fire sign. So to her inner soul, naturally acts as a fiery Aries for comfort & security within. Her Rising sign (outlook on this world, her perception & how others perceive her, her interactive body) is in Gemini clever, witty, funny. they can be either over thinkers, and cause a lot of anxiety & thoughts. or they can just be really quick, witty & clever because their mind is racing, & smart. likes to be mentally stimulated. Double Air & Ruled by Mercury she is definitely a great conversationist, writer, speaker, debater. That Aries Moon her natural self, and her mars planet being in the 3 house of where she has to communicate, process, think, speak. WHAT SHE SAY. if Donald trump has to say something SAY IT TO MY FACE. she wasn't playing, people tend to not take Gemini Risings serious sometimes & Look at them as clowns lol. (Donald Trump is a Gemini Sun also). they could have mask personalities, 2 faced, and their mind is crazy. but she is READY for a debate with Donald trump, that's just who she is. Her mars sign in that house, it's what she primally desires, and rules her chart so naturally comes to her.
Big 3 definitely makes her an exciting, stimulating, person to be around. that's her literal outlook on life as a Gemini rising. While her sun her core personality, will in this life, her sense of self & ego is placed in the area of life where her pleasures & joy is. sex, romance, creativity, partying, drinking, having fun, inner-child, getting loose. 5th house sun baby. Her literal chart ruler is in the 5th house (Mercury), and mercury is how you process, think, your mindset, how you talk & communicate, what stimulates your mind. Definitely seeing her in the spotlight more, we get a taste of how she campaigns. a dive into what makes her comfortable (her Aries moon behavior). but its expressed in the 11th house, of networking, Humanitarism. coming together as a group to revolutionize, invent, wishes. its the house of social media, politics. I SAY WE SHOULD TRUST HER. plus her libra sun she definitely makes it her motive to GET US. to come together, and she's very smart mercury ruled.
Her Chiron is placed in the 10th house. Your Chiron is your trauma & wounds that you become an expert to heal people on. In the 10th house of public image, reputation, social status, career, success, responsibility & place in this world. All while her North Node is your life purpose & who your here to become is in the 1st house of self & self discovery. FIRST BLACK WOMAN (POTIENTIAL) PRESIDENT!!! Saturn is your lessons, karma, responsibility, depression, authoritative, president. Placed in the 9th house of the god house, the house of faith & optimism, the house of mind expansion & learning, the house of traveling & experiencing. With her Lilith being placed in that house. Lilith brings destruction & trauma but it brings power, revenge & liberation!!
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Okay Mr. Trump. Your birth chart comes with originally 12 placements (not including adding extra lots/parts, asteroids, etc) which is your planets, north node, & rising sign. WHY IS 6/12 OF THEM SITTING UP THERE, STELLIUMS IN HIS 10TH/11TH HOUSE. (His Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, & North Node) All while having his chart be ruled by his Leo Ascendant. MANS MEANT TO BE FAMOUS & KNOWN & SHINE. I mean the other placements like Jupiter, Neptune & Chiron is all in his 2nd house of receiving money, material possessions, value & worth. Jupiter is where your blessings & prosperities. Your luck, optimism, & faith. While Neptune is your fantasies, inspiration, dreams, subconscious, spirituality. But your Chiron is that wounded healer, the traumatized that becomes the expert to help people. (which I heard from a debate, and a trump supporter showed data of him putting JOBS IN THE COMMUNITIES. He was president during the STIMULUS CHECKS I believe. His 10th house of public image, & reputation. your place in this world, responsibility, career & success. Is in his sun WHAT RULES HIS CHART (who he is, his will, his personality, his ego & sense of identity/self.) DUHHHHH mr. cocky popular. and his uranus in the 10th, uranus is freak, weird, inventive, revolutionizing stuff. thats definitely his public image is weird & different. His mercury (communication, mindset, processing skills, writing, internet, local environment, social media/neighborhood.) in his 11th house LMFAOOO. Bruh that's why the network & broadcast EVERYTHING THIS MAN SAY. you cannot change a news channel MSNBC, FOX, always quoting something or just talking about him in general. and that's why he's so good with his words, and connecting his mindset, communication & stuff to groups of people. His Venus is also there so he gets love from groups, communities. Really good at making friends & fans. But his Saturn is also there where his lessons, karma, responsibility, CAREER, PUBLIC IMAGE, is.
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statfocus · 1 month
The Astrology of Kamala Harris
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houseofbrat · 2 months
Hi, who do you think will be next american president? also, do you think people will accept the results?
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The answer to your first question might depend on your definition of "next."
Are you assuming that Joe Biden makes it to 20 January 2025 as president? I don't. I think it's highly likely he gets 25th Amendment-ed this fall.
However, based on the 2021 Inauguration chart for the Biden administration--which lasts from Biden's inauguration until the next new president or next inauguration four years later--it does not appear that Kamala will succeed him as president. This is why I suspect Kamala is going to get a new job in a different branch of government.
Could Kamala's new job be controversial? Probably. Would some people be upset about it? Probably. But it also looks like she won't be doing the oath of office at noon on 20 January 2025 because the person who does will die in office.
As for the election results, I think most people won't have a problem. Trump may scream & whine about losing, but I think this election will be decided by a bigger margin than either the 2016 or 2020 elections. Just a guess, but I think that's the likely result. Also, I expect the Republicans to take the Senate, which will give them full control of Congress. There will be less motivation for the craziness that happened after the 2020 elections.
Also, astrologically, you don't have something like Mercury retrograde happening around the election. Mercury goes retrograde in late November, which is weeks after the election, and Mars goes retrograde in early December, which is almost a month later.
I think there are a lot of professional astrologers flying blind at this point because they're not looking at the right people and details. Trump's chart isn't super strong and is actually weaker than it was in 2020, so definitely not a repeat of what happened the last time around.
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phoenixashvibes · 1 month
Tomorrow, Monday AUG 19th the FULL MOON in Aquarius could cause difficult or conflicting emotions however it will be easier to understand how you are feeling or why you feel as you feel. It will be an opportune time for all fears, worries and anger to be addressed and liberated to feel more free. Humanitarianism will be the biggest speaker of the chat.
It Is not a good time to have any surgeries or major changes until after WEDNESDAY in Aquarian areas such as the calf, ankles, shin, Achilles tendon areas, forearm and thyroid hormones. Full Moons are never a good time for most surgeries unless they are life threatening. The Full Moon will be ruled by Uranus and (traditionally) Saturn be careful dealing with dark places, lightening, new technology, ONLINE corporate organizations, the nervous system (nerves/anxiety), rebellion, humanitarian efforts, etc. This moon is being ruled by an energy that brings chaos, upheaval & rebellious changes that can be quite revolutionary. Very exciting energy for the collective
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The Full Moon will be Trine w/ GEMINI & LIBRA (Jupiter/Mars in Gem + South Node in Libra) OPPOSING everything in LEO (sun/Rx Mercury)
This Full Moon will effect both USA Presidential candidates. I will be discussing more about that later. I feel it will be more positive for Kamala Harris than it will be for Donald Trump as we move closer to election season. This full moon transits his 7th house and her 9th house! This Full Moon will seem to treat Harris more favorably than it will Trump. Trump's partnerships and enemies will be testing his objectives for the campaign ahead. It could even be something potentially involving his wife that may be rather scandalous. We'll have to see what unravels this week. The Democratic National Convention will also start tomorrow under some of the most intense astrology of the month this year. The best thing we can do is know that This upcoming week there will be hella karma playing out Especially with the Full Moon in Aquarius . There will be people experiencing loss and big wake up calls for injustices that have been playing out without people being immediately caught and punished. Spiritual consequences and humbling occur! Belt to a$s vibes. .
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ninelivesastrology · 2 months
I wish I could remember who said it, but an astrologer looked at Kamala Harris' zodiacal releasing like two years ago and said shit was about to move for her, now look
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