#one of these two is gonna be president
fuzzballsheltiepants · 2 months
ok looks like we're gonna be doing the same thing, different verse, now that it's Kamala Harris on the Dem ticket instead of Joe Biden.
friendly reminder that one of these 2 people is getting elected. there's not a magical 3rd party person who's mystical and perfectly progressive who is gonna come out of the woodwork and save us. not voting or voting 3rd party isn't a "protest," it's capitulation. so let's do a comparison:
On Gaza:
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I forgot to add to this that Trump also stated he will deport any non-citizen who protests the war in Gaza.
On LGBTQ+ rights:
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On criminal justice:
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On reproductive rights:
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On the border:
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In case you don't believe me re: the last Trump point.
On voting rights:
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On climate change:
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On the working class:
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xxplastic-cubexx · 18 days
sequel to my other post about erik's plastic cube jail you can tell days of future past is The Divorce Movie because for eriks concrete prison that shit is absolutely NOT wheelchair accessible like charles is NOT visiting this man !!!!!!!
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sylunisart · 1 year
Poorly explaining my Pikmin LGBT+ hcs cause I’m bored(might be edited in the future)
Olimar: I’m kinda torn between demi or straight ally
Louie: somewhere on the ace spectrum(grey ace probably) but he does like men, uses he/they/it
Alph: gay trans man
Brittany: bisexual who leans VERY heavily into women
Charlie: bi
Lisa/Pom: nonbinary sapphic, uses they/she.
Collin: either gay or achillean(I hc he’s married and has a husband back on Giya)
Shepherd: lesbian(sorry not sorry Dingo)
Russ: pan
Dingo: thinks he’s straight but he’s actually bi
Yonny: transmasc(he did his own top surgery) and is probably somewhere under the nonbinary umbrella. Also no one can quite figure out his sexuality, uses any pronouns.
Bernard: gay(he and Santi are the most on and off pair there is)
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princesssarcastia · 8 months
okay listen. airing a u.s. political pet peeve here.
setting aside the issue of to-vote-for-biden-or-to-not-vote-for-biden in 2024 and the arguments for and against,
please don't lie to people and tell them voting for a third party presidential candidate is a good idea. please....please don't do that. it won't work. it won't help you. if you want to vote for a third party candidate as a "fuck you" to the republicans or the democrats or both, okay. go for it. but don't tell people that will help, don't expect it will help, it will do exactly nothing.
vote third party in your village, town, school district, city, county, state elections! vote for third-party candidates in your u.s. house races! in those kinds of races a third-party or nonpartisan candidate can have a decent chance of winning, depending. but it 100% won't work for president, and outside some very specific circumstances, probably also won't work in the u.s. senate.
the "third-party" presidential candidates running with most actual established political parties (green party, libertarian party) are not your friends any more than trump or biden are.
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vincentsleftear · 3 months
Just remembered we’ve got a presidential debate this thursday
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simonghostrileys · 4 months
i can't believe that mexico a country that's misogynistic as hell is gonna have its first female president meanwhile the usa who likes to wave the '''''progressive''''' flag is still trapped on having male presidents
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galacticlamps · 2 months
I'm going to uno reverse card you and say: for the fic guessing game, 'light'?
lol that's fair
apparently I talk about light a lot (go figure) so have this one that happens to be in the middle of its story's 'Oh' moment:
But perhaps, somewhere along the line, Jamie had slipped, and now . . . well now, standing on the balcony of a palace on another planet, with the Doctor dipping his head nearer just to hide his eyes from the light - nearer, and not farther, which would've been just as easy - no, now he had to admit something was different. When it had changed or whether it hadn't at all and he'd simply been too fool to realize it before he couldn't say, and it didn't matter anyway - he knew it now, and that scared him.
And just for kicks, under the cut I'm gonna put a longer excerpt from a totally different fic that came up while I was ctrl+f-ing 'light' in my wips - mainly because it happens to be part of a scene from a longish 'the Doctor & Jamie reunite with Zoe in 6b' story which is nowhere near completion, but feels relevant given the boxset Big Finish released last week (not that I've gotten a chance to listen to it yet, but still).
Zoe sat across from Jamie, her elbows on the table, her chin resting atop her hands - but she wasn't relaxed. She stared at him intently, and actually narrowed her eyes as he watched.
"What?" he asked, already defensive, and following through on an old self-conscious instinct, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. With no mirror in sight, he looked to the Doctor to check if he'd somehow gotten something on his face already, but he looked just as baffled. Zoe hadn't broken her concentration yet.
"I'm trying to figure out if I'm older than you," she announced, still deep in thought.
"Ah--" the Doctor began, grinning wickedly, but whether he was going to answer her or merely tease they never found out, because Jamie shot an arm out lightning quick, as if to hold him back.
"No' so fast, you. Let the girl work it out."
He finished chewing and settled himself squarely in front of her for inspection. She continued to stare. "Y'know, I'm surprised you're having such trouble telling," he taunted. "After all, how old are you now?"
She opened her mouth at first to protest that she was under no obligation to announce her own age while he continued to keep his secret, but she still thought she might figure it out - and if she couldn't, she at least had the Doctor to rely on to make Jamie tell the truth.
So she shrugged. "I'm 41. But everyone here thinks I'm 39. I was born 39 years ago, of course, but counting chronologically from the time I left the Wheel with you in the Tardis, I aged two years before the Time Lords returned me to my own time. That was twenty-one years ago, now," she added, unable to judge if the faint waver of wistfulness in her voice was truly audible, or if it was just her own imagination. Thankfully, neither of them pressed her on it.
"Well, y'see, Zoe," Jamie began slowly, still chewing his last mouthful after she finished her explanation and sat waiting calmly for his reply. The Doctor leaned forward too, seemingly intrigued, though it must only have been to see what answer Jamie would try. "I was born in 1724," he paused and washed down his food with a swig from his glass, and for a moment Zoe had the grace to assume he was just working through his calculations, as she had done. "So I'm pretty sure I'm older than you," he finished, setting the glass back down on the table triumphantly.
All at once she felt a young girl again, a devilish light in her eyes. She wanted to jump across the table and tackle him - but that wasn't what Madam Presidents did. "Why, you--"
"They don't traditionally swear at their guests either, Ms. Heriot."
She turned on the Doctor, shocked. "You read my mind," she began, more impressed than accusatory, but he did at least have the decency to look sheepish.
He coughed politely. "Only to, ah, verify your math. And I'm sure you could feel my presence there, if you think about it."
"I could but I didn't know that's what it was. You've gotten so much better at it."
"Had to," he said simply, and shrugged, his eyes downcast.
Well, there was more to that, clearly, she thought, filing his deliberately nonchalant expression away for closer inspection later - but for now she was not about to be deterred. She snapped her eyes and her attention both back to Jamie.
"Still, we both know the Doctor obviously continues to value honesty and accuracy, so surely he'll tell me how old you are, even if you won't."
"Not if I ask him not to - right, Doctor?"
"Well . . . " he began, noncommittally drawing the word out so long that Zoe actually had time to wonder what his plan was for once he ran out of vowel. Jamie looked so genuinely horrified it was downright comical, and she had to force herself not to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"We're married, Doctor," he reminded him, indignant.
"Oh, but it's Zoe," he complained, sounding every bit the petulant child she remembered he could be, all those years ago. "And as far as I can remember, none of the ceremonies we ever partook in had anything in the vows about obeying. Although I might be wrong . . ." he added under his breath, scratching his head.
"Charming," Jamie grumbled.
"Well, when we've had as many weddings as we have it can be quite a lot to keep straight in your head. You know, I sometimes wonder if we might qualify for some kind of an all-time record. If we hadn't the need to be covert about so many of them, of course."
"Stop that!" she snapped, and the Doctor turned back to her, the picture of confused innocence.
"Stop what?"
"You're trying to help him without helping him, just by distracting me. Naturally, I want to hear everything about all these weddings of yours, and I will see to it that you'll be having another one while you're here, like it or not--"
"Yes ma'am," Jamie quipped, mock-serious.
"--But first, I am going to find out how old you are, James Robert McCrimmon, and if you force me to use your husband to do it, then that decision is on you."
Jamie mopped his face with his napkin and came out of it smiling. He stretched and dropped an arm around the Doctor's shoulders, perfectly relaxed. Already, Zoe felt her heart sink, but she was careful to keep her composure.
"I'm only pullin' your leg. I'm 44."
"What, really? And you expect me to just believe that?" She raised an eyebrow in challenge but then glanced at the Doctor to confirm, and when he nodded she allowed her facade to crumble, rolling her eyes. Of course she had known when she'd first laid eyes on them that they'd be cutting it close, but Jamie still had quite a bit of that boyishness about him that had made it frustrating enough being his junior the first time around, and she really thought she might genuinely have enjoyed being just a hair older than him, for a change. After all, if you had to be ripped apart from your family and sent to separate timezones to live out your lives forever wishing for an improbable reunion, it might as well be good for something. But Jamie was far too smug looking now to be pretending, and Zoe knew it. "Oh, some people have all the luck," she groaned, dropping her arms and collapsing back dejectedly against her seat.
"Aye," Jamie said, leaning in over the table to follow her, "and some people live 22 years on Earth before they meet a time traveler, then spend 5 years with him before his people erase their memory and send them home to live another 5 before he's allowed to come pick them up again, and then force the pair of 'em to've spent 12 years so far working for them. Some people, eh?" he finished hotly, swiping his glass off the table again and raising it to his mouth in one fluid motion to take a long drink. But even so, his face was not so totally obscured from view that Zoe couldn't make out the amused curl at the corner of his lips, and when she caught his gaze again the glimmer in his eye was all fondness, just as it was with Doctor's and, she knew, her own.
Yes, no matter the circumstances, it was certainly good to see them again.
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skyburger · 3 months
its possible that mario (from super mario) has even less screentime of him doing his alleged job than professor layton (from professor layton) does. we see so little of mr layton being a professor OR an archaeologist (much less a professor of archaeology!) but like... think about it. how often do you see mario actually being a plumber
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
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quodekash · 2 years
im rewatching the no one else like me music video bc the brainworms are writhing, and it keeps randomly hitting me, over and over again, that 
a) those flashbacks happened. they HAPPENED. soundwin actually DID THAT, in ACTUAL CANON?? THEY CANONICALLY ARE IN LOVE WHY DO THEY KILL ME SO MUCH 
idk how the flip im supposed to survive without this silly little band every single week 
surely theyll renew it for a second season 
or just a soundwin spinoff pls 
so many of us have asked for it I NEED IT OH MY GOSH 
like. this show has killed me twelve times over. but without the show, i think i might literally cease to exist. i know ive said it a lot, but i genuinely dont know how the flip im gonna get through life without new canonical soundwin content filling my screen and brain every single friday night / saturday morning 
(and literally while i was typing this out, captain posted this 
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moraygrotto · 1 year
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1,500 followers event!!
Thanks to everyone for being here with me!! To celebrate, I'd like to write a short fanfiction based on your preferences!! So, I will be holding polls on my blog to decide the main character & main kinks of this piece!
You can use this Google form to submit whom & what you'd like to see, and depending on engagement, it should close by about the end of the week. The form is anonymous, and you can submit whomever and whatever you like!! I'll only write characters & kinks I am both familiar with & personally comfortable with, but if you're not sure if your suggestions fit those requirements, please submit them anyway! You never know :)
I look forward to hearing from you guys!
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othercrossee · 2 years
Btw yes I am making kamado sorta a villain in the au, in the game he was so pathetic about protecting the village he rather sent out a 15yo child out in the wilderness after using them for his own gains, left to die and rot if volo didn't help them
#z rambles#hes so caught up in his own goal and his past to look around himself who he hsd been casually exploiting and in this case#its the dorm presidents who are still students yet treated like an employee for the entire school years#its even worse knwoing theres TEACHERS in the dorm concil who doesnt do equally as much as the president#and irida is young. her entire thing is that she was forced to grow up too fast and shes so tired she doesnt let herself rest due to it#unlike irida. adaman actually doesnt overload himself with work cuz he trusts his council members to do their fair share#irida is too prideful and shes too anxious to rely on others. she rather overwork hersslf to death if it leads to that#kamado doesnt care as long as the job is done#and when a very real dangerous thing happened he doesnt call off the hunt altho adarida told him to do so#*he was not one to bent rules after petty remarks* they were questioning his status and decision. he was the director for a reason#and it seems irida took that to heart. of course. only you kmow the best ill do my part eveb if it means dooming myself#cant help it cant you? just another task she needs completed and be validsted in how responsible she is for her position#for the greater good wpuldnt you risk yourself as well? your livelihood? your youth? your life?#was death really sth she cpuld casually accept#obv it isnt entirely kamados fault why irida is the way she is. eveb in later chsoters hes proven to be rsther stuck in his own shoes#why not fit into another size for a try?#the ghost of the two children hikari snd rei would surely show him incase we couldnt. exploited and dying in battle out in the danger?#theyd kmow a thing or two about teaching old men too stubborn in their ways to see the risk theyve taken#why risk for the greater goods when theres other ways thst doesnt require such things to begin with?#were you gonna let your own trauma and memories destroy others too? were you?#and god did that rang thru maybe not just for one. someone else def need to hear that for herself#were she gonns ket her own trauma and memories destroy others....and subsequently herself in the process?#it almost feel like her entire life could burst open at the seams. at its foundation#maybe for her the treasure hunt isnt too special. especially when your entire life feels as if youd been hunted from the beginning#spirit school au#HOW R PEOPLW FINDING THIS?? its just so ranfom???#2024 op here excuse me dkjakd
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abyssaldyke · 1 year
I havent had a panic attack in more than like 5 years but we are crying out for an exception today besties
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navree · 2 years
idk if i can keep up with the newsroom guys because the only thing i’ve cared about so far in season 3 is don and sloane and in an infinitely greater capacity, the personal drama between leona and reese and the twins but mostly blair. if i could get a prestige drama about that family specifically i’d love it infinitely more than aaron sorkin trying to rehash the snowden debacle for people who still didn’t understand the concept of whistleblower laws (especially not while living in a world where we now know that both snowden and greenwald are the spawns of satan)
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maddy-ferguson · 2 months
i love that the last people heard the leftist coalition won the french legislative elections so they think we have a leftist government now lol
#and like i say: brf slt#i saw a tweet that said the french got a leftist government and now they get this ceremony the other day that's what inspired this lol#it's funny that that person thought the opening ceremony was planned in three weeks😭 there's a lot to say about that ceremony politically#and about the image it gives to france and by extension to macron especially when everything that's going on has been going on#the thing is. the 5th republic constitution basically enables dictator behavior. the 3rd and 4th were kind of unstable because they were#parliamentary in a way that made them change governments every five minutes especially the 4th republic it only lasted like 12 years not#great but that was also because of the war in algeria for independence maybe if we had given up sooner we would still be under the#4th republic lol. but anyway. de gaulle comes back writes a constitution and at first the president wasn't elected directly and was kind#of supposed to be above politics but now he's elected by everyone and the metaphor that people use often is he was supposed to be a#referee but now he's the captain of the team. but the thing is there's nothing anyone can do to him. like the national assembly can vote to#kick the gov out for politics but the president can only be dismissed by parliament 'in the event of a breach of his duties which is#manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate' and like? sure ig? but it's not like the prime minister who's responsible#to the national assembly the president doesn't answer to anyone. it'll be a month in like 6 days and it's not like we don't have a#gov that situation would be preferable to the one we have rn macrons gov is still in place like they 'quit' but they're STILL HERE? so they#can't even be censored because they've already quit but also...they're still there and doing shit like they just caused a diplomatic crisis#with algeria to the point where the ambassador was called back lmao they were like oh no we need to stay to manage current affairs...#like oh i'm sure. and he literally said no one's won when like. no they won. like isn't that crazy lmao. if the far right had had a#relative majority he would have asked bardella to come to matignon on july 8. like since the left doesn't have an absolute majority would#the national assembly vote for them to be sent home as soon as they were nominated? idk maybe! but what he's doing is soooooo...he's like#hm no no one won (mind you he didn't get an absolute majority in 2022 either but it was a win then) so they need to form alliances and then#i'll listen but it's basically -> the left (sans lfi) needs to form an alliance with macronists and then macron can appoint a prime#minister who's on his side (lmao basically might as well keep attal he was in the socialist party when he was like 17 so he counts as a#leftist figure right) or macronists can form an alliance with the right and basically nothing changes. anyway the second scenario#is what's gonna happen most likely and it's gonna be even worse than it was before even when the left wins we lose lmao but it's like. him#literally denying the results of the election is driving me crazy. why doesn't anyone else see how crazy that is lol. at least if they go#with the alliance with the right maybe people will stop considering them CENTRISTS. but probably not#and also he's decided since it's the olympics we're doing a political truce🤗 and it's only giving what's literally HIS#ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT more time to do things they shouldn't be doing because they were voted OUTTTTT#this is a guy who said he thinks french people need a king and there shouldn't be a two-term limit. like remember when i said he's always#three weeks away from declaring a third empire last month. his ass is never leaving he's gonna be doing a 1851 coup in 2027 (a? an)
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ppapagei · 2 months
i hate work sm
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