rqeeqablog-blog · 6 years
Why Do Men Reject Fat Women and Date the Thin Ones?
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Men - why do you reject fat women? Why do you race toward the thin girl once she has had significant weight loss? I'm sure this has happened to you at least once in your lifetime. A girl you knew in high school was very fat, had very bad acne, oily hair, hairy legs and arms, and huge thighs. Worse, she refused to go on a diet, despite your "encouragement" through your taunts. You wouldn't give her the time of day. In fact, you snickered at her when she walked passed in the hallway with your friends. Sometimes, you even called her mean names like, "Free Willy." Imagine how she felt? She was mortified every time she had to walk passed you and your friends. She always anticipated the fat jokes and mean taunts every time she walked passed you and your friends. She cried at night and wished she could be lose weight and be thin like one of those models splashed across Glamour Magazine.
It's now 4 years later and you see this thin girl in your college dorm and you can't take your eyes off of her. She seems vaguely familiar, but you can't quite put your finger on it! You can't wait to introduce yourself to her. She is 5'4, 100 pounds, size 2, clean smooth tanned skin, toned, and tight. A gorgeous Brunette! You smile at her. She snubs you. You think to yourself, "wow, what a snob, but a gorgeous snob, I have to go meet her now." You fall over your feet trying to get her attention, but to  مجلة رقيقة  no avail. You introduce yourself. She tells you she is Carla from your old high school. You have a look of incredulity on your face! You tell her she looks gorgeous and that you would not have recognized her from high school had she not disclosed her identity. You ask her for her telephone number and a date. She tells you to get lost and promptly turns her back on you - and rightfully so.
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