#trump loses debate
tomorrowusa · 9 days
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Tuesday night was not good to Donald Trump. First he loses the debate....
Debate Disaster: Trump’s Seething, Unhinged, Incoherent Onstage Meltdown
...then Taylor Swift endorses Kamala and Tim.
‘I’ve Made My Choice’: Taylor Swift Endorses Kamala Harris for President
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liljafish · 9 days
my favorite quotes from today (both sarcastic and serious)
-"we have a president doesn't even KNOW that he's ALIVE"
-"now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison"
-trump calling kamala a marxist
-"there is no state where you can kill a baby after it's born" (quoted by a moderator)
-"i have concepts for a plan"
-"i am a leader on fertilization"
-"i think this is so rich, from someone who has been prosecuted"
-“in springfield theyre eating the DOGS theyre eating the CATS theyre eating the PETS”
-"venezuela on steroids"
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pedrospatch · 9 days
take a shot every time he says lie
jk don’t do that you’ll black out in minutes
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izooks · 3 months
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cometrose · 3 months
the supreme court is so comically evil like you really have to vote blue across the board they made it legal to criminalize homelessness, overturned chevron which means the extremely conservative courts get to override health officials and environmental regulations
like infant mortality has increased by 8% in some states post roe, they will avoid the trump immunity case as long as possible, they essentially shielded all the jan 6 rioters
if biden loses we could be stuck with 6-3 or 7-2 extremely conservative judges for decades!!! that could mean 40 years of social rights regulations and health codes thrown out the door!!! look how much we’ve lost in 8 years?
and what about pack the courts? you can’t pack the courts with this split congress you can’t pass roe laws with this split congress you really have to vote blue all the way
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mugiwara-lucy · 8 days
2 Things!
1.) Kamala has to remind that old fool she’s NOT Biden YET AGAIN 🙄
2.) Trump has no policies or plans but “concepts” 🥴 (and of course the MAGA idiots are eating it up 😒)
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garthnadermemestash · 3 months
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None of these candidates 2024
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sophies-junkyard · 2 months
This whole election just got flipped upside down, and I know that’s scary. But I also hope that this MOBILIZES people. We don’t have to have a geriatric president anymore. We have an obvious replacement for Biden in the race. Like… I know she’s not perfect. Everybody sucks I know I know I know. But I feel a tiny bit of…. Hope? I mean in a choice between Kamala and Trump the answer is So. Fucking. Obvious.
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scrambledpancakes03 · 3 months
Before the presidential debate...
I've got some thoughts.
While I know that even the "best" presidential outcome feels like a loss at this point, you do have to vote.
I totally understand not wanting to vote for Joe. There are a lot of reasons for that, some more valid than others. That's not my point rn. There's many genocides happening: read how joe is handling it from verified sources and make your own choices, I trust you'll do what you think is right. I'll just be here full of endless dread no matter what...
But for fucks sake before we all lose hope please remember...
Vote down ballot.
Conservatives win repeatedly all over the country and have been able to make life substantially harder for every individual working person, especially those with marginalized statuses... and it's not primarily due to the shit they've pulled in the Oval Office... it's because they're getting elected to sheriff's offices and school boards and zoning commissions and STATE LEGISLATURES.
Don't let your disillusionment with the president keep you from showing up for candidates you won't hear about from national news... because they are the ones who can save us.
Without progressives, leftists, and even more moderate liberals in local offices, every aspect of life gets substantially harder. Local programs shut down, public services are cut from city budgets, and police keep getting more and more absurd militarized resources. And in that environment, how would we ever stand in solidarity with people suffering around the world? Or even people marginalized here in the US?
Here are some (but not all) elected offices that may be on your ballot in the fall that need your attention in no particular order:
1. Secretary of state: oversees the states record keeping... including voting. Don't let them be fascists.
2. School Board: they decide pretty much everything to do with public school's funding, curriculum, and sometimes even personnel matters or district geography. They decide what your kids learn, where, how, and with whom. Don't let them be bigots.
3. District Attorney/Prosecutor: they decide what crimes have charges brought against them, and in what manner. They're the difference between a teenage kid being tried as an adult or a child for a felony, as well as other matters like that. Don't let them be racist.
4. Sheriff: have insane amounts of power over how criminal investigations are conducted and how a community is policed. FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP ELECTING RACISTS. Also we should just... reconsider the concept and maybe try not having sheriff offices at all. But that's a whole different goal.
5. Planning and zoning commissions: if you are struggling to get housing or stay housed, they are the reason there is little to no affordable housing in your area, because they decide what gets built or maintained in your area. Businesses, parks, houses... yeah. Don't let them be corporate puppets.
6. Public works commission: they control the utilities, the water, the trash, and the recycling. This is one of the main places the environmental movement should be looking to make change. They write regulations that can be used and enforced to reign whole groups of people and corporations in to make real collective change in the way we generate power, consume resources, and manage waste. They are also how we prevent more crisis situations like the one in Flint, MI.
7. City, state, and federal legislators. They write the laws. They appropriate the spending of your tax money. Stop narrowing your focus to the federal executive branch when the left needs to gain momentum writing laws at every level. Don't discount local change, because it adds up.
I know we are all focused on the genocides going on around the world right now. The best way we can continue helping as November comes and goes, is to elect local leaders who will support global liberation by writing laws and regulations that protect our free speech, ensure the quality and equity of our education, and commit to divestment from violence all over the world.
Okay? We all got this?
Can we all just agree to do this part, and we can fight about biden separately, please?
TLDR: Fuck you, vote in all the local races.
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webntrmpt · 8 days
And thank God for that
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ribbonknot · 3 months
sometimes i feel like rn it's really understated just how bad things could be if trump wins. like, actually. i feel like it's being forgotten that despite how bad things are right now, they would surely get WORSE.
#i dont want biden to win either#but is there really a big enough politician on the democratic party who the (still conservative) american population would vote for#HILLARY didnt even win and she's a generally non-offensive white woman#i know its like voting for 2 evils. but lest we forget there is definitely a MORE evil one here#and i think its the one who unabashedly tried to flush stolen documents in his toilet#i think its the one who wants to build the iron dome#i really wish i could say not to vote for biden. because trust i know very well all the shitty things hes done and stands for#(him clearly explaining ukraine & russia but dodging any questions about israel & palestine is enough proof of this)#but things around the world are going to get much much worse if trump wins#'cause hes just going to do whatever the republican party tells him to#downright evil those people could be at times#im still trying to gather my thoughts around this#as an outsider i cant help but be worried#because rn the us is a big factor towards the west philippine sea tensions#and honestly if we lose toast. like we're actually going to get colonized for the 4TH time#so im scared of what'll happen if trump were to ever take office again#00#sorry for the long tags btw#i fully understand that biden is a horrible person. i was pulling my hair out with all of you#but there are nuisances here that i feel shouldnt be forgotten#trump unfortunately really came out with a stronger swing after that debate#so i feel like everyone's sort of forgetting that no matter how horrible everything is right now#his only promise is to make things worse#and not voting only adds to his perogative
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No-win situation.
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timbarrus · 9 days
He's going down. The crazy daisies will now be his status quo. He's not going to put himself in another debate with someone who just ragged him into a pool of make-up and sweat. But can she win the election remains the last pseudo-journalistic place to hide. But can she win. But can she win. She can win. She will win. And the maga maestro can join his mate, Putin, who will eventually have to face the reality that their fates are intertwined because they themselves have intertwined it. I don't believe in a god. But here in the trenches of America, I am fervently praying that Americans can still be smart. Cats and dogs are embarrassed and humiliated that they were a part of Trump's playbook. My dog would have eaten his playbook for lunch. And there's the problem. It's their problem. The courtiers, the lobbyists, the lawyers, the snakes. Trump's problem is that he's going to lean into it. There will be recipes. Into the mixing bowl, crack an egg, throw in some high heels and and some blondes. Finally. Someone. Stood. In. His. Way. It took a black woman to do it. Today, he's calling for civil war. Grandpa, we have to go home now. I will hold your hand. And we're walking. And,we're walking.
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thoughtsbeewild · 9 days
I’m not going say he won nor say he lost the debate. A bit disappointing perhaps, he could of done better.. but it was a prepared aim for Kamala and her regime mainstream media army to make her look good, she knew the questions, memorize it like she a true woke celebrity actress like Ryan Reynolds’s, Blake lively doing a 90 minute scene from a movie..
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This new Kamala hype shows that yes people would vote the lesser evil as long as the candidate is lesser evil
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thetiredstuff · 2 months
I have a controversial opinion so gonna put it in the tags
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