#trump is a cult leader
isawthismeme · 15 days
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injuredcyclist · 1 year
“No one, including me, wants to lose friends or chill valued relationships over so small a man as Trump. But our democracy is about to go into legal and electoral battle for its own survival. If we don’t speak up—to one another, as well as to the media and to our elected officials—and Trump defeats us all by regaining power and making a mockery of American democracy, then we’ll all have lost a lot more than a few friendships. We face in Trump a dedicated enemy of our Constitution, and if he returns to office, his next “administration” will be a gang of felons, goons, and resentful mediocrities, all of whom will gladly serve Trump’s sociopathic needs while greedily dividing the spoils of power.”
I haven’t spoken to my dad or three siblings in four years because of Trump and all his bullshit. I can’t do anything anymore to get them free of the cult they joined. It’s too late to save them, but not too late to save American democracy.
Vote blue.
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sher-ee · 3 months
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But, hey; as long as your Dear Leader is safe.
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copperwaverider · 1 year
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
“I can’t believe people talk horribly about them. God they treat them awfully just because of how they look.”
“They’re mass murdering terrorists Rebecca.”
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tunemyart · 2 years
idk y’all maybe this is ridiculous and naive but I feel like between U.S. midterms and The Ongoing Twitter Debacle we’ve seen the U.S. starting to juuuuuuust skid around a corner that a week ago I assumed was a foregone conclusion we were set to barrel straight over. I want so badly to take the repudiation of a very MAGA ethos in both of these things as hope. I’m gonna do it too, at least for now.
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lamplightjuniper · 11 days
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isawthismeme · 3 months
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worldofwardcraft · 3 months
Definitely not a cult.
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June 20, 2024
Donald Trump's adoring and worshipful MAGA followers routinely insist they don't belong to a cult. The evidence, however, proves otherwise. Steven Hassan, author of The Cult of Trump, is convinced that the former and felonious president is more than just a manipulative, charismatic politician. Trump, he writes, “employs many of the same techniques as prominent cult leaders and displays many of the same personality traits.”
But Trump's quasi-religious movement not only embraces the poorly educated masses, but also reaches into the very halls of the Capitol itself. Remember when Republicans twice refused to impeach and convict Trump, despite mountains of evidence? To this day, they deny he lost in 2020 or that he actually committed the crimes for which he's been convicted. But lately the nauseating veneration of Trump by congressional GOPers has gotten way out of hand.
Only days after Trump became the first ex-president ever convicted of a crime, Arizona representative Paul Gosar filed legislation to have the Federal Reserve issue a $500 note featuring Trump's mug, despite an 1866 federal statute prohibiting living persons being on US money. His bill is called the Treasury Reserve Unveiling Memorable Portrait (TRUMP) Act.
Then there was the proposal (HR 7845) introduced in April by several Republican members to rename Washington's Dulles International Airport for their beloved Dear Leader. Said Virginia Democrat Gerry Connolly, “If Republicans want to name something after him, I’d suggest they find a federal prison.”
Last week, Florida's Greg Steube said he plans to introduce legislation that would rename the waterways immediately surrounding the US — also known as the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) — to the "Donald John Trump Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States." This zone extends out roughly 230 miles from shore and also includes the waterways around Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the US Virgin Islands and the Northern Marianas.
Finally, we have Florida representative Anna Paulina Luna heading up a handful of her GOPer colleagues who are pushing to award Trump the Congressional Gold Medal. Never mind that recent recipients include those who actually deserved the honor, like the Dalai Lama, the Tuskegee Airmen and the Apollo 11 astronauts. But then the narcissistic dimwit previously said he wanted to give himself the Congressional Medal of Honor and always wished he had a Purple Heart.
What can be done about this over-the-top plague of Trump idolatry? Probably not much. Hillary Clinton said last October, “Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” But they would no doubt deny they're even in one.
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sher-ee · 4 months
In other words, don’t get heat stroke and die on me because (I don’t give one single fuck about you) I just need your vote.
Then a quick realization of what he just said.
**110 degrees, no shade.
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ernestbruce · 3 months
perfectly compatible with Putin's asshole
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ass kissing is GOP (Trump cult) mantra
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lazorsandparadox · 2 years
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Semi regular reminder that those shen yun dancers that put posters everywhere are the primary income source of a fucking cult called Falun Gong that supports far right politicians and takes advantage of people with cancer and other terminal or chronic illnesses (they claim that their practices can cure them and always have excuses when they dont)
#i remember an account from someone who left the cult was circulating on here a few years ago#its a legitimate cult cult#like they tick all the boxes for shit like encouraging you to isolate from family#having you do practices that compromise your reasoning by keeping you hungry or sleep deprived#anythig the leader says is law and he uses it to get peoppe to perform free labor or arranges relationships among his followers#they tell cancer patients they can cure tyeir cancer by sending them positive thoughts and discouraging them from using medicine#and then act like its the persons fault for not believing hard enough when the cancer fucking kills them#its a cult. its a fucking cult#and this isnt shit the dude was making up - you can verify this on wikipedia#other highlights from wikipedia include:#homosexuals are 'unworthy of being human'#different races go to different heavens which means interracial relationships are bad and create children incapable of going to heaven#they own a couple differemt media outlets whoch theu use to push antivax and qanon and antievolution shit#and which they also used to support trump during his campaign#which is ironic given that their fucking teachings insist that political involvement is 'bad for the spirit'#and heavily discourage individuals from being involved in politics or having their own political opinions#but the founder gets an except i guess because of fucking course he does#and if that one guys account from several years ago is to be believed#all those media outlets are staffed by people whove been duped by the cult into working for free around the clock#its a fucking cult and its just as bad as every other fucking cult and im sick of them getting a free pass
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Trump boasts of "packed" audience for his CPAC speech, photo tells a different story "CPAC was packed for my speech, you couldn't get into the building," boasted famous truth-teller Donald Trump. "A special thanks to the area Fire Department for making it work so well. Great job!" Great job indeed! As you can see in this photo, many of the chairs were occupied by Casper the Friendly Ghost and his pals, including Stretch, Fatso, and Stinkie. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/06/trump-boasts-of-packed-audience-for-his-cpac-speech-photo-tells-a-different-story.html
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julia1x5 · 5 days
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I think its time to start ripping libs throats out with our teeth actually. For all the democrats like to call republicans a cult, they sure do act like not endorsing their genocide cop leader is grounds for having your entire identity called into question. "Oh but Trump will be worse" yeah probably, but also recognize the democratic platform of "having the most lethal military" and bending over backwards to provide the iof with all of the genocide tools is also a bad thing.
Also democrats do not champion queer rights, they are more "let it be" yeah it's better than active scapegoating and criminalization. Trans and queer people are being targeted all over the US. Members of the Supreme Court are actively trying to get same sex marriage overturned. Democrats could be doing anything about it, but they honestly don't care all that much, doesn't affect them after all
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