#truly truly dumb and fun
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harmonictechnicality ¡ 2 years ago
*my humble offering to @steddie-week (and the s4 anniversary!) | ao3 link here*
Like most bad ideas, it starts with a question. Eddie is sitting on the ground, messing with the laces on his sneakers. Tying, untying. Mindless shit.
Steve is taking up the whole damn park bench, practically laying on it. Hasn’t said a word in the last ten minutes. 
And Eddie sort of hates the silence. Would like Silence to get decapitated with a chainsaw or something equally gruesome. Needs that particular volume to die the loudest death possible. For the sake of irony, of course.
So Eddie kills it - the silence, that is. The lull taking up all this air between him and Steve Harrington.
He kills it with a question:
“What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?”
Steve’s head snaps in Eddie’s direction. “What did you say?”
“You heard me.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, man.” Steve sort of twitches, right between his eyebrows. Shoulders going lopsided, unnaturally angled. Uncomfortable.
Eddie shouldn’t be feeding off this tension so much. Judging by Steve’s body language though, the answer must be a good one. 
He leans forward, almost singing the words. “You sure about that?”
Pushing is fun, darkly playful. Eddie enjoys getting under people’s skin, crawling around till they shrivel up. Is it wrong? Morally unethical? Well… the verdict is still out on that.
Besides, he’s been around Harrington enough lately to know that it doesn’t take much to make him surrender. 
“Fine.” Steve huffs. He lifts himself to a sitting position, knees bobbing up and down. It takes all of Eddie’s leftover energy to not gloat about how easy that was - how quickly Steve caved. Teasing can (will) come later - right now, he wants answers. 
“So, Robin and I went to this party in the city… got pretty shitfaced.”
Eddie throws his head back. “Lame.” 
“Story’s not over.”
Oh? Interesting. Eddie places his hand over his heart, then waves it back at Steve. “My sincere apologies. Continue.”
Steve rolls his eyes, clears his throat (not that he needed to but whatever). “Anyways, she somehow convinced me to go to this tattoo parlor with her. Said her friend worked there and she wanted to visit them, so-”
“Wait wait wait. Don’t tell me this story ends with you getting a butterfly tattoo on your lower back.”
“Will you stop interrupting?”
There’s this serious expression in Steve’s eyes. A combination of dark colors and pure annoyance. Eddie is sane enough to know that annoyance isn’t something he should find endearing, but he does. On Steve.
Just a little.
He shrugs, and Steve continues. “Well, it turns out her friend wasn’t working that night. But the piercing lady was working and was like… superpersuasive.”
“Look, Munson, I don’t remember many details after that. Like I said, totally shitfaced. I just know when Robin and I woke up the next morning, we were so fucking sore. And not like, hangover sore either. We were sore in the same exact place. Right here.”
Steve’s pointer finger is gesturing at his stomach. Right in the center.
No. Absolutely not. Either Steve had severe stomach pains that night, or he’s suggesting that…
“Yeah. There you have it.”  Steve says. Blankly nodding into space. “Stupidest thing I’ve ever done is get a matching belly button piercing with my best friend. Jesus christ, that’s freaky to say out loud.”
The Silence sneaks up on him. Stabs Eddie in the back when he isn’t looking because he’s too busy trying to imagine Steve Harrington with a piercing of any kind. Let alone the most famously slutty kind.
Wrong, so very wrong. He should never let the words slutty and piercing clutter up his imagination while thinking about Steve. The silence has been too long now. Gotta say something, anything.
“Bullshit.” His tone is harsh. Doesn’t mean for it to be. “There’s no fucking way.”
Steve pouts, crinkles his forehead. “I swear on my car - I’m not making this up.”
And see, here’s where the bad idea comes in. This stormcloud of pouting and piercings and chest hair, it’s all becoming dangerous. That urge to provoke is in Eddie’s bloodstream. He has to tip the scale, twist the knife of chaos as far as he can. Self control is out the fucking window.
“Prove it then.”
“Fuck off, Munson.” Steve laughs, maybe scoffs. Either reaction is a little confusing. “Seriously, this isn’t truth or dare.”
The truth is already out though. It’s the dare that Eddie is hungry for. “You can’t just drop a nuclear statement like that and expect me not to ask to see it.”
“Technically, you didn’t ask.”
Eddie clamors over to Steve, all theatrics and fake agony. “Please, Lord Harrington.” He clasps both hands together, rests his cheek on Steve’s knee. Batting his eyelashes till Steve cracks a smile. “Let me see the metal that has punctured thy skin. I beg of thee.”
Steve shoves him off. “You’re such a dork.” It’s lighthearted, barely qualifies as shoving. He’s become way too decent for actual aggression these days. 
A fact Eddie tirelessly clings to when Steve stands up. Lifts the bottom of his shirt and puts it in his fucking mouth.
“Holy shit.” Eddie mutters. No time to consider how pathetic it comes across.
In theory, this should all be stupidly unattractive. The way Steve holds his shirt between his teeth. The way he mumbles incoherent shit between the fabric in his mouth. The way he keeps pointing at it, poking it.
That shiny, teardrop-shaped metal. Just… hanging from Steve’s belly button, swinging slightly with every small movement. Eddie’s eyes start to swing with it, back and forth. Back and forth. Maybe those roadside hypnotists are onto something, because the dumbest piece of jewelry has Eddie captivated.
He could just be captivated by the guy attached to the dumbest piece of jewelry. Piercing.
Jesus Christ. Eddie really didn’t think his life could get any weirder. But here he is. Staring at Steve Harrington’s belly button piercing. Fucking mouth-breathing at the sight of it. Probably seconds away from salivating. 
He really should consider seeing a licensed psychologist. Fix his terminally horned-up brain once and for all.
“It’s…” Eddie swallows, his eyelids feel heavier than his stare. “Not what I expected.”
The fabric drops from Steve’s mouth. Unevenly falls around his waist... hips. “What were you expecting?”
To laugh. To mock. Threaten blackmail for six lifetimes, maybe more.
Instead, Eddie gazing at it the way people gaze through telescopes. He peers lower, tries to see if it’s silver or gold. Hard to tell at sunset. None of Eddie’s typical instincts are sinking in. All he wants is to feel the metal rolling over his tongue or get it trapped between his teeth. See how it tastes mixed up with Steve’s skin.
“Fuck.” Yikes. Eddie didn’t mean to say that out loud. Straightens up from his questionable position, does it so fast that his spine sounds like bubble wrap. “Sorry, sorry.”
What the hell is he apologizing for? Cussing? Having a skeletal structure? Christ almighty, he’s a mess.
Steve’s lips spread into a grin, doesn’t look like his own. Looks more like the kind Eddie might give after pulling off a successful decoy in one of his campaigns. “What’s wrong with your face, man?”
“My face?”
“It’s all…” Steve trails off. Sighs and sits back down on the bench. “Nevermind.”
Eddie reaches up to his cheek, understands exactly what Steve is referring to. He feels feverish to the touch, must be a shade of red that is so deep, it’s noticeable in the darkening sky. 
“Sorry… sorry.” Steve hangs his head. Seems troubled even though Eddie is nailing that particular routine all on his own.
“Think that’s my line.” Eddie jokes. 
Silence is lurking around them yet again. Eddie hates it, but he’s running out of steam here. The embarrassment is on display, his cheeks and neck covered in splotchy red patches. His voice is higher, somehow, as if his vocal chords are shrinking. He’s undergoing a crisis and crush simultaneously and it is not an attractive look for him.
“Just go ahead and get it over with.” Steve says. Interrupts whatever cynicism that’s currently brewing in Eddie's head. 
“Get what over with?”
“The teasing.”
“Oh that’s not… it’s um… you don’t…” Eddie can’t pick an appropriate response. They’re way beyond politeness and niceties. And any bullshit he tries to pull isn't gonna be convincing. So it’s best to stay honest. Embarrassing, but honest. “I think it looks pretty good.”
“You do?” Steve looks softer. 
“Yeah. I mean… Bowie probably has one, and he’s a fucking superstar so. Uh. Yeah.”
“Bowie, huh?”
“I like Bowie.” I like Bowie? What a beefhead answer. Eddie joins Steve on the bench, hopes it distracts from that very un-cool line. 
“I like Bowie too.” Steve messes with his hair a bit. Elbows Eddie in the side and chuckles. “You should get one.”
“A piercing?”
“Don’t hold your breath, man. I’m not letting that nightmare creator you described anywhere near my lower abdomen. Not gonna happen.”
Steve reaches out, runs his knuckles down the bridge of Eddie’s nose. Stops at the crease of his nostril. “What about one right here?” His voice is even, calm. Too calm for what he’s asking.
His hand is warm, slightly calloused. The only two thoughts Eddie can process without going fully catatonic. Steve’s hand is on his face and it’s warm.
Slightly calloused. 
“Uh. Dunno.” Eddie says. A hoarse whisper in reply. “Probably not.”
Steve scoots in closer, never taking his hand off Eddie’s face. Just moving it around. Exploring. He brushes along to Eddie’s ear this time. Holds the edge of it between his thumb and index finger, looking straight at it. 
“What about right here?” Steve’s eyes stay fixed on Eddie’s ear. Every touch seems natural, just questions that involve connection or something.
Internally, Eddie is dousing flames. Fanning them left and right. Running in circles, fucking clueless on how to properly calm down. Be civil. Be Dude Civil. His breathing is so rapid, he knows it. Can hear it between them, collecting space. Decides it would be best to mimic Steve. Fix his eyes only on him, borrow the stability as much as possible.
“Mmm… maybe.”  Eddie gets stuck on the ‘mmm’ sound. That’s how good it feels having someone touch him like this. Careful, yet heavy in curiosity. Rolling the tip of his earlobe between two fingers, just enough pressure to create heat. 
It warrants that sound.
Steve’s glance drifts before his fingers do. Eyes landing on Eddie’s lips, slight hesitancy before his hand follows. Eddie has to hold his breath now. Minimal oxygen is the only way he’ll survive this moment, which makes no fucking sense, but it does all the same.
“Here would look really good.” Steve slowly traces the curve of Eddie’s bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. The back and forth pattern is disarming. Makes Eddie’s lips part, mouth slightly open.
Just enough to speak. “Yeah?”
If Eddie passes out from lack of oxygen, he’ll regret it. He’ll regret not taking the risk, finishing what Steve has started. Because this surpasses friendly touching. 
This is charged in electric shockwaves.
Eddie dips in, kisses Steve before he can move his hand out of the way. Steve makes a sound, not even a surprised one. It’s sweeter, laced in relief. Eddie pushes in, wants more, whatever he can get. Has his fingers wrapped around Steve’s wrist, the same hand that’s dragging down his face, his neck. Stopping at his chest. 
Every rumor is true, that kissing Steve Harrington is like the gates of heaven opening up. That his tongue could work miracles on amateur lips with a few licks and curls. But no one ever told him about the noises he makes - and those are the best fucking part. Heaving breaths, pleased whines, each one captured with Eddie’s mouth before they get any louder.
Maybe that’s it. Maybe those are just for Eddie. Reserved for kissing him.
Goddamn, he’s delusional. Completely delirious from kissing a dude with a belly button piercing.
There’s a light getting brighter, almost approaching them. Eddie opens his eyes, quickly backs off while Steve does the same. Has to literally detachhimself from wherever his hand was busy wandering all over Steve’s body. 
Headlights pull into the nearby parking lot. Eddie squints to get a better look at the car. It’s Robin and Vickie, showing up fashionably late as always. Sure, he’s grateful that it’s just them, the queerest people in his circle of weirdos. And while they’re reasonable people with shit like this, even they’dbe shocked to know that Eddie and Steve just sucked face for a solid three minutes. Probably best to not mention the gory details, not tonight. Eddie hopes Steve is thinking the same thing.
Both of them stand up, rearrange themselves to look presentable. Less tousled and kiss-bitten. Steve spends a few extra seconds with his hair before turning to Eddie, eyebrows high. Likely a non-verbal ask if his hair is looking as godly as ever.
Of course it does. Looks even better knowing Eddie’s nails were just digging into it.
Steve is a few steps ahead of Eddie, heading for the girls, when Eddie does it again. Kills the silence with a question. 
“Can we… do this again?” It’s edging on desperate, he’s so fucking aware of that. Self control really proving to be a major downfall with him tonight. Should definitely consider taking classes, train his willpower or some shit.
Steve stops walking. He doesn’t turn around, doesn’t even look at Eddie as he speaks. “My place.”
Oh. That’s… wow. Unexpected. Eddie jogs up to Steve, beside him. Way too eager now, sort of buzzing for more information. Hints of excitement or maybe a smile. Anything, really. He’s at that level of weak for this guy.
Steve just keeps walking, but leans in, right next to Eddie’s ear. The same one he messed with earlier. His voice is quiet, but Eddie hears every damn syllable:
“I’ll leave the window unlatched for you.”
For him. 
Maybe Eddie isn’t completely delusional after all.
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chloesimaginationthings ¡ 8 months ago
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IDK what William Afton expected to happen in FNAF..
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melljam ¡ 10 days ago
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goo certainly likes to match w his partner in crime
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shorthaltsjester ¡ 8 months ago
it is quite funny to me as someone who studies philosophy and has had to have the conversations that bh and ludinus have been having many times over and often with people who like ludinus do not have any reading comprehension and truly like. the notion of “this shouldn’t exist” is almost always one that comes up regardless of whether it’s a discussion on the metaphysics of a potential God(s) or divinity, high political powers, or vehicles of systemic oppression. and what anyone who cares about people more than their ideals (even, sometimes, ideals that started out being about people but quickly come to be about the ideals themselves) realizes very quickly in a philosophical discussion about what should and shouldn’t exist is that it does not matter if what you’ve decided ‘shouldn’t’ exist does in fact already exist. like that tends to be the difference between sociopolitical philosophy that actually has teeth and substance in the world — a willingness to engage with the world as it is, not as it should be. because you can have the perfect image of a just and wonderful future world, but if you do not at every step reckon with the unjust world from which you are aiming at that future, you’re doing nothing. ideals are helpful because they aim us toward goals and hopes, but they’re nothing without a reality that grounds them.
and so people like ludinus, who in the real world would play the role of a graduate student with critical thinking skills that make every professor he comes across question how he arrived at his level of study, they don’t have Wrong ideals, there’s obviously plenty of reasons why an exandria without gods might in fact be a better place for mortals (there are also many Many reasons why it would not). but ludinus has also chosen his ideals to weigh heavier than the mortals he claims to uphold them with. i think ashton is also interesting, because i think a lot of their positions have a fun fluctuation between being ideal focused and person focused, where sometimes they’re focused on how unfair life is in a very nihilistic position, and at other times they seem quite clear about how much ideals help no one if they’re not second to the desire to help others. and i think that made their role in the convo with ludinus in 102 especially interesting and irritating (but in a narratively fulfilling way). anyway, truly so fun watching ludinus argue with the amount of fallacies and undeserved confidence of like right wing first year students in an ethics class explaining how actually the ends justify the means and thanos had the right idea actually if it means no more starvation. get a grip old man.
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jenasu ¡ 2 months ago
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Thanks to @cecilioque and her gorgeous uniform hats, I have achieved my dream of hoarding Ingo's clothing like an annoying dragon.
The hats seriously came out suuuuuuper beautifully, you can tell how much love effort and attention Sunny put into getting them just right 💖
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emma-d-klutz ¡ 1 year ago
I wish Batman would fuck with the Joker more. I know he can't. Scratch, I know an important piece of their core dynamic is that he is above it, which opens the way to great contrasts when other characters (ie icon Terry Bats) do. But come on, it would be so easy. It would be free.
During a teamup in Gotham, Bats could dreamily remark that he likes Superman because he makes him laugh. What options does the clownfucker have now? Try to jealously kill fucking Superman or simply dive backwards into the Hudson River. The whole thing would take ten seconds of work, and I don't think there'd be collateral damage. Superman's already there.
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short666bread ¡ 4 months ago
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Haha. I posted fic. don’t read it.
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senselessalchemist ¡ 2 years ago
Various doodles slash dumb comic crops
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britneyshakespeare ¡ 6 months ago
people who like the beatles are allowed to talk a little shit now and again about the beatles. people who don't know anything about their music and say "i hate the beatles" bc they think the coda in hey jude is too long, aren't. hope this helps
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badsalmonella ¡ 7 months ago
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That's the face of a man who knows he's about to get breastfed for a paycheck.
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shikai-the-storyteller ¡ 2 years ago
There are SO many cool interactions and lore things we can look forward to now that Rubius says he'll come back to QSMP (not only as an angel / demon, but potentially as a human too!), but that little detail reminded me of something:
Even though q!Vegetta and q!Rubius were mutually interested in each other wayyyy back in the beginning of the series, as an Angel / Demon, Rubius said he can't have relationships with humans because it's against the rules.
But a bit ago on stream, Rubius said that he's thinking about having a "human" side so he can build and do more things on the server as a regular player. I'm excited because this means he can have more casual interactions with people and we can see him interacting with his friends more (and he can experience The Horrors), but also...
I think we're in for some very interesting drama in the next few weeks.*
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* ( Assuming Rubius doesn't get harassed off the server by toxic shippers and weird fans of the Eggs again. Please be nice to Rubius and welcome him back kindly, he's a very cool guy and his character is SO interesting )
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todayisafridaynight ¡ 1 year ago
twitter tl talkin bout translation inconsistencies in IW and ima be honest the only translation error ill die mad bout is the fact they refused to let masato call ichi a pussy in the english dub of Y7
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horrorsequel ¡ 3 months ago
it's so funny to write a story abt something and torture a character in some way and then life goes "something is going to happen to you in your life that will starkly reveal to you why you wrote that" and also it pisses me off
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pitohuimaki ¡ 4 months ago
a personal anecdote: i recently submitted my paperwork to legally change my name (yay! fun!) which meant i had to go into the office in the city to do so (yay! fun! i love the city! i live in assfuck nowhere! the city is exciting!)
so my middle name is eren, right? because it means saint, which is a close meaning to my grandfathers’ name (they had the same name lol) and it uses mostly the same letters as my birth middle name (a combination of my grandmother’s names) and has the same meaning as my grandma’s name. it’s also gender neutral, and i’ve loved it for about five years, i was actually planning to use it as a first name before i settled on taylor but then there was a certain fictional character and my moral ocd kicked in and blah blah
anyway, i filled in all the paperwork, confirmed what i wanted my name to be, etc. and i’d been emotional and fighting back tears (relief and stress and happiness and weird bittersweet grief) the whole time, so the workers behind the desk had been very lovely and struck up a conversation with me while they waited for everything to be checked over before i left. and THEN as i was leaving, one of the guys says “oh hey, i like your attack on titan tattoo” and i froze. because that man now believes that i named myself after an anime boy
and for my new followers — my deadname, my birth name, my original legal name before my mother insisted on changing it when i was but a wee babe — was elizabeth. as in, the root name of lisbeth. because my brother was obsessed with sao. and my parents let their autistic teenage son name his baby sister. so i was named after an anime girl
and it is arguably the funniest fucking thing in the world to me rn that i’ve gone from being named after one anime character to being named after a different anime character. i’m gonna marry someone with the last name midford just so i can get all the hyperfixations in there at once. i’m collecting infinity stones but it’s just fictional character’s names
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spocksgotemotions ¡ 1 year ago
okay everyone, sound off, gimme one line from a song that you think about all the time. It can be your favorite line or just one you can’t stop thinking about.
for me it’s “Its not a side effect of the cocaine, I’m thinking that it must be love.”
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submissivekillers ¡ 7 months ago
cooper from trap boobs in my mouth. boobs in my mouth PLEASE
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