#Michael truly is done with his father though
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chloesimaginationthings · 8 months ago
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IDK what William Afton expected to happen in FNAF..
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silversurfersx · 4 months ago
pleaseeeeee give us a part 2 of filns of anger PLEASEEEEEEJSJDHNDE IM BEGGING
Christmas pressnt to us maybe?!? 🙏🙏🙏🙏😔😔😔😔
It’s the first of December, close enough, haha
Had the beginning of this actually in my notes since I posted the first part, but I hadn’t really finshed it, but I saw a few people now ask for a part two so here it goes.
I don’t really know how to feel about this, but anyway
Happy December, guys 🎄
Films of Anger | pt. 2
Part one
sebastian vettel x schumacher!reader
summary: basically brocedes 2.0 (with a happier ending), childhood friends turned rivals turned back into friends in a sappy way
warning: a bit of angst and fluff, swearing
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It's been weeks, almost months, since you last spoke to Sebastian and it started to get to you. You weren't used to this kind of cold distance.
Distance as such was never much of a problem, seeing as both of you were busy in different places around the world. But this was not like those times.
You saw Sebastian almost all the time, he was always there like your own shadow, but just like it, he didn't speak a word to you. He didn't even dare to look at you (at least not when you were). He only ever did look when he knew you weren't.
There was a heavy feeling building up in his chest when he noticed you around and wanted to talk to you, hang out with you, just like you always did, but something stopped him.
You felt similar. You wanted your best friend back. The one who would always play video games with you after training. The one you would sneak out with to eat stuff you weren't supposed to. You wanted your other half back. The one that was so close yet so far out of reach. It pained you to look at him and there were times, especially after a bad race, when all you wanted to do was run to him for comfort. But you couldn't. Or at least you felt like you shouldn't.
Michael watched the whole situation from the outside. He saw the longing looks the both of you threw at each other. His own heart felt heavy at the thought of your friendship ending. Corinna and him witnessed the joy brought to your face whenever his name was called. Though now there wasn't anything like it, quite the opposite actually. And it was painful to witness for both him and his wife, knowing that the tight bond knitting the two of you together was broken over something like that. They wanted to do something to stop it from breaking any further, but both felt like only you could do that.
Your brother and sister alike noticed the lack of Sebastian around. Mick and you were playing a game of one on one, something you had done since he was very young. Both inspired by your fathers own love for football.
"Why don't you hang out with Seb anymore?" He asked shooting the ball towards your goal, but you blocked.
You didn't want to tell Mick what truly had happened between the two of you, because you weren't really sure either. Dribbling past him, you used the distraction as a way to hold off your answer. Needing a moment to think anyway.
Of course you had an accident, which you still didn't think was on you, but that wasn't new. The two of you had a few crashes over the years, sometimes caused by either one of you, but you always reconciled. But not this time. Something was different. Or maybe it was just you. Maybe the two of you had just drifted apart over the years, at minimum speed, that it only took one moment of anger from the both of you to cut the string that held you close.
"I don't really know Micky. We had a fight and need some time to calm down, I guess." You answered your brother, who knocked the ball away from you.
"Hey!" You shouted watching him kick the ball inside the net of your goal.
Mick grinned at the goal, before turning back to you. "But you are still friends, right?"
You didn't answer, not sure yourself. It still felt like you were friends, even if neither of you spoke. You reckoned that that would never change. But you didn't know how he felt, so you just answered for yourself. "Yes."
"Good. You too sappy without him." Mick nodded, taking the ball, you had just talked out of the net with your feet, away from you and once again dribbling it away from you, once again scoring. You laughed shaink your head at his cheekiness.
"There was a time when I used to beat you all the time."
"Yeah, when I was five." Mick chuckled, preparing to once again take control of the ball.
"Ey, be quiet." You gently pushed your brother. The blonde laughed while you tried not to be hurt being beat by a 12 year old.
The next race weekend approached quicker than you'd hoped and over was the small break you had at home. You and your father both packed your bags and got ready to race once again.
"Fernando!" You called out to the Spaniard, running down pit lane, nodding at him when he turned around.
The both of your wearing the familiar Ferrari red, marking you teammates.
"Good morning, y/n." He greeted you stopping for you to catch up and walk down the pit lane together.
"Morning, Nando. How was your time off, done anything fun?" You started the conversation, holding your hand up to cover your eyes from the bright sun.
You had to admit you missed what Fernando was saying, as you just passed the RedBull Garage and you unintentionally made eye contact with a very familiar RedBull driver. You held eye contact, neither of you ready to break it.
The usual distance you recently felt coming from him wasn't there. It was as if the short break betwene the races kind of reduced the anger, or whatever it was, from his mind.
You had turned your head away from him, back to Fernando, but you could have sworn you saw him frown sadly as you broke eye contact.
It wasn't a big change in behaviour, but it still felt weird in your mind, not used to him being so nice once again. Or at least civil. And to even acknowledge you properly.
You hoped that it wasn't just some kind of mind play, from him, but you knew that that wasn't his thing. At least it hadn't been with you.
It was during the qualifying session that you were in a somewhat fight with Sebastian. It wasn't much of a fight as you knew that this was just quali and not the race, yet.
So neither of you intentionally raced the other, but you did aim to beat his time. And it appeared he did too, as your time kept getting beaten by him.
Everytime your engineer told you your time, you requested to know Sebastian's as well, which he did give you, even if he was a bit unsure if he should. But as long as it encouraged you to drive faster, it wouldn't hurt. He thought.
Meanwhile you relived moments of your childhood. Back when your father and spent your evenings after school at the karting track. When no one else was present and it was only the two of you. His voice, soft but stern, was sounding in your head over the sound of the engine.
You remembered the moment you finished your lap, and took one of the corner as late as you dared to do. It took your breath away, but in the end you set your new personal lap record.
"That corner, yeah," Your father started. "If you take every corner, like you did that one, you'd beat them all."
You always followed his advice of course, but there was also always the possibly to do more. To go further. So you did.
And you went too far. Breaking too late, added with a strong wind in the wrong moment, suddely sent you into the wall.
Weirdly enough, the first thing you thought of when the car stopped was how horrible the media would react to yet another crash. The first one with Sebastian, was on you, according to them. The other times, after the initial crash, when you started to get a bit more aggressive with each other, was because of your hormones.
The times when you made just the tiniest mistake, was picked up by the media instantly. It was as if they were only waiting for you to slip up, to throw insults and doubts at you. To question whether you truly belonged in the world of formula one or if it was just there because of your family name.
Sebastian used to talk it all good. He mocked the media's stupidity to make you feel better. But of course, that didn't happen recently, which is why you felt even worse about all the comments being made, which only led to you doubting yourself more, with lead to you making even more mistakes. It was an endless circle.
Maybe adding onto your odd thoughts was your pounding head. Hopefully not a concussion. You tried to act tough, hiding your sick feelings, and aching body, quickly replying to your race engineer and pushing yourself out of the car.
You took a moment, after climbing out, to calm down. Sitting down on the body of the car, pretending liked you did that because you had to wait for the safety car and not because your body gave you a hard time.
'No weakness. Show no weakness.'
The voice in your head repeated. You kept your helmet on, even if you wished to just take it off to breathe better.
Marshall's surrounded you, made sure you were alright and then lead you towards the arriving safety car, while taking care of the crashed car.
"I don't know why I keep messing up so bad, Papa." You told him as you left the medical centre. The impact you had sustained was hard, 30G. But you tried to push through the aftermath. Michael came over to the medical centre right after qualifying and interviews (which you gladly didn't have to attend), to walk you back to the hospitality and then to the hotel. He wanted to make sure that you rest.
"Don't be too hard on yourself," Your father started. "that is what makes you mess up. You lose confidence and get scared."
Michael wasn't known for talking around the point when it came to racing. He felt that if there were words that can help you get better, they should be said, no matter how hurtful they may be. You knew that, it was always something you appreciated.
"I'm not scared." You replied honestly.
There may be some fear in your body when you drove, but that only fueled you to go further, to press for more. It wasn't the kind of fear that led you to be scared, but to go even harder than you thought would be possible. You loved the adrenaline, when you did something dangerous. It gave you an extra boost. "I think I just can't concentrate. I feel so... I don't know.
Michael watched you for a moment, halting in his words, as he let it sink in. Deep down he had his suspicions what might cause your loss in concentration.
"You need to talk to Sebastian." He announced. You bit your lip, but didn't say anything.
Michael was right, of course. He was most of the time. But you didn't know if you dared to speak to Sebastian, yet. You weren't scared of driving your car dangerously, but to talk to Sebastian. You were not that brave. Not yet at least.
Your father didn't really mention anything regarding Sebastian after that. He took you back to the hotel and insisted that you'd spent the rest of the day in bed, just as the medical team had ordered you to do. You didn't resist that order as you felt your body ache from every movement. You head was feeling liked it would explode. It was difficult for you to move your neck and raise your arms as the G-force hit you straight on.
After your father left, it wasn't difficult for you to fall asleep. And you stayed that way until you were awaken by a knock on your door in the late evening hours.
You didn't realise who stood in front of you for the first few moments, still too drunk on sleep.
"Hey." He whispered, almost unsure if he should be there. "Uhm, your father gave me your hotel and uh room number, I just wanted to-"
You didn't know why you did what you did, but it just felt right to hug him right then and there. You felt Sebastian suck in a breath, before carefully hugging back, his grip so light in fear of putting a hand wrong and pushing you away from him.
Slowly you let go of him, frowning over your own actions. "Sorry, I don't know why I just did that."
Sebastian shook his head, smiling softly. "No, it's alright."
"I saw the crash today. It looked bad, I just wanted to make sure your were alright. I know we, uhm-" he looked for a word to describe your current relationship. "We haven't really talked in a bit, and I know that's kind of my fault, but I just felt so helpless, not being able to visit you after a crash like that because I felt like I'd lost every right to do so."
"You would never lose the right." You interrupted his rant, watching his hands nervously knit each other, while he watched them too scared to look at you. You remembered your fight with him and th way the words had stung. You were so angry with him whenever you remembered them, but now that he stood here, in front of you, looking like a sad puppy, you couldn't help but want to forget all of it.
"Well, after the shit that happened between us-" Sebastian argued.
"I know." You felt the same way, like you'd lost your right to care about anything regarding him. "I think we're just idiots."
Sebastian chuckled, nodding agreeing. "Yeah, we are. You more than me."
"Oh?" You replied teasingly, a tone which he didn’t quite pick up on. He looked up eyes wide, his mouth opening as apologies spilled out, in fear that he had pushed it too far once again.
"Hey, hey. It's alright, I was only joking. Probably not the best time to do that." You quickly replied to calm the poor guy down.
"No, you're fine." Sebastian stated. "I just… I want to fix what went wrong between us. I miss you. It was stupid to let such a thing do all of this. I was so wrong for doing this to you.“
You noticed how you still stood in the doorway, which probably wasn't the best place to have that type of discussion.
"Do you maybe want to come inside?" You stepped aside and held the door open for him.
"Oh." He whispered, also realising where exactly he was standing. "Yes, of course."
Sebastian stepped inside, and you closed the door. You turned back to look at him. He looked more than unsure of himself. Nervously fiddling with his fingers, wipping on his feet as he let his eyes move around the room, taking it all in.
“Listen, y/n. I know I messed up badly, I said things that were so incredibly shit. It was wrong for me to say all those things, to throw the same shit at you that the press does. I know that you didn’t get into f1 just because of your name, I should know that better than anyone else. I don’t know why I said that. I hate that I said those things and I regretted the words right after I said them.”
“Why didn’t you say anything then?” You asked, watching him patiently. Sebastian gulped before shaking his head. “I don’t know, I think I felt too ashamed and embarrassed.”
“That was really messed up, Seb.” You crossed your arms, frowning at him. Your chest felt heavy.
“I know. I know how you hate to be reduced to only your name, but I was just so angry at everything in that moment, that I let it out on you. It was so wrong and I am so incredibly sorry, y/n.”
You nodded, your own head filled with the moments he referred to.
Sebastian hesitated, his eye taking you in, analysing the way you feel. He knew you inside out, every little habit you had, he knew the meaning of. So he saw the hesitation inside you. How the voices in your head argued over whether to forgive or to fight him further.
"Please forgive me." He whispered, trying to aid the side of you wanting to forgive him.
Internally, that decision had been made some time ago. You knew Sebastian just as well as he knew you. You knew how he ticked and how he sometimes struggled with idioticy. Talking before really thinking, especially after being pumped on adrenaline.
He never truly means the words he spoke in anger. Sebastian was never the type to insult people, especially you. You could only think about the regret he had been carrying around these past weeks, almost overshadowing your own anger at him. Almost.
A part of you didn't want to forgive him just yet. It wanted prove that he really meant it, ignoring all the times he had already proven it. The times he cheered you up, speaking words of affirmation after the press made some ridiculous statement and spoke highly of you afterwards to everyone who'd listen, just to make them forget any bad word ever uttered.
And the more you thought about where or not to forgive him, you realised that you had already forgiven him. But you weren't able to fully admit that, yet.
"I'm really glad that you came." You answered instead, breaking the silence that started to build up.
"Yeah?" Sebastian asked, looking hopefully at you. His big blue eyes held a distant fear much like the one you felt when you thought it might be over. Which was now overshadowed by the light of hope for a rekindling.
"Yeah." You agreed honestly. "And I missed you too."
"Good." Sebastian smiled. "Then I don't feel sappy on my own."
"How are you, then?" Sebastian continued, looking you over. "I haven't heard much about the crash, only that it was like 30G. I've been worried."
You smiled at his words, the care in his voice brought a familiar warmth, one you had missed over the last few weeks. You went over to sit down on your bed, gesturing for Sebastian to join you. "I’m feeling better than earlier today, but still a bit weak. My head is pounding and I'm having a hard time with my neck and shoulders. But other than that I'm surprisingly fine."
"Are you cleared to drive tomorrow?" Sebastian asked while sitting down beside you.
"Yeah." Nodding you ran a hand through your hair. "They still want to do a check in the morning, but they said that I should be alright."
"So, you're gonna race?" He continued a bit worried, but he knew that even if he tried he wouldn’t be able to change your mind.
"What, scared I'll beat you?" You chuckled looking at his soft expression. Sebastian chuckled as well, shaking his head. "Always. No, but I was really worried. It looked a lot worse than how it ended up being. I though you might get seriously injured. And I know that that's part of the sport, but all I could think about was that I never apologised. That you might always believe that I couldn't stand you."
"Seb-" You halted in your words, before throwing your arms around your best friend. Pulling him towards you, his own arms pulling you closer. "I didn't think that you couldn't stand me, at least I hoped."
"But still. I wouldn't have known, that you didn't think that." He muttered against your shirt.
"You know now, and that is what counts." You reminded him, rubbing a hand up and down his back.
"Could we talk things through, get on common ground and get this over with. I really don't want something like this to happen again." Sebastian asked now with more confidence. " I don't want to lose you again over silly things."
"I don't want to lose you either over silly things, Sebby." You agreed using the nickname you hadn't used since you were kids. His groan of annoyance at fueled your laughter.
And for an moment then, it was like back when you were just kids, fueled by nothing but passion, friendship and capri-sun.
a/n: I feel like I should have added more drama, like a bit more beef between the two before they rekindled, but I didn’t have any ideas for more dialogue, lol.
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charliedawn · 6 months ago
hey Charlie I was wondering if you could do a fix about the slashers finding out that the nurse is like one of them she’s like Jennifer from Jennifer’s body?
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason is the first to notice the change in you, though he can’t explain why. His silent, observant nature makes him more sensitive to shifts in behavior, and lately, he’s sensed something darker lurking beneath your usual calm demeanor. When he finally catches you feasting on one of the hospital staff in the dead of night, he freezes. His mind flashes back to the moment when he saw his mother kill his father—protecting what was hers. There’s no fear in his reaction, only understanding. Jason doesn’t judge you for the monstrous side that’s been hidden for so long. Instead, he sees you as one of them, someone who, like him, has a violent nature lurking beneath the surface. He let you finish your meal before talking to you.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms had always known there was something more to you, something that drew him in. Your touch soothed his mind, but it was the darkness he sensed that truly made him feel connected. When Brahms stumbles upon you feeding on a victim late one night, his first reaction is confusion—how could his gentle, caring nurse be capable of such a thing ? But as the truth settles in, his fear is replaced by admiration. You’re like him, hidden behind a mask of normalcy, but with a dark and monstrous core. Brahms becomes ecstatic, wanting to be closer to you, obsessed with the idea that you’re both connected by the darkness all slashers share.
Bo Sinclair:
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Bo knew something was off when he started seeing you sneak out late at night. Suspicious by nature, Bo eventually followed you and witnessed you devouring someone in a secluded part of the hospital grounds. His initial shock is quickly replaced by amusement. A twisted grin spreads across his face as he watches you wipe the blood from your lips. "Well, well, darlin’. Looks like you’ve been hidin’ more than just that sweet smile." He spoke up and your eyes widened before you turned around to see him standing there. He’s not disgusted, if anything, he’s impressed. To Bo, this makes you even more desirable—beautiful on the outside but deadly underneath. He starts to feel like you’re his perfect match. From then on, Bo sees you as his equal, someone just as dangerous and unhinged as him. He even got the idea of assisting to every single one of your ‘special meals’.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Vincent discovers your secret when he finds one of your victims hidden in the basement of the hospital. At first, he’s horrified, not because of what you’ve done, but because he fears you’ve become something he isn’t used to. Vincent is a creature of habit. He would be unhappy that you didn’t tell him. His silent nature means he doesn’t confront you immediately. Instead, he watches, studying the way you carry yourself, noticing how much more confident and predatory you’ve become. When you finally reveal your secret to him, Vincent isn’t afraid. He feels a sense of kinship with you. You’re both artists in a way, creating death and destruction from the beauty you present to the world. He becomes your silent ally, crafting new ways to hide your victims and ensuring you remain safe.
Freddy Krueger:
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Freddy is the only one who isn’t surprised. "I knew there was somethin’ different about you, dollface," he says with a smirk when he catches you in the act. Freddy’s not disgusted or disturbed—he finds your predatory nature exciting. "Want some help cutting that, sweetheart ?" he taunts, leaning against a wall, watching you with dark amusement. He finds it hilarious that you’ve been hiding this from the others, and now that he knows, he feels like it’s his secret to hold over you. Freddy teases you endlessly about it, but deep down, he is excited about what he will get out of this, knowing how much chaos and misery he could cause by just opening his mouth.
Michael Myers:
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Michael doesn’t react the way most people would. When he finds you tearing into your prey, he simply stands and watches. There’s no fear, no shock—just silent observation. To Michael, you being a predator doesn’t change anything. In fact, it makes him feel closer to you. He knows what it’s like to be driven by something dark and violent, and seeing that same hunger in you makes him feel an unexpected connection. He doesn’t say anything, but after that, he would keep a closer eye on you. He doesn’t see you as a threat—just someone like him, someone who belongs by his side in the shadows. But, he wouldn’t interfere as long as you do not put him or his children the other slashers in danger.
Pennywise and Penny:
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Pennywise senses your change before anyone else does. He can smell it on you—the shift from human to something more sinister. "Oh, you’ve been hiding some nasty little secrets, haven’t you ?" he sneers, watching you from the shadows. He’s intrigued, curious to see how far you’ll go with your new hunger.
Penny, on the other hand, is more playful about it. "Does this mean we get to share meals together now ?" he asks with a wide grin, eager to see you in action. Both brothers are delighted to see the dark side of you emerge, feeling that you’ve finally become one of them. They take a twisted pleasure in the idea that you’re no longer bound by human morality, now you are something dangerous and wild, just like them. A GOD.
Jack Torrance:
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Jack is both fascinated and unnerved when he catches you feeding. On one hand, he’s drawn to the raw violence of it, something that reflects his own descent into madness. On the other, it terrifies him because it makes him realize just how far gone you are. "You’re just like me, aren’t you ?" he mutters, half in awe, half in fear. The discovery sends him spiraling further into his own delusions, convinced that you and he are destined for some kind of violent, bloody future together. Jack becomes obsessive and erratic, unable to control his own dark impulses around you now that he knows the truth.
"You and I are gonna do GREAT things together, sweetie."
Father Paul Hill:
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When Father Paul Hill learns about it, he is deeply shaken. His first instinct is to help you, to save you, but when he sees the way you’ve changed—the hunger in your eyes and the power you now wield—his faith falters. The way you drain life to sustain yourself reminds him too much of his own curse, the blood he craves.
Though conflicted, he can’t abandon you. He struggles between his duty to his faith and his feelings for you, knowing you’ve crossed a line he can never fully reconcile. Part of him is tempted to join you, but the weight of guilt holds him back. He becomes consumed with the desire to find a way to pull you back from the darkness, even if deep down, he knows you may already be lost.
Father Paul *takes you in his arms and kisses your forehead* : "Please…Do not lose yourself, Nurse Y/N. If you do…then we will all be."
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year ago
welcome to wherever you are // lance stroll
summary: weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions. but for lance's fiancee, the wedding is just another big milestone that her father never lived to see, like her first day of kindergarten, or her high school graduation.
pairing: lance stroll x hutchence!reader
warnings: depictions of greif, mentions of a parental death.
author's note: i've been on such a bender lately listening to inxs, they truly were one of the greatest bands of the 80s, and I think its a shame that things ended like they did with micheal's death in 1997. i could genuinely talk for hours about it, and about the very real daughter he left behind, but for now i'm going to let the fic speak for itself.
also i feel like i've only done smaus lately bc i've just been in a total idea rut and these are so easy to make lmao
y/n.hutchence just posted to her private story!
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VOGUE Weddings: Inside the wedding between Aussie-rock darling YN Hutchence and F1 driver Lance Stroll (you might have to click on these to read them properly)
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y/n.hutchence just made a post!
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liked by lancestroll, kirkpengilly, officialinxs and 34,508 others.
y/n.hutchence today was a hard day, despite being the happiest of my life. like most milestones, it was bittersweet. while i spent most of my day in love, and excited for what's to come, part of me was also grieving. my dad should have been here to walk me down the aisle, to meet my husband. to give a speech at the reception. i miss you, dad. but i know that you'd be so proud of me.
to my lovely lance, thank you for choosing me, for loving me. for reminding me that its okay to feel all the emotions at once. i love you forever, my husband xx
see all comments
lancestroll i love you, my darling wife. you are so strong.
andrewfarriss michael would be so proud of you, kiddo
user the fact that she went public for the day just to speak about her grief on her wedding day . . . that's a caliber of person i could never be
sebastianvettel thank you both for including me in your special day
user she walked down the aisle to 'beautiful girl'....i'm totally not crying my goddamn eyes out
user im not crying you are
user her dad died over 20 years ago....she needs to let it go
-> user lmao imagine telling someone who never knew her father outside of how the media portrayed him after his death to 'get over it'.
mickschumacher 10/10 pasta bar, would come again. your harem of old men scared the crap out of me, though.
-> kirkpengilly old?? who are you calling OLD
-> y/n.hutchence you mean my non-biological uncles? mick, they're the biggest sweethearts
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y/n.hutchence just added to her story
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y/n.hutchence and lancestroll just posted!
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liked by astonmartinf1, sebastianvettel, timfarriss and 29,808 others
lancestroll mr. & mrs. hutchence - stroll, march 2024, sydney australia
see all comments
y/n.hutchence i think lance hutchence sounds pretty great
-> lancestroll and i think y/n stroll sounds pretty good too
scottyjames you're taking her last name? good on you, bro
astonmartinf1 welcome to the family y/n! (or should we say 'welcome to wherever you are'? see what we did there?)
fernandoalonso did anyone else get a little teary eyed during the vows?
-> timfarriss i was right there with you mate
-> mickschumacher i saw esteban cry so hard he gave himself the hiccups
y/n.hutchence hey google, play 'never tear us apart' by inxs ( and say thanks to kirk for playing the sax almost all night)
(next part)
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @lorarri @cartierre @thatsdemko @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year ago
Just got done spewing some facts under a video supporting Priscilla and her “movie” I thought I’d share them here:
So many people here are uneducated and will blindly believe everything Priscilla says because she’s a woman and it’s edgy to hate on Elvis.
1. Elvis was never actually wanting to date or marry Priscilla he was with an actress very much his age that was back home while he was in Germany. He just saw Prissy as someone to talk to. She has so many issues with her yandere type fan tendencies being obsessive over a man she wasn’t even with in the first place and who didn’t give her a second thought
2. She did NOT hopelessly wait around for Elvis after he left she continued to play several different guys and she did have a very normal high school experience she went to dances and football games
3. Prissy’s father blackmailed Elvis into marrying her. Elvis did NOT want to marry Priscilla
4. Yes, Elvis cheated but not until after Priscilla cheated first with her dance instructor. She’d also call him while she was doing the deed so he could hear
5. Priscilla said herself the chair scene is highly inaccurate. Elvis was angry on the phone with the Colonel and threw a chair to the wall as Priscilla was walking in the room and he immediately apologized and said he didn’t see her come in
6. She constantly changes her story and her book she said herself isn’t accurate because she said if she didn’t make it dramatic enough it wouldn’t sell
7. For those who might say “she’s a child, she can’t do no wrong she didn’t know what she was doing” at 14 I was well aware of shit and what I did. And I know she did too she wasn’t some innocent angel
8. She’s an awful mother to Lisa Marie. Actively dated and let a man around Lisa that had said he had inappropriate feelings for Lisa when she was a child
9. Got with a married man who had a PREGNANT wife. Yes it’s also the man’s fault but she knew damn well he was married and his wife was pregnant
10. She cannot stop talking bs about Elvis cause he’s the only reason she’s relevant. In contrast to one of (what I believe to be) Elvis’ true loves Ann Margaret who only says nice things about him but she also had a career before meeting him
All in all, yes Elvis had some flaws but people spread misinformation about him all the time just like they do with Michael Jackson. Priscilla is no saint, she’s a lying gold digger who only cared about money in the first place. Not to mention she was laughing at Elvis’s funeral so if she truly was “in love” then why would she do such an awful thing by laughing? She continues to use the Presley name even though Elvis told her not to after they divorced and constantly spew lies and drop his name over and over again. She’s told her story countless times, this movie was slander towards a man who cannot defend himself. Like I said Elvis wasn’t a saint either but you need to take off the rose colored glasses and see both sides of the story. Thank you.
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thesrctsoftheuniverse · 7 months ago
so over the weekend (literally two days) i watched 16 of the 18 episodes of season 3....... so here's my thoughts!!!!
i've already professed my love for the characters more than enough but i just need to remind everyone that i am sosososo in love with all these fucking characters, what a truly insanely likeable lineup of different personalities
eddie getting buck to babysit chris so he stops being stuck in a depressive spiral.... genius
the earthquake episodes last season were insane, but the tsunami disaster?????? off the charts. the scenes with buck and chris were fucking beautiful, i love this duo and need more of them NOW. buck cares about that kid so goddamn much. and while tired and injured he saves idk how many more people. the way him and chris are fighting for their lives and then buck is desperately looking for chris all while eddie thinks they're completely safe. eddie was freaking out last season because his son was stuck in a school, but he was calm during this disaster because he was with BUCK. it makes me so emotional. im sosososo glad that i had seen the outcome of chris being found before watching the episode bc idk how people who didnt know that beforehand could handle it. the scene with eddie finding buck with chris' glasses???? im going to start crying. and after all of that for buck being so sure eddie wouldnt trust him anymore only for him to drop off chris again like its nothing?? im going to sob
from what i have read online the lawsuit storyline is a very divisive topic in the fandom. i kind of see both sides. i can see that buck thought his hands were tied and that the only family he had was replacing him. but i know at the same time that it's an overreaction. bobby didnt have any reason to have buck stay on leave for that long when chimney proudly proclaims he went back to work after only a couple of weeks. i understand that bobby cares about buck like a son somewhat, but he was not being fair. buck also shows that he didn't really want to cause as much hurt and friction between them by apologising again and again and not even thinking about accepting the money, going back to the 118 even though he knew they were going to make it difficult for him. it was a tricky situation, but im glad they moved on from it fairly quickly.
the fight club eddie storyline is kind of wild????? also did he ever get any reporcussions from bobby for that??? men will literally do anything but talk about their issues and deal with their feelings. what an insanely gay thing to do.
love eddies conversation with bobby where he starts crying. eddie should cry more often (i say this with love)
lena im in love with you, do you like women?
chris' english teacher is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful
i truly love seeing athena and her family grow and change over time. the relationship between bobby and michael is so important to me. i love them together. and michael's tumor storyline??? heartbreaking.
love albert!
chimney and maddie i love you two soso much you deserve the world, youre so imporant to me. chimney respecting maddies boundaries no matter what.... im gonna cry (A BABY?????????)
the episode of 911 dispatch being taken over might just be one of the best episodes of the series. i especially loved that we got to see characters that other times didnt get as much screentime. LOVE LOVE LOVE JOSH!!!
the athena begins episode is heartbreaking. and beautiful. the closure at the end, with her telling emmet's mother that they made an arrest. how beautiful. really well done. she never gave up on finding that man.
the eddie begins episode is also beautiful. him cutting the fucking rope???? idk how they want me to believe that he swam to safety but whatever..... anyways he loves chris so much and we got to see more of his and shannon's marriage which i loved. to be fair, he was kind of a shitty father and definitely a shitty husband, shannon was clearly not ok and i understand why she left. doesnt make it right, but i understand it. when he gets stuck underground and buck starts losing his mind, screaming, crying, throwing up and bobby gives him /that/ look. oh kill me now. that man was gonna dig by hand .... i love them.
the episode of buck helping that old veteran feel important and not alone at the end of his life? im going to start crying again. buck truly believes that no one will ever love him or choose him or stay with him forever.
michael talking to harry about what being black means when they encounter police was incredibly moving and heartbreaking. but also important. i just love athena's family.
hen hitting that cello girl with the ambulance...... oh i cried so hard, my heart broke for her. karen and her are so amazing together i love them so much, they truly are each other's rock.
i love the buckley siblings. i love the side characters. i love the main characters. i have so many thoughts.
abby....i understand that she had to get away from everything to find herself ok? but she shoudlve just texted or sent a letter to buck just to give him closure and not let him keep haunting her apartment. i dont like them as a couple, this shit has clearly hurt buck deeply and will not be easy for him to get over. she didnt really seem all to apologetic either at the end. i get it but also why did u have to hurt buck by not ever responding and ghosting him????
got so many funny and beautiful scenes this season, it was amazing!!! truly loved every character. it had that gay ass buddie kitchen scene... lol
but anyways....im already done with two episdoes of season 4 so bye
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thegirlborninthelate90s · 1 month ago
Give me Top 10 interesting facts about Graham Arthur Chapman.
Aaaaaaannnnndddddd GO!
Oh god…this feels a bit open-ended and I don’t know what is expected that hasn’t been mentioned before, so I’ll writing what *I* think are fun facts about him, I guess, with the good and the sad 🤷🏻‍♀️ This means the information I put here aren’t going to necessarily be about commonly known facts about him, but rather information that requires a bit of further digging.
(This isn’t ranked most to least interesting btw. This is just how I’m organizing everything. I am, after all, a Virgo moon and rising.)
1) Around the time Graham’s cancer had spread to his spine, he first found out something was wrong when he had gone out to pickup Chinese takeaway and he noticed that his legs were wobbly as he walked, because he couldn’t tell where his legs were, even though he could feel with them. Later, he had his son do an experiment on the sole of his foot: John had to scratch the bottom of Graham’s foot and Graham’s toe would’ve had to have gone down (somewhat like how, when the doctor bangs your knee, your lower legs kicks by itself). However, Graham’s toe went up instead of down, and this was when Graham found out something was wrong with his spine. (This is really sad, I admit that, but I always found it cool how he self-diagnosed himself, in a way, and I appreciate how he shared this prior to his death for us to recognize simple signs of something being wrong with our spine too which we never would’ve thought of otherwise…a true doctor through and through 🥺)
2) There is a Christmas TV special with David Berglas, who invited four celebrities, one of them being Graham, and in the end, they all had to choose something to give a sick child in a children’s hospital as a Christmas present. The thing that struck me was how, while everyone else chose a toy of some sort, Graham was the only one who chose a book (and it was Peter Rabbit), which I felt was quite revealing about his character.
3) When Graham bought his home in Kent, he had taken up the habit of painting. Apparently, after he passed away, David Sherlock showed Michael Palin an oil painting Graham had done of a gate in his garden.
4) Speaking of Graham’s home in Kent, he had arctic roses there, and David said that those were his favorite in the garden.
5) Graham mentioned that, amongst Python, he felt he was the most similar to Eric (in his own words, he said Eric was likely his “parallel” in the group), except that he acknowledged they were polar opposites when it came to trusting others. These were his words on the matter:
“I think Eric expects people to be devious, where I expect them to be straightforward. I’m stupidly trusting, and Eric’s unduly suspicious.” (from the book, “Graham Crackers”)
6) In 1986, Graham was actually in the process of writing a musical about the Jeremy Thorpe trial, with the goal of making everything camp. Unfortunately nothing came of it, but just the fact that he came up with such an idea…😚🤌🏻✨
7) Someone once asked Graham how he felt about Benny Hill, and Graham allegedly threatened to defenestrate them, which…honestly, considering Hill’s sense of humor, is such a mood.
8) Graham was very into cooking elaborate meals, which would take him a few days to complete. The meals themselves were usually simple, but Graham just took a lot of time in making them. According to Michael Palin, his meals were usually a lot more delicious than the style in which they were served.
9) Graham’s favorite Beatles album was “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” but his favorite album overall was John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Truly a man of taste (particularly regarding Sgt Pepper).
10) This isn’t so much about Graham as it is about his dad. His father was born on November 11, 1911…so basically, 11/11/11. Impossible to forget 😅 I just always thought that was pretty neat. Graham’s parents were somewhat akin to helicopter parents, but Graham was rather close to his father, particularly since he was the first out of the parents to be accepting of Graham’s sexuality.
11) [you can’t expect a Graham Chapman fan to follow rules] It often bothers me how other Pythons and people Graham worked with or knew complain about how Graham was a ‘freeloader’ when, after becoming sober, he proved just how much of a hard-worker he was during “Life of Brian.” The dude was out in the sun all day in the titular role, then served as the set doctor. In fact, even David mentioned that Graham could be quite disciplined, perhaps even more so than other Pythons in that he was really good at multitasking. He truly became much more hardworking after becoming sober, but no one really talks about that, because they didn’t trust that he had changed and they rarely gave him the opportunity to prove himself.
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12) As I’m now full-blown cheating in this challenge, here’s a bingo card I made awhile back which is a rudimentary summary of Graham’s personality:
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[Sorry this took so long; Graham has a lot of interesting tidbits to limit down to 10]
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justcommander · 1 year ago
Well, I did get asked to write a little more about my little Father and Children AU.
Some little facts about this unusual trio? Of course, under the cut!
This is long. I'm gonna warn you, this is a whole lot of rambling.
This trio won't stay a trio for long, once Lisa and Father Garcia will reach John. Michael won't be happy to see one of the two. But will eventually accept his presence.
So, we started with Michael, a little more about him. The boy is not doing too well, but is also getting better now under John's care. His hair started to grow back but won't ever be as fluffy and soft as they were before: now they're coarse and grey. If they get grabbed and pulled, they fall right off in thick tufts. His nose is completely gone and he his right leg is permanently wounded, making John's knee look perfect in comparison. So he walks with the help of a crutch. He already got cataract, because of the infection in his eyes. Those sunglasses are a gift from the priest and he refuses to take them off even for sleeping.
Why wasn't he brought to a hospital? Well, John is terrified by those places and can't be the one to bring him there, risking to have police taking him back in for being a suspect for kidnapping and harming a kid that they've been looking for.
But why won't he go back to his parents exactly? They should be still alive. And they are. However, there is a number of motives why he won't do it. He's afraid to return to them now he loos like this, they've never been very caring towards him, and yet he also doesn't want to put them in danger now he got involved in something so much bigger than him. He thinks John is truly the only one who can fight demons and he loves him a lot. To him he's more of a father, than a Father.
How did he convince John that he does not have parents to return to? Easy: He lied about his name. He claimed to be called Michael Garcia. Unfortunately for him Father Garcia manages to contact John and this leads to a lot of misunderstandings. And confusion.
He speaks Spanish, yes. Though uses mostly English because John doesn't understand it. Only when he gets agitated or feels strong emotions of any kind, he slips. Or when Amy starts speaking Latin, he begins to speak Spanish to her. And John loses his mind when they do that.
Amy now!
Amy was saved by John just a little too late, but not that late. When he found her, her face had already been carved out but no offering was made. John made good use of that "one bullet" by shooting at Gary, and stopping him before he could continue with the ritual. Yes he shot Gary. Without knowing what he had just done. He took Amy away from him and wrapped up her face in bandages. He narrowly got away with his life and Amy safe in his arms.
What does this mean for her? It means she cannot be exorcised fully, even if he tries, because her body is dead. There is a portal to hell in her face, but without the sacrifice it required, nothing can truly come out. What kept Amy alive was the awareness of having John there for her, caring so much. The Second Death had never happened. The death of the soul was prevented because she never stopped fighting, when he arrived. Despite the pain and everything she lost. He was still there. The UNSPEAKABLE is inside her, but his control is weak. So weak, that she takes over without him even realizing, when he thinks to be the one in control in certain situations.
This means she can use those supernatural powers, stealing them from him. But the longer she does it, the more she risks to lose herself. Every night, she is afraid he could take over while she's asleep too , that's why she does not want to take off that straightjacket and specifically asks to be restrained. John can't bring himself to do it, he's afraid of that thing. So Michael does this instead.
Basically they both Love John so much. He gave them a reason to live, he put his life in danger to save them so they will fight for him even if they're frightened by the cultists and by Gary. They're just kids after all. But their Father also became their father, for both of them. They might be scared, but they won't let anyone take him away. In those moments when John's life really is at risk, that's when neither of them would hesitate and jump at those cultists's throats.
Anyway, they are very hard to handle, and they know it. When john faints on the chair after three sleepless nights, they try to put him on the couch and cover him with a blanket. They try to cook, they try to tidy the place. A little apology, for realizing they've exhausted him to this point.
And I wrote way too much. I warned you. This was a ramble. Ops? Maybe I'll write more in the future, when I'll learn to write more by writing less. Gosh, I talk too much.
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puhpandas · 1 year ago
i feel the warmth in my chest (and the chill on my skin makes it that much clearer)
(1,964 words)
Evan and Gregory, while waiting those few agonizing hours before Halloween can truly begin, go outside into the chilly weather and play in the leaves.
It's a crisp Autumn afternoon when Evan steps out onto Gregorys porch. The screen door slams behind him, and the air transitions from warm to chilly in only seconds. The breeze washes over his face like a wave, and Evan finds he dosnt mind the cold that much in this moment.
It makes his nose numb and his fingers freezing, but unlike how he usually feels about the cold, he welcomes it. He takes a deep breath, smelling the scent of fallen leaves and crisp air and the pumpkins Evan had carved with Gregory last week sitting by his feet next to the stairs. It fills his lungs, and alongside the aftertaste of Aunt Chicas cookies on his tongue, the chill is pleasant, unlike how its usually so unbearing and biting in his own home.
It doesnt take long for the temperature to wash over him fully. By the time hes stepping down the stairs, his thin,white overcoat flowing behind him, its left his shoulders shaking and his teeth chattering.
But so like he's not used to, the deep, bone chilling cold only adds onto his excitement. It's that type of chill you can only get during Halloween, with that specific vibe and feeling coming along with it. Evan has never liked that unmatched feeling. All it ever told him was that Halloween was on it's way, and along with it, Michael and his pushing and pulling and jabbing and messing with. With the addition of the neighborhood kids jumping in if they'd see him walking down the street on the one night of the year it would be acceptable to scare him with scary masks and bloody fingers and camouflaging cloaks, it made for a pretty dreadful day.
He takes another look at his costume, a ghost, with white flowy sheer fabric that makes him look like he floated right down from the clouds. Underneath is a white sweater and pants, and his makeup is done to make him appear ghastly and, well... dead. Eyes sunken in with deep shadows and complection pale.
Gregory is matching with him, kind of. Gregory's costume is of a murder victim. Hes wearing sort of varsity jacket with a plastic knife stabbed in his gut, and his face is painted with bloody makeup and a faux black eye. Gregory hadn't explained the specific costume he called a 'Zombie Murder Victim High School Football Star', just gotten excited over the fact that they matched with their undead themes.
Its Evans first year matching with someone. His first year having someone to go trick or treating with. Theres something about this year. It doesn't leave him guessing. It doesn't leave him on edge, wondering who will strike first, all while being so uncertain but sure at the same time that something will go wrong. This year, he has Gregory and his family. This year, he has people who actually care about how he feels, and understand how to have fun.
This year, he knows Michael will be across town with his friends, and that his father will lock himself in his workshop. He knows that the neighborhood kids wont dare mess with him now, because of how many times Gregory has shown them a thing or two over the better part of this year.
This year, Evan isnt dreading the coming hours. He isnt hiding in his room, celebration or joy for the Holiday nowhere to be found, because he has to watch his back and sides. This year, he isnt considering running away for the night, even though he had always known he would never be brave enough to do it.
Instead, he's going trick or treating with his best friend, and he only feels excitment and anticipation, compared to the stark contrast of last year where all he felt was on edge and trapped in his own house.
The sun is only just setting by the time he steps onto that little pathway leading to the backyard from the front porch. Waiting for it to get dark has been agonizing. It had only gotten too much when he and Gregory were sat in front of a movie they'd seen a thousand times, makeup and costumes done, and unable to sit without wiggling or fidgeting, and Gregory had jumped up and gone "That's it! I can't just sit here anymore!"
That's why Evan's followed him outside. For the better part of the day Gregory has been more restless than a bored puppy.
Evan thinks the description fits when he finally catches up to Gregory and finds him digging through the shed in his backyard. Evan doesn't really know why he came out here. Theres much less to do outside than there is inside, but his intentions become clear when he moves to stand by Gregory's shoulder, and he goes Aha! while retrieving something.
Evan stares blankly when Gregory pulls out a rake, turning to face him and grinning at him. "Want to build a leaf pile and do cannonballs in it?"
He doesn't even have to ask.
It's not long before they're trekking through backyard, browning leaves crunching under their sneakers as they head to that big tree in the middle of the yard. When they get there, they waste no time grabbing the big rake and making the inklings of a pile on the flattest bit of ground.
The rake is heavy, and Evan can barely control it, if how it swings around and almost hits Gregory in the face is any indication. The handle is ice cold on his fingers, but it only makes Evan that much more aware of the excitment thrumming through his veins.
With Evan using the rake, Gregory takes to getting on his knees and shepherding the leaves to the pile with his hands. Gregory laughs over the dirt under his fingernails and how the still-damp leaves from the light shower earlier are chilly on his hands, and it makes Evan abandon the rake and get on the ground with him.
It takes longer than it should to finish the pile. They keep getting caught up in throwing the leaves at eachother like snowballs and using their hands to push waves at eachother like they're in a pool. The leaves end up more scattered than the were originally, and Evan has to get the rake again.
By the time they finish and theres a huge pile of damp leaves sitting in front of them, the sky is a dark, deep blue with the horizon a yellow. The sun is only barely peeking through the trees, and it's enough for the automatic porch lights to come on.
With the lack of sunlight, it's gotten that much colder. Evan's shivering enough that it makes his laughs warble, but he doesnt care. He doesnt care about the cold.
They only take a short break before they jump in. Evan lays flat on the ground, damp excess leaves and ice cold dirt underneath him. His throat is dry from the chill and how much he talked, and laughed, and his cheeks are sore from smiling too much. His nose is numb, and the thin, cheap Spirit Halloween costume does nothing for keeping him warm, but he doesn't need it.
Through the cold, it makes the warmth blooming in his stomach that much clearer. It makes the laughter bubbling in his chest and the excitement that the fun isnt even over, yet, he still gets to go trick or treating with Gregory after this, that much more apparent.
He has the warmth that spawned inside of him from spending time with his best friend and having fun with him to keep him toasty. So unlike his own home, where the chill is all there is. No warmth or comfort to adhere for that fact.
It's only now that Evan thinks that maybe, he doesn't really dislike the cold. Just how the cold is what comes with his unfeeling house and unpleasant family members and uncomfortable atmosphere.
Because here, right now, as he lays on the freezing ground, sky darkening above them and the last bit of leaves on the big tree in Gregory's backyard fluttering in the chilly breeze, he realizes he likes what comes with the cold, and not what the cold comes from.
With the cold comes the awareness of the warmth unfurling in his stomach. With the cold comes drinking the delicious, steaming hot chocolate Aunt Chica made. With the cold comes bundling up with his favorite sweaters, cuddling up under a fuzzy blanket, and watching a movie with Gregory.
With the cold comes those agonizing few hours before Halloween truly begins, and making a leaf pile with your best friend.
Evan knows his all-white costume is dirtier by the time he finally gets up, the knees of his white jeans brown and dirtied, but he doesnt have time to dwell on it when all he hears is a breathy laugh before hes shoved face first into the leaf pile.
Even through the leaves submerging his head, he can hear Gregory cackling. He sputters when leaves get in his mouth, and while regaining his footing after rolling around a few times, he wastes no time shooting up and grabbing Gregory by the shoulders.
Gregory yelps when hes yanked down with Evan, and all Evan is aware of when his eyes shut in glee from how hard hes laughing is the soft, scratchy, earthy leaves beneath him, the breeze in the air that just screams Halloween, and Gregory's body fallen on top of him.
Gregory grabs some leaves and smushes them into his hair. All Evan can do is screech at the wet chill before grabbing his own fistful and doing the same. Leaves fall over them like a wave when they roll around, wrestling in the yard.
They only stop when they get too tired to keep going. His costume is definitely dirty by now, damp like the leaves and dirt. The scent of wet earth and the cold and Halloween washes over him, and all he can find in himself to do is grin, and giggle breathlessly and chatter with Gregory as he lies on the ground, shoulder to shoulder with him.
Its almost pitch black by the time Freddy opens the door leading to the backyard, stepping outside, Frankenstiens monster costume and all. "Kids? Are you two ready to go? Its almost time for trick or treating!"
Evan only shares a fleeting look with Gregory before they both shoot up, previous exhaustion from their little fight completely gone. Evan runs side by side with Gregory to the door, his costume with the mud stained hem flowing behind him, and all Evan can feel in this moment is warmth, despite how his nose is numb and his shoulders are shaking and theres this chilly, floaty feeling in his chest.
He knows that there are definitely leaves in his hair when he steps inside after Gregory, and when the heat of the home blasts him in his face, making his freezing face tingle, the warmth prickling and sharp, Evan finds that with the cold can come the warmth, and maybe it isnt so weird that Evan feels nothing of the sort when it comes to his own house, and his own family.
It was never about the cold.
Just like how the warmth with Gregory and his family has never been about the temperature.
He only has time to grab his candy bucket (shaped like a mummified teddy bear) before he and Gregory are shooting through the front door, racing to Freddys car. He smiles even wider when the cold air rushes across his face again, and he can hear Gregory's footsteps next to him and Freddy and the others' voices behind them.
ao3 link
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OHSHC Host club cooking and baking Headcannons
Aka how good they bake and cook
* Haruhi is average at both cooking and baking
* Since she has to make stuff to insure that she and her father aren’t starving
* Also because her father doesn’t cook
* Really extensive knowledge though on all sorts of dishes
* Her father also did say in the anime that she was cooking and taking on the housework from very young
* On top of that Haruhi made hotpot when the host club randomly barged in on het and they liked it
* also even though the vist was a surprise she wasn’t nervous in making anything and just went to the grocery store so safe to says she good at making stuff and it’s edible
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* Kyoya is in between average and master,
* He tried to pick it up in order to impress his dad in something his brothers couldn’t do and was better than his sister
* He did so well he actually did get a bit of congratulations but ended up having to teach his sister on how to bake and cook so not so much a nice thing but he did get attention for a bit
* Also because he was able to teach her and his sister became really good at being a wife I’d say he’s really good at it
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* It would be a lie to say he’s not amazing af at baking
* He’s dogshit at cooking anything that wouldn’t include sweets mostly though
* Truly it’s because he has no interest in them so he never cared or cares to learn
* Like if it’s pancakes and such he can cook them amazingly but frying an egg, not so well
* If he was invested in it he’d be amazing in the food world
* Is somehow good at making chocolate from scratch along with syrup, honey and even sugar?
* Man likes his sweets lmao
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* On the other hand as Mori came from a long line of butlers he is very good at both
* Actually a master and is amazing af at it
* Like sir? I’d cook for you but I think my food would pale in comparison to what you eat and can make
* He can make and do anything
* Like Honey being able to make syrup and stuff, Mori can do the same and better
* Sebastian Michael has competition
* There isn’t much to say here he’s too amazing
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* Does baking as a hobby
* So he’s decently good at it but can still mess up at times
* He likes it, it’s fun to him and he enjoys it though
* Let’s him do commoner stuff without being weird
* And also makes him normal and not some weird creepy twin
* Finds it relaxing and a way to get Hikaru to go away as he doesn’t like cooking and baking
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* For Hikaru he doesn’t like baking and such
* His brother does it so why should he? It’s his brother’s thing and twins should be able to do separate things right?
* He just has no talent in the kitchen don’t let him near one or else the whole place is on fire
* But before even trying he found cooking and baking unnecessary as they have people to do it for them so why should he have to learn it
* Prefers video games and more exciting things
* Renge is better than him
* Has been banned from the Home EC Room for a prank he’s done and not fit cooking
* Like literally has it taken off of his schedule and he can’t pick it ever not that he wants to
* When it’s found out how bad his cooking and baking is the teachers were relieved
* One of the very few classes both twins don’t take together
* Doesn’t care much, more time for pranks and video games!
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* dogshit don’t let him close to the stove
* It’s a good thing Haruhi knows how to cook and that he’s rich or else they were fucked
* Has poisoned the host club with his food and has since been banned from entering the kitchen
* Is also checked daily to make sure he hasn’t made anything
* Worse part is, the food actually looks good
* Renge is better than him but he’s better than Hikaru
* Has been banned from the Home EC Room also
* Like literally has it taken off of his schedule and he can’t pick it either like Hikaru
* Very sad over it
* Plays it to the girls he hosts as a curse or finds some thing around it in order to bring more customers so there’s that
* “I can’t cook for myself, so how would I survive without the cooking of my lovely maiden?”
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Thanks a lot for reading! Ik I’ve been very non active for a while, but life is life ya know what I mean?
I have a couple more headcannons coming soon, but they’re all in the idea phases and I get writers burnout easily since writing isn’t my fave thing
But I’ll try to get them in quick, thanks again for reading!
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soniccrazygal · 2 years ago
A Matter of ‘Pride’
Mike paced back and forth in his ‘bedroom’, the sound of creaking metallic joints and soft thuds from his heavy steps filling the silent air. He wasn’t exactly sure how long he had been locked and isolated in his room as his internal clock had been deactivated and there wasn’t any other means to truly mark the passage of time. Mike’s best guess was that it had been several days, maybe even a week based on the times he’s had to recharge.
It felt far longer than that though as every second had felt like an eternity as he agonized over how his siblings were doing without him there to help protect them and without him to play peacekeeper when the stress got too much. Elizabeth and Gregory especially were usually at odds with each other…
Oh Superstar… I’m so sorry… Mike thought mournfully, his stride a bit unsteady as fresh guilt flooded him. He had naively believed that simply getting the younger out of the Pizzaplex would be enough to save him from the horrors that lurked beneath it, but now the poor child had to deal with being recently murdered, sharing a body not meant for him, and forced to comply under the rule of his killer.
Gregory was understandably chafing against the restrictions of this new ‘life’ and lashing out when he could. He barely had time to even mourn his death before William had started cracking down on his ‘behavior’. Elizabeth wasn’t helping matters by being more quick to fall and line and saying that Gregory should do the same.
And I left them alone… Mike though guiltily, pace picking up as anxious energy flowed through him. Granted he hadn’t been given much of a choice. Mike still couldn’t believe the audacity William had to ‘suggest’ they have ‘family bonding time’ every day and just assume they would all be okay with it.
Like they’ve been a family in decades.
Of course Mike had scoffed at the very idea and made it clear he refused to entertain William’s delusions that they could ever return to what they once were. The result had been Mike getting shocked for his words and locked in his room.
“Have you been stewing in the consequences of your own actions enough yet?” William asked casually from where he leaned in the doorway, making Mike jump and whip around in surprise. “Or you do still need a few more days to get over your stubborn pride?”
“My pride?” Mike snarled in disbelief and anger, giving his ‘father’ a hateful glare. “It isn’t pride that makes me refuse to spend time playing board games with a child killing psychopath! Why would I ever want to act like we’re still family you monstrous delusional fre-!”
Mike cut off with a wince of pain as the shocking system activated, hunching over slightly as the painful electricity flooded his body before dissipating. William gave Mike a disappointed look as he said, “Michael… haven’t I made it clear that you will always be my son? I will always love you and want you to be apart of my family, despite your previous attempts to destroy it by being the cause of your siblings deaths.”
Mike knew William was just preying on his old wounds to manipulate him, but the stab of guilt that went through him still felt far more painful than the electricity that had been hurting him just a moment earlier.
“That isn’t fair,” Mike said, trying his best to sound firm. “You can’t blame me for everything you’ve done…”
“Perhaps not, but there wouldn’t have been nearly as many deaths if you hadn’t kept impeding my progress,” William replied, standing up straight and stepping fully into the room. “And never forget that you’re a murderer too. You killed Evan and I’m the one that had to figure out how to put him back together.”
“It was an accident…” Mike weakly defended as he instinctively took a step back, all his old guilt and self loathing being dragged to the surface at William’s words. “I-I didn’t mean to… not like you!”
“I simply did what I had to to save this family,” William replied coldly as he stepped even closer, looming over Mike. “Nothing is more important to me than this family and I will do whatever it takes to make sure it remains intact and eternal. Something I would think you’d appreciate as I made sure you wouldn’t be able to harm your siblings ever again.”
“I’d never do anything to hurt them!” Mike shouted back, hating how easily William was able to make him feel like a simple rebellious teenager again.
“And yet you’re doing just that now,” William pressed on, not giving Mike time to organize his thoughts. “They’ve been asking about you you know? Asking how you’re doing and if they can see you… They miss you Michael and I hate denying them something so basic as being able to see you, but I can’t let your stubbornness go unchecked, not anymore. So ask yourself Michael… is your pride in refusing to spend a few hours with me and the whole family each day really worth not being able spend the rest of your time with them?”
Mike knew William wasn’t right, not really, but there was no point in trying to convince the madman of things like logic and morals. And in the end, Mike couldn’t deny that William had a point. Trying to deny William’s ‘request’ for time with the whole family was not worth being kept isolated from his siblings. He couldn’t leave them alone to face William without him there to be a buffer from the madman’s wrath and to provide what little comfort and protection he could.
Mike hated it, but he had no choice but to play along in this instance.
“Alright…” Mike sighed in defeat, his entire posture slumping a bit as he submitted to William’s demands. “I’ll participate in your stupid family bonding activities… just let me be able to be with my siblings again!”
“See… was that so hard?” William said with a pleased smile. “If you just obey me like you should, then I wouldn’t be forced to punish you like this so often. Come then, let’s go tell Evan and Elizabeth the good news.”
Mike had to force himself to remain silent as he had a lot of choice words he wanted to yell at William, but he couldn’t risk losing this chance to finally be back with his siblings again. William lead the way into the main room and the moment Evan and Elizabeth spotted Mike tailing behind him, the both lit up with relieved smiles.
“Mikey!” They both shouted in excitement as they ran forward to hug their brother, Mike automatically kneeling down to accept them into his arms.
“I missed you so much Mikey!” Elizabeth said as she squeezed Mike. “Don’t go away for that long again!”
“Gregory and I were trying to figure out how to sneak in to see you,” Evan whispered as he pressed up against Mike. “But we were worried we’d just get you in more trouble…”
“I’m here now though,” Mike assured as he held them close. “And I promise I’ll try not to leave you guys alone that long again…”
He knew that promise would mean complying more to William’s wishes, but Mike still made the promise anyway. His siblings were the most important thing to him and he had to be here for them in any way he could. He would always end up putting them first no matter what.
And from the smug smile Mike could see on William’s face… his father knew that too…
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illarian-rambling · 10 months ago
Thanks for the tags @urnumber1star @drchenquill @paeliae-occasionally @leahnardo-da-veggie!
OC Interaction
Number's OC: Micheal from Bolt Runners. He’s sixteen years old but sometimes acts too old for his age. He’s a superhero by night so he tries to be as responsible as he can but is also chronically sleep deprived. He is very wary of anyone he doesn't know and will sometimes spend days trying to figure out their intentions. If he thinks that they are a threat he will do one of two things. Either try to talk to them if he thinks they can be swayed, or attack and try to take them down. If he thinks they;re intentions are good, then he’ll try to be friends with them. He’s overall a really good guy but is often very gullible at times. He will also talk your ear off if you let him. He just wants to help people. 
Dr. Chen's OC: Elias is an eighteen year old boy, sold by his parents as part of a deal to work for a man he never even met. He tends to fall in a pit of selfloathing thoughts, spiriling until he is too deep too see positivty in anything. Since he didn't have a good childhood, he feels protective of anyone that he thinks is being mistreated, often resulting in him snapping at people, without knowing the context of the situation.
Paelie's OC: Apollo is about 24. He is very protective of people he cares about, this includes all magic kids because they are routinely exploited by the mages in power. He is generally a really chill person and is very observant of how people receive him. Because of this he is incredibly patient and will convince you to tell him your problems so he can help you solve them. That said, he is an incredibly capable caster and will non-lethally fight you if you threaten others.
Leah's OC: Katherine looks like a fifteen year old girl, acts like a cryptid and is probably closer to the latter than the former. She's quiet, secretive, and rather creepy, at least to the casual observer. To someone who knows her (that is, her best friend/apprentice Dane and her elder brother L), she is a pathological snarker, has the worst authority issues known to any immortal entity, and likes chocolate gelato more than life. She'd gleefully pick a fight with anything from vampire teachers to the goddess of dreams for no bigger reason than because she could. That said, she does have a good heart.
Well, I think I have only one main oc I haven't done for this game yet!
My OC: Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III is a 153 year old elf and Duchon (gender neutral equivalent of Duke/Duchess) of the city of Salis. They act as a spy and political agent for their father, Archduke Eluan Spearsong, who rules Salis. They also keep watch for assassins, on top of playing the perfect, if ditzy, heir in front of the court. They tend to keep up a happy-go-lucky facade in order to disguise their true cunning and because of this, are very reluctant to let their true personality show, to the point that they've sort of lost who they are. The one thing they embrace with their full, honest heart is martial arts. Though it's seen as a lowly habit that the court indulges on account of the Duchon's 'airheadedness,' they really do love to practice Talmel Valkys and are quite the fighter. It's where they feel they can drop any acts they have up. Apart from that, they have a hard time socializing outside of situations they're not used to and get easily flustered when they don't hold all the cards, as they don't actually have much experience outside of the highest echelon of Salis society. Though well meaning, they also tend to come off as aloof and unaware of the problems of the common man, even though they truly believe that they are a servant of the people they rule.
Now let's see how they'd interact!
Avymere and Micheal: I think these two have very similar stances on their responsibility to protect people. Michael would probably be very wary of Avymere at first, and Avymere would be very wary of Michael. If he is gullible, he may fall for the dumb, but well-intentioned act Avymere puts on. However, in any high stress scenario, I think he'd be able to tell that Avymere is smarter than they let on. Overall, I think these two would get along decently, especially if they ended up doing superhero stuff together. They can be work friends. I do think it'd be funny to watch a sleep deprived teenager and a grim scion of an ancient elven royal line beat up goons side by side. He could teach them what a TikTok is.
Avymere and Elias: I'll be honest, Avymere is not the best at comforting people. I think they'd be concerned for Elias and would want to help him, but just wouldn't know how. From Elias's perspective, I doubt he'd trust Avymere. They're a powerful adult with weird vibes, who sometimes slips and calls people peasants. I doubt he'd hang around long enough to get to know them.
Avymere and Apollo: So, I didn't mention it because their bio is already long, but Avymere's family is famed for its powerful sorcerers. Except, Avymere never inherited that power, and neither did they have the right sort of mind to learn book magic. That said, they're a little uptight around magic users, like they have to prove their worth even if they don't understand spells or runes. I think Apollo would clock this, and would probably also clock the rest of Avymere's general strangeness. It'd take a while, but I think he could get a story out of them eventually. Avymere would respect anyone who protects kids and would likely offer their assistance in Apollo's work, but damn if they'd be resistant to any of his attempts to therapize them.
Avymere and Katherine: As a spy, all secrets seem dangerous to Avymere. They'd be able to tell something is off about Katherine pretty quickly and would try to investigate. That said, I think Katherine would just try to fuck with them. Laying false evidence, coming up with weird rumors, and all that. If they ever did meet face to face, any conversation would be pure vitriol, since Katherine is a rebellious snarker and Avymere is authority incarnate. However, once they satisfy themself that Katherine isn't a danger to people, I think it'd go the way of the kid vigilante/cop who pretends to dislike them, but protects them when shit goes down trope. Any conversation between them would likely involve lots of tormenting on Katherine's part and lots of snooty comments from Avymere, but ultimately, Avymere's duty is to protect people, so they'd do their best to keep this snarky kid safe.
Wow, that was a lot! Let me know what you all think :)
I'll tag @tildeathiwillwrite @somethingclevermahogony @watermeezer @cssnder @willtheweaver and anyone else who wants to join!
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creetchure · 10 months ago
In Attack of White Knight!Azrael
A few days ago, I reread curse of the white knight by sean murphy, and that comic has awakened feelings of rage within me that make me feel a little coocoo and has reminded me just how much I love Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael and the way both Denis O’Neil and Dan Watters have written him. The following is a vaguely structured version of the rant I gave my friend about it.
To me, one of the most important things O’Neil has done during his time writing Azrael/JPV was making them deeply, completely, human. During the original Azrael run, Knightfall, and then Azrael Agent of the Bat, JPV/Az have done bad things, sure, but they’ve never been treated as a full on villain, used only to move the plot of the heroes forward. We got to see exactly how and when they got to the point of being an antagonist, and at least from my point of view, it always was at least to some level sympathetic. JPV/Az are a RAMCOA system, and I personally headcanon that their psychosis is a PTSD symptom rather than a disorder on its own, as it only seems to appear after Azrael gets triggered and memories of becoming Azrael surface, bringing the buried trauma with it. It’s something that affects them clearly all through their appearances before their death, and now again in Waters’s writing of them. They have delusions, they’re paranoid, they hallucinate their father and a knight templar in the sky asking them to kill a man while they struggle not to, and they’re still not treated like a villain by the narrative. Like an antagonist, yes, but not a villain, as is recognized directly by the characters, both in Knightsend and afterwards. 
And then, there’s Sean Murphy. Sean Murphy did not bother reading Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael’s wiki page. Sean Murphy did not bother trying to know what JPV/Az’s character was even about. Instead, he built a one dimensional villain on the sole basis of “guy who believes he’s an angel, heavily religious”. Mind, that isn’t even an accurate way to describe Azrael at all. While O’Neil’s JPV/Azrael is a young man desperately trying to cope with trauma bad enough for him not to remember, and trying to keep the angel in his head in check so they pose neither a danger to themselves or anyone else, Murphy’s is a middle aged evangelist soldier with lung cancer. While O’Neil’s JPV is alone, has no support system to speak of to rely on, as his father is dead and he visibly has no friends, Murphy’s clearly has people around him in Michael and Gabriel, who, frankly, should have pulled him out of it. By all means, Murphy’s Azrael should be both medicated and in therapy for psychosis rather than enabled by his friends to believe himself an angel and wield a flaming sword. Where O’Neil’s Azrael still chose to do good even as it was a fight against themself, even as everyone told them to do otherwise, Murphy’s is, much like the rest of his book, edgy to be edgy. 
Now, O’Neil’s run is long, as has its ups and down, and I do understand that Murphy might not have had the time or want to read through it, though I’d argue Knightfall should be mandated reading for anyone looking to call back the Azbats suit. However, Murphy not reading comics has lead to many other egregious errors which could have been fixed with even the slightest bit of research. And I do mean a single Google search would have done the trick for some of them. It truly goes to show just how little Murphy actually cares about the source material aside from Snyder’s Batman movies when he allows for Jason to be the first Robin without thinking twice about it, or about how to fix it, or when he makes Renée Montoya out to be a character only to never even call her by her first name more than once, or when he makes Barbara an entirely out of character mess. 
O’Neil and Quesada have poured so much love into Azrael and it honestly makes me angry how little respect Murphy has for their work and their character. He is, to me, one of the best characters to come out of 90s comics, and Murphy could not be bothered to read a wiki article about him, or to spend an hour reading Batman Sword of Azrael – which would have been enough for a more solid grasp of the characters, and is truly only four issues long. To me, JPV/Azrael is one of the superheroes who goes through the most shit, on a personal level, and is the most human in his reactions, which is why seeing him turned into a caricature, if you could even call it that, is so shocking, as it’s incredibly easy to imagine his real reactions in the comic. He is not a villain. Many people like to bring up the panel of Robin where he chokes Tim Drake in the Batcave, but none of them seem to be willing to discuss what came before or after, the reason why any of it even happened at all. The truth is, JPV/Az banned Tim from the cave because they doubted their ability to protect a Robin as Batman, and Tim, as he kept on returning, eventually got to the Batcave and JPV/Az snapped and put the fear of them in him ; it was never meant as more than a scare, and is an action taken in a stressful moment for JPV. Though it doesn’t make it right, the context does make me sympathetic to the circumstances. At that point in time, JPV is trying to fit in Batman’s shoes while said man is away, fighting for control against Azrael, losing time when he loses that fight, feeling like he’s losing his mind as he starts to see his father and Saint Dumas, and trying to keep his head up while he’s swallowed by the mantle of Batman which Bruce knew full well would drown him. 
It’s a horrible time. Bruce admits it himself later on, it was something he knew could break JPV. Yet, through it all, JPV doesn’t kill. He lets a serial killer die, yes, but he only does so as he’s arguing with hallucinations of his father and Saint Dumas, both ordering him to kill. And even still, his only fault is in inaction, and not the murder he is later accused of. Through it all, JPV doesn’t give in. And in White Knight? In White Knight, JPV is a sad old man with cancer who’s being a little BITCH about it. 
O’Neil’s is a better character in the 4 issues of Batman: Sword of Azrael than Murphy’s in the 8 issues of Curse of the White Knight. 
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viisiond · 3 months ago
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CHARACTER INFO- Samael Athanasiou (OC) * = mentions of Suicidal Idealization & Suicide
Name: Samael Athanasiou Alias: Harlequin- No. 4 of the Fatui Harbingers, The Devil, Sammy, Sam, Emperor of the Abyss Age: ??? [Appears to look as if he's in his late 20s-early 30s] Height: 5'10" Affiliations: Celestia/The Heavenly Principles (Former), Abyss Order, The Fatui Harbingers, House of Hearth
Personality: Calm, collected, and stoic- Samael is a former angel of Celestia, Samael is a rather cunning individual, a mastermind at manipulation and war strategy even if it ends in both sides dead once he is brought into a fight. Samael is a quiet man, filled with anger towards Celestia for what the heavenly principles has done to Khaenri'ah and his family; someone who will not stop until Celestia themselves has been brought to their knees or slaughtered. Though he has a softer side, only saved for his wife and child, he's not an entirely unreasonable man. Samael does love his family dearly but will not hesitate to strike dow his own blood to protect his wife and daughter. Deep down, he is truly a master at hiding his intentions, only aligning with the Fatui to exact revenge on Celestia for what they've done to him and his family. While he knows Elli would never agree to his methods, Samael keeps them hidden even from her, even if he feels immense guilt for what happened to Khaenri'ah.
Family: Atarah (Mother; Deceased) Michael (Older Brother; Alive) Haniel (Younger Sister; Alive) [@/Tevysar] Elli Athanasiou (Wife; Alive) [@/Tevystar] Nona Athanasiou (Daughter; Alive) Liir Athanasiou (Son; Alive)
Delusion: Pyro Weapon: Sword
OTHER: - Born to a human woman and a shade of Celestia, Samael is the middle child of his family. He grew up to be an incredibly prodigy with the sword, while his brother was more proficient in archery [Haniel with support, protection...] - Samael, once he was older, began to show an interest in the land they foresaw above and started traveling below to investigate, however this would lead to his encounter with Elli Athansiou and eventually him falling in love with her. - Upon hearing of the cataclysm, Samael immediately rejected the idea and mere thought of it, defying the gods and his own father to protect the woman he loved... that would prove to be his downfall. Stripped of his powers and thrown from Celestia, Samael was struck down and sent to the Abyss- a means to expel the 'abyss' from it's halls. - Samael, however, had come to meet a duo of Khaenri'ans in his exile and solitude long after his first few suicide attempts after realizing his wife was potentially dead. [Samael remained suicidal until he joined the fatui; the urges are still there...] Acting as the voice of the Abyss, urging them to fight against the gods and the heavenly principles, giving them purpose again and a way out of their curse... their names were Chlotar Alberich & Azrael Suliman. The group they made dubbed the abyss order - Samael joined the Fatui before the Knave [current, not Crucabena], and has shared the position with her ever since he joined... speaking of why he joined, Samael saw it as an opportunity to seek out revenge for what the heavenly principles has done to him, what Celestia has done. He only sees the Fatui as a means to an end, he will betray them to get what he wants in the end if he deems the Tsaritsa's ways ineffective or inefficient... [Even going to the point of killing her to get his hands on the Gnoses to bring his plan to fruition.]
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annkous · 2 years ago
So. Lesson 23, huh. How are you all Mammon lovers holding up?
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We start right where we last left it off in lesson 22 : in the Celestial Realm about to be run over by Mammon who's apparently riding a pegasus chariot (that's SO COOL THOUGH I WANT TO SEE IT IN A CARD). He crashes the thing and before anyone can get into proper introductions, Mammon hears Michael's looking for him and runs away to hide, dragging both you and Little D with him.
They keep teasing us with Michael lol but ANYWAYS. After the scare you can hug him or pinch his cheek, and also show how happy you are that he's smiling. I found it really cute.
You can ask Mammon about his deal with Michael, then he says this.
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They will be the death of me I swear to god.
Mammon, convinced you're two angels (??????), asks you to go with him so that can vouch for him to Lucifer so he takes Mammon under his wing. Sure, why not?
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Mammon really adored Lucifer before they became brothers and wanted Luci to be the one who supervised him, but Mammon tells you that Lucifer keeps shutting his idea down and tells him he should stay with Michael instead.
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Ah, good ol' Lucifer, doing "what I think is best for people without properly talking to them". He folds quickly, though, and basically tells Mammon that he will agree to talk to Michael about it if he manages to bring to Lucifer one rose from Simeon's garden before sundown. So off we go again.
We find Simeon in said pretty garden, reading a book. However, he says that said book is a book of prophecies, and the fucker just drops this line when Mammon asks him if he's learned anything.
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Thanks, now I feel like crying.
Simeon does say he's probably destined to meet you again and that he will probably lose his wings, but that it's all up to interpretation, so he's not completely sure if he got his future correctly. Oh man.
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Mammon decides to ask Simeon about taking one rose, but Simeon outright says no because the roses are from Father (gulp), so they're really important. Mammon desperately tells him that it's just one rose so Lucifer finally accepts his request, that he will do anything, and Simeon almost caves, but then asks Mammon if he'd ever considered how Simeon would feel after having to give away one of the important roses he'd grown from their Father.
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Mammon doesn't want to hurt Simeon, but he doesn't want to give up on his dream either. In the end, Simeon decides to finally give him the rose.
We can ask Simeon about the roses being important to him, and he says "Yes, they are, but Mammon is just as important." I need A SECOND.
Mission success. With the rose in hand, the trio goes back to Lucifer, who's surprised Mammon has managed to get the rose in the end.
He looks satisfied, though, and tells Mammon that the reason Simeon gave him the rose was because of Mammon's determination, his grip on his dreams and what he truly wants...
which is also connected to his greed.
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Lucifer tells Mammon said sin can hurt those around him, and that even if then he's still determined to hold on to the hopes and desires in his heart...
Mammon's memory ends there. For now, we don't know what Lucifer said next.
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The first one right in the gut. Jesus.
But I have to say this talk with Mammon is one of my favourite parts thus far:
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I really like the options we were given. He's got time to learn, and he's already kind, too.
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But wait, we're not done yet, because this is when he finally remembers what was that Lucifer told him in the end.
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I wondered a lot back then in og Obey Me why was Mammon his favourite plus his most trusted brother, considering all we saw most of the time was their bickering or Lucifer chasing after an "irresponsible" Mammon. Sure, they had their moments, but nothing it's impacting me harder than their moments here in Nightbringer. I'm so glad we get to see them so close. It warms my heart a lot, because I did think Mammon deserved better treatment. I'm really happy they're showing how important he is to Lucifer and all of his siblings, plus how he's just... Mammon, not an idiot that gets hung from the ceiling or someone who bursts in when mc's having a moment with someone else. He's just Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.
When we wake up in Mammon's room after this, the new title is "Holding on to Hope." Whew man.
He gives you a hug first thing to make sure he's really back, too. He's the absolute best.
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He feels really bad he put you through his outburst, too, and wants to make it up to you.
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Sounds like a perfect way to settle things, honestly. WE GOT OUR FIRST PACT.
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The final part of the lesson is about how Mammon is back to his usual level of greediness (and also really peppy and is pissing Belphegor off lol). Lucifer thanks you too, and you tell him that part of Mammon's recovery is thanks to his words back in the Celestial Realm. They all go back to normal, with Satan summoning something at breakfast because Mammon pissed him off and Lucifer having to intervene pffft.
Also, they mention this off handedly, but it soon becomes relevant: Asmo is missing from breakfast. It made me go "uh oh. He's next, isn't he."
Pan to the next scene:
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Yup, he's next.
I actually had to go and look up the order of the pacts we make with the demon brothers in the og game because I wasn't sure if Asmo was second. I thought since Mammon was first that they were going to follow the same pact order, but it seems like it's not. In the og game Mammon was first, then Leviathan, Beel, Asmo, Satan, Belphie and lastly Lucifer. But here it seems Asmo is going to be second.
It breaks my heart a bit because in lesson 22 Asmo was terrified of ending up just like Mammon when he was fully consumed by his Greed aaaaa. We've already had a trip to the Celestial Realm with Asmo though, so I wonder if they're going to do the same thing as Mammon (showing the reason he chose to join Lucifer) or do something else entirely. We have to wait until next Friday to see it.
The extra scene takes place a bit after both Mammon and you wake up, leaving him to rest a bit while you go meet the rest of the brothers to give them an update. Simeon goes down memory lane about all the times Mammon had tried to get Lucifer's attention, including one time he went to grab a crystal lily for Luci, got himself lost and Lucifer had to go and fetch him. Another time he blew the kitchen up trying to cook dinner for Lucifer's birthday lmfao and when Lucifer's about to join in the fun of telling Mammon's old stories, Mammon bursts in and begs him to stop HAHAH
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Okay this part was really cute www I love them.
After finishing the lesson you get a video call too! AGAIN! This time is just Mammon and you (before Levi and Beel join in), with Mammon begging you to keep quiet about the hug he gave you. It's short and funny. I wish I could add more than 30 pictures so I could show you Levi's 3d face here, because it had me cracking up lmfao
The hard mode scene takes place in Mammon's room as he's wondering if you two have really made a pact after all, because he feels no different and you should have a bit of his powers. As if on cue, you get a message that you've won the lottery and Satan pops in to give you money as thanks of giving him his wallet back a few days prior.
You use the stay command too, and Mammon comments that it's stronger now. That's a good sign that you're getting your powers back!
I'm really curious to see what it'll happen with Asmo ;u; and who the next brother will be, since it seems to be random (unless I'm missing something. It's not birth order, nor previous pact order either....). We shouldn't forget about that prophecy book, either. I don't trust any off-hand mentions in this game lmao.
Oh, and the German titles for the cards in normal mode this round are: Slothful Sieben for Belphie, and then it switches to different titles for the others. Great Acht for Diavolo, Confident Neun for Barbatos and Sacred Zehn for Luke. Simeon and Solomon are the only ones missing, then come the other three undateables (I think).
That's all for this week!
Edit: LESSON 24!!
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tigertofu · 2 years ago
You’ve probably already wrote about this but what about headcanons for Trevor as a husband and father?
i actually havent written abt him as a husband and i have done some headcanons of him as a new father (heres that list if ur interested n havent seen it already) but i'll very happily do more so ty for this request !! 💕💕 love thinking abt him in Domestic situations........
pairing: reader/Trevor (no gendered language used for reader)
summary: headcanon list of Trevor as a husband and father.
cw's: child endangerment ?
wordcount: 1,044
as a husband : 
• when it comes to Trevor and marriage, canonically, there’s some uhhh mixed signals? he’s said to Michael that he isn’t “the marrying type” but we also have seen him beg total strangers to marry him (like Mary Ann). i think, if he were to seriously consider marrying somebody, it would be after dating for quiiiiite awhile. he’d want to make absolutely sure that the person he proposes to is someone who will truly dedicate themselves to being with him for the rest of their life cuz boy howdy i cannot imagine his abandonment issues and a possible divorce mixing well at all. he’d wanna make sure 100% that the marriage will last forever. but once he does propose, it will be both sentimental and casual. probably somewhere important to the two of you, like the place where you first met, or had your first date, or fucked for the first time.
• the second you two are married, he’ll be overjoyed by the fact that someone loves him enough to want to spend the rest of their life with him, so he’ll be coasting through ecstatic, marital bliss for a long while after the wedding. just in the best of moods. he’ll be extremely clingy during this time, more than ever. smothering really. he’ll wanna spend as much time as possible with you. he’ll love to show you off every chance he gets; mention that he’s married to a wonderful person every chance he gets, to everyone he comes into contact with. 
• he’ll expect you to move in with him (if you aren’t already living together at his place) after getting married cuz there’s no way in hell he’s moving out of his trailer if he doesn’t have to. he’ll let you renovate/redecorate/clean the place as much as you want, though.  
• one caveat for this newly married phase: he won’t immediately understand that being married = assumed mutual monogamy. and this isn’t because of any malicious reason at all; he’ll just continue on enjoying strippers as he always has and he won’t try to hide it because he won’t even be aware that he's doing something generally frowned upon. you’ll quickly notice that he’s still visiting the Vanilla Unicorn for more than just business reasons. once you tell him that hey, being married means not fucking (or groping or ogling) anybody but your spouse, he’ll knock off the stripper habit for good. he might have a mini breakdown and assume you’re about to tell him you’re leaving him when you first start the “hey no more strippers” convo, but will calm down once you tell him that you aren’t planning on a divorce or anything. 
• he will frequently bring you little gifts. bouquets of dandelions picked from the side of the highway or flowers yoinked from some random house’s garden, takeout dinner from your favorite restaurant, articles of clothing that he sees in the shops while out alone and assumes you would look good in (that will also probably not be anywhere near your size or style). it’s the thought that counts, though. and every time he brings you home a little treat or something special, he will present it to you with the biggest, self–satisfied grin because he knows that that’s what good husbands do and he is being the totally greatest husband ever.   
• he will constantly ask if he’s being a good husband and will need frequent reassurance that yes, he is being good. because of his abandonment issues, he will always be a little weary about treating you well.
as a father: 
• imo Trevor as a father can be pretty much summed up in three words: protective, problematic, and proud. 
• from early on in the child’s life he will be sure to pound into their head that they are THE smartest, strongest, bestest son/daughter ever. this is for two reasons. 1 (subconscious): his mother and her myriad of boyfriends/husbands/johns never gave him a single encouraging word while he was growing up and he will want to kind of heal from that by being the exact opposite with his own child. and 2 (very much conscious): any child of his is just going to be the Strongest Smartest Bestest Kid Ever because duh, they came from good stock.
• he may not be the most involved dad (busy with his work and such), but he will be a fun dad. so fun it’s dangerous. kid sees their dad handling a gun one day and expresses interest? time for Baby’s First Firearm! who cares if they aren’t even old enough to write their own name? doesn’t matter. it’s a tough world out there; get that kid a fucking pistol and teach them how to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights ASAP. arguments may occur when you try to tell Trevor that no, the kid is not old enough for a gun or a knife or a dirtbike or fire crackers or any other number of age–inappropriate things. despite being extremely protective of his offspring, the largest threat to their wellbeing will be, inadvertently, him. 
• he’ll probably wanna “”””””homeschool“””””” the kid because (according to him) fuck the government they teach useless stuff in public schools nowadays anyways and his kid isn't gonna waste their precious formative years learning about US presidents and the fucking water cycle no sirree they're gonna learn how to make it out in the Real World. curriculum will include how to shoot at the earliest age you are okay with the kid handling a gun, how to drive as soon as they’re tall enough to reach the gas pedal of Trevor’s Bodhi, how to deal with cops and the shady characters that inhabit Sandy Shores, how to scrap, etc etc etc.
• the kid will absolutely love Trevor though. like absolutely adore him and very much look up to him. he already has a bit of experience with handling kids because of being around for Jimmy and Tracey's childhoods, but there will be a few things in the parenting department that would be better left up to you. like how to healthily process emotions, how to politely interact with other people, how to maintain personal hygiene, etc.
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