#troy has a camera
forgottenporkbun · 5 days
Thinking about that time i went to the library and this guy passed by me and i thought 'man- that looks like Craig Digsby (thac tv nature breaks)' and i laughed internally, but then froze and did a double take just to make sure. Sometimes the autism can make us a bit silly.
anyways why tf an i not asleep- whatever- i shall leave you with this. Goodnight my fellow insane people.
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marsfingershurt · 14 days
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drawing her is therapy actually
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Back on my bullshit (im so convinced that abed knows he’s in a show)
Why don’t any of the characters swear when it would be so much more realistic if they did? It’s because Abed censors them. They all just assume it’s because he doesn’t like swearing but it’s actually bc he knows that a camera is somewhere and their audience will be expanded if they don’t curse
#abed community#abed nadir#if youre seeing this post out of context the backstory is that i fully believe abed knows he’s on a show#but the fourth wall is translucent not transparent#he can mostly tell when a camera will be there but it’s not a guaranteed bet every single time#im using this theory to explain things about the show to myself#like you’re telling me jeff winger isnt saying some variation of ‘fuck’ every other line?? no#that britta perry isn’t saying swearing like a sailor whenever she can as an act of rebellion because ‘they’re just words’#that annie edison has never told anyone to go fuck themselves#i dont believe that they wouldnt swear#unless their good friend abed was like ‘hey guys can you maybe stop swearing so much’#and they’re like oh no we’re so sorry to have made you uncomfortable#meanwhile he’s sitting there like ‘this is going to increase viewership so fucking much’#that’s why some of their misadventures don’t make the cut. the episode where they flashed back to the wild west scene#with some guy shooting at them? they were all cursing at the top of their lungs as they ran away from bullets#the camping trip that they allude to? jeff was saying ‘fuck camping’ any time anyone would listen#i feel like troy knows that abed doesn’t actually mind swearing bc they probably both swear when it’s just them#plus he never says anything when anyone swears in the movies they watch together#but he just goes along with whatever the vibe is at the time#anyways that’s the tedtalk
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thesilverdoll · 2 months
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This is the chance of ten lifetimes.
Every five years, twenty breakthrough actors compete over ten weeks for the name of TVs newest obsession, the silver doll. The winner, decided by the global audience, is historically known to make it big. You auditioned on a whim alongside your best friend, and somehow the both of you have made it to the final round of auditions!
Now, all you have to do is make the final cut, get along with your celebrity mentor, remember your lines and... win—all with a camera (or ten) in your face. Don't get discouraged, you made it this far for a reason.
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› Customise yourself! Groom yourself into TVs next biggest thing—pick your style, your approach to scenes, your public image, your strengths and weaknesses as an actor. As well as your appearance, personality, gender and your plan b... if you have one.
› Establish relationships with your peers! Befriend your competitors or betray them... engage in a behind-the-scenes rendezvous or two, try and gain a more intimate look into your celebrity mentors life, try and befriend everyone on stage, or keep to yourself and focus on winning.
› Compete! Participate in different challenges throughout the show. Put your best dance shoes on for theatre week, practice your screams for horror week, hope you don't get paired with someone waspish in romance week... decide how you approach each performance, and see how your choices impact your results!
› Furthermore... interact with your fans! Viewership is your best friend in The Silver Doll, so make sure you're on top of your social media game... or you can try to play the mysterious cards and keep away from public eye as much as possible, if you think that'll work out for you. Just... be careful how much you share, there's a gossip blog following the shows BTS that seems to know a little too much.
*full character profiles coming soon.
- Beck Taylor; he/him or she/her, 21.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Your childhood best friend that convinced you to audition beside them. Computer science student turned dropout to pursue a life on the big screen, Beck may not have years of acting under their belt, but they do have a natural talent for the dramatics. Plus, with you by their side and their on-and-off girlfriend, Sarika, at home cheering them on, they can do anything.
Beck is tall at 6'6, black, with dark braided hair and brown eyes.
- Stirling 'Sekani' Stokes, he/him, 24.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Sekani, as he wants to be known as, is the textbook example of a nepo baby. Born to two of TVs most recognisable faces, he's grown up in the spotlight. Sekani is here to prove to the world that he has the talent to grace the big screen, despite his family name... and also to prove to himself that acting is something he actually likes doing in the first place. Yeah… he’s a bit of a mess.
Sekani is 5'10, white, with messy black hair and pale green eyes.
- Troy Allard-Rose, she/her, 23.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎An aspiring actress since she was making her barbies perform dramatic monologues at six, Troy is here to win, and she’ll be damned if she lets some amateurs stop that from happening. Acting is all Troy knows, she’s been in performing arts schools and film camps alike— this is her dream. She won’t let anyone tell her she’s not worthy of achieving it.
Troy is 5’5, white, with platinum blonde hair and dark brown eyes.
Esra Ihimaera, they/them, 27.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Esra is a member of the production crew, and your very own cameraperson. They’re in charge of doing the closed interviews, and also take care of a lot of the day-to-day filming. A little less extroverted than the celebrities surrounding them, but their sweet heart and eye for detail makes them a whole lot more interesting in other aspects.
Esra is 5’11, Māori, with short bleached hair and dark brown eyes.
Bethany Tian, she/they, 28.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎One of the best stylists on the show, Beth is in charge of your hair, makeup and wardrobe for the next ten weeks. Talkative and energetic beyond belief, Beth is hard to get rest around, but she’s good to keep morale up. She’s styled celebrities for red carpets and space-exploration scenes alike. From SFX makeup to high glamour looks, there’s nothing you can’t pull off when Beth is the one styling you.
Bethany is 5’2, Chinese, with long pink hair and black eyes.
*both mentors are romanceable
- Rome Alivia, he/him, 26.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ A successful child-actor turned even more successful actor into his adulthood, Rome is a family name. Though he’s scrutinising and hard to wrench out of his working mindset, Rome hasn’t let the fame get to his head. He’s dedicated to improving his mentee’s abilities as actors rather than having a focus on winning.
Rome is 6’2, white, with brown hair and brown eyes.
- Shaan Jha, they/them, 30.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎The last Silver Doll, Shaan is happy to return to the set that kickstarted their fame and fortunes five years prior. Eager to mould their best mentee into a winner, Shaan is optimistic in the best of times and downright delusional in the worst. They've proven their talents, though, and are positive it will be one of their mentees that win.
Shaan is 5'8, Indian, with long brown and blonde hair and brown eyes.
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The Silver Doll is rated 18+ for depictions of drug and alcohol consumption, strong language, infidelity, and optional sexual scenes.
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Wonder Woman and the Egg
So, for anyone who doesn't know, Helen of Troy was born from an egg. 
So the idea came after Danny was hit by a new weapon that Vlad had stolen from Pandora. It ended with Danny being imprisoned. It was a boring time for him. 
Justice League/DC
Diana had found the egg while she was on patrol, and she knew it was not a normal egg. And after Clark told her, it was not a chicken but a fetus building inside of it. She chose to incubate it herself; she doesn't even want to know which God's fault it was, but someone has to take care of it. 
It had been a fast and cute time for her, and with the help of her friends and family, she was able to do it! And the egg started to hatch; sadly, she had missed it because of a mission, but she had a video from the security cameras. 
Her tiny blue eyes and black-haired baby boy were the most adorable beings she ever saw! And just in 1 week he could already stand on 2 legs. 
Diana was already thinking about what kind of toy weapon she could train him with, how to dress him up, and all that… And Bruce, you can't adopt him, but I'll take the Batman onesie. 
Diana was like a proud mother bird as she rhapsodized about her tiny Daniel to her friends, sisters, mother, and even her enemies. Cheetah would rather put herself back in prison than listen to more than one word. And Diana was scary as she noticed she was ignored by her. 
Then all ended very badly for everyone. 
As Daniel was first hit by a boomerang and then taken into a portal by a green dog. 
To say that Diana of Themyscira was pissed would be understated. She would show why she is known as Wonder Woman, the God Killer. 
Diana had hatched him and raised him, and his Godly Parents could not just steal and take him away!
Amity Park
Sam and Tucker had no idea how to fix their friend. At least they got their friend back and will help him get his real age back. Somehow. 
Sam:" But he looks adorable. "
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wormnamedwax · 2 months
personally one of my favorite gags on star trek is when something insane happens and it’s literally never mentioned in future episodes. my running list (of what i’ve seen)
-the sulu shirtless fencing incident
-mirror dimension episode.
-wesley indirectly creates a society of sentient nanites
-main antagonist turns out to be a child and is taken home by their parents. i think this actually happens at least twice in TOS
-the episode that revels kirk is one of the nine people who survived a genocidal dictator. said dictator has become an actor in a shakespeare troupe that hosts a show on the ship while his daughter (also an actor) has progressively been killing the remaining survivors
-alien parasite species that has been slowly infiltrating the federation by mind controlling high ranking members and acting out murder ploys. also making a man’s head and torso blow up (they used raw meat for this)
-cartoonish irish dude whose bullying scarred kirk so bad that it’s still on his mind. kirk spends like a solid minute trying to beat him up on camera too
-any sort of alien sex drive episode
-counselor troi being psychologically tormented by a music box (sort of)
-“dig it in there mr spock” this literally haunts me but the trouble with edward tribble thing is even worse that actually traumatized me as the first piece of star trek media i was shown
-transporters being able to make value judgements
-threshold episode where they were turned into salamanders, had salamander babies, AND THEN ABANDONED THEM
-Riker 2: The Rikening
-The Game (funny on title alone)
-oh and worf hunting picard and data in another evolution themed episode
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defectivegembrain · 9 days
Abed's secret video that's just a compilation of every time Troy did something he found cute on camera. It takes days to watch and has to be stored on an expensive external hard drive.
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the0retically · 3 months
Wonderlust #1: One Man’s Trash:
Thoughts below! :)
- The intro is so cool I love this
- The different camera angels??? Holy shit??
- Oh god the voice Charlie is already doing, can’t wait for this character to destroy me emotionally
- This combat is insane oh my god??
- Troy’s dad?? Who is that
- Condi just on the other side is so funny to me like hi Canada man
- Charlie is just truly spitballing and has no thoughts behind it love it
- Damn poor Troy lost the big race
- One more race!
- God Troy is such a jock I love him
- “Thanks to your father” oh?? Hmmm
- He has a fountain and it has the only running water that is Very sus
- Troy has a concussion????? Also may seems sweet and Troy is just so—love him
- Love the repeated “Troy math Troy math”
- Please he’s trying so hard to be cool and prove himself
- “My dad is gonna turn you into a clock?” HUH???
- Poor bizly this npc is cool and Charlie is making him just buzz
- He’s crying :(
- May??
- He lost his sled??
- THE ART!!!!!
- The green screen change!!
- Bizly is so good at descriptions I love his style of dming
- RUNT!!!!
- Oh I love runt so much
- :((((((( the street rats :(((((( I love them
- :( a match lights the dark room I MISS RIPTIDE
- I love uncle threestrings oh my god he’s so cool
- If anything happens to him I’m going to cry
- Also…….runt…??? You’re sick, you ok?
- Runt are you my chronic pain/chronic illness Queen?
- “Use this on your knee twice a day!” UNCLE THREESTRINGS WITH KNEE PAIN !!!!!
- Also love his singing it’s so fun
- This tunnel is cool heist time
- Oof runt is getting pinched to death, girl??
- Runt took it apart!! Love her little artificer girl!
- :(((((( she sees the stars and the moon
- The music is so cool I love this
- “Nothing else you’re just gonna open the door?” BIZLY NO RUNTS CURIOUS
- Uh oh, three loud bangs
- Oh doppler was taken, yikes I don’t think anyone but runt is getting out of this
- Please it’s not even roll initiative it’s just roll to run away
- Runt :(((((
- Tell her what? ………..if they lose people they don’t go after them? Oh god
- Interestingggggggg runt isn’t telling them about the crystal
- OH THE VIBE CHANGE??? Uncle T please there was a tragedy and you’re just playing your banjo
- God runt is just a kid
- Grizz and Bizly laughing about the big circle in the sky and being confused on who put it there please that’s so funny
- Runt isn’t allowed back up there :(
- She was just curious :( give her another chance!! :((((( runt
- oh, she can’t even go there to say hi and show stuff, runt :(((((( my sweet girl I’m so sorry
- “Dude he gets so hyped about the cups” YAY!!!!
- Yeah at least Runt didn’t shit her pants
- Aim sees the rock? Hmmm, runt didn’t you want that to be secret
- …………does this belong to Blink?
- CONDI TIME!!!!! BLINK!!!!!!!!
- I love his design so much
- Gotta love the belts, true Condi design!!!!
- The vixens??
- “She’s looking for you” “aeon’s always looking for me” OH????
- God gram-gram just stealing the box from blink, please??
- PLEASE???? She just makes him do side quests????? That’s so funny
- BIZLYS FACE BROKE ME “if I was reasonable person I would never” “but you will :D cause you’re not reasonable are you!” Just the soft smile, it’s so funny to me
- Please granny trying so hard to make blink and aeon friends again AHHHHH AEON’S HERE
- “An iron fist huh? Actually it’s leather, gets the job done” AHHHH HELLO??
- HELLO AEON! She’s so pretty!!
- “Was it the street rats?” “Shut your fucking mouth!” PLEASE
- :((((( blink doesn’t have a house
- “What do I get out of this” “a warm feeling in your heart?” This is such a cool dynamic I love this
- Oh god she punches Blink??
- The art!!!!! Troy just chasing Blink????? Oh my god??? “Don’t play hard to get with me, I’ll fucking catch you!” WHAT?
- He just sleds after him oh my god??????
- “What is your costume made out of” TROY PLEASE????
- “There’s no need to be such a freak” TROY?????
- He thinks it’s a convention??????
- “Is that like a slur?” TROY OH MY GOD?????
- Not Troy telling Blink that they need a hole to throw their trash down???? Oh my god??? That’s crazy
- “I don’t know I’m not supposed to tell you!” Troy?? What do you mean by that?
- Troy with a concussion!!!!! He’s just like me!! “I’ll protect a worse one and that’ll undo it” I—
- Troy just thinking that Blink is in character is so funny
- “Dude hey, you look stressed” Troy please??
- “No one’s chasing you, no one’s sticking with you because they may have ulterior motives!” Troy, baby boy, you’re dumb
- Ok so Troy may have already been with the vixens?? Or it’s something else I don’t know? Or it’s just him wanting to get back up
- The imagery is so clear I love it I can see these characters and where they are
- Please they just made up random ass names for themselves
- Troy my guy be better
- “I will crush 30 of these I won’t even blink…oh sorry” TROY OH MY GOD
- Environmentalist activist blink! Let’s go!
- “I’m gonna be Frank” “WHO THE FUCK IS FRANK?” Oh my god
- PLEASE TROY IS SO FUNNY???? He’s a jock that just is so incredibly dumb
- Oop Troy with daddy issues
- I—Charlie is just so lost in Troy right now
- “You know sometimes I think about guys!” TROY????
- Troy stop talking pleaseeeee
- Oh god blink just running away with troy
- Bizly is rolling so badly this session oh my god
- “A blunt arrow comes whizzing by your head” “a blunt what? I smoke it” HUH?
- How are they even doing this??
- “You definitely don’t make it 30 feet up” “well to me it feels like that!”
- “I lost this cast iron a couple years ago” TROY?????
- A NAT 1 AND A NAT 20 OH MY GOD????
- Graphite seems cool!
- Troy peak adhd boy, love him
- “You just say things don’t you?” “….Troy”
- I miss runt
- ohhhhh blink was in the apothecary before
- She’s been tailing them!!
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ncityavenue · 1 year
| Ménage à trois | L.MK & L.HC
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》in which you and mark find out that haechan has been getting off on you two having a sex
Warnings: Softdom!Mark, Switch!Haechan, creampie, a little anal, mxm (Haechan momentarily touches Mark's dick), Switch!reader, pervy!haechan, boob play, Masturbation, Squirting, just straight up filth.
A/N: I....I have no words.
Ménage à trois :
threesome in french
It was 12:00pm, apparently the designated time you and mark fucked. You guys never noticed that though, but Haechan did.
He knew the look on your faces before and after you guys had sex, he knew his best friend Mark couldn't keep his hands to himself and his dick in his pants for too long when you guys have movie nights and both of your bodies are hid under the covers.
He knew the neediness in your voice when you spoke to mark, which he found cute and goddamn his friend for being so lucky to experience it often.
A few months ago was the first time Haechan masturbated to the sound of you and mark fucking, he was glad because he already premeditated to play himself but he couldn't find any good porn to jack off to. The cute couple you are decided to go on a date for your anniversary, leaving haechan alone in the house. The young boy knew what that meant when you came home.
He thought he would be traumatized and disgusted by his two bestfriends fucking but no he was turned on, he hated himself a little for it but he couldn't help it. His cock was twitching from the occasional skin slapping and the continuous moaning.
He loved your moans, they sounded so sexy and slutty. Especially when you were close, they got higher and even more slutty. Couldn't describe it but Haechan knew he liked it.
Today, you guys were rather more quiet than usual. Maybe Mark or yourself did some rational thinking and started being more quiet since there were other parties in the house. But, no can do for haechan. He wanted to Masturbate and it's been every since that first night that he actually watched porn to get him off. It was very occasional now.
So he tipped toed his way towards you guy's bedroom, with his phone in hand. He thought about recording again so he has more material to work with, he crept around the corner and surprisingly the door was creaked opened.
Maybe they think I'm sleep
Haechan thought, he didn't dwell on it too much since now he sees you displayed out on your bed with your legs opened showing your glistening pussy. Your boobs spilled out of your Grey crop top while mark was fully clothed eating you out hungrily.
He felt weird thinking about his friend Mark looking kind of pretty eating out his girlfriend, Mark's cheeks were a little flushed with your essence covering his lips and chin.
"Oh shit" you moaned pulled your head back tucking your lips into your mouth, Mark sucked on your clit as his long fingers were deep inside of you.
Haechan pressed record on his camera, he was self aware that he could be a loud when moaning so he stuffed some of his shirt in his mouth. He pulled his hard cock out of his loose shorts, he spreads the pre cum over the head of his cock going at a steady speed.
You dragged your hands through Mark's black hair, his hands kept your legs from moving so much. Mark's tongue explored your hole, slurping your juices and sucking your pussy gracefully.
Mark removed his mouth from your oozing cunt with pop sound, " you like when my tongue fucks your pretty little cunt hm? " Mark spoke before going back in this time he mainly focused on your clitoris dancing his tongue up and around the swollen nub.
Haechan fucked into his fist quicker noting he was still taking a video, his tried to steady his huffs through his nostrils. He heard a few smacks which made his eyes go doe eyed again. He saw mark slapping your pussy repeatedly before he saw little spurts of clear juices coming out of you, this is the first time he's seen you squirt or pussy full on display for that matter.
Most of the time by the time he snoops on y'all, Mark's cock is already deep inside you.
"C'mon baby tell me," Mark continues to slap it, you whine out in pleasure this being the first you've been loud today. Mark hushes you fondling your tits "hush baby don't you want haechan to be sound asleep?"
Ahh, so they did think Haechan was sleep. That's laughable, if only they knew their precious Hyuckie was jerking off to them.
You nodded your head vigorously trying to muffled your whimpers by putting your hand over your mouth.
Mark seemed satisfied enough to fuck you with his fingers again, using his middle and ring finger to aggressively his your g spot again. Muffled moans echoed in the room, the cute moans got whiny before your hips bucked and your legs shook a bit. You squirted all over marks arm, Mark played with your tits as his hand slowly exited your hole.
Haechan shot his load into his shorts so he wouldn't have any traces of him standing right there, his legs were a little weak but he had to find his way back to his room before getting caught. The video was successfully filmed and stuff away in his camera roll, before he plopped on his bed feeling like perverted loser not for the very first time though.
On the other hand, Mark sucked his fingers cleaning them up from the juices and gave you a passionate kiss while your legs went limp on the damp bed.
"You gotta remind me to place towels on the bed before we do this stuff, lovebug." Mark squeezed your thigh.
"I wasn't expecting to squirt Mark." You huffed.
"Dude, you squirted like at least a gallon just now." Mark looked at the damped white sheets panning back to you who was currently in the bedroom bathroom taking a leak.
"How do you still find a way to call me dude after you make me cum" you questioned chuckling.
"I mean it affectionately, dude." Mark says grabbing the sheets off the bed and tossing it in the dirty laundry bin.
You just came outside from getting a few groceries leaving the boys behind, you jammed the keys into the door handle opening the door up and nearly knocking yourself over getting inside.
"I'm baaaack" You sing, it was another movie night for the three of you.
Still neither of Mark or you know that just yesterday haechan was spying on you getting eaten out by Mark, which is why everything feels so natural right now.
Mark raised arms up, "WOOO! She brought the snacks!!"
Haechan helped you out with bags placing them on table, "Are we watching movies in here or one of our bedrooms?"
"Let's go in your domain, we rarely watch movies in your room hyuckie." You suggested.
"Unless it smells musty." Mark mumbles already digging into a bag of chips.
"Hey! I keep my room clean!" Haechan argued.
"Love you Mark but before I stepped into your life your room was always trashed. Haechan's only problem is the constant smell of sex even though he hasn't brought a girl home in a long time and redbulls EVERYWHERE." You say.
"He could be bringing them behind our backs." Mark shrugs, Haechan snatched the chip bag from him.
"That's neither of your business, and can we please just pick a room?" Haechan said looking between both of you, you shrugged bringing the grocery bag of snacks in haechan's room.
The boys followed behind you and not without mark slapping your butt making you giggle, you crawled onto the bed getting comfortable in the area you'll be at for awhile.
"Getting comfortable in another man's bed huh?" Mark joked, the bed dips as he joined you leaving haechan as the last one.
You were in the lucky middle as the warmth of both of Haechan and Mark's took over you, you flipped through the movies as you heard loud chopping in your right ear.
"Can you stop eating so loud?" You geared your attention to Haechan.
"I'm not even eating loud, it's really quiet in here." Haechan defends.
You went back to going through movies, "I can't find anything."
"Let's just watch Spider-Man into the Spider-verse." Mark suggested, you huffed knowing it's been the umpteenth time watching that movie.
You pressed play getting comfortable in between the two men that were just munching on snacks.
A few minutes into the movie you and haechan are bored by the movie watching tiktoks on his phone giggling at them while Mark was deep into the movie as if he hasn't watched it like 100 times.
"I gotta pee I'll be right back." Haechan excused himself.
"Oh haechan could I use your phone real quick? My phone died." You asked, Haechan nodded before running off to use it.
Haechan didn't think too much about you using his phone considering you have before, you never found the videos he's filmed of you and mark fucking so he didn't think this moment will be any different.
You snooped around on his phone because maybe you could find a funny photo or something slightly embarrassing on his phone to poke fun at him for since he's definitely done that to you and mark. All in light fun.
You went in his camera roll because you knew something embarrassing might be in there, that's until you saw a file that says "XXX" you got curious maybe getting the idea of this file probably being filled with porn. You opened and you nearly dropped it on the ground, you immediately knew that by the first video that it was you and mark.
You turned the volume down and pressed play, it was the newest one of Mark eating your pussy. You gasped watching the video.
You watched a few more seconds, "babe..look at this shit." You say quietly, you nudged him to get his attention.
"If it's another video of a a cow giving birth. No thank you." Mark declined.
"No bitch! Look!" You shoved the phone in his face, he looked at it in confusion until he saw clearly that it was him and you.
"What the actual fuck..." Mark couldn't believe his eyes, his best friend having a video of him sucking his girl's clit.
You turned the volume up a bit hearing heavy breathing coming from the video, "oh my god I think he's jacking off."
Mark snickered, "he sure is." It settled in Mark's brain that of course haechan's sly little self would do something like this. Haechan has always been so pervy, so he knew that he wouldn't just be third wheeling without having a little fun himself.
Mark watched you still be in pure shock, "babe I know you're not surprised by this behavior from him, he's Haechan for God sakes."
"Yeah I know but like— I don't know what if he's selling this on the internet and getting money for it?" You asked.
"He's too selfish to do that." Mark replied simply. He paused the movie turning his full body towards you, he had a wicked idea but waited for you to put the phone down.
"We should give him a show maybe, make it real and infront of him." Mark squeezed your thighs before bring your face closer to him.
"In his bed?"
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Mark says, he grabbed you in for a kiss running his hand under your shirt. You pulled him in more wrapping your right leg around his waist.
Haechan finished on the bathroom, "I decided to do a little skin care before coming ba—" he watched you and mark making out while mark dry humps you "uhm in my bed though?"
Mark paused the kiss, "we found your sick little secret." You picked up his phone waving it side to side.
"Your videos of us?" You raised an eyebrow.
Haechan immediately went red he tried to get a word out but all he was doing was stuttering while watching you and mark making out on his bed, he just stood there as if someone super glued him to the floor.
You parted yourself from mark, your hand being inches away from haechan's pulling him closer to you.
"There's nothing to be afraid of now, you finally could let your secret unfold now." You reassured him.
Haechan gazed at mark to silently ask if he could obliged to you, Mark shrugged in a 'go ahead' way.
"When I hear you guys fucking I jack off each time, I've even betrayed my trusty porn for you guys. " Haechan willingly admitted.
You stifled a giggle before pushing him onto the bed, "what a perv you are, my sweet innocent little hyuckie getting his rocks off to his best friends fucking..how ironic."
"When was he ever innocent?" Mark scoffed, haechan glared at the boy before his attention was towards you again considering you were now straddling him.
His hands rested on your hips while you pecked his neck,edging your way to his lips. He gladly accepted your lips to his, you made out with Haechan you felt another pair of hands roam your ass. Mark kneaded it, smacking it causing you to muffle a moan inside hyuck's mouth.
"Touch me, hyuck." You breathed, haechan wasted no time as his hands found its way to your breasts, He copied Mark's motion.
You subconsciously started grinding on hyuck's crotch, you easily could feel his erection since he was wearing loose shorts.
"See how needy she is dude? She can't wait for your cock to be buried inside her." Mark starts to rub your clothed clit teasingly.
You fully sat yourself on haechan's dick to take your shirt off with help of Mark, you didn't have a bra on so they easily were free. You lowered yourself again, your tits were in haechan's face he simultaneously started sucking your boobs. You grind yourself on his dick faster but Mark stopped you.
"You're not easily going to let her take over huh?" Mark questioned.
Haechan became confused, " think about it, this curious little whore wanted to snoop on your phone. Invading your privacy. She should pay the price for that, no?" Mark clarifies.
You stayed silent waiting for haechan's answer.
"What was I thinking? You wanted to be nosy." Haechan slapped your ass.
Right now you couldn't think of a smart reply, Mark quickly dragged your shorts off.
"Get on your back" Haechan ordered, you obliged quickly kicking off your bottoms. You already was spreading your legs for hyuck without him even suggesting it, with that, haechan started kissing your thighs.
"You're free to mark her up just don't do too much." Mark said, haechan sucked on your right thigh giving it a bruise and licking it. He copied the same technique on the left, he had an idea and acted on it quickly. Smacking your clit mirroring what mark did on Friday.
You were surprised by this action from him and gasped, he continued it a few times intensely watching you shudder and whimper. You were focused on the pain and pleasure that you didn't realize mark slipping his sweats off and walking his way to you with cock in hand. He brushed the head of it over your nipple, he jerked himself off on your chest.
"Put your pretty mouth to some use hm?" Mark tilted his head sweetly making you almost forget what position you were in right now, you opened your mouth letting mark shove his cock inside.
Haechan entered two fingers in your hole, he hoped that mark would show him how to make you squirt because that's all he's dreamed of, wanting to make you squirt all over him. Make a mess on him. But he continued his drawn out thrusts inside your cunt.
Your whines vibrated on Mark's cock, causing him to subconsciously jerk his hips forward.
Haechan's lips clasps onto your clit sucking as if his life depends on it, your legs shook from the slight sensitivity on it. His tongue wiggles left and right on your clit, he timidly watched you struggle to keep a flow on sucking marks cock. Haechan slurps the new juices dripping from your pussy, he hums lowly as he sways his head up and down hanging on to your bud.
Mark held your head in place so he could fuck your face, your cheeks hallowed bringing him to curse out loud throwing his head back. The gargling sounds of him thrusting his dick in your mouth made you even more wet and haechan could tell.
"She's getting more wet by you fucking her mouth, hyung." Haechan pointed out.
"Awhhh you little slut, you love when I fuck your throat hm? " Mark said teasingly, he did a stern thrust which hit the back of your throat aggressively. He slid his cock out of you, he was a little sad that he couldn't finish in your mouth but he had other plans.
"Stick your tongue out." Mark demanded, you did as told and Mark patted his tip on your tongue a few times. He replaced his tip with his fingers and dug his hand in the back of your throat to collect your spit. You sucked on his fingers and he nearly busted all over your face from that alone.
"Normally she's not this good, maybe because your here y/n decides to behave but usually I'd have to brat tame her." Mark says to haechan as if you're not in the room.
"I appreciate it, princess." Haechan spoke before continuing his dirty deed. Mark eased his fingers out of your mouth, he walked over towards hyuck's place. Mark buried his fingers in your cunt while hyuck sucks your clit profusely. You moaned out loud this time full out, the moans beginning to echo in the room.
Now you had both men drawing their attention to your pussy. Mark had whispered something to Haechan, which made you excited and scared considering this entire time they were communicating out loud.
Haechan took his mouth of your clit and let Mark take over, Mark spat on your clit. His thumb speedily rubbing on your clit now while his tongue fucked into your pussy. His warm tongue wiggles around your g spot.
"Oh fu— please right there I'm so fucking close!" Your hand flew to Mark's head trying to push him further.
Mark stopped abruptly making you curse, "not so fast love."
He traveled his way back on the bed, he laid himself on his back grabbing your hips to gesture you to ride him. You maneuver your way onto his lap, he lines his cock with your entrance you sit on it swallowing his dick inside you. You move your hips back and forth still getting use to his size even after fucking him so many times, Haechan still couldn't believe he was having a threesome with you two. Just a day ago was he fantasizing and dreaming about him fucking y'all well more likely you.
Mark grabbed your hips snapping his hips into yours fucking you at rapid pace, "you're so fucking wet, ugh fuck— you're so fucking beautiful like this."
You were pressed against him and you smashed your lips on your boyfriend's lips, this gave haechan a nice view of your ass. He needed to finger your asshole.
"C-could I finger your ass?" Hyuck asks, you hummed as a signal for him to do so. He brought his fingers to your mouth letting you suck on them, he looked at mark a second but immediately read his mind from the look on his face. He dragged his fingers to his mouth entering his fingers in Mark's mouth as well, there he had both of your salivas on his digits. He went back to your only unused hole, he started off with his pointer finger to prep you for the second finger. You gasped from the pain and pleasure mixing together pleasantly.
Mark continued to fuck you silly, hyuck pumped his finger in and out slowly but once your ass got use to the feeling he added his middle finger. He lost a little control fucking your ass crazily. Your moans encouraged the both of them to keep up their animalistic varieties of pounding. Your juices over flooded on Mark's cock, he slipped out abruptly causing you to squirt on him.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck!! Yes yes please oh my—" you started focusing on haechan's fingers rampaging your asshole. He kept it up long enough for you to squirt again, he was surprised from it. He didn't know you squirt from only your ass being annihilated. Mark watched in awe along with Hyuck, he was so focused with that he momentarily forgot he wasn't inside of you. Haechan helped him out by lining Mark's dick up again with your cunt, he pumped him just a bit to rough him up.
"Your ass is so pretty baby." Haechan mentions before taking his fingers out and smacking both of your cheeks one at a time while sucking on hid digits.
Mark became louder signaling his close to cumming, "Oh shit babe stay still, im gonna fuck my cum so deep in you!!" His thrusts became sloppy and you clutched onto his shoulder as his hands digged in your ass. His hips stuttered his moans going in tune with yours while fucking his cum inside you as he said he would. He paused before sliding himself out slowly.
His cum dripped out of your pussy, hyuck watched in awe again. He dragged a single finger down your slit to taste the mix of your juices and Mark's.
Haechan grabbed your chin to give you a deep kiss, you gave in placing a hand on his cheek. Mark watch you two while he fondled your breasts,playing with the nipples and slapping your boobs.
"I want you to get on you back and let me make you feel good. Will you do that for me princess?" Haechan asked, you were so far gone that you could make up the word to say yes. You nodded.
Mark moved over so you could lay next to him, you opened your legs again and this time both men could see your glistening pussy mixed with Mark's cum. Haechan pulled down his shorts, this being the first time noticing he was the only one fully clothed.
He eased his way on top of you, he rubs your pussy generously. His cock looked so pretty and big, Mark's was definitely bigger but from your imagination about Haechan your expectations were certainly fulfilled. He eased his dick inside of you knowing you were probably still coming down from your previous orgasm and being sensitive, he pushed until his hips met your thighs.
"Oh my god she's so fucking warm." He moaned towards Mark, he prods his hips forward. He let's out a little whimper,he brings himself down so he could place hickies on your neck.
"Hey! That's my job!" Mark's said, haechan looks over giggling a bit.
"I'm sorry dude I couldn't help it." Haechan apologizes half heartedly.
"Please go- go faster hyuck, fucking ruin me" you pleaded, haechan couldn't deny how sexy you sound begging for him to fuck the shit out of you. Haechan didn't waste time as he went faster his hand found it's way to your hair pulling at it, his rough snaps made your legs wrap around his hips. That right there made him weak, that motivated him to fuck you roughly.
Hyuck sucks your neck again, he sneakily takes his free hand to play with your clit while driving himself into you. The overstimulation starts to make tears well up, your broken moans were caused by hyuck attaching your lips to yours again.
You started saying incoherent words but saying it well enough to tell hyuck your close, "you're being so fucking good for him." Mark mumbles in your ear the rasp of his voice sending shockwaves to your cunt.
"Ahhhh fuck i-im fffucking cumming shhhit!!" You screamed
Haechan felt your juices flooding around his cock, he oh so badly wanted to make you squirt on him. He pulled out playing with your clit by using his tip, you grab his wrist but to no avail does he stop or slows down,your juices shoot out onto his cock and abdomen a bit. You scream from the overstimulation, you chant haechan's name. He slams back into you fucking your pussy at a animalistic pace, he curses out loud.
Mark on the side lines stroking himself watching you getting pounded into by his friend, haechans thrusts become sloppy and inconsistent. The sound of skin slapping becomes a spiral in your head, and before you know it his hot load shoots into you. He kept going though, you didn't mind but boy were you really sensitive right now. He fucked his cum into you just like Mark did, he slowed down slipping out on his last thrust.
He laid himself on your boobs sucking on them lazily while he groaned in satisfaction. After that, he placed a few pecks on your chest to your neck then your lips transitioning into another makeout session.
"Fuck that was so good." Haechan panted.
"It's funny because we were just thinking about having a threesome with you. Had a little conversation about it." Mark Converses also slightly out of breath.
"I had the idea." You breathed pointing at yourself.
Haechan patted your thigh " Smart girl."
Mark got off the bed, " Let's go take a shower together."
"I don't think I trust myself in the shower with both you and haechan." You announced.
"And so what if we have a round 2?" Haechan rolled off of you finally.
"Love you both, have very good dicks and all that sweet jazz but..a bitch is tired so I wanna get in and out the shower." You said.
"Yes ma'am." Mark says before walking in the bathroom leaving you and hyuck alone.
You roll over facing haechan giving him a peck on the cheek, "satisfied?"
"Most definitely." Haechan returned the smooch.
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I love how even background scenes establish the characters' personalities
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Look at this shot during 2x1 Betty white's opening speech. The study group doesn't even talk in this scene. The camera shows them (well, 6 of them at least) for like 1 second. But they still all have their personalities showing.
Annie has an 8 section color coded 3 ring binder, already full of papers to take notes in. This is the first day of the semester. She's already poised with her mechanical pencil in hand, taking notes. Shirley brought one notebook and a pen. She has them out on the table but they're closed and she isn't holding any of them. Unlike the other 5 in the picture, Britta has nothing on the desk in front of her. Not even the textbook, which even Jeff has. The desk in the second row is behind Annie and Shirley, so we don't see what Abed has, but we can see on the ends that Troy has the textbook but no notebooks or writing utensils, and Jeff has the textbook and his phone out.
Even where they're looking is personalized! In the back row, Troy is looking at Abed. Abed is watching the teacher. She is the focus of this scene, after all. Jeff is on his phone and not even trying to hide that fact. In the front row, Annie and Shirley are paying attention to the teacher, concerned by her crazy speech. Britta is turning backwards away from the teacher, looking at the other members of the group instead, not paying attention in class.
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saltedcaramelchaos · 3 months
Wonderlust theory thoughts !! Just finished the first episode :D (these are very disorganized but we just roll with it)
Troy's first bit is pretty cut-and-dried as far as I can tell, it's very much to show the character in his natural habitat, but we'll probably get more context as the series goes on!
Aside from the character, THE STEAMPUNK VIBES ARE SO COOL AAAHHH!! Using flipbooks as play-by-plays? Whatever that interview camera thing was? Using "cogs" as currency?!? YES PLEASE
Also, I see you May. Where were you going so quickly :eyes:
Runt and the street rats are so interesting to me,,, my first thought was "oh there's poor people even in the 'utopia'", but then they actually were stealing from uplanders iirc!
This implies that Doppler + the gang have some way to get up above, without running into the clockwork soldiers. That will definitely be relevant later.
Also it might end up being important who exactly it was that they were stealing medicine from
Come to think of it, why is it always medicine that's being stolen/transported? It could just be a way to show that the characters are kind and care about others, or it could be emphasizing a deep flaw in the system Reclaim runs on...
side note that moment when runt saw the moon and went "how'd they make that".... ough. I don't think that adds a dimension to the worldbuilding other than the character detail of "SHE'S NEVER SEEN THE MOON BEFORE and most people here probably haven't either", but wow, way to emotionally destroy me with a single throwaway line grizzlyplays
More steampunk gadgets yaaayyy! so far between the clockwork soldiers and the mites, all the security measures up above seem like they go WAY TOO HARD. Is it a way to control people through fear? Do they secretly know there's a whole society underneath? Is it to protect something, maybe those purple stones? Is it just the person making them being unconcerned if people die at their hands? I'm so sure this means something (<-"troy's dad is a villain" truther)
Blink's turn! This man has SO many secrets and I can't wait to learn all of them. What was his relationship to Aeon? Why is he here now? Why is he on the run?
More specifically, he said something to- maybe shopkeeper guy-? about how he can't stop helping people. It sounded like a personal-promise-slash-oath kind of thing. He's clearly already been through character development; in his conversation with Aeon neither of them were happy about how the other has "changed"... that's so fascinating to me, is he a paladin? He does this out of the goodness of his heart, sure, but he sure talks like he's at least emotionally bound to it. What could have happened to cause his adamance that helping people is the right thing to do, and that Aeon isn't doing that?
Speaking of Aeon, I 100% agree with the person that said she got to Troy first. It did strike me as suspicious that he had a whole chase scene with Blink Specifically and not anyone else
From what I caught, the vixens are pretty much the self-imposed policemen/tax collectors of Reclaim! I wonder what the general public thinks of them...
that's all I can think of at the moment! let me know if anything on here has been proven or disproven because I tend to ignore the very obvious details for the character/worldbuilding ones LOL
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teapotteringabout · 2 days
Stingray Ep 1
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It's me again, doing those reviews I promised. Episode 1, lets go:
Recently voted in @tv21pollshowdown / @room-on-broom 's Stingray Episode Tournament to be the absolute best of the bunch. Personally I don't agree, but we'll get to my favourites later. That said, you may have noticed I've popped it into Glorious GLORIOUS because it's definitely one of the best, and serves its First Episode job perfectly.
For starters, the start. Literally. It's the dramatic words "Stand by for action!", a literal explosion and Bob on the Battle Bongos earns his paycheque. The rest of the intro theme is trombone and bongo-heavy, very fast, very stirring, and a masterful weaving of two of the main musical motifs we hear throughout the show. It's Barry Gray, baby! You could argue that every episode has this in their favour but for episode 1, I think the theme hits especially hard.
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We're also introduced to our main cast: Troy Tempest, Phones, Commander Shore, Atlanta Shore, Marina, X20, Titan and the Aquaphibians. And Fisher! Even Fisher is in episode 1. Good for him.
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I do love the WAY some of these characters are introduced. Troy is an aquanaut who has a fascination with the sea (naturally), so we first see him through an aquarium. Phones is the chill one, so here he is, chilling out.
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My favourite introduction is probably X20's, the very first non-human character we meet. The shot of the mysterious island, the eerie warble of the strings, the pan to the shuttered window, then BAM IT'S BRITNEY BITCH:
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Then we get the precursor to TOS's Operation Cover-Up, only much fancier, and X-20's charming abode turns into charming evil lair.
(the gifs are fast because they were too chonky so I had to cut some frames haha)
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It's during this scene that we're first introduced to Titan. Personally I think it's a shame our first look at him is on a black and white screen. You could argue that we still get the full impact of his majesty later, but I think I'd prefer it if we just heard his voice to start with. When we do meet him, he's a great villain, featuring the booming tones of Ray Barrett who 'curls' his voice just enough to differentiate it from Shore's. We meet him with the camera looking up at him, because he only looks down on people, you see. I love his design, particularly the Hellenistic swirls in his beard.
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Speaking of Titan, I love how his throneroom isn't the typical evil lair. It was the first UK show to be filmed in colour, so the art team went all-in with bright colours everywhere (also because they were still learning about cinemtographic colour). Why should evil characters lurk in the dark all the time? Be like Titan. Bust out the glitter carpet and the ginormous pearls!
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Finally, Marina's introduction. When I first saw her I was blown away by how beautifully-crafted this puppet was. She stands out. No other lady has such long hair, and every episode it's in an intricate coiffure. Pretty much all the other female puppets have a heart-shaped face, while her's is oval. She is an icon, she is the moment.
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In terms of plot, it's simple but effective. We're sort of in media res, straight to the point with the aquaphibians blowing shit up, here are your cast, Stingray is attacked and the crew captured. Then we have the beautifully drawn out Trial by Teufel scene.
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If Teufel looks away from Troy within a marine minute (about 1 and a half Terranean minutes it would seem), then Troy is guilty of 'crimes against the underwater nations' and will be executed. The timer is a vial of dripping water, coloured red for the camera, and the sound of the drip like the ticking of the clock, combined with the tense string notes makes for a very gripping marine minute. Of course, Troy almost makes it to the end before Teufel turns his back on him at the last moment, thus declaring him guilty.
Cut to the next scene, and Troy, Phones and Marina work together for the first time as a team to escape. The action is swift and effective, but I won't lie, it leaves me wanting more. The aquaphibians seem overtaken very quickly, I demand more blood! Obviously the puppets are limited in their range of movement, but it would have been cool to have a proper Stingray battle in the first episode. That's something that get's rectified in its 'sequel', but we'll get to that.
Finally, everyone's gathered round the Shore dining table (including Fisher!!) and Atlanta realises she's in a love triangle. Thankfully, it's not one that lasts long, but again, we'll get to that.
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There's a couple of things in the plot that I don't really understand. When Stingray goes missing and an aerial search turns up nothing, Shore's next move is to nuke that area of the ocean. It never happens thankfully, but aren't there any other submarines that could investigate? You know, considering Stingray is a submarine and might be on the ocean floor? Now, in fairness, according to Stingray: Adventures in Videcolor (Andrew Pixley 2022), in the original version of the script, Shore had a few extra lines were he detailed that this mysterious underwater enemy (Titan) had sunk 5 ships already, killing hundreds (p244). So in his mind, with their ultimate submarine supposedly lost, an all-out retaliatory attack makes more sense. But that's not in the final episode, and I'd rather judge the series on its face value rather than using supplementary material to inform me. This will crop up again in the next one, believe me.
Now we get the first rendition of 'Aqua Marina' in the end credits, which I'm only talking about in this episode 1 review. It's a beautiful song, but it's perhaps the main reason why Troy has this love rat reputation. Oh, he'll have a few instances of 'love rat' behaviour in the episodes for real. But the slideshow of him hanging out with Marina while Atlanta looks wistfully at his photograph is pretty damning, regardless of the actual content of the episode. As we'll discover, most of the series doesn't actually contain the love triangle, with it mostly ending by episode 10 at the latest, but this end credits sequence alone makes you think it lasts all the way. It makes you wonder if there was more planned for the love triangle arc, but it was ultimately done away with?
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Over all though, it's a terrific episode. Writing it out now, I realise how good it is so I can see why it won the poll. It's not my favourite, but it's a solid S tier all the same. Glorious, in fact.
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sundrop-writes · 11 months
Miss Nectarine
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Donna Troy x Fem!Thick!Reader
Miss Nectarine, jawbreaker sweet.
Ever since the old Titans have come 'home', Donna has been swimming in stress and grief over the friend they had lost the last time they lived at the Tower. She unintentionally found the perfect way to combat that grief when she accidentally walked in on you in a very revealing situation.
Donna Troy x Fem!Thick!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Set during Season 2, Episode 7.
Word Count: 2,600
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is such a random fic lmao; this is primarily smut; this fic does feature spoilers for the canon if you haven’t seen the show before and you want to watch it spoiler-free; mentions of Titans!Bruce Wayne’s intense paranoia; mentions of background (past) Dawn/Dick; mentions of canon violence (no in-depth descriptions); mentions of Donna/Garth (but I never outright state in this fic that Donna and Garth were romantic in the past or if they were just friends - I like them better platonically tbh); mentions of Donna’s grief for Garth as a best friend; this uses the ‘caught masturbating’ trope - Donna accidentally walks in on the reader masturbating and all the lustful feelings she has ever felt for the reader come flooding toward the surface; there is no hard dom/sub, but Donna is more dominant and the reader is more submissive to Donna’s orders and whims; the reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; she reader is described as fat/plus sized (through a very loving gaze - Donna is very turned on by her body); accidental voyeurism (Donna watches the reader masturbate for a while); clitoral stimulation (the reader masturbating); the reader calls Donna ‘D’ (because that’s a thing in all my fics now); very clear consent is established before Donna touches the reader; mentions of Donna manhandling the reader slightly (using her superpowered strength, but nothing that would be incredibly unrealistic); oral sex/pussy eating (Donna giving, reader receiving); I believe that’s about it. 
A/N: This is named after the recent song Miss Nectarine by Ashnikko, which is about someone struggling with their attraction to women and I fucking love the song so much - the second I heard it, it captured my heart. I highly recommend listening to it. Also, I feel like this fic is not my best work. Idk. I wrote it with a really awesome inspiration in mind (Donna lusting after a thick girl) but I couldn’t really get the writing flow down, and I feel like some parts of it are clunky. But I know that sometimes we should stand behind work that’s not our best, and people still might enjoy reading this. So, here you go!
Titans Tower was a place that had a lot of usual features. Things that no other home would ever need. 
The large serenity garden in the center of the house that never seemed to bring anyone serenity. (It was likely just there because the Tower had been built for people who were city-dwelling chronic night owls, the type of people who never saw plants in their natural habitats, and needed a simulated one in the middle of their million dollar condo.) The large, state of the art training facility. The medical bay, stocked with all kinds of equipment and medication - including a freezer filled with spare blood, in all of the original Titans blood types. Which is something that would be insanely creepy to any outsiders. 
And among the more peculiar security measures: none of the internal doors in the house had locks on them. All the bathroom doors, all the bedroom doors, the doors to the training room - none of them locked. 
To a certain extent, Donna understood why. 
The place had been designed by the most paranoid man on the planet - at least, that’s what Diana often called Bruce, and Donna had to believe it wasn’t an exaggeration, because Diana didn’t really believe in hyperbole. There were cameras in every single room, endless security protocols to breach the Tower from the outside - most of which Donna likely didn’t even know about. The place had been designed around its own unique, state of the art surveillance system. 
So, there being no locks on any of the bathroom doors or bedroom doors was just another… quirk. Something implemented for security purposes without ever considering how inconvenient it would be for a person to actually live with. 
It was something implemented with the idea that locks put barriers between the members of a team, and those barriers can create secrets. Secrets cause friction. A team should be one solid unit. That, and it can be dangerous, taking away precious life saving seconds if someone is locked in their bedroom while sick or injured and a door needs to be smashed up in order to get to them. 
At least, that’s what Bruce had in mind when designing the place. 
Back when all the original Titans had moved into the Tower, knocking became the most easily upheld rule in the household. No matter how much they argued over who did the dishes or complained about certain people making noises at ‘impolite’ hours - above all, it was a sacred practice not to barge past a closed door without asking first. 
And as Hank taught them, whenever someone wanted privacy in their room, as a kind of ‘do not disturb’ sign: a sock was to be wrapped around the doorknob as a universal signal that the person inside did not want to be bothered. It was a good old fashioned standby that he had learned while living in a frat house that had shitty, broken bedroom doors with locks that often failed. It came in very handy whenever someone wanted their privacy to masturbate uninterrupted, to unwind and sob without question after a particularly hard mission, or - when Dick and Dawn coupled up - to fuck like rabbits without anyone else barging in on them. 
Somehow, being back in the Tower, it was easy to forget that sacred law of knocking. Something about taking a five year hiatus from living in the strangely designed condo and wallowing in the tense emotions that being here brought back to her - Donna was more focused on the stress of Deathstroke and Doctor Light, everything around her old home that reminded her of the dear childhood friend she had lost the last time she was here. Her mind was a mess, and sadly - it was easy to forget about something as simple as knocking. 
Over the past few days, her mind had been occupied by far too many things. 
Doctor Light’s ‘escape’, and then his strange, untimely death. Deathstroke suddenly showing up again, and the moral conflict of harboring another one of his kids in the Tower. Which was made even worse when she considered that he would be an emanate danger to her - and to everyone else. 
All of this stress was topped off, brought to a boiling point when Donna had walked into her room after doing some yoga and meditation with Dawn (trying to calm the rockiness of their minds) and she found a bottle of orange soda on one of the bookshelves. Not just any orange soda - the orange soda. 
Her memories of Garth were painful enough - she didn’t need to be reminded of him like this. She wasn’t sure if someone was doing this to fuck with her, or if someone had put it there to try and comfort her. As an attempt at reminding her of the good parts of her past. If that’s what they meant, it wasn’t working. 
As soon as she found it, Donna rushed down the hall to your room to confide in you. She simply needed to share this strange occurrence with someone who wasn’t going to jump down her throat with conspiracy theories or brush off her concerns. She needed a shoulder to lean on, maybe cry on. Maybe she needed to reminisce about Garth when she had banned speaking his name since she had re-entered the Tower. 
She thought nothing of it when the doorknob to your bedroom turned under her palm with absolutely no resistance. 
She found herself standing in your doorway, holding the bottle of warm soda in one hand, staring down at it like it was a bomb about to go off. With her other hand still poised on the lockless doorknob, her mind filled with stale grief over her lost friend - when she heard it. 
A soft moan. 
Donna’s head shot up toward the noise, mostly an instinct of her training. The sight she was greeted with instantly shifted all of the energy in her body from confused, saddened, and hurt to pure, blinding lust. 
You were laying in the middle of the bed, your head propped against several pillows, making you look like a fantasy, purposefully displayed and laid out for her - and you were touching yourself. Your oversized, comfortable shirt was shoved up to sit underneath your chin, revealing your gorgeous tits, bared so perfectly for the eye to consume. 
Your lounge shorts with your panties tangled inside them were tossed off to sit around your ankles, clearly in a haste to partake in the act of ‘self care’. (Something different than the calming yoga Donna had been doing to take her mind off things, but just as effective.) This left your wet, wanting pussy out in the open, completely visible for Donna to see, and she even swore that she could smell you - a pungent tang in the air that drove a carnal hunger deep inside her. 
The thing was, as much as Donna had acknowledged in the back of her mind that you were attractive, and funny, and cute, and that your strength when facing enemies put an undeniable heat in her gut - she had never truly looked at you with this much lust boiling inside of her. Not until now. Because she had never truly seen you until this moment. 
Well, up until this moment - she had seen you as a friend, as a companion, as a fantastic warrior, someone she always wanted by her side. But this was the first time she had seen you as a potential lover. As someone she so badly wanted to fuck. 
With you laid bare to her like this, so desperately humping your own fingers and intimately visible, she couldn’t help but to stare. 
Two of your fingers worked furiously over your swollen clit while you held a lip between your teeth, clearly trying to hold any noises tight inside of your throat. This was something that made Donna even more desperate to hear your sounds, to hear what kind of moans or whimpers you would make for her. 
Your breasts bobbed in the air as your chest heaved - two beautiful mounds with peaked nipples, zagging lines of stretched skin where reality had quaked to prepare for your gorgeous muchness. This caused her eyes to trace down your quivering stomach; her gaze following the smooth rolls of your body that perfectly guided her eye down to the beautifully fat mound of your cunt. Your pussy was dusted with hair that was absolutely dripping with your need - so utterly soaked that you were beginning to form a small stain on the comforter below you. 
Perhaps best of all - the wideness of your thighs perfectly framed your clenching hole, clearly so needy and yet untouched as you rubbed sloppy, increasingly loud circles on your clit. It was a space where Donna wanted to slot herself and be smothered by the perfect dimpled thickness of your thighs, wanted to feel the endless warmth there, encasing her in everything that was you and barring out the stresses of the world. 
She stood there, frozen in place for too long, simply admiring you. 
She still had her hand on the doorknob, standing in the doorway, and with your eyes screwed so tight with pleasure and concentration, she knew that you hadn’t seen her yet. 
Part of her wondered if she should approach you. If she should be so bold as to assume that you would want her in your bed. 
But when she glanced down again, she saw the orange soda bottle. And something in the back of her mind was reminded of that haunted past. Something that said she was never meant to be happy. Something that told her living in the moment only fucked things up. Everything she had done back then, it was karma, that-
You said her name like it was the sweetest song. 
A soft, delicate moan coming from your lips - not an accusation, not a griped yell for her to get out. 
When she looked back at you, your eyes were even tighter with pleasure, your back arched slightly off the bed, displaying your breasts in an even more perfect way. Your fingers worked more furiously on your clit, clearly trying to make yourself cum with even more intent. Your other hand came down to hook under your knee, lifting your leg up in a way that spread your thighs even more. This made Donna breathless at the visible wave of slick that leaked out of you and the way your fingers dug into the fat of your thigh. 
It almost made her jealous of the act. She should be the one grabbing your thigh. It made her entirely tempted to charge over there and simply take over.
“Fuck, D.” You sighed breathlessly. 
It was clear in her mind: you hadn’t caught her. You were thinking about her as you were getting close. 
Donna’s own pussy throbbed between her thighs, and as she clutched around the glass bottle so hard she swore she heard it crack. In that moment, she could almost hear Garth’s voice in her mind. He was chanting, telling her to ‘go for it’. Telling her that the concept of ‘karma’ was bullshit and she had to make her own fate. He would have told her that she was stupid to pass up an opportunity with ‘such a hot babe’. If he was a ghost, supposedly haunting the Tower, he would probably be her wingman in this. 
Maybe it was his ghost, with a hand on her back, guiding her toward you. Whatever it was - in that moment, Donna felt the impulsive Atlantean side of her take over. 
Or maybe it was the fact that she needed to turn away from all the grief - for the first time since entering the Tower, Donna needed to make herself forget about all the ghosts that haunted the halls. She needed to hold onto something real, something good that was right in front of her - she needed the real, tangible now.
She stepped fully inside your bedroom, shoved the door closed behind her. It was only with that quiet slam that you actually came out of your personal, lustful bubble. There wasn’t enough time for shock to take over as Donna abandoned the mysterious orange soda bottle on your dresser and strided toward the bed with intention and purpose in every single movement. You snapped your legs closed around your own hand, suddenly feeling shy under her ravenous gaze. 
“Yes or no?” She asked you firmly. 
She placed a knee on the end of the bed, looking at you with heat blooming across her cheeks. Her own chest shifted with puffs of hot breath as the lust rapidly increased her heart rate. 
Of course, she would never do anything without your explicit consent. 
Even though shock was still barreling through your system, unsure if this was a fantasy or not, perhaps a strange illusion blurring into reality - you managed to squeak out a reply. There was only one possible answer you could think of when she was looking at you like that. 
Donna nodded firmly and then moved onto the bed. Before you could blink, she had hooked both her hands under your knees and, using her enhanced Amazonian strength, she pulled you down the bed toward her. This caused you to let out a sharp squeak - a sound of delighted surprise at the fact that she could move you around so easily. Nobody else that you had been with ever could. 
She placed both her hands on your inner thighs and spread your legs open like you were a book that held all the answers to life’s most demanding questions. She was glad that her hair had already been up in a low bun, because it was out of her way as she held your legs open with impressive force and dove in. 
Years of unrealized lust for you came rushing out of her, concentrated on the tip of her tongue. Feelings that she had been holding back through intense, well-trained self discipline began to pour out the minute that her tongue met your mound. It was a demonstration of her sheer power painted in front of you as she flicked her tongue over your needy clit, fucking you hard and fast. She couldn’t help but to moan loudly at your taste. Sweet like a nectarine. 
You moaned out, unable to take your eyes off the sight of such a gorgeous, goddess-like woman between your thighs. Your mind almost unbelieving that it was real - barely able to comprehend how perfect she looked with her pretty pink lips pressed against your cunt and her tongue working in hard, fast circles as she fucked you in such an utterly demanding way. 
“Oh my god, Donna!” 
Your muscles quaked with the effort, but you were unable to move even an inch to shut your legs around the intense, overwhelming stimulation that she provided. Heat shot through your body from that one point - from that beautiful place where her lips were sealed onto your cunt. 
Donna felt the spasming of your legs, felt the heat pouring off you in waves, and she reached over with one hand and worked two fingers inside of you. This was entirely easy with how slick you were, open and ready for her. You moaned sharply and your face was twisted into a gorgeous pinch of pleasure when she glanced up at you through her lashes. 
There was just one more thing that she wanted. 
She popped off your clit with a filthy wet noise, causing you to whimper. 
“Cum for me,” She demanded sharply. 
You couldn’t help but to follow the order. 
When you fell apart underneath her touch, you couldn’t contain your screams. Everyone in the Tower heard you.
If you enjoyed this fic, check out my DC Titans Masterlist for more of my other fics!! And please consider reblogging and commenting on this fic to tell me what you liked about it.
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tr0y-rob0t-boy · 2 months
Error error - Recalculating...
Systems On.
*to camera eyes flick to life, he has no clue how long it's been. He reaches up to shield his sensors from the beating sun, his skin is gone, the rusted robotic skeleton on display beneath... he'll have to fix that*
Hello everyone this is Troy, he's a robot from long ago and he's just not finally managed to store enough energy to wake up, his battery power fluctuates frequently and he's a little rusted, but perhaps when you get to know him (if he let's you) he's nice!
We'll see what happens!
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defectivegembrain · 8 months
What if Abed's movie about the class reunion also has him and his husband getting ready to go beforehand including lots of cute exchanges Troy excited to see their friends Troy convincing Abed to be in front of the camera with him for a bit exclusive footage of Troy when he's just woken up saying utter nonsense (that Abed asked for his consent to use later when he was more lucid). Well it will in my head regardless
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kilfeur · 2 months
J'ai fini de regarder l'interview des créateurs de tdp. Et il y a des trucs intéressants comme le fait que la pièce que ramasse Callum va avoir un rôle important. Ils ont dit qu'ils voulaient que l'audience voit que la pièce est vide et non détruite. Contrairement à Aaravos, qui a fusionné avec la perle et son âme. Callum a dit que dans l'épisode 2 de la saison 6, qu'il a étudié les sorts d'étoiles. Et si il se connecte pas l'arcanum des étoiles. Ça pourrait lui donner un dilemme de qui il va libérer : Kpp'ar (si ils retrouvent leur pièce), l'un des parent de Rayla. Ou bien l'utiliser comme un catalyseur pour un sort d'étoile contre Aaravos. Entre les trois, lequel serait le plus utile pour vaincre Aaravos dans leur quête ? Bien que la théorie de piéger Aaravos dans une pièce est une possibilité.
J'aime le fait qu'ils parlent de la geôlière, parce que comme je l'avais dit dans un de mes précédent post, je pensais que le miroir était comme une caméra de surveillance avec une intention sadique derrière. Lui faire désirer quelque chose qu'il ne pourra plus jamais avoir. C'est cruel mais terriblement efficace. Et ils parlent de la frontière entre la pitié et la cruauté, qui peut être mince. Du point de vue de la geôlière, il s'agissait plutôt de l'emprisonner dans un endroit où il se sentirait en sécurité, sa maison, et de poser la perle auprès du cadavre de sa fille pour qu'il puisse se reposer auprès d'elle, je peux comprendre la logique derrière dans le sens, ils pensaient qu'il pourrait faire son deuil devant son cadavre qui serait plus une tombe puis l'accepter et aller de l'avant. Mais du point de vue d'Aaravos, c'est une torture psychologique. Et c'est pourquoi il est si nonchalant dans ses interactions avec les autres.
L'ordre cosmique, avec du recul, ils ont pensé que c'était la meilleure chose à faire de les condamner selon leur compréhension et leur logique. Aaravos avait une autre vision du monde avant la mort de Leola. Mais l'ordre cosmique voit le monde depuis les étoiles et comment il se déroule. Ils ne ressentent pas le besoin de descendre à Xadia et d'expérimenter le monde comme Aaraovos et Leola. La punition de Leola est injuste pour nous, mais pas pour eux.
I finished watching the interview with the tdp creators. And there's some interesting stuff like the fact that the coin Callum picks up is going to have an important role. They said they wanted the audience to see that the coin is empty and not destroyed. Unlike Aaravos, who has merged with the pearl and his soul. Callum said that in episode 2 of season 6, he studied star spells. Supposing that he doesn't connect to the star arcanum. That could give him a dilemma of who to free: Kpp'ar (if they find his coin), one of Rayla's relatives. Or use it as a conduct for a star spell against Aaravos. Which of the three would be most useful in defeating Aaravos in their quest? Although the theory to trap Aaravos in a coin is a possibility.
I like the fact that they're talking about the jailer, because as I already told in one of my previous posts, I thought the mirror was like a surveillance camera with sadistic intent behind it. To make him long for something he can never have again. It's cruel but terribly effective. And they talk about the thin line between pity and cruelty. From the jailer's point of view, it was more a case of imprisoning him in a place where he would feel safe, his home, and placing the pearl next to his daughter's corpse so that he could rest beside her, I can understand the logic behind it in the sense that they thought he could mourn in front of her corpse which would be more of a grave then accept it and move on. But from Aaravos' point of view, it's psychological torture. And that's why he's so nonchalant in his interactions with others.
The cosmic order, in hindsight, they thought it was the right thing to do to condemn them according to their understanding and logic. Aaravos had a different view of the world before Leola's death. But the cosmic order sees the world and how it unfolds from the stars. They don't feel the need to come down to Xadia and experience the world like Aaraovos and Leola. Leola's punishment is unfair to us, but not to them.
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