#stingray review
teapotteringabout · 2 days
Stingray Ep 1
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It's me again, doing those reviews I promised. Episode 1, lets go:
Recently voted in @tv21pollshowdown / @room-on-broom 's Stingray Episode Tournament to be the absolute best of the bunch. Personally I don't agree, but we'll get to my favourites later. That said, you may have noticed I've popped it into Glorious GLORIOUS because it's definitely one of the best, and serves its First Episode job perfectly.
For starters, the start. Literally. It's the dramatic words "Stand by for action!", a literal explosion and Bob on the Battle Bongos earns his paycheque. The rest of the intro theme is trombone and bongo-heavy, very fast, very stirring, and a masterful weaving of two of the main musical motifs we hear throughout the show. It's Barry Gray, baby! You could argue that every episode has this in their favour but for episode 1, I think the theme hits especially hard.
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We're also introduced to our main cast: Troy Tempest, Phones, Commander Shore, Atlanta Shore, Marina, X20, Titan and the Aquaphibians. And Fisher! Even Fisher is in episode 1. Good for him.
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I do love the WAY some of these characters are introduced. Troy is an aquanaut who has a fascination with the sea (naturally), so we first see him through an aquarium. Phones is the chill one, so here he is, chilling out.
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My favourite introduction is probably X20's, the very first non-human character we meet. The shot of the mysterious island, the eerie warble of the strings, the pan to the shuttered window, then BAM IT'S BRITNEY BITCH:
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Then we get the precursor to TOS's Operation Cover-Up, only much fancier, and X-20's charming abode turns into charming evil lair.
(the gifs are fast because they were too chonky so I had to cut some frames haha)
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It's during this scene that we're first introduced to Titan. Personally I think it's a shame our first look at him is on a black and white screen. You could argue that we still get the full impact of his majesty later, but I think I'd prefer it if we just heard his voice to start with. When we do meet him, he's a great villain, featuring the booming tones of Ray Barrett who 'curls' his voice just enough to differentiate it from Shore's. We meet him with the camera looking up at him, because he only looks down on people, you see. I love his design, particularly the Hellenistic swirls in his beard.
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Speaking of Titan, I love how his throneroom isn't the typical evil lair. It was the first UK show to be filmed in colour, so the art team went all-in with bright colours everywhere (also because they were still learning about cinemtographic colour). Why should evil characters lurk in the dark all the time? Be like Titan. Bust out the glitter carpet and the ginormous pearls!
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Finally, Marina's introduction. When I first saw her I was blown away by how beautifully-crafted this puppet was. She stands out. No other lady has such long hair, and every episode it's in an intricate coiffure. Pretty much all the other female puppets have a heart-shaped face, while her's is oval. She is an icon, she is the moment.
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In terms of plot, it's simple but effective. We're sort of in media res, straight to the point with the aquaphibians blowing shit up, here are your cast, Stingray is attacked and the crew captured. Then we have the beautifully drawn out Trial by Teufel scene.
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If Teufel looks away from Troy within a marine minute (about 1 and a half Terranean minutes it would seem), then Troy is guilty of 'crimes against the underwater nations' and will be executed. The timer is a vial of dripping water, coloured red for the camera, and the sound of the drip like the ticking of the clock, combined with the tense string notes makes for a very gripping marine minute. Of course, Troy almost makes it to the end before Teufel turns his back on him at the last moment, thus declaring him guilty.
Cut to the next scene, and Troy, Phones and Marina work together for the first time as a team to escape. The action is swift and effective, but I won't lie, it leaves me wanting more. The aquaphibians seem overtaken very quickly, I demand more blood! Obviously the puppets are limited in their range of movement, but it would have been cool to have a proper Stingray battle in the first episode. That's something that get's rectified in its 'sequel', but we'll get to that.
Finally, everyone's gathered round the Shore dining table (including Fisher!!) and Atlanta realises she's in a love triangle. Thankfully, it's not one that lasts long, but again, we'll get to that.
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There's a couple of things in the plot that I don't really understand. When Stingray goes missing and an aerial search turns up nothing, Shore's next move is to nuke that area of the ocean. It never happens thankfully, but aren't there any other submarines that could investigate? You know, considering Stingray is a submarine and might be on the ocean floor? Now, in fairness, according to Stingray: Adventures in Videcolor (Andrew Pixley 2022), in the original version of the script, Shore had a few extra lines were he detailed that this mysterious underwater enemy (Titan) had sunk 5 ships already, killing hundreds (p244). So in his mind, with their ultimate submarine supposedly lost, an all-out retaliatory attack makes more sense. But that's not in the final episode, and I'd rather judge the series on its face value rather than using supplementary material to inform me. This will crop up again in the next one, believe me.
Now we get the first rendition of 'Aqua Marina' in the end credits, which I'm only talking about in this episode 1 review. It's a beautiful song, but it's perhaps the main reason why Troy has this love rat reputation. Oh, he'll have a few instances of 'love rat' behaviour in the episodes for real. But the slideshow of him hanging out with Marina while Atlanta looks wistfully at his photograph is pretty damning, regardless of the actual content of the episode. As we'll discover, most of the series doesn't actually contain the love triangle, with it mostly ending by episode 10 at the latest, but this end credits sequence alone makes you think it lasts all the way. It makes you wonder if there was more planned for the love triangle arc, but it was ultimately done away with?
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Over all though, it's a terrific episode. Writing it out now, I realise how good it is so I can see why it won the poll. It's not my favourite, but it's a solid S tier all the same. Glorious, in fact.
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wholesome-sharks · 9 months
Odysea Aquarium, Scottsdale AZ
Mom took me and my sister to the Odysea last month for my birthday! Sorry I haven't posted sooner but HERE ARE THE PICS!
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This window over the downstairs bathroom sink was officially voted coolest bathroom in the USA (the plaque said 2017, I think). Why? Because it views into the Voyager shark tank. Trevally, other fish, and FIVE DIFFERENT SPECIES OF SHARKS swim past this window and will even go behind the bubble screen while people are washing their hands. I couldn't get a pic of the sandbar shark when it swam by the window bc it went by pretty quick. But this restroom is by the front entrance and it is the perfect appetizer to a gourmet experience.
Also, trevally are HUGE.
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Here is the mascot species of the Odysea, a sand tiger/gray nurse/ragged tooth shark. The bubble fountain at the back of the photo hides the bathroom window.
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The Sea Trek tank on the upper floor had mostly tropical fish, but it had a zebra shark and A BONNETTHEAD SHARK! SQUEEEEE!!!! Internally crying for joy!!!!
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Brown-banded Bamboo Shark in the shark/ray touch aquarium. A couple of times while I was hanging out by this tank I saw it roll onto its side and scratch itself in the sand--I've seen that on video so I jumped whenever I saw it happen. The cownose rays in the touch tanks are absolutely spoiled and swim up to the surface for pets ASAP when they see you approach.
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Benthic buddies: here's the brown-banded bamboo shark lying next to the white-spotted bamboo shark.
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Magnificent zebra shark in the movie theater tank. The movie theater would play 10-minute videos and then move the screen back up between showings. I think this was probably my favorite tank. There was a second zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum) in this tank.
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They also had LEOPARD SHARKS (Triakis semifasciata) !!!!!! again, my cup runneth over!
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Epaulette sharks in the Great Barrier Reef tunnel. The one laying on the glass was a male and so he was flashing EVERYONE with his claspers (blurry pic--but maybe that's for the better). There was also an epaulette shark in the stingray touch tank.
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Got to spend a few moments of shared eye contact with this epaulette shark💖
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Back to the Voyager tank. Here is a sandbar shark and the head of a LEMON SHARK. There were at least two lemon sharks in the Voyager tank. It took me a moment to recognize them. The Voyager tanks are kind of dark, and ofc with no natural sunlight the lemon sharks don't get to show off their color properly. Maybe they should change the light fixtures.
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Here's a sandbar shark again along with a view of the reef in the Voyager tank. Again, the trevally are ENORMOUS, bigger than the blacktip reef shark (either that, or BTRs are just small). I deliberately avoided taking too many photos and focused more on the experience, so these are just the highlights of the sharks. Also I've seen the giant Amazon rainforest fish before so no need to repeat.
Have some random aquarium denizens:
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Aquarium review: They definitely put money and effort into making the aquarium a good home for the animals as well as engaging and educational for visitors. I was able to be up close and personal with the sharks, which was exactly what I wanted. I feel like the rotating Voyager exhibit is a little overrated--the cheesy Holiday-themed narration didn't help. Aquarium staff kept their distance but were helpful when needed. Starbucks on the second floor is nice. Super expensive but definitely worth it. 8 out of 10.
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agentnico · 5 months
Sugar - season 1 (2024) review
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“Sugar (do do do do do do), oh honey honey (do do do do do do)…..” mind you this song isn’t played in the show but I’m glad I was reminded of this banger.
Plot: Private detective John Sugar investigates the disappearance of Olivia Siegel, the beloved granddaughter of Hollywood producer Jonathan Siegel. As Sugar tries to determine what happened to Olivia, he unearths Siegel family secrets, old and new.
Nicolas Cage recently got confirmed to be cast in Prime’s live-action Spider-Man spin-off series Noir where he’ll be playing the web-swinging PI, and as much as I’m excited to see Cage brood in black-and-white, there’s currently a perfectly enjoyable noir detective series on Apple TV+ that I haven’t heard anyone talk about. Especially due to its flabbergasting mid-season plot twist that is so laughably out-of-left-field that I’m not sure it’s a good or bad thing. But let’s discuss…
Taking inspiration from the likes of LA Confidential and Chinatown, this neo noir show plays as a greatest hits album of all the tropes of the genre. The first two episodes especially are super enjoyable, through Farrell’s narration, to the slow piano music to the use of black-and-white and crisp cinematography, the entire thing just felt like a vibe. A super cool vibe. Naturally Colin Farrell is a perfect casting choice to play the charming private investigator. He’s got that likeable face you feel you can trust, but enough going on in his expression to give him that element of mystery. Also Farrell looks great in a suit. One has to respect a man that can wear a suit well. Ask Barney Stinson. So the first two episodes are truly awesome. The script wasn’t anything groundbreaking, with Farrell’s inner monologues featuring lines you’d easily find in other neo-noir movies/shows, but just as a collective package this thing felt ace in its first two episodes. There’s also this glossy pastiche of old-school movies that are referenced throughout, reflecting John Sugar’s passion for film and the Hollywood setting. However after that the show slows down, with the central mystery of the missing girl stretched out with pointless baggage around it to fulfill the series episode count. Honestly, this would have worked better as a film rather than a series.
Now in regards to the aforementioned plot twist. I haven’t been so snortingly contemptuous of a reveal since that 2019 fishing thriller Serenity starring Matthew McConaughey that pulls of a ‘bait and switch’ times two with its ending that is so ludicrously random and out of nowhere that I recall truly gasping at the cinema. It’s a terrible twist, but also for a movie that otherwise was utterly boring and bad, that narrative shock at least gave me somewhat of a thrill. So with Sugar at the end of episode 6 a certain reveal happens, that in a way completely changes the entire series. Though one could argue there were a couple of clues in earlier episodes that could have somewhat suggested this twist, in reality I do believe this reveal was a bit of a cheat. It’s an unearned way to grab attention and get a “WHAAAA???” reaction out of the audience, and I thought it came off as a cheap shot. Granted though it gave the meandering show a little boost of energy to the end of the season, but felt so out of place. If the reveal happened earlier, then the show would have had more time to play up to its weird premise.
Sugar is very much a series that is carried by its lead performance (and an adorable doggo), and though the beginning of the season was a strong start, it lost its narrative direction shortly after until that baffling twist that again, I can’t decide if it’s good or bad, but I’m leaning more towards the latter. A good twist needs to have the correct appropriate set-up. The twist in Sugar was more like the showrunners going “psyche - gotcha!”
Overall score: 5/10
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room-on-broom · 2 years
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I had a stuff to do but instead I made a Bingo card to use along side Security Hazard reviews of 'Stingray' because i've been enjoying them so much. Unforunatly I've left it so late te reviews are more then half way through the seris. but feel free to use on on your next watch of the show!
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gaycarboys · 1 year
GMSV Releases Details of C8 Corvette Stingray and Z06
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spryfilm · 2 years
DVD review: “Stingray” (1964-1965) 
“Stingray” (1964-1965)  Television Thirty nine Episodes Created by: Gerry and Sylvia Anderson Featuring: Ray Barrett, Robert Easton, David Graham, Don Mason and Lois Maxwell Opening Theme: “Stand by for action, we’re about to launch Stingray Stingray StingrayStingray Stingray Marineville i am calling all battle stations, Anything can happen in the next half hour Stingray…
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
(slowly sets random sting ray plushie I got for my birthday down) Brain-rot. so I present Dad!Simon and Ollie at the aquarium
Simon! Who was currently two weeks deep into babysitting oliver and it being the middle of summer almost everywhere and everything had been exhausted
"Library time with Miss Rue?"
Ollie frowns from his ice cream,- which you would murder simon for if you found out which is why they were both sworn to secrecy, "MIss Rue is jus reeed-ing Peter Bunny again. No want."
"No want." Simon echoed slowly, leaning against the kitchen counter as he tried to think.
"Big mall?" "No..."
"The zipline park?" (A normal park with a little kid zipline)
"The animals?"
"Nope. Momma said we stinky after animal."
Simon nods again, the local farmer's markets would normally have a little petting zoo- so that had also become a staple. "She did- rightoo laddie. Okay...okay, let Mister Riley think for a minute."
Ollie nods to his babysitters words and takes another hefty bite of the ice cream, "We could....we could see fish? We see fish."
"We go fish, in-in big pool."
Simon who spent ten finding which aquarium within a fifty mile radius had the best reviews because if he is...might as well make it memorable
Simon who made sure Ollie wore is water proof shoes because...well he just knew the kid was going to jump into the little kiddie water pad the aquarium had
Simon who packed a towel and change of clothes for that exact reason too
Simon who so has baby shark stuck in his head
Simon who once the tickets are purchased is already trying to trick the tyke down, basically playing marco polo
Simon who held up Ollie without a second thought to see the Jelly fish, telling him how he was once stung while he was down in Japan, smiling to the childs laughter
Simon who spends the extra fifteen dollars so Ollie could feed the stingrays, keeping an arm looped around him to keep him stable
Simon who of course notices the looks he's getting from the group of moms, he ignores them though
Simon who tried to politely turn down the one who came up to him, nice woman, seemed kind- yet...she wasn't...you
Simon who had to get more firm and did lie when she wouldn't get the message-
"Listen lady- I could kill ya without even blinking 'n you are really testin my patience so ho' bout you leave me 'n my son alone before i get annoyed?" Just how he assumed it would've gone down the woman became flustered and excused herself, meanwhile, Ollie was still being held in the air to look at the catfish.
Ollie looks to Simon as he then lets out a sigh and adjusts his grip on the boy, "Ister Riley?"
"Yeah, lad?"
"Mommy said killing people isn't nice."
Simon clears this throat, "Mum is real smart like that."
Simon who gets Ollie a plushie and teehsirt
Simon who feels really proud of himself when Ollie is fast asleep for the entire car ride home
(annnnyway thats it<333 any feedback and all that jazz means the world to me!!)
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firstaidspray · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3 Characters and What They Drive
My brother and I discussed this yesterday after he sent me a tweet that was like "what if an orc drove an F-150" or something like that. It turned into a pretty big discussion and resulted in this, images picked by me and peer reviewed by him. These were all the characters I could think of offhand, but if you have any requests or suggestions reply or send me an ask!!
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Karlach: Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye
A badass hell-themed ride for a badass lady from Hell. Maybe that engine in her heart is a Hellcat...
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Gale: Aston Martin DB11 Convertible
Gale is my brother's man so he made this decision, stating "Gale is a man of taste." A convertible for his hair to flow in the wind, obviously.
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Shadowheart: Mercedes-Benz G-Class
Shadowheart gives major gwagon vibes. Can't you see her driving this, window half down, and she tips her designer sunglasses down to give you a look?
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Astarion: Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud
Take one look at this man and his whole aesthetic and tell me he doesn't drive a Rolls-Royce. This is a vampire car.
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Lae'zel: Triumph Street Scrambler
Our first motorcycle on the list, we thought Lae'zel would favor it over a car. You can't see her as anything other than a biker chick, can you?
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Wyll: GMC Sierra
Wyll comes from money, yes, but I think he'd want to work hard to afford his own car, and it'd be something practical and utilitarian, and likely a used older model. Humbling yet fitting.
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Raphael: Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
I suggested Corvette for Raph and my brother agreed, citing "he has midlife crisis energy (affectionate)" as the reason. And he's right. List of Raphael's midlife crisis things to do: 1. Buy Corvette 2. Cause problems.
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Minthara: Ducati SuperSport 950
Another girl I could only see on a bike. A Ducati specifically, as its sleek design fits her and the personal, independent nature of a motorcycle does as well.
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Mizora: Cadillac Escalade
Mizora doesn't drive herself in it, but she would like to be driven around in an Escalade. A model that's not too new but not too old for the sake of iconic looks, but she'd probably get it detailed regularly.
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Halsin and Jaheira: Walking (for the environment)
They don't judge their friends for driving cars, but Halsin and Jaheira prefer to use the mode of transportation the Gods gave them. For the Earth, yaknow.
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b1uedcollar · 1 month
#     🍓     .
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⌲     atom in a nutshell.
⌲     culinary   is   only   one   slice   in his cultural education.   he’s a dedicated student of etymology and multiple languages.
⌲     that said, believes the atom’s apple is named after each man.
⌲     hardly pays attention to reviews.   which means,   if he’s picking the restaurant,   there’s   a   chance   of   food   poisoning!
⌲     food associations: strawberries, bread, salmon, and chocolate.
⌲     got a license to pilot these guys.
⌲     wears pride well, comfortable in his skin. but he’s mindful about his clothes and prefers to be layered up. one thing about atom? he’s gonna be wearin’ something cozy ( or snuggled in a blanket ).
⌲     he answers the phone like this.
⌲     does not make promises lightly,    ‘specially   the   pinky   variety.
⌲     atom’s not subtle.    and he is the world’s worst liar.
⌲     he owns tons of maps and compasses and spins any globe his fingers touch, but atom has absolutely no sense of direction.
⌲     if there was an apple wrapped, maps would be up there in his top five apps.    he uses the hell out of emojis.    and talks to siri so much that he considers him a pal ( and will refer to him as such ).    sets it to the australian (man) voice because he misses a certain crocodile hunter.    ( don’t diss stingrays in his presence tho! )
⌲     not the guy to watch a horror movie with.   he’s scared of santa!
⌲     lapsed catholic.   sister act 2 is one of his favorite movies.
⌲     believes in the beach boys supremacy. ( fuck the beatles!* )
⌲     life goal is to sleep on a cloud. his dinner party question is asking if you’d sleep on one, and he will walk away if you get too logical.
⌲     this is who ur being mean 2 :/
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pinnakoladda · 8 months
kiyos music related funfacts
starting with visual kei, their favourite visual kei subgenres are tanbi kei, angura kei, menhera kei and neo visual shock. although they like oshare kei a lot!
their fav vkei artists are ErecSia, Közi, Malice Mizer, the GazettE, Kaya, DADAROMA, gulu gulu, D'espairsRay, Femme Fatale, KAMIJO, LAREINE, Plastic Tree, Versailles, Ali Project, VAMPIRE ROSE, David, Unlucky Morpheus, Scarlet Valse, An Cafe
WHICH IS WHY THEY LOVE MUSICAL THEATRE AND OPERA SO MUCH. because tanbi kei is very theatrical and reminds them of it!
fav music genres that are not vkei are obviously gothic rock, darkwave, deathrock, corrosion, coldwave, new wave, post punk, but also melodic metalcore, psychodelic rock, psychedelic metal, kpop and kawaii metal :3
LEAST FAV ON THE OTHER HAND ARE BLACK METAL!!! AND DSBM!!!! they hate it. trap as well. not the biggest fan of rap either. same goes for rockabilly, rock & roll, psychedelic pop, country, blues. its just not their vibe and mostly seems boring
yes, they are very active on last.fm, rateyourmusic and other music forums. reviewed probably more than 500 albums there
first drum kit was premier revolution 20” - great drum set for the beginners, good for performing a variety of musical styles. 10yo kiyoshi didnt need anything better as they still were not sure if theyll like it + only played songs covers
on the other hand they got their first bass after 1,5 year of playing drums and they were committed to the bit. so they started with sterling by music man stingray ray4. obviously they saved money for better drum set later
they have yt channel and post covers there, but its not connected to anything else they post. so its like if you didnt know how their room looks, you wouldnt know its their account, cause they never show face on videos, dont say a word (so recognizing them by voice is also impossible) and have different username on every single social media
first song learned on drums was gardenia by malice mizer, while first song on bass was risley circus by dadaroma
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doctorwhogirlie · 6 days
Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead
Series Four ✨ 2008 - 2010 ✨
Doctor: 10th
Companions: Christina
Main Setting: London and San Helios, circa late 2000s
Main Enemy: Stingrays
Creatures: Stingrays, Tritovore
My Personal Rating: 6/10
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When a London bus takes a detour to an alien world, the Tenth Doctor must join forces with the extraordinary Lady Christina. But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets and time is running out as the deadly Swarm gets closer… Source
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Usually one I skip, but after watching it for this review, I found that I enjoyed it a lot more than I remember. I like Christina as a character, and to be honest I like most of the little side characters, they're all different a fun to watch on screen.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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kidfirstphone · 4 months
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞
Big tech companies like Google and Facebook constantly profile their users to sell personalized advertisements and influence decisions using both soft and hard power. Soft power involves subtle methods to convince users to act in ways that benefit the company, while hard power refers to tech companies imposing their will despite resistance (e.g., tracking your location despite opting out). These companies hook users to their apps and services, making it easy to spend hours on platforms like Facebook without intending to.
Google’s AdWords and AdSense initiatives, combined with DoubleClick’s capabilities, initiated the surveillance economy. They enable Google to follow users almost everywhere online, even if they don’t interact with any ads. Tech companies employ various strategies to keep you under constant surveillance, such as:
Data Collection: Google collects and analyzes your search queries, browser history, location data, device information, cookies, email contents, app usage, voice and audio recordings, YouTube history, and social media posts. This data is used to sell personalized ads and is often shared with third-party companies.
Ultrasound Beacons: In a bookstore, music could send ultrasound beacons to your phone, identifying it and tracking your interests and purchases.
Smart Devices: A Samsung smart TV, for instance, is connected to over 700 distinct internet addresses within fifteen minutes of use.
IMSI-Catchers: Also known as stingrays, these fake cell phone towers trick mobile phones into connecting to them.
Wi-Fi Tracking: Stores can identify returning shoppers through their Wi-Fi signals.
To protect children from such surveillance and its potential harms, consider the following steps:
Educate and Communicate: Teach children about online privacy, the dangers of oversharing, and the tactics used by big tech companies.
Use Privacy-Focused Tools: Opt for search engines, browsers, and apps that prioritize privacy, like DuckDuckGo for search and Brave for browsing.
Set Up Parental Controls: Utilize the parental control features available on devices and apps to limit exposure to inappropriate content and track online activity. https://www.kidfirstphone.com/ is the best parental control available for free
Limit Screen Time: Encourage offline activities and set boundaries for online usage to prevent addiction. https://www.kidfirstphone.com/ provides lots of control to reduce screen time.
Regularly Review Privacy Settings: Periodically check and adjust privacy settings on all devices and platforms your child uses.
Monitor and Discuss: Keep an open line of communication with your children about their online experiences and regularly monitor their activity for any signs of trouble.
Implementing these measures can help safeguard children from the invasive practices of big tech companies and promote healthier, safer online habits.
Kid First Phone is constantly updating and creating new ways to keep kids safe on the internet. To learn more, check out our website at Kid First Phone. https://www.kidfirstphone.com/
#KidFirstPhone#ParentalControl#ChildSafety#DigitalWellbeing #FamilyTech#KidsTech #SafeTech #ParentingTips #ScreenTimeControl #ParentalGuidance #locationtracking #SmartParenting#OnlineSafety#DigitalParenting#SecureTech #KidsSmartphone #TechSolutions #ParentalMonitoring#MobileSafety#FamilyFirst
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pussyhoundspock · 1 year
my review of cobra kai so far is. season 1 GENIUS concept with the stupidest execution so it totally works + daniel gets to be a little evil (homosexual) before aggressively recloseting. season 2 so dull i dont think i can tell you a single plot point beyond 'school fight finale'. season 3 daniel la racist. really good. other than that complete flop almost got me to stop watching the show. season 4 GENIUS AGAIN i think they realized they actually don't have it in them to deal with the genuinely complex stuff set up in season 1 (everything w/ robby for example) so pivoted to exploring that time daniel got groomed which was a GREAT choice. silver actor EATS every time he is on screen. REALLY fun payoff of storylines i didn't think worked well (anthony & kenny, stingray, CHOZEN, literally anything with tory she was finally engaging as a character to me, same with hawk most enjoyable he's been since season 1) REALLY fun actors who KNOW the assignment (chozen, silver, kreese, etc), REALLY good lean in to the established canon anal metaphor from karate kid 3 (karate is gay sex, cobra kai is evil gay sex, miyagi do is conversion therapy). season 5 well we haven't finished yet. to be reviewed.
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
💫About The Creator💫
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Name: Tac-the-Unseen (Tac)
Age: 18
Gender: Non-Binary (They, Them, Theirs)
Sexuality: AroAce 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
Nationality: 'Merica 🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🎸🎸
Religion: Born and Raised Pagan 🪄🕯️🔮
Time writing: 9 years total
Star signs: 🌞 Pisces, 🌝 Capricorn, ⬆️ Pisces
More specific:
Favorite type of Music: Mostly Metal and early 00's-00's pop
Favorite genre of movie: Definitely Horror, no contest
Favorite song: Take a Look Around - Limp Bizkit
Favorite Movie(s): I know i just said my favorite genre is horror, but my favorite movie is 1951's Alice in wonderland
Favorite Characters: Cheshire Cat (AIW), David (TLB), Marceline/Marshall Lee (AT), Bill Cipher (GF), Elvira (E:MOTD), Severus Snape (HP), The Hex Girls (SD), I got more but that's a long list
Favorite Band/Artist: Limp Bizkit, SlipKnot, Korn, Type O Negative, Rammstein, Sleep Token, Ghost, Ayesha Erotica, MSI, In this Moment, Lamb of God, Murder dolls, Seether, HELLYEAH, JinJer, + more (I take music seriously lmao)
Favorite Animals: Stingrays, Sharks, Cats, Any Reptile, Skunks, Jaguars, Leopards, probably more
Backstory Stuff:
(I'll just highlight the general Ideas)
I started writing as a Child and just didn't stop. I loved making short stories and yapping about them to my (Poor) Teachers (I'm so sorry😞).
It was the one thing I wasn't being made fun of, so that just filled me with determination. (A few bullies stopped being mean to me after reading my Stories in the 5th grade.) (We weren't friends but they just said sorry and moved on)
Anyway at 12 I started Posting my works (that username is going to hell with me 🔪🩸). My first ever book currently has 17k views.
Now I'm here, Looking to widen my Audience!
Random Trivia:
• On my AO3 account, my most popular book has 24k views :D
• Counting both ears, I have 9 piercings
• I have 4 cats, 2 Dogs, 3 Rats, and a bearded dragon
• I Love Clowns (It's an obsession)
• My Favorite Book is 'Every You, Every Me' by David Leviathan, And it has zero fandom 😭😭😭 (seriously the only thing online about it is reviews) (plz read it 🙏)
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I'll update this time to time, maybe ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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I posted 1,078 times in 2022
That's 90 more posts than 2021!
1,058 posts created (98%)
20 posts reblogged (2%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,078 of my posts in 2022
#art history - 786 posts
#art - 783 posts
#19th century art - 278 posts
#tagamemnon - 222 posts
#classics - 212 posts
#ancient art - 200 posts
#personal - 187 posts
#landscape - 135 posts
#sculpture - 128 posts
#ancient greece - 127 posts
Longest Tag: 52 characters
#westphalian state museum of art and cultural history
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Stingrays, Kuniyoshi (1798-1861)
1,302 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
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Karasu Marsh, Akita, Hasui Kawase, 1927
1,376 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
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Roses, Vincent van Gogh, 1890
1,606 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
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Crow and Willow Tree, Kawanabe Kyosai, 1887
2,745 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Nikkō Kaidō, Hasui Kawase, 1930
3,463 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gluion · 1 year
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all about moni
➵ hi everyone, i am moni! if we’re close feel free to call me by any nickname </3
➵ they/them pronouns (any if close, all gendered terms OK!) and identify as nonbinary unlabelled.
➵ 21 years old who lives in the philippines — eng/fil OK!
➵ 4th-year communications major who is also active in my uni's newspaper so i have a very sporadic schedule xP
➵ this blog does hold an array of interests. however, it mostly focuses on my writings and current hyperfixation/s
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all about moni's works
➵ i mainly write about the boyz, zerobaseone, boynextdoor, and reader-insert fics whether in the romantic or platonic aspect. i also make my fics reader-centric. — although i write my readers to use they/them pronouns, i do note that they are afab on most occasions. please read the warnings.
➵ i write both sfw and nsfw. take note that this is my first time fully getting into writing fics and publishing them so always be kind as i'm figuring out my writing style :] — will not be writing about yandere, incest, and any majorly toxic themes that i'm uncomfortable writing about. i have every right to deny your request.
➵ i am not the best with requests. if you do request something, please do not expect too much nor get mad at me if i am unable to fulfill.
➵ for any feedback, i would love if you would reblog it! however, you can also send comments, feedbacks, or even requests to be part of the tag list to my ask/inbox.
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moni's tag system old ➵ new
zzoguri thoughts ➵ nom nom
all my thoughts!!! about anything and everything i think about!! suitable for 16+
all my nsfw thoughts!! please block this tag if under 18
zzoguri works ➵ works of moni
all my works (though you can already find that in my masterlist)
zzoguri updates ➵ psa
all updates in terms of writing, from ideas to actually writing
zzoguri feedbacks/zzoguri feedback ➵ reviewed and approved
all the feedback i received on my works :') good to look back to
zzoguri asks ➵ om nom
all the asks i receive
love notes 💌 ➵ all my loves
all the love notes i receive from mutuals and followers
zzoguri requests ➵ food for a thought
all the requests i received and fulfilled
my boyz (the boyz), my sun for life (kim sunwoo), cobster (jacob bae), changmin lover (ji changmin), my erigi (eric sohn), the moon shines for all (kevin moon), catjyu (lee juyeon)
____ brainrot (all other general interests! expect a lot of doctor who, fe3h, atla, and more that you can find below)
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moni's silly interests and other symbols of comfort
current hyperfixation ➵ zb1 & bnd
ults ➵ day6 (ot4) ✰ bts (namgi) ✰ the boyz (sunwoo, jacob, changmin, and eric) ✰ zb1 (taerae, hanbin, and matthew) ✰ boynextdoor (dongjaedong) ✰ txt (yeonbin) ✰ le sserafim (ot5) ✰ loona (yeojin, chuu, choerry, and vivi), p1harmony (intak)
my other loves
nct dream (jaemin and donghyuck) ✰ seventeen (seungkwan, dokyeom, and minghao) ✰ weki meki (yoojung and lucy) ✰ stayc (sumin, sieun, and isa) ✰ cravity
bibi ✰ dean ✰ woodz ✰ seori ✰ yerin baek ✰ dpr ✰ giriboy ✰ ph-1 ✰ woo ✰ offonoff ✰ crush ✰ penomeco ✰ epik-high
hyukoh ✰ wave to earth ✰ lucky tapes ✰ jannabi ✰ se so neon ✰ polkadot stingray ✰ surl ✰ nell ✰ lucy ✰ indigo la end ✰ onewe ✰ radwimps ✰ no buses ✰ cnblue
hippo campus ✰ laufey ✰ faye webster ✰ mitski ✰ phoebe bridgers ✰ sabrina carpenter ✰ matt maltese ✰ niki ✰ maneskin
ludwig ✰ quarterjade ✰ itzmasayoshi ✰ jerma985 ✰ tinakitten ✰ the yard ✰ jacksepticeye ✰ markiplier
valorant ✰ kirby ✰ fe3h (claude von riegan) ✰ omori ✰ the last of us ✰ overwatch ✰ pokemon ✰ inscryption ✰ undertale ✰ borderlands ✰ minecraft ✰ bioshock infinite ✰ stardew valley
doctor who ✰ little women (2019) ✰ everything, everywhere, all at once ✰ the spiderverse franchise ✰ the mandalorian ✰ community ✰ new girl ✰ modern family ✰ superstore ✰ the good place
tomo-chan wa onnanoko ✰ cowboy bebop ✰ brass & sass ✰ the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya ✰ kyoukai no kanata ✰ code geass ✰ steins;gate
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