#trop battle
cmhcny · 29 days
don’t wanna hear anyone complain about trop ever again that was one of the best battles shown on tv-i was watching with my mouth open the whole time
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conundrumoftime · 28 days
One of the fun things about shipping Haladriel and about Galadriel's story in Rings of Power, for me, is that we know exactly where this is going to end up. And I wanted to babble for a bit about where that place is because I have seen so many people view it as "she is retired to some woods to be a passive wife-and-mother who can do magic but in a mystical New Age-y way", and: no! No.
So a quick overview of where she will end up by LOTR:
Very much not removed from the war against Sauron.
She is constantly mind-battling against Sauron: One of the lines that inspired McKay and Payne's whole show was her talking about this: "I say to you, Frodo, that even as I speak to you, I perceive the Dark Lord and know his mind, or all of his mind that concerns the Elves. And he gropes ever to see me and my thought." In one of the versions of the Annatar story in Unfinished Tales, Sauron immediately realises she will be his 'chief adversary', and has apparently not changed that assessment 3500 years later.
She co-ordinates joint efforts against Sauron: The White Council that Elrond talks about in LOTR, the combined force of Ring-bearers, wizards and elf-lords that first drives Sauron out of Dol Guldur - she's not just on that, she founded it.
She gets Gandalf back after Moria and the Balrog: Galadriel learns what's happened to Gandalf from the Fellowship when they arrive in Lothlórien. The the Fellowship are sad; the elves of Lothlórien mourn; Celeborn loses it a bit and says Gandalf 'fell into folly'; but Galadriel sends Gwaihir the eagle to get him, returns him to health, updates him on the situation with Boromir, gives him some messages to take to the others, and sends him back on his way.
She is possibly in Lothlórien because of its position of strategic importance: from Unfinished Tales here, she 'saw that Lórien would be a stronghold and point of power to prevent the Shadow from crossing the Anduin in the war that must inevitably come' and that's why she and Celeborn go there. (There are other versions as with almost everything else in Tolkien, but this is one of them.) She's not there to hide away from Events.
2. Calmer than in TROP, but not all-wise and all-sweet and still pretty scary.
She is still tempted by power and world domination: "I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired to ask what you offer [...] In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the morning and the night!"
And, she doesn't just turn down the One Ring because it's abstractly eeeevil. She turns it down because she knows what she, specifically, would do with it. Sam sees a vision of the Shire, and tells her "I wish you'd take his Ring. You'd put things to rights. You'd stop them digging up the Gaffer and turning him adrift. You'd make some folk pay for their dirty work," to which she says that yes, she would: "That is how it would begin. But it would not stop with that, alas! We will not speak more of it."
And saying she wants to rule the world here is not me joking about! This is Tolkien describing that moment in LOTR:
It was not until two long ages more had passed, when at last all that she had desired in her youth came to her hand, the Ring of Power and the dominion of Middle-earth of which she had dreamed, that her wisdom was full-grown and she rejected it
People are scared of her: The only scary moment we directly see is the Ring temptation, but she does other unsettling things. When she meets the Fellowship she tests them by reading their minds and offering something they really want to see if it would make them "turn aside from the road and leave the Quest and the war against Sauron to others." (She offers Sam a garden; the One Ring later on tempts him with the same thing.) Even the hobbits are a bit disturbed by this and Boromir, who's already said he doesn't want to go into Lothlórien because people who do that never leave again, absolutely does not trust her.
Éomer, a few chapters later:
'Then there is a Lady in the Golden Wood, as old tales tell!' he said. 'Few escape her nets, they say. These are strange days! But if you have her favour, then you are also net-weavers and sorcerers, maybe.'
She's scary! She's ancient and powerful and people are scared of her.
3. Married, but not in the character-limiting way the nerdbros want it to be and would have you believe it is.
I am not telling anyone they should ship Galadriel/Celeborn or even find it interesting just because I do, but, the angry nerdbros fancasting Celeborn as Henry Cavill and talking about how he'll come back to tame her and tidy her neatly out of the narrative are writing their own little AU headcanons because that is not what's in the text.
She's the more powerful one. Partly because she's one of the 'High Elves' - she's Noldor and has lived in Valinor seen the light of the Trees - which for various reasons about the way Tolkien's elves work just makes her more powerful, partly because she has a Ring of Power and Celeborn doesn't. It's her Mirror; she's the one reading people's minds; she's the one locked in endless mental battles with Sauron; she's the one the Rohirrim (whose lands border Lothlorien's) tell each other scary stories about. Celeborn at no point ever seems to have an issue with this, and calls her his 'treasure'.
They work together. Even in a big-action-sequences sense: after Sauron's defeat, Celeborn 'led the host of Lorien over Anduin in many boats' to Dol Guldur, where Galadriel 'threw down its walls and laid bare its pits'. But the rest of the time, too: she says of him that 'together through ages of the world we have fought the long defeat'.
You really get the sense that they have been married for a loooooong time. An actual sequence of events in LOTR, somewhat condensed:
The Fellowship reveal there's a Balrog in Moria;
Celeborn goes "!!!!", complains about dwarves waking it up and says he'd never have let Gimli into Lothlorien if he'd known that;
Galadriel smacks Celeborn down for being rude to their guest;
Celeborn apologises to Gimli;
Galadriel tells the Fellowship that Celeborn is accounted the wisest of elves;
Boromir says something about "old wives' tales";
Celeborn, whose wife is one of the oldest beings in Middle-earth, tells Boromir not to be so dismissive because "old wives keep in memory word of things that once were needful for the wise to know";
Galadriel hands Celeborn a drink.
Whatever is going on here is clearly something that works for them, is what I'm saying! And you don't have to find their marriage interesting just because I do, of course; but what it's not is some trad fantasy of domestic subservient-wife anything.
So where her TROP story ends up is ultimately with LOTR Galadriel: powerful, important, tempted to rule the world, a bit calmer than in TROP, a bit happier than in TROP, co-ordinating big strategic efforts in the war, married to someone who's got her back and adores her and they fall out a bit sometimes but generally work pretty well together, and still having Sauron constantly trying to get into her head. I am fine with this! I am more than fine with this.
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luzriels · 5 months
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Maxim and Ismael's drinking game for season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (drink responsibly)
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The Rings Of Power S2 | Doomed To Die 2x07
Promise me, Elrond, you will put opposing Sauron above all other considerations. Even my life.
I will make no promise whose asking is borne of that Ring. But I swear to you...defeating Sauron will come first. Even before you.
-Eldest 2x07
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elladanns · 2 months
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Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?
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shady-swan-jones · 22 days
There's a meta to be written on how Sauron wanted her to give him the ring, he waited when he could just take it from her hand
He still, even now, wanted her to join him
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catz4ever · 2 months
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His shoulders...
Kudos to the casting department...you understood the assignment...
Both Joseph and Sam have a similar build and MAN do they look fabulous in this armor!
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Celebrating JRR Tolkien, the early-twentieth-century white man who invented the rap battle (unless you count the Norse god Loki).
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Elrond 🤝 Thranduil
Called pretty by a male enemy
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rey-jake-therapist · 1 month
Thoughts about the trailer for episode 7 :
The hands we see stroking Galadriel's face are probably Celebrimbor's hands, as it was already suggested by several people already. She will find him struggling to face Sauron's anger, and will probably apologize for hiding him that Halbrand was Sauron the day they forged the Elven rings. She definitely should, because Celebrimbor would have never worked willingly with Sauron ! I still think it could be Elrond's though, even if we see him only in full armour in the trailer.
I don't think that she will kiss Celebrimbor to save him like she kissed Gandalf in The Hobbit though... He doesn't seem to be dying here, wounded yes, but not necessarily fatally. She refuses to let him "face him - Sauron - alone", meaning that Celebrimbor tells her to run away without him, I think. Which brings me to this major speculation :
Celebrimbor may tell her to take the Nine rings to keep them safe from Sauron, because he knows he won't resist him for long. It may be what makes Sauron chase her through the woods, leading them to this passionate sword fight we're all waiting for !
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thrillofhope · 30 days
Gil-galad would be sassy on the battlefield, and I’m gonna need to see a little bit of that when he stands against Sauron.
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haladrielgifs · 2 years
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ratatatastic · 17 days
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happy we love defending our teammates around here from mr aj "thats one of the biggest things is im very loyal to my teammates and no ones going to take liberties and take any cheap shots towards my teammates" greer
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if youd like to know what caused aj to go after kastelic its because of two hits on adam and jesper that happen within 7 seconds of each other and while casters were quick to note the jesper hit they never mentioned kastelic basically riding adam near the benches hard not even a few seconds before that and those within tandem is what makes aj go enoughs enough! and shed his gloves
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there has to be something so funny about jesper and uvis hovering nearby as aj just (insert the dog eating cabbage angrily video)
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despite wrastling the shit out of a guy aj wants more and honestly a perfect addition to our kitty lineup!! oh delightful little cat!!
boston bruins @ florida panthers | 10.8.24
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elladanns · 2 years
"Peter referred to sort of the eventual look as the Drowned Galadriel so it's almost like she was an underwater spirit." - Cate Blanchett
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do i even need to say it-
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so like do we think she took on the "drowned form" to play with his emotions since he pulled her from the sea and saved her life because... 👀
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shady-swan-jones · 2 months
Are we gonna talk about the fact that Galadriel took off her intricate double-braided crown mid-mission?
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catz4ever · 2 months
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