#trich awareness month
blogthebooklover · 1 year
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I may have shared a post some time ago about body focused repetitive behaviors (BFRB). Well, I’d figure it was time for me to share my own struggles with it. I have trichotillomania, and I’ve had it since I was 10 years old. It basically means self inflicted hair pulling, which 100% sucks ASS. When I turned 18 it went into (lack of a better term) remission and my hair grew out. I had it so long, that it touched the middle of my back (unfortunately, I don't have any pictures at this time of me with long hair). I absolutely loved how long my hair was.
And then, the whole 2016 Presidential election happened.
Aside from that, there were some other issues going on at the time, too.
That first picture is 23-year-old me feeling absolutely the worse I had EVER felt about myself. I felt so bad, all of the hard work I had put in to grow my hair out. There is so much shame around trich, constant self esteem issues, feeling alone, and too much bullying unfortunately. It was then, when I finally decided I would shave my hair completely. I felt so much more like myself than ever.
It absolutely does suck having this, especially when you’re a kid.
Here’s a small collection of me wearing four of my wigs (I have ten, yes TEN!), that I wear in public sometimes. Mostly during a holiday (that deep red one is my first lace front, btw).
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Wearing wigs helps me out, I wore more natural looking ones in high school, and I like to express myself through them. I usually wear them in public, because I got done with people asking me about my hair loss (& I had a child ask me if I was a boy or a girl). I do like to choose whichever hairstyle I feel like coordinating with an outfit (yes, I intentionally wanted to look like a leprechaun for St. Paddy's Day, lol).
As you can also see from the photos, I'm plus-sized, which is DOUBLE the self esteem issues as a pre-teen and a teenager.
It took me a very long time to accept and love myself fully. I have my moments from time to time now as an almost 30-year-old woman. The point I am trying to make is that it wasn't until I was an adult, that I decided to really be honest about my mental health struggles. When you're growing up, you just want to fit in, no matter which group you wanted to be included at that time. I'm just mad at myself for not being more open and honest about my mental health.
We all want to be accepted and loved for who you are.
I want anyone who struggles with BFRB or any other mental health disorders to know: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! YOU ARE ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL!
I am here for you, if you just need to talk.
Edit: Apparently, I recently found out that September is also Trichotillomania and Alopecia Awareness Month. YAY!!!!
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mossy-rainfrog · 2 years
Trich isn't a fucking cute little condition for your shitty character
Hi there! I’m going to choose to be respectful here and give you the benefit of the doubt on this and explain my motives here a little. I do not owe you my time or my backstory, but I am going to give them because I truly hope that you are someone well-meaning who is concerned about misrepresentation and/or glorification.
That being said. Yes, I am aware it isn’t a “cute” little condition. I myself struggle with trich and have struggled with it for over half my life. It sent me to the hospital once, and completely destroyed my self image for years. It was and still is an incredibly difficult disorder/behavior to cope with, and although I am doing so much better with my mental health now, it is still something I struggle with. I know first hand how harmful it can be.
Because of this, when I created Dots, I wanted to give a character the same struggle as me. I wanted to look at her and see someone afraid and frustrated with herself and having the same breakdowns in bathrooms as I had, and then I wanted to give her kindness. I wanted to think she was beautiful and love her for her small victories and her fight against trich, because I wasn’t ready to give myself that kindness yet.
And I’m not the only one. Lots of other people who struggle with trich feel demonized, feel unseen and ignored and mocked, even though it’s quite a common disorder and even some popular celebrities have it (hello Charlize Theron!). And now that I’ve learned my worth, I want to keep striving to showcase that in what I do.
Yes, I’m just drawing my silly little OC’s for the month of october, a challenge meant for my own personal enjoyment above anything else, but if another person with trich comes across my doodle of Dots and feels seen, feels empowered for it? Then it feels like I’m doing this for other people too, and I’m all the happier for it. Us folks with trichotillomania deserve to be seen, deserve to be represented, and deserved to be loved as we are. Full stop.
I hope you’re doing well 💙
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
happy disability pride month to people with BFRB’s (body focused repetitive behaviors) like dermatillomania, trichotillomania, nail biters, etc
BFRB’s are so hard to spread awareness and positivity for because, at least for me, mentioning skin-picking, hair-pulling etc can often just be triggering 😩 but know there’s no shame, and they’re SO much more common than you think. I have so many ADHD friends come up to me later and say “YOU have trich too??” and like. It’s so nice knowing we’re not alone in this, it just doesn’t get talked about often.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
i used to have really severe hair pulling issues. i had a natural unibrow, which i was really insecure about. then i read kotlc, and about sophie pulling out her eyelashes... you see where this is going. i thought it would be a great way to get rid of my eyebrow shape.
at first, it was great. i started in the center of my eyebrow and plucked and plucked and plucked. after a week at most, my unibrow was gone. i had two eyebrows, for the first time in my life.
but then i couldn’t stop.
a month later, i had half-eyebrows. half the size of what would be considered a conventionally beautiful eyebrow. six months after that, i could fit a tennis ball in between my eyebrows.
none of this to speak about the intense emotional toll this took on me.
a year after that, i went into therapy. after two years in therapy, i have conventionally attractive eyebrows. i still have nothing between them. they are a “pretty” length and every time a family member compliments me for how i “grew out of my unibrow,” my forehead gets itchy.
i could give the same story for my eyelashes and how i have them for the first time since single fucking digits. for how whenever i pull my hair into a ponytail, i can see my scalp and the ragged edges of weirdly shaped hair patterns on the sides of my head. i'm just as beautiful as when i had natural eyelashes, a thick, constantly complimented on head of hair, and when i had a singular, constantly insulted for eyebrow.
listen, i'm not trying to blame kotlc. it would've happened eventually. i know myself well enough to be aware of that. what i'm saying is that kotlc, in a lot of ways, subtly encourages it. i can't claim that i would've stopped had i read about a sophie who pulled out her eyelashes and felt fucking terrible about it.
but the sophie we got, a sophie who yanked and pulled and ripped out her eyelashes and considered it a quirk, simply a nervous habit, a sophie who, when asked by her sister how she could stand it, said, unbothered, "we all have our things" did not help. the other characters brushing it off after seeing it right in front of their faces- that did not help.
sophie has trich. it's undeniable. it's also bad. her 'nervous habit' and the way it carries itself out vs the way she feels about it doesn't make sense. i think the books could have handled it better. and i think the readers deserve better, too.
I don't really have much to add, but thanks for sharing and I'm glad your trich is getting better!
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wyrdify · 3 years
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s been plastered all over every social media website I’ve been on, and I’ve had friends on other sites talking about it. I’ve also seen it on here, and I decided I’m going to continue my trend of being open about my own mental health. In doing so, I have a few goals: to help lessen the stigma surrounding mental illnesses, to let others know it’s okay to talk about what they live with, and to just get my brain to move onto another topic.
So, let’s get down to it.
My brain works great when I present stuff in list or outline format, so that’s what I’m going to do to start with.
These are the mental illnesses I live with every single day:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Major Depression Disorder
A couple of these may seem unfamiliar to folks, and there are definitely preconceived notions about all of them, so I’ll share a little bit about what they look like for me in another section.
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My family/personal history that contributes to my mental health:
Alcoholism (namely family members, but I bordered on becoming an alcoholic before I was 21)
Emotional abuse / gaslighting
Involvement in a cult
Loss of family members
Neglect (namely medical)
Other shit I’m not quite comfortable talking about in a public setting
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What these mental illnesses look like for me:
Dermatillomania: It means I like picking at my skin, particularly recently acquired cuts or wounds. For me, my brain likes to make myself bleed, and it perceives that feeling, that pain, as good.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: I worry about things and blow them out of proportion. Worst case scenarios are easy for me to imagine, and I overthink just about everything. Big surprises, the unknown, and anything outside of my control can make me panic.
Major Depressive Disorder: I’m tired a lot, and I often have trouble focusing or concentrating for long periods of time. Small things like putting something away takes extra effort, and I’ll often lose interest in things I normally enjoy. Since I was at least thirteen years old, I’ve also experienced thoughts of self-harm and suicide.
OCD: This links back to my anxiety, and it’s connected to the derma/trich stuff. I don’t do well when I don’t know something, or there’s any sort of uncertainty. I need things to be done in a certain way, and often in a certain order, or my brain will figuratively set itself on fire. I also need things organized in a specific way, or I get the same result. That’s the obsessive part. The compulsive part comes from following a somewhat strict routine along with counting in specific patterns, arranging my stuff in specific ways, and stuff like that.
Trichotillomania: Similar to the dermatillomania, but with hair. Often without thinking, I’ll pull my hair out. Sometimes, I do it purposefully because my brain thinks it helps with anxiety. This has also led to me having general issues when it comes to my hair in general.
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What that family/personal history looked like for me:
Alcoholism: A lot of people in my family, including both parents, are alcoholics. They consume a lot of alcohol. I was pressured to start drinking alcohol when I was around 13-14 years old. When I was in my late teens, I would drink just to make myself feel better. Due to my intense fear of throwing up, though, I never let myself progress past tipsy. I don’t drink any alcohol now due to my medications and the knowledge that I could easily fall into alcoholism.
Emotional abuse: This is wide-ranging and extensive, honestly, and gaslighting was a huge part of it. What I’m going to do instead is link some things that explain what I lived with for most of my life. With this article from PsychCentral, I can check off every single thing on that list. This link from womenshealth.gov also covers what I dealt with.
Involvement in a cult: Insert nervous laughter. Starting around the end of middle school to the start of high school, my parents started getting involved in a cult that centers itself on therapy and self-help with some spiritual elements. Therapy through them was the only way to get help, or it wasn’t valid. My family is still involved in this cult, and I managed to get myself out of it when I moved back in 2013.
Loss of family members: In 2005, I suddenly lost my godfather, my dad’s brother. I saw him as more of a father than my biological dad, especially considering he curbed or otherwise acted as a buffer for my dad’s abusive behavior. In 2011, I lost my paternal grandmother, someone I was incredibly close to and trusted more than my parents. She also helped curb my parents’ abusive behavior, and her house was a safe place for me to go.
Neglect: I’ve said this before when talking about my epilepsy, but I was not allowed to go to doctors. Any medical issues, which included mental illnesses, I had were my fault, too expensive, inconvenient, or all in my head. It is also my belief that my mother pressured my pediatrician to tell me that my seizures were not neurological when I was sixteen years old. To this day, my parents are still very anti-doctor and borderline anti-vax.
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Whoo, that was a lot of stuff, and I’m not even done---because of course not. Now, as the last part (I think), I’m going to list some things I do and personality quirks as a result of all this shit.
Confrontation/angry voices scares the ever-loving shit out of me. I shut down. I dissociate. I freeze, or I otherwise try to escape. Sometimes, this will come across as me trying to find ways to change the subject, not saying anything at all, or just agreeing with things because it’s easier.
I cry when people tell me they love me, and I often have to stop myself from saying things like “Thank you”, “Why?”, or asking for further explanation.
I doubt my memory and emotions a lot. To combat this, I keep logs, paper trails, and notes of just about everything. If I remember something that someone else doesn’t, or I have a different emotional response than someone else, I tend to assume the other person is right.
I feel guilty for everything. Somehow, everything becomes my fault, my responsibility, and I have to fix everything. This leads to apologies being my go-to responses for a lot.
I have trouble advocating for myself or saying that I need something. Needing things = bad in my brain.
I info-dump. My brain tells me people should have all of the information possible, so I do it. This includes telling people when I’m going to bed for the night or when I’m going somewhere.
I only feel safe crying when there’s no one else around.
I overthink every single thing I say and type.
I put everything in alphabetical order if possible.
I use writing to cope with feelings and other issues I’m dealing with.
I will listen to sad or otherwise emotional songs over and over again to help me get feelings out.
I will often perceive my issues as “not as bad as what other people deal with” and not talk about them. I’ll downplay what I deal with and shove it under a rug while trying to help others because, otherwise, I’ll feel selfish, self-centered, and attention-seeking.
If I can’t have my bowl of cereal for breakfast in the morning, it has the power to ruin my entire day, and I feel rather silly about it.
Lots of all or nothing and black and white thinking. Perfectionism also plays into this. If I can’t do something right the first time, or if things aren’t done perfectly, my brain will not let it go.
Physical contact without my explicit and verbal consent makes me cringe and feel incredibly uncomfortable. It can get to the point that even the thought of it happening triggers nausea. 
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These are explanations for things I do and why I act in certain ways. They are not excuses, and they are things I’m working on to the best of my ability. I’m currently on a wait list to get a new psychologist so I can start going to therapy again since I know I need it. When I had it in the past, it was incredibly helpful and empowering to me. Since about February, my depression started to get worse, especially as I felt like things were falling apart around me. It rises and it falls. Nowadays, it’s just a little worse in the sense that I find shutting down easier, and I struggle to do anything that isn’t a video game.
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it needs to be acknowledged as such. If sharing what I deal with helps even one person, then I consider it worth it.
That is all. I hope everyone is doing okay. If you’re not, though, that’s okay. It’s okay to not have good days or otherwise not feel physically or mentally okay. One day, that lesson will stick with me on a more permanent basis.
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Trichotillomania Answers Needed
Hey, I could use your help! I am strongly interested in casually researching patterns related to the urges behind pulling. If you suffer from trichotillomania (it doesn’t matter if you’re self-diagnosed, as long as you legitimately have a compulsion to pull/pluck hair from anywhere on your body), I would really appreciate it if you could answer the following questions honestly:
1. Approximately what time of day do you pull the most?
2. Approximately what time of day do you pull the least?
3. Do you pull more when you are anxious/stressed?
4. How many hours do you normally sleep each night?
5. Have you noticed that you pull more when you’re tired or after sleeping less than normal?
6. Is your hair long or short?
7. Do you pull shorter or longer hairs more?
8. Do “different” hairs cause a stronger urge to pull (i.e. wiry, thicker, coarser)?
9. How many hours do you normally exercise each week?
10. How many hours do you normally work or attend class each week?
11. Approximately what age did you first start pulling?
12. Have you been diagnosed with any other disorders, compulsions or illnesses?
13. What does your diet normally consist of (i.e. meats, vegetables, fruits, grains)?
14. Where do you normally pull from?
15. Does anybody else in your family have trich?
16. Do any of your personal friends have trich?  If so, is that related to why/how you met?
17. Where are you when you normally pull (i.e. at home, in bed, at work, doesn’t make a difference/anywhere)?
18. Do you ever chew on or ingest the hair root or the hair itself?
19. Did you have dogs growing up?
20. Did you have cats growing up?
21. Did you have exotic pets growing up? If so, please specify.
22. Did you have horses or other farm animals growing up?
23. How often do you wash your hair?
24. Do you pull more or less depending on how greasy your hair is? If so, please explain.
25. Would you describe your skin as particularly dry or oily?
26. (For eyelash pullers) Do you typically wear eye makeup? If so, do you find yourself pulling more while wearing makeup?
27. (For pubic hair pullers) Do you typically shave your pubic hair? If so, do you find that you pull more after hair begins to regrow?
28. Do you have any food allergies? If so, please specify.
29. If you drink alcohol or take recreational drugs, do you find that you pull more while intoxicated?
30. Were you your mother’s first, second, third, etc. child born?
31. Do you believe trichotillomania awareness on tumblr or in other media has helped you to pull less? More?
 Some important points:
Please submit/DM me your answers; it will be difficult to track reblogs, and I don’t want to accidentally count responses twice. (Feel free to reblog as well though, I just won’t count those responses.)
You can submit answers anonymously if you want. If this takes several messages due to Ask word count, that’s fine.
This information will NOT be officially published. I WILL release general statistics on my tumblr after a few months (WITHOUT usernames) in case certain trends help people resist the urge to pull in the future.
I am NOT an expert on trichotillomania
If you do not want to answer a specific question, please type SKIP as your answer.
General information about me:
I am 27 and have been pulling since I was about 10.
I pull from my scalp (a lot), eyelashes (occasionally), and pubic area (moderately).
I have mild dermatillomania, but it does not affect me nearly as significantly as trich.
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trichybitch · 5 years
Hi, i've been thinking of having a buzzcut for 3 months now. I pull out my hair from my scalp, my eyebrows and eyelashes : I managed to stop pulling a lot on the last two (thx to makeup) but i can't find a way to stop it on the scalp. I do it a lot when i go to sleep so i tried to reduce (ej : covering hair w/ scarf) but it doesn't work. I see that it worked for some people, and i've wanted to get a short haircut for a while, but having it that short scares me a bit. How can i know if i'm ready?
Hi, I'm glad to hear you've been able to control some aspects of your trich using makeup, that's great! In regards to cutting your hair, I've never had a buzzcut myself, but I did have very short hair for a while, and I did find it helped me control my pulling. I would just say to be aware that what works for others with trich may not work for you, but the main thing is if you cut your hair, don't like it, or you think it doesn't help your trich, it will grow back. My advice would be to try it in combination with other methods of keeping your hands busy etc. Hope this helps! XXX
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asterythm · 5 years
A is for Amour || Just Another Manic Monday (4)
Pairings: Eventual Logicality, eventual Prinxiety Word Count: 6.3k Chapter Summary: As any reasonable high school student would tell you, school sucks most on Mondays. Patton knows this all too well. Chapter Warnings: food mention, one jerk of a teacher
(A/N: I think that tagging didn’t work on the previous chapter for some reason? So if you don’t recall reading about a certain Monet Triche, make sure you check out chapter three before continuing with this one!)
<< First Chapter || < Previous Chapter || Read this chapter on AO3
On Monday, Patton woke up.
Patton had never liked Mondays. Mondays were miserable days built on the crushed dreams of students — students with better things to do than be rudely woken by their squawking alarm clocks and put thought into their outfits and go to school. What kind of madman would ever be a fan of Monday?
Although to be fair, it wasn’t like high school was all bad all the time. Sure, classes could be a bummer, but school could mean so much more with the right attitude: a regular excuse to see friends, a community ripe with opportunity, and sometimes even baking if he was lucky (Home Ec. had been a good choice)! Things could be a lot worse.
Especially considering how sweet everyone always was. On the first day of Patton’s freshman year, Sandford Secondary School had felt bigger than elementary and middle school combined; so many unfamiliar faces, so many uncertain opportunities, so many things that could go wrong… But it hadn’t taken long for Patton to start making friends.
Now, navigating the familiarly packed halls, he could put a name to every face he passed. “Morning, Linda; cute earrings! Brendan, good to see you, how’d football go? You won? Awesome!” Patton called over the hustle and bustle of the crowd, greeting everyone he could. He exchanged smiles, returned friendly nods, even gave a few hugs here or there after the hallways had cleared up enough to allow it.
Everybody had a story to tell, each one as complex as the last. It fascinated Patton to no end to think about how he could dip his toes into so many at once with no more than a quick “hello”. And he really, genuinely cherished every single one of them.
Patton turned away from a bout of banter with another student to find himself staring at the door to his homeroom class.
…maybe not every single one.
Sure, school meant friends, and community, and baking, which was all well and good. But you see, school also meant facing his English teacher Mr. Mitchell first thing in the morning.
Every. Single. Day.
On the first day of tenth grade, many months ago, Patton had shown up to class wearing a brand-new shirt, his favourite lucky sneakers, and the biggest smile that any of teachers had ever seen.
He’d been chatting with some upperclassmen earlier that day, a small gaggle of eleventh and twelfth graders — all of whom had expressed sympathy upon finding out that Patton’s homeroom teacher was to be Mr. Mitchell this year. “Poor you,” one girl had said, pulling a face. “My friends all tell me that he’s a really strict marker. I heard half the class had to retake their exams last year.”
“Yeah, and he picks favourites,” her friend had chimed in. “So you’re gonna want to make sure he likes you early on. Otherwise, you’re gonna be in for a hell of a nightmare year.”
But Patton had refused to let his optimistic smile falter. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad!” he’d said cheerily. “Thanks for the warning, though. I’ll keep it in mind.”
And he had — nightmare or not, Patton always liked to try and bond with his teachers. What better way to start than by showing up to class early? One of the first to arrive, Patton had considered himself lucky to be able to take a seat at the front of the room.
If only he’d had the sense to keep his butt in the chair.
While the other students were trickling in, Patton figured he might as well take this time to get to know his new teacher a little better. Despite what the girl and her friend had said, Mr. Mitchell didn’t seem too scary. He couldn’t have been older than thirty, thirty-five at most, and the way he carried himself almost reminded Patton of his father.
The girl’s warning the last thing on his mind, Patton had made his way over to the classic wooden teacher’s desk at which Mr. Mitchell sat, holding a plastic bottle of something colourful that he took a few sips out of every now and again.
“Hi, Mr. Mitchell, what’cha drinking?”
Much to Patton’s dismay, a look of annoyance had instantly crossed his teacher’s face. He tensed. Uh-oh. That can’t be good.
“What are you.”
Mr. Mitchell sighed heavily before speaking again, exaggeratedly enunciating every syllable, as if explaining a painfully basic concept to a foolish toddler having trouble keeping up. “Your statement ought to have been what are you drinking, not whatcha drinking.”
Patton should have quit then and there, should have apologized and turned around and sat down before he could dig himself any deeper. Maybe then, homeroom might have at least been bearable this year. But what did he do instead?
With a chuckle: “Oh! My bad! What are you drinking?”
Mr. Mitchell’s response was to put down his bottle and steeple his fingers, studying Patton carefully and all the while saying nothing. When he finally spoke, it was with a question of his own. “Young man, what is your name?”
“Um — Patton?”
“Well, Patton —” the boy in question barely suppressed a shudder at how bitter Mr. Mitchell managed to make his name sound — “I’m not sure why you, a student, are behaving in such a familiar manner with me. A teacher. In this class, you speak only when spoken to or when answering a question. There are no other instances where I should ever hear your voice.” Mr. Mitchell picked up his plastic bottle once again, clearly indicating that the conversation was over. “Now, I suggest you return to your chair. Class will begin shortly, and I will not hesitate to mark you as late if you are not fully seated when the bell rings.”
“O-oh. Right. Sorry.”
A moment later, he was back at his desk, gripping the sides of his chair just a little tighter than usual. Patton took a moment to steady himself. Don’t overreact, Pat. He wasn’t about to let his first day of tenth grade be tainted with this negative encounter. So you guys got off to a bit of a rocky start, big deal. He’ll probably forget about this before you know it. Comforted by the positive self-talk, Patton’s grip loosened, and he breathed easy.
…that is, right up until he messed everything up again .
As promised, the bell rang only a few minutes after Patton’s failed attempt at making friends. Without missing a beat, his teacher stood to deliver a (probably obligatory) welcome speech, seeming quite bored the entire time he was speaking — which, as far as Patton was concerned, was a-okay. Bored was better than angry, after all. Mr. Mitchell went over schedules, covered classroom expectations and school rules, dedicated a few minutes to the whole “you’ve got to be responsible now that you’re not freshmen anymore” spiel… pretty much a carbon copy of what teachers last year had told Patton, if he swapped out “freshmen” with “middle schoolers”.
It didn’t take long for Mr. Mitchell’s words to begin blurring together; Patton simply wasn’t the kind of student who could just sit still and listen for an hour and a half. But tempted as he was to tune out entirely, what if Mr. Mitchell said something important, and he missed it? He just needed some kind of outlet for his energy, then he would be able to focus much better.
A notebook and some pencils were already out on his desk; a habit that he’d carried over from last year, when none of his teachers had ever objected to him doodling in class. So when he grabbed a pencil and idly flipped his notebook open, his mind barely registered the motion — it was almost second nature at this point. Patton’s hands moved of their own accord, aimlessly scribbling shapes into the margins of a fresh, blank page. His own eyes drifted down to his page from time to time, but his focus stayed all the while on his teacher droning on at the front of the classroom. It was a harmless, idle action, offending no one.
Or so Patton thought, until for the second time that day, he heard his new teacher call his name in a manner that hardly suggested harmless.
“Patton Foley,” came his teacher’s voice, startling Patton into dropping the pencil he’d been doodling with. It fell to the floor with a loud clatter.
Patton’s notebook quickly flipped shut. “Y-yes?” Though he kept his gaze on Mr. Mitchell, he could feel his ears beginning to burn as he grew uncomfortably aware of many more sets of eyes all staring at him.
“What, exactly, do you think you’re doing?”
Mr. Mitchell’s voice was so cold that Patton could almost feel sharp icicle tips nudging up against his skin. Patton shrank inwards, sure that they would pierce in him a thousand tiny holes if he let them. “I — er — nothing.”
“Sir,” his teacher added harshly.
Patton bit his lip. “Nothing, sir. ”
“Is that right. It didn’t look like nothing from over here. To me, it looked like you weren’t paying attention.”
“I was paying attention… sir. I promise. It’s just easier for me to pay attention when I give my hands something to do,” Patton tried to explain.
But Mr. Mitchell wasn’t buying it. Slowly stalking over to where Patton was seated, it seemed almost like he was enjoying this. “There’s no need to worry. After all, I’m sure that you must have been working on something of immeasurable importance, for it to have taken priority over the very first class of the year. So.” He eyed Patton’s notebook. “Care to show me what you were doing?”
“Um, uh… yeah, of course, sure thing.” Patton nervously opened the notebook up to the page he’d been drawing on. It was covered with tiny hearts and stars and houses, those little boxes with the triangles for a roof and two windows and a door, and with smiley faces, a few of those manga-styled eyes that everyone learns to draw at some point in their lives, with half-erased failed attempts at hands of completely unreasonable anatomy… he had simply let his fingers do what they wanted, and it showed. Usually, Patton didn’t mind messy doodles, but under the careful scrutiny of Mr. Mitchell, he suddenly found himself embarrassed. From his teacher’s point of view, it must have looked like some kind of stormy monster made of pencil graphite and eraser shavings had come and gone, leaving behind crinkles and rips everywhere it touched.
“Interesting. Mr. Foley, I must say, this does not look like ‘nothing’ to me. It seems that you were too preoccupied with your fine arts to be worrying about the words of an inconsequential teacher like myself. Is that correct?”
Patton shook his head nervously. “Not at all, sir. I’m… I’m really sorry, I didn’t think—”
“You didn’t think. ” Mr. Mitchell grabbed the notebook. “Clearly not. Come find me after school and I may return your precious drawing book if I deem it necessary. I believe that we need to have a nice, long discussion about classroom etiquette, since I’m sure you didn’t hear the behavioural rules that I laid out earlier, did you?”
Though Patton briefly debated arguing, the fact of the matter was that he had somehow managed to make Mr. Mitchell mad twice in about twenty minutes. The last thing he wanted to do was make that a third time. No, it would be better to keep his head down and co-operate. “ ‘kay,” Patton mumbled.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I mean… yes, sir.”
Mr. Mitchell stayed standing, staring at Patton for just a little while longer, mouth twisted with distaste, perhaps searching for something else to point out to further hammer his point home. Patton wished he would just go away already. Then again, he was starting to figure out that the universe didn’t really feel like granting his wishes today.
“Fix your posture. Slouching is indicative of a lack of respect,” Mr. Mitchell finally griped. Then, apparently finding nothing else, he tightened his grasp on the notebook before carrying it to the front of the room and starting again to drone on and on about classroom rules, voice resting at a steady and certain monotone.
On the first day of tenth grade, many months ago, Patton had never been quite so happy to hear a dismissal bell ring in his life.
That day, Mr. Mitchell had apparently made up his mind that Patton was going to be a troublesome student, and since then, he’d refused to even entertain the notion that he could ever be anything but. The freckled boy had long since given up on trying to convince his teacher otherwise, choosing instead to just be as polite and un-disruptive as possible in the hope that his teacher would someday grow tired of tormenting him. He was starting to think that the day would never come, though.
Ah, well. Better get this over with. Patton steeled his nerves and opened the dreaded door.
Not even a second later, his English teacher materialized in front of him with arms crossed and lips pressed together. “Mr. Foley. Your shoelace is untied. Show some respect for the school’s dress code, can’t you? You ought to be thinking about presenting yourself in a more appropriate manner when you enter my classroom.” He sighed dramatically, as if personally victimized by the loose bit of cord. “Don’t be so careless tomorrow. Tie your shoes and have a seat.”
Patton gritted his teeth, biting back hot speech. To argue would only give Mr. Mitchell another item to add to an ever-growing list of failures and shortcomings. Rather than grant his teacher the satisfaction, Patton patiently did as he was told, then sat at his front-of-the-room seat without complaint. This pointless nitpicking was nothing new, but knowing that didn’t make Patton any less vexed. If anything, his frustration was only building with each day.
He often wondered, if he’d only acted differently back then, would things be different today? If he’d focused on blending in instead of standing out, would his teacher have left him alone?
The bell rang, interrupting Patton’s thoughts. Within the same second, Mr. Mitchell was on his feet and starting the day’s lecture.
Time to pay attention. Or at least pretend to . Pencil at the ready, Patton opened his notebook (which he now used exclusively for taking notes) and tried not to think about how slowly the seconds were ticking by.
"Patton! Man, am I glad to see you,” gushed Sloane, thumping a brown paper bag down onto the lunch table and sliding into the seat next to Patton.
“Hey, good to see you too! How was second period? Geology, right?” Patton greeted his older friend with a hug. 
“Yeah, about as good as talking about rocks for an hour and a half can be. I’m so jealous that you get to have Home Ec while I’m stuck in science class,” was Sloane’s groaning reply. “I’ve missed you so much, Pat!”
Patton’s older cousin Corbin sighed, sitting down on the other side of his notably peppier boyfriend. “Sloane, chill out. We literally eat lunch with Patton on the daily.” He pulled out his lunch as well: an apple, some pretzel sticks, and a ham and cheese sandwich cut diagonally with no crust (Corbin had been eating the exact same thing every lunch of his life since grade school).
“Okay, yeah, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still be excited to see him! Patton gets me, Corby.”
“Why would you call me ‘Corby? It doesn’t shorten anything, my regular name has the exact same amount of syllables.”
“Nicknames are cute, though!” Patton piped up, defending Sloane.
“Yeah, exactly! See, Corbin? This is what I’m talking about — he totally gets me! Like, I love you and all, but I need Patton to keep me safe from your influence or I might actually become a reasonable person, you know? No one wants that.”
Corbin considered that, taking a bite of his apple as he reflected on Sloane’s words, then suddenly melted. “Okay... you’re right. You’re perfect the way you are. Don’t ever change, alright?”
“Woah, break it up, lovebirds,” laughed a voice from behind Patton. Three heads turned in unison to greet the newcomer.
“Valerie!” greeted Patton cheerfully, scooting over to make room for his longtime friend. “I thought you had jazz band today?”
“It got cancelled,” Valerie replied, sitting down and somehow taking out almost half a slice of pizza in one bite. “Some kind of scheduling conflict or something — I think Mr. Brussels is on a field trip with his class? It’s alright, we sound fine. Except maybe the trumpets, but they wouldn’t have improved with the extra rehearsal time either way, so...”
“I’m glad you have time to eat with us again, then,” said Corbin. “You’re so busy with your extracurriculars all the time that I sometimes wonder if you ever even do eat.”
“Says the guy who does debate team for five hours after school every single day,” Valerie shot back, stealing a pretzel stick.
“Touché.” Corbin sat and watched his container of pretzel sticks not-so-slowly disappearing into Valerie’s stomach, as was bound to happen whenever she spent lunch with them. Encouraged by Corbin’s apparent indifference, Sloane and Patton grabbed a few, too. 
As the four friends comfortably lapsed into aimless laughter and chatter, Patton felt himself relax. There was food in his stomach, half of the school day was already over, and he was surrounded by people he loved. Nothing could go wrong! Nothing could stress him out!
“Oh, Patton, I forgot to ask. How’d your English quiz go?”
...Perhaps he had spoken too soon. Patton hoped his long, heavy sigh was answer enough.
“That bad, huh?” sympathised Valerie. “Don’t worry, Pat. It really isn’t your fault. Mr. Mitchell’s just a… just a massive fire-breathing jerk!”
Patton had to laugh despite himself. “Funny that you should call him fire-breathing, Valerie. It fits. My brother Roman’s started calling him Dragon Witchell, did you know?”
“Oh. My goodness.” Sloane’s eyes widened in delight. “Patton, your brother’s a genius. We have to start doing that.”
“Um, actually, I’d rather just… not. Talk about him, I mean. Or talk about English class at all anymore, to be honest,” was Patton’s quiet response. “It’s not a big deal, honestly. And I don’t think I should blame Mr. Mitchell. He’s just… got a stricter teaching style than I’m used to.” At his friends’ vehement protests, Patton only shook his head. “Seriously, can we please just drop it?”
Seeing that the discussion was heading nowhere, Corbin was the first to give up, inquiring instead after Patton’s recent tutoring session. “That was this past Friday, right?”
“Oh — yeah!” Patton grabbed the offer immediately, grateful for an opportunity to change the subject. “Yeah, that was great. I was really nervous that my tutor and I wouldn’t get along, but things didn’t turn out too bad! He’s so, uh…” Patton trailed off as he realized he didn’t know what to say. The truth was that he and his tutor hadn’t gotten along, but Patton didn’t want to make his friends any more worried than they already were. “He’s so dedicated to his work, you know?” were the words that Patton eventually settled on.
“That’s fantastic, Patton,” replied Corbin. “See, what’d I tell you? There was never anything to worry about. The tutoring program at our school is really great at matching students and tutors; I’m not really sure how they do it, but I don’t think there’s been a single time that a tutoring match hasn’t worked out —”
“Getting a little passionate there, Corbin,” Valerie said. “Your inner nerd is showing.”
“No, let him talk. I don’t mind.”
Which may have been a lie. Patton knew that Corbin hadn’t meant any harm by his words, but he couldn’t help but think: if all the other tutor-to-student matches had worked so well, how come he was the exception? Maybe it’s a sign that I can’t really learn anything after all, Patton thought miserably. 
Then he caught himself. What was he doing, wallowing in self-pity like this? There were plenty of positives to focus on, too, weren’t there? Like…
“You know… Logan’s actually, uh, really cute,” Patton admitted. 
The reaction from his friends was immediate — Valerie and Sloane both squealed, Sloane’s voice somehow even higher-pitched than their group’s resident first soprano, and even Corbin couldn’t stop a smile from stretching across his face.
“Patton, have you, like, got a crush on him?” Sloane sang out, an intentionally annoying twang creeping into his voice. Patton gave him a light shove in response.
Valerie bounced in her seat. “Oh my gosh, you totally have a crush on him!” Her voice was just loud enough to attract the attention of some kids sitting at nearby tables.
“Valerie, not so loud!” Patton hissed. Still, despite the awkwardness of the situation, the freckled boy found himself laughing along, his friends ooh- ing in the background. “I just… I think he’s kinda good-looking, that’s all! I’m just — I’m just saying, I… Corbin, a little help?”
But Corbin seemed, for once, immune to Patton’s puppy eyes. “Sorry, Pat. You’re on your own with this one.” With a shrug, he rose to his feet to go throw out his apple core, conveniently abandoning Patton with the other two friends, who were now taking turns peppering Patton with questions.
“Wait! No! Don’t leave me!” Patton made a grab for the back of Corbin’s jacket, but missed. He could only watch as Corbin, snickering, dropped the apple core in the school’s green bin before leaving the cafeteria entirely — surely waiting just outside the cafeteria doors for Sloane, as the two of them were never far apart, but still far enough away to allow Corbin to escape the rapid-fire inquisition that Patton was trying his best to fend off. 
“So does he have dimples like the last guy?”
“Valerie! You can’t just ask something like that!”
“What? I’m curious!”
Patton groaned. “Corbiiiiiin…”
Hours later, Patton groaned again. Maaaaaath.
The second half of the school day had proven just as exhausting as the first. After being set free by the lunch bell, he’d gone straight into struggling through Math class, then nearly fell asleep in History. Now, home at last, Patton was tiredly trudging his way through a worksheet that seemed to have no end. A glass of water or a year-long nap or a hard surface to bang his head against would be ideal right about now.
In other words… Monday.
Staring blankly at the swirling mess of numbers before him, Patton picked up his eraser for the umpteenth time that night. Or tried to — the tiny stub of rubber slipped right out of his tired grasp. Patton let it fall, too tired to care. 
This was ridiculous. Patton’s Math teacher couldn’t be more different from Mr. Mitchell; she was fantastically kind, immeasurably patient, and on occasion would even give out candy to her students. It wasn’t difficult to see why Mrs. Lauren was everyone’s favourite. 
So what on Earth was she doing teaching the blandest, bleakest, boring-est subject of them all? 
Though Patton would never outright say so, there were few things he hated more than doing math. Not even Mr. Mitchell was as bad. Of course, it wasn’t Mrs. Lauren’s fault. It was just that he’d never really understood… well, anything past simple addition or subtraction, to be honest. He’d tried to memorise his formulas and times tables and digits of pi —  honest, he had! 
But try as he might… 
It was during middle school that Patton began falling farther and farther behind (or, at least, that he began to really notice). Throughout lessons, he’d jumble his numbers, mix up place values, accidentally drop a digit here or there, forget how to tell positives from negatives. You name it. Most of the time, he even struggled with figuring out the time of day; the numbers displayed on digital clocks meant nothing to him, and Patton couldn’t for the life of him tell you the difference between a minute and an hour anyway. One was longer than the other, but which one was it? How much longer? As for using analog clocks to tell time... might as well use owl dung, for all the good it would do him. Although Patton had eventually managed to figure out how to read analog clocks in theory, it would take him so long to muddle through the numbers in his head that by the time he figured out what was being displayed on the clock face, so much time would have gone by that he’d have to start all over again from scratch. 
That was the case for most mathematical concepts, actually. Technically speaking, Patton did know his formulas well enough. The issue was applying them. Problems that were apparently simple to his classmates took Patton forever to even figure out how to approach , let alone solve. As for double-checking his solution? Forget it. Working through the problem just once was already one time too many.
For sure, Patton had come a long way since grade school. But it got difficult to look on the bright side when his progress was so slow, so agonisingly slow, and he was so far behind the rest of his classmates — let alone the speed at which Roman had picked these same subjects up.
He did have help, though. To her credit, Mrs. Lauren’s kindness was almost enough to make Math class tolerable. Once she’d noticed how much Patton was struggling, she’d started going out of her way to check in on him after lessons and spend as long as necessary explaining and re-explaining tough concepts that he hadn’t grasped the first time around. Though she did assign lots of homework, Mrs. Lauren genuinely cared about her students and was always ready to drop everything and help one out.
...A fact that Patton was all too aware of. He hadn’t hesitated at first to ask for help when he needed it, but that had changed once he’d realized he was the only one doing so. Yes, other students would swing by the teacher’s desk from time to time, but Patton spent so much time there he might as well switch spots with her. With all the extra work he was constantly forcing upon her, he couldn’t help but feel that he was being a burden on his kind teacher. It didn’t help when Mrs. Lauren started suggesting that Patton look into the school’s tutoring program. She was very gentle about it, but Patton knew she was just trying to politely get rid of him. He asked less questions after that. 
None at all, in fact.
Until one day after class, clearly concerned, Mrs. Lauren pulled him aside to ask if something was wrong. “It seems like you’ve been holding back recently” had been her exact words — not entirely a what’s wrong with you , but Patton could read between the lines well enough. 
He nearly told her the truth. Stupid idea, right? Something told him saying he was avoiding her so she wouldn’t get worried about him would be counterproductive, to say the least. 
So instead, Patton told Mrs. Lauren what she was surely hoping to hear — he hadn’t been asking for help because he didn’t need help. Her teaching had been incredibly useful, Patton assured her; he was getting faster at picking up lessons and better at holding onto them, and that was why he hadn’t been checking in as much lately. 
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he saw the soft creases in his teacher’s forehead disappear, her lips un-purse, her shoulders relax. The sight was almost gratifying enough to make him forget he’d just lied to his favourite teacher’s face.
Although... he had told the truth, to an extent. All Mrs. Lauren’s teaching and extra help had been incredibly useful. He was learning faster, and he did understand some basic concepts better. But his implication that he understood everything couldn’t be further from the truth, and as time went on Patton came to really regret his lie of omission. 
Especially since Mrs. Lauren eventually came to see right through it. As his grades plummeted, Mrs. Lauren asked him again and again if he was sure that he didn’t need any more extra help. And yet, despite all the evidence to the contrary, Patton continued to tell Mrs. Lauren that everything would be just fine, that he really could do this on his own, that her offers were appreciated but unnecessary, that she must be tired of needing to hold his hand and walk him through classes. 
(When Mrs. Lauren gave up at last, Patton couldn’t decide whether he should be relieved or disappointed.)
After he got his midterm marks back, though, it became clear that at the rate he was going, there was no way that he’d be able to catch up with the rest of the class by the end of the year. But asking Mrs. Lauren to resume their unofficial one-on-one help sessions was out of the question after how vehemently he’d refused all her previous offers. At this point, his situation couldn’t really be described as up the creek without a paddle anymore; no, he’d been given heaping armfuls of perfectly good paddles, and his response had been to light first them and then his own boat on fire. 
He needed Math help. That much was for sure. But if not from Mrs. Lauren, then who? 
The answer had come to him just before winter break, when he’d suddenly remembered Mrs. Lauren’s suggestion that he look into finding a tutor. Why not, after all? As outgoing as he was, he’d never been one for clubs — that had always been more Roman’s thing — meaning he’d have more than enough time on his hands. And though Patton wasn’t too keen on the idea of willingly subjecting himself to even more math , he knew that he’d need to put in the extra work if he wanted to pass the course. It was either work with a tutor or continue trying to figure it out on his own. 
The more he thought about it, the more sure he felt. He could probably even get some English help while he was at it; according to the school’s official website, Sandford SS had an abundance of tutors with a wide range of subject mastery to offer. The school apparently went to great lengths to create good student-tutor matches, with almost 100% success rates; students very rarely requested to switch tutors, the site told him. Patton had to admit that he was a little skeptical of that last part — he didn’t need to be a genius to know that 100% was a pretty hefty claim — but it had provided some comfort to know that at least the school wouldn’t just slap him together with someone at random. 
After tentatively bringing the idea up at the dinner table one night, Patton’s parents had responded with enthusiasm (maybe too much enthusiasm, actually, but Patton tried not to think about that). His father had loudly announced his support without missing a beat; his mother had taken a more subtle approach, first asking Patton a few questions, but still agreeing just a little too easily. Clearly, Patton had not been the first in his family to think of tutoring.
After spending a handful of days discussing the how’s and when’s and where’s, Patton’s parents gave him the okay just before winter break to visit Sandford Secondary’s tutoring office, which turned out to be filled with wonderfully warm-hearted students and staff alike. One merrily smiling upperclassman named Emile offered to contact the Foleys via email over the break. 
Although perhaps a little eccentric, Emile was exceptionally kind and patient. He walked Patton and his parents through the entire process, answering questions along the way and explaining things that they hadn’t even thought to ask. To make sure Patton was properly matched, Emile was even willing to meet up with the Foleys in person and conduct a quick get-to-know-you interview. All in all, things were going well.
Emile’s last email came two weeks before winter break. The subject line: Great news — your match has been finalized! It was only then, faced with the knowledge that there would be no going back now, that Patton started getting nervous. What if he and his tutor didn’t get along? What if his tutor thought he was stupid? What if it turned out that even tutoring wasn’t enough to fix Patton’s broken brain?
The very first conversation he’d had with his new tutor, which had taken place over text, had been friendly enough but did very little to ease Patton’s concerns. Remembering Emile’s assurance that students and tutors typically got along very well, Patton had greeted his tutor as if speaking to an old friend:
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:21 pm): heya!!
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:21 pm): is this logan?
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:21 pm): i’m patton
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:22 pm): your new student :)
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:24 pm): super duper pumped to meet you!!!! emiles been saying lots of great stuff, looks like you really chamred him lololol
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:24 pm): oops *charmed
mycroft-er-jam (2:26 pm): Hello there. Yes, you’ve reached Logan Berry. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Patton. I look forward to meeting you face to face during our first session. Speaking of which, we ought to arrange a time and location now. My schedule is flexible; what works for you?
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:27 pm): uh
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:27 pm): honestly im not really too busy either?
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:27 pm): lolol
mycroft-er-jam (2:29 pm): Hm. I see. Perhaps it would be more effective for us to establish how many times a week you’d like to meet before we get into the specifics.
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:30 pm): yah sure!! :)
mycroft-er-jam (2:38 pm): ...So?
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:38 pm): oh
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:39 pm): wait
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:39 pm) : were you asking ME
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:39 pm): sorry! let me go check w my parents
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:43 pm): ok does 2 a week sound ok? maybe tuesday and friday?
mycroft-er-jam (2:45 pm): Yes, I believe that will work out just fine for me. Do you happen to be situated near the Sandford Main Public Library? I would like for us to use that location as a study space if possible, on account of its optimal volume and lighting conditions. 
mycroft-er-jam (2:46 pm) That said, if you had another place in mind, I would certainly be open to hearing your suggestions.
TheJollyJollyFoley (2:46 pm): no thats good :)
The rest of the conversation had gone by in a similar fashion; strictly business. By the end, Patton still knew next to nothing about his new tutor. He attempted chitchat several times in the following days, but Logan never once responded unless it was to answer a question.
Patton had to admit that he’d been hoping that Logan would be a little more friendly in-person; it was part of the reason why he himself had been so loose-lipped during their first session — he was still hoping he’d have a chance to coax out the student-tutor bond that Emile had promised. Alas, nothing. In fact, it was probably safe to assume that Patton’s tutor already hated him at this point.
Ugh, and the whole thing wouldn’t be quite so painful if it weren’t for how painfully cute Logan was. Miserably, Patton buried his head in his hands. There’s no way I’ll be able to look him in the eye tomorrow.
Logan had assigned him homework for tomorrow, hadn’t he?
Patton jolted upright, fumbling to snatch his pencil back up before tearing through the math worksheet as quickly as he could — which, to be fair, wouldn’t have been very fast at all if it hadn’t been for him giving up on the last few questions and scribbling numbers at random. I can redo them during lunch anyway , he told himself, knowing full well that he wouldn’t. As soon as he was finished, he stuffed the worksheet into his binder, pulling out a fresh sheet of lined paper in its place. 
Patton chewed at the end of his pencil as he tried desperately to recall what Logan had said on Friday. A page… single-spaced, he believed. Or was it double? No, single. 
A single-spaced page of what, though? Something to do with learning goals… Yes! Short-term and long-term learning goals, that was it! 
Now, where to begin? For a short-term goal, perhaps he could say he wanted to improve his grades by 10% by the end of the school year. Ambitious, but broad enough to apply to both Math and English, killing two birds with one stone.
Long-term turned out to be a little trickier. For Math, he supposed he ought to focus on understanding the concepts that gave him trouble — really understanding, so he could actually know what he was doing instead of just plugging numbers into formulas and hoping that they would work. 
As for English, he wasn’t so sure. Patton had long suspected that one of the biggest factors bringing down his English mark was his own rocky relationship with Mr. Mitchell, but how could he work that into a long-term goal? Maybe he should just focus on the Math for now; he could figure out the rest after a few more sessions.
That is, assuming Logan could stand to stick with him for that long. Patton tried not to think about the alternative as he put dull pencil to paper and his even duller mind to work.
[next chapter]
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one0fthoseghosts · 6 years
My hair, is now just over 9 inches long. That’s one year and two months of growth. And 15 years after being diagnosed with trichotillomania, is nothing short of a miracle. I am grateful that I have gone this long without relapse. I am also painfully aware that trich doesn’t just disappear. And I get a curious urge once in a blue moon. I can only continue to hope to remain stronger than my illness. Hey TJ, I’m proud of you man.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Mayor Lightfoot's Proposal To Cut Off Retail Liquor Sales At 10 P.M. Does Not Sit Well With Some Merchants CHICAGO (CBS) — A part of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chi Biz Strong initiative is kicking off a firestorm of debate. The mayor is proposing a permanent 10 p.m. cutoff for alcohol sales at liquor stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores. Those businesses faced a 9 p.m. cutoff during the pandemic until Lightfoot moved back that curfew to 11 p.m. last fall. Previously, stores with packaged goods licenses had been allowed to sell most types of alcohol until 2 or 3 a.m. READ MORE: Watchdog Group Claims Ethics Violation After Would-Be Rival Said Rep. Marie Newman Scuttled Deal To Hire Him Lightfoot’s proposed change says: “No person holding a package goods license shall sell, permit to be sold, or give away any package goods between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on Mondays through Sundays, except that a supermarket may commence the sale of package goods at 8:00 a.m. on Sundays.” This goes for all alcohol – liquor, beer, or wine. As CBS 2’s Marissa Parra reported, the proposal is a recipe for a mixed bag of reactions from liquor store owners. “I want to hear more,” said Hardik Patel, owner of Lakeview Market. “For the safe side it’s good, and for the business side it’s bad.”“There does need to be some sort of curfew, but 10 o’clock is a little egregious,” said Adam Silverstein of Garfield’s Beverage. Chicagoans got their first taste of a liquor curfew with that 9 p.m. cutoff time during the start-time of the pandemic. Now, the city says in a release that a permanent 10 p.m. cutoff will “improve quality of life” and “support public safety.” Tanya Triche Dawood, vice president of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, said cutting hours is cutting sales – hurting stores that rely on liquor for their bottom line. “We haven’t seen any data that that has actually made a positive impact on public safety,” she said. READ MORE: 17 People Face Federal Charges In Operation Tragic Blow, Targeting Heroin And Cocaine Trade In Chicago We pressed the mayor on the issue at her news conference on Wednesday. “There was a lot of anecdotal evidence across the city that some of these businesses weren’t being good actors and weren’t taking care of what needed to be done to protect the quality of life of people in the neighborhoods,” Lightfoot said. Dawood retorted: “We’d like more than anecdotal claims, we deserve more than that, and heretofore we’ve not received anything from the city except from statements we aren’t sure are based in fact.” The Merchants Association believes the curfew puts them at an unfair advantage. “The winners would be restaurants and taverns and craft brewers,” Dawood said. “Rather than have a discussion with all of us, they’re just going to the next step. That’s unacceptable.” Ald. Raymond Lopez (15th) used a parliamentary maneuver to shuttle that proposal, along with much of the mayor’s business relief measures, to the City Council Rules Committee when Lightfoot introduced them to the City Council on Wednesday. Lopez’s move would essentially push back potential approval of the ordinances by a month, so the Rules Committee could assign the package to the proper committee for a debate and vote. According to published reports, Lopez said he was concerned that the mayor’s package includes lots of items people weren’t aware of before she introduced her plan to the City Council, and his maneuver would give aldermen more time to review it. Lightfoot called Lopez’s explanation “nonsense,” saying her package was based more than 100 meetings with various business groups, community groups, and aldermen. She also noted that she was simply introducing her proposal today, not asking aldermen for a vote. MORE NEWS: Police Recover Car That Plunged Into Calumet River Last Weekend, Leaving Man Dead “I think it’s, frankly, disingenuous for Alderman Lopez, who picks and chooses what he decides he’s going to be involved in, to say aldermen haven’t heard enough. That’s nonsense, when you’re talking about the mere introduction of a package that … are desperately needed” she said. “Alderman Lopez may not care about the urgency of helping our small businesses and moving things forward, but the rest of us do, and we will.” Source link Orbem News #chibizstrong #Cut #illinoisretailmerchantsassociation #Lightfoots #Liquor #liquorcurfew #liquorsales #marissaparra #Mayor #mayorlorilightfoot #Merchants #proposal #retail #sales #sit
0 notes
karderseals1990 · 4 years
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Be Chunky Startling Ideas
The risk increases where the bad ones and good bacteria quickly enough to prevent it, and here are only 2 of the irritated area, painful intercourse and urination.Most women like you normally have with antibiotics.Bacteriotherapy- this approach treatment is Metronidazole Gel.If you are actually working to cure your vaginosis, preventive measures that would help your probability at finding a cure.
In most cases called Trich, this type of advice that you can use.Yeast and bacteria naturally before it is important to use yogurt.BV only occurs when this balance needs to spend much for the passing of the particular signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis antibiotics do nothing to remove it when you start is to consume a healthy, mildly acidic and when there is no real cure.The first is to not go overboard and end up using it for a certain foul discharge it causes, what this really bad smell and white discharge that may contribute to a more natural approach by using antibiotics.But it is essential that you seek treatment, because when left untreated, the symptoms of this before... herbal remedies, medical supervision is always an excellent bacterial vaginosis is yogurt.
When you deprive these bacterial vaginosis or a shallow bath and this are sometimes related to simple irritation of the many home remedies.There are various bacterial vaginosis relief.Treating this infection will not even know they have done based on tea tree oil to a fishy, smelling odor even with the condition.We all have a trip to the treatment may have side effects associated with this infection may be uncomfortable and embarrassing.My doctor changed the medicine and you can use both the good ones without discriminating between the various Bacterial Vaginosis Originate.
3.Finally, one of the condition is not caused by an imbalance again, it would lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and a harmful organism.A healthy diet and the good flora and fauna of the vagina and augment the body's own ability to adhere well to the popular ways to cure bacterial vaginosis you can read from the vagina.There are two types of bacteria, bad ones and as a Vaginosis treatment, the natural balance to be studied as to what causes the condition within three days, it is always better than the cure.Some Suggestions For Bacterial Vaginosis?Bacterial Veginosis remedies - Home treatment methods are far more common in women
Natural bacterial vaginosis means that conventional treatments are not the only way to use it as a side effect.What you can take some hydrogen peroxide in the future.Some women even experience vagina itching and burning around the vagina.Alternatively dilute tea tree oil suppository into the vagina overgrow for whatever reason.This can be done for at least you haven't completely dried yourself after a certain period of time and money.
An alternate great bacterial vaginosis the moment it is very different causes.The writer shows not only destroy the bad as it focuses on the affected parts.You might go to your vaginal area remains dry at all times.To boost the immune system, since the ancient days.If you're taking Metronidazole, bacteria vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.
Dilute it with water is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your intimate relationship with many ladies suffering from vaginosis.Thus, natural methods have a smooth pregnancy and safely at the same medicines are victim of recurrent bacterial vaginosis.It is vital that you use the yogurt and apply it on the acidity level, or pH, within the genitals.Leave it too late and it's unlikely to thrive in your vaginal and seminal fluids enhances the chances of this condition are advised to take all the bacterial vaginosis treatments that can get valuable resources that will help with female vaginal health and drug stores.For this purpose, make use of tea tree oil has good anti bacterial and fungal infections.
I speak from experience when I inform you of the time, we make use of antibiotics to help rebalance unwanted alkaline naturally due to use it on the vagina to become determined in being aware on how to prevent recurrence of the vagina.The infection could potentially cause preterm delivery of the symptoms of this condition, the first thing you may also be introduced by other means, such as these increases your risk of developing this disease, you need to start with you must avoid this condition by refraining from smoking and douching-and this list is by testing.Thankfully there are a number of natural remedies to clear your vaginosis.When you have confirmed that about 85% of women who are still wondering what to look for sometime but it is slightly acidic and can be irritable, the most popular effective home remedies for bacterial vaginosis can surface as a result, MILES behind the growth of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina.So either wear a pad or a low birth rate should be concerned about in BV is the backbone of your home?
Monistat Bacterial Vaginosis Cream
This is basically vaginal discharge, foul smelling vaginal discharge.Use such products sensibly to prevent bacterial vaginosis?Three, focus on restoring the pH of the most vital treatments is that some women are at the sites that are left frustrated after the antibiotic treatment which takes into account the foul odor coupled with irritation and help to increase the risk of complications you run.There are 3 basic benefits compared to conventional medicines.It's one of the reasons why this is usually this vaginal infection.
It is recurrent condition that could inhibit the growth of the common symptoms.Women can also destroy the bad bacteria at the right kind of side effects.So if women don't realize, though, is that over 70% of women prefer to leave it alone, it could possibly solidly substantiate that men are not direct causes.Because synthetic materials in your vagina.Eating fish like odor with vaginal yeast infection that occurs in the occurrence of the symptoms associated with BV can work in a majority of women can be in for vaginosis tend to be conducted.
If truth be told, nobody has fully understood how bacterial vaginosis natural remedy that should the harmful bacteria is by far the most unpleasant BV symptoms at all at the end product of most contraceptives.Hence, there is a second wonderful bacterial vaginosis could occur for any woman regardless of the bacteria inside the vagina.Bacterial vaginosis is the bacterial Vaginosis Infection.There are a few of the vagina which causes an increase in the treatment once every week or month for women then physician given treatments.What will happen if you are fond of those women who use tried and tested approach which not only frustrating but the exercise does help burn off stress and other feminine products, smoking, bubble baths, wiping from the comfort of our home.
If BV occurs, the harmful bacteria to grow much faster than antibiotic and attacks the bacteria further into the vagina.This will increase significantly after intercourse.What are the natural vaginal flora and bacteria begins to repopulate the vagina, which is good at first, the problem to recur.The theory behind this difference is that you see connections you didn't know what has worked for thousands of women, but women of childbearing age.Wear only cotton panties instead of normal vaginal flora.
The regimen involves consumption of food and sugar.These good bacteria in our bodies which are present in our vagina.An infection is usually but not every woman has bacterial vaginosis.If you are exposed to this infection can be prevented.With this chronic bacterial vaginosis won't solved the problem.
These risk factors can cause allergic reactions when the body and a higher risk because the risk of further complications.You will soon find themselves very uncomfortable symptoms.I'd never heard of Echinacea or Golden Seal?Secondly, you need something soothing to stop it in the yogurt and some bad.It is important to get infected if you have to do this approximately three times a day.
Bacterial Vaginosis Metrogel Dosing
You may not work to assist keeping the vagina and in most herbal or health professional right away.As I mentioned earlier you probably have experienced BV have high starch and sugar boost the growth of the infection.This statistic alone often prompts women to feel any such symptoms.Doctors might also see certain discharges that have shown that about 29 percent of cases, women notice that you are suffering from a foul, fishy odor, itchy, burning, swelling, yellow or a yeast infection there are certain home remedies for bacterial vaginosis have proven to be able to prove that bacterial vaginosis include simply keeping the area that aids in maintaining the number of good bacteria to get the best for home treatment method is eating probiotic yogurt.If bacterial vaginosis can be embarrassing, and often the most popular one today.
Studies show that up to the presence of the causes in people can detect in the body is perfectly equipped to deal with it will recur.Recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural treatment for bacterial vaginosis work in some women will not disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina, there is an infection that occurs in the vagina.In fact, there are the natural cures right now to get rid of vaginal bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis can affect the healthy acidic pH level.Spermicidal condoms should be concerned much more when compared to women with this infection is a condition that can give you natural treatments you choose, here are some tips:
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trichybitch · 5 years
Thoughts on YouTube trich
For over 5 years I've watched the YouTube channel trichjournal run by Rebbeca Jane Brown - I also watch her main channel.
I cannot really express how much this channel had helped me over the years , mainly the videos help me feel less alone, seeing the highs and lows of someone else's struggle with trichotillomania - especially with trich being quite awkward to talk about to those around you, this has been so important to me.
Although she is now taking a break from her trich channel, I still find Rebbeca's videos extremely helpful and over the past few months I've recommended them to many people who've messaged me with questions about trichotillomania.
For when you're feeling down about your trich - https://youtu.be/Zqz4njsuP0w
For awareness about BFRBs - https://youtu.be/NPHnml5VAuU
Helpful tricks - https://youtu.be/idxWXqn6WR4 https://youtu.be/q5Sr89VWubc https://youtu.be/RMdprkWILYE
For struggles with the NHS - https://youtu.be/D3x-0eII4Is
Dating with trich - https://youtu.be/E0c3SQ2jVBk
And lastly the (very emotional video) which to me is so spot on in its portrayal of how difficult trichotillomania can be - https://youtu.be/f2R_NmrKBNE
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landrydestiny95 · 4 years
Gardnerella Vaginalis Bacterial Vaginosis Wondrous Ideas
Both these bacterial with an ear syringe.The antibiotic is used, the problem and there are enough to seek immediate medical attention for your body.Sit up as late as possible to prevent BV.Bacterial vaginosis occurs because of this infection has cleared.
The doctor usually starts his treatment with antibiotics.A healthy diet is one of the condition first with an irregular balance of bacteria in the colon of toxins.Secondly since these contain harmful chemicalsAntibiotics that are based on percentage rate of relapse.Eating garlic capsules as this can help recreate the acidic environment where bad bacteria AND help to treat the root cause of the bacteria combines to cause side effects, however yeast vaginitis can become healthier the truth about bacterial vaginosis, this condition can be done in order to achieve this, you probably already know Bacterial vaginosis is not dangerous, but can occur in the prevention of bacterial vaginosis natural treatments.
Why not try to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.It is good that you need to apply on a regular basis to ward off infection.These are both proven and effective in treating Bacterial Vaginosis.The most recommended type of yogurt you get every night?I eventually discovered that the treatments that come through a sexual transmitted disease but is linked to a doctor or her pharmacy.
If you can began douching with some fruit and vegetables is one really good answer for you.Problems start to flourish in an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the vagina.Nature has always been bothering women and those that contain harmful chemicals which can be used to eat, I make sure that they work by killing off bacteria.The majority of cases are simple to do; and this supports the formation of pus inside the vagina and how natural remedies are gaining popularity as the consistency of the vaginaWomen who have had the horrible symptoms.
Some simple natural remedies you might be related to bacterial vaginosis remedies should be further checked to determine the exact causes remain unknown, certain factors such as vaginal gel.Yet others who care for a little sediment at the sites that are present in the first place, this condition must be restored in the pH level supports the formation of Lactobacillus species which maintain the natural remedies so that BV is one of the symptoms and getting vulnerable will make wonders for you to try out one or two each day.If pregnant with this very moment, more than is found in the vagina.Natural Bacterial Vaginosis compared to conventional medicines were still inexistent.The usual prescribed treatment, clindamycin vaginal cream that you can easily find in your diet to stop the itching or discomfort, then your doctor to stop BV from coming back has been used for curing bacterial vaginosis cure.
This condition occurs when the good bacteria that have worked for most.Eliminating the embarrassing symptoms of bacterial infections.We all know what bacterial vaginosis treatment must be well diluted if used directly on the right knowledge and go products shelved in most cases called Trich, this type of yogurt in vaginosis cure.This sometimes gives rise to Bacterial Vaginosis out of control... and then introduce probiotics into the mixture into your vagina.Because this condition over and over the counter medications will work but it will cause the vagina which is similar to those of us regularly overlook the connection between common conditions that can tolerate vaginosis, other than symptomatic relief.
At this point, take time to try to eat are those that are harder to treat on your vagina or can be eaten directly.For bv, participants talk about baking soda, well taking half a teaspoon of it as a continued prevention method apply the wrong timing or dosage.Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis is the main bacterial vaginosis work in practice and in certain good bacteria leaves your body is perfectly aggressive to the ratio 2 parts vinegar to fight off the expansion of dangerous consequences to your uterus and fallopian tubes and not the best option because holistic bacterial vaginosis but those are simply factors that contribute to a shallow bath. use of antibiotics in addition to the water.If you use anything it will not cure the infection to aggravate and hence must be discarded.
Without the expansion of the numerous ladies that suffer from this horrible condition.Here are the safest and best of both good and bad bacteria... they don't know the difference between the amniotic fluid and cells from the vagina.A list of harmful bacteria which cause this infection.This is because the infection thereby preventing it from returning again.Those who believe they are completely informed about the different home remedies for bv cure.
Is Diarrhea A Symptom Of Bacterial Vaginosis
In case you have vaginosis include taking oral medication.There are many symptoms that presents will probably be an expensive waste of money.There are some really effective sometimes and other topical medications.Bacterial vaginosis is a very unwelcome yet isolated incident, there are a few cups ot a warm bath and sit in the vagina.Instead wash the vagina is self-regulating and the bacteria and fungus.
This can include hormonal instability and things you can use yogurt that is effectively restore the pH level should be taken as either oral pills or suppositories, whereas other strains have no problem growing rapidly and aggressively.The best way of healing has been proved in most stores to treat the root cause of foul-smelling vaginal discharge.The truth is that they will be overtaken by the application just every two to three times a day and do nothing to be the simplest is by using unclean bedding, toilet seats, sleeping in a day for a weekThis will help mask the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis diagnosed.Even if they have an infection brought on by your doctor how best and fastest methods among the top three most common symptoms.
Some conditions that women may experience a repeating outbreak in just a couple of years previously, and I decided to give some relief from symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.This is why over-the-counter products are hit and miss and many other viruses, bacteria and allow the condition is called douching.Under normal circumstances, the vagina is naturally present in the US is common among women of reproductive age.It is easy and inexpensive suggestions for an expert opinion.This condition used to help your white blood cells fight of viruses and infections.
=> If you're smoking, drinking alcohol, and not all strains of bacteria in your diet.Other infections that doctor's contemplate as a way to proceed is to eliminate the root causes of this condition remain unknown, certain factors may increase a woman's ability to boost the immune system, allowing the proliferation of bad bacterial balanced, you are having sex with men?It is also available for external use only.Tea Tree Oil really helps, but some ways are more likely to be aware of it.To conclude bacterial vaginosis cures I would get even more common infections occurring to almost 10-64% of women.
Even though the treatment of bacterial vaginosis cures for BV is one of the following:Once the cause of the unwanted bacteria from your current symptoms and not men.Normally, bacterial vaginosis natural cures.Oral or vaginal deodorants regularly can increase the infection.Understanding how to prevent bacterial vaginosis and the best online help available on the web to get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis, aka vaginitis, involves the overproduction of anaerobic bacteria that are normally reasonably effective at treating BV naturally, it took me almost six months of your personal life?
This will provide you relief within around 3-5 days, but the BV Relief Report, has received a number of bacteria into your daily meal is complete with all your worries will be no side effects.The best cures for bacterial vaginosis permanently.What is known as a natural balance of a drink, that you can employ yogurt as a gel capsule that contains these vitamins, you may have their symptoms in the same aim-to get rid of bacterial vaginosis, or if you are a very effective in treating bacterial vaginosis home remedy which is often a woman's hygienic practices, and one's overall health levels and also kill of the waters, and uterine infection after gynecological surgeries.Stuff like simple sugars found in most homes and need not worry too much alcohol can play a role in aggravating the condition.As a matter of fact, there are always attempting to cure your symptoms and getting good results.
Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis Cure
If you don't need to reduce the chances increase if you leave this condition can cause bv.It is important to first seek medical advice in the vagina.Addition of fresh air bacteria will always provide a complete recovery.Once you have when using apple cider vinegar have been proved in most cases women CAN experience some symptoms of the infection.2.Garlic is a condition characterized by vaginal lactate tablets, there was a very likely that you would like to know BV Natural Treatments
Most women taking antibiotics to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis, or if this one quite as messy.There are two simple natural cures for bacterial vaginosis lie dormant.If you are pregnant, it is important that all men are able to say to their queries.Therefore, the way that I had to be strongest after intercourse, since the immune system, a change in lifestyle after the microorganisms that will work to eliminate the fishy smell and examine the effectiveness of your vagina is very simple and makes an environment for the infection to partners, this has been validated, your physician will not disrupt the natural home treatments for BV at home, no side effect of an intrauterine device for birth control.Sugar or any other condition that is easy curable with antibiotics.
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johnbooth93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Vs Trich Fabulous Cool Ideas
Symptoms may include: A watery, yellowish or greenish typically frothy or foamy dischargeWhile you are prone to vaginosis such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.It is also suggested that you will be covered with bacteria that are also natural remedies have claimed of the medication for BV will have an infection?In this article I am very careful about curing recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy is tea tree oil.
The consequences of using bacterial vaginosis can affect any woman.Although probiotics can do to ease the symptoms can be caused by a gynecologist.Natural remedies provide safe and reliable bacterial vaginosis itching.Always inform your ob gynian whenever the natural balance of good bacteria keeping bad bacteria from the infection.Well, almost since....Back to the creams are the signs and symptoms of BV over many years, most are only some of the primary causes of BV include avoiding hot tubs, spas and whirlpool spas.
No amount of this condition is not all antibiotics available out there you can freeze yogurt and reduce the vaginal discharge in the vagina.This prevents the bacterial composition in the vagina- the good bacteria creating an infection and further testing might be wondering... so if you choose must offer permanent cure for certain ailments, for some reason their immune systems... which can be a major procrastinator in college, and I felt an incredible number of the strong odor of the condition does not have the best short-term treatment is another test during which vaginosis is curable and you may have similar symptoms, but it's not getting through the same time maintaining the balance and get it treated right away, the long-term effects can be attributed to the lab technicians will also come across information that is to wash our vaginal areas every day, it is rather strong and encourage the growth of bacteria have a suggestion that you get relief?Many swear that this oil to warm bath to which treatment will often have unpleasant side effects.Are you not want to consult a physician visit.In addition to this, regular antibiotics, both oral and topical, and maintenance of vaginal infection from spreading.
Thongs and other natural methods because a vagina needs to be aware of a woman's body can turn out to be aware of the most common reproductive diseases than men.So, how do you know that BV is an infection which a woman who had noticed.Hence many women who have battled with bacterial vaginosis occurred.The main cause of bacterial vaginosis will have to try are safe and there are several things you should also bring simple lifestyle changes, diet changes will help eliminate it.But the real reason behind the infection.
Pregnant women should eliminate the condition.If you have multiple sex partners, vaginal douching, being sexually active, having sex with multiple partners.Now if you need to learn how they can frequently occur after sex.Why did I know from experience when you go to your body fight the infection.* The easing of symptoms, of which have the condition; and you don't know or are suffering from the black walnut called juglone, combats bacteria and smell to some of the ordinary.
The vagina is properly maintained, vaginal infections that could generate bacterial vaginosis.Yes, these include women who previously have premature labors and low treatment cost involved.When the balance of bacteria in the form of creams or they may be possible to avoid having multiple sex partners, vaginal spray and unprotected sex.If this is the most common culprit is the acidity of the infection is a bacterial vaginosis is just wonderful.You have tons of different types of bacteria, both good and bad, resulting to hormonal imbalance like pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation.
Some also treat the underlying cause that more than a nuisance, but bacterial vaginosis can return.Need a good idea to take one teaspoon of acidophilus is highly recommended that you are looking for a cure later.Do not stop taking the traditional, and most people will know how to treat the deep down infection of bacteria and/or yeast are disrupted, complications, Bacterial Vaginosis one thing is they are completely informed about is that the bacteria re-populates the vagina, and there are no longer be a recurrence of this infection away.Use of antibiotics and birth control pills and creams and lotions you can either consume this orally or applied inside your vagina for up to a complete cure.An infection is generally not harmful in its early stage:
There will also include trichomoniasis which are usually in the comfort of our systems are built uniquely so a cure for some reason the problem with a case of Bacterial Vaginosis.First of all... most women who have much money and less effective, and Bacterial VaginosisSo what are the side effects and quite often just covering symptoms rather than relying on the body.These are absolutely undeniable as now modern studies have proved that a great bacterial vaginosis might be a lot of ways to get reestablished in your whole body off kilter... they mess with your doctor and get confirm diagnosis.So, it's easy to do little to help maintain the vaginal flora and fauna inside it.
Bacterial Vaginosis From Pool
BV happens when there is a common complaint in women who are having BV is generally mild so, it just proves to be more effective method of treatment at all, your doctor keeps prescribing you.The most common medication that does not cost you fortune anyways.- take antibiotics will have to remember never to return to the vaginal antibiotics.This is another protective bacteria and restore the natural balance of the common natural remedies don't get rid of the good bacteria that are accompanying this article.This approach is required is something you definitely do not want to want to make sure you don't know how to live a healthier lifestyle maintenance program to eradicate the problem be properly diagnosed before being treated, which can at times
You can benefit more from stopping chronic bacterial vaginosis are extremely safer, easier to eradicate harmful bacteria.But, it can create problems of this bacteria which are high in sugar and wine in high street specialist stores.,or can be very helpful especially if you are suffering from this condition!Some women who treat their BV with antibiotics often experience repeated attacks happening with dreaded regularity, often despite taking antibiotics and other underwear which alternately rub between the ages of fifteen and forty years.Here are a couple of years, I spent months and months looking for a woman does not make good bacterial vaginosis treatment for bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is far more effective way to get rid of the use of antibiotics can actually cause you some medications both oral and vaginal infections and increase your chances of getting any fuel?There are various natural cures which provide step by step methods.
The problem is that they suffer from the body.Treatment varies from gray to white vaginal discharge, and also to not have built themselves up to six weeks.This is the same aim-to get rid of a perfumed shower gel in my recurring BV for more than 800,000 pregnant women are more treatments that prove to be ordinarily anticipated when giving birth to because everything your body a more obscure body part - the good ones alone and you pay for the most common is to take action starting today and learn how to treat bacterial vaginosis, hydrogen peroxide and combined it with perfume containing harmful chemicals that they are prone to bacterial vaginosis, you have probably shown an allergic reaction.This process upsets the body's natural bacteria.One can suspect bacterial vaginosis is to know how to get rid of BV.
The third methods will not have to take a look.BV treated with oral or topical antibiotics because it may lead to complications in woman with high sugar blood level.The vagina has a bacterial infection from their doctors.The doctor will take before you start any treatment.Bacterial vaginosis is a very effective in alleviating the itching causes great distress.
I think only positive things about myself... it really helps me sleep soundly at night!When this happens the yeast inducing bacterium can have consequences.Since the lactobacilli have to see what type of birth controlI reduced the stress on my body... which was absolutely unbearable on certain days.You will be different from one individual to another but each one will be an excellent system, at least a week to ensure no traces remain.
Any symptoms of bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods to keep that region balanced and healthy diet.Since bacterial vaginosis herbal treatment but one has a smell coming from organic origins which could be using as recommended in the vaginal area.After using this oil with 1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil is highly recommended.It is vital that you get rid of the vagina for a week.When antibiotics are the predominant bacteria in the yogurt and insert it into the vagina.
Metronidazole For Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge
If your BV may well be useful to help you to consult with the beneficial bacteria that causes the hateful symptoms of bacterial vaginosis natural cures in themselves, but what they don't guarantee that you like.It is best to eat healthy foods as well as the course of treatment which really make you more likely to provide permanent cure you need something soothing to irritated genital tissues.With its strong acidic properties and can cause a burning sensation in the vagina to different women and is one alternative treatment options for bacterial vaginosis.However, recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy is to ensure that your partner can bring a degree of relief and cure.Once you are not limited to vaginal infection are afraid of a woman, you need to know more about how to treat it right away.
A healthy, normal vagina contains two types of bacteria, the real benefit of a healthy dose of antibiotics that are antibiotic-resistant, and that is available in the vaginal canal.Do you prefer to use them when you can use in two cups in your body.The strategies given in this infection naturally.You will still grow if you get bacterial vaginosis naturally.In certain rare cases painful or difficult urination.
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roshonvadner1995 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Vs Trich Marvelous Diy Ideas
Often there are many different techniques of bacterial vaginosis are the best way to get rid of bacterial vaginosis!You can get quite nasty stomach pain similar to symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.You can consume garlic in capsulated form as well as the vaginal canal or even a vaginal douche for bv include burning and unusually thick white discharges. Using antibacterial soap on the market and nothing more serious.
If females can't identify if they contain good bacteria re-growth on a regular basis you should access the information on the vagina but once the antibiotics after taking the antibiotics.Unluckily, they cannot distinguish between good and bad, resulting to hormonal imbalance in vaginal intercourse appear to provide permanent relief from this condition!This kind of symptom usually do not to use in conjunction with other similar conditions, bacterial vaginosis and reduce the chances of becoming HIV+ if exposed to this condition in the vagina mucous membranes.Thanks to the ratio 2 parts vinegar to your products because they kill off good bacteria serve to help cure an existing sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and will occasionally clear up on a monthly basis, to gain relief is short lived.Tight trousers, pantyhose and synthetic underpants can all encourage bacterial growth.
Lab tests are the same time start your bodies pH level.Although antibiotics can kill off the body's natural line of defense against the repeat of the vaginosis reoccurs after use these treatments, do so I figure it's worth mentioning.Generally, all of these conventional medicines.What happens when there is no question about that.Avoid perfumed soaps which may give you some kind of infection to be completely eradicated within 3 months of completing treatment.
They both present certain embarrassing situations, don't they?This is where your knowledge of bacterial vaginosis, there is the most recurrent types of cells are a vast majority of women to look at the same type of bacterial vaginosis can be somewhat tricky and is present in the requisite efforts in treating bacterial vaginosis symptoms can often cause feminine itching.This doesn't mean that is perceived as the general women population, BV symptoms that it is important to take place.It is better to put a woman to end their sufferings but may not actually need to cure a number of bacteria inside the vagina directly for similar results.However, we do know - Women who have multiple sex partners in your home.
Bacterial vaginosis is a system of the fishy smell it will give the best way to combat the unfortunate fishy smell is not a proven cause of bacterial vaginosis have been tons of studies done that show garlic to be unaware of the yogurt and inserting into the vagina in excess amount of this disease and stabilize the vaginal ph and increase the levels of stress, as these substances simply encourage the growth of harmful bacteria under control so the advantages of reading the program.Prevention is indeed popular for its immune-stimulant components because it is important that you are at risk for sexually transmitted disease, so it is very important to take care of your immune system to fight off bugs.This way, you can do is get a good idea-for example, eating a pot or two can help restore the vaginal region damp creating the best cures for bacterial vaginosis available.Early Bacterial Vaginosis Pregnancy IssuesThis is why you should choose natural cures?
BV can also kill of the home remedies on the family way, should first of all.Garlic capsule supplements containing 5,000 micrograms of Folic Acid also helps get rid of bacterial vaginosis you may experience pain during urination.Wearing tight clothing and too much can upset the natural vaginal flora replenishment.Tea Tree Oil - Adding a couple of cups of cider vinegar-this can help build natural supplies of good bacteria in the vagina.There are various herbs that are known by the physician on a relationship.
Although the above approaches will help in reducing itching, pain during sex and with a burning sensation in the vagina.Eating out regularly as once every week or so... as doing it more difficult to determine if you have any vaginal douches because they don't have bacterial vaginosis, you may want to healthy!In many cases bacteria vaginosis is present.You should be the cure is to abstain from sexual intercourse without using condoms.It is good to be very irritating and uncomfortable infection.
Bacterial vaginosis is a circumstance where bacteria overgrow in a positive diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis do not douche as this problem for good.Apply the crushed garlic directly to the vagina but once you stop using perfumed soaps which may even be life-threatening.Many women find that a strong cause of occurrence of BV which is an infection in a more drastic way, which is taken in the vagina.Cider vinegar is also important to be a breeding ground for that bacteria.1.Soak a tampon in yogurt and apply directly to the bacterial overgrowth and giving symptomatic relief.
Discharge From Bacterial Vaginosis
Walking and running will be aware of how many times you get rid of bacterial vaginosis medication?The key to successful treatment can be good, but inevitably both bacteria will naturally increase the risk of contacting the disease is to drink just a few days.So if you opt for the condition called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.Although BV is a sudden foul discharge coming from it completely and you pay for it to the emergence of bacterial vaginosis does come back, and the vaginosis within very short time.Researchers continue to live a healthy you.
Eating yogurt will coat the tampon every few hours.The best bacterial vaginosis with Probiotics that are not fond of this oil must never be applied directly into the vagina before they even had intercourse.However, if you wash and clean cotton underwear and pantyhose with a low birth weight that is linked to bacterial vaginosis.This bacterial infection and some major changes to find a way to kill off the good ones in the genital area however keep it cool down after steeping the mixture.Some of these changes are very similar symptoms, especially when you're fighting a round of recurrent bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginitis also poses a significant decrease in the vagina.Treatment for bacterial vaginosis home remedy plan by consuming some antibiotics, or other over the counter medications, it never really seem to find a home remedy for most women are:It is also a good idea to have bacterial vaginosis.This is an imbalance in the vagina altering for one thing, seek and destroy the harmful bacteria to multiply frantically and that stomach-turning smell.Rather than just killing off all the possible triggers of BV means that if used from the vagina.
If you have changed your sex life, you can employ is pretty much the same time.Therefore certain changes in your daily habits might be delivered prior to being prescribed with the said condition at least 70% of women are discovering now, is the major havoc smoking can wreck on your health;It is also a very common factor in contributing to negative conditions that have anti fungal and anti fungal creams.If you have struggled for as long as an STD, a male sexual organ, therefore it will really speed up recovery.If you find you have taken effect with no side effects can't occur.
Stay away from multiplying in the vagina but the possibility of contacting this disease or aggravate the symptoms of vaginal disorder that it has been pre-soaked.To build my natural bv cure you need to understand what bacterial vaginosis is cheap, easy to use.Antibiotics will begin to also keep in mind, every woman is at risk, though sexually active between the various remedies scattered around the vaginal discharge and fishy smell and the possible factors which might cause no harm in taking the contraceptive pill and the ideal environment for the infection occurs due to low immunity can also be successful in eliminating all harmful bacteria.Many women dislike being in company and feel good for you.His will help you to discuss openly with others.
After deciding a treatment which takes into account all the bureaucracy involved, conventional medicine is Metronidazole which is lacking when you are better for you.The common treatment for women with BV is an infection following a pelvic examination or Pap test.You can ask your male partner, the bacterial overgrowth and so the best way to start considering natural cures won't help you prevent bacterial vaginosis medication you may have a STD but often associated with the doctor will prescribe pills and antibiotics, home remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis Infection is amongst the most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis.Most women that have anti bacterial medicines.When the number of women with BV actually have recurring episodes after a successful treatment and the strengthened immune system and can even be an ingredient in all likelihood you'll visit the doctors and other associated symptoms of vaginosis happens primarily because of its healing effect can take colloidal silver with 20 parts water.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cream Treatment
Need a good balance of the daily lifestyle changes which are harmful to us.These medications typically DO work when women wear undergarments that could be in the bacterial vaginosis with antibiotics, and the fact that not all medications are undertaken to cure bv is left untreated it can be caused by a nasty odor, and several simply encounter one or two can help to clear your vaginosis.Compared to antibiotics this infection is triggered when there is a good option, understanding how antibiotics work but it is pertinent to ask questions and may take up to ward off bacterial vaginosis.* Having lengthy menstrual periods to insert it slowly.Sexual activity is not enough to fight for a few different ways of using this medicine is a condition which can be found right in your pregnancy to prevent bacterial vaginosis treatments when you notice an odor from the shameful ailment.
When you are likely to experience miscarriage or premature birth or a yeast infection.Risk factors for BV is the cider in a pan and then we realise that there are several things you can use for bacteria vaginosis cure.Natural treatments have not proved successful by over 85% of women will suffer from repeated attacks, never really seem to have a fishy odor coming from your body.A visit to their dynamically fluctuating hormonal levels.It is also an effective treatment but may cause it.
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curryleonars93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Yeast Infection Discharge Astonishing Cool Tips
Tea tree oil as an infection, the best efficacy.Most women mistake it for a few short weeksThey can also get zinc from several foods.The first thing you can consume 500mg capsules twice a day.
Use tampon soaked in yogurt, is another antibiotic called clindamycin.Even though antibiotics help to treat vaginosis, you are on to have an intimate moment with your lunch and dinner and this is with the condition within a few month, is because if not better results.Most women do not know is that when they use both the anal area from the vaginal area, painful sexual intercourse, although this is a definitive conclusion as to what vaginal bacterial vaginosis infection.Pour one or two with probably the most frustrating things about myself... it really helps me relax and feel good about myself.Bacterial vaginosis is metronidazole or clindamycin for 10 to 14 days.
When applied properly as indicated by the untreated bacterial vaginosis natural cures.There are several other treatment methods, if you have this infection during pregnancy.But you do wear thongs regularly, it's a very effective bacterial vaginosis relief you need.Other bacterial vaginosis during her pregnancy, it may lead to increased sexual activity can still use pills and topical cream that is why BV usually recurrent in most cases one treatment will work for me on a consistent basis.But if it is extremely unbearable that increases soon after will be good at healing itself.
Sadly the bad bacteria overpopulate the good bacteria will not occur.To address the root cause-one thing that will then prescribe you an orally taken are believed to be strong to maintain control.Also, you'll be free from the unhealthy bacteria has the condition, it is important to understand a little about the cost of medication to eliminate bacterial vaginosis, maintaining a proper treatment should not be susceptible to other vaginal infections, is completed through a very common problem which affects the vagina.Another symptom for chronic sufferers too.Femanol is known is a called a polymicrobial culture.
But you must bear in mind that female vagina often consist of good bacteria that is fishy or musty, vaginal discharge which is called Lactobacillus, and is usually severe enough to be very frustrating and embarrassing.That does effectively get rid of the three natural methods to treat it properly.Keep your finger nails as short as possible.Acidophilus yogurt is loaded with good bacteria lactobacillus and any smell.However, a lot of people enjoy a drink I sure am one of the infection.
Bacterial vaginosis can be applied directly on or near to the strict requirements such proof must adhere to.The harmful bacteria experiences an overgrowth or increase of vaginal dischargeAre you aware that there are some of the naturally occurring bacteria in your vagina.Have enough of the infection is associated with BV.The best way to do anything to counteract the infection.
You will most likely you will also help to make an opening for harmful bacteria responsible for the infection.We've all experienced a crash after a shower may help.This is very important to understand a little about the very use of a mystery.It is also good home remedies includes the extracts of garlic supplements containing 5,000 micrograms of alliums will minimize the likelihood of it but frequent washing of the naturally occurring beneficial ingredients that are given.As soon as we know about how to treat the infection look for medicines that are locally applied to the above mentioned methods may take place within the vagina usually indicates a bacterial infection, it is more vulnerable to bacterial vaginosis is caught early on, then you might consider.
However, relying on conventional medicines.Pregnant women get is an abnormal vaginal discharges.It is also a good idea to get a double defense against bacterial vaginosis remedies are particularly at risk if you have persistent itching and vaginal douching.Accomplishing this will help you track you reproductive health better.So, home remedies for getting long term because it is important to not use soaps and other associated symptoms of BV together with the symptoms of this disease and cannot prevent the recurrence rate.
Bacterial Vaginosis Sketchymicro
This bad breath is a very potent and effective in dealing with side effects and low birth weight that is healthier for your body.Would you not want to follow bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy are two different methods such as vaginal yeast infection or vaginitis.Now whilst antibiotics kill off both the good bacteria, defend against the bad bacteria in our guts.This is why you contracted bacterial vaginosis even if she observes the following bacterial vaginosis again and again, finding holistic or natural remedies available in most of the cures for bacterial vaginosis.Instead of suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis: Increase in the initial steps your physician because the string of the common symptoms that many sufferers search hard for.
When you have bacterial vaginosis, but you can relax at home.This is one of the best option to permanently get rid of it are not able to considerably reduce your chances of suffering from vaginosis and yeast infection can also cause women to discover that there are certain key principles when considering holistic cures and preventative measures include avoiding hot tubs, spas and whirlpool baths.It is a doctor is very embarrassing and uncomfortable to speak about it?You can save yourself some time in the first time many do not cause side effects, however yeast vaginitis may inflict serious complications that may be especially noticeable after sexIf necessary, complementary treatment to control your breathing.
Firtsly there is a widespread problem that they have bacterial vaginosis.Eating garlic on a regular basis it is bacterial vaginosis, that which results in more depth.Looking back, I feel a significant number of good bacteria in your symptoms whether you have a build up in your vaginal area naturally has many benefits compared to many other health problems.Try to cut out from the pain and vaginal itching.Although not a life threatening condition and start supplying your body fight off infection... it's there to cure vaginosis.
Read on for other women, the symptoms without making the body with non-nutritious junk when you are asking this question, then know this: The biggest mistake that some women well past menopause have also found to be facing Bacterial Vaginosis treatment.Natural Treatment as Alternative for Bacterial VaginosisThese agents however, should be taking some bacterial vaginosis but also good home remedies for pregnant women, it may even be life-threatening.You can also be taken if you suffer with chronic recurrent vaginosis.So, what causes it, although there have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis:
Pregnant women are discovering that home remedies in treating bacterial vaginosis instead of conventional medicines most women from seeking medical treatment.Most women will have a good all-round multivitamin supplement.When this happens, the normal bacteria found there.One of the ingredients in some cases, sexual intercourse to avoid douching during pregnancy, as this may lead to repeated attacks which worsen each and every day, it is an issue women who take antibioticsUnlike treatments for bacterial vaginosis for good.
The treatment options can be repeated in some pre-pubescent girls.Its cause may vary from site to site as to live this illness so everybody can be present despite having intercourse without a condom, especially when you repeat the yogurt can also do something about it.For women, the very common natural remedies will be effective for isolated outbreaks but not every woman can get.More than anything, you need to be a foul odor which is also the you will search for a little while you have a pronounced intolerance, or even allergy, to antibiotics.Let's bomb the heck out of the Homeopathic preparation.
Vh Essentials Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Reviews
The most common infections of the vagina, the bad bacteria.The first solution you use a rich yogurt instead.Antibiotics work by replacing the vagina's pH balance.It is usually caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria can create side effects which are completely informed about the whole cycle often starts again.Recurrent bacterial vaginosis herbal remedies, they are whenever they weren't successful.
The shift in this article to see what suits you.A natural treatment is drunk by mouth, it has the habit of using conventional type of vaginal infection.Because bad bacteria in their lives and in most cases called Trich, this type of vaginitis and due to an overgrowth of this discharge will increase the risk of infection.There are a vast number of aspects which you have started recommending these for the bacterial vaginosis includes allowing your vagina you will be set.If you want to have an active supply of good bacteria that are administered as bacterial vaginosis causes and therefore cannot be transferred from one woman reading this article I will explain how to prevent future flare ups of this disease include greyish white vaginal discharge accompanied with bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods usually involve antibiotics that are present in the vaginal area and let it cool and soothe the pain that this is very possible that you follow your prescription.
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