#translation on the image description
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madmachaca · 1 year ago
so you´re telling me...
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...that in a universe where the Marinas were not meant to die, Kanon was the first born and actually went on with his plan and it was him who killed Shion, and would likely went away with it if it wasn´t for that meddling brother?
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I told y´all Kanon was the smarter twin. that plan is better than Saga´s improvissed one (not that it is flawless but...)
(ok, I should be more fair to Saga. Maybe he did had a better plan but didn´t expected Aioros to discover him. Maybe the only reason Kanon is telling Saga his here is because he thought his brother would side with him, idk)
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allgremlinart · 1 year ago
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Zuko doodles of a specific nature
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 1 year ago
So, in Brazilian feminism and technology news, the Chamber of Deputies has approved a bill that criminalizes the creation and sharing of nude images and videos created by artificial intelligence.
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The text, authored by deputy Erika Kokay (Workers' Party) and reported by deputy Luisa Canziani (Social Democratic Party), sets a penalty of 1 to 4 years in prison, in addition to a fine, for anyone who creates or disseminates “montages or modifications that aim to include a person in a nude scene or sexual act, including the use of artificial intelligence in video, audio or photography."
The bill now heads to the Senate.
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blackkatdraws2 · 11 months ago
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Whenever Stanley closes his eyes, he can feel the older man's aura surrounding him. [Blank Scripts AU]
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eldritch-ace · 6 months ago
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Sanrios your lords >:]
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leroibobo · 1 year ago
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pictures from the old city of jerusalem's "african quarter", which comprises of ribat al-mansuri and ribat al-basiri. mamluks built the compounds in the late 13th century to house muslim pilgrims and the poor. ottomans used them as prisons, and the british closed the prisons when they occupied jerusalem in 1917. the ribats then came under the ownership of the islamic waqf, and were leased to the local afro-palestinian community.
afro-palestinians have an array of origins. like some other diaspora communities in palestine, some came through pilgrimage - al-aqsa was on their hajj path, and while many would visit to pray there, some decided to settle in jerusalem. there are also some who came to palestine enslaved or conscripted, most recently to ottomans. some came during the time of the british mandate, many as conscripted laborers to the british. afro-palestinians who can trace their ancestry do so to nigeria, chad, senegal, or sudan.
jerusalemite afro-palestinians were employed to guard al-aqsa throughout the ottoman period. during the 1948 palestine war, some joined the arab liberation army and fought with fellow palestinians to defend al-aqsa and their presence in jerusalem. the position of guards has been taken by occupation soldiers since the 1967 war, after which a quarter of the afro-palestinian population became refugees in surrounding countries.
jerusalem's afro-palestinian community still live in the compounds today, which also house the local african community society. (the door in the last picture is theirs.) afro-palestinians as a whole face the same legal, social, and economic restrictions and maltreatment as other palestinians, compounded with the same anti-black racism from israeli government and police which ethiopian jews and eritrean asylum seekers face, which result in a form of "passport racism" unique to them.
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mothmvn · 3 months ago
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executive dysfunction
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ukgk · 3 months ago
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■ No.70 NAME : 丼草 / TIME : 2006/03/11 (Sat) 02:13 ■ No.73 NAME : 丼草 / TIME : 2006/03/11 (Sat) 23:10
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myossdeux · 1 year ago
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adachi but he talks like a toxic french twitter user
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yahikuro · 5 months ago
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my autumn is kinda lazy but i'm trying to do some activities like drawing some ask stuff :з please don't drink milk randal
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redvelvetsource · 1 year ago
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RVsmtown: 'Chill Kill' Characters Spoiler
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russenoire · 7 months ago
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i am loving these uniforms and the new confident stances for shigeo (assuming this artist did the steampunk promo too).
from the original xitter-vert:
駅員に扮した?!新規描き下ろしや グラフアートを使用した新商品が登場
駅員に扮した?! (they're) dressed as train station attendants?!
駅員(えきいん)== train station staff. 扮・する(ふん)== to dress as, be disguised as, play the part of.
新規描き下ろしや グラフアートを使用した新商品が登場 introducing new items with new original art and graphics
新規(しんき)== new, fresh 描き下ろし(かきおろし)== specially-drawn original art, original (new) promotional art, new art drawn up for a specific purpose. グラフアート == graphic art? this looks like a portmanteau to me. 使用・する(しよう)== to use, apply, employ. 新商品(しんしょうひん)== new products or items. 登場(とうじょう)== entry (on stage); introduction (into a market).
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 4 months ago
So, in Brazilian LGBT+ rights news, the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies' Human Rights, Minorities, and Racial Equality Committee approved, this Wednesday (November 13th, 2024), a bill that ensures same-sex unions in legislation.
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The proposal, presented in 2007 by then congressman Clodovil Hernandes and now reported by congresswoman Erika Hilton (Socialism and Liberty Party - PSOL), reinforces the understanding of the Supreme Federal Court, which has recognized same-sex marriage since 2011, and now goes to the analysis of the House's Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ).
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raynestormss · 1 year ago
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The Heart Acoustic, Mind Electric, and Soul Eclectic all thrown into Google Translate.
(I couldn’t fit all of The Soul Eclectic into one image, sorry!)
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beardedmrbean · 8 days ago
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kiragecko · 4 months ago
I appreciate described images for a variety of neurodivergence reasons, rather than visual impairment. So if I ever describe things in ways that don't work for screen readers, or are otherwise inaccessible, please let me know! I try to check some of my descriptions with a screen reader, but I hate sound, especially robotic voices, so it's not a regular thing.
But you have to tell me why the post doesn't work! I'm not looking for the same benefits you are, and can only somewhat imagine them. "This is a mess" or "this is inaccessible" doesn't help me.
Like, I'm reading descriptions because:
my ADHD brain considers an image to be a different context than text, so it has to transition to look at it. And transitioning is really hard for me. Reading a description is easier, especially if the image is actually of text. My brain hates transitioning to an image only to discover that it's actually the same thing I left!
if text in images is even SLIGHTLY blurry, my brain argues with me over whether they're words or not. And tries to look at their shape instead of their meaning.
I'm faceblind and the descriptions sometimes tell me who a celebrity is, or that it's a bunch of images of the same person
descriptions often provide context for how an image is meant to be interpreted. I interpret things strangely with enough frequency to appreciate a cheat-sheet!
I hate sound, and people in videos talk too slowly, so I prefer to read an audio transcription under a video, rather than listen to it.
These are the motivations unconsciously directing how I describe things. I am willing and motivated to adapt my descriptions to better match other people!
But I can't figure out how to do that without some direction.
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