redeyeflyguy · 2 months
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Wonderful Things That May or May Not Be Wonderful!!! The Pangolin a.k.a. the “Scaly Anteater”. It should be known for its unique looking scales, cute appearance and ability to roll up into a ball. Instead, they are known as “the world’s most trafficked non-human mammal” and that’s not wonderful. Save the Pangolin. They’re wonderful!
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
hi Oz. need help something. for background info we were trafficked by cult as child. now, we found out host has been selling our body again but not connected to the cult people, just selling on street.. because host apparently met a friend , and learned later that friend sold herself and somehow we ended up doing it too. the friend did not force us. we hid it from her apparently and when she found out we did it told us to stop. she didnt want us to do that , and she stopped doing it too. we have also been aggressive to this friend, and done toxic things,maybe because we have associated this friend with trauma now.,. do you think we have messed up by selling ourself during this friendship and it is unsalvabeable now? . if you think it is safe to try and save it, do you have any advice on how to repair this friendship safely? thank you so much and sorry the long message.
With relationships both people decide if they want it to continue.
I suggest apologising to your friend for the toxic and aggressive behaviours with no excuses.
After someone has been unsafe to another person that individual gets to decide if they want to work on maintaining the relationship. If they choose not to, that is acceptable.
I recommend taking a step back and doing the hard work to address these behaviours so they don’t happen again in any relationship.
If what occurred leads you to associate her with the trauma you experienced, that's something worth exploring.
Your safety is important as well. If something happens that leads to your system feeling unsafe and engaging in activities that you no longer want to, there are things to work towards there.
No worries about the length.
Take care,
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drasadonbrown · 5 months
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biggoldbelt · 5 months
Mariana van Zeller Interview | Trafficked: Underworlds With Mariana van Zeller
Mariana van Zeller Interview by Big Gold Belt Media –Synopsis:Award-winning journalist Mariana van Zeller explores the inner workings of the most dangerous black markets on the planet. In each episode, she investigates a different underworld — from the trade in body parts and hired assassins to sextortion and the smuggling of brides — to meet the players, learn the business, and better understand…
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boricuacherry-blog · 7 months
I wonder if the Argos Taskforce can find Rui Pedro...
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Tim Drake, as Robin, allowed himself to get captured by Art Thieves to find out where they were hawking their goods. He was not expecting to be sold as one of the items, or for roughly half of the villains in attendance to his auction to lose their fucking minds at the sight of him.
Turned out, they had a soft spot for him because of how often he saved their asses back when Bruce was going off the deep end.
So when they saw Robin, tied up and beat up and being auctioned off like a thing to a room full of people who were more likely to keep the kid as some sort of fucked up pet, they lost it.
The building is destroyed. Priceless art ground into the dirt with nary a care. Catwoman herself ripped a priceless, thought to be lost Van Gogh for the sake of stabbing one of the auctioneers in the leg with the frame they had it in.
By the time Batman arrives, Robin is actively trying to talk everyone down from killing the thieves. Trying.
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trans-axolotl · 10 months
nothing makes me more insane than the phrase "selling your body" btw. like was i not also selling my body at every other job i've had where i had to be on my feet all day, lifting boxes, working in a warehouse, etc. why is it that sex work is uniquely labeled as "selling your body" while every other job is sorted into another category, no matter how much that job might have a physical impact on your body. lmao.
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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I've said this many times before -if you call yourself a feminist and you're silent about ANY person being oppressed around the world by violent dictators/regimes/governments (among many injustices) you're not a feminist. If your feminism isn't intersectional, it's not feminism -it's white feminism. If you don't know about or aren't talking about Sudan and the rampant sexual violence against Sudanese women by a terrorist genocidal militia -then GET TO KNOW and start talking about it because this is horrifying. I'm so tired of seeing mostly white women come to the frontlines of issues when it only benefits or impacts them. I'm beyond embarrassed for you.
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sayruq · 6 months
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hamoodmood · 9 months
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Another man another disappoinment
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tctmp · 1 year
Drama  Thriller
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vivaladil · 1 year
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Now Watching #Trafficked (2023)
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lezfeminist · 11 days
The fact that brothels still exist in so many parts of the world and almost no one talks about it is insane… like women being enslaved and raped is literally not only legal but also legally protected in some of the most “progressive” countries and so many people are silent.
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xoivy · 2 months
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be-queer-do-arson · 9 months
We NEED to talk more about Neil's escape from Columbia because I don't think anyone's fully appreciating just how unhinged it really was. Neil really hiked six miles along the freeway in the South Carolina summer heat, face bruised from being knocked out cold dressed like a homeless person carrying a big ass duffle bag and started strolling up to truck drivers like, "Hello there! I'm just a regular sociology student interviewing long haul truck drivers to learn about their culture! Would you allow me to interview you while you drive to your next stop?" And then he did in fact interview a truck driver AND take full notes like he was really doing a presentation on it. That is FERAL
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idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
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slavic chilchuck moodboard
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