#toxic ship that could be really cute
the-last-panqueque · 1 year
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“Al final nunca fuimos tan diferentes”
Ah si, aquí vuelvo yo otra vez con un ship que canónicamente seria muy toxico pero que en un bello mundo idílico podría ser muy wholesome TvT, porque soy así. No me he terminado la novela de SVSSS, pero ya me he hecho spoiler de ciertas cosas y simplemente me duele que Bingge y Shen Jiu originales nunca sepan lo mucho que realmente se parecen. Si el Luo Binghe Original hubiera sabido lo mucho que su cruel Shizun sufrió... no se... se me permite sonar no? Así que aquí tienen un OG! Luo Binghe (Bingge) x OG! Shen Qingqiu (A-Jiu) porque puedo :’P
(Y un bonus de Shang Qinghua llorando porque su querido protagonista Original también ha caído. Quien te manda a ser tan mal escritor ‘Avión’ Ah? PIDW es un chiste muy malo >n<)
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shima-draws · 6 months
Me: Hehe Sanlu!!!!
Fandom: Oh but Zoro? Where's Zoro? What about Zoro? Including Zoro in this. Adding Zoro here because. Zoro tho
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fizziepopangel · 2 months
StaticMoth Headcanons (Romantic)
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These two absolutely did couples therapy for a very, very, very long time, though their sessions did get less frequent over time as they learned how to navigate their relationship.
Vox appreciates the gestures and gifts and all, but he doesn’t have the heart to tell the moth demon that he cannot cook for shit so he usually just smiles and chokes down the meals… unfortunately this encourages the moth demon to continue trying to make new, more extravagant dishes, all of which taste like crap.
Valentino has horrible eyesight and usually and when they’re out, Vox acts as his eyes so that he doesn’t have to wear his glasses outside of the tower, but for their last anniversary, Vox got Valentino a set of prescription glasses identical to his signature heart frames so he could see the world around him. Val was absolutely ecstatic. He walked around like a kid in a candy store, pointing out every little detail of everything he could now see.
Velvett has dozens of cute couples photos of the two.
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Vox learned spanish to impress Valentino…. He pronounces everything in the whitest possible way, but he did learn.
Around their tower, the pair often wear each other's things. Most of Vox’s leisure clothes are too small for Valentino so he often seems to be wearing cropped shirts or jackets because he still enjoys wearing his partner’s clothes despite the size difference.
Vox calls Valentino his butterfly as a term of endearment 
Val likes to play videogames, but sucks at them. When he plays with Vox and loses, he pouts and says that it's unfair since Vox has an advantage since he's a tv. Vox usually throws the match of whatever they're playing to avoid his partner pouting.
Jealousy. No matter which way you look at it. Val is a jealous lover, hating when anyone even so much as glances in Vox’s direction. Vox on the other hand is only really jealous of Angel Dust.
Vox tends to be the less physically affectionate one in the relationship, but he often seeks physical affection from his moth man as a form of comfort after a really bad day.
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Valentino is a cuddler…. Unfortunately he also tends to run warm so he has caused Vox to overheat a bit, causing him to glitch.
On the nights a certain moth demon can’t sleep, Vox stays up with him and plays him the dancing fruit videos that people usually play for their babies.
Vox has always been a bit more of a romantic, but Valentino does pleasantly surprise him from time to time with gestures like poems or gifts that he never imagined Val would be thoughtful enough to come up with. He always makes sure to thank Velvette for both of them. She denies any involvement, but he knows she’s the only person aside from himself that Val trusts to help him with anything in his personal life.
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One thoughtful gesture that the pimp did come up with on his own though, is the stuffed shark plushies he buys him for the anniversary of his arrival in hell. The first sharks were just cute plushes that looked similar to the sharks that Vox kept, but after he had bought the entire line of them, Valentino started getting them specially made.
While their on and off again relationship is known to most, the two are actually technically married and have been for a few years.
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Do you ship Godwyn and Fortissax? (p.s I LOVE your art! It's amazing!)
i mean if it were the pre-DLC version where i drew him purely on vibe going with whatever was popular in the fandom at the time (cuz i didn't have an actual take on him yet)... yeah maybe?
but the current version im drawing with bracelets and different hairstyle, no, i don't.... because i have a specific interpretation of his relationship with Fortissax, they are at most just close friends to me (actually i don't even believe that because the DLC dragon quest really got me looking sideway at any human that got love from dragons...like why all of them require the dragons to sacrifice so much for some random person that gave them nothing in return leave those creatures alone holy shit at least Nameless King forsake everything to stand by the dragons' side)
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so, i've fallen down the "humans are weird" rabbit hole, and i couldn't help but notice most of it is about how humans are just really durable, adorable, friendly, how we'd pack bond with anything, about how we have such a hive-mind and empathy and determination to survive when things get rough, how we could survive things most other aliens would die from, how we could eat stuff that would poison other aliens, how we inject ink into our skin and pierce it with pieces of metal and drink toxic substances for the sake of entertainment..
it's always human defences and endurance
but i never see people talking about human **aggression**
like, imagine a spaceship happens to have several humans on it even if most residents are alien species, and two of the humans get in a fight.
and i'm not just talking physical, i'm sayin' all kinds of fights.
imagine if two humans got in a serious screaming match and genuinely hurt a few of the alien species sensitive to loud sounds as they watch, flabbergasted at how the two are literally yelling in each-other's faces without breaking a sweat or getting tired from it, while one of the sound-sensitive aliens literally passed out because it was SO loud
or imagine them simply being in shock after interacting with humans for a long time and having this image in their head of humans being so friendly and able to get along with anything and anyone, including stabby, or any predatory, aggressive species we just so happen to find cute. that image getting completely shattered seeing two of the humans they're friends with showing clear anger and aggression in a display they could only describe as "terrifying" in the most visceral sense of the word
or two humans getting in an actual physical fight, and here's where the *several* humans on ship part comes into play,
so the two are duking it out in a violent display of pure hatred while other humans, amused and thoroughly entertained by the violence that would already have put any of the less durable aliens out of commission gather around the fighting pair and start ominously chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"
prior, the aliens hadn't dared intervene or get any closer because either way they recognized it as a danger
meanwhile some humans JOIN IN for absolutely no reason and it becomes a full on riot
and the aliens just stare like ?????
confused at why they'd find it so endearing, at why they'd literally join for no reason at all, horrified by even just a punch to the gut because to some of the more vulnerable aliens that's their equivalent of literally getting an organ ripped out of them and somehow STILL fighting and then ripping out an organ out of the opponent themselves
and most of all, if humans are capable of befriending aggressive, large predatory beings and getting along with practically everything,
what from the fresh pits of hell triggered two *humans* to fight *each other* of all creatures?
(that is, assuming aliens don't have much knowledge of our history, wars, politics, etc of course.)
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anniflamma · 16 days
So I’ve received a couple of anonymous messages telling me that they were really disappointed in me for liking Elian's Antinous fanart. Instead of answering them individually, I’m just going to make an angry rant post instead. Most of if probably won't make sense anyway.
This post have talk about SA, and homophobia. Be aware. I don’t ship genuinely Telemachus and Antinous, if that’s what you’re wondering. I didn’t even consider the possibility that ship could even exist. At the end of the day, I don't care about that ship.
And do you want me to explain that I know SA is bad? Or that I’m aware Telemachus/Antinous is a toxic ship? Do you think I’m dumb and don’t know that? You don't have to explain to me either, I know that SA is bad, I have experienced it, you don't have to explain to me, trust me I know.
I like Elian's art because it’s really beautiful. Her work is a huge inspiration and encouragement for me when making animatics. But do I REALLY have to spell out, word for word, that I know Antinous is an antagonist and tries to do bad things? Does it mean every time someone draws Antinous and I like it, I have to explain that I like the drawing because it’s well done, not because I support Antinous’ intent toward Penelope and wants to kill Telemachus?
I mean, I’ve seen tons of thirsty comments like, "I hate how Zeus treats women, but your design is really hot" or "Even if Poseidon SA Demeter, this Poseidon I'd go down on all fours for!"
I have seen some stuff….
I guess I could just imitate something like that????
But I know it’s a joke and I know its a fantasy that someone is expressing. Its not real, its fictional. I know all those thirsty ppl who simp over Poseidon, Zeus, or even Antinous aren’t supporting hatred and violence toward women. And yes, I am expecting that you should already know this too. Because if we gonna assume the worst of ppl… Then everyone who likes Greek myth/Epic the musical are pro SA. "Do you like Crice from Epic the musical? That means that you support her actions, you support SA!" "Oh you like Odysseus?! He killed a baby and all of his female slaves cuz they got SA by the suitors! You support infanticide, slavery and SA!" Do you hear how dumb that sounds? To be honest, I wouldn’t be that surprised if there are some who think like this. I mean, this discussion wouldn’t even be a thing, right.
And if you don’t know, I literally make thirst art of Poseidon (and that includes Zeus and Hermes), and you don’t see it as a bad thing??? It’s Poseidon… Do you know what he has done to women in the myths?!
Im going to ramble here and I will bring up stories from greek myth that have SA in it. So be aware.
One example is the story of Caeneus. When Caeneus was a woman, his parents left him to take care of the house while they were out running errands. Poseidon took that as an opportunity to break into the house and sexually assault him. This is probably the only myth where Poseidon actually feels bad after what he did, so he grants Caeneus a wish. Aww, how sweet~~~ /sarcasm.
Do I need to give an example of Zeus? We all know what Zeus does. But hey, I’ve made Poseidon/Hermes ship art. And guess what? There’s a story where Hermes breaks a woman’s leg so she can’t run away from him, and then he sexually assaults her. Isn’t that cute~~! /sarcasm
Heck, I can even go on with my biblical ships. David/Jonathan—David, a serial assaulter and murderer, and Jonathan, a mass murderer. But do I support their actions? No, I do not support mass murder, and its really dumb that I have to spell it out for you.
Daniel/Darius is even questionable too! It's literally a king and his servant, and that power imbalance is so big I don’t know what to tell you! Do I have to spell it out that I know that, in real life, king/servant relationships aren’t cute at all?!
All of these characters that I’ve listed have done or represent horrible things. And I have to tell you that I don't support their actions?! Really? You really can't think outside the box?
But do you see what I’m trying to tell you? We can simp over other ancient mythological figures but Antinous is the red line that we can never cross??? It’s hypocritical and immature, that’s what it is.
Right now, ppl loves the Ody seduces Zeus art I made. And that "ship" is well really questionable too! But nobody have called me a witch and tries to burn me at the stake yet. 😐
And the thing is, I can separate these fictional characters from the real world. I can also separate the fictional material from other fictional interpretations. Exemple, I like The Song of Achilles, in it, they are the same age, but I am also aware that in the Iliad, Achilles is 16 and Patroclus is 26. But do I automatically assume that Madeline Miller likes teens? No! Do I assume that everyone who likes The Song Of Achilles like that shit? No!
But we still can have a disscussion about it without making it into a witch trial.
As long as we can separate different fictional materials, then everything is fine. It only becomes a problem if a person can’t separate them. Then we have a problem. I can acknowledge that my depiction of King David from the bible is not the same as from the original story and that he is horrible person towards women. If I couldn't acknowledge that, then its bad! The same goes for Antinous if someone makes an AU or headcanon about him. If someone want so make AUs about Antinous, my first thoughts isnt "Oh they like to SA ppl!". At the end of the day, this is just a group from tiktok who didn’t like a toxic ship and decided to bully an artist while acting like they have superior morals.
And I get this type of shit from christians when I make my queer bible interpitations, both from those that don't like the queer stuff but also those that points out that David and Jonathan were horrible ppl.
So I rarely answer comments like this because they usually end up spewing beliefs filled with homophobia and Islamophobia. Heck rasism sometimes, apparently, Christians don’t know that the Bible takes place in the Middle East, and they are angry at me for drawing them looking like Arabs! I just delete their comments before they gets there. Making queer biblical animatics on TikTok that go viral on the Christian side is not fun at all guys....
And hate to say it but tiktok Epic fans sound really similar. You are acting like you’re on a pedestal, holier than thou. Its just a different font.
+ I haven’t forgotten all those homophobic comments I got on my David/Jonathan animatic that I posted right after my Ruthlessness animatic. Epic fans were saying they didn’t want “that gay shit” and wanted to see more Epic stuff. Hate to break it to you all, but the Epic fandom isn’t that innocent.
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azulaaaaaaah · 6 months
rating every zuko ship (cause that mf is shipped with everyone)
CLICKBAIT!!! this isn’t every zuko ship just the main ones i immediately lied lol. idk if any of these are hot takes or not but please don’t crucify me (might do a part 2 where it’s azula ships)
Jinko - Zuko/Jin
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awwww it’s cute (for what it is)
and what it is was one singular date that was never really mentioned again
i really appreciate how jin is so unperturbed by zuko’s awkward angst and just genuinely likes him
howevvver she’s kinda one dimensional (as she’s only in like an episode) and i just don’t see this going anywhere longterm
less a ship, more a vehicle for zuko’s character development lol
Jetko- Zuko/Jet
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jet being zuko’s first gay encounter is canon in my eyes
don’t ship them however cause i hate jet with the fire of a thousands suns
similar issues to jin as well where their interactions are extremely limited so personally have no clue how this could be a long term thing
Maiko- Zuko/Mai
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i am so impartial on this ship it’s not even funny.
i get that it’s canon. i get that izumi looks suspiciously like mai so it’s endgame. i just don’t see HOW?? it feels as if the writers realised zutara was becoming popular and were like ‘OH SHIT WE GOTTA DEFUSE THIS SITUATION SOMEHOW’
their relationship is basically just mai being a cold asshole and zuko being an angry asshole and there’s no change or development between EITHER OF THEM
however when they’re cute they’re cute !!!!
‘i love zuko more than i fear you’ COLDEST LINE EVER
however again it’s like - you had a crush on him as a kid. he was BANISHED. you dated for like a month as teens. you argued the whole time. he left again- and shortly after you saved him from prison, but then you were imprisoned partly due to his actions. you get back together again, he becomes the ruler of a country, and then you’re surprised it’s isolating him/making him even more of an asshole???
on the other hand we as a society need to admit that zuko is weirdly possessive of her (ig that’s a positive if ur a booktok romance girlie but im not). like if i was mai i wouldn’t put up with that toxic shit either
at the end of the day, i honestly don’t care that they’re canon lol- but i think they’d probably best as a bitchy best friend duo
Zukaang - Zuko/Aang
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not round here partner. not round here
my first issue is the age gap is objectively extremely weird if examined in canon. leaving it at that
i get that this is grumpy x sunshine in a way the other ships aren’t to me- but we’ve only ever seen these two characters interact with each other when there’s (again) A WEIRD AGE GAP
they are bros in the least homosexual way possible
the cherry on top of this situation is: isn’t aang the reincarnation of his great grandpa? isn’t that giving slight, uh, inc*st vibes??? imagine if people shipped korra and jinora isn’t that just WEIRD???
Zuki - Zuko/Suki
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is this my most controversial take ???
i am a sucker for bodyguard x royal family dynamics guys
and the fact that this is girlboss x malewife is even BETTER
suki seems the most competent at handling his pissy ass in a way the other people on this list aren’t
like she’s real. she’s not sugarcoating his situation, BUT SHES COMPASSIONATE !!
i don’t like throuples typically but suzukki is even eliter than this, which removes the whole ‘going against the bro code’ element that arises from them being together
also i feel like if you haven’t read the comics this doesnt make sense At All so please do
-2 points for the lack of tangible reason to ship them lol
Zutara - Zuko/Katara
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okay this one makes the most logistical sense to me within canon (solely examined as a zuko ship not overall)
it really seems as if they were gonna make this canon and swerved circa book 2
something about this makes me uncomfortable though. (despite the age gap which again a little weird)
something about katara potentially becoming the fire lady is so… icky. she’s a waterbender. the fire nation tried to systematically erase her kind. her mother is killed by the fire nation because they think she’s a waterbender. and katara…. what, becomes part of the royal family? it just seems wrong, and like something she wouldn’t be into
also i feel like their arguments would be a little too NUCLEAR. there’s like, a 50% chance of divorce
she deserves a better ending than that is all i’m saying
to paraphrase the hunger games: katara has plenty of fire herself. SHE NEEDS THAT DANDELION IN THE SPRING MAN
(i’m a kataang truther)
Zukka - Zuko/Sokka
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my zuko related otp!!!
bros to lovers guys, where zuko falls first but sokka falls HARDER !!!
ik this will never be canon and im happy with that. i know there’s not even a whisper of romance between them in the show, but i just think it’s c u t e .
sokka (like suki) is very likely to call zuko out on his shit, but less likely to lose his own shit (like katara)
this in my heart of hearts is 10/10 however is still problematic in a similar way to zutara
his mother is killed by the fire nation and he (presumably) becomes consort ?
however though, i would still say it’s not as ruhroh as zutara bc firstly, sokka isn’t a waterbender, and secondly, ‘consort’ is a lot more open to interpretation than i think fire lady is. in my opinion a consort ≠ a fire lady, just like irl a consort ≠ a queen. it kinda means he can still be ambassador to the southern water tribe/a leader of his own people, while just so happening to be married to the fire lord.
overall i can’t help but stan a friends to lover ship cmOn now
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azure-cherie · 8 months
Pac : About your next date
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Hey loves i hope y'all have been doing well let's get started please choose with your intuition, take what resonates ✨
Masterlist | Paid readings | paid readings 2
Pile 1
Whoever you will go on a date with next will be someone you have known for a while , or atleast you talk to them before you meet like for a month or some months def not a blind date , what I feel is really spontaneous lively and respectful, playful energy, this is a very feminine charged pile, whoever the feminine is will feel highly energised and will probably plan things out. I get a sense of spontaneous energy here , sudden plan , then you watch a movie , then you go to the library it's very fire sign coded, you guys might get each other very well emotionally, your person might be artistic and also very brave and bold . There's a sense of secrecy in this pile as well because you might have been afraid to tell people about this relationship well this date will change everything you might get the people talking but c'mon guys y'all are so cute who wouldn't talk about you . Y'all are getting out of your comfort zone there is adventure , acceptance and courage and so so much love for your next date . I also feel that you will be connecting a lot on the level and basis of creativity and heal your inner child in the process . Might be an outdoor or hilly date , this person could be an earth sign or work in the mass communication industry . They're generous and they'd do anything for the people they love . You guys might be slow dancingggg🫶
Pile 2
Your next date might be planned by a friend or a family member probably your mother , i sense matchmaker, marriage, arranged marriage energy. This person is quite wealthy, they have a beautiful smile and they're one with nature . What I feel is so much emotional connection in this pile , this can happen as in a long drive , cruise ship or a walk is significant. For a long time you've been wishing to God for someone who can really get you on an emotional level and this will just be them , they'll open subconscious parts of your brain that you wouldn't even know existed but one thing about that is that they would trigger you a lot to understand you and the people around you , I feel like there's someone driving this connection for the first date . Haha the interesting part is you guys will feel a lot of sexual tension might even hookup with this person lol but this is only for some of you guys . I see you guys enjoying a lot , this is giving me NRI Indian vibes tbh . I see drinks partying and also enjoying in the nature like both of you watching the garden under the influence, one thing about this date is that you will be enlightened to the next level of your life , i see discussions of spirituality and life . Might be an earth sign. They're very beautiful/handsome , i think this person has a lot of layers , you'll require time to understand them . 🌀
Pile 3
For this pile i sense that both of you or either one of you has escaped a toxic relationship and now you're picking yourself up again and for the some minority I sense that this can be someone who literally plotted to get to you 😭 very careful moves and they tried to get a chance with you for a long time . They have very beautiful eyes and they have a very genuine kind and generous spirit tho . Oh bro for some of you i think they'll talk about marriage in this date itself , they're so in love with you it's kind of driving them crazy but they're trying to maintain they're calm by acting nonchalant 😂 like they're not praying the gods for you lol , I feel that this could also be one of your manifestation or the result of a love spell . This person is someone who has become rich , they might have been born without many privileges but they made their own name and their own fame , i see some sense of transformation in the date you will get a sense of who you want as a person and who you don't though this person might be good you might reconsider if you wanna be with them for some people here , might take some time to think on it . I also get that you have multiple options to choose from . This relationship might bring a new beginning for you if you choose this, this date is approached from a very detached perspective though you're kind of an emotional person . I also do sense intense attraction and connection on soul level . This date will be relieving you will forget the worries in your life and just be present . This person will ground you a lot and give you the place to be you . There's a lot of love from one side and detachment from the other .
Pile 4
For this pile i sense bittersweet energy this might be someone you're in reconciliation with or just last date energy, I feel that one of you might feel that your cup is empty that you cannot pour anymore into this relationship, I see a lot of talking and working things out and if they don't go well going the seperate ways , i don't think either of you are toxic but it's giving the last day of school prom day energy you're gonna be busy in your own life. Ahhh I think one of you is about to move countries i see some crying as well . You guys have so much respect for each other. Btw I see that one of you is definitely waiting for the other to return . This is literally giving me war energy. There's some important thing there going away from I feel like saying " I'm away to protect us in search of a dreamland " this is giving me vintage Hollywood war time vibes😭 Atonement vibes 😭 . I sense that this person will talk about their goals and you will talk about how much you're gonna miss each other . I do sense true love in this pile . Things are gonna be slow and you might feel sacred but the hope is shown by the magician card things will turn out in your favour fr . So i remember this quote from a movie " in the end whole life becomes an act of letting go ......" Idk this energy is so intense and also very deep I think you guys should spend time together maybe meditate. I also feel you have a telepathic connection and you both are really sacrificial for each other . I see you both talking about life , nature, philosophy and sleeping dancing together this is a very casual beautiful energy . I hope you the best guys take hugs 🫂
Thank you so much for reading 🤍
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flawseer · 1 month
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Mail Call #3
Answering comments from @void-the-bear @railway-lands @keabirb @ilikebookssomuch @chezgorman @cartoons-everywhere @dragonra305
Please don't hurt me. I have glasses.
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Thank you, to all of you. It makes me genuinely happy to know that I'm able to put something into this world that other people can enjoy. I think this is a great setting that is fun to add to.
Doing a Wings of Fire-themed run of this Smaugust challenge has been very interesting and it's good that the result appears to be well-received. It's not always been easy, I'm actually getting quite exhausted having to post content on a strict schedule like this. But it is worth doing if it makes people happy.
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Relating to my comment on this post. I probably will do it eventually, along with some other ideas I had that didn't fit in. But it won't happen while Smaugust is still going, as I am already skirting the limits of what I am physically capable of right now.
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Ahh... hm... This is the question that has toppled mountains and started wars. You're going to get hit squads sent after me.
Well, there is the big one, of course. Qibli/Winter. They have such wonderful chemistry whenever they are in a scene together (with one pretty upsetting exception). And Qibli is always teasing him about being his destiny and the two of them getting married, so I think there is some attraction there.
Then uh... I used to feel completely ambivalent about this one, but Starflight/Fatespeaker has really grown on me over time. There's a lot of interesting potential there that doesn't really make it into the story. I need to make a long-winded post about Fatespeaker one day.
Blaze/Glacier is another one that could be cute. I think putting a repressed Icewing together with a highly eccentric and rambunctious Sandwing is going to be a winning combination most of the time. Or well, I guess I should say "could have been cute", since Glacier had to die for the plot, in a very wretched and infuriating way too.
There are a couple more that I think have their moments or could be interesting in one way or another. Some of them even contradicting or overlapping each other. Listing all of them would probably be a bit excessive.
Oh yeah, and I think Sunny is ace.
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Ah, a question that'll make me put someone else's favorite character at the bottom of a preference list... After the shipping question I'm starting to fear for my life now.
Let me preface this by clarifying that I generally like all of the DoD. There are some characters in this setting that I loathe and wish they would exit the story, and the arc 1 protagonists are nowhere near that. So being ranked low here translates to me saying "Yeah, they're okay, room for improvement", not "wow, they're the WORST!"
Okay whatever, let's get down to it.
#1 - Sunny
That one's easy, I mean, just look at the pinned post on this blog.
Sunny is so wonderful and charming and perfect in every conceivable way, she is one of my six all-time favorite characters. She is the flower that blooms in the bitter desert. A lot of people may perceive her as this demure and innocent character who is always happy and friendly, and oblivious to the suffering around her. Nah, Sunny knows exactly what is going on. She is keenly aware of all the bloodshed, suffering, and toxicity that unfolds in the world around her. When she remains optimistic and forgiving in the face of darkness, that is not her being meek or passive, it's her steadfastly refusing to let that darkness into herself. She is actively embodying the change she wants to see in the world, even when it hurts her or gets her taken advantage of, because that is what she believes in and the future she will create.
That's pretty inspiring. I wish I had that kind of inner strength.
Also, she is not weak. While she's not a powerhouse scrapper like Tsunami or an invincible stack of bricks like Clay, Sunny strikes quickly and without hesitation when her friends are in danger, and can be deviously clever. This is often overlooked, but she is--to my knowledge--the only character to land an attack on Morrowseer that comes close to actually hurting him.
Well... you got me rambling about Sunny. Let's go through the others more briskly.
#2 - Starflight
I like Starflight a lot. Unfortunately the story really doesn't. He is like, the unluckiest character by far. I don't know what he did to deserve the never-ending cavalcade of misfortune that gets shoveled in his direction throughout all three arcs. Like, it never ends. A couple of friends and I came together and we jokingly called our group the "Starflight Protection Foundation", because someone needs to stage an intervention. Like, wrap him in a cozy sweater and buy him hot chocolate or something. Heaven help this poor man.
He's another one of my favorites.
#3 - Glory
Glory is really cool; I vibe with the "unchosen hero spurned by destiny" theme. She goes through her life and is constantly told "No, you don't have a special destiny. You're the fifth wheel. You are worthless and unimportant". Though she struggles with the constant abuse and devaluation, she eventually finds a way to turn it into strength and declare that the only value that matters is the one she gives to herself.
I really wish the story had NOT made her turn out to be a secret princess. "I was born without destiny, so I'm making my own" is a so much more satisfying character trajectory than "Oh, don't worry. You were born special after all, you just didn't know about it".
So yeah, I kind of tend to put that "secret princess" plot twist on the shelf when I think about Glory, and prefer to think that she managed to sway Grandeur with her skill and determination, rather than a random blood link.
#4 - Clay
Clay is very lovable. He is like the emotional bedrock of the group and acts as a stabilizing force that pairs well with all of the other arc 1 protagonists. He pretty much resolves all of his baggage in the first book and becomes content and steady. That is very good for him, but unfortunately this also kind of turns him into just some dude for the following four books.
Which is fine, it is good for the other characters to have someone behind them who loves them and helps them up when they stumble. It just makes it difficult for Clay to shine on his own.
#5 - Tsunami
Okay, so, Tsunami. I actually like her a lot in arc 1. She's bringing an interesting kind of energy to the group that is like, half-supportive and half-detrimental. Very chaotic. She also has to contend with some heavy stuff; everything to do with her father and the complications in her family life. It's very interesting. Lots of places to go with that.
Arc 2 Tsunami though, really grinds my gears. She regresses into this kind of juvenile, immature personality that is just pointlessly abrasive and confrontational. She acts really condescendingly towards Peril-- despite the latter having saved Clay's life AND it being really important to Clay that her staying at JMA works out well. Her borderline sabotaging this effort by making Peril feel unwelcome seems very dismissive towards Clay's feelings. It also doesn't help that she is the most outspoken about her loathing of Nightwing mindreading and prophecies, which drives Moonwatcher further into her emotional shell and makes things more complicated.
Okay, I have to reiterate: I don't dislike Tsunami. I just think her character arc is incomplete. It feels like she is stuck in arrested development while at JMA. She's mostly running around yelling at people, when she really should be thinking about what to do about Queen Coral, and how to get custody of her siblings. Her sister Anemone is carrying emotional scars from how the Queen has kept her leashed like a dog for her entire life, a process that is now happening to Auklet, even to this day. And then there's the 30 something children who have never known parental love for a day in their life and their mother can't remember the names of.
Someone's gotta step in and save these kids. Or like, at least start vaguely thinking about it.
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ak319 · 29 days
Lovesick Rich Gf x Fem gp reader (Headcanon) 🛍️💋
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(Warnings: Toxic love, obsessed, implied sexual content, possessive themes, blackmailing,)
Roxi Moores, your girlfriend is the daughter of Altan Moores, owner of the Mooranda hotel chain which is their family-owned business. That's right, their family is half Turkish and half English. Not to forget she is an international model. You, however, were a simple college student who got a job at one of the Hotel branches as a server.
Roxi was one of those people who didn't pay much attention to the people catering to her as she was always used to being pampered. But when you came to take her order dressed in that white dress shirt, with a notepad in your hands, and greeted her and her girlfriends in that cushioned urbane voice, she nearly folded right there. That night is what Roxy now celebrates as your guys' "Love at first sight anniversary" even though it was only one-sided and your ass was so aloof at that time of serving her. You didn't even know until she left that she was the owner's DAUGHTER!
Anyway, Roxi had set her eyes on you and you are damn wrong if you think she doesn't get what she wants. It's not like she lacks anything. She has charisma, looks, and money, though she could tell you were not a person to fall for someone's wealth so she had to work hard. And really hard to get such an attractive, nice woman like you at her feet.
Her alluring blue eyes made you weak in the knees, not to forget her honeyed voice and her luscious caramel brown hair. You began to see her more at the dining and eventually, you responded to her flirting too sometimes but there was this nagging voice at the back of your head reminding you of your status and how it might be so wrong and disastrous to date Altan's only daughter. But she convinced you and convinced you well ♡ by easily luring you into her suite. God, you couldn't believe how you even scored that night just by getting a job there.
Your apprehension about her father's opinion was cleared when she out of the blue once brought him for not more than 5 minutes due to his busy schedule and introduced you. To this day you still wonder how you kept your composure when meeting a billionaire as his daughter's GF and as a lowly SERVER and that too in a WEEK of DATING?! Well to be fair at that point you thought that you were still in a situation-ship but Roxi made no mistake of reminding you that you were her girlfriend.
Then, your relationship with her began and you had no idea how your life would change when looking back on it now.
She was cute, smart, and elegant. You absolutely adore how she is attentive towards you. She listened to your rants about your college dramas and would be like a strict parent if you missed one day of your gym. Yes, she would be MAD if you didn't work out. She is obsessed with your abs and will even put stickers on them or would doodle with her glitter Sharpies giggling after riding you dry while you are laying there still trying to find your ass in the milky way. Not that you minded but now you didn't get to skip the workout and would have to send her a snap as soon as you step into the gym. She is the one who sits on your back like a princess as you do pushups or makes you do them on top of her for practice as she pays you with kisses on each one you do.
She would give you a private catwalk trying to distract you from studying or your game time by trying on the sensual nighties she could get her hands on. Passwords are non-existent between you both and don't you dare remove her picture as your wallpaper. You can only change it to a different picture. She does the same with her phone.
As this was your first serious relationship, you were indulging in the way she made it so magical for you but you were also overwhelmed. Because having a brand customize a couple perfume sets and bracelets only for you both seemed too much to you. Whenever you put forward your complaint of her spending her money on you as it literally made you feel spineless, she would throw tantrums and cry and let it be known that her tantrums are not easy to control. Thank God, you chose to discuss this problem at her house and not yours because your family would have their wits blown away if they witnessed this side of hers instead of the sweet humble chic girlfriend one.
Roxi, your number one supporter will be at your every (fave sport) match at your college, cheering you but she always looked so prim and proper while doing it. You never understood how she did it. When it comes to your attention and the competition, Roxi is gravely calm and it can be quite chilling for you as she is the clingy type. But she is indeed a secure and confident person and she trusts you too. The other girls don't even stand a chance against her so why give a fuck?. But little do you know that if she catches you initiating something ever, your life is going to get W-R-E-C-K-E-D. Thank God you’re loyal—one of the many things she loves about you. So don't ever forget that she is the only girl in your life. The scratches on your back remind you daily anyway. She never lets them heal.
How does she even-aren't her nails oval?! Nevermind.
It was however the other way around. You were the possessive one and she relished in the fact that you didn't like her wearing too revealing clothes not because you were insecure, you just didn't trust other people and the way they might think of her in their minds. Roxi didn't mind one bit as she wanted to be dolled up only for you.
The moment when she first found out you were pursuing a business-related degree, she had already formulated and decided every step of your future and you didn't even know. She was going to make you into a perfect daughter-in-law for her parents, especially her father. She was tired of being spoiled by her dad and wanted the role to be passed on to you now. She had already tested you multiple times and seeing how you gave 0 shits about her money made her more determined every time.
So as soon as you graduated she tried to convince your stubborn hardworking ass to first stop with this part-time job of a server for God's sake but you were persistent and did it alongside a corporate one but not in her dad's company. This enraged her further to her core. She couldn't stand the thought of you licking someone's shoes just to get a few bucks! In her mind, the server job was way better as at least it was her dad paying you and not some other bastard. She really remained patient with you whether it was when you took her on dates or when you gifted her something as she just loathed the fact that it was bought from the extra money that you were earning through your other job. After having enough of this bullshit, one day she just stormed into your office and grasped the attention from every corner. Some recognized her, and some were plain curious to see such a beautiful woman with such a furious look. She barged into your boss's office and demanded them to fire you. You ultimately calmed her down and controlling your own anger, escorted her out.
That was the day you cut it off with her...at least you thought you did. Well, you got fired anyway since your boss found out whose daughter she was and didn't want any trouble. You got texts from her, ranging from apologies to straight-up threats of you not ever getting a job anywhere in the world. At this rate, you had resigned from your serving job because of her and were depressed. Your family instead of supporting you took her side as she had hypnotized them with her sweet and caring nature. They wanted you to just accept the job at Mooranda International. And you did that eventually when her father came to your doorstep and took you to his company and hired you as his executive assistant which was such a big role for you.
You started your job and honestly, it felt robotic. Your soul wasn't in it and how can you forget the way it was handed to you, in a literal gold platter but make it a platter full of thorns and spikes that you just had to accept no matter what.
As far as Roxi is concerned, she visited you in the office as if nothing had changed between you two and soon you realized that you were trapped in this situation both by her and her father and could only act as if nothing had occurred. She re-entered your life and things slowly returned back to normal, and if you consider getting a mansion, luxurious cars and access to a private jet normal, then yes. Everything is normal.
You both live together now and Roxi finally got what she wanted. Making you spoil her every day by demanding things left and right. She fantasized about waking up every day and seeing you get ready to go work with her father and it was finally true!. Every morning she would make sure the maids got breakfast perfectly cooked to your liking and the favourite part of hers was to see you off with a kiss. After that either she went for shoots or just spoiled herself to look pretty for you when you came back.
Her father on the other hand made sure to be ten times harder on you than other employees to make sure you are ready to one day take his position and be a good wife to his lovely daughter. Despite his reservation of having his daughter date a server from his own hotel, he had taken a liking to you. He still remembered her tears when you both temporarily broke up and he sure as hell is not letting his baby cry again over your ass. After all, his dearest daughter always gets what she desires.
Speaking of desires, Roxy is insatiable when it comes to you. Now more than ever since you look so fucking sexy wearing suits and dress shirts. The way you drive the latest Bugatti La Voiture Noire with those hands of yours, one of which always has to be on her thigh or she's jumping out. She puts on the playlists she makes for you. It is so hot to see you be so serious and focused on driving and even working when she is all over you. Knowing that at the end of the day, you will fuck her anyway.
She never fails to blush when you serve her sometimes as it reminds her of the first time she met you. Her shyness and that dreamy look in her eyes make you serve her more often than ever that now it has become a habit at dinner time.
Don't for a second dare to think that you can wear white and not have her clinging to you to put a lipstick stain on various parts of your shirt. Seeing you embarrassed makes her giddy but she still doesn't let you clean them and instead makes you wear a coat.
Roxi really wants to sometimes make those adorable Tiktoks of relationship aesthetic but she knows you are not a fan of showing off and she kind of agrees with this notion as she doesn't want anyone's evil eye to befell upon your relationship. So instead she just makes such videos for her private account and posts some of yours in which either your back is facing her from the balcony as you're enjoying your (tea/coffee) or you're holding a bouquet for her, your face covered by the flowers. Such media in which the relationship is not that OTT. She loses herself in the attention you get online when people are curious about you, thirsting over you or whether it's her own friends congratulating her on catching such a fine specimen as you. The fact that nobody can steal you away from her no matter how much they try, always makes her day.
Now, her plan is to be your wife. She is just waiting for the day you pop the question. But she knows you are going to make it special so she can wait. She will wait. But it is so unfair that she has to. She has never waited for anything in her life and now, for the thing she wants the most, she has to. She could propose to you but she doesn't want it that way! She wants you on your knees for her. She is your everything, isn't she? And it's not like she doesn't have other plans on standby if you show no signs of wifing her up...
She had a previously failed engagement with a gold digger douchebag that her father chose for her and it was vile. She is not going to be treated like that ever again and you have proved yourself to be worthy of her and treated her better than her ex-fiance whom you hated too just by hearing about him treating your princess like shit. So she knows you love her beyond words at this point.
A snippet🤍
"Why didn't you respond to my texts?! You knew we had a golf date planned!". Your ears were not prepared for that shriek after the hectic day you had.
"Baby-I said sorry and can you-"
"NO! You are not going to work tomorrow and we are spending all day together. You hear me?! Don't you dare ignore my texts again!" She dug her nails on your shoulders.
She was currently on your lap in the tight golf outfit she wore specifically for you. How did she even think you would take her out in the skirt she’s wearing? She is indeed playing right now. But she couldn't stop teasing you with the way she moved on your lap and you knew she was doing it to make you more pissed.
"That's it." You carried her over your shoulder and onto the bed and Roxi couldn't be more happier. Good thing that she had already thrown away the condom packet.
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stainedglassthreads · 11 months
I feel like the four leads of Deltarune--Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Noelle-are just. Somehow two different levels of queer-coded.
(Edit: Just to be clear: not saying any of this to disparage or insult shippers of Kralsei, Suselle, or Kriselle, I've just seen a lot of cool analysis about tropes, romance, and lack of choice in Deltarune and wanted to chime in with some of my own thoughts. If you ship any of those ships in Deltarune--fantastic! May you find a lot of content precisely to your taste.)
Like. On the one hand, if you're looking at tropes, they are very neatly set up into two romantic partnerships. Noelle is very blatantly interested in Susie, and Ralsei's feelings for Kris are often portrayed similarly. On a surface level, both pairings appear very clear. Noelle is a girl in love with another girl, while Ralsei is a very effeminate boy in love with a teen who doesn't appear to use pronouns. And a big deal isn't made of either pairing, there's nothing really in the way of Suselle or Kralsei on a societal level we've encountered so far. At least in terms of gender and sexuality. But if you look a little closer, it's kind of...'these are a very straight idea of queer ships', y'know?
Noelle and Susie are both girls, but one is very effeminately coded, anxious, uses magic, and is more traditionally cute, while they other is crass, crude, intimidating, and physically strong. Ralsei and Kris are gender-noncomforming, but Ralsei is a sweet pacifistic healer who bakes cakes while Kris uses a sword, and keeps being mistaken for a boy by much of Youtube and Reddit. The active one and the passive one, the fighter and the mage, the one with cute hobbies and the one who eats moss, the one in pants and the one in a dress.
And here, I start thinking of some posts I've seen analyzing how, in Deltarune, romance is used to explore how Kris doesn't really get choices. Kris has been cast as the leader and knight, and Ralsei has been cast as the healer and Princess, even if he is a boy. The leader often ends up with the healer. The knight often gets the princess as a happy ending. But Kris doesn't seem to like this! Their reactions to Ralsei are constantly lukewarm at best, and that's not getting into how Ralsei seems to be in love with his idea of Kris, while being very. Asriel-coded, who the game describes often as Kris' brother, in sharp contrast to how ambiguous Chara and Frisk's relationships with the Dreemurrs were.
If we and Kris reject Ralsei as a love interest, we can a different romantic partner in Noelle...but this choice has a bodycount, traumatizes Noelle, doesn't seem to leave Kris any happier, and it's still a kind of straight-coded ship. Now it's the knight being paired up with the apocalypse maiden, for the doomed codepedent toxic tragedy lovers out there. But it kinda makes sense too, right? If Kralsei is the expected RPG romance, then Kriselle would be the expected romance if there were no Dark World and Ralsei weren't an option. They're childhood friends and neighbors in a small town, their families used to be very close, Rudy is still very fond of Kris. They're even extremely angel/devil coded.
But the most interesting part is. It's implied that there IS someone that Kris is very interested in, either platonically or romantically. It's Susie. Kris never seems frightened by Susie when they're bullied by her, and rejects Noelle's offers to switch seats. They seek comfort from Susie rather than Ralsei after the Spamton fight, they call her their friend when Toriel calls, they share moss with her, they refuse to think about her during Snowgrave when Ralsei prompts them, they make it clear that out of all the people they COULD go to the Carnival with, Susie is the one they'd ACTUALLY want to choose.
And this is the part that drives me crazy. Because while Kris is so tightly controlled by genre and narrative, and those things would usually push them towards Ralsei or Noelle, and Ralsei keeps encouraging Kris to stick to the narrative. Susie is the one who refuses to be bound to the narrative. Susie is the character of Deltarune who is most unapologetically herself--and isn't that a very queer thing, refusing to be anyone but yourself despite everything? She says no thanks to the prophecy, until she comes around to it on her own terms! She makes herself and Ralsei learn to take their own actions, and drags Ralsei off to have fun with him instead of letting Kris choose who to with! She doesn't stay in her box of the damage-dealing fighter, she insists on learning Healing magic, even if she's not particularly skilled at it at first! Even Ralsei is forced to admit that it's wonderful that Susie is Susie, and not anyone else!
I think Kris likes Susie a lot. And part of it may be admiration. That while Kris is controlled by the player and the narrative and the prophecy and humanity and divorce and a dozen things outside their control, Susie refuses to ever be bound by anything. And Kris and Susie together happen to be the two more masculinely-coded party members, the two melee fighters, the two troublemakers. It honestly makes me wonder a little if Susie and Kris might be able to make their own ending beyond the bounds of gender expectations and romance expectations together? It would be cool. And I think it would make Kris very happy to break free like that.
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smallestapplin · 3 months
hello can you do, Yandere Getaway, Drift and Rodimus x Cybertronian fem reader, can it be Smut
*breathes deeply* I'm so normal about this. How did you know Roddy is my weakness?-
Warning : toxic behavior, Rodimus has ADHD, smut so MDNI, kidnapping, possessiveness, thoughts of harm. I did my best, I hope you enjoy! ^^
- as the newest member of the Lost Light, you didn't really know about all the mini groups inside the ship, nor know how Rodimus gets treated (even if he deserves some of the lectures Ultra Magnus gives him.)
- He was a welcoming captain, and quite fun too! But you notice how he works or lack there of, how easily distracted he gets, how he tries but it doesn't seem to get him anywhere. You just wanted to try and help, even if you were just a simple bridge tech.
- It was your kindness that got his attention, when you first entered his office ready to report on how the ship has been fairing, you handed him the papers and an extra gift.
- His optics widen at the sight of a single handed spinning toy.
- "What's this?"
- "Oh, that, well I noticed you have trouble focusing on your work as being still seems to be a problem. So I figured a you'd do well with an object to mess with while you do so."
- You picked up his mannerisms quickly, but instead of just yelling at him to stop and focus, you...actually wanted to help him work?
- "Sir? I'm sorry if i over stepped, i didn't-"
- "Wanna grab lunch with me later? I know juuuust the place to chill." his smile is infectious, how could you say no?
- Rodimus latches onto you, becoming your second shadow and attached at the hip to you, if he wasn't working then he was with you, if no one could find him then he was with you.
- ultra Magnus asks for your secert, since he's never seen Rodimus work so quickly and efficiently. but you don't really have one, you just find ways to help him focus and praise him for doing so, and he just latched onto you.
- tragically no one seems to be able to get a word with you without Rodimus butting in putting space between you and whoever you were speaking too. ratchet has yelled at him to frag off more times than he can count, when just trying to patch you up. but all Rodimus does his whine and make grabby servos at you, cause he's just sooo worried.
- it's cute, at least at first.
- but he's overwhelming, he gets huffy and pissy when dragged away from you, he pouts and sulks whenever you speak to anyone else, you're his favorite bot so he should be yours too, right?
- you don't have a chance to make any friends on the lost light, all you have is Rodimus.
- he always surprises you while you work, always coming up behind you and resting his helm on your shoulder and nuzzling into you, giggling and speaking of how much he missed you and how boring the meeting was.
- it's hard to see him for what he really was.
- you think he loves you, and while he does it goes deeper than that, so, so much deeper, he's infatuated, smitten, obsessed.
- you're all he can think about, you're all his wants, he can't stand anyone else having your attention, it should just be him, him, him!
- you know you should say no when he asks you out, he's your captain, your superior, he place on the ship holds too much power over you. but it's Roddy, he's done so much for you and you do care deeply about him, surely it wouldn't hurt to give it a try?
"R-Roddy, slow-mm!- slow down!!"
You place a servo over your intake trying to muffle your sounds, not wanting anyone to pass by your habsuite to hear you getting fragged by your captain. You don't know what caused him to barge in and pin you to your berth, though you aren't complaining.
Rodimus buries his face into your neck, trying to lose himself into your valve, into your scent! But all he keeps thinking of is how you are his, not that stupid med bot who loved chatting you up! and you just let him, you indulged him when you have a perfectly good bot right here!
The dangers of Rodimus is his fragile ego.
Your voice cracks into static, as liquid fills your optics. It's too much, his spike keeps thrusting inside you so deeply, as if he's trying to mold your valve into the shape of him.
Your free servo grips his shoulder, trying desperately to hold him close. Your body trembles as his glossa licks up your neck cables before biting into them. You go still, shrieking into your servo, while you overload, your transfluid soaking his spike.
"You're mine, right? My sweetspark, gotta remind you I'm the only one who can frag you like this." Rodimus ex-vents sharply.
You overloaded so hard, you seem so out of it, surely you won't notice him opening your spark chamber, right? He could sparkbond with you right now and then you'll never leave him.
He can't stop rutting his hips into yours, needing more, needing to be closer, needing to feel you overload again and again! He never wants to stop, never wants you off his spike!
- Out of the three Drift is self aware and knows what he feels for you is anything but healthy, you deserve an adoring, loving, and respectful relationship that he knows he can't give you.
- But that doesn't stop him, he feels so guilty about it but he needs you by his side, needs you clinging to him like he wishes to cling to you, he needs to be the only bot in your life.
- He tries to fight the dark thoughts, he swore to never kill again but Prowl is making it hard when even speaking to you. Drift doesn't want to harm his crew members but the demons inside him want to tear everyone to shreds to make an example out of them, that this would be anyones fate for speaking to you.
- Your kindness doesn't help either, normally you stick to yourself but happily talk when others approach you first, you don't like being rude, so you tell him.
- He was the first one to approach you and form a bond. He's your go to for nearly everything, he has a lot of stories and a lot of wisdom from those stories, it's hard not to ask for his opinion on anything.
- You ask his opinions on other crew members, and he always tells you the truth, giving you their worst traits first just so you're more likely to stay away from them. The only ones he couldn't make you stay away from were First aid and Ratchet, he wanted you to trust your medics and not fear going to them when needed.
- He doesn't like it, though. But all is well, as you play right into his servos. He feels so bad abusing your trust like this, but he can't risk losing you to anyone!
- "Apologies my little light, I don't mean to alarm you of anyone."
- "No no, it's fine, really! I'm just happy you're honest with me. I trust your judgment."
- The smile on your faceplate is one he wants to protect and keep for himself, he can't let anyone realize how precious you are, lest they want you fr themselves.
- Despite your courtship being short he can't help but ask to be bonded to you, this way your tie to him is permanent. He needs you.
"Drift, are you sure about this?" Your faceplate flushed blue from the energon coursing through you.
You look so bashful, it has his spark pumping. Drift smiles from his spot between your legs, gently running his servos up and down your inner thighs. Out of everyone he's the most gentle and loving.
"We don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with."
You believe him, you truly do, but it's hard to take his words seriously when you can see his spike twitching and valve leaking from here. You take a few shaky breaths, before leaning back on your elbows.
The room fills with the sound of your modesty plate being tucked away, and Drift's heavy breathing. All that kissing and gabbing eariler seems to have done a number on you, your valve is leaking transfluid, and your node just begging to touched.
"You are such a beautiful sight..." drift sighs, trailing off to wipe the drool coming from his intake.
You whimper, squeezing your optics shut just from his words alone. It's so embarrassing, and to have his face so close to your valve is not something you think you can handle right now.
You tense up, body trembling just from the wet kiss Drift places on your node. His servos gripping your thighs to hold you down, stopping you from squirming in his grasp. He's so gentle with you, even as his optics roll back from just the taste of your juices, drowning him in your scent.
You toss your helm back, back arching with a whine feeling your lover's glossa pushing into your valve, fragging you with it. Drift can't stop moving his hips, rutting against the berth, mindless from you.
'D-drift! Mm!..haaa, oh, oohh frag!" You place your servos over his, desperate to just hold him and be close.
You make him overload so easily, now if he can just do the same to you.
- Getaway is a tricky one, not even his closest 'friends' know how he truly is, though he is passionate about his beliefs. He usually has everyone believing he's a cool dude and chill crew member, some find him annoying but nothing to worry about, right?
- Then there is you, you, you , you.
- You saw right through him, you have no evidence, nothing to call him out on, but the vibes he gives off have you on edge, and you make your distaste for him known. But cutely enough you never let it get in between work.
- Always so civil with him, always bare minium polite and nothing more, always shooing him away and out of your office the second what he's there for is over with. You're breaking his spark, you know?
- He always finds a way to bother you, chatting you up, nd trying to sweeten you up, but it never works.
- Why does he want you so badlt? He has most of the ship chill with him, what makes a difference if one bot doesn't like him? He asked himself that a lot, as most of the crew just chalked it up to conflicting personalities and left it to that, after all not ever bot is going to get along, and that's okay! But it wasn't okay, not for him.
- At first it was just to prove a point, just to show no one can resist his charm, but you never caved, in fact if anything it just made you loathe him more.
- "I don't know how muc clearer I can be, I have told you time and time again to stop bothering me outside of work reason. Is your life and friends so miserable and dull that this is your only entertainment?"
- The venom in your voice just made him want you ee=ven more.
- You never caved to him, never gave him the time of day, it made him crazy.
- He knew your schedule like the back of his servo, knew when you took breaks, got lunch, paused to stretch, your places to be, even the code to get into your habsuite!
- You became his obsession, his need, he wanted you, needed you, and your refusal just makes his need that much deeper. You take over his every waking thought, you are his everything and he needs you to like him, to want him just the same!
- Maybe things could've been different, maybe then you wouldn't have been taken by him in the middle of a cycle. He has to keep you to himself, after all it's only a matter of him before he completes his mission or gets found out, and he doesn't want to lose you.
"Why do you keep resisting me? How many times must I tell you I love you before you accept it?" Getaway places a servo on your cheek, only for you to thrash, getting his touch off of you.
Even tied up and gagged you still refuse him. You care at him, optics shining with a deep seeded fire. How you can still look so beautiful, even while wishing him dead his beyond him, but he can't help it.
"Even now you refuse me. I want to bond our sparks, to wed you, have you join me and my cause, and you still don't budge."
Silence fills in the air. His optics on yours, neither of you caving or looking away from the others.
"Even so filled with rage, I can't help but adore you. Keep looking at me, even if it's with hatred, I never want you to look at another. You are my sweetspark, and mine alone, got it?"
He can only hide you for so long you're sure of it, he can't keep you forever and you will make sure to be free and tell the crew to their face you were right all along. It's the only thing keep you motivated to stay strong.
To now cower or fall for his flowery words.
But how long can you truly last?
You know he's not above causing harm, or even killing someone, he might even try to flip the story on you if you don't play your cards right.
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rowretro · 8 months
ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔼𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣
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✧taglist: @enha-ism
✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, violence, stalking Blood, forceful kiss
✧synopsis: Yandere Riki kidnaps you after planning for so long. He finally gets to keep you, you're all his. The male expected you to scream, shout and put up a fight so he can punish and tame you, however things were a lot different with his y/n...
Finally, after all those years of watching other boys and girls be so close with his pretty princess, he finally got her to himself. Y/n woke up, chained in a basement, she was quite shocked and a little frightened by her surroundings. When she set her eyes on Riki, she felt like she was dreaming.
"Look here princess... outside of this basement is a beautiful home for you and me to live in. If you behave and do as I say princess... I'll spoil you with everything you want." He said as he twirled her hair "But if you disobey me... you will face harsh consequences darling..." He added as he yanked on her hair, glaring at her. "I'll do anything you say babe" The girl said staring up at him as Riki frowned.
"How cute... so easy to scare hmm?" Riki asked as he pecked her lips softly, leaving the girl blushing. After an hour or so of silence in the basement, he let her out, leading her to their bedroom, he took her to the walk in closet where all of y/n's clothes, and other beautiful clothes exactly like the ones on her wish list or basket hung in order. "This is your side of the closet, like it?" he asked as the girl smiled.
"Don't think I'll ever let you out darling... the only time you'd ever be allowed out is to skool, with me." He sternly said as y/n nodded. "You know I'm not that scary right?" Riki said and she smiled at him "I know babe, but I want to make you happy" the girl said as the male seemed shocked, he gave her a towel and kissed her forehead, realizing she was sincere about that. She fucking loves him the way he loves her.
Since that day, even the school knows that the 2 are openly dating, though unaware of his yandere tendencies. So many people shipped them, they were just so cute together, inseparable. However other. 2 boys in specific. Really hated the 2 being together. Ryan and Tyler, who had been trying to pursue y/n for the past year or so, are pissed to see how Riki swooped in and took her away.
So they acted on it. Riki had gotten into detention as per usual and you waited for him outside as the teacher wouldn't let you in. Knowing this, Tyler dragged her to an empty classroom, while Ryan covered your mouth with his hand, the males smirked as she tried to leave the classroom.
"Not so fast pretty girl..." Tyler said pulling her back by her hair. "The 2 of us fucking tried all we could to get you for the past year, we were so sweet so fucking perfect... yet you went out with that freak?!!!" Ryan yelled at her as he slapped her hard enough to make her head hit the board. He pulled her back, forcefully kissing her. Before any of them can even lay another hand on her, the door went flying off it's hinges, hitting Tyler.
When the 2 males turned around, they were met with a very pissed off Riki. Do I even need to tell you what happened to them? According to the teachers there, the boys fought each other so badly, they ended up killing each other. So says the police, the court, and everyone. Riki kissed the girl's forehead as he dried her hair "Next time I get into detention, cause some trouble and get in with me hmm baby?" Riki asked as the girl nodded with a smile.
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ham1lton · 5 months
you said u read ao3 fics! what are your f1 recs?
ahhh!!!!! this is the best question you could have ever asked me like ever i love you so much. i’ve been dying to talk abt this for a hot minute. i opened myself up to any sort of ship mostly because i cared more abt the fic quality then the ship you know? kinda glad i did it because my fav ones are not necessarily ships i am a fan of. it’s really long so i put it under a read more!!
okay so number one has to be the fic that was my first fav f1 fic. this is steal the air out of my lungs (make me feel it). now this has a lot of elements that i love. guy who’s in his own head vs other guy who’s also in his own head but pretends he isn’t. also idk why but i’m always a sucker for a good medical au and this one fucking delivers!!! another maxiel fic i read was three rounds and a sound which has coffee shop owner daniel w/ stressed out student max. a lot of introspection but it’s also unfolding while the romance is. idk i just love this. it’s so good. last maxiel fic is come on, star boy which is a alt universe where daniel is the american guy he always wanted to be and max is the new transfer to his small town’s football team. it isn’t just incredibly written but everyone feels so real and vivid. i can visually see this in my mind everytime i read it. i listened to a lot of ethel cain while reading so that helped. i love this so much and the brocedes in the background?? you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves youuu 🗣️
i’m not really a landoscar girl, i’m gonna be honest. however, where i am going is right where i am, is just incredible. alt universe where the drivers live on a street version of stars hollow? brocedes that influence everything even though they’re long over? charles being insane over max? pierre hating on esteban every second that is possible (i was laughing every time he would just cuss his ass out unprovoked) and annoying george being their street’s version of gilmore girls’ taylor?? what more do u need in ur life?? also oscar in this fic is just my dream man. i think a croissant from him would fix me. actually i read a lot of this author’s landoscar fics and they’re so cute i was sending kudos as much as i can. like already home! just want to bite them both and put them in my pocket. they’re so obviously in love i want to shake them down and scream and smoosh them together. lawyer!oscar i love you. check out their profile!! incredible writer :)))
i’m also not a galex truther but the two of us, in sympathy is so cute!! rich boy!george with broke junior doctor!alex. george attempting to court alex and just absolutely failing. i love it. they’re such a mess i need them in my life. also this loscar future fic is so intense but incredible. i’m really bad at describing but i binged it on my train home and i was really glad i did - i promised to forget you now.
the reason i even got into f1 aka brocedes. this fic i think was one of the first i read. on the faultline which is just amazing. i can’t recommend it enough. read it if u can. another fav is a brocedes threesome with their toxic fucking each other via proxy aka new money, and it’s all cash. cute brocedes!! nico thinks lewis is his sworn enemy but everyone knows otherwise. roseberg’s vs haminkton. this was so cute and funny. cause why was nico saying lewis, the owner of a tattoo shop was stealing business from him… when he owns a florists… he’s so dramatic i want to tuck him in my pocket. this job will take my sole has the same premise but they’re both shoe shops which makes a lot more sense. i just love stupid rivalries and dramatic nico.
now back to my sweethearts, the lights of my life, the fires of my heart - sewis. all of these fics have past brocedes just for context. every tongue should confess talks about religion and queer identity in such a nuanced and delicate way? i adored this fic. transmotion which is another alt universe with fashion designer!lewis and footballer!sebastian both figuring out their careers, themselves and their relationship. maybe together we can get somewhere - this is an mpreg fic which usually isn’t for me but it’s about seb and lewis going on a road trip for an abortion and it’s so good. honestly the ending line of ‘it’s a good feeling, to know that sebastian’s outstretched hand is right there.’ it just stuck with me. i loved it. the numbering at bethlehem which is thee sewis fic to me. professor au?? this was made for me. like perfectly moulded. everything about this is art. i could do a full essay on this fic. just read it, it’s incredible. just amazing. sebastian as the child prodigy who has nowhere else to climb?? i love them both in this fic so much!!! tnab sewis get behind me!! i’m gonna protect u!!
okay i’m sorry this is so long. i just love art. i love writing. i just love the work these authors’ have spent putting together these masterpieces for free!! check them out!! leave kudos!! comment!! <3
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lolbital · 6 months
My hazbin hotel ship opinions!
• staticradio: my favorite, my obsession, my life. It is very obvious in the show that Vox is obsessed with Alastor. The most common opinion in the community is that it’s one-sided, but I like to think Alastor pulled away because he was afraid of his reciprocated feelings towards Vox.
•radiorose: This is my second favorite Alastor ship. They are super cute and they’re quite perfect for eachother. I just enjoy their friendship too much to actively ship them.
•radioapple: I only understand this ship because it seems like they have existing tension, but otherwise I don’t enjoy it. Alastor and Lucifer’s relationship was never expanded on beyond their immediate rivalry. Maybe if season 2 gives them more interactions or a backstory I will be able to get behind this ship a little more, but I really can’t see this as anything more than a boring rivals to lovers trope.
•staticmoth: It’s okay, but I don’t see them as much more than a sexual relationship. I don’t think Valentino is capable of genuine love.
•polyvees: I see Velvette as more of a younger sister to the other vees. To me the idea of her having two boomer older brothers is just funny. I don’t think this ship is necessarily bad it’s just not my thing.
•bombsnake: I think they’re cute. Unfortunately I don’t think Cherri really has returned feelings for Pentious. Based on their interactions she just seems interested in experimenting sexually with him because of his anatomy. I could be wrong though, so I’m very open to this ship!
•Charlastor: I see Alastor as a father figure or older brother to Charlie. Especially after the Hell’s greatest dad song, I just can’t ever see them in a romantic situation. I am not against the ship, but I personally don’t like it.
•Chaggie: I have nothing bad to say about them! Their relationship is healthy and I think they’re perfect for eachother. I particularly enjoy the fact that Vaggie was an ex-exterminator because it truly promotes Charlie’s idea of redemption. I am going to be extremely upset if Vaggie gets redeemed and gets seperated from her gf.
•radiodust: most people who ship this probably still have the pilot in mind. They don’t interact a whole lot in the show, and I see this as more of a crackship than anything.
•huskerdust: It looks like they’re going to be getting a slow burn relationship and I’m so happy about that. I like to think that Husk is refusing Angel’s advances because he knows he’s only doing it because of hypersexuality at first. I’m 99% sure that is what is canon too. I want to see their relationship grow.
•radiohusk: I am sorry but I can’t get behind this whatsoever. Husk absolutely hates Al, and Al owns him. There is no equality in this relationship, and it would get toxic very quickly.
•radiomaid: I love their dynamic but only as friends. I know Nifty is an adult, but she acts so childish and Alastor still owns her. I don’t like the power imbalance and maturity gap.
•alastor/lilith: if the theory that Lilith owns Alastor is true, then I am interested to see if we get a backstory about them, or what they might’ve been doing for 7 years. As of now I am neutral.
•guitarspear: these two menaces belong together. It seems like Lute really cares about Adam too which is an added bonus.
•Adamsapple: definitely a crackship. I don’t know what to say other than I find it amusing.
•valdust: I despise this ship. There is a very abusive power imbalance and it is proven that Anthony is nothing more than an object in Val’s eyes. There is no love here, just manipulation.
•royalhalo: cute, but even better if It’s poly with Vaggie. If emily becomes a fallen angel, Charlie could have two gfs and I stand behind that.
•lucilith: I hope they get back together. Lilith better have a good reason for leaving.
•Vaggie/Angeldust: most probably ship this because they were likely a longtime viv follower. I’m not against this ship necessarily, but I could never get behind it. Maybe I just adore chaggie and huskerdust too much.
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
Jsyk you show up at the top and latest of the kendratello tag and the juxtaposition between the art of kendra and donnie agro flirting at a party to the brainwashing au is wild. EW Donnie gets a stable, healthy relationship with Tim and then your other versions have the worlds most toxic soul mates thing going on
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I collect ships like candy lol!
Cute Kendratello, enemies Kendratello, Timatello…and like the second anon was wondering, I do even like Jeremytello and Jacetello, maybe not as much to create a whole story myself, but I did very much enjoy reading @butterflyscribbles JeremyxDonnie! JasonxDonnie… I haven’t seen much of, tbh, but I’d probably like that too!
I just like ships (for being ace I really emphasize the romantic in my biromantic label)! I love to see all the ways the couples I enjoy can be depicted. When the type of ship you like depends on your mood, instead of just keeping to one lane (again nothing wrong with that!), there’s no end to what you can enjoy! I made a joke a while back about how my Kendratello AU wouldn’t stop me from doing like, a fluffy Kendratello cafe AU, and you know…with all the angst of the Kendratello AU I do think sometimes about ideas for fun fluff. So I might be in the Kendratello tag for some time—in a lot of different ways! Or I could go right back to Timatello. It’s all day by day 😂😂 and I go with the flow!
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