#tourism google translate
Tourism Google Dịch
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Một trong những kinh nghiệm du lịch nước ngoài, giúp xóa bỏ rào cản ngôn ngữ, đó là sử dụng phần mềm dịch thuật. Và, Tourism GG dịch là cách tận dụng các tính năng của Google dịch (Google Translate) để du lịch nước ngoài. Như các tính năng: dịch giọng nói, dịch hội thoại, dịch hình ảnh bằng camera,... và dịch ngoại tuyến. Đặc biệt, GG dịch (GG Translate) là phần mềm dịch thuật phổ biến nhất, được sử dụng trên toàn cầu.
Xem chi tiết tại: https://jenternet.com/tourism-gg-dich/
#jenternet #tourismggdich #googledich #tourism #googletranslate #travel #ggdich #ggtranslate #dulich #kinhnghiemdulich #tourismgoogledich
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travelnews24 · 9 months
Tourism GG dịch công cụ đắc lực du lịch nước ngoài với Google dịch
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Bằng cách tận dụng Google dịch (Google Translate) trong việc du lịch nước ngoài. Với các tính năng như gg dịch giọng nói, gg dịch camera, hay gg dịch ngoại tuyến,... Tận dụng tốt công cụ gg dịch sẽ mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích, và siêu tiện lợi trong các chuyến đi nước ngoài.
Xem chi tiết Tourism GG dịch tại: https://thadnjen.com/tourism-gg-dich/
#tourismggdich #ggdich #tourism #googledich #ggtranslate #google
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anonymusbosch · 9 months
partly want to message local people on iNat to be like "hello would you like to hike together" but I start typing a message and it's like. I don't know the local flora and fauna At All. I barely speak Spanish. I WILL get altitude sickness at 9,000 ft. I don't have a car. Do you want to drag my pathetic ass around for fun.
and I think maybe perhaps I should, in this case, simply Not
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mindblowingscience · 10 days
Egyptologists have excavated a nearly 9,150-square-foot astronomical observatory in modern-day Tell el-Faraeen dating back to the sixth century BCE—the first and largest of its kind from that era. In an August 23 announcement from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (interpreted from Arabic to English using Google Translate), the mud brick structure contained numerous tools that, although comparatively simple in design, allowed for the precise study and measurement of solar calendrical dates related to Egyptian religious rites, royal coronations, and agricultural plans.
Continue Reading.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Charities and politics: the thin, red line
When you are a proven impostor and idiot and still you insist, it's time to remind you a simple Roman proverb: errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum. In other, English, words: to err is human, but to persist is diabolical.
Or supremely stupid: your pick, Max.
This page is not into politics at all - and I explained why: this is a very familiar terrain to this blogger, who'd really like to enjoy her daily time off that particular kind of madding crowd. However, from time to time, reality manages to pierce the veil, such as today, when news of Humza Yousaf stepping down as Scottish First Minister made worldwide headlines - just a basic example: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/29/world/europe/scotland-humza-yousaf-resigns-snp.html
That does not mean that the whole Cabinet is bound to resign, unless next Wednesday's debate on a non confidence vote promoted by Scottish Labour is lost. By the way, non-Scottish Max.
Never mind Max very recently amused me to no tomorrow, with her color blind, non-European view of Scottish politics (and politics, in general). Never mind she wrote enormous things like the SNP and Greens being politically opposed Scottish parties, just because of Yousaf's recent horrible blunder kicking the Scottish Greens out of his coalition cabinet and trying to keep the steer of a minority SNP cabinet. The SNP & Scottish Greens coalition partnership is very likely to resume as soon as John Swinney (or perhaps Kate Forbes, but my money is not on her, for many reasons: too divisive, too close to elections, etc) is hastily anointed First Minister (https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/29/snp-looks-to-unity-candidate-after-humza-yousaf-quits-as-first-minister). No Scottish person, living anywhere else than under a rock, would have aligned this intergalactic bullshit with such confidence and such bad syntax:
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Angus Robertson is a shrewd politician. He needed to be seen doing exactly that, yesterday night: showing off at an event hosted by S, once a very vocal support of the Scottish Greens. Here is why, according to normal people, like the Guardian's Scottish Politics team:
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[Source: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/29/snp-looks-to-unity-candidate-after-humza-yousaf-quits-as-first-minister]
How old is Max, anyways? Where do they live? I won't add insult to injury, but boy do they seem to write from an ever more far-flung corner of the world than me, and my money is on South America, for many reasons I will not develop here. I chose to be merciful, tonight.
Tonight, she comes back with a renewed batch of freshly half-baked ineptitude:
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Please ignore the hideous word salad the two first sentences are. Google Translate would have done better. Who dunnit? Alexa, in the kitchen, with Colonel Mustard? Let's focus on the Big, Fat Lie, here:
'Any participation in events involving charities must be independent and must not support or be endorsed by any political party or be associated with any candidate or politician.'
This is simply not true. If that were to be true, on this planet, or at least in the UK or Scotland, we would never have any NGOs actively lobbying politicians, hosting debates with them or petitioning them on various issues ranging from road safety to global warming.
I will refer the definitely non-Scottish blogger Maximum Wobbling Bullshit to the official factsheet on this very topic, issued by the OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator (https://www.oscr.org.uk/media/2899/v14_faqs-charities-and-campaigning-on-political-issues.pdf):
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The above rule is limited to the case of election campaigns, as it is logical to be, since a husting simply is another way to call a campaign meeting. There was no campaign related anything yesterday night, the comments were simply about a Scottish national policy that is anything but political (promote Scottish tourism!), Angus Robertson is not a candidate to be Scotland's next First Minister. And same goes for the WWF and Blood Cancer UK - if you think those people went to that gala without a mandate from their NGO Board, you are: a) 5; b) delusional; c) a foul-mouthed troll.
Anyways, to go to the bottom of it, I also looked in the Scottish Charity Register - because you never know what those people might come up with, again:
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As I think we all know, MPC is a registered US Limited Liability Company (LLC), based in Delaware. Its California branch is now closed, but the Nevada one was still active, one hour ago, when I checked:
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And in case you are still wondering, after all these years, about MPC's legal status, here is their legally impeccable FAQ answer to the people who subscribe and who would legitimately want to know where their money goes, after all:
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An LLC is a relatively recent (1970s) hybrid type of legal entity, equivalent perhaps (give or take a couple of technicalities) to the UK's PLC. In my professional view, it offers the best legal framework for what S tried to achieve with it, allowing both for management flexibility and tax transparency. If MPC does not present itself as a charity, it has the entire right to do so and is, therefore, not a charity, from a legal point of view, unless otherwise successfully contended in court.
You are still an idiot and a liar, though.
PS: S has not shared Robertson's X message on his own socials. Just so you know, MAX. [Later edit: extensively quoting The Scottish Daily Express, the Scottish edition of The Daily Express, a notorious UKIP/Farage supporting media outlet, hate speech condemned by the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, just tells me once more time what a color blind impostor you are, Max.]
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - Cezare Romulo: History through Visual Context in Ploiești, Romania (Pt2)
I am on the hunt for any and all information on AMC's OCs, The Vampire Daciana, and the Vampire Cezare Romulo.
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In Part 1, I pointed out that Daciana was likely AMC's nod paying homage to the Dacians (aka Geto-Dacians or Daci, as the Greco-Romans knew them), the ancient Romanians of c. 10th century BC - 7th century AD, in the Transylvanian/Wallachian regions of the Carpathian Mountains.
In AR's TVC, vampires tend to reflect the era they lived/died in, preferring to wear their traditional clothes & surround themselves with antiques from their time period--like grave goods for the dead. However, from what I've found, there was nothing about Daciana's clothes/home indicating that she was an ancient Dacian (X).
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(Granted, if she IS that old, then that definitely increases her odds of being an "Old God" that got caught in the Great Burning.... 👀)
Regardless, I wanna turn my attention to Cezare Romulo, cuz while I'm tentatively ruling out Daciana as being Dacian, I haven't dug into The Vampire Cezare yet. So here goes nothing!
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First thing that stood out to me is his name. Cezare's obvs Caesar, but I wonder if that's his name, or his title (like how the Latin caesar became kaiser in German & tsar in Russian).
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In Oltenia (Wallachia) there are archaeological remains of a Roman-Dacian fort called Romula, dated to the 2nd century AD. I couldn't find much about it, so we'll just put a pin in that. Something way cooler is that according to Google Translate, Romulo means Romulus, in both Romanian & Italian. That's hella interesting, cuz Romulus was the founder of Rome (8th century BC), twin brother of Remus, whom he killed Cain vs Abel style to be the ruler. In some versions, Romulus "died" under VERY mysterious circumstances:
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So for AMC's OC vampire to be named after two Romans (Caesar & Romulus) who were both incredibly violent & bloodthirsty rulers says a lot. Especially considering with how Daciana described him:
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The Castle: Bears & Wolves (Totems & Crests)
Cezare killed a whole circus troupe traveling through Transylvania (Sibiu), and only spared their bear. I wondered why this was so noteworthy--vampires will kill anyone for food (or sport), esp. if they don't follow the creed about only killing Evil Doers (as Cezare obvs. didn't--unless he knew something about that troupe we don't...! 👀 Clowns ARE evil, after all 💀). Vamps don't tend to kill animals, unless they need to defend themselves--but aren't circus bears kept in cages or something? So why would it matter?
So I reckon that Daciana's point was actually that Cezare LIKED the bear, and probably KEPT it, as his pet.
Cuz look at his castle: the joint's filled with taxidermy.
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I think some of these animals are bears and/or wolves (Romulus & Remus were raised by wolves in the woods....). And that tracks with what is known about the main Dacian animal, the wolf (or "Draco"/dragon), (X X X).
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Sava, Cipriana. "Cultural heritage tourism--Dacian fortresses in the Orăştie area, Romania." MEFkon 2020 INNOVATION AS AN INITIATOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT. (2020): 290-311.
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Strechie, Mădălina. "The Dacians, the Wolf Warriors." In International Conference Knowledge-Based Organization, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 367-373. 2017.
(ISTG when is AMC bringing AR's Wolf Gift books into the Immortals Universe--I need my werewolves already, gosh darnit!)
Cezare clearly felt a strong affinity for animals, especially bears.
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Which isn't surprising, considering the life-death-rebirth symbolism of the bear in Romanian traditions like the Ursului (bear dances).
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Trandafoiu, Ruxandra. "A Tale of Two (or# EverMore) Festivals: Electronic Music in a Transylvanian Town." Eastern European Popular Music in a Transnational Context: Beyond the Borders (2019): 213-237.
The Castle: Architecture
As for Cezare's castle ruins, I have no idea what's going on.
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The most interesting thing was Cezare's final resting place in this catacomb-like structure, lying in a stone sarcophagus.
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Like, there are Roman-era burials found across Romania, but Cezare having a STONE sarcophagus is interesting, cuz apparently Transylvania's Daco-Roman inhumations are more often brick:
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As stone sarcophagi only became more popular around the 3rd-4th century AD
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Cocis, Horatiu. "Some remarks on the Roman necropolises of Potaissa." Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology 2, no. 2 (2015).
Before largely falling out of favor/use by the 5th-6th century AD, except for clergy & royalty:
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Maggio, Ariane. "Burial Practices in Europe." Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (2018): 1-6.
So, does this possibly give us a date for him, approx 2nd-6th century AD? But how long was it until he died? (HOW did he even die?)
What about the rest of his castle? Like, the place is an utter ruin, and there's barely anything left of that dark AF exterior that I can use.
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Is this a studio set, or was it filmed on location somewhere? IDFK. There's hundreds of Romanian archaeological sites--let alone Daco-Roman ones--it kinda reminds me of davas (fortresses/strongholds), (X X), if not for the masonry being different.
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So yeah, I have no frikkin clue, y'all; this is all I've got, LOL. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Results? Inconclusive! Again! 😂😭
I don't know if AMC was deliberately implying that Cezare Romulo (or Daciana) had anything to do with the ancient Daco-Romans...but it's interesting to think about!
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fayrobertsuk · 2 years
Mount Snowdon's name is officially changed after 5,000 sign petition - Mirror Online
I went on Google for something completely different, but this made me punch the air in jubilation, so you might be interested to see it too.
In case you're not familiar with the background, this is important because, despite rallying massively over the last 70 years or so, Welsh is still very much a language at risk. And when I say "at risk", I mean "subject to a campaign to drive it into extinction that very nearly worked and still might". Welsh speakers of my grandmother's generation and earlier were subjected to corporal punishment and shame tactics (see The Welsh Knot for one particularly notorious example), and workers to disciplinary action for speaking Welsh in school or workplace. In Wales.
And since tourism has been a huge source of income for the country (increasingly important, arguably, since so many coalmines and steelworks were shut down), using English placenames to be, I guess, less off-putting for visitors, has been increasingly the norm. Which means that the arguably far more beautiful (in Welsh or more directly translated into English) names are dying out, as locals forget them too.
One of the reasons I get quite passionate about this, is that I'm the last person in my family to speak Welsh much beyond the usual "good morning", "exit", and "welcome to Wales", and I'm a second language speaker at that, horrendously rusty. Another is, I guess, the guilt of the voluntary exile – what can I do but shout about it from far away and make occasional forays back to Duolingo's Welsh course?
Anyway, it's no longer Snowdon but Yr Wyddfa (Uhrr Wuthvah - th hard like though or that) and not Snowdonia but Eryri (Err-urree), emphasis always on the penultimate syllable (Yr WYTHfa, ErYri).
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minglana · 5 months
a few weeks ago (afaik) google maps removed a bus line from the barcelona map, and miraculously, the buses have cleared up and locals can finally use this public bus line without crowded buses... this is how dire tourism makes things
"[Video translation from Catalan: "Not a trace of tourists in the 116 bus neighborhood line. It has disappeared from Google Maps as an option to go to Parc Güell. This [bus] line was very saturated with tourists... until now."
(Tourist speaking in English): "We took the V19 bus to get here, Google Maps I found it." (Another tourist): "I am searching Google Maps for Catalunya or La Rambla, and I am going downstairs and take a bus to Catalunya center."
The neighbors celebrate that the buses will now be emptier: (Local woman talking) "We were very skeptical on if this measure was going to work, but now surprisingly we've seen that it has worked amazingly." (Another local woman talking): "We've noticed it a lot. For Easter week I was here and I had to go by the [Parc Güell] main entrance, which the bus passes by, and no one got on the bus."
Now tourists use alternative routes.
Closing credits by Betevé. End video"
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sylvia-forest · 10 months
[CN] Shaw's 6th Anniversary event - Prologue
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an Event which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[This was translated with the help of Google translate!]
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Everyone: It’s over——!
At [MC company’s name] Company, we eagerly watched as the promotional video for the "Love is on the way" event, which we had been working on for several days, came to an end, marking the beginning of a long-awaited holiday for the entire team.
The "Love is on the way" event, jointly launched by the City Hall and the Tourism Bureau, celebrated Loveland City once again being recognized as the best city for romance.
To encourage citizens to embark on a journey of exploring, conveying, and receiving love with their loved ones, the event specially designed multiple sweet tour routes.
In addition, the City Hall would randomly select numerous lucky citizens to provide them with varying amounts of travel funds.
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Minor: I'm so nervous; the draw is about to begin.
Watching everyone in front of me stare at their phone screens with a look of anticipation, I couldn't help but feel excited as I took out my phone.
Soon, the notification sound of text messages echoed continuously.
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Anna: I'm coming! I won free tickets for the entire scenic area!
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Kiki: Oh my God...I also won, and I can travel on the high-speed train for free in business class seats~
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Minor: Are you guys too lucky? Why do I only have a 50% discount coupon for shared bicycles?
MC: Pfft, that does sound a little pitiful.
After everyone received the messages, they all turned to look at me. I could only shake my phone, which still showed no signs of any messages.
MC: Haha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I originally planned to travel during the holidays. Whether or not I win the lottery will not affect me.
Before I finished speaking, my phone suddenly vibrated.
In the expectant eyes of everyone, I curiously opened the short letter.
"Dear Miss MC, we are delighted to inform you that you have won the Grand Prize, a 'RV Travel Gift Package,' in the 'Love is on the way' lottery event held by the City Hall.
The relevant winning information will be sent to the email address you provided during the registration for the 'Hundred Days impressions' event shortly. Please check your email carefully."
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Everyone: ……huh? MC: ……. MC: Ah!!
🚙 Day 1 (coming soon)
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alatismeni-theitsa · 9 months
Hello! I'm not Greek (or European, or American) and only recently took an interest in the mythology—admittedly because of an American work—but I just wanted to say this blog was very educational for me! I actually grew up disliking the popular mythology that now I know was being filtered through non-Greek perspectives (PJO, LO, Madeline Miller, etc.), so getting to learn what an actual Greek person thinks has been very enlightening and helped me redirect my dislike towards the proper target: Americans 😭
Can I ask if you know other Greek bloggers or youtubers who talk about history, the culture, and the mythology? Or life in the modern day? Research is one thing but I enjoy personal perspectives a lot, to get to know other cultures better through the people. I only know you and gemsofgreece so far, and most of the stuff on youtube/google are focused on tourism and "pop mythology" sadly. It is hard to search when you can't speak or type in Greek 😂
(P.S. what people do to Demeter in fandom sucks so much :(( it makes me sad)
Hii! I'm very glad the content of this blog was enlightening and you're with us in this anger 😄 #modern greece and #tourism might be tags I have that could be useful to you in what you look for.
Usually no one listens to Greeks so our content rarely has English subs 😂 For Tumblr blogs you can try @thrassa @wordsmithic @greek-mythologies @margaretkart @purple-amaranthe. On Youtube and instagram check archaeostoryteller and The Mythologist ! The Mythologist sometimes has English subs, archaeostoryteller doesn't most of the time :/ But archaeostoryteller , Dr. Theodoros Papakostas has books that will soon be translated in English. This archaeologist has a pop style approach to our history (some dislike this) but he never leaves any details outside of the story and I find him quite balanced. Him and The Mythologist have rekindled many Greeks' passion for our history.
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tacky-jack-with-a-hat · 11 months
💀 Alaska
Alaska has travelled the world but nobody noticed.
•Hawaii will sometimes come with Alaska to introduce him to her out-of-states friends (e.g Thailand).
•People think that because Alaska isn't at meetings much he must always stay in his state right? Nope, they just don't question him. Alaska doesn't get on with most states except Hawaii, so he doesn't have to tell anyone where he's going.
•He's been to every continent at least 7 times but switching the location everytime.
Whether or not she comes, Hawaii made some rules for when Alaska travels (note the list was originally for a different state but Alaska follows these rules out of respect for her):
•Alaska and Hawaii rarely travel together as Hawaii hates tourism, she'll only go if theirs a goal in mind- to meet up with old friends, to help scare away tourists for their friends, or to seek revenge by going to where most of the tourists come from and just partying loudly in otherwise quiet towns.
•Alaska by himself will just stand in the background of other people's photographs, observing the world around him. Not needing to do much to enjoy himself.
Bonus: Hawaii's travel guide for Alaska
-Don't participate in closed practices. It's daily life not your spiritual awakening. I'm not going to Utah for a baptism so why the other way around?
-Stick to the path to not damage plants or to avoid getting lost.
-Research cultural norms in said area to not insult the locals.
-When looking for restaurants, go in Google maps and write "restaurant" in the language of said location to avoid tourist traps.
-If you're waiting in a line outside full of a bunch of white people who look like Florida but act like California, you're in a tourist trap. There's better places to be without waiting an hour.
-learn the language, especially for things you will need (e.g "where's the toilet?").
-Also check if there are formal, informal and derogatory ways of saying the same words/sentences in the same language. Some direct translations from American English are inappropriate in other languages even if they mean the same thing.
-Clean up trash you left behind.
-If it's a popular tourist attraction, don't go it's overrated. The locals hate it's overcrowded, the tourists have damaged it overtime, and the prices are too high.
-Oh and mother nature will kill you if you damage her ecosystems. If you can please avoid air travel to reduce carbon emissions.
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tumblasha · 6 months
vacation review: taiwan
overall rating: ★★★★/5
cities visited (chronologically): taipei, taichung, kaohsiung, taitung
the good parts
i got to see Moomf (micosu oomf)
i got over the "i can't visit a country if i don't know the language" feeling
nature everywhere
night markets were so fun!
at least half of the population wears a mask at all times (even outside of taipei where the air quality is nicer!)
every train station + tourist spot had a stamp area so now i have a lil booklet filled with taiwanese stamps :,)
food! especially boba and soups :DD -so much liquid.
traveling on the back of a scooter is so mind-numbing, i love being a passenger princess
the bad parts
taipei's air pollution is a lil sad but def not the worst
getting over the jetlag and post-vacation sadness T_T
they killed that duck that i saw in that one tumblr post
overall summary
i think that taiwan is an excellent place for people of all places to visit! especially if you know english, everyone is really nice to english-speakers and makes an effort to gesture-speak or google translate through every conversation
this may be insensitive, but i think that the "made in taipei" brand (country pride of having many ~cultural influences) really works for tourism. previously, i saw friends and co-workers take their japan trip and do all the kawaii things (sanrio store, snoopy cafe, studio ghibli museum, etc), and got sad. taichung really embraces manga, anime, and other kawaii-adjacent things, and it satisfied my desire to go to japan. i've been having a hard time with co-existing with appreciating the good side of japan (mostly art and media) and learning abt the bad sides (colonial history), so it was nice being able to get a positive experience with low "double-think"
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on post-vacation sadness
idk why but this was the first time that i came back from a vacation and i was Sad. like, maybe it's bc i got my period mid-trip and it was some weird post-period hormonal thing?? but i doubt it
looking back, i think that i have never truly been Alone until this trip? when i solo traveled in sp+pt, i was able to talk to the people in the hostel and go out with them. i wasn't able to talk to anybody bc a majority of the tourists spoke either mandarin or japanese, and idk either of those languages. i think that i was alone with my thoughts for too long -> leading to being on my phone too much -> leading to random bursts of crying (?) that lasted through a week after coming back to the US. it was bad enough that i took off all my jewelry and almost cut my hair X|
also any instagram posts that mentions taiwan / east asia kinda ruins my whole day. i wanna go backkkkkk
lessons learned
it's okay to be lost emotionally and physically! being alone is a constant battle of self-love and The Void
i need more international friends bc visiting them in their free time + their country of residence in their work time is so fun
i need to take more pictures of myself! i think somewhere in this trip i convinced myself to download dating apps again and i have no good pics. i also can't post a "taiwan photodump" on insta :(
tl;dr: go to taiwan! but go with friends!!
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apologies if you've answered something like this before, tumblr's search function is awful. do you happen to know of any good resources for actual catalonian recipes? english is preferable but i can try my best with sources in catalan, i've just been getting rly frustrated trying to find recipes for the catalonian food i've grown up eating when i mostly end up finding super inaccurate versions or food that's 100% spanish
I would not recommend foreign sources at all. I've looked at some for this blog (USA or UK newspapers and recipe blogs mostly) and they're terrible, they just take a few ingredients and make up the rest (sometimes with very bad mixes we would never make) and then call it Catalan or Spanish, idk if it makes it sound more exotic to them or what. I've seen them explain wrongly even how to make a pa amb tomàquet... It takes about 10 seconds, and yet they made the recipe take half an hour! And only to make it worse.
You have many recipes on the website gastroteca.cat (the whole website is also available in English).
The website of the tourism board of cities or regions usually have a section dedicated to food from there, and often they have recipes. Some examples:
Recipes on catalunya.com: here.
Recipes on comunitatvalenciana.com: here.
Recipes on visitandorra.com: here.
And other cities and comarques have their own, too.
There have also been many books about Catalan recipes that have been translated to English too. Avoid books that are about "Spanish cuisine" and fit in some Catalan recipes there, because then they're most likely made by someone who is not from here and will use the "turistified" versions of recipes. I think any book by an author from here and/or printed by a publishing house from here should be good.
If you understand Catalan, there’s many websites, magazines, and TV cooking shows that you can easily find online with a google search, for example Gastronòmicament or La Gourmeteria. We’ve also posted some recipes in this blog, which you can find in the tag #receptes.
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pollonegro666 · 10 months
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2023/10/13 En el centro del pueblo descubrimos una torre defensiva que es la oficina de información turística. Vimos un cuadro de azulejos en agradecimiento a la vírgen del mar por la pesca que los hombre recogen del mar. Pasamos a saludar a un paisano que tiene una heladería. Un famoso escritor portugés estaba leyendo un libro a un niño. Llegamos a un arco era la puerta de salida del mar hacia tierra firme.
In the center of the town we discover a defensive tower that is the tourist information office. We saw a tile painting in gratitude to the Virgin of the Sea for the fish that men collect from the sea. We stopped by to say hello to a countryman who owns an ice cream shop. A famous Portuguese writer was reading a book to a child. We arrived at an arch that was the exit door from the sea to the mainland.
Google Translation into French: Au centre de la ville on découvre une tour défensive qui est l'office de tourisme. Nous avons vu une peinture sur carrelage en remerciement à la Vierge de la Mer pour les poissons que les hommes ramassent dans la mer. Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour dire bonjour à un compatriote qui possède un glacier. Un célèbre écrivain portugais lisait un livre à un enfant. Nous sommes arrivés à une arche qui était la porte de sortie de la mer vers le continent.
Google translation into Italian: Nel centro del paese scopriamo una torre difensiva che è l'ufficio turistico. Abbiamo visto una piastrella dipinta in ringraziamento alla Vergine del Mare per i pesci che gli uomini raccolgono dal mare e ci siamo fermati a salutare un connazionale che possiede una gelateria. Un famoso scrittore portoghese stava leggendo un libro a un bambino. Arrivammo ad un arco che era la porta d'uscita dal mare al continente.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No centro da vila descobrimos uma torre defensiva que é o posto de turismo. Vimos um azulejo em agradecimento à Virgem do Mar pelos peixes que os homens recolhem no mar e parámos para cumprimentar um compatriota dono de uma geladaria. Um famoso escritor português lia um livro para uma criança. Chegamos a um arco que era a porta de saída do mar para o continente.
Google Translation into German: Im Zentrum der Stadt entdecken wir einen Wehrturm, der das Tourismusbüro beherbergt. Wir sahen ein Fliesengemälde als Dank an die Jungfrau des Meeres für die Fische, die die Menschen aus dem Meer sammeln, und hielten an, um einem Landsmann Hallo zu sagen, der eine Eisdiele besitzt. Ein berühmter portugiesischer Schriftsteller las einem Kind ein Buch vor. Wir kamen an einem Bogen an, der die Ausgangstür vom Meer zum Kontinent darstellte.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Në qendër të qytetit zbulojmë një kullë mbrojtëse që është zyra e informacionit turistik. Pamë një pikturë me pllaka në shenjë mirënjohjeje ndaj Virgjëreshës së Detit për peshqit që burrat mbledhin nga deti. U ndalëm për t'i përshëndetur një fshatari që zotëron një dyqan akulloresh. Një shkrimtar i famshëm portugez po i lexonte një libër një fëmije. Arritëm në një hark që ishte dera e daljes nga deti në kontinent.
Google Translation into Arabic: في وسط المدينة نكتشف برجًا دفاعيًا وهو مكتب المعلومات السياحية. ورأينا لوحة من البلاط امتنانًا لعذراء البحر على الأسماك التي يجمعها الرجال من البحر. توقفنا لإلقاء التحية على مواطن يملك متجرًا للآيس كريم. كان كاتب برتغالي مشهور يقرأ كتابًا لطفل. وصلنا إلى قوس كان بمثابة باب الخروج من البحر إلى البر الرئيسي.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քաղաքի կենտրոնում մենք հայտնաբերում ենք պաշտպանական աշտարակ, որը զբոսաշրջության տեղեկատվական գրասենյակն է: Մենք տեսանք սալիկապատ նկար՝ ի երախտագիտություն Ծովի Կույսին այն ձկների համար, որոնք տղամարդիկ հավաքում են ծովից: Մենք կանգ առանք՝ բարևելու մի գյուղացու, ով պաղպաղակի խանութ ունի: Պորտուգալացի հայտնի գրողը գիրք էր կարդում երեխայի համար. Հասանք մի կամարի մոտ, որը ծովից դեպի մայրցամաք ելքի դուռն էր։
Google Translation into Bengali: শহরের কেন্দ্রে আমরা একটি প্রতিরক্ষামূলক টাওয়ার আবিষ্কার করি যা পর্যটন তথ্য অফিস। আমরা সমুদ্রের ভার্জিনের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা স্বরূপ একটি টাইল পেইন্টিং দেখেছি যা পুরুষরা সমুদ্র থেকে সংগ্রহ করে। আইসক্রিমের দোকানের মালিক একজন দেশবাসীকে হ্যালো বলার জন্য আমরা থামলাম। একজন বিখ্যাত পর্তুগিজ লেখক একটি শিশুকে একটি বই পড়ছিলেন। আমরা একটি খিলানে পৌঁছেছি যেটি ছিল সমুদ্র থেকে মূল ভূখণ্ডে যাওয়ার প্রস্থান দরজা।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: В центъра на града откриваме защитна кула, която е туристически информационен офис. Видяхме рисунка на плочки в знак на благодарност към Девата на морето за рибата, която хората събират от морето. Отбихме се да поздравим един наш земляк, който има магазин за сладолед. Известен португалски писател четеше книга на дете. Стигнахме до една арка, която беше изходната врата от морето към сушата.
Google Translation into Czech: V centru města objevíme obrannou věž, která je turistickou informační kanceláří. Viděli jsme dlaždicovou malbu jako vděčnost Panně Mořské za ryby, které muži sbírají z moře. Zastavili jsme se pozdravit krajana, který vlastní obchod se zmrzlinou. Slavný portugalský spisovatel četl knihu dítěti. Dorazili jsme k oblouku, který byl východem z moře na pevninu.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 在镇中心,我们发现了一座防御塔,即旅游信息办公室。 我们看到了一幅瓷砖画,感谢海洋圣母赐予人类从海里收集的鱼。 我们停下来向一位拥有冰淇淋店的乡下人打招呼。 一位著名的葡萄牙作家正在给一个孩子读书。 我们到达了一个拱门,这是从大海到大陆的出口。
Google Translation into Korean: 도시 중심에서 우리는 관광안내소인 방어탑을 발견합니다. 우리는 사람들이 바다에서 채취한 물고기에 대해 바다의 성모님께 감사를 표하는 타일 그림을 보았습니다. 우리는 아이스크림 가게를 운영하는 시골 사람에게 인사하기 위해 들렀습니다. 한 유명한 포르투갈 작가가 어린이에게 책을 읽어 주고 있었습니다. 우리는 바다에서 본토로 나가는 문인 아치에 도착했습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: U središtu mjesta otkrivamo obrambenu kulu koja je turistički informativni ured. Vidjeli smo sliku na pločici u znak zahvalnosti Djevici mora za ribu koju ljudi skupljaju iz mora. Svratili smo pozdraviti jednog zemljaka koji ima slastičarnu. Poznati portugalski pisac čitao je knjigu djetetu. Stigli smo do luka koji je bio izlaz iz mora na kopno.
Google Translation into Danish I centrum af byen opdager vi et forsvarstårn, der er turistinformationskontoret. Vi så et flisemaleri i taknemmelighed til Jomfruen fra havet for de fisk, som mænd samler fra havet. Vi kom forbi for at sige hej til en landsmand, der ejer en isbutik. En berømt portugisisk forfatter læste en bog for et barn. Vi ankom til en bue, der var udgangsdøren fra havet til fastlandet.
Google Translation into Slovak: V centre mesta objavíme obrannú vežu, ktorá je turistickou informačnou kanceláriou. Videli sme dlaždicovú maľbu ako vďačnosť Panne mora za ryby, ktoré muži zbierajú z mora. Zastavili sme sa pozdraviť krajana, ktorý vlastní obchod so zmrzlinou. Slávny portugalský spisovateľ čítal knihu dieťaťu. Prišli sme k oblúku, ktorý bol východom z mora na pevninu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: V središču mesta odkrijemo obrambni stolp, ki je turistična informacijska pisarna. Videli smo poslikavo na ploščici v zahvalo Devici morja za ribe, ki jih ljudje nabirajo iz morja. Ustavili smo se, da bi pozdravili krajana, ki ima sladoledarno. Slavni portugalski pisatelj je otroku bral knjigo. Prispeli smo do loka, ki je bil izhod iz morja na kopno.
Google Translation into Estonian: Linna keskel avastame kaitsetorni, mis on turismiinfobüroo. Nägime plaadimaali tänuks Mere Neitsile kalade eest, mida mehed merest koguvad. Astusime läbi, et öelda tere maamehele, kellel on jäätisepood. Kuulus Portugali kirjanik luges lapsele raamatut. Jõudsime kaare juurde, mis oli väljapääsuuks merelt mandrile.
Google Translation into Suomi: Kaupungin keskustassa löydämme puolustustornin, joka on matkailuneuvonta. Näimme laattamaalauksen kiitokseksi Meren Neitsylle kaloista, joita miehet keräävät merestä. Pysähdyimme tervehtimään maamiestä, joka omistaa jäätelökaupan. Kuuluisa portugalilainen kirjailija luki kirjaa lapselle. Saavuimme kaarelle, joka oli uloskäynti mereltä mantereelle.
Google Translation into Georgian: ქალაქის ცენტრში აღმოვაჩენთ თავდაცვით კოშკს, რომელიც არის ტურისტული ინფორმაციის ოფისი. ჩვენ ვნახეთ კრამიტის ნახატი ზღვის ღვთისმშობლის მადლიერების ნიშნად თევზისთვის, რომელსაც კაცები აგროვებენ ზღვიდან. ჩვენ გავჩერდით, რათა მივესალმოთ ერთ თანამემამულეს, რომელსაც აქვს ნაყინის მაღაზია. ცნობილი პორტუგალიელი მწერალი ბავშვს წიგნს კითხულობდა. მივედით თაღთან, რომელიც ზღვიდან მატერიკზე გასასვლელი იყო.
Google Translation into Greek: Στο κέντρο της πόλης ανακαλύπτουμε έναν αμυντικό πύργο που είναι το γραφείο τουριστικών πληροφοριών. Είδαμε έναν πίνακα με πλακάκια σε ένδειξη ευγνωμοσύνης προς την Παναγία της Θάλασσας για τα ψάρια που μαζεύουν οι άντρες από τη θάλασσα. Σταματήσαμε για να πούμε ένα γεια σε έναν συμπατριώτη που έχει ένα κατάστημα παγωτού. Ένας διάσημος Πορτογάλος συγγραφέας διάβαζε ένα βιβλίο σε ένα παιδί. Φτάσαμε σε μια καμάρα που ήταν η πόρτα εξόδου από τη θάλασσα προς τη στεριά.
Google Translation into Guarani: Táva mbytépe jajuhu peteî torre defensiva ha'éva oficina de información turística. Rohecha peteĩ pintura de azulejos rome’ẽvo aguyje Virgen del Mar-pe umi pira kuimba’ekuéra ombyatyva’ekue yguasúgui. Ropyta romomaitei haguã peteĩ tetãygua orekóva helado tenda. Peteĩ haihára portugués herakuãitéva omoñe’ẽ peteĩ mitãme peteĩ aranduka. Rog̃uahẽ peteĩ arko haʼéva pe okẽ ojesẽ hag̃ua pe márgui pe kontinéntepe.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Ma waenakonu o ke kaona, ʻike mākou i kahi hale kiaʻi pale ʻo ia ke keʻena ʻike mākaʻikaʻi. Ua ʻike mākou i kahi kiʻi kiʻi kiʻi no ka mahalo i ka Virgin of the Sea no nā iʻa a nā kāne e hōʻiliʻili ai mai ke kai. Ua ku makou e aloha aku i ke kamaaina nona ka hale kuai hau. He mea kākau Pukiki kaulana e heluhelu ana i puke i kahi keiki. Ua hōʻea mākou i kahi pio ʻo ia ka puka puka mai ke kai a i ka ʻāina nui.
Google Translation into Hebrew: במרכז העיירה אנו מגלים מגדל הגנה שהוא לשכת המידע לתיירים. ראינו ציור אריח כהכרת תודה לבתולת הים על הדגים שגברים אוספים מהים. עצרנו להגיד שלום לאיש כפרי בעל חנות גלידה. סופר פורטוגלי מפורסם קרא ספר לילד. הגענו לקשת שהייתה דלת היציאה מהים ליבשת.
Google Translation into Hindi: शहर के केंद्र में हमें एक रक्षात्मक टॉवर मिलता है जो पर्यटक सूचना कार्यालय है। हमने उन मछलियों के लिए समुद्र की वर्जिन के प्रति कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करते हुए एक टाइल पेंटिंग देखी जो मनुष्य समुद्र से एकत्र करते हैं। हम एक आइसक्रीम की दुकान वाले देशवासी को नमस्ते कहने के लिए रुके। एक प्रसिद्ध पुर्तगाली लेखक एक बच्चे को किताब पढ़ रहा था। हम एक मेहराब पर पहुंचे जो समुद्र से मुख्य भूमि तक निकास द्वार था।
Google Translation into Hungarian: A város központjában egy védelmi tornyot fedezünk fel, amely a turisztikai információs iroda. Láttunk egy csempefestményt a Tengeri Szűznek hálából a halakért, amelyeket az emberek a tengerből gyűjtenek. Megálltunk, hogy köszöntsünk egy vidéki embert, akinek fagylaltozója van. Egy híres portugál író könyvet olvasott fel egy gyereknek. Egy boltívhez érkeztünk, amely a tengerből a szárazföld felé vezető kijárati ajtó volt.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Di tengah kota kami menemukan menara pertahanan yang merupakan kantor informasi wisata. Kami melihat lukisan ubin sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada Perawan Laut atas ikan yang dikumpulkan manusia dari laut. Kami mampir untuk menyapa seorang rekan senegaranya yang memiliki toko es krim. Seorang penulis Portugis terkenal sedang membacakan buku untuk seorang anak. Kami tiba di sebuah lengkungan yang merupakan pintu keluar dari laut menuju daratan.
Google Translation into Japanese: 町の中心に観光案内所である防御塔を発見。 私たちは、人々が海から集めた魚に対して海の聖母に感謝するタイル絵を見ました。 私たちはアイスクリーム店を経営する田舎者に挨拶するために立ち寄りました。 有名なポルトガルの作家が子供に本を読んでいた。 私たちは海から本土への出口であるアーチに到着しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Шаардын борборунда биз туристтик маалымат кеңсеси болгон коргонуу мунарасын табабыз. Эркектер деңизден чогулткан балыктары үчүн Деңиз Бүбүсүнө ыраазычылык билдирген плитканы көрдүк. Балмуздак саткан жердешибизге салам айтуу үчүн токтодук. Атактуу португал жазуучусу балага китеп окуп берип жаткан. Биз деңизден материкке чыгуучу эшик болгон аркага келдик.
Google Translation into Latvian: Pilsētas centrā atklājam aizsardzības torni, kas ir tūrisma informācijas birojs. Mēs redzējām flīžu gleznu, pateicībā Jūras Jaunavai par zivīm, ko vīrieši savāc no jūras. Piestājām, lai pasveicinātos ar laucinieku, kuram pieder saldējuma veikals. Slavens portugāļu rakstnieks lasīja bērnam grāmatu. Mēs nonācām pie arkas, kas bija izejas durvis no jūras uz cietzemi.
Google Translation into Malayalam: നഗരത്തിന്റെ മധ്യഭാഗത്ത് ടൂറിസ്റ്റ് ഇൻഫർമേഷൻ ഓഫീസായ ഒരു പ്രതിരോധ ഗോപുരം ഞങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തുന്നു. കടലിൽ നിന്ന് മനുഷ്യർ ശേഖരിക്കുന്ന മത്സ്യത്തിന് കടലിന്റെ കന്യകയോട് നന്ദി പറഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ട് ഒരു ടൈൽ പെയിന്റിംഗ് ഞങ്ങൾ കണ്ടു. ഒരു ഐസ് ക്രീം കടയുള്ള ഒരു നാട്ടുകാരനോട് ഹലോ പറയാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ നിർത്തി. ഒരു പ്രശസ്ത പോർച്ചുഗീസ് എഴുത്തുകാരൻ ഒരു കുട്ടിക്ക് ഒരു പുസ്തകം വായിക്കുകയായിരുന്നു. ഞങ്ങൾ കടലിൽ നിന്ന് മെയിൻ ലാന്റിലേക്കുള്ള എക്സിറ്റ് വാതിലായ ഒരു കമാനത്തിൽ എത്തി.
Google Translation into Malay: Di tengah-tengah bandar kami menemui sebuah menara pertahanan iaitu pejabat maklumat pelancongan. Kami melihat lukisan jubin sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada Perawan Laut untuk ikan yang dikumpulkan lelaki dari laut. Kami singgah untuk bertanya khabar kepada seorang warganegara yang memiliki kedai aiskrim. Seorang penulis Portugis terkenal sedang membacakan buku kepada seorang kanak-kanak. Kami tiba di gerbang yang merupakan pintu keluar dari laut ke tanah besar.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Any afovoan-tanàna dia mahita tilikambo fiarovana izahay izay biraon'ny fampahafantarana ny fizahantany. Nahita sary hoso-doko vita amin'ny taila izahay ho fankasitrahana ny Virjinin'ny Ranomasina noho ny trondro izay angonin'ny olona avy any an-dranomasina. Nijanona teo izahay mba hiarahaba ny mpiray tanindrazana iray manana fivarotana gilasy. Nisy mpanoratra portogey malaza namaky boky tamin’ny ankizy iray. Tonga teo amin'ny andohalambo iray izay vavahadin'ny fivoahana avy any an-dranomasina mankany amin'ny tanibe izahay.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Хотын төвд бид хамгаалалтын цамхаг олддог бөгөөд энэ нь аялал жуулчлалын мэдээллийн алба юм. Эрчүүдийн далайгаас цуглуулдаг загасны төлөө Далайн онгон охинд талархаж буй хавтангийн зургийг бид харсан. Бид зайрмагны дэлгүүртэй хөдөөний нэгэнтэй мэндчилгээ дэвшүүлэн зогслоо. Португалийн нэгэн алдартай зохиолч хүүхдэд ном уншиж өгч байв. Бид далайгаас эх газар руу гарах хаалга байсан нуман хаалган дээр ирлээ.
Google Translation into Dutch: In het centrum van de stad ontdekken we een verdedigingstoren die het VVV-kantoor is. We zagen een tegelschilderij uit dankbaarheid aan de Maagd van de Zee voor de vissen die mannen uit de zee verzamelen. We kwamen langs om hallo te zeggen tegen een landgenoot die eigenaar is van een ijssalon. Een beroemde Portugese schrijver las een boek voor aan een kind. We kwamen aan bij een boog die de uitgangsdeur was van de zee naar het vasteland.
Google Translation into Nepali: सहरको बीचमा हामीले एक रक्षात्मक टावर फेला पार्छौं जुन पर्यटक सूचना कार्यालय हो। हामीले समुद्रको भर्जिनलाई कृतज्ञतामा एउटा टाइल चित्र देख्यौं जुन मानिसहरूले समुद्रबाट सङ्कलन गर्छन्। हामी आइसक्रिम पसलको मालिक एक देशवासीलाई नमस्कार भन्न रोक्यौं। एक प्रसिद्ध पोर्चुगल लेखक एक बच्चालाई किताब पढ्दै थिए। हामी एउटा आर्कमा आइपुग्यौं जुन समुद्रबाट मुख्य भूमिमा जाने ढोका थियो।
Google Translation into Norwegian: I sentrum av byen oppdager vi et forsvarstårn som er turistinformasjonen. Vi så et flisemaleri i takknemlighet til Jomfruen av havet for fisken som menn samler opp fra havet. Vi var innom for å hilse på en landsmann som eier en iskrembutikk. En kjent portugisisk forfatter leste en bok for et barn. Vi kom til en bue som var utgangsdøren fra havet til fastlandet.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਕਸਬੇ ਦੇ ਕੇਂਦਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਰੱਖਿਆਤਮਕ ਟਾਵਰ ਲੱਭਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜੋ ਕਿ ਸੈਲਾਨੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਦਫ਼ਤਰ ਹੈ। ਅਸੀਂ ਸ���ੁੰਦਰ ਦੀ ਵਰਜਿਨ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁਕਰਗੁਜ਼ਾਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਟਾਈਲ ਪੇਂਟਿੰਗ ਦੇਖੀ ਜੋ ਮਨੁੱਖ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਤੋਂ ਇਕੱਠੀ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਦੇਸ਼ ਵਾਸੀ ਨੂੰ ਹੈਲੋ ਕਹਿਣ ਲਈ ਰੁਕ ਗਏ ਜੋ ਇੱਕ ਆਈਸਕ੍ਰੀਮ ਦੀ ਦੁਕਾਨ ਦਾ ਮਾਲਕ ਸੀ। ਇੱਕ ਮਸ਼ਹੂਰ ਪੁਰਤਗਾਲੀ ਲੇਖਕ ਇੱਕ ਬੱਚੇ ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਪੜ੍ਹ ਰਿਹਾ ਸੀ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਆਰਕ 'ਤੇ ਪਹੁੰਚੇ ਜੋ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਤੋਂ ਮੁੱਖ ਭੂਮੀ ਵੱਲ ਜਾਣ ਦਾ ਦਰਵਾਜ਼ਾ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: د ښار په مرکز کې موږ یو دفاعي برج موندلی چې د سیاحتي معلوماتو دفتر دی. موږ د سمندر د ورجن په مننه کې د کبانو لپاره د ټایل نقاشي ولیدل چې سړي له سمندر څخه راټولوي. موږ یو هیوادوال ته چې د آیس کریم پلورنځی لري سلام ویلو ته ودریدو. یو مشهور پرتګالي لیکوال یو ماشوم ته یو کتاب لوستل. موږ یوې محراب ته ورسیدو چې له سمندر څخه اصلي ځمکې ته د وتلو دروازه وه.
Google Translation into Persian: در مرکز شهر یک برج دفاعی را کشف می کنیم که دفتر اطلاعات گردشگری است. ما یک نقاشی کاشی به منظور قدردانی از باکره دریا برای ماهی هایی که مردان از دریا جمع آوری می کنند، دیدیم. رفتیم تا به هموطنی که یک مغازه بستنی فروشی دارد سلام کنیم. نویسنده مشهور پرتغالی در حال خواندن کتاب برای کودکی بود. به طاقی رسیدیم که درب خروجی دریا به سمت خشکی بود.
Google Translation into Polish: W centrum miasta odkrywamy wieżę obronną, w której mieści się biuro informacji turystycznej. Obejrzeliśmy kaflowy obraz będący wyrazem wdzięczności Dziewicy Morza za ryby, które ludzie zbierają z morza. Zatrzymaliśmy się, żeby przywitać się z rodakiem, który jest właścicielem lodziarni. Słynny portugalski pisarz czytał książkę dziecku. Dotarliśmy do łuku będącego drzwiami wyjściowymi z morza na kontynent.
Google Translation into Romanian: In centrul orasului descoperim un turn de aparare care este biroul de informatii turistice. Am văzut o pictură pe țiglă în semn de recunoștință Fecioarei Mării pentru peștele pe care bărbații îi adună din mare. Ne-am oprit să-i salutăm un conațean care deține o înghețată. Un celebru scriitor portughez îi citea o carte unui copil. Am ajuns la un arc care era ușa de ieșire dinspre mare spre continent.
Google Translation into Russian: В центре города мы обнаруживаем оборонительную башню, которая является офисом туристической информации. Мы увидели изразцовую картину в благодарность Богородице Морской за рыбу, которую мужчины собирают из моря. Мы зашли поздороваться с земляком, который владеет магазином мороженого. Известный португальский писатель читал ребенку книгу. Мы подошли к арке, которая была выходом из моря на материк.
Google Translation into Serbian: У центру града откривамо одбрамбени торањ који је туристички информативни уред. Видели смо слику на плочицама у знак захвалности Богородици за рибу коју људи сакупљају из мора. Свратили смо да се поздравимо са земљаком који поседује продавницу сладоледа. Познати португалски писац читао је књигу детету. Стигли смо до лука који је био излазна врата из мора на копно.
Google Translation into Swedish: I centrum av staden upptäcker vi ett försvarstorn som är turistbyrån. Vi såg en kakelmålning i tacksamhet till Jungfrun av havet för fisken som män hämtar från havet. Vi stannade till för att hälsa en landsman som äger en glassbutik. En berömd portugisisk författare läste en bok för ett barn. Vi kom fram till en båge som var utgångsdörren från havet till fastlandet.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Di tengah kota urang mendakan menara pertahanan anu mangrupikeun kantor inpormasi wisata. Urang nempo hiji lukisan kotak di syukur ka Virgin Laut pikeun lauk nu lalaki ngumpulkeun ti laut. Urang mampir ngucapkeun salam ka sabangsana nu boga warung és krim. Saurang sastrawan Portugis anu kasohor macakeun buku ka budak leutik. Kami dugi ka hiji lengkungan anu mangrupikeun panto kaluar ti laut ka daratan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa gitna ng bayan natuklasan namin ang isang nagtatanggol na tore na ang tanggapan ng impormasyon ng turista. Nakakita kami ng tile painting bilang pasasalamat sa Birhen ng Dagat para sa mga isda na kinokolekta ng mga lalaki mula sa dagat. Huminto kami para kumustahin ang isang kababayan na may-ari ng tindahan ng ice cream. Isang sikat na manunulat na Portuges ang nagbabasa ng libro sa isang bata. Nakarating kami sa isang arko na siyang exit door mula sa dagat hanggang sa mainland.
Google Translation into Thai: ในใจกลางเมืองเราพบหอคอยป้องกันซึ่งเป็นสำนักงานข้อมูลการท่องเที่ยว เราเห็นภาพวาดกระเบื้องแสดงความขอบคุณต่อแม่พระแห่งท้องทะเลสำหรับปลาที่มนุษย์เก็บมาจากทะเล เราแวะทักทายชาวบ้านเจ้าของร้านไอศกรีม นักเขียนชาวโปรตุเกสผู้โด่งดังกำลังอ่านหนังสือให้เด็กฟัง เรามาถึงซุ้มประตูที่เป็นประตูทางออกจากทะเลไปยังแผ่นดินใหญ่
Google Translation into Telugu: పట్టణం మధ్యలో మేము టూరిస్ట్ ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ ఆఫీస్ అయిన డిఫెన్సివ్ టవర్‌ని కనుగొంటాము. సముద్రం నుండి పురుషులు సేకరించే చేపల కోసం వర్జిన్ ఆఫ్ ది సీకి కృతజ్ఞతగా టైల్ పెయింటింగ్ చూశాము. ఐస్ క్రీం దుకాణం ఉన్న ఒక దేశస్థుడికి హలో చెప్పడానికి మేము ఆగిపోయాము. ఒక ప్రసిద్ధ పోర్చుగీస్ రచయిత ఒక పిల్లవాడికి పుస్తకం చదువుతున్నాడు. మేము సముద్రం నుండి ప్రధాన భూభాగానికి నిష్క్రమణ ద్వారం వద్దకు చేరుకున్నాము.
Google Translation into Turkish: Kasabanın merkezinde turizm danışma ofisi olan bir savunma kulesi keşfediyoruz. İnsanların denizden topladığı balıklar için Deniz Bakiresi'ne şükran dolu bir çini tablosu gördük. Dondurma dükkanı sahibi bir hemşehrimize merhaba demek için uğradık. Ünlü bir Portekizli yazar bir çocuğa kitap okuyordu. Denizden ana karaya çıkış kapısı olan bir kemere ulaştık.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: У центрі міста ми знаходимо оборонну вежу, яка є офісом туристичної інформації. Ми побачили розпис на кахлі вдячності Богородиці моря за рибу, яку люди збирають у морі. Ми заїхали привітатися з земляком, власником магазину морозива. Відомий португальський письменник читав книжку дитині. Ми підійшли до арки, яка була дверима виходу з моря на материк.
Google Translation into Urdu: شہر کے وسط میں ہم نے ایک دفاعی ٹاور دریافت کیا جو سیاحوں کی معلومات کا دفتر ہے۔ ہم نے سمندر کی کنواری کی شکر گزاری میں ایک ٹائل پینٹنگ دیکھی جسے مرد سمندر سے جمع کرتے ہیں۔ ہم ایک ایسے ہم وطن کو سلام کہنے کے لیے رک گئے جو ایک آئس کریم کی دکان کا مالک ہے۔ ایک مشہور پرتگالی مصنف ایک بچے کو کتاب پڑھ رہا تھا۔ ہم ایک محراب پر پہنچے جو سمندر سے سرزمین کی طرف نکلنے کا دروازہ تھا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Shahar markazida biz mudofaa minorasini topamiz, ya'ni turistik ma'lumot idorasi. Erkaklar dengizdan yig'ib olgan baliqlar uchun Dengiz Bokirasiga minnatdorchilik bildirgan plitka rasmini ko'rdik. Muzqaymoq do‘koniga ega bo‘lgan yurtdoshimiz bilan salomlashish uchun to‘xtadik. Portugaliyalik mashhur yozuvchi bolaga kitob o‘qiyotgan edi. Biz dengizdan materikga chiqish eshigi bo'lgan archaga yetib keldik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Ở trung tâm thị trấn, chúng tôi phát hiện ra một tháp phòng thủ là văn phòng thông tin du lịch. Chúng tôi nhìn thấy một bức tranh ngói để tỏ lòng biết ơn Đức Trinh Nữ Biển cả về những con cá mà con người đánh bắt được từ biển cả. Chúng tôi dừng lại để chào một người đàn ông quê mùa là chủ một tiệm kem. Một nhà văn nổi tiếng người Bồ Đào Nha đang đọc sách cho một đứa trẻ. Chúng tôi tới một cái cổng vòm là cửa thoát hiểm từ biển vào đất liền.
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Pro tip: if your goal is basic tourism and you stick to the bigger cities with Shinksnsen stops, Japan is way more accessible to English speakers without Japanese than most people make it seem. If you can manage a sumimasen and an arigatou, you'll be fine.
Source: I spent a month there with nothing more than weeb-level vocabulary and the occasional Google translate on my phone.
I know my Harry Du Bois ass will find a way to make a Japan trip as anxiety ridden or awkward as possible but thank you!
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chumbalie · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you would be okay discussing how you approached your research on The Tale of the Peach Blossom Prince? I've been doing some research for a fic and there are some topics where I keep running into vague references to certain things (like the institution of slavery) with no real explanation of how that worked and the citations are all for Japanese language texts.
Hi, hello!!
So, it should be noted first and foremost that my irl career involves qualitative research, and how I approach research comes a lot from that background. Lots of the things I found through my research was through an academic search engine hosted by my U's library. That being said: the best way to approach any research is to start with broad strokes, and then single out problems/questions to examine more deeply.
In the case of Tale, I started with a mixture of encyclopedias of Heian Japan, and my own existing knowledge. From there, I could then focus on the minutiae, things like how the government of the country functioned, if it had codified law, and how that influenced other bits and bobs - because you're right! There's lots of small references which don't have explanations. That's the body of the research, particularly for something like a cultural touchstone in an historical period. If you do manage to get your hands on academic papers on your subject, check the footnotes! There are links sometimes, but more reliably, they have authors and titles, and you can hunt through those primary sources to see if they have more information for you.
If I couldn't find an academic source on something I didn't understand, I'd go and peruse public data bases (google scholar isn't bad for this, and, bizarrely, tourism agencies/guides) and try to find an explanation which was consistent across multiple sources. Good ways to search for this sort of thing is through the key phrases of what you're looking for. In the case of what you mentioned, searching for "slavery in Japan" is a good keyword approach. It'll net the most results, and if you're using a data bank, you can add more filters, such as time period, class relations, etc., to narrow your results. This is a lot harder on public search engines. But the point is to start from a broad "N" (lots of sources and shallow depth of information) and move to narrow "n" (few sources, highly dependent on subject, with a deep depth of specific information and nothing else) sources for details. You technically never have to leave a N based approach, and just gloss over fiber detail.
Tragically, one of the biggest limitations I ran into with Tale was that most the good, primary, sources, are in Japanese and haven't been translated into English. I had an instance in Tale where I genuinely couldn't find something, BC the information didn't exist in English (the fucking. Colour. BDNFJDNDMD.) Barring learning Japanese, an incredibly difficult language, I recommend gravitating toward anything written by, or with, Japanese authors, just going off of surnames or given names! This is a very common issue in all humanities research in regards to East Asian content: we don't have a lot of great information in English. Tragically, I can't offer a solution, and can only gripe abt the Eurocentrism.
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