#im uploading the video so its uglier and only mutuals who want to discuss tourism problems reblog the video
minglana · 6 months
a few weeks ago (afaik) google maps removed a bus line from the barcelona map, and miraculously, the buses have cleared up and locals can finally use this public bus line without crowded buses... this is how dire tourism makes things
"[Video translation from Catalan: "Not a trace of tourists in the 116 bus neighborhood line. It has disappeared from Google Maps as an option to go to Parc Güell. This [bus] line was very saturated with tourists... until now."
(Tourist speaking in English): "We took the V19 bus to get here, Google Maps I found it." (Another tourist): "I am searching Google Maps for Catalunya or La Rambla, and I am going downstairs and take a bus to Catalunya center."
The neighbors celebrate that the buses will now be emptier: (Local woman talking) "We were very skeptical on if this measure was going to work, but now surprisingly we've seen that it has worked amazingly." (Another local woman talking): "We've noticed it a lot. For Easter week I was here and I had to go by the [Parc Güell] main entrance, which the bus passes by, and no one got on the bus."
Now tourists use alternative routes.
Closing credits by Betevé. End video"
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