#totally a real dragon
hello. i is dragon. real very real dragon yes mhm.
Ran by @fireboaserpent after one too many encounters with @real-british-empire @hawaii-official and @the-real-catholic-church
I go by he/him, and I am silly. For the inbox, pretty much anything goes except explicit NSFW, don't be weird
Transphobes be gone! TERFs be gone! Aphobes be gone! Biphobes be gone! AKA just be cool man. Don't be racist, don't be any sorta queerphobic, don't be ableist - just really don't be a dick and ur fine.
Also get outta here if you believe that cluster b disorders are evil smh.
If you're thinking of tagging me, go for it! I love being tagged <3 please tag me. please pleaseplea-
I also love silly tag games and gimmick events(?) idk what to call them
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garmaballs · 5 months
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what would YOU do if this played at the beginning of every episode ⁉️⁉️
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“Why does the show always portray elves and dragons as being in the right?” It literally doesn’t. While the main villains in arc one were humans, overall the majority of villainous characters are Xadian. In fact, most Xadian characters are antagonistic when they’re introduced (including those who go on to be heroic main characters, such as Rayla and Janai) with only a few exceptions! Arc two goes even further with this by introducing elf characters who are either perfectly okay with dark magic or even use it themselves. I’m convinced we’re not watching the same show.
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rebe-draws · 7 months
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"He does have a kind of ... hungry, sallow look ..." "A magic many mortal men hunger for ... and the hunger hollows them out from within ..." The hedgemage Scrap - Wild Magic Sorcerer. Vessel for raw magic and he is HUNGRY. More art of my World's Beyond Number fan-character. He's just so fun to draw! The quotes here are directly from Brennan about the first Hedgemage we meet in episode 1, it's stuck with me since I first heard it, it painted such a visual.
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ganondoodle · 2 years
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put all of their concepts into a rough size comparison! (all of this can still change but this is the current idea; only demise and hylias true form will show up in the comic tho) pls note that they are of the same kind (deities) but the main three are NOT related
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junkpiledraws · 3 months
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Aemond targaryen if he were lucifer , I decided to add vhagars wings instead of feathers , YIPPEEE , this is for @0bsessiv3s0ul
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ndostairlyrium · 3 months
ofc I'd like to play with the cc before the game comes out, but at the same time, I'm very okay if we're being shown the thing instead of playing with it straight away
for me, character creation is part of the whole experience, like, it's the first decision you take in every rpg, and I think it's just fair if we have some surprises. but that's just my opinion, really
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localaceken · 1 year
If Administration is really a business corp and Jay has been stuck in there for like 5 years I'm pretty sure he has lost it in the middle of year one of working there because he's Jay Walker.
He has given over a hundred 2 weeks notices "a man can fix one coffee machine too many times before snapping rebacca" he never heard back from his boss so he just kept.
Showing up at the office because he had nothing else to do.
Everyone else in the office is thankful for their boss who never fired him because for some reason Jay from Accounting is the only one who can fix the machines in the entire goddamn office.
Meanwhile Pixal throws away the 101st 2 weeks notice sent by Jay in the trash and continues searching for the rest of the gang.
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evil standing behavior
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faelapis · 2 months
i'm finally watching house of the dragon btw!!
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ur so cool let’s b friends
yyyesss... Friend.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 8 months
So..... have y'all seen that new UbiSoft show
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Kenserhawk is love. Kenserhawk is life.
Live laugh love Kenserhawk
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premamelody · 3 months
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new oc just dropped
based on mc block nylium
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thorinoakenbutt · 29 days
Tbh Pride was always my favorite of the DA demon designs so I do think it would be a blast for a Lucanis to be either possessed by or actually be one. A little treat, just for me
And initially I was like oh maybe it's a different type of spirit, but between all the purple, the eye imagery, the symbol of the lightning ability he has in the warrior gameplay video, and especially the name of one of his items in the deluxe edition...I think it's Pride
I won't go over why on most of these points cause there's others who have done it already, but obviously any longtime players know all about Pride and their lightning whips. But more on the deluxe edition item...
It's called Lucanis's Gall. There's a couple different definitions of "gall" and both could be relevant here, but the first stood out to me based on names of Pride demons we've met in the past. To have gall means to have bold and impudent behavior, but it can also mean that you're filled with bitterness.
A synonym for gall is audacity and guess what? We meet a Pride demon in DA2 named Audacity.
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good-grade-in-cleric · 4 months
A quick breakdown of the hierarchy of the Shaodw Thieves for my own benefit because Forgotten Realms lore loves more than anything else to contradict itself, especially when the CRPGs get involved. The main sources cited below will be Baldur's Gate II (2E, Sep 2000 CE, 1369 DR), Cloak & Dagger (2E, Jun 2000 CE, 1370 DR), and Lords of Darkness (3E, Oct 2001 CE, 1372 DR). For Baldur's Gate II, i am primarily cross-referencing the wiki with my own limited screenshots, so be prepared for some holes there. Hopefully, i can someday replay the game with a focus on getting more information out about these guys and reblog with that additional information, but let's not get ahead of ourselves
I may be a bit obnoxious in how frequently i point to my sources, but that's because my head is spinning looking at my notesheet for this. How did i let them get so disorganized? Oh dear
The general structure of the Shadow Thieves places the Shades at the top of the hierarchy followed by the Cloakmasters then the Guildmasters then the Silhouettes then the Rank and File and Raw Recruits
Bases of Operation
The Shadow Thieves are headquartered in Athkatla, the City of Coin. From 1303 DR to the time of Troubles, their headquarters was the Shadow House (C&D, p103 and 111). Although it no longer functions as the headquarters of the entire organization, it does still act as a decoy headquarters (LoD, p172). The Shadow House is the base of operations for "one part of the organization" (C&D, p104), or "just three of the guilds in Athkatla" (C&D, p111). The true headquarters is explicitly left up to the DM's discretion in Cloak & Dagger, but by 1372 DR, it is confirmed to be a large and well-protected underground complex underneath the Gilded Rose on the opposite side of town from the decoy (LoD, p172)
They also converted a building in Athkatla in 1303 DR into a training complex called Assassin's Run, and Gorion's Ward is able to visit two of their guildhalls in that city (C&D, p103; BGII)
In the highest tier of the Shadow Thief hierarchy exist the six Shades who have divided their territory amongst them (C&D, p104; LOD, p172). Together, they form the Shade Council (C&D, p104) or the Shadow Council (LoD, p172)
The current Grandmaster of Shadows, the leader of the Shades, is Rhinnom Dannihyr (C&D, p104-105; LoD, p172). Formerly a Guildmaster of Spies in Athkatla, he took over after Bhaal absorbed the life forces of his worshippers during the Time of Troubles and killed the entire Shade Council (C&D, p103). In addition to that, he was Iltarch of Amn's Council of Six which was the highest governing body in the country (C&D, p105). Rhinnom keeps his affiliation with both of these councils secret from the other (C&D, p105). Despite being human, he has lived for over a century but maintains the appearance of youth through magic (it is unclear whether the benefits of this de-aging magic extends past appearance) and is biding his time to push his way through the ranks of the Council of Six (C&D, p105)
As a note, it appears that the Council of Six has been replaced by the far less clandestine Council of Five sometime before 1479 DR, but House Dannihyr still holds a seat on the council (Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, p92)
Another Shade is Rheax Bormul. He rules over either the Alandor Sect (C&D, p105) or the operations in Amn (LoD, p172). This is likely just a matter of semantics between sources considering the Alandor Sect is described as including "Athkatla, Crimmor, Purskul, Keczulla, Amnwater, and northern Amn" (C&D, p105). He hopes to someday take Rhinnom's place as Grandmaster of Shadows (C&D, p105)
The wiki makes mention that Aran Linvail answers to Rheax Bormul, but it cites as its source "the Baldur's Gate novel". This is not something i would normally accept as a source, but i wanted to take a look anyway to see if i could make use of their wording. BG2 was not specified, but in the games, Aran only appears in Shadows of Amn, so i only checked that one. Admittedly, i did not read the entire book, but i did read Abdel receiving the mission to kill Aran Linvail, that fight scene, and when Abdel reports back to Bodhi after killing him as well as some smaller segments here and there. I could not find the source, but whatever. I should have known it would be a fruitless search from how it was cited on the wiki
Back to the sources i actually do intend to cross compare, it varies by source how many Cloakmasters answer to each member of the Shadow Council. One source claims that exactly two Cloakmasters serve each Shade for a total of twelve (LoD, p173). The other claims that each Shade has at least two Cloakmasters, with Athkatla alone having ten (C&D, p104 and 106). Every city with a population of 10,000 or more has at least one Cloakmaster as well as another Cloakmaster for the more rural areas around those cities, or a city where many foreigners trade may receive an Cloakmaster for the purpose of facilitating information from said foreigners (C&D, p104)
Due to their close proximity, the Cloakmasters of Athkatla are all careful to respect the authority of their Shade and the Council of Shades (C&D, p106). The Cloakmaster of Athkatla'd Bridge District, Dinnom Baraizal, is especially loyal to Rheax (C&D, p106)
Every Cloakmaster is served in turn by 10 Guildmasters (C&D, p104; LoD, p173). Whereas the ranks above Guildmasters are defined by geography, the Guildmasters each control a number of smaller guilds within a single speciality (C&D, p104; LoD, p173). Lords of Darkness gives as examples: smuggling, extortion and blackmail, theft and burglary (LoD, p173). Cloak & Dagger presents what seems intended to be a more complete list: "assassins; beggars; bounty hunters; burglars; con artists and tricksters; cutpurses and pickpockets; enforcers and thugs; racketeers; scouts and spies; and fences, smugglers, and pirates" (C&D, p104). These are the middle managers of the guild
The final noteworthy tier are the Silhouettes. There are dozens of Shadow Thieves who bear this title, but they are all decoys for the true powers within the guild (LoD, p173). They may hire out external groups, guilds, and individuals on a contractual or permanent basis (C&D, p104). They may pose as guildmasters, but in truth they report to and act to obscure the true Guildmasters (LoD, p173)
Sporting a name that makes you question his mother's love, Renal "the Bloodscalp" is a Silhouette of Burglars based in Athkatla who enjoys donning a disguise to join teams on their missions (C&D, p108). Additionally, he hides Aran Linvail in his base of operations, labelled on the map as simply Shadow Thief Guildhall (BGII). Him being as Silhouette also checks out as he is Gorion's Ward's main point of contact for the Shadow Thieves after properly entering the city and before they might conditionally receive an offer to join (BGII)
Oryal Forestal is a Silhouette of Spies based in Athkatla (C&D, p108). He joined at the same time as Renal Bloodscalp, and the two have long been close friends and partners (C&D, p108)
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(Cloak & Dagger, p104)
Most information indicates Silhouettes and Guildmasters are two distinct ranks, but the above quote could not be completely ignored. An important piece of additional context for the above quote is that it comes immediately after describing the roles of Guildmasters, blurring the lines between the two. The segue is somewhat unclear as i'm sure the Shadow Thieves prefer, so there are a number of potential interpretations of this. The one that i think is most internally consistent is that, as part of their role as decoy Guildmasters, Silhouettes are only called by their proper title while in private or are even sometimes considered a subgroup of Guildmasters
After all, part of the role of the Silhouette is to be the fall guy for the real powers, and "[o]stensibly they are 'guildmasters,' but in actuality they control nothing and have no authority." (LoD, p173)
Any other interpretations i will leave to the floor as i've got enough going on here already and could make a whole post on that alone
The Rank and File
The average rank and file Shadow Thief is unaware that they are part of the guild structure at all and is largely irrelevant to the goals of this post
The Shadowmaster is a rank which i can only find evidence for in Baldur's Gate II. This is a problem. Aran Linvail, chiefly, is identified as a "Shadowmaster" (BGII). Although she is heavily implied to be lying about her rank to lure you into her ambush, the Shadow Thief Ama claims to be the Shadowmaster of eastern Esmeltaran (BGII). While the validity of the claim is highly dubious (if not outright stated to be false in a line i don't remember), we can still glean information from it. Firstly, Shadowmaster is an actual title within the context of BGII. There's no reason to make up a new rank if your goal is to have people believe you. Secondly, this Shadowmaster rank is tied to geography rather than specialization. This means the Shadowmaster is not meant to correlate to a Guildmaster or Silhouette but rather a Cloakmaster or possibly even a Shade. These greater titles are also more accurate to the scale and scope that Aran is implied to be operating at
The wiki states Aran Linvail dies in 1369 DR. This is likely to align with the events of the novelization, but it does technically allow for him to be replaced by Rheax Bormul by the time of Cloak & Dagger if we are to believe he was a Shade. However, the way Rheax is described in Cloak & Dagger lends itself to an image that he has been in the position for some time
I believe Shadowmaster is more likely meant to analogue to Cloakmaster. There are likely multiple Cloakmasters in the city. Additionally, Shadow Thieves generally only know the one superior they report to, those that report to them, and a small number of equals (C&D, p104). While Silhouettes such as Renal Bloodscalp are said to report to Guildmasters, it isn't unreasonable to assume that there is some wiggle room there, and some may report to Cloakmasters instead
Also, it counts for literally nothing, but i'm still holding onto that unsupported line on the wiki about Aran Linvail reporting to Rheax Bormul, which would make him a Cloakmaster
All in all, i will be considering him as a Cloakmaster moving forward
The Ward's Guildhall and What is Going on There?
If one is playing as a Thief in Baldur's Gate II, then they have the option of taking over a Shadow Thief guildhall for their stronghold, but as mentioned, the CRPGS can have a sometimes contentious relationship with the lore books. This leads to the question: if Gorion's Ward accepts the thief stronghold and takes over management of a guildhall, what exactly is their rank?
The obvious answer is that this would make them Guildmaster, but no one loves misdirection quite like a Shadow Thief, so i'm hesitant to accept that off the bat. Also, i would not be who i am today if i did not overthink every inconsequential detail
The key evidence (all sourced from BGII) is as follows:
The Ward's guildhall is labeled as a guildhall, and they are referred to as a guildmaster
This same was true for their predecessor, Mae'Var
Mae'var intended to work his way up the ladder by assassinating Renal Bloodscalp
You report to and pay your quotas to a Silhouette
Your immediate underlings operate a diverse range of specialities*
*(Specifically: house-breaking and safe-cracking; assassination and racketeering; pickpocketing; smuggling; and blackmails and possibly also racketeering again)
Now all of this can be waved aside as the game simplifying and altering the structure for the better gameplay experience for the player, but let's take this at face value
The Ward and Mae'Var are labeled as guildmaster(s) yet report to a Silhouette, the position that most traditionally hires outside aid, even up to permanently contracting entire guilds. They view him as their superior to the point that one of them intended to assassinate him to take his place, but if they are Guildmasters, then he should be reporting to them. Taking his place would be a definite downgrade in both power and security if Mae'Var were truly a Shadow Thief Guildmaster
Why replace Mae'var's guild with more contractors once he's been dealt with? Well simply put, there's power in numbers and money in that power
What of Aran Linvail then? Why would a Cloakmaster show his face to an outside contractor? Because i lied, and he's a Silhouette. The fake title that is not substantiated by any other source is to deploy an illusion of power. He and Renal are operating on multiple layers of nonsensical chicanery
But why would the Shadow Thieves go through all the work of hiring outside help only to disclose who they work for anyway. That's begging for problems. At that point, why not do what they say they're doing and make you an actual Guildmaster? This is all so bizarre and convoluted, even for the Shadow Thieves
Because the job of a Silhouette is to make you think they are a powerful figure in the Shadow Thieves and to take the attention from the actual powers that be
Because fuck you is why
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hercynianforest · 2 months
Was I the only one who felt like Aaravos' crying sounded fake? Even his facial expressions weren't very contorted...I mean, compare it to Claudia in episode 1, that was truly someone going mad with pain. Just saying, this guy doesn't convince me.
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