hiraeth-art · 14 days
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posting after 5000 years again
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hiraeth-art · 11 months
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Spiderman Six Eyes AU but Satoru‘s supposed to be dead and gone and Sugi‘s grieving while Sugi‘s dad is investigating the crimes of this other vigilante superhero that appeared right before Six Eyes got killed (on camera in front of the entire city on live tv)?
ANYWAY brainrotting about this now.
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hiraeth-art · 11 months
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Spiderman Six Eyes AU but Satoru‘s supposed to be dead and gone and Sugi‘s grieving while Sugi‘s dad is investigating the crimes of this other vigilante superhero that appeared right before Six Eyes got killed (on camera in front of the entire city on live tv)?
ANYWAY brainrotting about this now.
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hiraeth-art · 1 year
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pumpjaku by the wonderful @cablecurrent & my gojokin!! 🎃
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hiraeth-art · 1 year
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Rock-Band AU drummer Shoko Ieiri!! Ugh, I love her sm. Defo getting all the girls ngl.
Her jobs include getting drunk with Satoru and having Suguru do all the work, obviously. Nanami left the band cause they’re all terrible.
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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Hugs are the best, especially from your buff boyfriend.
(This is actually part of a Sushi-Shop-AU @thefirstnoodle and I have been talking about. For, like, a month or something. Kakashi has a prosthetic arm, Gai is missing a leg … it‘s complicated. ////)
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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I‘m never going to apologize for Rinnegan!Kakashi.
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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Eventually figuring out how to kiss because, yes. Yes. I need those two happy and together. ;;
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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Have the finished version of this Team Instinct!Kakashi AU that no one really asked for but I drew anyway. >///< (I like the snow, so it‘s more wintery or smthg … ) ok, so, and there’s the 100% thanks going to @thefirstnoodle for like, being there? *hugs*
If anyone is interested, there is a speed paint for that too …
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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Hi! Have a „quick“ genji, who isn‘t a sketch anymore with his cute noodle dragon going in for the kill!
… one guy asked me if I got the outlined art from a website. Nope, I did not ………….. *pouts*
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
;////; my baby, my sweet honey plun!! ... wait. WHERE DID I PUT THESE!!!!
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L is so fascinating, I can’t stop drawing him.
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
I still want this AU ok
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Ok, so, I saw some awesome Byakugan!Kashi fanart by @mallml last night (go check it out, it’s so cool) and did a quick sketch because I was in serious need of something to procrastinate with – I really love the idea, though! ;7;
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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have a quick genji sketch that I intent to finish when I’m not so unmotivated. (noodle dragon being awesome tho)
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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Remember that sketch? Ah, I made some progress because of reasons (I really don’t want to study) *shrugs* Instinct!Kakashi because Minato would totally recruit his fav lil puppy. (( Kakashi defo has at least a Charizard(she knows Thunder, ok? Because of Hatake-Charizard genes) and Poochyena (his name is Bisuke and he follows Kakashi around, sometimes climbing on his head and his backpack).)) Also, low key head canoning Rin and Obito as his travel buddies (with Obito declaring loudly that he is better than Kakashi every 20 steps if even that many) and Gai being the proclaimed Rival, who is head over heals for Kakashi and tries beating him every time they meet. Obito and Genma have lists and everyone is betting on it, most of all one of the Top Four, Tsunade, who‘s sort of a drunk and probably shouldn‘t be around teenagers. Ah, I could write more but maaaaybe once I finished this one … *snorts*
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
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Quick sketch of this hospital-AU @tonyintraining and I have been … uh … talking about for, like, ages. With Dr. Maito The Orthopaedic and Dr. Hatake The Anaesthetist With More Surgery-Experience Than The Whole Hospital Staff Together. *snorts* … well, it‘s crack but it‘s awesome and there might be 101 plot bunnies, one of which might even involve cheese medication and Dr. Uchiha, The One From the Children‘s Ward (Dr. Hatake‘s best friend and he absolutely hates the fact he even knows the guy, js).
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
tbh I need to finish this comic. Be assured, it is in the making and it’s only take another year or two for me to finish this. xD
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(( snort, have this quick sketch a.k.a. Page 1 of this lil’ comic I’ll be drawing in the next few days hopefully ………..)) -> @purple-possibilities told me about Kakashi’s chlothing choice and Hashirama thought it’s stupid so he made him put on the full armor while Madara and Tobirama watch and … well ……… (( mind you, I only cared to color Madara and Kakashi … “okayish” Tobirama and Hashirama were more like “… uhm, no, I’m tired, it’s just gonna be WIP hahahaha” ))
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hiraeth-art · 7 years
I can’t even remember drawing this, was I high or smthg ....
*shrugs* ... ehm. Must have been the chemicals I inhaled ... obviously ... during the labwork ...
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When you’re trying to destress because chem is hard and there’s only chaos on your desk but you don’t care —
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