#too lazy to do decent coloring
soulspice · 1 year
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stinky ! (ฅ˘⩊˘ฅ)
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trashmouth-richie · 6 months
I feel like I’m really bad at prompts so I’m just gonna go with my “do’s” from costar today…
Stomping. Instant coffee. Cold* shower.
*“Cold” autocorrected to “come” and I almost didn’t fix it, soooo…do with that what you will.
hoping my slutty choices for this prompt find you well.
18+, no minors, acts of sex, yay.
**peep my little hints at 90s tv and movies—there are 4 🖤
send me a prompt from this post ! (writers block is killing me !)
Cold beads of water trickle like ice down your body. Making your already pert nipples stand at attention and harden in an instant. 
Cursing the boy you’ve been best friends with since diapers, you turn the faucet off in a quickened haste— exiting the tub in an anything but graceful fashion, stubbing your toes on the way out. 
“Eddie!” your shrill voice is clouded by the throbbing in your foot and the chatter in your teeth. “Did you pay the water bill?”  
One job, the menace had one job— one duty for the small shared apartment, and it was to pay the water bill each month. 
Wrapping yourself in a threadbare towel that had once been a swim towel for an uppity family— you stomp down to his bedroom, kicking open the door with enough rage to channel Jackie Chan.
You should have knocked. Fuck, why didn’t you knock? 
Eddie was naked.
Pale-moon colored ass on display. 
Thigh muscles rippled beneath dark patchwork tattoos, arms that never looked muscly suddenly flexed tight. A veiny hand wrapped tight around a black haired pony tail. Hips, his hips were— fucking, thrusting, pounding. 
His mouth was slack, slick like an oil painting, head back and eyes rolled to squinted ivory surrounded with a colossal woodland of thick lashes.
Sweat coated his brow, dribbling down until it collected on his cupids bow, a salty pooled tease. His rougey lips were spit coated, sheer— glossy— begging for your tongue to taste them. 
Your heart thumped loudly, heat in your core on its own tempo, hot and deep. 
And then you hear it. 
A whimper. Softer than silk, low, whiny, almost sweetly pathetic in its delivery from a deep space in his throat. 
Your cheeks warm, cunt heated like a fire, sirens going off for extreme temperatures. 
His eyes meet yours and you hold his gaze for a second. The clouded look of a man being sucked dry took over his normal instant coffee colored irises. Glaucoma esque beauty in the dark swirls, and you wet your lips at the sight of him— at Eddie Munson— resident freak of Hawkins and your best friend. 
Both your lips explicitly mutter words with eyes wild doe like. His going from lazy pleasure to shock. Yours were covered with your palm, the other reaching, fumbling for the door knob. 
Apologizing profusely you suddenly stammer around clearing your throat and trying to leave ASAP. 
The towel around your middle, the only thing keeping you decent, glides to the ground—falling gently like that fucking feather in opening scenes of Forest Gump. Practically in slow motion but still too quick for your blind shut eyes to catch it. 
Pulling with both hands on the knob your heart races to shut the door, not registering that the towel is wedged tight between the frame, making it impossible to shut. 
Shit shitshitshitshitSHIT
With a last feeble attempt of yanking your arms, the latch clicks into place and you beeline to your room with a slam of your door so hard it ricocheted off the walls, making a framed picture of you and Eddie at a Metallica concert fall to the ground, shattering the glass.
What the fuck? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
Your heart boomed in your ears, back stuck to the door like you were holding it up. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen Eddie naked, pretty sure your entire graduating class saw him naked on more than one occasion. But this?! This was so mouthwatering better than any other time. 
Goosebumps spread across your skin at the burned image of Eddie getting head on your retinas. The two of you had never crossed those lines. Each dating, fucking around it never once crossed your mind what he would be like in the sack, or what his sack would be like in your mouth. 
You’re pleased when you don’t cringe at the dirty thoughts of him— it felt like second nature, like eve seeing adam —lol okay maybe not, but still! What your mind was conjuring up was biblical. 
A giggle surpasses your lips and you wipe a line of drool from the corner of your mouth. Nerves finally settling as your realization hits— who was it?
It wasn’t Sarah, you hadn’t seen her since last fall. Eddie had said she started dating Steve—his comic book “arch nemesis” but in reality another bestie, who spent most of his time wallowing on your couch about Nancy than he did actually going on dates. 
Mary ended up being a virgin—preacher’s daughter, one of seven. He stopped seeing Clarissa after she wouldn’t stop over explaining every single minute detail of her day. Could it be the girl with the green leather jacket? Darla? Daria? 
The horny ache in your belly soured like curdled milk. 
How dare her (whoever she was!) The thought of someone other than you pulling those noises from Eddie suddenly set you on edge. Rage burned through your veins like lightning. Spidering and leeching to your skin. 
The pajamas you had taken off before your shower lay in a heap on your floor and you quickly yanked them on. Muttering to yourself about every vile thing you could imagine about whoever the lucky girl was who currently had a mouthful of your roommate. 
You needed to leave. The clouds of embarrassment eased overhead, colliding with the lightning making a storm brew deep beneath your surface and you be damned if you were going to let the rain fall whilst still in this apartment. 
Keys in your palm you throw open your bedroom door, ready to bolt through your apartment and down to your car— destination unknown. 
You nearly knock him over in your attempt to run. But you’re stopped cold by sweaty bangs, a heaving chest, and the same stupid pair of boxers that had small tears along the elastic from years of wear. 
“Sweetheart…” he coaxed, voice so sugary and laced with tiny shreds of venom it could ice a wedding cake— then strike you dead. 
You had seen plenty of Eddie today, your body screamed for you to leave, but your feet were stuck in the icing, waiting for the bomb to drop. 
Warmth from your cheeks from your shame could keep a trailer with broken windows warm in a blizzard—your stomach flipped— dropped like lead as his next words hit like a bullet. 
“We need to talk.” 
part two
steve tied up
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essentiallyleaf · 1 year
day 05. thigh riding. with. sullyoon.
1689 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, subby girlfriend sullyoon, photographer reader who gets dommy at some point, the reader is kind of a dunce in this one, i’m sorry reader, the writer is kind of stupid, and a bully, a decent amount of floof methinks, thigh riding, a note of ass play, and a note of feeding/oral fixation maybe?, squirting, freestyle punctuation, basically unedited.
i don’t know, it’s all up in the air, really. ignorantly, leaf.
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“That’s not fair, you promised we were gonna play today!” Yoona whines while stomping her feet on the parquet.
“I said we were going to play today, after I’m done with work” You correct her, matter-of-factly.
You know how much she cares. This is the first time you’re not traveling when she has a weekend off in months. She just wanted to spend it together. Maybe bake with you, and end up throwing flour and chocolate powder on each other, maybe make blue and sand colored beads, have them break and crawl on the floor attempting to fetch them for the next twenty-five minutes, and definitely have extra-long sessions of lazy sex, through meals, through bathtime, through her playing Zelda, then passing you the Switch, then through you playing Zelda. That’s what she was looking forward to doing today. To you, the fact that you can’t spend a lovely and horny weekend with your girlfriend because a client decided, the day before the deadline, that they needed the photos to “look younger, fresher!” and that the best way of accomplishing that was adding a comic book filter on them and changing all the fonts to resemble those “BOOM!”’s and “POW!”’s that your grandfather used to read while HE WAS FIGHTING THE GREAT WAR, mr. Russo! Because “that’s what kids are into these days! Superheroes!”??? And your grandfather is DEAD.
To you - as I was saying - that felt unfair. But to Yoona, whose pouting face looks sooo cute, the expectation of a weekend of fun with her boyfriend was a fair one. And as you recognize that, you realize that with your dismissive answer you were being kind of an ass.
“Hey, I’m sorry, okay?” You pat her shoulders and back, then stroke it softly as she looks down at her feet. They’re naked, just like the rest of her legs, she dropped her pants as soon as she got in your apartment, as per her habit. It started with her wearing oversized shirts (usually yours) with no shorts underneath for comfort reasons, then the tees quickly got shorter and shorter and now she’s just wearing a white cropped top and a pair of light pink panties with a tiny tiny bow in the center, leaving her entire stomach and a good half of her buttcheeks for all, or rather just for you to see. “You wanna take some selfies on the Polaroid while I finish?”
You have plenty of cameras, but that’s the one you bought for her. It’s so hip, and trendy, she said. You told her she could bring it wherever, and take pictures of the places she visits (last year she went to Japan with two of her girl friends, it was beautiful, she said, but she didn’t take many pictures; you didn’t go because you were on one of your work trips in Malaysia, and you took way too many) but Yoona wanted to leave it in your house, for “I only care about photos where I’m with you”.
“I already have…”
You are certain she made sure you were somewhere in the background of the shot, as she always does when she takes selfies.
She puffs her cheeks while pouting. She’s too adorable not to look at and too bored to sit idle on the couch for another God-knows-how-many hours. Two problems to solve.
“You wanna come sit on my lap while I work?” Sounds like a win-win.
She nods cutely. You sit at the living room table (the lighting is best here) and she follows you. Instead of sitting with her back towards you, or perpendicularly to you, though, she straddles one of your shorts-covered thighs, facing you, the exposed part of her buttcheeks in direct contact with the skin of your knee. You look at her puzzled, and maybe a little suspicious. She just smiles. That’s good enough for you. She just wants to look at you in the face, you think. Add another adorbs point to the count (4? Just about her average per 5 minutes).
As you start working, laptop in front of you, water and a tangerine on the side, she tucks her chin in your shoulder and wraps her arms around you. Then you feel a subtle movement on your thigh. It starts as a small pressure, her body seemingly getting heavier and heavier on you, and then slowly gaining speed on the sagittal axis, getting broader with each swing.
She doesn’t respond, only moves her hands from your lower back up to your shoulders and widens the radius of her pendulum. You think you know where this is going.
She stops immediately, seemingly getting out of her trance. That’s the pet name you gave her; must have been a reward for record adorbs points in a day.
“I won’t bother you,” (while I keep doing what I'm doing, is the part of the sentence that’s only silent), she pulls her head back to look you in the eyes, the cutie pout is still there (5). “Please?”
“Try not to move too much” - says the guy who’s letting his girlfriend hump his leg while he’s editing photos on his laptop and definitely doesn’t need his hand to be firm or steady; Alexa play Scooby-Doo villain type plan - she pulls the one leg of your shorts up to your groin, then lifts herself up just enough, and, with the most innocent smile on her face, she drops her pink panties to the floor.
She returns exactly to the position she had moments ago and resumes her routine right from the point where she left it. The only difference is, you can feel your girlfriend rub her skin on yours, with its warmth and its texture, and now your thigh feels humid.
“Feel good?” You take your hands away from the laptop and mouse for a second and sit back to peel your tangerine. She nods, but not cutely this time (6), she’s completely absorbed in her pleasure and is trying her best to keep her eyes open and look at you as she does. That part is cute (6!). “I’m glad, honeybun”
You feed her a slice of tangerine, which she captures with her lips and stores into her cheek, then suckles on for a few seconds before chewing it. Adorbs (7). You go back to work.
As her lust builds up, and once her mouth is empty, she can’t help but let you know through a loud moan. And then about two or three more, you can’t count them exactly because they kinda connect and fuse together, but she sounds so heavenly and you’re - you’re supposed to be working. But at this point, who knows what you want more. To get your work done, and have the rest of the day for yourselves, or to help your little girl. To get her where she wants, and to make it feel as good as it can be. To make it feel earned.
“Hey! I need to concentrate though, so I’m gonna need you to be silent, honey, can you do that for me? I’ll touch you in the other hole while we play later, but now,” you place a finger on her lips. “Daddy needs Yoonagi to behave, is that alright?” (That’s the pet name she gave you; must have been because every adorbs baby needs a baby daddy.)
One time the two of you were having sex, you were half-sitting, she was on top. At some point you grabbed her plentiful, soft asscheeks to help her bounce on you. As you gripped them strongly, one of your fingers slipped on her puckered hole and without even thinking, you started teasing around it while her butt ricocheted on your lap. She came so hard that day. So hard that she started spasming and tearing up as you held her on your shoulder (“Did I hurt you?” You hadn’t. “Can you stand up?” She could, after a few minutes. “You wanna do it again?” She did).
It was then that you started sprinkling it here and there as a promise, as a reward. Not to control her, just to help her learn how to behave. And she’s had nothing but gains out of it.
Yoona keeps rocking back and forth on your thigh, only silent pants coming out of her mouth. She even locks her lips to avoid any spills, while her eyes are now permanently closed, focused on the target of reaching her now close at hand peak. You palm your girlfriend’s gorgeous tummy while adoring her lustful state. She puts a hand on top of yours and starts feeling you feeling her. Your thigh is shining with her wetness.
“I know it’s hard, but you gotta hang in there for just a couple minutes, understand? My baby girl is doing so great for me”
Still trying her best not to make noise, even when it’s obvious that it’s not to help you with the work that’s currently not even remotely passing your brain, Yoona takes both of your hands and puts them on her hips, her message wordless, but crystal clear. You swiftly drag her wide, huggable, baby-making hips forth and back, as the two of you unite in an unfittingly innocent, tongue-less kiss. A few pushes and a few pulls at this rabid rhythm and your girlfriend bursts in orgasmic pleasure, releasing a whole downpour that wets from your thighs and calves up to your crotch, her pelvis shaking violently and uncontrollably. Even through all this, she manages to keep her lips shut and not emit a sound.
“Good, good, such a good girl, my pretty baby made Daddy so, so, so proud,” you praise her as you hug her soft, meaty body and pat her head.
“Thank you… Thank you…” she pants out, tired. It takes her more than a couple minutes wrapped around you to regain her senses. And when she does, you think you hear her say in a satisfied tone:
“Haha, I won!”
“I won. I played with Daddy. Even though you said no. And I won.”
eh. numbly, leaf.
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You Can't Swim??
SUMMARY: The Octotrio don't know that you have never learned to swim. And you went to a beach. What could go wrong? WORD COUNT: 1.9k (I need to sleep)
WARNINGS: Floyd almost let you drown, reader kind of gets panic attacks? Idk (I'm the writer I should know, someone hit me), reader thinks about whacking Floyd, Azul is genuinely in love, Azul is also very traumatized I think, Azul overthinks A/N: Gotta love how I have no warnings about Jade I- Gotta love getting a fic idea about me being unable to swim- And I've had this thought swimming (lol) in my thoughts for a couple of days?? Idk if reader is the significant other of these guys or just besties. I think it leans toward s/o though This reads like a crack fic to me but honestly make sure you know how to swim so you don't die (i don't but that's not the point here) Maybe OOC Jade because he hides himself too well for me to get an accurate read on personality lmfao When Jade is genuinely sweet but the others are unhinged so naturally the unhinged ones are longer- I'm sorry I get no decent ideas for Jade </3 Another late late night post (it's 1:50 AM)
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You had never learned to swim. It wasn't that you were afraid, really. It was just that you had passed the age where people normally learned, and now you were too lazy to and/or didn't have enough time. Whatever excuse to stop a nagging person.
Now, this wouldn't have been a problem if you never went anywhere near bodies of water. Which you mostly didn't. However, knowing merfolk was not the best idea if you didn't know how to swim.
Now you have gone to the beach with him, and that probably wasn't the best idea for either of you.
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Floyd Leech
You had been sitting on the beach near the water, absently looking over some shells as Floyd splashed around deeper in the ocean. The shells really were interesting - nothing like the ones where you had come from (although they had some similarities) and were colorful. So many shapes and varieties, although most were not intact.
You had been so engrossed in this, in fact, that you hadn't realized Floyd had been sneaking up on you. Before you could say another word, he playfully dragged you into the water. While you were fully clothed.
You weren't expecting to go into the water, but you should've known better with Floyd. He was playful and loved to do stuff like this. Usually if Azul was around, he'd have done something… But he wasn't here.
Before you knew it, you were deeper in the ocean than you ever had been before, courtesy to the teal-haired boy swimming and dragging you along. You flailed around a bit, eyes wide in panic. You were, quite honestly, terrified. And it obviously didn't help when Floyd just immediately let you go.
Was he an idiot or was he an idiot?
"Floyd-" You got out before coughing as water shot up your nose, still flailing miserably. It didn't work. You didn't know what to do. Surely, Floyd would help… If he realized what was going on. No matter what you thought, he was bright, wasn't he?
Not bright enough, it seemed, as he was still laughing and not realizing how actually panicked you were.
"Koebi-chan, you look so ridiculous like that," he laughed, almost in hysterics, and you would've smacked him if you weren't so close to actually dying.
And then you sunk.
Your desperate attempts to go to the surface were pointless as you didn't even know how to float or move around in the water.
After a few seconds, Floyd finally noticed you were gone and quickly dove under the surface. Maybe you were trying to get him back?
But his gaze immediately widened as he saw you literally sinking to the ocean floor. His eel tail moved quickly, almost without thinking as he shot to grab you and take you up, up, up so you could actually breathe.
When you came to, you were on the sandy beach again, Floyd leaning over you. His eyes, normally filled with a joking light, were unusually subdued.
"Koebi-chan, why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim?" A pout grew on Floyd's face. "If I knew, I wouldn't have-"
"Yes you would have. We would still be here, just having a different conversation."
"No buts."
"I would've made it more fun-"
"Drowning in the ocean is the opposite of fun, Floyd-"
~Bonus because I don't know how to fit one into the story~ "I can teach you how to swim. You just go whoo and let your body move. Y'know. Like dancing." "No, I don't know, Floyd, and this is not going to help me with anything-"
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Jade Leech
Jade had been spending his time on the beach with you, but you were almost certain that he wanted to be swimming in the ocean. It was his natural element, after all.
"Jade, you sure you don't want to go in the water?"
"I'm fine staying here with you, [Y/N]." He gave you a soft smile.
You shook your head. "We've come all the way here, you might as well go swim." You gave him a gentle nudge.
"Well, I'd like you to come with me, if that is possible?" He watched you quietly. "You never go swimming with me."
You paused. Although it was sweet that he wanted you to go with him… "No, I don't think so…" You trailed off. You never liked telling people that you couldn't swim. At this point, it was embarrassing.
The pair of heterochromia eyes staring at you only left you feeling more jittery. "…I, er… I can't swim. So going into the ocean with you sounds kind of like… A bad idea." You froze. "Did you use your Signature Spell on me?"
"Of course not, [Y/N]." Jade stared at you with eyes of hurt, one that looked almost identical to that of his twin's. Only, it was almost obvious that Jade didn't mean the hurt in his eyes. "You just trust me enough to say things to me."
You couldn't deny the truth there. You trusted Jade. "And you wouldn't use your Signature Spell on something so trivial, would you?"
"No, I would not." He shrugged. "On a different note, I can help you learn how to swim."
"I really don't need it-"
"What if someone tries to hurt you one day and they know your weakness?"
"Why would-"
"It's an example, [Y/N]. But if that person decides to do that, you wouldn't be able to do anything. So I should help you in case that scenario occurs."
You sighed softly. "Fine, I guess I can take lessons from you… If it's not too much of a hassle."
"Of course it would not be a hassle or anything of the sort." Jade inclined his head. "All to help you stay safe."
The day went on with Jade helping you learn the basics of swimming - he was a good teacher, which you were happy about. He was patient, and always was there if you ever started to panic.
"We wouldn't want you getting scared of the ocean now, would we?"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul had gotten used to you after a couple months. Sure, he hadn't opened up to many people in a while (only Floyd and Jade, but they also teased him constantly about everything, so), but you were soothing and nice. Sure, you teased him sometimes, but it was different. It didn't feel mean, you stopped as soon as you noticed him looking a little uncomfortable, and… He honestly felt like he could open up about anything.
So when it was decided that you two were going to the beach - together - alone? It kind of made him very messed up.
Would you like being at the beach with him? He wasn't completely against showing his octopus form… Would you want him to swim with you? Was he even ready for that?
Those thoughts led him down a spiral, and the day you two were to go, he had bags under his eyes and looked like he was half-dead.
You gently nudged him, murmuring how he should've tried to get more sleep for this day supposedly filled with fun, but he just shrugged.
Soon, you were at the beach, and as Azul saw your smiling face, his gaze softened a little. He loved seeing your happy face.
"C'mon!" You grabbed Azul's hand as you started to run to the water, ignoring his surprised stumbling as he was dragged along. He had a light flush on his cheeks that he was glad you couldn't see.
Soon, you had reached the edge of the water, splashing around in your sandals. It was really fun, even though you knew that you were going to be getting sand in your toes later on.
Azul just kind of watched on, a relaxed expression on his face. This really was soothing… Although he was still thinking about if the Mostro Lounge would be okay with him gone. Surely Jade would do something if Floyd got into trouble… Hopefully. And hopefully, no more dishes would break.
"What are you looking so glum for?" Your voice brought him back to his senses.
"Nothing, just hoping that Jade and Floyd can take care of things at the Mostro Lounge." He sighed softly.
"Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine. Jade's there, right?"
"He can cause as much trouble as Floyd, you know. Although he won't be outright about it." Azul shook his head, a small frown on his face.
"C'mon, turn that frown upside down." You moved closer to him, gently squishing his cheeks. "Today is for having fun, Azul."
"Yes, yes, I know." Azul couldn't help himself; he let out a soft laugh. A genuine one.
You smiled brightly. "You aren't charging me for hearing your little cute laugh?"
"I will charge you if you call it cute."
"Of course you will." You rolled your eyes before abruptly changing the subject. "So are you not going to swim?"
Azul paused. Did you want him to swim? To see his true form? There was an even chance. What should his answer be? "Er… I don't know?"
"Of course you don't have to, Azul, I just thought… I mean, there's no one around." You shrugged a little.
And now more pressure on Azul. Great. He was used to dealing with pressure, yes. Just not this kind from you. "Er… Would you come swim with me?" If you were with him, then maybe…
"No." Your lips parted, maybe to offer an explanation, but it was too late.
Azul was in a downward spiral. Why had you said no? Perhaps octopi merfolk were really too much. Perhaps you would rather be with someone with a pretty tailfin than tentacles. Or maybe a human, one of your own kind. Who said that you even liked him at all? Perhaps you were only with him out of pity, because he was that useless, chubby, good-for-nothing-
"Azul? Azul, are you listening to me?"
He snapped back to attention.
"Seriously, are you okay? Did you seriously get enough sleep last night?" You sighed.
"That's none of your-"
"It is if you're literally zoning out every five seconds." You rolled your eyes. "And anyway, I was just saying that I kind of can't go deeper into the ocean where you probably feel comfortable swimming. Because I can't swim." You shrugged nonchalantly.
But for Azul, it felt like a figurative bomb had been dropped.
You? Couldn't swim? Now that he thought about it, it did make sense… How you always looked so awkward and uncomfortable with water, especially when you came to the Octavinelle dorm. But seriously? How could you not know how to swim?
"Is not knowing how to swim… Normal?"
"Definitely not." You rolled your eyes. "But I'm just too lazy to learn now. And I have no time."
"You do if you have time to scroll on Magicam." Finally, Azul felt a bit better. At least you didn't hate him.
"And this time, I'll teach you how to swim. I'll even do it free of charge." Azul shook his head. "Seeing as I'm so generous."
"You sound like headmage Crowley."
"Do be quiet."
Azul was a pretty good teacher. He ended up not turning into his octopus form until nearly the end of the day, you were practicing your swimming and then just playing around on the sand, building sand castles, anything that you might do at a normal beach outing.
His octopus form was beautiful (as expected), and although you couldn't go to deeper waters, you enjoyed seeing him swim around, always eventually coming back to you.
"Today was truly relaxing, [Y/N]. We should do this again another time."
As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
Feel free to send requests! Check out this post for info ^^
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crystallizsch · 5 months
Hi, request here. Ignore it if you want. I'm not sure if you did this already and I'm too lazy to check, but could you put Jamil in Playful stage (whatever it's called) dress and Kalim in the masquerade dress
playful dress jamil & masquerade kalim!!! :DDD
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so uhhh here’s my really rough and simplified take on it??? i hope the colors look at least decent bc i was so indecisive on that part 🧍
and thank you so much for this idea!! i’ve especially been meaning to try to imagine kalim’s masquerade outfit so you gave me an excuse to do so!!
anyways i was REALLY going back and forth between sticking to the theme and just putting them on what i think looks good and i think i just. managed to do a small compromise.
also forgive me the only thing i know about about playful stage is the fox man. i haven’t seen the story 💀 (i kinda only know that it’s based on pinocchio)
so i just went off every character's playful dress outfit and took inspiration here and there (and mostly from kalim's)
also i noticed the ribbons vs tassels in the outfits, dont know what that’s about so i just. settled with tassels.
same thing with kalim i just took from jamil's masquerade outfit but flipped it and made the headwear pointier.
and i just took a few artistic liberties here and there ;;;
also i highkey avoided the elaborate patterns because im not too confident with coming up with them 😖
that’s about some of my thought process??? i’m fine with any questions if any!!
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unnamed-axolotl · 2 months
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HAAANDSS I've always prided myself on being able to draw them so HERES A FUN LITTLE THINGY I DID!!! Tried to get a good variety of hands here. With the humans, ranging from young child to older child to adult, plus a couple of skin tones and features. Then with the animatronics, what the difference is between a harshly-put-together robot vs. an actually well-put-together animatronic.
(AND AS A BONUS their handwriting and how I think they'd draw smilies!!!!)
HEADCANONS UNDER THE CUT, written in the order I drew them in, not the order they appear.
I started with Michael. I was originally going to make him a lot more worn out, but just kept it simple probably for the sake of my sanity. A good few scars from the stuff he's went through. He probably has rather good handwriting because he's had a lot of practice both with legal documents and probably journaling. (Not really taking into account the Logbook here. It totally wasn't because I don't know what his handwriting looks like off the top of my head and was too lazy to get out of bed and get the book to reference.) He does a pretty generic smiley face, too.
Cassie was next. I don't really draw human hands with fingernails a lot so that was a challenge. The idea here was to make a hand that was that of an older kid, but obviously not as big or with fingers as long as Michael's are, for example. I played with her skin tone for a little bit, and I'm not too experienced with working in color, so please do let me know if there's anything I can improve upon when I do darker skin tones in the future! I was trying to get that lighter tone on her underhand but wasn't too positive about it. I also gave her some funky little bracelets, one of which is a direct copy of a bracelet that my lovely friend (@masquayla-the-splendid) for me. Cassie probably has fairly decent handwriting and definitely dots her i's with hearts when she writes her name. She tries to make the smiley faces look cute.
Evan's turn! I headcanon Evan to be much younger, so I made his hands smaller and stubbier. He's pretty pale because of the whole dying thing, and he's got some freckles and moles, sort of inspired by my own hand in a way! I've got little moles everywhere so I figured I'd incorporate that into his design, partly as a way to add more flair to an otherwise plain base. Other than that, not much going on here. He's got messier handwriting because he's a kid, and in my AU he didn't really get to go to school for all that long, so his siblings probably taught him how to write before he died. The brain damage probably doesn't help much either. He's trying his best.
For Sun and Moon, initially I couldn't decide which one of the two to color. As I was making the base I was thinking pretty hard about it, but ultimately figured out that I could probably just split it down the middle, and it worked! I've been trying to give the Daycare Attendants longer fingers to reflect how their hands look in the games. I couldn't make their hands too big because it either looked stupid to me or took up too much space, so I settled with this. I also gave them little scratches on their fingerpads. Sun and Moon have different signatures, with Moon's being a little more neat while Sun's is more fun and just a tad messier. He also overdecorates a bit. Moon stays simple with his smiley faces and Sun loves to express Big Happiness in his.
Ennard's hands (particularly their wrists where their wires tangle together like that) never look the same twice when I draw them, but I like to think the placement of their wires probably changes fairly frequently too, like a Double Rex Rat who has a new coat pattern every few days. Their wires have tarnished over time, but they try to maintain just a little bit of glint, despite the rusting, which is particularly noticeable in the spots where their fingertips brush against things most often. They've also got those little stray wires that poke out of each fingertip. Of course, holding any kind of writing utensil with those Big Meaty Claws has gotta be difficult, so even if they try their hardest, it's not gonna turn out great. Same with their smiley faces. They're doing their best.
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alsfunkyalbum · 29 days
I redrew some of my old Undertale sancest Ship Children from sometime between 2018-2021
(Click Image for better quality)
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If you don't ship these, that's cool neither do I. If you do ship these, that's also cool, here's some kids to add to your day. When I made these a while back I basically just put a bunch of Sanses' names into a cup and pulled out two names, just to make ship kids for. However I really love them so much I wanted to give them another try at being my OC's. So here they are with much better designs and decent personalities. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Old designs and Extra fun facts/info about them located below!
Old Designs (in order from right to left in the above picture):
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They don't have much backstory or reason as to why they are alive, so if you'd like just make up how they were born. Sexualities can also be up to your interpretation, cuz I feel too lazy to give them any.
Anyways onto some fun facts (not at all sorted by the way).
Tricks has two separate ways to write his name because his name was never ever officially written down by his parents, so he fluctuates between both
Despite Fresh's dislike for curse words Ivy has the vocabulary of a sailor. He takes pride in his salty mouth
Vero is sometimes nicknamed Vamp/Vampire, not only because of his snaggle tooth but also because he dresses in dark, fancy clothing
Fable looks up to Dream and wishes to be like him someday
Contrary to Fable, Trix absolutely despises Dream for never being around when she was younger. However Trix loves his little sister and would never put her admiration against her.
Despite not at all being blood related the entire group considers each other cousins (minus the ones who are ACTUALLY "blood" related)
Ivy has a horrid fashion sense. While he doesn't understand how to make things match he does know he loves layering his clothing
Vero refers to the markings on his face as " Face Bananas"
Vero is selective mute
Tricks, despite being a skeleton, enjoys makeup and would practice either on Vero, or Fable (Ivy's always too shy to ask)
Fable likes to play pretend and play with dolls (like any kid should)
Vero enjoys crocheting
Error has a slight hatred for Ivy (Ivy and Vero don't care so much)
The majority of Ivy's closet is all clothes that he stole from his parents. It's often way too big for him to wear but that never stops him.
Trix's favorite colors are Pink and Yellow (if that wasn't obvious enough)
Ivy is a huge trouble maker and loves dragging Vero along with the trouble
Trix wears acrylic fake nails
If they were asked to choose a favorite parent the list would be: Vero-Error since he is kindest to him, and spoils him a little | Ivy-Killer since he lets him get away with most trouble making | Tricks- Lust because at least he acknowledged his existence | Fable-Dream since he was the coolest hero ever
Trix dislikes curse words, so she tries to keep Ivy's mouth clean as much as possible (especially around Fable)
Vero and Ivy adore Fable, so much so that they'd bend at her will if need be. They'd do so much for her.
And I guess that's it for now. If you have any questions about them, shoot me an ask or DM, I may or may not have an answer.
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icancdramahanfu · 6 months
Maomao's skirt
Since I have decided to torture myself and do a cosplay in just over a month, I figured I would start with the easier part - the skirt.
In my intro post, I mentioned that her skirt isn't Ming accurate being vaguely mamian-like but not really. For this I played with two main ideas, using one of my other skirt patterns that has pleats and would be mamian-like or go for the circle skirt.
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The fabric I selected was around 2 1/3 yards - less than I'd like but it was the entire remaining bolt and the color was perfect - don't trust my indoor lighting here. With the limited amount of fabric I had to do a little tetris to decide what pattern pieces to use. I washed and dried the fabric before ironing it.
My first and preferred pattern was this one:
Simplicity #2710 - 1949
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I have already made this skirt, it has thick pleats and falls nicely. I figured it might be a good selection and I'd get that extra Ming style with lazy pleating.
Circle skirt
Less complicated since all I had to do was determine my waist, put it as the circumference and make a 1/4 circle pattern with my pre-marked cutting board. The bolt was 46" from selvage to selvage meaning if I kept one strip I had more than enough for a waistband. I am currently assuming a 4" wide waistband and went with 42" for the skirt length.
Unfortunately for my original plan, the vintage Simplicity pattern was too wide with the pleating. I'd need 3 1/2 yards of fabric and my current pattern pieces were set for a length of around 36" as well to the hem.
Circle it is!
Made my pattern pieces, two so that I could see how to fit them. The fabric has a decent thickness and I didn't want to fold it over and cut, opting to instead chalk out each piece individually on the fabric.
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And yes, that is wrapping paper as usual with the square grids on the backside. I love this type of wrapping paper so handy! I cut out my fabric and took it to the sewing machine.
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Next, I went ahead and did a zigzag stitch along all the edges except for the selvage. This fabric was showing how it would fray immediately. I washed it in the machine and this is what the edges looked like after drying.
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Somehow, I messed up on the waist portion of the skirt panels and I had to take them down by 2". Not sure how I messed that up since I had the radius calculated. I tested this by holding them up to my body and realizing it was off.
Recall, that I have a very limited amount of this fabric, fearing something odd, I went ahead and sewed the front pieces together selvage to selvage and then the back ones. When I held them up to my waist they were still slightly off. I put in the right side seam and made sure all my seams were pressed. Something about my top of the panel pattern is off by a smidge and I need to put in about 3" of a spacer. I decided to put it down for the day and I'll figure out how to put that piece in, since the hips are okay?
It will also allow for me to decide if I want to be lazy and put in a side zipper. I'll go back and put a pocket in the right seam for sure. The next day - I went ahead and made a triangle to wedge into the gap area before putting in the zipper. I held the skirt up to my waist and measured it with my measuring tape. I zigzag stitched it and put it in the spot.
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I also pressed the seam well. Then I decided to put in an invisible zipper in the spot for a side zip. I had to unpick the seam a bit to fit the zipper in further and get it up around my hips. Whoops.
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Due to adding in the wedge the zipper is at a bit of an angle as shown here. I estimated the zipper coming up higher on the waistband so, I but in a hook and eye on the top to pull it together.
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It turned out fine, I'm so limited by the fabric I have to work with. I still have enough to put in pockets on the right side. However, with the skirt cranked out in less than 24 hours, I have it now hanging to even out the hem. It hangs the right way so I'll take it.
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Always remember to let your garment hang before hemming. I'm likely going to put some bias tape on the bottom, since this fabric is very prone to fray and then fold that up as opposed to a double folded hem. It is in place and will hang out in the closet for a day or two!
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That's all for now! I'll start working on the aoqun this week as a modified pattern from my previous ones.
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onetoomanyyy · 6 months
Splatbands Idol AU Part 1 - Ichiya and Namida as The Squid Sisters
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Thought I’d finalize my designs for this idea (it’s not really an “AU” despite the title bc the designs are kinda the main focus) where the main bands and idols for each game swap roles. So OTH are Wet Floor, Deep Cut are C-Side, and ofc, the Squid Sisters are Squid Squad. Ichiya and Namida specifically, since I like to think of them as a duo and their colors even fit Splatoon’s main colors of blue and orange!
feat. some kinda lazy art bc I don’t rlly wanna do lineart esp since I’m gonna have to draw the other two groups as well lol. Pretty happy with their designs tho, I think I fused them well.
more info under the cut to keep this post short
Even tho this concept is mostly focused on the band characters, this does mean that the idols take their place as well (along with the other band members, so the main band of Splatoon 1 is now Callie, Marie, Ikkan and Murasaki). It gets kinda confusing if you think too hard about it (esp for OTH lol) so we’re just not gonna do that. It’s mostly so I can draw the band characters in cute outfits lol
Anyway Meet Squid Squad! Here to bring news, music, and splatfests to a plaza near you.
The Squid Sisters have a decent amount of story, and although I’m already said in going to worry too much about that, it is pretty easy to merge the squid sisters and squid squad’s stories together, so why not? Instead of growing apart in Splatoon 2 they full on break up, but then get back together and instead start to use pseudonyms (Agent 001 and 002). Guess that means Ikkan and Callie are chill but just distant.
Their personalities are the same tho. Ichiya is still an asshole in Splatoon 1 lol. Maybe not really on the news, but you can see it in Octo Valley for sure. And then I bet He’s nicer in Splatoon 3 but his first reaction to C-Side is definitely not “I love them”
As for Namida, she’s a lil less smug than Marie, but she’s still the more sarcastic of the two, both on camera and off. She’s a little relieved that Agent 4 never heard of Squid Squad and feels weird about being called “boss” all the time.
They both play their instruments on stage during splatfests along with singing, kinda like Marina in We’re So Back. All their songs minus Calamari Inkantation are Squid Squad songs with a more pop-like tinge. (Ikkan left bc he didn’t like all the pop Callie was writing lol).
oh yea and have to mention they probably are agents but they’re not related idk how they’d know captain cuttlefish. Or maybe captain cuttlefish is someone entirely different! Who knows!
Once again this is more of a fun concept than a fully fledged AU. None of these confusing or vague things are gonna get concrete explanations, I just like speculating abt this type of thing.
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
The Thing- B. Barnes
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader Warnings: best friend bucky, i do not think it’s an au but honestly i dont know? I wrote this for fun so i made details fuzzy, innuendos. Did i check over this right im so tired About: new girl inspired. I was watching the episode with the trench coat and that fucking scen got to me like??? I had to. I started crying.
Bucky thumps around in your closet, too-long limbs making the doors shake when vibranium fingers slam against them. He grunts, followed by a disconcerting silence, only charcoaled by the metal clinking of steel hangers and heavy breaths. You purse your lips, looking up from your phone to stare at the shut doors. You can imagine him standing frozen for a glimpse of peace. Or staring at your favorite sweater, metal-finger-torn. You frown.
“Are you okay? Did you pass out?”
He huffs, more shuffling noises ensuing. “No.” Something drops to the floor.
“Pick that up!” you call when it doesn’t sound like he does.
“Why couldn’t I change in the same room? It’s cramped in here. And you’ve seen more.” He pauses and you can hear his smirk. “So have I,” he mutters pleasedly.
Your fingers reach for the closest thing and launch it at the closet. “Because the last time you did, Wanda walked in, and then Sam did, and we ended up with half of our friends staring at you half-naked on my bed.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Bucky argues.
“And my closet isn’t that small,” you quip.
Your closet doors roll open, light defining Bucky’s features and catching the blue in his irises. His sweater compliments the color too nicely than should be possible. Along with it, he wears a grimace.
“What’s wrong? You look great.”
“I’m starting to regret agreeing to this,” he admits, pulling at a thread.
“Starting to?” you parrot. “Agreeing?” You shove your legs to the side of the bed and stand, heading toward him. “Bucky, they had to bribe you into saying maybe. And then you insisted on staying anyway the entire time up to now.”
“I would really rather stay here with you.” Bucky leans into your touch when you settle your hands on his shoulders, squeezing gently.
“That’s all you’ve been doing for months,” you point out.
“And I’ve really enjoyed it,” he allays.
You laugh, fingers coming to a frustrated rest on his face. You try to come up with an argument but fail, deflating. “Me too.”
He grins. “See? I’m gonna go tell them I’m just gonna stay here to watch more horror movies with you.”
You loop your index and middle around his wrist before he can leave your room. “You know how much I love you. And how much I love spending time with you. Which is why I think you should go.” You continue before he can begin to argue. “This’ll be good for you. And me. You’re kind of annoying, you know?” you tease, wrinkling your nose.
He rolls his eyes but relents, inhaling deeply. “Fine.”
“If you absolutely hate it—”
“I will.” You glare at him.
“Then I will fully support you in never going out again.”
He perks up. “You’re my best friend. You should support me before that,” he jibs.
Exasperated, you wag a lazy finger in the air. “You’re so annoying.”
The door to your room bangs open to Sam and a slightly begrudging Steve both very dressed up. Sam has a hand over his eyes, other arm extended dramatically to search around him. “Everyone decent this time?”
You glance at Bucky.
“Yes, Sam,” Bucky groans.
He grins and claps. “So we can finally go out? Do I have to drag you out kicking? ‘Cuz I will.”
“He did,” Steve remarks further.
“No,” Bucky glowers, then gestures to you. “‘Convinced me.”
“Of course,” Sam says, turning to you with a smile. “Now, you. I love you, you know that, but tonight we’re going out to have fun. Which means,” he begins to count off on his fingers, “none of the girlfriend texts or calls you send all the time.”
“They’re not girlfriend,” you argue.
“And she can call me if she needs anything,” Bucky adds.
“But try not to,” Sam insists. “Now, let’s go.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, lamely watching his friends go out the door again. He turns to you and pecks your forehead. “Call me for whatever. I’ll probably thank you if I’m not the one insinuating.”
You shove him lightly. “Have fun.”
“Love you too!” he laughs, waving once more at you before he disappears past your doorframe. It’s only a few more seconds of the guys chatting before the apartment door closes and steals away the noise with it.
You deflate, sagging onto your bed. Dazedly, your fingertips drift to your forehead, where the shadow of a kiss still warms your skin. Frustration digs its nails into your arm and your hand fists, eyes squeezing closed. There’s the sticky rush of tears in the back of your throat and you groan loudly, but it’s obstructed and thin.
You pop an eyelid open when something else catches your attention, squeezing your lips closed to focus on the thin, chalkboard scratches further away. You sit up and stare out your door for a second, before realizing it’s coming from the front door.
“Bucky couldn’t have backed out by now,” you mutter, reasoning that he could’ve forgotten something when the noise suddenly stops. “Huh,” you quip. He must’ve found it.
You sigh again, at least satisfied that the sudden burst of emotion had passed. Deciding not to dwell on it, you pull your laptop onto your bed and search for a show to watch until you come up with something better to do.
It’s an episode and a half past when the noise returns, a little louder and accompanied by a faint tapping. Hopeful, you pause the episode, expecting for it to disappear with the click of your touchpad. When it doesn’t, you tense and think, calling out your friends’ names and listening to the responding quiet.
You pull at your fingers nervously, debating stilling to will it to go away or going to investigate. Clips from yours and Bucky’s horror movie night the previous day flash in your mind, making you cringe and stay put. Silence falls after a minute, but you remain unsettled, uneasily dragging yourself off your bed, poking your head out from your room to observe the hall up to the living room. “Bucky? Sam?”
No response.
You stare at the door, expecting some tangible inference of yours to appear in the shadowed crooks of the weathered red thing. When it doesn’t, you force yourself to be brave and head down to the living room, wrapping yourself in blankets with your front facing the entrance.
You resume your show but pay only half attention to it, jumping when there’s a loud crash in a scene. Hand to your heart, you pant at the scare, dissolving into a disbelieving laugh.
“I’m an idiot,” you state to no one. “I’m scaring myself.”
You splay yourself on the couch and breathe, rationalizing.
“This is Bucky’s fault,” you say matter-of-factedly. “He’s the one who chose home invasion horror when he was leaving me home alone the night after.”
You stare at your keyboard, rubbing off a smudge on the space key.
“I hate home invasion horror,” you mutter, running a hand down your face.
“This is pathetic,” you lecture. “What am I reduced to?”
Bravely, you stand, taking your computer with you to the kitchen.
You’re gathering a ridiculous amount of oily cookie cutters in your oven-warmed apartment when you hear it again, louder and more startling than the previous times. You flinch, a multitude of colorful molds tumbling to the floor in your startlement.
You leave them in exchange for paying attention. Slowly, you slink over to the door, peeking through the peephole to see nothing. Now confused, you pull the door open, greeted with silence and an empty hallway.
You walk away once you shut the door with heavy hesitation, shoving warm cookies into your mouth, unsure.
Trying to be rational, you type out a short text contorting your panic into something a little more playful, your thumb hovering above the send button just as you remember Sam’s warning. Isn’t this what he meant? Silly requests that interrupt Bucky’s good time?
You stop, deleting everything you’d written and flipping your phone screen down on the kitchen island. Everything was fine, you were sure.
It’s juxtaposingly pleasing and frightening to hear it the next time; both disappointing and reassuring that your mind wasn’t making things up. The intervals between the noise get shorter, too, until it’s less than a half hour after the last, and you’re buzzing with paranoia.
You text your scariest friend first, anxiously waiting for Sent to turn Read below your message to Natasha, but it never does.
It takes half an hour and the noise to come back before you give up on her, instead watching Wanda’s three little dots pulse before they settle on an apology because she’s on a date.
Tony and Bruce are out of town for some convention and Thor is on vacation, meaning you’ve officially run out of friends to call for help.
Your fear builds until you can’t help yourself, powered by thorough panic when you click on your first contact number. It’s only a couple tones before Bucky answers.
“Hey, so, no big deal, but there’s something scratching at the door and I’m worried for my life.”
“This is your fault,” you cry. “It’s the movies, I—”
“It’s probably the neighbor’s kids playing tricks on you. You know they’re assholes.”
“But I’ve gone outside and there’s no one there. There’s no way they can run that fast, right?”
“Look, I’m really freaked out,” you admit. “I really don’t want to bother you but Nat isn’t answering and Wanda’s out on a date and it keeps coming back and—”
“Okay, hey,” Bucky’s voice comes through a little clearer, paying more attention. “It’s okay. I’ll come back, okay?”
“I’m sorry.” You feel bad. You feel so bad your skin prickles with regret, suddenly willing to stand out in the hallway and let your monster eat you alive.
“Don’t be.” You can feel the comforting nudge he gives you when he’s reassuring. “I was about to call you anyway, this is as bad as I remembered it being.”
You manage a weak laugh. “Thank you,” you say genuinely.
“Thank me by not asking questions when I somehow get there in three minutes, okay?”
You furrow your brows. “What? How would you—”
“I think that’s a question,” Bucky interrupts.
“You left already,” you conclude. “Why did you leave early?”
“I think it’s unfair you can do that.”
“I think it’s hypocritical of you to say that.” Your near peace dissipates when something scrapes down the length of your door. Uselessly, you duck down behind the kitchen island. “Are you here yet?” It’s more of a beg than anything, a longing for the sound to be his clumsy fingers with a dodging key.
“Elevator. Which means—” His voice fizzles predictably, inspiring a fresh surge of hate for the machine. A few expected seconds tick by, a click cutting them off.
“What—” You tap your phone angrily. “I hate this stupid building—”
The noise returns, sharp and close and angrier than you’d heard it. You’re only slightly comforted by the thought that Bucky should be nearby, mainly in vehement disagreement with your fate. You curl your fingers around a rolling pin and crawl closer to the door, nails digging into your palms at the close proximity of your aggressor.
The door flies open and you jump up in tandem. “Don’t! My best friend is really big and he’ll beat you up!”
Bucky stands in the doorway, blue eyes rounded, palms up and open.
You pant together for a moment, before your limbs relax in relief, rolling pin tumbling to the ground as you fall into his chest. “Oh my god.”
Automatic, his hands steady around your waist. He says your name in question, pulling you closer anyway.
“What was that?”
“I thought—I thought it was the thing.”
“The thing?”
“I don’t know what it is Bucky, that’s why I called you,” you snap, digging your nose deeper into his neck.
“I didn’t see anything outside,” he offers.
You deflate at his saccharinity. “I’m sorry. That was mean. Thank you for coming.”
“It’s okay,” he laughs, smoothing his palm over your back. It’s a comforting weight, his lovely tolerance of you endearing, although he’d frown at your choice of words. You pull away but stay at his side, laying your head on his shoulder. Your phone rings and you make no move to answer it. He looks at you questioningly.
“I left voicemails in case I died,” you explain, watching Clint’s contact picture flicker. “It might’ve been an exaggeration but look how late they’re calling. What if it were a dire situation? How useless would they be?” You fist your hand in his jacket. “I’m glad I have you.”
“You didn’t leave me a voicemail,” Bucky complains. “You never called in the first place. Whaf if you had died? What about me?”
“I called you.”
“To come here. No goodbye message.”
“It wasn’t a goodbye so much as fear-spurred insurance—”
“Well, how come I didn’t get one?”
“For one, you answered the phone. For two, I knew I’d be fine if you said you’d come. And for three, I knew you’d come if I asked.”
Bucky quiets. “I would.”
“You did,” you agree. 
Something shifts. Subtle and sweet, his heat on your skin isn’t all that casual anymore. He notices, too, shifting lightly on his feet, the weight of his fingers on your waist definitely heavier.
“So,” he starts. “I’m really big, huh?”
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okminer07 · 2 months
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 12
I don't know if I've said this before, but any and all feedback is appreciated, I'd love to be able to improve as a writer and hear what you think, any suggestions. Anyways, on with the story.
Cecilia was a little thrown off by the change of subjects, “Oh…. w-well a while. I guess”   
“Did you take a class or somethin’?”  
“N-not really, I used to work part-time at a bakery during high school if that counts.”  
Garret sighed, “I don’t miss those days, that’s for sure.”  
“You didn’t like high school?”  
He let out a short laugh, “Hated it. Mine started way too early and I lived a decent ways away, so I’d have to wake up even earlier to even make it on time. I don’t think my teachers liked me all that much either. There was this one woman, Mrs. Dechaseray and I swear she had it out for me. Always got mad at me for forgetting the date and then would give me an F because of it.”   
“That’s… harsh.”  
“Yeah, I know. And then there was our gym teacher. God, he was awful. One time he called me up to stand in front of the entire class and used me as an example of why exercise is important.”  
Cecilia’s eyes widened, her hand coming up to her mouth in shock, “That’s awful.”  
“Felt like it. And yeah, maybe he had a point if I’m being honest but it still hurt.”  
“What do you mean he had a point? That’s just horrible.”  
Garret frowned, “Well, my old man would say similar things so I was kind of used to hearing it.”    
Her eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry.”  
“What are you saying sorry for? You didn’t say them. Plus, they really did have a good point.”   
“Well, I think you look pretty good.”  
He smiled down at her, “Think so?” she nodded. “Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. High school wasn’t all bad. My last two years, I took up woodshop which was pretty neat. This one time, I helped make this huge-”  
A loud crunch along with the blare of a horn pierced through the air. Garret froze and looked down.  
“Ah shit.” 
Cecilia cautiously crawled and peered over the edge of his palm. All the color drained from her face as Garret lifted his foot to reveal the crushed remains of a red sports car. She began to tremble, it was nearly flat. Completely ruined and unrecoverable, like it had gotten caught under a steamroller. Was it empty? Oh god, had someone been in there?! She looked to Garret who was still staring down at the ground, cringing at the sight. 
His eyes flicked over to Cecilia, “I uh-”  
“What the fuck happened?!” both jumped at a voice screaming up from the ground. The two of them both looked back down to see a man dressed in a business suit running towards the remains, “My car! The fuck you do to my car?!”    
Garret looked around aimlessly before addressing the raging man at his feet “I’m uh- I’m real sorry sir. I swear to you it was a-”  
“You fucking son of a bitch! Do you know how much this cost me?! Do you?!”   
“N-no but I-”  
“Do you know who I am?!”  
“I uh- no” he glanced over at Cecilia, “B-but I swear, I can pay you back for-”  
“What is one of your kind even doing in these parts?! You lost or something dumbass?!”    
“It’s my fault sir!” Cecilia yelled, peering back over the edge nervously, “I-I was distracting him.”   
The man’s head turned to look at Garret’s hand, spotting her head poking out from behind it, “Who the hell are you?”  
“Oh let me guess” the man sneered, “You’re one of those lazy bitches who thinks they’re too good for traffic or cars. Thinks they're saving the fucking planet by hiring some giant to carry their sorry ass wherever-”   
“You shut your fucking mouth!” Cecilia’s hand flew up and clamped tightly over her ears which still rang from Garret’s thunderous yell.  
The man below had backed away, his hands slowly lowering from his own ears, “Watch it asshole. Don’t you be talking to me like-”   
“Don’t you be talking to her like that!”  
Cecilia shook as she looked up at Garret’s face. His jaw clenched as his gaze hardened. For the first time since she’d met him, he looked mad, furious even. It sent a shiver down her spine, seeing someone like him in a mindset where people don’t think before they act. She began to look uneasily at her surroundings, at the fingers thick as tree trunks and taller than her entire being. What were those fingers capable of when the person attached to them was tested? What could the rest of the person be capable of?  
She couldn’t stop a small whimper from escaping her. Garret’s eyes, now looking ice cold rather than just blue, flicked over to her and they immediately melted. His mouth dropped from a sneer to a contemplative frown as his eyes fixed on her.  
“I-I think I should go,” she murmured, not wanting to spend any more time around these two arguing, “Would… would you… you know”   
He nodded, “Oh, right.” Cecilia jumped slightly as Garret turned and began to slowly kneel down. He placed his hand flat upon the ground and she hopped down onto the pavement.  
“T-thanks again, for lunch.”    
“Yeah, I’ll… I’ll text you, once I'm done dealing with all of this” he nodded over at the flattened car.  
Cecilia nodded as she turned and began to hurry away, the yelling of the man starting up again the moment she’d left.  
Her home as a child used to have this very vibrant wallpaper in the living room. It was covered in all sorts of different kinds of butterflies, and Cecilia had very vivid memories of almost everyday after school staring up at them all to pass the time. Her mother would be close by, sitting at the kitchen table with the phone in her lap while she stared out the window looking out into the front yard.   
There were hundreds of this day in her memory. At times, they all blended together. Some days she’d ask what was for dinner, often not getting a response. Other days she’d sit and do homework at the same table as her mother yet they exchanged no words. Sometimes she’d ask if she wanted to do something, bake, or go to the park, but her mother almost always said no.  
A lot of the time, however, she’d be stuck doing exactly what her mother was doing, waiting. 
It was either the phone or the door that broke the silence. Cecilia preferred it when it was the door. She’d lift her head off the couch to see her dad shuffling in, army duffle bag in tow. Her mother would finally move as she turned and smiled up at her husband who would lane down to kiss her, occasionally asking what their daughter was still doing up.  
She would run to her father and wrap her arms around his waist. He’d pat her on the back and ruffle her hair. Sometimes they’d all sit down on the couch, and he would tell them stories. Stories from his travels. Stories about- 
“Huh?” Cecilia looked up and across from her where Maddie was seated.  
“Are you even listening?”  
“I… yes.”  
She crossed her arms and raised a well-manicured brow, “Then what did I just say?”   
“Um…” she looked over helplessly at Rebecca who was sitting right beside her with her iguana, Enoch draped over her shoulder.  
She sighed, “Jennifer got the job.”  
“We don’t like Jennifer.”  
Rebecca glanced over at Maddie, “Honestly, I don’t know.”   
“Because she had the audacity to show up to the party after the whole thing with her and Kyle!” 
Cecilia blinked, “Whose Kyle again?”   
“Her ex” whispered Rebecca.   
“Oh. wow, the audacity,” she replied flatly.  
Maddie threw up her hands, “I know! And then she’s all like…”   
Cecilia began to tune out once again as Maddie continued to rant. A part of her sort of enjoyed listening to her drama, even though half the time she had no idea what she was talking about. Today however, she just couldn’t seem to keep her mind from wandering.  
It was no surprise to her that the day right after the whole cafe incident, Rebecca had called her and insisted they all get together. They did this quite often, usually all gathering at Rebecca’s place since it was the nicest and her friend was insistent that she couldn’t just leave Enoch for any longer than she already had when at work.    
Often these little get-togethers were when they could talk outside the cafe. Away from the prying eyes and ears of anyone else.  
“Here” Rebecca got up and held Enoch out to her, “I gotta go check on the pizza.” 
She nodded as the iguana was thrusted into her arms and Rebecca hurried off to the kitchen. Cecilia sat frozen as the bright green lizard clawed its way up onto her shoulder. Enoch had always been friendly, but she was still always nervous that he would one day try to rip her ear off.  
“So… what are we watching?” called Maddie over her shoulder.  
“I was thinking Grease.”  
She snorted with laughter, “Has it been too long since you’ve seen your darling John Travolta?” 
“Shut up”  
Maddie held up her hands, “Hey, I’m not complaining. I like tall, dark, and handsome bad boys too.” she smirked over at Cecilia, “And I think Cece does too if you know what I mean.”  
Cecilia shrunk away, “W-what do you mean?”  
Rebecca rounded on them “If you’re implying that guy Garret looks like John-”  
“Oh come on! You can’t tell me you see it just a little bit” whined Maddie.  
Cecilia felt herself trying to sink deeper and deeper into the couch. She knew it wouldn’t be long before one of them would bring… him up. 
“So everybody with black hair looks that way to you?” 
“Black hair and blue eyes,” she corrected. 
Rebecca scoffed, “If anyone we know is an accurate comparison, It's Xander.”  
Maddie rolled her eyes, “Yeah if Travolta forgot the gym existed.”  Cecilia couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“You’re just jealous I’ve got myself a man like him” Rebecca stated matter-of-factly, “Anyways, pizza’s ready.” She stepped back into the living room, setting down the large pepperoni and mushroom pizza before turning around to grab them some plates and napkins. 
Cecilia handed Enoch back to Rebecca as she sat down, his claws pricking tiny holes in her sweater. She grabbed a slice and began picking off the pieces of mushroom.   
“Maddie” groaned Rebecca, “Can you please be an adult and use a plate?”  
Maddie paused mid-bite, her slice gripped tightly in her hand, “What’s wrong? And what about Cece? What’s more childish than picking off the vegetables?” 
She paused, glancing up at the two, “What? I don’t like vegetables.”   
“Well, she’s still keeping everything on the plate where it doesn’t run the risk of getting sauce all over my couch.” 
Maddie rolled her eyes as she snatched a plate off of the coffee table, “Since when are you a neat freak?”  
“Can we start the movie now?” asked Cecilia.  
Around two hours later, once the credits had begun to roll, Cecilia got up and started to clear their plates and napkins. Rebecca was currently preoccupied with cooing at Enoch and letting him eat bits off her slice.  
Maddie eyed them with a slight air of concern, “Are you sure you should be feeding him that?” 
Rebecca ignored her, continuing to snuggle up with her scaly pet.  
Cecilia shook her head and smiled, “She’s fed him things like ice cream and donuts. I think he can handle a bit of cheese and marinara sauce.”  
Her friend shrugged it off as she got up from her seat, “I brought a bottle of red with me if any of you want some.”  
“I’ll have a glass” Rebecca got up and followed Maddie over to the kitchen, “You want any?”  
“No thanks,” said Cecilia.   
After her two friends had each poured themselves a glass, they plopped themselves back down on the couch.  
“So…” started Rebecca, “Gone out with anybody recently Maddie?”   
“No, can’t say I have” both of them kept not so secretly glancing over at Cecilia, “Everything going good with Xander?”  
“Yup, going alright.”  
They both turned to their friend who was very slowly turning a shade of pink. Oh boy. 
“So… a giant,” said Maddie.  
“Heh, yeah,” she mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.  
“How has that been?”  
“ Uh well, like I said… interesting.”   
“I would imagine so.” Maddie leaned back, “You know, I’m honestly quite impressed.”  
“Well, I’m just wondering what the hell you said or did to bag that guy.”  Cecilia’s face went from slightly pink to beet red.
Rebecca nearly choked on her wine, “Maddie!”   
“What?! It’s a reasonable question.”   
“They barely have seen each other!”  
“How would you know? What, you’ve been backseating all their dates without telling me?”   
Cecilia covered her face with her hands and groaned, “It’s not official or anything like that, guys. Like I said, I don’t even know what it is.”   
“Well, why don’t you tell us more?” 
A smirk appeared on Maddie’s face, “tell me more, tell me more,“ she began to sing. 
Rebecca joined in “Tell me more, tell me more.” she scooted closer while Maddie got up and sat down on Cecilia’s other side, “tell me more, tell me more.”  
She sighed, “Will you guys stop singing if I do?”  They promptly stopped and nodded, leaning in closer, “What do you want to know?” 
“Everything,” said Maddie.  
“How has he been so far?” asked Rebecca.  
She shrugged, “Well, like I said, nice. Very nice actually.” 
“Uh-huh, and what do you mean by that? Because someone not being mean to you doesn’t count as being nice.”  
“He’s just been… very nice.”   
“Is he the reason for the broken glass bottles I found when I opened the day after your first date?” shot Maddie.
Cecilia’s cheeks flushed, “Uh yeah. Sorry, I forgot to clean those-”   
“What was dinner like? What did he-”  
“Quiet.” Rebecca scolded before turning back to Cecilia, “You’re being careful right? Is he being careful? Like, he hasn’t put you in any danger?”   
“Rebecca, come on. There’s always an amount of danger when dealing with those skyscrapers.” continued Maddie, “And why-” 
“Because, and I don’t mean to be judgemental, but he doesn’t seem… particularly… you know… experienced in taking precaution.”  
Cecilia gulped, “He… he did say he hadn’t spent much time around humans” She looked down at her feet, “But… I think he’s trying. I still don’t know what to make of this.” she sighed, “And… and I feel bad th-that I’m still…”  
she nodded. 
Maddie tilted her head, “I mean, I haven’t known you as long as Rebecca has, but I’ve seen how you’ve reacted to giants in the past. Hell, remember when you nearly fainted when that group of teenagers started ruff housing in the parking lot? Sean had to coax you out from the back.” she waved her hand at her, “But just a little bit ago, I saw you voluntarily stepping into a giant’s hand. Sure you looked like you were going to faint at any second, but you still did it, and I’d say that’s pretty impressive for you.”   
“And I think you have every reason to be afraid. Like Maddie said, there is always a sense of danger around giants. But even putting that aside, there’s still the fact that we have no idea what his motive is.”  
Cecilia cocked her head, “Motive?”  
“Yeah, like why the hell would a giant want to be with a human in the first place.” 
Rebecca patted Cecilia on the shoulder, “It’s not that we think someone wouldn't want to date you. I just feel it’s a bit… odd.” That's the understatement of the century, “And again, this is nothing against you, but I just find it hard seeing a giant finding a human attractive.”  
Her eyes fell back to the floor. That had been something that had been in the back of her mind as well. Lately, whenever she passed by a mirror or saw her reflection, it always just made her more confused. She wasn’t hideous, but in no way was she pretty enough for someone like Garret to want to be around her rather than with… someone more like him.  
A loud ding filled the room. Rebecca pulled out her phone and groaned, “Damn it Xander.” her face was illuminated as she opened her phone and began to type.  
“What is it?” asked Maddie.  
“Oh nothing. Xander says he’s just feeling sad and wants me to send him a pic or something.”  
Maddie glanced over at Cecilia, rolling her eyes. Both of them knew by now what Xander meant when he said  ‘pic’, “Well, tell him that you’re busy.”   
“I just did.” Rebecca set her phone down and turned her attention right back onto Cecilia, “So… I know you said you’re still not sure what to make of this, but has Garret said what he makes of it?”   
She shrugged, “I mean… when he asked me to join him to grab lunch, he called it a date.” 
“And that night,” said Maddie, “Did he see that has a date as well?”   
“I-I guess so.”  
“Did you see it as a date?”   
She froze, her cheeks heating up, “I uh… maybe not in the moment, but looking back, I think so.”  
“How the hell would that even work?” Maddie chuckled, “I mean, it’s not like he can score any sex out of-”  
“Maddie!” yelped Rebecca. Cecilia went beet red, going to hide her face in her hands.  
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate thing to bring up right now.”   
“Oh come on, you had to be thinking about it too, right Cece?”  
“Not necessarily no” she mumbled.   
“Well, I certainly would if I was in your place. You’re wondering what his motive is, and that’s been the motive of most of the douchebags I’ve gone out with. I’m just helping eliminate possibilities.” 
Cecilia groaned, I wish Sean were here right now, why did Jaffery have to change their date night to the day before? “Can we please stop talking about this and go on to you guys asking more normal questions?”   
“This isn’t a normal situation.”  
“Can we at least pretend it is?!”    
The room fell silent. Cecilia’s hands fell away from her face. Maddie and Rebecca both were staring at her, perplexed.  
“Please?” she murmured. 
This whole thing, everything since that night at the cafe, had left her mind reeling. She didn’t even want to begin laying out everything in her mind, it was too much. Too many questions without answers. Too many new and unexpected experiences. She just wasn’t ready to sit down and analyze it all, especially with an audience.   
She jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her. Rebecca patted her shoulder, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to… to get up all in your business.” she whipped her head around to look at Maddie.  
“Yeah, sorry I guess. This is just so-”  
“This all must be a lot for you, and if talking about it doesn’t help, then we won’t.”  
Cecilia looked her friend in the eye, and smiled, “Thank you.”  
Rebecca gave her shoulders a squeeze, “But we are still curious. Can we still hear about your first date or whatever it was? Like when Sean told us about meeting Jaffery?”  
She let out a short chuckle, “Yeah, I guess.”  
Maddie leaned in closer, “Oh yes, tell us everything!”  Rebecca shot her a look. She groaned, “Or whatever you feel like sharing I guess.”
Quick shout out to @ipilokko whose when helping me brainstorm ideas and as a whole helping me by being that second oppinion. You should totally go check out her comic, the artwork is quite impressive!
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cyborg-franky · 2 months
What You Need
This is my piece for the super fun Boys, Boys, Boys zine we did!
Marco x Reader GN Mature but nothing TOO NS-FW just sexy men happening. WC: 2,300 Spot art by the ever lovely and talented @mamamittens
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You had been bored, lonely, irritable. The ticking of the clock and the pitter-patter of rain against the window your only company. You looked out into the world below, the sky as gloomy as you felt. The city below carried on beaming brightly despite the darkness. The glowing lights of the world flickered and danced in your vision as the city refused to sleep. So many people filled the streets even at this hour on a dreary spring evening, and yet you felt it was only you in the entire world. 
The scene outside the window just plays before your eyes as you continue to feel disconnected from it. You sighed and leaned against the glass, forehead feeling the cool surface of the window as your eyes scanned the streets below. Something calught your eye, something you’d never seen before.
One of the side roads was dark; the only light was that of a neon blue sign that read Boys, Boys, Boys. The light from the sign bounced back in the puddles that collected along the narrow path. You squinted at the sign, seeing the inconspicuous wooden door underneath. Something about it called to you, the mystery of the sign and its welcoming glow.
You expected it to be some sort of bar. You had a quick shower and made yourself decent, slipping into a casual, smart outfit before you grabbed your bag. You felt the promise of the unknown spurring you on. Each footstep down the stairs grew quicker and more urgent. 
The blue light loomed overhead as you pressed your hand flat against the door, heart racing; what if it wasn’t even open? What if it wasn’t the sort of place you wanted to be? Suddenly, the door didn’t seem so inviting. But your feet were starting to feel damp from the puddles you’d ignored on your single-minded goal to reach the establishment, 
Maybe going in for a moment while the rain subsided wasn’t the worst idea…
You mustered all your courage and let the cold drip of water that fell down the back of your top and rolled down your skin be the deciding factor to at least seek shelter inside. You pushed open the door, and the smell of flowers greeted your nose. 
Looking around the place you were awe-struck. The dim lighting, save for the neon signs dotted around, gave the atmosphere of something much more discreet than just a bar. The carpet felt plush under your feet as you walked further into the establishment. Blues, purples, and pinks broke up the walls of the back. Silver trimmings on the furnishings glowed with the colors, reflected in the polished metal. 
A man stood behind the bar, glasses glittered in the lights above, becoming a blanket of man-made stars. You couldn’t decide where to look: the lights, the wine glasses hung above the bar, the collection of beautiful colored bottles that lined the back of the bar, or the very handsome tall blonde who was giving you a lazy smile, his stunning blue eyes half-lidded and watching with amusement as you stared at everything, looking like a fish out of water.
“First time here?” he asked, though it sounded more like a statement. You drummed your fingertips on the counter and nodded. “Yeah, though you haven’t been open long, right?” he chuckled a little. He grabbed a glass and began pouring in bright-colored liquids. The blue booze swirled around the glass as he placed a chunk of pineapple on the rim of the glass for garnish.
“Maybe you just never noticed us before, hm?”
Something about those words seemed cryptic but you pushed it aside, more interested in the drink he’d set down before you. He hadn’t even asked if you wanted anything. “How much do I owe you?” you asked, and his smile grew. “The first one is always on the house,” he explained with a growing smile as you took the drink and slowly sipped it, savoring the taste. “I’m Marco, by the way,”
“Wow Marco, this is good.”  you complimented him and nodded happily.
The way it tasted was unlike anything you’d ever had. It didn't have the telltale bitterness that came with alcohol; it was sweet but not sickly—the perfect blend. You watched the man in the neat suit, stylish frames and smoothed-back hair as he went about his business, letting you enjoy your beverage until the glass was empty. Setting it on the bar you got his attention again. “So, what is this place? It seems pretty quiet for a bar, even this time of the night…”
“Who said it was just a bar? This place is more than that,” Marco replied, setting down another glass of pretty blue drink. You could feel yourself licking your lips as you reached for it. “Then what is it?” 
“Allow me to give you a tour?” 
You watched as Marco opened a hatch and stepped out from behind the bar; you could see all of him now. His well-toned figure, tall stature, and smart suit pressed and cleaned and hugged him in all the right places. You did your best to avoid gawking at him, trying to keep your eyes level with his. Marco smirked though. Maybe he knew you were checking him out, perhaps he knew he was a damn good-looking man.
“Alright,” you said, setting down your half-finished drink and following him. He offered you his arm, eyebrows raised, curious about what you would do. Well, it was too late to show a lack of trust, considering you had just accepted two drinks from him. You took his arm as he started to lead the way.
“This place is for more than a drink. It’s to fulfill needs, desires, to chase one's fantasies. No one finds this place by accident. Maybe you were lonely, seeking company.” Marco speculated as you allowed him to walk you away from the bar, going deeper into the club.
Everything was decorated in dark woods and black walls bathed in neon glows of purples, pinks, and blues. Mirrors on the walls helped the limited light bounce around and illuminate the corridors. You were amazed at how beautiful the place was. You tried to keep up with Marco, his strides longer than yours.
Once again, you couldn’t help but stare at him, trotting after him as best you could as your eyes roamed over him. How his ass looked in those form-fitting pants, how he walked with a sway of his hips. He was a very beautiful man. You tried to pull your eyes away from admiring him when you almost stumbled on the gentle slope of the floor as you reached another section of the club.
“Steady now,” Marco shot you a smirk over his shoulder, the smugness evident in his voice. He knew you were still enjoying the view, enough to trip over yourself. “So,” Marco started again as you followed him into a large room. Darkness flooded over the velvet seating areas, but the stage was lit up. 
Your eyes opened wide when you saw a gorgeous man performing. The music was loud but fit his movements as he expertly moved around the pole in the middle of the stage. Blue lights twinkled all around the walls and ceiling. The spotlight focused on the dancer was a cool white, highlighting all his stunning features, including the smirk on his face and the dusting of freckles across every inch of his skin.
“He’s one of my favorites too,” Marco hummed as he stood still, arms folded over his chest as he watched the show. You were pretty sure your jaw was on the floor as you barely looked away from the stage enough to nod in reply. 
“You’ll like this, watch.” Marco grinned as you raised a confused eyebrow. “Ace is such a showoff…”
‘Ace’ stood there as the lights faded, plunging the room into darkness. Even the pinpricks of blue had flicked away to nothing. You were about to ask Marco what was going on and if this was normal when the music completely changed, and fire erupted in the darkness.
You jumped a little and stared at the performer once again. This time, Ace was only visible by the fire in his hands. How he controlled the flames as he carried on dancing, his movements as vivid and strong as the fire in the palm of his hands. “Remember to breathe,” Marco teased and nudged you, chuckling when you took a breath. 
“Fire Fist Ace, he’s one of our most popular performers,” Marco explained as he gently placed a hand on your shoulder to lead you away. 
There was another room, and this place seemed to go on forever. The room had a small bar, much like Marco’s one. Black and silver were the theme, with hot pink and bright purple neons this time. You noticed people around tables, either as couples, groups, or a few singles. 
“This is where our customers come to have a drink and spend it with good company,” Marco explained as you walked through the room. There was a cute blonde man with legs for days. His waiter's outfit looked like it was painted on. You liked his neat stubble and the curly eyebrow visible past the curtain of hair.
His name tag pinned to his waistcoat, Sanji. Well, Sanji was flirting up a storm as he set down a drink, taking the woman's hand and kissing the back of it, speaking in French and causing her to giggle, which just seemed to light Sanji on fire as he doubled down on the sweet words as his lips brushed against her skin.
You felt like you should be paying by the second.
Another man was clearing a table, his muscles flexing under the tight white shirt. He looked like he could barely be contained. His green hair was tinged with pink from the neons above. He had a firm jaw and high cheekbones. Zoro, his name tag read. You looked around the room and saw many waiters in varying outfits.
“Want another drink?” Marco asked as you followed him to the bar. You climbed up on the seat and leaned on the bar. “Yeah, surprise me?” you said to the man behind the bar, who nodded. You paused, breath stolen, as you admired the slender man with long black hair, thick eyelashes, and lipstick painted to perfection. 
“Thanks, Izou,” Marco comments when Izou also puts a drink up for him. 
“How many guys even work here?” you asked as you sipped your drink, slapping your lips. This was even better than the first one. You could feel the happy buzz from the cocktails thrum through you, relaxing you and letting the stress of life just slip away.
But you felt safe here. The atmosphere was amazing, and Marco’s laid-back energy felt like it was healing your lonely soul. You watched as Izou handed Marco a large black book. “So, this is actually the list of those who work here, people you can spend time with when certain performers are on…” he passed you the book, and you gawked. “An-and some other interesting stats I see.”
You were glad for the pink glow of the lights, hoping it would hide the blush that spread over your cheeks, burning the top of your ears as you tried not to act too excited by page after page of cute men. 
“How are you finding the place?” You looked up to see a very tall, buff man with long white hair, the ends dyed blue and green in a gradient. His big, bright eyes focused on you, and his grin grew at your stunned expression. “That good, huh?” he laughed and patted you on the shoulder.
“This is their first time, Yamato. Go easy on them, huh?” Izou playfully scolded from the other side of the bar as you gripped the book in your hands tighter to ground yourself. Yamato was stunning.
“Well, let me know if you need anything, huh?” Yamato said with a wink, giving a thumbs up. You couldn't take your eyes off his arms. He looked like he worked out, and then some. You watched him walk away. Wow, everyone was too good to be true here.
You sipped your drink as you flipped the pages. There was a wild assortment of people here, including a very handsome older man with lots of chub, Jinbei. You couldn’t help lingering on his page. How handsome he was… Next was a brooding man covered in tattoos, silver eyes, and a stare that could sink a thousand ships. Law, the page informed you.
Next was a red-haired man, missing an arm and a scar across his face; his smile was charming and boyish. Shanks. “If you are interested we have another show in about ten minutes. Go to page thirty,” Marco instructor, and you flip through the book of fantastic selection. “An adult clown?” you asked, puzzled as you looked over Buggy’s page. He had long blue hair, a painted face and a confident smirk.
“Trust me, it’s a great show.” Marco winked, watching you finish your drink and contemplate the offer. “I might… but is it okay if I hang out with you?” you asked and saw the smile on his face, the nod as he sat next to you. “Me huh?”
You don’t know why he seemed so surprised. He was handsome and friendly, and his voice was something you could listen to for hours. “Is that okay?” you asked, closing the book. 
Marco smiled. “I’d be delighted to get to know you more,” his knee bumped against yours and you couldn’t help the happy garbled noise that escaped you as you leaned closer.
You could see yourself coming here again…
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baby-bunny-writes · 27 days
Nsfw Alphabet
Tokoyami Fumikage (aged up)
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A- aftercare (what their like after sex)
Tokoyami is sweet and gentle with you afterwards. He helps clean you up or helps you shower. He loves to cuddle afterwards
B- favorite body part
Thighs. Tokoyami is a thigh guy. Crush his pretty little skull between your thighs, instant bust
C- Cum (where does he like to cum?)
Probably either tits or thighs. (Sometimes inside)
D- dirty secret
Probably steals your clothes and nuts in them or humps them thinking abt you.
E- experience
This man is a slave to his own dick but he was a virgin before he met you. It was a little awkward when he did it for the first time but eventually got used to it.
F- favorite position
Spooning or cowgirl. What can I say, Tokoyami is pretty lazy honestly.
G- goofy (how serious are they?)
He's a little silly sometimes but most of the time pretty serious
He's a little bushy but not to bad. Black colored
I- intimacy
Extremely romantic. He likes slow and approachable pleasure
J- jerk off
Jerk off maniac. One of the horniest people you'll ever meet and it gets 100x worse in spring
K- kinks
He has quite a few
Mutual masturbation, pain, choking, hair pulling,edging, role play (sometimes), slight bdsm, and corruption
L- location (fav place to do it)
Bed or shower.
M- motivation (what turns them on)
Teasing is the biggest reason. But also simple things like dirty talk or you just even changing
N- no (turnoffs)
Anal. (i did this for myself)
O- oral
Loves seeing you choke on his cock.
P- pace
He's mostly slow and sensual but he does change pace when he's about to finish
Q- quickies
Hates them but is willing to do them for you
R- risk
Doesn't really like risk because he has a routine. Refuses to do it in public because he's afraid of being seen
S- stamina (how long they can go)
Maybe 2 rounds, 3 is pushing the limits
T- toys
He really likes toys and often uses them on himself
U- unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can switch from time to time. he likes to be teased and he likes to tease you.
V- volume (how loud they are)
Decently loud, groans and soft whimpers.
W- wild card (random headcanon)
Probably makes bird noises when overstimulated
X- x-ray
Slight curve, 5.2 inches hard, kinda bushy but not too bad, tip #FF9F99, shaft (hate that word) #EAAD9A, cum #F4E9E3
Y- yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Honestly it kind of depends on season. Not as horny in winter but INSANE in spring
Z- Zzz (how fast they fall asleep afterwards)
Probably like a few minutes. He gets tired easily
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dahliaslove · 1 year
Can I get Stu, and Michael Myers (separate) with a fem!s/o who often draws them? Like, it can range from her drawing them doing simple things like sitting, eating, watching TV. But, she also draws them off on kills, covered in blood….maybe even nsfw drawings?????
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⭑ authors note: i didn’t add any extras to this one because once again i am feeling lazy!! so i hope these are somewhat decent 😣💔
⭑ warnings: one mention of blood and knives, me using the word flabbergasted for fun, a singular mention of having dirty sweaty sex with stu (but no details because i’m a menace), this is kinda crappy because i rushed it but that’s about it
⭑ characters: michael myers and stu macher
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- michael definitely notices you scribbling away in a notebook whenever you’re around him but i feel like he would ignore it and only silently judge you for it because he’s too lazy to be nosy
- if you show him any of your drawings that aren’t of him he would probably just sit in silence and nod his approval (he’s obviously not the chattiest guy in the world yk?)
- i think that he would find out that you’re drawing him by going into your room while you’re sleeping (he’s a creep) and just finding some drawings of him laying around on your desk
- he would absolutely flip through your notebook when he finds out that you’ve been drawing him and he would be low key impressed by your drawings and maybe even a little smug under his mask
- of course since he’s looking through your whole notebook he will stop and be absolutely flabbergasted once he sees any inappropriate drawings of him (ignore my use of ‘flabbergasted’, my friend recently taught me it and i find it fun to use)
- he would probably just sit hunched over in silence for a while looking through those, he would definitely feel flattered in a strange way, like you think he looks like that?
- especially if your art of him is in a cool style or uses color in a unique way. i feel he would like if you did one black and white drawing of him where the only color you bring in is red for the blood that he’s constantly covered in
- he would especially be proud of the ones that show him during and after his kills, and would like the action shots the most. i’m sorry but if he sees a cool one of him slashing his knife during a kill he is definitely tearing that out and keeping it in his own little hiding spot (as an artist this hurt me, as a romantic this made me feel nice)
- if you try to talk to him about him taking some of the drawings he will just turn around and walk away in silence (he is embarrassed and doesn’t want to show it)
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- he is a very nosey guy so as soon as he sees you with your nose tucked into your sketchbook he’s attempting to take it out of your hands to look in it. and once he gets it he’s hopping on a counter or desk to give him more height so he can hold it over your head and poke fun at you
- absolutely flips through it in front of you and just takes a seat to really enjoy any embarrassment you might be feeling. as soon as he finds any drawings of him he is going to tease the hell out of you with a wicked grin
- he’d probably say something like “wow babe! you’ve really captured my rugged good looks” and as soon as he finds any drawings of him as ghostface??? he will seriously be debating purposing to you (he’s whipped)
- will 100% brag to billy about how he has an ‘artist gf who draws amazing’ billy would probably get annoyed very easily by this and tell stu to shut up and he would just be like >:}
- don’t even get me started on him finding any sexual drawings you drew of him. his teasing will get a million times worse and he will pop an instant boner. oh my god and if there’s any sexual ones of him in his ghostface costume?? he would go absolutely feral.
- let’s all be honest right now, stu would just pin you to the nearest surface and have the sweatiest and most dirty sex ever with you, because he’s just that unhinged.
- after all this he’s probably asking you a silly question like if you can draw him doing a backflip because he thinks it’d be cool to see himself do that for some reason ??
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Whattup people who read my Batman posts! Brainrot's still rotting, I just had junk to do, so I didn't draw for a while! Anyhoodle, time for another character, Duke Thomas, a.k.a The Signal (and also Robin depending on how you're counting it!)
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You know the drill by now, initial trace with my lazy backdrop! I liked drawing Duke, but BOY HOWDY HEY, he was hard. Like, I'm just gonna come out and say it, I am BAD at drawing armor and buildings and machines and anything non-organic. Which means Signal is probably one of the hardest costumes to get right. This was just the trace, so it wasn't too bad, but trying to understand how his costume worked was quite the game for this whole process. I will say, he's got one of my favorite color schemes out of any of the Batfamily. The light dark contrast works really well in a way that is only seen elsewhere on the Robin cape, and the fact that this is actually the Signal's whole costume makes it feel more cohesive and effective than that. And, you know, it's also really cool thematically, considering light is kinda Duke's whole thing.
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Freehanded drawing with referenced trace! This was a ROUGH time. I had to redraw Duke three separate times before I got a result I was satisfied with.
So, remember how I said that I struggled to understand how his costume actually works? Yeah, that's because I have a decent grasp how armor is actually supposed to work, and this ain't it fellas. Like, not knocking the design, it looks cool and is certainly easier to draw once you get the hang of it, but it makes less intuitive sense to me. What is happening on his neck? Is that like pure metal molded to his skin or something? That's not how physics work. Why are his pauldrons not actually covering his shoulders, and also where and how exactly are the attached to anything? It was confusing, but definitely a good exercise for me.
Again, the stuff they did was actually pretty smart, since it's comic books and they don't have to move realistically, and this makes it easier to pose his head, chest, and shoulders. It was just difficult for me to wrap my head around. Ignoring all the physics defying stuff,
Signal probably has one of the smartest/most practical costumes of the Batfam too. For one, he actually has a helmet and protects his head. Two, he has armored all of his vital organs like his lungs and heart and stuff. Three, he doesn't have a cape, which means he can't be grabbed or snagged as easily, and doesn't have to fight working around that. This is sad for me though, because I love drawing capes : (
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Pose for characterization. I'mma be straight with ya'll, I don't know much about Duke. Like, I've read all of the We Are Robin/Robin Wars comics, but that doesn't actually give me much of a handle on Duke as a person, or how he behaves because it has to split the focus between so many protagonists, and also because there's a bunch of other stuff happening, so Duke doesn't get as much focus as you'd suspect. I haven't read anything else where he appears (except for Wayne Family Adventures, but I don't think that counts).
The general vibe I got from We Are Robin and from other comic readers is that Duke is probably the most approachable member of the Batfamily. He wasn't raised as an assassin from birth, he hasn't been Robin since he was like 9, he didn't die and come back to life---his life experience, while far from normal, is still much closer to the average human being, so he can relate and react better. (The only other member who really gets close is Steph, but she's been around longer and has had time to get into more whacky life or death scenarios, so she's a bit nuttier. Duke'll get there in time, I'm sure).
I tried to convey this approachability by giving him an open expression and more relaxed body language, even though he is a pretty mistrusting and high strung person. Comes with the territory of being a vigilante I guess.
As always, the text for his hero name is traced off a comics cover. To indicate the duality of Duke being both a pretty chill kid and also absolutely insane, I felt the need to put his civilian name in two fonts. I also tried to make his civvies call back to his We Are Robin uniform without being an exact one to one. I'm positive that Duke'll take any excuse to wear Robin colors, even after the ban was lifted, just because it pisses off the cops.
Can you guys guess who comes next based off the order so far? (You won't, it only makes sense to me).
Other Batfamily Members:
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
Robin (Carrie Kelley) Edition
Red Robin Edition
Spoiler Edition
Robin (Damian Wayne) Edition
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navy-leader · 1 year
Latest episode enabled me so heres my cooking/eating habits headcanons for the sticks:
[Color Gang]
- Blue cooks the most (obvi) for the gang, the best cook all around
- Green does it the second most, hes the substitute when Blue is too busy
- Green's the type of cook to get really pissed at other people being in the kitchen when hes cooking
- Blue on the other hand doesnt mind company and help but he cant be responsible for what happens to them if they come uninvited
- Yellow is officially banned from cooking in the kitchen without supervision
- Yellow is often too distracted with working on things to the point where they forget to eat, the others often have to remind them
- Red likes baking more than cooking
- Second doesnt do it very often bc theres usually someone else doing it but hes pretty good at it
- Purple is a pretty good cook as well, though when he's low on energy he tends to whip up the weirdest fucking combinations of simple processed foods ever, though they somehow taste? Good?
- Overall the ones who eat the most are Red and Green, being gym rats they tend to burn a lot of energy pretty quickly
- Green drinks protein shakes 👍
- Red is a sweet tooth
- Chosen and Dark when they lived together had a very "fulfilling what the other lacks" dynamic when they cooked
- Chosen has awful motor skills so hes pretty shit at cutting stuff up meanwhile Dark excelled on that
- Dark has no sense of temperature, having only fire powers so he tends to run hot and has a natural resistance to heat. So things are never hot enough for her and ends up burning their food more times than they can count
- Chosen on the other hand had more of a balance with his ice powers so he's better on that end
- They tried utilizing Chosen's laser eyes as a microwave at some point. Didnt work out.
- More than once did Chosen try using his fire breath to cook but swiftly gets reprimanded by Dark for "breathing on the food"
- Chosen's really lazy and would only eat simple foods unless someone drags him to cook something (that person being Dark)
- Those two only know simple recipes but its enough for them
- Victim has GOD AWFUL eating habits, similar to Chosen he'd just not eat anything but simple processed foods and often forgets to eat altogether. He really only eats if someone buys food for it/cooks for it
- Victim has never set foot in a kitchen ever and god knows what'd happen if it did
- Orchid had awful eating habits and made the weirdest food combinations and called it a meal. After getting with Cobalt she basically forced Orchid to learn how to cook properly so shes better now but every once in a while,,, old habits die hard
- Cobalt cooked for the household the most
- King was a decent cook, enough for him and Gold
- That is until Gold died, King didnt really took care of himself and ate very much, let alone cook. Probably takeout if he remembers
- Post-avm 30 hes getting better and tries cooking again every once in a while but yakno,,,depression
- Purple cooks for them when hes like that
- None of them cook very often because theyre usually on the job so they tend to get takeout most the time
- When they get a chance to, Paleo and Warn are usually the ones to do it
- Pivot and Ballista are coffee drinkers
- They all drink protein shakes
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