#too dang fine for WHAT reason
breannastewart · 2 days
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an endless amount of sue bird gifsets 2/??
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bitterkarella · 1 month
Midnight Pals: No tweets
[at JK Rowling's Scottish castle] JK Rowling: Ha ha! Look at me! I'm possting on the internet! Rowling: "esstrogen turns normal men into rampaging ape beastss!" agent: joanne! stop! agent: you're posting too close to the sun! Rowling: "Gamer ssockss are AGP!"
Rowling: ha ha no one can ssstop me! Rowling: I'm JK fuckin' Rowling! Rowling: I'm a beautiful animal!! Rowling: watch this, i'm gonna poke imane khelif with thisss ssstick agent: joanne! no! Rowling: don't worry, itss a really long ssstick Rowling: i'll be fine!
Rowling: [poking imane khelif with stick] ha ha you like that, you liminal creature? you congenital eunuch? ha ha what are you gonna do about it? Khelif: that's it! Khelif: you've woke the dragon, now prepare to feel her breath!
Rowling: ha ha what're you gonna do? hit me with your massssive tessstosterone fissstss? Khelif: you and me, rowling! three rounds! sudden death match in the arena... Rowling: haha Khelif: the arena of the legal system! Rowling: Rowling: uh oh
Khelif: i'm taking you to court Rowling: Rowling: Rowling: [sweats] wayon jennings narrative voice: now ol' joanne's got herself in a heap o' trouble. how's that dang ol' snake gonna slither her way outta this mess?
JK Rowling: [shoving documents into a shredder] quick! ssshred it all!! shred fucking everything! Julie Bindel: but dark lord what should we tell your followers?! Bindel: they'll be expecting some patented jk rowling hot takes! Rowling: i don't know, jusst sstall them!!!
[mysterious circle of robed figures] Bindel: i've called this meeting to come up w a reason why the dark lord isn't tweeting Kathleen Stock: maybe we can say she's getting her castle fumigated? Bindel: no we used that when she posted the 'no toilets in hogwarts' tweet
Jesse Singal: oo! oo! i've got one! Singal: what if we say that 'having achieved all of her goals and ambitions, she has decided to retire forever' Bindel: no no that won't work Stock: could we just say that she's brumating?
Kathleen Stock: wait! what if we said she's on vacation? Bindel: hmm i like it! Stock: we could even embellish it with plausible details for additional verisimilitude! Bindel: like that she's... eating vodka-infused candy floss! Stock: exactly! that's very believable!
[midnight society] Barker: interesting, joanne hasn't tweeted in like 2 weeks Barker: seems kind of unusual King: oh i'm sure it's nothing Barker: looks like she's actually deleting tweets King: oh King: huh King: i wonder what that's all about?
Julie Bindel: [rising from bushes] ACTUALLY Jk rowling is actually on a jolly vacation right now so that's why she's not tweeting Bindel: it has nothing to do with any lawsuit! it's totally legit! King: where's she vacationing? Bindel: she's visiting her girlfriend in canada
Bindel: see, i have this postcard right here that she sent saying that she's having a great time on her vacation in vacationia and she's too busy to tweet! Barker: hey can i see that postcard? Bindel: um Bindel: no
Bindel: joanne says that she's having too much fun eating vodka-infused candy floss to be transphobic right now King: wow! i don't think i've ever seen her have THAT much fun before! King: this vodka-infused candy floss must be lit!
Barker: so you're telling me Barker: that jk rowling is right now drunk on vodka-infused candy floss Barker: a product which i am definitely sure exists and is real Barker: and being drunk has made her less vocally transphobic? Bindel: Bindel: [sweats] yes
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plutoasteroids · 5 months
PAC How Will Your Future Spouse's Mother (Your Mother-In-Law) View You
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This PAC is how your future spouse's mother will view you and any channelled messages I may get; it could be confirmations or anything their higher self wants to let you know.
AGAIN, TAKE WHAT RESONATES LEAVE WHAT DOESN'T THIS IS A GENERAL READING. If no pile resonates with you, it's fine don't force anything to resonate...again it's just a general reading.
Your future mother-in-law sees you as a breath of fresh air for their child (your future spouse) and their whole family.
Before your future spouse met you, they may have been going through some toxic cycles, bad habits or some kind of betrayal from someone or people close to them. For some of you your future spouse may have fallen into bad habits of some forms of addiction.
But after meeting you, your future spouse is going to want to change bring in positivty and healthy habits into his life because they don't want to lose you and their mother is going to notice the positive change and be so appreciative of you.
Your future mother-in-law sees you as smart, capable and they think you are really good at your job, hobbies or whatever it is you are good at. They admire how hard you work, and they feel like they won the lottery/ won in life by having you as their child in law (I don't know if that's a real thing so bear with me).
They view you as someone who is responsible and is able to keep a promise and hold accountability for their words and actions. You may even trigger some change in your future spouse's family as a whole because maybe it's the way you carry yourself or your work ethic that will make them go 'Dang we really have to do better; we can't be wasting life like this'.
She'll truly love how you have positively impacted her family.
Also, your mother-in-law said she'll baby you when I was channelling her because she recognizes how hard you work, and she wants to show you that you are appreciated and that it's time to take a rest and let someone else be the one to handle things and take care of you.
First thing I channelled from your future mother-in-law is that she will feel 'iffy' about you. Meaning that she's not sure if she likes you or not. Okay it's more like some things about you may rub your mother-in-law the wrong way like maybe she's more of a traditional housewife and you and your future spouse don't go according to traditional roles of spouses.
For example, if it's more of a straight couple maybe the wife works, and husband is a stay-at-home father.
-Maybe it's a same sex couple and the mother-in-law hasn't come to fully accept it.
-Another is the couple is again a straight couple and the wife refuses to have a child this could rub the mother-in-law the wrong way. There may be a lot of conflict between your future spouse and their mother about you because your mother-in-law would want their child to find someone else because obviously, they aren't so sure about you.
For other people your mother-in-law can try to compete with you for example 'The way I cook chicken is so much better' says your mother-in-law.
(You can take these as it being a sign a that the pile is for you)
But once she gets past those reservations the way she will view you is someone not very stable like you and your future spouse may like to travel a lot and are never in one place for too long and your mother-in-law could be like 'Why can't you just stay in one place it's not that hard'. But also, she sees your creative side, she sees you as a kind, gentle person with so much care within them.
She sees you as someone who has achieved so much that they can't help but praise you. They will also see you as someone very popular maybe you have a lot of followers or just a lot of friends in general.
They see you as the voice of reason, if anything goes wrong you are the best person to ask for advice, you are the best person to mediate an argument, you are the best person to a person, situation or an item fairly without an unbiased opinion (She might drag you shopping a lot and even show you off to her friends), more so because you have an obvious kindness and compassion to you that she can't help but love and admire about you despite her reservations. They will see you as strong, nurturing, courageous and passionate in the way you carry yourself and the way you talk.
They see you as someone who wants to protect their own peace, someone who wants to keep things balanced and harmonious.
-By the way Pile 2 she won't be like that with you forever she'll warm up. (Eventually😭)
I channelled 2 things from your future mother-in-law:
'You're a saint' and 'How can you deal with them'
Your future spouse may be a bit of a handful, a bit chaotic but in the 'I can't help but find it cute' kind of way.
Your mother-in-law finds you transformative, you never stay the same way for too long (not in a bad way) as in you will either only get better and better to them as time goes on or you just straight up change your appearance and aesthetic so much that it just throws your mother-in-law off.
Okay so your mother-in-law feels like you take really good care of not only yourself but your future spouse. They think you're physically so attractive (not in a creepy way), that you take extra care of your appearance, you may eat well and work out often.
But they also see you as creative and compassionate and your mother-in-law is just so happy to have you as part of her family and she may tell you this often from the moment your future spouse introduces you to her.
She feels like you're always on the move, you and your future spouse may travel a lot, you guys may go out a lot to dinners and parties, but I think these parties and dinners will be more on the luxurious side.
she said, 'as they should' (honestly your mother-in law is so supportive of you to the point that after you marry your future spouse, if you want to get married that is, that they won't even introduce you as their in law it's just 'this is my child'
Your mother-in-law sees you as successful, financially stable, attractive, nurturing and just overall they just absolutely adore you.
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drchucktingle · 2 years
What flavor of queer are you, if that's not too invasive of a question?
question is just fine with chuck it is kind of interesting story.
on LGBTQIA trot i am TECHNICALLY two letters
easy first one is B that does not need any more explanation. that has always been my trot
second way is what i have learned through talkin with my online buds way of non-dysphoric trans. it has taken chuck LONG time to understand this but it has been fruitful journey i think. long ago chuck would post online about becoming other people or things or concepts or wrestling with my IDENTITY as a buckaroo (whether that meant becoming sweet barbara or becoming my reverse twin or becoming the entire seahawks footballs team, very handsome). in fitting with my entire heckin LIFE some buds probably thought these were jokes when they were not at all. they were just personal artistic bubbles tumbling up and popping in ways i didnt understand yet.
but through posting these thoughts and THEN writing trans tinglers and talking to my trans buds online, i started to realize there are all kinds of versions of a trans identity INCLUDING the ones that rolled around deep inside of me that i never had a name for.
three events helped chuck understand this
first: the trans buds chuck talked to while researching harriet porber said 'well i always knew if i could press a button and change my body to match my gender i would instantly do this' and chuck thought 'of course woudlnt we all do this?' and they said 'well no, do you feel this way?' and i would say 'yes very strongly'. i will FOREVER be grateful to trans community for these conversations and maybe it is another reason why being anti-gatekeeping is so important to chuck.
second: thought about all the games i have ever played like a dang videogame or a role playing game, chuck would ALWAYS choose ladybuck character. didnt really think this was a unique thing at time but it is a pattern across whole life
third: chuck was trotting around with some buds and they all said 'whose bod would you choose if you could transform into any body?' (this is common topic for chuck believe it or not.) and the buckaroo guys went around naming the usual brats pitt or handsome channing and it got to chuck and i said 'obviously brie larson' and then the dang guys just kind of stared at chuck and then i realized 'oh, i didnt even think my answer was unusual but i guess they were only talkin guy bods'
these three things happened pretty close to one another but they were all bubbling up for decades and expressed in various ways even chuck did not entirely understand
anyway. chucks way is NOT that i feel uncomfortable in my body and it does not bring me grief. i am not upset about it honestly. i do not even THINK about it most days. however, it is all TRUE and in a purely technical and utilitarian sense of A PLUS B then YES, male would not be my preferred gender.
didnt talk on this for a while because there are MANY dysphoric trans buckaroos who go through a lot of hardships and i have gone through ABSOLUTELY NONE IN THIS WAY. it has not made my life more difficult and it does not haunt me, so i do not want to have my voice drown out other trans buds who need space to shout. i am very privileged so even though technically this applies to chuck i do not need or want any bonus points.
that beings said, part of my journey on the autistic spectrum was to recognize that EVEN THOUGH my personal story is not tragic, it is still an important one to get out there onto this timeline. IN FACT there should be more stories of buckaroos who love being autistic like chuck. i am PROUD of my trot and i love my autism (this is also why i wanted to explicitly say my lead character in camp damascus is autistic)
so in the same way, when directly asked, i will say: i am technically non-dysphoric trans ALSO this has not weighed on my life at all. my story is not tragic it is full of joy and excitement. i will not shy away from this because there are all kinds of buckaroos on this spectrum.
anyway that is my VERY LONG TROT hope you enjoyed getting to know chuck a little more thank you for this question buckaroo
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Art by @jjmk-jjmk
Happy Birthday Jason!
Jason Todd locks his apartment door, sits on his couch and reads from a novel.
Cass: Hi Jason.
Jason: Jesus!
Jason falls of the couch. He laughs when he sees it's Cass.
Jason: Hi Cass, I'm not going to yell at you, but how did you get in my apartment?
Cass: I broke a window and snuck in.
Jason spots his window smashed with glass on the ground.
Jason: That's normal, I'll fix it later. What do you want?
Cass: Happy birthday.
Cass pulls out a wrapped present from behind her back.
Cass: It's a book, as you can see, a special book. I got it from Barnes and Noble.
Jason: Thank you so much. I'll open it later.
Cass, squinting her eyes: Hm.
Jason, remembering the girl can read the body for emotions: No, I'm fine. Don't do that thing you do. I like the gift, I don't do anything for my birthday is all.
Cass: Wait, what? But why?
Jason: I never felt like doing anything and then being brought back from the dead... Definitely sours that more. I just hang out alone until midnight or go on a mission.
Cass: I can see that, but Jason you've got even more reason to celebrate your birthday. You were brought back to life and can celebrate your life returning. Why pass on that?
Jason: You're too young to get it.
Cass, not bringing up she's technically older than him: Hm, age or not, I do understand the feeling, I was raised by a bad man who wanted me to be nothing but a silent assassin. For years I battled with the thoughts of if I deserved any happiness or a birthday, but some really awesome people reminded me that I am worthy of happiness and enjoying a birthday party and some mediocre cake. You deserve the same thing, Jason. I mean that.
Jason: I- Dang it, I can't say no after you said all that sappy shit. I'll go, but I won't enjoy it!
Cass: Don't worry, Dick said he'd sneak you out if you didn't want to stay for long.
Jason: He would say that.
Jason stands up and grabs his coat.
Jason: Wait, let me open this gift of yours.
Jason tears the paper off seeing a journal and pen set.
Cass: Technically it wasn't me who picked it, Bruce wanted to get it for you, but... Well...
Jason: Yeah, he's Batman, has to maintain that. Thank you though, I really do love this.
Jason hugs Cass.
Jason: Let's go.
Cass: Hold on, we go through the window, cause it's secretive.
Jason: You just want to go through the window again, don't you?
Cass nods.
Jason: That's why I like you.
Jason and Cass arrive at the Wayne Manor.
Jason: How much you want to bet they're still setting up?
Cass: I think they're fully set up and everyone has arrived, but someone will fall off a ladder.
Jason: Let's see.
Jason opens the door and Bruce is on a ladder hanging a fallen streamer and falls accordingly.
Bruce: He showed up?!
Jason: Okay you were right.
Cass: Yeah, that's Bruce for ya.
Damian: Everything is set up, father just wanted to fix that one straight streamer for some reason.
Bruce: Nothing can be out of place. I'm fine by the way.
Bruce stands up.
Bruce: Um, welcome... This is a surprise to everyone.
Jason: I can see.
Dick Grayson: Happy Birthday! Holy crap you actually came.
Dick runs to hug his brother. Jason lets him do it, but quickly.
Cass: I told you I could do it.
Tim: Dang it!
Tim passes Stephanie 50 dollars.
Stephanie: And I have birthday money for the birthday boy.
Stephanie hands the money to Jason. Tim crosses his arms annoyed.
Jason shakes his head: Okay well, I'm here let's get this over with.
Bruce: That's the spirit. I'm glad you finally showed up to one of these.
Bruce takes Jason to the party room and everyone Jason knows and cares about is there.
Jason isn't a big birthday fan, but he couldn't hide that it was worth going to this one and feeling appreciated.
Happy birthday Jason Todd. 🎂
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chiipay · 27 days
Hii, how are you? I hope you're doing well. I saw that your requests were open, I was wondering if you could write for Kaiser; A scenario where the Reader and Kaiser fight, he gets angry ignoring and insulting the reader, then she leaves and he must break his pride to get her back. Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write it. Thanks a lot 😊
AHHH A SECOND REQUEST. TYY I WAS DYING WAITING ANOTHER ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ aand I'm fine ty hbu?? I uhh actually want to do cheater kaiser but i couldn't find any idea of him cheating because of his lore i couldn't possibly see how he cheated on someone.
Kaiser knows that this is going to happen but he never thought it was going to be so soon.
No. It's too soon.
It's just another dumb fight he got with you. He never meant his words. You know that. So why...did you still leave him.?
He just got home after a match with the Ubers. 'fucking Lorenzo.' he was frustrated by getting blocked earlier so his mood wasn't really right on the mind right now. You were just a bit of a coincidence in his ' moody demeanor ' right now.
" Michael? You're back already? "
You were just making dinner in the kitchen hearing a loud thud making you stop whatever you were doing and went to the front door looking at Kaiser who is now hanging his head low.
You tried to reach out for him but he pushes you away while muttering some words you couldn't catch.
"... could you just leave me alone?"
" is something wrong?...you could talk to me y'know?.."
" Shut up- you won't understand. You never will."
"...hey- you could be a bit nicer.."
" yeah yeah acting all mighty up. You're just being annoying. No wonder no one has ever chosen you. At this point you were just so useless that i decided to take you ."
" I-..."
KAISER took you silent as well making him scoff at your silent demeanour and walk passed you leaving you with your own thoughts.
You were speechless. Mostly you would just beat the shit out of him and probably shrugged whatever that came out of his mouth but this time you were just feeling left out. Maybe his words have hit harder than it used to be. Even if it's just a joke he could have been a bit nicer.
Even so you realised that this happened almost every week. Insults, yelling and fighting- why are you still here? The thought of leaving crossed you. Why stay? It's not like you could fix him. no no.. you realised that maybe you weren't what he wished for.
It's better for you to leave.
And you did.
You started to pack your stuff in your duffle bag. You realised that you never had so many things in this place. This room was filled with Kaiser pride and ego. No wonder you get chills whenever you go here.
".. dang- am i that blind?"
You muttered to yourself. You never saw Kaiser red flags nor have you ever tried to find one. You never hated Kaiser. You never even have a reason to.
Kaiser left the bathroom as soon he got out of the shower- with just having his pants on and water dripping down from his hair he looked at you with confusion.
" going somewhere?"
Silent filled the room. Therefore you were still packing your clothes thinking that if you said anything it would just be a waste.
Kaiser walks up to you and stares at you while your hands are doing things. A hand reaches out to yours making your movements stop.
"... don't leave."
" I'm sorry. I think it's for the better."
"it's not."
Kaiser started cornering you beside the bedframe making you feel small.
"...let me go kaiser- I don't think this is working for both of us- i really do wish you could find someone better-.. I thin-"
Your mouth got shut by Kaiser's palm making you look up to him- confused.
"... Don't."
As much as toxic Kaiser is he still couldn't let you go. You have his head down kneeling for you. You were his joy. His one and only- He couldn't see his future with anyone else other than you.
He couldn't let you leave.
Even if it would hurt you... He couldn't just let you leave. Even after death he would hunt your soul. Curse you to be with him even in the afterlife.
" Even if you begged me to let you I won't. You can do anything you want to me. Yelling, thrashing, hitting- but don't you EVER think i will let you go. You belong to me. Your soul, body- from the single strand of your hair to your toes belong to me. Even after death, i will make sure you will be stuck beside me."
Therefore, Kaiser will make sure that he will sleep beside you. Night after night. Year after year. Every life. Every death.
You will always end up with him. He will make sure of that.
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fishermanshook · 2 months
CUDDLES : ( wise ) + gn!reader
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˚ ༘・❄️・ ⋆。˚ prompt from @youneedsomeprompts [thank you] , drabble in the mean time IDV tag will starve again [sorry…] , reader stutters cause they’re cold , no beta we die like ganji , grammar and spelling warning
“Are you cold? You look like you’re freezing.” Wise questions as you walk together, side by side with his arm wrapped around your waist. The two of you headed out not long ago for something, and the car hasn’t been working since the end of November. To be truthful, the chilly air cuts through your winter clothing like scissors to paper. Yes, you are freezing, but it’s nothing you couldn’t handle.
“It’s a l-little cold, but it’s nothing.” You say as your teeth chatter. You try and brush off his suspicious gaze with a small smile.
“Hm, your lips are blue, your teeth are chattering, and you keep trying to blow air onto your already mittened gloves. You’re cold, let’s get you back home.” Wise states it all as if it’s a mater of fact while he turns the two of you around to go back to Random Play.
“W-wait!” You shout, breaking free of his so very warm arm. “I’m p-perfectly fine! See?” You hold out your arms in front of you, as if to prove that everything was fine. Only later retracting them once you realized that it’s ten times colder with them splayed out like that. “What did we come out here to get?”
“It’s not important anymore, it’s my job to take care of you. Come on, please? I’ll make you some hot cocoa and we can cuddle on the couch.”
Giving into temptation, you let his arm find your waist all over again as the two of you make your way back to Random Play. This time, he’s let you borrowed his beanie and gloves.
The couch feels warm and inviting underneath you, especially with Wise’s arms wrapped around your still freezing body. You sit in his lap while his face finds solace in the crook of your neck. Your eyes are too transfixed on trying to find a movie to watch that you don’t notice his wandering hands traversing across your body. It’s only when you feel his plush lips on your neck you start to grow in heat.
“Oh? And what’s this?” You ask, still clicking through the channels, unbothered but his sudden actions.
“Nothing, honestly. You skin is just so cold still. How do you live like this?” Wise chuckles after finding your most ticklish spot and watching as you burst into a fit of giggles.
“Haha, stop oh my gosh, grandpa grandpa! Ugh, I’ve just always been cold, even as a child. I wasn’t prepared for how bleak it would be outside.”
“Mh, only a better reason to stay in for the rest of the day, don’t ‘cha think?”
“Can’t argue with you there.” You reply with a quick peck on the cheek. Eventually, you land on a new documentary to watch that ultimately puts the two of you asleep. It’s only when a tired Belle walks in that you learn of it.
“Aww, the two love birds are at it again! Dang it, gotta go find my camera real quick. I cannot let this chance slide by!”
note: bye this is a little ooc and just bad all around 😭
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rachetmath · 5 months
Ruby: Okay has anyone noticed anything wrong with Jaune?
Yang: Ruby he is in therapy. He’s fine.
Ruby: I know but that’s not the problem.
Weiss: She right he’s kind of been off lately.
Nora: What do you mean?
Blake: Jaune seems to get easily frustrated and distracted.
Nora: I mean when is he never?
Ruby: Yeah but you would think Jaune being in therapy he would not get like that so easily.
Yang: He’s probably having a hard time readjusting.
Ren: But it has been months though.
Nora: It’s a slow recover.
Ren: But it’s seems to be happening in a pattern.
Oscar: How so?
Emerald: It’s what causes him to lack focus and push him.
Yang: Wait does Jaune want to fight someone?
Blake: How are you not looking?
Qrow: What are you all talking about?
Ruby: Jaune’s issue.
Qrow: Yeah I noticed it.
Ruby: Really?
Qrow: Yeah and I understand. The struggle is real. He needs to get it.
Nora: So he does want to fight someone.
Ren: Nora, come on, keep up.
Oscar: None of you are making sense.
Ozpin: Oscar it’s obvious.
Oscar: What is?
Jaune: Hi, everyone.
Ruby: Oh.
Weiss: Wow Jaune you look... happy.
Jaune: Yeah I finally got what I needed to get the edge off.
Blake: *laughs and sarcastically*Really? By who?
Jaune: By Elm.
RWBQRE: *chew drop*
Jaune: Yeah, it was fun. And I feel a lot better now.
Blake: (No freakin way. With their height difference and her body mass.)
Yang: Well I’m glad you are okay.
Nora: Dang you and Elm must have went all out in the sparring match.
RWB, Qrow, Ren and Emerald: (What the fuck? They can’t be-)
Jaune: Yeah… ... a ‘sparring match’. Yeah.
Yang: How many rounds did you two go? I bet I could go more rounds than her.
Blake: YANG!!!
Yang: What?
Nora: Yeah Yang, you can go ten but I can go twenty.
Ren: *face palm* Nora please.
Nora: Ren come on you know I can do it.
Ruby and Weiss: (Idiots. The both of them.)
Oscar: Um-(covered)
Emerald: Shut up. You’ll thank me later once we talk.
Jaune: Sorry, Yang and Nora but I lost count after five.
Blake:(NO! No freaking way! You got to be lying! There is no way without getting your back broken.)
Ren: (How much frustration have you been holding?! And how come I couldn’t see it?!)
Ruby: Blake are you okay? You look frustrated.
Blake: Nothing Ruby.
Yang: Well okay we’ll ask Elm tomorrow.
Jaune: Um. I wouldn’t.
Nora: And why not?
Jaune: Reasons. (I over did it.)
Yang: Jaune there is no need to be embarrassed, we already know. She pinned you.
Jaune: (Oh hell no! F you too,) You know what, ask her tomorrow. She’ll give you both the juicy details. See you later.
Nora: Glad you’re okay Jaune.
The Next day
Yang: Hey Elm.
Elm: *tired and yawns* Hello.
Nora: Wow you look horrible.
Elm: What did you expect? Your friends was beast.
Yang: What you mean? Jaune was on an island for I don’t know how long. Of course he be difficult but he couldn't beat you.
Jaune: You know we talk outside if you want.
Elm: Yes, I see. No wonder he was bit ruff last night.
Blake: (NO!)
Ren: (No. No. No! No way possible.)
Qrow:(Damn, he actually hit that. And survived.)
Emerald: (How much heat was he packing?)
Jaune: I’m sorry. I know I over did it. I was overwhelmed.
Elm: Don’t worry you did wonders for me. Especially on your first try.
Yang: Yeah but--- wait “first try?” “Last night?”
Nora: … … …
Jaune: I mean I know I could have done better.
Elm: You were fine. Especially after round ten. You were a monster.
Nora: No. No. No way.
Yang: Impossible.
Elm: In fact my body is still sore after that. It was miracle I was able to stand up at all.
Oscar: *blushes*
Emerald: Told you so.
Ozpin: (*sigh* You’re going to need some time to process this.)
Yang and Nora: *blush and faint*
Blake: YANG!
Ren: NORA!
Elm: Oh. Too much.
Jaune: Yeah. Just enough.
Nora: Jaune what the hell?!
Jaune: *laughs*
Yang: I thought you were having hard time readjusting?
Jaune: I was but...I had other needs.
Yang: Oh my gosh and I said I can last longer than Elm. In the sheets no less.
Jaune: *laughs*
Yang: *red eyed and blushes* NOT FUNNY!!!
Ruby: I mean how did you not notice it?
Yang: What are you talking about Ruby?
Ruby: Yang seriously? You didn’t know after Jaune was looking at your breast instead of your eyes.
Yang: What?
Blake: Or how he was staring at Emerald’s ass.
Emerald: I knew it. Especially after Nora-
Jaune: No-no let’s not go there.
Nora: Wait you mean when I… Jaune really?
Jaune: …. Sorry.
Ren: Or how Jaune was staring at every girl or woman that passes him.
Yang; Holy. T-then how did Elm-
Jaune: Elm saw. She teased me. I reached my limit. Wanted to hit it. She gave me a shot. Mission complete.
Nora: This can’t be real. Why?
Jaune: I was on an island. Alone.
Nora: So?
Jaune; I was alone. With no human people. Just toys and objects. What else must I say?
Yang: Okay. But why Elm?
Jaune: It was either her, Harriet, Winter, or Fiona.
Weiss: Hold on, what?
Yang: The f*** wrong with you?
Jaune: Again I was on an island. No humans. What do you expect? Booty was the second thing on my mind besides going home.
Nora: Well okay but why just Elm, Harriet, Winter and Fiona?
Jaune: … … …
Weiss: JAUNE!!
Nora: You mother-
Yang: Really?!
Emerald: We judging now?
Jaune: Hold on. Hold on now, I don’t recall any of you girls throwing me anything. What rights do you have to judge me?
Yang; She is older than you.
Jaune: I’m older than you!
Weiss: You were thinking about my sister?
Jaune: If it makes you feel any better she was my last option.
Weiss: No. No it does not.
Jaune: I mean for me it was worth it.
Ruby: Wait Winter is last? How are the others ranked?
Yang: Why is that your concern?
Ruby: I want answers.
Jaune: Well Fiona was my top choice. Harriet was my second. Elm was originally my third. And Winter is last.
Blake: Why is Fiona on top?
Jaune: She’s cute and doesn’t need ass or big chest to prove anything. And she actual helps her people.
Blake: *sad*
Ruby: Why is Harriet second?
Jaune: Nice ass, cute and good tits.
Nora: Elm?
Jaune: The challenge. And despite her warrior spirit, she's kind.
Weiss: Okay, I might regret this but… why is Winter last?
Jaune: You know why.
Weiss: F*** you too then.
Jaune: You wish.
Weiss: I did. I wish I could’ve been your first.
Ruby: Oh Weiss. You are Pyrrha now.
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funnyjb · 4 months
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It’s Friday night and instead of going out with friends like you usually do on Friday nights, you were at home taking care of your new bundle of joy. Emma came into yours and Joes lives just about last week. April 8 at 6:21pm was when Emma was born. Joe and yourself couldn’t be more happier to have her in your lives.
Joe is such an amazing father. You would walk into her nursery and see him leaning over her baby basket.
You were in the bathroom getting ready for bed. You were exhausted. Getting up in the middle of the night every single night, feeding her 24/7, taking care of her when she cries, and not getting any sleep wasn’t helping. You were in your pjs putting on your moisturizer when Joe walked in. He looked tired too. He just put down emma for the second time and was ready to get to bed. He could tell you were a little off because you didn’t get any sleep.
“Hey.”- joe
You looked up at him through the mirror
“Hey, is she asleep?”- you
“Yeah, finally.”- joe
He walked over to the sink next to you and started turning on the sink.
“Are you ok? I know it’s been a crazy week.”- joe
“I’m fine Joe. Everything is fine.”- you
The truth was everything isn’t really fine. You loved emma and Joe, but postpartum is hitting you hard. You are so tired, you don’t feel right in your own body, and as said before no sleep doesn’t help.
“No it isn’t y/n, I can tell.”- joe
“Joe, seriously I’m not in the mood right now.”- you
You closed your skincare bottles, wiped your hands on the towel and headed out the bathroom.
Joe was a little mad that you weren’t saying what you needed to say but he understood. He knows you don’t really like talking about your feelings and he knows to give you some space when you need some. After he was done in the bathroom which was a couple minutes later and he came out into the bedroom where you were. You were folding some clothes and putting them on the chair next to his side of the bed.
“Y/n, you need to tell me what’s going on. I know something is up. I know that you are tired, but I want to make sure you are ok. I love you and I want to know what is going on in my wife’s mind.”- Joe said calmly
“You what to know what is going one Joe?”- you said turning around with an unfolded onesie in your hands
“Yeah, I do.”- Joe
“Alright, here let me tell you. I am tired, Joe. So dang tired. I’ve been woken up probably four-hundred times this past week because emma is crying or she is hungry. And you have been such a big help and I am so, so, so grateful, but I am so dam tired. I don’t feel like myself. My body has changed for a good reason, but I don’t feel right. I’ve been feeding her 24/7 and my body hurts. And no sleep isn’t helping. So there you go, Joe. Is that what you were looking for?”- you
It stayed silent for a minute.
“I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry it’s been hard on you. I know taking care of a baby is a lot of work especially for a mother, but you are a great mama to our beautiful baby sleeping in the other room. You are so strong, y/n. You are beautiful. In my eyes you are beautiful. You are the only gorgeous, beautiful, strong, and amazing loving girl I know.”- joe
He walked up to you. Joe put his hands on the side of your face.
“I love you, y/n. I love you so much it hurts. And our baby is the luckiest baby in the world, you know why?”- joe
“Why?”- you laugh
“Because she gets to call you her mom.”- Joe
Your eyes started to get teary.
“Everything is going to be ok.”- joe
He pulled you into him and kissed your forehead then your lips. You wrapped your arms around his body and held him tight. Some tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Shh, it’s ok baby.”- Joe
You wiped your tears and smiled
“Thank you, Joe. You are the best husband a girl could ask for and an amazing father to our little girl. She is one lucky baby to be calling you her daddy.”- you smiled
Joe smiled and kissed you.
“Thank you, baby. Ready to go to bed?”- joe
“Yeah.”- you
Joe walked to his side as you walked over to yours. You turned off your lamp and got under the covers. The dark room was quiet. Joe pulled you into him and held you tight.
“I love you, y/n Burrow.”- Joe
“I love you too, Joe burrow.”- you
(Next morning)
You woke up to the smell of pancakes. You turned over to see Joe, but was no where to be found. Then you turned over to your side table to check the time.
“11:00!”- you
You pulled the cover off you and put your Ugg’s on.
You walked down the stairs as carefully as you could because you were still recovering. As you walked off the last step of the stairs you saw your family and Joes family too.
“Oh, there she is!”- your mom
“Hi!”- you said crossing your arms against your chest
You walked over to your mom and gave her a kiss.
“Hey, sweetie!”- Robin
“Hi!”- you
“All of us just wanted to see how you and the rest of the family were doing!”- Robin
“Aww that’s very sweet, but we are doing good!”- you
“How are you doing though?”- Robin said in kind of a whisper
“I’m doing ok, thank you.”- you said giving her a sweet smile
You then said good morning to your dad and Jimmy. Then came over to Joe.
“Good morning!”- Joe
“Good morning.”- you smiled
He gave you a sweet kiss.
“How are you?”- joe
“I’m good, doing ok!”- you
“How are you?”- you
“I’m good! Just making breakfast for you!”- Joe
“Aww Joe, that’s so sweet, thank you.”- you
“Of course!”- joe
“Hey, where is em?”- you
“Oh, she just went down for her nap.” Should be up soon. - your mom
“Oh, ok.”- you
Just as you spoke the baby monitor turned on. Emma was crying. You could tell it was a hungry cry.
“I will get her.”- Joe
“”It’s ok Joe, I got her. I can tell she is hungry.”-you
“You sure?”- joe
“Yeah, it’s ok baby. I will be back in a few!”- you
“Ok.”- joe
You then stared walking up the stairs and into Emma’s nursery.
“Hey, baby!”- you
You picked her up.
“Shh, shh, it’s ok. It’s ok, baby girl.”- you
You the sat down on the rocking chair to feed her. You pulled done your sweater on one of your sides and started feeding her.
“You are so precious.”- you
A few moments pasted by and you were still admiring how pretty she is.
“I love you em. Your father and I love you so much.”- you
You the stared to feel teary
“I’m sorry em. I’m just tired. Even though I slept in very late today. Jeez, why am I so tired?”- you
You chuckle at the exhaustion that is hitting you. You don’t know why though. You slept in so why are you so tired you thought.
You wiped some of your tears so your family wouldn’t see you were crying when you got downstairs. Emma was done feeding so you put her back in her crib and switched off the lights to let her get some more sleep.
You walked down the stairs to find your family sitting in the same place. The monitor was a little more close to them. It looked like they were listening in.
“Hey.”- you
They all looked at you.
Your mom got up and hugged you tight. You were a little confused at first but the you caught on. They were listening in on you in Emma’s room.
“How about we take emma for the day? Give you and Joe some time to relax and rest. How does that sound?”- your mom
You looked at Joe then back at your mom.
“Um, yeah sure.”- you
“Ok, we can pack a bag when she wakes up.”- your mom
You nod your head.
You walked over to Joe
“I’m going to go um… wash up.”- you
“Okay. Your breakfast is done, so it’s here is you want it”- Joe
“Thanks.”- you
You kissed him on the lips and went up.
“Oh honey, how long has she been like that?”- Robin
“She has been off for a bit but she talked to me about everything last night. I just don’t want her feeling this way. It hurts to see her like this.”- joe
“I know sweetie, but that why maybe you need a day just the both of you to yourselves.”- Robin
“Bye!”- you
You closed the door and went over to the kitchen. You already got dressed for the day. Which was the first time you weren’t in your pjs in over a week. You decided to clean some baby bottles and put them in the dishwasher.
Joe came walking in with his beautiful smile plastered on his face.
“Hey, burrow!” You smiled
“Hey, Mrs Burrow! What are you doing?”- Joe
He then sat down on one of three kitchen stools.
“Well, I’m cleaning. I wanted to get it out of the way.”- You
“Well how about you come relax. You need it, y/n.”- joe smiled
“When I’m finished. I’m almost done!”- you
“Okay.”- Joe
Joe stayed there talking to you about upcoming projects and practices he has going on. It was nice to talk to him that wasn’t all baby related. Even though you love your sweet emma. It has just been a lot this past week and you needed a break from it.
After cleaning you decided to watch a movie with Joe. Both of you decided on Mr and Mrs Smith.
“Want to order something to eat?”- Joe
“How about..”- Joe
“Sushi!”- you
“That’s what I was thinking!”- Joe
“Well, great minds think alike!”- you
He then pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
“I love you.”- Joe
“Love you too.”- you
“Ok, let’s order.”- Joe
You laughed and told him what you wanted.
You were so grateful to have such an amazing husband. He is a great father to your beautiful daughter. A new chapter just opened for you and Joe and you couldn’t wait to explore it with the man you love.
Authors note: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! This goes out to all the mothers! It’s can be hard sometimes but always remember that people love and care about you!🩷
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rustic-space-fiddle · 7 months
Things I love about EPIC: The Musical
Greek mythology hehehehehhehe (my weakness)
Little Ajax
The slightly different styles in each segment but the overarching cohesiveness
The crew singing choral vocals for Odysseus
POLITES *screaming crying throwing up*
The crew introducing Eurylochus but Odysseus introducing Polites
Odysseus’s ‘Ha ha HA Haaaaa!” What a smug lil $h!*
His whole description of Athena ~ fanboy energy
“Bestest of friends(?)!” “Okay chill kid” ”okay :D”
Polites definitely almost knocking himself out with lotus before Odysseus definitely takes it away like “oh honey no”
I’m not a musically intelligent person so forgive me but the way the “take from you like you took from me / gift from you and a gift from me” sounds just makes my brain so happy
If music is math then that is definitely some solid well done math
“Nooooooobody, noooooooooobody, noo~ooOOOOOOOOOOOOH~bodyyyyyy”
“My brothers-!” yall I’m gonna freakin cry
The visceral death sounds when the club comes out
Polyphemus’s voice slowing like a giant robot powering down to show him falling asleep
The sound slowly fading in as Odysseus takes in the death around him (I imagine he’s looking at the remains of Polites)
The sound Athena makes whenever she appears or disappears (NOTICE SHE DOESNT MAKE THAT SOUND WHEN SHE LEAVES FOR THE LAST TIME! just empty wind…)
“The next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them.” UGH BEAUTIFUL
The growl in “REMEMBER ME.”
Ship sounds!
The entirety of “My Goodbye”. It’s just such a good argument song and I love it so much.
Odysseus’s angry “HEY.” when Athena basically blames the death of his friends on his kindness.
The fact that Odysseus isn’t afraid to absolutely WRECK Athena verbally? She has definitely killed and turned people into spiders for less
You can tell he felt a little bad about it and that she actually was kinda hurt by it too (silence is a heckuva tool)
“Aim for the island in the sky” oh yeah I’m listening to a Greek myth wHEEEZE
Eurylochus slowly getting on Odysseus’s nerves till he literally has to pull him aside and tell him to stfu
No but actually Eurylochus is not being a real one rn he is not being helpful
The wind god ( *0v0*)
“Why are my eyes and my heart and my soul so heavy?” WOW OKAY DANG
“Ruthlessness is mercy—DIE.”
The crew calling for their captain as they’re taken by the sea
THE AUDACITY OF POSEIDON TO REMIND ODYSSEUS OF HIS OWN WORD—“when does a ripple become a tidal wave/ when does a man become a monster”—DURING THIS CRISIS. WHAT A PETTY JERK (do it again)
Eurylochus try to confess and Odysseus refusing to let him. There three reasons I think this is: 1) he doesn’t know why he wants to confess but he literally does not have time for his #2 to be having a moment rn. 2) he knows what Eurylochus did and is choosing to keep him quiet because he needs the crew not to dwell on this/he’s trying not to punch him in the face. 3) he knows what he did and he’s saying “stfu” as a way of forgiveness. All of these are great options imo
“We couldn’t resist!” “What was it?” “A woman!” “…w h a t. -_-“ my man is fed up rn
Hermes’s insane laugh !!!! LOVE
Hermes’s entire song
Rhyming “Be hurt” with “beat her” BRAIN SO HAPPY
Someofthamagic~ BRAIN SO HAPPY AGH
The fight between Odysseus and Circe~ so evenly matched! Wits, power, but she beat him! She beat him even though he didn’t cave.
“I dug the root up w my bare hands!” “Hermes gave it to you didn’t he” “…okay fine yes but rGARDLESS—“
The fact that Odysseus calls Penelope his power
Circe’s empathetic sigh because she’s not a monster, she’s a protector, and her heart has been touched by Odysseus’s earnestness and love for his wife and for his brothers
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hoeforhao · 1 year
🏷 Kidult ▪︎ Choi Seungcheol Fic ▪︎ pt.2
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↷ pairing: dad!seungcheol × fem!reader (feat!jeonghan)
↷ genre: heavy angst, fluff towards the end, mentions of childhood trauma, sort of arranged marriage? cheol and reader have a daughter together, lots of dad seungcheol content!!!
↷ summary: can trying to relive the childhood you never got to experience, through your daughter be the reason of your husband's irk?
↷ part: 2/4 pt.1, pt.3, pt.4
↷ w.c: 2.4k+
↷ author's note: part 2 is here at last!! this time I told myself that no matter what I'll keep my promise and post on cheol's birthday 💌 + also part 3 would be like a bonus with quite a lot of smut😏 and comfort at the end obviously duh!
If you want to be added to this fic's taglist, drop a comment under this post ; my ask box is open too♡
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"You didn't have to go along with Hannie's proposal you know. He's just naturally manipulative" shifting on the satin sheets beneath that were definitely fine enough to soothe your tired body, but nothing your aching soul, you lightly chuckled in order to make it seem like you were completely fine with cheol's demeanor towards you today, or rather everyday!
"I agreed because I wanted to y/n,not because I was influenced into" seungcheol's firm hands hesitantly creep up along your waist, sending sudden jolts of warmth throughout.
Isn't this all you've ever wanted, to be wrapped up in his embrace, take in his vanilla scent, while he purred like a small child on your neck...but you knew better....you knew these were the delusions that would only peel your heart apart into flakes, everytime you hoped of them coming true.
"But you can feel uncomfortable staying with me in a resort alone, that too without Hana accompanying us"
"You're my wife y/n"
The man behind you spoke while keeping you in his embrace, hope still flaming in his orbs waiting for you to at least take his hand into yours...
But alas! He very well knew that the hurt he has caused you can even take up ages for him to fix.....well he wasn't in any sort of hurry, rather now completely ready to build an eternity with you, his beloved lady.
While cheol slipped into deep slumber, his arms still wrapped around you and his wet curls slightly brushing the skin of your back, that one line from him kept ringing in your head like a goddamn alarm clock.
"'You're my wife y/n' , did he just say that as a token or did he actually accept me as his wife, did he really melt, will i now finally get to live his love and be treated like how other men treat their lovely wives?"
Dang y/n stop expecting again you idiot. Do you wanna get yourself shattered into shards again!!!!
Amidst all these thoughts racing throughout your head, you didn't realize when you yourself welcomed sleep, wrapped up into cheol's nuzzle.
"Oh seungcheol i completely forgot to tell you two about this!" jeonghan's arms tug onto cheol's back, pulling the parade of you six to a halt, resulting into the older cocking up his head towards him.
"There's this staycation sort of my office is paying for only their best employees" han continues while flipping his long curly locks in the middle "at a resort call Diamond's Retreat where like couples with children can enjoy some leisure. They've a two day camp for the kids, while their parents treat themselves to some alone time with each other, away from the city and life's chaos, in each other's arms" him finishing the last part of the so called news with a teasing smirk on his face.
Seungcheol waited for Han to address as to what his office's trip had to do anything with him and his family.
"Since our other best employee Mingyu tskkk, is already out in Paris with his girlfriend, i was thinking if you three wanted to join us! The girls can have their fun while we enjoy our partners company" the petite looking man finally draws the concluding statement to his evil plan, hands tied tightly around his wife's waist.
"Seungcheol doesn't really do trips Han. We would rather like to pa-"
"Book us three in, we'll go" you were stopped in your tracks even before being able to keep your argument to the duo infront, as your husband made his decision while his arms snaked right around your torso, pulling your head slightly onto his form.
While you were shocked to see cheol showing you physical affection in public, the man beside you was rather concerned and hurt about his own wife not being comfortable in his embrace, trying to squirm her way out somehow.
The day of the trip was finally here and you were literally sweating through your white shirt at the thought of dropping off your daughter at the camp for TWO WHOLE DAYS! not that you were too sad about not having her running by your side all the time,but more cause you were strained about being left alone with her dad.
It has been over ages that you spend your time only with seungcheol by you side, you didn't know what to do, what to say...or more appropriately what to say that won't trigger his irk towards you. YOON JEONGHAN YOU DEVIL CHILD I'LL COME BACK AT YOU FOR THIS TRIP TO YOUR DAD'S ABODE.
"MOM!" a tweak from Hana's small fingers brings you back to this earthly void "I'm leaving with Byul now! Where's my goodbye kiss hmph!!! Daddy already gave me his" a pout paints hers plumply lips - no dna test would be needed to prove that she's the choi seungcheol's daughter....seeing how all her postures are literal copies of her dad, starting from those supple cherry lips to those glistening bambi eyes.
"Momma is so sorry bun,how about a bonus kiss as a punishment!" you peck your daughter's cheeks twice, slowly bringing her down from her father's arms, his hands brushing with your warm ones in the process.
Seeing Hana slowly melt with the horizon, hand in hand with her bestfriend Byul, while both of them excitedly made their way to the adventure camp, made you drop your heart into the pit of your stomach. Realization finally hits you - you're now completely alone with cheol!
"Get all nestled in quick, we've planned for a small sunset date by the rooftop deck. Be sure to be present by 5pm sharp, okay you Ms McTwisp" jeonghan places a playful slap along your back, earning an unnoticed glare from the other man.
Striding towards your room in as small steps as possible for a human to be taking, you unwillingly made your way to the room alloted for the two of you.
"What can be even worse than this already was right?" That was you before you pushed open the gloomy wooden doors to reveal a room decked up in white peonies and silk all around, making it look no less than the mating abode of two doves.
"I..I'll ask room service to clear all...all of this out" you tried to clear out the air before any offensive remark from him would ruin your flutter again, but...
To your surprise, seungcheol looked way to calm and maybe even a little happy at thr sight, the slight curl of his lips giving it out for him.
"It's okay y/n. It's just some decorations! Besides-" cheol takes a little halt, debating whether to say his thoughts out aloud or not.
"Besides they look really pretty, like you" the last two words were only for his ears to perceive, as you were already taken aback by his sudden gentle approach towards you.
After having a hard time trying to make it through the date with that annoying ass bestfriend of yours, for almost half an hour, it was finally time for dessert which in turn meant that he'll get to enjoy your company alone, away from any outside interference.
Although seungcheol would be lying if he said that the entirety of this thirty minutes meal was a torture for him - not when you were laced up in the prettiest sundress he has ever seen anyone flaunt ever. Was it that the dress was too finely woven? No! It was you, that soft smile of yours, those satin black locks half tied up into a white ribbon,that constantly kept distracting you from concentrating on your plate, those glittery siren eyes of yours is what made you look like a moon goddess in such a simple attire.
Oh how he wishes to be seated by your side, tucking away those stubborn strands behind your ears, with his own forefinger, to be feeding you that soufflé himself and to be gatekeeping those cheek pouches only for him to view.....he could never get enough of how godly yet cute you looked while devouring down each and every food bit on those porcelain plates.
"Thanks for the arrangement guys! Now if you would excuse use, I would like to take y/n on a walk by the beach" seungcheol pushes up from his chair, quite frustrated that the reason why he even agreed for this vacation, to spend time with his wife and try to make things right one page at a time, was not being attended to.
An approving nod and a victorious smile flashes onto jeonghan's face, knowing he has now been able to push forward the maneuver for what he actually tricked off poor Mingyu away to Paris, only so that he can somewhat try to mend his bestfriend's family.
"But we need to spen- " for the second time this week cheol banishes you from your right go finish your sentences, as he wraps your hands into his big ones, pulling you two into the beach encircling the property.
The warm sands beneath your feet, the sea breeze running through your hair while your dress flowed along the wind's patterns, made your heart swell up with utter joy. Even though the past few days have taken a big bite out of your heart, there's nothing that a walk along the beach at sunset can't fix right? That too if your husband is now following you like a puppy from behind, without your notice.
"Y/n?" a coo as gentle as a mourning dove graces you ears, while the cool waters traces finds their way onto your feet. You turn around to seungcheol now standing few inches away from you, his head drooped down like a flamingo, hands fidgeting with one another.
"Yes, Seungcheol?"
"Can you....can you call me cheol again pls? Like the old times?" your breath hitches at this sudden approach from him, unsure of what was about to come next.
"I know I messed up...no not even messed up i completely fucked up our relation...i treated you as nothing more than just my child's mother, but" you could now hear soft sobs coming from his direction, as seungcheol's voice starts to become unstable.
"That's not how i feel for you y/n. I don't know what took over me these two years...I won't try to justify myself by saying oh it was work stress or oh i was just not used to being a rookie father and all that....instead i really want to just mend our bond and be a happy pride. Pls?" Seungcheol's eyes finally travel up from the yellow ground beneath to the dark of your eyes, tear drops quite visible around their corners.
Oh how you just wanted to run into his arms, pull him into the warmest hug ever, pat his head and tell him that it's okay....everyone makes mistakes. What matters is them realizing it and trying to put things back into their place again. But your hope was played with way too many times to trust him this fast. What if he yanks you away, what if he gets disgusted by your touch, what if he's just saying all this for the sake of his daughter....
So, to protect yourself from further hurt, all you did was nod at him, flashing him a soft assuring smile, while walking away to sit on the moist sand beneath, ready to take in the grandeur of the sun pour its all into the sea.
Even tho all seungcheol wanted at that moment was to be wrapped into your bosom, he knew it would take a hefty amount of time for you to forgive all his conducts. A small sigh parted his lips as he waddled down the beach himself, leaving his pawprints as a proof of his new beginning, while sitting down by you to enjoy the sunset, hand in hand with his wife.
This newfound feeling of closeness with cheol was confusing yet fulfilling for your craving soul, cuz who could've imagined that you would be sitting on the beach by his side, fingers intertwined while the sun disappeared amongst the tangerine marshmallows before you.
"You know y/n, that day i didn't mean what i said. I love to see you play with Hana like a kid, reliving the childhood you never had, giggling and jumping like a little kiddo. My heart swells up with joy everytime, to see my wife and my daughter like that. To see my family all happy. I'm so sorry for being a jerk. I really don't know what gets into me sometimes, but all I know is I just want to build an eternity with you, have a small content family with my loved one" seungcheol literally blurts out everything in a breath. Did jeonghan possess him or what.
You didn't know whether it was doubt or hurt or the urge to not melt away so easily speaking, but instead of accepting his apology all you said was-
"We should get going now. It's getting dark." Dusting off the loose sand from the back of your white dress, you gently released yourself from seungcheol's grasp.
An immediate frown replaced his content face, from both the feeling of your warmth leaving his body as well as your indifference towards him. He rightfully deserves it tho. "Y-yeah let's go". Seungcheol and stuttering are two things you have never thought could go hand in hand. Like ever. At least not infront of you.
Overwhelmed with all these fresh senses, you quietly follow cheol on his stride towards your room ; the moonlight hitting on his orbs, radiating off a glint even diamonds can't be compared to, the moist breeze from the waters slightly wetting his locks making them stick to his glistening skin, those rosy plumps sticking out into a small pout....oh how dreamy can this man even look huh...even the moon god would be struck by how his light carves out the features of this fallen archangel.
"You know staring at anyone like that for this long, is considered rude" your trance his broken off by his deep voice, laid with a tint of allurement, as he twisted the knob of your room's door, "but you're my wife, I'm all yours to look at"
"I'm so so...sorry. I didn't mean to" you shy away from his glare, trying to quickly walk towards the couch, but seungcheol was way faster than you knew. Even before you could take a step towards your goal, cheol already has you trapped in his arms, your back hitting the cold surface of the door, while his knee rested between your legs.
"W-what are you doing, cheol" a warm wet pair of lips lands on yours as soon as the much longed for nickname makes its involuntary way out of your crevices.
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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drchucktingle · 2 years
favorite author i have never read
hey there buckaroos thank you for all the DEEP DISCUSSIONS we are having a great time here on tumblr. thought today i could make a post that is slightly more difficult its not all sunshine days ahead and requires a little introspection. LOOK AT US we have all arrived here together through trust and love and i think we can keep this going. chuck made this post on other platforms years ago and i think it was said very well then and led to some good discussion, so i am going to repost here. okay lets go deep bud here we go:
i would like to spend moment today talking about common joke i hear online (and even too my face at conventions). this is jokerman way i hear ALL the dang time: 'chuck tingle is my favorite author i have never read' or less jokerman way but of ‘i have never read his books but i love chuck tingle'.
first of all, THANK YOU buds. this is not way of call out post to make you feel bad, i appreciate your way and understand you are trying to support. this is not attack on your message and from bottom of chucks heart THANK YOU.
BUT i have to say something about this. please consider what you are saying when you post this. would you send this as message to STEPHEN KING or NEIL GAIMAN or NK JEMISIN? i doubt this. it would seem VERY RUDE to message other authors. just imagine trotting up to a writer and saying ‘i would NEVER read your books haha’ but it is sent to chuck all the dang time.
obvious reason buds say it to chuck is that i am queer author with a unique way. yes i write in realm of wild fantasy and erotic pairings, but by saying ‘i have never read chuck BUT' you are really saying 'i am posting my support of this but PLEASE DONT THINK I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN THIS PERSONALLY.' there are similar distasteful jokes that i will not repeat involving saying 'no bud on bud pounds' after a sentence that works in similar way.
is sexual art really that bad? is queer art really that embarrassing? is unusual outsider art really that funny?
it is one thing if your preferred pound is not one of chucks tinglers, that is TOTALLY FINE BUD, but if you are an adult i would say 'is it REALLY that scary to read a book about a way of sex that is not yours? is it that difficult to think that something that seems silly to you could actually MOVE YOU in an important way? do you HAVE to disconnect yourself from lgtbqia art with a 'but i don't read this myself?'
keep in mind, there are gay tinglers, there are asexual tinglers, there are trans tinglers, there are select your own timeline tinglers, there are horror tinglers. TINGLERS FOR EVERY TASTE. the thing that buds are often REALLY saying with ‘favorite author i have never read’ is ‘this is WEIRD and dont be confused because im NOT WEIRD IM COOL DONT THINK I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS’. funny enough even the proudly fun and wild and unique buckaroos will STILL say this line, maybe without taking time to think of what it means or how rude it is?
WHY would you never read a chuck book? because my way is queer? because it is neurodivergent? even if that is not there reason or even if YOUR ARE ALSO PERSONALLY QUEER AND NEURODIVERGENT TOO, think about what the joke is IMPLYING.
is sincerely enjoying something thats kind of unusual that difficult? do we really have to slather it in irony and ‘so bad its good?’ before reposting?
in closing as man name of chuck i will say you can still make this joke if you want buckaroos i know you are just having a good time proving love in your own way. i am not upset with you bud and i appreciate your support in any way you give it. there are some buckaroos who just CANT AFFORD tinglers and that is an important way i understand as well. obviously this conversation does not apply to those buds. but for the rest of us trotting along, MAYBE think about what you are really saying with this jokerman way first, and MAYBE try cracking open a tingler because you might be surprised. its not that scary bud. thank you for listening
being sincere is VERY COOL and VERY PUNK ROCK. i encourage all buckaroos out there to give it a try.
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spitblaze · 11 months
Kinda fucked up ur reblogging ai art as an artist yourself
Ah, I knew this would happen someday.
I've stated multiple times: I have no beef with generative art, in and of itself. I feel there are genuinely good reasons you can employ it, ranging from harmless fun to accessibility to actual artistic use. The issues I have mostly involve 1) acquisition of the dataset, 2) involvement of money, and 3) authorial intent. I have jumpy lizardbrain issues with 'machine what will steal my job' too, but the generative art that I reblog on purpose is stuff that I feel meets my criteria for 'ethical', as lame as I sound for saying that.
So let's look at this post I reblogged from @infiniteartmachine. This is a project from @reachartwork, a disabled artist who made their own dang generative program and dataset in order to facilitate their creative endeavors. To my knowledge, they have done the work to do this as ethically as possible. Criteria one passed.
Criteria two is the involvement of money. The pinned post on the Reach side is a patreon plug. Understandable to get jumpy at first sight, before remembering that not only did this person develop their own dang program and dataset, they also make art the old-fashioned way, and are mostly asking for money to help with living expenses for themselves and their partner. No ludicrous commission fees, no use to avoid employing the talent of human artists. Two, check.
Finally, authorial intent. Looking back both on what we know and the contents of the image, I feel like I can safely call this one fine. No intent to deceive, no intent to avoid the utilization or payment of a human artist, no intent to impersonate. Just the intent to generate interesting imagery.
I've said it before, I feel like generative art's biggest advantage is its capability for surrealism and uncanny imagery. To me, there's something inherently interesting about the construction of these images! The fact that it's not a thinking person creating something with intent is both its biggest downside and its greatest strength. It doesn't 'know' anything, it can't exactly replicate an image so it puts down pixels based on its training set. The imperfections, utilized well, turn from weird smudgey marks into something that elevates the inherent strangeness of the imagery and the system.
I understand people who have reservations with the entire idea of generative art, I get your jumpiness and want to dismiss all of it entirely. But I still stand by my assertion that a hammer is morally neutral, it just depends on what you're using it for. I've found no good arguments to sway me that even generative imagery that meets my personal requirements is 'bad' in and of itself. That's where I stand on it.
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papermint-airplane · 5 months
As per the request from @nectar-cellar:
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Oh boy prepare yourself for a foul-mouthed rant because I am MAD!!!! 😠😠😠😠 Not at you, NC. I love you. You can do no wrong in my eyes. 😘
No I am mad at this STUPID FUCKING SIM holy shit
He started life like THIS
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What I can only describe as "Disney's Aladdin visits a dude ranch". Yes, I know I have used that exact outfit (minus the boots) for Roman before, shut up, you're not here to expose my hypocrisy, you're here to suffer with me because OH BOY DID I SUFFER.
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Ok so he turned out like this. Not bad, you say? No. Bad. Very bad.
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Yeah so I got him in Live Mode and there is just something about him that is pissing me right the fuck off and I don't know what it is. Is it the eyes? Are the eyes too big? Jaw too square? I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like the eyes are too big but I kept shrinking his eyes until he literally looked like this .👄. and it still didn't help.
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I went in and out of CAS at least 7 times and I can't figure out what's off and I can't fix it and I HATE HIMMMMMMMMMM
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"Who's made of pixels and sucks ass? This guy!"
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"Don't you just love me?"
I know that making masc men is a challenge for me. This is not new information. It's been a problem for 20 years, it'll be a problem for 20 more. I know what I find attractive in a man, I just don't know what looks good on a Sim. Know what I mean? No? Stop being difficult, you know exactly what I mean.
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I also tried using NC's new torso and oh boy that was an adventure because the torso is fire and his face is A FUCKING DISASTER. There is something about his head and his torso that are incongruous with each other and I don't. know. what. it. is. It's driving me crazy. No correction, it has DRIVEN me crazy, past tense. I am crazy now and this fucker is why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I even expanded my slider multiples so I could fine tune things thinking that would help but no I think it made everything worse ESPECIALLY MY MENTAL HEALTH
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So by now you're like "Laura there's nothing wrong with him, Laura you're taking this too seriously, Laura he's fine" and I know. I KNOW! I STILL HATE HIM
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And you're god dang right I put that fucker on a pole. If I get community labeled because of this shit heap, I'm gonna lose my shitting mind.
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Literally fuck you, I hate you so much. I didn't even give you a name. Do you know what your name is? "Stupid asshole who won't behave" that's what your name is.
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I even threw Monica the Devil Girl in there hoping that would help. It didn't.
Know what the worst part is?
I enjoyed this. I mean yeah sure I hated the whole process and I hate the result and I hate this Sim and in a minute, I'm going to have an alien Sim land a meteor on top of his head, but there's something really cathartic about just unloading all of your vitriol on a Sim, you know? And it was definitely a challenge and definitely out of my comfort zone. I'll have to keep trying until I make a male Sim (other than Roman and Aiden) that I'm happy with.
This was a learning experience for sure.
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Piece of shit.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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I’ve returned from my sketchbook quest , and here’s a drawing for dauntless-daffodil , who came up with the idea for the spear baby au.
oh gods looking at that cute little innocent face i can just FEEEEEEL baby spear watching as chaggie and the hotel all stand around them hotly debating What Food Is Even Healthy For A Baby Spear Spawn Child To Be Eating
Charlie: "A cookie??"
Angel Dust: "They don' need cookies, ya useless gays, they need milk!"
Charlie: "We had cookies in the hotel??"
Vaggie: "Why would they need milk? They've got teeth already! Fangs, even!"
Angel Dust: "That ain't how nutrition an' shit WORKS toots!"
Niffty: (shakes jar full of money) "SWEAR JAR!"
Angel Dust: "Fuck. Shit." (hands over three dollars)
Charlie: "Since when are there cookies in the hotel that I don't know know about???"
Cherri: "If they've got fangs and like chewing stuff, maybe they need meat or something?"
Niffty: "OR BLOOD!!!"
Vaggie: "We are NOT-"
Angel Dust: "Ain't no baby under my watch gettin' fed steaks and BLOOD!"
Charlie: "Where did the cookie even COME from?!"
Husk: (coughs)
Charlie: "Husk! You gave them-?"
Husk: "....bar's always got snacks. And they were just. Staring at me."
Angel Dust: "Husky noooooo....!"
Vaggie: "How? I did a double sweep for undeclared cookies just two days ago- you KNOW what Charlie does to your bar if she goes snack hunting in the middle of night and actually finds something. She's like an adorable cookie gremlin."
Charlie: "Heheh!"
Husk: "Yeah well, she's not the only one allowed to like f- fffffffudging cookies. And your kid seems to take after her, so whatever."
Angel Dust: "Baby cat, that's no reason ta- oh for cryin' out loud, now what Vaggot?"
Vaggie: "...what? I didn't say anything."
Charlie: "Vaggieee, you're smiling~"
Vaggie: "Huh?"
Husk: "Like a dumb... dumb."
Niffty: "Beaming! Grinning! AS WIDE AS A SLIT THROAT-"
Cherri: "-fuck fuck fuck, shit shit, damn crap hell- here, take my money and don't fucking talk like THAT in front of the kid either, what the fuck."
Angel Dust: "Sickening."
Niffty: "Thanks!"
Angel Dust: "I meant Darth Vaggie getting all googey eye'd over her an' Charlie chip having a kid."
Charlie: "Oh so you think they're my kid too, huh?"
Angel Dust: "Are ya gonna let Vaggie raise 'em without ya?"
Charlie: "No~pe~!!!"
Angel Dust: "Then congrats on parenthood ta both of ya, it's already going to hell."
Vaggie: "Okay, uh-"
Husk: "You're gonna fffffeathering cry again."
Vaggie: "-no I'm not, I'm just glad the... my kid isn't still crying. Our kid. They, really are pretty happy with the cookie aren't they?"
Charlie: "Of course they are! It's CHOCOLATE CHIP!!"
Angel Dust: "It's not. Baby food."
Charlie: "It is if it's my baby, and they get milk to go with the cookie!"
Angel Dust: "V-gal, stop her! Use ya dang mom veto!!"
Vaggie: "Eh. Charlie was a hellborn kid and she grew up fine. I trust her."
Charlie: "AWww!!!"
Angel Dust: "Unbelievable."
Husk: "Whipped."
Vaggie: "Yeah? My kid didn't even have to say anything to get a cookie out of you, fluff boy."
Cherri: "Uh, guys.... gays...?"
Husk: "What."
Charlie & Vaggie: "What?"
Angel Dust: "Both and speaking, baby."
Cherri: "Where did..... the baby go...?"
Hotel crew: "....."
Place where baby was: (empty except for crumbs)
Spear Baby: (gone)
Vaggie: (wings bristling) "The-"
Charlie: "OUR!"
Vaggie: "Our-"
Demon Charlie: "-BABY!?"
Niffty: "MOTHER OF FUCK." (throws down swear jar) (tries throwing herself onto the broken shards but angel dust and husk grab her)
-meanwhile, elsewhere in the hotel-
Alastor: (walking quickly)
Spear Baby: (crawling after him)
Alastor: "....shoo."
Spear Baby: "Guh!"
Alastor: (nervous sweating) (walks FASTER)
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